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st4rguy · 2 years ago
i wrote a thing, read it maybe
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washwashgalaxy · 1 year ago
SEPTEMBER WEAVES By Usha N. Shrinjvaasun
SEPTEMBER WEAVESIf Julius Caesar and Augustus caesar had not butted inThis month of September would have been the seventh month here inJuly and August was to boost their ego an limpulsive additionSept in Latin is seven but became nine when July and August entered as an insertionThe first month of autumn in Western climes When redgold becomes the earth in.these windy timesAs a carpet of brown rust…
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kujo1597 · 6 years ago
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@limpulsive Thank you for the reply! It’s a such shame there isn’t a fanfic tag or an actually used general Tales tag either. :/ I thought there might be because there’s so many crossover games and people might use a general tag for crossover art. So I’m pretty surprised to hear those tags aren’t used too often. 
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carnelianwings · 7 years ago
Judas for the ask meme? :S
(For this ask meme! Already answered: Mikleo, Magilou)
How I feel about this character: Judas . . . as much as Bamco likes to joke that he’s not!Leon, he really is his own character.  He’s had time to reflect on everything he did in Destiny, and despite his historical “status” as a traitor, there’s a part of him that’s still loyal to Stahn and the friendship that Stahn had offered him.  So all that got him to mellow out a little on his tsuntsuntsundere tendencies (Leon really does deserve the extra tsuns  XD) and act a little truer to his feelings, but on the flip side, it’s also made him much more aloof in addition to a side of self-loathing.  It’s like what he says to Leon in Rays during his Sub Event skit: hold the things you care about close to you.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one really . . . although a part of me super low key cargo ships Judas (and Leon) with Chaltier.  XD  No matter how long it’s been, Chaltier’s always been right there with him.  Which makes his fate in Destiny 2 so much sadder because in the end, he has to give up Chal too.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kyle.  Uncle Judas always looks after his nephew (look, he even bailed Kyle out of jail in the beginning of Destiny 2, lol).  Plus, the Halloween Rays event, where he takes the time to organize the entire festival just for Kyle.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s not Leon?  XD  I mean, I’ll make the joke myself, but Judas really is his own character.  He’s a lot mellower, more aloof, but he does his best as Uncle Judas to look after Kyle.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he’d talked to Rutee, and reconcile with her after everything in Destiny 1.  I know he feels like he has no place in the world since he’s literally a resurrected dead man, but I do wish he’d gotten the chance.
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kokisu · 7 years ago
4, 8, 17? ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
4) First Tales of game you have ever played?I think it was dawn of the new world?? It was quite long ago but i remember thinking emil was the prettiest girl ive ever seen until i realised wwww
8) Favourite cut scene from any game?this is hard yikes ive got alot ;U; i will just list some out (also imma just add the non-animated cutscenes)Destiny 2 - i really like the scene where they were all stuck in the happy dream, and the one where kyle became realas hero, the one where kyle and reala were making a wish at laguna ruins, judas and chal at the eye of atamoni, BARBATOS JUMPING INTO THE EYE OF ATAMONIRebirth - The beach fight scene… it made me really love veigues and tytrees relationship ++ when i saw that veigues makyoki was that scene i almost criedI also really liked the claire animated cutscene where she was making the speech!Legendia - When grune was disappearing ;’( and giet tooAbyss - when luke cut his hair and the scene after the one on one with asch TTMTT Vesperia - kaRoL JUstIce the scene with his redemption and the scene at the desert with estelle and yuri i thinkXillia 2 - i think it would be the part where elle said she didnt want to go to canaan anymoreBerseria - definitely when laphicet knocked in some sense into velvet, it really shows his character development and i love itI skipped alot of scenes theres way too many
17) Who is your favourite side character?Max and his elemental laserI mean thats one of the biggest reasons to love him
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wallynorthbynorthwest · 7 years ago
1, 10, 17 and 33? :3
Thank you for asking!!!
