#liron’s grad school adventures
agenderhyde · 7 months
fighting to stay awake at 5:45pm b/c i work at 7 tomorrow (with class at 1pm)
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jewishjanetandco · 9 months
executive dysfunctions means i have 37% of a paper (731/2000 words) done at 9:35pm, when the paper is due at midnight
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agenderhyde · 7 months
bored and tired, but really don’t want to fall further behind 🙃
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agenderhyde · 1 year
grad school really is just learning theory and maybe one day hoping to apply it 🫠
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agenderhyde · 1 year
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current study set up
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agenderhyde · 1 year
this textbook had three full pages dedicated to how twitter works. this chapter (on software) has a lot of similarly frustrating sections, b/c it’s things I’ve grown up using and don’t need explained
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agenderhyde · 1 year
feeling the need to create but forced to read about operating systems 😔
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agenderhyde · 7 days
it's week three of the semester and i've hardly done anything
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agenderhyde · 7 days
about 3/4 done with this article from 1982; it's focused on the "history of books" in the early modern era of western history, with no mention of how books evolved in other regions of the world
"the field [...] concerns books since the time of Gutenberg." (Darnton 1982)
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agenderhyde · 1 year
encyclopedia britannica has a picture ca. 2008 of DT as DW and my first thought was, that's outdated, then i remembered, and like. it's accurate yet still not, at the same time
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agenderhyde · 5 months
15% done with my final paper!
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agenderhyde · 8 months
three days before an assignment is due is starting early! 😅
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agenderhyde · 8 months
2020, learning that i'd lost my spot in the grad program due to failing one class (and passing three others, one of which was my thesis course), with the world on fire and my mental health absolutely tanked
to now, 2024, approaching my 25th bday, having completed two years of grad school (ten classes so far, will be thirteen after this semester), still struggling but nowhere near as bad.....
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agenderhyde · 1 year
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worry not! a wild cat has appeared to guide the way.
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agenderhyde · 2 years
what i'm getting from this reading is that we should abolish the dewey decimal system
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agenderhyde · 2 years
did the bare minimum of work for my final project
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