#lila rosi x marinette dupain cheng
hunterxassasin · 4 years
Just a little something for my buddy @caitlinsnow-yayyy!! Definitely not a new au. . .totally not. . .haha. .
Also a slightly aged up au because I said so. This is set a few years after the show occurs, chsracters are 18 - 19 because i want them to be
Alya let out a long breath of air as she out her camera down. Adrien's photoshoot was taking a break and she was finally done filming it for the most part.
As far as his father was aware, she was there as a journalist, nothing more than a pawn in his game, which was the only reason she was allowed to attend. However, she had another reason for being there, and that reason was clear to everyone in the park as Adrien came up and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.
Alya chuckled and playfully shoved him. "Alright pretty boy, enough of that." She teased, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. A smirk formed on her face as Adrien faked a frown.
"Why can't I kiss my girlfriend? It's not like it's against the law." The blond said dramatically, doing his best puppy dog face, however it didn't faze Alya in the slightest, in fact she seemed to stand her ground even harder.
The red head opened her mouth to respond when she heard a very familar Italian accent. "Well, I believe the rest of our crew is here. If you'll excuse me, darling," she booped his nose with a chuckle. "I'll go see what they're up to." Shs turned away as Adrien let out a huff.
Marinette and Lila were approaching, Nino a keeping a few paces back from the couple. The aspiring DJ was the only one not to have a significant other, no matter how hard Lila and Laya schemed to set him up with Chloe. "Hey girl, didn't think you'd be here this early."
Marinette gave a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of her neck. "Well, if it weren't for Nino calling at least 6 times we wouldn't have gotten here at all. . ." Alya raised an eyebrow, eyeing both the girls but said nothing more.
"We were in the middle of a baking lesson, it wasn't going too well." Lila explained, glancing behind Alya at Adrien who was slowly getting back into his photoshoot. "Looks like our plans will have to wait for a while. In the meantime. . ." She glanced at Marinette, who gave her a soft, loving smile and a nod. The two girls headed for a patch of concrete and Lila slipped the bag she was carrying off her slender shoulders.
She and Marinette pulled two pair of shiny, black tap shoes out of the bag and put them on. Alya and Nino settled down in front of them, excitement in their eyes. It wasn't too often they got to see the two of them preform, let alone preform together. Marinette tapped her foot in a simple rhythm, speeding it up as she and Lila began to tap. Eventually a small audience had gathered, and even Adrien's photographers had stopped to watch.
Their show ended with Lila dipping Marinette and planting a sweet kiss on her lips. Alya whooped and hollored for them, the rest of the crowd, mostly people the two girls knew, gave a soft chuckle.
Adrien settled down by Alya as Marinette and Lila came over. "They cut the session short today because of you're little preformance, so we have time to go ahead with our plans." Alya perked up a bit more and pulled her boyfriend into a tight hug, sprinkling kisses on his cheeks.
Lila glanced over at Nino, raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure you don't want to invite Chloe? She does have a miraculous you know, ever since we retrieved the peacock and let her use it she's been dying to get out more."
Nino bkushed fervently, shaking his head. "Its fine, besides then Marinette would have to fetch the miraculous and there's no akuma so Master Fu would be suspicious." He muttered, standing up. "Let's just get going." He huffed, putting his headphones iver his ears and ducking into the nearest alley way, followed by Adrien. The faint green and black lights could be seen for a just a second before Carapace and Chat Noir were bounding the rooftops.
Alya blushed heavily, biting her lip. "I wish he could be like this all the time." She muttered, getting an odd look from Marinette and a cheeky one from Lila.
"You mean in a leather catsuit all the time?" Lila snickered, receiving a punch in the shoulder.
"You know exactly what I mean." Alya stood up and sauntered away, ducking behind a building. In a soft flash of yellow light the bee heroine, Abeille was bounding across the rooftops after the two heros.
Lila and Marinette followed, Ladybug and Volpina could be seen running across the rooftops together as the caught up with their companions.
Alya sighed as she settled down in her bed. It had been a long night, after they had all set out an akuma had showed up, which required Chloe's help despite Nino's protests. She was battered and bruised, but the job was well done. Paris was safe, and that's all that mattered.
Scrolling through her phone, Alya pulled up her texts with Adrien, smiling gently at them. Most of them were him just saying how much he missed her and what not, but none the less it made her smile. She sent him a quick good night text before throwing her phone onto her nightstand and letting herself drift off to sleep.
Adrien could not get comfortable. Anyway he tried to sleep it just wouldn't come. Eventually he got up and wandered down the lavish stairs in his home, heading towards his father's office.
A faint glow flickered under the door, as Adrien approached. A candle, he guessed, must be the source of the light. He gently knocked, receiving a grunt that sounded similar to come in.
The model entered, standing firm in front of the stained oak desk. Gabriel looked up at his son from behind his glasses, narrowing his eyes at him. "What brings you down here this late at night, Adrien? Just because you're 18 doesn't mean you can disregard the schedule I have you on." His father spoke in a rough manner, his voice cracking slightly, as if something was bothering him.
Adrien brushed it off, forcing himself to not give in to his softer, more people pleasing side. "Father, there's something I need to tell you." He stated firmly, hands balling into fists at his sides.
Gabriel raised an eyebrow but said nothing more, which Adrien took as an invitation to continue. "I have a girlfriend. And I've been seeing her since we were 13." Gabriel blinked, forcing himself not to smirk. He hadn't know of Adrien's little girlfriend, but it could be of use to him. . .if only he could get them to breakup then he could have a very powerful akuma on his hands. The man began to plot, watching as his son spoke once more.
"A-and" Adrien's voice faltered, but he continued. "I want to propose to her. As soon as possible." He watched his fathers facial expressions, trying to get a read on him, to see what he was thinking, to know what souod come next, but it was in vain. The words that came out of his father's mouth were not what he expected.
"Fine then, bring her to meet me tomorrow, and then we will get you a ring."
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ale121097 · 6 years
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Adrien and Marinette together
Miraculous Ladybug
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