1. Which one is your favorite game?Tales of Xillia 2!! I really love the characters and am really attached to the plot and Ludger’s struggles, it’s definitely my fave :)
10. Favourite skit from any game?I have two omg because NOTHING will ever top Jude yelling “TEACH ME ABOUT BAZONGAS”, but I am especially fond of this skit where Mikleo gets to burn Edna because she spends most of the game burning him
17. Who is your favorite side character? No contest lol it’s Ion, it’ll probably always be Ion he’s the sweetest character ever ;w;
33. Suppose you’re on a deserted island with two Tales of characters, looking for a way to leave the island. Who would they be and why?Probably Pascal since she’s smart and bubbly, and Tear because she’s my fave and has a lot of common sense
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aratanaruu · 7 years ago
limpulsive replied to your photo “”
I haven’t played this game in what, 5 years? i am READY prepare for me to endlessly spam posts about the greatest game known to mankind
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meaningofbirth · 7 years ago
limpulsive replied to your post “it’s 3am and i’m crying over how much i love karol”
YES! poor karol ;-;... i mean have you seen tales of festival 2016? seriously, anybody who still hates karol after seeing it, has no soul... it was so adorable ;-;
i haven’t seen it!!! i tried to look it up but i can’t find anywhere to watch it ;^;
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richea · 7 years ago
I'm late but 002+Hisui/Richea? :D
When I started shipping them: I started liking the idea of them the first time Hisui carried her around ♡ It was love at first sight… but I really started shipping them after she saved him when they talked about her goals and he promised to bring her to Gardenia.My thoughts: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH…………………………….. I beat Hearts a couple years ago but I still think about these two on a daily basis (which is more than I can say about a lot of pairings). I’m also really weak for princess/knight pairings and while these two are only this in aesthetic, they still fit the bill, and they fit a ton of my other favorite pairing tropes as well, haha. I just love both Hisui and Richea as characters and thought they had an interesting dynamic. They both start out hostile towards the party but grow out of it in their own ways, and partially because of the other’s influence?? That kind of stuff just kills me. I also love seeing Hisui be so subtly and hopelessly in love, it felt very unexpected but ended up being very sweet ; v ; And I love that Richea considers how awkward he can be but supports him anyways, like during the Ferris Wheel scene. I just love so many things about them helpWhat makes me happy about them: That in a different setting they’d be happy together because they share the same feelings, and how cute they are!!!What makes me sad about them: THE ENDING………… the ending makes me cry every time… also that Hisui was *so* close to telling her his feelings but was never able to ;________; These two make me really sad…Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I mean there aren’t a ton, but I’ve seen Richea act all sassy towards him?? Just keeping things in-character is all I care aboutThings I look for in fanfic: Anything reallyMy wishlist: Is this like… things you wish would happen? Assuming it is I just want them to be happy sobsWho I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Ideally they’re together :c But Hisui with InnesMy happily ever after for them: Just not what happened in canon
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dominiquemigner · 6 years ago
Définition encyclopédique
« Les anomalies du rythme cardiaque, ou plus communément appelé arythmies sont des anomalies qui affectentla fréquence cardiaque normale. En présence d’arythmies, le cœur a tendance à battre trop lentement, trop vite ou de façon irrégulière. Ces anomalies peuvent influer sur la quantité de sang que le cœur arrive à pomper. ».
Depuis mon enfance, je me suis toujours intéresséeau cœur humain. Son fonctionnement, ses parties complexes, ses complications, et ses malformations. Par contre, j’ai toujours eu un petit penchant vers les anomalies au niveau du rythme cardiaque. Il existe trois sortes d’arythmies soit la bradycardie, la tachycardie ventriculaire et la fibrillation auriculaire.
Pour la création de mon œuvre, je vais utiliser le rythme de ces anomalies pour créer le mouvement dans mon abstraction géométrique.
1. La bradycardie
« La bradycardie est un trouble du rythme cardiaque, qui décrit un rythme cardiaque anormalement faible. Soit un rythme du cœur inférieur à 60 battements par minute. Cet amoindrissement du rythme cardiaque peut être la conséquence d'une anomalie au niveau du nodule sinusal ou encore d'anomaliesdans le circuit des signaux électriques, lequi parcourent lemuscle cardiaque (myocarde). »
Lors d’un épisode de bradycardie, le cœur ne pompe pas assez de sang riche en oxygène.
