#linden x elise
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hearts-of-romance · 11 months ago
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Anime Couples + Ballroom Dancing
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edensania · 1 year ago
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Doctor Elise ~ Ep 2
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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Anime Romances + First Date
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prplocks · 1 year ago
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✧❁ wallpaper 〴 linden x elise ˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗
reblog if you save ➳
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anitrendz · 1 year ago
Best Anime Couples-Ships Winter 2024 Week 4
Vote For Couples/Ships of the Week!
Linden and Elise breaks into top 4 with a magnificent +5 jump. Arnold and Rishe creeps closer to number 1, taking over 2nd. Meanwhile, Rin x Shiemi and Patrick x Yumiella enter Top 10.
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sweetchcolate · 1 year ago
I know both series have already started, but between Doctor Elise or 7th Time Loop which one do you like the most and also have you read their manhwa and light novels respectively?
Ooo tough question tough question!
Mind you, I read 7th Time Loop (the LN) around late summer 2023 or not too long after the anime was announced, while I read Surgeon Elise (the webtoon adaptation) about 2-3 weeks ago, so the latter is fresher in mind. Keep in mind that a lot of what I will say is also subjective and up to personal taste.
tldr: I prefer 7th Time Loop best. If I had to sum things up simply, I started reading Surgeon Elise for Elise and stayed for Elise (and Linden to an extent), whereas I started readin 7th Time Loop for Rishe and stayed for Rishe, Arnold, Theodore, Rishe's previous lives, the intrigue and the world building.
More under the cut for details:
Imo I prefer 7th Time Loop because it does a great job of balancing and progressing its plot, its world building and its interpersonal relationships.
Rishe is a wonderfully competent, sharp, and kind female lead. It's always a surprise to see how Rishe'll react to meeting familiar faces, and her dealing with people she knows from previous lives (yet who aren't quite the same as she remembers) and it makes you excited to see what's next. Trying to gauge how much of herself and her knowledge to reveal and how much to keep under wraps is also part of the mystery and the charm.
But the characters who surround her (Arnold, his brother, the people from her previous lives) are just as interesting and important in the story. They all shape the world Rishe lives in through their actions/words, and their existence has repercussions on the story.
On the other hand, the most developed characters in Surgeon Elise are Elise herself and Linden (which makes sense, they're the main couple, so of course both parties will get developed). The other characters kinda take a back seat or only serve a purpose for early plot points before kinda... being forgotten? For example, in early Surgeon Elise when she's doing volunteering at the hospital, Graham is lauded as a medical genius and prodigy and is meant to serve as a way to measure/showcase Elise's prowesses. He supports her early on, but is quickly pushed to the side once Elise progresses past his skills (he does show up again during the war arc, but his role is much more minor to the point you could write him out without missing much).
(In other words, if you gave me a bonus chapter focused on Graham or other side characters in Surgeon Elise, I guess I would read it, but if you gave me a bonus chapter focused on Theodore, Michel, Kaine, etc, I would devour it asap).
Another element which 7th Time Loop does incredibly well is the world building: it plays a very important part in everyone's lives instead of just being relegated to the background. Political, religious, geographical and economical considerations all come into play because they give rise to the obstacles Rishe and Arnold must face while also shaping the solutions they come up with (this makes more sense if you've read V3 or V4 of the LN). However, it's all introduced gradually and always tied with new characters (so let's say if chara X from country Y shows up in the story, Rishe will give a brief description of that country and its ties/importance to Galkhein), so it doesn't feel like a lore dump.
You couldn't just swap country X for country Y, because each country is unique in its geographical location, its environment, its natural resources, and its relations to Galkhein and other neighboring nations.
To be fair to Surgeon Elise, the focus of the story is on Elise herself and the advancements she brings to medicine, so there's not quite as much place or importance for her country's internal or external policies compared to 7th Time Loop. It's a much more self-contained and character-driven story, so the span of the world buiding is also more concise and focused on the roles/classes of the immediate people around Elise (for example, her brother getting circumscribed in the war because he's a noble in order to bolster the army's manpower)
(In other words, take out the lore in Elise and you wouldn't miss much, but take out the lore in 7th Time Loop and there would be a lot of holes/missing pieces).
