#lilith smite your brothers please
waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
Victorian Vexation
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Sam Winchester x sister!reader, Dean Winchester x sister!reader
@spnaubingo​ square filled: Victorian!AU
Summary: Waking up, you find yourself in a room you don’t recognise and with people trying to force feed some amber “medicine” down your throat. Who are these people? Where are you? And why do these Sam and Dean lookalikes keep saying the just want their sister back?
A/N: Lesson learnt - I suck at summaries but I promise that the fic is more interesting than the summary... maybe even another series idea oops. Anyway, enjoy :)
Waking up, you instantly had a headache. A very obnoxious one at that. Reminds you of when Dean started to mock Sam in a really high-pitched voice not noticing that it was pissing you off as well (but it’s okay, because he had what was coming to him).
  Caught in a memory, with your eyes still clothed, you didn’t notice that a small, slender woman had slipped through your door. Still replaying the memory repeatedly in your head, you exhaled slowly. When a stuttered voice spoke up, you nearly jumped out of your bed.
  “Oh I’m so sorry my lady, I didn’t mean to wake you! I just came to deliver your clothes for the day… and to wait to help you get changed, and to administer your medicine” the lady practically blabbered whilst silently shaking and dropping into a bow.
  You were going to respond with an angry and confused tone but then you took notice of your surroundings. This is not your room. It seemed to be double the size of your old room, the furniture was mahogany but looked quite old-fashioned and specifically designed to make the room appear bigger than it seemed. 
   A mere fireplace was placed to your left, it was quite tall and wide, but lacked the modern feel and the carpet was a disgustingly flowery-patterned one to which you abruptly looked away from. Doing so laned your focus on your bed. It was huge! The headboard itself was about a metre tall with an intricate and flowy pattern but the bedding nearly made you gag. Take a stereotypical grandmother’s nightgown right? Yeah that’s the only connection you could make.
  Realizing the woman, probably mid-twenties, was still hunched over in a shaky bow, you finally addressed someone who was capable of having an intelligent conversation. You propped yourself up against the head-board searching for the gun you kept under your pillow but coming up empty handed.
  “Who are you? Where am I?” You demand. She straightens up and glances at you confusedly, before understanding seems to fall like a curtain over her face. Trying to be discreet, she reaches slowly behind her back for a table you only just noticed for something that looked like a glass jar of amber liquid.
  Calmly she explained, “Miss Winchester, you haven’t had your meds yet, I forgot the spoon for it, stay where you are please miss.” Which obviously prompted more confusion on your part, so watching her leave the room and closing the door behind her, you sat silently with your mouth agape.
  Once you were sure she was out of earshot, you jumped out of bed and went about trying to sneak your way through whatever captivity you were in. Arriving at the door, you tried the handle to find the crazy lady had locked the door! You let out a groan but remembering she reached for that vial of “medicine”. So you went over to investigate it, it read:
(Y/N) Winchester’s medicine.
To be given twice a day, one before getting out of bed and another before going to sleep.
Do not forget a dose!
Caution: Only to be consumed by her. No one else is to consume the substance.
  Now even more confused, you hid the vial in your pyjama pocket (thanking whoever had mercy on you that let you keep them at least) for later because something was definitely giving you a witch’s vibe about this.
  All of a sudden, you heard multiple pairs of footsteps seemingly approaching your room. You hid behind the door and grasped the candlestick that was also on the table to use as a weapon. They came to a stop just outside the door and you heard faint mumbling, “Thank you for coming to get us, Lilith. It was a good decision but you’re dismissed now. My brother and I will give our sister her medicine.”  You made out a light pair of footsteps get more distant as they left after a few seconds but all you could think of was Sam and Dean? What the hell?
    Unprepared for the door opening, you were temporarily stunned out of shock before coming back to your senses and deciding ‘Well hey, they’re most likely not my brothers so what the hell? Might as well whack ‘em’ but that motivation was short lived as two poshly dressed Winchesters barged through the door and immediately pinpointed your location.
   Dean went to grab you, so you swung the candlestick at him but he evaded it with inhuman speed and grabbed your hand and brought it behind your back. He reached out for your other hand and grasped with ease no matter how hard you struggled.
  With both hands behind your back, you decided aiming for his crotch with your heel might be a good idea but Sam still exists so that plan was foiled. Just as you lifted your left leg to bring back on Dean, Sam hefted both legs up by your ankles and, working as a team, they carried you over to the bed. 
  Nevertheless and with stubborn determination, you twist and turn in every possible direction but they appear undeterred. Letting out a scream you seethed, “Get off of me. Where are my brothers, you sick monsters?” 
  Both faces, tight with focus, softened slightly at your words that you took note of and paused you ministrations for a second. A mistake, as this gave Sam the opportunity to sit on your hips and for Dean to restrain your hands above your head.
  Sam looked over at the table, before sighing and looking at you. “Where is the medicine, (Y/N)?”
  Scoffing, you replied “I chucked it out the window, asshole. Now tell me what you’ve done with my brothers? And where the hell even am I anyway?”
  Having had enough of your questions, Sam inserted his hand in your pocket and fished the glass bottle out. Grasping on to common sense for the time, you tightened your lips as much as you could because whatever that potion was it couldn’t be good.
   “Open up, sweetheart. It’s for your own good,” Dean piped in and you gave him the best I-may-be-scared-but-I-will-still-smite-your-ass-look you could muster. He sighed deeply, before coming to a silent decision. Releasing one of his hands from yours, he brought the other to try and wedge them between your lips.
  He’s persistent and slowly but surely, the tightness lessened and you became mildly more terrified. Once they were too sore to press together any longer, you opened them but kept your teeth clenched.
  Sam tutted this time, and reached for the spoon. He un-capped the lid and poured a massive glob of the shitty looking liquid onto it before turning back to focus on you. “You may not want it, but we want our sister, not theirs, so we’ll do this the hard way.” 
 You silently screamed at him as he literally began trickling the medicine between the crevices of your teeth. You barely registered how at least the liquid tasted good before feeling drowsy.
  “There we go, good girl. Now we'll chase away all those nasty thoughts of that unsafe life and monster hunting you had, hm?” Sam.
  “Well done, (Y/N). Go to sleep, we’ll see you when you wake up. Love you, darling,” Dean.
  They both pressed light kisses to your forehead before maneuvering you under the covers and into a more comfortable position.
  “This can’t happen again, Sam. One more time and she’s irredeemable.”
  “I know, Dean. Only a few more doses and Crowley said we could have our sister back.”
  Dean hummed then they both left the room, but not without another “love you” each. Before everything faded into black, you managed a “what the fuck?” Then you were out.
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oceanic-finn · 4 years
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Task: Development
Describe your character in a few words. Funny, amazing, the best -- Finn’s words. I would say charming, friendly, loyal
What do you know about your character that they don’t know yet? Finn is 100% unaware that he’s a big doofus, and he thinks he’s an absolute catch.
What are your character’s major flaws? Generally just being a bit of an idiot, not really thinking before he acts, and being overly cautious about certain things.
What would your character give their life for? Noel, Wyatt, Mira, Briar. They’re his absolute world, and Finn would die to protect any of them. @absentialucis @wyatt-thompson @obscuritas-est-lux 
What is your character’s greatest asset? His charming smile? His bluest of blue eyes? His very small ego? It would probably be how caring he is, when ti comes to any living thing, human or animal. 
What would completely break your character? Noel died and he’d never felt anything like that before, like the world was collapsing in on him. The loss of someone he is so close to... no pain will ever be as bad as that. 
How does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project? Finn likes to portray that he’s a ladies man, that everyone wants him when really he’s just a bit of an idiot and everyone just sort of goes, ‘Oh, it’s only Finn’ 
What is your character afraid of? Now don’t laugh, but he’s very very afraid of jellyfish. He’s a son of Poseidon who hates a sea creature, but absolutely no-one knows. 
Where would your character fall on a politeness/rudeness scale? I’d say he’s definitely an 8 in the politeness range - he’s a nice guy after all!
