#lim heekyung
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You - Han Seojun - Parte 2/2
Última parte da twoshot. Espero que tenham gostado da Two Shot e a música desse capítulo é All About You do McFly. Boa leitura e obrigada por lerem!
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Dois anos depois
Bem, o tempo já havia se passado, Lim Ju Kyung conseguiu um estágio de maquiadora com a Selena, uma maquiadora no qual ela admirava e ficava muito feliz pela amiga, depois do que Soojin fez com Ju Kyung elas nunca mais tiveram contato com ela e enquanto a Heejin ela estava fazendo um curso de fotógrafa freelancer, conseguiu um emprego de meio período ainda no último ano pra conseguir pagar o curso e então ela começou a trabalhar no campo como aluna de fotografia na Universidade Nacional de Seul, considerada uma das mais difíceis sendo apenas 15% conseguindo passar, notas boas, chegando até mesmo ser mais difícil passar na Universidade de Seul do que qualquer universidade americana, mas suas notas e seu esforço foram grandes e a garota foi aceita. Seu irmão estava no penúltimo ano e sempre via ele por lá. Suho tinha voltado para a Coréia do Sul e ele e Ju Kyung tinham retomado o namoro, viu de perto a garota sofrer quando ambos terminaram e ela ficou feliz que ambos conseguiram retomar o namoro, eles se amavam demais e a Baek sabia disso. Han Seojun iria debutar finalmente, faltava uma semana para o seu debute, o professor Han e Lim Heekyung iriam se casar um dia antes do debute de Seojun o que significava que a irmã mais velha de Ju Kyung possivelmente nem dormiria direito. Ela estava animada, pois percebia nos olhos de seu namorado o quanto ele queria voltar na música.
Ah é, Suho voltou a trabalhar como compositor, ele era o tal do compositor “Leo” que Se Yeon trabalhava, ele, Seojun e Suho eram melhores amigos, e segundo Seojun iriam lançar a versão original de Miss You. Ah e ele também conheceu sua família, seu irmão ficou meio ciumento quanto a sua irmã estar namorando e queria dar uma de protetor, mas acabou gostando do mais novo. Gowon e a Sra. Han adoraram a garota e aprovaram ela logo de cara. Gowon ficou mais feliz ainda, pois já adorava a garota. Sabiam que Seojun merecia alguém como Heejin.
Agora estava com Ju Kyung já que iria ajudar seu professor a fotografar a idol Chenny, quem Ju Kyung ajudava a trabalhar devido ser estagiária da Selena, e ouviu dizer que ela era uma entojada e segundo a Lim vivia pedindo o número de celular do namorado da Baek, mesmo Ju dizendo que ele namorava a garota não acreditava e que devia ser apenas uma desculpa, então Heejin tinha dois motivos para ir. Ela era mimada e pensava que era a grande rainha com seus súditos, mas era apenas insuportável.
— Unnie, leva isso pra mim. Aliás, você conseguiu o número do Han Seojun pra mim? — a loira perguntou e Baek Heejin não se aguentou e pigarreou com a garganta os fazendo olha-la
— E porque você quer o celular do meu namorado, huh? — ela perguntou colocando suas mãos ao redor da sua cintura e se aproximando da garota mais nova e seu professor e seu colega de classe correram do lado pra apartar uma possível briga
— Você namora o Han Seojun? — a k-idol perguntou e soltou uma risada sarcástica — Mentira
Heejin soltou um sorriso sarcástico e pegou seu celular e apertou na tela de bloqueio e então mostrou a foto para garota: ela e Han Seojun abraçadinhos na cama de casal e Han Seojun beijava o canto da boca dela. A mais nova ficou pálida e parecia que o ar tinha saído do rosto dela.
— Eu avisei, não avisei? — Lim Ju Kyung disse para ela, quase soltando um sorriso de alívio.
— Então se preocupe mais com o seu ensaio do que meu namorado, entendido? — Heejin soltou enquanto ajustava sua câmera e pode ver a maioria do pessoal no set prender a risada
Depois desse ocorrido o ensaio foi bem, apesar de que Chenny parecia chateada e nervosa, Baek ia falar para o Han que quando ele debutasse era pra deixar claro que ele tinha uma namorada, Han Seojun é muito bonito então Heejin sabia que sempre haveria alguém querendo dar em cima dele. Mas ela sabia que Seojun não se interessava por nenhuma delas, pois ela via nos olhos dele o jeito que ele a olhava, seus doces beijos, carícias, Han Seojun era bem carinhoso e adora atenção, e tudo. No começo mal podia acreditar que finalmente a pessoa que amava e ama tinha retornado seus sentimentos depois de tanto tempo. Lim Ju Kyung contou que o Seojun a contou que tinha sentimentos fortes por ela, mas que isso mudou quando ela contou sobre a pessoa que era apaixonada por ele e que era pra ele tentar, e que a agradeceu por ela ter contado isso ou possivelmente estaria sofrendo por ela ainda e não teria conhecido o verdadeiro amor da sua vida. E assim Han Seojun ainda fazia seu coração bater e ela sorrir que nem uma besta para o nada. Estava voltando do curso quando sentiu mãos ao redor da sua cintura e ela riu já sabendo quem era.
— Ei, eu quase puxei o cabelo da Chenny hoje por sua culpa — ela disse se virando para ele.
— Oh, sério? Ela ainda continua querendo saber meu número? — ele perguntou revirando os olhos. Chenny dava nos nervos de qualquer um.
— Sim. Ai eu mostrei a foto de fundo do meu celular e então ela acreditou em mim — a Baek contou para o namorado
— Sério? Ela não acreditou até você mostrar a foto? Bem, pelo menos ela não vai importunar mais — ele falou e ela assentiu.
— Quando você debutar avise que você já tem uma namorada, ok? — ela disse enquanto brincava com um dos botões do casaco do garoto de mullet. Ouviu uma risada baixa.
— Eu direi a eles que estou namorando a garota mais bonita do mundo — ele disse com aquele sorriso dele e ela corou — Feliz?
— Muito — ela respondeu ele voltou a rir e selou seus lábios no dela fazendo ambos sorrirem entre o beijo.
No outro dia Heejin descobriu que iria ter uma aula em campo para o seu estágio e que iria fotografar um grupo de kpop rookie. Quando escutou o nome do grupo deu uma leve risada internamente. Ela iria gravar o grupo de Seojun e conseguiria ficar com ele de dia, por pelo menos algumas horas, finalmente. Ela sabia que com a vida de trainee estava corrido e sentia falta dele de dia, então era ótimo ter esse tempo com ele. Assim que chegaram a Move Entertainment foram recebidos muito bem e os levaram até onde seria o local do ensaio fotográfico. Abriu a porta junto com mais três colegas a acompanhando também para o estágio, ela estava feliz que a secretária as acompanhou ou estaria perdida dentro daquela gravadora. Lee Hyeekyung as viu e acenou para elas.
— Vocês chegaram! Bem, os maquiadores só estão terminando. Esperem eles aqui, ok? Heejin que bom ver você aqui, estou me sentindo velha vendo você já na faculdade — as duas deram risadas.
— É bom ver você também, unnie. E não fala isso, você ainda é nova — ela falou para a mais velha.
— Oh, eles chegaram — a mais velha apontou e se virou vendo os garotos e Han Seojun um pouco atrás e logo ele arregalou os olhos vendo a garota que agora seus cabelos peek-a-boo estavam pretos e loiros e não pretos e vermelhos mais. Ela logo deu uns últimos ajustes em sua câmera antes de começar a sessão.
— Eu posso pedir um beijo da fotógrafa antes de começar? — ele perguntou quando as fotógrafas iam arruma-los e Heejin o olhou ficando surpresa, não esperava que ele revelasse isso na frente deles tão cedo.
— Não, mas depois do trabalho você ganhará quantos beijos quiser. Agora faça seu trabalho direitinho — ela disse batendo de leve na bochecha dele, que fazia um grande bico nos lábios.
— Ok, vamos começar — ela disse e então assim seguiu as sessões de fotos.
