#lily bolton (oc)
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Part 1: Hidden Devotions
Summary: Tommy and Lucy get a chance to speak to each other, and Lucy does her best to warn the Targaryens of the man poised to marry the heir to the throne.
Word Count: 5,924
Warnings: References to torture, incest, and violence.
Notes: Heavenerys and Amos belong to @call-sign-shark, and Rose Tyrell, Jared II Stark, and the other Stark boys belong to @justrainandcoffee.
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Chapter 2: What Dragons Dream Of
The early morning air was crisp against Tommy’s cheeks, a slight breeze ruffling at his hair.
He tugged his cloak tighter around his shoulders, grateful that the Boltons had thought to provide them with some additional clothing more suited to the northern elements than their own. If he was indeed to start regularly making the trip up here to check on Heavenerys, he was going to need to get a whole new wardrobe for such occasions.
Beneath his hand, he felt Syndor’s side flex with a snort. Seeming to sense that he was chilled, the dragon’s tail curled against the grass, bumping gently against the back of Tommy’s legs to try to draw him closer to his warm side.
Tommy chuckled, leaning his cheek against his dragon’s inky scales, closing his eyes at the pleasant burn of them, the cold quickly banished from his bones.
“Thank you, Syndor,” he said in High Valyrian. A purr rumbled from the dragon’s chest in response, his nose nuzzling at Tommy affectionately.
Tommy smiled, giving him a few strokes along his great side, just enjoying the warmth and comfort of being alone with his dragon. No distrusting eyes staring at him. No whispers behind his back when the utterers thought he couldn’t hear. No judgement burning into his skin.
He sighed, opening his eyes. Giving Syndor one final pat, he pulled away.
“I’ll come see you later,” he promised. Syndor chirped at him in understanding, curling up on the grass. He looked like an enormous, scaled black cat whenever he did that. Happy and content to doze in a patch of sunlight, a slight twitch wracking through his limbs every once in a while as he dreamed of whatever it was that dragons dreamed of.
Tommy passed a few of the other dragons, most still slumbering soundly, on his way back to the Dreadfort’s gates. He felt awful leaving them out in the cold like this. Even if they did not seem to mind it.
He stepped through the gates and into the courtyard, glancing around. It was early enough that most of the castle seemed to still be asleep. Not that he minded; it was good to have some time to himself before another day that was likely to be full of meetings and mingling.
Making his way back inside, he slipped off his leather gloves, rubbing his hands together against the cold. He stopped a bustling serving girl to point him in the direction of the library, following her instructions up a quick climb of the stairs and through a few winding hallways until he was pushing open huge oak double doors.
He was greeted with dozens upon dozens of shelves, each stuffed near to bursting with books. Letting the doors swing shut behind him, Tommy picked one aisle at random to walk down, eyes sliding over the vast assortment of spines detailing practically every subject imaginable, perusing lazily for something that might catch his attention. He was impressed. Though it had nothing on the library in the Red Keep, it was still a surmountable collection.
There was a sudden loud, heavy thud from a few rows over, followed by several more, and a soft, irritated mumbling.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake…”
Tommy raised an eyebrow, following the noise to find the tiny Lady Lucilla between two stacks, attempting to balance an armful of books almost as big as her. A few had fallen from her grasp to land on the floor around her. She huffed, attempting to reach down to pick up the books even with the rest still in her arms.
With quick steps, Tommy walked down the aisle to her, bending to help gather up the fallen books. Her shoulders stiffened at the sound of his footsteps, eyes remaining downcast towards the floor.
“I swear, if you get on my ass about this too, I will–” she began to say, but immediately stopped, eyes growing wide as saucers and jaw falling open when her gaze finally lifted to meet his. Tommy felt his eyebrow twitch upwards again, fighting back an amused grin.
“No, no, go on. It’s not everyday that I’m so casually threatened.”
“Prince Thomaryon…I am so sorry!” she stammered, cheeks turning the same shade as her hair. “I thought you were someone else.”
“It’s alright.” He reached for another of the fallen books.
“You don’t have to do that. I can manage,” Lucilla tried to insist, still looking adorably flustered. Tommy shook his head.
“Nonsense. I don’t mind.” When he raised his eyes to her, it was to find Lucilla watching him, her blush seeming to grow when their gazes met.
Tommy swallowed hard. She was even more beautiful up close than when she had first caught his eye in the courtyard yesterday. A tiny thing, somehow even shorter and more petite than Heavenerys. Slender, but curved in all the right places, with long red hair that fell in tousled waves down her back. Her fair skin was smattered with freckles even more numerous than his own, her eyes a warm, shining sunset brown.
But beneath the soft, wide-eyed expression, he could see a hint of the stern hardness that had been emblazoned on her face yesterday. A look which had only deepened when she and Amos had briefly made eye contact when he introduced her to Heavenerys. It seemed to be a common expression here in the north; a result of the harsh elements and distrust that seemed to permeate throughout the region.
The northmen were a hard, wild people. They would do well to remember that.
The Red Demon of the Dreadfort. That was what they called her. It was unclear how exactly the nickname had come about. During a break when they were flying up from King’s Landing, Aeda had started spinning stories about how Lucilla Bolton got the title because of her role as one of the Dreadfort’s torturers. That it was said screams would echo from the bowels of the deepest dungeons of the castle whenever the red haired lady would descend into their depths to convene with the poor souls who had been dragged before her. Some said that the screaming was so loud, villagers residing along the Weeping Water could hear it. And at the end of each session, Lucilla Bolton would emerge from the bowels of the castle, covered head to toe in blood as red as her hair.
But one look in her eyes, and Tommy knew that could not be all there was to the story. Even if there was any truth in it, some significant detail had been left out; the picture left incomplete. Those were not the eyes of a soulless torturer. There was too much warmth in them.
“So,” he said, quickly looking away, realizing that he had been staring. “Are you checking all of these out…?”
“Returning, actually,” she straightened up, sliding a book into the shelf. Tommy finished gathering the remaining ones that had fallen to the floor, following her as she began to wander through the stacks, returning each book to its proper place. “Thank you. And I’m sorry again for…”
“Don’t worry about it.”
She cast him a shy smile, and he felt a slight swoop in his stomach that he tried to ignore. Fuck, she was pretty.
“How are you finding the north, my prince?”
She hummed in sympathy. “I imagine it’s quite grim compared to the capitol.”
“Have you ever been to King’s Landing?”
He frowned. “Not even when you came of age?” Many children of the noble houses came to the capitol to be presented at court, usually with the intention of finding a wife or husband if they were not already betrothed.
Lucilla shook her head. “My father wouldn’t permit it.”
Tommy cocked his head. That made sense, he supposed. Had she been presented at court, he was sure he would have remembered her. “He wouldn’t?”
“Why not?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t think that he thought anyone would be interested in the daughter of a second son.” She adjusted the books in her arms, an uncomfortable look crossing her face. “Anyway…the furthest south I’ve ever been is to Highgarden. But I was so little, I barely remember any of it.”
“What were you doing in Highgarden?”
Lucilla stretched up onto her toes, trying to shove a book into a shelf above her head. Tommy took it from her, sliding it back into place. She cast him a thankful look.
“Something about Amos going to ward there. But the arrangement fell through while we were there.”
“Lord Tyrell chose the Baratheon boy instead.” Tommy was only vaguely aware of the incident. Something to do with Amos’s temper getting the better of him and causing Lord Tyrell to send him away.
“That’s right.” A wistful look entered Lucilla’s eyes. “I’d like to go back there someday. I still write to Lady Rose, sometimes.”
“Lady Rose is a kind woman,” Tommy had not yet met her himself, but word of Highgarden’s most treasured flower had spread far and wide across the realm.
“Yes,” Lucilla agreed. “But usually Riverrun is as far south as we travel.”
“Your mother is a Tully.”
“That’s right.” She slid the last of her books into its proper place on the shelves.
“Well…” Tommy hesitated, momentarily worried that what he was about to suggest might be a little too forward. “Heavenerys and Lord Bolton will be expected to travel to King’s Landing from time to time to make appearances at court. Perhaps you and your family can join them, sometime.”
Something flickered in Lucilla’s eyes, a soft smile finding its way onto her lips. “I would like that.”
Tommy was suddenly deeply aware of just how close they were standing, their chests practically brushing. It wasn’t often that he found himself so much taller than someone. The top of her head barely came up to his chin. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought that he noticed her eyes lingering on his chest.
“I’m sorry,” Lucilla cleared her throat awkwardly. “I’m being so rude. Were you looking for something in particular here? The Maester isn’t usually in this early in the morning…”
Tommy gave a shake of his head. “I was just looking around to pass the time.”
“Why were you up so early?” she asked, head cocking curiously. “If you don’t mind me asking,” she added quickly.
“I like the quiet of the mornings. It’s a good time to think. And I wanted to check on the dragons before breakfast.”
Her eyes lit up at the mention of the dragons. “How are they doing?”
“They’re fine.”
Her hands, empty of books now, started fiddling with the few plain gold rings she was wearing. “I’m sorry that we don’t have anywhere better than the field to put them.”
“It’s alright. Truth be told, I think it’s good for them to be out in the open for a while, rather than cooped up in the dragon pit back home.”
She looked like she wanted to ask him something, but decided against it. “Well,” she glanced towards the door, “if you’re hungry, breakfast ought to be finally ready about now. And I expect Amos and my father will both be awake. Even if no one else is.”
“Alright.” He followed her out of the library and down the hall, letting her guide the way to the great hall. “Thank you for keeping me company this morning,” he told her as they descended down the stairs. Lucilla gave him another one of those shy, sweet smiles.
“Thank you for saving me from my mountain of books.”
He had to push down another smile, momentarily puzzled at how many times he’d had to do so since encountering her in the library. It felt so…easy to be around her. He could not even have begun to explain why. She was a Bolton. Practically a complete stranger. He should have felt wary at best when it came to being alone with her.
“Amos and the princess seem quite pleased with each other,” Lucilla remarked as they walked.
“You sound surprised.”
“Amos hasn’t been interested in marriage at all. He refused every match brought before him until he was offered the future queen.” Her fingers were twisting at her rings again. “I’ve never seen him so…taken with someone before.”
Tommy cocked his head, still trying to puzzle out the details regarding the clear animosity between Lord Bolton and Lucilla. “You and him don’t get along.” It wasn’t a question, but she answered it anyway.
“No. Not since I was a child.”
Her pace slowed, shoulders tensing, jaw setting as though it were locking tight around the answer to his question.
“Lady Lucilla?” Tommy pressed.
“It’s not a pleasant topic of conversation.” An odd, faraway look crossed her beautiful features, as though her mind was somewhere else. Locked in some haunting, dark memory that had the color draining a little from her cheeks, the warm light flickering out in her eyes.
They came to a stop at a door leading into the great hall, her small hand enclosing around the knob. Before she could turn it, Tommy reached out, wrapping his fingers around her upper arm, turning her gently to face him. He tried to ignore the way something tightened in his chest at the feeling of the warmth from her body even through the layers of her dress.
She looked up at him, eyes wide. She had lovely, full pink lips. Despite being chapped a little from the dry air of the north, they looked soft.
For fuck’s sake. Focus. He forced himself to swallow around his desires. Lucilla was staring up at him, confliction apparent in her face.
“What…?” he began to ask, but the sound of approaching footsteps had Lucilla quickly drawing away from him, a half frightened look crossing her face before it was wiped from her features, replaced instead by that tensing of her jaw, defiance already starting to simmer in her eyes. Like she was preparing for an argument.
“Prince Thomaryon. Lucilla,” Lord Amos Bolton said, dark eyes gleaming when he caught sight of them. “How surprising to see you together.”
“Good morning, Amos,” Lucilla greeted her cousin.
“What are you doing?” Amos asked, eyes narrowing at her scrutinizingly, shifting between her and Tommy suspiciously.
Lucilla’s hands had clasped together in front of herself, gripping each other so tight her knuckles were turning white. “I…”
“I got lost,” Tommy interrupted quickly, flashing Amos a bashful smile, “trying to find my way to the great hall from the library. Lady Lucilla was kind enough to rescue me.”
Amos raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?” He was still eying Lucilla questioningly. She shifted from foot to foot.
“Just trying to be a good host, Amos,” she murmured.