If your character could choose a different identity, who would they pick? Finn wants to be Batman. Who cares if he’s real or not, he wants to ride around in the Batmobile, wear cape and speak with a really deep voice. 
In what or whom is your character’s greatest faith in? His family, of course. Finn has faith in them all 100%, that no matter what happens they will always have each others back. 
What was the best thing in your character’s life? His friendship with his brother, was always a massive highlight of his childhood. He always had someone to rely on, before Wyatt came around of course that was his best friend. 
What was the worst thing in your character’s life? His mother. Lilith is... a challenge. Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?
What is a favorite flavor or smell of your character?  The sea air, the smell of seaweed, it all makes Finn feel safe and at peace. 
What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character? Finn in uncontrollable laughter “NOEL BEING STUCK IN THE TREE... THE CAT... ”
What is your character’s secret wish? To get away from Icaria, although it’s not a secret to some people. He wants to get those he cares about away from this evil place, and somewhere much safer where gods won’t appear and smite people during charity events.
What is your character’s greatest achievement? Becoming a veterinarian - people doubted him because of his party boy attitude, but he was able to pass his exams with flying colours.
What is your character’s deepest regret? Not being there when Noel died to stop it from happening, and not being there to stop Briar from being kidnapped. It makes him sick to know that these things happened, and he wasn’t there to at least try and stop it from happening. 
What is your character’s deepest disappointment? Being a Thompson by name. It means he’s affiliated to Lilith and Morgana, which he’d rather not. 
What is your character reluctant to tell people? That he’s terrified of jellyfish? That he’s also thirty years old and is getting past the point where he wants to be out at 3am dancing, but he’ll still do it to keep up pretences. 
What is your character hiding from themselves? That he’s not 23 any more and has to slow down. He also wants to play it cool with Briar, but inside he really just wants to tell her that he loves her, and wants her to move in with him.
What makes this character angry? What calms them? People fucking with his family. Don’t do it. Just... don’t. Noel is probably the only person on the island who can calm him down when he’s that heated, because he knows him so well. 
List situations in which your character would not have control over themselves. Anything happening to his family, his friends, his girlfriend or his practice. If someone challenged his intelligence as well because of his personality, that would rile him up. 
How strong is your character’s emotions? Controllable? Uncontrollable? They’re quite uncontrollable at certain times, once he snaps, it’s hard for him to calm down. However, being a vet, he knows how to remain calm in stressful situations. Kinda. Well, no, actually, that’s a lie. That only works with animals and surgery. He’s a very unstable person. 
What wakes your character up in the middle of the night? Briar stealing the duvet - he cannot sleep when he’s cold, he’s a bit of a moaner about it to be fair. He hates being cold when he’s sleeping. Other than that, he sleeps like a log. Someone could break in and he wouldn’t hear a thing. 
Describe a recurring dream and/or nightmare. The Jellyfish nightmare? Erm, no ignore that, he doesn’t want anyone to know about that. Theres another one though. He’s a puddle that keeps being stepped in by people. He has no idea what he means, but he doesn’t like it. 
Describe your character’s family. His mother is the worst mother alive, period. His siblings are the best in the world. His half siblings are great. His cousins are amazing. He’s got a great, huge family in fact - just removed the previous generation, and they’d all be better off.
Name your character’s favourite person and why. Noel. Sorry Briar, but it is. His brother is his other half, with only a short amount of time between them in age, Finn and Noel are a pair that will never be broken up. He can’t remember a time that the two have ever seriously argued, not just over something petty, or in stressful situations. He’s just his best friend.
How many friends does your character have? Finn actually has quite a few friends! He’s a personable person, likes to chat and is generally very open and friendly, so he makes friends quite easily.
How many friends does your character want? As many as he can get! In Finn’s eyes, one can never have too many friends.
How would a friend or close relative describe your character? They’d probably just sigh and be like... well, he’s just Finn, isn’t he?
Who depends on your character? Why? Do the animals in the surgery count? They aways rely on Finn to be in every day (with Noelle’s help of course because he’d be absolutely lost without her) to feed them and make them better. He likes to think that his siblings depend on him too, but he also knows that they’re very independent people. @icarialex
Who does your character most want to please? Why? Obviously Briar - he’s a little bit, teensy tiny bit older than her and wants her to think that he’s a cool guy, and not just a thirty-year old weirdo that has a younger girlfriend. There is a slight worry in his mind that she’s going to find someone closer to her age and leave him, but he also knows that won’t happen. Probably.
How does your character feel about sex? Loves it. Here for it, all day, every day. Well, most anyway. He’s got to get up early to go to work.
How does your character feel about romantic relationships? Finn loves what he has with Briar. Before realising that he was falling for her, he was all up for sleeping around for the rest of his life following his failed wedding attempt. But she changed things up, didn’t she? Made his head do a 180, and he’s fallen hard.
If your character had to live in utter seclusion, what six items would they bring? Wait, so he can’t bring Briar or his family? Then he’s not going. He has to? Ugh, fine. A collection of Agatha Christie books, his hot water bottle (don’t even think about judging), a razor (to keep his hair and beard perfect of course), a sleeping bag, his comfiest hoodie (he’ll get it back off of Briar), and a guitar. May as well learn a new skill whilst he’s stuck alone.
What is your character’s most noticeable trait and most noticeable physical feature? His eyes are pretty blue, they’re quite striking. And he’s always got a smile on his face, showing that he’s a very open person who is always ready for a chat.
How does your character feel about work? Finn loves what he does. He gets to spend all day with animals, annoying the hell out of Noelle, and making them better again - he’s an animal hero, what’s not to love!
Write one headcanon. Finn’s three favourite movies are Titanic, Armageddon and Mary Poppins. Titanic is so emotional, what’s not to love, Armageddon has Bruce Willis saving the world, and JULIE MOTHER FUCKING ANDREWS in Mary Poppins, it’s magical. 
Write one additional thing about your character. He really does want to get a dog, but he’s worried about getting one because he’s seen what happens when dogs get sick, and couldn’t bear to love something and for it to get old in front of his eyes. It makes him sad.
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katymacsupernatural · 5 years
A New Life Chapter 30: Stull Cemetery
Dean Winchester x Reader
1500 Words
Story Summary: You’re a Demon who is trying to erase all the bad you’ve done, by helping the Winchesters. But the price to be good can be too much, even for a crossroads demon.
Catch Up Here: Masterpost
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The cemetery wasn't exactly as you had expected. Antique iron gates guarded the place,  dead weeds threaded throughout. Dean drove the Impala straight through, the classic car groaning at the dirt road pitted with potholes.
Dean's hands were tight on the steering wheel, his jaw clenched tight. "I've driven through this arch before. I was nervous, knowing I was no doubt entering the final moments before the apocalypse. I had classic rock blaring on the radio, trying to act tougher than I felt. But I knew that it had to be done. I had to see my brother even though Lucifer was wearing him as a meat suit," Dean told me, his eyes full of sadness.
You reached over, grasping his hand, giving him a gentle squeeze to comfort him, grateful when he didn't pull away from your touch.
The cemetery was old, the headstones were a mixture of marble and wooden crosses. The grass was overgrown, covering many markers. In the center, at least ten people stood, with Sam laying on the ground, his hands bound behind him. As the Impala rumbled closer, you could see how beaten and bloody he was, and you couldn't wait to go after Ebony. To make her pay for what she had done.
Dean stopped the Impala, looking at you silently for a moment before slowly climbing out. His eyes had been so full of remorse, of pain for his brother that your heart bled for him. You followed him to the front of the car, your hands on your hips as you waited.  
A voluptuous woman walked to the front of the group, her dark hair swinging sinfully to her waist, her skin dark honey. "I was beginning to wonder if you would make it," she purred, her voice sensual and smooth, like honey.
"Ebony, please. Just let Sam go." You pleaded, even though you knew she had no mercy. You had seen that from the beginning, but you had to try.
