#like. partying drugs style. parties really only happen on. first week of school. halloween. new years eve. st patricks day. your birthday.
isdalinarhot · 4 days
thinking about the post i saw in like 2022 that was written pre rhythm of war that was like based on shallan in oathbringer the next phase of her arc is she is going to become an alcoholic! its gonna be so hard for adolin! which. okay first off it would be harder for shallan (stuck with herself no matter what) than for adolin (can have jasnah get them divorced and subsequently walk out of her life literally the second shit gets rough) regardless of past trauma or whatever. second off i have no fucking idea why that post was on my dash in 2022 two full years after rhythm of war where we have a 1.5 year time gap that reveals that veil drinks socially and on missions and whatever but its really not any more dangerous concerning or unhealthy than what is socially acceptable for people in their early 20s to do (which is to say, it's probably on a medical level considered Drinking Too Much, but it's not, like, ruining her life or whatever). like we know shes doing fine. especially when you compare it to dalinar at the same age being like wine is the only thing that makes me feel even close to as alive as battle does, wine makes me not feel so shameful about having a crush on navani, i was drunk during the important war meeting so i dont have a fuckass clue what our mission today is, shit like that. anyway, it just kinda pissed me off to see people being like the worst consequence of a female character suffering and going through it would be that it would upset her husband. but now that we are 1/10th of the way through kowt and there is even less indication that this will in any way be a part of her character arc its just funny. predictions that went nowhere.
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prorevenge · 5 years
A Story of a 15 Year Old Badass
WARNING: this is really long, but it’s worth the read!
When I was 14, I started high school, like most 14 year olds are scheduled to do, but I really didn’t feel ready.
Even though I was in an extremely dark place, I was really hopeful that high school would be the opportunity I needed to get my life back. On the first day of school, I was boy crazy because I was hanging out with other girls who were and I figured that it could be a fix for my depression. My mother is a pastor, so other than getting prayed for and praying, there was nothing being done to treat my depression and the only thing my mother could think of was to spank me and punish me whenever I self-harmed or isolated myself. I spent the entirety of my first day, ogling boys and envying girls I compared myself to. At the end of the school day, I was walking to my bus and saying bye to my friends and bumped into a white boy, with long, very curly hair and coke bottle glasses. He had a bandanna wrapped across his head, rainbow tie-dye shirt, and a faux cow suede vest with fringes. He was holding his skateboard in one hand and smoking a cigarette with the other. When we looked at each other, all I could say was “my bad, dude...i respect your vibe” and I walked away, occasionally looking back at him and saw that he was still looking at me and I waved before getting on my bus and he waved back.
The next day, I asked everyone if they knew “a hippy looking boy with coke bottle glasses” and finally someone said, they knew Tony. They continued to inform me that he was a junior, he was a huge pot head, and he didn’t “believe in relationships, so, aside from his ex, no girl can tie him down”. They said they saw always him in the Drama hallway, with all of the theater kids. I made a plan with my best friend, Keke, to go to the Drama hallway and pretend to sign up for the play after school. As soon as we went, we were greeted with a round of applause and hugs from the older thespians, who were thrilled to see fresh meat show an interesting in their pride and joy. We introduced ourselves and, after announcing my name out loud so all thirty-sum people could hear me, one person immediately said “Iris*...a girl named Iris...nice to meet you”, and as you suspect, it was Tony.
(my name is a dead giveaway of my identity because it’s a boy’s name and there aren’t a lot of girls who share my name)
To speed things along, I ended up joining the Drama club, primarily because I felt like it was the perfect niche for me but also because Tony was in it. I signed up to do hair and makeup for the fall play and tony was a part of stage crew, where they stay after school every day and assist the contractor in building a custom design set for each production. I asked him if there were any girls in stage crew, and aside for one older girl who graduated already, it was mainly a small group of guys. As you can guess, I joined and so did Keke because we were adamant about having each other’s backs. I was partially interested in woodwork and building at the time (I was 14 and I managed to mount my TV to my wall by myself) so I was looking forward to learning how to use a nail gun, a saw machine, stain wood, design something, take precise measurements, and have everything come together into something beautiful. After week two of high school, Keke and I were staying after school every day to work on the set for the play and I was able to get to know Tony, without looking too desperate. He asked me to be his girlfriend on the last Friday of September. I told him that it felt like the last true day of summer, and I also told him I never had a boyfriend or kissed a guy before. We had an established routine of going to the lake, parallel to my high school, and eating lunch before stage crew started (we had from 2:15-3:30, to be exact). He kissed me after I asked him if I could try his cigarette and started cough after one pull. We walked back to campus holding hand and it felt like we were making our debut as a couple because almost everyone looked at us. It was like in those high school movies, where everyone’s attention is on the focal point and it’s really dramatic. I felt accomplished because I, a freshman, was the one who tied down Tony Bologna, one of the ten most longed for boys in my high school. Little did I know, he was the biggest can of worms in the tristate area and my dumbass opened the fucking can, y’all. My brother, who was also a junior, told me I was dumb and advised me to end things with him, but I assumed he was just being protective of me.
