#lilas crown
itsnotmourn · 7 months
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the princess and her vessels
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dimension20pcbracket · 8 months
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two dynamic daughters enter the ring, but only one will leave!
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purrple-bat · 3 months
Had a little story idea of Narilamb but honestly don't know what to do with it, so I'm just putting it out here, if you wanna do anything with it I don't mind :3
A peaceful day at the cult was interrupted by the Lamb feeling a disturbance. Through their power or something, they could feel that Aym and Baal were in danger, and so they frantically packed things up to go outside the cult (I would think that the twins are living with Forneus and exploring the world) of course, they would get Narinder to help. He would probably be groggy and mad at the Lamb's craziness until he is told that it relates to the kits, which would instantly wake him up and get himself ready.
Once they arrived the place were the twins are, they find one on the ground in quite the critical condition while the other is still fighting some heretics barely hanging on, clearly overwhelmed. Nari would jump in to help the fight while the Lamb would use their knowledge and power to stabilize and heal the wounded cat.
During the ensuing battle, Narinder's weapon breaks, causing him to be almost defenseless. And so, without putting much thoughts into it, the Lamb turned the crown into a weapon and pass it to him. Only after finishing the last of those heretics would it hit Nari that he is holding the crown. The thought passes his head; sure the Lamb still has their power and owns the crown, but at present the usurper would be defenseless to him bearing down a fatal swing on them.
Distracted by... Trying to save his kit.
The Lamb cares about them, cares about him, without him who knows what would had happened to Aym and Baal. Can he really do this to his kits' savior and his liberator? Does he really want the trouble of godhood again or is he just trying to cling to power? The crown is watching him, judging.
The Lamb breaks his reverie, asking him for help with something; and so he decide to let go of the crown, letting it shapeshift back and return to it's master. He will have to think on his actions later, right now his kits needs him.
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
imagine, though, if jaysohn had died and his last words were something like "tell lila i love her". food for thought
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yourbelgianthings · 8 months
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kontent-with-karma · 2 years
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New photo of Lila Yamamoto and Reina “Glitch” Crowne from the Rainbow High and Shadow High instagrams for Opposite Day 💖
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mckenna showing up in lila's book can be so personal actually
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compulsoryroyalty · 18 days
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"How much will she remember?"
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"I'm serious, Friedrich! You know of my condition, I wouldn't be able to describe her in such detail if it wasn't real!"
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"And you're sure you're not just fantasizing again?"
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"Not even a God could erase all of one's memories, Lila. I'm sure you could speak from experience."
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"I saw her. Clear as day. We spoke, she called me cute! Do you really expect me to make something like that up?"
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"Are you expecting me to disagree, or...?"
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"Whatever the case, they will remain distant shards of a forgone past. Eventually, she will remember it all. But as of now, it should be as if they never happened."
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"Guess that's better than nothing. Better your shit than mine."
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"You... can't be serious. Do you... truly not believe a word I say?"
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"I can not honestly say I do, Your Highness. It's improbable, at best."
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"Do you really trust in him that much?"
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"Don't got much of a choice. Can't risk her knowing my face yet.
"Plus, he's already deep in this shit. If he doesn't do it, we're both fucked."
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"Don't you have a meeting with her soon? Shouldn't you be getting ready?"
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"I. "Suppose you're right, Friedrich. I should get going."
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As the tiny Queen turned her body to face away from the possum, his vacant arm began to manifest a familiar dim lime glow. His eyes kept focus on the back of her head, squinting, as if punching a hole into it. The phantom limb began to dig into his pocket, his stance beginning to shift. Left foot in front of the right, feet planted firmly into the ground. A bright white key slowly snaked it's way out of his pocket, grasped firmly into the arcane energy. He pulled his torso back, his teeth gritting, his eyes coming to a close, his breath hitched.
He muttered under his breath, "Apologies, Kit."
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A wave of pain coated her entire form, a pain like no other she had experienced before. As if thousands of millions of tiny pins and needles dug into every inch of flesh and muscle and bone she had.
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Her mouth gasped in shock, in pain, for air, for help, but it was completely useless. Her form was already falling. Her eyes were already rolling into the back of her head. Consciousness had left her body long, long ago.
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He recoiled as the mass of magicka flung back into his body, taking a step back to keep his balance.
He stood in absolute silence, watching as the bright white key sunk into the fennec's head.
He walked over to her. He bent down to pick her up. He held her form tight as he began his trek to her room.
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He wondered if this was really keeping her safe.
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meiko333 · 3 months
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My Rainbow High / Shadow High Bisexual Headcanons
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maridotnet · 2 years
Crown for your ask game?
ooh I KNOW I've got some in here let's seeee
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good one!!!!
