#linagliptin 5 mg
thelotusbiotech · 8 months
Stress Management Strategies for Balanced Blood Sugar Levels
Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for overall well-being, especially for individuals diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. While factors like diet, exercise, and medication play vital roles, managing stress often takes a backseat despite its significant impact on blood glucose control. This blog delves into Type 2 diabetes, explores the common symptoms, and emphasizes the importance of stress management in achieving balanced blood sugar levels. 
What is Type 2 Diabetes?
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels. While the body naturally produces insulin, a hormone that helps cells absorb glucose (sugar) from the bloodstream for energy, in Type 2 diabetes, the body either becomes resistant to the effects of insulin or doesn't produce enough. This results in excess sugar circulating in the blood, leading to various health complications if left unmanaged.
Common Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes:
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Unexplained weight loss or fatigue
Blurred vision
Slow-healing wounds
Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
How Does Stress Affect Blood Sugar Levels?
Stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol and glucagon, which elevate blood sugar levels. This is a natural response meant to provide the body with energy during stressful situations. However, chronic stress can lead to persistently high blood sugar, disrupting insulin sensitivity and making it harder for the body to regulate blood glucose.
Various studies conducted on the effects of overeating due to stress on blood sugar levels also suggest a direct correlation between type 2 diabetes and binge eating. Some people tend to eat more when they are under stress, which ultimately leads to weight gain. The result? Increased resistance to insulin production leads to a stagnation of sugar levels in the blood. 
Stress Management Strategies for Balanced Blood Sugar:
Regular Exercise: Physical activity helps burn off excess glucose, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces stress. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous weekly exercise.
Healthy Diet: Prioritize whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins while limiting processed foods, sugary drinks, and saturated fats. These dietary changes can significantly impact blood sugar control.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and promote overall well-being. Dedicate 10-20 minutes daily to these activities for noticeable improvements.
Quality Sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep deprivation can worsen insulin sensitivity and contribute to higher blood sugar levels. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.
Social Support: Connecting with loved ones, joining support groups, and seeking professional help for managing stress can provide invaluable emotional support and guidance.
Manage Type 2 Diabetes Effectively with Ondero 5mg Linagliptin Tablets.
Ondero 5mg Linagliptin Tablets are a prescription medication used to manage Type 2 diabetes. Linagliptin belongs to a class of drugs called DPP-4 inhibitors, which enhance the incretin effect. Incretins are natural gut hormones that stimulate insulin secretion and reduce glucagon production after eating, lowering blood sugar levels.
Ondero Linagliptin 5 mg is typically taken once daily with or without food. It is important to note that it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle or other medications prescribed for diabetes management. Always consult your doctor before starting Ondero 5mg or any other medicines.
Action Mechanism:
Diabetes medication linagliptin tablets offer a potent solution for type 2 diabetes management by targeting the core of the issue: blood sugar control. Its active ingredient, Linagliptin, unlocks a two-pronged approach:
Enhanced Insulin Secretion: Linagliptin stimulates the pancreas to release more insulin, the essential hormone regulating blood sugar. This ensures your body has the tools to prevent uncontrolled sugar spikes after meals.
Reduced Glucose Production: The drug also curbs the liver's ability to generate excess glucose, further preventing blood sugar imbalances.
This combined action results in improved glycemic control, a crucial factor in managing diabetes. 
Minimize the risk of serious complications: Stable blood sugar levels translate to a lower risk of diabetes-related issues like kidney damage, nerve problems, vision loss, and heart disease.
Support a healthier lifestyle: Effective blood sugar management empowers you to embrace a more active life, contributing to overall well-being. Ondero 5mg empowers you to take control of your diabetes and adopt a healthier future.
Finding the Right Balance:
Managing Type 2 diabetes effectively requires a multi-faceted approach. While medication like Ondero 5mg Linagliptin or Linagliptin 5mg substitutes can be valuable, incorporating stress management strategies into your daily routine is crucial for maintaining balanced blood sugar levels and improving overall health. Remember, prioritising healthy habits, managing stress effectively, and working closely with your doctor and healthcare team are vital to achieving and maintaining optimal well-being with Type 2 diabetes. 