As we dated, he taught me everything I was willing to learn about. I learned how to skateboard, how to smoke cigarettes without coughing, how to buy them without looking like I wasn’t old enough and which type of cigarettes to smoke. I learned the different levels and intensities of kissing. I learned how to navigate the hallways of high school without looking like a lost duckling and I smelled weed, for the first time intentionally. A girl, who was senior in the drama club and I worshipped on a semi-regular basis, came up to me and told me that heard a rumor that I was dating Tony and wanted to let me know. I told her that it wasn’t a rumor and her entire tone shifted. She asked me if I was sure we were officially together because he has a reputation to go for vulnerable freshman just to manipulate them and have sex, and I told her that we’d already been serious for about a month and I was a virgin but he respected the fact that I wasn’t ready. As soon as I said I was a virgin, her eyebrows went up and she laughed in my face. She apologized for laughing, and said “I’m not laughing at you being a virgin, I just didn’t realize Tony wasn’t addicted to sex anymore...when we were together, all he wanted to do was have sex with me so I broke up with him. I didn’t realize he’s a new person now, and I never really fell out of love with him...thank you for letting me know!”
I should have paid more attention to what she said about the sex thing, but I was so jealous. She was THE ex, and she was a senior, and she was such a confident badass. I told him about the conversation during our daily lunch at the lake and he said that “even though 30% of me would still date Sam*, and 80% of me would definitely still fuck her, I’m crazy about you and I don’t want to lose you”, and I thought that was the most romantic thing ever. In an effort to compete with her, I started adjusting my style and wore more black. I wasn’t willing to give up my virginity to compete with her, but I knew that they both smoked weed and drank. I heard rumors about him being a drug dealer and selling weed, acid, molly, coke, shrooms, and etc., but I didn’t believe it to be true for a second. In October, he told me about a halloween/birthday party his friend was throwing and ask if I could come. I meticulously planned it out: I asked my mom if I could spend the night at a friend’s house nearby and she happily agreed, thinking that my mental health was finally improving. I went to CVS and used my lunch money to buy liquid eyeliner and dark red lipstick. After school, we went to his house and I met his very sweet and liberal parents. We stayed in the movie area of the basement and watched Benchwarmers and made out the whole time. He directed my hand to where he wanted it (y’all know what I’m saying) and showed me the specific motion. I didn’t feel confident enough to continue so I straddled him and attempted to grind in skinny jeans. After ten minutes of that nonsense, I felt like a new woman and he was definitely proud of me. We went upstairs to eat dinner shortly after and being in the presence of a functional family that loved and respected each other made me feel so uncomfortable, so I was pretty silence. After we all ate dessert and watched “Adventure Time” in the living room, he drove me to my friend’s house and we planned to meet up at the party. I wore black shorts, with fishnets underneath, combat boots, and a grey cropped sweater with skulls on it. My friend did my make up and we walked 10 blocks, in late October weather without coats at 10:30PM, to the party. When we got there, we saw grown ass adults, between 18-30 years old, and we thought we were at the wrong place. I saw his ex, Sam, and realized I was exactly where I needed to be. A 26 year old man greeted me, saying he was Tony’s best friend, and gave me a vodka bottle, filled with what I thought was just orange juice. I never tasted alcohol so I didn’t realize that it was the weird taste I noticed in the orange juice and I drank the entire thing without really pausing, on an empty stomach. As soon as Tony came, several guys rushed greet him and I stood up and tried to walk towards him...and that vodka HIT me like a goddamn truck. I threw my body on him and he immediately knew I was drunk. He started asking me how I got drunk and what I had to drink and why I drank so much and repeatedly asked if I was okay. He sat down in my chair and placed me on his lap and fed me water, without making it obvious to people that I was really drunk. Drunk me appreciated the care and attention he gave me in that moment and, in combination with my first dry hump experience earlier, I was feeling really confident and in love. I whispered in his ear that I loved him and he whispered it back, then I started whispering about doing a bunch of sexual things with him and to him and rubbing my butt against him, without realizing that we were sitting in a circle of people passing around three blunts. I felt Sam looking at us a few times and I decided to look her dead in the eye after passionately kissing Tony. I felt like such a badass, so when Tony was hitting one of the blunts, I took it from his hands and took a good hit to celebrate my victories, and coughed my lungs out. When Tony was ready to leave, he drove my friend and I back to her house and, after I changed and wiped my make up off, her older sister dropped me off at my house. That was where things took off for me.
