#like. the sleep deprivation was so bad i nearly fell asleep during the exam
kimmkitsuragi · 1 year
okay my fave email i recieved is this one:
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she sent this the morning of the exam, we didnt really know each other well but we had worked on a group project 2 years before that. and now i was the only person she knew in the class im pretty sure (it was an elective class). so she sent me this and it was a Terrible week lmao. like it was the week that i slept for 2 hours at most each day (not because of this exam) and anyway this made me laugh so much when i saw it, i immediately sent her my notes jsjsjdjd this is my fave email ever
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quilna · 2 years
Sleepy Jekyon headcanons for the good vibes? ><
Hmmm. Let's see...
I think, although Lanyon isn't very affectionate when he's fully awake, when he's sleepy enough he loses a lot of his inhibitions and starts to say a lot of the things he thinks about people but can never say for fear of ruining his cold, uncaring persona. For this reason, he usually never lets himself get too tired, scared of what he might say.
Lanyon ends up getting a little drowsy during doing paperwork with Jekyll one time. Jekyll doesn't realize until he hears a small voice from the other side of the table go "I never tell you this but you really are amazing, Henry."
Jekyll nearly drops his paperwork but Lanyon goes on, gushing about how stunning Jekyll looks when he's passionate about something, talking about how genuine and nice Jekyll is, how intelligent, and he's not rotten, he's not! He's just usually so scared to say these things but Jekyll needs to know how much he truly means.
Lanyon repeats his points several times, unable to find any other words to use in his sleep-deprived mind, especially when he never usually uses it for compliments, but he so desperately wants to get across to Jekyll all the things that Jekyll never believes about himself.
I also imagine that Lanyon might have gotten into the habit during university of napping a lot, usually in front of people. Univerisity means a lot of late nights and weird sleep patterns thanks to late night parties or projects, exams, and coursework. Moreover, he learned quickly that it ticks his father off to no end when he naps during dinners or meetings.
This means that Jekyll frequently gets to see Lanyon napping in various places, especially in University. He always had to keep an eye on the floor while entering Lanyon's room to make sure he didn't trip over Lanyon's dozing body.
Occasionally, while half-asleep, Lanyon rests his head on something soft, thinking that maybe it's a pillow or something. However, when he wakes up, he realizes that it's, in fact, not a pillow but he's been resting his head on Jekyll's chest the whole time.
Jekyll hasn't been able to move for the last 30 minutes for fear of waking him.
Jekyll, on the other hand, we've seen sleepy/tired and he's generally pretty good at staying repressed despite that so I can't think of as many headcanons for him. He's just the type who refuses to believe when he's tired regardless of how bad it gets.
(Jekyll, while yawning: I'm not tired.
Lanyon: ...Suuuuure you are...)
Maybe when he's just getting to the point of sleepy but not yet at the point of can't-even-tell-he's-tired-sleep-deprivation, he tends to nearly nod off a lot but he always insists he was wide awake the whole time.
Lanyon finds it funny to watch Jekyll grasp at straws to try to explain why he was absolutely not dozing and, was in fact, just resting his eyes.
Since it's canon that Jekyll uses his Scottish accent when he gets tired enough, in university, when he was still praticing his accent, this probably happened way more often and I feel like Lanyon could have secretly enjoyed those moments.
Lanyon does always seem to love seeing Jekyll being a little more true to himself.
As much as Lanyon hated seeing Jekyll deprive himself of sleep, he loved hearing Jekyll start to ramble in Scottish, loved seeing him working on his experiments late at night when he thought nobody could see him.
Lanyon would stay up at nights just to secretly watch him tinkering away at whatever, muttering quiet Scottish curses under his breath whenever something went wrong. And, when Lanyon finally fully fell asleep, it was usually still to the soft sounds of Jekyll working away.
When they're both sleepy at the same time, things can get a little chaotic.
Jekyll is always determined to power on with whatever he was doing regardless, refusing to believe that he even needs the sleep. Meanwhile, Lanyon will be dozing in a ball on the floor, refusing to go or do anything he doesn't want to. This leads to a situation where a sleep-deprived, hallucinating Jekyll will literally start to drag Lanyon wherever he needs to be.
("You have a class with me in ten minutes, Lanyon, wake up!"
"It's just one class. Just move me to a sofa or something. Or maybe a closet. I'm sure that will scare the next person to open that closet."
"Just one class?! What if the teacher says something important that doesn't show up in any of our revision books?!"