De plus, cette arythmie est qualifiée de bradycardie lorsque le cœur atteint un rythme cardiaque en-dessous de 50 battements cardiaques/minute.
Plusieurs facteurs peuvent expliquer cette arythmie. Le vieillissement naturel du cœur, une cardiopathie congénitale, une maladie ou des médicaments cardiaques, des tissus cicatriciels, la maladie du nœud sinusal, ou encore, un problème de conduction cardiaque.
2. La tachycardie ventricualire (TV)
« La tachycardie ventriculaire (TV) est une arythmie rapide qui origine du ventricule droit ou du ventricule gauche. Les ventricules sont les deux chambres cardiaques qui reçoivent le sang des oreillettes et qui se contractent ensuite de façon synchronisée pour éjecter le sang soit vers les poumons soit vers les autres organes du corps. La tachycardie ventriculaire survient lorsque l’impulsion électrique prend naissance au niveau du muscle d’un des deux ventricules plutôt qu’au niveau des oreillettes. La contraction ventriculaire est alors désorganisée et inefficace et l’éjection du sang dans les organes devient compromise. »
La tachycardie ventriculaire est généralement causée par des fibres musculaires anormales. On retrouve ces anormaliesdans les cicatrices d’infarctus, les maladies vulvaires, les maladies cardiaques congénitales ou encore, dans les myocardites.
De plus, cette arythmie est qualifiée de tachycardie lorsque le cœur atteint un rythme cardiaque au-dessus de 100 battements cardiaques/minute.
Aussi, les anormalies musculaires peuvent être transmises génétiquement comme la cardiomyopathie hypertrophique, la cardiomyopathie arythmogène ou la cardiomyopathie dilatée familiale.
Parfois, la tachycardie ne démontre aucune anomalie au niveau des fibres musculaires. Dans ces cas, on parle de cardiomyopathie, qui est une anomaliegénérique qui n’est associée à aucune faiblesse musculaire.
Pour terminer, certainespersonnesne montrentaucunsdes symptômes de tachycardie ventriculaire. Il n’y a aucune évidence de maladies génétiques ou d’atteintes au niveaudu muscle cardiaque. De ces cas, on parle de tachycardie ventriculaire idiopathique.  
3. La fibrilaltion auriculaire (FA)
« La fibrillation auriculaire (FA) est lorsque le courant électrique dans les deux chambres supérieures du cœur, soit les oreillettes, est très rapide et irrégulier. En réponse, les chambres inférieures du cœur vont elles aussi se contracter de façon irrégulière entre 80 et 180 fois par minute. Ces battements irréguliers, surtout s’ils sont rapides, peuvent nuire au travail du cœur et rendre le transport du sang vers les autres organes plus difficiles. »
La fibrillation auriculaire est causée par le mal fonctionnement des oreillettes. Ainsi,le sang reste plus longtemps que la normale dans les oreilletteset cela peut entraînerla création de caillots.
La fibrillation auriculaire représente l’arythmie la plus répanduemondialement. Elle touche plus de 1% de la population mondiale.
Plusieurs facteurs peuvent expliquer cette arythmie. L’hypertension artérielle, l’hyperthyroïdie, l’infarctus, les anomalies des valves cardiaques ou du muscle cardiaque, l’apnée dusommeil, une chirurgie cardiaque, ou encore, une infection sévère.
Source de la définiton : https://www.ottawaheart.ca/fr/maladie-du-cœur/les-arythmies-anomalies-du-rythme-cardiaque
Source de la bradycardie : https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Maux/Problemes/Fiche.aspx?doc=bradycardie_pm
Source de la bradycardie : https://www.medtronic.com/fr-fr/patients/pathologies/bradycardie.html
Source de la tachycardie ventriculaire : https://www.icm-mhi.org/fr/soins-et-services/maladies-cardiovasculaires/tachycardie-ventriculaire-tv
Source de la fibrilation auriculaire : https://www.icm-mhi.org/fr/soins-et-services/maladies-cardiovasculaires/fibrillation-auriculaire-fa
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cafechaussette · 6 years ago
Tout est fiction, reste le marché
Nourri d’anecdotes et de précisions savantes, « Sapiens », de Yuval Noah Harari, se présente à la fois comme une séduisante entreprise de vulgarisation portant sur l’histoire de notre espèce et comme une réflexion sur le sens de cette histoire. La pédagogie se double ainsi de considérations qui, sous couvert de science, trahissent une banale défense de l’idéologie dominante.