Depois era hora do almoço e Han Seojun a levou para o refeitório da empresa. Ele contou para ela como estavam os ensaios, que ele ficou surpreso ao vê-la lá e que esperava que ela fosse à primeira na fileira, o que a fez rir, mas ela afirmou que estaria lá. Depois de algum tempo juntos ela teve que ir, pois iria ter que revelar as fotos, fazendo o garoto de mullet ficar chateado, mas sabia que veria ela mais tarde então deu um rápido beijo nela já que tinha que voltar para os últimos preparativos do debute.
Havia passado tão rápido, o casamento de Hyee Kyung já tinha chego e no outro dia já seria o debute do namorado. Descobriu que Ju Kyung tinha entrado no concurso para maquiar o grupo de Seojun. Já era o grande dia e Heejin foi com Ju Kyung. Ela ia maquiar ele, mas como ela também queria tirar fotos pessoais então acabou indo junto com a amiga. Su Ho ia mais tarde pra prestigiar o amigo e suas canções, óbvio.
— Já terminaram? Vamos logo, eu quero tirar umas fotinhas — a garota de cabelos peek-a-boo disse na porta do camarim
— Você não iria tirar fotos do show? — Ju Kyung perguntou
— Mas isso é para mim — a estudante de fotografia respondeu
— Eu também quero uma foto — Suho disse ao lado da garota e apontou pra ele, mesmo que seus respectivos pares não pudessem os ver agora.
— Eu acho que o Han Seojun vai desmaiar de nervoso nas fotos — ouviu a amiga falar e os três deram risadas
— Engraçadinha, você, não é Ju Kyung? Vamos, entrem — Seojun disse antes que desistisse e assim os outros dois entraram tirando foto, cada uma com seus namorados. Depois Ju Kyung e Suho saíram e Heejin atrás, mas uma mão a sua cintura a fez virar.
— Obrigado por me apoiar por todos esses anos e por me fazer enxergar o quão incrível você é. Você é única e a única que eu quero. Eu amo você — ele declarou e ela sorriu pra ele e selou seus lábios por alguns instantes e depois se afastou e ambos sorriram um para o outro.
— Eu também amo você. Agora vai ao palco e arrasa. Eu estarei na primeira fileira junto com a sua mãe e a Gowon — ela disse sorrindo pra ele e então saiu rápido já que ele tinha que entrar. Quando chegou à fileira olhou para trás e viu o outro casal, a Lim logo acenou para a Baek que acenou de volta e riu de leve e então logo Seojun apareceu e a familiar batida da versão original de Miss You ecoou no local e Heejin não poderia estar mais orgulhosa dele assim como todos que o conheciam.
Então você sussurrou em meu ouvido
E me disse também:
Você faz minha vida valer à pena
É tudo sobre você
Então me abrace forte
E diga três palavras como você costumava fazer
Dançando nos azulejos da cozinha
É tudo sobre você
#fanfic#true beauty#true beauty fanfic#han seojun#han seojun x oc#han seojun fanfic#yang hye ji#hwang inyeop#meus
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Sorting True Beauty Characters In Hogwarts Houses
Lim Jukyung | Hufflepuff
Lee Suho | Ravenclaw
Han Seojun | Hufflepuff
I know what you’re thinking right now
why not in slytherin
he has slytherin traits obv
it’s probably hufflepuff 52% slytherin 48%
in the webtoon, he worked to provide for his family
he is literally jukyung protector
he values friendship 100%
he didn��t confess to jukyung not because he was scared to (maybe a lil)
but because he cared about how jookyung AND suho felt
a loyal tall bean
hard work literally equals han seojun like have you read the webtoon-
it’s just my opinion and I don’t expect anyone to agree with it but he will always be a hufflepuff for me
he is kinda the neville of hufflepuff
doesn’t seem like he belongs in his house but 100% does
Choi Sooah | Gryffindor
Yoo Taehoon | Hufflepuff
Kang Soojin | Slytherin
Lim Heekyung | Gryffindor
Lim Juyoung | Gryffindor
Han Gowoon | Ravenclaw
Han Joonwoo | Hufflepuff
Jeong Seyeon | Hufflepuff
Lee Sungyong | Slytherin
An Hyunkyu | Gryffindor
Kim Chorong | Hufflepuff
Park Semi | Slytherin
#true beauty#true beauty kdrama#true beauty x reader#lim jukyung#jukyung#lee suho#suho#seojun#han seojun#choi sooah#sooah#yoo taehoon#taehoon#kang soojin#soojin#lim heekyung#heekyung#lim juyoung#juyoung#jeong seyeon#seyeon#han gowoon#gowoon
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True Beauty icons 💄
- like or reblog if you save/use
#dorama#true beauty#moon gayoung#cha eunwoo#hwang inyeop#park yoona#lim joo kyung#han seojun#lee suho#kang soojin#true beauty icons#k drama#k drama icons#lim heekyung#icons
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#true beauty#true beauty icons#lee suho#suho icons#lee suho icons#seojun icons#han seojun#han seojun icons#seoho icons#gowoon#lim juyoung#lim heekyung#cha eunwoo#cha eunwoo icons#hwang inyeop#inyeop icons#im se mi#junwoo#metadinhas#twitter icons
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I loved that we saw Lim Juyoung being protective little brother. 🥺 I wish we saw more supportive siblings scene. 🥰
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true beauty icons
like or reblog if you save/use 🍥
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not gonna miss this chance
Characters: Han Seojun & soloist!female reader
Genre: fluff
Setting: true beauty au, set a year after the tv show’s ending timeline
Summary: Your career is on the verge of ending, hence your management puts you up to do a duet with the infamous Han Seojun. You have heard too many rumours about him to keep track of and yet, none of them could have prepared you for the feelings that came with meeting him.
Words: 4.1k
Self indulgent little snippet because he deserves happiness too.
You had heard of Han Seojun before meeting him, of course you had. Everybody who was in the industry had heard of the hot trend of a Newstagram star-turned idol and his band's shining debut from a year ago. They were told to have snatched teenage girls hearts all over Korea with their good looks and soulful music. You had heard their title track and you had to admit it was nice but nice wasn't enough in a cut-throat industry like entertainment.
Look at you, starting training at twelve, debuting at fifteen and now barely twenty-one you were on the verge of becoming a thrown away doll. Once you had been called cute and the it girl of your generation and now? People were saying you got boring just because your music had matured. Gosh, you couldn't keep singing about first love like your hit song had been for the rest of your life for god's sake. Your last album had been a flop, your company had been losing money and you were still afraid that even with a year left of your contract, they would cut you. But your manager had begged them for a chance and here it was: a collaboration with the newest love of Korea.
But the thing was, Han Seojun had quite a reputation and you didn't know who to believe. Some said he was well-mannered and hard-working. Others gossiped that he was always flirting with his makeup artists and Chen claimed he had been rude to her even when he had just been a ‘nobody’. Not that you were particularly fond of Chen either but as a fellow solo female singer you were a tad bit worried how the infamous singer would treat you.
Well, standing in front of Move Entertainment, you were just about to find out. Taking a shallow breath you followed your manager's lead, bowing to the receptionist and getting into the elevator after taking your visitor's badge. You had heard the company has gone through many changes after the executives were replaced due to the revealed Seyeon scandal but everything looked expensive, shiny and new, unlike in your small agency.
“Hey, I’m Lim Heekyung, nice to meet you. Seojun will be in a minute, too,” a woman in a pantsuit walked up to you on the right floor with a confident smile as she introduced herself. She led you to a meeting room which was apparently customized for a few people only and started preparing papers. She looked excited which was a relief and nice to see, at least someone from Move Entertainment was happy for this project apparently. You were a bit afraid they would see you like a leech, trying to cling onto their new star’s popularity.
“Shall we start? Seojun is a fan of dramatic entrances anyways,” Miss Lim laughed joyfully as if it wasn’t new to her that the idol didn’t make it on time. Ah yeah, you had heard rumours saying that he had something on the company and that was why they were so lenient with him.
You sat in silence, let your manager do the talk about the collaboration project. Seojun could play the guitar, you could play the piano, apparently it was perfect for a ballad duet, though if you used instruments yourself it added to the preparations time. But luckily, there was a songwriter named Leo at the company who had already sent in a few samples specifically for Seojun, so you didn’t have to start from zero.
