#lisa o’carroll
tweetingukpolitics · 2 years
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christinamac1 · 3 months
World leaders to gather in Swiss resort in attempt to forge Ukraine peace plan
More than 100 leaders at two-day conference to discuss Kyiv’s proposals to end war – but Russia and China absent Comment: Two thumbs down. Without Russia and China, the rest is back patting and re-convincing the pre-convinced. Lisa O’Carroll, The Guardian, Sat, 15 Jun 2024,…
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andronetalks · 1 year
Twitter agrees to comply with tough EU disinformation laws
The Guardian By Lisa O’Carroll Fri 23 Jun 2023 04.23 EDT   Twitter has agreed to comply with tough new EU laws on fake news, Russian propaganda and online crime after a team of officials from the European Commission entered its headquarters to stress test its capacity to operate legally in Europe. The move came just weeks after Elon Musk, Twitter’s owner, quit the bloc’s voluntary code of…
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eagletek · 2 years
Matt Hancock denies ‘completely wrong’ claims he rejected care home testing advice as he considers legal action – UK politics live | Politics
Sunak ‘guilty of some overclaiming’ on NI deal, says Lord Frost Lord Frost, Boris Johnson’s former Brexit negotiator has fired a shot at Rishi Sunak’s Northern Ireland protocol deal, admitting it will “help” but will not remove EU law from Northern Ireland, my colleague Lisa O’Carroll reports. Frost made his comments in a column in the Daily Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt. Most of our political…
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succ-season-4-when · 3 years
Did I ever mention that Shiv & Tom are probably inspired by Rebekah Brooks & Charlie Brooks?
I just looked up the Charlie Brooks’ Wikipedia page and it’s even wilder than I remember.
One notable excerpt was
“In Brooks' own defence, his lawyer called him ‘foolish’, ‘stupid’ and ‘not academically gifted’. One character witness, Sara Bradstock, told the court how he drank a pint of washing up liquid to get rid of a hangover.”
And then there’s this: “The judge said that he accepted that Brooks hid the material, which included pornographic DVDs, for the reasons that he gave during the trial. However, in his ruling the judge said: ‘It was however incredibly stupid, as he himself has accepted, and gave rise to justifiable suspicions as to his conduct and the conduct of a number of others. I am quite satisfied that Mr Brooks brought suspicion on himself and others.’”
Read this if you’re interested.
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baublefobbersleuth · 4 years
Lord Kilclooney, crossbench peer in the UK House of Lords, tweeted:
“What happens if Biden moves on and the Indian becomes President. Who then becomes Vice President?”
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Later he tweeted:
“I’m very fond of India myself, I’m a member of the British India all-party group, I have two Indians (tenants) in my flats here in London and there’s nothing racist in it whatsoever.”
(Lisa O’Carroll,…
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namastefamily · 4 years
Covid-19: ex-supreme court judge lambasts ‘disgraceful’ policing
Lord Sumption criticises Derbyshire police for stopping people exercising in Peak District
Lisa O’Carroll
Mon 30 Mar 2020 15.33 BSTLast modified on Mon 30 Mar 2020 17.14 BST
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Lord Sumption said Derbyshire police had ‘shamed our policing traditions’ and had turned themselves into ‘glorified…
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aqurette · 5 years
British Government Denies EU Citizens Right to Vote
“The government is facing calls to launch an urgent investigation into the treatment of EU citizens in the European elections after many people reported being denied their democratic right to vote,” Lisa O’Carroll of the Guardian reports. I there anything Britain can do right these days? https://aqurette.com/diary/2019/05/23/british-government-d
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mregalaphotos-blog · 5 years
Concept Highlight: Improving Photography Composition (Barry O’Carrol)
Improving the composition to make more aesthetically appealing images is something I should focus on and be more aware. With analogue cameras you do not get the instant feedback that allows you to constantly tweak your picture and take multiple ones like you can with digital so I have to be more conscious of that when taking pictures. I knew there were some general guidelines that photographers use so I wanted to explore the concepts before getting final images for the project. Barry O Carrol is a Dublin photographer who presents many of these concepts below through an analysis of his own photographs. He focuses on urban landscapes ad his photography subject.
·         The Rule of Thirds: This is one I have heard of before but I never knew quite exactly what it meant. The general idea is to divide the image into nine equal sections using vertical and horizontal lines, and you should put the most important elements along those lines or on their intersection. For the case of landscape photography like I am interested in, this could be having the horizon being on the bottom third of the photograph.
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·         Use Leading Lines/Shapes: Our eyes unconsciously follow the lines in photos so you can use that to an advantage. It can lead to a point such as fading out into the background.
·         Create Depth: Create/utilize a fore, middle, and background. Allow those to similarly draw your eye through the photograph. Be sure to have balance so that the foreground does not pull you away from the subject.
