#lime screed
springtimebat · 1 year
Kikiyama (A Short, Experimental Poem)
“Build bridges, not walls”  is the statement sprayed across a subway station as I make my way to my afternoon classes. It’s just past noon, the mildew in the air makes me feel more awake, more aware. I can appreciate my corporate surroundings, analyse a reality which is less than ideal. I take apart the statement mentioned in my head many times as I walk, take it apart piece by piece like large segments of concrete. Man-made concrete that would crush me, take apart my body, discrete my inner being just as I myself destroy its inspirational edifice. The underground I take three times, sometimes six, a week swallows me in tiny bites, pressing against my hips, dips and marks. The subway car I take slides open a rubble-grey door. Its amber lights lick and leer at my face, my spots, like a hollow feeler, or perhaps a greedy, swollen tongue. And I want to die on this platform.
Build bridges, not walls. Scrawled in an artist’s blood, the poet's handwriting giving way to their rushing soul. Yet, all their screed remains hidden with underground chambers. Their language provokes great rebellion, unification despite worldly barriers, great masterworks made in periods of immense trauma. This personal mantra, however, remains a simple, silver line on our man-made caves under citizen footsteps. Kikyama, or “machine mountain”. Loosely translated, much like the shackles that sometimes appear on the paper wrists of the upper suburbia. To the uninitiated, such a term may bring to mind bright thoughts. A kaleidoscope of restrained emotion. Instances of humanity displayed with evocative clarity. 
A collective sky-garden like hallowed halls during space travel. Perhaps, this too is simply a stark projection from me. Accidental poetry, accidental dreams. Manufactured dreams, maybe? Manufactured dreams of grief and sadness. 
Still, even with these jumbled ideas and themes that persist (and chip, chip, chip away), I go back to the subway walls and their slow decay. Build bridges, not walls, spray painted onto a lime-green wall. That is my personal, secret machine mountain, my cave composed of ash, and air, and shadow. Slowly, I begin to board my train away. 
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ascentemirates · 29 days
CE Marking Certification | A Mandatory Certificate of Conformity for Construction Products
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CE stands for Conformite Europeenne which refers to a certain certification used for verification in the European Economic Area(EEA). The CE Marking is globally used for goods that are being sold in different regions, mostly in the European region. This marking is validation for manufacturers to spread the business of the marked products over the EEA without hassling with approvals or obstacles in the respective countries. 
Understanding CE Marking
CE is a compulsory conformity validation mark for products that have been sold in the European regions. The marking confirms that the products are safe to meet the expectations of the European safety rules and have acquired a level of classification in the quality standards of the products. Electronics, medical essentials, medical devices, and household machines like refrigerators, radio equipment, etc are the main sectors of products that require CE certification. CE-certified construction products are supposed to be high in quality from health-safety and environment-friendly aspects. In UAE, CE conformity certification is known as one of the most helpful tools to enter the European marketplace without legal barriers.
Eligible Products in UAE
The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) has mandated some concrete products to be CE-certified and harmonized standards to be used by the EEA. Products like cladding, cement, binders, building limes, steel, roof tiles, masonry-related products, road construction goods, fixings, screeds, timber products, metallic products, screeds, etc are in the compulsory boundary of being CE marked. As construction is a very significant part of a country, the fundamentals of construction products should always be evaluated before allowing them to go into the market and that is why CE certification holds an important role in the usage of construction concrete products in UAE.
Importance of CE Mark for Construction Products
CE Marking is a globally known validation certificate for circulating business in the European Economic Area. The process of CE certification can be multiple-layered layered but the benefits of this conformity mark are huge. The marked products get international recognition and permission to be sold in the global market.
The certification suggests the products are highly qualified for use and build up a level of trust among the customers to attain customer satisfaction. Customers gain more confidence in choosing products with the CE mark. 
The CE conformity mark works like a trade passport for the manufacturers to be marketed in the European area of business irrespective of its core origin country. The CE mark conditionally allows the spread of business in Europe no matter where the product has been manufactured. This increases the market size of the products and affects higher sales over multiple regions.
As only one CE mark can be used for a product, the European Union Commission requires different levels of eligibility criteria and restrictions that make the good-makers aware of the goods' qualities and boundaries. The manufacturers are more careful to avoid the hassles of obtaining CE certification marks.
By implementing the eligibility criteria of CE certification, the products are usually of good standard with improved credibility potential which enhances the sale and success of the product and reduces the possibility of customer dissatisfaction. 
Cost of CE Marking
The procedure of CE certification does not comparatively cost a lot in general as all the relative tests and examinations are taken care of by the authorized sectors of the UAE. In the cases of the products that are evaluated by a notified body, the charges may be a little more to be paid by the manufacturer to the notified body. The price depends on the procedure that has been used for the certain examination. Some products can be assessed by the organizations themselves to avoid the cost of the process. Although the procedure for assessing construction products like cements, demands technical examination with machinery. 
Eligibility to affix the CE Mark
Not every concrete product can be CE-certified. There are few eligibility criteria for achieving the CE mark. 
The product manufacturing procedure should be transparent and maintain the requirements of CE certification. 
The organization must be linked with the authority with all the needed documents. 
The Declaration of Conformity should be explained clearly and should be submitted to the municipality for approval.
How to obtain CE for Construction Products in the UAE?
