breezybirdfarms · 1 year
Line Breeding Poultry: Cultivating New Lineage for Improved Characteristics
In the world of poultry breeding, line breeding is a technique that has been practiced for generations to create new lines of poultry with desirable traits. By carefully selecting and pairing individuals with specific characteristics, breeders can gradually enhance and refine those traits over time. Line breeding serves as a crucial tool in achieving genetic improvement, facilitating the development of distinct lineages with enhanced qualities, be it for meat production, egg-laying capacity, or other desirable attributes.
Understanding Line Breeding: Line breeding is a controlled breeding strategy that aims to intensify the expression of desired traits within a line of poultry. Rather than introducing new genetic material from unrelated individuals, line breeding focuses on preserving and intensifying the genetic makeup within a specific lineage. This technique involves selecting superior individuals from within a flock, mating them to closely related relatives, and repeating this process over several generations.
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Line bred Hedemora by selecting desirable traits
Selection for Desirable Traits: Central to line breeding is the meticulous selection process. Breeders carefully evaluate individual birds within a flock, seeking those that exhibit the most desirable traits, such as size, conformation, growth rate, temperament, egg production, or specific plumage colors. These selected individuals, known as foundation stock, possess the genetic potential to pass on these desirable traits to their offspring. By intentionally breeding them with close relatives, breeders aim to concentrate and stabilize these traits within the lineage.
Inbreeding vs. Line Breeding: It is important to distinguish line breeding from indiscriminate inbreeding. While inbreeding involves mating closely related individuals without consideration for specific traits, line breeding is a more refined approach. Breeders meticulously select individuals based on their desired characteristics and ensure a diverse genetic background within the selected lineage. This controlled approach minimizes the risks associated with inbreeding, such as reduced fertility, vigor, and increased susceptibility to genetic disorders.
Generation After Generation: Line breeding is a long-term endeavor that requires a breeder's dedication and patience. Over successive generations, breeders continue to select and pair individuals with the desired traits, ensuring that each new generation inherits and expresses those traits more strongly. This careful selection process helps establish a distinct lineage, with each generation building upon the advancements of its predecessors.
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Line bred Orloff due to limited stock in Canada
Monitoring and Evaluation: Throughout the line breeding process, breeders meticulously monitor and evaluate the offspring for the desired traits. This allows them to make informed decisions when selecting individuals for subsequent breeding. By continuously assessing and comparing successive generations, breeders can observe the progress made in enhancing the desired traits and identify any potential setbacks or deviations from the intended outcome.
The Creation of New Lineage: Through dedicated line breeding practices, poultry breeders can create new lineages within specific breeds. Over time, these lineages gain distinct characteristics and become recognized for their unique set of traits. This can lead to the establishment of new breeds or varieties that serve specific purposes, such as improved meat production, egg-laying capacity, adaptability to different climates, or even aesthetic qualities.
Line breeding is a valuable tool in the poultry breeder's toolkit, enabling the creation of new lineages with enhanced traits through careful selection and breeding within closely related individuals. With each generation, the desired traits become more pronounced, and a distinct lineage is established. It is through the dedication, knowledge, and expertise of poultry breeders that the poultry industry continues to evolve, offering us a diverse range of poultry breeds with specific characteristics suited to various purposes.
Candace Breezy Bird Farms
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consciousexe · 5 months
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so, I have a few things to say
141 power rangers somehow manifested in my brain without any remorse, mainly because I was pissed that two of the original zord powers/suits werent dinosaurs and were mammals. so now we got Ghost(Ankylosaurus), Laswell(Pterodactyl), Price(T-rex), Soap(Triceratops) and Gaz(Stegosaurus). I also switched the Pterodactyl colours because as much as I love pink, it is a little too on the nose with the whole stereotypical gender colours and also I dont think Laswell would appreciate that. Yeah anyways so the way that rangers become rangers is they have to die so that the government cant have any identification ties to the current rangers. If they die with the core values that rangers follow there is a chance for them to be ressurected as a ranger(if there is a spot open on the roster, and its not 50/50, more like 13/87, it can take a good 20-30 years for the roster to be full) where they get their body modified to endure the battles and become retroactively immortal(NOT PERMANENT, they can die from really severe injuries, but then they get ressurected again, but are put out of commission for like a good week(they can also die on the spot when they retire their abilities(this is for comedic purposes)) The suits have a catalyst item(usually an item that was on their person when they die) that the rangers must wear if they want their suits, which they can morph into the three different options on command, usually verbal, with Ghost as the exception(for plot reasons(trust me)) The very patterned suits are what they wear if they are doing like, public service, since the rangers do some o that in the series, with the whole like, entertaining the idea of interviews and putting on little shows for kids. Those suits arent meant for battle because I keep twitching while watching any fight scenes because the suit fabrics look so thin. So in this the suits are more to appeal to the public eye more if they appear because they are percieved as more friendly and approachable. And then there are the battle suits(which Ghost is wearing in the second drawing), those are fully armoured but still flexible for the battlefield. There are two versions, day camo(havent drawn yet) and night camo. oh yeah and these guys are shapeshifters, with or without the catalyst they can morph, contrary to expectations, small AND large forms are the hardest to morph into alone. They can also morph into a conglomerate and manage the form coodependantly while doing things independently so that less time is wasted on just one persons reaction time hindering an attack(This is my version of the Zords in this AU) anyways that is my yap fest over.
