#limestone finish concrete
andrecoatings · 1 year
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shopmyclothes · 1 year
Modern Pool - Poolhouse
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Pool house - mid-sized modern backyard stone pool house idea
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colinkloecker · 1 year
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Concrete Slab in Toronto Mid-sized 1960s backyard concrete patio design with an addition to the roof
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fleurducap · 1 year
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Remodeling ideas for a medium-sized mid-century modern concrete glass back porch
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peachhtea · 2 years
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Pool Above Ground in Austin
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sarpedom · 2 years
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Toronto Front Yard Porch
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bugwolfsstuff · 7 months
The Cupid scene but make it unrequited? Valgrace
Meant to finish this yesterday but couldn't get it done in time so heres it now. I'm not completly happy with it but im just glad its done.
"You cannot lie to Cupid, Leo Valdez. If you let your shame and sadness rule you...well, your fate will be even sadder than mine," Favonius said, and Leo could have sworn there was pity in his eyes before the god disappeared in the wind.
Leo felt like he was back in Khione's ice palace. There was no way this wind god he just met knew his deepest, darkest, never-to-be-said-out-loud feelings. Right?.
No, he must be talking about something else, and Leo is just being stupid and paranoid. He has to be.
Fortunately, or, more unfortunately, Leo didn't have the time to dwell on the ominous words of wind gods.
Because the ground was shaking. Why was the ground shaking?
So. A voice said.
Something zipped past his face and nicked his ear, throwing him off his feet and into Jason. Pain blossomed in his right ear, and he was pretty sure he was bleeding.
"You okay?" Jason asked, catching him in his strong arms.
Leo winced, holding a hand to his injured ear as he scrambled to his feet, trying not to think about the fact he just fell in Jason's arms. "Yeah, I'm good," he muttered.
You come to claim the sceptre. The voice said behind them, more like stating rather than asking.
Leo turned to where the voice was coming from, but no one was there.
"Cupid!" Jason called, standing at Leo's back with his sword drawn, "Where are you?".
The voice—Cupid laughed. It definitely did not sound like it belonged to a sweet baby angel's. It sounded rich and velvety but also threatening— like an ember in a fire before burning a house to the ground.
Where you least expect me. Cupid answered, As love usually is.
Leo's heart skipped a beat as something invisible slammed into Jason and hurled him across the street. He toppled down a set of concrete steps and sprawled on the floor of an excavated Roman basement.
I thought you'd know better, Jason. Cupid's voice circled overhead like a vulture. You've found true love after all. Or do you still doubt yourself?
"Jason!" Leo screamed, scrambling down the steps.
Jason took his hand and got to his feet. "I'm okay! Just sucker punched by an angel."
Oh, Did you expect me to play fair? Cupid laughed. Make no mistake; I am no angel, Jason Grace. I am Love. I am never fair. 
Oh boy, do I know that. Leo thought dryly before Jason swept him off his feet.
Literally not...not metaphorically.
Leo was swept into Jason's chest as Jason intercepted an arrow that would have gone straight into Leo's chest with his sword. The arrow exploded against the nearest wall, giving them a nice limestone shower.
Of course, Jason wasn't done giving Leo butterflies in his stomach and grabbed his hand, pulling him up the steps and behind another wall as another arrow rained down on them, shattering a column nearby into a thousand pieces.
"Is this guy Love or Death?" Jason growled, still holding Leo's hand.
Thanatos and I are often not so different. Cupid said from somewhere above, except Death is usually kinder.
Leo understood that more than he should: Death is just...well, death. The End. Just boom, you're dead! No more pain. No more problems. And if you're lucky, you get to chill in Elysium for eternity. 
While Love is...terrifying: It hurts, sometimes it doesn't last long, and some just don't get it (cough cough).
"We just want the sceptre!" Jason shouted, poking his head above the stone wall. "We're trying to stop Gaia! Are you on the gods' side or not?"
A second arrow shot at the air dangerously close to Jason's head, landing on the ground near Leo's feet and glowing white-hot. 
The arrow's temperature shot past 2,397 F (Hephaestus power.) before combusting into a geyser of flame. 
Love is on every side. Cupid said. "And no one's side. Don't ask what Love can do for you.
"Great," Jason said. "Now he's spouting greeting cards as well as trying to kill us."
"It's official. Queen was right; Too much Love kills you," Leo joked. If Love is gonna kill him in the end, then at least he wants to make Jason laugh before they both die.
Leo caught a ghost of a smile on Jason's lips before another arrow landed between them, ruining the moment.
You can't hide from Love. It will always find you no matter what. Cupid's voice said nearby.
Leo's hair sparked; the idea of burning the feathers off that smug, overgrown chicken's wings was getting more and more enticing. He knew Cupid was toying with them, enjoying their discomfort as he shot his stupid arrows.
Another arrow narrowly missed him, and something inside of him snapped.
He snatched the arrow up and threw it back where it came from. "Enough games, show yourself!"