Though this post contains authentic information from verified sources and aims to educate the masses on bodily disorders and potential medications used in their treatment, there is always a minute possibility of human error. It’s strongly advised and recommended that you consult your healthcare physician before making any health decisions. Kindly refrain from self-administration of any medications.
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bestgenericmedicine · 8 months
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Linagliptin, the primary ingredient in Trajenta, functions by inhibiting the DPP-4 enzyme. This enzyme plays a crucial role in breaking down incretin hormones, essential for blood sugar regulation. By blocking DPP-4, linagliptin elevates the levels of these hormones, leading to more effective control of blood sugar.
Click Here ::: https://bestgenericmedicine.com/product/trajenta-5-mg
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vcarepharmac · 9 months
Trajenta 5 mg | Linagliptin | Benefits | Uses | Doses
Trajenta 5 mg- discover how it can lead you on a journey to a healthier, happier life. Purchase now for convenient delivery and take control of your diabetes management journey.
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ushealthcarepharmac · 3 years
Buy Trajenta 5 mg Online at Cheapest Rate
The crucial step in managing type 2 diabetes is keeping blood sugar down. Trajenta 5mg increases insulin which prevents release of sugar into the bloodstream after every meal. Use it if you are not getting the desired results from other medicines.
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simonhayes01 · 3 years
Buy Trajenta 5 Mg Online | Linagliptin 5 Mg
When other types 2 diabetes and diet change fail to keep blood sugar levels in control, buy trajenta 5mg to prevent the progression of diabetes. The dose increases insulin to absorb sugar released by food after digestion. Regular use prevents the accumulation of glucose in the bloodstream. Take it once a day without or with food.
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Brand Name: Tradjenta
Common Dosage Forms:
Tablets: 5 mg
FDA Indications/Dosages:
As an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: 5 mg taken once daily.
When used with an insulin secretagogue (sulfonylurea) or with insulin, use a lower dose of the insulin secretagogue or insulin to decrease the risk of hypoglycemia.
Monitor: FBG, HbA1C
Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics: Linagliptin inhibits the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DDP-4) enzyme. DDP-4 is responsible for deactivating the incretin hormones glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). These hormones are released by the intestine in response to food and are credited with increasing insulin synthesis and release from pancreatic beta cells. GLP-1 also decreases hepatic glucose production by lowering glucagon secretion from pancreatic alpha cells. By inhibiting DDP-4, linagliptin increases insulin and decreases glucagon in response to elevated blood glucose. Inhibition of DDP-4 by sitagliptin lasts for 24 hours. Peak plasma levels are reached in 1.5 hours. Approximately 85% is excreted in the urine as unchanged drug. The terminal half-life after an oral dose is approximately 12 hours.
Drug Interactions: Strong inducers of CYP3A4 or P-gp (rifampin) may decrease effectiveness.
Contraindications/Precautions: Contraindicated in patients with known or suspected hypersensitivity to linagliptin. Increases the risk of acute pancreatitis (upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fever). Use caution when combining with medications known to cause hypoglycemia. Hypersensitivity reactions have occurred within 3 months of starting therapy. Pregnancy Category B.
Adverse Effects: Adverse effects are uncommon and mild and include nasopharyngitis, diarrhea, and cough. A rare adverse effect seen with other DDP-4 inhibitors is joint pain (arthralgia). Rare but severe cases of hypersensitivity and pancreatitis have been reported.
Patient Consultation:
May be taken without regard to meals.
Closely follow recommended dietary and exercise instructions.
Quarterly HbA1c testing should be performed.
Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and children.
If a dose is missed, take it as soon as possible but do not double doses.
Call physician is above side effects are severe or persistent.
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thewaltzy · 5 years
Linagliptin, Saxagliptin, Sitagliptin, etc.
