#lil sad I can’t give her more tummy but I don’t want to use a body mod cos then I’d need gear specific mods
candycryptids · 1 year
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Fat Chuusday is top quality
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sainadazai · 3 years
hi, could I request dad ushijima headcanons?
Yes ofc :)
Things Dad!Ushi does
He doesn't understand that when your child is a baby, they are...just a baby
Speaks to them seriously as if they will respond to him
It's cute tho-
He will be in the kitchen warming up some milk at midnight, asking the baby about their day
"Your mother told me you almost fully lifted your head today. I always told her you would be strong c/n."
Ushijima goes on a run each morning, and if his kid is being fussy, he just straps them in a carrier and takes them with
It's like weight training
He won't admit to this, but when he is alone with the two of you, he likes to play with their little belly fat
It's so cute how their tummy is chubby he just wants to kiss it all the time-
When they grow more and begin walking and talking, he will realize somehow that he produces the most genius kids in the world
Will ask for more
He knows you don't like it, but he never palys the stupid kids shows when he's watching them, he always puts on a volleyball match
Thinks that he can manipulate the infant into loving volleyball
Doesn't goof around at all, though
You are for playtime and Ushi is for serious training 😡
Instead of teasing around with toys he will do drills with your 4 year old 😀
Sports is how he has fun, so he figures that they will too
It's kinda funny to come home to find a grown man in your backyard doing push-ups next to a pre-schooler
He cheers them on, too, just to be sure they don't feel sad
"Thats it, your almost at two push-ups c/n, hold on, we must record this! Your mother will be so proud she always tells me she likes muscles."
He doesn't understand that the strength isn't what makes you like his muscles :/
Its okay though
Does not give a shit about gender norms because he never knew they existed.
He will let them go to school in a too too and polka dot leggings if they want. Regardless of gender.
He thinks anything they chose to wear is perfect- so why would he change it
If anyone teases them he WILL be seeing the principle about it.
He loves taking them to the gym with him when they are old enough.
Not to workout, but to meet his team
Kageyama pretends to hate them but they play tag all day
Your kid is competitive as shit. Can't help it, it's in the genes
So they will throw tantrums if they ever lose st anything.
However, you can't rely on your wonderful baby daddy to help because he insists on never intentionally losing a game.
They like to play connect four together
So one day you teach your six your old an easy way to beat dad and instead of shaking hands and admitting defeat he refuses to talk to them all day-
Ushi doesn't like losing :/ so now you have two babies to take care of
He wants three kids.
He says that they will be bestfriends and he always wanted siblings growing up
But when you bring home your second child and the first one starts to throw toys at it he gets so confused.
At first he yells, and c/m goes to time out "we do not throw toys!"
But later that night, when you are sound asleep and he is waiting for the baby to inevitably get hungry, he is wondering why on earth your kids wouldn't love eachother
Like...#2 is so cute? Looks just like c/n with that cite lil baby chub :(
He solves the problem by saying that exactly to the 6 year old 😃
"But c/n they have little fat legs? And chubby cheeks? And they laugh when they fart? Just like you."
Somehow it works tho-
They bond over farts and Ushi regrets this so much
He buys a dad car
Two car seats and toys and Disney music
His teammates tease him for it but it so convenient? Why didn't he buy it ages ago?
Struggles a lot with letting go
Like when he has to travel for games
Puts on a brave face for the kids and the calls you on the plane begging to see them and know what you were doing the 30 minutes he's been gone
Being a dad doesn't make him laze off on sex.
He IS a dilf
Although he doesn't know what a dilf is
He is prepared to read a story book to his babies and then pound you into that mattress
Sometimes he does get sick of them
Not specifically, but once they are old enough to argue with him he gets so tired
He insists on not yelling at them
So when thry don't listen he has to put on that stern and scary face but deep inside he really just wants to give them anything they want
Only disciplines them because he knows you'll get mad at him for not
They know how to schmooze him, though
It's the same look you used to give him
Those big brights eyes and soft pout, almost teary with want
He gives in everytime
The man can't help himself he made SUCH CUTE KIDS TF
You don't like it. But you let it happen
Because you know he loves them more than anything in the world <3
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Partners- Reader x Hybrid!Maknae line
A/N: Don't know if ill write more and make a Lil series or keep this as a drabble
WC: 4k
Warnings:Fluff, possible smut if i continue. 
Rated: PG 13 i guess
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After another long day at your shitty desk job as a secretary, you were on your way out when you get stopped by the department head.
“Hey Y/N, I'm glad I caught you!”
You inwardly groaned. All you wanted to do was to go home to your beautiful hybrid who you knew would no doubt whine about you coming home late. 1000 bucks says Mark was here to tell you that you would be delaying that peace a little longer.
“Mark please I am tired and I already worked two hours over today”
“Sorry Y/N. I have to stay too. We are expecting some big shot from the main branch and you and I get to personally oversee all things pertaining to him when he gets here. He’s gearing up to take over HQ as the new CEO”
“Oh my- No way.”
“Yup. Jackson Wang”
“Damn. well, he is super hot so I'm doing it for him, not you. When do we need what?” 
“He doesn't get in till next week so we will have time to prepare. Just letting yo know you can pass on the DRASS project to Amaya.”
“What no way that project is mine, it's literally all I've worked on for months-”
“And I know you were super excited to fly back to Kenya to help those people and see it through. I promise you will get full credit but We need this, trust me Jackson says he wants to pick his personal team from within the company. If we do well enough this will be the push we need and could select us as candidates.- You have a hybrid right? well, I have a family of five, and having extra money in the bank whether it's just a bonus for this or a whole new position will help us both and you know it.”
“okay” You relented with a sigh taking the folder from his hands.
“You should rest up this weekend so that we can meet up a little early next week to go over what needs to get done and how we can prepare for everything.”
“so i can go home now?”
Mark chuckles and nods. “ Run along, give your boy a hug from me” Mark kisses your forehead as has been the norm and walks away with a small wave towards his own car.
Leaving the office you groan after seeing the traffic. It was going to be a slow crawl in the car for like an hour before you make it back home.
“Y/N!” You didn't even unlock the door before you were bombarded with the full weight of the handsome hybrid you share a home with.
“Where were you? I was waiting for you for so long. I got us dinner but its all cold now” His voice a little muffled as he spoke into your hair.
“oh what did you eat?”
Taehyungs tummy growled.
 “I didn't. I wanted us to eat together because i got Lasagne, your favourite.” His tail which was wrapped around you as he had hugged you fell to the floor in sadness.
“I’m so sorry Tae.” You looked up to find his ears flattened on his head as his arms drop from your shorter frame. 
Taehyung’s eyes meet yours as he feels how your guilt seems to seep through and he gives you his beautiful signature boxy smile before picking you up and carrying you into your apartment.
“It’s okay Y/N we can reheat it.”
You kiss him on the check and go into your room to change into something comfortable before joining Tae back in the kitchen and sitting on one of the stools.
“Wine M’lady.” Taehyung poured two glasses and reached for your hand leading you to the couch.
“c’mon it will take a while to heat nicely in the oven.”
You nodded and followed him hi sat first then pat his lap. You looked at him questioningly.
“First my favourite meal and then expensive wine? It's not my birthday Tae.By the way this wine is like 1922 grade $400 bucks stuff how in the world did you get some?”
Taehyung chuckled.“I just wanna sit and cuddle with you and have a nice evening together plus you smell like a squirrel.”
You caved and snuggled beside Taehyung instead of on his lap but he just pulled you closer to him nuzzling your hair and drawing little patterns on your arms.
You inwardly facepalmed, of course, Tae’s sensitive nose picks up on all the people from work and apparently most pungently your intern who had sent his Squirrel hybrid to give in some documents to you halfway through a meeting - “I can go take a shower-”
“No don't go please i just missed you a lot today is all.”
“ You sure? Nothing else? Nothing bothering you?”
“Nothing at all.”
It was not nothing.
Taehyung had spent the better part of the morning crying his eyes out after overhearing your conversation to Seokjin. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, in fact, he was going to come and give you a hug good morning but what he heard made him stop dead in his tracks. 
“He’s a beautiful Calico cat Y/N, i think that it could be a good match for you. You did say you had always wanted a cat right? well this is your chance and he will dote on you hand and foot- you work too much honestly when do you take time to read and breathe?”
Tae robotically walked away tail tucked in between his legs and retreated to the bathroom He didn't bother with the rest of the conversation he was just numb. He turned on the shower but made no other moves towards actually showering. All he could think of was that maybe you were trying to replace him, that he wasn't enough for you or maybe that he was just too much and you didn't love him anymore. He heard you knock on the door announcing your departure for work but he couldn't bring himself to respond. After crying for what felt like hours Tae looked at his phone. You had sent a message.
Had to leave early,U might not have heard me in the shower.Take care. Y/N”
Taehyung felt morose. No “I love you” or cute emoji. He sighed and went to your room. Laying on your bed he snuggled up to one of your pillows and managed to fall asleep. It ended up only being a nap as Taehyung woke around an hour later. Eyes still puffy and with a sniffle, he sat up determined and decided to do something special for you.
“Hey Hyung”
“What do you wan- Is Y/N Okay? Did you start a fire again?”
Taehyung deadpanned. “Hyung that was one time!”
“Okay, what's wrong little brother?”
Taehyung whined. he felt the beginnings of tears stirring up again.
“come over. Hoseok has a day off today. Or do you just wanna talk to me?”
“I’ll be right there”
Yoongi sighed rubbing his fingers over his temples. Hoseok was currently now consoling his little brother who after regaling his story managed to upset himself and break down into full-blown tears again.
“I knew something was up I *Hic* didn't think she, we would ever be apart” 
Yoongi sat on Taehyungs opposite side and pulled him into a hug after wiping some of his tears.
“It’s just a big misunderstanding okay she is just working really hard she’s not trying to abandon you.”
“Hyung you don't know that. Easy for you to say because you have Hoseok- Hyung.”
“And it's only because of her that I got adopted by him remember? She wanted us both but she didn't have the means to look after both of us so she called all her friends willing to take a hybrid on and then she said that she was sorry she couldn't do more but at least we would be able to see each other. She’s the reason we can still talk, see each other despite being separated, and hang out.”
Hoseok nods, “She got an extra bed in your room too for Yoongi to come to stay over whenever he wanted and she gave him the spare key remember? I don't even have a spare and I've known her longer-”
“she likes us better” Taehyung and Yoongi snapped to Hoseok at the same time.
Hoseok laughed. “well glad to know where I stand. I wouldn't hold it against you if you moved now, she earns enough to support you now...so if-”
Yoongi smiled “You would be hopeless without me and you know it.”
Hoseok scratched behind Yoongi’s ears and with a smile, he began “Well if you want my advice on this-”
“We don’t,” The hybrid brothers said again in unison.
Hoseok rolled his eyes and mumbled about getting something to eat and calling Seokjin to figure out what was going on.
Yoongi’s heart was aching for Taehyung. He wanted nothing more than to see his beautiful smile again.
“Y/N likes Lillies why don't you buy her some and like welcome her with those and some chocolates or something when she gets home?”
Taehyung sighed. “I thought about that but it feels too simple and like something anyone could come up with.” His eyes glazed over to the Tv where a couple was horseriding on a ranch. Immediately Taehyung lit up.
” That's it!”
“Tae we can't buy a horse ranch, even with all three of us chipping in”
“Not the ranch Hyung. Y/N likes this special wine that you can only get at a few places. If I get her a bottle and cook her a fancy dinner she can remember why she only needs me.”
Hoseok came back to the living room.
“oh, I have a bottle from the last time we went to the ranch as a group the chateau right? I was gonna wait for her birthday and surprise her but you can have it Tae,”
Taehyung glomped Hoseok in gratitude.
“cant breathe Tae”
Yoongi stood up scrolling on his phone. “what did Soekjin say?”
Taehyungs smile dropped and his face morphed into nervous worry. Yoongi placed a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder expecting bad news from the way he reacted.
“He is out of town for the weekend. Some big trip so I could only leave a voicemail. It’s probably nothing. Anyway, you should go on and get dinner ready for Y/N before she gets home right?”
Taehyung brightened a little and skilled nodding. Before he left Yoongi said he should probably order food so he doesn't poison you or set the place on fire. He left feeling optimistic and hopeful that he could mend things with you. He wanted to help take better care of you he promised himself.
You woke up to the smell of burnt pancakes and Hot chocolate. Following the scent, you found Tae in the kitchen attentively staring at the pancake until a small ding went off on his phone. Shutting off the timer he placed a layer of batter where the last pancake just lay and set the timer again. You watched him fondly before he plated this one and poured honey over it. Putting the plate on a tray with the precut fruits and hot chocolate his ears went up as he sniffed the air. Turning around he saw you in the doorframe.
“Y/N...i-i made breakfast” He hastily grabbed your hand and led you back to you room tucking you in, before rushing out and bringing the tray with him.
Your heart swelled at this blessing of a man in front of you and he watched with rapt attention as you cut off a piece of the pancake before placing it in your mouth.
“How is it?” His ears sagged over his head expecting rejection.
“I can make you an omelet instead if you-”
“Taehyung it's the best pancake I’ve ever eaten.”
He buried his face in your pillow at your praise, tail wagging happily. You offered him a strawberry and a piece of the pancake and he hummed happily.
After sharing breakfast together you spent the day spring cleaning together before spending the rest of the day on a movie marathon. On Sunday You were both invited to game night at Hoseoks and You and Tae were a dynamite team as usual with Yoongi coming in to troll Hoseok much to his displeasure.
“I look forward to working with you further Mr wang.” you held out your hand. Jackson laughed and gave you a hug instead. 
“No way just call me Jackson. I’ve been friends with Mark forever so any friend of his is a friend of mine, also you come at a right recommendation, which is surprising cos he can be a bit of a downer.”
“I’m right here you know!” 
“I’m so grateful for you for doing this at such last minute. i know it was a lot to organise in the given time frame Y/N.” 
“Not at all, Mr wa- Jackson.”
You all stayed in his office with some comfortable banter before going home.
Taehyung called over to you and began to advance happily towards you before he stopped and sniffed you strangely. You wanted to ask him what the problem was but your phone chimed. it was Soekjin- he was calling you. You declined the call because you remembered you needed to tell Tae what was going on so that you could get his opinion on things.
“It might be urgent, if he keeps calling you like that. Go see what your human friend wants.”
“Do you not like Jin? Since when? Tae what’s-”
“You’ve been talking a lot to whoever lately and you smell like a new scent and a hybrid and I feel tired so I’ll probably just go hang out at Hyung’s.”