Amos frowned. “How unlike you, Lucilla.”
She managed a weak smile. “Even I know to be on my best behavior when dragons are about, cousin.” She opened the door to the great hall, shuffling aside. “After you, my prince. My lord.”
Tommy gestured for Amos to go first. Once the lord had swept into the hall, he cast another curious glance Lucilla’s way.
“Thank you,” she whispered, almost inaudibly, eyes still watching Amos warily where he was moving to sit beside Victor Bolton, already seated and eating his porridge.
“Of course,” Tommy murmured in reply, deciding that now was not a good time to try to pry further into her problems with her cousin. He shot her a half teasing look. “Are you not normally a good host?”
With Amos a good distance away, some of the tension seemed to drain out of her face. Enough so that she was able to manage a small, mischievous smirk.
“Oh, don’t you know, my prince? No matter what I do, I will ever get their approval. I’m the outcast of the family.”
He felt his lips pull upwards a fraction. Ah. Perhaps that was why he felt such kinship with her.
“So am I.”
∗ ∗ ∗
Dinner was a quieter affair than it had been last night. Only members of house Bolton and Targaryen occupied the great hall, so that the families could get to know each other better without any distractions from the other houses. A few stood to mingle or swap seats as the meal went on, and soon the buzz of multiple conversations was flowing naturally throughout the hall.
Lucy sat at her spot next to Teddy at the high table, sipping her wine and humming along to whatever it was her brother was talking to her about. She wasn’t really listening. Her mind had been distracted all day, endlessly replaying the encounter in the library with Prince Thomaryon. The blue of his eyes staring piercingly back at her. The deep rumble of his voice. The way his lips kept twitching up at the edges as if he were suppressing a smile. The warmth of his hand through the thick layers of her dress when he touched her arm.
Teddy poked her. “You’re not listening to a word I’m saying.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but then closed it. There really was no point in trying to pretend.
Her little brother–even though he was only a year younger than her, she would always think of him that way–cocked his head. His shaggy blonde hair fell into his face, that mischievous glow that was almost always present in his eyes starting to burn more earnestly. “What is it that’s gotten you so distracted all day?”
Lucy wriggled in her seat, gaze darting across the great hall to where Thomaryon was sitting before she could stop herself. As if sensing her looking at him, the prince’s eyes shifted to fix on hers. She quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks warm. Beside her, having followed her gaze, Teddy grinned.
“Shut up.”
“I didn’t say a thing.” He raised his wine glass to his lips, grin broadening. “Can’t really blame you though.” His voice dropped conspiratorially. “Those blue eyes of his really are something.”
“I ran into him in the library this morning. He’s nice,” that last part came out as a whisper.
Her brother rested his chin on his palm, eyes still dancing with amusement, but something more analytical had entered them as well, appraising her face in a way that made her shift nervously.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smitten before.”
“I am not–”
“That blush you’re sporting says otherwise.”
She swallowed hard, frowning. “I barely even know him.”
“So?” Teddy smirked at her. “He keeps looking over here at you.”
She chanced a quick glance back across the hall to find that he was right. Thomaryon was indeed staring at her, but this time when their gazes met, neither of them immediately looked away. Thomaryon raised an eyebrow, one side of his lips tugging up.
Hi, his eyes seemed to say.
Lucy offered him a small smile in return. Hello.
“You should go over there and talk to him,” Teddy said in her ear. She pulled her eyes away from Thomaryon to fix back upon her brother.
“No.” Her hands fidgeted with each other, twisting at her rings. “I’m sure that he’s had more than enough conversation with me for one day.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Oh you do, do you? And why’s that?”
Teddy grinned. “‘Cos he’s coming over right now.”
She felt her eyes widen, panic momentarily seizing her. “What–!?”
Teddy smirked, picking up his goblet. “If you do manage to snare him, I don’t suppose you’d consider sharing, would you?”
“I’m only kidding! Mostly. Good luck!” He shot her a wink, then stood from his seat and sauntered away to go speak with Prince Jon in one of the far corners of the hall.
Lucy drew in a shaky breath to try to steady herself, looking up when the prince’s shadow fell across her. The expression on his face was almost shy.
“Lady Lucilla. Good evening.”
“Good evening, Prince Thomaryon.”
He nodded to the vacant seat next to her. “May I…?”
She nodded, hoping that she didn’t come across as too eager. “Yes, yes, of course.”
He sank into the chair, setting his goblet down onto the table.
“How was your first day at the Dreadfort?” she asked. “I heard that you were meeting with my father and cousin earlier.” The three of them had disappeared after breakfast to speak in Amos’s study. Something about discussing the structure of the court and small council once Heavenerys and Amos had been crowned.
“It was alright,” he shrugged. “Productive.”
“Will you be remaining as Hand of the King?” Her eyes fixated on the pin clipped to the left side of his chest, glinting slightly in the dim candlelight. He had been appointed to the position during Pollyanna’s regency, and by all accounts had taken to the role as though he were born for it.
“Yes. We discussed it, and Amos wants to keep me on.”
“That must be a relief.”
“Yes, it is,” he admitted. “We weren’t sure if Amos would want to name your father to the position instead.”
“Ah,” she couldn’t help but chuckle a little at the suggestion, even though she understood why they might have thought that. “Lucky for you, I don’t think that Amos is as fond of my father as he might initially appear.”
Thomaryon cocked his head. “Really? I thought that Lord Victor was his primary advisor and mentor after Lord Bolton’s father died.”
“He was. But I think Amos prefers to keep him at arm's length. He…” she frowned, struggling to put the relationship into words, “he knows my father is loyal. And useful. But I don’t think he carries particular affection for him.” It was perhaps one of a few things that she and her cousin had in common.
“But your father cares for him.”
“Yes,” she looked away. “He is the first born son that he never had.” It was impossible to keep the bitterness entirely out of her voice.
Thomaryon reached out, hesitated, and then brushed his thick fingers across her knuckles to draw her attention back to him. Lucy swallowed harshly at just how much bigger his hand was compared to hers. It wasn’t until their eyes met that he seemed to even realize what he was doing, quickly snatching his hand back and leaving her to mourn the loss of his burning touch.
“About earlier…” Thomaryon cleared his throat awkwardly. “My questions about you and Amos…I apologize if I overstepped…”
Lucy shook her head quickly. “It’s alright.”
The prince relaxed, face softening a little. “If there ever is anything that you feel you ought to tell myself or my family, you are always welcome to. Anything you say will be taken into confidence, and no punishment will come to you. You have my word.”
You don’t know my family very well, she thought sadly, but smiled at him for the gesture. All day, she had agonized over whether or not she should say something to one of them. If she did warn them regarding what they were sending Heavenerys into, and word got back to Amos that it was her who spoke up, the consequences would be dire.
But…could she really live with herself if she said nothing, and left the princess to walk into the jaws of a rabid dog potentially unawares?
She met Thomaryon’s gaze. There was something warm there, despite the icy blue of his eyes. She could not have entirely said why, but she felt safe with him. She did not doubt that he would make good on his promise of protection if that was what it came to.
“You’ve heard the rumors about him,” she started to say, slowly. “About this place.”
“And yet you promised her to him anyway.” That was the one thing she could not understand. Amos’s reputation was no secret. He wore it proudly. They had to know what he was. Why would they have offered him the future queen’s hand, and by extension one of the most powerful seats in the entire kingdom, if they were aware of all that?
“Heavenerys is certain that she can handle him.”
“Can she?”
“Yes, I believe she can.”
“Even if everything the rumors say about him is true?”
Thomaryon cocked his head. “My cousin is no shrinking violet. She’s more than capable of protecting herself. And she has Kairaxès at her side.”
Lucy nodded. The enormous, frost-scaled dragon was a formidable, legendary creature. She certainly would not want to risk his blue flames or sharp teeth if she was Amos.
“He’s going to be king,” she said softly, her last hopes that the arrangement would fall through slowly dying, glancing across the room to where Amos was standing next to Heavenerys, close enough for their sides to be brushing while they conversed with her father.
“Lucilla,” Thomaryon leaned forward, an urgency in his face. His voice lowered. “Lord Bolton may be poised to be king, but I have no intention of handing over our dynasty or all of our power to him. Heavenerys will still be queen, and myself and members of my family will continue sit on the small council.”
Lucy let her arm rest on the table, her fingers but inches away from his, aching to reach out and recapture the comfort that the warmth of his brief touch had brought her earlier, but not brave enough to actually do so. She nodded, letting his words sink in and soothe some of her worries.
“Just…be careful with him,” she murmured.
Thomaryon nodded. “We will.”
She let out a deep sigh of relief at knowing he had taken her warnings seriously and understood what he was dealing with. And yet…
“I feel as though I should say something to the princess as well…”
Thomaryon shrugged. “You can, if you like.” He glanced over at where Heavenerys was still standing with Amos. Her arms were linked with his, smiling up at him adoringly. “But it won’t change anything.”
Lucy had to agree with him on that front. Amos was looking at Heavenerys with a similar expression of adoration splitting his face. Lucy shook her head. She barely recognized him. Never before had she seen him so…happy.
“We had to marry her to a northman,” Thomaryon explained, swirling the wine in his goblet lazily.
“The people have been growing restless up here,” she concurred.
“Yes. And with your house’s recent amassing of power, alongside how formidable the Starks already are, my aunt is worried about rebellions.”
“Why didn’t you marry her to one of the Stark boys?”
“Word is that Jared II is not particularly interested in the company of women, and the other two are already betrothed.”
“And I don’t imagine that the queen was all too interested in marrying the princess off to a house of any lesser standing than ours,” Lucy concluded.
“That’s right.”
She hummed, still watching Amos and Heavenerys, trying to discern if either of them were faking the love that seemed to be sparking between them. “Perhaps it will end up being a good match and I’m worrying for nothing.”
She looked back at Thomaryon to find him still gazing at her. The warm intensity of his eyes had her heart skipping a beat, warmth finding its way back to her cheeks. She opened her mouth, intending to change the subject to something more pleasant, when a voice interrupted.
“Prince Thomaryon,” her father said, a hand landing on the back of her chair. Lucy felt her spine go rigid, jaw setting in a grimace at the unwanted presence. “So sorry to interrupt, but if you have a moment, I want to introduce you to my son, Elyas.”
Thomaryon frowned, looking like he was about to protest.
“That’s alright,” Lucy said quickly, knowing that if he refused his request, it would only cause a fuss between her and her father later. He’d probably accuse her of holding the prince hostage with her silly, boring little stories. “I’m sure that I’m boring the poor prince to tears anyway,” she managed a weak smile. Her father merely scowled at her before turning his expectant face back to Thomaryon.
The prince looked back at her, frowning a little, still looking conflicted.
Please, just do what he wants. It’s easier, that way, she silently pleaded.
Whether he read the message in her eyes or not, Thomaryon stood, albeit reluctantly. “Alright.” But before departing with her father, he reached out, taking Lucy’s hand in his, and lifted it to press a quick kiss to the back of her palm. Lucy’s eyes widened at the softness of his lips against her skin. “It was lovely getting to speak with you, Lucilla,” he murmured, letting her hand go.
“You as well, my prince,” she managed to stutter out. He gave her a small smile, lashes lowered slightly, light from the candles reflecting in his ice colored eyes. Her heart felt as though it was doing backflips in her chest, cradling the hand he had kissed to her chest as if she could infinitely hold the memory of his lips on her skin. Her father led him impatiently away, already saying something about his hopes that there may be a place for Elyas at court someday. Lucy cringed, feeling vaguely ill at the idea. She had been so focused on warning Thomaryon about Amos, she had not even gotten a chance to offer him a heads up regarding her brothers.
“Cockblock,” Teddy muttered scowling at the back of their father’s head, coming up to stand beside her. “Ow!” he complained upon her elbowing him in the side.
“You’re going to get me into trouble,” she scolded halfheartedly while he retook his seat next to her. It wasn’t like she needed anymore of that. She already got hollered at for things enough as it was.
Teddy flashed her a smile, as if he knew something that she didn’t. “Oh, sweet sister. Based on the way that he looks at you, I think you already are.”
∗ ∗ ∗
Tommy rapped his knuckles against the wooden door leading into Heavenery’s chambers impatiently. It took only a moment for the door to be opened not by Heavenerys, but by Polly.