She just laughed, throwing her head back, her white teeth bright against her golden skin. Her eyes were dark, full of malicious intent, with no hint of remorse. One of her henchmen pulled Sam to his feet, holding him up even though he was unconscious. "You expect me to let go of Lucifer's perfect vessel? Y/N I always knew you were naive and stupid, but this is a new low. Even for you," she chuckled, brushing her hair back.
"How do you even plan on bringing him back? Last time 66 seals had to be broken, and I haven't noticed any of that going around." Dean argued.
Ebony rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Dean I always thought you were smarter than anyone let on. But now I'm beginning to wonder. Why would I have this all set up, all the way out here if I did not have a plan! Lilith, that weak, pathetic, follower, had no idea what she was doing. She wasn't Lucifer's true follower. I was. And I've always known that there was a different way."
You had often heard whispers about this other way. It had become a legend, a myth that no Demon had dared believe to be true. During the apocalypse many had brought it up, wondering if it would have been easier than breaking the seals. If things would have gone smoother. But nobody had known if it was real, or what needed to be done.
"That was just a myth," you retorted. But Ebony just shook her head. "Sweetie, are you really that naive? You must now that every myth always has some truth to it. And this, it might have been a myth, but it's real. And it's happening now," she insisted. You wanted to argue, but your attention was pulled away to Sam, who was slowly waking up.
Dean took that moment to pull the special Demon-killing knife out of his back pocket, holding it out in front of him. "Then we'll need to make sure that it stays a myth," he spoke up, just as Cas stepped out of the shadows.
Ebony nodded her head, signaling her henchmen, and just like that the battle had begun. The two henchmen holding Sam let him fall to the ground. You had your own knife, holding it out in front of you as the Demons started to move.
You quickly lost track of Sam and Cas, two Demons taking you on at once. It took all of your strength to keep up. The bracelet had zapped your powers, making you rely on strength and skill, which weren't much. Finally getting the upper hand, you stabbed one, just as the second overtook you, wrenching your arms behind your back. The knife fell to the ground, leaving you defenseless.
Being held hostage, all you could do was watch the battle unfold in front of you. Dean was busy battling two Demons, swiping the blade around with accuracy. Cas was using his powers, smiting as many Demons as he could, already taking care of three. Sam had risen to his feet, furiously using a knife to cut himself free of the ropes binding him.  
You leaned forward, and with all of your might you snapped it backward, right into the Demon's nose, and you could feel it break under the pressure. "Son of a bitch!" He yelled, releasing you. Scrambling forward, you reached Sam, your blade long forgotten on the ground. Taking his knife from his hands, you finished the job of breaking him free. Rubbing his hands, Sam looked around him at the fight unfolding.
"Sam, I'm so sorry," you muttered, feeling guilty that he had been captured. Sam just shook his head, letting you know without words that he didn't blame you. Instead, the two of you peered out at the battle. Cas was still fighting two Demons but was quickly getting the upper hand. Dean had just finished off the last Demon he was fighting, and was currently glaring at Ebony who only stood five feet away.
"I will go get more Demons to follow me.  This is far from over!" She yelled, no doubt getting ready to leave the battle that had gone so wrong for her. But Dean was quick, and ready for her, pulling a gun from his belt, shooting her in the chest.
She glanced down at the small wound, laughing as she glanced back at Dean. "You puny human, bullets won't harm me."
It was Dean's turn to laugh. "True, but that's not just any bullet. I personally carved a Devil's Trap into that bullet. Which means you're going nowhere."
Ebony's eyes flashed black as she screamed. Nothing had gone her way, and she was furious. Looking down, she picked up a knife that was laying on the ground next to her. Your forgotten Demon killing knife. "This will do quite nicely," she growled, throwing it straight at Dean.
"No!" You screamed, running for Dean as fast as you could. Everything moved in slow motion. You ran as fast as you could towards Dean. Your powers were muted, but you were still faster than a normal human, diving in front of Dean just as a terrible pain bloomed through your chest, knocking you back into Dean.
Dean broke your fall, cradling you in his arms, his gaze searching your face while you stared down in shock at the knife embedded in your chest. Dean hadn't noticed yet, holding you tight against him as he chastised you for jumping in front of him.
It wasn't until your body started flashing orange that he glanced down in surprise, noticing the knife deep inside you. "Oh shit Y/N! Hold still," he told you, pulling the knife out. But it was too late. There was no way you could come back from this. But you were okay with dying. You had saved Sam and stopped Ebony. You had protected the people you loved, and that was all that mattered to you.
"It's okay." You assured him weakly. "We saved Sam. Stopped Ebony. At least this way I'm going out doing something good. Something worthwhile.  
Dean stared down at you, tears falling from his eyes. "You are good, you always have been. I just wish I hadn't been so stubborn to see how much of an amazing person you are, Demon or not."
You smiled up at Dean, your body numb, as the flashing orange faded, and the last thing you hear was Dean crying, "I love you."
Dean/Jensen Tags: @acortez82 @acreativelydifferentlove @adoptdontshoppets @a-girl-who-loves-disney @akshi8278  @bebravekeeponfighting  @brindz30 @cap-just-said-language @colette2537   @deansgirl215   @its-not-a-tulpa @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @just-another-winchester @karouwinchester @keikoraventeller  @krys198478 @librarygeekery @misspygmypie @mlovesstories @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk   @ria132love @ruprecht0420     @sortaathief @superseejay721517 @squirrelnotsam @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @tricksterdean @wonderfulworldofwinchester @woodworthti666
A New Life Tags: @biawol @earthtokace @gh0stgurl @heartsaved @imascio08 @edgaralllenpoop @fralackles @jordannicole56 @kiranagoya @librarygeekery @monkeymcpoopoo @moonstar86 @mypage-myfandoms @newtospnfandom @suckystoryteller @superlightalternateuniverse88 @thatcrazybookwormgeek  @closetspngirl @daeshaunex2 @the-is13  @deathofmissjackson @sammysgirl1997 @megasimpleplan4ever
Forever Tags:  @alexwinchester23 @algud @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove   @artisticpoet @atc74 @be-amaziing @camelotandastronauts @caswinchester2000 @chelsea072498  @closetspngirl   @docharleythegeekqueen @emoryhemsworth @ericaprice2008  @esoltis280   @gh0stgurl @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek  @heyitscam99 @hobby27 @horsegirly99 @internationalmusicteacher @iwriteaboutdean  @jayankles @jensen-gal @just-another-busyfangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @lifelovelaughangell123 @li-ssu @linki-locks11 @littleblue5mcdork  @lowlyapprentice   @maui137 @mogaruke @musiclovinchic93  @nanie5   @percussiongirl2017 @plaid-lover-bay25   @roonyxx @ronja-uebrick @roxyspearing @samanthaharper2018 @samanddeanmyheroes @sandlee44 @shamelesslydean @simonsbluee @sillesworldofwriting @sgarrett49 @spnbaby-67 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnwoman   @superbadassnatural @thatcrazybookwormgeek   @thewinchesterchronicles @vvinch3st3r @whimsicalrobots @winchester-writes @zombiewerewolfqueen
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bamby0304 · 6 years
The Hart III: Secrets
Chapter Three- Ghosts and Dead Hunters
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Three months… Dean was gone for three months and now he’s back. He’s back and he truly has no idea how much things have changed. Life moved on while Dean was in Hell, and now things are complicated. With new faces and troubles right around the corner, will the trio find a way to come back together? Or has all hope been lost?
Warnings: Angst. Slight violence.
I sat on the couch in Bobby's study, flicking through a book while watching my phone, waiting for it to light up and tell me I had a message. I was still freaked after meeting the angel the other day, and wanted to get out on my own for a while. Well… kind of. It's a long story...
Reaching over to my bag, I opened the small bottle that sat inside and poured a pill into my palm. Grabbing the glass of water that sat on the floor by me, I took a sip and put the pill in my mouth before swallowing. The sound of the two Winchester brothers arguing in the kitchen caught my attention as the pill slid down my throat.
