love-for-carnation · 3 months
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Carnations in a Lanky Vase (2018) Tina Lincer (American)
painter's site: https://www.tinalincer.com/
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mckoysnews-blog · 24 days
Man Drowns in Lake Waxahachie After Heroic Attempt to Save Drowning Teen, Just Hours After His Baptism
A day meant to mark a spiritual milestone turned tragic when 21-year-old Lincer Lopez drowned in Lake Waxahachie shortly after his baptism. Lopez, who had just been baptized earlier in the day as part of a church ceremony, lost his life while attempting to rescue a teenage girl struggling in the water. The incident unfolded on Sunday afternoon when Lopez, along with members of his church group,…
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dankusner · 25 days
Man drowns after own baptism in Texas' Waxahachie Lake
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A 21-year-old drowned at Lake Waxahachie while trying to save a teenage girl, according to police.
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A 21-year-old drowned after his own baptism Saturday while trying to rescue a distressed teen from a North Texas lake, according to reports from police and WFAA.
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Waxahachie police and fire crews responded to Lake Waxahachie at around 12:45 p.m. Saturday for a drowning report, according to a release from police posted on social media.
First responders found that a 21-year-old man had drowned while trying to save a teen girl.
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The teen was pulled from the water by a boater and revived after receiving CPR, but the 21-year-old was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead, police said.
The Tarrant County Medical Examiner confirmed to WFAA that the 21-year-old was identified as Lincer Lopez, who family said was baptized at the lake that same day. Lopez and the teen girl were both part of a church group from Garland.
"The Waxahachie Police Department, along with the entire community, would like to extend our deepest condolences to the victim's family," police said on social media.
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netpillsmedia · 25 days
Man Drowns Trying To Save Teen Girl in Same Lake Just After His Baptism
A man drowned trying to save a teenage girl in a lake shortly after his baptism in the same lake. Lincer Lopez, 21, was at the Boat Dock Park lake in Texas for his baptism on Saturday, August 24, and stayed with church members afterward, his family and friends told WFAA. As the group enjoyed the water, a teen girl with them started drowning and Lopez attempted to rescue her. A boater managed…
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acapulcopress · 6 months
Dip. Añorve plantea se declara Semana Santa de Taxco omo patrimonio cultura del Guerrero
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CHILPANCINGO * 25 de marzo, 2024. ) Congreso de Guerrero El Congreso del Estado exhortó al Ayuntamiento de Taxco de Alarcón a que, a la brevedad y en el ámbito de su competencia, formule y presente ante la instancia correspondiente una solicitud debidamente fundada y motivada para que la celebración de la Semana Santa en este municipio se declare como Patrimonio Cultural del Estado de Guerrero. En el punto de acuerdo presentado por la diputada Flor Añorve Ocampo, explica que este municipio se distingue por la realización de múltiples festividades, siendo una de las más representativas la celebración de la Semana Santa, que data de muchos siglos y, pese al tiempo, continúa resaltando. Abundó que dicha celebración pagano–litúrgica es una de las más reconocidas en México, presenciada por miles de taxqueños, así como turistas nacionales e internacionales. Reseñó que desde 46 días anteriores a la Semana Santa se llevan a cabo ceremonias en diferentes parroquias y comunidades del municipio de Taxco, durante los seis viernes de la época de la cuaresma, y como parte de una gran muestra de la religiosidad, arte popular, música, danza, artesanías, entre otros, así como la amplia oferta de gastronomía. Por lo anteriormente expuesto, la diputada Flor Añorve explicó que, con base a lo establecido en la Constitución Política local y la Ley Número 444 para la Protección del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural del Estado y los Municipios de Guerrero, es que se presenta este punto de acuerdo para exhortar a las instancias gubernamentales pertinentes, a efecto de que realicen las acciones pertinentes para que la celebración de la Semana Santa en el municipio de Taxco de Alarcón sea declarada como Patrimonio Cultural del Estado de Guerrero. Por último, la legisladora hizo extensiva la invitación a la población taxqueña, así como a turistas nacionales e internacionales, a que visiten y disfruten las festividades y actividades litúrgicas que se realizan en este pueblo mágico con motivo de la Semana Santa, “una tradición única que vale la pena vivir”, y oportunidad de conocer lugares agradables, excelente gastronomía, así como una variedad de productos hechos a base de plata, entre otros. Dictámenes En la misma sesión, el Pleno del Congreso aprobó los dictámenes por los que se concede licencia a Orquídea Hernández Mendoza, Glafira Meraza Prudente, Lincer Casiano Clemente, Víctor Hugo Vega Hernández, Argenis Alcaraz Mosso, Tarsila Molina Guzmán, Carmen Campos Coraza, Rosa Elena Chavelas Gutiérrez, Néstor Parra Rodríguez, Alberto Rodríguez Bahena, Marilú Rivera Jiménez, Raúl García Leyva, Sebastián Gómez González, Rafael