DPP-4 Inhibitor
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Mechanism of Action
Increased insulin secretion
Decreased glucagon secretion
Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 degrade the incretins Glucagon Like Peptide 1 and Glucose Dependent Insulinotropic Peptide
Incretins stimulate the glucose mediated release of insulin by beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans, and glucagon by the alpha cells
DPP-4 inhibitors prevent the degradation of incretins, thereby prolonging their effect
5 mg once daily
5 mg once daily
100 mg once daily
Side effects
Abdominal pain
Nausea and vomiting
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Previous pancreatitis
Hepatic impairment
Renal impairment
Other points
May be used as monotherapy if metformin is contraindicated or not tolerated
May be used in combination with metformin if metformin alone is not sufficient in controlling blood glucose
May be used in combination with sulphonylurea if sulphonylurea alone is not sufficient in controlling blood glucose
May be used in combination with pioglitazone if pioglitazone alone is not sufficient in controlling blood glucose
May be used in combination with metformin and sulphonylurea if dual therapy is not sufficient in controlling blood glucose
Mechanism of action of inhibitors of dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP-4); N A Thornberry, B Gallwitz;  Best Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2009 Aug) 23(4): 479 - 486
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royquiltz · 6 years
Empagliflozin, Linagliptin Combination Therapy vs Linagliptin Monotherapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Investigators examined the safety and efficacy of empagliflozin 10mg and linagliptin 5 mg in patients uncontrolled on linagliptin. Empagliflozin, Linagliptin Combination Therapy vs Linagliptin Monotherapy for Type 2 Diabetes published first on https://www.youtube.com/dailyhealthpost/
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drliamhenry · 3 years
One of the best medicines for type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetic patients consume this drug with a healthy diet and exercise, which regulates blood sugar levels after meals. For best results, drink this drug any time you feel comfortable.
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bestgenericmedicine · 8 months
Linagliptin, the primary ingredient in Trajenta, functions by inhibiting the DPP-4 enzyme. This enzyme plays a crucial role in breaking down incretin hormones, essential for blood sugar regulation. By blocking DPP-4, linagliptin elevates the levels of these hormones, leading to more effective control of blood sugar.
Click Here ::: https://bestgenericmedicine.com/product/trajenta-5-mg
Explore Trajenta 5 mg, a groundbreaking solution in diabetes management. Our platform is proud to offer this exceptional medication, empowering you to take control of your well-being and embrace life to its fullest potential
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zavings · 4 years
Alembic Pharma gets USFDA tentative nod for Empagliflozin and Linagliptin tablets; stock up 2%
Alembic Pharma gets USFDA tentative nod for Empagliflozin and Linagliptin tablets; stock up 2%
The tentatively approved ANDA is therapeutically equivalent to the reference listed drug product (RLD), Glyxambi Tablets, 10 mg/5 mg and 25 mg/5 mg, of Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Boehringer).
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eicrasoft · 4 years
Glitin 5 mg 10pcs
Glitin 5 mg 10pcs
IndicationsGlitin is a preparation of Linagliptin. It is an inhibitor of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), an enzyme that degrades the incretin hormones glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). By inhibiting DPP-4, Linagliptin increases the concentrations of active incretin hormones and stimulates the release of insulin in a glucose dependent manner…
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azveille · 5 years
Prescrire ajoute 12 médicaments à sa liste des produits "plus dangereux qu'utiles"
La revue Prescrire a fait entrer 12 nouveaux produits dans sa liste de "médicaments autorisés plus dangereux qu'utile", publiée dans dans son numéro de décembre.
Cette liste, établie pour la huitième année consécutive, compte désormais 105 médicaments, dont 92 commercialisés en France, à écarter des soins, selon la revue.