“No wait Taehyung I’m not trying to have secrets or hide anything from you but there is something important I need to tell you.”
Taehyung huffed and went to go sit down as you took his hands in yours. He looked like how you found him 2 years ago a wounded puppy with eyes full of love and brimming with sadness.
“Things are a bit crazy at the shelter and Jin needs help in housing some of the Hybrids temporarily. Some can go to other shelters but some need a more... loving environment, calmer without the more violent hybrids sharing with the weaker type ones. I offered to take two of them in while he figures everything out. I know its a lot and if you don't want to, we will just stay just us but if Jin is overcrowded he’s at risk of getting shut down and then they could all end up on the streets I-”
“It's okay.”
You blinked. “Huh?”
“It's just temporary, right? I can understand that we shouldn't let anyone be on the streets if we can help.”
“really? you’re fine with this?”
“It’s...I will be able to deal with it. But I want strawberry cake and I’m not sharing”
“Of course Tae. Guess I should call Jin and tell him the great news!” You chirped and went to grab your phone. You didn't notice the sheer rejection that he tried to hold in.
Jungkook and Jimin stood behind Jin. The latter holding Jin’s shirt as he explained some of the pills he had brought along for their nutrition and bringing along some bags with groceries. You reached to take it and Jungkook took them all in your stead silently trying to minimize eye contact with you.
“Thank you Jungkookie.”
Embarrased, Jungkook stuttered out. “I-Its the least I can do after you are being so kind.” You practically melted and pet the Muscle bunny softly at the base of his ears and he stomped his foot a little and grinned showing his toothy smile.
Jimin, not to be outdone, said he could help you pack everything away and let go of Jin who was trying to remain them of something that they were tuning out in their silent contest to impress you. You tried to place a jar on a shelf too high and fell back into JK who caught you and placed it up for you instead. Jimin began whining that he could have done it for you but he was busy with the things in the fridge.
Taehyungs loud sneeze broke up the rowdy lot of you.
Jungkook gripped your waist in fear and stayed behind you as you faced Taehyung. Jimin in shock had hit his head on the shelf of the fridge and tried to catch some of the items that threatened to spill out.
Tehyung seeing Jungkook’s hand on your waist had yanked you out of his grasp and began scenting you and sending a snarl their way.
You sighed. This was how Taehyungs been acting ever since you started the project with Jackson. Pretty much anything could set him off but you felt bad because you should have been more understanding of how this may look in his eyes.
“ Jin, Rabbit, feline”
“Tae, Longtime! Sorry if we woke you. this is Jungkook he's a black Holland Lop and Jimin is a calico cat.”
“I’m Y/N’s Siberian husky.” Tae said to the other two before looking back to Jin.
“ I was awake- Hyung i was finishing the laundry for the new...guests.”
You spun around in his arms to face him. Petting his ears as he cooed into your touch “Aww Tae I told you I’d manage it”
Jin’s ringtone killed the silence and he dashed out telling you to call if any problems arose.
Thereafter you got the boys settled into Taehyung’s room. With a sigh you went and faceplanted into your sheets only to have Taehyung come and crawl beside you. After half an hour when you tried to get up Taehyung just grumbled and  held you tighter.”
“Tae i have to go to”
“work I know” He said with a sigh reluctantly letting you go. 
“Today’s a chilled day we will be done early. Besides, you guys can use this time to bond and make friends.” At his whine, you kissed the top of his head. “ please? For me, try?” 
Six weeks later all of you have somewhat of a comfortable rythym in the household. On a day off you decided it would be fun to go to the beach. Jimin offered to pack a picnic for everyone and Jungkook and Taehyung were moody on the drive over because they didn't think of it first. You had also told him since he was so helpful he could sit in the passenger seat and Jimin spent the whole ride grinning like the cat who got the cream.
Once there you were happy to let the boys wander off to their heart's content after setting up your belongings under a beach umbrella.
Jungkook had other plans. He worked very hard on his physique and although shy he still remembers the first time he came back shirtless from a run and found you on the couch. You tried to hide it but He knows you checked him out and you were definitely attracted to him the way your eyes hungrily racked over his body. Since that day he would be on the lookout for any golden opportunities to be close to you. Honestly, Taehyung had it made. You were kind, smart, hardworking, and breathtakingly beautiful. So often he dreamt of you as his and he knew the others thought the same. Officially though he was still a foster, Jimin had reminded him that morning and their place here wasn't secured so Jimin said he was gonna up the Ante. At first, Jungkook ignored him and went to shower but when he emerged to the sound of you praising Jimin for coming up with such a cute and thoughtful idea, He knew he needed a plan of his own. 
Taehyung excused himself for the bathroom and Jimin was looking around for the cooler box. He decided to go and check in the car leaving Jungkook alone with you. This was his moment. He stripped himself of his shirt and innocently asked if you would come to the water with him. He rationalized his need for an escort being that he was not used to such big crowds of people and thus managed to convince you out of your sundress to reveal your bikini and guide him by the hand towards the water.
Jungkook was Jungshook at the two-piece and how you looked in it enjoying the view until some guy came out trying to talk to you. That snapped him out of his daze and he flung you over his shoulder and bolted into the water trying to shield your body for his admiration alone. You were having a ball of a time and Jungkook got to stay near you and hold you claiming to save you from sharks if you found any.
Jimin had stomped away to the car and after retrieving the cooler box which he was pretty sure Jungkook was supposed to carry happily bounded to the store to get ice for the drinks on the way back. He also spotted a local artist doing caricatures and thought to remember to bring you over later for a couple picture together. He knew you weren't a couple but Jimin was smitten for you. He was slightly confused as to why Tae didn't have a romantic relationship with you, or at least you weren't his mate so he still had a shot. The only thing in his way now was the little maknae and his cute bunny-like stupid smile and ‘helpful groping’. Jungkook certainly wasn't shy in trying to subtle scent you when you were distracted anymore, not like how it was when they first arrived. No, they had gone from not trying to interfere with your and Tae’s relationship to wanting their own with you, a romantic one. The mystery now was why arent you and Taehyung together? Was it because he was a hybrid or was he just not the right guy? did you reject Taehyung before? Did you get rejected by Taehyung and now he regrets it and wants you back? Jimin didn’t care he wanted you and that was final. Even if you never returned his feelings even just being by your side could be enough for him, enough that he could get over sharing your affection with Taehyung after all he was the first even if he hates to admit it.
Taehyung almost dropped the Icecream cones in his hands.
 Its been so long since you two had come to the beach, in fact, the last time was when Yoongi had hinted at you two being an adorable couple. Taehyung had gotten you ice cream to share and you had some dribble down from your mouth to your chin. Taehyung did it before his brain was able to process the action, he licked a stripe from your chin to your lips lingering for a second before placing a chaste kiss there. You were embarrassed, to say the least, and Tae hid his own embarrassment by getting up to toss a ball back to a bunch of kids playing volleyball. When he came back he noticed you with some of Yoongi’s cocktail and the two of you managed to finish the jug just between the two of you. Later at home Yoongi and Hoseok took to the twin beds in Tae’s room and you pulled him into your room. Tae had discovered you were really handsy and although he wanted you so badly you were both too drunk to do more than sleep after a sloppy makeout session. The next morning you had woken up first and Left some water and ibuprofen with an apple by his side. His morning wood making him panic in short horror prompting a quick cold shower. While he discarded his clothes he saw your underwear that you had slept in still coated in fragments of your arousal, on top of the laundry hamper and grabbed it as he stepped in the shower. It was the first time he had taken your underwear.
Yoongi had told him then to let you bring it up- the idea of you guys figuring out what you want moving forward as it was clear to him and Hoseok that you two were lusting after one another but was it anything more? Taehyung was in the midst of figuring out his feelings for you and what everything meant and how things were going to be different but you came in the apartment with breakfast goodies in tow. You managed to still look effortlessly beautiful in the morning and Tae was so happy that you got him his favourite things for breakfast from your waffle house.
“Tae, I’m so sorry about yesterday i was super drunk”
“I was drunk too Y/N its fi-”
“No it’s I'm sorry can we just forget this all happened i don't want to loose you Tae I love you. Can we move on please?”
Taehyungs heart shattered across the floor but he nodded and to put insult to injury you kissed his cheek before scolding Hobi for drinking The hot chocolate you meant for Taehyung and yourself.
“I’m sorry lil bro. If you wanna stay with us we can share my room, i have a double bed and Hobi can-”
“Its okay Yoongi- Hyung. I can keep it together for now, ill give it some time and if that doesn't work I’ll confess and we work from there. For now, her loving me is enough, even if its just friends. This love and adoration from her is enough.”
It’s Not Fucking Enough. Not anymore. That was then when he had you all to himself, No new boss keeping you at work always hugging you, No Bunny, no Cat. No it was war now, and Tae has just about reached his limit.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
can you write my sweet dumb lil xavier finding out that his s/o is pregnant? feel like that would be vv cute
(A/N): Hey guys! 
I am going to go back to my requests, although I am very sorry that it took me quite a bit to get through each of them... please understand that lately for various reasons I am extremely struggling on here and outside, so I am extremely sorry if I am a tiny bit... slow... I swear I am trying my best.
Also I did tear up a bit on this (and I love my dumb bitch more than anything).
WARNINGS: Pregnancy, Negative Thoughts About Pregnancy, Mention of Trauma.
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You giggled as Xavier rushed to kiss you, just as you walked in your shared apartment, almost making you drop all your grocery bags, and you were unable to lock the door, giving your neighbors quite show with the way Xavier almost jumped you.
Whenever Xavier insisted on you two getting a dog, you would always reply that you didn’t need one, since he was already acting as an overgrown Labrador retriever, and the way he always celebrated you opening the door, in that moment coming at home from work, proved it.
Still fact that Xavier had insisted on getting a dog, since the apartment was too big for just you two, had made you feel slightly better after the doctor had told you the troubling news you had on your mind.
You were pregnant.
A few weeks, but you had been already bothered for the entire week by nauseous situations, although the fact that they kept happening all through the day had brought you to think that it wasn’t a pregnancy symptom.
But after the doctor had examined you, she had confirmed that you were indeed carrying a little peanut in your stomach, showing you the ultrasound and printing a copy, that you thought about showing to Xavier.
Hadn’t he freaked out in your face at the news.
You two weren’t married, although you had been living together for a few years, at first just as simple collaborators, since you were the photograph of most of his modelling projects, and then as boyfriend and girlfriend.
You hadn’t even talked about children, although you were both aware that you wanted some in the future, and you had stopped using condoms, you were still on birth control, the little peanut in your stomach “sadly” that small percentage in which the pill didn’t seem effective.
Personally, you had been overjoyed by the news, although you couldn’t help but be slightly scared at the news of having to take care of another human being, alongside seeing your body change, and when you had exited the doctor’s office, you had been shaking a bit, choosing to go grocery shopping to solve a bit your tormented soul.
When you had ended up in the clothing alley, you hadn’t been able to stop yourself from looking around the child part, where you spotted tiny clothes in pink and blue, red and yellow, white and brown, showing you the small size your peanut would have.
A wave of nostalgy had grown onto you, making you wonder whether Xavier wanted a child, right now.
He was on top of his career, and maybe a child wasn’t something he wanted.
But it was useless to torment yourself when you hadn’t talked to the man himself.
You just hoped it wouldn’t hurt your relationship, and neither it would have hurt him, since you knew all too well the long journey Xavier had had to reach that state of mind and health.
And you knew that a child would mean a strong change that would maybe destabilize him.
Impulsively you had picked up a small unisex bib and hidden it, after the grocery clerk had scanned it, almost ashamed of the fact that you were pregnant.
“Welcome home babe” Xavier brought you back to your little apartment, meanwhile he nuzzled softly at your neck, affectionately caressing your hips, and you couldn’t help but feel self-conscious and extremely attentive at your stomach.
Although you loved Xavier’s hugs, you were glad when he left you, carrying the grocery store bags, to help you, meanwhile he chirped distractedly on what you wanted for dinner:
“… we have leftovers from last night” the sole reminder of what you had thrown up this morning, made you feel nauseous and you immediately shook your head “… or maybe take-out?”.
Meanwhile he was going through his option, the grocery bags that Xavier was holding, ripped, horribly.
There was not anything frail or easily breakable in the bag, but as Xavier moved down to collect the items, he found himself looking at a bib for a child.
Your mind went through a myriad of lines you could use: a joking gift for Chet, a real gift for Trevor’s little girl, who was barely a year old or …
… or just maybe you could tell the truth.
“… what is this?” asked smirking with curiousness Xavier, meanwhile he collected gently the little fabric in his hand, staring at it and then raising his eyes to you “… is this … a bib?”.
“We might need it” you blurted, clutching your hands on your stomach, avoiding to face him in anyway “… I …”.
Xavier moved closer, his nose slightly scrunched up as he always did when he was trying to understand what was going on, and he wasn’t just connecting the dots.
“… what do you mean, babe?” he asked, moving closer but you stopped him halfway.
“There is a bun in my oven” no reaction showed on his face “… we are having a little peanut”.
You knew you were sounding ridiculous but what was even more ridiculous was the blank stare on Xavier’s face.
“:.. (Y/N), it isn’t funny… you know metaphors are not my…”.
“I am pregnant” it hurt to utter the reality out loud, since you honestly hadn’t thought of saying out loud, since it meant accepting it, but the smirk on Xavier’s face as he finally understood what you meant, made it all worth it.
“… this isn’t a joke” he stated, meanwhile you nodded, softly moving closer, but again he literally barreled onto you and picked you up in full princess style, twirling you around, as you screamed at him to be careful for your baby.
“You are making him throw up in my tummy” you taunted him and immediately, seriously worried that it might happen he put you down and you started laughing out loud in his face “… you are an idiot, Xavier”.
“Well you made a baby with an idiot, what does that say about you, babe?” he mumbled, shooting back at you who punched slightly his shoulder “… I can’t believe that we made a baby”.
“I was worried that you wouldn’t…” your voice broke halfway through it “… want the baby”.
“Babe, you literally made any of my dreams come true” he made you stare into his pretty eyes, and you knew he wasn’t lying in the least “… and I’ll for ever be grateful for the day we met, you gave me hope, respect, a new chance to live my life and finally… a child”.
He then kissed your forehead.
“I love you and our little peanut so so much”.
That night, after celebrating your little “bun” with sparkling water and discussing about what it might entail for you two and your careers, you had fallen asleep thinking about baby names with Xavier.
