#lil kate rambles
mxzyuu · 3 months
Pat me on the head!
I've run out of energy to draw at the moment soooo I'll just put this idea out here. It's just a headcanon. This might get long, ahem
Kate who likes headpats. She doesn't realize it but it shows on her face.
The one who does this the most, I think, would be big bro Roger. A reward for being a great help in the lab. After a while of observation, the other guys would catch on and try to do the same.
Nevertheless, she melts just a lil bit at the touch. Her reaction in itself is satisfying, so at every chance they get, the guys just continued to pet her head. Well... not all guys.
Kate is confused. Everyone's hands keep touching her head out of nowhere. Is it to tease her height perhaps? She couldn't be that short, everybody's just so tall! this is me crying out to the world ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ I'm short af
Kate: w-what is it?
Jude just smacks the newspaper on her head.
Jude: ... 💥🗞️
Kate: Ah?! What was that for?!
Then there's Ellis facing a huge dilemma. He wants to pat her head, too, now that he knows it makes Kate happy. And he always wants to make her happy! But ohhh what to do, if he does so then it would activate his ability. So he's just there, standing and trembling, trying his best to hold back.
Kate: Are... are you alright?
Ellis: I'm sorry, Miss Kate :(
Kate: ???
Kate tries, well... tried, to avoid some hands, like Alfons', cuz he keeps trying to reach for the nape as well. Knowing his ability, it's better to be cautious or it could lead to some... things..
She has to be somewhat on guard around Elbert, too. It's not troublesome, really. His headpats are so comforting! As if he's cherishing a beloved treasure. But a moment too long might get her taken away and locked up. He hasn't stopped wondering if she's beautiful, you see. So before that happens, Kate tries to distract him to save herself
I imagine at least one guy who goes as far as ruffling Kate's hair into a mess. I dunno who, I just thought it would be cute. Or when her hair is up, someone would go and touch the lower back part of the head, by the hairline, and play with the baby hair there I could imagine William in this one, the man just does whatever he wants
So, after all that, Ellis found a loophole and figured out a way! Hurray!! He caresses Kate's ear instead🥹 She becomes too flushed and flustered to utter a word. The boy is surprised, he didn't think he would get this kind of reaction. Turns out this is a much more intimate gesture for Kate so she went poof and combusted. Then everybody found out and set their sights on a new target~
I ended up rambling a lot but it was fun letting my brain roll. I don't do scenarios nor fics so I can't exactly vision how the others would do it so I'll leave those to your imaginations😘
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Porcelain Steve - Part 3
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Eddie hasn't moved from his spot on the Harrington's living room floor since El placed Steve back in his hands two hours ago except to switch his weight from side to side, depending on which buttcheek is currently numb. The mass exodus from the Byers-Hopper house to the Harringtons had taken less than 15 minutes and there has not been peace since, hence the remaining-on-the-floorness of it all for Eddie.
People stop by his stop in the living room to talk to Steve, looming over Eddie in their uncertainty. He stopped offering for people to take Steve after the third rejection because Eddie gets it; he's still the most chill about this (except Argyle, but Argyle is currently high, and Eddie is exceptionally sober and perhaps resenting that fact a bit) but he gets it. The situation is fucking freaky and maybe the thought of holding their transformed babysitter slash older brother figure slash hero might be a bit harrowing.
Of course, there's always an exception, so when Max lowers herself to the living room floor next to him, cane set down between them, and says, "Give him here." Eddie obeys, instructing her to hold her hands out so he can place Steve in them upright and facing her. Max's bones had healed alright, but she'd never get her vision back.
"Am I looking at his face?" She asks, gripping him around the waist with two hands like he's a messy hamburger.
Eddie can't actually tell from this angle if she's looking at his face but it's got to be close enough, so he says, "Yeah."
"Hey Steve," Max starts. "Everyone else is too much of a wuss to hold you but don't worry. They'll get over it. Not going to lie to you, though, this is pretty weird, but, like, mostly because I expected your body to be squishy, like a stuffed toy or those babydolls Holly drags around and forces us to take care of when we all hang out at the Wheeler's house. You know, the ones that are like soft with the plastic head, hands, and feet? That's what I expected." She runs one thumb up and down on his torso before tacking on, "ugh, this feels like a polo. Eddie, is he wearing a polo?"
"Yeah. I think he's in the outfit he was wearing when whatever happened happened. The polo was tucked into his jeans but Robin untucked it to check if there were scars on his lil' porcelain tummy."
"Are there?"
"Yeah. Painted on, Robin says. It's pretty accurate."
"Like, chest hair and all?"
"I... don't know? You'll have to ask Robin. She was the one holding him like two inches from her face."
Max's attention goes back to Steve. "I bet your tiny polo looks cute, simply because it's tiny. Only way a polo could be cute, Steve. I still can't believe you dress this way because you like it. And worse, I can't believe you actually pull off the look."
Eddie looks on, amused, as Max rambles from there. Which is an experience. Max isn't quiet by any means, but she's not a talk to fill the silence type, which is what this seems like. The topics are mundane, like how summer school is going, and about her plans to try and teach El how to skateboard using only verbal directions, and debating the pros and cons of trying to convince her mom to let her get a seeing-eye dog. Then, they make a turn Eddie didn't expect.
"I think I'm going to be mostly on babysitting duty instead of active research and rescue. You know, on account of the blindness and all. So, like, I hope you're going be okay just hanging out with me and listening to Kate Bush for hours."
He should not be feeling a twist in his gut of jealousy at the fact Max wants to take Porcelain Steve from him, and yet. "You gonna look after him, Max?"
She shrugs, turns her face towards Eddie, "I figured we'd all take turns babysitting. Might get boring for him otherwise. He'd drop everything to watch us, if this had happened to us. He has done that. We have to do the same for him. Plus, Steve likes to check in on us, don't you Steve? What better way than to give you, like, a day with everyone in rotation."
"Always the savior, never the saved, huh?" Eddie is trying to joke but Max's face twists into a frown and her arms lower for the first time, lower so Steve's little porcelain face stares up at the ceiling.
"No. Not always."
"I saved him, once. From Billy. It was my fault he was even in danger," Max says, voice sad.
"I doubt it was your fault-"
"It was my brother trying to beat him to death," Max snaps and it shuts Eddie up quick. "And the only reason he was in the house, beating Steve to death, was because I couldn't follow the simple instruction of 'stay away from the window'. Steve could probably have gotten Billy to leave if I had. But I didn't listen, and Billy got in, and then he was threatening Lucas. He'd said 'you're dead, Sinclair' and then Steve had to be super lame but super cool at the same time by saying 'no, you are' and decking Billy in the face with, like, the full force of his body."
"That is a very lame thing to say."