"Well, then tell me what else it could be." Sam believed Castiel had been an angel, but Dean didn't.
"Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel." Dean sounded so sure of himself.
"Okay, look, Dean. Why do you think this Castiel would lie to you about it?"
Dean shrugged. "Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie."
"A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!" Sam had a good point.
"Don't you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?"
"Yeah. You just did, Dean."
Dean sighed. "I'm trying to come up with a theory here. Okay? Work with me."
Sam shook his head. "Dean, we have a theory."
"Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please."
"Okay, look. I'm not saying we know for sure. I'm just saying that I think we-"
Dean cut him off, "Okay, okay. That's the point. We don't know for sure, so I'm not gonna believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so!"
Rolling his eyes, Bobby looked up from the book he'd been reading and called out to the two brothers, "You two chuckleheads want to keep arguing religion, or do you want to come take a look at this?"
Reluctantly, both walked over to stand in front of the desk Bobby sat at.
Once they were in front of him, Bobby got to work. "I got stacks of lore. Biblical, pre-Biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an angel can snatch a soul from the pit."
"What else?" Dean asked.
Bobby frowned up at him, confused. "What else, what?"
"What else could do it?"
"Airlift your ass out of the hot box?" Bobby shook his head. "As far as I can tell, nothing."
Looking over at Dean it was clear he didn't like the answer. I wasn't sure why this was bugging him so much, but clearly it was.
"Dean, this is good news," Sam assured him, smiling.
But it didn't seem to ease Dean's mind at all. "How?"
"Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap." Sam shrugged. "I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?"
"Okay. Say it's true. Say there are angels. Then what? There's a God?"
"I'm putting my money on yes," I spoke up, pulling myself up from the couch and moving to the brothers.
Dean turned and took a few steps away from us, still not buying it. "I don't know, guys."
Sam sighed, watching his brother. "Okay, look. I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof."
"Proof?" Dean turned back to us.
"Yes." Sam gave a short nod.
"Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it."
I frowned. "Why not?"
Looking to each of us, Dean sighed before he answered. "Because why me? If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me?"
He cut Sam off, "I mean, I've saved some people, okay? I figured that made up for the stealing and the ditching chicks. But why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy."
I could not believe what I was hearing. I mean, I knew Dean didn't think much about himself, but I never thought it was like this. Dean was one of the most loyal people I knew. He cared about others, did the best he could, and hardly ever put himself first. He was one of the best people I knew.
"Apparently, you're a regular guy that's important to the man upstairs," Sam told him.
"Well, that creeps me out. I mean, I don't like getting singled out at birthday parties, much less by... God."
Shrugging, Sam folded his arms over his chest. "Okay, well, too bad, Dean, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat."
"Fine." Sighing, Dean turned to Bobby. "What do we know about angels?"
Bobby reached over and slid a large pile of old books on to the middle of his desk. "Start reading."
Looking at the pile of books, Dean shook his head as he turned to his brother, not liking this at all. "You're gonna get me some pie." There was no room for discussion as he grabbed a book from the pile and moved over to the couch.
I stopped the Impala outside a corner store, putting the car into park as I spoke on the phone. "Yes, Dean, I'll get the chips."
"And don't forget my pie."
"Dude. When have I ever forgotten the pie?"
There was a pause before he answered, as if he had to think about it. "Never."
"Exactly." Getting out of the car, I turned to the shop, only to stop when I spotted Ruby waiting. "I got to go." He kept on talking but I didn't really hear him. "Yeah, all right. Bye." hanging up, I walked over to Ruby. "Ruby."
She pushed off the wall she'd been leaning on, skipping the pleasant greeting and getting straight to business. "So, is it true?"
I had no idea what she was going on about. "Is what true?"
"Did an angel rescue Dean?"
"You heard."
"Who hasn't?"
"We're not one hundred percent sure, but I think so."
"Okay. Bye, Sam." She suddenly turned and went to walk away.
I grabbed her arm before she could leave, stopping and turned her to face me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What's going on?"
"Sam, they're angels. I'm a demon. They're not gonna care if I'm being helpful. They smite first, and then they ask questions later."
"What do you know about them?"
"Not much. I've never met one, and I don't really want to. All I know is that they scare the holy hell out of me. Watch yourself, Sam."
I laughed lightly. "I'm not scared of angels."
She gave me a look I couldn't quite read but I thought I saw hurt, maybe worry, before she walked off, leaving me alone.
I pulled up by Bobby's garage, seeing him walking over to the car. Once he reached me, he leaned into the passenger window. "Keep the engine running."
"Why?" I looked over at Dean and Lizzie as they put some bags into the trunk of Bobby's car. "What's going on?"
"I got a friend one state over. Olivia Lowry. I've been trying to reach her for three days on this angel thing. It's not like her to ignore this many calls."
"Olivia Lowry. A hunter, right?"
"Yeah." He nodded. "We're gonna go check on her. You guys follow me." He pulled back as the others came over to the car.
Lizzie got in the back as Dean moved to my door. "Scoot over."
"Yeah." I did as he said, moving to the passenger side.
Getting into the car, he reached for the bag of food before his door was even closed. Looking in, he didn't seem too pleased. "Dude?"
"Yeah?" I asked, wondering what might be wrong.
"Where's the pie?"
Bobby entered the house first. I was next, the Lizzie, then Sam. We all had our weapons raised, ready just in case. Bobby had been worried, and none of us were taking that lightly.
"Olivia?" Bobby called, walking further into the house.
We all stopped when we entered the living room, seeing the body of a woman- who I presumed was Olivia- lying on the floor, covered in blood.
Bobby turned and walked out of the place before anyone could stop him.
I was about to call out to him when I saw the look on Liz's face. She looked horrified, on the edge of tears as her eyes refused to look away from the scene in front of her. That's when it clicked.
"You knew her?"
She nodded slowly. "Hunted with her and Bobby once or twice."
Sometimes I forgot that Liz had known Bobby longer than we'd known her. He saved her years ago, during a case that almost killed her and gave her the scar she had on her ribs. He took care of her for a few years when she was a teenager. He was the one who taught her how to hunt.
The fact she knew Olivia wasn't really a surprise. She'd met a lot of hunter while working and living with Bobby.
Out of instinct, I stepped closer to her. "I'm sorry." I was just about to wrap an arm around her in a comforting hug, when Sam spoke up.
"Salt line." He nodded to the doorway of the bedroom where Olivia's body was.
Sure enough, a line of salt ran across the length of the door way.
Liz walked away from me then, stepping into the room and moving to the wardrobe that had a hidden compartment where some weapons had bene stashed.
I followed her, grabbing an EMR reader from the stash. "Olivia was rocking the EMF meter."
Sam nodded, crouching down by the body. "Spirit activity."
"Yeah, on steroids. I never seen a ghost do this to a person." I gestured to the body, where the ghosts had ripped Olivia's chest open and ripped out her heart.
Bobby walked back into the apartment, stopping in the bedroom doorway, his phone in his hand.
I looked him up and down, knowing something other than Olivia's body was worrying him. "Bobby, you all right?"
"I called some hunters nearby..."
"Good." I nodded. "We can use their help."
"Except they ain't answering their phones either."
Sam stood from where he'd been checking the body out. "Something's up, huh?"
Liz tensed beside me. "You think something's going after hunters?"
Sam turned to her suddenly. "Lizzie-"
Before he could finish, Liz pulled out her phone and started dialling a number. Lifting it to her ear, she waited a moment before her face fell. She tried dialling again, but there was still no answer.
There were a number of hunters she could have been calling. I knew she knew a lot of hunter. I also knew she was friends with a number of them- but not all. The two that were the most important and not in this room being Jo and Ellen.
She kept trying as she hurried out of the apartment, clearly stressing and worrying more than before.
I was on the phone to Bobby, walking down the porch stairs of a Jed's house. He was a hunter I'd met twice. He'd been a pretty decent guy and a pretty decent hunter. That was until his chest was ripped open and his heart was ripped out.
