#linus trevelyan
spindleweedss · 26 days
I'm torn between asking about trash1 and val royeaux, so uhh... tell me about whichever one of those you're more excited about?
thank you!!
"trash1" is a half-finished oneshot that may or may not be included in the canon of my (extremely unfinished) linus longfic. it's about linus' boyfriend milo visiting skyhold as a member of a mage delegation to lobby the inquisition on the rights of mages. however, milo is also there to reveal to linus that he and elaine (milo's girlfriend, linus' best friend) had a child; AND linus ends up explaining to dorian (before they get together) that he's polyamorous.
the big dramatic question is essentially "how can linus juggle his various identities and relationships in a role where any deviation from the default could easily become ammunition for the inquisition's enemies?" i love getting to write scenes of Inquisitor Trevelyan followed immediately by Linus and really exploring the differences in the self he presents to different people (it's also great foreshadowing of why he must eventually give up the title of Inquisitor).
a small snippet can be found under the cut!
“I’m sure you have many stories of Lord Inquisitor’s time in the Circle.”
Milo flashed a mischievous grin. “Not as many as you’d think. Linus has always been most rule-abiding and polite – so long as there are no spiders nearby.”
“It only happened once!” Linus tried to protest before Milo continued. “You see, once he was trying to find a particular tome at the library, only to discover that a – surprisingly large, I’ll admit – spider had taken up residence within it. He froze the spider, and half the shelf with it, and he ran away before any of the enchanters noticed the sudden chill.”
The anecdote produced some laughs, although only after Linus himself chuckled and affectionately slapped Milo on the shoulder. “At least I didn’t light anything on fire, unlike someone after that Satinalia celebration.”
“Sister Hippolyta never forgave me for that!”
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schattengerissen · 5 years
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(Dorian) Truthfully, I barely remembered that month, let alone the week he was babbling about, and I hadn't the slightest idea who Linus and Bitsy might be. The very idea that I ever knew someone named Bitsy was unsettling.                                            ------------------------
From Hidden, part of my Dorian/Kai Trevelyan series, The Contours of Shadows.
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cupcakegnome · 6 years
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Using this map and SimsWikia I made up birth places and origins to my sims. 
My sims:
Sethius Amladaris - Dragon Valley The Lavellans- Three Lakes Nedra Surana - Aurora Skies All Hawkes - Bridgeport Hay -Ancient Vacation Island Quiet - RedCity Venom - Megatropolis Prime Eli - Stralight Shores Anders - Whiskersville The Lupus family - Twinbrook The  Trevelyans - Hidden Springs Mr. Richmond - Monte Vista Thaddeus Pickering - Isla Paradiso Cami Mireles- Sunlit Tides Linus Esselink - Windenburg
My more spacey sims: 
Nyx, Lisell and Jirida and My Wonderchild Family - Sixam  All other ME sims - Lunar Lakes  Shepard  and Nigel - Oasis Landing
And as for now, other sims live in the imaginary town of Pinella’s Pass, and Mass Effect sims live on Pixel Peak.
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spindleweedss · 1 year
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
Thank you @mxanigel and @mxkelsifer for the tag! I actually got some writing done this week, so glad to join in!!
Josephine nodded invitingly. “Leliana and I were just discussing something and would greatly appreciate your input. Given your upcoming visit to Val Royeaux-“
“How’s your Orlesian, my lord?” Leliana interrupted, switching away from Trade.
The question brought back vivid memories: his tutor's shrill voice calling his attention back to the day's lesson on grammar, Mother's approval when he sang a chanson after dinner, their cook speaking slowly so Linus could catch every word of his story about chevaliers.
“Malheuresement”, he began, cringing inwardly at his pronunciation, “it has been years since I had any lessons, but I still recall the fundamentals.”
Josephine let out a small laugh. “Most wonderful. And while it won’t be of any help for your first visit, we could arrange for an instructor to be available when you return. Even an elementary understanding of the language will do wonders for your image in the eyes of the nobility.”
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spindleweedss · 1 year
finally renamed some OCs whose names i no longer enjoyed. time to try to draw a diagram of linus' family and relationships <3
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spindleweedss · 1 year
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On this day (29 Justinian, 9:16 Dragon), Linus Anson Esmond Trevelyan was born in Ostwick!!
The festivities include me trying to answer some long-neglected asks about him, listening to his playlists, and putting some words down in a word doc I have aspirationally named "linus longfic" <3
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spindleweedss · 1 year
Playing jaws of hakkon and thinking abt how cullen is going to hate 99% of linus' decisions regarding the side quests in the area
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spindleweedss · 1 year
It's funny that the more playthroughs I do with Linus, the less certain I am about some if his decisions – specifically the ones about Cole becoming more spirit or human, whether to drink from the Well, and now I'm questioning who he'd choose to rule Orlais
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spindleweedss · 2 years
Inquisitors whose eye colour is changed by the Anchor, my beloved
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spindleweedss · 1 year
"fate" for the fanfic WIP word ask game!
