#lindsay pops into matt's streams all the time
teamlockandload · 2 years
never gonna get tired of the AH crew popping into each other's streams to say hi
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
This is so ~Evil witch/queen/witch queen??? I cannot.
Lindsay in her ~evil castle atop a mountain shrouded in mist and a magical storm that never ends creating the first obstacle of many to any who dare seek her out?
Plot twistn in that she just doesn’t like soliciters and also isn’t ~technically Evil(TM), just misunderstood?
Also/or early attempts at magic went horribly wrong - accidental tranfigurations and such and she just noped out of there real fast because oops and yikes and well this is going to be awkward to explain? after fixing things and doesn’t realize for the longest time she’s earned a reputations as a scourge upon the land?
But when she does she’s like “Badass,” and turns her cute little mountaintop cottage in its clearing by a mountain stream-fed pool into the aforeentioned castle with the neverending storm andwhatnot.
Those who have come seeking to end her ~Reign of Terror(TM) include Michael, a warrior (secretly a werebear), Gavin, a knight (family cursed to turn into the things they hated most, i.e. dragons at the full moon or some other dramatic shit like that and he’s the last of their bloodline who’s learned to embrace that side of him so like magically induced weredragon???), and mercenary/assassin Meg (totally human, and totally badass, but like, sekrit weakness is kitties, of which Lindsay has roughly a shit ton of wandering about her castle.)
(Also, they may or may not be in a relationship because look,  these things just happen sometimes, okay? But also the ~battles beore hand that got weird because Lindsay’s saying things like “Oh, no, he’s hot” and “Oh no, she’s hot,” and other such things while battling that are like “uh, what?”while the previous challengers are on the sidelines like, dude, yeah, he/she so is, and betting on the outcome of said battle. Smooch or no smooch after being pinned becasue Lindsay? and so on.)
Also, Ryan who went looking for his business partner Meg after she went missing saying she was looking for this dumbass knight who also went missing and now he gets paid to come up with new and interesting obstacles for any daring trespass in Lindsay’s domain?
(Matt’s there too, journeyman wizard who got lost and ended up at Lindsay’s castle and helps Ryan with the obstacles/death traps and upkeep of magical stuff like living hedges shaped like animals and suchlike beause why not, really.)
Trevor and Alfredo work for King Geoff and his ~consort Jack next kingdom over and often come by to deliver messages, have a cup of tea and warn about some new batch of ~heroes about to challenge Lindsay usually escorted by guard/knight Jeremy?
Fiona is totally one of those heroes, and sticks around when Lindsay offers to teach her magic and the whatnot?
And then, idk, I lost the thread again, but yes???
They’re all harmless for the most part, but when actual baddies show up they’re faced with terrifyingly powerful witch/queen/witch queen??? Lindsay, a werebear, weredragon, pair of mercs/assassings, a couple of magc users and other manner of people/enchanted creations and scuh and regret their life choices pretty much immediately because wow, yes.
Also, Geoff is just So Tired when some idiot warns him of Lindsay’s boundless treachery and the whatnot when she sends gifts to his court, such as enchanted shrubbery - it’s a good doggo that’s saved his life from assassination attempts at least twice - and whispered rumors that she’s planning to have him killed and take his kingdom for her own, because like. Along with shubbery doggo she sends delicious baked goods and pops by - magical portals and whatnot - for chats and the like a couple of times a week and if they only knew, you know?
(Also, Geoff is just So Tired in general, so yeah.)
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heyheyroosterteeth · 4 years
28 - 38! 💚
Wow, you really want to know my opinion on the staff
28. Opinion on Geoff?
I started watching RT content through RvB, so I’ve always had a soft spot for Geoff. I’m super proud of him going sober after years of drinking while working at a company where there’s alcohol everywhere. I miss him in content, but he’s busy doing other bigger productions and I’m happy for him.
29. Opinion on Jack?
The other dad of AH. He’s always been the one to surprise me with a quick joke he said in the background of a conversation. I also love his interactions with Fiona with him going completely into dad mode, teaching her different pop culture things from his time.
30. Opinion on Ryan?
He’s a giant dork and I enjoy him very much in videos. A quick scroll through my tag of him will quickly reveal that I like the man.
31. Opinion on Gavin?
Gavvy’s great. He’s like the universal AH member where he can play off of every member in the group. He’s a very bright man, but also has the most asinine questions and what ifs that make great content.
32. Opinion on Michael?
Michael’s evolution from when he started AH to now is always something that warms my heart. From the angry Jersey boy that was fine with being single and playing his video games to a mild mannered, dotting, father of two. People always complain that they miss Rage Quit, but I enjoy this Michael more. He’s somehow become more mature and at the same time, way more feral (Lindsay’s influence I guess).
33. Opinion on Jeremy?
I love Jeremy with the deepest parts of my heart. Seeing him in videos always brings a smile to my face. He’s super talented and a god damn renaissance man (artist, lyricist, writer, composer, musician). I have no clue how he gets all this done between work and streaming, but he makes it work (by not sleeping much if his twitter is any indication). I want to be a man like him (or have a man like him in my life).
34. Opinion on Lindsay?
The most consistently funny person in the whole office. I will not argue this point, it is a fact. She’s a sweetheart, but doesn’t pull her punches with the boys. Also her uncontained chaos she can bring is wonderful. You can never know what you will get. 