"We have revision books?"
"AGH! I'm going to fail your father as your tutor!"
"You are aware you're not really my tutor right? I made that up."
"Well everyone in your family still believes it! I'm still going to disappoint them!")
Everyone will have to part to Jekyll, sometimes complaining in Scots to a rather lifeless looking Lanyon being dragged by his hand or foot down the corridors, doing nothing to assist in or resist his own kidnapping.
Again, it's more of a university situation but I imagine, every once in a while, the lodgers get to watch their leader dragging their co-leader around like a sack of potatoes to their own bewilderment.
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haikyuu-philia · 5 years
im not sure if you've done this yet but! i'd love a confession scenario for daisuga!!
I didn’t do it before but I’m always ready to write something about my beloved DaiSuga <3
Since I was way too motivated I ended up writing a whole oneshot, which you hopefully don't mind!
Here we go, enjoy the DaiSuga fluff, Anon (^o^)
Sleepy Stars | Daichi x Sugawara 
(1385 words)
Daichi had a problem. It wasn’t about the upcoming Nationals, the chaotic first-year-duo or the pressure to nail the exams. His trouble happened to be much worse.
As he looked to his left, he found Suga huddled up against his own shoulder. The grey-haired boy was sleeping safe and sound, which caused not to move an inch. 
Whatever he would do, it didn’t involve waking up his best friend, that reassembled an angel. Not that he wasn’t perfect while being awake, but now he seemed like only glancing at him could end every war. 
At least for him it was the most precious thing on earth.
Honestly he could watch him sleeping like this for hours. Or even days. 
Slowly and extremely careful not to stir too much, Daichi pulled his phone out of his pocket. Every time Suga made a noise, he immediately stopped to check on him.
Officially they had met up to watch some recorded matches of their opponents at Nationals. Before starting the videos the brown-haired one had noticed how sleep-deprived his friend had been. So it hadn’t been a surprise that he fell asleep very soon.
The surprise came with him clinching onto Daichi, whose shaking hands tried to adjust his phone to find the perfect angle.
Click. Click. Click.
Way too much satisfaction made the awake boy smile at the screen. Suga should definitely never notice that he had taken a picture of him sleeping.
But Daichi just had it too bad for him to not use this chance.
. . .
Two weeks had passed since the not-so-preparing preparation night at Daichi’s house. In the end he had fallen asleep as well to wake up to a still sleeping Suga on the couch. 
Casually waking him up he had acted like nothing had happened. But his new lock screen spoke different words.
January brought them very low temperatures and they decided to cancel morning practice due to that. Instead their practice after school was extended a bit to make up for it.
Thanks to that everyone left even more tired each day to just shower at home and immediately go to bed. Sometimes they managed to do a bit of homework in between, but that was everything they were still capable of. 
Literally collapsing at his bed, Daichi let out a relieved sigh. Of course he couldn’t hold back his excitement about going to Nationals - On the other hand practice really sucked the energy out of him.
As he looked at his phone to check the time, he nearly chocked. The picture in the background wasn’t his beloved sleeping Suga. 
It was him. Sleeping. At his couch. Most likely during their sleepover two weeks ago.
Sitting up within seconds he couldn’t stop himself from staring at the photo that someone was using as their lock screen. 
„That can’t be true,“ Daichi whispered to himself while he typed a few numbers in slow motion. 
1 - 3 - 0 - 6 
Being the sometimes simple-minded person he was, Suga used his own birthday as his password. Whenever he had gotten a new device or anything with a code, he would always choose the same combination. 
Daichi’s thumb floated in the air before he could convince himself to give it a try. No one else could have taken this picture. No one else had been there, except for the setter that he had an intense crush on.
The seconds the phone needed to unlock itself felt like minutes for him. But it worked. Of course it might still be a coincidence, anyways he was sure to hold the device in his hands that belonged to Suga.
His joy about himself being set as his crush’s lock screen instantly faded as soon as he came to a conclusion: If he had accidentally taken Koushi’s phone, then Koushi must have taken his phone. 
Daichi felt his face heating up in light speed while he thought about the classmate finding out about himself being his background picture. 
To decrease every possible damage to their relationship, the captain dailed his own number.
„Hello? It’s Sugawara on Sawamura’s phone.“ This angelic voice would definitely kill him one day since it was even able to calm him down in a situation like that. 