Lucky for him, he had good aim. The arrow hit something and hung in the air for a moment before dissolving, leaving no trace: not even a spot of ichor that could help pinpoint his location.
"...Very good, Leo," Cupid said, though it was strained. There wasn't a wound, but it must have hurt. "At least you can sense my presence. Even getting a glance at true love is more than most Heroes manage. Maybe there's hope for you after all".
"So we get the sceptre?" Jason asked.
Cupid laughed. Leo was seriously getting sick of that laugh.
Oh no, there is still much you can do for me.
Jason started to speak, "But—"
An arrow shot through the air, zipping past Jason and hitting Leo square in the shoulder.
There was a burst of pain in Leo's right shoulder, and suddenly, he was back at the Wilderness School again.
He had just met this cool guy, Jason. He was also a foster kid like him. Jason seemed too good for a school like this. He wouldn't tell him and Piper what he was here for, just that his case worker, Juna— Juno or something — sent him here.
Piper told him later on that she thought Jason was kinda hot.
Leo thought so too but he didn't tell her that. 
Another arrow hit him in the back this time. 
He wasn't sure when Piper and Jason started dating; it had only felt like a day had passed since they met.
He pretended it didn't hurt.
He didn't dare ruin their happiness.
So he just smiled and bared it every time they flirted with each other and told jokes every time they kissed.
"Stop it!" Leo shrieked, "None of it was real! Hera faked everything!"
Not everything, Cupid said softly, and a third arrow dug into his skin.
This time he was on their first quest in Boreas's ice palace.
Khione told them he couldn't come with them to see Boreas because of his fire.
He played it off that he wasn't hurt about it, even though it did. It wasn't the first or last time someone was scared of him.
Jason tried to defend him at first with his hand on Leo's shoulder, which only made him love him more.
And it sting more when Jason walked away holding hands with Piper, leaving him alone with Cal.
It was fine. None of it was real, not even his feelings were, and even if they were, it's not like he could act on them. He was just the funny guy, the mechanic, the seventh wheel. He wasn't supposed to fall for his male best friend, who was already dating his other best friend. He wasn't supposed to want something more than friendship with Jason.
He bit back the tears that were already threatening to fall. The grass at his feet was starting to smoke. "Show yourself!" He screamed.
It is a costly thing, Cupid said, looking on the true face of Love.
Another column shattered. Jason barely scrambled out of its way in time.
My wife Psyche learned that lesson, Cupid said, She was brought here aeons ago when this was the site of my palace. We only met in the dark. She was warned to never look upon me, and yet she could not stand the mystery. She feared I was a monster. One night, she lit a candle and beheld my face as I slept.
Jason said something, but Leo couldn't hear him over the sound of his own heart pounding in his chest. He could still somehow hear Cupid though. Of course, Love was the only thing he could hear other than his heart.
Cupid laughed from somewhere at the edge of the Amphitheater. I was too handsome, actually. A mortal can't look upon a god's true appearance without suffering grave consequences; just look at poor Semele. My mother, Aphrodite, cursed Psyche for her distrust. My poor lover was tormented, forced into exile and given impossible tasks to prove herself. She was even sent to the underworld on a quest to show her dedication. She earned her way back to me, but she suffered greatly.
Leo had no clue what he was talking about, but it sounded like he was a terrible husband.
Jason thrust his sword into the sky like he was a demigod He-man and was about to yell, 'By the power of Jupiter!' and beat up Cupid.
Unfortunately, he did not do that. 
Instead, the ground shook, and lightning blasted a crater where Cupid's voice was coming from.
There was silence, and for a moment Leo thought it was over and that they could get the sceptre and leave. And hopefully, never speak of this day again.
Leo should have known they were never that lucky.
An invisible force—Cupid, knocked Jason to the ground, sending his sword skittering across the road.
A good try, Cupid said, his voice already distant. But love isn't so easily pinned down.
A wall collapsed, Jason barely managed to roll out of the way.
That was enough for Leo.
"Hey!" Leo yelled, waving his arms around. "It's me you want! Not him!. Leave him alone!"
Poor Leo Valdez. The god's voice was patronizing and tinged with disappointment. Do you really know what You want, much less what I want? My beloved Psyche risked everything in the name of Love to win my trust back. And you — what have You risked in my name?
"I'm literally saving the world!" He yelled, clenching his fists, "I've faced way worse! You don't scare me!"
I scare you very, very much. Face me. Be honest.
Jason struggled to get up off the ground, and a piece of Leo's heart broke. This was all his fault. He knew exactly what Cupid wanted. But he didn't want to admit it just yet.
All around Leo, the ground started to heat up. Grass smoked, and stones steamed.
"Give us Diocletian's sceptre." He said, trying to put his best brave face on. "We don't have time for games."
Games? Leo's breath was knocked away as a hand slapped him sideways into a granite pedestal. Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work — a quest that never ends. It demands everything you have — especially honesty. Only then does it rewards.