Valentín Mendoza Álvarez, Amantina Guillermo Venegas y Álvaro González Maldonado, para separarse del cargo y funciones de presidentas, presidentes, síndicas y síndicos procuradores, regidoras y regidores de los ayuntamientos de José Joaquín de Herrera, Benito Juárez, Marquelia, Ajuchitlán del Progreso, Cuajinicuilapa, Huitzuco de los Figueroa, Chilapa de Álvarez, General Heliodoro Castillo, Juan R. Escudero, Tlapa de Comonfort, Teloloapan, Ahuacuotzingo, y Alcozauca de Guerrero, respectivamente. También se aprobó el dictamen que deja sin efectos la solicitud de licencia de Salvador Flores Castillo, para reincorporarse al cargo de síndico procurador del Ayuntamiento de José Joaquín de Herrera. Acuerdos La diputada América Libertad Beltrán Cortés propuso exhortar a los titulares de las Secretarías de Hacienda y Crédito Público, de Salud y del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado, todos del Gobierno Federal, para que en el ámbito de sus atribuciones establezcan los lineamientos, requerimientos y condiciones para la construcción un hospital general con 100 camas en la Región Centro. En otro punto del orden del día, el diputado Genaro Yovani Estrada Morales presentó un exhorto a la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, a la Comisión de Infraestructura Aeroportuaria del Estado, así como a los ayuntamientos, para que en el ámbito de su competencia implementen acciones necesarias para regular los topes reductores de velocidad en las carreteras de su competencia. La propuesta fue aprobada por unanimidad. ) acapulcopress.com Read the full article
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kissingmyeyez · 4 years
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Linda Ignarro Smith: Photographed by Jessica Ren Vaughan
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brencerlove · 5 years
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nemesis-mess · 4 years
Challenge 3: Here for you
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A / N: I just love doing this challenge, it mean a lot to me doing this and to thimg that even outside the OC is an amazing project
enjoy it!
Project title: Here for you
The problem
Rape, sexual violence and abuse are phenomena that affect women and girls in a general way; one in three has suffered it at some point in their life.
They happen every day around the world and everywhere: from university facilities to armed conflict, sexual assaults against women and girls are so many and so daily that they cannot be ignored or silenced.
It is emphasized that most sexual assaults are not committed by strangers in dark alleys, but rather that the executioner is someone the victim knows, or even a sentimental partner.
Eradicating violence against women involves obtaining consent in all situations, including in the field of marriage and long-term relationships.
Taking this into account, one of the groups that is most affected is low-income women, since rape is usually trivialized or allowed to go unpunished, giving rise to the normalization of sexual violence and the continued undervaluation of women and girls.
with limited resources.
The solution
Violence against women originates from inequality. Our work to promote global gender equality supports our efforts, which aim to bring justice to survivors and victims of sexual violence leaving the main solution in law that should prevent sexual violence and allow survivors access to justice when rape is perpetrated against them. The law and the justice system should protect all complainants in equal measure, no matter their gender, race, class, disability or any other socio-economic status it also remains in a social change, inform people and change their actions through different campaigns, inform victims of low resources of how the government would support them how to denounce and give them equal support through the legal process.
The objective of this project is to ensure that women, especially those who do not have a solid economic stability, can be informed about the culture of rape, how to report and be heard, as well as find a way for the government to support them throughout the legal process, reduce impunity in cases of rape in illea and try to create social change through these small actions.
Execution and implementation.
Political context
advocating for strong laws and policies that protect women and girls from sexual violence;
Making sure that the justice system works, with proper investigation, prosecution, and punishment of offenders
promoting legal procedures that support survivors and prevent re-victimization
collaborating with partners to bring specific cases to national, regional and international courts in order to emphasize the universal nature of this abuse of human rights.
Social context
(This is also part of the social campaign)
Create a culture of convinced consent
Report the root causes
Redefine masculinity
Stop blaming the victims
Show zero tolerance
Delve into what the culture of rape means
Take an intersectoral approach
Know the history of the rape culture
Invest in women
Listen to the survivors
Don't laugh at the rape
End impunity
Be an active witness
Educating the next generation
Start or join the conversation
Timeline and Plan
July 5 to July 19, 2090
The project is presented to the illea government
January 1, 2091
The social project to support victims in the legal and political context against rape begins to be implemented directly with women from castes 5 and 6, while women belonging to castes 7 and 8 are gradually being introduced to a information process and analysis of their situations.