“What do you want?” his aunt asked, looking puzzled at his presence.
“I need to speak with Hev about something.”
She raised an eyebrow, but stepped aside to let him in. Heavenerys was sitting on a loveseat near the fire, working to undo the intricate braids her hair had been styled in for the day.
“Hello, Tommy,” she greeted him warmly. “What’s going on? Is it Aerthurys?”
He sighed. It had been his and Jon’s job to keep their older brother from losing his damned mind during their time at the Dreadfort. Ever since Heavenerys’s betrothal to Amos had been announced, their older brother had been teetering on a ledge, moments away from spiraling into madness.
Tommy understood, to some level. Aerthurys had loved Heavenerys since they were children. It had to be agonizing for him to watch her be wrenched from his side and married to another man. But that did not stop Tommy from wishing that he could get a damned grip over himself. They may be royalty, but none of them were above duty. They had known that this day would come eventually. Polly had made it clear from the beginning that they would not be partaking in the tradition of incest that their family had enacted in the past. They needed to strengthen their ties with the other houses across the realm, and dilute some of the madness and sickness which generations of inbreeding had wrought upon them.
Tommy struggled to understand how Aerthurys had not properly prepared himself for this moment. But then again, if he had any sense at all, his brother wouldn’t have gotten involved with their cousin in the first place.
“No,” he reassured, taking a seat across from Heavenerys, “it’s not Aerthurys.”
She tipped her head curiously. Polly sat down next to her. “So what is it?”
He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “I’ve spoken to Lady Lucilla some today.”
Heavenerys’s expression warmed. “I saw you sitting beside her at dinner. What’s she like?”
“She’s…” Beautiful. Warm. Sweet. Fiery. “Nice,” he cleared his throat quickly. “I think you and her will get along.”
Heavenerys brightened further.
“But…?” Polly prompted, expression still stiff. Tommy kept his gaze locked with Heavenerys’s.
“You and Amos seem to be getting on well.”
His cousin’s face lit up like the sun, eyes glowing with the brightness of a woman newly in love. “Oh, Tommy, he’s wonderful…”
“Can you control him?”
Her smile faded a little. “What…?”
He shifted in his seat, crossing one leg over the over. He hated to potentially throw cold water onto her happiness, but he needed to be certain about this. “Lucilla says that all the rumors about him are true.”
Heavenerys’s smile died away. Polly’s lips pursed. “Amos has been nothing but lovely and charming when I’ve spoken to him.”
“Of course he has. You’re the queen. And his betrothed’s mother. If he were rude to you I’d be questioning his intelligence.”
Polly leaned back into the loveseat, fiddling with the edge of her sleeve. “You’re really going to trust the word of a torturer?”
He frowned at the reminder of the rumors that swirled around Lucilla. “I don’t think that’s what she really is.”
Polly scoffed. “Thomaryon, when it comes to beautiful women, you’re not always the best judge of character…”
He sputtered slightly in offense. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you often think with the head not attached to your shoulders,” Heavenerys giggled.
Tommy huffed, running a hand through his hair and giving a slight shake of his head. “She seems frightened of him. And her father. Look…she just wants us to be careful, that’s all.”
Heavenerys tipped her head. “That’s kind of her to worry, but she doesn’t need to.” She smiled slyly. “I’ve already got him eating from the palm of my hand, and we haven’t even spent the night together yet.”
Tommy leaned towards her, staring hard into her eyes. There was a dismissiveness in her attitude that only worried him further, but that he did not know how to combat. She was only seven and ten, and–while she may have denied it–still optimistic and naive when it came to much in the ways of the world. Polly had always been so protective over her. She’d sheltered her, sometimes too much.
“You’re the future of the realm, Hev. I need you to be sure that you can handle him. Not just today, or tomorrow. But for all the years to come. And in all matters. We can’t have him becoming another cruel tyrant on the throne. I can help you, but there’s only so much that I can do, even as Hand…”
Heavenerys smiled at him, leaning closer, meeting his eyes unflinchingly. “I am sure, Tommy. You don’t need to worry.”
“Even if he really is a monster?”
An edge seemed to enter her smile, something flickering within her near glowing eyes, and he was reminded of the superstitions that his cousin was kissed by the cold, cursed with something wicked and twisted.
Perhaps, that really did make her the perfect match for the dark lord of the Dreadfort.
“Then he will be my monster.”
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#peaky blinders#tommy shelby#game of thrones au#tommy shelby x oc#lucy winters#lucy winters x tommy shelby#lucy bolton#lucilla bolton#thomaryon targaryen#tommy targaryen#lucy bolton x tommy targaryen#embers in the frost#lily writes#peaky blinders oc#peaky blinders fanfic#tommy shelby fanfic
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hi there! i'm eliza (she/her) & at the moment i'm craving either some harry potter, asoiaf, or some hunger games rp. it's like its 2013 again! i'm 25+ (sigh!) so unwilling to write with anyone under 21 under any circumstances, and I write on discord, generally on private servers.
i like to double up in terms of canons - if i write your preferred canon, it would be great if you could write mine - and if we do mxf ships I prefer to double up on those too. I am comfortable writing all genders and dynamics, I just find that having two ships means we both have equal investment! in terms of ocs I have noted a couple of oc scenarios I would like to explore, but in general I prefer to stick faiiiirly close to canons.
i am definitely a 2-3 paragraphs type of writer and i love to ramble on about our characters, novel/novella style!
below i have listed a ships i'm craving, with my preferred role in bold*, as well as some canons I just love writing in any scenario! *if neither is bolded you can take your pick, it means I love writing both of them <3 italicised means I would literally kill for you to write this with me. i'm open to canon x oc or canon x canon, as well as mxf (generally my default but not always!), mxm, or mxf.
I'm very easy going (just silly really) and would put my activity at about a 6/10 - I won't be on discord every day but will absolutely check in with you if I think I'm going to be away from my phone or extremely busy. while I don't have any triggers per say, I prefer to plot and write a little together before plunging into full blown smut, and I like nsfw scenes to have a plot purpose (most of the time lol). needless to say i am extremely anti-jkr. these characters are ours now <3 harry potter: fred weasley x alicia spinnet** (i would probably cut limbs off for this) sirius black x marlene mckinnon sirius black x remus lupin sirius black x ofc oliver wood x katie bell or ofc george weasley x luna lovegood george weasley x angelina johnson narcissa malfoy x lucius malfoy draco malfoy x astoria greengrass alastor moody x anyone fabian prewett x anyone
lily evans x james potter draco malfoy x harry potter ginny weasley x harry potter ginny weasley x pansy parkinson bill weasley x fleur delacour dudley dursley x anyone magical for his redemption arc any minor character ships where we can develop backstories! (just off the top of my head for characters that I love to develop: michael corner, padma patil, justin finch-fletchley, theodore nott, terry boot, susan bones, blaise zabini)
the hunger games: finnick odair x annie cresta haymitch abernathy x effie trinket coriolanus snow x whatever poor girl he decides is going to be his wife gale hawthorne x madge undersee
gale hawthorne x johanna mason ('i could fix him' 'well i could make him worse') finnick odair x ofc (happy to play either role) original tributes in the arena, tribute x mentor if we come up with something good! haymitch x his girl from home (rip babe) asoiaf (book canon): robb stark x jeyne westerling or ofc robb stark x oc if we double! luv writing him sansa stark x jon snow (post parent reveal) jon snow x satin loras tyrell x renly baratheon ellaria sand x oberyn martell catelyn stark x jaime lannister iykyk catelyn stark x roose bolton nooo don't give me the skin of my enemies you're so sexy aha x davos seaworth x stannis baratheon arianne martell x anyone at all! sansa stark x willas tyrell robb stark x margaery tyrell edmure tully x margaery tyrell tbh you can probably persuade me on most canon x canon crack marriages. i got fully invested in lyanna x jaime lannister once so now nothing will surprise me <3 if you're interested in any of these pls like this post so I can reach out and provide my discord!
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Share 10 facts about an OC
I'm actually going to use this to talk about someone who's been brewing in the back of my mind for a bit hehehe. Revna Bolton and her brother, who I can't pick a good name for
Revna is the elder of the two, and she's got a massive fucking bone to pick with her brother because he's younger but the favorite because he's a boy
In the Magnus Archive, Revna would be a Flesh Avatar. I'm thinking she'd be more along the lines of mutilation than cannibalism but. I wouldn't put it past her
Revna ironically takes the most after their father, which is probably part of why she hates her younger brother so bad. Like Revna and her dad are scarily alike sometimes #girlwhoisjustlikeherdadproblems
That being said, Revna's closest friend is her brother because no one else knows what fucked up shit they've been through. But it's also weirdly codependent even though Revna would kill him no questions asked???
When Revna was little, she used to collect bones from victims of her family and use them in like... odds and ends. She's absolutely got a couple things with bone handles that are actually human bones
Revna is very obsessive. She tends to fixate on one person. Usually it starts out fairly positive because she can be charming! It just eventually falls into a "oh something is like. Wrong with you"
Revna has a weird thing about voices? Idk what to tell you. All I know is Revna absolutely has a Thing about voices
In a modern AU @princess-lyanna-stark and Revna were forced to be roommates their freshman year by their dads, and it was AWFUL
Revna would literally rather die than admit it but Revna does love flowers. She particularly likes lilacs and spider lilies
Revna is very incredibly driven by her emotions. Her brother on the other hand is like. Pure logic. So there's plenty of times where Revna should have been caught but her brother managed to talk her out of it at the last second
Idk how much I'm gonna play around with her in certain AUs but! She's a major player in Sum of All by Them Driven
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Rhaenyra's Targaryen Court Ladies in "There is a ghost in your eyes (a promise from a better tomorrow)" (fancast)
Part 3
Sasha Glover (OC) - Crystal Reed

Ollive Umber (OC) - Lily Collins

Zoyla Flint (OC) - Gemma Artenton

Leah Dustin (OC) - Marina Moschen

Genya Forrester (OC) - Lily James

Ryza Norrey (OC) - Katherine Langford

Elinda Massey - Billie Gadsdon

Wynfryd Bolton (OC) - Emma Mackey

#lucerys velaryon#lucemond fanfic#there is a ghost in your eyes#tiagiye#tiagiye ao3#lucemond#aemond targaryen#FANFICEDIT#fanfic edit#Rhaenyra's Court#Sasha Glover#Ollive Umber#Genya Forrester#Zoyla Flint#Ryza Norrey#Leah Dustin#Elinda Massey#Wynfryd Bolton#Original characters#house of the dragon fanfiction#house of the dragon
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The Purge
Pairing: Ramsay Bolton x Lily Bolton // Words:2416 // Ao3 Link
Summary: Written as a sequel to You Made Me. This modern day story is about Ramsay and Lily Bolton's descendant, Royce Bolton, as he spins a tale of one particular night that would change everything for the Bolton family.
Students gathered in a tight-knit group in the middle of the parking lot. Mrs. Easton’s first year of teaching history at North Hill High School was going really well. She had become a fast favorite among students with her interesting takes on history. Today, she brought them to a historical monument for Halloween for a spooky story or two.
“Royce! It’s good to see you!” Mrs. Easton said, all smiles. She tipped her red-rimmed glasses and Royce tipped his black rimmed ones. A common greeting between two history major alumni from Westeros University.
“Good to see you too, Layne!” they embraced as old friends do. “Is this your class?”
“It is!”
“They look like a good group of kids,” Royce put his hands on his hips. “Hate to scare them.”
“Not everyone has ancestry of awful, scary people,” Layne laughed. She turned her attention to her kids. “Every gather ‘round! I want you to meet a good friend of mine. This is Royce. He owns the Dreadfort.”
“Uh uh. My father owns the Dreadfort. I’m just the history nerd of this place.”
“I heard serial killers lived here!” one of the teens shouted.
“Quite a few actually,” Royce Bolton laughed. “Shall we begin? I’m sure my ancestors would love to meet you all.”
“Whoa wait, is this pace haunted?” a girl asked.
“Paige, that’s not—
“It’s alright, Layne.” Royce took over. “There are a few ghosts that haunt The Dreadfort, but before we go in let me ask you guys some questions. What do you know about the Dreadfort?” One teen raised his hand.
“A lot of people died here at the hands of one of your uh, ancestors.”