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bas-rouge · 2 months
There is a large part of me that wonders whether the frankly insane amount of DQs in the Beauce standard are an attempt to compensate for the obvious lack of 'type' and consistency in the breed (not that it matters, since dogs with major faults and DQs are put up anyway). But so many Beauce breeders in particular are just allergic to linebreeding/inbreeding/whatever you want to call it, which is where you get consistency and 'type' from to begin with. Like you can't have it both ways, imo.
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fjordfolk · 2 years
Coming to terms with the fact that if I ever *were* to breed Troja, finding an appropriate stud would mean sacrificing at least one of these 4 things:
* Known HD status (Troja has A but somewhat shallow sockets)
* Known genetic CEA status (Troja is a carrier)
* No relation in at least 5 generations
* Physical balance (in relation to her)
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teaandinanity · 1 year
The horse game has trained me either well or badly, because I am now naming my farm animals in Roots of Pacha with numbers to indicate their stats so that I can easily tell which ones I want to breed.
They will get names when they have perfect stats and not before then.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
Google "inbreeding vs. linebreeding" for pages' worth of the most niche drama
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theramseyloft · 7 days
Can you explain linebreeding and inbreeding in a line of birds
Inbreeding is easier to explain than Line breeding because the definition is simple.
Any time an animal is bred to any other individual related by blood, that is inbreeding.
For animals lacking the sort of genetic testing for disease available to dogs, cats, horses, parrots and many others, breeding an individual back to a sibling or parent is a way to test for genetic defects that may be passing quietly along as recessives.
The more closely related the pair, and the more frequently such closely related individuals are bred together, the more inbred the animal is considered to be.
The further the relation, the less inbred.
The difference between pairing siblings and pairing second or third cousins.
Lines track relationships.
For example, an earlier post tracked Pippin's line through my flock: His children and grand children and so on all stemming from him directly.
But a line can also track a specific trait, like Red Line hognose snakes that are selectively bred for a more red toned than brown base color.
That makes things a little more difficult to define, since a line of birds can either mean the birds produced by a specific breeder for a specific set of traits.
Racer, roller and tumbler lines are often delineated either by the name of the breeder, or the name of the specific bird who exemplified the traits that breeder is aiming to select for.
Other breeds may have performing lines and show lines, like the Danzig, with distinct temperament differences between family lines mostly flown or mostly shown.
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fuglyhorses · 8 months
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I saw this foal while working at a TB stud farm. She couldn’t straighten her knees, and we were told to pull on her legs a bit when she was lying down (to relax her tendons I guess?). I was working nightshift at the time, and bottle fed her every few hours. She would make the cutest little “neigh” when I entered the stall. Sometimes I had to feed her lying down because she struggled a lot getting up.
She died a couple weeks later sadly, I’m not clear how because I was not there that day. IIrc I was told they had bandaged her legs as straight as they could, and that probably put a lot of stress on her.
Is this tendon flaw a common issue in TBs? Can it be cured or was this foal always doomed?
Oh that sucks. Contracted tendons aren’t uncommon in very fresh foals and mild cases often straighten out on their own. If it’s more severe they’ll need bandages/splints/physical therapy, which is what it sounds like they were attempting. In most cases it can be more or less corrected, depending on the initial severity. It’s impossible to say how bad it is from a photo but look at her vertical pasterns. You see that in newborns sometimes* and it generally loosens up without intervention (assuming they inherited the genetics for a normal angle). It looks pretty bad but I wouldn’t say she looks doomed when a lot of it could be just awkward posture and tightness that could self-correct at least a little. It’s certainly not usually a death sentence, there had to be something else going on.