June 1, 2091
Social awareness campaigns begin in the southern provinces
August 1, 2091
By this date the project continues to be developed in caste women 5 and 6, legal processes must be in the midst of its development.
November 1, 2091
After analyzing the results and statistics of the impact generated by the campaigns in June, the campaigns began in more provinces.
January 1, 2092
The results of the legal processes carried out with caste 5 and 6 women are beginning to be seen, and the same legal and social support is being implemented for caste 7 women who join the project. Caste 8 women continue in processes of analysis in order to carry out a more effective process with them.
June 1, 2092
Social campaigns continue, their study continues to define the change and social impact they generate and spread throughout more provinces such as
August 1, 2092
By this date, all the legal processes carried out with the first groups of women of castes 5 and 6 must have ended, a careful analysis of their effectiveness is generated, the support and intervention of the government in this, the process of the victims and their evolution throughout all this time, finally how the verdict affects his mental health, social integrity and how the project impacts all this.
November 1, 2092
social awareness campaigns become national in nature and all provinces have them and the processes with the first groups of caste women 7 are almost finished
February 1, 2093
The legal processes with caste 7 women are finalized, as happened with caste 5 and 6, these will be analyzed and the same information required with castes 5 and 6 will be obtained. Caste 8 women are implemented in the project
July 1, 2093
Emphasis is beginning to be placed on victims not only of low resources but also of minors from low castes who are victims of rape.
October 1, 2093
With the information obtained in the previous investigations, legal processes and government aid to rape victims of limited resources begin to improve.
February 1, 2094
The legal processes that began with the women's tasting groups 8 are terminated, completely including all women since caste 5 spends caste 8 in the project to support and help rape victims of low-income women and the investigation is terminated.
March 1, 2095
The best-known support organization for victims of rape (known as the OFVOR) is officially inaugurated as the one that aims to continue the project Here for you and help women of all castes, races and ages, seeking a goal of a continental size.
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arin-schreave · 4 years
Practice Challenge
Welcome to our practice challenge! Previous OCs have had two practice challenges, however this time around we will only be having one practice challenge.
The practice challenge is optional and won’t count for or against your character. That being said if you request feedback from us we can give it to you.  As stated before, you aren’t required to complete the practice challenge, but please know it’s a good introduction for your characters as well as a helpful tool for you to get to know them better. If you complete the practice challenge you will be able to use it later to replace a mandatory challenge.
There are three optional prompts for you to complete. You can do one, two, or all- it’s your choice. Please note that for Prompt 2 a roleplay with the other members of your plane is encouraged but not required.
Prompt 1: Life before The Selection
What is your family like?
What was it like living in your province?
Why did you decide to enter your name?
Prompt 2: Journey to the Palace
How was your send-off from your home province?
Who did you meet on the plane? (see below for plane assignments)
Plane 1: Emily White, Saxon Monroe, Emery Wells
Plane 2: Kalyn Jones, Lenora Santiago, Callia Adair
Plane 3: Charlie Montgomery, Andromeda Pride, Ava Jones, Melissa Duthé, Itzel Morales
Plane 4: Idalia Moretti, Evalin Berg, Indiana Connors, Shala Lie
Plane 5: Octavia Hayes, Brooke Lynn Sanders, Rain Coltar, Clara Choi, Haven Hart
Plane 6: Alana Hansen, Leana Grant, Regina Wright,  Jen Li
Plane 7: Sage Copeland, Signe Schneider, Celine Montclair
Plane 8: Sara Nguyen, Hazel Sawyer, Alaina Achilles, Hannah James
Plane 9: Nemesis Lincer, Clemence Westley, Lilly Edwards, Violet Kensington
*names in italics are throwaways that won’t be participating in RPs
Prompt 3: Makeovers and the first night
How was your makeover? Was anything drastically changed for you?
How are you feeling about this adventure?
Beginning on Wednesday, May 13th, we will be opening up RPs with the following characters:
Queen Anjali
Princess Mélanie
Princess Safiya
Princess Ayesha
Wylan Caldwell
Jackson Waldia
Please note that we will only be RPing with the first 2 girls to message us, since it’s unlikely each girl would run into these characters on their first night. Each person is allowed one RP with one of these characters in this challenge. We will accept requests beginning Wednesday.
All posts must be made to your OC blog and tagged with #selectionoc, as well as reblogged to SOC 6 Net. All Practice Challenge one entries are due by Saturday, May 22nd.
Additionally, if you would like to pick your room assignment for your Selected you can go here. Rooms are first come first serve.