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gfs who share clothes <3
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redtippedfox · 2 years
I’m sorry did I just learn that the monkey miraculous is based off an actual Chinese mythology story and character and Zag did nothing with that knowledge? No backstory for Xxupu or for the Miraculous?! Zag you had so much Potential?!
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sherylmeyer · 2 years
if anyone wants the urls "lilayamamoto" "minniechoi" or "reinaglitchcrowne" i have them and i'd be more than willing to hand them over if you want them
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torpublishinggroup · 1 year
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#1 NYT bestselling author V.E. Schwab returns to the dazzling worlds of Shades of Magic with a fantastical, perilous, and intrigue-tangled new series-starter: The Fragile Threads of Power,with commissioned artwork of Kell and Lila by lasq.draws.
Once, the four worlds sat nestled like pages in a book, connected with fantastical power to a single city: London. But the magic pulsed. It grew too fast, and the doors between worlds were sealed in a desperate gamble at protection.
The few magicians able to open these doors grew rarer as time passed, and now only three are known in recent memory. Kell Maresh of Red London, Delilah Bard of Grey London, and Holland Vosijk of White London have hardly been glimpsed for the last seven years. A new magician rises to claim the throne of White London: She is Kosika, who burns with religious fervor and will feed her city with blood, including her own.
And back in Red London, King Rhy Maresh is threatened by a rising rebellion, one that promises to correct the power by razing the throne entirely.
These two royals from very different empires face mirror struggles: Keep their crowns. Keep their heads. And amidst a tapestry of old friends and new enemies, a girl with unusual magic comes into possession of a device that could change the fate of all four worlds.
Her name is Tes, and she will bring the worlds together, or unravel it all.
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rnakamura22 · 9 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Random Characters
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
Malleus Dragonia
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? That’s unacceptable!
You’re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now you’re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen! He’s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleus’s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleus’s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! You’re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He won’t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot he’s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldn’t help it. A large part of him couldn’t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peel’s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, he’s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows he’s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ain’t admitting that, that’s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
“Prefect…I want to give you something. Please have a bite. It’s a special apple I picked. It’s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!”
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
“Whoah!? That was close… but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White won’t hold a candle to you…. Let’s graduate together Ok? And we can be together forever…”
He’s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, it’s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. He’s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
“This is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now you’re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!”
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobey…say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silver’s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you won’t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. He’s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you won’t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months
Hey, I just got another idea: Deacon introducing his new girlfriend to his kids over dinner and game night.
But from the point of view from one of the kids (as a little challenge😊)
- 🥰
This is such a cute idea! I wrote it from Lila's perspective (1st person POV) and it was certainly a challenge; I haven't written 1st person in a while. I hope it turned out alright, and thank you for the request and the challenge, I enjoyed writing this! Please let me know what you think and enjoy! :)
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, I imply that Annie is dead but I think you could read it differently. bad writing?
Word Count: 2.2k+ words
EDIT: Part 2 Here
A/N: Writing from Lila's POV was harder than I thought it would be, but I kind of like how it turned out for some reason? Feel free to send feedback or constructive criticism; I admit that this isn't my usual writing style but I'm open to suggestions for improvement!
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Rules & Info
The Kay Princesses
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Dad has been smiling more. Matthew thinks it’s because his friends at work are doing a good job, but I don’t know if that’s it. Sometimes, when Dad gets home after work, he isn’t smiling, but then he looks at his phone and gets all smiley. Maybe Dad likes his new phone. Or he found a new game!
“Hey,” Dad says as he opens my door. “Ready for dinner?”
When we walk together, Dad always holds my hand or carries me. Today, he tosses me over his shoulder and makes me laugh. Whatever it is that makes him happy, he's more like he used to be.
“Before we eat there’s something I need to talk to you about,” Dad says as he puts me in my chair. “So, a few months ago I met a girl.”
I knew it.
“She’s… she’s amazing. We’ve been getting to know each other and doing fun things. But she and I think it would be nice for her to meet you.”
“Are you replacing Mom?” Matthew asks, crossing his arms. (I want to kick him. Can’t he see Dad is happy?)
“Not at all,” Dad says, smiling at Matthew. His face changes as he adds, “If you don’t like her, then nothing else will happen. Okay?”
Matthew nods, but Dad’s smile is gone.
“Dad? Is she like mom?” I ask.
“Kinda. She’s also smart and beautiful, but she’s different.” His smile is back. “She likes different things, she talks differently. But she is going to love you guys.”
“We might not love her,” Matthew grumbles.
Dad takes a funny breath before tapping the table and walking to the kitchen to get dinner.
“Stop being mean,” I tell Matthew.
“He shouldn’t be talking to someone else. She isn’t Mom and I don’t want her around.”
“She’s not replacing Mom,” Samuel says. “Dad said so.”
