#liminal npt
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ANATOMY by Kitty Horrorshow ID Pack
[PT: Anatomy by Kitty Horrorshow ID Pack /PT End]
[ID 1: An image from Anatomy of a cassette player with a tape in it. The background is red and there seems to be a slight glow from the player. The image is glitched. ID End]
[ID 2: A divider made of black, white, and purple static. ID End]
Names: Abby, Achlys, Anna/Ana, Cassie, Clarice, Dane, Darryl, Eli, Em, Gideon, Glitch, Ina, Jane, John, Katie, Kitty, Lainey, Lily, Lola, Lume, Mara, Nox, Pandora, Rei, Tara, Terror, Toby, Tony
[PT: Names /PT End]
Pronouns: aby/abyss, cas/cassette, distor/distort, fear/fear, horror/horror, kit/kits, lim/liminal, love/craft, lovecraft/lovecraftian, mon/monster, nox/noxes, scream/screams, sur/surreal, tape/tape, terror/terrors, whis/whisper, glitch/glitched, em/empty 📼/📼's, 🏚️/🏚️'s, 🏠/🏠's, 🏡/🏡's, 🏘️/🏘️'s
[PT: Pronouns /PT End]
Titles: [Prn] Who Is Made of Fear, The [Noun] Who Haunts, The Distorted [Noun], The Haunted [Noun], The House Dweller, The Stalked [Noun], The Stalker, The Survivor, [Prn] Who Is Not Quite Right
[PT: Titles /PT End]
Labels: Analogender, Bodyhorroric, Corbeatsonusic, Eldorr, Emptic, Horror-Aligned, Houseliminix/Bedroomliminix/Hallwayliminix, Limerencial, Limien, Liminalgender, Liminalhearthic, Liminix, Luzadive, Phoshorrial, Unfatholiminal, Vietechxic, Lovecraftian Horror Eiment
[PT: Labels /PT End]
Requested by Anonymous!
[ID 3: A divider made of black, white, and purple static. ID End]
divider link
#I didn't know anything abt this game or creator but it seems rlly cool and i hope this fits !!#lots of looking at the itch.io and wiki#id pack#npt#anatomy by kitty horrorshow id pack#horror id pack#horror npt#liminal id pack#liminal npt#fear id pack#fear npt#horror tw#glitch tw
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┣▇▇▇═─ LiMiNAL SPACES iD PACK 〰️
🏚️ ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the liminal council , the surreal system , the eerie system/collective/etc. , the empty system/collective/etc. , the abandoned system/collective/etc. , the uncanny system/collective/etc. , the backrooms (system/collective/etc.) , the nostalgia system/collective/etc. , the dream system/collective/etc.
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : zero , void , noir(e)¹ , noiresse , noirette¹ , alice , adeline , agnes , amelia , beatrice , clara , eleanor , charlotte , margaret , agatha , daphne , lucy , jane , abigail , adelaide , albert , alexander , alfred , annabelle , archie , arthur , atticus , benjamin , benedict , nostalgette , nostalgesse , calvin , catherine , cecilia , clementine , daisy , dorothy , elizabeth , emily , ernest , evelyn , felicity , gideon , graham , harriet , hattie , hazel , henry , hugo , imogen , daze¹ , ivy , juliet , augustus , lulu , mabel , matilda , olive , oliver , olivia , penelope , phoebe , sophie , theodore , victoria , vivian , walter , odditie¹
¹ names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : liminal liminals , surreal surreals , eerie eeries , empty emptys , abandon abandons , uncanny uncannys , nostalgia nostalgias , dream dreams , zero zeros , void voids , null nulls , daze dazes , yellow yellows , backroom backrooms , dim dims , fog fogs , glitch glitchs , 🏚️ 🏚️s , 🌫️ 🌫️s , 🕳️ 🕳️s , 🗝️ 🗝️s , 🚪 🚪s , ❔ ❔s , ❓ ❓s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : glitchedreality , foggynostalgia , brokendreams , uncannyvoid , forgottenothingness , forgottennothingness
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the surreal one , prn who is surreal , the eerie one , prn who is eerie , the uncanny one , prn who is uncanny , prn who hides in (the depths of) the uncanny valley , prn who is lost in a dream , prn whose head is in the clouds , prn who is trapped , the unending terror
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : liminal space system , liminalbased
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : liminive