“Ah, I see you started without me. What did I miss?” A tall boy opened the door wide and flipped down onto the chair across you casually. He had grown into his lanky limbs and with those wide shoulders hugged by the leather jacket, helix earrings in one ear and soft brown hair brushed to one side, it wasn’t a surprise how many female fans swooned over him. But there were a lot of handsome boys in the business, just his looks – no matter how confident he was in them based on the way he carried himself – wouldn’t make a difference.
Miss Lim patiently let Seojun know about the advances and only when she mentioned your name, did the boy glance at you. His dark brown eyes had a sharp form, just as piercing as his gaze, but the cunning smile spreading over his lips softened it a bit. He looked at you as if he wanted to see through you, to figure out how he should have approached you. You expected a snarky or arrogant comment, but in the end, he just flashed a blinding smile at you, one you could see on his posters, before turning back to Miss Lim.
“What’s the schedule?” he asked simply and you both were notified about the deadline of deciding and finalizing the song, the dates of planned recording sessions and the photoshoot. Since there would be no promotion period, it all would be done within a month and half from start to finish. You were a bit relieved hearing that and leave Move Entertainment without any confrontation.
You thought you were good at masking your wary feelings since the further meetings went well and the first recording session went okay-ish. Although both of you had been a bit scolded by the producer for not putting enough feelings into your singing. He claimed that the demo sent by Leo was much more emotional which made Seojun scoff and mumble under his nose. The PD called it for a day, making you promise to practice for next time and one by one they all left. Your manager told you that he would bring the car while you refresh yourself in the bathroom, so you really didn’t expect anyone to wait for you when you stepped out of the restroom, much less Han Seojun.
"Spit it out," he bit out barely glancing your way as he leaned against the corridor’s wall.
"What?" you spluttered as you were really taken aback by his out of blue appearance and question. The guy let out a tired sigh at your obliviousness and pushed himself away from the wall just to walk up to you, towering over your height with his.
"You look at me as if I killed your hamster or something. Which rumour about me bothers you? I fucking can't keep walking on eggshells around you, especially when it's just the two of us," he tsked and you gulped at the sudden called out. You didn’t think it bothered him, or that he was considerate enough to ‘walk on eggshells around you’, you merely thought he was so distant from everybody. It was still better than what Chen had told you.
"Oh, I… nothing. It's stupid. Sorry," you mumbled, feeling embarrassed for your your actions but Seojun apparently wasn’t satisfied without a real answer as he carried on:
"I didn't bully kids in high school but I threatened ones that deserved it, I didn't only get a pity chance from the entertainment, one of our makeup artists is actually one of my best friends, I'm not…"
"Chen told me you are rude and arrogant and have no respect for girls," you blurted out to stop him from speaking because you felt like you didn’t deserve to hear all that. He didn’t owe you any explanation for the way he was. You were just co-workers for a project after all, you had no place in his life, nor he had in yours, so he shouldn’t have been that bothered by your opinion but you understood that he felt uncomfortable due to your silent accusations.
Hearing your hasty interruption, the singer scoffed, a laugh-like sound leaving his mouth.
"Well, I have no respect for girls like Chen who harass my friends and turn their lives into hell just to go on a date with me," he said and it made you blink slowly.
"Yeah, oh. Check your facts before you go around believing such crap," Seojun stepped back with a roll of his eyes.
The whole situation made you feel made about how you acted, so you wished to apologise but it fell from your lips all too carelessly: "Sorry, I was just worried. This is my last chance, so–"
"Last chance?" the guy quirked a brow at you, curious but you quickly waved his question away.
"Nevermind, I just need this song to do well."
"Of course, it will. I'm Han Seojun, it will turn to gold under my hands," he grinned and made eccentric gestures as if he was about to do magic. You couldn't help a smile. “Or well, vocal chords.”
And turn it to gold, he did.
The rest of your recording sessions went smoother, even the previously grumpy PD complimented your for the development in your chemistry. Funny, you wouldn’t have thought that the wall pulled up between the two of you mattered that much, but at least you didn’t have a knot in your stomach, nor did you worry about every small thing you did around Han Seojun. He also acted more casual, more playful, joking around when both of you had a bit of time to take a breather. He snapped silly pictures, showed off with his height, smirked when he got too close but despite all his bravado and lowkey flirting, you believed even he wouldn’t have jeopardised his career over something like this.
Maybe that's why wrapping up the recording felt a tad bit weird: you got used to his presence, his jokes, his beautiful, deep voice that you could have fallen asleep to. Sure, sometimes he was cocky, a bit rough around the edges but he was a great singer and a fun guy. The project seemed to work out well and you loved it a lot, so you hoped the listeners would appreciate it as well.
But before all that you had one photo shoot together for the promotional pictures and the single's cover. You were grateful for the simple pastel colour background and elegant setting. The warm light latte colour and the clock in the background really fit the song's vibe. Luckily, your dress was decent and pretty as well, you didn't have to feel uncomfortable in it at least. However, you didn’t expect that happy yelp coming from one of the makeup artists stepping into the dressing room. You turned to face the girl, wondering whether she was your fan judged by her excitement.
"Oh my! I'm so happy to finally meet you! Seojun told us about you so much!" she beamed at you which obviously took you back. Well, that you didn’t expect at all. He spoke of you to others? Ah. Apparently to the makeup artist who was most probably that certain one of his best friends he had told you about?
"Don't exaggerate, Imju, I mentioned her like what… once?" Seojun walked in on cue. He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat, trying to avert the topic. "How's Suho?"
You had know idea who that said guy was but after a moment or two you could breathe properly once again while listening to their chatting.
“Just the usual. He’s excited about your duet.”
“Of course, he is,” Seojun grinned, a bit snarky but you could hear the proud undertones of it. When he looked at you, you were surprised by him leaning close though as he quieted down until only you could hear it. “Don’t worry, Jugyeong is really good and just stop her if she gets too gossip-y.”
“Are you talking about me behind my back, hah, Han Seojun?” The pretty girl called Jugyeong raised her fist as if she was about to hit the idol but he just laughed it off and left you two alone when he was hurried onto the set to start with his individual shoots.
“Have you known each other for a long time?” you couldn’t help but wonder as you were seated to get your makeup from her.
“Ah, almost 4 years, I think. We went to high school together. Plus, he’s best friends with my boyfriend. Though, they are always bickering like a married couple,” Jugyeong chuckled joyfully as she started with the cushion. You closed your eyes, listening as she kept going on about the time when Seojun had been obsessed with his motorbike, getting into trouble with his mother. It was strange hearing about a whole other side of him, mama's boy but the image tugged on your mouth, making you smile even though you weren't sure you had the right to know all that. You also learned that Seojun's sister was dating Jugyeong's brother and you felt so involved with the girl's trust albeit it was your last meeting, you were sure Seojun must have only told good things about you.
Hence, you felt shy under his knowing gaze when you walked out of the dressing room. He must have known that Jugyeong couldn't shut up for the life of her, so he looked a bit uncertain, too, stretching the back of his neck, forcing a cunning smile onto his smile when you took your place next to him.
To fit the ballad's theme, the setting was a piano decorated with flowers and you were instructed to sit beside him as if you were about to play a four hands piece. As you did what you had been told, you were very much aware of the way your arms brushed, his long fingers over the keys close to yours, his smile small but genuine.
"Great, great, guys! Someone help her onto the piano and Seojun, stand in front of her," the photographer directed the next scene but before any staff members would have rushed up to you, the singer next to you shushed them.
"I can do it," he insisted as he stood up and looked you in the eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded while holding your breath back before Seojun put his hands on your waist above the fluffy tulle skirt part and counting on three, he lifted you onto the lid of the beautiful instrument.
