#lilith rosalind trevelyan
creamecream · 5 years
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“The raven came to plague the world,
It’s name was sin,
(It’s not a sin,)
It’s name was sin,
(Oh momma! it’s not a sin!)
It’s name was sin,
And lust was how the sin began,
The sin was man,
(I don’t understand,)
Well understand,
The sin was man,
(What have I done?)
God has seen your sinning just beginning,
Pray for your salvation from damnation,
Pray or he will burn you,
He will burn you,
The seed conveys the power and it’s come again,
(Momma, what is this seed?)
It’s come again,
(Don’t you care that I started to bleed?)
It’s come again,
Until the seed is crushed the power never ends,
It never ends,
It never ends,”
“Momma, I was so scared,
And they all stared,
Then I started crying,
I thought I was dying,
Please don’t hurt me,
(Have you no sense of shame!?
Pray for mercy, get down on your knees,)
Please don’t hurt me,”
(Satan’s staken his claim,
And your soul is a hole of disease,)
“I can see you inside,
(Don’t believe with your eyes,)
Full of sin, full of pride,
(Those are lies, momma, lies!)
That’s how Lucifer fell,
(Momma, how could I know?)
And you’re headed for hell,
I won’t let you go,
(Momma, let me go!)
Heaven hates a sinner,
Hates a sinner,
(I’m not a sinner!)
Save yourself from burning,
(Momma, stop! it’s burning!)
God, she’s burning!
(Stop! it’s burning!)
Or he will burn you,
(No, please!)
He will burn you,
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empresstress13 · 7 years
#6 for Lilith? :D
Not sure if this counts as an honor but it’s what came to mind… 
6. Something written by your OC in response to an honor they’re being awarded.
An except from the first several pages of a worn leather notebook. The handwriting is messy with frequent misspellings and errors crossed out. The entries are all addressed to the same person:
“…I passed my harrowing yesterday. I shouldn’t feel so discontent. I just… I wish I had someone to talk to about it but Rosalind hasn’t had her’s yet, Esther is still years too young, and you… I miss you. I saw you in the hall this morning and you congratulated me without any feeling in your voice and I burst into tears right there in the hallway. It didn’t seem right. One of the Senior Enchanters hurried me away and scolded me, said I would unsettle the apprentices going on like that when I should be happy. That I’m a full mage now and mustn’t seem to not have control of my emotions…it’s just very hard right now. I know I should do better. I’m just not sure how to interact with you and that hurts. Maybe I’m being stupid. I don’t know. 
Rosalind and I are both out of sorts, and I’m worried about her. I expect she’ll be tested any day now. She so talented and I shouldn’t worry but it’s hard not to. Esther is just starting but I worry about her too. I’m…I don’t want to say that I’m upset about her being here. She’s the sweetest child, but I find myself wishing she was somewhere else. That sounds so horrible - she’s family and I love her! But I know there is talk about transferring me to a different Circle now that there are two Trevelyans at Ostwick and I don’t want to be taken from here too. I want to stay - with you and Rosalind! With Esther too!
Wishing won’t get me anything. I’m a mage of the Circle now. I need to have perfect control. I need to be strong for Rosalind and Esther. And you. I want to be a friend you all can count on in whatever time I still have here. No matter what…”
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creamecream · 6 years
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“When she plays the game, she plays it well.”
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creamecream · 6 years
I’m actually maybe reluctant to really draw and use Lilith, because if Vivienne is an available LI in the next Dragon Age game, she is getting changed to the human noble there instead of a Trevelyan.
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