#lindy 🤠
abilouwrites · 11 months
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“Oh lindy loulou” I grin sweetly at the three month old as I hold her into my arms, smothering the sweet baby in kisses, “oh ain’t you jus the cutest lil gumdrop to ever be”
I used to hate when my southern accent would shine through but I’ve grown to not mind it as much, “yes you are, yes you are!” I rock her slowly shuffling back and fourth, Noah looks at me and I know he wants his a baby back but I’m not ready to give her up just yet.
“Y/n please, Linds needs her nap” He begs quietly as I continue playing with his daughter, tickling her tummy and watching as she grins and laughs a little, “Mat tell your girlfriend to give me my baby back”
He doesn’t respond, sitting and staring as I let her suckle on my finger, “Noah, Shh” I whisper gently as I make my way back to the couch, once she starts to fuss I stand back up and keep rocking her, “she’ll nap, don’t you worry”
“Just support her head” He nervously goes to stand but I turn away from him, “y/n please”
“I have little siblings, don’t worry” I wave him off, bouncing her up so she’s got her head on my shoulder.
Mat comes over to me and stands behind me gently kissing her forehead and nose, “can I hold her”
I frown but reluctantly let him hold Lindy, even though she’s not my baby, “she smells so good” I whine out as Mat holds the small infant.
My heart swells as I watch him cradle the little girl, maybe because I’m ovulating or maybe because I saw the ring in the back of his dresser, “she’s just the sweetest lil gooseberry”
Noah nods and I watch Sarah slowly creep outside of the bedroom, “god I’m so sorry I slept through it all” she apologizes rubbing her eyes, “can I get you anythin? Water? Tea, maybe coffee” she asks
“No we’re alright, you sleep well?” I ask, patting down the couch for her to come sit
“Yeah, I needed that. If you two want to babysit”
“Yes” Mat and I say without hesitation
Noah and his wife look at eachother with an excitement and love I adore.
“Next Saturday?”
Lindy and I are laying on the couch of Mat and I’s apartment, she’s playing with the little gold shine on my earrings. Mat left for an hour to hit the gym but he promised to bring back lunch.
“Hey cuties” Mat fawns as he walks back into the apartment. Setting a bag of food down onto the island table, “when’s her nap?” He asks quietly as Lindy rests her head on my chest and sprawls out on me.
“In a few minutes, but I wanna get her sleepy before I put her down” I tell him. Mat nods slowly picking her up, whispering softly as he gently places her down in the little crib Noah lent us.
I get up and make my way to the food mat bought, “good workout?” I ask as he quickly devours a large fry and a few of my chicken nuggets.
“Ya” he whispers out, “so uh this is really out of the blue.. do you think kids are in the cards for us?”
“I think so, at least I would really.. really love to have my own baby. We can’t keep Lindy forever” I confess, “I’m sure once they’re back to a regular sleeping schedule they’ll miss her”
“With the way Noah’s blowing up my phone lately I think they already miss her”
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redfurrycat · 10 months
🐓👨‍👧‍👦🐣Big Brother Bradley Bradshaw Fic Recs🐣👨‍👧‍👦🐓
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: AnadoraBlack, Bahjrc, Brenda, Capt_scarwidow, ForVendetta, Ginnydear, LadyLanera, Likethenight, Nightfuryy, SaintClaire, SunMonTue.
> Kid Fic - Single Dad & Parents {🤠🐓}
I used to hate you by AnadoraBlack {M}
When Bradley Bradshaw and Jake Seresin first meet at Top Gun, they immediately decide that they hate each other.
Shape Up by likethenight {G}
Bradley and Amelia get to know each other. They're pretty much siblings at this point, after all, aren't they?
Ante Up by Brenda {T}
Wild Card
"So?" he repeated, at a loss. She rolled her eyes, and made a production of looking around the hangar. "So, is there anything fun to do in this sad museum of stunted masculinity and 80s-dad nostalgia, or are we just supposed to sit quietly like wax figures until Mom and Mav are done communing or canoodling or whatever?" Shit, Mav and Penny left him alone with Amelia. Who Bradley hadn't even laid eyes on since she was...nine or ten, maybe, at some picnic or another Aunt Sarah and Uncle Ice had thrown. She'd had braided pigtails that day, he recalled. And was a good foot shorter. Or: While waiting for Maverick and Penny to finish their sunset plane ride, Rooster and Amelia play poker and get to know each other again. (Set immediately post-credits)
Winning Hand
Bradley could practically see the radar pinging in Nat's brain. "Poker? You play poker?" "Sometimes," Amelia replied. "Sometimes, she says." Bradley shuddered, exaggerated for Phoenix's benefit. "Don't let her con you, she can kick my ass." "She can kick anyone's ass," Mav agreed, raising his beer. He sounded every inch the proud parent. Phoenix turned to Bradley, those big brown eyes feverishly bright. "Can she kick Seresin's ass?"  Or: A "friendly" game of poker is played, and more than a few long-hidden truths are revealed
Full House
Bradley tilted his head at Amelia. "Didn't realize Lindy was joining us." Mav's grin was very wide and very pleased with itself. "It's my party, and I want her here." "At your bachelor party?" Bradley emphasized, just to be sure everyone was on the same page. Or: Mav hosts a poker game for his bachelor party, and Amelia may have finally met her match. (Takes place a year after Winning Hand)
Flock Together by LadyLanera {T}
They made it home. Settled into becoming a family with Amelia and Penny. Rooster finally had that chance of his happily ever after he dreamed of. Only he was pretty certain that Jake "Hangman" Seresin wasn't into him regardless of what everyone claimed otherwise. No one was that big of a dick to someone they liked...right? > Author Rec: LadyLanera writes lots of Amelia Benjamin & Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw in her stories, with the most amazing brotherly & sisterly feels.