Conjuguer histoire et science pour traverser cent mille et quelques années, et chercher à analyser ce qu’il s’est passé et ce qu’il se passera sur Terre, c’est ambitieux. Même en trois volumes. Yuval Noah Harari, professeur d’histoire à l’université hébraïque de Jérusalem, né en 1976, a été intrépide, et il a eu raison. Le premier volet de sa trilogie, Sapiens (1), s’est écoulé à huit millions d’exemplaires dans le monde. En France, il n’a pas quitté la liste des meilleures ventes depuis le 2 septembre 2015, date de sa sortie en librairies, et les ouvrages qui l’ont suivi, sans encore atteindre ces sommets, les tutoient : quatre millions pour Homo deus, le deuxième (2). Sapiens a été loué par MM. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, Carlos Ghosn, ou encore par l’artiste Damien Hirst. Impressionnant. Harari est ainsi adoubé comme un maître-penseur, y compris par Jared Diamond, l’auteur du célèbre Effondrement (Gallimard, 2006). En bref, il est aujourd’hui « le penseur le plus important du monde (3) » pour avoir, comme le résume brillamment le site de la Fnac, écrit « un livre-monument, audacieux et provocateur » qui « remet en cause tout ce que nous pensions savoir sur l’humanité ». À l’évidence, il serait dommageable de s’en priver.
« Logiciel biologique »
Sapiens, comme les ouvrages qui lui succèdent, cherche « une clé pour comprendre notre histoire et notre psychologie (4) ». La clé, c’est la capacité de l’espèce à nommer des entités qui n’existent pas et à les partager : cette « révolution cognitive » opérée par le langage humain permet de créer des fictions collectives. Dès lors, « un grand nombre d’inconnus peuvent coopérer avec succès en croyant à des mythes communs ». Les Sapiens vivent donc dans une double réalité, objective et imaginaire, mais c’est la réalité imaginaire qui devient la plus puissante : une religion, une nation, Google... Les principes universels, le libéralisme, le socialisme ? Des mythes, et qui, de surcroît, peuvent changer vite : « En 1789, la population française changea de croyance presque du jour au lendemain. » Des mythes dangereux, souvent, notamment la croyance dans la raison, le libre-arbitre. Ce sont des « lois, forces, entités, lieux qui n’existent que dans leur imagination commune (5) » qui suscitent chez les êtres humains « les croisades, les révolutions socialistes, la défense des droits de l’homme ».
Il semble quand même, sans vouloir être désagréable, que cette lecture de l’histoire humaine ne soit pas très éloignée des clichés de comptoir : tout n’est que croyance, la vérité n’existe pas, l’universalisme encore moins. La réalité objective se dissout dans le récit qu’on en fait. On comprend que l’auteur soit quelque peu obsédé par le matérialisme historique et le « communisme », dont il se plaît à faire le symbole de l’erreur tragique — ses fidèles ayant été selon lui « prêts à risquer l’holocauste nucléaire à cause de leur croyance au paradis communiste (6) ». Voilà une pensée agréablement conforme à l’idéologie en place, d’autant que, aux yeux de l’auteur, le capitalisme, autre version d’une religion centrée sur l’homme, a « réduit la violence humaine et accru la tolérance et la coopération ». Bon. Pour l’égalité postulée par les droits de l’homme, même entreprise de pulvérisation : il faudra s’en passer. Comment ne pas reconnaître, par simple bon sens, que c’est une sottise ?, interroge Harari. L’aptitude au bonheur, par exemple, est génétique, et les humains sont ainsi par nature inégaux devant lui...