I managed to do a variation of this routine for the entire school year. My parents were convinced that I wasn’t depressed anymore, but being around his stable family so often made me resentful of mine and I always picked a fight with them, by criticizing the way they always dismissed me and ignored how badly my mental health was. Tony and his friends taught me how to roll a blunt and a joint and how to handle my liquor. I found solace in my pot head boyfriend and his unemployed adult friends, and I clung to him as my feelings got stronger. He suggested ecstasy as a remedy for my depression and, after taking it, I decided to stop self harming completely and I grew even more infatuated with him. In March, he was arrested for having an ounce of weed, a ziplock back with molly, and an entire sheet of acid wrapped in aluminum foil, in his locker. He wasn’t allowed to return to school until the next year and he had to take drug classes and attend meetings every day. After a month, he was allowed to take night classes so he wouldn’t fall behind on school. For some reason, I thought that WE were going through this tough time and I kept insisting that we were going to “get through this together”. It annoyed the shit out of him and he became really distant for the rest of the school year but I didn’t want to push him away even more, so I gave him space when he wanted it and I continued to hang out with his friends, do stage crew and hair and make up, and I even got casted in the spring musical. Over the summer, we periodically hung out, but it felt like we weren’t even dating. Whenever people asked about him, I would make up some lie about how he was doing better and I regularly saw him, as if our relationship wasn’t in limbo. I turned 15 and, towards the end of the summer, we started talking and seeing each other more and our relationship felt brand new. He wasn’t selling drugs anymore or smoking cigarettes, but he still smoked weed and such. My best friend, Keke, told me to break up with him after he got arrested, but I told her that she couldn’t possibly understand what I was going through. I told her that on our one year anniversary, I was going to have sex with him. She told me that I was an idiot for sticking with him and that letting him take my virginity was the dumbest thing I could do. Mind you, Keke lost her virginity before we even started high school, and she regularly smoked weed with her 35 year old mom, so I didn’t know why she had such an issue with me doing the same things.
When September came, and sophomore year started, I had a pixie cut, I developed my own style that I was confident in, and I got a new pair of glasses that looked just like Tony’s. I met him at his locker before the first class started and he was annoyed that I got glasses that looked like his. I asked him if he was still interested in stage crew and he said he wouldn’t want to do it if I planned on signing up too. I told him I was planning on auditioning for the play and I wasn’t just doing stage crew because of him. I didn’t want to give it up just because he believed I was only doing it for him, so I stuck with stage crew and I auditioned, and I got an understudy role. Keke continued to do stage crew with me also, even though she wasn’t interested in it, and I was planning to only talk to her and the others after Tony upset me, but our friendship wasn’t the same after we got into the argument where she called me an idiot. For some reason, Tony noticed that Keke and I weren’t talking and asked her why, but they were consistently having conversations and completely forgot about me. Whenever they were talking it was always at a distance where I couldn’t hear what they were saying and when I tried to enter one of their conversations, they would stop talking and look at me until I walked away. I told Tony what Keke said about breaking up with him and he told me that she was just being a good friend and, based on what she told him, I was a bitch to her. I told Keke that Tony thought I was copying him, and even though she knew I was just into stage crew and I just liked my glasses and they had nothing to do with him, she agreed that I was copying him and I told me I looked like a desperate, lost puppy and, based on what he told her, I turned him off.
The week prior to our one year anniversary, I messaged Keke and apologized for being insensitive. I begged her to help me prepare for my first time because I was really nervous and after sending her a dozen messages, she replied back, saying this:
“You have to stop. You can’t have sex with Tony and you have let it go. You weren’t being a bitch and I’m not mad at you. I just feel guilty and it’s really hard to be friends with you because of what I did. I don’t even know how to tell you this and I’m scared you’ll never talk to me again if I tell you.”