"Right? Anyway, he was winning that fight until Billy cracked him over the head with a plate. Then it just went downhill so fast for Steve, and I was so sure I was about to watch my stepbrother murder someone. I-I don't even know what came over me, really. I'd never stood up to Billy before. I just knew I had to do something. There were these syringes filled with something that put you to sleep and I grabbed it and then I stabbed Billy with one and then threatening him with Steve's nailbat to never touch any of my friends again."
"Holy shit, Red. Metal as hell!"
She gives a small smile at that. "Well, the boys were basically useless so." She gives a shrug that suggests that sentence should have ended with what can you do?
"True. I've seen you girls in action. Scary and deadly."
Max looks down, then, back to Steve. "Alright, Steve. This is enough floor time for me. I'll yack your ears off later."
She holds Steve back out to Eddie, and he returns Steve to the place in his lap. She gathers her cane and pulls herself from the floor, calling out to see where El is, then presumably going off to find her.
"You really do have a tit-for-tat thing going on with these kids, don't ya?" Eddie chuckles, falling back into the quiet.
His mind does go back to Max and her story. Saving Steve from Billy. He's heard that story but never that part. Steve had given him a watered-down version that left out the fact Billy had threatened Lucas, and that Max had come to his rescue. He wonders if Steve even knows that part.
Had they told him? In Steve's version he's getting his ass beat, and then he's coming to in the back of Billy's car with Max at the wheel. It seems out of character for Steve to not take the time to brag about the kids.
Given the events of spring break of last year, and Max's complicated feelings towards Billy, maybe Steve does know the full story and it was left out intentionally. A thing left up to Max to tell or not, to have to relive. She's been better, doesn't bottle up the hard things anymore, even though it's not Eddie she talks to.
It's Steve.
Eddie feels a bit worse about his jealousy earlier. Of course, Max wants to spend time with Steve even if he can't talk back. He's been the stable male figure in her life for years, just like he's been for Dustin.
He looks up, really taking in the people around him. All the people that have gathered because they care about Steve. All the kids, their peers, Joyce, and Hopper, and some guy Eddie's never even heard of before named Murray.
Does Steve even know how much he means to everyone here?
He's going to ask Steve just that but Robin shouts from the dining area at the same time he opens his mouth, so he snaps his jaw shut and focuses in on that.
"Absolutely not! Those assholes dealt with StarCourt by burning it to the ground and that's it! What do you think they'll try and do to Steve!?" Robin's back is to Eddie, so he can't see her face, but he can see Nancy's, who she seems to be yelling at. Nancy looks determined.
"I'm not saying we go asking the shady government for help immediately! I just brought it up as an option for if we hit a dead end, or can't figure this out, or-" Nancy argues back, and Robin cuts her off.
"Shut up! We'll figure it out! We have before."
Nancy's face softens, looks sadder. "I know, Robin. I do. But how long do we try ourselves? How many days, weeks, months, do we just keep trying ourselves while Steve is stuck? We don't even have a starting point for fixing this, the least we can do is plan a time to ask for help."
"Nancy's right," Hopper says, even if he sounds upsetting about admitting it out loud. "We can trust Owens at least. He helped us."
"No, I'm with Freckles there. You cannot trust anyone in the government, Jim. How many times do you need to learn that lesson?" Murray says in a condescending tone (though Eddie hasn't heard any other tone from him, so maybe that's just his voice?).
Eddie finally stands from the floor. This feels like an argument he should join.
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chvoswxtch · 8 months
to all my feral lil gremlins-
something very exciting is happening soon ✨
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for those of you that have been following my bodyguard!frank series, i'm excited to announce that february 24th will be the one year anniversary of the series, and i'm officially declaring it bodyguard frankie day!
when I first published the request from @lowkeythor's genius brain, I never imagined it turning into a full blown series. it's crazy to think that I have been writing this series for an entire year. some of y'all have been following it since the first post, and some of y’all are just experiencing it for the first time, but it's still surreal to me to see so many of you falling in love with my silly lil story
I am so grateful to each and every one of you that has taken the time to read, comment, reblog, send me messages with your excited ramblings, recommended it to a friend, and all around been so lovely, but i'm especially grateful to kate for allowing me to turn her idea into a passion project that has easily become the work i'm most proud of
sixteen chapters & 84k words over the course of a year, and we're not even close to being finished yet
in honor of the one year anniversary, i'll be doing a lil mini event. i'll be posting chapter seventeen, along with a snippet of chapter eighteen, and i'll also be posting a playlist to go with the series
my asks will also be open for q&a! ask me any questions you have about the series, tell me your favorite chapter, let me know which of your favorite songs remind you of frank or reader, or just come say hi :)
I can't say thank you enough to kate and all of y'all for supporting this series and showing me so much love. I can't wait to celebrate bodyguard frankie with y'all soon
xoxo, court🖤
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necroromantics · 11 months
You have NO idea how quickly I've become invested on knowing this Nina x Kate brain rot situation- I needa know all the details!!
*Sips whole cup of milk 'cause I'm not a fan of tea*
Honestly I started thinking about it as a joke, but Ive been thinking about them all fucking day now bro its making me go nuts. I looove my lil rarepair. Im gonna use this ask as an excuse to ramble a bit about them…
- Theyre the epitome of femme x butch lesbian love. Kate is very masculine, dresses grungy, baggy clothes, video games, barely showers. Meanwhile Nina is very feminine, loves to dress up, takes care of her appearance, scene kid
- She drags her gross lil girlfriend EVERYWHERE and loves to show her off. Kate hates crowds, hates people, hates cities and public places. But she does it just to make Nina happy
- Nina will make sure Kates eating, drinking water, oh she worries about her wellbeing so much. They do basic hygiene together like brushing their teeth and showering, it makes things easier on Kate since shes been so long without ever caring about any of that stuff
- Nina loves to take care of Kate, and Kate loves to take care of her little ball of sunshine.
- Yknow the “cool stoic x crazy happy girl” trope? Thats them
- Theyre drive around in some beat up pick up truck singing alone to whatever emo pop punk song Nina chooses
- Kate holds Ninas bags when they go shopping
- And Nina walks around at night freely with her guard dog privileges (Kate would bite the head off of anyone who hurts her)
- When Kate comes back from missions bloody and bruised, Nina patches her up… And tries to hide how hot she thinks it is…
- Nina just loves weird freaks, and Kate is the perfect example of this
- I just cant imagine Nina happy with some guy. Kate is the perfect balance for her, they both help each other grow in so many ways, they’d both understand and be there for each other
- And most importantly, they’d be each others best friends. Kate would listen to aaallll Ninas gossip, and even share some of her own. Nina would absolutely adore watching Kate play her old horror games, and ask a bunch of questions about them that Kate has all the answers to
- Theyd explore abandoned buildings together, binge watch movies, hangout at the park late at night, play Minecraft together (Kate would fight off the mobs while Nina picks flowers)
- Very underrated ship I will do Gods work and bring it to light in the fandom 🔥
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besaya-glantaya · 11 months
While the previous exorcism was fairly sucessful, new brain gremlins appear with repeated rewatches. So, here's another incomplete list of my rambling thoughts and favourite moments from the Red White and Royal Blue movie:
1. Breaking doors down to get a wedding cake through - actually a thing that happened. Well, almost. Prince William and Kate Middleton's gigantic 8-tier wedding cake was so large a palace door had to be removed to allow it through. Apparently the Queen was "unimpressed".