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(All credit for the above map goes to previous OC admins)
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andypridee · 4 years
Challenge 2; pt. 1 | The Calm
hey guys! so here’s part 1 of challenge 2. I know, I know but this totally got lost on Wednesday and it was a roller coaster to write but here it is, I’m finishing part 2 so I guess that will be up this afternoon. thank you so much @emery-wells, @lady-indiana and @nemesis-mess you guys are a delight! so I leave you with it.
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My days here have been more bipolar than mother during the holidays. There are mornings when I feel that everything is going to improve and that my time to act has arrived and before noon I begin to feel the impressive claustrophobic effect that this place has on me. Sierra you would not imagine. They are corridors full of royal gold trim, pristine whites, and rugs as red as the blood that runs through our veins. It inspires greatness and serenity but in my person it only inspires hypocrisy. Is all this necessary to express greatness? In my opinion, the most powerful greatness of a kingdom is seen in its inhabitants, not in a building for four people, with a hundred servants for the poor who cannot care for themselves even though they are the ones who must serve millions. Inside this place you forget that they are servants of the people and not the other way around.
I suppose it is much more complicated than what is seen with the naked eye, but it does not make me less angry. Although I must admit that I could not help but marvel at the beauty of these corridors. I found myself wandering around them one morning, lost, and with the notion of time completely exorbitant. Is awesome. I wish you could see for yourself. And the gardens. Oh Sierra, the gardens seem like something out of a fairy tale that Dad used to tell us when we were kids. Words are missing to describe how beautiful, green and pure they look. I am very sorry that you cannot walk alone there because there are always guards watching us wherever we go and the magic that houses the place disappears completely when there are more than one pair of eyes resting on you. That seems to be a constant in this place. Lack of privacy. We were talking about it the other day with Emery Wells. If you remember her, right? She's Sonage's girl. Anyways, I bumped into her in the hallways and we started talking. It turns out that she is a very interesting girl, really nothing I would have thought.
That day, I contracted myself looking out the window, trying to clear my mind of all the hustle and bustle of being in a place with 35 girls and a completely abstract prince of whatever was going on under his roof, or his mother's roof. to be more exact.
"How are you holding up with all this?" I heard someone ask me behind me, startling me a little. I turned my eyes and found that the question came from Lady Emery.
“Well, really scratching the insane. i hate being stuck in one place, how about you? you are Emery, right? I'm Andy ”I replied and smiled at him. Other than the conversation he'd had with Sara the morning of that fateful interview, he hadn't really interacted with anyone else in the few days he had been cloistered.
Yeah It's a lot more than I thought it would be. I knew it would be hectic but not this much. ”
“It isn't that .. it's just all so strange. like we live here but it doesn't feel very welcomely, you know what i mean? i don't know .. how has your stay been? woh wait i sounded a lot like arin there, didn`ti? ” I giggled a little and Emery joined me.
"You did. I get you, like everything just feels so foreign. ” She stopped for a second and began to whisper. "And i'm afraid to touch anything cause i think i'm gonna break it."
“Exactly, like you can just see but not touch. Everything here looks like a museum! I still think that someone's going to come by and tell me to not lay in some queen's bed. ”I laughed and shook my head a little, not believing this place.
"Oh my god, and the maids doing everything for you ... that's so strange. Like they are so sweet but I don't need help with everything ”
I giggled at his comment as I prominently nodded "yes! I'd like to keep my privacy, private. I guess that, like everything, we'll just get used to it, but I believe that I'm gonna get crazy in here. I need my social interactions with the outside world. ” I joked, relieved to find someone who understood what I was feeling.
"I'm gonna need to escape the palace sometime soon to just take a breath of fresh air." He also joked, although something in his tone of voice showed that part of that statement meant it.
“Count with me, I'll help you escaping and then I'll promise I'll show you my favorite spots in Angeles” i smirked, fully ready to embark on any adventure that might present itself in this place.
Saying this, Emery looked at me in surprise. "Really? Do you come to Angeles a lot? ”
Well, I've come a couple times for family events and so but I get so bored at those so I like to sneak and wander around. Have you come before? ”
She nodded. Yeah, I'm from Sonage so not too far. So we've come out just a couple times for my dad's company but that's about it. ”
"I loved traveling with my parents to Sonage when my siblings and I were little" I smiled and continued. “So you've never explored around Angeles?”
Emery shaked her head and curled her lips “not really no. I'd love to though! It seems like a beautiful area. ”
“It is, it's a bit too urban for my taste but it has the best places, you are just seeing a little bit. Where other places have you traveled? ”
“Traveling is all i do. Hawaii, Alaska, sometimes Paloma and Dominica. Any popular cruise ship destination I've been there. ” she said, laughing a bit.
Cruise ships? Why is that? Isn't that for elders and single people? ” I joke around a bit, unable to imagine Emery in a place like a cruise ship.