The manufacturers should carefully handle the responsibility of meeting all the standard requirements for obtaining CE certification marks in the UAE. The procedure of CE certification Marking is not very complicated but there are a few important points to keep in mind to get the CE certificate in UAE.
The manufacturer has to prepare a conformity declaration paper that will vividly state that the product has been manufactured with proper standardization requirement awareness and meets all the mandatory directives of CE certification.
The organization must register the documents with the Dubai Authority. All the needed EU technical documentation should be taken care of very carefully. 
The construction products would go under some tests and analyses by a credible laboratory to ensure that the product has gained quality standards and will meet the EEA standardization and safety requirements. 
The products will be examined and evaluated by a notified body to make sure the product has been manufactured safely with the approved quality management system.
If the product passes all the restrictable barriers, it will be affixed by the CE logo in a visible and indelible place to ensure the conformity mark.
CE is a globally recognized symbol for goods sold in various regions, particularly in Europe. It serves as a validation for manufacturers to expand their business to the EEA, without encountering the burdensome process of obtaining country-specific approvals or facing obstacles in different markets. If implemented correctly, It can benefit the construction businesses in a huge manner.
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homeimgs · 1 year
Glen Isla Home Connects with the Beautiful Australian Landscape
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The homeowners wanted a new house on a bayside site with views across Port Phillip Bay to the city. The building is contained to one edge of the site in order to maintain a strong connection with the existing landscape. Aside from that, the owners also want the house to take advantage of the long-distance views.
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The materials used in the house are simple, clean and robust. It is designed to engage with the landscape as it grows and defines the property.
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The entryway is tucked behind a timber-clad wall with vertical slot windows. These windows frame the views of the garden and add appeal to it.
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A sophisticated weekender, the first floor living reflects the client’s love of food, wine and entertaining. The lower floor is internalized – the muted color palette punctuated by a punch of green identifying the cellar which forms the core of the house.
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This is the dining area of the house with white kitchen cabinets and a wooden dining table. It has a floor-to-ceiling window that provide views of the area around it. Read Also: JC House: A Modern Trapezoidal Home in Portugal
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The kitchen has a large white island, while dark cabinetry compliments the other dark elements like the dining chairs, counter stools and shelving.
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Inside, polished-concrete screed floors and charcoal colored ceilings create a contemporary appearance, while a lime green rendered cellar adds a pop of color. Light wood stairs lead up to the second floor of the home.
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This color is echoed in the first floor carpet as part of a lighter, airier assembly of materials and colors.
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Just off the kitchen and almost hidden within the shelving and kitchen cabinetry is the door to the master bedroom. Green flooring has been used again as a color element in the mostly white interior.
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The bathroom is also white with simple modern fixtures in it. It has a long rectangular mirror on the wall which makes it visually larger.
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In the en-suite bathroom, a corner window adds natural light and provides a view of the trees, while dark flooring and a dark vanity contrast the white bathtub and white floor-to-ceiling tiles.
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In another bedroom, a sliding glass door can be opened to have direct access to the backyard.
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In this bathroom, a round mirror hangs on the wall, while white tiles in a chevron pattern cover the wall.
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Upstairs is an open floor plan with an outdoor living room. It is located off the indoor living area which has large sliding glass doors that open the space up to the balcony.
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Let us take another look at the home’s facade. This looks even more beautiful during the night when the outdoor space and the interior are lighted. The house is designed by Bryant Alsop and with the looks of it, they really did a great job with its layout and architecture. Of course, the interior is very nice too. Another thing that made the house beautiful is its mix of materials as well as the landscaping. You have also seen how it looks like during the night when the lights are turned on. The house used a lovely mix of textures, shapes, and lines which resulted in a simple yet sophisticated modern home. Would you love to have a house similar to this? Read the full article
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acecentro · 1 year
Atlantic Piston Pump APP 13
The Atlantic Piston Pump - APP 13, is robust, powerful, and service-friendly while working with the most challenging site mixes in the world. The heavy-duty double piston pump is ideal for use with lime mortar, cement plaster, lime-cement mortar, scratch coats, liquid screed with or without aggregate, bedding mortar, filling mortar, masonry mortar, and cement/bentonite slurry.
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aqueluna · 2 years
Prompt 3 - Temper
CW: Illness
The aurete amber glow of a vibrantly verdant spring’s late afternoon cast the bustling Kugane thoroughfare in an equally brilliant light, thousands of souls passed by the numerous, nestled stalls, each advertised as much by the brilliantly woven, colourful awnings and bunting banners and the paper lanterns just now starting to be lit - as to the fervent cries of the hawking mechants. To the port-city ever flooded Hingashi’s own; collectors eager for ijin imports, hired blades looking for employment in the lands across the sea, merchants bringing wares from beyond Shishu and of course, the ijin themselves.
Garleans, Domans, Nagxians, Eorzeans, Thavnarians, Namazu, Kojin, the occasional Sharlayan, even the rare Xaela from the steppe or desert - each and all eyed with scrutiny by the ruby-robed Sekiseigumi patrolling the paven streets.
Of those hoping to captivate an audience, from artists peddling masterfully brushed paintings and chiselled sculptures, collectors bearing crates and chests of antiques, artisans of all shapes and sizes peddling everything from the rarest of the rare, to the prodigiously bountiful, the humblest - lacking lantern, bunting and possessed of only the feeblest, most tattered awning, little more than a rag. A lonely lopsided sign tied together from scrap wood had, had painted across it in alternating lime and apricot hued letters, “Nest of Stories.” Though in truth it was less nest and closer to the union of a rickety stall and a tiny, elevated stage framed with stray twigs and a colourful collage of feathers and on that stage, puppets.