“Nah dude. He ain’t even human,” his friend cut in. “I watched a youtube video about this dude. He was an animal.”
Royce clapped his hands and laughed. “Careful, he’s my great, great, great, great grandfather. Lord Ramsay Bolton has a bloody history.”
“You’re a direct descendant?” the same girl asked. “That’s so fucked up. He had kids?”
“He had a whole family,” Royce gestured to himself. “Obviously. The seed is strong.”
“He was a vampire, right? That means you’re a vampire too.” Royce laughed even louder.
“We’re gonna put those silly rumors to rest. Let’s get inside the horror house, yeah?”
Royce took the field trip group inside the Dreadfort and started showing them historical aritifacts. How people, especially low borns, lived at the Dreadfort. Outside, everything was placed carefully as if people still lived there. Weaponry hung polished and perfect in the armory. Bedrooms still had original bedsheets and blankets mimicking what it was like to sleep there, including the temperature of the rooms.
“It’s so cold here, what the fuck?”
“Language, Tyrone,” Layne reminded him.
“Sorry, Mrs. Easton. Was it cold here all the time?”
“Yes and no. Fortresses and castles never had central heating and air. They relied on fireplaces and windows to control the temperature of the rooms.”
“Sounds awful,” a girl snapped a pic of outside the window. “Was everyone who lived here miserable?”
“No. In fact, Lady Bolton quite enjoyed the cold.”
“Lady Bolton? Ramsay’s wife? He had a wife?” Tyrone looked confused.
“Yes, again! He had a whole family. Follow me,” Royce took the group to the private dining hall in the Dreadfort. A family portrait of the Boltons stood above the grand fireplace. Roose Bolton stood over them all with Lady Walda by his side. She cradled a small bundle in her arms. Below them was Ramsay and a redheaded girl. The redhead girl’s eyes followed you throughout the room no matter where you stood.
“Is that her? She looks like Hell.”
“She was. Her name is Lilith. Lily for short. She started as a servant for the Boltons.”
“A servant marrying into a noble family? How scandalous!” a girl with glasses laughed. “How did she do it?”
“Lord Ramsay likes redheads. He was interested in her from the beginning. He had many lovers and female servants, but she stuck. She followed his orders to a T. He made her.”
“What do you mean, he made her?” the same vampire commenting teen asked. Royce gestured for all of the teens to sit. They took seats around the dining hall, taking in the wooden dining table and the plush chairs. Royce pulled at curtains, darkening the room around the teens. A smirk hid on his face. The fire was the only source of light in the room. A teen kept a tight grip on his switchblade hidden inside his hoodie.
“What’s all of this?”
“It’s storytime,” Royce sat at the head of the table. “What, are you too scared?” The teen loosened his grip and shook his head.
“Nah. I’m good.”
“Let me tell you the story of Ramsay, Lily, and the first ever recorded purge night.”
“Like the movie? The Purge? Are you serious? That happened?”
“It starts with Lady Bolton up there. Walda had that portrait made for her baby. She took her duties as mistress of the Dreadfort very seriously. Once she had the portrait made, she hung it up for all to see. She was proud to be a Bolton despite their ugly reputation. Ramsay, on the other hand, hated the beautiful painting.” Royce looked into the fire, letting imagination take over. He saw his great, great, great grandfather pace the room.
Ramsay stopped in front of the painting again. He scowled at it. Once he turned, he bumped right into Lily.
“Gods!” Ramsay stepped back. “You’re too quiet. You know that?”
Lily pointed to her ruined tongue, something of his doing.
“Right. Sometimes I regret doing that to you. But then I remember you forced me into doing it. You’ve never lied to me since. And you won’t ever again.” Ramsay caressed her cheek. Lily gave him a smile, but looked to the painting before them.
“I hate it. Her child is above me. I should be the rightful heir. I hate her. I hate him,” Ramsay’s attention turned back to Lily. “I haven’t taught you how to assassinate someone yet.” Lily smiled, picking up what he was implying. She pointed to a guard passing by the room.
“Good. Good question. Walda and the baby are guarded, but I have an idea. Follow me.”
Lily’s red hair flowed behind her, standing out against the soft snow. Their hands brushed against one another’s. Lily was aware of her feelings for her teacher and master. She had often stayed up long nights writing out how she felt, but would always throw it away in the morning. He and Myranda had killed Violet together. She had hoped for that same chance with Myranda.
Still, Myranda stood by his side when Ramsay had gathered the Bastard’s Boys and other bloodthirsty soldiers around him.
“I think it’s time that my father and his wife should be relieved of their duties a rulers of this great house. My father has forgotten his ancestral traditions. Our family used to live like kings. Now, we lived by the grace of the Starks in the North in this pile of shit.” Several guards and boys nodded their heads.
“How do we assassinate him?” someone stupidly asked.
“Don’t use that word,” Myranda scolded. “We cannot be found out before we even start.” Myranda was right. Lily knew. Lily looked out at all of the men. Anyone here would die for Ramsay, not her. She lived for him. As did Myranda.
“We will purge tonight,” Ramsay ordered. “Each one of us will purge ourselves all night long and start anew when we see dawn. After that, we all have a clean slate to carry this house into the future where it belongs, as rulers of the North.”
The idea was too delicious to pass up. Soon, word spread in the nearby villages in quiet whispers. No word had reached Roose’s ears. The Bastard’s Boys reported nothing to their lord. Dusk settled into the Dreadfort’s stones, cooling them off from the day. A single guard took his post for the night. As he sat down, an arrow shot through his ear, killing him instantly.
Another traitor guard took his place and yanked his arrow from his head. He used the bloody arrow again and shot it through a Bolton banner. After seeing the sign, the purge began.
Lily used Ramsay’s daggers at his blessing and slashed her way up to Walda’s room. Myranda followed her, giving her cover and defending her if need be.
“Don’t hold it like that,” Myranda instructed. “Always point the blade out.” Lily narrowed her eyes at the girl. She knew that. She wanted to speak poison back to her, but her stump allowed her only an angry mumbling. Myranda touched her shoulder.
“It’s alright to be nervous. I was too. You’re not alone.”
Lily opened the unguarded, locked door easily. One could claim she had a talent for locks, but no one ever saw her unlock a locked door. It only just opened. Inside the room sat a terrified mother and her infant.
“Please,” Walda begged. “Please spare him. I’ll run off. I won’t ever say anything to anyone. Please!” Lily removed her sympathy several years ago when her own mother left her behind for dead. The dagger sunk into her chest before she could beg more. As Walda took her last breath, Lily could hear screams from inside the Dreadfort. The Purge had taken full effect.
Myranda took the babe into her arms. She calmed him down and smiled down at him. Annoyed, Lily attempted to take the babe from her. Myranda stepped away.
“You don’t have to do this,” she told Lily. “Whatever Ramsay told you to do. You can say no. I know a woman in a nearby village who can take him far away from here.” Lily cocked her eyebrow. Myranda planned this.
Lily moved forward again. Myranda stepped away. “I draw the line at children. Just go and tell Ramsay he’s dead.”
“Who’s dead?” Ramsay appeared behind Myranda. Seeing the squirming infant in her arms, he turned his sights to Lily. “Kill him.”
“No,” Myranda said.
“Did you just—
Ramsay was interrupted by a cut to his face. Blood dripped down his cheek. His anger rose to his chest. “You cut me.”
“Let me take the baby.”
“As long as he breathes, I will never be Lord.”
“Do you think I care?” Myranda shot back. “I’m taking him.” As she pushed past Ramsay, something came over Lily. Seeing Ramsay hurt by his lover, him being told no, it switched something inside. Something she had been hiding this entire time.
Lily jumped on Myranda’s back, sinking her teeth into her neck. It sent all three of them down the stairs, crushing the baby. Myranda tasted so good. Lily had wondered. Myranda never drank, never smoked, and only ever had one sexual partner. Myranda was a feast waiting for the right vampire.
Lily had torn her shoulder apart, reaching some vital arteries. Myranda was already dead when Ramsay had reached the bottom of the stairs. He took in the scene around him. He heard people screaming from other rooms, but this one was quiet. The only sound was Lily’s mouth slurping and swallowing Myranda’s blood and flesh.
The baby laid face down on the stairs, blood pooling around him like a red king.
“How long?” Ramsay asked. “How long have you been this way?”
Lily lifted herself from Myranda and drew on the floor in front of her. Blood and dirt formed the number fourteen.
“You’ve been a vampire all this time you’ve been with my family? That’s why you’ve never aged. Are you a threat?”
Lily shook her head no.
Ramsay looked to the baby. “You are loyal to me. Prove it. Eat the baby.”
Lily crawled over to the infant. As she picked up the infant, blood dripped from his face to the ground. Lily turned the small body over in her hands. Her teeth sank into the baby’s chest. She ate his heart while keeping eye contact with Ramsay. Ramsay could feel gooseflesh taking over his arms.
He had a vampire who was loyal to him. He wasn’t glad or angry. He was scared. He swallowed his fear and kept his eyes on Lily.
“You are more loyal to me than anyone I know. Why? You could kill us all.” Lily dropped the infant. It made a thudding sound on the ground. She drew with her bloody fingers again.
“You love me? Has our time together given you affection towards me?” Ramsay laughed. He watched Lily’s face fall. “No, no, no. Not like that. I’m only shocked.” Ramsay kneeled down to Lily’s level. His knees cover in the baby’s blood now. He took her face and brought her close to him. “You’re my secret now. No one will know. I will keep you safe.”
“After that night, Lord Ramsay took over and married her. They had four children together and ruled together,” Royce smiled as he finished his story.
“I told you they were fucked up. Who marries a girl after she eats a baby? Like who?”
“Language. I know, but still! For real.” Royce stood up and laughed. He walked towards the door.
“Family was very important to my great, great, great grandfather.”
“You keep saying that,” spoke up the know-it-all. “Lord Ramsay Bolton ruled in like the 16th or 17th century right? It’s 2019. Wouldn’t he be like your great grandfather times infinity?” Other students snickered at the joke. Royce snickered too as he locked the door.
“No. Lord Ramsay Bolton is only my great, great, great grandfather. That’s how bloodlines work. Just as Lady Lily is my favorite grandmother.”
“That’s sweet of you to say about someone you never met.” Mrs. Easton walked towards Royce. Royce turned to her with glowing red eyes.
“What do you mean? My grandmother’s right behind you.” Mrs. Easton and her students turned to a gruesome sight. There was Lady Lily Bolton. Her sunken eyes and older bones crawled on the wall towards the family portrait. Students scrambled behind Mrs. Easton for safety.
Mrs. Easton looked to her old friend. “Royce—
“Shut up, Layne. You were always too damn perfect for this world.”
“The kids!”
A singular hiss came from Lily. Her white hair parted so the teens could see her stump salivating and pulsating in her mouth. Royce walked towards his favorite grandmother.
“I really hate kids. They always mess up everything, don’t they?”
Ultimate Tag List (People who wished to be tagged in EVERY work I post.)
@angelicshinigami @sugarwastaken @carilov09 @i-theredqueen@sleepylunarwolf@loki-0fasgard @parkerplexed
Game of Thrones Tag List (People who wish to be tagged in everything GoT related)
@boltonblade @why-so-red @sj-thefan@sunshinesydney-blog@drunkenpoets@antiscocialfanwarrior@fraueninflammen@fnnexua @wanna-plan-world-domination@bravado07@k-macncheese@lokimysunandstars@theladyofrice @tyri-yawn@kcd15@theocatkov @oberyners@ragnarssonsbitch @storytellersun@ren-ni @beautifuldisaster2000
#ramsay bolton#lily bolton (oc)#game of thrones#got#got fanfic#game of thrones fanfic#ramsay bolton fanfic#one shot#ramsay bolton x lily#vampires
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Miscellaneous OC Masterlist
*note: several of these ideas may get scrapped, but I’m not ready to make that commitment yet!
Name: Amelia Bolton
Story: Never Grow Up
Fandom: High School Musical
Face Claim: Dianna Agron
No one outside of her family knew why Amelia Bolton was in the hospital. Actually, most people didn’t even know that she was in a hospital, just that she wasn’t at East High. But, after spending Christmas at a ski lodge, Lia is returning to school with a brand new attitude. The status quo is a hell of a lot more dangerous than anyone seems to realize, and it’s time for East High to get rid of it, even if Lia has to destroy it with her bare hands.
