#linda feher
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 month ago
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept his “law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant, etc.” It was enslavement.
RE: “No, the Moons did not steal anything. Things were given to them freely by members.”
Oh yes the Moons did. They set up a cult where members were terrorized into giving up their God given and national human rights. They were told that they would lose their soul and be damned to hell, tortured by Satan and unable to ever stand before God if they did not follow Moon. Following Moon meant following his teaching of Cain/Abel and indemnity.
All leaders were Abels, all members were Cain. Through the practice of indemnity, meted out by leaders, members lived in a constant state of what Moon called ‘the Servant of Servants position’. A servant of servants is so low as to have zero rights because it is a position lower then a slave. This was the ‘formula course’ set up by Moon to give members a way to indemnify the fall of man and “return to God, all people, material wealth and all things.” No one could return to God without going this formula course.
Based on that theology all members had to do what they were told to do by their Abel leader (who got his or her directions directly from Moon himself) or face a life of eternal suffering in hell with no hope of ever being called a child of God.
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept this law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant position absolutely.
I see NO freedom in that total mind fuck theology.
Moon’s speeches are full of examples of him saying that if we even took one penny for personal use from monies we gained through fund raising we would sufferer eternal damnation. And also that we had no rights to money earned in business because we had to bring it all back to God (meaning himself) so it could be taken from the Satanic world and be restored back to God (again, meaning Moon himself). He even went so far as to tell us that we should feel ashamed to even eat because it took money away from ‘God’s providence’. And so we were fed very little.
I worked, without pay, at Dilly Deli Delicatessen, a sandwich shop owned by Bo Hi Pak in a Maryland Mall “without pay of any kind” because I was told it was my mission. A mission is something a servant of servant is duty bound to do without pay and without complaint. I worked without pay of any kind for Original World Products in NY, Golden Gate Seafood in California, Christian Bernard’s in NYC, and WFWP in Boston. And that doesn’t even touch on all the fundraising I was forced to do over the years as my duty to Moon. I say forced fund raising because even when I cried and begged not to have to do it I was told I had no choice. It was excruciating for me to fund raise. At the time all I knew was that I was in constant pain – but not why I was in so much pain. But now I know, I had Multiple Sclerosis. I cried almost every day while fundraising because I FUCKING HURT!
No one knew I had MS back then. But no one had an ounce of mercy when I begged not to have to fund raise either. I was labeled “Cain”, which translated into being on “Satan’s side” and therefore a trouble maker. I was told that I was not in pain at all – but that Satan and evil spirits were invading me to stop me from doing my mission.
So you are sadly mistaken when you say no one was forced to give money to the Moons.  
This is not just my story, but the story of countless members. We all had to go the formula course of servant of servant and follow the Cain/Abel formula in order to have even a meager chance of a relationship with God and to “separate from Satan.”
That, my friend, is mind control. That, my friend, is enslavement. That, my friend, is giving – but NOT giving freely.
Linda Feher
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
The Four Fallen Natures of the Divine Principle are used as a means of controlling members.
Charismatic Authority (authority is not the same as power)
The Frightening Power of Obedience to Authority
The concept of original sin seems to have been developed about 200 years after Jesus by Irenaeus and later by St Augustine.
Giving or Stealing
Sorry to hear about your problem with MS, Linda.  One of my unpleasant church experiences was when I injured my leg.  I suspect it was fractured, or a very bad sprain. I was expected to carry on as normal until I just flat out said no.
As far as blind obedience, it probably depends on the member’s personality.  I know some members who were so guilt ridden that they would obsessively do what their central figure told them to do, and then wonder why their life did not get better.
I guess I had some common sense, and I guess that is why I could not stay in the church.  I always thought of myself as a volunteer.  Was I the only one who thought that way?
One moment I will always remember was when I refused a position my central figure offered to me.  Do you know Sung Sang Lee?  The little Napoleon?  I simply told him I could not accept the position because I could not unite with him.  He gave me a hard look, and never mentioned it again.
May be why I never became a big shot leader.
Pat Kilgore
Pat Kilgore… loved your response! Love your spunk!
You had some sense of reality that I lacked. Most people in my center and who I worked with over the years were like me. I didn’t meet anyone like you till I married my husband. He was a real rebel! He helped me grow a backbone to replace my wishbone.
One of my prouder moments as a new member was when I lived in the Baltimore center with Mike Jenkins as my Abel figure. He was a real control freak, made all the more insufferable by his position as God/Abel.
One day I had gotten out of the fund raising van and gone back into the center because of an urgent female issue.
When he saw me come back in he lit into me, demanding to know why I had come back in. He was yelling at me and backed me up to the sofa as he did so. I flopped down, feeling quite cornered.
He called me names and yelled about how Cain I was being. At some point he raised his hand to hit me. (OK, this is where my pride kicks in, and I can laugh at the memory of it all)
As soon as his hand went into the air, I crossed my legs, aimed my foot at his crotch, and looked from my aimed foot, to his crotch, to his face and back again.
If he had hit me I would have nailed him in his balls and he knew it. Maybe I really was Cain! heeheehee
He looked so freaken shocked! He lowered his hand and finally asked me why I had come back in. I told him I had my period and needed to take care of it.
He looked defeated and let me go.
God it was great to have stood up to him like that.
There was another member who was so afraid of Jenkins that he used to tell me he felt like Jenkins was “stalking him”. Jenkins would constantly demand to know what we were thinking, so he could judge whether of not we were “centered” or invaded by evil spirits. This particular brother was a kind soul and could not cope with that level of confrontation/control/harassment/threat.  So he called the Korean leader above Jenkins to report what he felt was extremely threatening behavior. Nothing came of it. Jenkins, if anything, became more threatening and controlling when he got the report.
Thanks for your response
warm regards
Linda Feher
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whatisonthemoon · 3 years ago
The Restoration through Cain and Abel in Rev. Moon's Own Family
Originally written by Linda Feher in 2012
The Moon Family Breakdown according to the Divine Principle (DP)
Why is there disunity among the True Children? Does SMM have the qualifications to change our blood lineage? This is a DP perspective on why the True Family is divided and at war with itself and answers the question of whether or not True Father can change our blood lineage.