“You cannot defeat me! I am you! You owe everything to me!” a high-pitched, colloquially-accented voice hissed from behind the screen, trying just a little too hard to sound gruff and menacing. a tiny, painted wooden katana suspended by half-concealed strings bobbed up and down as the voice offered its dramatic threat. “No… not any longer,” another, more natural cadence stoically states, possessed of a more aristocratic timbre, continuing, “I renounce all that I am, all that I was - and so I wash myself clean of you.” The blade descended “clickety-clacking” a few times until it slotted into the hand of a stylised, colourfully-painted puppet.
In spite of the ramshackle theatre, the puppet, props and even the background scenery were lovingly detailed. The sword-clutching, grim-faced puppet’s pale scales and horns had been each carefully painted on, his face expressively grim, torso nocked with chips and nicks from which had been painted crimson rivulets of gore, patches of brilliant, jade-hued cloth crested by straggling pieces of lamellar armour, a broken, defeated man brought to life amidst the backdrop of a temple. Wooden limbs contracted, strings lowering the doll of a Raen down, angling him so that the blade slipped free, lapsing to the stage floor.
“AND YOU THINK IT SO EASY TO BE RID OF YOUR OATH?” The first, shriller voice boomed villainously, seething with menace. Hammy menace. Very, very hammy menace. The grotesque form of a multi-armed, masked, slug-like monstrosity sliding forth onto the stage, accompanied by the sound of the first speaker offering an accompanying, “Boom! Boom! Boom!” A sharp breath taken before a renewed villainous screed, “YOUR SOUL IS MINE ISAMU, YOU SWORE IT IN BLOOD. NOW YOU WILL DIE!” 
“Calamity will no longer dog my footsteps, Isamu is no more,” the second voice cooly stated, the puppet weaving its way to the wings of the stage. “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” the first screamed, shrill enough to draw gazes and grimaces both from passers by. The theatre shook as a quintet of pebbles fell from above limply and an “UGH!” rattled out, just in time for the monstrous vibrantly hued puppet to flop over with a “THUNK”!
“And so I left that place and left everything behind, to reflect on the future and the past and I had many more adventures but those are stories… for another time,” the stoic voice stated, a squeaky creaking accompanying a tattered, crimson curtain slowly drawn out across the stage, pulled along by a string until the theatre beyond was put to rest. A few, scattered hands of applause just scarcely made themselves audible against the background din as did more than one snore. 
Masked by a fiery-orange, stubby black-beaked robin mask, a figure clad in a tattered old cloak wheeled another masked in a lime green, equally stubby blue beaked pigeon mask, sat in a rickety old wheeled chair, garbed in a filthy old dress, colour long-since faded. The robin considered the audience, three onlookers filtering back into the crowd, one flipping a few gil into a bucket at the foot of the puppet theatre, two remaining - five heads in all. “More than usual,” she noted in her well-spoken drawl, resting a fond hand on the smaller figure’s head. “Did we get better? Did we like?” the higher-pitched of the two cooed excitedly, voice cursed by a particularly thick, urchinesque accent. “Most definitely,” the other offered with scarce a second thought, offering the pigeon’s pale locks a fond, gentle tussle.
“And with that ladies, gentlemen and those that subscribe to neither, I’m afraid our story has ended… for now,” the robin called out, to a grand audience of a fidgety, muck-stained Hyuran lad and a middle-aged Raen woman snoring, head lolled to the side, sleeping standing up. “But do not fret! Tomorrow brings with it a new tale - three in fact! A tale of mystery! A tale of betrayal! And a tale that falls… tantalisingly in between!” the aloft puppeteer called out, finishing with a phenomenally proper deep dip of a bow at odds with her ragged garments, “Until next time! Pigeon and Robin will be waiting for you in the wings!” Pigeon lowered her masked head somewhat belated, leaning forward in her chair in a mock bow of her own.
Taking a moment to simply let the air of the soon-approaching evening rush over her, to stretch limbs that’d been cooped up behind the stage with her sibling, Robin couldn’t help but smile behind her mask. Once again, the excitable exuberance of the younger sibling had met the refined collectedness of the elder, to temper each other to create something that was simply… magical. Not for the audience, they mattered little - but happiness had come to roost there, in that most ramshackle of nests for two birds of contrasting hues. For Robin to respin a tale to her liking, to live the parts for hours, even in the medium of puppets and for Pigeon to bask in the dramatic deeds and exaggerated characters her sibling spun for her… Ever their wants tempered each other, weaving threads in the middle, embroidering mutual happiness.
“Sis… do you think the pebbles helped?” Pigeon inquired, stifling a chesty cough into her tattered sleeve elbow. “I do,” Robin answered without hesitation once again and so they did. It had been a struggle to incorporate them without damaging the demonic puppet, but the suggestion’s inclusion had brought the younger girl joy when she’d agreed. “How do you feel?” the loftier Raen asked, brushing a few pale locks back from Pigeon’s pallid horn. “I’m fine, me,” she chattered softly, only to hesitate as the older girl’s hand ceased mid-brush, hurriedly correcting, “All the shouting made me chest ache a little…” With that little fib self-corrected, Robin resumed her preening of the untidy, vanilla-hued mop.