Pain blosomed from Leo's...everywhere. His head spun from the pain, and the ground started to heat up more. Stones were starting to crack, and the grass was starting to spark. All it would take was one more push, and everything would burn.
Jason was up now and had retrieved his sword, "Leo!" he called, "What does this guy want from you?".
Leo's lip trembled. Everything was going so wrong. He didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to tell Jason. "I don't know!" He yelled back, and an arrow embedded itself in the pedestal, inches away from Leo's face.
Tell him, Leo Valdez, Cupid ordered. His voice was starting to get less patient now. Tell him you're a coward, that you're afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him why you hide among your machines like your father. Tell him the real reason you run and why you're always alone.
Leo gritted his teeth, his entire body trembling with pain and frustration. Cupid's words cut through him like a knife, exposing the raw truth that he had been desperately trying to bury.
The grass started to burn and the stone's cracks got bigger.
"I... I can't," Leo stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't tell him."
Cupid's laughter echoed around them, mocking and cruel. "You see, Jason Grace? Your friend is afraid. Afraid of his own feelings, afraid of the truth. He hides behind his jokes and his bravado, but deep down, he knows."
Leo let loose a guttural scream, and like a volcano erupting; everything exploded at once.
Magma burst from the rocks, splitting them wide open. The grass combusted into green flames — Greek fire —he really is going to burn everything down.
Leo laughed through the tears. It was really all he could do and all he really ever did. It was funny really; he'd worked so hard to shove everything down, yet it was all destroyed in a fiery explosion in less than an hour.
A nearby tree collapsed dangerously close to Jason as the fire consumed it. "Leo! What is he talking about?" He almost couldn't hear his voice over the fire.
Will you hide forever, Leo Valdez? Cupid taunted, who unfortunately can still be heard because not even fire can shut him up. Will you let fear rule your heart, or will you finally have the courage to face the truth?
He didn't want to face the truth. He was too scared of what would happen. What might Jason say. How he'd react.
He just wanted to keep things the same.
Even if it kills him.?
Leo sobbed, and the flames burned brighter. If this was love then he didn't want it. Or maybe if love was this painful then he deserved it. Another arrow pierced his back—or maybe that was the feeling of his heart breaking more—and more images flashed through his mind.
He was back on that mountain in Colorado. Jason had his arms around Piper, his face scrunched up in concern. Leo pretended it didn't bother him. It was cold, and Piper ended up getting hyperthermia. He had tried to ignore the aching in his chest. He didn't want to think about how much he wanted to be in her place.
After their quest, they left him alone while he worked on the Argo II. He named it after the ship the first Jason sailed on.
It was all for Jason.
He was back on the Argo right after he had fired on New Rome—Jason's home. Everyone was angry with him, and Jason was in the infirmary; some asshole threw a brick at his head. 
He didn't go down to him. He couldn't face Jason.
It was all his fault.
Jason got hurt because of him.
And he didn't even have the guts to face him.
There were more scenes like this flooding his senses. At some point, his brain switched off, and he was just drowning in agony. He couldn't move or speak.
He was weak.
Meanwhile, the flames grew to an inferno of green and reds, drowning out everything. Leo's hair was a white flame. An outline of wings caught fire for a moment before being put out again.
"Interesting!" Cupid's voice said from somewhere above. Do you have strength after all?
"I...I can't," Leo said, though it sounded more like a whimper. He was on his knees now. 
Heh, too weak to admit your feelings and too weak to stand, his mind mocked in Cupid's voice.
Still hiding, Cupid said above, a flame burned an outline of a wing tip before going out again. You do not have the strength.
Leo sobbed. He really was weak. He was going to burn everything down just because he didn't want to admit his feelings.
"Leo" Jason yelled from somewhere. "It's okay! I get it!"
Leo stared at the burning grass below him. It was too hot for tears to fall. Only steam came from his eyes. 
"No, you don't," He said defeatedly. Jason didn't understand. He couldn't understand. If he understood, then he wouldn't be so nice to Leo. "There's no way you understand. If you did you'd hate me".
And so you run away again, Cupid chided, From yourself, from your feelings, and from your friends.
The fire had engulfed Cupid's wings now. But the god laughed cruelly and blew it away.
"Leave him alone Cupid," Jason croaked somewhere. "This isn't your..."
Oh gods, he was hurting Jason again. The smoke is choking him.
Cupid's laugh echoed from above the flames. But oh, it is exactly my business, Jason Grace. Love is me. I am love.
"Leo!" Jason choked out through the smoke.
Oh, you're killing him, you're killing him. Leo's brain screamed. You're a monster, you're such a fucking monster, and you're weak.
"Look, I don't care if you're in love with Piper!" 
He doesn't understand. He doesn't. He doesn't. Leo's brain screamed over and over again.
Cupid laughed again, and Leo's will broke.
"I—I'm not in love with Piper," Leo said, and everything seemed to go silent.
The fire subsided and all of Leo's fight and denial went out at once.