You crossed your legs, watching in awe as your pink skirt fell down on waves but your breath hitched for an entirely different reason when you looked up, gaze meeting Seojun's feline eyes trained on you. You had never seen him look at you like that, lacking playfulness or suspicion or curiosity. He looked open, vulnerable, outright starstruck. Your lips parted meaning to ask something but your brain shut off when you heard the shutter of the camera go down and the director yelling compliments at you. It made you snap out of it and later, you blamed the evident blush on your cheeks on the makeup. Seojun blinked too, his guarded expression back in no time, finishing the photo shoot professionally, always lingering close to you, but never touching you. Even though you wouldn’t have minded.
"Hey," Seojun peeked into your dressing room just as you were about to leave, packing up, with a smile on his mouth and sparkles in his deep brown eyes. But unlike half an hour ago when he wore a fancy suit and looked at you like a prince would have looked at his princess, he acted just as casual as he looked in his denim jacket over dark tee. "Wanna grab something with me if you finished for today?"
His question took you back but first thing first you glanced towards your manager, eyes begging for permission which you had gotten with a sigh.
"Just be discreet and call me if you need me to pick you up," your manager shrugged, leaving you two alone with a knowing look that told you to be careful. You didn't need to be told though, you knew how much depended on the current public response to your image.
"Seems like a green light. Have you thought of anything specific?" you turned back to the boy with a subtle smile.
"Not really but I know a few less frequent, secluded places to avoid much talk about us," he said and you nodded, following his lead. Masks, caps and hoodies on, you barely talk on your way to the tent with the lovely ahjumma who welcomed Seojun (two heads taller than her) with a pinch of his cheeks and told you to get seated.
"Are you a regular here?" you inquire, carefully pulling down your mask since not many people are around.
"You could say that," the boy hummed letting you adjust to the place at your own pace, not pressuring you with extra reassessments about how safe it is there. Yet, he is so casual as if he wasn't afraid of a getting mobbed by Dispatch out of the blue. Not that it happened to you a lot of times but you heard stories and at such a crucial time in your career, you feared something like that more than anything.
"Do you want to come up to mine instead?" Seojun blurted out suddenly which made you wide eyed in a span of a moment as you splattered out a surprised yelp. "Come on, I don't mean anything by it. You just look really nervous being in the public," the singer said, his deep voice softening, soothing by the end and you needed to take a breather before answering. You didn't think it was so obvious but apparently you had never been a good liar with him.
In the end, you decided on going over to Seojun's place, so he asked the ahjumma to pack your food to go and you headed towards his flat a few blocks from the company. It was a small but cozy place, much softer and brighter than you expected, lots of pastels and photos of friends and family. While the boy busied himself in the kitchen, getting you plates, chopsticks and beer, you were encouraged to look around and you couldn't help but smile at his photos with not only his band members but high school friends, too. You had seen photos of his graduation with Jugyeong, then another one of his debut with her and another guy. He was a recurring person on a lot of pictures, so you assumed that he was the so-called Suho.
"He's Jugyeong's boyfriend," Seojun affirmed as he walked up to you which you acknowledged with a hum and smiled at his photos with his sister and mother. The makeup artist was right when she said he was only tough on the outside.
"You knew Seyeon?" you whispered as your gaze shifted of a picture of three boys smiling widely into the camera. The middle one was the talented boy you had known from the news of his committed suicide. Such a tragedy.
"Uhum. We were best friends. Him, Suho and me," Seojun nodded and without having to ask, he told you how they had gotten to know each other, what were their favourite past time activities and how they fell apart when he died. You could see he was hurting even now as he was talking about it, so you grazed your fingers against his knuckles as though to say you were there for him to listen, or whatever he needed.
Talking about his best friends and how a group of guys including someone named Chorong stuck by his side over the years warmed your heart. It was nice to know that not everyone had it as lonely as you who basically missed out on high school and memories from that time to be able to turn your dreams into reality. Your only friends were also in the industry but it made things both easier and harder.
"What about you? What did you mean by this being your last chance?" Seojun asked like a loaded gun but after everything he had just told you, you knew you could trust him with this and being in the industry for a while now, he must have understood, too.
You told him about the rising expectations, about your image and your company's ultimatum. It actually felt nice to talk about with someone other than your manager. Especially since Seojun seemed to understand exactly why you felt conflicted over the matter. You have given your youth to this dream of yours, so giving up on it would have felt like betraying yourself and everyone who believed in you but you weren't sure you could give it another 10 years of your life no matter how much you liked music. You had decent CSATs result, maybe you could have applied for a university program. Seojun even offered to arrange a meeting between you and Suho who was studying to become a proper songwriter.
You talked for hours and ate the tteokbokki even though it had gotten cold long ago and you couldn't remember when was the last time you had felt so light. You felt giddy even with just the tiny bit of alcohol in your system by the time you knew it was time for you to go.
Once you had felt relieved knowing that promoting your duet would be only one performance but recently, you started dreading the moment because that meant that you wouldn't have any more excuse to see Seojun. In the backstage, this time around you greeted Jugyeong like an old friend and teased to give Seojun a funny makeup before walking up to your own assigned staff members. Your look was full of sparkles and glow fitting the silver colour of your dress, completing the ethereal vibe off the stage you were going to do and the beautiful song you had grown to love so much you held it close to your heart. The last rehearsals went smoothly and if you noticed Seojun's gaze lingering a bit too long, you didn't comment on it.
"Are you nervous?" he asked before the final recording and you knew it would have been unreasonable to deny it, so you replied with a small smile.
"A bit."
"Don't be. You're pretty and you'll do amazing," he reassured you and the way he said those words oh so easy. As if they were natural. As if he believed in you and maybe this was all the reassurance you needed because when you walked up onto the stage, not taking your eyes off his, it felt like it was just the two of you there. All the stress about not being good enough, about being judged for who you were and what you wanted to do with your life was subsided as you focused on the moment, just to sing this one song with one while trying to fight your heart's crazy beating.
You didn't really have the luxury to have crushes. You had always been concentrated on your work, you couldn't let yourself have distractions, especially since love scandals always affected girl worse than guy. At least that was what you told yourself for always putting up a wall around you and guarding your heart all too well. But during the past few weeks, between playful or flirty remarks, between smiles and ruffling hair, Seojun took apart your wall brick by brick even if he wasn't aware.
So it might have been only a few days since you had last seen him but in that rare moment of boredom, alone in your room, you realized that you missed him. Hell, you liked him and the feeling made me want to scream into your pillow as if you were a silly teenager. As if on cue, your phone buzzed with a new message and seeing the KakaoTalk ID made you shy.
duet partner, han seo jun
i've been thinking
sounds dangerous but ok
duet partner, han seo jun
don't get sassy with me, miss
what have you been thinking about?
duet partner, han seo jun
that i don't want to miss my chance
there's this girl i like
i thought of asking her out
do you think she would say yes?
oh. well... why wouldn't she?
i mean, you are talented, handsome, funny and reliable
duet partner, han seo jun
and what about my job? it's busy and a bit crazy
don't you think it would be unfair of me to ask?
I think you should let her decide that
duet partner, han seo jun
are you free on friday?
um, sure?
duet partner, han seo jun
cool, then go on a date with me?
#han seo jun x reader#seojun x reader#han seojun#han seo joon#true beauty#stories#i just wanted to give him a happy end after ep16#that's what this is about
661 notes
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True Beauty
Lim Jukyung
Coming soon
Han Seojun
Coming soon
Kang Soojin/Sujin
Imagine: Soo-jin having a crush on you
Lee Sooho
Coming soon
Lim Heekyung
Coming soon?
Han Gowoon
Coming soon?
Han Joonwoo
Coming soon?
Choi Sooah
Coming soon
Yoo Taehoon
Coming soon
Joo Hyemin
Coming soon
34 notes
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White Tulips - a JunJin fanfic 1/3
Full Story: Part 2, Part 3
Hello everyone! I hope everyone who is reading this is healthy and safe. This is a fanfic about my favorite characters, Kang Sujin and Han Seojun. I really love these two together so I wrote what I had hoped to see in True Beauty. This is my first time writing fanfiction so its not that good. But I hope you still enjoy it. I didn’t change anything from True Beauty, rather continued the events from the ending with a focus on giving Sujin the redemption arc she so rightly deserved.