Les 12 entrants sont:
le traitement des maux de gorge alpha-amylase, présent notamment dans Maxilase* (Sanofi)
le traitement des troubles cognitifs chez les patients âgés ginkgo biloba, que l'on retrouve notamment dans Tanakan* (Ipsen)
le naftidrofuryl (présent notamment dans Praxilene*, Merck KGaA) dans la claudication intermittente ischémique liée à une artériopathie des membres inférieurs
le pentosane polysulfate oral (Elmiron*, Bene-Arzneimittel) dans le syndrome de la vessie douloureuse
l'antitussif pentoxyvérine (Vicks sirop pectoral 0,15%* et Clarix toux sèche pentoxyvérine 0,15%*, Procter & Gamble)
le décongestionnant rhinopharyngé xylométazoline, non commercialisé en France mais en Belgique et Suisse notammentles pansements gastriques:
attapulgite (Actapulgite* ou en association dans Gastropulgite* de Mormoiron et Ipsen)
diosmectite, présent notamment dans Smecta* (Ipsen)
hydrotalcite (Rennieliquo*, Bayer)
montmorillonite beidellitique alias monmectite (Bedelix* ou en association dans Gelox*, Ipsen)
kaolin (en association dans Gastropax*, Lehning et Neutroses*, DB Pharma)
Ces cinq derniers produits sont des argiles médicamenteuses utilisées dans divers troubles intestinaux dont les diarrhées. La contamination par du plomb justifie de les écarter des soins, a indiqué Prescrire. L'ANSM a demandé en février de ne plus utiliser ces médicaments, rappelle-t-on.
La revue signale également que les traitements du diabète de type 2 du groupe des glifozines ne figurent toujours pas dans la liste des médicaments à écarter malgré une balance bénéfices-risques défavorable. La dapagliflozine ayant été autorisée dans le diabète de type 1, l'analyse de la revue de ces produits dans cette situation est en cours, a-t-elle expliqué. Il s'agit de la canagliflozine (Invokana*, Johnson & Johnson), la dapagliflozine (Forxiga*, AstraZeneca), l'empagliflozine (Jardiance*, Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly) et de l'ertugliflozine (Steglatro*, MSD).
Prescrire a retiré de la liste le séléxipag (Uptravi*, Actelion), un agoniste des récepteurs de la prostacycline par voie orale, autorisé dans l'hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP). Ce retrait est dû au réexamen de son évaluation par Prescrire. "Pour autant, sa balance bénéfices-risques est très incertaine", note la revue, qui a constaté un excès de mortalité dans le principal essai d'évaluation clinique.
La revue souligne enfin que le myorelaxant méphénésine (Decontractyl*, Sanofi), qui avait fait son entrée sur la liste 2019, a été retiré du marché français sur décision de l'Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM). Il reste cependant commercialisé en Belgique et figure donc toujours sur la liste.
Sur la base de l'étude de l'ensemble des médicaments bénéficiant d'une autorisation de mise sur le marché (AMM) française ou européenne entre 2010 et 2019, Prescrire a établi sa liste par domaine thérapeutique, comme suit:
le défibrotide (Defitelio*, Gentium)
le mifamurtide (Mepact*, Takeda)
le nintédanib (Vargatef*, Boehringer Ingelheim)
le panobinostat (Farydak*, Novartis)
la trabectédine (Yondelis*, PharmaMar)
le vandétanib (Caprelsa*, AstraZeneca)
la vinflunine (Javlor*, Pierre Fabre)
l'aliskirène (Rasilez*, Novartis)
le bézafibrate, le ciprofibrate et le fénofibrate
la dronédarone (Multaq*, Sanofi)
le nicorandil
l'olmésartan (Olmésartan, Daiichi Sankyo/Alteis*, Menarini)
la ranolazine (Ranexa*, Gilead)
la trimétazidine
le vernakalant (Brinavess*, Cardiome)
Dermatologie - Allergologie
la méquitazine (Primalan*, Pierre Fabre)
la prométhazine injectable (Phénergan*, Famel)
le tacrolimus dermique (Protopic*, Leo)
les inhibiteurs de la DPP-4 alogliptine (Vipidia* et associations, Takeda), linagliptine (Trajenta* et associations, Boehringer Ingelheim), saxagliptine (Onglyza* et associations, AstraZeneca), sitagliptine (Januvia* et associations, Merck & Co) et vildagliptine (Galvus* et associations, Novartis)
la pioglitazone (Actos*, Takeda)
l’association bupropion + naltrexone (Mysimba*, Orexigen)