"Not all of them. My dad owns Costal Cruises so it's more of a family friendly one. ”
"Oh really? So you literally live in the boat? That's amazing, ”I smiled, impressed as Emery nodded. "What's your favorite destination?"
"I like Hawaii for the weather and Alaska for the views."
“I love Hawaii as well, I love those beaches and the sun, it's just like a paradise. I have been to Alaska but I stayed there in the middle of a snow storm so I couldn't get to see anything. ”
"Wow you sure do travel around," she commented, a little surprised.
“I love to travel, it's one of my favorite things to do. Discover new landscapes everyday, how can it not be perfect? what is your favorite thing to do? ”
Emery took a moment before answering. "I honestly don't know. I mean I like being around friends… ”
"How are your friends? Mine are the craziest guys I know ”I smiled as I remembered the pair of hollow heads I had left in my beautiful house.
"Oh. the weirdest group of people you'll ever meet. ” she said laughing.
"How come? they call you up in the middle of the night asking you if you have feelings? ” I joked, remembering a call from a certain person at two in the morning on an exam day.
"They probably would!"
"What's the craziest thing they've done?"
She took a moment, thinking. “Um, I'm not sure if this counts as crazy, but one time after curfew when all guests were in bed me and my friends Lacy, Cole, and Zach were running around the main deck and Cole decided he would steal one of the menu signs for buffet and when Lacy tried to stop him he picked her up and threw her in the pool and ran all the way to my room with me chasing after him screaming how my dad will kill me. ” continuous. "I made it of course and the sign is still in my room today."
"Wow! That's a wild one! and what did your dad do? ”
We continued talking for a while until the two of us retired to our rooms in an attempt that the wave of madness that the National Team supposed was not catching us yet. I confess that talking to Emery was the perfect remedy for the relaxation I'd been looking for before, and laughing with him was soothing in every sense of the word. Don't get me wrong, but being alone with my thoughts most of the day without interacting with anyone else was absolutely damning towards insanity.
I hope you and the rest of the family are having a better time. How has the hospital been? Linda and Michael already went crazy without me? And how are mom and dad?
I hope to see you again soon.
Until then and with lots of love and bear hugs,
Breakfasts were my little heavenly space of the day and pretty much what made me get out of bed. After going through the tortuous preparation of the day that almost always involved dresses, a crap ton of makeup and that my poor and rebellious hair was arranged in the most "pretty" way possible, I headed towards the large dining room where small bits of heaven. One of those days and if I was still in that place I had to sneak into the kitchen to steal the master secret of those delicacies.
After going through the breakfast buffet, I looked for my label and sat in my new position. The previous week they had eliminated several girls even though he had not crossed a word with any of them, which had caused that the breakfast positions had changed. I put my plate in front of my chair and sat down.
Having already eaten a good part of my breakfast I heard someone speak in my direction.
Hey! I'm Indie ”
Believing that Indie, apparently, was heading towards me, I raised my head, looking in his direction and smiled to see that he was greeting me.
"Oh hey! I'm Andie, well Andromeda but please ignore that. ”
The girl on the other side of Indie continued the conversation whom I recognized as Nemesis Lincer.
"How long have you been next to us?" she asked, confused as Indie looked at the two of us with a smile.
"I don't know" I laughed a little realizing that I hadn't even cared about that. “I don't know how they organize this kind of stuff around here. I just sit down and expect food. ”
"Girl, you are living your best life then." Indie replied, laughing a little. "I was just about Nemesis about the dates coming up. Are you guys excited? ”
So now it was part of the conversation. It didn't really bother me at all, Indie seemed like a very sweet girl and besides I was a complete fan of her films which in my opinion deserved a place in Louvre and Nemesis itself, despite its mysterious aura, it made me want to meet her Plus, it seemed like one of a kind and I'm always up for that.
"Not as much as I'm supposed to." Nemesis answered honestly with a shrug. “I'm not a big fan of dates but everyone is supposed to have one, right? Are you excited? ” she asked Indie and me too, apparently.
"You aren't excited at all? What in the world are you doing here, dear Mess? ” Indie answered with a playful smile. "But yes, I am excited. Actually, I'm terrified. ”
"Again trying to find out more than you should know," Nemesis replied to Indie with a funny smile.
Well, I agree with Nemesis. I'm not excited either, maybe intrigued but definitely not excited. I think that spending time with a long face for more than 15 minutes is just tired. ” I shrugged and added. "But only future will tell."
"At least the other girl knows what she's talking about." she said pointing with her head in my direction. "But I repeat it my problem is not just him, it's the whole idea of ​​being in a date." she smiled and then looked in Indie's direction. "Well Indie, I hope you get a great date."