Il reste à comprendre comment ces illusions prennent corps et s’inscrivent dans la réalité « objective » qu’elles modifient. Nous ne le saurons pas. Et nous ne saurons pas davantage comment la science ne relève pas du « récit » mythifiant. Car Harari croit en la science. D’ailleurs, « peut-être un jour des percées dans la neurobiologie nous permettront-elles d’expliquer le communisme et les croisades en termes strictement biochimiques », avance-t-il dans Homo deus. Notre « logiciel biologique » est déterminant. Sans grande surprise, il affirme avec force que « notre ADN croit encore que nous sommes dans la savane » — belle époque, où nous n’étions pas encore des « serial killers écologiques » — et que, plus largement, les scientifiques sont de plus en plus enclins « à soutenir que le comportement humain est déterminé par les hormones, les gènes et les synapses ». Autrement dit, l’humain a beau (se) raconter des histoires, au fond du fond, ce sont la mécanique neuronale et l’inné qui le font agir.
Mais qu’est-ce qui déclenche la mécanique, fait se connecter les synapses, fait, somme toute, qu’on produit des mots et des idées, par exemple ? Précisément, des « algorithmes » établis par les gènes et l’environnement. Réflexion, travail d’émancipation ? Algorithmes. Soyons clair : nous sommes programmés. Comme dans Matrix, sauf qu’ici c’est sans espoir. On ne peut en sortir. Une solution pour l’accepter : la méditation vipassana — de façon taquine, l’auteur nous confie qu’il en est adepte seulement vers la fin de son troisième livre (7). Elle permet de saisir « que la vie n’a pas de sens et qu’il n’est pas nécessaire de lui en chercher un », comme le pensait le Bouddha, mais aussi d’accueillir le fait que le moi, comme toute autre entité imaginaire, est une fiction.
Dans ces conditions, on comprend difficilement pourquoi Harari estime que, « plus que du chômage de masse, nous devrions nous inquiéter du glissement de l’autorité des hommes aux algorithmes (8) » ; ou pourquoi il dénonce un risque de dictature numérique que permettrait la fusion de l’« infotech » et de la « biotech », afin d’élaborer des algorithmes au plus près des désirs de chacun — si ce chacun en a les moyens. Ce serait, à terme, la fin de Sapiens, mais son règne sur Terre « n’a pas produit jusqu’ici grand-chose dont nous puissions être fiers », alors...
Harari a cherché à étayer, et souvent asséné, les lieux communs propres à la conception du monde selon le libéralisme : tout est relatif ; il n’est pas de vérité ultime ; il y a une nature humaine première ; la raison sert de masque aux émotions qui l’impulsent, seules véritablement déterminantes, etc. On comprend qu’il ait pu être invité au Forum économique de Davos. On comprend moins qu’il soit pris au sérieux.
Evelyne Pieiller in Le Monde Diplomatique (janvier 2019)
(1) Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens. Une brève histoire de l’humanité, Albin Michel, Paris, 2015.
(2) Yuval Noah Harari, Homo deus. Une brève histoire du futur, Albin Michel, 2017.
(3) Thomas Mahler, « Yuval Noah Harari, le penseur le plus important du monde », Le Point, Paris, 20 septembre 2018.
(4) Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens, op. cit. Sauf mention contraire, les citations suivantes proviennent du même ouvrage.
(5) Yuval Noah Harari, Homo deus, op. cit.
(6) Ibid.
(7) Yuval Noah Harari, Vingt et une le��ons pour le XXIe siècle, Albin Michel, 2018.
(8) Ibid.
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plamino-com · 5 years ago
Les Saisons en Streaming Complet HD VF Gratuit
Après avoir parcouru le globe à tire dailes avec les oiseaux migrateurs et surfé dans tous les océans en compagnie des baleines et des raies mantas, Jacques Perrin et Jacques Cluzaud reviennent pour ce nouvel opus sur des terres plus familières. Ils nous convient à un formidable voyage à travers le temps pour redécouvrir ces territoires européens que nous partageons avec les animaux sauvages depuis la dernière ère glaciaire jusquà nos jours.Lhiver durait depuis 80 000 ans lorsque, en un temps très bref, une forêt immense recouvre tout le continent. Une nouvelle configuration planétaire et tout est bouleversé. Le cycle des saisons se met en place, le paysage se métamorphose, la faune et la flore évoluent. Lhistoire commence À un interminable âge de glace succède une forêt profonde et riche puis, sous limpulsion dhommes nouveaux, une campagne riante.Les Saisons est une épopée sensible et inédite qui relate la longue et tumultueuse histoire commune qui lie lhomme aux animaux.
