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psychterminal · 1 year ago
Liliental - Liliental. 1978.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 2 months ago
Armans Geheimnis/Arman's Secret
I don't know if the fandom is still alive, otherwise I'll try the first push with the shovel and dig it out with this one-shot in German and English. Maybe I can give you a better understanding of it. Have a nice day :)
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radiophd · 4 years ago
liliental -- wattwurm
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balpnuh · 6 years ago
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These look a little bit like landscapes covered in fog but are just thousands of pollen(Liliental, Kaiserstuhl, 2019)
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photos-by-ev · 2 years ago
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Das Liliental im südlichen #Kaiserstuhl . . . #iphone14pro #shotoniphone #iphone #phone #smartphone #appleiphone #iphonegraphic #iphonegraphy #iphonephotography #iphonephotographer #germany #deutschland #weroamgermany #travel #reisen #travelphotography #reisefotografie #travelbyev #schwarzwald #blackforest (hier: Liliental) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj57fqKrqWf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mangafeeds · 5 years ago
Super Dog Rilienthal.
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Alternative : 賢い犬リリエンタール (Japanese); 聪明的狗狗莉莉安塔尓 (Chinese); Kashikoi Inu Rilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Lilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaaru; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaru; Kashikoi Ken Lilienthal; Kashikoi Ken Rilienthal ; Liliental; Lilienthal; Rilienthal; Ririentaaru; Ririentaru; Smart Dog Rilienthal; Wise Dog Rilienthal; Super Dog Rilienthal (English)
Super Dog Rilienthal summary: In the series, the Hino family picks up their "little brother" from the airport. The "brother" turns out to be Rilienthal, an intelligent dog who speaks Japanese. He is also the target of men in black suit from a mysterious organization. They refer him as RD-1. #MangaFeeds.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline MangaFeeds.Com: Read manga online the latest manga comic book, updated daily: https://mangafeeds.com/post/super-dog-rilienthal_1587922833
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soltunpeper-blog · 8 years ago
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Danke @lilientals für dieses tolle Foto ! 🙌🏻 Ob deine Lieblingsstadt, ein Ort mit einer ganz besonderen Bedeutung für Dich, Euer Platz des Kennenlernens, der Geburtsort Deines Kindes - lass' Dir jetzt Deine ganz persönlichen Koordinaten in unserem neuen Aquarellprint festhalten 🖤 ✖️www.soltunpeper.com ✖️ #print#poster#kunstdruck#photography#graphicdesign#graphics#minimalism#prints#design#hamburg#soltunpeper#interiordesign#decoration#decor#home#love#family#onlineshop#onlineshopping#interior#personalisiert#couple#couplegoals#wildandfree#nature#home#family#naturelove#mountains#forest#birthprint#koordinaten (hier: Hamburg, Germany)
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markgraeflerin · 8 years ago
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Nach den schönen Bildern vom Klatschmohnfeld bei Auggen habe ich heute noch Fotos einer Orchideenwiese bei Schliengen/Bad Bellingen für euch. Bei der Abzweigung auf die alte Straße nach Bad Bellingen kann man schon seit etwa drei Jahren immer gegen Mitte Mai bis Juni schon von weitem eine Wiese mit pinkfarbenen bis violetten Blüten sehen. Es handelt sich um Knabenkräuter, eine einheimische Orchideenart.
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Vergangenens Jahr hatte ich mir die Wiese schonmal von der Nähe angesehen, hatte aber nur mein Mobiltelefon dabei – die Bilder waren größtenteils verwackelt oder unscharf und außerdem war ich erst dort, als die Orchideen schon fast alle verblüht waren. Dieses Jahr scheint mir die Blütenpracht besonders üppig und deshalb haben wir am Pfingstmontag auf unserem Weg in den Kurpark von Bad Bellingen – wo wir anschließend auf der sehr empfehlenswerten Abenteuer-Minigolfanlage ein paar Abschläge hingelegt haben – einen kurzen Fotostop gemacht.
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Die Orchideen sind bei bunten Schmetterlingen aller Art sehr beliebt – wir konnten einige prachtvolle Exemplare bestaunen – leider ließen sich die wenigsten lange genug auf den Blüten nieder, dass wir sie hätten fotografieren können. Außerdem wollten wir ja nicht auf der ganzen Wiese rumtrampeln, sondern haben uns nur am Rand aufgehalten. Aber dieses kleine Kerlchen auf der Skabiosenblume konnten wir auf dem Bild festhalten.
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Im Rheinwald bei Neuenburg am Rhein und in Steinenstadt unweit des Thermalsportbads kann man noch weitere Orchideenwiesen bestaunen – dort waren wir vor einigen Jahren auch schonmal. Aber Achtung – falls ihr euch auf die Suche machen solltet dann beachtet den Naturschutz. Bleibt am Rand der Wiesen und lasst die schönen Pflanzen dort stehen! Außerdem besteht die Gefahr, sich dabei Zecken einzufangen – dieses Jahr ist, wie man so hört, die Gefahr besonders groß. Empfehlenswert ist auch eine Wanderung im Liliental am Kaiserstuhl, dort kann man noch viele andere Orchideen bestaunen.
  #Fotografie #Orchideenwiese #Markgräflerland Nach den schönen Bildern vom Klatschmohnfeld bei Auggen habe ich heute noch Fotos einer Orchideenwiese bei Schliengen/Bad Bellingen für euch.