"Jed's gone too, Bobby. Have you heard from-"
He cut me off, "I talked to Ellen and Jo. They're both fine. I told them both to hunker down until we figure this thing out."
"Thank god." I let out a sigh of relief. "What about you? How's your end of things?"
"I checked on Carl Bates and R.C. Adams. They've redecorated… in red."
I came to a stop by Baby, the brother's moving to their doors. "Bobby, what is going on? What, did a ghost decide to start ganking hunters? Knock us off one by one?"
"I don't know, but until we find out, you guys better get your asses to my place."
"We're on our way." Hanging up, I got into the car, looking over at Dean as he sat behind the wheel. "Bobby wants us to head over to his. Everyone he went to is dead as well."
Shaking his head, Dean turned the ignition on. "What the hell is going on here?"
Dean was fast asleep in the passenger seat while Sam now drove us down the road. I was still in the back, looking out the window while also concentrating on my phone in my hand, waiting for a call or message.
My attention was pulled to Sam as he turned into a service station and stopped the car by the pumps.
"Hey." He turned around to look at me. "I gotta go to the bathroom, you mind-"
"Filling her up?" I gave a short nod. "Sure."
I got out of the car and moved to put some gas in Baby, while Sam headed over to the toilets. As I waited for the car to fill up I watched Dean in the passenger seat, still asleep, his head leaning on the door. He looked adorable sleeping like that...
A buzzing in my pocket had me quickly pulling out my phone to read the message.
Don't know why you're worried, but I'm fine. Just working a case. I'll talk to you when I'm done. Don't forget to take your medication. Love you xox
- T
The worry I'd been feeling all day eased at that one message.
He's fine. I nodded. See, he's fine.
But just as I was beginning to feel relieved, the sound of a commotion in the bathroom pushed all the worry back into place. Sam...
Hitting the roof of Baby, I woke Dean up before moving to pull the pump out of the car.
"What the hell, Liz?"
"Sam needs help!" I told him as I started rushing towards the bathroom, knowing Dean would be right behind me.
I was washing my hands in the bathroom sink when the room suddenly went cold. Looking up at the mirror in front of me I found it was covered with a foggy mist caused by the sudden temperature change.
Well, this can't be good...
Lifting a hand, I wiped away some of the mist, jumping at the sight of a young woman behind me.
She smiled, shifting on the spot a little. "Hi, Sam."
It took a second, because of the change in hairstyle and clothes, but as I turned to face her, recognised who was standing in front of me. "Meg."
She nodded, gesturing to her hair- which was longer than her blonde pixie cut from before, and now more of a honey colour. "This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut. Before it took over my body. Before I died."
Looking her up and down, I shook my head, feeling so guilty about everything that happened to her. "I'm sorry."
"Are you?"
"Look, if we'd known-"
"You wouldn't have left me to die? You wouldn't have let that monster do all those things while in my body? You wouldn't have killed me?!" She lunged forward, grabbing and throwing me across the room.
I crashed into some old lockers, but didn't even have time to fall to the ground before Meg was there, grabbing me, holding me up. As she gripped onto my jacket I looked down and noticed a mark on her hand, but didn't have much time to think about it before she shoved me against a wall and then threw me against the mirror.
The mirror smashed as I hit it. Meg grabbed me again, knocking my head on the sink twice. The force of the hits caused my head to go foggy as a pain shot through me. Tossing me to the ground, she looked over me as if ready to finish the job.
"Hey, bitch!" Lizzie called.
Meg only had a moment to react before Lizzie threw her across the room- using her abilities. Dean- who had been a couple steps behind Lizzie- lifted his gun and shot Meg, sending the ghost away.
Speeding down the road, phone pressed to my ear, I shook my head at the fact Bobby still wasn't answering his phone. "Damn it, Bobby! Pick up!" I snapped, hanging up. Sam side next to me, catching my attention. "How you feeling, huh? How many fingers am I holding up?" I asked, without lifting a hand
"None. I'll be fine, Dean," he insisted, sounding annoyed that I kept asking. But I was worried. It was my job to worry about him.
Liz leaned forward so her head was between Sam's and mine. "Who was the chick, anyway?"
"Meg," Sam answered without missing a beat.
I frowned, grabbing my phone to try and call Bobby again. "Meg? The demon?"
"No." Sam sighed again. "Meg Masters, the girl the demon possessed."
"Why her?" I didn't get it. She died years ago. "What did she want?"
"Revenge, 'cause we got her killed." It really sounded like he believed that.
He shrugged at me. "Well, we did, Dean."
Hanging up the phone once more, I shook my head as I turned to him. "All right. Stop right there. Whatever the hell is going on, it's happening to us now, okay? I can't get a hold of Bobby, so if you're not thinking answers, don't think at all."
There was already enough crap surrounding us, the last thing we needed was for some old guilt to poke it's head up and distract us. Right now, we need to focus on making sure Bobby was okay and then figure out what's killing hunters.
Dean entered the house first, I was second, followed by Sam, all of us armed and ready. We stopped in the entrance, looking around, trying to listen out for any sounds. When the place stayed silent and still, Dean called out in a whispered tone.
With no answer, the three of us moved together, heading over to the kitchen and then to the study, making sure to keep our eyes open for anything. That Meg chick would show up again eventually.
After the study we stepped into the hall way which is where we found an iron poker lying on the ground by the bottom of the stairs.
My heart began to race as I pictured Bobby lying somewhere, just like we'd found Olivia and Jed.
Dean turned to Sam and I, taking charge of the situation. "You two check outside. I'll go upstairs."
There was no need for me to argue or say anything at all. I simply gave a short nod and moved with Sam as we headed for the back door that lead to the garage and junk yard full of old, rusting cars.
I really hoped Bobby was okay, wherever he was.
Now upstairs, I moved down the hallway slowly. "Bobby?"
At the sound of my voice all the door began to slam shut with a loud bang each. All the doors closed, except one. At the very end of the hall, the last door slowly began to creep open.
"Come out, come out, whoever you are," I called, a moment before the temperature dropped a few degrees.
"Dean Winchester. Still so bossy."
I turned to see Meg standing behind me, looing just like she had in the bathroom hours ago. But she didn't look like she had when she died. This Meg's hair was a honey colour and fell to her shoulders, where the other Meg- the demon Meg- had cut it short and dyed it to a light blonde. She also wore different clothes, more modest clothes.
As she took a step closer I aimed the gun at her.
"It's okay, I'm not a demon," she assured me.
"You're the girl the demon possessed."
"Meg Masters." She nodded. "Nice to finally talk to you when I'm not, you know, choking on my own blood." There was venom in her voice, which had me take a step back. She lifted her hands up carefully, as a sign of peace. "It's okay. Seriously, I'm just a college girl… sorry, was. I was walking home one night and got jumped by all this smoke. Next thing you know, I'm a prisoner," she gestured to her head, "in here. Now, I was awake. I had to watch while she murdered people."
"I'm sorry." I meant it too.
The look on her face told me she either didn't care, or didn't believe me. "Oh, yeah? So sorry you had me thrown off a building?"
"Well, we thought-"
She cut me off, yelling. "No, you didn't think! I kept waiting, praying!" As she snapped at me, she moved forward slowly. "I was trapped in there screaming at you! 'Just help me, please!' You're supposed to help people, Dean. Why didn't you help me?" She sounded like she was on the verge of crying.
"I'm sorry," I repeated.
"Stop saying you're sorry!" Raising her fist, she punched me so hard I fell to the ground.
Groaning, I looked up at her, hoping to reach some kind of reasonable side. "Meg. Meg-"
I was cut off as she kicked me.
The force was so strong I was pushed a little further down the hall- and away from my shotgun. She kicked it away before I could even try to reach for it.
"We didn't know."
"No." crouching down so she was closer on my level, she spoke in a calmer tone now. "You just attacked. Did you ever think there was a girl in here? No. You just charged in, slashing and burning. You think you're some kind of hero?"