Breakfast continued and a pleasant conversation with Indie and Nemesis, talking about our ideals of the date and in general of our stay here, what had happened and what the future had in store for us, each one with its style always seeing through . Finally, I believed that Indie was a very sweet but extremely interesting girl with a dazzling career. On the other hand, Nemesis, according to me, was easily the most intimidating and intoxicating person I had ever met. It made you want to keep talking to her but at the same time you were prepared to beg for mercy.
Anyways, all that was left to do is wait and hope that this doesn’t go down at maximum speed. at least. 
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love-for-carnation · 10 months
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Still Life with Carnations Tina Lincer (American)
Tina studied English, studio art and art history at the University at Albany. She learned drawing and painting from Mark Greenwold. She have worked full-time as a journalist for decades. In 2001, Tina chanced upon an arts retreat in Peterborough, Ontario. She signed up for the writing program but midway through, switched to painting.
Tina's bio: https://www.tinalincer.com/about Other painter's works: https://www.tinalincer.com/
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cdntennis · 2 years
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Wimbledon 2022 (Day 10)
Girls’ singles third round [5] Victoria Mboko (CAN) def. Olivia Lincer (POL) 6-0, 6-7(8), 6-4
[7] Luca Udvardy (HUN) def. [10] Annabelle Xu (CAN) 6-4, 7-6(3)
[1] Liv Hovde (USA) def. [13] Kayla Cross (CAN) 4-6, 7-5, 6-4
Girls’ doubles second round [4] Kayla Cross (CAN) / Victoria Mboko (CAN) def. Ella Seidel (GER) / Joëlle Steur (GER) 6-4, 6-3
Sayaka Ishii (JPN) / Lanlana Tararudee (THA) def. Annabelle Xu (CAN) / Naomi Xu (CAN) 6-0, 6-1
(Picture : © Tennis Canada)
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444names · 2 years
the entire story of "the school of tieflings"
you can read the story here: @schooloftieflings
Achely Ackelf Adefor Aelive Aggeatch Alloof Altence Aminut Anded Andinexce Armes Arreve Arrion Asepty Asted Awkwaideak Ayhough Badifer Balay Bards Barening Barten Bastalre Beactiones Beakinned Beargointh Behts Berat Berationg Bient Bight Blianamear Blikemp Blould Bluite Bodizoned Botion Braybet Breadiand Bredt Brible Brouldifer Buironeife Bunrieves Caced Cance Casel Castepy Castly Casucking Caudy Caught Cepting Challs Chancen Cheen Chekhee Chertum Chess Chestoneve Chortek Claying Clays Cleady Cling Clion Cloctioust Clostre Comackiny Comax Comeart Cosetrelf Coueard Coundefuld Counedtled Couneip Coutchake Cover Crace Cracks Cresuck Cribbing Criver Crohn Crown Culler Damin Darefe Darldn Deent Derans Dered Derts Diald Diarowers Dibbernes Dibibbers Dinto Doguarts Dohtfutty Donfild Doolmond Dozabbed Dozenting Driblumem Drisnes Duchean Eakillums Eanth Earther Easell Ekemir Elpinhing Elriscin Emand Empeters Enceilthur Enred Ensiled Entope Exacks Exacland Exateas Fally Farimet Feastics Feleth Fices Fierved Fighbot Fills Foossed Fordy Forted Fouse Fousit Fratheye Frippet's Froboned Fronfus Frost Fulleges Galky Gaslog Gassetheye Giffern Glows Godree Goldery Gootice Grabbeenth Grabight Gracul Groned Grouted Halians Hanspisher Hanyin Hares Haressid Hathise Haturody Havang Heance Hecken Hellourace Hents Herfull Herstrafte Hinhoess Hiver Hound Housigh Howayin Huchang Huffols Hughtle Imped Impics Implew Iscams Ishomat Iviverist Iyaarages Jectudy Jorknow Jortion Jouthily Kemer Kinusers Knervoily Knounds Lacem Lacting Laing Lating Lautery Laxions Layed Leatch Leeppy Lemil Lestant Letaken Letin Letted Liandert Lincer Linted Loorrem Lours Loweb Lrics Madeell Madienspin Malet Manen Mathing Meatty Memeht Mendecases Ments Meoped Mereard Mestaps Midegs Minges Mitherse Mokid Monits Montiongle Mouting Moverving Murroult Musteept Namemady Nehoudy Nevere Nueidy Oamed Oated Oickep Oonsaturp Ountinkle Owelf Oyinably Pachem Pandent Pappens Parachol Parekem Pargise Pased Pasprod Pavess Pawaing Pawns Payings Pheal Pings Placked