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Hiya there, shippers & readers
After our usual game/watch-along round was profoundly derailed by some recent fandom events, we really feel like our response and the time we spent spilling our hearts in our fandom-vent channel made us that much closer. We got some new members and we've had a lot of new fun times. It feels like we're ready to embark on a new chapter of reading fic and discussing it together. It also brought about another sentiment; a special desire to interact with something in our beloved fanspace that doesn't always get a lot of love. That is, the steven fic.
And there is a lot of it, surprisingly. Ranging from the early years in the background of shyan or featuring in his own peculiar way in pairings and threesomes, either way, we decided that it was really time for us to show some love for fiction!Steven in hopes to inspire more. Due to that, we voted in 9 nominations and decided that the top 3 would stand as milestones in our Steven season journey. Among those three, the top of the vote was a very particular favourite of this mod's
under thy tongue by makemadej (santamonicayachtclub)
The book club as a whole seemed to agree that this fic is holistically a beautiful piece, that it reads like what it must feel like to observe the iconography of classic artists painting god and the angels in all their mythos as Steven navigates an ephemeral opportunity to be intimate with Ryan.
Rating: E
Summary: Ryan sprains his ankle because basketball and ends up staying at Steven's place. Guess how many beds there are.
Book Club Thoughts
First off, I'm a shyan shipper but…. this fic really sold me on this pairing we don't get enough opportunities to talk about steven/ryan as a pair esp since ryan is such an open book but he's the kind of guy who feels a lot of guilt about purchasing big things for himself and mean while Steven is more reserved but there has always been something so wonderfully hedonistic about him the setting of it feels very liminal, and it adds to the tone The nature behind Steven almost feeling like this is something he may not be allowed to have as the thought of Shane lingers over his head even though the dude is on the other side of the world, yet Steven is still there to take care of Ryan in all the terms. It's just how beautiful Steven's character and personality is written in this fic. i love stevens religion being used as a tool of indulgence rather than restriction. he is fully worshipping ryan. a man so beautiful you gotta experience him in a biblical sort of way And all of this being from Steven's pov just really fits his love of the nicer things and his appetite so well his saying "there's nothing wrong with wanting" feels so poignant to how he operates here to the end of the fic. He has always had desires but he doesn't steal and he didn't want to feel like he was stealing Ryan so when Ryan starts to ask him to do things that he--Steven-wants to do, it's surprising to him. it's about the devotion to god and Ryan's godlike physique that can't be anything other but the manifestation of god's love on earth i adore the dream-like quality of this fic. the liminal energy of the timeline and that they know they wont be staying together, yet it's still so intimate and loving There is such beauty in the way he is written; a kind, quiet, methodical individual. His language of love being acts of service is so fantastically written. It’s true service… and yet there’s the quiet self satisfaction Steven indulges in as he’s…. servicing Ryan….. This fic is a quiet, calming, dare I say meditative read. It’s comfort, somewhat bittersweet in the way their entanglement is temporary.
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wetookanoath · 5 years
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ryanbergara: It’s finally time to unleash Top 5 Beatdown on the world. A show where we compare top 5 lists for excessively silly topics along with an expert in the field. Today’s topic, FAST FOOD CHAINS. Today’s expert, the amazing @/jonyao, a Michelin Star chef and the owner/chef of @/katorestaurant (recently named best restaurant in LA by the LA Times). Yeah, he actually agreed to sit in my living room and chat fast food with @/shanemadej and I. ANYWAYS, LETS ARGUE!
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poiregourmande · 6 years
hey, if ur still doing one shot requests, how about some uhhhh ryan/steven???
this is based on the livestream they did two years ago. warning: dom!steven (but nothing explicit)
The livestream Steven and Ryan made after Steven won their bet was enlightening to say the least.
Steven walks away from the set knowing three things.
One, he’s got a crush on Ryan.
Two, he wouldn’t mind seeing Ryan all wet again.
Three, telling Ryan what to do and seeing him being obedient gave him a kind of rush he’d never experienced before.
So Steven, who prides himself on always being prepared and organized, stays up late a few nights, digging deeper and deeper into some parts of the internet he’s never visited before.
He learns about kink.
Specifically, about domming.
He reads articles, watches porn, fantasizes, and after a couple months, he feels ready.
Now he just has to convince Ryan.
Steven doubts he can just walk up to him and try to seduce him. For one thing, Ryan is still bitter about losing the bet. For another, Steven is a terrible flirt.
It’s a good thing Ryan is so thirsty for a dom, really. Oh, he said nothing of the sort – he didn’t have to. There was something in his eye, a hungry glint shining every time Steven gave him an order, even though he tried his hardest to resist, to act as though it was the worst thing ever.
So really, Steven would just be helping him out.
Like friends do.
Steven finds an opportunity to test this out towards the end of the week. He’s in the canteen with Shane and Ryan, exchanging some banter that’s becoming more and more mocking from Ryan’s part – nothing to do with the gentle ribbing from Shane.
Heat curls in the pit of Steven’s stomach. Ryan needs to learn his place. He takes a deep breath and shoves it all deep down – it wouldn’t do to try this in front of Shane.
But then Shane leaves the room, leaving Steven and Ryan alone in the empty canteen. And Ryan is still trying to get a rise out of Steven, talking crap about gold and truffles and LeBron.
Another deep breath, to center himself.
He’s vaguely conscious of his ears warming up, probably turning bright red, but he stays focused.
“Ryan. Stop.”
He’s taking his best dom voice – the one he practiced in the mirror, imagining a helpless Ryan under him.
It doesn’t have an immediate effect.
“You can’t take it, uh?” Ryan says in a mocking voice. “Yeah you don’t have a camera crew to fall back on so you can’t face me –“
“I. Said. Stop.”
Ryan’s shoulders slump and he takes in a shuddered breath. Steven smirks and takes a step closer to him.
And another.
And another.
Ryan’s breathing quickens with each of Steven’s steps. His eyes widen and his cheeks are flushed. He’s never looked more gorgeous.
Steven hopes to god he’s not reading this wrong.
He tilts Ryan’s chin up with a single finger. “You like that.”
It’s a statement, not a question.
Ryan cannot meet Steven’s gaze, but he nods, a bit too quickly to be casual.
Another step.
Steven’s crowding Ryan against the counter by now, one hand bracketing him against it, the other still on his chin.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Steven moves in slowly, both to let Ryan stop him if he’s not into it, and to let the tension rise.
Ryan whimpers in the back of his throat, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He’s breathing fast, chest heaving against Steven’s.
Steven’s hand curls around Ryan’s jaw and their lips meet. Ryan melts against him so quickly Steven has to slot a leg between Ryan’s to keep him upright.
When Ryan is good and unraveled, pawing at Steven’s back for more, Steven breaks the kiss, speaks against his mouth.
“Come over tonight. I wanna play.”
requests are CLOSED | see all my buzzfeed drabbles here
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wetookanoath · 4 years
I’m calling Stevens bluff if him and Ryan did get locked in a room together they defo would smash
I just love how they keep giving us ideas, man. They are walking fanfiction prompt, we have become the most spoiled fandom in the world and I’m sooooo glad we are.
Now, back to your ask--
I agree. 100%. 
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wetookanoath · 5 years
STEVEN LIM and RYAN BERGARA on Watcher’s instastories on February 28, 2020.
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