Name: Beatrice Devereaux
Story: 365 Days
Fandom: Princess Diaries
Face Claim: Hannah Dodd
Beatrice Deveraux had always had a lot in common with her big brother, including a taste in girls. Unfortunately, this time, the girl in question is none other than the Princess Amelia Thermopolis herself. First, she wants nothing to do with any Deveraux, which, given their uncle, fine. But then she gets engaged and continues to flirt with her brother? So not fair. Now she’s refusing to get married, and somehow in all of this obsessing over the princess, Beatrice completely forgot that she was supposed to be wed by the time she turns 21. Who better to understand her plight than the princess-turned-queen?
Name: Corrine Denton
Story: Bravado
Fandom: Dare Me
Face Claim: Sydney Sweeney
Cori Denton knew that she would never be a part of Beth-And-Addy. She was number three. Not the Captain or the Lieutenant; always the third wheel. She had accepted that she would always be on the outskirts, that she would never breach that infamous inner circle. But when the new Coach arrives to shake up the entire foundation upon which the Squad, and Cori’s life, is built, the rules that she’s always taken as law start to crumble.
And when Sarge Will turns up dead, it’s all Cori can do to make sure that she doesn’t go down with a rapidly sinking ship.
Name: Elliot Stinson
Story: Untitled
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother
Face Claim: Blake Lively
Name: Eve Holliday
Story: A Christmas Eve
Fandom: The Santa Claus
Face Claim: Emilia Clarke
Name: Gaylette
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Wicked
Face Claim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Fiyero Tigelaar
Name: Gigi Ross
Story: The Perks Of Being Invisible
Fandom: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario
Name: Hazel Spengler
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Face Claim: Natalia Dyer
Love Interest: Zac Dawson
Name: Ilianora Aderyn
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Wicked
Face Claim: Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Fiyero Tigelaar
Name: Isabel Ozera
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Vampire Academy
Face Claim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Rose Hathaway
Name: Isadora Turner
Story: The Beast Below
Fandom: Pirates Of The Caribbean
Face Claim: Lily James
Name: Joni Evans
Story: Untitled
Fandom: High School Musical
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Troy Bolton
Name: Matilda Banks
Story: Paper Hearts
Fandom: Misfits
Face Claim: Lucy Hale
Love Interest: Nathan Young
Crime: Theft of prescription medication
Power: Speed-reading
Matilda Banks has always been able to talk herself out of anything. Excuses fell from her lips like breathing, sweet smiles and easy flattery kept her from ever being held accountable. Until she was caught stealing adderall from Superdrug, not even her own prescription, and, despite getting away with it countless times in the past, she was actually charged and assigned to community service with a group of misfits at Wertham’s Community Centre.
Name: Theodora Swann
Story: Deluge
Fandom: Pirates Of The Caribbean
Face Claim: Alicia Vikander
Name: Valencia Edwards
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Princess Diaries
Face Claim: Phoebe Dynevor
Love Interest: Nicholas Devereaux
Name: Venus Avery
Story: Charmed
Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario
Love Interest: Nathan Young
Crime: Public Indecency
Power: Charisma
Seemingly endless hours of community service was never what Venus Avery had wanted to do with her time, but after getting arrested for public indecency, intoxication, and recreational drug use, she doesn’t exactly get a say in the matter. So she sucks it up and reminds herself that it’ll be over soon enough, and shows up to Wertham Community Centre, just in time for a storm to hit.
Name: Zac Dawson
Story: Untitled
Fandom: Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Face Claim: Joe Keery
Love Interest: Hazel Spengler
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pick 3 ocs, what are there confront characters?
ur mind... amazing as always!! ok so not all of my ocs watch a lot of tv or any so i went with in universe ppl ~
noor hargreeves: reginald... like thas it
reyenna stark: most of the lannisters and boltons but also lowkey robert baratheon
nova bennett: esther, mikael, abby, bill forbes, mr. lockwood (forgot his name?? was it richard?? ) wes maxfield but also everyone in augustine including lowkey grayson, probably lily salvatore and the heretics if she ever meets them, and sometimes her dad rudy and the salvatores depends on her mood lmaooo
tysm for the ask!!!!! 💖💖💖
#oc: nova bennett#oc: reyenna stark#oc: noor hargreeves#love me only naming a few for my other characters and then w nova i'm like: everyone basically#witchofinterest
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How did you come up with girl!Domeric? It's not a common genderbent.
I actually didn’t come up with Nell first- I came up with the plot. To be specific, the first scene/plot point of Haunt/Hunt I ever envisioned or outlined in any way was Robb’s return which I thought could be a major set piece in this really vivid gothic romance sort of story. Who are the most goth house in Westeros? The Boltons, obviously. Then I thought maybe I could mix up some sort of Romeo & Juliet-esque romance into it, with Robb marrying a woman from the Starks’ ‘ancient enemies’, and then the entire idea of Nell surfaced. At first I wasn’t sure if I wanted to just be like ‘oh, Bethany Ryswell had two kids with Roose- Domeric and a daughter’, but ultimately I decided on the genderbent, I guess because I’d read fics involving a sister of Domeric and Ramsay before and I didn’t want to do that specific plotline. Fun fact: in my very first outline her name was Briony, I believe because I was trying to keep with the ‘B name ending in a Y’ theme of Bethany and Barbrey. Then I decided Briony Bolton sounded kind of weird and incongruous, and I also wasn’t pleased with the character I’d vaguely sketched out for her- originally she was going to be much more soft-spoken. Then I rebooted her and decided to call her Donella mostly because it’s sort of similar to Domeric and is seemingly a common Northern name. One of my biggest pet peeves with any OC fics in when the names don’t ‘fit’ with the setting. Maybe it sounds snotty but I really, really don’t want to read about a ‘Luna Stark’ or a ‘Lily Lannister’. I also liked being able to nickname her Nell, to the point where I sometimes get confused when people address her as ‘Donella’ in the comment section. Then she sort of just took charge and decided to write herself. She informed me in no uncertain terms that she was raised by Barbrey, loved horses and hunting, and was far from falling over herself with flattery at the thought of wedding some ‘coddled little Starkling’. I think her brashness and her attitude and her just being so teenaged and petty and in such pain beneath the cold surface really appealed to me. There’s a lot of things about Haunt/Hunt that I dislike or would do differently if I were to write it again, but I don’t think I would ever, ever change Nell’s sour attitude and constant eye-rolling in her earliest chapters. I think it threw some people off because just two weeks or so before I started Haunt/Hunt I had just finished off I Was Whole, which has people like Elia and Rhaella as much more ‘likable’ narrators and I definitely got more than a few comments along the lines of ‘I want to read this fic, but I can’t stand Nell’ or ‘what the fuck is this girl’s problem, she’s so annoying’. Which, honestly, good lmao. That’s the point, at least I think. I am very proud of her character development and I am very proud to have written someone who transforms from this bratty (albeit with some good reasons), self-absorbed teenager to this incredibly resilient and compassionate woman. I’m not trying to pat myself on the back (trust me, I think Haunt/Hunt has its fair share of plot, pacing, and character issues) but I do like that she doesn’t immediately ingratiate herself to the Starks, that she’s not very adoring of the direwolves, that she immediately picks fights with Jon Snow, that she tries to manipulate Robb and that she finds his sisters annoying. I think it makes her a more human character.
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🍬 Halloween OC Icon Giveaway [2/?] 🍬
🎃 Lily Winchester ➳ Sink or Swim {Supernatural} 👻 @ginnypotterr 🎃 Myra Stark ➳ A Vow Without Honor {Game of Thrones} 👻 @have-fun-storming-the-kastle 🎃 Rose Carter ➳ A Rose By Any Other Name 👻 @kkiyomizu 🎃 Q Proctor ➳ Reality in Motion {MCU} 👻 @cassercole 🎃 Ash Mallory ➳ Guilt {Being Human US} 👻 @darknightfrombeyond 🎃 Hazelyn Bolton ➳ Defying Demons {Game of Thrones} 👻 @darkwolf76 🎃 Brady Nash 👻 @purple-and-red-ribbons 🎃 Juniper Evans➳ We Might Fall {Harry Potter} 👻 @darkwolf76 🎃 Roanne Kenner ➳ The Noble Stag and the She Wolf {The Originals} 👻 @carlylynnmikaelsonscamander
If using please like or reblog.
#ocappreciation#halloween icons#icons#oc fanfic#oc fanfiction#oc fic#selena gomez#adelaide kane#nina dobrev#emmy rossum#sophia bush#alex ferris#keri russell#missy peregrym#supernatural#game of thrones#mcu#being human us#harry potter#the originals#that is the only couple one i'm doing#i got it from one of my manips
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Princess Lucilla Targaryen
She left Dreadfort Lady Lucilla Bolton-Tully. She arrived in King's Landing Princess Lucilla Targaryen.
The marriage of Prince Thomaryon to Victor Bolton's only daughter caused a scandal that rippled across the entire realm. The Lannisters were left enraged at what they viewed as a massive slight. The prince had stolen the heir to Casterly Rock's bride practically right out from under him, and they promised retribution for the offense. The Boltons were none too happy either, considering the marriage had been conducted without either Lord Victor's or his brother's consent.
Whispers immediately began to spread. Rumors that the prince and new princess had been engaged in an illicit affair for over a year. That the prince had stolen the Bolton beauty against her will. And even that the hasty marriage had been conducted because the prince had gotten Lady Lucilla with child.
Word also said that Pollyanna nearly had a fit when the prince returned on dragon back with his new wife in hand. For while not officially announced, she had been scheming to have him engaged to a noblewoman from a house considered much higher in status than House Bolton. This immediately soured Pollyanna towards the new princess, and their relationship never truly recovered. Lucilla was met with suspicion and wariness from the rest of the Targaryens due to their tumultuous relationship with House Bolton. Though most of them warmed to her in time.
Despite the rocky beginnings, it became notable quickly after the princess's arrival the positive effect that she had on the prince. Where Thomaryon had once been an often sullen and cold presence at court, he was said to smile and laugh more when his wife was by his side. And all who saw them together were quick to remark on the deep love and devotion that they shared. The prince involved his wife in most matters at court, often seeking her advice on matters related to his duties both as prince and hand of the king. At Thomaryon's urging, the king granted Princess Lucilla a position alongside her husband on the Small Council, and she was often heavily involved in the ruling of the kingdom.
Tagging: @justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark @cillmequick @shelbydelrey @peakyswritings
@evita-shelby @darklydeliciousdesires @moral-terpitude
#lucy winters#my ocs#game of thrones au#lucy bolton-tully#lucy targaryen#my moodboards#lily creates#lucy targaryen x tommy targaryen
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Hey guys! It’s the admin of @instahansen with another social media blog! If you don’t know me, my name is Abigail, I love musicals and dogs, and writing. So this post is just some AU notes and such. I hope you enjoy!
AU Notes
-Modern (obviously)
-The Romanovs were killed in a “car wreck” (conspiracy theories about it come up)
-Anya lived in the foster system for a while, until her Grandmother could take custody of her
-Anya met Dmitry in high school, after finding out that they both knew Vlad and Lily.
-Anya and Dmitry are currently together
-Anya’s a teacher, and Dmitry’s a reporter
-Christy Altomare as Anastasia (Anya) Romanov
-Derek Klena as Dmitry Sudayev
-John Bolton as Vlad Popov
-Caroline O’Connor as Lily Malevsky-Malevich
-Mary Beth Piel as The Dowager Marie
-Ramin Karimloo as Gleb Vaganov
-Nicole Scimeca as Victoria Ipolitov
-Julia Morgan as Alexandra Nikolai
-Delilah Pellow as Jane Seigfred
-Lyrica Woodruff as Lilith Bolkonskaya
There is also a guest appearance by yours truly. I might add more ocs later
Dmitry x Anya
Vlad x Lily
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!