My theory is based on True Father’s life and his own teachings, the Divine Principle. I’ll start with the genealogy of his personal family. Public facts known about True Father 1.) He was matched by his parents in November 1943, to Sun Kil Choi. Their son, Sung Jin Moon, was born in 1946. They divorced in 1953. 2.) True Father was still legally married to Choi, but in the process of obtaining a divorce, when he began a sexual relationship with his first mistress Myung Hee Kim. She gave birth to his second son named, Hee Jin Moon (killed in a train accident). Here Dan Fefferman talks about what he was told by the Koreans concerning Myung Hee and Hee Jin (http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks/Feffermn/Fefferman-HeeJin.htm). 3.) When SMM was 40, he married a 17 (actually 16 according to the Western calendar) year old virgin, Hak Ja Han, They had 12 children. While he was married to her and she was having those 12 children, he cheated on her. 4.) The women he committed adultery with is Ms. Choi (Annie Choi), who gave birth to True Father’s son, who was legally adopted by the Pak family. His name is Sammy. I could not find any information on his birth date, but he must be around In Jin’s age, because Nan Sook (Hyo Jin’s Moon’s ex-wife) mentioned him in her book, “In The Shadow of the Moons,” where she wrote that In Jin (Tatiana) Moon wanted to date Sammy before she found out he was her half brother. (Bob Abendroth, who lives in Bowie Maryland gave me his personal testimony of Ms. Choi confessing to him that Sun Myung Moon was the birth father of Bo Hi Pak’s adopted son Sammy and that she was the birth mother of Sammy. Bob and his wife were renting the Pak’s basement apartment when Bob had a dream where is saw Ms Choi’s face and Rev. Moons face merge into Sammy Pak’s face. Bob told Annie Choi about his dream and she said to him, “You are right, True Father is Sammy’s father and I am his mother. Bob and his wife Diane, told me this story when I was living near them in Bowie, MD) Things we know about True Fathers children: Hee Jin (son of first mistress, Myung Hee) died while he was still a teenager. He died in a train crash. Hee Jin was True Fathers first “second”, or Abel son. Sung Jin was the first son, Hee Jin was the second son. After True Father married Hak Ja Han, he had another set of Cain/Abel sons. Hyo Jin (Steve) Nim was the first son (Cain) born to Hak Ja Han. Heung Jin Nim was their second or Abel son. This second Abel son, Heung Jin, also died while still a teenager, in a car crash. According to the Divine Principle, a man can only have one 1st and one 2nd son. Those two sons represent Cain and Abel. True Father had two sets of first and second sons or two sets of Cain and Abel sons. What did God do to both his second or Abel sons? Both Hee Jin and Heung Jin Nim, in Abel sons position, were taken by God while still they were still teenagers. They both died in crashes. According to the Divine Principle, God’s Will is accomplished through the unity of Cain and Abel. Why would God, who has power over life and death, take the two Abel sons of True Father while they were still immature teenagers? No Cain killed these two Able sons of Rev Moon. God himself, took them. According to church tradition, we are told God took them because we “the members” failed our missions. If that were the case, that would mean God was setting up the Cain/Abel struggle to indemnify the failure of the arch angel “members.” But according to the Divine Principle, the Cain/Abel struggle is used to indemnify the “Father’s failure.” In the case of Adam, he was responsible and failed to keep his sexual purity through God’s Commandment not to Fall. Why would God, who has power over life and death, take True Father’s Abel sons while they were still immature, not yet fully men? Not once, but twice? According to his own teachings, it would have to be because, he, Sun Myung Moon, failed to keep his own sexual purity by falling, not once, but twice. First with Myung Hee and then with Ms Choi. It’s extremely important to understand how Rev Moon failed to become a messiah? He divorced the woman he was matched to. He lived outside the morals of his own doctrine, with his lover Myung Hee, whom he never married. By doing so, he set her up to be an outcast in her own country, where sex outside marriage was considered a crime just as it is in the Unification church. He cheated on his young bride/wife, Hak Ja Han, and impregnated a women, Ms Choi, who was his mistress. According to his own teachings, he failed to live a sexually pure/principled life. According to the Divine Principle HE FELL. Isn’t it more conceivable that God took his two Abel sons to show that the sexual relationships he had with Myung Hee and Ms Choi were unprincipled and not because of members failure? Once Hee Jin and Heung Jin Nim died, True Father could never make the the claim that they were being used by God to indemnify any providential positions of Cain/Abel. If we look at the division and strife inside the True Family, we can see it is not of God. The Bible tells us, “A house divided against it’s self cannot stand.” We can see from a Principle perspective that the sexual promiscuity of Rev. Moon are conditions outside of God’s truth and therefore God is NOT able to be with his family and does not support his messianic claim. God does not bow down to Rev. Moon as he proclaims. According to the Divine Principle, God never uses a Central Figure once they have failed in their providential roles. Therefore, there was never actually a Marriage of the Lamb of God nor change of blood lineage because Moon fell long before his marriage to Hak Ja Han. They, the Moon’s, are unable to remove sin because they themselves are stained with sin and are not in direct dominion with God. Hak Ja Han cannot have been restored by Moon and cannot be sinless since her husband was not sinless when they married. When Sun Myung Moon married Hak Ja Han he was already a divorced fornicator. Therefore, the Blessing is meaningless and has no spiritual significance. Although I was a member for over thirty years, when I understood this, I left the church.
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whatisonthemoonarchive · 3 years ago
Linda Feher introduced me to WIOTM? and HWDYKYM?. She is a true mother, and only begotten daughter of God. She went the way of restoration through indemnity; carrying a righteous and faithful motherly heart/mind. John W. Robbins
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whatgregswatching · 8 years ago
TW Walsh "Monterrey" from Henry Kaplan on Vimeo.