Plamino vous propose de voir Les Saisons en streaming totalement gratuit et sans inscription ! il suffit de défiler vers le bas pour choisir votre qualité/lecteur et commencer votre soirée
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  The post Les Saisons en Streaming Complet HD VF Gratuit appeared first on Plamino : Meilleur Site de streaming pour regarder gratuitement des films en HD.
source https://plamino.me/streaming/les-saisons-vf/
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redigitizing · 7 years ago
Can I request some Leon and Rutee sibling bickering ? Situation 13 with either sentence 20, 21 or 19... I can't decide :S
13 - Someone does something stupid 20 - “Don’t tell me what to do.”
yessssss more destiny prompts, thank you!!! and can you tell that i’ve been absolutely dying to write about the katrea/gilchrist siblings based on how fast i tackled this one lol, i need to see more interactions between them.
this takes place during their journey to retrieve the Eye, and is merely one of the many times someone has done something stupid. I WANT THEM TO BE ABLE TO BICKER AFTER RUTEE FINDS OUT HIS IDENTITY…but that will have to wait until i’ve mapped out my future!au properly. until then, let’s go with this!
As much as Leon likes to complain about the little ragtag group they’ve assembled, he will grudgingly admit that they’ve all grown into their own, and are essential teammates during battle. Stahn, for his swordsmanship and brute strength. Philia, for her heavy spell-casting. And Rutee had perhaps the most important role of all, with her proficiency with healing spells.
…Which was only outweighed by her proficiency for sniffing out lens.
“We can’t carry that much! Just leave it here already.”
“Don’t tell me what to do!” the bag of lens in Rutee’s hands is bulging, and it must be heavier than all of their equipment put together– but still, she refuses to let go and shoves the sack into Stahn’s hands before turning to pick up a second one. “I didn’t defeat those monsters for nothing!”
“You didn’t defeat them alone,” Leon snaps. Their last fight had taken place near a steeply-hilled forest, and he wanted nothing more than to move on. “And I’m not going to let you slow us down just because you’re a greedy hag.”
Rutee raises an eyebrow. “Hag? Ooh, how original! I guess that’s the extent of your vocabulary. How about you try something new, kiddo?”
“Guys,” Stahn tries to interject, “Can we not–”
“Do not call me that!” Leon snarls, ignoring Stahn entirely. He strides forward, intending to take Rutee’s stupid bag away by force if he has to. “Just hand it over, and stop wasting my time!”
“Respectfully declined, sir!” Rutee sneers, taking a step back and cradling the bag like it was a newborn child.  
Both of their voices are rising in volume, easily drowning out Stahn’s clumsy attempts to play mediator. With a growl of frustration, Leon finally whips out his control for the electric tiara– but Rutee, having been a victim of it way too many times at this point, instantly lunges forward to stop him.
She doesn’t get there fast enough for that. What she does manage to do is grab onto Leon’s forearm.
(If this is what being shocked feels like, maybe he’ll avoid pulling the tiara on them from now on.)
The electric current is both painful and numbing. To his horror, Leon finds that his legs are refusing to respond in the immediate aftermath, so there’s nothing he can do when Rutee pitches backwards with a scream and pulls him down with her. Next thing Leon knows, they’re both tumbling over the edge of the hill, slamming painfully into a series of bumpy rocks and through a nest of prickly shrubs, before finally landing flat on the ground below.
Belatedly, Leon realizes that it isn’t a hill. It’s a small cliff. 
“Leon! Rutee!” Stahn’s voice sounds like it’s coming from very far above them. “Are you guys okay?”
Philia’s voice joins in. “We’re coming to get you right away!” 