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·         Fill the Frame: This may not necessarily be an issue with the more landscape views I am going with but it is still important and can be incorporated in some ways. You don’t want a busy background but rather you want the focus of the picture to be on the subject. Don’t draw attention away from it. This can be done by cropping the picture during development.
·         Look for Symmetry and Patterns: This can be used to help guide the eye of the viewer, like a straight on view of a bridge converging on a point. Symmetry can be non-related objects that resemble each other. In the case of the coast that I will be photographing this could be showing equal parts water and beach along their interface. Reflections can be a great way to show symmetry, or show asymmetry due to distortions.
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·         Centered Composition: This can counter the Rule of Thirds. Sometimes putting the subject in the center and utilizing symmetry can be very powerful as well.
·         Rule of Space: This rule relates to the direction the subject of the photo is facing or moving towards. This in general means there is space for the subject to move into and they are not leaving the frame. Our brain wants to mentally imagine the movement. You want to lead into the photograph, not away.
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·         Golden Ratio: This is likely one of the hardest ones to pull out without significant preparation. The golden ratio is best known by the Fibonacci spiral seen in the Mona Lisa and occurs often in nature. It is thought to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing ways to place elements in a scene to give us an idea of how the scene should flow.
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·         Be Ready to Throw Out all the Guidelines: In the end, you are taking the photograph and you see what you think is aesthetically pleasing. If you like it you have a fan of it already and should embrace it.
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votenet-blog · 5 years
Brexit confusion could hit EU tenants in UK, say landlords
Brexit confusion could hit EU tenants in UK, say landlords
Author: Lisa O’Carroll / Source: the Guardian
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EU citizens will face problems renting properties in the UK because of Brexit, private landlords have said.
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) said the confusion over Brexit meant some landlords were likely to refuse EU citizens as future tenants because the government had failed to give them clear instructions over the settled status scheme
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tjeromebaker · 5 years
Britain to close its borders to immigrants who can not speak English: English Language Requirement "A Dogwhistle" Based On Xeno-Racist Grounds
Britain to close its borders to immigrants who can not speak English: English Language Requirement “A Dogwhistle” Based On Xeno-Racist Grounds
Source: The Guardian
Government plans to take ‘full control’ of borders a disaster for economy and jobs, say industry leaders and Labour
Lisa O’Carroll, Peter Walker and Libby Brooks
Tue 18 Feb 2020
Many sectors of the economy such as high street restaurants could be hit hard by the plans, industry leaders warned. Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo
Britain is to close its borders to…
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featurenews · 5 years
Brexit and the Irish border: is there a solution? – podcast
Lisa O’Carroll and Rory Carroll tell Anushka Asthana that solving the Irish border problem is still key to a Brexit deal. Plus: Wendy Laura Belcher on African literature After nearly three years of intense negotiations, the Brexit talks appeared to break down this week as a “blame game” began over which side was responsible for the failure to agree a deal. Hostile briefings flowed out of Downing Street, enraging EU officials. Both sides now admit an agreement before the European council summit next week is unlikely. At the heart of all of this, one issue has remained unresolved: the Irish border. If the UK is determined to leave the EU single market and customs union, how does it comply with the Good Friday agreement and the necessity of an open border with the Republic of Ireland? Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/audio/2019/oct/10/brexit-and-the-irish-border-is-there-a-solution?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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vinayv224 · 5 years
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Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Vox Sentences is your daily digest for what’s happening in the world. Sign up for the Vox Sentences newsletter, delivered straight to your inbox Monday through Friday, or view the Vox Sentences archive for past editions.
Rundown of the Trump-Ukraine scandal so far; the British prime minister sends mixed messages on a Brexit delay.
How we learned to spell Volodymyr Zelensky
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Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Text messages show top diplomats discussed using the prospect of a White House visit to get Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Burisma, a company with links to Hunter Biden. Then one diplomat expressed alarm about withholding military aid in exchange for “assistance with a political campaign” before another suggested taking the conversation offline. [Vox / Andrew Prokop]
Here’s a full transcript of the texts, which include Kurt Volker, then the special representative to Ukraine, stressing the importance of getting President “Zelensky to say that he will help [the] investigation.” [NYT / Charlie Savage and Josh Williams]
There’s a lot that’s damaging in here: References to a quid pro quo, US officials coaching Ukrainians on how to mention an investigation into the Biden case in statements, and phrasing that suggests the diplomats were trying to cover their tracks. [Washington Post / Philip Bump]
Meanwhile, US Sen. Ron Johnson said that the US ambassador to the EU told him there was indeed a quid pro quo (and Johnson said he then confronted Trump, who denied it). [Wall Street Journal / Siobhan Hughes and Rebecca Ballhaus]
Since Thursday, the scandal has mushroomed even further out of control for Trump. [Vox / Alex Ward]
This week brought revelations that the Trump administration asked multiple world leaders to investigate the Bidens, the FBI’s 2016 probe into the Trump campaign and Russia, or both. [Vox / Matthew Yglesias]
Trump continues to defend his call with Zelensky. But the scandal is about a lot more than just one call — it’s about the actions of multiple US officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, who was reportedly sent to tell Ukraine that aid was dependent on investigating “corruption.” [Washington Post / Greg Miller, Greg Jaffe, and Ashley Parker]
The House impeachment inquiry has also started to bear fruit: The texts were from the first batch of documents the State Department turned over to investigators. [Politico / John Bresnahan]
Meanwhile, polls are recording a significant spike in support for Trump’s impeachment, particularly among Democrats. [FiveThirtyEight / Perry Bacon Jr.]