Cupid circled Leo like a shark. His form was visible now—long blond hair, muscular in a simple white frock and jeans, snowy white wings that were singed at the tips. The bow and quiver slung over his shoulder were weapons of war—not toys. His eyes were as red as blood, as if every heart in the world was broken and squeezed dry into one poisonous mixture.
Leo vaguely recalled that some think that Eros was a son of Ares and Aphrodite. And he could see why:
Love and War were the most painful things in the world.
He gestured for Leo to continue.
"I have a crush on you, Jason." Leo said.
The fire died down so Leo could see Jason's face.
And he swore he saw pity in his eyes.
The End
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jeanjauthor · 1 year
Duong successfully weaved a 30 meter long cloth, Prepare to sew your own...
Just to make it clear, this gentleman, Duong, made the entire loom by himself.  He made his spinning wheel entirely by himself.  He grew the cotton and spun it entirely by himself...and he made the metal tools entirely by himself.
Now, when I say he made the metal tools, he dug the ore, he made the smelter, he made the forge, he smelted the bloom (the de-slagged ore), he literally hammered the blades and cut and shaped the wooden handles, and even made metal nails.   Admittedly later on he did start buying metal stock & premade nails, and most of those were salvaged metals...but every tool, excepting the electricity stuff, he at least made a version of it by hand...and you can see in the hoe and the shovel and the chisel and the machete that it’s all hand-forged.
Even all the concrete is from limestone that he dug from the cliff across the river & kilned into quicklime, most of the pottery he uses is homemade and home-kilned, and the sand is literally sifted from the riverbed down below.
(His wife. Huang Hoang, will use a chainsaw and pre-made tools & equpiment, but not only is she less muscular than him, she has a different focus for her channel--farming & selling in the marketplace, along with creating herself a livable off-grid home--than what Duong has developed for his, aka creating a farm using primitive skills, aka everything from scratch that he can safely manage.)
By the way, with the exception of the generator, wires, and lighting for his home, and until he finishes this cloth, the clothes on his back...he’s pretty much made all the buildings & planted all the trees and food plants, dug & built the giant fish pond, and stocked it with wild-caught and carefully bred fish, and eveb caught & tamed wild chickens. (The pigs were bought locally, but come from wild boar stock.)  He even has a water-powered grain mill-hammer, and he had a water wheel for powering the bellows for his forge (though at the moment the waterwheel is broken and in need of major repairs).
Oh, and for those who don’t know, chickens are still living in the wilds of Southeast Asia where they originated, so yes, you can catch & tame genuinely wild chickens in Vietnam!
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Are you prepared to actualize your vision of an ideal residence in the dynamic city of Melbourne? Custom Builders Melbourne expert artisans eagerly present an array of extraordinary materials to impart an intimate and personalized touch to your envisioned residence. Let's explore the vast possibilities that promise to render your home truly unparalleled.
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zoeology31 · 1 year
I’ve decided I need a lower stress hobby in my life, so I’ve taken up a Minecraft project! Currently three days into building a full scale version of Target Field in Minecraft, I’m gonna start posting updates here for posterity and/or anyone interested.
Day 1
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I thought about starting with the building outline, but the field was the right decision, it has known dimensions and makes a good immediate anchor point for checking to make sure things look right. There was a lot of math involved here getting the radius of the infield dirt and the angles of the outfield walls to translate to a grid pattern. Lots of trigonometry, lol.
Day 2
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Spent a while filling in the outfield warning track before moving back to outline the infield foul territory. Made some adjustments to the infield dirt radius and it looks much better now.
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Finished the full field perimeter with the help of more trigonometry, so the playing surface itself is now complete. Also outlined both dugouts, featuring the first of many uses of cut sandstone for limestone. This is where I started to get really heavy into reference images rather than just maps.
Day 3
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Started customizing the outfield fences, including a little side project for the bullpen door. After several hours of messing around with green concrete for the fences, I realized 1) it’s really too close to the field color, and 2) it clashes hard with the warped fence I’m using for the dugout and bullpen railings. Luckily the replace block cheat came in clutch as I made a full pivot to dark prismarine.
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We’ve got four sections of outfield that are basically their own project now: the limestone corner going up to the stacked bars in left, the bullpen door project, the out of town scoreboard in right-center, and the limestone overhang in right. I’m also trying to find a way to make the flowers look less awkward, but with limited space this might be it.
Stay tuned for more, probably next week as it’s time for my weekly death by work schedule!