It's important to note that I've compared 7th Time Loop the LN to Surgeon Elise the webcomic. It's very possible that some of the things I found lacking in Surgeon Elise is because of its medium (I suppose a webcomic has less time and space to go into details into characters's personal motivation, backstories, world building, etc than a light novel), but the story was still cute and entertaining enough :P
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starseungs · 8 months ago
And Skz x Your Mutuals with Your favorite fictional couples?
have you been enjoying my answers so far anon? 🫡 here to provide you with another one !! this time its going to be manhwa/webtoon couples ><
keisy ( @starlostseungmin ) & seungmin — fiona & siegren from: i became the wife of the male lead
sue ( @soobnny ) & jeongin — yunifer & ishid from: villainess in love
mana ( @hanjsquokka ) & jisung — mercedia & demetriu from: revenge wedding
teri ( @starlostastronaut ) & hyunjin — sei & jaeha from: our secret alliance
chae ( @wnbnny ) & felix — yura & seunghyeon from: daytime star
ola ( @l3visbby ) & changbin — dillion & cedric from: for better or for worse
hannah ( @minluvly ) & seungmin — elise & linden from: doctor elise the royal lady with the lamp
lino ( @linoxii ) & minho — ruby & izek from: how to get my husband on my side
via ( @hwangism143 ) & hyunjin — adelaide & killian from: here comes the silver spoon!
seo ( @ss3oung ) & chan — heewon & doojoon from: positively yours
no explanation again cause my braincells have been exhausted trying to remember these couples 😭👍 just look them up besties, maybe you'll even find one you'd like to read !!
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Linden, obviously sulking: Can you do the thing?
Elise: What thing?
Linden: You know... the thing you do when I'm sad.
Elise: [Smiles adorably]
Linden, whispering: I love you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
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2dboysrsuperiors · 5 years ago
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Linden's little kisses 😍
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suckerformanhwa · 5 years ago
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nllxna · 5 years ago
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doctor elise
elise is falling more and more in love with linden, but the fact that she doesn’t know that it’s HIM has me FRUSTRATED
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reshiram2507 · 5 years ago
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♡ Dr Elise ~ Lady with the lamp
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natsudace · 5 years ago
Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp || Elise x Linden 「Rewrite The Stars」
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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True Anime Love - Watching Beloveds Sleeping in the Night
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sceptilemasterr · 4 years ago
Defenders of the Flame (TE Rewrite) Act 3, Scene 4 - The Approaching Storm
Title: Defenders of the Flame (A CIU Screenplay)
Main Pairings: Shreya x F!MC, Beckett x F!Atlas
Other Pairings: N/A
Genre: Full Rewrite (The Elementalists, Book 1)
Rating: PG-13 for violence, blood, swearing, alcohol, and sexuality
Summary: The heads of the Stoicheal Orders meet to discuss recent events.
Previous Scene: "That Distance Between Us"
Masterlist: Link
That night, several Penderghast professors sit around a large central table. They are surrounded by walls of brick, on which are flickering torches alternating with six elaborate stained-glass windows, each depicting a different Attunement’s motif. The only visible entrance to the room lies above them, where a round, recessed opening sits covered only by a shimmering stoicheal barrier. The seat in front of the Fire-themed window is empty, while the other five are all occupied.
DR. ENGLUND: Well then. Shall we begin?
A chorus of assents follows his statement. The others in the room turn their attention to the empty chair at the table. Dr. Religast shakes her head as she looks around at the others.
DR. RELIGAST: I see Evelyn is still absent. Has anyone heard from her recently?
Dr. Kontos sighs and shakes his head.
DR. KONTOS: Nothing. I... I fear the worst.
DR. RALLAH: I have tried tuning my most powerful pangasols to her signature, but they have all shown no response.
DR. ENGLUND: So she is either in the Archikeal Realm, or--
DR. RALLAH (irritated): Taerl, do you really think I haven’t tried that? I’ve traveled into the Archikeal Realm with the pangasols. Still nothing. Meaning--
DR. RELIGAST: She could be in the Between. That’s the only possibility left, other than...
Dr. Religast sighs, leaving the obvious alternative hanging unspoken. From his seat in front of the Water window, Dr. Vartokis clears his throat.
DR. VARTOKIS: Speaking of the Between, I believe we have a certain recent phenomenon to discuss, no? As of Induction Day, that makes two of these unusual “breaches” within the past year. Has anyone made any headway?