Angling her wiry frame around the theatre to dig free a ceramic bottle, removing the lid, the elder sibling found herself at the tail end of adding a carefully prepared mix of dried and powdered imported herbs only to find her attention snapped by a brisk, “Oi.” The previously lingering, mucky Hyuran boy ambled his way over surreptitiously, then slipped a purse free from a sleeve across to the masked puppeteer. Pulling it open with her free hand, inspecting the collection of gil within, Robin emptied roughly half into a compartment in the stall, offering the rest back. The Hyur boy grinned, skittering away after a businesslike, “A pleasure as always miss.” The puppeteer didn’t doubt the pickpocket had stashed a fair few of the coins away before presenting his findings to be split, but it was a good trade all the same. Gil better than street puppet acts could yield for they, and distracted victims for the lad to pilfer.
Bringing the bottle back around to the younger sibling, the elder gave the contents a good shake, mixing them around, then offered it over. Pigeon reluctantly reached a scale-flecked hand across to accept the medicinal mix, raising her mask a little to better be able to drink. “It costs a lot, don’t it…” the sicklier sister stated, more than asked, gulping down a sip, gagging, spluttering at the deceptively bitter taste, prompting an encouraging circling of a soothing hand to her back. “It does, but I’d pay more if I had to, any amount to see you comfortable, Robin conceded. Taking another, somewhat more cautious sip of the medicine, sparing herself another fit of coughing if not the shudder of displeasure.
“You’ve given up so much for me and I don’t never…” the colloquial mumble of the younger sibling mumbled, interrupted mid-utterance by a finger placed onto her mask’s beak.
“In your veins flows the blood of champions, a lineage near without equal. You -are- a champion. You -are- special, a warrior. In you the echoes of our forebears reap ripe fruit! You are just, strong and you have persevered thus far, yes?” Reaching up to loosen the straps holding the fiery robin mask in place, the elder sibling pulled it away to offer her sister an encouragingly broad smile, ruby gaze upon her, “I would give up everything and more to see you smile, so do not fret my pigeon. I am happy and my only regret is that I did not find you sooner.” Pigeon briefly met the other girl’s gaze through her own mask, then turned her eyes groundsward bashfully. An amused giggle drew itself from the unmasked Raen’s lips, letting the speechless girl off with a peck atop her head, gently instructing, “Drink while I pack everything up and we’ll be off, hm?”
To the daughter of old aristocracy who’d excelled, who’d been drowned in meaningless praise and starved of connection, to the other who’d been abandoned, struggled and void of given worth, come to loathe herself, bound together with strings and puppetry, For one who longed to dote and the other who longed to be doted upon, pain ever tempered pain and need ever tempered need and tomorrow, they’d show Kugane the result again. Through paint and wood and string. 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 23 October 1837
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finish dullish morning F50° at 8 25 out – with Robert Mann dressing off the front slope for the gardener and Joseph Booth and the other garden man sodding – took Jack Green from the glen-wall marking to the slope, and sent Robert M- to his son David + 1 at the pheying away fallen roadwall for foundation of new wall – 2 more of Roberts’ men at the globe garden drains – Michael not come – breakfast at 9 – A- not right for she saw me silent but she had seemed as if right in bed this morning and did not then find out that I should be grave tho’ what I did say and do was in the usual manner – A- had ordered the ponies at 9 ½ but was off (to Cliff Hill) at 10 – George rode Mangnall (1st time) and A- the older pony – I watched Mangnall – far too skittish – and I cannot get out of my mind that his wind is not good – In fact this afternoon, George told me he was no afraid so too – he (the horse) quite ‘roared’ this morning – well! said I you were all me – but now you are coming round to my opinion – I am sorry it is so like after wit, and little worth – Mr. Wheatley to be sent for to come tomorrow morning – out all the day, in spite of the incessant tho’ gentle rain from 10 to very near 6 – Booths’ masons all hewing from about 11 this morning and all the others (Nelsons and Parkinsons went home) – Robert M-‘s men all at home this afternoon – had Robert in the new room adjoining the laundry leveling for flagging and Samuel Booth helped him – had Booth talking over coach house ceiling – could be slate and spar-pointed for 2d. per yard – 38ft. = 12 yards 2ft. say 13 yards long and suppose 3 yards height of roof = say 80 yards at 2d. or as I afterwards thought to have it underdrawn with the spars 80 yards at 5d. labour (little Rawson the plasterer here slate pointing laundry-room) for which R- agreed to do it – B- and I had calculated 3 twenty one ft. planks at 12/. cut up into inch square ‘screeds’ to be nailed inside the spars and lathed to wood and sawing 30/. and lime, laths, nails, [hair], and all materials including the 30/ = 80 yards at 1/6 – sent the market for A- at 4 ¾ - she back at 6 – told her I had sent for W- that George now suspected Mangnalls’ wind – said if A- had let me have my own way, I was sure I could have got her a horse – then finished dressing – had had Cookson before A- came and was nearly dressed – asked C- after her mother, and if she would object to her going abroad – my going tho’ so long delayed was by no means given up – it seems that C-‘s mother very probably would object to her going! C- to inquire and let me know – I said it would of course be a disappointment to me to suppose all ready and then for C- to leave me – if she thought of not going with me, the sooner I knew it the better – wrote the above of today and had just done at 7 at which hour dinner – Engine Holt came this morning about 11 or before about the 6 horse power for Listerwick pit – went with him there and found collier Holt there with Joseph Mann – set out the site of engine house – some thought of setting the engine in the bottom but collier Holt much against it – would be so bad to get at after the Incline was completed and coal no longer pulled at L.P. otherwise a place 9ft. high 8ft. broad and 12ft. long would have done for the engine and as much more for the boiler – the engine to pump for itself – the boiler will hold 200 gallons and this quantity will be required in a little reservoir to fill the engine cistern with and set the engine going in a morning Engine Holt to give a plan of engine house and a statement of every expense of force pump etc the estimate given in sometime of the engine to stand good – to be warranted for a year and ready in a certain fixed time – dinner from 7 to near 8 – coffee between 8 and 9 – A- read French and afterwards she read Spain Portugal and Gallicia vol. 1 and I vol. 2 from p. 120 to 183. Rainy day – F44° on our coming upstairs at 10 20
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In construction, the R - value is the measurement of a material's capacity to resist heat flow from one side to the other. R - value measures the effectiveness of insulation and a higher number represents more effective insulation.