You were awoken by a soft hand raising your shirt, but you didn’t raise your eyes, knowing that it was Xavier, who would sometimes take comfort in the simplest of human contacts: your skin against his.
But then you heard him speak:
“Hey peanut! Your mom is asleep, so I’ll have to keep this low, I don’t want her to wake up and call me dumb, because you are too small to actually hear me” you couldn’t hide the slight smile that appeared on your face, but Xavier was too focused on your stomach, still flat but swelling with love, to actually notice it “… she has a pendant for thinking that I am dumb, and I really hope that you won’t think it too, because two against one it isn’t funny”.
Although he was pretending to be outraged, you felt his smirk against your heated skin.
“… but I honestly hope that you’ll think I am cool, because you see…” the smirk turned in a grimace “… I am not very cool, your mom is, she is a freaking badass”.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit sad by Xavier’s confession and almost wanted to stop this to comfort him, but he softly pushed his lips against your stomach to blow a soft raspberry.
“… she is the one reason why I am still here” he continued “… she is tough and might seem inflexible and strict, but she always knows what is best for you, even if you don’t see it, I honestly hope you take from her”.
You did tear up a bit, after his confession, because you had so many flaws: you were intolerant towards the smallest of things, you couldn’t be bothered with changes and sometimes could pass off as intimidating, but each sweet thing that Xavier said about you, they made you feel better and the thought that he wanted your little peanut to grow up like you, made you blossom with joy.
But the truth is that you also hoped that the child would somehow take from Xavier: his cheerful personality and the way he would help anybody, without thinking too much about himself, being a loyal friend and a romantic and patient lover.
You hoped that peanut would just take the best from both of you.
“I honestly can’t wait to meet you, peanut, you are the best thing in my life that I have ever created”
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gcrminatorarchive · 4 years
Aislinn had had the most stressful week. Her grandmother was in a rehab center and was showing symptoms of COVID, her sister wasn’t contributing to the household, and her brother, though he was trying to be nicer and help out, had once called Aislinn a few names out of anger. And when her family came together to try and talk things out, there was usually fighting and the discussion ending with everyone going to bed angry. And a lot of dark thoughts had been coming into her head, making old demons pop up. For example, she worried about losing her grandmother, or anyone else for that matter, to this virus. And she fretted about the future, mostly about death. She had lost all motivation to do anything but cry. And she didn’t want to be like this.
All this was shaking her to her core.
She was currently in her room, sitting on her bed and just letting the tears flow. They didn’t seem to stop. She could taste the salt from them on her lips, and her chest heaved a bit with emotion. She shuts her eyes, feeling like her heart would break in two at any moment. It hurt her to feel this way. She felt so alone...
Meanwhile, Ozzy had just clocked out of work, saying goodbye to his co-workers before heading to his car. He drives to his Mun’s, not having heard from her for quite some time. When he arrives, he quickly dashes up to the front door through the snowy shower, shivering and teeth chattering. Once he’s inside, he dusts off his jacket, then makes his way to Ais’ room with a smile.
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“Woo, is it cold out dere!
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Yo Ais! Yer favorite germinator needs one’a yer warmest hugs eva’! ‘Cuz it’s freezin’ as--!”
He opens the door, and stops completely, as what he saw made him freeze in his joyfulness. Ais had her face in her hands, as she quiet-cried harshly. The cell’s eyes widened. He took a step forward, a bit cautiously.
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The sound of his voice makes her jump a bit, then she looks up to him. Ozzy’s face now becomes concerned, as she didn’t say a word. She just looked at him sadly, then away in shame. He comes to her side, then sits on the bed with her.
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“What’s wrong, baby?”
// ...
When he gets no response again, he reaches over to put an arm around her, but is suddenly hugged by her. Weakly. He frowns unhappily as she began to sob softly. His nucleus tightened greatly, as he hugged her in return.
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“Aw, Aisy-girl, don’t cry...It’s okay. I’m here now. I got’chu, it’s okay. Shhh...”
His hug felt like kryptonite and holy water at the same time; She wanted the contact, but her depression was making her too sad to fully recognize it and enjoy it. But she still held him, weeping a bit. She didn’t want to let him go. He kept his grasp on her, letting her cry herself out. She starts to calm down, and he wiped her puffy eyes with the sleeves of his jacket, drying her tears. He looks at her with a light smile.
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“Y’ready ta talk?”
She nods. He smiled more, putting his hands on her shoulders gently.
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“Good. Now spill, girl. What’s got my pal so down like dis?”
// Everything. The pandemic, my family fighting all the time, all this violence going on...It’s heartbreaking. And my grandma’s in rehab. It’s just so hard for me to be happy with it all going on. And when I do get happy about something, something else happens to ruin it. Whether it’s my sister with her comments, my mom’s criticism, my brother’s arrogance, or my dad’s bellowing. I just...feel like I can’t win. Plus I feel like I just get in everyone’s way. You should just give up on me, Ozzy....I don’t want to make my problems yours.
Osmosis looks at her with empathy. He kind of knew how she felt, with her saying she couldn’t win. He’s had a lot of those days himself at work. He sees she turns her face away from him again, more tears threatening to come. He grabs her chin gently, making her face him again.
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“Hey. Aislinn. I am not givin’ up on you. Okay? You’re worth it, and don’t’chu dare say yer not. M’sorry yer goin’ through dis spit, and if I could I’d snap my fingers an’ make it all go away. But you gotta hold on, baby. You can do it. I know ya can. And if ya can’t, I’ll be there ta help ya hold on. You are no bother, sweetheart. You’ve come so far. Don’t give up now, a’ight? ‘Cuz you got me. Wheneva’ y’need me, I will be there.
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You know I’d do anything ta put that pretty lil’ smile’a yours on yer face.”
He warmly smiles, pulling her into his arms again. It took a sec, but soon...Ais smiles genuinely, clutching him closer. Jones notices this, then grins happily, giving her side a playful poke. She giggles a bit in reaction.
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“Ayyy, there it is! There’s that smile I love! Let’s see if I can make it stick around fer a bit!”
Jones’ grin then turned devious, as he began to wiggle his fingers into both of her sides. She squeals, then dissolves into a giggle fit. Ozzy chuckles with her, his tickling fingers now getting at her tummy.
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“Uh-oh, somebody’s gone and woke th’Tickle Monster! He don’t like seein’ little girls sad!”
// *giggling happily* Ozzyyyy! Heheh, I’m not a kid anymore! Stop it! ^^
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“Awww, but you’ll always be my baby-girl, no matter how oldja are!
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And sorry, but it’s time ya take yer medicine!”
Ozzy grinned, then used one hand to tickle the back of her neck, the other scribbling at her belly. Aislinn was laughing in no time, now falling on her back as the leukocyte played her like a piano. He then tickled the middle of her tummy, making her squeal with laughter. He laughed too, amused, then deepened his voice playfully, keeping up with the tickle monster act.
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“Raaawwwr! I got’chu now, girly! I’m gonna get’chu! I’m gonna get’chu~!”
She laughs and manages to push him off a sec and tries to run, but he just stretched his arm and pulled her back in.
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“Oh no ya don’t! Treatment ain’t over yet!”
He began to nuzzle her neck with his goatee as he held her, making her giggles more high-pitched.
// HEHEHEHEHEH! ^-^ C’mon, stahahahahap!
The cell decides to let her breathe a second or two, then tickles her left side as he held her with one arm, skittering up to her ribs and underarm. She giggled out loud, making him beam happily at her.
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“Tickletickletickle! Haha, there’s my happy girl!”
// Hahah, lemme goooo! x3
He stops a moment and gave a puppy dog pout at her, batting eyes.
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“Awww, do I have’ta? Yer so cute~!”
// Am not!
He squeezes her sides, making her squeak and giggle.
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“Are too!”
Ais hides her face into her shoulder, smiling. Ozzy grinned, now lightly tickling the middle of her tummy.
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“Ah ah ah, no hidin’! I wanna see that smile!”
Ais laughs, now not hiding as a big smile was on her face. He finally releases her, taking her into his arms for a hug once more. She held him dearly, feeling much better.
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“There we go. Heheh.”
// ^^ Thanks, Ozzy...I love you.
He looks at her fondly, stroking her hair as he held her in a brotherly manner.
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“I love you too, baby. Don’t ferget it.”
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psychadelickate · 5 years
Rizzoli & Isles: Home
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Title: Home Word Count:  Fandom: Rizzoli & Isles Pairing: RIzzoli & Isles Characters: Maura Isles, Lilly Isles, Jane Rizzoli Rating: Teen Gif: Not Mine Requested: Anonymous Prompt: 3 things - a child, photograph, confessions
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Sunday Night Family Dinner ended a while ago and after seeing everyone out Jane decides to spend some time with Maura and Lilly. After searching the entire house for Maura's daughter, Jane finally finds her sitting on the porch, her favorite blanket draped around her, though not really keeping out the cold.
"Wanna tell me what you're doing out here in the cold, Lils"? Jane asks the six-year-old.
"Thinking," Lilly responds.
"Must be really important, if you came out here, it's freezing," Jane exclaims as she takes a seat next to Lilly, rubbing her hands together for a little warmth.
"I needed some quiet and I needed to get away from…" Lilly stops herself before the name falls from her mouth.
"Andrea?" Jane asks and Lilly nods in response.
"Lils," Jane sighs "Andrea is going to be a part of my life now, and I know it's new and scary for you, but you have to give her a chance, honey."
"I…" Lilly starts, "I can't Jane."
"Because," Lilly says, and Jane raises an eyebrow at the little girl.
"Because is not a reason, Lils," Jane tells her, gently.
It's getting colder now and, in her attempt, to rearrange her blanket something falls from the Lilly's grasp. Jane sees it on the ground and lifts the album, ready to return it to its owner. The title on it, however, grabs her attention and she pulls it toward her, setting it on her lap.
"Lilly's Milestones" is the bold neat print.
Jane opens it and she feels the breath catch in her throat when she sees the first picture.
It's a picture of Maura's first ultrasound, the Doctor on the exam table, ultrasound wand pressed against her still flat abdomen, a fuzzy image on the machine, printed sonogram picture in Jane's one hand and both Jane and Maura smiling like they'd just won the lottery.
Jane turns the page and its another of Maura's ultrasound, this time just a hint of a belly. She goes through the pages, until another picture gets her attention. She doesn't know when it was taken or even who took it, but she remembers the feeling and looking at it now, she's grateful someone did.
They're standing in Maura's office, Jane's hands under Maura's, holding her now seventh month pregnant tummy, feeling Lilly move, for the first time. Jane's gaze is focused on her hands, but Maura is looking at Jane, and Jane feels her heart speed up with Maura's expression.
Another one that stands out is the day Lilly is born. When she had gone into labor, both Hope and Constance had volunteered to be with Maura, but the doctor had shaken her head and asked for Jane and no one else. Jane had held Maura's hand and encouraged her when it seemed the doctor was about to give up and when Lilly emitted the first shrill cry, both women had tears in their eyes. Unprompted, Jane had bent down and kissed Maura, on the lips, gentle but chaste.
"She's beautiful," the nurse had whispered, and the moment had been broken, brushed off and never spoken about again.
There's a few other photos of firsts for Lilly, first solid food, first sitting up, first steps, first tooth… Some from more recent times, first day at daycare, first day at pre-K, first day at kindergarten, first ballet recital, first soccer game.
"All of them have you in them Jane," Lilly's voice is so soft Jane almost misses it.
It takes a moment and then Jane gets it. Lilly is scared of losing her.
"Lils," Jane pulls the six-year-old to her, "I'm not going anywhere. We'll still do things together."
"What about Mom?" Lilly asks and this question surprises Jane.
"What about Maura?" she asks.
"Are you still going to hang out with her? Even though you hurt her every time you bring Andrea for family dinner?"
"Hurt her? Lils, honey, what are you talking about?" this is new information for Jane. Maura has never hinted so much as hurt or discomfort at Andrea's presence.
"Every time you leave after Sunday Family Dinner, mommy goes up to her room and cries. She thinks I don't know, but I can hear her, and it hurts me too when my mommy is hurting. She comes down after a while and we watch a movie then she tucks me into bed, promising me she's not sad and the next week will be better. And then the next week you bring Andrea over again…"
Jane is flabbergasted. For a six-year-old, Lilly is extremely observant, then again, she's Maura's kid, Jane didn't expect any less.
And now, she has to fix this.
Jane hands the book back to Lilly then stands up from her seated position and turns to go back into the house. She needs to talk to Maura.
"Jay," Lilly calls her, and Jane feels her chest expand. Lilly hasn't called her that in months… not since… Andrea.
"If you're going to make Mommy cry more, please don't go inside."
Jane feels her heart breaks a little.
Still she needs to talk to Maura, so she makes her way to Maura's bedroom and just as Lilly told her, Maura is lying on her bed, face down. Jane sees her shoulders jerk and that's the only giveaway to show the doctor is actually crying.
As she has done so many times before, Jane walks over to the bed and lays down next to Maura, prompting the other woman to lift her head. The surprise in her eyes is evident.
"Jane, I thought you left!" she says.
"I was about to, but I found Lilly sitting on the porch she, very reluctantly, I might add, told me about your 'After-Sunday-Dinner-Rituals'.
Jane sees Maura color, though she doesn't say anything.
"Why didn't you say something?" she asks Maura.
"I… You…" she starts then stops and gathers her thoughts. "You're happy with her Jane and I don't want to break that. If you're happy then –"
Jane cuts her off mid-sentence. "that's bullcrap Maura and you know it. The fact that we're having this conversation just proves it. Also, it's not what you think."
"Jane, you should go."
"You should go, because if you don't I'm going to want to you to stay, forever, and you can't do that, so go. Please." Maura pleads.
"Maur?" Jane calls, gently. Maura's eyes close automatically at the way Jane says her name. She hasn't said it that way in a long time.
"Maura, are you sure about this, us, me?"
"Jane, I've never been more certain of anything in my life. I love you and I know you don't –"
This time her sentence is cut off by the press of Jane's lips on hers. The kiss is unhurried and soft and gentle and full of promise.
Even though she's loath to stop it, Maura pushes Jane away, "what about Andrea?"
"Maur," Jane starts but is interrupted by her ringing phone. They both see Andrea's name flashing on the screen.
A short conversation follows and when Jane returns, she smiles at Maura. "Well Andrea was more understanding than I thought. She also asked me when I was going to get my head outta my ass and see that I had everything right in front of me."
"Now, where were we?" Jane asks but is interrupted when Lilly jumps onto the bed with them, settling between Jane and Maura.