les coxibs célécoxib, étoricoxib et parécoxib (Dynastat*, Pfizer)
l'acéclofénac et le diclofénac
le kétoprofène en gel
le piroxicam par voie générale
la diacéréine
la glucosamine
la méphénésine (Decontractyl*, Sanofi)
le méthocarbamol (Lumirelax*, Juvisé)
le thiocolchicoside
la capsaïcine en patch (Qutenza*, Grünenthal)
le dénosumab (Prolia*, Amgen)
la quinine
l'association colchicine + poudre d'opium + tiémonium (Colchimax*, Mayoly Spindler)
l'association prednisolone + salicylate de dipropylène glycol (Cortisal*, Dexo)
l'acide obéticholique (Ocaliva*, Intercept)
les argiles médicamenteuses attapulgite, diosmectite, hydrotalcite (Rennieliquo*, Bayer), montmorillonite beidellitique alias monmectite (Bedelix* et Gelox*, Ipsen) et kaolin (en association dans Gastropax* et Neutroses*, Lehning et DB Pharma)
la cimétidine
la dompéridone, le dropéridol et la métopimazine (Vogalène*/Vogalib*, Teva)
le nifuroxazide
le prucalopride (Resolor*, Shire, groupe Takeda)
le trinitrate de glycéryle (Rectogesic*, Kyowa Kirin)
l'association estrogènes conjugués + bazédoxifène (Duavive*, Pfizer)
la tibolone (Livial*, Merck & Co)
l'ulipristal 5 mg (Esmya*, Richter)
la moxifloxacine
le donépézil, la galantamine et la rivastigmine
la mémantine
l'alemtuzumab (Lemtrada*, Sanofi)
le natalizumab (Tysabri*, Biogen)
le tériflunomide (Aubagio*, Sanofi)
la flunarizine (Sibelium*, J&J) et l'oxétorone (Nocertone*, Sanofi)
le ginkgo biloba
le naftidrofuryl
la tolcapone (Tasmar*, Meda, groupe Mylan)
la ciclosporine en collyre (Ikervis*, Santen)
l'idébénone (Raxone*, Santhera)
l'ambroxol et la bromhexine (Bisolvon*, Sanofi)
l'oxomémazine (Toplexil*, Sanofi et génériques)
le pentoxyvérine
la pholcodine
l'association tixocortol + chlorhexidine
l'éphédrine, la naphazoline, l'oxymétazoline, la phényléphrine, la pseudoéphédrine, le tuaminoheptane et la xylométazoline
le mannitol inhalé (Bronchitol*, Pharmaxis)
le nintédanib (Ofev*, Boehringer Ingelheim)
le roflumilast (Daxas*, Takeda)
l'agomélatine (Valdoxan*, Servier)
le citalopram et l'escitalopram
la duloxétine, le milnacipran et la venlafaxine
la tianeptine
la dapoxétine (Priligy*, Menarini)
l'étifoxine (Stresam*, Biocodex)
Sevrage tabagique
le bupropion (Zyban*, GSK)
le pentosane polysulfate (Elmiron*, Bene-Arzneimittel)
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Linagliptin improved albuminuria however impact on eGFR and CV danger in sufferers with diabetes
http://tinyurl.com/yxskamn2 Diabetes mellitus is a big and rising well being drawback which contributes considerably to the prevalence of continual kidney illness (CKD). In keeping with the ERA-EDTA Registry, practically 1 / 4 (23 p.c) of all sufferers who began renal substitute remedy in 2016 have been sufferers with diabetes. The underlying concept of the research, which has been offered as a late breaking medical trial on the ERA-EDTA congress in Budapest at this time, was to evaluate the potential of the DPP-Four inhibitor linagliptin (LINA), an oral diabetes drug, to cut back the burden of CKD and cardiac issues as secondary illnesses in individuals with diabetes. Only some weeks in the past it had been proven that SGLT2 inhibitors, one other class of diabetes medicine, may gradual CKD development on this affected person group. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors are normally prescribed for sufferers with sort 2 diabetes as second or third line medicine, when there’s not ample remedy response to extra broadly used medicine like metformin. DPP-Four inhibitors block the enzyme DPP-4, which destroys incretins. Incretins stimulate the manufacturing of insulin and, thus, the blood sugar stage decreases with the remedy. “However do DPP-Four inhibitors have any helpful renal and cardiovascular results? Can they stop these secondary illnesses of diabetes? That is what we wished to search out out in our trial,” explains lead investigator Professor Dr. Christoph Wanner. The multicenter, randomized, double-blind CARMELINA trial in contrast LINA 5 mg vs placebo, added to plain of care, in individuals with