S.R.I (Solar Reflective Index) tiles are to be fixed in terrace after maintaining R- value in terrace. ECBC - 2017 (Energy Conservation Building Code - 2017) specifies R value for different climate zones. R value cannot be achieved by using normal concrete materials like cement, crusher jelly / chips and M sand etc.
8 inch Concrete Masonry unit (CMU) is having R value of 1.11.
1 inch Polyurethane Foam (Foamed at site) is having R value of 6.25.
1 inch Vermiculite is having R value of 2.0.
Roof slab is mainly composed of cement and crusher jelly. Screed concrete is required to maintain gradient over roof slab. If we use cement and crusher jelly / chips for gradient, R value specified by ECBC can never be achieved. S.R.I tile must be fixed only on well insulated terrace. ECBC suggests R value of 3.1 for roof (ECBC 2017 section 4.3.1).
If we use vermiculite concrete, R value can be achieved. Generally an average of 2 inch screed is required for smooth flow of rain water. R - value of 3.0 can be easily achieved in vermiculite concrete.. Alternately hydrated lime concrete also can be used. It needs proper sampling with locally available materials and test R value.
After R value exercises and screed work, fix S.R.I tiles (ECBC 2017 section
R - value in terrace + S.R.I Tiles = Sustainable Cool Roof. (Green Pro certification for R value tested Screed / Mortar and S.R.I Tiles). This is to comply with ECBC 2017 norms under the sections of 4.3.1 and respectively.
ABC is the first brand in ceramic cool tile and subsequently Cool Roof. Now a days, there are numerous suppliers claiming cool roof. Unless cool tile is fixed as per ECBC norms, no one can claim as I have fixed Cool Roof.
Fixing cool tile alone does not guarantee for cool roof. It is only superficial knowledge or half baked experience unless and until ECBC norm is fully grasped and followed. Cool tile or S.R.I Tile is one of the component in terrace. There are many other factors for a sustainable terrace.
ABC S.R.I Cool Tiles has taken initiative to get Green Pro certification for R - value products(Screed and Mortar). S.R.I Tiles already certified for Green Pro.
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designbuildpepel · 5 years
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Days 51-60 and Departure.
A few weeks have passed since the last update from Pepel. This post will sum up the final steps that took place on the construction site in April before the last member of our team left the site. - The last days in Pepel certainly were the most stressful ones we had in the time that we have spent there. The time pressure could really be felt, as the departure date approached quickly. Even though our team was gradually getting smaller over time, we managed to achieve a lot in these final moments. The collective effort drained a lot of energy from everyone involved, the students and the local site crew but the result was rewarding. Unfortunately, illness also struck our camp, so that we were indeed reaching our physical limits.
Day 51 (Sunday), 7.4.2019 – The last classroom receives its final bamboo culms so that it stands ready for the ventilation layer made from bamboo mattes.
Day 52, 8.4.2019 – A larger batch of students flies out from the airport in Lungi, reducing us only about half a dozen remaining members of the team. It was a busy day with the first wall to be plastered in accordance with the recipe that had been developed in advance. A mixture that includes hydrated lime and sand from Lungi (which provides a much finer graining as the coarse sand that is coming from the mines of the North. Moreover, the colour is pleasing in its lightness that is by far easier to blend with the lime as the orange hue) as their main components.
Day 53, 9.4.2019 – The roofing is now the biggest remaining piece of work left and means that everyone is helping together to cover the rooms that have not been cladded so far, beginning with the niches.
Day 54, 10.4.2019 – In a concentrated effort the remaining workforce is focusing in bringing the remaining roofs to a finish.
Day 55, 11.4.2019 – As not enough roofing sheets have been delivered, we realize that we need additional ones to finish the work urgently. In a last minute effort to secure the supply, the local representatives of the community are asked for help to deliver the sheets by boat from Freetown, however an agreement can not be struck, meaning another boat crew is contracted to bring the sheets from the warehouse in Freetown to the jetty in Pepel.