35. Opinion on Matt?
A wonderful, positive boy that gets more shit than he deserves. Protect him from the myattballs
36. Opinion on Trevor?
Conflicted and that’s all I’m going to say 37. Opinion on Alfredo?
A goddamn breath of fresh air. Someone that’s good at video games in a Let’s Play channel (revolutionary right?!). Watching him pick off the cast one by one in TTT or him struggling to do basic tasks in Minecraft is always fun to watch. Also, just having someone on color on the staff is just nice, especially for the while before Fiona came on.
38. Opinion on Fiona?
Baby, but she will cut you. She’s really found a place in the staff and really brought something new to the videos. She perpetually makes me feel old whenever she references a new trend, even though she’s a month older than me!
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thereviewsarein · 5 years
With life in a very surreal state right now as the world deals with COVID-19 and we all do our best to stay safe, healthy, and protect the people around us, musicians have been stepping up in a big way online to entertain and distract us from some of the darker things in our lives. It’s not ideal. It’s not perfect. It’s not how we hoped or planned the spring would go, but it’s real – and Dan Davidson and the Diesel Bird Digital Music Festival are preparing for a big weekend of music on Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29 that Canadian county fans (and more) can look forward to.
Originally slated as a one-day event, Diesel Bird has grown into a two-day show with about 40 acts set to perform, interviews scheduled, and if we had to make a guess, we’d say there will be a surprise or two as well.
Diesel Bird Digital Music Festival will be available exclusively (as of now) on Instagram Live (@DieselBirdFest), with country, pop, and rock, all on the lineup. Frankly, it’s inspiring to see the list of talent that has come together on this. Artists from all over Canada are in. Emerging artists and big, award-winning stars are together on the lineup. Big Sugar, Josh Ramsey (Mariana’s Trench), Tyler Shaw, Ferraro, Wide Mouth Mason, and Adam Gontier (Saint Asonia) are all coming to a country music party to play, and that’s very cool. The whole thing is very neat.
When the first announcement and list of artists was announced last week, we sent Dan Davidson an email asking him about the plans and how it all came together. He gave us some great insight. Check it out.
“With all of my fellow musicians cancelling tours and gigs it became pretty obvious that it could get scary. We all make 75% of our money in the summer at festivals – if those go away, it’s going to make for a really tough situation. In our industry its not just the artists that are getting hit… if we aren’t touring, our tour managers, sound guys, crews, video people etc are ALL not getting paid – and there aren’t a lot of safety fall backs for us.
I know a lot of us have been doing living room concerts and live streaming but I figured why don’t we do something bigger, let’s all get together show some unity as country music family and bring our fans something really special. We found some sponsors to help us advertise properly, and set up a way for our fans to donate to Unison (to help artists in need) and to Red Cross (to assist with prevention and treatment efforts). Its really cool… no one is profiting from this – its just a cool way for us to show love for our fans, provide some assistance towards some great causes, and give everyone a little a little mental break from this crazy time.
We have been getting such a huge reception from all this, every day I’m getting more large acts approaching me. We are just about to announce a second wave of artists. We may even have to look at a second day! I’m so excited for this – I’m feeling very lucky to be a part of the country music family we have in Canada.”
Note: To learn more about and donate to the Unison Benevolent Fund CLICK HERE and to learn more about and donate to the Canadian Red Cross CLICK HERE.
The action starts at 2 PM eastern time on Saturday and Sunday. We don’t know how many songs each artist will play. We don’t know how the whole thing is going to work. But we know that the commitment of these artists, the organizations that they are supporting, and the entertainment value that’s going to be packed into these two days of music is going to be great.
Check out the full lineup for each day and enjoy the Diesel Bird Digital Music Festival!
Diesel Bird Digital Music Festival Lineup
Saturday, March 28, 2020
★ Tebey ★ Parmalee ★ Terri Clark ★ Tenille Townes ★ Jason McCoy (The Road Hammers) ★ Aaron Pritchett ★ Aaron Goodvin ★ The Washboard Union ★ Jojo Mason ★ Jade Eagleson ★ Jason Blaine ★ Andrew Hyatt ★ Shawn Austin ★ Bobby Wills ★ Eric Ethridge ★ Matt Lang ★ Tyler Joe Miller ★ Nice Horse ★ The Dungarees ★ Jaywalker
★ An interview with Dallas Smith ★ A special appearance by On The Bench
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Sunday, March 29, 2020
★ Josh Ramsay (Mariana’s Trench) ★ James Barker Band ★ Adam Gontier (Saint Asonia) ★ Shawn Hook ★ Corb Lund ★ The Reklaws ★ Lindsay Ell ★ Carolyn Dawn Johnson ★ Big Sugar ★ Meghan Patrick ★ Madeline Merlo ★ Tyler Shaw ★ Wide Mouth Mason ★ Clayton Bellamy (The Road Hammers) ★ JJ Shiplett ★ Kristin Carter ★ River Town Saints ★ Ferraro ★ The Prairie States
★ Plus interviews with Jess Moskaluke and Black Mountain Whiskey Rebellion
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Diesel Bird Digital Music Festival Two Day Lineup! With life in a very surreal state right now as the world deals with COVID-19 and we all do our best to stay safe, healthy, and protect the people around us, musicians have been stepping up in a big way online to entertain and distract us from some of the darker things in our lives.
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