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : liminalgender , liminix , limspacegender , liminalic , liminalspaceic , liminalsnowic , poolroomic , limineontheaterive / limineotheive , unfatholiminal , seiorea , liminalspacestalgic , natatoliraifortic , limingrassybeachroomive / limgrberoive , parkgaraliminix , infiniteakea , liminredglowneighborhoodive / limredgloborive , weirdthing , weirdcoric , dreamcoric , weirdiscomfix , liminalpoolgender , limindoorpondive / limindoponive , liminclosedairyaisleive / limclosedaive , perinul , snowlimcoric , cliproomic , liminalsnowmasc , limneonstairwellive / limnestaweive , liminaquic , weirdcattic , weirdpuppic , weirdbunnic , liminalforestic , abanadductix , liminvoidmasc , crypfrustra , bedroomliminix , hallwayliminix , hotelliminix , houseliminix , malliminix , storeliminix , poolliminix , playgroundliminix , schoolliminix , videogameliminix , liminalpoweric , liminalnucleic , distortic , limisanglitchic , liminalxirasic , horrormossic , liminalnostalgic , backroomsgender , līmenriutal , liminalost , darkliminalspaceic , valicanic , kidliminalic , abandosubwaybodiment , limideathiv , liminalcameraic , liminaldollic
[PT: liminal spaces id pack. requested by no one. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
#— ꒰ self indulgent ꒱#id pack#snpt#nput#npt#system names#names#pronouns#usernames#users#titles#labels#gender systems#xenogenders#unreality#liminal spaces#the backrooms#weirdcore#oddcore#dreamcore
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 👁 ´- A-99 npts 💚 ㅤׂㅤ⭒
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Entity, Anomaly, Peer, Bubble, Illumi, Bloxy, Apple, Fang, Liminal, Innoette, Chartreuse, Beryl, Clover
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Boo/Boo's, Jump/Scare's, Stare/Stare's, Peer/Peer's, Blox/Roblox', Eye/Eye's, Cute/Cute's, 👀/👀's, 👁/👁's, 💚/💚's, 🍏/🍏's, 🎉/🎉's
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
(Prn) who Peers into your Soul, The One who Tastes of Green Apples, (Pref Royal Title) of the Liminal Rooms
#npt list#npts#npt suggestions#name suggestions#pronoun suggestions#title suggestions#a-99#liminal rooms#a-99 npts#liminal rooms npts#requests#🍪🏞
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Level 0 [Backrooms] NPTs
Pt: Level 0 [Backrooms] NPTs /end pt
Names: Almond, Alter, Alternate, Bright, Buzz, Clip, Confuse, Cy, Cyanide, Dim, Empty, Esoteric, Euclidean, Fable, Hum, Infinite, Keno, Kenoplasia, Light, Liminal, Manila, Mann, Nephele, Noclip, Ochre, Odd, Safe, Unknown, Vast, Wander, Zero
Pronouns: 0/0s, almond/almonds, bitter/bitters, bug/bugs, buzz/buzzes, chitter/chitters, cyanide/cyanides, dark/darks, florescent/florescents, hum/hums, linear/linears, noclip/noclips, office/offices, poi/poison, poison/poisons, silence/silences, yellow/yellows, zero/zeros, ❓/❓s, ❔/❔s, 🌐/🌐s, 👁️/👁️s, 💡/💡s, 🔦/🔦s, 🪲/🪲s, 🪳/🪳s, 🫁/🫁s
Titles: he who hears the lights buzzing / bugs chittering, he who is [ completely ] alone, he who is poisoned, he who is trapped, he who noclipped [ out of reality ], he who slowly poisons, he who smells of [ bitter ] almonds, he who wanders, he with a sense of déjà vu, the unlucky ( noun ), the wanderer
* he / him can be replaced with any pronoun. ( Noun ) is supposed to be replaced with terms like boy or cat
Text in bold is Names, Pronouns, and Titles respectively
Tagging @id-pack-archive and @npt-archive
#level 0 npts#backrooms npts#npt list#npt ideas#name ideas#name pack#name suggestions#pronoun list#pronouns#id pack#pronoun ideas
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Cats & liminality NPTs
— Marloi, Cattie, Limien, Lottie, Aisling, Arwen, Eowyn, Luca, Littie, mirror, Bracken, Brook, Briar, Pixie, Evander, Orion, Zephyr, Cassius, Knox, Lucien, Graves
— cat/cats, fe/feli/felir/felirs/felidself, back/room/backrooms, limi/nal/liminar/liminars/liminalself, snarl/snarl, yowl/yowl, hiss/hiss, paw/paws, paw/pads/pawpadself, step/steps, whisk/whisk, static/static, xey/xeire/xeires/xeirs/xeirself, for/lorn/forlornself, eerie/eeries, surreal/surreals, sur/real/surrealself, dead/end,