2. Henry snubbing Alex in the reception line at the wedding is hilarious. Way to ensure Alex doesn't fixate on you for the whole party, Henry. A+ job.
3. Alex drunkly navigating the wedding reception, swiping drinks, petting rich people and hiding foul smelling canapés behind furniture. Adorably comedic.
4. HeNnrrYyy!
5. Aww. I wanna see pictures of Jonathan the Shih Tzu too.
6. Shaan's scathingly dry wit is everything - I can see why he's such a great match for Zahra.
7. "No-one is more mystified than I" is another phrase I am stealing for people who exist purely to vex me.
8. Shaan shoving Alex bodily through the low hanging branches of a chestnut tree to stand beside Henry for a photo op. That had to be at least partially improvised on location.
9. Dogs in jumpers. This must be some British thing that I have simply failed to notice. Is this a thing Americans associate with the UK?
10. The ridiculously small child's costume that Alex is wearing for the puppet show in the hospital.
11. Alex saying "WRONG!"
12. Henry, on the phone, opening with "Good God, man, what have you done?" Honestly, is there any other response when your crush sends you a picture of a caged turkey, in their bedroom, in the small hours of the morning?
13. Nora strutting into the NYE party in that head turning, jaw dropping, red outfit. Stunning.
14. Henry's face after Alex tells him he's going to do "very bad things to him". Every single fantasy he's ever had about him and Alex is flashing rapid-fire through his brain and he just... overloads a lil' bit. Error code 54 [NETWORK_BUSY].
15. The emotional connection between Alex and Henry when they are making love in Paris. The eye contact, the unspoken communication. Ugh. Hats off to all involved - especially Robbie Taylor, the movie's intimacy coordinator - for creating this scene.
16. Alex, talking about being someone his father never had: "You can't know what that means." Henry responding with a heartfelt "I'm learning". Just... yes. All the yes.
17. In the mood for love might be one of the swooniest movies of all time, but it's heartbreakingly sad. It's a doomed romance - two people who are irrevocably in love but can't be together, trapped as they are by the pressures of societal expectations and their own psychological barriers. That this is a version of romance that Henry holds dear is telling and painful to think about.
18. Alex's bloodshot eyes when he's laying on his bed with Nora, hugging that cushion for dear life, pining hard for Henry. Did they do that scene after another intense emotional one? Were there lots of other teary takes of that same scene? Did they rub onions in Taylor's eyes? I need to know.
19. I often think that the core of who we are as teenagers - our hopes, our desires, the things we cherish - are the beings we settle back into as older adults after we're done trying to fit in or live up to other people's expectations. One of Alex's greatest gifts is helping Henry to reach out and reclaim those seemingly distant hopes and dreams. To dance with the person he loves, in a place of beauty that brings him peace.
20. I love the Perfume Genius cover of "Can't help falling in love". It hits you squarely in the feels.
21. God, the casting of this movie was a stroke of genius. Taylor and Nicholas truly become Alex and Henry on screen.
22. On the private air-field: Henry's little overwhelmed smile when Alex squeezes him in the tightest hug and tells him, "I love you, I'll be as patient as you need."
23. Immediately after 22, Alex leaning in for a kiss goodbye but pulling back quickly as he reads Henry's discomfort. Alex might not always understand Henry's reasons but (if he's paying attention), he's so very good at reading Henry's needs and responding to them.
24. In the aftermath of the email leak, Alex has been "hanging in there" - he's had people supporting him, with agency over how to respond. But Henry is understandably not OK - he's been put back in his box, and the Firm has taken over in all matters. There's one scene where you can see Henry shrinking, literally making himself take up less space at the table.  Poor baby.
25. Zahra to the rescue. Truly the MVP.
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thegamingcatmom · 28 days
Don't worry about not understanding my rambles!! It was a bunch of stuff that just randomly came to my mind!
As for the ask I will try my best to reword it 😂
I was thinking of a moment where (if you had siblings) you guys get into a fight and someone pulls the "MOM" card to get the other into trouble! Or pulling a "Moom *name* is bothering me" like an annoying sibling!!
Would MC use that card if one of the girls are messing with her?? Maybe using it playfully? And how would each sister react to the situation? How would Tanya react if Irina was called to help MC get her away!
Hey again! ���
Oh, that's totally fine, really! Rambling is what I do best as well, so I totally get you there. 😅
Thanks for sending me another ask and clearing things up for me though, much appreciated! ❤️
RIGHT, so-
Yes, no doubt about it, LMAO.
Not sure which universe we're talking, but I think it's safe to say that MC would defo make use of the hold she has over them all in just about ANY universe, that lil minx.
(She learns from the best, what did yall expect?)
Most times, it's Carmen's name that leaves her lips whenever things don't go her way someone is bothering her. Carmen is Momma, and MC is basically the baby of the family. She gotta protect her baby cause she's smol and vulnerable and very fragile. 😤
(The Sisters)
MC: "Give it back."
Kate: "Come and get it."
MC: "...Give.It.Back"
Kate: "...Come.And.Get.It."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
MC: *takes a deep breath*
Kate: *realizes a moment too late what´s going on and is helpless to stop what´s coming*
MC, on the top of her lungs (which is entirely unnecessary considering they're all vampires but MC doesn't know which makes it even more hilarious): "CARMEEEEEN!"
Kate, scream-whispers in horror as her hand flies to cover MC´s mouth: "SHHH!"
MC, muffled: "MOU PFFF!"
Carmen, in the distance: "Mi amor?!"
Kate, under her breath: "Fuck..."
MC: 🫢+😏
*The sound of quick (but not too quick, lest MC gets…suspicious) footsteps echoes from the second floor, drawing steadily closer.*
Kate: *closes her eyes in agony*
MC: 🫢+😏
Carmen: *hurries down the stairs*
Kate: *mentally prepares for the inevitable, eyes still closed*
MC: 🫢+😏
Also MC: *starts licking-*
Kate, eyes flying open: "WHAT THE-"
Kate: *snaps her hand back as if burned*
MC: 😏
...Kate: *regrets her decision right after because that was actually kinda hot-*
MC, who notices the sudden glint in Kate´s eyes and knows exactly what it means: 😏...🤨...😑
Carmen: *rounds the corner-*
MC, as soon as Carmen comes into view: 😑 -> 🥺
Kate, torn between annoyance and pride at the cunning devil that stands before her: "...You little shi-"
Carmen, almost on autopilot as she makes a beeline for MC: "Language, Katrina."