“Well, he is. If they’re dating and they get married, then she’ll be our stepmom, meaning replacement,” Matthew says meanly.
“Dad said he’d stop seeing her if we wanted,” I remind him. “But we should meet her first. We might like her.”
Matthew rolls his eyes, which makes him look weirder than usual, and nods. I’m excited to meet her because if she makes Dad smile, she must be extra special.
“Here you are, Samuel,” Dad says when he sets Samuel’s plate down. “Matthew, Princess Lila.”
“Hey, why is she a princess but I’m just Samuel?” Samuel pouts.
I laugh at him, and Dad says, “Why am I not King Dad?”
“Wait, can I see a picture of her? What’s her name?” I ask.
Dad tells us her name, and it’s pretty. Then he shows us a picture of her, and she’s as beautiful as her name.
“She looks like a princess!” I say.
“No, she doesn’t. Princesses wear big dresses and crowns,” Matthew argues.
I want to kick him again, but Dad smiles at Matthew and puts his phone away.
Matthew and Samuel are in my room with me when she gets here. I watch out the window as Dad opens her car door and squats to talk to her. 
“I’m going to meet her,” I tell my brothers.
“Dad will introduce us,” Matthew grumbles.
I don’t listen to him, so I walk down the hall but stop when the door opens.
“What if you’re wrong?” she asks.
Dad closes the door and laughs. “I’m not,” he answers. His voice sounds different, happier.
“They’re going to hate me, David.”
Dad laughs again, and I peek around the corner. His arms are around her, and she’s leaning against him.
“They’re not. Everything will be fine.”
“I just want them, and you, to be happy,” she says quietly. “Even if that doesn’t include me.”
“Hey,” Dad says, the same way he does when I’m sad or after I get hurt. “I want you here. I’m happy with you. And the kids? The kids are going to love you.”
“Even Matthew?”
“Especially Matthew.”
She laughs at that, for some reason, before she steps back from Dad.
“We’ll be right back,” Dad whispers. He steps around the corner and stops when he sees me, shaking his head and smiling. “Go say hi.”
While he goes to my room, I step out and wave at her.
“You must be Lila. You’re even prettier than your dad said,” she says. She’s kind, like Dad said.
“I am Lila. My dad says that you’re smart and beautiful and going to love me and my brothers.”
“Well, he’s right about the last thing.”
“How did you meet my dad?”
“We just ran into each other one day. He was working and I was nearby.”
“Can we be on a team for game night? I haven’t been on an all-girls’ team in a while.”
She smiles, which makes her even prettier, and says she would like that. My brothers come back, and Dad introduces everyone to each other while I sit beside her.
“Why do you like my dad?” Samuel asks.
“He’s really good to me, and for me. I think he’s the best guy I’ve ever met.”
She looks at Dad while she talks, and he smiles at her. I like her. She doesn't treat us like little kids, and I like that.
“Why do you want to replace our Mom?” Matthew asks.
She looks at Dad before she answers. “I don’t, Matthew, I promise I don’t. Your dad has told me about your mom, and she sounds amazing.”
“Then what do you want to do?”
“I want to be with your dad and try to make him happy like he makes me happy.”
“By replacing my mom,” Matthew says as he gets up and walks away.
She looks up at Dad, but they’re not smiling anymore. Dad raises a hand and nods before he follows Matthew. I put my hand in hers, and she looks over at me.
“Do you love my dad?” I ask her.
Her smile returns as she says, “I do. More than anything.”
Dad hugs her tightly on the porch before she leaves. I stand beside the window so I can see and hear them.
“If they don’t want me here, I understand. They’re the most important things in your life and they shouldn’t be uncomfortable or upset. I understand if you don’t want me to come back and we can be friends, right?”
“That’s not going to happen. We’ll work through it. Lila loves you.” That’s true. “And Samuel thinks you’re great. Matthew, uh, Matthew just needs some time.”
“I get it. Take all the time you guys need. You’re worth waiting for, Deac.”
They get quiet, and when I look outside again, Dad holds her while they kiss. He pulls back and wipes her face. I think she’s crying.
I decide to help Matthew with his time and walk into his room.
“We need to talk.”
“You always need to talk,” he says.
“Why don’t you like her?”
“You wouldn’t understand, Lila.”
“Who says? You won’t let me try.”
Matthew sighs and rolls away from his comic book to look at me.
“No matter what they say, even if she isn’t a replacement, she’ll end up in Mom’s spot. And I don’t want that.”
“Why not? She’s nice and she loves Dad and he loves her.”
“What are we doing?” Samuel asks as he comes in and sits beside Matthew.
“Talking about Dad’s girlfriend. Matthew doesn’t like her,” I answer.
“She’s nice, and super fun,” Samuel says. I nod and look back at Matthew.