I really have to thank everyone on the shooters gc, especially @prodmina, for being so amazing and awesome. Never before have I come accross such amazing, wonderful, open and friendly group of people. I’m not that active on the chat, but I am so grateful it exists. Thank you to everyone on there. This is dedicated to you all.
Pairing: Kang Sujin x Han Seojun
Romantic Trope: Haters to friends to lovers
Word Count: 5.9k
Rating: T
If you asked Han Seojun why he loved Lim Jukyung, he wouldn’t be able to answer. His feelings for her overwhelmed him to the point of inarticulation. His heart still skipped a beat every time he saw her at dinner with their group. He still found himself staring at her from time to time, unable to look away from her beauty. He even wrote songs about her, his only form of expressing his love for her.
He still thought of her in every free minute he had between practice, performance and recording sessions. When he couldn’t see her, he would watch her make-up tutorials online. He was proud of how far she had come with her career as a make-up artist. Her popularity was a source of delight for him. It was only appropriate that everyone see how amazing she was.
The only problem was, Lim Jukyung didn’t belong to him. She belonged to Lee Suho, his best friend.
Seojun was happy for the two of them. They were the best people he knew and even he had to acknowledge that they belonged together. Which was why, having these feelings were burdensome for Seojun.
It was burdensome, seeing them all lovey-dovey with each other and talking about their lives together. Normally Seojun would have faked a smile, but when they were all together in a group he scowled without reserve. He got away with it because right beside Suho and Jukyung, sat Taehoon and Suah who were the kind of cheesy couple that made anyone barf.
In fact, just the thought of Suah and Taehoon fawning over each other made him cringe. Even now as he walked into the special private room they frequented for their gatherings—private due to Seojun’s and Jukyung’s popularity—Seojun was pushing back his gag reflex at the squealing he could hear outside.
He scolded them as he entered the room. “Guys! I can hear you all the way from the front entrance. Why are you always so—” He stopped in his tracks. There, between a giggling Jukyung and beaming Suah sat the worst person Seojun had ever known.
He had heard peripherally about how she had changed now, having reformed as a charity worker. She had apparently apologized to Jukyung about the shitty things she had done before. As if an apology could change anything.
Han Seojun knew Jukyung had forgiven Kang Sujin. That woman had even attended Heekyung’s wedding. But Seojun didn’t understand why she had to invade their special gatherings.
The room had fallen silent. Everyone awkwardly stared at Seojun, then Sujin.
“It’s been a while, Han Seojun.” She said with a polite smile. Her voice deeper than most girls’. He always hated her voice and its lack of femininity.
Ya Han Seojun, are you a gangster?!
Seojun pushed the memory away.
“Ah-aah! Han Seojun. You must be surprised.” Jukyung said with forced cheerfulness. “I invited Sujin to join us today.
Seojun merely flicked a cynical brow at Jukyung and took his usual seat besides Suho. Suah and Jukyung nervously returned to their conversation.
The uncomfortable air in the room subsided after a while and everyone chatted cheerfully with each other. Everyone except Han Seojun.
“I saw your performance on TV. You looked good.” Suho told Seojun.
“Why the hell have you invited Kang Soojin?” Seojun asked Suho in a hushed tone.
“She’s a friend, of course she’s invited.”
“Why are you friends with her again?”
“Seojun, its fine.”
Seojun opened his mouth to protest but before he could, Sujin interrupted him.
“Ya, Han Seojun. I saw your performance on TV. I didn’t know you could sing so well.” She said, not sounding too impressed. “You were great.”
It was a peace offering. A way to start off on the right foot.
Seojun gave a sarcastic smile and tilted his head. “You should have known I was that good. I performed in school, didn’t I?”
“Oh right. I guess I didn’t really pay attention before.”
“You were too busy giving all of your attention to Lee Suho. I don’t expect you to have noticed anybody else.”
This time, the silence in the room was palpable. Taehoon audibly gulped. The only person unfazed was Sujin.
“Yeah. I was obsessed with Suho.” She said simply. “But now that I look back,” she made a frame with her forefingers and thumbs, “I think what the hell does Jukyung see in you?”
“Ya!” Suho protested so seriously that Jukyung giggled, breaking the tension.
“Honestly Jukyung. You’d be better off with me as your boyfriend.” Suah and Taehoon joined the laughter.
“Ya Kang Sujin, you stay away from my girlfriend.” Suho protested, pouting.
“You’re too serious, Lee Suho. Jukyung needs someone more fun.”
“At least I don’t go around kicking people in the face.”
“You wouldn’t be able to do it, even if you tried.”
“I know jujitsu, you know.”
“Okay, okay!” Jukyung said. And that was it, the friends were back to normal.
Seojun kept out of the conversations, eating and drinking on his own. No one dared to bother him lest he say something else to ruin the mood.
Han Seojun didn’t care to maintain a good mood. He had no tolerance for people like Kang Sujin; people who were bullies. And especially not when said bully had hurt someone he cared about very deeply. He didn’t buy this act that Sujin was pulling. He knew, that people never changed.
The conversation turned to Sujin and her charity work overseas. She talked animatedly about the children she and her non-profit group worked for. It made Seojun’s blood boil, how she was using a noble cause as a front for her true cold-hearted personality. That angel bullshit may work on others, but it would not work on Seojun.
He kept a close eye on her the entire time, almost glaring to the point where Suho had to poke him with his elbow to get him to look away. But Suho was blind, he should have seen how Sujin’s face gave the barest of glances of pain when he and Jukyung kissed each other and pulled each other’s cheeks and talked about living together.
“Oh, you guys share an apartment?” No one else noticed the high-pitchiness of Sujin’s voice when she asked this. No one, expect Seojun.
And then there was the stolen glances at Suho. That was the final nail in the coffin. Seojun was convinced that Sujin was pretending to be over Suho. She was still in love with him. And that was a problem.
“What’s wrong with you?” Suho confronted Seojun outside, when it was just the two of them waiting for the others to leave.
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know the kind of person Kang Sujin is? How can you let her in again?”
“Calm down, Seojun-ah. That was all years ago.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that she hurt Jukyung.”
“She’s not a bad person. I know her better than you. She made a mistake.”
“She knew what she was doing.”
“Haven’t you ever made a mistake before? Or are you telling me that blaming me for Seyeon’s death was the right thing to do?”
Seojun was quiet.
“Seojun-ah, don’t take this the wrong way. You have a tendency to judge too quickly, and misunderstand. If you really hate her that much then talk to her and ask her about her reasons. Don’t just go on assuming something is the way it is because you think so.”
Seojun grit his teeth.
“Shall we go?” Jukyung came up from behind, taking Suho’s arm. The rest of the group was behind her.
“Yeah. Bye everyone. See you next time.” The couple waved as others waved back. “Seojun, I hope you’ll think about what I said.”
Seojun just nodded and waved too. He watched Jukyung and Suho disappear into the crowd on the street.
The rest of them said their goodbyes and went their way, Seojun leaving after giving Sujin a distrusting side-eye.
I don’t want to be a fool like you and be just friends, only to like him one sidedly.
It had been such a long time ago when Kang Sujin had said this to Han Seojun, but he remembered it like it was yesterday. That and a couple of other memories that played in his mind, causing whiplash.
Ya Han Seojun, are you a gangster?!
Those words especially felt like a slap on his face. He could actually feel his cheek burning at the image of Kang Sujin standing there in her uniform, telling off him and his boys about bullying Jukyung.
He had respected her back then, for having the guys to stand up for her friend. Even though she had been all haughty like some arrogant princess and thought him a fool, he had still respected her. He had never expected her to turn out to be such a vile person.
Am I handsome?
No, no, no. That was one incident he refused to remember. It meant nothing. Only a source of surprise at her bluntness, nothing more.
“Seojun, we’re going to hit the showers now, are you done?”
Seojun didn’t hear Chorong as he ran on the treadmill. His body was in the gym but his mind as fully occupied by Kang Sujin, as it had been for the past week.
“Han Seojun, are you listening?”
She must have had a reason for suddenly showing up out of the blue. She had disappeared completely when the truth about her had been revealed online. Obviously, she ran away like a coward. If she was back now, it must be because she wanted something. Kang Sujin could be very calculating and manipulative.