Day 56, 12.4.2019 – As we have already extended our stay by more than a week our departure is nearing, and the outstanding work is still demanding, the roofs have not been finished, the teacher’s room is still lacking the missing roofing sheets. The crunch time leaves everyone tired and it is clear that our last resources of impetus are almost finished. However in the evening the sheets arrive by boat and some progress is made with the plastering.
Day 57, 13.4.2019 –As the final steps of the roofing of the last room take place, a technical handover of the project is executed with Klaas, the representative of Forikolo and the local workers. All the remaining areas were dealt with in order to give the most comprehensive handover possible and to ensure that when our team from Technical University of Munich has left the site the local community is well equipped to finish the building. As the roofing was finished during the day, all  the major building elements - foundation, walls and roof – have been put in place, so that the school will withstand the rainy season which leaves us delighted. Yet the project is far from being completed and important works still have to be executed. Though as the funds have been used up, the plaster, the screed and the furniture have yet to be completed. We hope that the money for these steps can be fundraised as soon as possible.
Day 58 (Sunday), 14.4.2019 – Official Last Day / Handover Ceremony – As the technical handover had been executed the previous day, this Sunday is the day for the official handover ceremony. Honourable Abu Mansaray ispresent and everyone who participated in the building process in any way (from the ladies fetching the water to the welders to the concrete crew to the masons and many more) is awarded a certificate. This amounts to more than 200 people overall, which of course the high level of involvement of the community. As everyone gathers under the roof of the hall, it is overwhelming to see everyone, and a sense of solemnity is palpable. It is clear also that our departure is imminent, so we use this opportunity to thank everyone involved and say goodbye. After the ceremony is over the fact that our time in Pepel is finally coming to an end really resonates with the group and despite our physical exhaustion a certain degree of sadness that we will leave this village takes hold.
Day 59, 15.4.2019 – Wrapping up - Our departure is organized bit by bit and we collect the tools to be left with forikolo and a final clean-up takes place. By now the rooms in which 20 people have slept during the peak times are almost empty and we are down to seven people on the ground. It is painful to say goodbye to everyone and to leave despite the school not being finished. However as the work has reached a point where we can see it will survive the rainy season our biggest worries are alleviated.
Day 60 – Last Man Standing As everyone had left the previous days, Alex is the last man to stay behind in Pepel! He can not be credited enough. In a herculean effort he manages to get all the doors in place and mount them to the fixtures only a few hours before his flight will leave Lungi International airport. This incredible dedication shows his earnest pursuit and helped to get a major step done. As he finished work and paid his visit to the town, he is the last member of our team to leave Pepel. However, we are determined to come back and to uphold our strong ties with the community and to take a stake in the fate of the school as it grows. 
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speedscreed · 6 years
Hull Minster Hull Lime Screed Floor
Hull Minster Hull Lime Screed Floor
Lime Screed Floor Project Paul Butler Plasterers Limited 117 Pickering Rd, Hull, North Humberside, HU4 6TB Managing Director Paul Butler
Based in Hull Paul Butler Plasterers Limited cover all projects within a hundred mile radius.  Speed Screed was the obvious choice for the Lime Screed Floor.  Having worked with Paul on numerous projects over the years, we can confirm that they are a delight to…
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tilecleaningtoday · 7 years
Restorative Cleaning of an Edwardian Tiled Hallway in Nottingham
The pictures below detail the restorative clean and seal of a Black & White Edwardian Geometric Tiled Hallway at a residence in West Bridgford near Nottingham. The tiles had previously been covered in carpet trapping years of dirt and soiling into the pores of the tile which were also stained Read more at http://victorian.tilecleaning.co.uk/restorative-cleaning-of-an-edwardian-tiled-hallway-in-nottingham/
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tilingbymeng · 2 years
What Is Cement Screeding And What Are Its Benefits?
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What Is Cement Screeding?
A cement screed is a mixture of cement – clay, lime and water. The cement and water are combined into a smooth paste. The mix comprises of one part of cement and three or four and a half parts of sand. The surface of the sand and aggregates is coated with this paste after which it hardens by the process of hydration and the end result is a hardened mass of high durability and strength.
The professional Titles Installation Services provide cutting-edge cement screeding work for unobstructed and hassle-free title laying. The secret to ideal flooring with comfortable walking surfaces is a smooth, even and reliable cement screed base.
What is cement screed flooring?
Cement screed texture is a smooth and it is commonly utilized for sub layer prior to the instalment of other floorings or tiles. This would ensure that the internal surfaces are levelled without any unwanted bumps. Also, colour can be added to this type of flooring to provide some attractiveness and vibrancy to your home.
Cement Screed flooring can fit into more timeless, rustic or industrial themes. They are used in the coverage of heating system and thermal insulations. Some kinds of polymer seeds are more hard and resistant to water which makes them a good choice to be used in rigorous environments.
Benefits of Cement Screeding -
Cement screeding done by professional Cement Screeding services works well on under floor heating projects that require cast-in pipes. The screed is strong but can be further reinforced by mixing in metal mesh or polypropylene fibres.
May sand and cement screed products can be delivered ready to use on-site which provides high quality and consistent screed for use in a construction work. Some screeds are free-flowing and pumpable which makes them perfect for creation of level surfaces.
Liquid cement screed creates a smooth and even surface that could easily accommodate different floor covering like titles or carpet for it is self-levelling and does not require hands and knees of labour force.