#anastasia#anastasia broadway#broadway#bway#anya#dmitry#vlad#lily#christy altomare#derek klena#dimya#anya x dmitry#vlad x lily#social media au#anastasia social media au#musical
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Muse list
Jason Blossom (canon divergent)
Lorna Hill (Serpent oc)
Sweet Pea
Joaquin DeSantos
The Originals
Sean O'Connell (canon divergent)
Henrik Mikaelson (canon divergent)
Henrika Mikaelson (gb!Henrik)
Marcy Deveraux (oc, older half-sister to Monique)
Marcel Gerard
Hel Mikaelson (oc, twin sister to Hope)
Tristan de Martel
Aislinn Fields (oc, daughter of Camille)
Josh Rosza
Dante (oc, student at the Salvatore boarding school)
Devon Reyes (oc, crescent wolf)
Roman Vasilyev (oc, student at the Salvatore boarding school)
Thalia Gerard-Mikaelson (oc, daughter of Marcel and Rebekah)
Emil (canon divergent, Marcel's half-brother)
Valdís Anseldottir (daughter of Esther and Ansel, younger sister of Klaus)
Velona Griffith (daughter of Eva Sinclair and Vincent Griffith)
Seanna O'Connell (daughter of Klaus and Camille)
The Vampire Diaries
Lily Hildegard (oc, daughter of Nora & Mary Louise)
Nikolai Petrov (oc, older brother of Katherine)
Jeremy Gilbert
Elena Gilbert (canon divergent, non-delena)
Damon Salvatore (canon divergent, non-delena)
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Michaela Salvatore (oc)
Mary Louise
Malcolm (heretic)
Valerie Tulle
Miranda Salvatore (oc, delena child)
Stefan II Salvatore (oc, delena child)
Jamie Forbes (oc)
Grayson Gilbert (canon divergent)
Game of Thrones
Trystane Martell
Sawyl (human!Summer)
Ser Padraic Pounce (human!Ser Pounce)
Sebastian (human!Shaggydog)
Nymeria (human!Nymeria)
Rickon Stark (older verse, canon divergent)
Nathaniel Karstark (oc, lord of Karhold)
Laelia Baratheon (oc, twin of Joffrey)
Cassia Bolton (oc, bastard daughter of Roose)
Harry Potter
James Potter (canon divergent)
Ailis Rowle (oc, daughter of Thorfinn Rowle)
Lily Moon
Fabienne Weasley (oc, twin of Ron)
Disney's Descendants
Prince Alexander (oc, older villain brother of Ben)
Snowy (oc, daughter of Snow White)
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-wan Kenobi
Skyra Naberrie (oc, younger sister of Padmé, Jedi padawan/sith apprentice)
Jesse St James
Cora Michaels (oc)
Natalia St James (oc, younger sister of Jesse)
Alexander Drake (oc)
Nicolette da Revin (oc)
Beth Corcoran
Carmine Falcone
Tamara Galavan (oc, younger sister of Theo and Tabitha)
Kurt Wagner
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Fenrir (norse mythology)
Joey Parker (another cinderella story)
Sleipnir (norse mythology)
Teen Wolf
Theo Raeken
Stiles Stilinski
Liam Dunbar
Malia Tate
9 notes
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2019/07/27/training-camp-day-2/
Training Camp Day 2
Packers Notes
Here are today's roster moves: Signed: *RB Corey Grant. *DL Olive Sagapolu. Cut: *DL Eric Cotton. Packers roster back at the 90-man limit. https://t.co/zifSnYDDHK
— Rob Demovsky (@RobDemovsky) July 26, 2019
Pretty quiet start today. Lots of drill work & jog throughs. Some players who looked sharp in receiving drills: Darrius Shepherd Jace Sternberger Robert Tonyan Davante Adams Boyle was also very accurate in receiver drills. Kizer has not had a strong start to camp at all.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
During 1st and 10 period, offense ran 15 plays and 11 of them were runs. QBs were in shotgun just twice.
— Tom Silverstein (@TomSilverstein) July 26, 2019
Oh that was sick. Fake a sweep to MVS and threw a backside slant to Davante in the vacated space. I enjoyed.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Rodgers, Kizer, Wilkins was QB rotation earlier. Rodgers, Boyle, Wilkins now.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Saw a lot of 21 personnel in yesterday’s install. Today, the inverse. Lots of 12 personnel for #Packers with Robert Tonyan getting a good helping of first-team reps.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Offense can’t get lined up and needs to call a timeout. Really tough showing for the offense so far, defense is dominating. Kizer with the 2s in this session as he fires to Sternberger who gets up field nicely. Defense stuffs Tre Carson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
And that’s it. 2 hours, 12 minutes pic.twitter.com/exmiCqDa4O
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Matt LaFleur speaks to the media following Friday's #PackersCamp practice 🎥 https://t.co/kMlZoiZHy1
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) July 26, 2019
LaFleur never considered moving practice indoors today with rain: “Last time I checked, this is football. And I’m sure we’re going to be playing in elements up here in Green Bay.” Unless there’s an injury risk, LaFleur says practice stays outdoors.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
LaFleur says Brian Gutekunst had his eye on RB Corey Grant, but #Packers OC Nathaniel Hackett helped recruit Grant over some other options. Hackett was around Grant in Jacksonville. “I know he’s really, really fast,” LaFleur said if Grant.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Somehow I forgot Oren Burks on this list and Za’Darius Smith deserves mention too! https://t.co/zNkAgUczdh
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Day 2 work.#PackersCamp pic.twitter.com/jq8TOA0QTQ
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) July 26, 2019
Josh Jackson, Darnell Savage, Mason Crosby, Greg Roberts not practicing for second straight day.
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
And Brown is back on the field already https://t.co/KLExpgWATi
— Rob Demovsky (@RobDemovsky) July 26, 2019
#Packers LB Kendall Donnerson left the practice field. Grabbed his left leg during special teams work.
— Jim Owczarski (@JimOwczarski) July 26, 2019
#Packers HC Matt LaFleur on today’s injuries: Kendall Donnerson did tweak a hamstring.
— Jim Owczarski (@JimOwczarski) July 26, 2019
Fadol Brown with a big time run stuff against Dexter Williams. That was a flash play for Fadol. Next play guess who shoots in the backfield again… Fadol Brown. Carrying over from a good showing in OTAs. Randy Ramsey down and trying to walk it off.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Sagapolu said he’s not totally healthy from the injury (torn rotator cuff) that ended his college career. Thinks he’s about 85%.
— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) July 26, 2019
Aaron Rodgers
Sweet back shoulder throw from Rodgers to EQ over Alexander. Nice sky from EQ
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
King picks off Rodgers on errant pass to Adams.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
More team work: Rodgers to Allison on a quick pass, nice route from 81, super quick throw from 12. Fake jet to MVS – Davante cooks King – easy money from 12. Davante doing Davante things. King continues to struggle with in breakers. Rodgers to Baylis who fumbles but recovers.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Outstanding timing throw from Rodgers to Adams in team. Thrown well before Adams made his break, dropped into a hole in the zone. Money.
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
DeShone Kizer
Kizer hits EQ on a DEEP post and the offense goes nuts. Qb2 threw a dime.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Just an insane throw by Rodgers with ridiculous touch & anticipation to Adams vs. King. Nobody in the league is stopping that play, completely boss level stuff from both. PBU & sticky coverage by Tramon on G-Mo. Alex Light great job on Gary. Kizer finds EQ who explodes up field
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Offense can’t get lined up and needs to call a timeout. Really tough showing for the offense so far, defense is dominating. Kizer with the 2s in this session as he fires to Sternberger who gets up field nicely. Defense stuffs Tre Carson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tim Boyle
Dime from Boyle to Jawill but Jawill drops the over the shoulder catch. Jawill had his man beat. After the great reps from Burks he gets beat by Malcolm Johnson but almost ends up with a pick after the throw wasn’t handled by Johnson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Boyle quick throw outside to T-Davis. Boyle continues to get a ton of of work with the 2’s ahead of DeShone Kizer. Boyle seems to have a legit shot at QB2. Fadol Brown having a freaking day. Just would have sacked Boyle who fired deep post to J’Mon anyway but it’s off target.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tim Boyle wirh a ridiculous starter level throw to hit Davante Adams for a big gain. Fantastic anticipation and Adams made a great adjustment and catch. It is ridiculous how much the game has shown down for Adams. Boyle w/ another huge anticipation throw to a sliding Kumerow!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Manny Wilkins
Manny Wilkins gets three reps. Two handoffs and a bootleg where he throws high to a wide open Tonyan for an incompletion. Tough way to live trying to make a team.
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Wilkins climbs the pocket and delivers a nice pass to Moore on a crosser #Packers
— Wes Hodkiewicz (@WesHod) July 26, 2019
Davante Adams
More team work: Rodgers to Allison on a quick pass, nice route from 81, super quick throw from 12. Fake jet to MVS – Davante cooks King – easy money from 12. Davante doing Davante things. King continues to struggle with in breakers. Rodgers to Baylis who fumbles but recovers.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tim Boyle wirh a ridiculous starter level throw to hit Davante Adams for a big gain. Fantastic anticipation and Adams made a great adjustment and catch. It is ridiculous how much the game has shown down for Adams. Boyle w/ another huge anticipation throw to a sliding Kumerow!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Feel like the WR competition is just getting started, but right now Marquez Valdez-Scantling is pretty clearly ahead of EQ St. Brown as the second perimeter WR across Davante Adams. (Geronimo Allison in the slot.) Will that continue the next five weeks? Way too early to know.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Outstanding timing throw from Rodgers to Adams in team. Thrown well before Adams made his break, dropped into a hole in the zone. Money.
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Feel like the WR competition is just getting started, but right now Marquez Valdez-Scantling is pretty clearly ahead of EQ St. Brown as the second perimeter WR across Davante Adams. (Geronimo Allison in the slot.) Will that continue the next five weeks? Way too early to know.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
More team work: Rodgers to Allison on a quick pass, nice route from 81, super quick throw from 12. Fake jet to MVS – Davante cooks King – easy money from 12. Davante doing Davante things. King continues to struggle with in breakers. Rodgers to Baylis who fumbles but recovers.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Sweet back shoulder throw from Rodgers to EQ over Alexander. Nice sky from EQ
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Kizer hits EQ on a DEEP post and the offense goes nuts. Qb2 threw a dime.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Feel like the WR competition is just getting started, but right now Marquez Valdez-Scantling is pretty clearly ahead of EQ St. Brown as the second perimeter WR across Davante Adams. (Geronimo Allison in the slot.) Will that continue the next five weeks? Way too early to know.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Just an insane throw by Rodgers with ridiculous touch & anticipation to Adams vs. King. Nobody in the league is stopping that play, completely boss level stuff from both. PBU & sticky coverage by Tramon on G-Mo. Alex Light great job on Gary. Kizer finds EQ who explodes up field
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Trevor Davis
Trevor Davis just went up and got one against Kevin King in 1-on-1s. Will be interesting to see whether he can do enough at WR to make the 53 man and be the Packers’ main returner.
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
Trevor Davis on jet sweep with Jimmy Graham leading excellent blocking.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Jaire Alexander, Trevor Davis and Tramon Williams back returning punts. #Packers
— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) July 26, 2019
Jake Kumerow
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Aaron Rodgers to @WarhawkFootball Jake Kumerow. Catch. The #Packers crowd cheers LOUD.
— Lily Zhao (@LilySZhao) July 26, 2019
Tim Boyle wirh a ridiculous starter level throw to hit Davante Adams for a big gain. Fantastic anticipation and Adams made a great adjustment and catch. It is ridiculous how much the game has shown down for Adams. Boyle w/ another huge anticipation throw to a sliding Kumerow!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
J’Mon Moore
Manny Wilkins with a very nice post throw to J’Mon who had separation, makes a move in the open field and makes a huge play. Best play by J’Mon In camp so far. Sullivan almost picks Boyle on a slant. Ball was bobbled a few times, good play by Chandon.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Jawill Davis
Dime from Boyle to Jawill but Jawill drops the over the shoulder catch. Jawill had his man beat. After the great reps from Burks he gets beat by Malcolm Johnson but almost ends up with a pick after the throw wasn’t handled by Johnson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Aaron Jones
Jones made a sweet over the shoulder catch on his rep. Going to be a weapon in the passing game. https://t.co/djygPIXEez
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Packers No. 1 RB Aaron Jones: “I feel like I’m slept on a little bit, but I’ve been an underdog my whole life.” pic.twitter.com/TzRzFevlOD
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
Cool tidbit from Packers RB Aaron Jones today: He worked on his hands this offseason in El Paso, Texas by having high school QBs throw to him, and sometimes purposely throw bad passes. He took them to the movies afterward a couple times as a thank you for helping him.