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creepy-crowleys · 1 year
((Probably going with Demolisher for Crowley's class. Which is... actually the one I think I started her on. The in-game classes don't do much beyond determining your starting weapons - and you can switch from them pretty much once you've finished the tutorial - but I think it works for her. :d))
Responding to cries for help from the alley behind the convenience store, the schoolgirl slips off her uniform jacket, folds it, and stuffs it into her backpack. There will be blood—lots of blood—and she does not want it stained. She slides a ball-peen hammer out as she puts the jacket away and goes off to crack some skulls. The swordsman pivots, opening his soul to Gaia’s will as he slices upward at the looming ak’ab. His blade meets the insect’s carapace with a crack of thunder, nearly deafening the swordsman even as it hurls the ak’ab upward to splatter against the limestone walls of the tomb. She moves faster than the strike team expected. The Orochi sergeant in charge gasps as the old woman they’ve been sent to liquidate instead cuts down two of his men in a single slice. She seems to shrug off bullets and tasers, laughing as she crashes through them. She toys with them—holding back the fire and lightning that course through her—just to enjoy the thrill of battle again. The zombie crouches over its kill, ripping oversized handfuls of steaming-hot flesh from the first hiker’s body. Long has it roamed these backwater hills, growing in might and size as it devoured man and beast alike. It doesn’t even notice the lithe young man in the rainbow shirt until the youth knocks its head clean off with one swing of his blazing golf club. Demolishers channel divinity through implements of war, imbuing their weapons with heavenly radiance and striking like the thunderbolt of Zeus.
Like a Wrecking Ball
Demolishers burn with an inner fire. This wellspring of power is the blessing of Gaia at its simplest and most primal, like a primitive hominid cracking skulls with a jawbone. They smash things and they smash them good. More than any other, the demolisher class includes Bees from all walks of life: athletes, doctors, homemakers, mechanics, musicians, soldiers, students, and more. It is not physical strength that marks a demolisher, nor is there any special training one needs to take a stick and hit things with it. There is only the accursed gift of Gaia. Demolishers may be blunt instruments, but that does not make them incapable of finesse. Besides channeling anima into explosive melee attacks, they also have a natural capacity for protective magics. They can learn to see the invisible, make their skin hard as steel, and surround themselves with mystical barriers. If they live long enough, demolishers can learn to be as adept and subtle as any assassin or punisher.
Property Damage and Noise
Demolishers fight in the front line, leading charges and taking on whole armies by themselves. They’re loud and destructive, and they’re often sent into the field to act as diversions for more discreet operatives. Sometimes, though, the best defense is a good offense … and nothing says “offense” like a one-person wrecking crew.
Where They Fit in the Secret World
... In the Secret World, demolishers could be anyone from anywhere. They manifest their power as walking siege engines, channeling anima to wreak destruction in the most direct way available to any class. ...
Why the Secret Societies Want to Recruit Them
Secret society leaders aren’t immune to the raw, charismatic power of demolishers. Every society wants to find its own modern Hercules, someone who can trade blow for blow with oni and giants. Demolishers often serve an almost symbolic role within societies, representing the epitome of Gaia’s might—and that of the faction for which they work. In the field, demolishers provide excellent support for … squishier … team members. A demolisher in full tactical gear with a breaching maul is a better bullet stopper than a reinforced concrete wall, and much better prepared to smash a draug in the face. Play a demolisher for a simple but effective gameplay loop. Choose this class if you want power by way of channeling tremendous and explosive energy into melee weapons. There’s nothing subtle here.
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Analysis of Mineral Pigments from the Gnishikadzor Area, Southeastern Armenia
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Authored by: Yeghis Keheyan
The territory of the Republic of Armenia is very rich with ores and different types of deposits, including resources of natural mineral pigments. They differ by large variation of colours and are represented by painted ores, clays, and earths, among which the most significant is the group of paints with yellow, red and brown shades (ochre). Vayots Dzor Province in South-Eastern Armenia is among the rich areas where painted earths are widely spread. Presence of red and brown ochre are very well visible in the south-western part of the province, in the gorge of the Gnishik River, which is also known as the Noravank Gorge, due to the monastic complex of Noravank located here. Red colour rocks in the area of the Noravank Gorge (Gnishikazdor) represented by the sedimentary strata of the Upper Devonian and are determined by the Famennian Stage (375-359 million years). The samples analysed were taken from the foothills of the Noravank Monastery and analysed by different techniques: Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS); FT-IR spectroscopy; XRD diffraction analysis, which allow to indicate the presence of different elements trough contrast variations (atomic number contrast), to determine spectral ranges where absorption peaks were detected, as well as to perform phase identifications. The results show that the concretion is a hard, compact mass of matter formed by the precipitation of mineral cement within the spaces between particles, and is found in sedimentary rock or soil. It is composed of a carbonate mineral such as calcite; an amorphous or microcrystalline form of silica such as chert, flint, jasper or an iron oxide or hydroxide such as goethite and hematite. Implementation of such kind of study is valuable for the future comparison of similar finds from the nearby prehistoric archaeological contexts, where inhabitants exploited red ochre as a pig.