"Hi Mommy," she greets Maura. "Mama," she turns to Jane and Jane sees hint of a smile on the Lilly's lips.
Jane's chest feels as though it's going to burst open with the amount of love that blooms in it and she finally understands the meaning of home isn't a place, but a feeling.
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if you’d like to be tagged, let me know Tag list: @stanathanxoox​ @podallthetime​ @lunacuervo​ @gnater87​ @cameronmonaghantrashaf​ @kettnerjanea​  Masterlist here
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egoludes · 6 years
what we have left.
note: i’ve been in my feelings this evening, so here we are with a random lil break-up piece. mostly angst, a little bit of softness. hope you enjoy! word count: 2.4k
She's made this trip more times than she can count ; been here so often she could probably make it with her eyes closed. But, today, it all feels unfamiliar, uncomfortable even. The landmarks she once yearned to see, since they meant she was getting close, now make her nervous. The air freshener in the lobby makes her dizzy, and the elevator’s jingle is so loud it makes her ears ring.
She really doesn’t want to do this.
But, over the last few weeks, her life has been a collection of things she wants no part in, but has to suffer anyway. She’s still learning how to power through, but it hasn’t been easy. The heartache is enough on its own, but now she has to pick up the pieces. Move out, move on, and figure out a life without him.
It’s the most painful part of it all, she thinks, and in a cruel twist of fate, she can only get started by seeing him one more time.
So, here she is. From the painfully long drive to the tense elevator ride, she’s made it to Shawn’s front door. A glance at her phone makes her realize she's early, but not by much. And certainly not enough that she’ll delay this any more than she needs to.
Any more than she already has.
She raps her knuckles against the door, knocks sharp to make sure he hears. And, for a bit, there’s nothing but stillness on the other side, so much of it that she wonders if he might’ve fallen asleep. Then, there are footsteps. They’re heavy and slow, like he’s trudging, but it doesn’t take long before the door’s swinging open and he emerges from behind it.
“Hey.” He doesn’t look at her as he says it, eyes trained on the ground instead. But, she doesn’t particularly mind it. It gives her a chance to look him over without feeling awkward. Even now, she can’t help but be worried.
“I’m sorry, ‘m a little early. Is it okay for me to get my things now?"
He hadn’t forgotten why she’s come — how could he? — but it had been nice to pretend that everything was fine. That she was coming over for movies, or dinner, or face masks and wine. But, when she says it so plainly, his heart sinks and he takes a silent step to the side to offer her room. Might as well get this over with.
She gives him a small smile. “Thank you."
She doesn’t say much after that, making a beeline for the bedroom where the last of her things are waiting. And neither does Shawn, who settles at the kitchen counter and drops his head into his hands.
All they’ve had between them since the breakup is this sort of silence, and it seems today will be no different. It doesn’t surprise or upset her because she knows it’s to be expected. But, there’s still an undeniable sadness to being a million miles apart. The distance is about to grow, so much it might be permanent, but she wishes she could be closer.
That’s the reason they’re here in the first place.
He’d been drifting for a long time, like a ship getting further and further from her on the shore. And at one point or another, she stopped seeing him altogether, leaving the horizon hauntingly empty.
Breaking up was inevitable after that. She loved him so much, that never changed; but she loved herself more. Too much to anchor someone whose sails were hungry for the world — a world she wanted him to have, even if it broke their hearts.
She can’t say she’d change it, either, even as she sits sad and cross-legged on his bedroom floor ( that’ll take some getting used to ) and packs the rest of her life with him. It’s hard now, but she tells herself it’s all for the best. They’ll both have what they want this way, and that’s what matters most, right?
She almost laughs. She's not sure if it’s pathetic to try this hard to convince herself she’s made the right decision, but it certainly doesn’t feel good. She stops packing long enough to draw the emotion back, sucking in a few breaths before doubling down. She needs to hurry up and go.
Ten minutes later, she's padding out balancing a mid-size box, huffing when the corners dig into her tummy. Shawn’s exactly where she left him, rubbing circles into his temple, and the sight of it makes her gentle. She’d started doing that for him whenever he had headaches and he’d always gush about how good it felt, doing it himself when he didn’t have her around. She wonders if he’s feeling one now, but ends up shaking the thought out of her head. It’s none of her business anymore — no point in fussing.
“That’s everything, I think.” There can’t be more than a few things in the box, but it weighs tons, causing an ache in her arms she wishes she could ignore.
It’s the same ache in Shawn’s eyes when he looks up and takes her in. He’s seen this already, when she left that first night with as much as she could carry; but, that doesn’t make it any easier. In fact, this time is perhaps harder than that — it’s the last hints of her in the apartment, the last time he’ll see her, and the finality of it is suffocating. He tears his eyes away to keep afloat, watching the kitchen counter with a nod. “Okay…need help getting back down?"
“No, I..I should be good."
He only hums in response, jaw clenching as he keeps his gaze locked in front of him. Things get awkward fast when he refuses to turn to her, and she can feel herself deflating. She doesn’t know how you’re supposed to say goodbye to someone you’ve built a life with, but she know it’s not this. After everything, this feels wrong, hollow, and she’d hoped that the weeks apart would ease the hurt enough that they could do more.
But, as the minutes tick on and Shawn stays distant, she realizes this is as much as she’ll be able to ask of him. Fair, she supposes. “I’m gonna go now, Shawn… thanks for letting me come over on such short notice.” Again, he’s mostly silent, nodding before pressing out a tight “No worries.” She lingers for a moment more to see if he’ll say anything else, but when nothing comes, she lets out a soft breath. “Take care of yourself.. hm?"
It’s the last thing she says before padding towards his door and slipping out, letting it swing closed behind her. The click of the lock is all it takes for tears to bubble up, but she stays steady. Blinks them back as she walks double time down the hallway and calls the elevator up. It comes quickly and she's beyond thankful — she can’t be here anymore.
The walk to her car feels empty, but calm. Like reading the last page of a book she’s wanted for ages — she’d seen the ending coming, but that doesn’t make it any less disappointing. She watches her breath rise into the cold Toronto night, then closes her eyes. At least she can finally start over.
Her thoughts break at her phone buzzing in her pocket, and she has to set the box aside to fish it out. Shawn’s name across the top of the screen is a surprise, but what really leaves her winded is the picture that accompanies it. It’d been her favorite at one point, one she took of him when his cheeks were pink and his eyes were full of love for her. She’d thought she’d changed it when she cleared out her phone, but apparently not. She makes a mental note to do that later when she swipes to answer his call.
“Shawn? Did I forget something?"
He doesn’t speak, not even to say hello. But, he doesn’t need to for her to know he’s crying, breathing uneven and tight through the phone. Her heart squeezes at the sound and immediately, she stiffens, glancing towards his building. “Shawn…? Hey, speak to me. What’s going on..?”
“D-Don’t—“ A sob cuts him off, leaving her waiting with bated breath. Don’t? "Don’t go..” His voice breaks on the syllable, but he doesn’t stop again; he can’t stop, not when he isn’t sure he’ll ever get the chance to say this again. “Please don’t — I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t mean to get so cold, or go so far away — I didn’t mean to make you feel so lonely, I swear to God.” Her mouth’s dry, senses going numb hearing him say everything she had the day they separated. And the silence from her only makes Shawn more frantic, his words running into each other. She can tell he’s on the verge of panic, but he won’t stop long enough for her to get a word in. “I want to make it right, I need to make it right. Please let me — please give me another chance, I won’t hurt you again, I won’t, I swear----"
“Shawn.” He lets out a whimper hearing her cut him off so sternly, but the tension’s gone almost as quickly as it had risen. As soon as she has his attention, she softens, sucking in a loud breath for him to hear. “Breathe with me, hm..? Can you do that? Come on, now, one..” He sounds strangled at first, following her rhythm the best he can, but missing the mark when sobs cut in at random. But with time, he’s sniffling less and less, and he matches her breathing with ease.
It leaves yet another silence between them, but this one is more natural  — almost comfortable, if they ignore what came before it. But, she knows as well as he does that it can’t last — what he’s said is far too heavy to sit for long.
“I know you didn’t mean for things to change, Shawn.” She pauses, that urge to cry springing back full force. “But, they did… no matter how much we love each other, things are different now.” He’s quiet, sniffling again, but a hum lets her know he’s listening; she presses on. “And I’d give anything for us to make it right somehow, but you’re going on tour now. We’ll just end up back where we started, and that’ll ruin us. Ruin me.” She tips her head back, turning her gaze onto the sky overhead. “..You should go out there. Do the shows, the travel, do everything. And if you still want this when you’re back—"
“I’ll always want this—-”
She bites back a smile, endeared despite the ache in her chest. “Well, then we’ll see what happens when you’re home. But, right now, I think…i think we both need time.”
His shoulders dip in a heavy sigh, but Shawn is surprisingly content. It isn’t exactly what he wants to hear, but it isn’t outright rejection either. For now, there’s a chance; however slim or dependent on fate, there’s a chance. And that’s more than enough for him. “Okay — that’s fair, really fair. I understand.” He goes quiet for a second before clearing his throat, his voice fully level now that he’s calmer. “…Would you mind coming back?” The request is timid, but direct. “You don’t have to stay but, I hate that we ended up talking about this over the phone. And...I’d like to hug you before you go."
Part of her is against it — she doesn’t want to make this harder than it needs to be for either of them. But, another, larger part is still weak for him and balks at the thought of saying no when he asks so sweetly. And it’s not like she can deny that she wants that too.
If they have to say goodbye, she’d like it to be a happy one.
So, despite her better judgment, she hums out a yes and retraces her steps to his condo. The ride up isn’t nearly as nauseating this time around, but she’s still a little uneasy when she knocks, waiting for him to open up.
When he does, his eyes are red-rimmed and rubbed raw, but they light up at the sight of her. It’s a Shawn she hasn’t seen in a very long time — wide open and honest — and as much as she hates that it’s taken this much to get it, she appreciates it with a smile. “Hi."
They both pause to take it in, to let the emotions wash over them as they commit the moment, and each other, to memory. There’s an intimacy to it that’s pleasant and overwhelming at once, and she’s the first to break eye contact, her stomach all in knots. “One hug?” She doesn't want to remind him that this is the end, but the boundary is necessary.
She’ll never walk away without it.
And Shawn seems to understand, nodding with a half-sad, half-tender smile as he inches closer. “One hug.” He’s reaching for her when he starts and has his arms around her before he finishes, sighing at the way she fits against him. It’s the first time they've touched in weeks, and he’s immediately greedy, tucking his head against her throat and squeezing as tight as he can.
She returns the favor, even as her face grows hot and eyes start to burn with rising tears. It’s the first time all night that she hasn’t been able to hold back, but it doesn’t stop her from pressing fingers into his curls and keeping him close. Not even the way her shoulders start to shake with soft sobs makes her pull back and Shawn’s eyes cloud when he feels it.
“Oh honey,” he murmurs, voice soft to hide his own tears, “please don’t cry.” One of his hands move to the middle of her back, rubbing big, soothing circles. “I’ll fix us right up…promise. No matter where we end up, it’ll be okay. We’ll be okay.”
He can’t know what the future will hold, and neither can she. But, after years of loving him, selflessly, wholly, she wants to believe in him. So, she nods, eyes squeezing shut as she tucks into his chest and gives in to his warmth.
She really hopes he’s right.
taglist: @sinplisticshawn
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fairy25 · 5 years
My dog Lola died over two years ago and I still think about her every day. She died so young and was in so much pain but still wagged her tail and licked my face the last time I saw her, with her sweet lil tummy shaved from medical tests and all doped up on pain meds we had to import from Canada. I can’t imagine a more perfect dog. She really was just so special, so loving and social, everyone loved her. She was the only dog I’ve ever met who would laugh at things (she snorted when she thought things were funny, like five or six snorts in a row if it was really good). And now her sister is going to die of the same heart condition. She has heart failure, two valves. The vet said she has maybe a few months to live. I just can’t take it :( I don’t believe in heaven, but I do believe your soul continues to exist. And I hope that one day I’ll see Lola again, with her sister, pain free and joyful, playing together like they used to. I just want to see my baby girl again 😭😭😭😭 I miss her so much. I miss hearing her little paws on the floor, the way she smelt, the way she knew when i was sad and would stick by my side, how she used to think it was so funny when I’d jump out from behind furniture and go “boo!” She’d wag her tail like crazy and snort at me then give me little licks on my legs.. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anything as much as I loved her
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tickleraptorss · 5 years
Alright ya DORK. Tell us abt your Sword Game headcannons
easily the most ticklish of the entire party. also easily the most lee of the party.
he has a really squeaky laugh when you get to his super bad spots!! also just a very generally happy-sounding laugh. it’s so pure
he curls up and blushes so much when u tickle him. he crinkles his nose nd stuff nd it’s just v pure
his worst spots are his tummy, under his arms and his feets!! he’s also particularly ticklish on his lower ribs.... 
he is ticklish literally everywhere. you could tickle his like. elbows. and he’d be laughing
reyn LOVES tickling shulk. he loves shulk’s laugh so much that he’ll take almost every opportunity to tickle him. 
in fact, the entire party likes tickling him. shulk’s sad a lot so the other party members like to cheer him up with tickles :)
or they just tickle him bc. they can.
shulk doesn’t ler very often. he can only tickle reyn bc if he tried to go for anyone else he’d regret it immediately
he does more of that. observational teasing. stuff like “oh, you’re really ticklish here, huh?” 
although with reyn he uses teases like “c’mon, i know you wanna laugh! where’s that bright smile of yours, hm?~”
he once tried to get revenge on fiora. that went  horribly
sometimes he’ll get visions of tickle attacks from the party and he. can’t really do anything about it. thanks for nothing, monado
just. a very tickly boy
he’s very ticklish, especially on his belly. but don’t tell anyone or he’ll kill you
he’s mostly a ler, well, he prefers being a ler anyway
anyone who isn’t shulk can challenge him and win pretty easily bc he’s so damn ticklish
his laugh is so cackly and it’s also full of snorts!! a lot of protesting and blushing too bc he’s big embarrassed 
he just kinda collapses when you tickle him. his instinct is to curl in on himself and try to keep himself from laughing but he’s. very bad at that. 
also. he wears a crop top. you are Asking for tickles young man
yes you show off your cool six pack but is it worth it (its not)
he’s very weak to cutesy/childish teasing,, it makes him v embarrassed bc he’s supposed to be a tough man but he’s just Dying at shulk whispering “tickle tickle~” in his ear ghdjkfg
raspberries are his ultimate weakness he can’t stand them. shulk uses that to his advantage. 