Gritting my teeth, I answered her question with complete honesty. "No, I don't."
She grabbed my jacket, pulling me a little closer. "You're damn right." As she spoke I looked down and noticed a brand on her hand. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be ridden for months by pure evil... while your family has no idea what happened to you?"
"We did the best we could."
Shoving me away, she got to her feet and kicked me again, clearly not liking my answer.
Lizzie and I were searching around the yard, looking around and inside the many cars, trying to find Bobby. But so far there was no sign of him. That was until it was suddenly cold...
"Bobby?" I called, hurrying over to the closest cars. "We're here, Bobby?"
Lizzie used her mind to open the trunks and doors and move things out of the way, rushing around as we searched. We looked in every place a person could and might be hidden, moving as fast as we could so we'd get to him before it was too late.
"It wasn't just me, Dean. I had a sister. A little sister." Meg followed me as I crawled along the floor, trying to get away from her. "She worshipped me. You know how little siblings are, right? How they'll do anything for you. She was never the same after I disappeared. She just... she just got lost. And when my body was lying in the morgue beat-up and broken..."
"Do you know what that did to her? She killed herself!" She kicked me in the stomach again, hard. It was a wonder that she hadn't broken anything yet. "Because of you, Dean! Because all you were thinking about was your family, your revenge, and your demons! 50 words of Latin a little sooner, and I'd still be alive. My baby sister would still be alive. That blood is on your hands, Dean!"
"You're right."
Yet she just kicked me again, harder.
As I turned away with the car I was finished with I spotted a mirror on a car on top of a pile, the glass frosting more than everything else. It was actually beginning to crack.
"Lizzie!" I called, getting her attention. Once she turned to me, I gestured to the car as I hurried towards it. "Bobby! Hold on, Bobby! I'm coming! Bobby!"
I climbed up on some other cars to get to the one I was sure Bobby was in. Just before I reached it, Lizzie used her mind to break the door away from the rusted car so I could get in to help Bobby.
But as I reached the gap where the door was I was thrown back by two little girls dressed in dirty white dressed.
I landed on the windshield of another car with a groan.
Before I could recover, one of the girls jumped on top of me, her hand reaching back as she got ready to grab my chest.
Reacting quickly, I used my iron crowbar- that I'd gotten from one of the cars- and swung it at her. Just as she disappeared the other girl went to jump on me, but was stopped and faded away as Bobby hit her with an iron rod.
Still on the ground, I'd managed to crawl into the room at the end of the hall- which just had a few pieces of furniture against the wall and nothing much else.
Stopping in the middle of the space, I stopped and turned, pulling out my other gun to aim at Meg.
She leaned on the doorway casually watching me with an amused smirk. "Come on, Dean, did your brain get french-fried in Hell?" Pushing off the doorway, she started towards me. "You can't shoot me with bullets."
"I'm not shooting you." Changing my aim, I pointed the gun at the roof and pulled the trigger.
The chandelier fell, landing right where Meg had been standing, causing her to disappear.
"Iron," I explained before rolling onto my back with a groan.
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norwes · 5 years
MoF AU Existential;Experimental
AU: Existential;Experimental. This is an AU where the gods are akin to Super AI now. The Gods adapted to the new age. Magic has been highly studied and thanks to technological and scientific advancement- nanites help make magic more effective/is the new way to use magic. It’s still called magic sometimes though. Set in a future society. 
   Alistair looked his window, the neonic glow of the cityscape of Blue Harbor illuminating the night sky and creating a warped image in the murky waters that it resides by. Brown eyes roamed the streets taking in the details of the now less busy but still very active night life. He easily spot his, well, Bane’s faithful patrolling the streets- collecting payments and keeping the proper order of things. 
   Pride swelled for a moment in Alistair’s normally dead heart, he and Kalryder truly have done the world a great favor. Keeping Bane, the rightful ruler of the world, strong and returning his presence and influence to these lost and chaotic lands. Keeping Torm’s faithful from eradicating them, like some bad line of code. Getting vengeance for that terrible holiday of theirs.
   Just thinking of his Master’s rival AI caused the nanites that reside in his body began to active. His left hand twitching and tensing, begging to summon his weapon. Begging for blood to be spilt, to bring glory to Bane’s name. With a deep breath in, closing his eyes- he let his mind wonder. If he worked himself up now, there was no way he would be able to sleep. 
   Ignoring the buzzing to fight, kill and smite, he drifted. Thinking of traveling to a place he feels calm. Opening his eyes, he glances past the skyline, gazing deep into the country side. Past the mountains, past the farms and residential areas. Across roads and highways, alongside streams and rivers. There, nestled away in the swamp lands, there... His shoulders hiked up and tense began to slack.There he could see the illusions of her dancing in his eyes. 
   Her and that damned village she resides by. The morning fog that never truly leaves the swampy lands. Waking up next to his... his... waking up next to her. The sweet homey scent of that place, the fire place, the weary but friendly neighbors. Smirks and smiles. Long days, longer nights. Watching her master her experimental magic, being an unwilling but obligated tester. Laugher... joy... screams... Bringing new life into the world. One, then two and then the third. 
   The sound of his door opening caused the Paladin to be pulled out of his fantasies, his childish musings. He looked over his shoulder, only Kalryder would enter his room so rudely. 
“Still up then, Ardar?” The blue Dragonborne teased, fangs flashing with a good natured smile. One that so many saw in their last moments. 
“But of course. When else can I get some sort of peace?” Alistair retorted, going back to watching the nightlife of Blue Harbor. Mentally chiding himself for getting swept up in thinking of... 
   The Cleric strolled up next to his spiritual brother. Tail swaying as he closed the distance. “I suppose you're right, it feels like everyday we have to micromanage them more and more. Something is always-”
“Not going according to plan?” Alistair interrupted with a smirk.
   Kalryder snorts, “Yes well... It would easier if you wouldn’t up and disappear every winter, little brother.” Alistair frowned at that, already getting a feeling of where this conversation was going to go. 
“Your more than capable to run this without me for the winter months. No one in their right mind wages any raids or wars during that season. That’s just begging for defeat. I’m not necessary and it doesn’t affect anything.” Kalryder sighed, the human always falling back to such points. 
“Your wrong on that Alistair- It can be seen as a weakness to our position for you to just up and leave, to Bane knows where. Annually. You could be training the new Paladins, creating war plans with our generals. Helping the Cult’s expanse so more follow the right God and put an end to the weak ones. It makes our authority look like a joke. We are all uniform servants under Bane. Shadows are darkest together after all. But when one of the head shadows just up and leaves-” 
   Alistair narrowed his eyes, growling in Abyssal, “We’ve been fine with this for years, Kalryder. Why is it an issue now? Just tell anyone who asks some lie, make it up. Kill those who doubt it.” 
   Kalryder tilted his head, apprising his brother. Clearly displeased with being interrupted but choosing to let it go. “Calm down, I can hardly understand you when you get like this. Would you just listen to me?” 
   Alistair glared down at the streets, taking in a sharp breath before letting it out. Keeping silent, sparing Kalryder a quick glance he awaited his older brother’s words.
   Pleased to at least earn Alistair’s ear than his temper for now, the dragonborne continued, “As I was saying before... We are Bane’s Shadow’s. We lead the rest and you can’t just leave during the winter because you feel like it. We have a greater responsibility as leaders. As Bane’s reach expands, our duties increase. We are to be the pinnacle, the example for the rest to mimic and strive for. You doubly so, given your oath... 
   This winter, you won’t be going to where ever you normally do. It ends now Alistair. But, you won’t be trapped here in the city with me. I know it’d drive you insane. So I propose, because I care about you, that you be a trailblazer for our mission to reach out to other continents. You can explore and find good places for our members to settle. What do you say to that?”
   Alistair gazed blankly out, “Using my oath against me is a low blow.”
“I know. Would you rather me directly order you?”
“Isn’t that what you just did? Ordering me off to a foreign land?” He turned to look up at Kalryder, face emotionless. 