Was it because of Lee Suho?
“Han Seojun!”
Chorong’s voice snapped Seojun out of his thoughts and he fell backward from his treadmill.
“OOOH! Are you okay?”
“YA! Why would you do that?!” Seojun snapped at Chorong as he got back up. He checked himself for bruises though his dignity caught the worst of it.
“Ah-nee, I called you so many times. You were totally checked out.” Chorong explained.
“Does that make sense? Why would I be checked out?”
“Well… you have been out of it this past week. Has something been bothering you?”
Something had been bothering him; something with silky, black hair and long legs.
“What? You met Kang Sujin?” His entire posse sounded as he told them about her return. Seojun put a finger in his ears as he was bombarded with questions.
“Did she apologize to Jukyung? Are they friends now?”
“Did she tell where she was all that time?”
“Is she still pretty?”
“Is she single?”
“What is she doing these days?”
Seojun ignored all of these useless inquiries.
“Hey! Did you al forget the kind of person she is? How could you ask if she is still pretty?”
“She must be. I bet she’s still the same.”
“She was never pretty.” Seojun declared. “I can never understand what people see in her.”
“That’s because you only have eyes for one.” One of them teased and the rest of them Ooh-ed like school girls.
“Ah, shikkeureo! Shut up!” Chorong said in defense of Seojun. Out of everyone, Chorong understood best how much Seojun still pined for Jukyung. “So, what exactly is bothering you about Kang Sujin?”
“I don’t trust her. Especially around Jukyung.”
“Wae? Do you think she might still be after Lee Suho.”
“Yes. At least I suspect so. I’m not sure what game she’s playing at but I’m not buying this angel persona she has on.”
“So? You can’t exactly stop Jukyung from choosing to be friends with her.”
“I feel I can convince Jukyung if I talk to her.”
“She might just tell you to try to get along with Sujin.”
This was true. Jukyung was too nice and trusting with people. Seojun thought long and hard.
“I’ll have to protect her. I’ll have to keep Kang Sujin away from Jukyung.”
He had been on his way to the studio, casually riding by on his bike, when he saw her. She was in some blue vest, clearly a uniform of some sort. She was handing out fliers to people who passed by, smiling widely with that fake innocent look she had perfected. What a crock of shit. Seojun swerved around and parked his bike, then sauntered up to her with an amused expression.
She lit up when she saw him approach, waving animatedly at him. Her happiness upon seeing him surprised him so much that he stumbled and almost fell. He played it off as nothing, hoping she hadn’t noticed.
“Ya Han Seojun, gimme your autograph.” She grinned as she pushed forward a petition to help kids in Africa.
Seojun didn’t take it. “What are you doing?” He asked rhetorically, looking at the pictures of children she had set up for people to see along with information as to how to donate. So she’s using these poor kids for her own selfish reasons?
“Huh?” Sujin hadn’t missed his tone. “Just sign it, its for a good cause. And being charitable will help your image too, no?” She tried appealing to his logic.
“Ooooh,” Seojun mocked, “So you keep up the pretense even when you’re not around Jukyung? Isn’t this a too much, Kang Sujin?”
Sujin’s smile dropped into a snarl, “What?”
“I’m on to you, Kang Sujin.” Seojun got up in her face. “Ah-nee, if you’re going to pretend to be all reformed then you shouldn’t make it too obvious. Charity work is a little too on the nose, don’t you think?”
Sujin stared at him in shock and anger. Seojun suddenly recalled how well Sujin had kicked those thugs who had kidnapped Jukyung back in high school and gulped. He hoped she wouldn’t try to kill him in public but it was too late to take back what he said.
“Han Seojun…” Sujin said through clenched teeth and Seojun prepared for the worst.
Ya Han Seojun! Are you a gangster?!
But she said nothing. Instead she calmed herself, exhaling through her mouth.
“I probably deserve that.” She said, not backing away or cowering from him. She pushed the flier in his chest, “But don’t make these kids suffer because of your anger towards me. They could really use the support.”
Seojun looked down at the flier. He couldn’t sign anything without the consent of his agency. So he folded it up and pocketed it. Along with his pride. He could put his ego aside for a good cause.
“These kids deserve a better person representing them than you.” Seojun said. Sujin pressed her lips tightly.
“Aren’t you being a little too harsh? I’m not the same person anymore. And Jukyung has—”
“You may have everyone else fooled, Kang Sujin. But I will always remember what you are.” With that, Seojun walked away, his hand twitching.
The next time they all met up, Seojun made sure to sit between Sujin and Jukyung. He felt uncomfortable because he had to bump shoulders with her, but he would bear it for Jukyung.
Suho gave Seojun a warning look when they all sat down. Don’t do anything excessive, the look said. Seojun ignored it.
He could feel Sujin’s stiffness beside him. This was uncomfortable for her too. Good. If I’m suffering, she should too. But she kept up her polite façade, smiling like nothing bothered her.
Seojun made sure to keep her isolated from Jukyung. He didn’t let her speak to Jukyung, didn’t let her participate in the competitions. He even didn’t let her eat properly.
“Jukyung-ah, did I show you my pictures from—”
“Jukyung-ah, has your sister told you about the tour we’re planning?” Seojun interrupted.
Jukyung would be at a loss as to who to answer and Seojun would move forward, blocking Sujin.
When Suho or Jukyung tried to ask Sujin what she wanted to eat first, he took the first dish he saw and shoved it in front of her.
“Here, have this Kang Sujin.”
“I don’t want it.” She said with an unamused look.
“Take it.” He ordered in his intimidating baritone.
They glared at each other , Sujin’s face twitching with annoyance. Seojun mentally dared her to snap at him but she swallowed her pride, quite literally, and put on a fake smile.
“Thanks.” She said dryly.
By the end of dinner, Han Seojun had successfully managed to annoy Kang Sujin. Her fake persona was slipping as she clenched her jaw and exhaled excessively to keep her temper in check. Seojun guessed he would have her true personality on display by the end of the night.
“Han Seojun what are you doing?” Suho confronted him outside.
“What did I do?” Seojun feigned ignorance.
“You need to sto—”
“Han Seojun. Let’s talk.” Sujin strode up to them from behind, her face set with determination.
“No.” Seojun said.
“I wasn’t asking. I was telling.” And there she was, the old Sujin. Gone was the politeness and friendly demeanor. She stared boldly at him, almost challenging him to refuse again.
“Seojun-ah, just hear her out.” Jukyung broke through their staring match. Seojun could never say no to her. But he didn’t get a chance to say yes either.
Sujin simply commanded, “Follow me,” and grabbed the collar of his jacket, dragging him away.
“Ya! What are you doing?!” But Kang Sujin was stronger than she looked and Seojun found himself being pulled against his will.
The rest of them could only stare.
“Do you think they’ll be alright?” Suah asked, concerned.
“Nope. I’m certain they’ll kill each other.” Suho replied nonchalantly.
“My money’s on Sujin.” Taehoon and Suah said together.
“You’re on.” Suho replied.
“Are you crazy? How could you grab me like that?” Seojun smoothened the collar of his coat that Sujin had bunched up in her fist. She had let go when he had said that he would follow enough times. They walked together, Sujin going ahead of him. He quickly put on his mask. “How can a girl be so strong?” He said under his breath. Then spoke aloud, “Is this any way to treat an idol?”
Sujin suddenly turned on her heels, stopping Seojun in his tracks. She was a little too close for comfort and looked intimidated with that unfiltered anger on her face. “Just shut up and follow.”
Seojun put his hands on his hips, tilting his head. He was unimpressed by her tough attitude. He gestured forward with his chin, “Then move.”
He followed her, keeping a small distance between them. She marched forward, taking long strides with her long, long legs. She looked like a general going to war.
“She calls me a thug. She should look at herself.” He mumbled.
Sujin led them to a secluded pocha, street food vendor with small plastic seats housed inside a plastic tent. Seojun adjusted his mask.
“Relax, no one here is going to recognize you.” Sujin said, sensing his discomfort. Indeed, when Seojun looked around, all he saw were hold ahjusshis getting drunk and babbling nonsense. None of them seemed like his fans.