Kate: *spluttering*
MC: 🥺
MC, internally: 😏
Carmen: *wastes no time checking MC for injuries, hands and eyes flying over her body before anyone can even utter a word*
Carmen, once she´s made 100% sure MC isn´t in danger of dropping on the spot: "What is it, my dear? Are you feeling unwell? Do you require medical attention?"
Carmen: *tenderly cradles MC´s face with both hands*
MC, sniffling a bit: "No, I´m alright."
MC: *pauses for dramatic effect*
MC: "...Physically."
Kate, groaning in utter disbelief: "Oh my god-"
Carmen, shushing her without turning around: "Katrina."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "not fair" and "can´t believe this is happening")*
MC: *some more sniffling*
Carmen, still concerned: "What do you mean by that, mi amor?"
MC: *glances over Carmen´s shoulder at Kate*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: "..."
MC: *starts lifting her arm-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *lifts it further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *and further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *until it´s stretched out all the way, finger pointing right at-*
Carmen, whose eyes have followed her arm: "...Katrina?"
Kate: "..."
MC, behind Carmen: 😈
Kate: 💀
Carmen: "Katrina, what is the meaning of this?"
Kate, panics: "...It´s not what it looks like-"
MC, still pointing her finger: "LIES!!"
Kate, who doesn´t respond well to facts: "NO, YOU!"
MC: "NO, YOU!"
Kate: "NO! Y-"
Carmen: "Girls."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
Carmen, eerily calm: "Now...will one of you tell me what the problem is?"
Kate: "..."
MC: "..."
Carmen, using her last resort: "...Alright, I will get Tanya then-"
MC: "Kate stole my Gingerbread Sheep...again!"
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "that snitch")*
Carmen: *sighs in great disappointment cause they´ve been over this...multiple times*
Carmen: "Katrina...give it back."
Kate: *still grumbling*
Carmen, not having any of it: "Now."
Kate: *emits the most dramatic sigh in history*
Carmen: *The Look*
Kate: "...Fine! Here-"
Kate: *pulls the abomination out from between her boobs and throws the ugly thing back...with a lot more force than necessary*
MC, the drama queen: *cries out in pain as the plush thing hits her right in the forehead*
Carmen, appalled: "Katrina!"
Kate, in disbelief at this shitshow: "...Are you kidding me?! That thing is made of cotton-"
Carmen, not having any of it: "That is not the point and you know it."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "I know that´s bs")*
Carmen: "I heard that."
Kate: *more grumbling...but quietly*
MC: *picks up the abomination and holds it close like a kid would its favorite plush animal*
MC: 🧸🥰
Carmen: 🥰
Kate: 😑
Carmen: *checks her watch*
Carmen: "Oh, will you look at the time! What do you say, dear - shall we prepare some lunch for you?"
MC: 😇 "Yes, please."
Carmen, swooning: "So polite. Let us hope some of it will rub off on Katrina..."
Kate: *splutters in indignation*
Carmen: "Come then, mi amor."
Carmen: *leads MC out of the room with a hand between her shoulder blades*
Kate: *stares after them in disbelief*
MC: *turns around just before rounding the corner*
Kate: "..."
MC: ...😎🖕
Kate: 👁️👄👁️
Sooo, I think it´s safe to say that one should never underestimate their hooman...
Also: Tanya and Irina would have a similar reaction, I think. At least when it comes to Carmen. It´s just...you just don´t mess with that woman. Not because she might become physical or anything. Heavens no. Carmen wouldn´t hurt a fly.
It´s the aura. She enters a room and you just wanna make her happy. I don´t make the rules. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And in case any of you are wondering: Yes, the Gingerbread Sheep is a reference to the unsightly thing from Chapter 2. 🤭
But also, I´ve just realized-
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That is literally them here. PLEASE. 😭
As for Tanya´s reaction to Irina coming to MC´s aid:
I assume we´re talking The Sisters universe? Because in the "normal" universe Irina wouldn´t hesitate to come get her baby obv. And Tanya knows this.
Irina might be the baby sister, but she's got...personality. Only Kate would be foolish brave enough to poke the (Momma) bear. 🐻😅
In The Sisters though? Well, let's just say nobody quite expected...tbh? I don't even know- 💀
Tanya, the horndog: *swaggers into the room*
MC, sitting on the couch: *already done af*
Tanya: *sits down on the same couch...very close indeed*
MC: *scoots away*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *scoots a bit further*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *stands up and walks the short distance to the opposite couch, about to sit down-*
*...Only to jump up again in fright when her bum meets rock cause Tanya, having used her super speed, has already taken that exact seat.*
MC: *turns to face her in indignation*
MC: "Excuse you?!"
Tanya, innocent puppy eyes: "Hm?"
MC: "I was going to sit there."
Tanya, confused (and fake) af: "...What is stopping you, love?"
MC: 😑
Tanya: 😇
MC: *stomps over to the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, paranoid af: *keeps her eyes firmly on Tanya as her bum starts to lower in slow-mo*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has almost landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has finally landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, suspicious af cause that was way too easy: 👀
Tanya: 😇
Also Tanya: *gets up, walks over to the far end of the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
MC: *starts to sweat*
Tanya: *bum lowers*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *lowers further*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *almost sitting at this point*
MC: "..."
...Tanya, one second later: 😇...😈
MC, in horror: "Oh, fu-"
MC: *scrambles to get up-*
Tanya: *sits down with such force that the other end of the couch lifts off the ground - exactly the end where MC is sitting*
MC: *tumbles down the couch before landing square in Tanya´s lap, throwing her arms around her on instinct to hold onto something...what a coincidence*
Tanya: 🥰
MC: *still recovering from her involuntary takeoff*
Tanya, mind already on other things entirely: "My...you certainly do not waste any time, do you, poppet?"
MC: *indignant spluttering*
Irina: *enters the room and stops in her tracks at the sight of her leader and the Stray wrapped around each other*
MC: 👁️👄👁️
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *opens her mouth, then closes it again after a moment, opting instead to shake her head, wondering how this has become her life*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *slowly makes her way over to get her book that she's left on the other couch, avoiding any and all eye contact*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *has arrived at the other couch, grabs her book, turns around, makes the grave mistake of making eye contact with MC-*
MC, with her eyes: *HELP ME*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥺
Irina, actually considering: 🤔
MC, who can't believe her luck: 😲🤩
Irina: *remembers she hates the human*
Irina: "...Anyway, I'll be in my room-"
MC, panics: "WAIT-"
Tanya: *is confusion because MC has never addressed Irina directly before*
Irina: *is confusion too, but hides it well under all that scorn*
Irina: "...What?"
MC: *panics because she never thought Irina would actually listen*
MC, at a loss for words: "I..."
Irina, already regretting her choice: 😑
Tanya, still confused af: ❓👀❓
MC, who is malfunctioning: 💀
Irina, done with this shit: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *turns around*
MC, panics even more: "WAIT!"