Taking a deep breath he replied: „Hey Suga! Daichi here. I think that we might have taken home the wrong phones.“
He heard a chuckle from the other side of the line. 
„I guess, yeah. What do you think about meeting at the park?“ - „Sure.“
. . .
On his way to their meeting point Daichi tried his best to make up some idiotic excuse why he had been using Suga’s face as his lock screen. 
The more he thought about it, the more stupid the ideas happened to be. 
Even from a few meters away he could identify his admired one’s figure in the dark. Never had meeting him feel that extremely weird.
His heart went crazy in his chest and he felt like throwing up or even running away to avoid confrontation.
He hadn’t wanted to ruin their friendship with his weird feelings for the other boy. 
So the first thing he said ended up being: „I-I’m sorry for taking a picture of you without asking you for permission. You were sleeping and I thought you looked so cute that I had to do it. And-“
A finger touched his lips, which immediately stopped him from talking. 
Without having a look in the mirror he knew that he was blushing as a result of his spoken words and Suga making contact with his body.
„Don’t worry about it. I mean, have you seen my lock screen? Well, I should apologise as well, but I think that we acted like we did for the same reasons.“
Daichi was an inch apart from having a heart attack while looking at Suga’s innocent smile. 
It might be his imagination or his hormones going crazy -He could swear that the other boy’s cheeks were tinted in red, too.
Whatever courage overcame him in this moment, the taller one regretted it at first and didn’t want to change anything about it only a second later. 
Grabbing the wrist that belonged to his best friend, he gently pulled him closer. 
The stars above their heads he felt a pair of soft lips touching his. A feeling that he had longed for for such a long time. Somehow the cold was gone and had been replaced with a passionate heat.
As his brain finally understood what he was doing right now, Daichi came back to his senses. He had definitely destroyed everything. Carefully pushing Suga away from him again, he just caught a glance of his widened eyes and still slightly opened mouth. The normally quite talkative setter didn’t say a word. 
„I would like to say that I’m sorry, but somehow I’m not. Because that was what I wanted to do for ages. That’s the reason why I took that picture of you,“ Daichi admitted.
He took a deep breath.
„Suga, I’ve fallen for you. From your toes to your hair. I love you.“
Congratulations, he said it. He finally said it after crushing for Sugawara Koushi for nearly a whole year. 
Obviously he prepared himself to be rejected and to never talk to his god-sent angel again. What he didn’t expect was the feeling of his own lips meeting his again. 
Now it was his turn to widen his eyes before totally melting into the kiss. 
A little out of breath, Suga found a way to express his thoughts: „I-I’m sorry, Daichi! I really am! But I couldn’t hold myself back anymore.“
Still pulling the taller one close by capturing his neck with his arms, the grey-haired boy rested his forehead at Daichi’s.
„I love you, you idiot.“ As his legs started to feel like jelly, Daichi sank down to his knees during his attempt to put a smile on his flushed face. 
They both sat down on the pavement and giggled at each other’s reactions. At both of them having the same idea by taking a picture. At confessing by kissing. 
All the tiredness was gone. 
Maybe it would return tomorrow. 
But for the moment it was just Daichi, Suga and the stars. 
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lazyfox411 · 7 years
I’ll Try
aka the college au where shiro studies way too hard and needs a little help from his roomie keith :P this would have been posted a lot sooner but I was away for a few days :( don’t be afraid to send me feedback on my writing but go easy on me haha im still not used to this “sharing your work with other human beings” thing XD
Keith watched, practically scowling, as Shiro slumped farther over the kitchen table, straining to read the text in front of him.
“Why is this so hard to read?” Shiro asked in frustration. “I think I need glasses. It’s like the letters keep moving. Why are they moving? They’re words, they don’t need exercise.”
“Probably because you’re shaking,” Keith muttered, grabbing Shiro’s textbook and folding it shut. “I think you should take a break from studying.”
“Hey!” Shiro cried indignantly. He made a half-hearted grab for the book, only to let his hand flop back down to the table. He looked up at Keith through bloodshot eyes. “Give it back.”
“No. With finals coming up, you’ve been working yourself way too hard, and I’m not just gonna sit around and watch anymore. You always lecture me about being reckless, but look in the mirror. I’m not the only one who needs to improve their self care.”
Shiro sighed. “I just get so stressed over finals, it’s like I can’t even function properly.”
“Dude, you haven’t slept in like three days and I watched you mix Red Bull in your coffee yesterday morning. Trust me, I know you’re freaked out over this.”