as a ler, reyn is very silly!!! he loves playful wrestling and pinning his lee down nd just. going to town
he also loves tickl games. like he’ll have the lee try to keep their arms up while he tickls them nd stuff like that. or see how long they can last without laughing. Bro we are Tickle Games
he tickles shulk the most often, obviously. he’ll try and sneak up on the others sometimes, but that backfires on him 90% of the time.
while he’s cuddling with shulk sometimes he’ll just softly tickle him to see him curl up and giggle nd he thinks it’s super adorable (bc it is) 
the ultimate ler of the party. she’s an unstoppable force. 
you cannot tickle her and get away with it. hell, even if you try within about 10 seconds you will be on the receiving end
she’s teasy as hell, and she’s got the perfect voice for it too. if you’ve heard her voice you’ll know what i mean
she adores using those childish teases. the stuff like ‘kitchy kitchy koo~’ and she calls herself the tickle monster nd stuff and A
she tickles e v e r y o n e. no one is safe. she is a literal tickle monster
you can’t run from her bc she’ll chase you. you can’t hide bc she’ll find you. she’s a very determined ler and if she decides you deserve to be tickled, she’s not stopping until it happens
if she sees one of the party members sulking she’ll just waltz right up behind them, poke them in the sides and give them a lil warning
sometimes there’s no warning at all and she just straight up starts tickling them out of seemingly nowhere
“i heard someone could use a visit from the tickle monster~” fIORA STOP YOU’RE GOING TO KILL ALL OF THEM
she probably tickles melia the most often bc she wuvs making her birb gf smile!!
she’s rarely a lee. if she ever does get tickled it’s bc she let you do it
melia’s rly the only one who gets to tickle fiora.
lmao one time reyn and shulk teamed up to get revenge on fiora and despite it being 2v1 uh. Fiora easily won that battle
this is longer than i wanted but listen i fuckign love one (1) gal
def more of a ler and the least ticklish out of everyone in the party. 
she has Big Sister energy 
she’s rly playful like reyn!! she doesn’t do games like reyn does but she just has a v playful energy when she tickles
she has tons of experience from tickling juju (her lil bro!) so she Knowes how to deal w squirmy lees
she’s also very strong, so she can pin her lee down pretty easily
she’s rly close to fiora and melia. she’s like their cool adoptive big sister. squad goals.
sometimes she nd fiora team up to cheer up melia when she’s feeling sad!!!
she also likes tickling reyn bc the way he reacts to tickling is just super funny to her.
she doesn’t tease all that much tbh, but she’ll laugh along with her lee!! 
she’ll comment on the lee’s laugh sometimes too, especially if it’s squeaky (bye shulk)
it’s hard to challenge her bc she isn’t all that ticklish, but she’s got a select few bad spots.
her legs are mostly p bad, with w her knees being the worst spot.
she cannot handle knee squeezes she will probably die and then kill you with her..... gun that heals people
her laugh is surprisingly loud for how Not Ticklish she is. maybe it’s bc she’s not rly used to it? it’s a mystery!
she  might kick you so maybe don’t... tickle her for too long.
despite being fiora’s older brother he falls victim to her attacks very often.
he’s a true switch probably, mainly bc fiora tickles him so often. 
he likes to tickl reyn nd shulk a lot bc he’s like their SUPER RAD OLDER BROTHER
he used to be a very good ler, but now that he can only use one arm, he’s lost a bit of his skill
he has no problem with taking shulk and reyn down a few notches, however he cannot defeat his sister anymore
he constantly tries to get back at fiora for all the times she’s tickled him but he’s just in denial that she’s become a more threatening tickle monster than him :(
but he’s proud of fiora for being Feared for that
he’s like “i taught her well :)”
he’s a lot more ticklish than he seems
his worst spots are his ribs and leggies!! he’s not too good at fighting his attacker off though because he. can only use one arm
he has a more gruffy laugh. doesn’t really squeak all that much unless you manage to catch him off guard
dunban is cool and also he looks like alucard from castlevania lol
is it birb time? i think it’s birb time
didn’t really know what tickling rly was before she met shulk and co. like, she knew of it but that was the extent of her knowledge.
it wasn’t until she met fiora that she found out that she was, indeed, very ticklish.
her worst spots are her neck and ears, and probably around her shoulders too!
going for her neck makes her scrunch her shoulders up nd hide her face behind her wings its so cute
speaking of which, her wings are also very ticklish!! gently stroking them will make her giggle
she has a like. musical laugh. it’s v melodical?? idk how to describe it it’s just Very Pretty and fiora adores it
melia would be more of a ler if she wasn’t dating the world’s greatest tickle monster
she tickles shulk quite often, actually! fiora usually watches from the sidelines and tells her which spots are the most effective.
melly’s an observational teaser. she usually doesn’t mean to be teasy, but her tone makes it come across as such
over time she eventually learned how to be good at teasing from fiora and she’s almost as unstoppable as fiora.
keyword: almost
she’s still pretty weak
she just tends to curl up when tickled. she doesn’t rly fight back all that much bc she thinks its kinda fun!!
local party dad and is canonically covered in feathers
he’s v ler!! but like,, in a cool dad way. he tickles the others when they’re down so that they can feel a lil better
he’s just a big ol fluffball who loves seeing his adopted children happy and smiling!
he technically has two pairs of hands - his lil stubby ones and his big ol ear hands!! he can tickle with both at the same time
when the other party members are holding him if he notices that they’re sad he’ll go “>:3c its time for tickles!”
he just kinda pounces on the others when he tickles them. they can’t really fight him bc he’s so small and agile
riki is also ticklish!! he has a v ticklish tummy
tickling him will make him let out these lil purr-like giggles and its v pure. 
riki doesn’t mind being tickled! if it makes the others happy, then he’s happy too!!!
psst... his ears are also mega ticklish
when he teases he’ll mostly go for the Cursed phrases bc he’s so used to using those on his kids!! it’s only natural he’d do the same for his new Adopted children
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bleusarcellewrites · 7 years
Blue’s Adventure
I gota new puppy, got a lil carried away and well, here’s the result! Happy new year everyone, can’t believe this is my first story of 2018 lmao.
Waking up is comfortable. Warm fuzzy surface below her chin, gentle and loving strokes on top her head with the occasional lick that has ‘momma’ written all over it.
It’s wonderful. A constant circle of feeling safe and sound.
Opening her eyes, though? Now, that’s anticlimactic.
A plain blue wall welcomes her into the world she lives in. The fun part here is that she doesn’t even know that she isn’t supposed to recognize the color itself. Or any color.
But Blue does.
Just like she recognizes the big red ball her brother keeps slamming against too, yipping and bouncing with it not even minutes after opening his own eyes. Red looks excited, small paws never still and he better get tired soon because Blue doesn’t want him to nimble on her ear like he did earlier when they woke up the first time.
Her other brother, lying lazily next to her, yawns big and loud, and snuggles closer to the yellow blanket he’s covered in. Yellow looks comfortable enough and Blue doesn’t want to bother him. She decides to look for her last sibling.
Blue finds her sister on the far corner of their space, her dark eyes staring in awe something thin and green. Blue tilts her head to the side in curiosity when her sister starts nibbling at the thing but she just shrugs in the end, thinking that if momma hasn’t step in yet then it means it’s okay.
Talking about momma.
Blue perks up when she feels the familiar nuzzle from her momma’s hug. Momma’s fur is beautiful; black and soft. Blue’s favorite place to nap is next to her, even when Red would sometimes will kick her in his sleep.
Blue blinks when Momma pokes her head firmly and she realizes that Momma has been trying to tell her something. She tells her about change, about being strong and have faith in the future.
Momma tells her that they might separate soon but that it’s nothing se should worry about yet. Blue believes her, despite the uneasy hollow feeling in her tummy.
She holds on to Momma’s words that night and the ones that follow.
Blue stares at the white fluffy thing in front of her and pats it playfully.
It wiggles and it just encourages her to play with it more.
Shiro laughs below her but Blue doesn’t pay him that much attention. She continues to play as he slowly brings her back down and hold her against his chest.
Shiro’s taking with someone, and they sound different than Allura. Curiosity gets the best of her and it makes Blue to stop biting on Shiro’s finger to turn and meet Shiro’s friend.
It’s a boy, like Shiro but tanner and softer. He has big blue eyes and Blue’s excited to see the color again after Shiro and Allura moved them from their room to another one with more space and white walls.
His name’s Lance. He say so himself as he leans down and waves at her happily.
Blue likes Lance. She shows him so by biting into his hand.
Lance calls it home.
Her new home.
She’s unsure of this because home is with Momma and her siblings. Home is with big fluffy blankets and half eaten toys spread over the floor.
Blue is quiet during the ride. She resigns to snuggle close to the soft lilac blanket Lance brought with him to pick her up earlier. Lance sneaks a few concern glances every few minutes, both hands on the wheel except for that one time during a red light when he reached out and stroked her head gently, scratching behind her ear long enough to make her relax.
Home turns out to be a small and yet cozy. Lance gives her a tour, carrying her the first few minutes in his arms until she becomes confident enough to just follow him around, skipping a few of his steps with her excited jumps.
Her new bed is big, full of warm colorful blankets and toys. She rolls on it happily, nibbling on her toys and shaking the thin blanket off her when it blocks her sight.
Lance giggles near her and it just makes Blue more happy.
Maybe she will like this, as long as Lance’s here.
Lance names her Lady.
But it never sticks, not really. From the past few weeks she’s been living with Lance, he has called her different names: baby, beautiful, gorgeous, princess, sweetheart, star.
‘Mi amor’ and ‘preciosa’ also comes up regularly. Those are her favorites.
Blue cries.
She whines and cries out in both desperation and panic. Her paw is tangled, and the more she pulls the more it tangles up with the stray cushions strings and she can’t get away.
Blue grows louder; more desperate and she calls for her momma. She calls for her siblings.
She calls for Lance.
Strong but gentle hands pick her up carefully almost immediately, taking the entire destroyed cushion at the same time and Blue cries pitifully as she nuzzle her face against Lances chest, his steady heartbeat making her calm down.
"Hey, hey now, it’s alright, what happened?" Lance mumbles quietly, his free hand that it’s not supporting her is stroking her fur gently, "Did your paw got stuck? Hey, don’t be afraid, mi amor, I’m here! Lancey Lance will make it better, just stay still for me, ‘kay?”
Lance works quickly but carefully, humming softly to calm her down whenever the strings pull at her paw painfully but it’s soothing enough to catch her attention and focus on his voice.
In no time, Lance gets her paw out and puts the cushion away. He doesn’t even looks mad like Blue expected, after all, this is the third cushion she has bitten and destroyed  in the week but Lance looks relieved when he picks her up and kisses her head.
“There we go, beautiful! All done, now come on, I was in the middle of knitting and you’re a good model, having in mind it’s your future sweater I’m knitting.”
She falls asleep on Lance’s lap before he can finish. Lance doesn’t mind.
Someone’s biting her ear and it’s annoying enough for Blue to growl in frustration.
She blinks her eyes open, slightly grumpy that she has been woken up from her afternoon nap before its due.
It quickly disappears when the face of her brother enters her vision and then she’s all over the place. Bleu jumps on Red, heads knocking together playfully before they enroll themselves in a wrestle on the floor.
It’s a nice surprise to see one of her siblings again. She can hear Lance on the background but she hardly notices.
Red seems to be as excited as she is, because soon enough he’s telling her all over her new owner, how they have nightly competitions with each other on who gets the bed’s blanket and who is the first one to find the missing sock.
Red tells her that his owner’s name is Keith and that he came with him to Blue and Lance’s home, which is weird on its own right, especially when Lance is addressing the other boy in their home as Mullet.
After that, she gets to see the last two siblings she has been missing. Green and Yellow come together, both held in their owner’s arms before they are placed on the floor carefully and they waste no time to tackle Blue on the ground.
Yellow doesn’t stop rambling about Hunk and his food while Green tells her all about Pidge’s backyard and how it’s a jungle on its own, million of flowers and plants always around her. Green says that it used to drive Pidge crazy the first few times but then she started joining her.
Neither Red or Keith come, but Blue does hear Keith’s name every few times from Lance’s mouth. Blue finds it weird because Lance usually calls Keith by Mullet when said boy is near but when he’s not around, it’s like Lance finally remembers his name.
Lance’s weird. Green says that Pidge called him ‘pining loser’, whatever that means.
Blue sticks with ‘weird’.
Lance told her that he had a surprise for her.
The last time he said that Blue was stuck with a diaper for a week until she managed to finally destroy every single last of Lance’s ‘puppy diapers’.
This surprise though, Blue approves.
Blue barks and bounces happily near Momma’s face. She tells her all about Lance and their home, about their daily walks in the morning and the different shampoos Lance has tried on her that always makes her smell good.
Momma says she’s happy for her and proud. Blue tells her that she misses her and her siblings but that she’s not as sad as she used to be about it.
Momma tells her that it’s okay to be sad sometimes and to miss what’s in the past as long as it doesn’t blinds her of her blessing of the present.
Her words makes her turns back to see Lance, laughing freely at something Allura had said and Blue can’t help but feel relieved that she’s the one who ended up with Lance.
That night she sleeps with Lance on his bed. Lance doesn’t even questions it.
Keith and Red’s visit start being regular.
Too regular to the point that Blue’s not amused anymore when Red stumbles into her bed and takes her chew toy for himself.
She wonders if she has to have a talk with Lance.
Blue turns, determination filling her small body as she walks towards where she had last seen Lance and Keith but stops short when she finds them wrestling on the couch.
Blue opens her mouth to bark, to catch their attention but then she decides against it when Lance squeals and giggles. Blue waits before she turns and leaves them alone.
If Keith makes her Lance happy, then she guesses she can share her toys with Red.
For Lance’s sake, of course.
It’s funny, sharing a name.
It started out small. Lance usually calls her ‘mi amor’ when it’s time for lunch or when he does something particularly cute, which, come on, it’s all the time.
But then, he called her out and Blue had jumped off the couch to run towards Lance but as she had turned the corner, Keith was there.
“Yeah, babe?”
Now, that was weird.
First off, who is babe, Keith? and second of all, why did you answer, Keith?
It’s hard the first few times because Blue’s not sure when is Lance’s calling her and when is he calling for Keith, who shares the same nickname as her.
She’s grumpy about it. She’s sad and grumpy so she lets them know.
Her opportunity comes the next time Keith visits them, without Red for a reason, and when Lance calls out ‘mi amor’, Blue’s determined to be the first one to get to her owner.