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saranwrapall · 4 years ago
Asmus Tietchens, Conny Plank, Dieter Moebius, Hellmut Hattler, Johannes Pappert, Okko Bekker
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kingscrusher · 5 years ago
Stunningly Beautiful Double Exchange Sacrifice || Liliental vs Ragozin |...
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deprotagonisten · 7 years ago
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Onze #recensie van Mellow Mud ***, te zien op @WalkThisWayVOD . @TriplePpr #review #MellowMud #film De dramafilm Mellow Mud gaat over de zeventienjarige Raya. Als haar oma overlijdt besluit ze de zorg van haar broertje op haar te nemen, want haar vader is al overleden en haar moeder woont in Londen.
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hariesautomoto · 7 years ago
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Impressions from Berlin Tegel Airport, Germany by HariesAutoMoto
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innerear · 8 years ago
Liliental - Gebremster Shaum
two minutes in. waking up and my arm is asleep, waking up to the pain of having been asleep on my ear for too long, it hurts / one paper plate, three of the window have their blinds pulled up all of the way, each of their draw strings have been bundled up and gently placed on the sill, it doesn’t look like it was done in a hurry, but it also doesn’t look like the person who did it cared much about how it would look. Still, they were careful enough not to get all tangled up, because surely they would want to be able to use the string to lower the blinds. But it’s also clear that the blinds haven’t been dropped in quite some time. the amount of dust that has amassed on the bunched up layers of plastic is evidence of something—they probably weren’t the ones to have installed the blinds, they probably don’t even like blinds, they probably don’t even think about the reasons one would have blinds for, like privacy, they windows face north, so they aren’t for blocking out direct sunlight, so maybe they were just placed there for privacy. they’re plastic. standard, so they weren’t purchased to impress. just to function. though given the option to get the white turn-stick or the clear turn-stick the original purchaser of the blinds got the clear stick. Maybe it was a joke on class. a joke on the fact that they didn’t really care. or maybe when they purchased it they weren’t even aware or concerned that that was even an option. the color of the blinds was really the only concern, and they picked white, not thinking that white blinds have to be cleaned from time to time, because white blinds get dusty. all blinds get dusty. all dust settles. white blinds on north facing windows. the east facing window blinds—one up all the way, one down all the way, only one is actually blocking the sun. and you can’t actually be in any position to have the sun get in your eyes. so out of the five windows only one actually needs a blind to block out the light. or maybe the fourth one gets used when the season changes enough. the earth does it’s lean, the sun does its shine, and the blind does its thing. blinds. blinding light. window blind. interesting. if the sun were bright enough coming through the window, it would blind you. it prevents you from seeing. along comes the idea to create a device to block out the blinding light and we call it a blind. it prevents you from seeing. well it prevents you from seeing anything beyond the blind itself. it does, unlike blinding light, allow you to see what it in front of you. even with all of its dust. blinds. blind. what’s in front of you? It’s usually right in front of you. /  discipline.
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years ago
Super Dog Rilienthal.
Alternative: 賢い犬リリエンタール (Japanese); 聪明的狗狗莉莉安塔尓 (Chinese); Kashikoi Inu Rilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Lilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaaru; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaru; Kashikoi Ken Lilienthal; Kashikoi Ken Rilienthal ; Liliental; Lilienthal; Rilienthal; Ririentaaru; Ririentaru; Smart Dog Rilienthal; Wise Dog Rilienthal; Super Dog Rilienthal (English)
Description : In the series, the Hino family picks up their "little brother" from the airport. The "brother" turns out to be Rilienthal, an intelligent dog who speaks Japanese. He is also the target of men in black suit from a mysterious organization. They refer him as RD-1. #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/super-dog-rilienthal_1584404245.html
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photos-by-ev · 2 years ago
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Klar, dürfen im Liliental die Sequois aus Nordamerika nicht fehlen. . . . #iphone14pro #shotoniphone #iphone #phone #smartphone #appleiphone #iphonegraphic #iphonegraphy #iphonephotography #iphonephotographer #germany #deutschland #weroamgermany #travel #reisen #travelphotography #reisefotografie #travelbyev #schwarzwald #blackforest #lilienthal (hier: Liliental) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5fBKxoSUQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brainworkart · 6 years ago
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A biplane is a an aircraft with two wings. The first powered, controlled airplane to fly was a biplane. It was built by two brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, in their shop in Dayton, Ohio. They attended high school but never received diplomas. They tried many things to be successful, at first starting a printing business, where they started their own newspaper. It only lasted 4 months. At the time, a new type of bicycle was becoming popular, the "safety bicycle". It was a vast improvement over the penny-farthing design (think one giant wheel, one tiny wheel). It was through this bicycle endeavor that they learned to repair and build things. Eventually they started their own bicycle manufacturing business, the "Wright Cycle Company" in 1896. They also heard about, and were inspired by a man named Otto Lilienthal who was flying gliders in Germany. He was the first person to make well-documented, repeated, successful flights with gliders. Unfortunately, Liliental died in 1896 when his glider plunged out of the sky. The Wright brothers would later say that his death was the point when their serious interest in flight research began. Wilbur said, "Lilienthal was without question the greatest of the precursors, and the world owes to him a great debt." Otto Lilenthal's achievements were not forgotten. Berlin's busiest airport, Berlin Tegel "Otto Lilienthal" Airport, is named after him. Seven years later, on December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, with their first powered aircraft. The Wright brothers had successfully invented the first airplane. https://ift.tt/2wIxE3B
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