So there are a couple of things that can cause this. The two that I’ve seen cited the most are bad positioning during fetal development, or a recessive gene that’s roughly analogous to clubfoot in people (but I would think probably that could be caused by multiple things as well). I don’t know about TBs specifically, but recessive genes are more likely to pop up regularly in populations with significant inbreeding so you’d likely see this more often in closed studbooks, and especially in intensive linebreeding. If it’s genetic. If it’s a result of positioning, it’s entirely random. In this case, because all four legs seem affected, I’d lean toward this being genetic or secondary to something else.
It’s possible that it’s a side effect of some other condition that could’ve contributed to her death. I’m not a vet and wouldn’t presume to diagnose but there are endless mutations and abnormalities and malformations that can happen with any pregnancy, and all kinds of complicated genetic combinations with unexpected results.   
Poor baby.
* you also sometimes see the opposite, foals with extremely lax tendons, flopping all over the place. 
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wilderun · 1 year
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You know that half-joking statement dog folks like to throw around, "linebreeding is when it works, inbreeding is when it doesn't?"
These animals are both 95% wolf and closely bred, but one was selectively linebred from health tested parents/grandparents/etc to lock in a certain temperament and type and structure and longevity, and the other is the result of a guy who keeps multiple generations together in a pack and lets the males breed their own daughters siblings and has done just that for like 30 years with zero new blood added -- and since he insists that only the oldest male in his artificial packs breeds, the pedigrees are probably are even closer than he thinks 😬
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roakkaliha · 1 year
can we get a family tree, esp for solution? I would actually love to see his extremely fucked up pedigree :)
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"The official statement by the CEO of Artificial Wilds claims that the registry database they use for storaging pedigree information was hacked, deleting decades worth of the company's breeding logs with no way of recovery. However, journalists have managed to find physical copies of select animals' pedigrees going all the way back to the company's year of foundation. The information in these logs suggest, in the words of one critic, "a liberal understanding of the concept of 'linebreeding' within the company, contradicting and confusing origins of what the company calls 'setting animals' (purebred wild animals used at the beginning of a line), and a tendency to erase mentions of documented genetic health issues".
Our team could not reach Artificial Wilds to comment."
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tauforged · 1 year
we as a society need to STOP linebreeding betta fish for increasingly ridiculous and unhealthy morphs that will cost a million dollars only to barely be able to move or breathe and die within months and we need to START breeding them for physical health and long lifespans. i do NOT want a rose gold mermaid metallic galaxy koi alien double tail elephant ear dragon scale whatever the fuck theyre selling nowadays . i want a big ol chunky spadetail betta that is just ugly as all hell and will live for 20 years because it's built like a tank
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Question from someone curious about snake breeding - is inbreeding a problem with snakes? Like, is breeding a snake to a sibling or back to a parent unhealthy or more likely to cause physical or mental issues for snakes? I've considered getting into snake breeding if I can afford to do so but I wouldn't wanna do anything weird and unhealthy with it
Inbreeding is super common in reptile breeding circles, and in general it's not as harmful as it is with mammals but it should still be kept to a minimum.
Snakes are usually bred back to a parent or sibling to test if genes they're visual for are dominant, recessive, or even inheritable at all. As long as this isn't done for multiple generations, the hatchlings will have no ill effects. If linebreeding continues for more than a couple generations, that's when we start seeing an increased chance of genetic deformities - bug eyes are super common in inbred snakes. Snakes tend to have small overlapping ranges in the wild, and they're built for a bit of inbreeding, but genetic diversity is still important so it's best to avoid inbreeding unless you have a very good reason.
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sheltiehistory · 4 months
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ch eltham park eureka (specks of mountfort ex princess of mountfort) born 1925, uk. he was the result of heavy linebreeding on wallace (son of butcher boy, start of line BB) and teena (collie) particulaly through their son war baby of mountfort.
first registered as peter pan of mountfort, he changed hands multiple times in the first 9 months of life, before being acquired by mr. pierce. his name was changed to eltham park eureka, which was fitting - he went right on to gain championship and won best of breed at crufts in 1926. eureka eventually went to fry's far sea kennels, usa, but remains a cornerstone sire in british lines.