Write-up on Nowness! (nowness.com/series/lovesick/tw-walsh-monterrey)
TW Walsh: twwalsh.com facebook.com/twilliamwalsh
Director: Henry Kaplan (henrykaplan.com) Cinematographer: Chris Ripley (christopherripley.com) Producer: Ben Kuller (benkuller.com)
Starring Adam Torres, Edward Jackson, Jose De Jesus Martinez, Abraham Fuentes, and Alyssa Lana
Gaffer: Genevieve Evans, Brock Kingsland 1st AC: Mary Brown, Megan Johnson Key Grip: Joanna Nguyen, Nic De Soto-Foley Key Makeup Artist: Eric Fox Makeup Arist: Linda Michaels VFX Artist: Matthew Wauhkonen Sound Designer: Ryan Young PA: Emily Feher, Jacob Sussman
With: Osirus Polachart and Chainey Finney
Special thanks to Dara Jaffe and Dan Fuchs!
An American Painkillers production in association with We Make Movies
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ozkamal · 8 years ago
Write-up on Nowness! (http://ift.tt/2l5FJvC) TW Walsh: twwalsh.com http://ift.tt/2l16vV9 Director: Henry Kaplan (henrykaplan.com) Cinematographer: Chris Ripley (christopherripley.com) Producer: Ben Kuller (benkuller.com) Starring Adam Torres, Edward Jackson, Jose De Jesus Martinez, Abraham Fuentes, and Alyssa Lana Gaffer: Genevieve Evans, Brock Kingsland 1st AC: Mary Brown, Megan Johnson Key Grip: Joanna Nguyen, Nic De Soto-Foley Key Makeup Artist: Eric Fox Makeup Arist: Linda Michaels VFX Artist: Matthew Wauhkonen Sound Designer: Ryan Young PA: Emily Feher, Jacob Sussman With: Osirus Polachart and Chainey Finney Special thanks to Dara Jaffe! An American Painkillers production in association with We Make Movies
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laeirbag · 8 years ago
* Write-up on Nowness! (http://bit.ly/2l0Yy1Y) TW Walsh: twwalsh.com http://bit.ly/2m2I3QS Director: Henry Kaplan (henrykaplan.com) Cinematographer: Chris Ripley (christopherripley.com) Producer: Ben Kuller (benkuller.com) Starring Adam Torres, Edward Jackson, Jose De Jesus Martinez, Abraham Fuentes, and Alyssa Lana Gaffer: Genevieve Evans, Brock Kingsland 1st AC: Mary Brown, Megan Johnson Key Grip: Joanna Nguyen, Nic De Soto-Foley Key Makeup Artist: Eric Fox Makeup Arist: Linda Michaels VFX Artist: Matthew Wauhkonen Sound Designer: Ryan Young PA: Emily Feher, Jacob Sussman With: Osirus Polachart and Chainey Finney Special thanks to Dara Jaffe! An American Painkillers production in association with We Make Movies *This is a Vimeo staff pick video added automatically. So I might be interested.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
Sun Myung Moon’s Human Trafficking of the Japanese
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Take a look at the Wikipedia article regarding human trafficking. The entire history of the Unification Church is all about human trafficking, the abuse of human rights and property rights.
Last night all I could think about were the hundreds and hundreds of Japanese brothers and sisters who, because they said, “I believe in the Divine Principle” were brought to America to be used as slave laborers. I remember being at the World Mission Center (now the New Yorker Hotel) for 40 day workshops and seeing countless Japanese shabbily dressed working round the clock doing restoration work on the building.
Once, while at one of those 40 day workshops I threw away a very old coat. It was really quite tattered and the zipper no longer worked. It seemed that there was a place in the basement of the New Yorker where old clothes were thrown. Soon after I chucked the coat I saw one of those Japanese brothers wearing it. The building was extremely cold most of the time. I knew that brother was working in the Grand Ball room doing restoration work there because I saw him wearing my coat there. I can vividly remember thinking that he must have been so cold to have gone to the basement and taken a girl’s coat to keep himself warm.
Think about that. He joins the UC, is shipped to the USA and forced to work slave hours without pay and without so much as a coat to keep himself warm.
That’s the story of countless Japanese members, men and women.
In the UC they are thought of as loyal, faithful members, but according to the laws of The United States of America they are considered slave laborers. Read the Wikipedia description of slave labor. The building at 4 West 43rd Street was also restored, top to bottom, by Japanese members. Not a single one of them was ever paid.  
While contemplating these memories, I got to asking myself about the ownership of church properties like The New Yorker Hotel (originally the World Mission center), the Manhattan Center, and all the other properties purchased by the members of the Unification church, and their great sacrifices, such as being put through years, grueling years, of fundraising.
I was thinking about how we, the members around the world, raised all the money to purchase church properties, and then how we, the members of the world, toiled and toiled without pay to restore these church properties—only to have them become the personal property and cash cows of the Moon family. Ask yourselves, who are the true owners of these church properties? Then ask yourself if, in the Unification Church, you see human rights and property rights being respected.
Doesn’t it bother anyone in the UC that “we the members” gave up our lives, educations, and families (in some cases women with children who joined the church gave those children up so they could serve more freely—real family-oriented, huh?) to work for a cause we thought was serving the whole purpose. Only, many years later, to find out that the only beneficiaries of all our suffering and sacrifice are the Moons and their cronies. Just like in Egypt where men at the top take everything for themselves while turning a blind eye to the plight of their people.
It still blows my mind that after 40 years of untold service, sacrifice, suffering, and billions of dollars and yen changing hands from the bringer of the money (that would be the members) to the receivers (that would be the Moons and the leaders at the top), that it was once again the ordinary church members who footed the bill for the celebration of brothers and sisters who had been faithful, loyal and sacrificial for 40 years! The people at the top of this pyramid, the Moons and the top church leaders, couldn’t even be bothered to foot the bill for the people who made them what they are, the now rich and powerful. They see the members as cash-cows to be milked until they are dry and then cast aside and forgotten.