After assuring her that I wouldn’t cut her off, she confessed that her and Tony have been having sex since him and I first started dating. She admitted that she told me to break up with him because she was jealous and she called me an idiot because she couldn’t stand how much I trusted and loved her and Tony. She told Tony about my plan on our anniversary and he started pushing me away because he felt guilty too. He told her not to tell me the truth and that he was going to eventually break with me to be with her, but she couldn’t hold it in any longer.
THE REVENGE: I was in such shock, that all I could do was thank her for telling me the truth. I told her I needed space and I asked her not to tell Tony about our conversation at all. I didn’t tell her that I had a plan but I knew that virtue had no place in this situation. We proceeded to stay together and I acted like I didn’t know about him cheating on me. I gave him less attention than I normally did and he started coming to my locker instead and would text me first. It wasn’t obvious that I was mad or upset with him, but I really couldn’t stand to be around him or even pretend to. I would dodge his kissing without thinking and walking away without hugging him, so he knew something was up. I told him that I was acting weird because it bothered me that he thought I was copying him, and he felt so horrible. He spent the entire day apologizing, telling me that he loved me and that he was going to make up for it on our anniversary.
On our anniversary, I dressed up a bit and wore a black high waisted mini skirt and a black cropped Pink Floyd t-shirt and my classic high top converse. He came to my locker with a few sunflowers and was shook when he saw me. He told me that I looked as sexy as the day he met me. Our original plan was to have a picnic by the lake after school, then go to his house when his parents were out for bible study and have sex.
INSTEAD, I snuck outside during lunch to the student parked lot and keyed “CHEATER” on the hood of his car. I put on the dark purple lipstick I wore fairly often and left kisses on his side mirrors. I wrote “Fuck you, Manhoe!” on his rear window with the lipstick. I snuck back into school before lunch was over and I texted him and told him to meet me by the lake for our picnic, instead of coming to my locker. The lake is across the street from the student parking lot, so he would have to pass his car to get to the lake, which is exactly what I wanted. I told Keke to pretend to be confused if he accuses her of telling me the truth and she did exactly that. People were taking pictures of his car and sending them to me, asking me if I did it and I never admitted to being responsible. My brother sent me a picture of Tony’s car also and told me that he was proud of me. After Keke told me the truth, I asked his close friends if they knew and they were all shocked and pissed off and disappointed in him. I also asked them not to mention anything and told them I had a plan. One of his closest friends, Jerry*, who was 20 years old and practically Tony’s mentor, was the most upset. He knew how much I loved Tony and offered to listen to me if I ever wanted to talk and we ended up talking nonstop, about Tony, about personal things, about everything. He mentioned that he thought I was flawless and he was envious of Tony for finding me before him because he would have never fuck up a chance with me. I told him about my plan on Tony’s car and he loved how petty it was. Jerry offered to pick me up from school and take me out to eat to get my mind off of my one year anniversary with Tony, and after celebrating the success of my petty revenge over a meal together, he kissed me and invited me over to his house. Jerry knew I was a virgin and he asked me why I felt ready to lose my virginity to Tony. I explained to him that I was determined to have my first time with someone who I was in love with, but after Tony crushed me, I completely stopped caring about losing my virginity with someone I was in love with because doing so would set me up for heartbreak, regardless of who it’s with. After agreeing with me and telling me that I had a mature thought process, I kissed Jerry. I got on top of him and we ended up having sex. The next day, we did the same thing, and I had lunch and sex with him every day for two weeks until I found out he was engaged and blocked his number after his fiancée messaged me and threatened to end her life if I didn’t leave him alone.
After Tony saw his car on our anniversary, he took pictures of it and sent them to me. He asked me how I found out and if Keke told me about them and I pretended to be completely clueless and surprised, and so did Keke. He couldn’t figure out if I did it or if Keke did it and, when he realized we were both “confused” and upset when he accused us, he stopped trying to figure out who it was. Keke and I didn’t really get back to being friends, but I know she didn’t tell Tony that I was the one who fucked his car up because she was also heartbroken over him and she didn’t want him to think that he had a chance with her, so she let him believe that both of us were potentially responsible. She had no idea I was going to fuck his care up, but she did commend me for doing so. I broke up with him when he sent me pictures of his car and mentioned “Keke telling me about them”. He never admitted that he was sleeping with Keke, but I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about when he texted me and I kept asking him what he meant about “Keke telling me about them”, and I pretended to put two and two together, and told him that it was over if he didn’t explain himself, and he never did.