Her enthusiasm and competitivity must had been obvious because both boys stare at her surprised and curious before realization dawns over their features.
“Aw, my beautiful princess was jelly?” Lance coos, rubbing his cheek against her face.
“Now that explains a few things.” Keith chuckles, shaking his head in amusement before he sits next to Lance and Blue, “It’s okay, I can give up my nickname if she wants to. It was hers first, ya know.”
“Aw, Keith, sweetheart.”
Blue tunes them out and focus her attention in Keith, feeling uneasy at the resigned sad tone in his voice. This isn’t what she wanted. Not really. Keith should be allowed to feel as loved as Lance makes her feel with just a nickname, Blue doesn’t want to take that from him.
So, she wiggles herself out of Lance’s grip and walks over Keith’s side on the couch, climbing on him quickly until she’s on his face and Keith’s hands immediately support her.
She licks his cheek, her silent blessing and both boys coo.
“Seems like it won’t be a problem.” Lance says softly, leaning down to drop a kiss on top of their heads, “Mis amores.”
Blue’s okay sharing a nickname, as long as it’s Keith. She likes Keith.
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hollywoodx4 · 7 years
Gotcha Day (A STWS short)
   Did you want to celebrate Eliza Schuyler Hamilton’s birthday today?! Me too! You know what a great way to do that would be?!   A 45+ part ongoing story centered around her, that’s how!   
(Anyway, here’s a lil something for you that can be a standalone, a little something from Eliza’s childhood)  
    Eliza has only been in school for a week the first time she has a day off. It’s a calm day in September, one of the rare sunny moments where the last hints of summer sneak through. She is bright-eyed and brilliant, able to read the change in her mother’s expression as they wave to her father before leaving for school. She and Angelica walk hand-in-hand in their knee-socks and skirts stopping in their incessant chatting only long enough to obey a Don’t Walk sign, or their mother’s sharp voice as they drift too far from her. Angelica obeys immediately, taking reign of Eliza and puffing out her chest with pride at the job. The younger Schuyler doesn’t break her stride; something is happening, there is a buzz within the air, and she can’t ignore the slight difference although she doesn’t know exactly why it is there. Today, like most days, Eliza has the strange intuition of a child, knowing and feeling the difference without actually understanding what is going on. When they drop Angelica off at elementary school first, kissing her head and sending her through the double doors of the school, the pigtailed and pudgy three year old tips her head up at her mother.
               “Momma, where are we going?” She doesn’t ask until they’re a block and a half away from her school in the opposite direction. Taking a tight grip of her mother’s hand Eliza tips her head back to stare up at the buildings around them. She doesn’t recognize any of the structures, which look similar to each other but are missing her typical landmarks; the pigeon who likes to roost in a sixth story windowsill, the kind old woman who waves at her from her porch…her kingdom has diminished to a strange smattering of blacks and greys and shiny windows. Catherine grins at her youngest daughter, her dimpled three year old with the large, warm heart, and lets out the faint outline of a laugh.
               “We’ll be there soon, sweetheart.”
               “No, not school. Not today.”
               Her eyes grew wide with excitement. Angelica had been dropped off at school. They’d watched her walk through the doors with her backpack in tow. Eliza wasn’t going to school. She grew giddy with the idea of a day with her mother. And then her three year old mind began to race, emotional somersaults causing confusion to furrow her brow.
               “Where are we going?”
               “You’ll have to wait and see.”
               “Am I in trouble?”
               “No, no. Not at all. You’ll see.” This silenced Eliza, who was far too distracted by the change of scenery to say much of anything. They stop and Catherine puts her into a car that is parked in front of a flower shop, giving no direction at all to the driver. He turns to wave before pulling out into traffic, and Eliza is struck once more with curiosity. It’s Paul who’s driving, the young man with the strange hat her mother had just hired. He talks funny, with his mouth opened wide with each word, but Eliza loves his large smile anyway. From her place in the backseat she is first busied by watching him fiddle with the radio, tuning in and out of jabbering voices before settling on a piano tune that has him snapping his fingers.  He leans back often to snap at Eliza, who giggles as he sings the words to her through the mirror.
               She watches the city go by, completely transfixed. There are pieces that seem familiar; a bench here, or a sign there, but her mind is unable to piece the fragmented memories into a coherent destination. She gives up even trying when her mother, patient and loving, takes her stern voice from where she keeps it hidden. Eliza is reprimanded for losing her patience so she sits back in her seat, kicking her legs and humming a tune she attempts to match with the radio. She only asks if they’re there yet another three times.
               When the car stops, there is another surprise-there, on the curb, a man in a button-down shirt stands with a pretty yellow flower in his hand. Eliza nearly jumps out of the car upon seeing him, Catherine just barely stopping her by grabbing at the hem of her shirt. When the door opens, when she’s free of her mother’s grip, her pigtails fly behind her in brilliant, bouncing ringlets as she weaves through the crowd and into her father’s arms. The confusion of the day is far gone, masked by the joy of having both of her parents with her in front of the Central Park gates. She bounces on her toes, taking the flower from her father and asking him to weave it through her hair. Eliza holds both of their hands, smiling up at them with a toothy, dimpled grin as they make their way through the park.
               They take her to the zoo; she parades herself around, twirling and spinning and stopping at each gate. Eliza presses her face as close as possible, often squeezed through bars or pressed against the glass, making patches of fog with her excited breaths. She sings to the animals, tunes she makes up on the spot (although she’s asked to stop singing to the polar bear, as her song only contains the words jolly and fat, and goes to the incessant tune of Jingle Bells.) They take her photo in front of every possible sign and structure; most of it is prompted by Eliza, who takes to climbing atop the grand sculptures of the animals and pretending to ride them, flashing a mid-giggle grin to her father’s awaiting camera. She is on top of the world, full of joy and exploration and the high of a special, Eliza-only day.
               Then, they take her to lunch. If Eliza had been elated at the zoo, there are no words beyond that to describe the giddy, full-faced smile that graces her moon-shaped face when she is brought a large slice of chocolate cake (and three spoons, Phillip, goodness she’s not going to eat that by herself!). Her mother gets quiet then, in the middle of the little café, and the time between spoonfuls of cake grows shorter. Catherine clears her throat, turning to her husband and nodding, hoping that he’ll take the reins. He smiles at Eliza, a warm and gentle thing, and she feels a burst of love linger in her heart.  
               “Have you had fun today, Betsey?” His younger daughter nods, her cheeks puffed out with a bite of cake too big to chew. Her eyes are widened and bright, glassy ambers in almond shapes that look up at him in awe. Phillip feels a lump form in his throat, and while it is a feeling of serenity that washes over him he still attempts to swallow it back.
               “Do you know why we took you out of school today?” She shakes her head, still working through the cake. Catherine laughs, then, snapping another photo before letting Phillip continue.
               “Today is a special day. It’s a special day for all of us, but mostly for you. Three years ago, back when you were a tiny little baby, momma and I got to bring you home.”
               “Home from where?”
               “From…from your first home. You know how Lucas in your class, his mom’s belly is big and round? She’s having a baby. Angelica was in momma’s tummy, but you weren’t. You were someone else’s. Do you see this?” He scoops her hand in his over the table, points to them with another. He traces the space between them, hoping she’ll get the message from just one vague sentence. But she is three, looking at their hands with a quizzical stare and a giggle.
               “It’s your hand, daddy.”
               “It’s our hands. Look. See how they’re different?”
               It isn’t until her father says the words that she notices. Her hand is held in his gentle, encompassing grip and his warm tone sputters the statement as it passes through his lips. His hands, so much larger than hers, are a sudden and very stark contrast to her own. While his is large, and strong, its color is a match to the deep, brassy tone of his voice. Her hand is swallowed within his, but even then she can see the difference in her lithe, rosy snow of skin. It’s something she hadn’t paid mind to, not with the vibrancy of the city and the influx of knowledge that came with growing up in the city-with growing up anywhere.
“And we really wanted a baby, we wanted you. Before you, we were sad. We cried a lot. And then we were lucky enough to get to come and get you, and bring you to us, to your family. You make us very happy, Betsey. Today is the day you came home.”
               Eliza’s eyes are drooping, her elbows propped up on the table as she struggles to keep her head up. She nods, taking in the words. There are a lot of things she doesn’t quite understand-where before home was, or whose belly she had been in, or why they got to pick her. There are questions she wants to ask, but as they leave the restaurant her head hits her father’s shoulder, her mouth formed into a peaceful o shape as they take the car home.
               And each year, a month after her birthday, Elizabeth Schuyler is pulled out of school for a day all her own; for her Gotcha Day.
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lolbtsaus · 8 years
First Day of School (Yoongi)
I wanna take a second to say another thank you for 4k bc you deserve so many thank yous and hugs and if I could give each of you a hug and say thank you, I would and I will, as always, be doing something to celebrate!! Onto the post, it is time for the first half of the Daegu line, one half of Sope, my highkey spirit animal who is looking so cute and niCe I mean he always does but the recent gayo episode oh boY that was a look i wanna see repeated, Min Yoongi aka Suga aka Agust D (also Jin graduated so congradulations to him!! I’m really happy the boys surprised him bc ik he must have been disappointed he couldn’t attend the ceremony this is why I love BTS they’re such a family)
All of the father related posts are here
For everyone that hasn’t read the original father!Yoongi post, he has one daughter, there is also a version where he has a younger son (there are a couple years between them) I’ll be using the second one so this may get kinda long
The bby Mins s o fucking cute like have you ever seen bby pictures of Yoongi he was such an adorable bby they’d have those same chubby cheeks and the gummy smiles and they’re s o tiny
They’re some of the tiniest bbys in the bunch tbh, the only ones that are shorter than them are Tae’s youngest son and the Jeon twins (but spoiler alert, once puberty happens those two shoot right on up the height chart and leave the others looking tiny)
But they’re also on the younger side of the group so they still have some time to catch up
Bby girl doesn’t really get what’s going on with the whole school thing, she knows what the idea of it is and she’s excited for it, it sounds cool she gets to learn all the things and be with her friends but she hasn’t realized that she’s not gonna be able to take Yoongi with her
This entire time, she’s been assuming he’ll come with her bc he never leaves her side they wake up together, play together, eat together then cuddle, fall asleep and repeat the process
So when he tells her that she has to go in solo, she’s just like nah never mind let’s just stay home and play and it takes him a l on g time to convince her that it’ll be okay and there are tears when she sees that he’s being serious about it and his heart breaks bc Yoongi is all tough and badass on stage but the second he hears that teeny tiny whimper and sees her eyes get all watery, he has to do e v e rything he possibly can to stop it immediately
Even when she was just a newborn and crying was her main way of communication, he would be s o fucking quick about solving whatever was wrong, you didn’t even have time to sit up and realize what was happening before Yoongi had her in his arms, he can n o t handle tears
He has to give her a really really long hug and promise that it won’t be that bad once she’s there and that he’ll pick her up and get her ice cream and give her a sticker and he’s getting so close to tearing up himself bc every single sob is just making his heart o w but thankfully she calms down after a few minutes
After a long talk about it, she starts getting a bit more excited about it bc yoon starts telling her all of the stories from his own experience and he gets you to tell yours
Bby boy’s reaction to school is the complete opposite, he’s w a y more excited than she was bc he’s been able to see her going to school and she makes it sound fun so he’s being hyped up by both her and all of the other bbys so he’s ready to gO
He is pretty sad that he can’t hang out with Yoongi all day bc bby boy is just as attached to him as bby girl is and he does tear up a bit the day before school and he goes to Yoongi’s office (he uses the spare room in the house as an office area) and silently climbs into his lap and hugs him really tightly
Yoongi gets him to cheer up a bit by letting him press some of the “shiny buttons” and feeding him some chocolate but he doesn’t let him go the rest of the night, you go into yoon’s office at midnight looking for him and you just see the two of them curled up on the couch together so you leave them be
Typical mornings with the Mins are cuddly, there’s so much cuddling going on, bbys are cuddling each other, you’re cuddling yoon he’s cuddling you and them everyone’s just warm and happy and sleepy
They let yoon sleep in a bit but at the same time, they’re two energetic toddlers who are getting hungry so they start jumping all over the bed and giving the two of you “kiss attacks” to wake you up completely and if all else fails, they’re gonna scream so it’s better to just wake up asap
Yoongi has to carry them downstairs and on the couch and get a cartoon playing before they can get back up if either of you want to be able to do anything that morning bc those two are playful af and if you let them, they’ll keep you playing with them all morning
You and Yoongi make breakfast together, some days you make it, some days he makes it but most of the time, it’s a team effort bc the quicker it’s done the better
They always end up joining you two in the kitchen though, they’re hugging your legs or wanting to see what you’re doing and you end up carrying one of them while yoon carries the other and they get to snack on some apples while they wait so their tummies aren’t totally empty bc bby boy gets really pouty when he’s hungry he just walks around with a permanent pout on his face until he gets fed
But on both of their first days, they cling onto Yoongi the entire morning, they don’t wake him up, they don’t let him put them down on the couch, they don’t let him do anything if he isn’t carrying them while he does it
He doesn’t mind at all tbh bc he’s gonna miss them so much, even if it just for a few hours bc those are his bbys, they’re his mini mes, his muses he’s never had to spend so long away from them unless it was for work and even then, he had them on face time the entire time he was gone so he could just look over and see their beautiful faces
Bby girl starts getting more excited when Yoongi starts going through her clothes with her bc it starts kicking in that she’s gonna go to school and see her best friends
Her first day outfit is super cute, it’s picked by her of course, it’s some bby jeans aka one of my favorite things to ever exist bc they’re so tiny, a shirt with a flower on it and a coat over it and one of the Mins infamous scarves with tiny bby boots
Her hair is put into a ponytail at her request and Yoongi knows that it’s gonna last about an hour but whatever she wants, she gets that’s rule number one in his book
Bby boy’s outfit is also super cute bc he’s super cute, he’s got the bby jeans as well but his are blue (her’s were gray) and he’s got a t-shirt with a lil mustache on it and then of course the bby coat and some sneakers that match Yoongi’s and the scarf bc Yoongi is that one dad that bundles his bbys up when the weather gets the tiniest bit cold
His hair is forever messy so Yoongi does try to tame it a bit by pushing it back and at least getting it out of his face
Bby girl’s got a Tom and Jerry lunchbox and a Peppa Pig backpack bc her faves, bby boy’s got a Clifford backpack with a matching Tom and Jerry lunchbox bc that’s one of the only shows that can keep their attention in the morning so they’ve grown up with it
Yoongi is drea din g the goodbye the entire car ride but both of the bbys seem to forget about it until they actually have to do it