Does anyone really believe in that kind of Heaven?
Does any UC member truly believe that kind of behavior is of God “our Father”?
I tell you, if you believe that what we have to show for a lifetime of serving the whole purpose, all those years of self sacrifice and service to change the world “is heavenly”, then you scare me. Because in the end, we do not see that the world is a better place, but instead we only see selfish, arrogant, self-serving Moons and their cronies hoarding the wealth we made. Everything they do is a calculation on how they can keep the farce going and the money rolling into their bank accounts.
Well, to me that’s an evil perversion of what we all believed we were living for. It is sin, pure and simple. If that’s your idea of the Kingdom of Heaven, you can have it because it sure looks like hell to me. Like the Bible says, “Try the prophets to see whether they are of good or evil.” and how will we know? Once again the Bible tells us how we’ll know: “You will know them by their fruits.”
Linda Feher
“Filipino people hate the Unification Church for selling off Filipina women to Korean men.”
Human trafficking in the UC/FFWPU is despicable
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 year ago
Linda Feher: “John Paul Hong [Hong Jong-Pyo], was the Korean leader in Clifton NJ, when I lived there. Many was the time Reverend Hong told the story of how he got matched to Atsuko. He was clearly struggling with the match! He said that Father had her photo in his hand. Father pointed indiscriminately at the Korean men sitting at his feet while holding Atsuko’s photo for them to see. The Korean men started to look to each other asking quietly… “Me?” “You?” then Father let her photo go and it landed on John Paul Hong. He was NOT happy about his fate!”
More at the link...
Lawyers Report Huge Fraud Claims Against Unification Church, ‘Over ¥1.9 Billion Since March 2009’
Japan gov't aims to seek Unification Church's dissolution on Oct. 13 – The Mainichi
Sun Myung Moon makes me feel ashamed to be Korean
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
Moon taught that God did NOT create the angels in pairs – meaning that God broke one of his own “creation” laws
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Re. If illicit sex with Rev Moon can restore women in the position fallen Eve to a sinless state, then why didn’t sex with sinless Adam restore fallen Eve in the garden?
Great point! Also, the Divine Principle tells us that God is a God of order, laws and principles. It also states that God is unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging …. therefore his laws are unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging. Put that together with the Divine Principle teaching that God ALWAYS (because his laws are unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging) creates in pairs. You remember, all that stuff about duality and such.
A point that always struck me as a bit OFF is that Moon taught that God did NOT create the angels in pairs – meaning that God broke one of his own “creation” laws, the law of positive/negative, masculine/feminine, of duality.
Moon taught that the Archangel Lucifer was lonely and so he was attracted to Eve because she was female.
So, God made a very big mistake when he failed to create the angels in pairs???? Are you really sure? Really sure….?
To me the whole story of the fall makes no sense at all.
A male angel is lonely because God went against his own principles of creation by not creating the angels in pairs? A male angel is so lonely he is attracted to a human female (imagine the reality of women back then, no soap, no shampoo, no combs, no clothes – and the beautiful angel of light, Lucifer, can’t keep his hands off her)? The male angel and the female human have sex? Really? Just how did they do that? And is sex still happening between angels and humans today? How frequently have angels had sex with humans throughout history? Was it just a thing between Lucifer and Eve?
And really, all of humankind suffers as a result of God’s mistake of going against his own principles of creation by not creating female angels for all those male angels? Was God that stupid, thoughtless and cruel?
The story of the fall of man is lame from the get-go. But when interpreted by Moon (or from whomever he stole the ideas) as a sexual fall involving blood lineages with a flesh and blood human female (angels have blood lineages?) due to the loneliness of the beautiful Archangel of light, Lucifer, it makes as much sense as all the false gods and mythological beasts and heroes the human race has ever invented, believed in or worshiped.
Why do people believe in Moon’s interpretation of the fall of man without thinking it through on a deeper level?
Linda Feher
December 4, 2016
Rev Sun Myung Moon said: “There are no rights of ownership in the angelic world. If angels are masculine we would expect that God would create partners for angels and they would have descendants. However that is an enigma.”
Really? Moon is trying to pass off the idea of a “male only” angelic world as “an enigma”? Sounds more like he was trying to escape the fundamental ideas of his own doctrine of “duality” because he couldn’t explain why a God of “order, laws and principles” who is “absolute, unique, eternal and UNCHANGING” and whose laws and principles are also “absolute, unique, eternal and UNCHANGING” and who always “creates in pairs” chose to go against his own principles of duality when creating the angelic world.
Face it – Moon is guessing when it comes to the angelic world being made up of only male angels. That’s why he says it is an “enigma” to him, or in other words, a mystery.
Either the story of the “fall of man” is a myth or it is fact. If it is a myth then the whole story of the fall is no more important then the stories of Zeus, Hercules, Achilles, or Medusa, etc, etc, etc.
But if it is a fact, then God got it wrong by going against his own principles of creating everything in pairs or “the principles of duality”. Since I for one do not believe God got it wrong, and did not go against his own creation principles, then I think it is safe to say that “Moon got it wrong because he never knew the real God of heaven and earth. Moon has no idea where the concept of “male only angels” came from. And he couldn’t explain his struggle to make sense of the concept other then to call it an “enigma or mystery”.
But hey, let’s just go with the flow, say the story of the fall of man is a historical fact and then simply dodge any unwanted, messy questions like why God would create EVERYTHING in pairs EXCEPT FOR THE ANGELIC WORLD.
And again…why would an angel of light fall in love with a human female who lived before the age of cleanliness? And again, was that the only time an angel had sexual intercourse with a human being? How exactly did the angel of light have sexual intercourse with a human being? Did he use his “holy angelic light saber”. Saying that Lucifer was male and had sex with Eve implies that he had a penis. Why would God create male angels, made of light, and give them a penis if there were no female angels? What is the purpose and function of an angelic penis or “light saber”?
How did Eve have sex with Lucifer’s “light saber”? Could Lucifer stick his light saber anywhere in Eve? Or was it like the flesh and blood penis of a human male?