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
Jamaal Williams
Raven Greene fills his gap well and shuts down Jamaal Williams. Williams just not very elusive in the open field. Tim Boyle with an attempted deep back shoulder to J’Mon but Ka’dar has sticky coverage and breaks it up nicely. One rookie to keep an eye on.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Dexter Williams
Dexter Williams is back after dropping out with an illness yesterday #Packers
— Wes Hodkiewicz (@WesHod) July 26, 2019
Aaron with a bomb to MVS but Jaire was ALL over it. Breaks it up and almost comes down with a 1-handed pick. Dexter Williams cuts back nicely before he ran into Rashan Gary who was on the edge waiting for him. Nice run by Williams.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Corey Grant
Packers add former Jaguars running back, who has 38 games of NFL experience. Roster now back at 90. https://t.co/nLpi0H5UF8
— Rob Demovsky (@RobDemovsky) July 26, 2019
The #Jaguars RB Corey Grant is a top tier #RAS athlete and was @PFF's highest rated RB this week. pic.twitter.com/lI6oRGt63j
— Kent Lee Platte (@MathBomb) August 15, 2017
Jersey number for the newest #Packers running back Corey Grant. pic.twitter.com/CedIohTIwj
— Jim Owczarski (@JimOwczarski) July 26, 2019
As was evident from today’s attendance list … pic.twitter.com/4RbTPk2n73
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Corey Grant shows off that 4.28 speed as he bursts to the outside for what would have been a big gainer. Jet sweep to Trevor Davis works very well for a gain of 15-20 to the outside left. Montravius Adams stuffs Jamaal Williams for a loss.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Jimmy Graham
Trevor Davis on jet sweep with Jimmy Graham leading excellent blocking.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Marcedes Lewis
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Jace Sternberger
Offense can’t get lined up and needs to call a timeout. Really tough showing for the offense so far, defense is dominating. Kizer with the 2s in this session as he fires to Sternberger who gets up field nicely. Defense stuffs Tre Carson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Robert Tonyan
Robert Tonyan gets first TE rep in team period today. He’s getting a real chance to not just make the roster, but contribute.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Saw a lot of 21 personnel in yesterday’s install. Today, the inverse. Lots of 12 personnel for #Packers with Robert Tonyan getting a good helping of first-team reps.
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
Evan Baylis
More team work: Rodgers to Allison on a quick pass, nice route from 81, super quick throw from 12. Fake jet to MVS – Davante cooks King – easy money from 12. Davante doing Davante things. King continues to struggle with in breakers. Rodgers to Baylis who fumbles but recovers.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Malcolm Johnson
Dime from Boyle to Jawill but Jawill drops the over the shoulder catch. Jawill had his man beat. After the great reps from Burks he gets beat by Malcolm Johnson but almost ends up with a pick after the throw wasn’t handled by Johnson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Pharoah McKeveer
When they came up with the word “lumbering” to describe the movement of a human being, they had Pharoah McKever in mind…
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Alex Light
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Just an insane throw by Rodgers with ridiculous touch & anticipation to Adams vs. King. Nobody in the league is stopping that play, completely boss level stuff from both. PBU & sticky coverage by Tramon on G-Mo. Alex Light great job on Gary. Kizer finds EQ who explodes up field
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Billy Turner
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Lucas Patrick
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Corey Linsley
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Kenny Clark
Aaron stops to tie his shoe before the snap and then Kenny Clark stuffs Jones. Defense ahead of offense again today so far! Kizer a bomb to EQ for a touchdown on his first rep. He missed EQ yesterday, comes back with a dime today. Big play. EQ won deep for the 2nd day in a row.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
💪💥💪💥@KCBoutThatLife @Montravius1TGE pic.twitter.com/rNPcxEnT3X
— Green Bay Packers (@packers) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Another huddle and an intense last session upcoming. The defense is hype. Here we go!!! Music is blaring. Rollout play one. Preston all over it. Rodgers gets it out to Mercedes incomplete but looks like he was held. Ka’Dar in wirh the ones!!! Clark and Burks stuff Jones!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Dean Lowry
Team time: Lowry with a big time run stuff on Aaron Jones. Toss to Jones and Blake shoots through for a stop. Quick tempo from call in the huddle to the line but it was just an attempt to draw the de offsides, no dice. Za’Darius shoots through the line for a would be sack.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Montravius Adams
Corey Grant shows off that 4.28 speed as he bursts to the outside for what would have been a big gainer. Jet sweep to Trevor Davis works very well for a gain of 15-20 to the outside left. Montravius Adams stuffs Jamaal Williams for a loss.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tyler Lancaster
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Eric Cotton
Cotton is indeed the corresponding move. Packers announce his release. https://t.co/kMBYUmlYMS
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
Kingsley Keke
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Fadol Brown
Fadol Brown with a big time run stuff against Dexter Williams. That was a flash play for Fadol. Next play guess who shoots in the backfield again… Fadol Brown. Carrying over from a good showing in OTAs. Randy Ramsey down and trying to walk it off.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Boyle quick throw outside to T-Davis. Boyle continues to get a ton of of work with the 2’s ahead of DeShone Kizer. Boyle seems to have a legit shot at QB2. Fadol Brown having a freaking day. Just would have sacked Boyle who fired deep post to J’Mon anyway but it’s off target.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Olive Sagapolu
#Packers have signed DL Olive Sagapolu, per his agent.
— Dov Kleiman (@NFL_DovKleiman) July 26, 2019
A new arrival at Packers camp: former Badgers DT Olive Sagapolu. pic.twitter.com/GmlB2l26JA
— Rob Demovsky (@RobDemovsky) July 26, 2019
Wisconsin Badgers nose tackle Olive Sagapolu, who weighs 336 pounds, does a standing backflip on the beach pic.twitter.com/UMiUWbih8m
— Disco Sports (@DiscoSports) May 23, 2018
As was evident from today’s attendance list … pic.twitter.com/4RbTPk2n73
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Sagapolu said he’s not totally healthy from the injury (torn rotator cuff) that ended his college career. Thinks he’s about 85%.
— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) July 26, 2019
Zadarius Smith
Team time: Lowry with a big time run stuff on Aaron Jones. Toss to Jones and Blake shoots through for a stop. Quick tempo from call in the huddle to the line but it was just an attempt to draw the de offsides, no dice. Za’Darius shoots through the line for a would be sack.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
I don’t know what’s going to happen when the pads come on, but Zadarius Smith is CONSTANTLY in the backfield during team drills.
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Preston Smith
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
One on one defensive line vs offensive line Good initial push by Z but Bakhtiari stymies him. Linsley beats Montravius, strong anchor. Clark beats Turner off the line but Turner recovers perfectly. Next rep Turner dominates Clark. Bulaga takes care of Preston.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Another huddle and an intense last session upcoming. The defense is hype. Here we go!!! Music is blaring. Rollout play one. Preston all over it. Rodgers gets it out to Mercedes incomplete but looks like he was held. Ka’Dar in wirh the ones!!! Clark and Burks stuff Jones!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Rashan Gary
Aaron with a bomb to MVS but Jaire was ALL over it. Breaks it up and almost comes down with a 1-handed pick. Dexter Williams cuts back nicely before he ran into Rashan Gary who was on the edge waiting for him. Nice run by Williams.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Kyler Fackrell
Fackrell with a little pressure vs Light. Keke loses rep 1, better rep 2. Patrick gets the best of Lancaster twice. Jenkins and Looney with a good battle 2x. Gary is so damn good. Spriggs no chance. 👀👀👀 Spriggs does better rep 2 but Gary powers through it.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Reggie Gilbert
False start by de Beer. Offense 😬😬😬 Boyle quick pass to Shepherd. Reggie Gilbert gets around de Beer for a would be sack and that does it for practice!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Blake Martinez
Fresh off his INT in team red-zone yesterday, Blake Martinez back working in coverage drills #Packers pic.twitter.com/0DngEIY6dz
— Wes Hodkiewicz (@WesHod) July 26, 2019
Eagle-eyes @rothchris says Martinez gets the strip on Baylis.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
Oren Burks
OB with a great coverage rep against Jones. INT.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
I want to really, really re-emphasize the coverage by Oren Burks. He looked fantastic in both reps. Stuck with Jones on a double move in the open field, jammed him, undercut the route and made a super athletic pick. Huge play for him. https://t.co/NPGWFq4j2E
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Here's that play, for those curious. pic.twitter.com/1XkDI2GXWL
— Olivia Reiner (@ReinerOlivia) July 26, 2019
Dime from Boyle to Jawill but Jawill drops the over the shoulder catch. Jawill had his man beat. After the great reps from Burks he gets beat by Malcolm Johnson but almost ends up with a pick after the throw wasn’t handled by Johnson.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Team time: Lowry with a big time run stuff on Aaron Jones. Toss to Jones and Blake shoots through for a stop. Quick tempo from call in the huddle to the line but it was just an attempt to draw the de offsides, no dice. Za’Darius shoots through the line for a would be sack.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Another huddle and an intense last session upcoming. The defense is hype. Here we go!!! Music is blaring. Rollout play one. Preston all over it. Rodgers gets it out to Mercedes incomplete but looks like he was held. Ka’Dar in wirh the ones!!! Clark and Burks stuff Jones!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Ty Summers
Semi-interesting note: Bolton is definitely running ahead of Summers as of now.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Curtis Bolton
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Semi-interesting note: Bolton is definitely running ahead of Summers as of now.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Jaire Alexander
Sweet back shoulder throw from Rodgers to EQ over Alexander. Nice sky from EQ
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Rodgers heaves one deep to MVS who is blanketed by Alexander, who knocks it away. Should have been picked.
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Jaire Alexander, Trevor Davis and Tramon Williams back returning punts. #Packers
— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) July 26, 2019
Kevin King
Trevor Davis just went up and got one against Kevin King in 1-on-1s. Will be interesting to see whether he can do enough at WR to make the 53 man and be the Packers’ main returner.
— Matt Schneidman (@mattschneidman) July 26, 2019
King picks off Rodgers on errant pass to Adams.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
More team work: Rodgers to Allison on a quick pass, nice route from 81, super quick throw from 12. Fake jet to MVS – Davante cooks King – easy money from 12. Davante doing Davante things. King continues to struggle with in breakers. Rodgers to Baylis who fumbles but recovers.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tramon Williams
Just an insane throw by Rodgers with ridiculous touch & anticipation to Adams vs. King. Nobody in the league is stopping that play, completely boss level stuff from both. PBU & sticky coverage by Tramon on G-Mo. Alex Light great job on Gary. Kizer finds EQ who explodes up field
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Jaire Alexander, Trevor Davis and Tramon Williams back returning punts. #Packers
— Zach Heilprin (@ZachHeilprin) July 26, 2019
Ka’dar Hollman
Raven Greene fills his gap well and shuts down Jamaal Williams. Williams just not very elusive in the open field. Tim Boyle with an attempted deep back shoulder to J’Mon but Ka’dar has sticky coverage and breaks it up nicely. One rookie to keep an eye on.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Another huddle and an intense last session upcoming. The defense is hype. Here we go!!! Music is blaring. Rollout play one. Preston all over it. Rodgers gets it out to Mercedes incomplete but looks like he was held. Ka’Dar in wirh the ones!!! Clark and Burks stuff Jones!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Tony Brown
Kizer hits EQ on a bomb over Tony Brown in his first throw in team work
— Aaron Nagler (@AaronNagler) July 26, 2019
Will Redmond
Some 1x1s. Kumerow beats Will Redmond. M. Lewis beats Preston Smith easy. Vitale runs a nice angle rte in Crawford A. Jones beats Blake on a wheel!!! Grant gets best of Bolton Oren Burks wirh great coverage on Jamaal Williams and then another rep w/ an amazing pick vs. Jones!!
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Chandon Sullivan
Manny Wilkins with a very nice post throw to J’Mon who had separation, makes a move in the open field and makes a huge play. Best play by J’Mon In camp so far. Sullivan almost picks Boyle on a slant. Ball was bobbled a few times, good play by Chandon.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Adrian Amos
Amos makes a really nice play in coverage vs. Adams. So technically sound.