In case you’re wondering, here’s why “Zelensky” is spelled with two Ys on Zelensky’s passport but usually is not in English-language media. [Hanna Kozlowska / QZ]
Johnson puts Brexit extension on, off, and under the table
The UK government said in court documents it will request an extension from the EU on the Brexit deadline — as Parliament demanded — if an agreement isn’t reached by October 19. But Prime Minister Boris Johnson continues to insist there will be “no delay” on Brexit. [The Guardian / Heather Stewart, Severin Carrell, Daniel Boffey, and Lisa O’Carroll]
The current Brexit date of October 31 was already the second extension the EU reluctantly granted to try to make a deal. [Vox / Jen Kirby]
Johnson has stated he would rather be “dead in a ditch” than request an extension, even if that means a potentially economy-damaging “no deal” exit from the EU. [BBC]
The Brexit countdown began in March 2017 when then-British Prime Minister Theresa May evoked Article 50 of the EU’s Treaty of Lisbon, a provision that allows member states to leave the confederation. [Vox / Jen Kirby]
Johnson may have had a change of heart on a Brexit delay, despite his public stance. [Foreign Policy / Owen Matthews]
The appearance of black women in Todd Phillips’ film Joker makes a powerful but likely unintentional statement. [HuffPost / Zeba Blay]
Who decides when and if a home is historic is surprisingly contentious. [Wall Street Journal / Kris Frieswick]
New York district attorneys and the Department of Justice are duking it out over Trump’s taxes. [Politico / Toby Eckert]
How one woman demanded accountability during the Kavanaugh hearings and doesn’t regret a thing. [Vox / Ana Maria Archila]
Trump brings up the idea of a government broadcast station. [Newsweek / Daniel Moritz-Rabson]
“I don’t know if that’s a real request or him just needling the press knowing that you guys are going to get outraged by it.” [Sen. Marco Rubio on President Trump publicly imploring China to look into his 2020 challenger Joe Biden]
Watch this: Billionaires, Explained
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Learn about why there are more billionaires than ever — and what they do with all that money. Stream Billionaires, Explained now on Netflix.
Plus: Our Netflix show, Explained, is back for its second season! Catch new episodes each Thursday.
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The Hong Kong government tried to ban face masks. Protesters are already defying it.
Greta Thunberg is traveling from Canada to Chile without leaving the ground
Eddie Murphy is better than ever in Dolemite Is My Name, a bawdy comedy about comedy
Amazon’s video app should be coming back to Apple. But get ready to see more streaming fights.
The economy is slowing down. That’s bad for Trump.
from Vox - All https://ift.tt/2AFEbyF
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nikmediaventures · 5 years
Brussels repels Boris Johnson's quest for new Brexit deal
Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal
This article titled “Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal” was written by Heather Stewart and Lisa O’Carroll, and Daniel Boffey in Brussels, for theguardian.com on Friday 26th July 2019 00.10 Asia/Kolkata
Brussels has roundly rebuffed Boris Johnson after he laid down tough conditions for the new Brexit deal he hopes to strike over the summer.
Speaking to the House of Commons…
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awesomerajeshahuja · 5 years
Brussels repels Boris Johnson's quest for new Brexit deal
Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal
This article titled “Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal” was written by Heather Stewart and Lisa O’Carroll, and Daniel Boffey in Brussels, for theguardian.com on Friday 26th July 2019 00.10 Asia/Kolkata
Brussels has roundly rebuffed Boris Johnson after he laid down tough conditions for the new Brexit deal he hopes to strike over the summer.
Speaking to the House of Commons…
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rajeshahuja · 5 years
Brussels repels Boris Johnson's quest for new Brexit deal
Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal
This article titled “Brussels repels Boris Johnson’s quest for new Brexit deal” was written by Heather Stewart and Lisa O’Carroll, and Daniel Boffey in Brussels, for theguardian.com on Friday 26th July 2019 00.10 Asia/Kolkata
Brussels has roundly rebuffed Boris Johnson after he laid down tough conditions for the new Brexit deal he hopes to strike over the summer.
Speaking to the House of Commons…
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