“I’m just so tired,” Shiro moaned, resting his head on his arms.
“It’s okay,” Keith soothed. Seeing Shiro like this always left him heartbroken. Normally he was in control, always on top of things, finishing assignments on time and handing in essays a week before they were due. But as soon as finals week loomed over them, Shiro broke down. It was like he forgot who he was, and was replaced by an over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived wisp of a person, face ashen except for the radish-colored flush plastered on his cheeks. If Keith didn’t know any better, he would have guessed that Shiro had been in a fight; the lack of sleep had given him the appearance of two black eyes.
“It’s okay,” Keith repeated. He’d been terrified when Shiro had nearly worked himself to the point of needing an emergency room trip during their first year of college, but this year he was a little more prepared. He knew now that all his roommate needed was someone to be there for him and make sure he was well taken care of. And Keith was going to try his absolute best to be that person.
“Just try to relax,” Keith told him, gently laying his hands on Shiro’s shoulders and doing his best to work away the tension that plagued him.
Shiro moaned again, happily this time. “That feels good.”
Keith smiled at him sadly. “You look pretty tired, buddy. I think a nap would do you some good.”
“No.” Shiro shook his head abruptly, brushing Keith off and reaching for his textbook again. “I gotta study.”
Keith slapped a hand down on the book to prevent Shiro from picking it up. “Come on, man. Look at yourself. You can hardly keep your head up, how on earth do you think you’re going to get any studying done?”
“I guess you’re right.”
The fact that he would admit to Keith being right was a telltale sign he really was feeling awful. Keith took his arm and led him to the couch, tucking him under a blanket and fluffing one of the throw pillows for him.
“You’re still shaking,” Keith frowned.
“M’head hurts,” was the mumbled reply he got.
“Alright, I’m going to get you a glass of water. That might help with your headache. And then I’m going to sit right here on this couch with you until you fall asleep.” Keith didn’t leave any time for Shiro to object before he left the room.
“Do we have any Tylenol?” Shiro asked after he’d downed a second glass of water.
“We do, but with all that caffeine you’ve been taking in, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. How much coffee have you had today?”
Shiro shrugged meekly. “I dunno. A lot.”
“Mmhm. I thought so. No wonder you’re all shaky.”
“Make it stop,” Shiro whined. He rolled over and buried his face in Keith’s leg.
“Go to sleep,” Keith ordered softly, resuming his efforts to loosen the taut muscles of Shiro’s back and shoulders.
Shiro tensed up even more at the massaging. “Stop that,” he groaned.
“What’s wrong?” Keith asked. “You loved this two minutes ago.”
Shiro did his best to explain the uncomfortable sensation in one sentence: “My skin hurts.”
“Your…skin hurts?” Keith echoed.
Shiro nodded.
“Can you tell me anything else about how you feel?”
“Um…tired? Sore? I have a headache. And a stomach ache. And I guess my throat hurts a little bit, too.”
Keith got more worried with every symptom added to the list. Surely this couldn’t all just be from overexertion. Keith had been staying up late to study as well, and while he was pretty exhausted, he was nowhere near as bad off as Shiro.
Shiro shivered when he felt Keith’s fingers brush against his forehead. “Your hands are cold.”
“You’re burning up.”
“Yes. You’ve definitely got a fever.”
Shiro pulled the blanket tighter around himself upon hearing the dreadful news.
“Are you cold?” Keith asked him.
“No,” Shiro said. “I’m too hot. Or am I too cold? I’m sorry, I can’t tell, I’m all sweaty and gross.” He felt Keith stand up next to him, and he reached weakly after his roommate. “Keith, where are you going? Come back.”
“I’ll be right back, don’t worry.”
A few moments later, he felt the dip of the couch cushions that meant Keith had returned.
“Now what are you doing?” Shiro asked as his shirt was pulled over his head, too tired to do anything but sit there and watch. He didn’t get an answer, just the blessedly cool feeling of a damp washcloth on his neck.
Keith continued to wipe him down, finishing by smoothing back his hair and placing a fresh cloth over his forehead.
“There,” Keith said, satisfied with his work. “How’s that?”
“Better.” Shiro snuggled blissfully back under his blanket.
“Do you think you can sleep now?”
“Don’t know. My throat is worse now.”
“Hm. I don’t think we have anything in the apartment that could help with that. But if it’s that bad, I could go pick you up some lozenges. Or maybe popsicles.”