Liquid cement screed does not produce laitance and is ideal for under floor heating system as it also provides a robust protective layer.
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aptecequipment · 2 years
Apetc Drum Mix Plant, Wet Mix Plant, Mechanical Paver Finisher
Aptec Equipment Private Limited (Aptec) is India's premier infrastructure backbone. The company provides global technological breakthroughs and international standards to Indian infrastructure companies. Founded in 1996, Aptec combines technology and innovation to provide world-class products and services. The company has state-of-the-art production facilities and fully functional R & D facilities.
Benefits of Buying an Aptec Drum Mix Plant
Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned professional, you will benefit from an Aptec Drum Mix Plant. This unique plant features a high-quality drum, a cold feed system, a scalping screen, an inclined conveyor, a baghouse, surge bin, and drag conveyor. It also has a control house and ductwork for auxiliary equipment. Other parts include electrical switchgear, fuel tanks, and lime mixers. Aptec has an extensive list of options for any project, including a full-service staff of in-house technicians.
The Aptec Drum Mixing Plant uses a patented counter-flow design to control the volume of the final product. This design enables the operator to control the quantity of bitumen, minerals, and aggregates. This counter-flow plant can be configured to mix all these materials, as long as the raw materials are mixed properly. The counter-flow design provides flexibility in how you add RAP, bitumen, and aggregates.
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During the mixing process, cold aggregates are fed to appropriate feeder bins. The cold aggregates must pass through the primary scalping screen before they can be fed into the drum. Then, a conveyor moves them to the drying drum. The drum is a counter-flow design, which allows the dry aggregates to move from one end of the drum to the burner end. This ensures that the dry mix is uniform throughout.
The Asphalt drum mix plant is also more portable than a batch plant, and it requires less land. It can mix a higher percentage of RAP than a batch plant and does not experience interruptions. Unlike batch plants, the Aptec Drum Mix Plant can also be expanded without incurring exponential costs. There are many benefits to buying an Aptec Drum Mix Plant for your next construction project. It is an excellent choice for small to medium-sized projects.
Aptec Wet Mix Plant
If you're planning to purchase a new wet mixing plant for your concrete project, you may be wondering what makes an Aptec Wet Mix Plant stand out amongst the rest. These machines are renowned for their high production capacity and reliability. They combine aggregates, sand, cement, and water to create a homogeneous mixture that is used for the base preparation of rigid pavements. Wet Mix Plants come in both stationary and portable models and have an output capacity of 60 to 200 TPH. The process begins with the aggregates and sand being stored in multiple feeder bins and discharged by belts.
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Aptec Wet Mix Macadam Plants are fabricated using quality components and accessories to ensure maximum productivity and minimal operating costs. These plants feature variable-speed drives, adjustable gates for the bins, and twin shaft pug mills. All moving parts of an Aptec Wet Mix Plant are protected by safety covers. All fabricated parts are thoroughly cleaned and then painted to guarantee maximum safety. The manufacturer of this plant has over 20 years of experience in the construction industry.
Aptec Mechanical Paver Finisher
The Aptec Mechanical Paver Finisher is designed to produce the highest quality pavement, delivering uniformity and smoothness. It is suitable for paving widths of 2.5 to 4.5 meters, with depths between 10 and 200 mm. This machine has full visibility, which helps the operator see what they are doing. With full visibility, the Aptec Mechanical Paver minimizes operator fatigue. It is available with a variety of options, including a wet mix screed.
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cabramattaaustralia · 3 years
Superb Family home with Contemporary Finesse
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8 Benefits Of Gypsum Plaster You Need To Know
Plastering the walls is significant for the smooth completion of the room. The run of the mill sand cement plaster is as yet the most predominant kind of plastering all around the nation, anyway, the benefits that gypsum offers over the customary sand cement plaster is making gypsum plaster filling in pattern and utilization. 
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Gypsum plaster, white cementing material made by fractional or complete drying out of the mineral gypsum, ordinarily with exceptional retarders or hardeners added. Applied in a plastic state (with water), it sets and solidifies by substance recombination of the gypsum with water. 
For particularly hard completion plaster, the gypsum is dried out at a high temperature, and such synthetic substances as antacid sulfate, alum, or borax are added. Hair or fiber and lime or mud might be added to the plasters during the making. The plaster coats, except for some completion coats, are sanded. See additionally plaster of parts. 
Gypsum plastering is additionally a quicker application technique for inner surfaces since it doesn't need tedious water relieving measures. Water restoring measure is obligatory for 20 – 21 days after sand-cement plastering to decrease shrinkage cracks emerging because of the warmth of hydration. 
Gypsum plaster is blended in with clean water to a prescribed extent at the site to make a reliable slurry. Gypsum plaster slurry is then applied at a wanted thickness on walls and roofs via prepared utensils, this interaction is called Gypsum plastering. 
Utilized for quite a long time in 
Gypsum is a grayish-white delicate compound that contains hydrated calcium sulfate and is a broadly utilized material in lightweight development in western nations. Gypsum is climate amicable. Draftsmen and inside originators incline toward gypsum nowadays, as it is not difficult to work with and saves time. There are many benefits that gypsum offers over customary sand cement plaster. In this article, we will take you through these benefits, with the goal that when you intend to get your home developed, you will want to settle on an educated choice for the plastering regarding your home walls. Here are 6 different ways to make your home wall awesome. 