“No, at least not yet. I asked you what you though of my idea for what you could be doing this winter- which shows actual results for the cult. Before you even start, I know you come back with new plans and the like for the rest of the year but this lets you do both. Don’t pretend you don’t want to explore new places, I’ve been dealing with your wanderlust for years.”
“What of Lilith? She still needs schooling and training, you’d have me leave her for an unknown amount of time?”
   Kalryder paused, he forgot about Lilith for a moment. A little embarrassing to forget about one’s goddaughter. “Well, like you already tend to do... Why not take her along?” He stated a little unsure.
   Alistair hummed, with a look of contemplation. “And Magnus?”
   Kalryder smirked, “Magnus will be fine. Not like anyone can keep a bead on him anyway. For Bane’s sake, kid is worse than you were at that age but far more capable.” He teased which cause Alistair to break out into a grin.
“I guess you’re right. Honestly, not even sure where Magus is at the moment. Probably some where close... Can I have this last winter? Give me a bit of time to plan of how to do this. Select people to come along or who is best to earn favor. Find a place for Lilith to learn from while I faithfully serve the church.”
   The Dragoborne hummed, tilting his head. Wanting confirmation before giving an answer. “Where do you even go?” The question hanging in the air for a moment. Kalryder then continued trying to confirm a suspicion, “Do you really return to that place every year? Didn’t the contract end between you two? Both having gained heir and all that...”
   Alistair nodded, “Yeah, the contract did end. Both did- technically. But going and visiting keeps our alliance strong. She’s a good ally to have Kalryder. I’m the only one from the cult she lets in, besides Lilith and Magnus.” 
   He stared at Alistair, “Is that the only place you visit doing the winter?” Tone carrying a hint of... worry, appertain? 
“No, of course not. Why would that be the only place I go? I check up on a great many to insure they stay... loyal to our master. Don’t even try to paint this as something else Kal. It’s to keep our business relations strong. Nothing more, nothing less. 
   Bringing the children is an emotional ploy on my part that earns me, and there for the church, good favor. Mothers like seeing their children after all. Not to mention, women get attached easily- especially when they’re alone more most of the time. You know better than me how effective it is to play the part of a caring person. She, like anyone else, would be terminated on the spot should you or Bane ask of it.” Alistair grumbled, annoyed. Trying to stop any ideas of him having sentimental feeling of any sort for someone out side of the church. 
   He didn’t have feelings, she was useful, useful tools are to be tended too. Not loved, not hated but taken care of. He only loves his god and his cultists that work under him. 
“I see.” Kalryder, turned to leave. He could feel Alistair’s eyes watching him. “You’ll get this winter. I’m sure the Witch might become... irritated should you and the kids not show up this time around, with no clear reason or word. Last thing we need is a Witch coming at us. Come spring though, I’ll expect you to have a full fledged plan for this and to be ready to ship off. As well as your usual plans. Do what ever you need to do to make this an easy transition.” 
“Of course. I’ll see it done.” Alistair called out.
   Kalryder grinned looking over his shoulder, fondness in his voice. “I know you will, Wardien. You always do. Enjoy this up coming winter. Its only weeks away after all.” Kalryder opened the door, slipping into the hallway. Just as he was closing it, Alistair approached.
“Wait,” the paladin muttered, “Where are we planing to create our first settlement out side of Tarn?”
“I’m not all too sure yet. We can work it out and get some ideas going between us.” 
   Alistair nods with a slight grin, eyes alight with the possibilities. “Sounds good. Goodnight Kal.”
   He grinned back, “Goodnight Ali, do get some rest. We have a lot on the agenda tomorrow.”
“Don’t we always?” Alistair said, with fake exasperation. Causing Kalryder to laugh and ruffle his hair before walking away. More than likely headed off to his own room.
   Alistair closed the door. Lost in though as he walked back into the depths of his room. Letting his eyes linger on the city once more before he closed the blinds. The room now shrouded in total darkness. Taking blind but confident steps he moved to were his bed rests. 
   Climbing into bed he laid down, pulling to covers close. Only there was a weight to them, an unusual weight. With an exasperated sigh, Alistair leaned towards his bedside table, flicking on the lamp to see what, who, was in his bed.
   The light cause the small form to hiss and blink tiredly, “Dad, turn that off- I was sleeping” Alistair’s youngest whined. 
“Magnus, you have your own room. Why-” 
“Cause, your bed is better...” 
   Alistair stared at his son for a moment, knowing his son was content sleeping on rocks and tree branches. Clearly unamused that he was being lied too.
   Magnus, sensing his father’s growing ire chimed, slightly ashamed, “I got scared and Lilith keeps her door locked and I could’t get in. So I came in here and fell asleep. You were at your desk and I didn’t want to bug you... so I...” He trailed off, looking away. 
  Alistair sighed, eyes softening, “What scared you bad enough to come to me? Little scares my brave warrior.” His hand cupping the side of Magnus’s face, thumb brushing over the scar that goes up and through his eye. Scooting a little closer and turning Magnus’s head to look at him.
“It... I... I don’t really want to talk about it. Are you going to kick me out?” Magnus’s whimpered, his blinded eye closed and his good one half closed. 
“That’s fine and no, I’m not going to kick you out. Come here. Let’s get some rest. You’ll always be safe with me.” Magnus grinned sleepily moving closer and curled up to his dad’s chest. His father’s strong and steady heartbeat luring him to sleep. Knowing nothing would dare, not even the nightmares, torment him in his dad’s presence.  
   Alistair sighed, leaning and flicking off the light once more. He rested a hand on Magnus before pulling the covers over the both of them. Slowly drifted asleep, entering a deep dreamless slumber. 
        Well this is were I’ll end it for here. I feel like my writing has been improving. I don’t know, feels like this is an actual part of a story. I’m proud of it and I think the concept would be a really cool DnD campaign and world to play in. 
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 9x23: “Do You Believe in Miracles?”
THE ROAD SO FAR: Kicking ass, taking names. Ezekiel wasn’t who he said he was; he’s actually Gadreel, and he was working with Metatron. Metatron took Cas’ grace for a spell to cast angels out of Heaven. Abaddon. The Mark of Cain and the First Blade. Cas vs Metatron. Crowley was addicted to human blood. The Mark and Blade are affecting Dean. Metatron got Cas’ army to turn on him. Cas gave up his entire army for one man. Metatron’s power comes from the angel tablet. Dean is really going off the rails. Gadreel has come to help, Dean nearly kills him. 
(All set to “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas, as usual.)
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Sam defending Gadreel. Who’da thunk it?
“Something is wrong with you, Dean. And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay.”
“And you two are gonna do what? Take on Metatron yourselves? That's smart. Oh, no, wait. No, you -- you lost your Angel army. And you -- now you're trying to lock up the one guy who has a shot at killing the son of a bitch! Hell of a plan, fellas!”
That gave me flashbacks to Bobby’s panic room.
At least put the box away??
“Dean...wasn't wrong. My followers have abandoned us.”
“Yeah, and Gadreel says he can help us. From where I sit, that's more than an even trade.”
Gadreel is worth one entire army. I hope he realizes that.
Eww, Dean’s vomiting.
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He vomited blood, nonetheless! Always a good sign.
“So, uh, Metatron...Metatron...God?”
“Just a second.”
Oh, he’s that kind of asshole.
“You've just reunited all the angels under the banner of heaven. I mean, that's like...”
“Winning a People's Choice Award? Not quite the real deal, now, is it?”
Nice dig.
There’s our Chekvon gun: the mic that allows all angels to hear Metatron.
“Hello? This is Metatron.”
“More reverb.”
“Because I'm Lou Gehrig?”
I love that reference.
“I'd like to take a moment to welcome you all back. I want you to know how moved I am that you've accepted me as your new God. My heart, as they say, is full--” Of crap.
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“We're not here to hurt you.”
“No. Your Grace. Healing me will only weaken you.”
Cas healed Gadreel with no hesitation.