Come on man. You know you only believe in the story of the fall because you want to, and not because it makes any sense whatsoever.
The only thing of consequence concerning the fall of man story is how it was used as a means of guilt tripping everyone concerning sex and then controlling the guilty through their sex lives. You know what I’m getting at here…you can only have sex with the partner Moon “gave to you”. He was in total control.
The fall story was used by Moon to control our lives, our faith and our sacred honor. It was used to control the very core of humanity, which is our God given right to fall in love from our own free will.
Linda Feher
Angels and the Fall
I would like to comment on Linda Feher’s article concerning the creation of angels and the fall of man.
First of all, some other spiritual teachings and traditions say that God created male AND female angels. One of the main teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah is about the tree of life and the 72 angels and archangels connected to this tree of life. It says that among these 72 angels, there are 40 male angels and 32 female angels! These angels are the leading angels, there are billions of others… Therefore how could Lucifer feel lonely? God knows what He is doing and He would never create anyone knowing that this being would feel lonely and jealous afterward!
I fully agree that Moon’s interpretation of the fall does not make sense!
read more here
Do you see it? Adam and Eve were husband and wife before the Fall, not brother and sister.
Five of the Many Ways in Which the Principle View of the Fall Is Nonsensical
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Sun Myung Moon – Restoration through Incest
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
Adam and Eve, the human male Y-chromosome and Sun Myung Moon
Sun Myung Moon’s explanation of the Fall of Man is based on his Confucian ideas of lineage, and his belief in shaman sex rituals.
A Korean perspective on Moon and his ‘Fall of Man’ teaching
The concept of original sin seems to have been developed about 200 years after Jesus by Irenaeus and later by St Augustine.
A Brief critical examination of the Divine Principle theory of history
Moon: “The existence of Noah and of Adam as individual human beings is factual.” Science: “No”
Erica Heftmann breaks free from the control of the FFWPU / UC
The shrewdest fraudsters don’t sell us fake medicines for real aches and pains. When the ailments persist, the game’s up.
The shrewdest fraudsters sell us fake illnesses and imaginary defects. Then the game can endure for a lifetime.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 5 years ago
FFWPU children sent to orphanages in Korea – and mothers sent away in the US
Frank Frivilous [pseudonym]:
“Although Sun Myung Moon has his own peculiar interpretation of biblical stories, they only tend to serve his own interests and not that of their stated purpose. Restoration through indemnity as prescribed in Adam’s family in the Divine Principle quickly gets abused – as we see in the high numbers of disaffected church members. Then there is the shameful way that Moon treats his own illegitimate children. In the following testimonial and speech by Moon, he acknowledges that some members have resorted to sending their children to orphanages.”
Here are the quotes:
Sun Myung Moon, July 14, 2002, East Garden, Irvington, NY “In 1970, I mobilized wives for three years. That was the second such mobilization, and I said that the third mobilization would come. ... In the 1960s those unmarried girls received the blessing. Later they stood up for another mobilization. They did not have enough space for their babies. They asked their relatives to take care of their children, and even left them in orphanages, and all blessed wives went to a public mission. The family foundation was offered up, and the households were so miserable, and it was done in order to save the nation. It was a three-year course. Each blessed couple has to prepare to do this.”
“On hearing my teachings, she [Yun-yeong Yang] temporarily lodged her two children in an orphanage, so determined was she to follow this way. History and Heaven will remember her for that.”
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▲ Yun-yeong Yang 梁允永 was professor of music at Ewha Womans University in Seoul in 1955. She later left Moon and the UC, as did Ewha Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 who joined at around the same time.
The early members who gave up their children to follow Moon are legendary – but was it principled? Did they do so voluntarily, or was it required by Moon? What is being restored by rejecting these “Abel” children? This can only be interpreted as a failure by those who believe they are in Abel position. A contradiction of one of Moon’s most important teachings and the pattern that is well established by the man himself. If the members cannot even care for their own children, it is highly unlikely that they will be able to serve and win over their “Cain” recruits. This was borne out repeatedly in church history, including some of Moon’s own key followers.
This can only be explained as an expression of extreme narcissism.
Frank Frivilous
Linda Feher responds:
Yes Frank, you are correct. But don’t forget that it wasn’t only demanded of earlier members. I know so many “sisters” who joined the FFWPU and were told they had to “sacrifice” their “blessed” children in order to “save” the “Cain” children of the world. So they abandoned their children and went out to fundraise and witness for Moon. (The purpose of witnessing was to bring in more fundraisers.)
Also, when the marching orders came for all sisters all over the world to leave their blessed children to join the IOWC (International One World Crusade) teams and travel all over the USA, I witnessed much suffering and tears.
When I asked some who I saw suffering and crying the most why they didn’t just stay home with their children I was told, that they were told, “If you don’t sacrifice your blesses children Satan will attack them”. To me that is spiritual terrorism. They left their children and joined mobile IOWC teams because they were threatened with harm to their children. It makes my blood boil! That kind of spiritual threat always has been the modus operandi of Moon and his style of leadership.
Full definition of Modus Operandi: a method of procedure; especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime…
Moon convinced the leaders that Satan will attack us if we didn’t follow his every whim, they believed him and then learned from Moon to use that same form of spiritual terrorism to control our every thought, feeling and action.
One sister on my IOWC team left to visit her husband to start their family. During the 3 day ceremony she got pregnant. She was told that she was not supposed to get pregnant during her 3 day ceremony. That it was “bad luck” and that her child would be invaded by Satan. I watched her cry day in and day out on the IOWC team because she was made to fear for her unborn child’s life. That kind of teaching/belief is evil and sickening.
Living on the IOWC team was like living at a funeral 24/7 because so many sisters were hurting over the fact that they had left their children for what was an UNSPECIFIED time period. We had to move to a new city every 21 days, never knowing how many years we would have to serve on IOWC teams. Even that fact, never knowing how long we’d have to be on IOWC traveling teams was a form of spiritual terrorism. Would it be months, years? No one knew and so we were always kept in an emotionally unstable frame of mind.