1. Gypsum plaster saves development time 
Sand cement plaster needs 21 days of restoring, which is a holding-up period that permits the plaster to solidify and settle. In these 21 days, the plaster is sprayed liberally with water and permitted to stand. Any work on or over the wall needs to hang tight for these 21 days. Gypsum plastering doesn't have this long holding up period. Gypsum plaster dries and gets comfortable for 3 days, and subsequently, the development pace is quicker. The development time is saved complex if the structure is multistory. In regular sand cement plaster, one would need to hang tight for 21 days for each floor, while it will be only 3 days in the event of gypsum plastering. Gypsum plaster saves a great deal of development time. Need to find out about development strategies? Here are 6 development frameworks you should know. 
2. Gypsum plaster affects climate 
The sand needed for the sand cement plaster comes from stream beds, and that is not a truly manageable model according to the climate point of view. Gypsum is a normally happening substance, that is saved from lake and ocean water, and is additionally found in thick and wide beds alongside sedimentary rocks. Since it is continually stored by the lake and ocean water, Gypsum gets the opportunity of consumption, and since it is a normally happening substance, it is climate amicable. Gypsum can likewise be combined misleadingly and Gypsum discovers use in numerous different businesses like clinical, composts, agribusiness and so forth A protected substance doesn't have any significant wellbeing danger. 
3. Gypsum plaster brings about low water utilization 
The 21 days of restoring that the sand cement plaster needs, it likewise should be treated with water by pouring an enormous sum of water on the covered walls to douse them. This cycle diminishes the danger of abrupt drying and contracting and causing cracks, and permits the cement to set gradually guaranteeing better hardness. Gypsum nonetheless, doesn't need treating with water, and in this manner saves a ton of water alongside time. In a nation like India, where water preservation procedures are as yet in the creating stage, diminish the water utilization, not to mention the wastage. Gypsum plastering utilizes not so great and consequently is an optimal decision for bone-dry locales, and in any case as well. 
4. End of shrinkage cracks 
The sand cement plaster winds up with some shrinkage cracks that show up after the plaster has gotten dry totally. To carry the wall to a smooth completion, the sand cement plastered wall is covered with Fly before being paint prepared. The possibility of cracks is wiped out with Gypsum, and it settles to a fine completion that is sufficiently smooth to paint on. For additional thoughts on the wall, covers see. 
5. Gypsum plaster offers the  simplicity of use 
Not at all like the sand cement plastering, which requires the sand to be sieved to eliminate any enormous rock, then, at that point a steady blending and beating to keep it from setting, Gypsum comes stuffed to be blended in with water to get the ideal consistency and is prepared to utilize. Gypsum is not difficult to clean from the floor on the off chance that it falls dissimilar to sand cement blend, which is difficult to eliminate. Gypsum is entirely functional and can be modified inconsistency to accomplish plans and surfaces. Gypsum can be effectively utilized in mix with Aluminum casings to make the ideal shapes and plans. 
6. Lighter development with gypsum plaster 
Gypsum is exceptionally light in weight rather than sand cement plaster and subsequently offers more strength when utilized in bogus roofs and other cantilever plans. Lesser load on the edges makes them more hearty and enduring and gives better assurance even in the event of normal dangers like quakes. Gypsum is heatproof, non-burnable since it has a great deal of water in it, and a protected material to cover within walls of your home. 
7. Better warmth protection with Gypsum Plaster 
Gypsum plaster offers great protection from heat, which means saving power in keeping up with the temperature of the room. In a nation like India, where very nearly 9 months in the year individuals need forced air system, Gypsum plastering may assist with saving some expense on the home power bill, as it offers preferable warmth protection over the traditional plastering strategies. 
8. Gypsum plaster offers better acoustics 
Gypsum covering on walls offers better acoustics in your home, which implies lesser reverberation in the room and lesser intercession of outside sounds. This is because the Sound Ingestion record of Gypsum is high, and generally, the sound verification rooms use walls sandwiched with Gypsum sheets, to diminish the external sound and further develop acoustics. 
In the wake of perusing this load of benefits of Gypsum, we trust that you will want to settle on an educated decision about what you need to cover your walls with.
For more:  Floor Screeds, Spray Plaster Walls, Key coats, Gypsum Plaster, Grout For Tiles
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plamixx · 3 years
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Plamixx is the manufacturer of Dry mix products based on Cement, Lime and Gypsum.
Dry Mix products are defined as factory made and quality controlled mixtures of binders, aggregates and special additives which are transported dry to the construction site and applied there after adding water.
In earlier times masonry mortar, render, Cement Plaster , screed or tile adhesives had to be mixed, prepared and processed by hand. These days, modern process technology allows premix of such products in large quantities and consistent quality. Each stage in production is monitored and controlled by PLC, recipe management and various control measures.
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newstumblorz · 3 years
Keycoats -PlamixX Factory W.L.L
Plamixx" is the manufacturer of Dry mix products based on Cement, Lime and Gypsum.Dry Mix products are defined as factory made and quality controlled mixtures of binders, aggregates and special additives which are transported dry to the construction site and applied there after adding water.In earlier times masonry mortar, render, plaster, screed or adhesives had to be mixed, prepared and processed by hand. These days, modern process technology allows premix of such products in large quantities and consistent quality. Each stage in production is monitored and controlled by PLC, recipe management and various control measures
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