Irina: *grumbles under her breath (something about "why me") before slowly turning back around*
A few seconds of tense silence pass...
...Tanya: ❓👀❓
...Irina: 😑
...MC: 💀
Irina, truly done at this point: "Either you SPEAK this instant, mortal, or-"
MC, in her panic: "W-What´s your skincare routine?"
...Tanya & Irina: ❓❓❓
MC: *dies inside*
Irina: *discreetly takes a look around as if looking for hidden cameras*
Also Irina, after she´s made 100% sure that this is, in fact, painfully real: "...My skincare routine?"
MC: *slow nodding, as if she isn´t quite sure herself*
Tanya: ❓👀❓
Irina: "..."
MC, starting to sweat: "Yknow cause...your skin looks so...I-I mean-"
Irina: "...?"
Tanya, not liking where this is going: ❓🤨❓
MC: *swallows*
MC: "So...p-perfect..."
Tanya, definitely not liking where this is going: ❓😤❓
Irina: *torn between annoyance and...something else*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥲
Irina: *muttering under her breath (something about "can´t believe I´m doing this")*
Irina, emitting the greatest sigh in history: "I...use water."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "...And moisturizer."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina, remembers she's supposed to act somewhat human: "...Some sunscreen, depending on...the weather."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "..."
MC: *sweating again*
MC: "That´s...wow, I mean...wow-"
Tanya: *much too focused on feeling betrayed to notice none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: *painfully aware none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *starts to turn around again*
Tanya: *starts to calm down...barely*
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *betrayal 2.0*
Irina, about to lose it: "...What?"
MC: "...Can you show me?"
Tanya: *indignant spluttering*
Irina, unsure if she´s heard correctly: "...What?"
MC: 😅
Irina: "..."
MC: 💀
Irina: "...Show you?"
MC: *slow nodding*
Irina: "..."
MC: "I...it´s just...I think you´re...b-beautiful."
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *eye starts twitching*
MC, realizing how this sounds: "YOUR SKIN. I-I mean your skin is quite...beautiful. And I would like to have...beautiful skin too. Because yours is really...beautiful. So...yeah."
Irina: *torn between disbelief and...other things*
Tanya: *brain.exe has stopped working*
MC: 🥲
Irina, who just wants this torture to end: "...Fine."
MC: 👁️👄👁️
MC, in disbelief: "...Really??"
Irina: *says nothing in return, merely turns around to finally leave the room, mentally preparing herself for what´s to come*
MC: *unsure of how to proceed from here, was that a yes or-"
Irina, in the distance: "This century, mortal."
MC: *moves at a speed that would stun even a vampire, in fact-*
...A few seconds later:
Tanya: *realizes only now that her arms are painfully empty*
Also Tanya:
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Honestly? I have no idea.
Btw, if I might ask: Are you my "frosted anon"? I got an ask sitting in my drafts that used the blue heart as well, so I thought I'd ask. No pressure to answer though! Just curious. 😊
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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a-lil-bi-furious · 1 year
what’s your favourite thing about Scott McCall? 🥰
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to gush about my boy! This is honestly such a difficult question because there are so many things I love about Scott McCall. He's witty and Intelligent, devoted and kind, strong and gentle. He's inspiring. He's the funniest lil shit around. He's soft with animals and wants to be a healer. I love his little mole and the sound of his voice and the way his face scrunches up with that bright sunshine smile. I love his rare bursts of anger and the struggle with it he buries. I love the complexity of his emotions and how he bears the weight of the world and still finds a way to keep going.
If I have to choose, though, my favorite thing about Scott is the depth of his empathy and how that shapes his actions. We see time and again throughout the show that Scott already seems to have a lot of empathy for others naturally, even to the point of hints at him being an empath (see: Scott feeling Erica's seizure from another room over). But what is perhaps most impressive is his intentional practice of empathy in cases where it may be difficult/he may not immediately feel it.
It's Scott telling Allison "You could be crying for you. You lost someone." when she's struggling with missing Kate, a mass-murderer who tried to kill Scott, but was still Allison's family. It's him responding "I get that" when Chris points a gun at him and says: "I guess there's a part of me that still wants to shoot you" even though, really, Scott has done nothing to Chris. It's "No, I mean you. I don't want you to get hurt" when Isaac is still his enemy. It's Scott following Jackson to Derek's to protect him, even though he and Jackson are far from friends.
He has an extraordinary gift for putting himself in other people's shoes. Scott is kind and caring toward his friends and family, he does what he can to protect and soothe strangers, but most incredible is the way he actively practices empathizing with people who, arguably, do not deserve it from him.
It's the way he still has faith that Peter has good in him, even after Peter tried to kill him months before. The way he trusts Theo to help them with the ghost riders and then the hunters, even though he's clearly terrified and, to use his own words, wants to tear Theo apart. How when Matt--who had just shot Scott, harmed his friends, and murdered multiple people--tells Scott his story, Scott looks genuinely horrified and sympathetic when he realizes Matt drowned.
I also find Scott's struggle to empathize with himself compelling. As the show progresses, we watch Scott shoulder more and more responsibility for everyone and everything around him. In the pilot we watch as his autonomy is violated and he's changed against his will; we watch him hurt again and again, make mistakes, save the day. And still, regarding himself, Scott arrives at blame rather than understanding. Frayed/Motel California are a great example of this, with Scott blaming himself for Derek's supposed death and concluding "What if doing this (dying) is the best thing I can do for everyone else?" Compare this to what he says about Liam being dragged into the supernatural and struggling later on, that he's "just a kid". It's an interesting difference between how he views himself and his own mistakes/bad things that happen versus others in his position.
I've already rambled too long, but I suppose my point is that Scott's empathy shapes so much of who he is as a person. It motivates his goals, particularly those relating to other people and giving people chances to be their best selves. It builds strong relationships with others, even without always meaning to (see: long line of strays who become incredibly loyal to Scott). It is simultaneously a strength and, at times, a fatal flaw. And it largely motivates Scott's practice of kindness, gentility, and hope--none of which are easy, especially in his circumstances. I think he's wonderful for it.
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unhingedlesbear · 10 months
Fuckin Markate moments that make me go 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤲🤌🤲🤲🤌🙏🙏🙏🙏🤌🤌🙏💀🤌🤌🤌💀💀🙏🤌🤌🤌😭🤌😭🤌😭😭😭🤌
Literally going to sit here and overanalyse every little fucking Markate interaction DONT mind me. This is fully me going insane over markate for no fucking reason.