Everything aches, but Leon doesn’t feel seriously hurt. Still, this is far from his proudest moment and one look at Rutee’s face tells him that this isn’t hers, either. When her eyes meet his, her expression twists into a scowl.
“Now look what you’ve done!” they accuse at the same time, before taking on identically-startled expressions and turning away from each other with a huff.
After a moment, Rutee pushes herself to her feet. “Like you’re one to talk. Who was it that decided to electrocute the both of us, huh? I’m glad you got a taste of your own medicine this time.”
Leon bristles. “I only did it because you were being insufferable!” 
The incident had been humiliating and a tremendous waste of time, so he had every right to be angry. He’s definitely not angry because he felt his heart stop at Rutee’s terrified scream when they fell. Definitely not. 
That would be absurd. 
He tries to get up, too. However, the moment he tries to put weight onto his right leg, pain shoots up from his ankle and Leon finds himself stumbling. He doesn’t fall, though, as Rutee grabs a hold of his arm.
“Did you hurt your leg when I pulled you down?”
“It’s nothing.” Leon grits his teeth and gingerly tries to stand on it again, but it’s a lost cause as his ankle crumples inwards immediately. 
She hauls him up again, and reaches for Atwight without hesitation. “That was clearly not nothing, you brat!”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his grumbles, though, it is a relief when her healing magic washes over his wound. Leon falls silent.
It’s a bad sprain, perhaps fractured. An injury beyond the capabilities of his own healing artes, which means that it would be taxing for even Rutee, in her current state. She must be tired after their most recent fight, but the stream of magic is steady and unwavering. Within minutes, the pain fades.
Rutee sheathes Atwight, and her shoulders slump in exhaustion. Leon looks off to the side, and spots the bag of lens that she had been so intent on bringing. Much of it had spilled all over the ground, but it was miraculously in one piece.
“…We can bring half,” he finds himself saying.
Rutee blinks at him, startled. “What?”
“We can bring half of the lens. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Leon averts his gaze. “…That’s the most we will be able to carry.”
He doesn’t look at her, but there’s a faint smile in Rutee’s next words.
“I’ll accept your compromise just this once. Let’s go, then, and meet up with the others!”
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reblog-house · 6 years ago
Oh man I was answering this with Sam as I was reading it and I must answer rn.
Sam takes a shower every two days. Y'know, as to not ruin his hair by washing it every day (he doesn't own a shower cap), but besides that? Sure, a splash of water to his face in the mornings, but nothing else.
He really likes sweetened vegetables and likes spicy things, as long as they aren't too spicy. His parents used to give him vegetables, never candies, so he learned from a young age how to make caramel and drink it onto those motherfuckers. The spicy thing? He's pretty tolerant to spiciness, but it was when Jayden dared him to eat spicy things for a week that he realized he likes it.
Something that irrationally annoys him is the sound dripping water makes. Drives him nuts.
He will usually check his wallet to see if he had something to give to the homeless person. If not? Sorry. But if he does? He will give it to them, even if he'd ran out of cash.
It takes him a while to get used to that place, so expect him to get lost. Gladly, phones are now a thing which he can use to guide himself somewhere.
He wouldn't do the Right Thing in a tense situation if he knew the consequences were most likely going to be bad.
He'd be able to take care of a small child for a week, though it would be difficult. He'd most likely ask Xavier about it, since he's been researching fathering tips since he got married and hasn't been able to use them.
He would definitely fail if he had to take his SAT tomorrow. He's not that great with academic work, and he'd most likely pull an all-nighter, so he'd be a wreck at the exam.
He'd do something pointlessly cruel if he's at a low level emotionally. By that, I mean if he's very sad or angry. He'll relate his feelings to a specific person.
If abducted by aliens, he'd have a breakdown and existential crisis.
Oh man, this I don't know. Hm. Still not sure what kinda music he'd listen to.
Oh, one thing he normally does that creeps his neighbors is definitely eating candied vegetables like snacks as he paints on his porch.
He'd, under no circumstance, would ever go out naked. Unless it's literally the end of the world and the only way to be saved was being naked on the streets, for some reason.