Has this what Crowley’s been up to?? Getting massages?
Dean managed to pry the doors to the dungeon open.
“What the hell's happening to me, you son of a bitch?” At least Dean showed concern about this situation.
“What I want is Metatron.”
“Go on.”
“But I have to get through that door, and I have to get to the blade. And you're gonna help me.”
Damn it.
Alright Sam, take deep breaths.
“Are you sure it was Crowley?” Yep.
“Well, Metatron is more powerful than ever, but if Dean has the First Blade and the mark, that might give us our best chance.”
“You're joking, right? An hour ago, we were ready to throw Dean into a padded cell, and now you say he's our best chance?”
“Hear him out, Sam.”
“Oh, right. Excuse me. Sorry, guys. Uh, sorry I'm a little less than eager to hear that our best chance is -- is arming the warhead and hoping it hits the mark. This is not a bomb we're talking about. This is my brother.”
This is so reminiscent of S4, when Sam was the warhead even Bobby wanted to arm if it meant killing Lilith. Sam’s vouching for protecting Dean the exact same way Dean did for him
Oh damn. RIP woman. Hit by a car.
“What can I get you fellas?”
“Coffee. Black.”
Jeez, Dean.
“Are you serious? You take this girl's table, her time, you spread out like an overgrown teenager, and for what? What's the tip on a single cup of Joe? A nickel?” That was sweet of Crowley.
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“Hell's fine. Hell's like a Swiss watch. Don't worry about hell. Hell's complicated.”
"’Game of Thrones’ is complicated. Shower sex -- that's complicated.”
A hell of a conversation going on.
“My problem is Metatron. Right now there's nothing. There's no angel smitings, no crazy acts of God, no vermin, hail. If Metatron's making his move on earth, he is taking his sweet-ass time.” No, he’s being subtle about it, unlike Godstiel and his mass killings and healings.
Metatron can’t pull off puppy dog eyes.
“You're not gonna eat your food?”
“Not hungry.”
A huge red flag.
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“How we might convince them to let us pass.”
“Brother, I have no idea what that means.”
“It's a reference to a very popular film that -- never mind.”
Cas finally gets to be on the other side of explaining a pop culture reference to someone.
Sam beat Dean to the punch.
“I guess one of us doesn't need a demon to help follow a clue trail.” b u r n
“I just thought you might like to know that while you two have been playing, uh, odd couple, your real friends, like Cas, like the angel you stabbed, Gadreel --they're out there right now, risking their asses to help you win this fight.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“A fight, I might add, you made that much more complicated when you decided to stab the one angel who could actually get us to Metatron.”
“You mean the angel that took you for a joy ride? The angel that slaughtered Kevin? That angel?”
“Please, when you say you don't want to explain anything to me, don't. I get it. And I also get that Metatron has to go. And I know you're our best shot to do that.” Unlike Dean in S4, Sam is arming the warhead.
“If this is it, we're gonna do it together.” Sam “teamwork” Winchester.
“Excuse me. I'm not exactly demon Minion number three here. As the kids say-” 
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“Look, I don't know what you expected here, okay. I don't really care, but you wanted off the hamster wheel. Get off.”
“Well, I guess I've been Winchestered.”
Our first look at Heaven’s portal.
c r a p
“Welcome to heaven's jail, Castiel. I believe Gadreel can give you the tour.”  Screw you, Ingrid.
I will now like to take donations for “Give Gadreel a Hug”.
“He's a fraud!”
“I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, good sir. How can one be a fraud when one offers nothing? A little love, a little hope, the occasional miracle -- nothing more.”
“You know exactly what I mean...Metatron.”
“Who here has the gift that this man has?” The unknown angel, if Metatron hadn’t cast him down and taken most of his powers away.
My stomach is in knots. I always hated this. All these people are going to hell, especially George.
RIP unknown angel. Killed by George.
How do we still have 19 minutes left???
“Are you ready to gut this bitch?” Aww, Sammy.
“Sorry, little brother. It's not your fight.” DAMN IT DEAN.
“Nothing you say matters.”
“Would you rather I not try at all?”
“Not if you can't prove it.”
Yeah, y'all won’t be forgiven for beating and killing an innocent man.
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“Of reclaiming my good name. I thought of nobody, no cause, other than my own.”
“You’ve been redeemed, my friend.”
Not yet, not fully.
“The only thing that matters in the end is the mission -- protecting those who would not and cannot protect themselves --the humans. None of us is bigger than that. And we will not let our fears, our self-absorption prevent us from seeing it through. Not anymore...Move to the other side of your cell, Castiel, and keep your head down.
When they say my name, perhaps I won't just be the one who let the serpent in. Perhaps I will be known as one of the many......who gave heaven a second chance. Run, sister.”
Gadreel’s last words.
RIP Gadreel. Killed himself to give Heaven a second chance.
“Most people -- even the real belly crawlers living in filth...Or Brentwood...They don't want to be cynical. They just want something to believe in.”
“And that’d be you.”
“Why not me?”
There’s a list, buddy.
The sickly yellow lighting on Dean’s face...
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Cas and Metatron both wanted to be a better God than God.
“I'm blaming you for Kevin! I'm blaming you for taking Cas' Grace. Hell, I'm blaming you for the Cubs not winning The World Series in the last 100 freaking years.” Give it a couple more years on that last one.
My stomach already hurts; I know what’s coming.
“Well, here's a news flash -- humpty and dumpty are starring in their very own version of ‘Locked Up Abroad: Heaven’ right now.” They don’t know that Cas escaped.
I’d been looking forward to this fight, looked forward to Metatron getting his ass kicked...I had the highest hopes for Dean to win...and it went so badly, so quickly.
Haul ass, Sam!!
I want them to hurry up...but I know how this ends.
The look on Dean’s face when he sees Sam...that’ll haunt my dreams.
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Cas finds the Angel Tablet one second too late. 
Cas breaks his third word of God.
“The Angel tablet -- arguably the most powerful instrument in the history of the universe -- is in pieces, and for what again? Oh, that's right -- to save Dean Winchester. That was your goal, right? I mean, you draped yourself in the flag of heaven, but ultimately, it was all about saving one human, right? Well, guess what. He's dead, too.” 
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After all these years...I can’t stand to see Dean like this.
Cas has learned that one of the most important people in his very long life is dead...and he still carries on with the plan to stop Metatron. Tears in his eyes, and everything.
“What happened with you being okay with this?”
“I lied.”
I knew it.
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The angel blade with Dean’s own blood on it.
“You know, why you could never quite pull it together, Castiel? While you're sitting here with Your Grace slowly burning away and your reputation long extinguished? No curiosity. You didn't read enough. You never learned how to tell a good story.”
“But you did.”
“I'm proud of us.” Dean’s last words.
RIP Dean Winchester. Killed by Metatron. Death #4.
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“You're doing the right thing -- letting him live. It's what a leader would do.”
“I'm no leader, Hannah. I never was. I just want to be an angel.”
“Can’t Find My Way Home” by Blind Faith.
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Sam had to carry Dean’s body to the Bunker and to his room.
Crowley came on his own accord.
On first viewing, I was crying so much I barely paid attention to Crowley’s monologue and I didn’t even care. Dean was dead.
“But...there is one story about Cain that I might have... forgotten to tell you. Apparently, he, too, was willing to accept death, rather than becoming the killer the Mark wanted him to be. So he took his own life with the Blade. He died. Except, as rumor has it, the Mark never quite let go. You can understand why I never spoke of this. Why set hearts aflutter at mere speculation? It wasn't until you summoned me... No, it wasn't truly until you left that cheeseburger uneaten...that I began to let myself believe. Maybe miracles do come true.”
...Up until this point.
“Listen to me, Dean Winchester, what you're feeling right now -- it's not death. It's life -- a new kind of life.” A horrible life.
“Open your eyes, Dean. See what I see. Feel what I feel. And let's go take a howl at that moon.”
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A real “eye opening” ending, screw you, Jensen.
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