“I never said I didn’t like her,” Matthew says quietly. “I just don’t want her to replace Mom.”
“She can’t replace Mom. They’re so different. It would be like another Mom, not a new one.”
“She even said that she can’t replace Mom and wouldn’t try to. She wants to make Dad happy, which involves us being happy,” Samuel explains. Matthew and I look at him, confused by his wording. “That’s what she told me,” he adds.
“So, you do like her?” I ask.
“I do,” Matthew says quietly. “I’m just scared.”
“There’s nothing to be scared about. Dad loves us and would never do anything without telling us or making sure we’re okay. That’s why he brought her to meet us. You should give her a chance.”
Matthew nods and stands up. “Let’s go talk to Dad.”
We walk together to the kitchen, where Dad cleans up after dinner and game night.
“Dad, can we talk?” Matthew asks.
Dad dries his hands as he nods and waves his hand toward the couch. When we all sit down, he sits on the table in front of us.
“What’s going on?” he asks.
I look at Matthew because I know he’ll answer the question. “We like her,” he admits, “and I’m sorry for being mean.”
“It’s okay, bud. This is a big change and you’re allowed to have questions and need time to think,” Dad says, putting a hand on Matthew’s leg.
“Is she coming for game night again?” Samuel asks. “Because I want to be on her team this time.”
“No, I do, she’s good,” Matthew argues.
Dad laughs and pats their knees. “If you want, she’ll come for two game nights so you can take turns.”
We nod together, and Dad smiles. She said she wants to make Dad happy, but I think she already is.
“Thank you for meeting her and being open to new things, guys. It was very grown up of you.”
“I didn’t get to tell her she looks like I princess,” I remember.
“You can tell her next time, munchkin. Maybe she’ll even play dress up with you… if you ask really, really nicely.”
That sounds amazing. I can’t wait to see her again. Maybe getting a new mom could be even better than I thought.
I can hear Dad talking after he tucks me in. Dad says her name, so I must check if she’s back so soon. Creeping down the hallway, I realize I can only hear Dad.
“I told you Matthew would like you. He just needed to figure out that you’re not trying to replace Annie,” Dad says. “They really, really like you; they want you to come back for game night so you can be on Samuel and Matthew’s team next time.”
He’s quiet for a while before he asks, “Are you crying?” And then, “Are you sure? Because even when you said no it sounded like you were.”
Dad laughs like he used to, but a little different. I guess that’s how the whole thing works: he’s happy but differently than before because you’re different, and now he’s different.
“I told you they’d love you,” Dad says, “just like I do.”
They really do love each other. Dad made a good choice, and we did too.
It’s finally game night again, and Dad and Matthew have decided to treat it like a “do over,” so they’re acting like they haven’t met her before. I think that’s funny, but I’m glad that she’s coming back either way. I’m by the window watching for her while Dad and Matthew set up the board game.
“She’s here!” I tell Dad.
He thanks me and then walks to the door. Matthew follows him, and I turn to watch. Dad opens the door and smiles.
“Hey,” he greets, a weird tone he only uses for her breaking through. “This is Matthew.”
Matthew shakes her hand, and they smile at each other.
“Nice to meet you,” Matthew says. “Sorry about before.”
“No apology necessary, Matthew. It’s very nice to meet you, too. Your dad has told me lots of good things about you.”
“Really? Like what?”
“He said you’re really good at tonight’s game. So, I was wondering if you’d want to be on my team? I need a lot of help.”
Matthew leads her to the table where the game is and shows her where he’s sitting. Dad looks at me and winks.
“Dinner first, Matthew,” he says as he walks by. He drags his hand across her back as he passes her. He never did that with Mom, but she isn’t Mom.
“Will you be on my team next time? I get to choose the game next week,” Samuel tells her.
“I’d love to!”
While we eat dinner, she answers our questions and asks us some too. She tells us about where she’s from, her job, her favorite food, and (my question) who her favorite princess is.
“Who is your favorite princess, Lila?” she asks.
Dad smiles at her every time she asks us a question. By dessert, it feels like we’ve known her forever. She agrees to come over just to hang out with me, and I feel great; I stick my tongue out at Samuel, and he laughs at me.
“You take the first turn and I’ll watch,” she whispers to Matthew when we start playing his favorite game.
She watches him and asks him a few questions, then watches Dad as he takes his turn.
“Hey, when do I get to be on your team?” she asks Dad, smiling at him.
“You’re always on my team,” he answers, winking at her.
“Gross,” Matthew whispers.
His eyes widen, and he apologizes quickly before she and Dad start laughing. She tells him it’s okay and asks for his help with her turn. When she’s not talking to us, she looks at Dad.
As he walks her to her car, he kisses her, and spins her around. She’s always been pretty like a princess, but Dad loves her enough to treat her like one, too.
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