Keywords: Mineral paints; Red ochre; Areni-1 cave; Vayots Dzor Province; Republic of Armenia
The mountains of Armenia conceal deposits of ores. Alaverdi (Northern Armenia) and Kapan (Southern Armenia) localities are rich of copper deposits, molybdenum was found in the southeast (Dastakert deposit), in the central and southeastern areas are iron ore deposits (Hrazdan, Abovyan and Svarants deposits). Besides, there are industrial stocks of aluminium-nepheline-syenites, as well as barite with admixture of gold and silver, the deposits of lead, zinc, manganese, gold, platinum, antimony, mercury, and arsenic. There are also rare earth metals: bismuth, gallium, indium, selenium, thallium, tellurium, rhenium. Tuffs (red, orange, yellow, pink, and black), marble, travertines, limestones, are great as building and finishing materials. Semiprecious and ornamental stones are represented by agates, jaspers, amethysts, beryls, rubies, obsidians, onyxes, turquoise.
The area of the country is also rich with resources of natural mineral pigments, where 17 deposits were registered and studied. They differ by large variation of colours and are represented by painted ores, clays and earths, among which the most significant is the group of paints with yellow, red and brown shades (ochre) [1,2].
The colour shade of ochre depends on the type of the iron oxide chromophore. The red ochre contains mainly haematite (Fe2O3), while the yellowish one is rich in hydrated iron oxide goethite, FeO·OH), [3]. The presence of other minerals, such as clay minerals or some metal oxides, can also influence the colour of the ochre. The classification of ochre can be also made according to the matrix composition of kaolinite (Al2SiO5) (OH)4 and/or gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O), and/or sulphate, [4]). Green earth is a clay pigment consisting of hydrated iron, magnesium, and aluminium potassium silicates. Colour varies from a dark, greyish blue green to a dark, dull yellowish green. The colour of green earth is derived from the presence of the following minerals: glauconite or celadonite. As the yellow and red ochre, the green earth or “terreverte” has been used as a pigment all over the world since ancient times [4,5]. They have been found in artworks all over the world and in any historical period, probably due to their availability, high coloring capacities and stability to the light and to the different weather conditions.
Armenian mineral pigments were also used since the dawn of the human civilization and their exploitation by the local inhabitants continued until 1940, after which they were processed on industrial level [2,6].
Vayots Dzor Province in South-Eastern Armenia is among the rich areas where painted earths are widely spread and are represented by large deposits in Agarakadzor and Yeghegnadzor [6]. Meanwhile presence of red and brown ochre are very well visible in the south-western part of the province, in the gorge of the Gnishik River (Gnishikadzor, “dzor” in Armenian means gorge), which is also known as the Noravank Gorge, due to the monastic complex of Noravank (means New Monastery in Armenian) located here The samples analysed in this article was taken from the foothills of the Noravank Monastery, left from the road, where section of red coloured sediment is exposed during the construction of the road (Figure 1). Red colour rocks in the area of the Noravank Gorge (Gnishikazdor) are represented by the sedimentary strata of the Upper Devonian and are determined by the Famennian Stage (375-359 million years). In this area, they are exposed in the core of the so-called Gnishik anticline, spread in the basin of the middle reaches the Gnishik River. The entire stratum of Devonian deposits here is 385 m thick and is represented by ferruginous dark gray and fractured organogenic limestones, which then turn into sandy limestones with a phosphorite content. Ferruginous quartzites with large impregnations of iron oxides are also exposed in ferruginous sandy limestones, shales with carbonate nodules and rich brachiopod fauna: Productella capetatiformis Abrahamian, Plicatifera meisteri, Cyrtospirifer verneuili, Camarotoechia baitaversis, etc (Figure 2).
First evidence of exploitation of similar red coloured ochre from the area was recorded in Late Chalcolithic horizons of Areni-1 cave, located 7km north from the exposure, 2km northeast from the village of Areni, on the left bank of the Arpa River, near the point of its confluence with the tributary Gnishik and at an elevation of 1070m above the sea level. Areni-1 is a threechambered karstic cave. The excavations here began in 2007 and the major significance of this archaeological site was abundantly clear during the initial excavations when very well preserved Chalcolithic (4,300 – 3,400 BCE) and Medieval (4th –18th centuries CE) occupations were exposed. Areni-1 exhibits a transitional culture between Chalcolithic and EBA, which sheds light on the formation and the early stages of the Kura-Araxes culture in the region. Chalcolithic finds from the first gallery of the cave include numerous large storage vessels, some of which contained human skulls – of two adolescent males and a female. Grape remains and vessels typically used for wine storage, together with the results of chemical analyses of the contents, point to Chalcolithic wine production at the site. The cave had been used for different purposes since the end of the 5th millennium BCE: it was a shelter, a storeroom for food; it was used for wine production and for ritual purposes, including burial. All the data indicate clear social complexity and a ritual/productive area. Its strategic location, suitable climate of the Vayots Dzor Province compared to the surrounding mountainous area, and its numerous watercourses and highly fertile soils, make this area especially suitable for human settlement and agricultural development. Indeed, the oldest leather shoe in Eurasia and one of the oldest pieces of evidence for wine production was discovered in the Areni-1 Cave, dated to the Late Chalcolithic – and wine is still today one of the area’s main products [7-15].