After he stopped selling drugs, a lot of people ghosted him and when he told his close friends about everything that happened, they told him that they already knew everything and that he was foolish for fucking things up with me. They also told him that Jerry and I were having sex (which is probably how Jerry’s fiancée found out). Tony eventually came clean and apologized to me for cheating on me and asked for another chance to be with me. I accepted his apology and declined his request to get back together. We haven’t talked since then and he still doesn’t know who fucked his car up. :-)
TD;LR: My first boyfriend cheated on me, with my best friend, the entire time we dated because I wasn’t ready to lose my virginity, so I fucked his car up and had sex with his best friend.
(source) story by (/u/cutebugsmallhands)
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imjustabore · 5 years
50 Facts About MEEE
1. My favorite holiday is probably halloween because, first off all you can be whatever you want and secondly you have an excuse to eat candy, I do like Christmas too, but I don’t like the weeks leading up to Christmas because everyones so stressed out
2.I love anything chocolate
3. I have such a phobia against moths, I don’t know if anyone else has this fear, but every time I see moth I flip out.
4. My longest playlist is 641 songs long
5. I wouldn’t consider myself an introvert or an extrovert, I think i’m right in the middle because I absolutely love talking to people and making new people, but thats not necessarily how I get my energy, I always need to recharge alone and the most relaxing place to do that is just writing alone in my room
6. I hate big and loud crowds of people, I can’t stand parties because there just to many people yelling
7. Yet I wanna live in the city when I get older
8. I love waking up early, I normally wake up at 6:30-7:00am on the weekends, just because I'm excited for the day ahead
9. I think horoscopes are complete bullshit, but there still fun to read tho
10. My favorite bands and singers at the moment are Weezer, Panic at the Disco, Teagan and Sara, Marina and the Diamonds,Green Day, Pink Floyd, and Florence + the Machine.
11. I’m really small for my age, I’m 16 and only 4’11
12. I’m not really athletic, I like to play tennis butI don't play for my school(it was too much of a commitment) I do a ton of clubs(10 to be more specific) at my school and love to sing and do theatre
13. I wanna double major in psychology and history for college
14. I get pissed off the most by people who think are the shit when in reality there just like everybody else
15. I’m an only child
16. I currently identify as pansexual because I could literally careless about what gender you are, just be a nice person and I’ll consider dating you
17. I don’t really want many tattoos, I just want one simple tattoo on my ankle. preferably something that symbolizes something important, because if my tattoo is something stupid or meaningless, I’ll end up regretting it 10 years down the road
18. I was born at 9:56pm in a thunderstorm
19. The first thing I notice in a person is there smile
20. I hardly use sarcasm,(at least around people I don’t know that well) I’m scared that people will think I’m being serious
21. I feel like the hype over meeting celebrities are highly overrated, like just think of it this way, Celebrities are just like anyone else, except for the fact that they happen to have a passion for(music, theatre, a certain sport, being rich etc) and I know that its really cool to meet a celebrity up close at a concert or a meet and greet, but I do not think it worth spending thousands of dollars on a front row seat at a concert.
22. I’m a Slytherin
23. For some reason I get super uncomfortable with up close eye contact, unless if im super close to you. So sometimes when you talk to me,I don’t look you straight in the eye just cause its so awkward
24. I did 6 years of dance as a kid, but I didn’t like wearing tights and the fact that rehearsals were on Fridays so I quit
25. I absolutely love fall, its not to hot and not too cold.Like all of my favorite holidays are on the horizon. Apple cider dounts are back in season(which by the way are amazing) and the foliage is gorgeous. Whats not to love about fall?
26. I’ve really never dated anyone before, I’ve been on dates with people but they never end up working out and either them or me end the relationship before it can get too serious
27. I do have other forms of social media(not naming them here) but I really wish I didn’t, I want to focus on writing, singing or talking to my family instead of what Tiffany posted on snapchat or how many likes I got on this photo and comparing myself to other people who seem to have better life then me.