Moon was a hater of the family and a spiritual blackmailer.
How many couples and how many children have suffered because he terrified them into abandoning their families in order to serve him and his insatiable appetite for power and wealth?
Linda Feher
reposted from WIOTM
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Why love matters – book by Sue Gerhardt
“Children … taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years,” Margie Laflin.
Another mother, Shin-hee Eu, gives her testimony
VIDEO: Eu Shin-hee spoke on Japanese TV, and her son, Gap Yoon-gil, was also interviewed about being sent to an orphanage.
What was the qualification of Sun Myung Moon among 70 other Korean messiahs?
“I see only a tiny version of myself, seated on the bare floor, encircled by darkness.” – Nansook Hong
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 6 years ago
God made a very big mistake when he failed to create the angels in pairs????
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Re. If illicit sex with Rev Moon can restore women in the position fallen Eve to a sinless state, then why didn’t sex with sinless Adam restore fallen Eve in the garden?
Great point!
Also, the Divine Principle tells us that God is a God of order, laws and principles. It also states that God is unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging …. therefore his laws are unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging. Put that together with the Divine Principle teaching that God ALWAYS (because his laws are unique, absolute, eternal and unchanging) creates in pairs. You remember, all that stuff about duality and such.
A point that always struck me as a bit OFF is that Moon taught that God did NOT create the angels in pairs – meaning that God broke one of his own “creation” laws, the law of positive/negative, masculine/feminine, of duality.
Moon taught that the Archangel Lucifer was lonely and so he was attracted to Eve because she was female.
So, God made a very big mistake when he failed to create the angels in pairs???? Are you really sure? Really sure….?
To me the whole story of the fall makes no sense at all.
A male angel is lonely because God went against his own principles of creation by not creating the angels in pairs? A male angel is so lonely he is attracted to a human female (imagine the reality of women back then, no soap, no shampoo, no combs, no clothes – and the beautiful angel of light, Lucifer, can’t keep his hands off her)? The male angel and the female human have sex? Really? Just how did they do that? And is sex still happening between angels and humans today? How frequently have angels had sex with humans throughout history? Was it just a thing between Lucifer and Eve?
And really, all of humankind suffers as a result of God’s mistake of going against his own principles of creation by not creating female angels for all those male angels? God was that stupid, thoughtless and cruel?
The story of the fall of man is lame from the gitgo. But when interpreted by Moon (or from whomever he stole the ideas) as a sexual fall involving blood lineages with a flesh and blood human female (angels have blood lineages?) due to the loneliness of the beautiful Archangel of light, Lucifer, it makes as much sense as all the false gods and mythological beasts and heros the human race has ever invented, believed in or worshiped.
Why do people believe in Moon’s interpretation of the fall of man without thinking it through on a deeper level?
Linda Feher
Five of the Many Ways in Which the Principle View of the Fall Is Nonsensical
A Korean perspective on Moon and his ‘Fall of Man’ teaching
The concept of original sin seems to have been developed about 200 years after Jesus by Irenaeus and later by St Augustine.
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whatisonthemoon · 3 years ago
East Garden Speech the Day After Nan Sook and Moon's Daughter Un Jin Went Public on 60 Minutes Concerning His Adultery and Messianic Claims
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Pictured: Nansook Hong
Originally posted on WIOTM on January 3, 2017
At the speech Moon gave the day after Nan Sook and his daughter Un Jin went on 60 Minutes, where we were all waiting for him to deny what they said about his adultery and subsequent son born from that affair he did the same exact thing that he always did, he beat around the bush and evaded the subject with subtly and evasive excuses. (Lucifer was known as the most subtle creature in the Garden of Eden wasn’t he? Funny how alike those two are.)
When the speech was almost over he finally got around to why we were all there. And it made my blood boil.
He brought up the topic of the need for governments to use secret codes so that their enemies don’t know what they are doing. He went on for a long while trying to make the case for why governments use secret codes. Then he asked us, something like, What about God? Doesn’t he need to keep what he is doing a secret from Satan?
After making the case for the necessity of governments to use secret codes against their enemies he began to make the case that God had asked him to do things in secret so Satan wouldn’t know how God was restoring us.
That was his answer to the questions we all had, “Did you really cheat on your wife and family with Annie Choi? Is Sammy Pak your own flesh and blood son? If so, why did you commit adultery?
What a load of bull shit. I could hardly breath after he said those things about heavens need for the use of deception without ever once addressing the questions he knew we were there to get answers to.
What a bloody con man. He literally made me sick on every conceivable level that day at East Garden. My disdain for him that day was all consuming. He was treating us like we had no right to know if he cheated in his wife, his children, his church or his GOD. We know that adultery hurts everyone! We know that it is the core of our faith that adultery is the worst crime against a family. So instead of addressing the accusations made by Nan Sook and his daughter Un Jin concerning his adultery he simply dodged the issue. (kinda like when God asked Adam and Eve why they were covering their nakedness after they fell.)
Little did I know back then just how fucked up he really was. That he would believe (then hide that belief from all of us and the world) that he must commit adultery with 6 married women.
He was literally a MOTHER FUCKER.
He conned married women into believing they must have adulterous sex with him in order to be saved.
Come on you Moonies, You know deep down inside that’s exactly how he claimed sin came into the world.
I can understand why you must keep up the appearance of still being loyal, faithful servants of Moon but I cannot understand why you force his lies and pretzel logic on your kids as God’s Holy Will.
Linda Feher
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 5 years ago
Indemnity is anti-God
“When I was a Moonie I didn’t feel free, I felt burdened beyond endurance by indemnity. Indemnity is anti-God because it is anti-unconditional love. Indemnity says you must pay for salvation, yours and everyone else’s, including dead people’s salvation. Indemnity totally and completely ignores God’s unconditional love and mercy which is given freely from profound unconditional parental love.” Linda Feher
Sun Myung Moon’s theology used to control members
Ashamed to be Korean
An Open Letter to the Unification Church from a former 2nd Gen.