Local red ochre was used by the Chalcolithic inhabitants of the cave in different purposes, i.e., for rock-paintings, in symbolic behavior (for coloring the inner parts of the ritual vessels and clay constructions, the compacted floors, as red ochre was the symbol of blood and revival as well as for decorating basketry and pottery [11,13] (Figure 2).
The samples from Gnishikadzor or the Noravank were analysed by different techniques. Below are reported the techniques applied to characterize completely these fabulous stones.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS): SEM-EDS micro-morphological and chemical investigations were carried out by a LEO 1450 VP -INCA 300 scanning electron microscope coupled with a electronic probe for X-ray microanalysis, resolution of 3,5nm with the possibility to analyze nonconductive sample by operating in novacuum conditions. The interfacing with EDS gives the possibility to have qualitative and quantitative composition of elements into area observed. For quantitative analysis this method is not sensible under 0.1% in weight. Electron beam energy is 20keV to allow the detection most of the chemical elements starting from boron. Under these experimental conditions the ancient samples have been analysed without any treatment, by using the apparatus in low vacuum. The observations in backscattered electron allow suggest the presence of different elements trough contrast variations (atomic number contrast).
FT-IR spectroscopy: The FTIR microspectra were collected with a Bruker Optic Alpha-R portable interferometer with an external reflectance head covering a circular area of about 5mm in diameter. The samples were placed directly in front of the objective and spots were selected for analysis. The recorded spectral range was 7500-375cm-1 acquired with 200 scans or more, with a resolution of 4cm-1. Spectra reported in the text, however, show only the spectral range where absorption bands were observed (4000-375cm-1). This analysis is non-destructive and non-invasive. The spectra of powdered samples were obtained using the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) module. In addition, very small amounts of samples were dispersed in potassium bromide (KBr, FTIR grade purity, Fluka) at different concentrations (sample/ KBr 1/100 to sample/KBr 1/1000). These were studied by collecting 200 scans or more in the same spectral range and resolution. Fourier-Transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were recorded using an Alpha FT-IR spectrometer (Bruker) equipped with the Diffuse Reflection Infrared Fourier Transform (DRIFT) module in the spectral range 7500-375cm-1 at a resolution of 2cm-1 cumulating at least 200 scans. The powdered samples were dispersed in potassium bromide (KBr), FT-IR grade of purity, Fluka) in excess. Figures reported spectral ranges where absorption peaks were detected
XRD diffraction analysis: The X-ray powder diffraction analysis has been performed in the angular range 10-90° in 2θ with a Panalytical X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer (Cu Kα radiation, λ=1.54184 Å) equipped with X’Celerator ultrafast RTMS detector. The angular resolution (in 2θ) was 0.001°. A 0.04 rad soller slit, a 1° divergence slit, and a 20mm mask have been used on the incident beam path, while a 6.6mm anti-scatter slit and a 0.04 rad collimator have been used on the diffracted beam path. Phase identification has been performed with the Panalytical High Score Plus software.
Results and Discussion
XRD spectra (Figure 3) show prevalently the presence of ochre. From phase analysis the following chemical composition was evidenced; CaCO3, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Al2S2(OH)4.
Different stones from the same locality have been cut off. The stone has been cut and analyzed in all parts by FTIR. It was very hard to cut it. Internal part was grey and white. The spectra obtained is reported and compared in figure 4. At 536cm-1 is hematite band and at 473cm-1 is iron oxide band. Quartz band is at 799cm-1. Infrared spectroscopy was employed to analyze the exterior red surface of the stone samples. In addition, a small stone was cut in order to examine the inner side, which appeared grey and white.
Specular reflectance produces derivative- shaped peaks in the region below 1200cm-1 because of the restrahlen effect [16]. All spectra show intense band with peaks at 1545 and 1418cm-1 assigned to the C-O stretching mode of calcite (sparitic limestone). The features at 880 and 2515cm-1 also belong to calcite and respectively assigned to O-C-O bending and combination mode. The features in the 1200-1000 cm-1 interval confidently suggest the presence of silicates, probably kaolin, characterizes by the peaks at about 3690 and 3620 cm-1 assigned to C-H stretching modes [17]. At the lower frequency range of the spectra reported in figures 5a & 5b, bands are also observed at 545 and 466cm-1, indicating the existence of iron oxides molecules in the samples [18].
The proposed assignment seems supported by the absence of mentioned features in the spectra of clear and dark points of the samples. In the last case infrared analysis shows the presence of calcium carbonate as unique component of the stone. Compares micro-FTIR (a) and DRIFT spectra (b) of a red point of the Noravank stone. Spectral differences observed can be attributed only to the different techniques employed. In fact, DRIFT spectrum confirms the components individuated in reflectance analysis suggesting only a minor content of calcium carbonate with respect to the silicates content. In addition, the DRIFT spectrum of a sample of Armenian bole is also reported (c).
SEM- EDS. The micromorphological analysis, using SEM the image detector with secondary electron resolution in non-in-air conditioning has obtained a very well-defined aspect compared to the petrographic material, with clear crystalline formations of a solid structure is observable figure 6.