“Popsicles sounds good.”
“Alright. What kind?”
“I like the blue ones,” Shiro said through a sheepish smile.
“Blue popsicles, coming right up. I’ll make a quick trip to the grocery store.”
Shiro caught Keith’s arm before he could leave. “You’ll be quick?”
“Ten minutes,” Keith promised.
The sound of Keith’s car engine was the last thing Shiro remembered before he fell asleep sprawled on the couch.
“Shiro, I’m home,” Keith called quietly, not wanting to wake him up if he was asleep. “I got your popsi—oh. I guess I left them in the car.”
“K-Keith?” Shiro sniffled from his spot on the couch.
“Shiro! What’s wrong?” Keith rushed to his side and wiped a few stray tears from his friend’s face.
“I-I’m late,” Shiro sobbed, “I m-missed my f-final exam. I gotta get to class right now. Right now, Keith, you gotta help me get to class.”
“Shiro, what the hell are you talking about?” Keith asked. “It’s Saturday, neither of us have classes on Saturday. And your first test isn’t until Monday.”
“No, you don’t understand. You don’t…you…you don’t…” Shiro’s eyes went wide, his breath hitching as he desperately tried to rid himself of the blanket. Keith had known him long enough to know that this was what happened when his anxieties got the best of him.
“I can’t…I can’t breathe,” Shiro wheezed, hands scrabbling at his bare chest, eyes darting around the room and finally locking onto Keith, who intervened before he could hyperventilate completely.
“Shh, it’s okay, Shiro. You’re okay. You can breathe, you’re fine. Just breathe. You’re okay, Shiro,” Keith said slowly, looking into Shiro’s dark, wild eyes. He delicately took Shiro’s hand and placed it over his chest, hoping that worry hadn’t made his heart beat too fast. “Focus on that, okay, buddy? Try and make yours match. Just breathe.”
“Make mine…match,” Shiro panted, gulping back tears.
“Yeah, there you go,” Keith offered a small smile. “Deep breaths. Do it with me. In, out. In, and out.”
Shiro followed his instructions, sucking in air and expelling it in heavy huffs.
“You’re okay,” Keith reminded.
“I’m okay,” Shiro nodded. “I’m okay.”
What little energy Shiro had left had been completely sapped by his narrowly avoided panic attack. He collapsed against Keith, sinking deeper into the couch. Part of him wondered if it might swallow them both whole. Another part debated whether or not he would mind that.
Keith stiffened when Shiro pressed closer to him. Not only was this Shiro trying to cuddle him, it was Shiro trying to cuddle him with dangerous waves of heat pouring from his body.
“Shit, okay, that fever is way worse,” Keith panicked. “Sit tight, I’m going to get the thermometer.” This got a whimper from Shiro, who anxiously awaited his return.
“Open up, Keith commanded. He slid the device under Shiro’s tongue.
While they waited, Keith allowed Shiro to snuggle up to him again. Keith held him, patted him, stroked his hair while Shiro whined softly, trying to mumble something through the thermometer.
Keith snatched it up the instant it beeped. Shiro, now free to speak, said, “Keith, will you take me to class? I need to get to class.”
“104.7! No wonder you’re so out of it. This isn’t good.”
“Keith, you need to drive me to class.”
“Yup,” Keith dragged Shiro to is feet, blanket and all, and shoved him towards the door. “I’ll take you. Let’s go.”
After buckling him safely into the passenger seat of the car, Keith ripped open the box of popsicles and stuffed one in Shiro’s hand.
“Here. It’s blue. Maybe it’ll help cool you down.” He started the engine and took no time speeding out of the driveway.
Shiro watched lazily as tree whizzed by, then some houses, and finally their campus. “We’re not going to class, are we?”
Keith sighed, glancing over at Shiro, whose lips had turned a neon blue from the popsicle. He would have found it comical if Shiro wasn’t so sick.
“No,” Keith said. “I’m taking you to the hospital, buddy. You’ve got a crazy high fever.”
Shiro, dazed as he was, seemed to sense that something was off in Keith’s voice. “Keith?” he slurred.
“It’ll be okay.”
“And Keith?”
“What is it?”
“Thanks for lookin’ out for me.”
Keith gave him a tight-lipped smile. “You got it, buddy. But please, next time finals roll around, promise me you’ll take better care of yourself?”
“I’ll try.”
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