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mundoequinocomco · 4 years
Criadero La Marqueza Oficial @criaderolamarquezaoficial Les presentamos un futuro reproductor de nuestro amigo @ernesto_chalela producto de doble #LINEBREEDING, #DULCESUEÑOFC x MORENA DE SIRIUS Mostrando lo que da el line breeding a Dulce sueño, gran finura, manos bajitas sin perder la potencia y elasticidad en el tren posterior que da Dulce Sueño. Si tienes nietas o bisnietas de #DULCESUEÑOFC ,que esperas PARA castarlas con el mejor reproductor de la historia "THE BOSS" , #LINEBREEDING TITULOS PASO FINO *Mejor expositor General del año 2020 *Mejor Reproductor Paso Fino 2020 USA - DULCE SUEÑO *Mejor Reproductor Paso Fino 2020 PANAMA - DULCE SUEÑO FC *Mejor Reproductor Paso Fino 2020 REPUBLICA DOMINICANA - DULCE SUEÑO FC *Mejor Reproductor Paso Fino 2020 COLOMBIA - DULCE SUEÑO FC *Mejor Jefe de Raza Paso Fino 2020 DULCE SUEÑO FC *2do Mejor Expositor Paso Fino del año. Adquiere Genética de Ganadores. Visítanos y vive una experiencia Única!!... #viveunaexperienciaunicaencm ⠀ TEL/WHATSAPP CORPORATIVO +57 3005113282 Ventas y pedidos +57 3218261135 Pedidos semen +57 3134650450 Contratos y cesiones #lamarqueza #criaderolamarquezaoficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwEMMmnNQa/?igshid=1sdqudyziqmsg
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pawsativityy · 6 years
This is an amazing and balanced compilation of studies on linebreeding and high COI with a focus on dogs. It’s a great and pretty easy read but just in case you don’t want to read it (and I’d highly recommend that you do!!!) I’ve highlighted some key quotes and graphics below.
Linebreeding effects puppy mortality and litter size
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“For these breeds, those slopes are about 0.1, which means that an increase in inbreeding of 10% reduces litter size by about 1. If normal litter size is about 6, a COI of 30% - which is not uncommon in many breeds - would reduce the litter size by HALF.”
“(The litters) are likely to be smaller, less vigorous, have more birth defects and higher mortality, grow more slowing, have shorter lifespan, and of course increased incidence of genetic disorders caused by recessive mutations.”
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“As inbreeding increases above 25%, the mortality increases, to about 30% for dogs with COI between 25-50%, and higher still as COI increases.”
Linebreeding also effects adult dogs’ longevity
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Although this graphic is for Bernese mountain dogs specifically, “in Standard Poodles, dogs with inbreeding less than 6% live 4 years longer than those with higher COI, and the risk of bloat is roughly proportional to the increase in COI - a 10% increase in COI elevates the risk of bloat by about the same amount.”
“In Bernese Mountain Dogs, each 10% increase in COI reduces lifespan by 200 days. For a dog with COI of 30%, that's a reduction in lifespan of almost two years.”
“As fertility goes down and litters get smaller, there are fewer animals born each generation, and those that are have an increased risk of genetic disorders, shorter lifespans, and general lack of vigor.”
“This becomes a negative feedback loop that is called "the extinction vortex", and once a population heads down this path it can be very difficult to stop. Note again, that threshold for this vortex phenomenon is about COI = 10%.”
“Evidence of inbreeding depression and the other consequences of inbreeding are very evident - singleton litters, high rates of cancer in young dogs, allergies, and many other issues that seem to be "normal" in the breeding of dogs these days.
Advantages of Linebreeding
increased uniformity
“fixing” of desired traits and breed type
increased prepotency (ability to pass on traits to offspring)
Disadvantages of Linebreeding
lower fertility
lower “vigor”
birth defects
smaller size
fewer offspring
slower growth
higher offspring mortality
shorter lifespan
increase in genetic diseases
reduced “genetic potential” (ability to improve a trait)
I especially found the extinction vortex concept interesting!! Linebreeding doesn’t happen in the wild since there isn’t enough of an advantage to homogenization of that degree. A general rule of evolutionary bio is that if an animal has a deleterious trait that prevents them from reproducing, such as neural tube defects, they won’t have the chance to pass on their genetics and that deleterious trait will be removed from the gene pool, while deleterious traits that present at the end of life, such as cancer, stay in the gene pool. The combination of negative effects at birth prevent this from occurring naturally and the negative effects at maturity should prevent humans from choosing to linebreed, especially when studies like these are available.
I know this is so long and I’m sorry but I hope this makes sense and someone else finds it interesting!
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3878684153mifuxwbgl · 6 years
entropy validation is elusive if you use intrabiological exclusivity or biocentric humanism to characterise, synthesise or analyse it
see below for examples of the mortal quandry
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