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rpgxyz · 1 year ago
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Atomos destroys Lindblum
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janetkwallace · 10 months ago
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Lindblum's Theather District as it appears in the official Remaster and a PS1 (unfiltered, CRT-Geom and CRT-Lottes)
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green-ray-blog1 · 1 year ago
FF9 Second time in Lindblum
I'm replaying FF9 for the third time after many years, with a friend. During CD2, we get to Lindblum again. I really liked that passage, the NPCs you can talk to are full of personality. Lots of places get blown up in FF9, really, but Lindblum is probably the one you see the most of. The city has just suffered a devastating attack, bombarded from the sea, raided by black mage commandos and finally half destroyed by Atomos. Dagger and Zidane arrive as Brahne's army has just rolled into town and the dust is settling.
NPCs exhibit all types of reactions like horror, grief, fear, petty revenge, confusion, determination... Lindblum has surrendered, but the game shows complex power dynamics, with the Alexandrian soldiers bossing the Linblum soldiers around, who grumble when their backs are turned, engage in sabotage attempts, or even organise small pockets of resistance. The Alexandrian soldiers are settling in as an occupying force. Some walking in with their big boots, warning the civilians not to cause trouble, some are doubtful or even horrified by what was done to the city. One is excited to see a famous actor (who's mourning the destruction of the theatre) and chases him for an autograph, while another is taking time to admire a painting in an artist's studio, while the artist looks warily (it's the first NPC in the game to praise the artit's work).
In general, there's this impression that nobody's really in control. The lindblum forces and government are beaten but are still trying to do their job, the civilian's are scrambling to gather themselves, and even the Alexandrians, while the dominant forces, only have a tenuous grasp on the two previous groups.
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magicmalcolm · 2 years ago
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Can't imagine why your business failed with Alexandrians like Captain Adelbert Steiner being around, my dude.
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buppypark · 7 months ago
LIVE! Final Fantasy 9 continues we make it back to Lindblum and shit is going down
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sezja · 3 months ago
...Alexandrian Agna/Nitowikwe shard who's the only surviving member of her version of the rail quartet.
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talesoftheraysen · 7 months ago
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thelindblumtrio · 3 months ago
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In the latter hours, a soothing blend of orange blossom tea is prepared with care and offered to any who may be present within the residence of the Lindblum trio. 🧡
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tales-of-asteria-rips · 2 years ago
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rpgxyz · 1 year ago
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h34vybottom · 4 months ago
Agarte Lindblum
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rinnysmuses · 5 months ago
Everytime the ff9 music comes on the dt ost I get so
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xerith-42 · 6 months ago
I hate leit motifs they're so fucking annoying. Oh you tied my emotions to this one collection of notes from this one moment in your 90 hour game, but because of that one moment whenever those collection of notes shows up anywhere else in your soundtrack I feel that emotional response and then want to cry because of how emotional this stupid collection of notes makes me.
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sakuraswordly · 2 years ago
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styrmwb · 9 months ago
References to Previous Final Fantasies in Dawntrail
Or, how 9 + 11 + 6 = 14, somehow. (SPOILERS, OBVIOUSLY)
I've played every mainline FF, plus a few others, so one of my favorite things about playing XIV is seeing what they do with previous FFs, and how they incorporate it into the world/story. Dawntrail very very much did this, to the point that I could literally predict plot points before they happened. (THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT I LOVED THIS)
So I figured I would put down my fanboying in text form, for people to read the insanity of a madman who has played too many JRPGs from a single series.
Note: I have not completed every single side quest, but I have done the entire MSQ, every dungeon, and 3/5 of the role quests. This isn't a complete collection, just what I noticed :)
Krile's "real name" is Maya. The original Krile in FFV was Krile Meyer Baldesion. (XIV might also have the middle name but I don't remember! I'm gonna put it here regardless!)