Plact Plaget Plarghem Plumajoht Poiders Poing Pormette Porrolon Posefled Poted Priesse Pring Pringe Proatted Procked Proffe Proht Prousto Prowneht Quiletter Radvall Raged Raide Rample Raying Reathide Reatted Reere Reethums Refery Rened Revesed Rhosed Rikeme Rodreely Roned Roord Rouner Rowitsed Ruing Runed Sachown Saing Sance Savill Saysid Scames Scing Sedtle Sehing Sestort Sesureen Seviter Shady Sheent Sheref Shided Shiefhers Shise Shoemess Shoky Shonscing Shost Shoulplam Sideas Sillumpbit Sinds Sinst Sitchoody Sithrhoul Sking Sksall Slived Slogn Slowicky Smeht Smosed Snall Soffir Solothern Somedtran Somer Somin Sommonace Sonsiong Sorged Sorted Soused Soution Spand Spereat Sperippy Spick Spona Spoused Stace Stamilk Stase Steeping Stepaye Sterydard Sting Stion Stiyaance Stlead Strace Stredt Strught Sturoad Subtragiv Sudly Suncem Surly Surproul Swant Swarts Swerates Swereat Tabled Tablep Tagetho Taindegs Talky Tardow Tavlag Tered Theadling Theretrunt Thesime Thess Thick Thigh Throse Thuse Thytily Tificep Tinscards Tiought Tisen Toplings Torder Trace Tracrizen Traing Tring Troht Troushappy Trydat Tuarking Tuddly Twase Tweaky Twout Ueantrest Undoht Unnights Usigning Valchfor Vards Vemboaclod Wastace Watter Wears Weens Welinged Wetanoy Whancel Whaphy Wheapper Whiding Whing Whinhind Whozed Wises Womeappeon Woods Woody Woost Wortanes Wourn Wribboof Wrizzleed Yousps
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Gobernadora y 21 municipios firman creación de Sistema Urbano y Metropolitano de Guerrero
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ACAPULCO * 20 de abril de 2023. ) Gobierno de Guerrero
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“Tenemos la absoluta convicción de hacer del Desarrollo Urbano un motor de crecimiento y bienestar para Guerrero, siempre con responsabilidad, con equilibrio y sobre todo, en perfecta coordinación con nuestras presidentas y presidentes municipales”, señaló la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado Pineda, durante la firma del Acuerdo de Colaboración entre el Gobierno del Estado de Guerrero y 21 Municipios para la creación del Sistema de Planeación Territorial, Desarrollo Urbano y Metropolitano del Estado de Guerrero. Este convenio en el que participan los municipios de Acapulco, Atoyac, Alpoyeca, Chilpancingo, Copala, Cuajinicuilapa, Coyuca de Benítez, Eduardo Neri, Florencio Villarreal, Huamuxtitlán, Ixcateopan de Cuauhtémoc, Juchitán, Marquelia, Mochitlán, Ometepec,
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Pungarabato, San Luis Acatlán, San Marcos, Tixtla, Tlacoachistlahuaca y Zihuatanejo, incluye 16 instrumentos de planeación urbana, en beneficio de más de un millón y medio de habitantes, pertenecientes a mil 358 localidades, con una extensión de 13 mil 583 kilómetros cuadrados. Esto permitirá el desarrollo de procesos de planeación en sus diferentes fases que van desde la formulación, implementación, control, evaluación y seguimiento, los cuales estarán sujetos a las disposiciones establecidas en el marco jurídico para los asentamientos humanos. Con la presencia de las autoridades municipales la gobernadora dijo que la firma de este convenio es de suma importancia, ya que contribuye a fortalecer un rubro que por años había quedado desatendido, dando prioridad al desarrollo urbano y al ordenamiento
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territorial como elementos para ofrecer a la población obras y acciones planeadas, con impacto ecológico y evitando el crecimiento desordenado de ciudades. “Hoy este gobierno, asumió el compromiso absoluto de caminar hacia un territorio justo y sostenible para todas y para todos; sobre todo, observando en todo momento la normatividad y la ley en equilibrio con los intereses económicos, pero también con el bienestar de las familias”, añadió la mandataria. Ante los alcaldes y alcaldesas, la jefa del Ejecutivo estatal resaltó la importancia de contar con una coordinación proactiva de esfuerzos, para consolidar una planeación enfocada en el bien común, con miras a lograr el crecimiento integral de Guerrero.