Scared of Leaving?
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 7 years ago
A letter to Jonathan Park from Linda Feher
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Bo Hi Pak and family, plus Sammy Park.
Hello Jonathan,
First let me say, I’m sorry for your plight with the Family Federation USA. It must be very difficult to find yourself in a position where your brethren in faith seem to be turning on you. Even worse, your own True Mother.
Then again, it must be nice to find that you have a place where you can go with your grievances and let your voice be heard. Thank you whatisonthemoon and howwelldoyouknowyourmoon!
Jonathan. Reading the missives here on tumblr describing your predicament with your True Mother and your brethren in faith has stirred in me old memories of when your parents used my labor in their establishment without paying me anything at all.
So then… I read your story, here’s mine.
Not long after I joined the Unification Church I was sent to do restoration work on the property of Mt Kisco in Westchester County, New York. I was not paid to do the work of restoration on that property either. While working there your parents came for a visit. Very nice people. Your dad never stopped smiling and being friendly. I thought he was a lovely person. After making the rounds of the property, I think, to observe the progress of all the members whose mission it was to restore the place without pay, we all gathered for lunch in the cafeteria.
I had been in the kitchen before lunch and observed the Japanese sister who worked very hard and very lovingly to prepare a special meal for your parents. When she came out with the meal she had made for them your father was quite the gentleman, thanking her with a bright smile and warm words of gratitude. But your mother didn’t want to eat for some reason…perhaps she wasn’t hungry. Perhaps she was fasting. Perhaps she had dinner plans somewhere and didn’t want to spoil her appetite. No matter the reason, she refused the meal. Not being as gracious as you dad, she was a bit more quiet and reserved, she simply shook her head no when the food arrived.
At the time I wasn’t thinking of the reasons why she didn’t want to eat, I was only thinking about how hard that Japanese sister worked to prepare the special food (not food we would ever have been offered as part of the work crew) for your parents.
Upon noticing your mother’s rejection of the meal I became concerned for the feelings of the sister who had prepared it and so left my meal to go to your parents table in an effort to persuade your mother to change her mind. I knew if she ate the meal, even a small bit of it, it would have meant a great deal to the cook. So I said as much to your mom.
I laughed and joked with your mom about the meal and the cook’s hard work. When she still refused I wouldn’t let up. I kept at it until your mother relented and accepted the meal.
The Japanese sister was so happy that she could serve your mother with her hard work in the kitchen.
Everyone was laughing about it and lunch was a great bit of fun when all was said and done.
Weeks later, your father came back to Mt Kisco with an entourage of people looking FOR ME!
I can remember him smiling a lot (and he remembered my name!!!!) then asking me to come work for him at his delicatessen in MD.
I was blown away, and of course I said YES!
Little did I know that he was not offering me a job where I would be treated like a real person but that he would have me work there, with 3 other members, all of us, without pay.
When I asked those other members what the pay was I was told, “This is your mission.” I soon came to learn that “Your mission” meant slave labor.
How do you feel about that kind of thing Jonathan? Because when I think about how your parents used UC members to work long hours at their businesses without pay I can’t help but think of how you and the rest of your siblings profited by our free labor.
I was just 22 years old when that happened to me. It was 1982, how old were you then?
I didn’t know enough to stand up for myself at the time and say “No” to the offer to work without pay for your parents.
I felt used. But did not feel I had the right as a member to refuse.
So, given my personal history with your parents how do you feel about that kind of injustice? Or do you not see it as an injustice?
No need to get back to me on that, I was just wondering.
Warm regards and best of luck with your present battle.
Linda Feher
Who is Jonathan Park?
Jonathan Park ~ Letter To Members (Dec 3, 2017)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 7 years ago
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept his “law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant, etc.” It was enslavement.
RE: “No, the Moons did not steal anything. Things were given to them freely by members.”
Oh yes they did. They set up a cult where members were terrorized into giving up their God given and national human rights. They were told that they would lose their soul and be damned to hell, tortured by Satan and unable to ever stand before God if they did not follow Moon. Following Moon meant following his teaching of Cain/Abel and indemnity.
All leaders were Abels, all members were Cain. Through the practice of indemnity, meted out by leaders, members lived in a constant state of what Moon called ‘the Servant of Servants position’. A servant of servants is so low as to have zero rights because it is a position lower then a slave. This was the ‘formula course’ set up by Moon to give members a way to indemnify the fall of man and “return to God, all people, material wealth and all things.” No one could return to God without going this formula course.
Based on that theology all members had to do what they were told to do by their Abel leader (who got his or her directions directly from Moon himself) or face a life of eternal suffering in hell with no hope of ever being called a child of God.
Once a person bought into Moon as Messiah they had to accept this law of indemnity, Cain/Abel, servant of servant position absolutely.
I see NO freedom in that total mind fuck theology.
Moon’s speeches are full of examples of him saying that if we even took one penny for personal use from monies we gained through fund raising we would sufferer eternal damnation. And also that we had no rights to money earned in business because we had to bring it all back to God (meaning himself) so it could be taken from the Satanic world and be restored back to God (again, meaning Moon himself). He even went so far as to tell us that we should feel ashamed to even eat because it took money away from ‘God’s providence’. And so we were fed very little.
I worked, without pay, at Dilly Deli Delicatessen, a sandwich shop owned by Bo Hi Pak in a Maryland Mall “without pay of any kind” because I was told it was my mission. A mission is something a servant of servant is duty bound to do without pay and without complaint. I worked without pay of any kind for Original World Products in NY, Golden Gate Seafood in California, Christian Bernard’s in NYC, and WFWP in Boston. And that doesn’t even touch on all the fundraising I was forced to do over the years as my duty to Moon. I say forced fund raising because even when I cried and begged not to have to do it I was told I had no choice. It was excruciating for me to fund raise. At the time all I knew was that I was in constant pain – but not why I was in so much pain. But now I know, I had Multiple Sclerosis. I cried almost every day while fundraising because I FUCKING HURT!