— The liminal cat, the cat wandering the liminal spaces, the not cat, the creature of the liminality, the liminal wanderer, the felid of the backrooms, the backroom stuck cat, the cat monster, the backroom cat, the disoriented felid, the disorienting felid, the not quite cat, the creature who hunts, the clawing monster, the still water searcher, the drowned creature, the forlorn one, the cat of the forlorn ruins,
Taglist: @npt-archive @id-pack-archive
Requested by 🌊🐈⬛ anon :3
#npt blog#npt pack#npt ideas#npt list#npt suggestions#name ideas#name suggestions#name list#pronouns ideas#pronoun suggestions#pronoun list#neopronouns#title ideas#title suggestions#title list#👁️.npt#👁️.reqs
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Tag Game
"Rules": List 5 of your favorite albums by 5 different artists and have your followers vote on which one best fits your vibe
Thxu for the tag @aza-trash-can !!
NPTs: anyone who sees it and wants to, I’m to tired to tag lol
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Now Play This
Now Play This, or NPT, is 'the UK's leading experimental games festival'. They draw attention to more unique games, controllers and related concepts, hosting events to celebrate themes, topics and ideas.
The theme of 2024 was Liminality, with the articles and events reflecting this. The first one I saw was 'Cardboard Beats Keyboard', crafting physical controllers for games, hosted by Alex Johanson. Being an idiot with a craft knife and modelling glue, this is something I'm naturally interested in. Although the article was extremely short, it reminded me of the Nintendo Labo and it's uniqueness. It hasn't exactly had an imapact on me, but I think the event seemed neat.
The next event I saw was on Boring Office Party, a murder mystery office party LARP. This was also something I was interested in, given how much of Traitors and Death in Paradise I watch [too much, far too much]. It seemed to be very open, contrasting with how most murder mystery LARPs [particularly family board game ones] box players into specific predefined characters which is something I never enjoyed.
I then moved onto games. The first one I saw was by Argentinian worker's cooperative Atuel Matajuegos, about a river flowing through the Cuyo desert. The game explores how climate change threatens the ecosystem as the player shifts into different animals, exploring the surreal, seemingly fantastical world.
The last game I looked at was Viewfinder. This is something I'd covered in my last project, and a game I still loved. The art is gorgeous and the mechanics aren't just brilliant theoretically, they're executed in an extremely slick manner - taking and placing photos is an incredibly simple mechanic, but the inherent complexity makes Viewfinder an wonderful game to play, explore and adapt to.
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could The Uncanny One please request names, pronouns, and titles with the themes of liminal spaces and cats? The Feline thanks you.
-🌊🐈⬛ anon(if it is not taken.)
Hi, there, 🌊🐈⬛ anon!
Sadly I don't make NPTs on this blog anymore. I can still take the request if you requested it on @hampaanirvi (the blog I moved the NPT making, IDpack, and such things to like a couple days ago.) Instead if ya want! :3 /info/lh
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may i request an npt pack for A-99 (Liminal Rooms) ? :3
hello anon! this is another shorter one as i didn't have much to go off on the wiki and ive never played the game personally, but i hope you still enjoy these!
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ahem. could The Swimming Cat get NPTs related to liminality and cats?
Ehehe, second times the charm, 🌊🐈⬛anon! Apologies took a while in the end regardless, however your request has been queued. :3 thank you for requesting.
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