sort 2 diabetes and CV and/or kidney illness. The research assessed the cardio-renal illness burden and results of the remedy on CV, eGFR and albuminuria outcomes in members with or with out nephrotic-range proteinuria (outlined as UACR ?2200 mg/g at baseline). It confirmed that 646 of the 6979 randomized members had nephrotic-range proteinuria and, thus, suffered from renal illness. They have been at excessive danger of CV occasions and had poor kidney outcomes; a 3-fold larger decline in eGFR was seen in these with nephrotic-range proteinuria at baseline The distinction in HbA1c over the complete trial period favoured LINA (-0.36 p.c). This didn’t differ between sufferers who had nephrotic-range proteinuria at baseline and people who had not. A bigger proportion of sufferers who had acquired LINA vs placebo regressed to normoalbuminuria or had a discount of urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio of ?50 p.c from baseline—no matter nephrotic-range proteinuria standing. Nonetheless, loss in eGFR over time was not totally different between the teams (-6.51/12 months vs placebo -7.07/12 months), and the remedy didn’t have an effect on the danger for thus known as 3-point main hostile cardiovascular occasions (HR.1.02 [95 percent CI, 0.89, 1.17]), CV mortality (0.96 [0.81, 1.14]), or all-cause hospitalization (0.93 [0.85, 1.00]), in individuals with or with out nephrotic-range proteinuria “Linagliptin is efficient in reducing HbA1c and albuminuria, however this didn’t translate into a greater renal and cardiac end result. It managed the diabetes and it may halt albuminuria, nevertheless it had no further medical advantages. However the research clearly confirmed that there’s a group of sufferers with diabetes who clearly are in want of outcome-enhancing therapies, as a result of their prognosis is fairly poor. Nephrotic-range proteinuria is likely to be a superb marker to stratify these sufferers. I might advise to deal with these patients with SGLT2 inhibitors as an alternative, or a mix of SGLT2 inhibitor and DPP-Four inhibitor. Other than diabetes management, SGLT2 inhibitors have proven to be efficient in renal and cardiovascular danger discount,” concluded lead investigator Professor Wanner. How lixisenatide slows or prevents damage to the kidneys in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease Extra info: Wanner C et al. Results on kidney outcomes in sufferers with nephrotic vary proteinuria: Insights from CARMELINA. LBCT Summary ERA-EDTA Congress 2019, Budapest Offered by ERA-EDTA Quotation: Linagliptin improved albuminuria however impact on eGFR and CV danger in sufferers with diabetes (2019, June 14) retrieved 16 June 2019 from https://medicalxpress.com/information/2019-06-linagliptin-albuminuria-effect-egfr-cv.html This doc is topic to copyright. Other than any honest dealing for the aim of personal research or analysis, no half could also be reproduced with out the written permission. The content material is supplied for info functions solely. Source link
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Lower HbA1c Reached With Combined Empagliflozin/Linagliptin vs Monotherapy
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-type-2/lower-hba1c-reached-with-combined-empagliflozinlinagliptin-vs-monotherapy/
Lower HbA1c Reached With Combined Empagliflozin/Linagliptin vs Monotherapy
Tori Rodriguez, MA, LPC May 05, 2017 Lower HbA1c Reached With Combined Empagliflozin/Linagliptin vs Monotherapy Share this content:
HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose were the strongest predictors of HbA1c target attainment and maintenance.
This article is part of Endocrinology Advisor's coverage of the 26th American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) Annual Scientific Sessions & Clinical Congress, taking place in Austin, Texas. Our staff will report on medical research and technological advances in diabetes, obesity, and thyroid conditions, conducted by experts in the field. Check back regularly for more news from AACE 2017.