His (adoptive) parents tend to break pencils in half. He's too scared of asking "why" now
He's usually on autopilot while making himself breakfast and and painting (unless it's something difficult). Gladly, he had only broken one plate.
Since a very young age, he learnt to keep his emotions to himself, so his limpulse control is pretty high
He sabotages himself by saying things like "oh I'll do it in a little bit", and of the sorts. He forgets about them easily.
The trashiest item in his wardrobe is a single, yellow with blue stripes, eyes.
Rn, Sam is probably thirsty. He's not used to drinking the 8 pages he should
He smells like acrylics and some flower. He will only ever put on cologne if it's very important.
OC questions that helped me with characterization:
On a scale of “is occasionally forced to bathe” to “Instagram model with sponsors to hoe for” how involved is your OC’s Skincare routine?
What are your OC’s food preferences (flavors/textures/spiciness/calories/ when and how they eat) and how did they get that way?
What’s something pointless/petty/unimportant that IRRATIONALLY ANNOYS THE HELL out of your OC?
What’s your OC’s response to being asked for money by a homeless person?
Does your OC get lost easily? What do they do when they do get lost?
What would STOP your OC from Doing The Right Thing in a tense situation?
Realistically, could your OC (in their normal circumstances- i.e. at thier own house/battlecamp/spaceship etc.) keep a small child alive for a week if they had to?  A Dog?  A Houseplant? A rock with a  smiley face painted on?
If your OC had to take the S.A.T. tomorrow with one night to prep, how would they do?  both emotionally and academically.
What would cause your OC to chose to do something petty/pointlessly cruel?
On a scale of “Complete and Justified nervous breakdown” to “Conquer The Entire Galaxy and become an Immortal God-Emperor”, how well would your OC handle being abducted by Aliens?
What song is 100% garunteed to get your OC beyond turnt and will be sung loudly and emabarrasingly, either in public or the shower?
What perfectly-normal-to-them-thing does your OC do that confuses/pisses off/terrifies thier neighbors?
Under what circumstances would your OC appear naked in public?
What thing did your OC’s parents do that your OC wishes they had a better explanation for?
How often does your OC “zone out” or do things on autopilot and how severe have the problems that have arisen from that been?
How strong or weak is your OC’s Impulse control? What’s the worst thing that happened becuase of thier Impulsivity or inability to be so?
How does your OC sabotage themselves? 
What’s the trashiest item in your OC’s wardrobe, when was the last time they wore it and why do they still have it?
How Dehydrated is your OC right now? Are they going to fix this?
What’s your OC smell like?  no, not that “Vanilla and Anxiety” evocative stuff, realistically.  Body odor? what have they been touching all day? When was thier last shower? Did they put on any kind of artificial scent?
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kokisu · 7 years ago
5 Things That Make Me Happy
Thanks for tagging me @bamco!! Theres too many things that make me happy i will try very hard to narrow this down ;;;;u;
1) Drawing, i love drawing all over the place and i really can’t control myself when i have a pen and paper ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There’s so much freedom in drawing it good
2) I really enjoy listening to music, especially game soundtracks. actually the thought of listening to music while drawing fuels me to even start drawing. i dont know how to explain it but it just makes me feel while drawing?///what?//
3) playing video games or just watching people play video games. especially tales, pokemon, dw, sw and loz i guess.  I LOVE HITTING A BIG COMBO but as soon as it drops i fall back into despair
4) watching videos?? like those science things, fact vids and people pulling for gachas so i can get myself even saltier than before or i make myself feel better about my terrible luck. either ways its terrifying
5) my favourite characters......................................
whispers leon and jude and team destiny 2
Im going to tag some mutuals: @aizawas, @izuminokamiis, @letmereachforthestars, @limpulsive, @jadeluminescence
Feel free to do if you feel like it!! i hope yall i dont mind i do these a bit too much
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nouvelordremondialcc · 6 years ago
Sous l’impulsion d’activistes de gauche, Mastercard va-t-il mettre fin à ses services pour les critiques de l’islam ? Les actionnaires du géant des paiements voteront sur une proposition visant à mettre en place un « comité des droits de l’homme » au sein de l’entreprise pour contrôler les flux
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