No one knew I had MS back then. But no one had an ounce of mercy when I begged not to have to fund raise either. I was labeled “Cain”, which translated into being on “Satan’s side” and therefore a trouble maker. I was told that I was not in pain at all – but that Satan and evil spirits were invading me to stop me from doing my mission.
So you are sadly mistaken when you say no one was forced to give money to the Moons.  
This is not just my story, but the story of countless members. We all had to go the formula course of servant of servant and follow the Cain/Abel formula in order to have even a meager chance of a relationship with God and to “separate from Satan.”
That, my friend, is mind control. That, my friend, is enslavement. That, my friend, is giving – but NOT giving freely.
Linda Feher
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
The Four Fallen Natures of the Divine Principle are used as a means of controlling members.
Charismatic Authority (authority is not the same as power)
The Frightening Power of Obedience to Authority
The concept of original sin seems to have been developed about 200 years after Jesus by Irenaeus and later by St Augustine.
Giving or Stealing
Sorry to hear about your problem with MS, Linda.  One of my unpleasant church experiences was when I injured my leg.  I suspect it was fractured, or a very bad sprain. I was expected to carry on as normal until I just flat out said no.
As far as blind obedience, it probably depends on the member’s personality.  I know some members who were so guilt ridden that they would obsessively do what their central figure told them to do, and then wonder why their life did not get better.
I guess I had some common sense, and I guess that is why I could not stay in the church.  I always thought of myself as a volunteer.  Was I the only one who thought that way?
One moment I will always remember was when I refused a position my central figure offered to me.  Do you know Sung Sang Lee?  The little Napoleon?  I simply told him I could not accept the position because I could not unite with him.  He gave me a hard look, and never mentioned it again.
May be why I never became a big shot leader.
Pat Kilgore
Pat Kilgore…loved your response! It gave me a case of the giggles! Love your spunk!
You had some sense of reality that I lacked. Most people in my center and who I worked with over the years were like me. I didn’t met anyone like you till I married my husband. He was a real rebel! He helped me grow a backbone to replace my wishbone.
One of my prouder moments as a new member was when I lived in the Baltimore center with Mike Jenkins as my Abel figure. He was a real control freak, made all the more insufferable by his position as God/Abel.
One day I had gotten out of the fund raising van and gone back into the center because of an urgent female issue.
When he saw me come back in he lit into me, demanding to know why I had come back in. He was yelling at me and backed me up to the sofa as he did so. I flopped down, feeling quite cornered.
He called me names and yelled about how Cain I was being. At some point he raised his hand to hit me. (ok, this is where my pride kicks in, and I can laugh at the memory of it all)
As soon as his hand went into the air, I crossed my legs, aimed my foot at his crotch, and looked from my aimed foot, to his crotch, to his face and back again.
If he had hit me I would have nailed him in his balls and he knew it. Maybe I really was Cain! heeheehee
He looked so freaken shocked! He lowered his hand and finally asked me why I had come back in. I told him I had my period and needed to take care of it.
He looked defeated and let me go.
God it was great to have stood up to him like that.
There was another member who was so afraid of Jenkins that he used to tell me he felt like Jenkins was “stalking him”. Jenkins would constantly demand to know what we were thinking, so he could judge whether of not we were “centered” or invaded by evil spirits. This particular brother was a kind soul and could not cope with that level of confrontation/control/harassment/threat.  So he called the Korean leader above Jenkins to report what he felt was extremely threatening behavior. Nothing came of it. Jenkins, if anything, became more threatening and controlling when he got the report.
Thanks for your response
warm regards
Linda Feher
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 7 years ago
The FFWPU /UC is a microcosm of its founder and leader, Sun Myung Moon
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                                       “Fish rot from the head down”
Linda Feher replies to a believer in Moon’s words:
“But… how can you see so clearly the corruption within the church and its hierarchy and not understand that it is a microcosm, a mirror image if you will, of its founder and leader, Sun Myung Moon?
Every single thing you see wrong within the church was learned behavior. Every corrupt, selfish, cold-hearted leader or business boss in the upper tier of the church took their lessons from Moon.
With his own standards and behaviors (which should not be confused with his words) he taught the leaders to be like himself.
There’s a theory in the church, started by Moon, that if you make someone suffer you are giving them a chance to overcome their “fallen nature”.
This theory sets up the scenario where leaders are first abused by Moon. They take it on the chin…they overcome his insults and abuse, then take that lesson back to the members and repeat it.
Many of them (though not all) genuinely believe that this is best for members because they have accepted Moon’s backwards logic that to hurt, abuse and take from others is actually good for their souls because it sets them up to overcome their negative emotions (fallen nature). To help the members grow faster the leaders should – like Moon did to them – deliberately cause them to suffer so that they are afforded as many opportunities as possible to overcome Satan. That’s the core of what we call “indemnity” is it not?
I know some of what the leaders had to endure from Moon because Mike Jenkins would tell us. Of course when he was relaying his stories of leaders meeting with Moon he was doing so with the mindset that Moon was making the leaders struggle and suffer as a way to help them grow through the payment of indemnity.
The thing about indemnity in the UC was that it always benefited Moon and his family, while keeping members in a perpetual position of servitude. Always the servant of servant, never actually rising in relationship to God as sons and daughters for whom indemnity is no longer necessary.
I saw so much suffering within the church. I saw so much abuse being passed off as indemnity.
Make no mistake. What you see and disapprove of started with Moon. 
It is not some perversion of his legacy. It is his legacy.
Indemnity is the antithesis of what Jesus taught about how to relate to God and each other.
John 13 34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Love is the key to separating from Satan, not indemnity. Indemnity is anti-Christ. Indemnity is how the Moons gained everything they are and have; their leaders did likewise. How can anyone expect indemnity to save the world? It is love and love alone that will save the world.  
Romans 13:10 Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”
with warm regards Linda Feher
Indemnity is a Moon Trap
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