I'll Watch Your Life In Pictures (like I used to watch you sleep) by capt_scarwidow {G}
Amelia and Rooster hang out while Penny and Maverick fly, and Rooster discovers that he may have missed out on things when he was gone - AKA Dad!Mav and Rooster being awful with kids
big brother duties by ginnydear {G}
“But what I’m trying to say,” Bradley says after a moment, handing Jake a clip and touching Amelia’s shoulder, “is that… well, you have me now.” “Ew, are you offering to be my brother?” five times jake helps bradley with amelia and the one time amelia helps bradley with jake.
Amelia's Big Brothers by nightfuryy {_}
Amelia's first period happens when she's staying with Jake and Bradley. Cue the best big brothers.
i’ll fly like an eagle to where i belong by forVendetta {G}
Maverick and Amelia throughout the years.
The Colour Of An Avocado by SaintClaire {M}
Four times Jake got jealous and one time Bradley did. --- The thing about Tim is that he’s probably a decent guy. Jake would know this if he was willing to spend more than twenty seconds talking to him, but alas, he’s not. He’s Bradley’s ex, and that’s three strikes out and a fourth for good measure, as far as Jake’s concerned.
as it was by bahjrc {G}
In this world, it's just us. From that mission day on, things would never be the same as before. But Rooster doesn't think that is a bad thing, he doesn't know if Hangman thinks the same. He just might find out.
Angel Eyes by LadyLanera {T}
When Mav is suddenly transferred back Stateside out of the blue and taken to Rady's Children's Hospital of San Diego, he fears the worst. However, he quickly learns it's nothing like he imagined. There's a sweet little girl with familiar green eyes in one of those hospital beds instead, and her mother is strangely nowhere to be found. Join Maverick and his family as they navigate this nightmare of a mess this time.
Second time lucky... by SunMonTue {T}
College AU featuring Bradshaw!Twins Bradford and Bradley, a Jake Seresin with a crush, and a long-suffering Javy Machado.
I'd know you anywhere by SunMonTue {E}
Set when Hangman first meets Rooster. Bradley and Bradford Bradshaw are twins. Most people know this. Some people need to be brought up to speed. Quickly.
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theemporium · 7 months
im not sure how i feel about travis green 🤠
i mean i like how he’s being very honest and forthcoming about players like nemo and holtz. he’s explaining why they’re in the positions of the lineup they are and how he’s going to work with them to improve so they can move up lines and get solid minutes
but at the same time i don’t really like his lineup changes 🫣 splitting up the timo-nico-bratt line is stupid since it’s been the best line for a few games now, holtz should be on the third line with lazar and mercer, nemo should be playing tonight, and im not sure how i feel about jack playing on the wing unless they decided to go back to the defensive scheme where the centers take a lot of the defensive load (in which case it makes sense)
have i ever played hockey in my life? no. but i still kind of feel like i could make a better line up than green 🤠
sorry for the rant LMFAO
no no, I get it😭every time I open twitter, I see more of his interesting takes and I’m just kinda like 🤠
at this point, I’m just trying to say nothing can be worse than lindy but lowkey feel like I’m gonna end up manifesting something horrible
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hurricanewindattack · 6 months
1 & 33 🤠
Omg thanks for the ask! :)
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
A bit hard (and maybe futile) to pick THE 3 things, but three of the things could be:
Bernie sanders' loss in the 2020 elections and capitulation to the Democratic establishment which disillusioned me to SocDem politics and radicalized me.
Reading tons of encyclopaedias as a kid which pushed me to be interested in science and engineering! Although I do wonder what life could be like if I had become a dinosaur boy (paleontologist) instead :(
The whole cram school experience for university entrance exams in India, (and long before that, the Bollywood movie '3 idiots'!) which disillusioned me with the idea that you should live for career growth and to show off how smart you are etc!
33. any hobbies?
Wayy too many! Currently very into dancing Lindy hop, but I also swim regularly, collect records, make papercrafts (check my pinned!), make analog photos, basic guitar playing, cooking, a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting!