28. I’m extremely quiet in class, I’m not really that social because people are rude and judgmental and im scared people would make fun of me if I say the wrong thing, So i’d just rather hang out in my small group of friends
29. My favorite musicals are probably Fun Home, Dear Evan Hansen and Next to Normal
30. I love anything that has a ton of carbs in it, BRING ON THE PASTA, BAGALS AND BREAD PLEASEE
31. I hate a lot of foods that people are kinda obsessed with I hate fast food cause it makes me feel gross afterwards, I hate juice and soda(I don’t know how people like the taste of them), and I don’t get the hype over Nutella(bread tastes better with butter)
32. I love all types of music except country
33. My friend and I wrote cliche high school romance story on wattpad thats like 2 chapters, I wrote the plot and she helped with my grammar but I ended up getting bored on it so we quit. Its still on my account if you wanna check it out(im warning you its trash thoo)
34. I started a creative writing club at my school for like 6 months but then the teacher that ran it ended up telling us she couldn’t do it anymore.
35. Im terrible in high pressure situations, like for example studying for a big test
36. I have naturally curly hair, but I straighten it everyday
37. I have a small birthmark on my back that looks like a heart
38. If I do have kids, I only want one, cause giving birth aint fun
39. My lucky number is 12... why?? Absolutely no idea
40. I wouldn’t consider my style girly or tomboyish..i sorta just wear what I want. I sometime like wearing a flannel, khakis and a snapback and sometimes I feel like wearing a dress, heels and a ton of makeup. It just depends on the day
41. If I had to have a dream job and I would wanna be a singer. I would wanna be a combination of Billy Joel and Amy Winehouse(without the drugs) and be a soulful singer who writes relatable songs about deep stuff with a catchy piano tune in the background
42. I love Ben and Jerrys. My favorite pint is probably Phish Food(which is chocolate ice cream with marshmallow and caramel swirls) or Cookie Dough(they’re ice cream actually has cookie dough in it!!!!!) I would love to work there cause I love ice cream but I think the closet one to my house is like 30 miles away:(
43. I hate needles, its to the point that were if I'm told I have to get a shot or draw blood i burst into tears.
44. I only drink water and tea... every other drink is gross
45. I can’t cook for my life. The first time I tried to cook. I tried to cook a grilled cheese when I was like 11 and home alone. I didn’t know how to use the stove because my parents thought i’d do something stupid and get myself hurt. So I decide to see if i could toast my grilled cheese in the toaster(which was horizontal btw) and the cheese melted and broke the toaster...whoops
46. I tried to play basketball once in the 4th grade, but then i cried when this girl yelled at me for being afraid of the ball and from that day forward I vowed to never play basketball again.
47. I have a tendency to make stupid choices without thinking them through. Its almost like that part of my brain thats like “is this a good idea to say/do” is gone and I just be what I think is the best within the moment
48. My hand writing is terrible, my teachers, parents and classmates always complain about how unreadable my unwriting is.
49. I play the piano and a little bit of drums
50. Im tired and want to sleep
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thornstocutyouwith · 3 years
|| The Basics ||    Name: Calypso Piper Hisoka    Nickname(s): Caly( Only by family) Age: 12/18-30 (Depending) ➥Birthday: September 17, 2152  ➥Birthplace: New York            ➥Sign: Virgo                 Moon: Taurus                   Mercury: Libra                          Venus:                                 Mars: Nationality: Half Japanese- Half American Hometown: New York Current Residence: Living with his family/Homeless. Occupation: Student/Bounty Hunter Income: $0-$10,000 ( roughly) Talents/Skills: Yo-yo tricks, playing the guitar, playing the piano, lying, sorting things, playing the drums, martial arts, hiding, singing,tracking, lockpicking, stage Magic, acting. Salary: None Birth order: Youngest Child. Gender: Male ➥Preferred Pronouns: He, him, his Sexual Preference: Unknown    Species: Human Intelligence Level: 113 MBTI: ISTP     Introvert(44%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(61%) You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%) You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (1%) You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%) You have distinct preference of Perceiving over Judging (61%). {Bio} (Coming eventually)        || Personal & Relationships||    Relationship skills: Aware of his own Feelings, Self sufficiency, resilience, acceptance, doesn't like to be touched or handled by people he doesn't know. Parents: Drama and Ashlin  Status: Unknown how he feels about them. Siblings: Lucy and Lucas Status: Strained, mostly because he's blackmailing them for their incest activities. Significant Others: Unknown (9) Ex-Significant Others: Unknown ( 9) Children: None Best Friends: Unknown( 3) Pets: None Rivals: Unknown Enemies: Unknown ( A lot) Education: High School ( Dropped out a few months before graduation) Strengths:  Creativity, Curiosity, Bravery, Zest, social intelligence, playfulness, forceful, spontaneous, adventurous, independent, creative. Weaknesses: Obstructive, Pushy, Loose-tongued, Undisciplined, Sloppy, Aggressive, Chaotic, Vague, Reckless, arrogant, selfish. Introvert or Extrovert?: Introvert How does the character deal with anger?: Usually by taking it out on other things or people, mostly other things. ➥With sadness?: He'll go into hiding.    ➥With conflict?: He tries to avoid it, but when he can't, he make sure to end it.         ➥With change?: He's fine with change, out with the old and all that.                 ➥With loss?:  He can't stand thinking of losing anyone. He will break down if he's particularly close to the person. But he tries not to get too close to people. What does the character want out of life? To just do what he wants to, really. What would the character like to change in his/her life? Probably that he's strayed too far away from his family, that he hardly even knows them in adulthood. What motivates this character? Getting money, having freedom, having fun, taking risks. What frightens this character? The dark, Ghosts, falling, animals. What makes this character happy? Books, music, risks, video games, candy. Is the character judgmental of others? Yes. Is the character generous or stingy? He is stingy. Is the character generally polite or rude? He is rude. Who were they in school? The energetic mute. Occupation they wanted as a child: To be in a band. Living conditions growing up: Middle Living conditions now: Poor Criminal Record: Breaking and entering, theft, stealing cars, assault, reckless endangerment of an underage child, illegal use of explosives, drugs, driving and drinking, fleeing a cop, identity theft, illegal hacking. How does Character see himself/herself? Reckless, brave, cunning,  smart How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others? Worthless and stupid. How self-confident is the character? Pretty self-confident. Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Emotions, for the most part. What would most embarrass this character? Having to show his softer side in public. Morality (Bold One Per Section): Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic ||| Good / Gray / Evil - You are 47.2% Evil. You are 64.1% Chaotic.    Religious Belief: None Glasses or contact lenses?: Glasses Character Tropes: Catalyst Hero, Trickster, Fool, Shadow, The Child, The Hermit, The Devil, The Priest, Addict, Monkey, Dragon, Clown, Beggar, Destroyer, Detective, Visionary.    Primary Goals In Life: Following his dreams and being free to do what he wants with his life. Character's short-term goals in life: Not dying. Getting cash from bounty's. Sex. Threatening to expose his siblings incest. Character's long-term goals in life: Visiting other countries. Exposing his siblings incest to their parents.    Languages Known: English, Japanese    Secrets: He knows about his brother and sister's incest. He is a sex addict. As well as a sadist, a sexual sadist ( On occasion). He killed one of his girlfriends.  Hates cats. Loves watching children's tv shows, still. Most of the things that happened to him at school. Is a sexual deviant. ( more will be added later. ) Deepest secret: Has a journal of his fears and secrets. Biggest fear: Fear of being bound. (Merinthophobia) Happiest memory: The day he got his first electric guitar. Loneliest moment: When one of his teachers removed him from class and told him he would grow up to be worthless and stupid, then just let him sitting in the hall.    Quirks/Mannerisms/Habits: Is a habitual liar and has made up a family that does not exist. Eats like a child even as an adult. Believes in ghosts. Obsessed with children's Cartoons. Shows up unannounced. Always steals the sweets. Has a leather fetish. Is embarrassed of their family heritage. Takes food off other people's plates without asking. Does not like to share hygiene items like hairbrushes, chap-stick, or razors. Keeps a marker on them at all times so they can draw weird things in public restrooms. Has unresolved childhood issues. Is constantly found only partially dressed. Has a weakness for games of chance. Never leaves home without wearing pants, but never wears pants while at home. Is scared of Neon colors. Always blows bubbles in to their drink when they have a straw, even as an adult. Has attempted voodoo. Dresses as a vampire at every costume party, fancy dress party, Halloween, and formal event. Makes paperclip jewelry. Won't drink without a straw. Has had sex with more people than they have seriously dated. Cannot sleep while in