He gives them such tight hugs and no one wants to let go first so they just sit in the middle of the hallway hugging and you have to just smile bc before bby girl was born, he told you that it was gonna be you that cried on their first day and that he would buy you some chocolate afterwards to make you feel better
But they were both s o attached to him and he was their best friend and cuddle buddy and they always ran to him whenever they were hurt or feeling ill and they’re just his entire world but now they gotta grow up and makes friends and further develop their own personalities
But the logical side doesn’t make it any easier to let them go of course so he can sit there and explain it to himself all he wants but there are still tears gathering up in his eyes while he’s fixing their bags and telling him he’ll see them soon and to have lots of fun and that they can tell him everything once he picks them up
He’s so proud of them but also he’s a bit sad bc his munchkins but then they both give him a kiss on the cheek and say ily before running off into their class with their friends
Seeing them hugging their “cousins” (all of the bbys call each other cousins) and giggling and knowing they won’t be alone makes him smile and he finally feels ready to leave
“Let’s go get some chocolates”
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givemesomeluh · 8 years
Somebody Else.. 4
Somebody Else... 4 It's been a good month since the club and two and a half weeks since I last hung out with everyone. Tonight would be the first time in awhile, holly and swazz begged me to come night swimming with the crew at some cool private place. I'd agreed though admitted I wouldn't be swimming saying I had been feeling under the weather. Which was partly true, however honestly I didn't know how to swim. So when we got there I quickly asked everyone for their phones so they wouldn't get wet. Promising to snapchat our cool adventure. Tonight it was a little windy but a beautiful clear night. Nate looked sexy without a shirt on his eight pack showing, as well as his finished sleeves. Holly was wearing some skimpy red bikini and flirting with some guys that were here as well apart from our group I rolled my eyes. Looking to see what Nate would do but he was looking at me, I frowned looking away, we hadn't talked since our little disagreement but that was more on my part. I watched as everyone was jumping into the pool, the whole time I spent taking snapchat videos and laughing and being a judge for the canon ball splashes. And then everyone was packing up and heading back to the cars after I'd given them their phones back, though they had gone in a group and were starting to come back. But the boys that holly had been flirting with were still here and drying off, and my boys were o Lin their way back. However they were a few feet away when holly started towards me. "Scar, there's this really cool like underwater fountain you should take a look at and then maybe take a picture." Holly cheers softly. I nod looking over the edge of the pool, when I hear the boys laughing. I turn to see what's so funny when holly is right behind me shoving me in. I scream pushing my phone out of the way so it doesn't get wet. When my back hits the water flashbacks take control of my mind, and all I can see is the black murky water. I try to fight of the memory's screaming, when I swear I can feel Someone grabbing my leg and pulling me under like what had happened so many years ago. I start screaming and thrashing to get out of the water. The laughter at my expense stops as voices of concern take over. "Scar!" I'm hearing my name being shouted. But my flailing limbs go limp the cold water taking its toll, and my brain is shutting down. I can hear a simple splash much different than the canon balls that I had been judging Earlier tonight. But then my body is being pulled into a solid warm one. And my head is lifted out of the water. "I've got you, I've got you. I won't let go okay?" A voice is muttering into my ear. Its hard to hear over some girls screams, only is it when I feel Nate holding me tighter still muttering the same words that the screams die down, my screams die down. Nate quickly pushes me out to the water before following suit. Holly is there she's a little frantic as she keeps apologizing. "I'm so sorry scar, I didn't think the story's you told me were true, I didn't really think you were scared of the water" she mumbles. "Wait you knew?!" Nate asks quietly. I'm shaking, the wind has picked up and I'm soaked in my clothes, I try to clench my jaw, but that doesn't keep my teeth from chattering. Nate must hear as he pulls me off the stone floor, rubbing my back up and down trying to heat me up. "I mean she told me stories, that she was kind of afraid of water but I just thought she was joking I swear Nate!" She pleads. He says something but I don't catch it, as I'm Being picked up and Carried to a back seat of a car. "I'm going to take her home. Take holly home" Nate is saying before he starts the car and cranks the heater before pointing all the fans at me. "You're safe now." He whispers again. ~ ~ ~ I don't remember being dropped off at my apartment, only that I was, I stripped out of my wet clothes before pulling on my onesie, and cuddling under the covers as i was freezing. I remember falling asleep, and then waking up kind of, just to fall back asleep. I can hear a jingle go off that makes me think of my phone, but I don't want it as its making my head hurt worse. So I cower under my pillows hoping that it will stop. It does eventually so I go back to sleep. That's when I'm woken up by someone shaking me while pulling off my blanket, a cold breeze washing over my body. "Mm" I whimper shivering, and grabbing for the blankets. "Oh shit lil ma, you're burning up" I hear Nate say darkly. My eyes don't start to flutter open until I feel a cool rag against my head and neck. When I do everything's a little blurry around the edges when Nates face comes into view. "Na-ate" I croak looking up at him. "Hey lil mama" he whispers back. I try to crack a smile, but a groan comes before I'm rolling over the side of the bed and dry heaving. Not so lucky for me, there's only bile, and stomach fluid in me at the moment. Nates able to pick me up and carry me to the bathroom, where I up heave into the toilet. After I'm done, tears streaming down my face am i able to turn and see Nate slightly clearer. "Why are you here?" I croak before rinsing my mouth and brushing my teeth. Nate helps me out of the bathroom and leads me to sit on my bed as he starts to unzip my footie pajamas I don't mind as I'm soaked through in sweat. I have on only underwear so when he's finished unzipping me I tell him to turn around. Glad to be rid of the wet clothes I crawl back into bed as that took most of my energy. "Scar baby, do you want my shirt?" He asks. But I shake my head laying face down with the comforter around me. "Baby I know you're hot, so let's put you in a cold bath while I change your sheets so you're more comfortable hmm?" He asks running a hand through my damp hair. "Mmph" I groan but nod my head. Nate puts his shirt on me before picking me up and carrying me back to my bathroom. He starts up the water keeping it at lukewarm temperature, before taking my hand and leading me to the tub. "Wait, I want to sleep in this so we can't let it get wet." I mumble to Nate. He smiles a little, nodding he walks out of the bathroom, only to come back with a different shirt. I smile thankfully at him. "Turn around." I say still not feeling comfortable with him seeing me naked. He obliges giving me his back while i slip his shirt off, and out on the different one. I love wrapping my arms around him and resting my face against his back. "I just want to sleep" I whimper feeling extremely tired and my head starting to throb. "I know, baby I know but for now I need you to just sit down in the bath, you'll feel a lot better. I'm going to get you some pain medication and a bottle of water. So I want you to wash yourself in the bath okay, and wait until I get back." He says, turning so that he hugs me back. I smile a little nuzzling into him. I hear a rumble in his chest as he groans kissing my forehead before pulling my arms from around him to my sides. "Go get in the bath, I'll be right back." He states kissing my forehead again before leaving the bathroom yet again. "Okay." I sigh. Moving to the bath I put one foot in and sigh as it's cool but not frigid. Quickly I plop down in the bath, before folding the shirt like I used to do when I was in middle when I thought showing off you're tummy was the shit. By pulling the bottom of my shirt through the top. I'm giggling remembering how I'd pose in a mirror before pulling my shirt normal and going to school. Looking down it still looks ridiculous, but now that I have boobs maybe it isn't half bad. Nate finds me giggling as I wash myself off feeling good, but really,really tired. "Here's some water and pain meds, baby girl Now let's get you dried." He says. He waits holding the bottle of water and pulls out to me, quickly I take the pills before swallowing them down with the cool water. Before slowly reaching out to drain the tub and standing. Nate holds out a fluffy towel wrapping me in it like a burrito before carrying me out to my bedroom. I lean my head into the curve of his neck. He sets me down but I stay leaning into him, as he rubs down my body. He hands me his shirt, which smells so much like him that I smile. Feeling a bit loopy, I turn my back to him, slipping off the damp shirt and pulling his on, before moving to my underwear drawer slipping off the soaked ones and pulling new ones on. I turned to look at Nate who was tapping on his phone before looking at me. He winks, while I hold out my arms. "I'm too tired to walk to the bed" I say coyly but it's true. I can feel my self shivering as everything feels too cold now. He smiles coming to me and picking me up, carrying me to bed and tucking me in. "Are you leaving now?" I ask feeling my voice tilt with a sliver of sadness. "I can if you want me to, but I thought you might like it if I stayed." He says sounding nervous. "Well then come here and keep me warm." I mumble. I pat the side of my bed, to which he moves to lay down before retreating. "Fuck you doing." I mumble already half asleep. "Getting comfortable ma." He says chuckling. I can feel myself smiling at the sound of his happy laughter, it's been awhile since I've heard it. I hear his clothes rustling as well as the lights being turned off. I hear him place his phone on the nightstand before finally, he's laying down beside me. I wait not sure if he's going to cuddle me, I bite my lip getting comfortable in my pillow. "Get your cute ass over here." I hear him grumble before I'm being pulled into his warm, bare chest. His arms wrap tightly around me pulling me half on him, I nuzzle my face into his chest grinning. His hand rub up and down my back, even sneaking under my shirt to run his fingers up and down my spine. I hum softly feeling quite content, when his phone starts buzzing. He doesn't stop rubbing my back, I look to see him grab his phone type something, before turning it off. When I look at him questionably, he just kisses my forehead before hugging me tighter. "Get some sleep pumpkin" and I try to. ~~~ "Scar, scar, baby girl I need you to wake up." Nate says while shaking me awake. "But I really don't feel good." I whimper. "You need to open your eyes and look at me." Nate says his voice taking on a very serious tone. So I do as he says it takes awhile as my eyes feel heavy as well as the rest of my body. But I open them, looking at him and smiling a little. "Okay keep looking at me okay" he quickly grabs his phone and turns on the flashlight. I wince but keep looking at him, only after he's thoroughly checked out my eyes and complexion does he turn off the flash light and just look at me. He's wearing a relieved smile on his face. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" "Because, you're dimples are the cutest Nate." I shrug before moving back into the comfort of his arms. "I mean I think you're dimples are cuter than mine but that's just me." He hugs me tighter before kissing me on the forehead. "Why'd you check me with the flashlight?" I ask just realizing how worried he had looked earlier. "You were looking really pale, and I wasn't sure if you okay, so I called the doctor at the emergency room to see if I needed to bring you in." He states, swallowing thickly. Relief is clear in his expression and the way he's holding me gently rather than as tight as he had been earlier. Love floods through my veins knowing that he cares so much for me. I kiss his chin. It's not exactly where I want to kiss him but it's the best that I can do in this situation. "Thank you." I whisper. Before nuzzling back into him and allowing my eyes to close. "For what?" He whispers "For caring about me" I say before falling asleep. Hi lovelies hope you enjoy this new chapter for somebody else 💕💛
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onyxdra · 7 years
The place that had been acknowledged as Skuldormu's nesting ground was relatively obscure and away from the prying eyes of inhabitants of Azeroth. Humidity often rose from the forest of bamboo from below. But it was quickly drilled into the whelplings' mind that - any other place was forbidden or discouraged. Not that she had made any valiant attempts yet.
But she was certainly considering it. There was hardly anything to work with in the tower, and having to spend time with her siblings often resulted in immediate boredom. Save for that of her sister, she chose to linger alone. Lowering her head, she felt the pain of growing teeth egg her to nibble at her newly brandished scales frequently. It made her feel like some dog. Slowly wanders around the small little area he made their home. Transforming into a dragon here for him was.. unwise. He'd be far too big not to draw attention to their little spot on the mountain. He was sitting inside on a comfy chair with his hand slowly rubbing the ears of a cute little bronze whelping. His blue eyes shimmered with love as he gazed at the small thing. Something.. something that will save us. He leaned down to kiss the head of the small little head of the whelping before standing up.
He began to wander outside checking on the whelpings outside. So far two of each flights had hatched exactly as expected. He stared at Onyxdra's back curiously. Everyone else was playing or reading while she was all alone despite having her sister to play with. He slowly walks behind her and places a gentle hand on the back of her head. He greets her with a sweet smile and what looks like genuine care. "What's wrong my ferocious girl?" He slowly moves to sit down next to her, staring off into the distance with her. He spoke extremely eloquently like every word was crafted to try to resonate with you. Onyxdra was just about satisfied with dulling the pain of her small fangs before feeling a hand on her head. Draconic slits flick upward at his arm before turning her head and moving to snap onto his arm. It was mostly playful, but also to stop the damn pain from getting the best of her. Though when she doesn't seem to catch his arm, she withdraws and scratches with her tiny arm along her belly and looks back over the hill's ledge.
"Bored." She answered curtly and shifted her tail behind her to steady herself as small wings fluttered behind her. Noting him sitting beside her, she seemed particularly aware that her actions were being monitored. Though, she didn't care so much as she hopped over the small retaining wall to have more freedom of space than the encircled area by the tower. "Nothing to do." He jerks his hand back so her tiny lil razor sharp teef didn't hit their mark. He chuckles at her when she recoils and starts scratching her belly. "Come now Onyxdra~ Have to be faster than that to catch me." He reaches over to try to pick the squirmy little black dragon baby up to put her in his lap. His hand moves down to scratch where her tiny little claw was itching so she didn't have too.
He nods softly when she speaks about her boredom. "Ah.. not taking to the books or enjoying the company of your sister?" He chuckles to himself. "And I supposed the sleepy greenies don't make for good conversation when they spend most of their time sleeping." He slowly begins petting you from your head all the way down your back trying to comfort you. "Then what is it you want to do Onyxdra since your family can't entertain you?" He asks quizzically at her. He let out a soft sigh as if sincerely worried that she has nothing to do. His instigating has her turning back to narrow her eyes at him. Even if she didn't keep eye contact with him, the goading inflection of a challenge was enough to warrant her focus. The itch hadn't been enough to distract her as she clenched her fangs and prepared for another nip. Though it was much easier since he was looking to pick her up anyway. Her snout found purchase in the sleeve of his robes. There was a light growl as she tugged against the fabric before the action paused when he found a place to scritch on her stomach. Her hind claw swept against the air beneath his arm as she leaned her head back and reluctantly released his sleeve.
"No," she answers with a high pitched screech. It was clear she liked making that typical response as her frills wiggled with the movement of her face when she turned to look away. At his joke about the green whelps, she'd snort. "They don't do anything!" Her body shifts upright to glare past him where they were sleeping. "How is that spending time or doing anything fun?" As he begins to pet her, she seems to relax momentarily. "Don't make me boring like the green whelps," she said - remaining relatively fiesty to his pampering.  