Valigarmanda is the first Esper you encounter in VI, right at the start of the game. Its summon attack is Tri-Disaster. I really liked how they kept it frozen in ice, just like the original, and because Tri-Disaster is a SMN ability, they changed it to Tulidisaster to fit the Tural location.
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Pictomancer was first in VI as well, being Relm's job. She even got to be in XIV as well, being credited as the Archon who created the art (HA). Shoutouts to the Relm reborn joke it needed to happen
One of the two most important games in this expansion. There is A Lot here.
The preorder bonus/deluxe edition had a Wind-Up Zidane and Garnet, the two main protagonists of FFIX.
Alexandria is lifted directly from IX. The name, the style of the buildings, and even the castle with the crystal popping out of the top, shown in the dungeon and in Yesterland in Living Memory.
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(This is the Dissidia NT version, but I wanted a picture that showed the castle and the roof architecture)
Solution Nine is named after one of Zidane's Dyne abilities. While not direct, Living Memory, the final zone, is very reminiscent of Memoria, the final dungeon of IX. I wonder if you can get a special sword by completing the entire MSQ in under 2 hours?
Living Memory also features quite a few locations from IX. The Canal Town looks very similar to Treno, and features a location called the Daguerreo Medical Collection, named after the city as well. Underneath Proto Alexandria in Yesterland, where the data terminal lies, looks very similar to the part of Alexandria Castle where Steiner can grind to level 99 (I don't know how else to describe it if you know you know). In the Windspath Gardens lies the Cleyra Museum of Nature, also named after the IX city.
Some quest text in Living Memory tells you about other locations in the Unlost World. Lindblum, the city that holds hunts and is very technologically advanced; Conde Petie, where the Dwarves are from (mentioned by a Milalla who said he was from there), and the Iifa Tree. There might even be more here, that I either missed or haven't done yet.
Another quest has you go on a treasure hunt for a password. This password? "I Want to Be Your Canary", the play from FFIX.
Solution Nine has a couple buildings with monsters from IX as signs. One building features a Mu (Which is also mentioned in Living Memory), and another building features Yans, both friendly and not friendly.
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Another monster that I noticed a reference to was the Gimme Cat, which is featured on the popcorn in Living Memory. It's also mentioned as an energy drink, but called a "Gimme Bat" instead? I guess it does have bat wings.
While XIV doesn't have any direct plot important characters from IX, the ones we do have are very reminiscent of its cast, and clearly are done like that on purpose.
Otis is Steiner (with maybe a little tiny bit of Beatrix depending on how you look at it). Captain of the Knights of Alexandria, he speaks in an older fashion, similar to Steiner, and is very loyal to his princess.
Sphene is an interesting mix. The most obvious one is Garnet, both being Queens of Alexandria, being named after stones, and loving their people. The other one, which might be argued isn't intended, is Garland.
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(No, not those guys. The other one.)
Garland in IX is an artificial being whose purpose is to continue his world's life. To do this, he would try to fuse Terra (his planet), with Gaia (the main planet), and control Gaian souls for Terra instead. What did Sphene do? Try to fuse her reflection with the Source, to use their souls for her own people. I personally think this is a very clear similarity.
In general, because of this similarity, the latter half of Dawntrail shares very similar themes with IX's plots, dealing with death and souls. I also think it's pretty funny that both start out pretty happy and cartoony, and end fairly depressing and existential.
Another plot point used in the MSQ is the play sequence. While IX's is based off love, and XIV's is the history of Alexandria, both feature a sword fight scene. (99 out of 100 nobles approve).
Finally, several songs from IX are used in Dawntrail. In the above mentioned play, Swords of Fury plays, just like the original. And a few scenes later, Vamo'alla Flamenco (previously used for the DNC quests) plays, though it should have been during the sword fight!! Prima Vista Orchestra and Fleeting Life are used in several scenes, usually involving Sphene. Something to Protect also appears, but in a scene I can't recall. Finally, the Court Jesters' theme gets a remix as the main song in the Strayborough Deadwalk.