Still, Sujin led them in a corner table and sat where he was hidden by her. She ordered two bottles of soju and side dishes for him. He simply watched with his arms crossed.
The silence between them was awkward and heavy. Neither of them said anything. Han Seojun openly stared at Sujin. Kang Sujin looked everywhere but him. The lady brought them their order. Sujin effortlessly opened a bottle and moved to fill his glass. Seojun put his hand on top of his glass to stop her.
With a sigh, he took the bottle from her and poured for himself. She followed suit. They both took a shot.
Sujin sat up straight, shuffling in her seat. She first looked down at her hands in her lap, then looked up, straight in his eyes.
“Mianhae.” It took him by surprise. More than that, the regret on her face moved him. If only by an inch. “I’m sorry, Han Seojun. What I did back then… I was going through some personal issues, and I took it out on Jukyung. But even that is not a good enough excuse. I shouldn’t have done what I did. And even what I said to you… even after you gave me a chance to delete the video… I’m sorry.” She gulped and Seojun mirrored her. “You were right. I was only destroying myself. I should have seen that. But I have changed now. I’m not the same person. I know you’re important to Jukyung. So I hope we can get along from now on.”
Seojun took another shot. He took a minute, considering her words.
“If its forgiveness you want, then Kang Sujin, there is nothing to forgive between us. Your fight was with Jukyung. Not me.” Sujin appeared relieved till Seojun added, “However, my problem with you isn’t because of old grudges. I just can’t trust you, Kang Sujin. I believe you still will hurt Jukyung, even if you don’t mean to. And I can’t let that happen.”
Sujin’s mouth became small. She jutted her jaw, pouring another shot for herself. She downed it aggressively before responding. “I’m not the same girl anymore. I’m not in love with—”
“I keep hearing that you’ve changed. But have you really? Can you honestly tell me that you’re over him?”
“I am over him.”
“Bull shit. I saw the way you were looking Suho. All throughout dinner—”
“Aren’t you just projecting your own feelings onto me?” Sujin interrupted.
Seojun laughed incredulously, “What?”
“The one who’s not over their unrequited love is you. You’re not over Jukyung.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. All these years you’ve been pretending to be her friend. Aren’t you the one being two faced?”
“I’ve already confessed to her. We even went on a date.” Seojun crossed his arms with a smirk.
This was news to Sujin, “Aah. Is that so? Then isn’t that more pathetic? Even though she clearly doesn’t want you—”
“Ya, Kang Sujin.”
“—you’re still not over her. I too saw how you looked at her. With that pathetic puppy dog expression on your face. Don’t you think this is awkward for Jukyung? Sitting there with her boyfriend and—”
“Shut your damn mouth.”
“Wae? Don’t like it when the tables are turned on you?” Sujin and Seojun glared at each other with hatred. Seojun poured and downed a shot. Sujin swallowed and looked away. This was not how she imagined this conversation going.
“I’m not in love with her.” Seojun declared.
Sujin snorted, “Hul. Then why is it you who is giving me this lecture and not Lee Suho? If I’m really such a threat to Lim Jukyung, then shouldn’t her boyfriend be the one to confront me? What gives you the right to treat me this way?”
Seojun paused. “I can give you a million reasons; that I’m her friend, that even though I’m not her boyfriend, she stills relies on me, that I’m doing this out of humanity.”
Sujin scoffed.
“That I don’t want to lose another friend because of bullying.”
Sujin’s face fell. She licked her lips as she considered his point of view. Then, wordlessly, she poured him a drink.
“I’m not a bully. I never was. I did a shitty thing that I’ve apologized for and now I’d like to move on with my life.” She poured herself a shot of soju too. “I care about Jukyung. I will always regret what I did to her. But I still have a chance at friendship and I am going to take it whether you like it or not.”
They both took the shot. Sujin poured them another.
“We both care about Jukyung. And she would want us to get along, or at least pretend to for her sake.” Sujin gave Seojun a pointed look. The ball was in his court now.
Seojun remembered how uncomfortable Jukyung had been because of his hostility towards Sujin. True, Sujin wasn’t the kind to be trusted. Seojun was a man of action, he didn’t believe in hollow words. But it was also true that fighting with Sujin all the time would cause problems in their peaceful little group. And although he was sure that when it came to it, everyone would choose him and not her, he still held up the shot glass and said, “For Jukyung’s sake.”
The two drunken enemies staggered on the sidewalk, each supporting the other while trying not to fall; a drunk trying to steady another drunk.
“Ah-nee-ya, I’m not *hic* not in love with Jukyung. I don… I don…”
“Arassssso. And I’mf the Pwincess of England.” Sujin slurred, pushing Seojun upright as she tried to hail a taxi.
“Na ah-nee-ya. I’m not. Nope.” Seojun hiccuped.
“Ah just sstand still!” Sujin pushed his body away but his arm was still draped over her shoulder.
“Ah sshutup! Shut up you stupid Suijin!” Seojun started snickering at his own statement, “Hehehe. Stupid Suji. Sujinnie phabo.” Seojun pushed his weight onto her, still chortling.
“Ah stand still!!” Sujin wrapped an arm around his waist to hold him up. She was suddenly very aware of just how tall he was. Even with her own impressive height, he seemed too big.
A taxi finally stopped and Sujin struggled with pushing Seojun inside. She pushed him in with her legs when he bent over on the seat but refused to move further to give her room.
“Where to?” The driver asked when they both were seated.
“Han Seojun, tell him your address.”
Seojun fell to the other side, passed out. Sujin, who herself felt like passing out, leaned over to tap his face, “Han Seojun? Ya! Wake uuup.” He did not.
“Are we leaving or not?” The driver asked impatiently.
Sujin shook Seojun again. He stirred, only to mumble Jukyung’s name and pass out on her shoulder again. Sujin looked at the driver helplessly.
The first thing Seojun felt was the pounding headache, it brought him out of a very nice dream he’d been having that he promptly forgot. He could feel his legs sticking out from the side of the bed. In turning over, his elbow punched into something.
“Oof! Ow! What the hell!”
Sujin kicked at him as she pressed her ribs in pain. They both were surprised to find themselves tangled in each other. It took them exactly three seconds to start screaming.
They both flew off the bed, Sujin hitting Seojun repeatedly with her pillow.
“Ow! Ow! Ah! OW!”
“Why. Are. You. In. My. Bed?!”
“Why am I here? Why are you here?”
“This is my room asshole!”
Seojun grabbed Sujin’s wrist to keep her from hitting him. He looked around and indeed it was Sujin’s room.
“What the hell happened?” He asked.
She kicked him in the shin, “How the hell would I know? Explain yourself, Han Seojun!”
“You explain! How can I end up here if you didn’t bring me?”
Sujin’s raised foot, about to kick Seojun, slowly lowered. She was suddenly hit with the memory of last night. Drunkenly trying to enter the code to her door as Seojun whined about missing Jukyung, stumbling into her apartment and dragging Seojun by his collar to the couch, falling on top of him as he fell and then immediately picking herself up and going into her room to pass out.
Seojun put his hands on his hips defiantly, “Kang Sujin. We got drunk last night didn’t we? Aish, chincha. I never thought you’d be the kind of girl to take advantage of a guy like that.”
“Ah-ni-godun! That would never happen! I only brought you here because you wouldn’t tell me your address.”
“Ah, what a nice excuse. And whose idea was it to go drinking any way? Was this your plan all along? Of course, its understandable that you’d want a rebound with the most handsome guy around.”
Sujin scoffed in disbelief. “That’s not the case!” She protested. “And what handsome? I find you laughable.”
“And I find you detestable.”
“Then why did you come into my bedroom when I left you out on the couch?”
A flash of memory sparked in Seojun’s mind; of getting up, using Sujin’s bathroom and going into the bedroom thinking he was at Chorong’s place.
The red spreading on his cheeks was a dead giveaway to Sujin that she had him.
Seojun cleared his throat, “No matter what, this isn’t what it looks like.”
“Of course, it doesn’t.”