"As for what to do... I want to dig," she says matter-o-factly. "The rocks here look the same." He smiles softly at her when she starts biting at him. He wiggles his arm against her when she starts digging into his fabric. He tries to look worried and lets out a little scream, pretending like the small bite was hurting him. Of course his other hand would be very casually scratching her but he couldn't pass up a dad moment like this. "Oh is this what it takes to tame a firey black dragon?" He says in response to her leg beginning to thump at his scritches. He chuckles soft heartedly when she released him. Dawwww.....
He blinks when she says she doesn't enjoy the company of her black dragon sister. "Oh? And what's wrong with your sister? Out of everyone I thought you two would get along well." A slight frown appears on his face to show that he -was- sad for her not having a playmate. "They enjoy napping as much as you enjoy digging little one. Think.. what would it be like if I took away -all- the rock on the planet? Nothing for you to get your claws all dirty I-.." He looks up as if he was thinking and said to himself. "Well... if I -did- do that I would have to give you any more baths after you playing in the dirt." He looks down at her smirking waiting to see her 'NOOOOO!' response she was bound to have.
His petting stops for a moment as he thinks to himself. "Little one...you know you're free to dig around the tower as much as you'd like just.. cover it back up when you're done. Your brothers and sisters might fall in it... and.." He puts his hands on your lil waist and turns you around to look at you. He again was wearing a wide eyed smile. "Don't tell your sister.. but I -was- planning on taking you two on a lil adventure now that you mention it..." She seemed to like his makeshift suffering, but didn't seem to get enough satisfaction since he wasn't bleeding anywhere. Though, it was hard for her to recognize such instincts quite yet. Given that he was coddling her and not letting her anywhere near something to maim. Well, save for some siblings that looked at her funny. Her gaze looks down to the hand scratching at her underbelly scales. "No one can tame me!" She bellowed as if affronted by the very idea that she was a pushover. Snorting lightly, he'd feel the force of her warm breath.
"She's not strong," she'd comment boldly. "And we do get along. But I want to dig." Again, she shifts in his lap and then glances back at the sleepers. Despite his explanation, she seemed to shift her head back and forth as to mock what he was saying. Wa wa wa, they can be butts and sleep all they want. BUT I WANT MY SHINIES! Those were her thoughts exactly. She had noted the care he gave to the other whelps, but the jealousy hadn't manifested enough to warrant a demand for retribution. Instead, she'd eye him when he was talking about baths and being dirty.
"What?! Nooooooo!" She fumbles in his hold and looks to the nearest rock and reaches for it. Any means of comfort, and she was going to have it, damnit. "Why do I have to cover the holes? Its not like any of the other whelps come near where I go." Her claws casually scrape along the pebble she snatched up before he moves to grab her by the hips. She stares back at him with a blank look before the pebble in her claws drop to the ground in a heartbeat. "What! A TRIP!" She screeches with visible excitement, not really able to hold back the excitement as her hind claws kick in the air as her tail writhes behind her. "Where!"
He enjoyed fooling her just a little bit to make her happy and he always enjoyed the cuteness of a little whelp. He  wouldn't let her maim anything big yet.. though he did have some ideas. He scritches that special spot on her stomach just a little bit harder when she exclaimed that nooo-oone could tame -her-. "Oh of -course- not. No one can tame the mighty Onyxdra!" He wouldn't mind the warmness of her breath.. as along as she doesn't burn his clothes off.
He pulls his hand away after giving her tummy enough rubbin' before saying. "Come now little one.. don't speak about your sister like that. She's young and so are you.. she might grow up to be just as strong as you.. never stronger of course." He gets a little bit of joy out of her childlike panic. It almost seemed to give off the impression he enjoyed her little black drake attitude. "Your brothers and sisters -might- follow you more if you'd just stop biting them. Most of them just want to be your friend and who knows -some- might even enjoy your love of rocks." He looks at her cute little pebble she picked up. "Wouldn't you like a digging buddy?"
He pats and ruffles your scaly little head. "Don't worry I wouldn't dream of taking away your rocks. As long as you -and- your sister are good. You're from the same flight after all. You're responsible for her just like she is of you. For your well being -and- your happiness." He looked at her and spoke with an earnest tone. He'd said this many times before in hopes to instill this sense of kinship in the two of you. Maybe one day it'll work.  He puts a single finger in front of her mouth and shhh’ed her when she got excited about the trip. "Now now now.. hush or your sister might hear. We wouldn't be able to go if you ruined the surprise now would you?" he puts his hands back in his lap. "Settle down and I'll tell you~." She eyed him shrewdly, waiting for him to show more openings for a nip. But it never quite gets to that point as he continues to scratch the spot along her stomach. Though the pressure causes her to apply pressure on clenched fangs before laughter bubbles out from her snout and her claws scratch at the air and his arm to buffet any further tickles. "NEVER!" She cries out before squirming from his hand. If and when he withdrew his hand, she quickly scampered out of his arms to find space between them. The same huff from before escapes her nostrils as she eyes him warily.
"It's just a fact," she responds more dignantly before sitting on her hind legs more civily. "And if she does grow to be strong, only more reason for me to be stronger!" She nods her head curtly and reaches for her rock once more. Once it was within a place in front of her, she'd look at her siblings and psh lightly. "They won't follow me when they have you, so why bother trying? Besides, I don't want to get old like you." She sneered proudfully given her youth and bared her pearly whites with a hint of malice. "And they're MY rocks! They can't have!" Her head quickly glances from him as she pushes that very pebble she found beneath her claws. "My claws are my digging buddies."
Her expression only sours as he pets and ruffles her scales upon her head. "...Better not," she warned with typical dragon pride. Though that bit about her and her sister had her looking past the sea of bamboo below to the other portion of the Jade Forest. Though she was still excited about the prospect of going somewhere. And it was easy to be quiet when she was already in a mood. Her head tilted to the side as she watches his hands retreat back to his lap. Though, she was quite okay not saying anything. Both claws drifted over the surface of the rock below her as they scraped with a light chiseling sound. He chuckles softly as she starts giggling at him. As he eases up he gives her a curt nod and some more of his staple smile. "Mhm.. never tamed and -NEVER- conquered." He gives her a sly little knowing wink. Feeding that cute little ego of hers. He stands up at full height when she starts flyin' infront of him. Always has to be taller.
He shakes his head slowly when she said it was a fact. "Your sisters and brothers would love you -just- as much as I do if you give them a chance and maybe partake in some of the things they liked instead of just digging. Friends to keep your entertained are the best thing to hold you over after all." He nods again when she starts talking about this lil rivalry. "That's right little one.. but remember that power should be used to protect your weaker sister for now and soon." He puts a hand her tiny little claw with the pebble on it, closing it around the pretty pebble. "You'll be powerful enough to protect all of us.. even my old butt." He actually leans in and plants a kiss right on your forehead lovingly. He wanted to make sure that hit home with her. He chuckles softly at her. "And the ones you find are -your- rocks but not every rock is yours. Ontop of that your claws can't talk to you.. you need more than them to get you by."
Once she starts to space out when he talks about her sister he puts a hand on her to try to get her attention again. "I'm serious little Onyxdra.. you must always promise to take care of her. You two are.. the most unique two of your species alive right now." He crosses his arms before adding. "And I won't take you on this trip unless you promise this to me.. and begin to show it. In fact.. i'll take one of the greenies."
A vehement nod follows after his statement as pride swells in her features. "Yes, Onyxdra the Strongest!" Her posture hovers back towards the ground once her head stops inflating from his pampering praises. Though that demeanor changes when he reaffirms the idea of her siblings and grumbles lightly. "Love is icky!" She shakes her head as if cooties were being spewed from his mouth by just talking about it. Gross!
"And nothing wrong with digging! It's fun, and you find treasure! Friends are not treasure." She nods curtly and eyes him shrewdly. "Protect my sister? But if she's to be strong, she needs to protect herself! Just like me!" A claw gestures back at her underbelly. Someone was clearly in over her head. Looking down at his hand on her other claw, she tilts her head at his boldness to hold her hoard. Eyes narrow somewhat before he makes that silly comment about protecting his old butt. "BWAH! OLD BUTT COOTIES!" She curls up into a ball protectively over her rock, nudging his hand away with her snout.
As he states about the rocks not belonging to her, she makes a triumphant grin. "Oh yeah? Look at this rock!" She slowly unfurls and turns it over to show the mark she made on it. Several claw marks rested on the rock's surface that had a giant O and x look to it. "Mine! And my claws can talk, look!" She holds up her claws for him to see before she turns her head ever so slightly and throws her voice. "I'm Onyxdra's right hand claw! I dig up the shinies and make rocks come to her when she pleases." Then the left claw raises and flexes. "I'm lefty, cause I don't do things as good as right claw. So I'm the best at being dumb." 
Her focus then settles on him as he looks at the hand settling on her again. It was clear he distracted her thoughts again with his next statement. "Yeah yeah, I'll make sure she doesn't sleep forever like the green babies." Her eyes roll somewhat, and she then nods proudly. "Best dragons cause we're the strongest!" As he crosses his arms, she makes a wry grin. "Of course I promise." She seeks the area around them for her sister and frowns. "Where is sister?"
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lexieburningham · 7 years
but here's an update: my roommate is pretty cool but she likes to stay in our room a lot & facetime her bf so it's kinda hard to hang with her like she's allllways on her phone😬 but the girl next door to me is totally awesome and fun😍(she's sadie & erin & aaron's friend) i love her and we've been hangin with these 4 boys that are SO FUNNY!! i'll send u a low quality pic i have😂 but yeah so we had classes today and tbh it's really hard to feel the spirit because the speakers are trying a lil too hard to be funny😐 like last year had waaay better speakers so far. but yeah i feel like i'm having a fun time this year! i'm so happy that i made a lot of friends😊😊 OMG KENZ these two guy friends really like me and it's OBVIOUS (but like they know i have a boyfriend) there names are jake & coleman... jake LITERALLY looks like jake moberly like NO JOKE😂😂 and coleman is actually pretty cute! he is totally flirting & he is super nice & always wants to sit by me & he gives super good hugs😅😅😅😅😅 ahhhhhhhhh i don't know what to do i mean mom just told me to have fun & live in the moment😂 but anyways the dance was BOMB😏 and we got to watch fireworks so i was happy😁 (and coleman sat reaaaal close to me lol) but i'm having the best time :) and i'm pumped for game day tomorrow!! AW LEX. I'm so happy you're making friends and that they're easy to get along with! And oh my gosh I'm stoked that the boys like you AND arhat they're cute. They look tall too!!! Like wayyy better than what we were put with last year. Not that you should be focusing on the boys but I'm sure it feels nice to have flirty connections here and there ;) Stinks that the spirit isn't super strong. And that your roommate is always on her phone. Maybe you should talk to her about it ?¿ who's the girl next door what's her name? Ugh I'm so excited for you and it makes me crazy jealous that I'm not there experiencing it all with you like I cried today when I was watching your story! I love you so much and can't wait to hear your voice and give you the biggest hug!!!! Are you doing the music group thing like we did last year? Yeah just call me when you can, or merge me on a call with you and mom! ❤️ I agree with her. Have fun and live in the moment! It's okay to do what you feel comfortable doing, if Coleman goes to grab your hand... heck I would do it (you told me you see no future with Kody like in marriage so who cares HAVE A GOOD TIME. MAKE MEMORIES TO TELL YOUR KIDS IN 20 YEARS) haha love you lex! I'm dying to see you 💓💗💓 aw kenz i miss u so much u don't even know❤️❤️ like last year honestly was the best with u and that was something i'll never forget😍 this year i and really hoping to learn a lot but mostly for me i'm just like proud of myself for coming here alone & im so happy that i was able to put myself out there and make friends😊😊 i know it's like i don't wanna be a cheater but also like he's cute & he likes me😂soooooo idk it's fun to have them all flirty :) agh the boys are so awesome i'm so glad! but yeah i can't wait to come home & see u i miss u tons and hope u are havin fun💖 I'm proud of you too! That is so something out of your comfort zone. And oh my you're not a cheater! I'm excited to hear what'll go down tomorrow for you gosh so many things I want to KNOW! Haha yare so amazing and I hope this trip increases your love of the Savior and with get you even more confident with your testimony. Oh I'm having a blast here by myself. 😁😁😁😁 I'll tell you about my boring days later though, haha (btw 47 meters down INTENSE BUT HORRIBLE ENDING) ily goodnight lexie lex 💗💗 mom: so today rocked! I honestly felt the spirit the strongest this trip in the yw session today! it was so awesome & really helped me! then we had breakfast & lunch & during free time our cute little company played on the sand volleyball courts in our dresses & suits😂😂 it was so much fun and a lot of the boys were very impressed with me hahahah so woo hoo! then we watched the variety show which had so many singers😐(there was only one SUPER good girl that was actually on the voice once) but yeah then we all hung out together at our spot and just played a bunch of games, the boys danced for us since they didn't make the variety show, we talked, listened to music😍 wow like it was just so great mom we all bonded so well & last year i wasn't able to be so close with the people in my company but this year we all just get along & have such a good time! i love it😊 then we had dinner & went to the fireside/heard the choir sing! then the testimony meeting...i am so upset because right when it started i got this super bad stomach ache where it just felt super empty & it was HARDCORE grumbling.. i kid u not it grumbled like 30+ times during that meeting😩 it made me so mad because i was like focused on not letting my stomach growl & i barely could pay attention😢 ALSO i was sitting next to only coleman and was on the end so he kept looking over at me and i was so embarrassed but he kept saying like "it's okay don't worry about it" but i was still embarrassed😂😭😭 it was THE worst! anyways then COLEMAN asked to escort me (for like the 15th time😏) to our rooms and when we got there our counselor told the boys to give the girls a hug & a compliment😂... so coleman gave me a hug & was like "you look AMAZING tonight" hehe it was cute. and then when we had devotional i was given the chance to bare my testimony so i was super thankful😊 and i'm pumped/sad that it's our last day tomorrow!! I'm glad you had a good day. Thanks for giving me the updates. I miss you so much and I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there. I'm so glad that your Heavenly Father is aware of you and what you needed. Even if your tummy growled it's okay😂. I'm a super proud mom. Remember to keep living in the moment, but also remember that you do have life and reality here at home. You are committed to someone. So don't get to caught up in your one week life...but still have fun. Soak up all of your last day. Remember that I love you more than I can say and I miss you so so much!❤️
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