DR. ENGLUND: They appear to be isolated incidents. Some sort of unusual stoicheal pulse echoing throughout the Between, causing a temporary thinning of the barrier. From what I’ve managed to gather... these “pulses” both originated in the Archikeal Realm. And from the same location, besides.
DR. RALLAH: The same location? That cannot be a coincidence.
DR. RELIGAST: I agree. Do we know where?
Dr. Englund shakes his head.
DR. ENGLUND: Not yet.
DR. KONTOS: Which brings us to the matter of who might have interest in thinning the barrier. A certain someone who has been trapped inside. Has there been any activity from Highmore's cultists lately? Anything that might suggest he has escaped?
DR. RELIGAST: That’s the strangest part, Linden. As far as I can tell... there’s been absolutely nothing. So either he missed the opportunity to escape--
DR. ENGLUND: Doubtful.
DR. RELIGAST: --or he’s planning something big. Something that would need him to lie low until it’s ready.
DR. KONTOS: Do we know for certain that these “breaches” would allow an Attuned to escape? It may be that the barrier wasn’t weakened enough for--
Dr. Vartokis shakes his head.
DR. VARTOKIS: Someone escaped the Between during the second breach. I wasn’t certain before, but... from what I can tell, there is an incredibly powerful Water-Att on Penderghast’s campus at this very moment.
The others all turn to stare at him.
DR. RALLAH: You’re certain of this.
DR. VARTOKIS: Positive. Every once in a while, I get a feel for it. It’s a powerful Water-Att signature, no doubt about it.
DR. RELIGAST: If they’re a Water-Att, then it can’t be Highmore. And you’re sure whoever-it-is came from the Between?
DR. VARTOKIS: No other explanation. All transit in and out of Pennelia’s stoicheal bubble has been closely monitored. If a Water-Att this powerful had been spotted entering, I would’ve been told right away, no?
DR. RALLAH: You have a point. But still...
DR. VARTOKIS: I'll continue my investigation. It’s possible whoever-this-is was one of Highmore's followers. I know there were a few trapped inside along with him. I’ll get to the bottom of this.
DR. RALLAH: Good. Let us know as soon as you find anything. As for Dr. Swan’s continued absence... Maya?
DR. RALLAH: Yes, you. I want you to scour Pennelia’s bubble top to bottom. If Dr. Swan has been trapped in the Between, she likely found a way to leave us some sign to follow. Knowing her, it may even be something one can only identify from the air. Thus making you the perfect person for the job.
DR. RELIGAST (nods): I’ll do my best. Hopefully you’re right!
DR. ENGLUND: I will bring our concerns to Elise. It’s possible that, as dean, she has access to additional resources that may help us in these matters.
DR. RALLAH: Excellent suggestion. Which leaves you, Linden. You likely already know your assignment.
DR. KONTOS: Naturally. I will contact the other chapters of Gaia’s Sentinels. Together, we will intensify our search for any unusually powerful bursts of Wood or Life Stoichi throughout the Stoicheal Realms. If Highmore has indeed escaped, it is my duty to stop him. And that I shall do.
DR. RALLAH: Very good. And I will monitor all sources of reflection in the Pennelia bubble; if another breach occurs, I will be ready to take advantage of it to find Evelyn and retrieve her from the Between.
DR. ENGLUND: Then it seems our meeting has adjourned.
DR. RELIGAST: Let’s hope next time, Evelyn will be here with us.
As the professors get up from their chairs, they stop to glance forlornly at the empty Fire chair. One by one, each uses their particular brand of stoicheal technique to pass through the exit in the ceiling. Finally, Dr. Kontos is the last one to leave. He hesitates.
DR. KONTOS (muttering): Something isn’t right. But what...
He sighs and shakes his head. Then, with a flick of a wrist, he summons vines that grow down from the ceiling and wrap around his waist, lifting him gently up toward the exit after the others.
Notes: Now for something completely different... an entire scene without Fiora?! Weird. I'd wanted to have a few more of these "meanwhile with the professors" scenes for a while, but decided to wait until Dr. Vartokis got introduced formally. And it also made for a nice excuse to reveal some of the professors' first names!
Worldbuilding: Dr. Rallah mentioned a "pangasol." This is a device that, when activated by a powerful Metal-Att, performs a super-advanced version of the Locator spell from canon. Like the canon spell, the device requires an object belonging to the person/thing being searched for in order to work properly.
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DotF/Elementalists Tag List:
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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The New Main Anime Couples/Characters of 2024
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