-Bridge scene
Oh my GODDD THIS SCEEEENEEEE assuming you pick the empathetic option it’s just sooo sweet. The way u can tell she’s used to helping him with these situations because of how non judgemental and supportive she is, she knows it’s not actually fine when he says it is, and she keeps a lighthearted energy to her the whole time even though they recently broke up. And then when he thanks her and basically confirms that she’s helped him through moments like that before just agrgrhrhhrhrhrhrh fuckkk they’re so 🤲🤲🤲
There are some CUTE fucking interactions in this chapter between them. The little “you trying to butter me up?” Interaction is so sillyyyyy so silly of them and she calls him a fucking camera dork😭😭😭🤌🤌🤌 and they’re laughing and smiling and shit even tho they were just discussing their breakup moments before oghhhh my god☹️☹️🫡🫡🫡. And the fucking “my arms are not short 😠😠” AHEGEGHRR😭😭😭😭🤌🤌✨✨✨✨✨FUCKING CUTE!!! And then there’s the end of the chapter when they get spooked by the lil animatronic and you got the silly little “it scared YOU” “it scared you TWICE” they’re so dumbbb they’re so goofy and sillyyyy why do they 😭😭😭😭👍👍👍👍
Not many Markate moments here but STILL this is MY unhinged Markate ramble post and good god am I gonna fuckin RAMBLE! Anyway I want to bring up Mark’s speech and the fact that he calls Kate his best friend and she looks at him like 😯🙄🙂 just 😭🤌 and then there’s Jamie’s line about Mark following Kate around like a lost dog and just yeah. That is the dynamic isn’t it😭
First off in curators cut just the fact that Kate gets worried about Mark when the fire is closing in on him☹️☹️😭🙏🙏🤌🤌🤌 and she pulls him out of it even though it kinda looks like she also gets a bit singed by it??? YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING STUPID❤️❤️❤️❤️ then we have THE MARKATE HUG!! I FUCKING LOVE THIS HUG SO MUCH!!! ITS THE WAY HE JUST FALLS INTO HER SHOULDER AND ITS THE TINY LIL BACK RUB AND ALSO THE WAY SHE HAS TO STAND ON HER TOES TO REACH UP RIGHT IM FROTHING AT THE MOUTHHHHHHHH
Again there’s not much here I KNOW but there’s still some things and so I must point them out. The fact that Mark just got dropped through the fucking floor and his first thought is “KATE😨😨⁉️⁉️” and then LATER WHEN THEY REUNITE AND HE GREETS HER AND THEY’RE HAPPY TO SEE EACH OTHER WHAT IF I TORE SOMEONES FLESH FROM THEIR BONES 
Ah yes. The last true Markate scene for fucking AGES🗣🗣but I would like to still point out the way Kate runs back after she sees him fall down the trapdoor like 🥺🥺
-Directors suite
No actual markate scenes but Kate is clearly worried abt him in this whole chapter. Like the first thing she asks Jamie is if she’s seen Mark, and then if she hasn’t she looks all worried and shit and if Jamie has seen him she’s like “I was worried sick about him🥹” WHAT IF I WENT ON ALL FOURS????? And later when they’re looking at what Du’met has been writing about them Kate ofc points out where Mark was last seen, later she’s got her whole “I want to find Mark😠not okay Du’met’s game🥱” like oh my godddd girl u too worried! I’m gonna go insane!
AH YES THE MARKATE REUNION AFTER MANY CHAPTERS APART!!! It’s the way that she looks so concerned when she sees that he’s been hurt and she doesn’t even look around or nothing she just immediately pulls him into a hug and hits us with the “I thought I lost you” like FUCKKK GET A ROOOM‼️‼️‼️ and in the case that the crew confront Du’met it’s the way Mark is holding Kate’s arm the whole time😭😭 and the way he makes sure she gets out the door before he does PLEASAASSSEEEE🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
And let me not even talk about the ultimatum versions of this chapter like… the way if she cuts him free he kinda clings to her a bit as they run off like MY GODDDD🗣🗣and then from his perspective he’s literally just been beat up and thrown in a closet with his hands tied and once again his first thought is “KATE😨⁉️⁉️” I FUCKING LOOVE THEM AND THEN OGHHH IF THEY GET CAPTURED ITS THE WAY MARK TRIES TO CRAWL OVER ACTING TOUGH LIKE HE CAN STILL PROTECT HER BRO UR DONE IM SORRY‼️‼️‼️BUT A FOR EFFORT UR DEDICATION IS SWEET AF
OGHHHH LAKE see it’s the way Kate gets that fucking choice to save him or leave him DIRECTLY mirroring her trauma about Shelby like OGHHHH FUCK!!! And then there’s the way that assuming you choose to try and help him she does literally all she can to get Du’met off him even though she knows she’s physically weaker and just GRRRRR and FUCK! IF HE DIES! FUCKING SAD! THE WAY HE CAN REACH OUT TO HER AND SHE REACHES BACK AND THE FUCKING SADNESS IN HER VOICE WHEN SHES LIKE “No… no please..” WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELF??????? 
No. I cant talk about this right now. Tune in later.
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iiusia · 2 months
2, 3, 4, 13, 21, 23, and 24! I WANNA KNOW ABOUT YOUR OLIVIAVERSE YES YES
2. Summarize this au in 5 sentences.
im always so bad at this kinda stuff but i will try my best
olivia saves herself and tries to slowly relearn how to live. eli's been saving himself every day for years. mariam tries to keep them (and herself) together. they love each other so much :(. it'll work out, eventually.
3. Did anything inspire this au?
lichrally any story ive read that has slice of life/bittersweetness TBH!! but for the latest thing id say the line tender by kate allen / après céleste by maude nepveu villeneuve (french book saurry)
4. What is a major change you made?
this story used to have magical realism with birds as a thouroughline but i ended cutting that part out i felt like it was Too Much for this story yk... but i do wanna end up writing magical realism sometime soon
(that's why there's a bird in the parking lot in that snippet i posted a while back!!)
13. Write a lil snippet set in this verse.
thought id give a little uni arc olivia + lauren (for the first time? i think?)
Lauren pulls the headphones away from her ear. "Anybody you want to talk to?" Olivia, who's sitting on the small couch bolted to the side of the ship, gives a dismissive wave. "No," she says, still typing away furiously at her laptop. Lauren frowns and lowers the headphones to her neck. "Are you sure? It's been two weeks. No one that needs to know that you're not dead?" Olivia's fingers still, and she shoots Lauren a quick smile, all teeth. It's somewhat tight at the edges. "Nope," she says, shutting her laptop screen and gingerly setting it aside. "It's fine. I'm going to go get some fresh air. All that screentime is starting to make my eyes hurt." She leaves before Lauren can get a word in edgewise.