A recent investigation found that patients with type 2 diabetes achieved tighter glucose control with empagliflozin/linagliptin single-pill combination therapy compared with monotherapy with either drug. Researchers from Boehringer Ingelheim discussed the findings at the 26th American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) Annual Scientific Sessions & Clinical Congress, May 3-7, in Austin, Texas.
Pooling data from 2 phase 3 randomized trials (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01422876 for both), the investigators examined outcomes and characteristics of patients who achieved glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≤7% at week 12 and maintained that level at week 52. Of the combined sample, 677 patients were treatment-naive at baseline, and 686 were receiving background metformin therapy. Patients were assigned to 1 of the following therapies: empagliflozin/linagliptin 25 mg/5 mg or 10 mg/5 mg, empagliflozin 25 mg or 10 mg, or linagliptin 5 mg.
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Significant differences were observed between groups based on treatment regimen. The percentage of patients achieving target HbA1c ≤7% at weeks 12 and 52 was 43.3% with empagliflozin/linagliptin 25 mg/5 mg, 45.9% with empagliflozin/linagliptin 10 mg/5 mg, 31.1% with empagliflozin 25 mg, 30.5 with empagliflozin 10 mg, and 21.8% with linagliptin 5 mg. The percentage of patients who achieved target HbA1c at week 12 but were above target at week 52 was 22.4% (empagliflozin/linagliptin 25 mg/5 mg), 17.8% (empagliflozin/linagliptin 10 mg/5 mg), 11.4% (empagliflozin 25 mg), 11.5% (empagliflozin 10 mg), and 15.3% (linagliptin 5 mg).
Further analysis revealed that baseline HbA1c and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) were the strongest predictors of HbA1c target attainment and maintenance. Mean baseline values among patients who demonstrated glucose control at 12 and 52 weeks were HbA1c 7.4% to 7.6% and FPG 137.9 to 145.7 mg/dL. Among those with target HbA1c at 12 weeks but not 52 weeks, mean baseline values were HbA1c 7.5% to 7.8% and FPG 136.7 mg/dL to 149.6 mg/dL. For patients with above-target HbA1c at 12 weeks, mean baseline values were HbA1c 8.3% to 8.5% and FPG 167.4 mg/dL to 177.1 mg/dL.
Taken together, these findings show that achievement and maintenance of target HbA1c in patients with type 2 diabetes was more prevalent among those treated with the empagliflozin/linagliptin single-pill combination therapy vs monotherapy with either drug.
Visit Endocrinology Advisor's conference section for continuous coverage from AACE 2017
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Drug Combination Reduces HbA1c More Than Monotherapy
Del Parigi A, Tang W, Meyer C, Liu D, Lee C, Pratley R. Achieving and maintaining HbA1c targets with empagliflozin/linagliptin single-pill combination therapy in type 2 diabetes. Abstract 280. Presented at: 26th American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Annual Scientific Sessions & Clinical Congress. May 3-7, 2017; Austin, TX.
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Metabolic Syndrome Rates Differ by Race, Ethnicity in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Gestational Diabetes Risk May Be Reduced With Probiotics
Liraglutide Plus Metformin Leads to Remission in New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Lower HbA1c Reached With Combined Empagliflozin/Linagliptin vs Monotherapy
Tesamorelin May Reduce Insulin Resistance in HIV With Lipodystrophy
Silent Thyroiditis Risk Increased With Lithium Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
Severe Hypoglycemia and Short-Term Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes Treating Renal Diabetic Diet Advanced Diabetic Solutions Original Article
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royquiltz · 6 years
Empagliflozin, Linagliptin Combination Therapy vs Linagliptin Monotherapy for Type 2 Diabetes
Investigators examined the safety and efficacy of empagliflozin 10mg and linagliptin 5 mg in patients uncontrolled on linagliptin. Empagliflozin, Linagliptin Combination Therapy vs Linagliptin Monotherapy for Type 2 Diabetes published first on https://www.youtube.com/dailyhealthpost/
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