They stood there awkwardly for a moment as they wondered what to do next. They both spoke together.
“You should probably go.”
“I should leave.”
A rare agreement. They both nodded in sync.
“But… is there a back door to your apartment? I can risk having my face seen leaving a girl’s apartment.”
Sujin licked her lips as she considered this. “I think I have an idea.”
From the outside, Kang Sujin’s apartment door cracked open, just enough for two heads to poke out to check if the coast was clear. One of those heads was wearing a beanie, a mask and sunglasses. The other was Sujin. They both sneaked out of her apartment and beelined for the emergency stairs.
“Why is your apartment so up high?”
“We can always go in the elevator where my neighbors can see you.”
“I hate you.”
Finally making it out the back exit, the two relaxed.
“How are you going to get home?” She asked him.
“I’ll take the bus. Nobody will recognize me when I’m like this.”
“You shouldn’t underestimate fangirls.”
Seojun chuckled, “Never do. Bye then.”
Seojun turned, then paused, then turned back. “Kang Sujin.” He called out to her just as she was about to go in. “Thanks… for not just abandoning me last night.” It was the most difficult thank-you he had ever said.
Sujin simply nodded. “Get home safely.”
Sujin didn’t remember going back up to her apartment, just the click of the door shutting behind her that pulled her out of her daze.
She had just spent the night with Han Seojun. Admittedly, it meant nothing, but it still felt weird and she didn’t know what to do about it.
Maybe I should have asked him to eat before he went. He must have been hungry. She thought. And then scolded herself, Ah-nee, why would I care about him? He doesn’t matter to me anyway.
Traces of Han Seojun still lingered in her apartment; the bedsheet that had fallen on the floor, along with the pillow she had assaulted him with, his spicy scent on the bed and a metal ring on her bedside table that he must have taken off during the night.
Sujin held up the ring, looking through it. She would give it to him later, if they met again. She hoped they didn’t. She was already dreading the thought of encountering him again.
Kang Sujin didn’t let herself think too much about last night. She changed her sheets, showered and firmly put all thoughts of a certain idol out of her mind. He was just a silly twerp who had been a thug in high school and was now just an idol. He had nothing to do with her, nor she with him.
She had better things to do, like her work.
If you’re going to pretend to be all reformed then you shouldn’t make it too obvious. Charity work is a little too on the nose, don’t you think?
Nope, she wasn’t going to let that idiot get to her. Who was he to treat her like this? Next time she saw him, she would kick him in the face. Yes, that’s what she would do.
I keep hearing that you’ve changed. But have you really? Can you honestly tell me that you’re over him?
All day long Sujin’s hand twitched with the need to be scrubbed clean. They kept getting clammy and sticky. She wanted to scrub, scurb, scurb them of all the dirt and the grime and the filth of her past self. Sujin had believed that she had kicked this bad habit of unnecessarily cleaning her hands, but apparently she hadn’t.
My problem with you isn’t because of old grudges. I just can’t trust you, Kang Sujin. I believe you still will hurt Jukyung, even if you don’t mean to.
“Well who the hell wants your trust?” Sujin argued with the wind.
“Is everything okay?” One of the girls she worked with asked.
“What? Oh-um-yeah. Everything is fine! Just… talking to myself.” She put on a fake cheery attitude and shook her head.
It was only when Sujin’s day was finally over, and she was back in her empty apartment, leaning against her front door, that let herself feel the misery she had been suppressing.
Of course that Han Seojun hates me. What reason does he have not to?
Even the person who had been obligated to love and protect her, had only ever seen her as worthless. If her own father, couldn’t treat her with decency, then why should she expect a stranger to?
Her small apartment suddenly seemed so much bigger now. Big and empty, with shadows extending from the ground to the roof.
Kang Sujin, were you always such a piece of trash?
She hadn’t answered him back then. But in these quiet moments, she allowed herself to admit, “Yes, Han Seojun. I was always such a worthless piece of trash.”
Back when she had been a kid—running away from her problems in school, from what she had done to Jukyung—she would let this darkness take over. It would eat her inside and out till she was just a shell. However, now that he had grown up, she had learned how to deal with this on her own.
Sujin pushed herself off of the door and walked into her room, turning on all of the lights. Rest, she needed rest. And food, before anything else. Most of the time her depression would just be weakness caused by hunger. She was indeed careless with her health.
Her phone buzzed suddenly. It was a message from Jukyung. She would respond later. First she would spend time on herself. But then, almost immediately, there was a message from Suah. Then Suho. Even Taehoon. Then the phone lit up with a call from Jukyung.
“What’s going o—”
“Kang Sujin, have you seen the articles?”
“There’s articles about you and Seojun dating.”
“WHAT?” It took Sujin a full minute to process what Jukyung was saying. She was speaking but Sujin didn’t hear the rest. Jukyung’s voice was muted from the speaker as Sujin searched through Naver for her and Seojun’s name.
“It’s all over the internet.” Jukyung was saying. “Someone’s posted pictures of you and Seojun together. Sujin-ah. Is that really you? Are you and Seojun dating?”
The room began to spin and Sujin had the urge to kick someone in the face.
“Jukyung-ah. I’ll call you back.”
What the hell happened?”
The articles Sujin found showed her and Seojun exiting her building. It was from this morning. Seojun’s face was well hidden but she could be clearly seen. From the way the pictures were taken, it looked as if the two were involved in something together.
Sujin’s phone suddenly lit up with an unknown number. She knew it could only be Han Seojun.
She pressed answer.
Some JunJin images I came up with just for fun
#junjin#Kang Sujin#Han Seojun#True Beauty#True Beauty Kdrama#Kdrama Fanfiction#True Beauty Fanfiction#Seojun x Sujin#Kang Soojin#Kang Sujin Fanfiction#Han Seojun Fanfiction#kdrama#fanfiction#park yoona#hwang inyeop
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True Beauty
Falling in love isn’t a crime
Dating Han Seojun
Han Seojun dating Lee Sungyong’s ex
Sorting True Beauty Characters in Hogwarts Houses
✾ An Hyunkyu:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Choi Sooah:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Han Gowoon:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Han Joonwoo:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Han Seojun:
⥼ Al1
⥼ New Hair
⥼ Magical Girl
⥼ Wet Cuddles
✾ Jeong Seyeon:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Kang Soojin:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Lee Suho:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Lee Sungyong:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Lim Jukyung:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Lim Juyoung:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Lim Heekyung:
⌈nothing yet⌋
✾ Yoo Taehoon:
⌈nothing yet⌋
#true beauty#true beauty kdrama#true beauty x reader#hyunkyu x reader#choi sooah#sooah x reader#han joonwoo#han joonwoo x reader#han seojun#seojun#seojun x reader#han seojun x reader#jeong seyeon#seyeon x reader#kang soojin#soojin x reader#lee suho#suho x reader#lee sungyong#sungyong x reader#lim jukyung#jukyung x reader#lim juyoung#juyoung x reader#lim heekyung#heekyung x reader#yoo taehoon#taehoon x reader
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True beauty icons 💗
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#true beauty#true beauty icons#icons#hwang in yeop#cha eun woo#moon ka young#moon ga young#im se mi#han seo joon#lee su ho#lim heekyung#lim joo kyung#kdrama#k drama icons#k drama
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True beauty icons 🎧
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#true beauty#true beauty icons#hwang inyeop#hwang in yeop#icons#lim heekyung#han seo joon#han seojun#gowoon#han gowoon#kdrama#k drama#k drama icons#k actor#k actress#im se mi
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True beauty icons 💍
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#true beauty#true beauty icons#cha eun woo#park yoona#icons#kang minah#kang soo jin#lim heekyung#lee su ho#k drama matching icons#k drama icons#k drama#kdrama#matching icons#im se mi
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user park_hosan insta update with HwangInYeop
(eng trans : https://mobile.twitter.com/forinyeop/status/1357544024953942016 )
#true beauty#hwang in yeop#hwang in youp#handsome#cutest#team seojun#han seojun#lim jukyung#moon ga young#lim juyoung#kim minki#lim heekyung#lim semi#lim jaepil#park hosan#hong hyunsook#jang hye jin
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