Here's some more if anyone wants to ask :)
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elpequeanonimo · 11 months
Siempre estaré aquí para ti 🤠
Q lindi, Será mutuo 🤠
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etereoresplandor · 2 years
Echarte nada de que?jaja
Vas a ver que sacas 100/10, confía🤠
Ñaa q lindi 🥺 ojalá po 💞
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mysticaltales · 3 years
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De: La Familia Excéntricos
Para: @sentims
Feliz cumpleaños John, disfruta el día de tu cumple con todos tus afectos, que lo disfrutes.
Muy feliz cumple
Amanda Ackermann
Feliz cumpleaños Dear John, cumple bien bello y guarda pastel.
Felíz cumpleaños Sentims que hoy sea un día productivo de mucho provecho para ti que la pases bién con tu familia y que cumplas muchos años mas🥳🥳
Hoy es un día especial 💞💞💞
Porque hoy es el único día que no es tu no cumpleaños, ya que hoy es tu cumpleaños.
Queridisimo joven Sentims 🤌🏻 le deseo un muuuy feliz cumpleaños🥳 🎂. Pásala lindo, que comas muuchoo pastel y que todo sea hermoso en tu día. Te deseo cosas bomnitas y que nunca nos haga falta tu sentido del humor que nos hace el día 🤠
Con cariño:
—Stelle ✨
Obvio voy a escribirte al final para que pienses que me olvidé 😈 jskehfk
Feliz cumpleaños distinguido cabellero 🕴🏼 jdkdjk espero que la pases súper lindis ♡♡♡ gracias por nacer jdkjd enserio no sé qué hubiera sido de mi vida sin tu presencia unu no te mates mardito que sino me muero yo también, te revivo y te mato otra vez por morirte sin permiso 🥄
Pero ya fuera de bromas, enserio quiero que tengas un lindo día hoy y siempre, ya te he dicho: te mereces cosas bonitas porque eres una bonita persona, lo tkm y gracias por existir <3
Pd: este cuenta como otro regalo 🥄 no sé cuando lo leas pero ahí cuando lo leas me dices para saber cuantos vamos
Cielo V.
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introtae · 3 years
strawberry emoji a ha ha :looking:
lindy i have nothing nice to say about you. hahaha just kiddingggg you know i love you more than life itself 🥰 you have been such a core part of my entire tumblr experience ever since we were introduced to each other, and i wouldn't trade our friendship for the world. it seriously feels like i've known you for years and i'm so grateful to have met someone as incredible as you! not only are you an amazingly talented author, you're also one of the kindest, sweetest, most considerate and inclusive people i've ever met. i love you sosososososo much 💗💗💗 you're my favorite #girlboss for sure <3 please never stop sending me weird horny messages at 3 am and crying over your biases for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
mutuals send me a 🍓 and i'll compliment you!
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theemporium · 7 months
concerned because if daws is starting in goal tonight…that means that lindy is either going to start him on back to back nights against the lightning or isaac poulter is going to play tomorrow 🤠
i think we should remind lindy that the lightning has the leading point scorer with kucherkov
im going to cry
the boy needs a break but also poulter look terrified every time the camera panned to him so I genuinely don’t know what would be the better option😭😭😭
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theemporium · 7 months
i don’t know how i feel about the new line ups today 🤠 lindy split up the palat-nico-bratt line when it’s been our best line for weeks. and holtz is still stuck on the fourth line (not surprising 🙄). i’m all for changing things up but those two things were not good imo
praying lindy actually knows what he’s doing 🙏 and hopefully he mixed up something on our power play today
we really need to win tonight and string together some wins otherwise it’s bye-bye playoffs 😭
I just saw the sheet and I am ✨stressed✨ to say the least🤠that old fucker better count his days if the devils lose again tonight or I will personally fly out to drag him out of the stadium! I genuinely can’t handle them fucking up any more five minute power plays
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etereoresplandor · 2 years
No te preocupes, igual cuando quieras hablar con alguien o algo aquí andamos, me cae bien la forma en la que contestas y me pareciste super agradable ✨
Y si, creo que la vida es de etapas, de sensaciones y altas con bajas, pero pues hay que disfrutar el momento🤠
Miau nunca conteste esto perdóname :cc
Pero que lindi, muchas gracias >°<✨🖤
Y en verdad creo lo mismo, últimamente en verdad he estado intentando verlo más así, como para permitirme disfrutar a veces las cositas lindas de la vida ah💮
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introtae · 3 years
♧ rat
You’re my: cheese thinkin' girl
How I met you: you found me trying to fight a brick wall bc it looked at me the wrong way
Why I follow you: because youre a total #girlboss! 🤠🥰
Your blog is: kinda smelly but tolerable with a bit of perfume
Your URL is: pp 🤭
Your icon is: CUTE!!!!! jimin marry me asap don't tell lindy
A random fact I know about you: yummy is your favorite palindrome
General opinion: i love u so much even though i clown you sometimes!!! you're genuinely one of my favorite ppl on this website and on this entire planet. keep being a total #girlboss queen bc ur rockin' it and i love u 🥺💗
A random thought I have: that picture of ur broken cactus lives rent free in my mind
mutuals send me a ♧
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introtae · 3 years
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