21. What makes you most excited about this fic?
i just LOVE writing these guys. you dont understand they live in my head so much that putting them down into words is a relief. like i just think that a dynamic like theirs is so fun to write... its about the deep love its about the loyalty its about the care its about the you-might-mess-up-sometimes-but-i-will-love-you-anyways DO YOU UNDERSTANDDDDDD
23. Do you have other ideas for how to continue this au/other fics that could be written in the same universe?
honestly the way im writing this now its kind of just disconnected scenes for fun yk so i could write Literally Anything... BUT for the sake of answering this question i do want to write more scenes for what i call the uni arc (olivia moves away for uni and everything she's tried to ignore blows up in her face)
24. Ramble about something you haven't gotten to talk about yet.
okay. honestly. been trying to figure it out but i lowkey want to make this story christian in some way?? idk like theres christian poetry there's christian fiction (mostly fantasy) but i havent ever read a christian story with These Vibes you know. i want to write a good story that is also christian!! is that too much to ask!!! i have no idea how .... honestly everything i think of sounds cringe and corny but maybe thats the like. social conditioning talking. fantasy stories have it easy because they can have magic and stuff so its easy to integrate but for this story thats like. the POINT is that its realistic and down to earth and they're all just People trying to get by. i cant really make it an allegory or a metaphor yk? it has to be real .... but then if i say "olivia starts to believe in her uni arc and becomes a christian" that just sounds silly to me!! (or maybe. again. its just that the worlds pov is that christianity is corny and silly and it could actually be good but IDK!!!)
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mwarlyn · 2 months
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hi ! i’m marlyn , but feel free 2 call m’ mar ! i’m a cancer. infj. chaotic neutral. 3w6. this is my silly lil’ blog which i impulsively made one nite in order 2 ramble abt my selfship w my luvvie, scaramouche! i sumtimes write in m’ freetime → @awkuni.
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୨୧ games ノ genshin impact. honkai: star rail. project sekai. ࿔
୨୧ music ノ æspa. lana del rey. stray kids. newjeans. arctic monkeys. queen. kate bush. oasis. blur. nirvana. chase atlantic. sabrina carpenter. avril lavigne. metallica. ࿔
୨୧ media ノ jujutsu kaisen. bungo stray dogs. the black phone. stranger things. perks of being a wallflower. shameless. alice in borderland. all of us are dead. the umbrella academy. ࿔
୨୧ characters ノ scaramouche!! all the fatui harbingers. furina. aventurine. sunday. choso. satoru. ranpo. mafuyu asahina. emu otori. rui kamishiro. chishiya shuntaro. vance hopper. ࿔
୨୧ misc ノ dying my hair. mascara. sanrio. collecting things. shopping. low rise jeans. piercings. editing. soft pink / blue. bows / ruffles / lace. dollcore. learning languages. jewellery. corset piercings. rose gold. fuchsia / hydrangea flowers. fennec foxes. cats. silk pjs. ࿔
don’t b shy 2 ask for my uids or usernames on other platforms ! ‘m happy to give ‘em out to moots ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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fabbyf1 · 3 months
one year ago i slid into your ask box to wax poetic about everything i loved about your writing. your brain continues to amaze me every single day and your writing is one of the most beautiful things in the entire world, but you already know all of that. so instead i’ve decided to make this one 10 of my favorite things about kate 😚
1. your reluctance to fall asleep first. even when we’re on opposite sides of the earth.
2. you always make sure i have something to eat that i like, and never complain when you have to make chicken nuggets twice a day.
3. your dedicated list of bailee foods that you keep stocked in your pantry even though you’ll never touch them just so i have snacks
4. you always drive me around and let me dj (although this may be because of my road rage)
5. you let me smoooooosh into you any given time and never complain when i inevitably fall asleep in the middle of whatever we’re watching
6. you make me full on uncontrollably belly laugh over the silliest little things. we can find a joke in pretty much every situation we’ve ever been in. i never get tired of laughing with you.
7. you listen to me rant and ramble about things you don’t even know or care about but always make me feel seen and heard and understood. you support me even when im wrong and will go to war for me every single time.
8. the way we never shut the fuck up. we talk at each other all day and it’s never boring or never enough. i love getting to share all of my stories and memories and moments with you. they’re my most favorite.
9. the cute lil thing you do where you can’t stand clothes and always want to touch skin. pushing up hoodie sleeves or the arms of my shirt so your hand can rest on my arm or in the small of my back and you never notice you’re doing it until i tell you.
10. the way you love me, unapologetically and unconditionally. you always go out of your way to remind me that i’m loved and cared for. how you mindlessly act or call me when you have something funny to say. how you’ll go places you don’t love with people you don’t like just because. how you always make sure i love you is the last thing i hear at night before i go to sleep. through forehead kisses and nose boops and scrunches and smoooshes and smooches.
happy one year of me flirting in your inbox, lover girl. loving you is my most favorite thing in the world. lucky me that i get to keep doing it and unlucky for you asks box that i never shut the fuck up!
can’t wait to come home to you, my silly goose girl. 🤠😚🪿☀️🤓😇🦖🥦
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oh we're crying today!!!!!! 🥺 wow baby okay.
i always thought your ask a year ago would be the best ask i ever received, but this is so much better. i love you. a million times over. i would happily lay down in the mud so that you wouldn't have to get your birks dirty. i would eat dino nuggets and mac and cheese for every single meal even though i really wanna add some broccoli to it. i would move 3,000 miles. i would do anything you ever needed as long as it meant i got to keep loving you.
thank you for making me cry on main.
i'm so glad i get to share this life with you.
i love you, i love you, i love you.
(and i love that you're stuck listening to me cry and whine over all the different ways to describe a big dick in an f1 rpf fanfic. you're the real hero behind the fabby ao3 account)
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fortheturnstiles · 8 months
Hi :) do u happen to have any podcast reccs for lil old me
sure!! i don't listen to very many podcasts regularly these days but there are a few i know i like and would listen to an episode of at any time
i really love girls, guts & giallo by annie rose malamet, which is about subversive and controversial film, heavy on the horror but she covers all kinds of interesting movies. she has a lot of really great insight on the films she talks about and cool guests and is just really fun to listen to in my opinion. pervert critics make the world go around!!
for more sort of casual talk-y / pop culture discussion podcasts i like las culturistas and like a virgin! the hosts on both of those are all really funny, i don't keep up with them super regularly but whenever las cultch has a guest i like i'll usually tune in. and the vampire episode of like a virgin is so fun and basically got me to start watching true blood last year ehe
ok this is just kind of a one off thing but there's an episode of this podcast called punch up the jam where chris fleming is the guest and the topic of the episode is the kate bush song running up that hill (every episode is centered around one song and they sort of go thru the whole thing and break it down bit by bit) and it's one of the funniest things ever to me bc i really love chris and his taste in music is so interesting basically he understands kate bush in the same way i do and it made me feel seen. also he's super funny bc well it's chris fleming i love that guy
honorable mentions for more film podcasts i sort of drop into whenever there's an episode about a movie i like or am intrigued by: blank check, you must remember this, SLEAZOIDS, and two or three things i know (not sure how active this last one is anymore sadly)
ok this is a bit long and rambly but i hope these are interesting to u! thanks for asking eheh :-)
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mybrainrotforreal · 1 year
Ranking the TDIM Character I would date
1. Jamie
Yoooooo! This girl here can tease, good comeback (unlike Kate who is bitching all the time), and fix things, a human swiss army knife. Idk why but I don't find her jokes as rude, just stating facts. She can make an elevator works, bandage Charlie's hands, resourceful and good with her hands. Heh
2. Du'met (not Hector, to me they are a different people)
If he is not psychopathic I think he should be the number one but oh well. He is an architect, designer, builder, doctor, artist and everything his card names say. He is smart as hell, a hunk, dedicated and confident with what he does. A sexy daddy.