So that’s where the Tranquil had gone. Someone offered him a waterskin, which Linus gladly took. The Inquisition was too late to save them from this fate. He thought of the Ocularum dotting the landscape, of peering through the gem, and had to close his eyes and take several deep breaths to steady himself.
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spindleweedss · 2 years
WIP Whenever
I’ve been tagged by several lovely folks in the last few weeks, but haven’t been able to write or draw anything recently. However, I was procrastinating some stuff earlier tonight and remembered this little WIP. After a bit of editing, may I present some pre-relationship Linus/Dorian:
(Context: Linus’ secret boyfriend is visiting Skyhold with a group of other mages)
The library is blissfully quiet, save for the rustling of ravens settling in for the night. Dorian pulls another book from the shelf, reads a few paragraphs from the beginning, and decides the content looks promising enough to warrant a more in-depth examination.
Shuffling footsteps on the stairs interrupt him. Dorian turns to look at the stairs, surprised to see Linus stumbling up, one hand braced against the wall for balance. The Inquisitor reaches the top of the stairs before noticing Dorian, and his flushed face lights up with a smile.
“My favourite librarian, how convenient.” His conspicuously present Marcher accent sounds even stronger than earlier in the day. Dorian needs no other clues to determine that the Inquisitor is far more drunk than usual.
“Searching for a bedtime story?” he asks, trying not to look too amused. Linus is usually a merry drunk, on the rare occasion when he allows himself to drink properly. Avoiding overindulgence is undoubtedly wise for a man who could start a minor conflict with one poorly phrased sentence, but Dorian delights in watching Linus’ walls of propriety come down every now and then.
Linus makes his way to the shelf next to Dorian and begins running his finger along the spines of the books, turning his head sideways to read the titles. “’m looking for a children’s book. Or something you could read to a child without, y’know, giving them nightmares.” Linus rights his head and grabs the shelf for balance, squeezing his eyes closed. Dorian places a hand on Linus’ arm, trying to assess if the drunk man is about to be sick all over the finest collection of arcane knowledge within a hundred miles.
“Perhaps you should continue your search in the morning. Let me walk you to your quarters.”
Linus opens his eyes, focuses on Dorian but makes no effort to move away. “This can’t wait. It’s going to be too late tom’rrow. He’s… they’re leaving at first light.”
“Your friends?”
“In a manner of speaking.” The words are accompanied by a joyless laugh.
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spindleweedss · 1 year
was contemplating Linus' circle era appearance and realised that he probably didn't have freckles for years, since he didn't get to spend enough time outside :(
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spindleweedss · 1 year
for Linus
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Thank you!!
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature? At a distance, it's his hair - reddish-orange and curly, with a bit of a widow's peak that's usually covered by his bangs.
During Inquisition and up close, his eyes stand out more than anything else. For some mysterious reason ( = I like magical changes in eye colours), the Anchor turns his greenish brown eyes into a bright, yellowish green, giving his gaze an unnatural intensity. They also glow for a while after using the Anchor, and by Trespasser they're pretty much always lit up.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing? At the Circle, every mage has 3-4 robes that get cleaned and maintained by the Tranquil or apprentices/young mages. However, his family's donations to the Circle meant that Linus was rarely assigned such tasks. This of course bites him in the ass when he leaves the Circle and has to learn basic life skills like mending clothes.
During Inquisition, he starts out wearing whatever they can scavenge from the newly formed organisation's stockpiles, since everything he brought to the Conclave was lost in the explosion. When he is declared Inquisitor, and once they have the funds for tailors, he gets a wardrobe befitting his status - more outfits than he's had since childhood, all of them carefully designed to make anyone who sees him aware of his affiliation with the Inquisition and the Chantry.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change? Linus cut his hair (previously shoulder-length) with his friends' assistance while they were fleeing the Circle, claiming that it might make him less recognisable but actually wanting to mark the significance of no longer living at the Circle. He also quit wearing mage robes, even though some other mages continue to incorporate them into their wardrobes.
Another big wardrobe swap happens after Linus disbands the Inquisition, when he starts having to figure out who he wants to be at that point in his life. He definitely avoids formal outfits for a few years, preferring simple styles in more comfortable fabrics.
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spindleweedss · 2 years
Thank you @mxkelsifer​ and @seraandthebees​ for tagging me in this picrew!! <3 I think many of my mutuals have already done this, so I’m tagging whoever wants to do this!!
Harea Lavellan / Josephine Montilyet (unfortunately there were no options for grey hair or elf ears)
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Linus Trevelyan / Dorian Pavus
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spindleweedss · 1 year
one of these days I'll remember not to bring a lightsaber (a fire mage) into a gunfight (that one emissary alpha at the end of the darkspawn waves in the descent dlc)
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spindleweedss · 1 year
re: my last post
obsessed with the visual of sera/bull/dorian dumping a bucket of water on linus after a fight because it's the fastest way to douse the smouldering remains of his coat
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