There is a singular joke in Heritage Found made about dodging lightning bolts right before the flash so they don't hit you. The person who wrote this line wanted to induce PTSD in as many people as they could with only a single line of dialogue.
The other most important game in the expansion. In a way, Dawntrail FEELS like it could have been an XI expansion in another lifetime. I might be looking too much into it, but I feel as though this was foreshadowed back in the first patch of Endwalker, as Dawntrail takes A LOT from the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion.
In Endwalker, the Alzadaal's Legacy dungeon was based off of the Alzadaal Underwater Ruins in Aht Urhgan. The dungeon used many models from XI, such as the Rampart, the Xzomit (hell yes!), and the Acrolith. The dungeon had a visual similarity, as well as the areas in the dungeon being named after zones in Aht Urhgan (Bhaflau Thickets, Arrapago Reef, and Mount Zhayolm). I know this is Endwalker and not Dawntrail but trust me it's important for the foreshadowing.
Gulool Ja Ja was a boss in the Besieged mode of ToAU, leading the Mamool Ja Savages to assault Al Zahbi. Both incarnations of this character are VERY different from each other.
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Similarly, Gurfurlur was also a boss in Besieged, leading the Troll Mercenaries. It's very funny to me that both of these warmongers became such nice people in Tural.
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The Yok Huy as a whole are actually Trolls from XI. The different name I assume coming from the fact that Trolls are already an enemy in XIV, in Labyrinthos.
While this isn't direct, and is probably unintentional, the fact that the final boss in Vanguard was a naga/lamia like entity only makes me wonder if it was somehow a callback to Medusa and the Undead Swarm, the last remaining Besieged invaders.
Zoraal Ja is a Notorious Monster in the areas around Aht Urhgan.
To continue on with Mamool Ja facts, Mamook is an area in ToAU. They don't look very similar, but they do both share the title of Autarch as their ruler. Mamool Ja in general come from XI, so it's no surprise that in the expansion that well, expands on them, it uses XI for inspiration.
This next one might be a little insane. The general plot of Treasures of Aht Urhgan, is that after killing Promathia, a god that wishes to end all life, the Adventurer goes to a completely different area to have a relatively calmer adventure. Here, they meet a female member of royalty named Aphmau. Her brother, Razfahd, unable to rule over the country, has a conquering nature, and uses an Automaton body to control Alexander for his goals. This... can't be a coincidence, right?? We kill the Endsinger, who wanted to end all life, go to a completely different area to have a relatively calmer adventure with our female member of royalty, Wuk Lamat, and we fight against Zoraal Ja, her war hungry brother that is unable to rule, so he uses the power of Alexandria (a mech suit) for his goals. You... you see what I'm cooking here right??? RIGHT!?!?!
To piggyback off of this, Wuk Lamat very much fits the role of the XI heroine. A girl who is very clearly the main character of the story, and hangs around you more than anyone else.
Edit: one last thing that I forgot to put down before posting, one of the hunts uses the Magic Pot model from XI. We love Magic Pot.
I THINK that should be everything I found? I know for a fact we're going to get more since the Alliance Raids are based of off XI (I'm so excited)
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A couple enemy models were used from XIII.
The Silver Lobos in Urqopacha use the XIII model. I'm fairly sure they've never been used in XIV yet, but I could be wrong.
Similarly, the Strayborough Deadwalk uses the Gremlin/Ahriman enemies. I do not think they've been used before this, feel free to yell at me if I'm wrong :)
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While not like, direct, the concept of erasing the memories of anyone who has died (especially seen as a blessing) was a major plot point of Type-0's world.
I think that's everything? My memory isn't the greatest, so I'm sure there's something I noticed that I missed, and again; I haven't done everything, so there might be even more out there that I've yet to find!
Please, feel free to comment anything else that you may have noticed, and hopefully you enjoyed reading :)
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talesoftheraysen · 9 months ago
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An assortment of Rebirth (and Johnny) characters bios, translated by CamelieMimika and proofread by Seine.
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