3. Mark
Very very patient, if he can stand Charlie's rambles he can stand mine. He is giving "Alan energy" and I like Alan more than Ken. A little bit clingy and not holding his ground would make me frustrated but we could work on it.
4. Erin
Not my type, but ohhh sweet little baby. I'm gonna protect you and buying you the latest audio technology to help your carrier. You're never been wrong in your entire life, trust me.
5. Charlie
He is my favorite character but like hell I'm gonna date him, (He is Du'met's and I still want to live). I actually love his lil tricks like picklocking and taking rules as suggestions but he doesn't respect his crews, major red flag. I love the headcanon where he was younger and a journalist tho, we'll be partners in crime.
6. Kate
Totally bias because I didn't really pay her attention when I played the game, sorry, and she jabs my favorite character a lot so.... I can't stand her bitching and snobby remarks, not funny nor helpful. But yeah, I don't really fancy people who believes in pseudoscience but if crystal calms her down, so be it. Everybody deserves peace no matter how
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thegamingcatmom · 21 days
A thing that hasn't left my mind for a bit. Hear me out.. MC Is a witch.
Now not Like some scarlet witch type witch, but a person who like sacrifices things 😅
I truly don't know I just have the idea of kate being all smug asking about what MC can do and MC just looks at her like "bring me a *something dead*" Kate believes it's bullshit untill MC does her thing and next thing you know they get a lot of money randomly. (Omg add to MC actually being like Salem witch trials old😭😭)
BUUUT if we wanna go the way of her actually having powers I was thinking of Morgana Pendragon! Katie Mcgrath my love, did an amazing job as Morgana. (Sorry had to show some love)
Excuse my rambling yet again! I honestly just was thinking of MC with the Feral sisters but she's a witch. Perhaps she's actually a lot stronger than the sisters and she thinks it's amusing?
Hellaw frosty!
That has crossed my mind as well. Like, before I started on the first chapter I was contemplating having MC not be human because I was like "What makes her special? Why would the Denalis fall head over heels for her? How does one manage to charm an entire family of vampires?"
It was certainly tempting because I´m absolutely digging that concept of the Denalis being all smug and cocky, believing MC to be yet another mouse they can play with before going in for the final blow. Only for MC to...play along. Play the part of the innocent, because her appearance wouldn´t lead anyone to believe otherwise. To the public eye, she´s just an ordinary woman. A mortal.
The Denalis entertain her, so she´s willing to see where this goes.
...For now.
On the inside, however?
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I ultimately decided against it because it just didn´t fit with what I had in mind. I´m a sucker for Beauty & The Beast type of stuff. Yknow, being held somewhere against your will by something that could snuff out your existence in the blink of an eye, but it decides not to because, for some strange reason, it seems to have a soft spot for you. Everyone else can f off though, no mercy.
It also helps that the place is actually quite nice to look at. Despite its rather...peculiar inhabitants.
Sooo yeah, I needed MC to be your ordinary human girl, facing off against forces that could wipe out entire armies in a matter of seconds. Because, in my books, there´s nothing sexier than having those forces at your beck and call, absolutely smitten with you, willing to kill for you, while you´re just there like-
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(The last one is so MC & Kate yall. Kitty Kat, you hopeless case. 😭)
I gotta admit, the money thing has me a bit confused. Is that a thing? Like, making a sacrifice and getting a shit ton of money in return? Does that happen in any tv show or movie? Honestly curious cause I very rarely watch anything anymore. I´ve become more of a gamer and writer over the past couple of years. 😅
I do know Morgana Pendragon, but I haven´t actually seen her in anything cause *points to the aforementioned*. But I know a lot of ppl got the hots for her. I don´t blame them, lmao.
Okay so, I had to google Salem Witch Trials (don´t judge me) and-
I love love love history so ofc we gotta make a quick lil smt, yes? Yes:
Imagine MC (a witch) living in Salem Village, the place where the accusations of witchcraft began. Those accusations were false, obviously, but it made blending in much more difficult for her kind. People have become wary, paranoid, forcing MC to a life in the shadows. She watched from afar as men and women alike - some of them close friends - were brought to trial. Some of them never returned home.
To this day, MC is plagued by feelings of guilt for merely watching as good men and women were executed in the name of "justice". She should have done something, could have done something. She has that power. But her heart had been gripped by a power mightier than her own: fear.
She can´t change the past, but she can ensure a future.
She now works from the shadows to preserve the light. A light that draws in creatures far more dangerous than herself. How she despises them.
Witch!MC claps eyes on the sisters, dragging some poor fella away. Fella´s already dead, so there isn´t much she can do. However, that doesn´t mean others can´t be saved. So she follows them, cloaking spell firmly in place, in the hopes they´re gonna lead her to their hideout. Because she couldn´t live with herself if she didn´t at least check, yknow?
Well, nobody´s there. Nobody with a heartbeat, that is.
She turns around, about to leave (because she might despise them but she doesn´t start fights without good reason), when-
"...Who´s there?"
Cue MC revealing herself. Cue MC acting all naive and innocent. Cue MC pretending to be human so she can infiltrate The Lair and find out what´s so special about that weird ass family that causes her powers to malfunction.
I dunno, lmao.
I just know it´s gonna be a mess à la The Sisters from there on out. The Denalis obsessed with the fake!human, while said fake!human is just there like-
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Not even realizing she´s bewitching (hehe) an entire family of vampires - her sworn enemies - because she´s rather busy being a confused gremlin.
(Do you sense a pattern here?)
She might have to annihilate them after all.
We´ll see.
Apparently, I can´t write an MC who´s not completely dense when it comes to just about anything.
I apologize.
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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ellabsprincess · 1 year
AHH REALLY? now the more i think abt it maybe she is being flirty w me and im an oblivious ass
so the first alone time we really spent was when she taught me how to play valorant(i have been told its a red flag but shh i ignore) and kept telling me how good i was doing and we hung out at the park on friday and she started complimenting me HARD on my art (i have a lil sketchbook i barely show anyone 🙃) also i realised this is kinda a cute detail but we literally live 5 mins away if that, we live on the opposite sides of a field!
-autistic loser anon
okay she sounds so interested in you and so flirty THIS IS A FULL ON MOVIE FR OMG THAT'S SO CUTE please keep me updated if anything happens i'm so invested hehe :)
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rosesnbooks · 4 years
kittens. that's the post
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