Other parts of the same stone were analyzed by SEM to identify the different structures, as tested with the other techniques used figure 7 (Table 1). Various points in the area shown in figure 7 and are analyzed in EDS as reported in table 2. Several EDS analyses were carried out on several areas of the sample, the more significative are reported in table 2.
What was observed at the SEM-EDS is in line with the other types of investigations, while not providing data on the molecular formulations, but only on the composition of elements, it may be useful to consider the morphological and microstructural aspect, where, for example, it is never found its trigonal crystalline habit, but the observation of powdery material, figure 7, could be associated with its presence in conjunction with quartz and other minerals, which would explain the red color felt when handling the stone.
Hematite gave following oxide compositions; FeO 29.8%, Fe2O3 15, MgO 2,6, Al2O3 8.1, CaO 16.55, SiO2 26.7, K2O 0.55, TiO2 0.4%. The concretions with following oxide composition have been detected FeO 5.63, Fe2O3 2.8, MgO 1.55, Al2O3 11.42, CaO 33.34, SiO2 44.4.
A concretion is a hard, compact mass of matter formed by the precipitation of mineral cement within the spaces between particles and is found in sedimentary rock or soil. Concretions form within layers of sedimentary strata that have already been deposited. They usually form early in the burial history of the sediment before the rest of the sediment is hardened into rock. This concretionary cement often makes the concretion harder and more resistant to weathering than the host stratum. They are commonly composed of a carbonate mineral such as calcite; an amorphous or microcrystalline form of silica such as chert, flint, or jasper; or an iron oxide or hydroxide such as goethite and hematite. They can also be composed of other minerals that include dolomite, ankerite, siderite, pyrite, marcasite, barite, and gypsum. Although concretions often consist of a single dominant mineral, other minerals can be present depending on the environmental conditions, which created them. For example, carbonate concretions, which form in response to the reduction of sulfates by bacteria, often contain minor percentages of pyrite. Other concretions formed as a result of microbial sulfate reduction, consist a mixture of calcite, barite, and pyrite.
Implementation of different techniques applied to characterize completely the mineral pigment sample from Noravank is а valuable data, showing a need to conduct similar analyses for the other deposits in the Vayots Dzor Province and all Armenia. Such a study can help to create a reliable database of the mineral pigments of the country and to compare the results with the similar studies of the samples discovered from the archaeological contexts. The mineral pigments, especially, ochre, have been intensively used by prehistoric and historic populations for different purposes, especially in creation of rock-paintings, decorating the pottery and basketry, as well as in rituals. Exploitation of pigments by ancient societies will shed new light on the questions of utilization of mineral resources in the territory of Armenia and the raw-material circulation in the landscape, as well as aspects of symbolic behaviour during the complex ritual games, which took place inside the caves and other sacral spaces. This also can be significant example of benefit achieved by the combination of different scientific disciplines and tools regarding deeper study of the ancient past (Figure 8).
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airotechminerals · 12 days
High-Quality Calcium Carbonate for Rubber, Construction, and Paper
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In the construction industry, calcium carbonate is used in the production of cement, concrete, and mortar to enhance structural integrity and performance. It also serves as a filler in asphalt, contributing to the stability and durability of roadways and infrastructure projects. Airotech Minerals provides high-quality calcium carbonate that meets the rigorous demands of the construction sector, ensuring reliable and long-lasting building materials.
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Minerals operates advanced manufacturing facilities equipped with the latest technology. This enables the production of calcium carbonate with consistent particle sizes, purity levels, and performance characteristics. The company's commitment to technological innovation ensures that clients receive high-quality products that meet their specific needs.
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Quality is a cornerstone of Airotech Minerals' operations. The company adheres to stringent quality control measures throughout the production process, from raw material sourcing to final product delivery. This ensures that their calcium carbonate meets international standards and performs reliably in various industrial applications.
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Understanding that different industries have unique requirements, Minerals offers customized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. Whether it's for plastics, paints, rubber, or construction, the company provides calcium carbonate products that align with the precise demands of each sector.
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Minerals prides itself on its customer-centric approach, providing excellent support and service. The company works closely with clients to understand their needs, offer technical advice, and ensure timely delivery of products. This dedication to customer satisfaction has established Minerals as a preferred partner in the calcium carbonate industry.
5. Sustainability Practices
Minerals are committed to sustainable manufacturing practices. The company implements energy-efficient technologies and responsible waste management systems to minimize environmental impact while maintaining high product quality. This focus on sustainability ensures that their operations are environmentally friendly and responsible.
As a leading Calcium Carbonate Supplier in India, high-quality products that cater to the diverse needs of various industries. With advanced manufacturing facilities, rigorous quality control, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Airotech Minerals stands out as a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and effective calcium carbonate solutions. Whether for plastics, paints, rubber, construction, or paper, Minerals provides the expertise and quality needed to support industrial success.
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