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
Raven Green
Raven Greene fills his gap well and shuts down Jamaal Williams. Williams just not very elusive in the open field. Tim Boyle with an attempted deep back shoulder to J’Mon but Ka’dar has sticky coverage and breaks it up nicely. One rookie to keep an eye on.
— Andy Herman (@SconnieSports) July 26, 2019
Special Teams
JK Scott
That JK Scott can sure kick the hell out of a football. #analysis
— Ross Uglem (@RossUglem) July 26, 2019
With my abacus handy, I has Scott with 56.5 average and 4.44 of hang time on 11 punts.
— Bill Huber (@PackerReport) July 26, 2019
#Packers punter JK Scot got 11 reps vs. rush. Had the wind at his back, and used it well: 48 yards, 4.05 seconds hang 38, 3.80 62, 4.46 60, 4.86 60, 4.65 51, 4.02 63, 4.46 55, 4.58 61, 4.80 62, 4.38 59, 4.58 Avg: 56, 4.42
— Ryan Wood (@ByRyanWood) July 26, 2019
0 notes
The Secret
A/N: Heaven and Amos belong to @call-sign-shark. Warnings for references to abuse and sexual content.
"Lady Lucilla," Tommy said, voice clipped and business-like in its tone. But his eyes were warm, examining her carefully from head to toe. Lucy tried to stifle a shiver when their eyes met once more. "You look well."
She swallowed dryly, fingers tightening around her cup of wine in an attempt to restrain herself from pouncing on him. "As do you, my Prince."
The edges of his lips quirked up, and she was struck with how the dim candle light reflected off of his eyes. The irises were more blue than purple, unlike the rest of his family. And yet she found them more enthralling, somehow. Particularly in contrast to his dark hair and fair skin.
“It’s good to see you.” Those eyes were looking at her in a way that made her heart do a little leap in her chest.
“You too.” Her voice lowered to barely above a whisper, taking a cautious step closer to him. “I missed you.”
His throat flexed. “I missed you too.”
He had been gone longer than either of them had expected. There had been some dispute between the Tyrells and the Lannisters that needed clearing up, and then a situation with the Iron Bank, and he’d been forced to postpone his planned visit up north until both were dealt with. He’d told her all about them in the letters that he sent her. The letters that, risky as it was, she could not bring herself to burn. Not when they were but one of the few pieces that she got to have of him between his visits.
Tommy shuffled a little closer to her. Lucy’s eyes darted warily around the hall, only then remembering that they were surrounded by lords and ladies. Her father and uncle had decided to hold a feast to celebrate yet another of the prince's visits to Dreadfort, and a good share of the North had turned out for it. But everyone was captivated by either their food or conversations, many standing around to mingle throughout the great hall. No one was paying attention to them.
“How are things?” Tommy asked, voice still soft. “Really?”
Lucy shifted from foot to foot. Her hip ached with the memory of colliding into the hard stone floor when she fell after her father slapped her across the face for arguing against him last week. The bruise was mostly faded, but Tommy would probably still notice it later.
One of these days, she wasn’t going to be able to stop him from finally taking matters into his own hands, the political mess it might create be damned. She wondered what her father would do, if he knew that everytime he laid a hand on her, he was risking being fed to a dragon.
But the regular physical and verbal strikes from her father was nothing compared to what other things happened inside their walls.
Of their own accord, her eyes strayed over to where Heavenerys was standing beside Amos. He was speaking to a few lords from the west part of the north, his hand on Heaven’s lower back. As almost always seemed to be the case whenever they were amongst company, these days.
“Not good,” she reported. Tommy sighed, but seemed unsurprised as he rubbed at his brow, shooting a worried look his cousin’s way. Lucy took a sip of her wine, deciding that she would wait until they were in private to give him more details. There would be hell to pay–from Amos, her uncle, and her father–if anyone overheard what she had to tell him.
Tommy’s eyes darted around the hall, fixing briefly on her father where he was seated at the head table, in deep conversation with her uncle.
“Do you think, that maybe we could–”
“My prince!” The interruption startled them both, as Lord Hornwood came bounding over to them, slapping a hand rather presumptuously on Tommy’s shoulder. Lucy raised an eyebrow, wondering if perhaps he’d had a little too much wine that evening. “My my, you really are making a habit of coming up north. What is this? Your fifth visit this year?”
Tommy cleared his throat awkwardly. “Yes, well, my brother and I don’t want you all to think that we’ve gone and forgotten about you while we’re down in the south.”
“Ah, well we appreciate the company, my prince. And the excuse to throw more feasts, of course.” He winked, and started to try to tug Tommy away. “Come, come. You simply must meet Lord Umber’s girl. She’s quite lovely. And recently flowered too, I hear.” He looked Tommy up and down. “I’d say that it’s about time you were wed, no? Come. I’ll introduce you.”
Lucy swallowed hard, a pang of jealousy lodging in her throat. Lord Umber’s daughter was quite beautiful. And an overall lovely girl.
And yet the idea of her–of anyone, for that matter–as Tommy’s wife made her want to climb into bed and weep.
She tried to shake away her envy, knowing that it was uncalled for. He’d pledged and proven his devotion to her several times over at this point. Not to mention that she was practically guzzling moon tea every time that Tommy came to visit.
Tommy smoothly untangled his arm from the drunken lord’s grasp with a polite smile. “I’ll be right there, my lord. I just need to have one last word with Lady Lucilla, first.”
Lord Hornwood nodded, excusing himself. Lucy fiddled with her rings, hoping that her disappointment at their conversation being cut short didn’t show too much.
“I suppose that I should leave you to it, then–” she started to step away, but his hand caught at her wrist.
“Can I see you later?” he asked, eyes wide, desperate. The touch of his warm skin on hers had her nearly folding in on herself, little sparks shooting along her nerves at just the circle of his stocky fingers around her arm. She looked up into his blue eyes, then leaned closer to whisper so that only he could hear.
“I’ll leave my door unlocked.”
Tagging: @justrainandcoffee @evita-shelby @cillmequick @novashelby @call-sign-shark
@shelbydelrey @wonderlanddreamer @peakyswritings @darklydeliciousdesires @lunarubra
#lucy winters#lucy winters x tommy shelby#lucy bolton-tully#lucy bolton-tully x tommy targaryen#tommy targaryen#game of thrones au#my ocs#my moodboards#my fanfiction#lily writes#lily creates
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Lucilla Bolton-Tully x Prince Thomaryon Targaryen
A/N: I swear this was just supposed to be a little blurb. I don't know what happened. But considering it'll be awhile until I get around to writing a full fic for them, I figured it's fine. Warnings for references to sexual content and abuse, because the Boltons suck. Heaven and Amos belong to @call-sign-shark.
"What's wrong?"
Tommy turned his head against the pillows to look down at his lover where she was curled up on his chest. Lucy cocked her head at him knowingly, fingertips reaching up to trace along his jaw. His eyes fluttered at the touch, arm tightening around her shoulders to bring her closer to him. Even under the furs and heavy blankets covering his bed, and the fire roaring healthily in the hearth, he worried about her getting cold.
How she survived up here in the freezing north without getting frostbite would always be a mystery to him.
"Nothing, sweetheart," he said, kissing her forehead. But when he drew back she shot him an unimpressed look, brow raising. He sighed. "I don't want to go home without you."
Lucy's gaze softened, sorrow entering her eyes. "I don't want you to go either."
Tommy felt a twist in his chest. It was getting harder and harder to leave her behind. Each time he returned to King's Landing, it felt like he was leaving a piece of his heart with her. Often he caught himself aching for her, wanting desperately to seek her out and tell her about his day, to share strategies with her, or simply to just hold her in his arms.
He hated even more knowing that he was leaving her to the mercy of her family. He was not a fool; he knew that the Boltons were always on their best behavior whenever he came to visit. A part of him was constantly a little scared of what he may return to each time he stepped back inside Dreadfort's walls.
"When I get home, I'll talk to my brother," he promised softly, caressing her cheek. Lucy blinked, and he could see the beginning blooms of hope growing within her eyes.
"And if he says no?"
Tommy frowned. Things between the Targaryens and the Boltons had been tense--to say the least--since that whole mess with Amos. He wasn't sure how Aerthurys would react to the idea of Tommy marrying one of them. Even if Lucy wasn't like the rest of her family.
And he already knew what Polly would say to such a suggestion.
Ironically, Heaven may be his best ally. Even though they'd had their differences in the past, and she hated the Boltons more than any of them, she had a soft spot for Lucy. She would understand.
But surely he had earned this, hadn't he? After everything he'd done, for the family, for the realm, surely he'd earned at least this one little speck of happiness for himself.
"I'll convince him." He had his arguments laid out and ready in his head. Because while his motivations for wanting to marry Lucy may have had to do with his heart, there were undeniable other advantages to a union between. The Targaryens needed a stronger foothold in the north. And it would perhaps help to at least somewhat mend the schism between their two houses.
Lucy hummed, eyes sparkling. Tommy stroked his fingers through her long, soft red curls.
"Do you think your father will agree?" He knew the rumors that circled around him and his legitimacy. Rumors that he himself would never have an exact answer to. If there was any truth to the whispers about his bastardry, his mother had taken them to the grave. And he knew that Victor Bolton was also insistent that his daughter marry the heir to a high house. Not a second son. It was part of why it had taken him so long to marry Lucy off.
"Not even he's stupid enough to stick his nose up at a public proposal from a Targaryen prince," Lucy said, dipping her head to kiss the center of his chest. Tommy hummed. Yes, he supposed she was right. If the proposal was made public, Victor wouldn't have much choice but to accept it. And he was pretty sure Genevieve would back them. Even if her imbecile husband hardly ever actually listened to her.
He supposed, if all else failed, he could use the fact that he'd taken Lucy's maidenhead--and then bedded her a good many times over after that--to force Victor's hand. But he also half feared that if that information came out, Victor was more likely to kill his daughter for shaming him and his house than to allow her to marry a second son and rumored bastard.
What he knew for sure though, was that they couldn't keep carrying on like this. It was a miracle that they hadn't been caught already, and that no one seemed to have put two and two together as to why he was taking so many trips up north all of a sudden. And if she was caught sneaking in or out of his bedchambers late at night, or sipping the moon tea he ordered for her each morning after they spent the night together, she would be branded a fallen, ruined woman.
And he couldn't keep going stretches of months without seeing her; only able to grab brief little moments here and there whenever he managed to slip away up north for a few days. Kisses in the dark and whispered declarations of love. He wanted her with him always. To be able to love her openly. Like she deserved.
Tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear, he gathered her up in his arms, rolling them so he was on top of her. Lucy giggled as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
"Next time I come here, I won't leave without you," he swore. It didn't matter what either of their families said. If they forbade them from getting married, they'd just do it anyway and damn the consequences.
"I love you," Lucy said, stroking his face, drawing him in closer on top of her while he slipped his body to rest in the cradle of her hips. Tommy felt his chest tighten with emotion.
"I love you too," he whispered, and kissed her again.
Tagging: @justrainandcoffee @call-sign-shark @cillmequick @shelbydelrey @peakyswritings
@evita-shelby @darklydeliciousdesires
#peaky blinders#my ocs#tommy shelby#my fanfiction#lily writes#lily creates#my moodboards#lucy winters#lucy winters x tommy shelby#tommy shelby x oc#tommy targaryen#lucy bolton-tully#lucy bolton-tully x tommy targaryen#game of thrones au
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Lucilla Bolton-Tully
The firstborn of Victor Bolton and Genevieve Tully. The eldest of five and the only girl. Lady Lucilla "Lucy" Bolton-Tully was said to be a great beauty, with her fiery red hair and large green eyes. She could often be found wandering the forests near the castle on horseback, with her trusty dogs at her side. Wild and untamable, she had a fondness for animals and archery, and a deep interest in politics and ruling that her father tried relentlessly to suppress.
From the first moment her cries sounded in the halls of Dreadfort castle, she was giving her father headaches. Her refusal to go by only his house's name was just the tip of the iceberg. Their arguments were said to be legendary, and there was hardly a time when they weren't butting heads over one thing or another.
And he didn't even know about the year-long affair she'd been having with a Targaryen prince, yet.
Tagging: @call-sign-shark @justrainandcoffee @peakyswritings @shelbydelrey @evita-shelby
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