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Durante su participación, la secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano, Obras Públicas y Ordenamiento Territorial (SDUOPyOT), Irene Jiménez Montiel explicó que en este acuerdo convergen el financiamiento de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano (Sedatu) y la coinversión entre el gobierno del estado y los municipios, lo que permitirá trabajar en la construcción de este plan estatal, 14 planes municipales de desarrollo urbano y el plan regional de los municipios de la Costa Chica. En tanto que el titular de la Secretaría de Planeación y Desarrollo Regional (Seplader), René Vargas Pineda dijo que el ordenamiento territorial es “una oportunidad para sentar las bases para un mejor futuro, ordenado y sostenible”. Al respecto destacó que, siguiendo la visión encabezada por la gobernadora Evelyn Salgado, es prioritario establecer acciones
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enfocadas a promover el bienestar común y no el interés de unos cuantos. Asistieron al evento las y los presidentes municipales de Acapulco, Abelina López Rodríguez; de Coyuca de Benítez, Ossiel Pacheco Salas; de Zihuatanejo, Jorge Sánchez Allec; de Copala, Guadalupe García Villalba; de Cuajinicuilapa, Edgardo Miguel Paz Rojas; de Huamuxtitlán, Aurelio Méndez Rosales; de Mochitlán, Gerardo Mosso López; de Tlacoachistlahuaca, Yareth Saraí Pineda Arce; de Juchitán, Miguel Antonio Moctezuma Flores; de San Marcos, Tomás Hernández Palma; de San Luis Acatlán, Adair Hernández Martínez; de Chilpancingo, Norma Otilia Hernández; de Marquelia, Lincer Casiano Clemente y de Tixtla, Moisés Antonio González Cabañas. También asistieron funcionarios de los diferentes órdenes de gobierno. ) Síguenos en nuestra página Facebook / @Acapulco Press Read the full article
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maceikblog · 2 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #149 16.06.2022
NHL, finał: Avalanche-Lightning 4:3 po dogrywce (1:0 w serii)
MLB: Cardinals-Pirates 4:6 (25-37)
FIVB Liga Narodów: Polska-Tajlandia 3:2
Turniej ITF w Poertschach: Martyna Kubka/Caijsa Wilda Hennemann-Chanel Janssen/rosjanka 6:2 6:4
Turniej ITF w Martos: Paweł Cias-Martin Breysach 6:3 6:4
Tour of Slovenia, 2 etap:
12. Marcin Budziński (27 w generalce)
25. Rafał Majka (1 w generalce)
39. Marceli Bogusławski (65 w generalce)
50. Tomasz Budziński (58 w generalce)
72. Piotr Brożyna (73 w generalce)
79. Jakub Kaczmarek (86 w generalce)
89. Alan Banaszek (97 w generalce)
112. Adam Stachowiak (116 w generalce)
Kaskada Golf Challenge, 1 runda: 55. Mateusz Gradecki
PDC World Cup of Darts, 1 runda:
Dania (Andersen/Toft Jorgensen) - Singapur (Paul Lim/Harith Lim) 5:2
Nowa Zelandia (Robb/Parry) - Szwajcaria (Bellmont/Junghans) 5:3
Irlandia (O'Connor/Lennon) - Kanada (Smith/Campbell) 5:2
Austria (Suljovic/Rodriguez) - Finlandia (Kantele/Paavilainen) 5:3
Irlandia Północna (Gurney/Dolan) - Gibraltar (Hewitt/Galliano) 5:3
Walia (Price/Clayton) - Filipiny (Ilagan/Escaros) 5:2
Niemcy (Clemens/Schindler) - Hiszpania (Justicia/Martinez) 5:4
Holandia (Noppert/van Duijvenbode) - Brazylia (Portela/Valle) 5:0
mecz testowy, 1 dzień: Indie Zachodnie (95/2, Kraigg Brathwaite 42*, Alzarri Joseph 3/33)-Bangladesz (103, Shakib Al Hasan 51, Mustafizur Rahman 1/10)
mecz jednodniowy: Sri Lanka (220/9, Kusal Mendis 36, C Karunaratne 3/47) pokonała Australię (189, David Warner 37, Pat Cummins 4/35) 26 runami
Mistrzostwa Europy w blind footballu: Polska-Włochy 1:3
FIBA Liga Narodów 3x3:
Polska U21-Litwa U21 11:21
Polska U21-Czechy U21 20:12
Polska U21-Estonia U21 21:12
Polska U21-Rumunia U21 22:14
Polska U21-Czechy U21 20:21
Challenger w Gaibie: Paula Kania Chodun/Elixane Lechemia-Lesley Pattinama Kerkhove/Arantxa Rus 4:6 4:6
Turniej ITF w Santo Domingo: Oliwia Lincer/Ana Carmen Zamburek-Hiroko Kuwata/Pei Chi Lee 2:6 1:6
Turniej ITF w San Diego: Daria Kuczer-Solymer Colling 0:6 3:6
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