the vicinity of a cat. Gets lost all the time. Colors their hair crazy colors every other week. Likes to file their fingernails to sharp points because it makes them feel more dangerous. Is totally responsible for everything that goes wrong. Knows that they are being watched (by the readers). Has an accent that no one knows how to place. Is a heavy sleeper. Thinks cats can see their soul. Sneezes uncontrollably whenever someone talks about cats, reads something about them, or looks at illustrations of any type featuring them, but has no allergy to interacting with the animal itself. Is left-handed, but tries to pass as being right-handed. Wears either mismatched socks or shoelaces. Has a tendency of laughing at the most inappropriate times. Is double-jointed. Treats all of their friends like they are personal evil minions. Goes to the gym at 3am because 'That's when the ghost is there.' Wears removable tattoos. Steals things from people they think need to be punished for something. Has very bad taste in relationships. Talks in their sleep. Eye-rolling, Potty mouth, Snapping fingers, Stuttering, Toying with objects before them, binge drinking, smokes, eats a lot of sugar, is addicted to video games, Still plays with children's toys, clubbing, picks at mouth with his tongue. Loves anime.    Savvies: Music, Tech, Fact, Media Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Rebel, Punk, Goth, Steampunk, Cosplay. How does he/she dress?: Mostly black or dark yet colorful colors on normal days. Usually with purposefully placed tears in the pants and such, and risky looking outfits. Loves mesh, baggy, tight fitting and/or leathery clothing. Hobbies: Playing the electric guitar, piano and drums. Singing. Hunting bounties for cash. Boardgames. Gambling. Chess. Cosplaying. Crafts. Keeping a journal. Learning an instrument. Legos. Modeling. Origami. Reading. Videogame's. Renaissance Faire. Writing Music/songs. Speech patterns: Accented, mellow, chilled, stuttering. Disabilities: Dyslexic, Epileptic. Greatest flaw: Being a risk taker. Best quality: Easily figuring out and controlling a situation. Illnesses/Allergies/Allergic/exe: Seizures, Migraines Addictions: Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Food.        || Physical ||    Hair Colour: Light Brown Eye Colour: Bright blue Skin Colour: Tan Body Modifications: Has several ear piercing, tongue piercings, lip piercings and chest and lower. Build: Slender / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other    Height: 6′9″    Weight: 146 Health: Very low Distinguishing features: his ears a slightly pointed. Has very, very faint freckles over the bridge of his nose. Scars/Birthmarks: Has several birthmarks on his body, on under his left eye, another two on the right side of his face, five on his back, one inside his ear, and three on his left arm. Along with those, are several scars from his recklessness as a child, one of which cuts down on the nostril of the right side of his nose.  Another on his neck and four on his shoulder.  As well as a ton on his knee's and legs.    Abilities/Powers: Prophecy Construction    Restrictions: He hasn't unlocked his powers fully yet, if at all really. The power triggers sever seizures that incapacitate him and prevent him from learning how to use his powers at the current moment. And this will continue to happen in the foreseeable future, even if he is able to figure out the easiest part of it, that is the prophetic visions he receives while having a seizure. This power also has other unknown effects and restrictions to him.   || Favorites ||    Favorite Food: Candy    Favorite Drink: Koolaid    Favorite Pizza Topping: Taco    Favorite Color:  Steel Blue    Favorite Music Genre: Punk/rock    Favorite Book Genre: Dystopian    Favorite Movie Genre: Fantasy    Favorite Season: Fall    Favorite Butt Type: Firm    Favorite Swear Word: Fuck    Favorite Scent: Cookies Favorite Sayings: " I may not be there, But I am closer than I was yesterday." “That’s what people do who love you. They put their arms around you and love you when you’re not so lovable.” “I’ve lived in darkness a long time. Over the years my eyes adjusted, until the dark became my world and I could see.” “Sometimes it feels better not to talk. At all. About anything. To anyone.” “My silence holds a plethora of syllables I am too afraid to say.”“They call you heartless; but you have a heart and I love you for being ashamed to show it.” " And every time I look at you, it hurts." "First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't me." “Life is wonderful. It’s a gift to be alive, to see the sun and breathe the air. And there isn’t really anything else.”    Favorite Quote:   “Knowledge is not made for understanding; it is made for cutting.”        || Fun Stuff ||    “Boss” Theme Music: Love The Way You Hate Me/ Hand Grenade/ Hiding Place /    Bottom or Top:  Top    Loud Burper Or Soft Burper: Loud    Sings In The Shower: Yes / No    Likes Bad Puns: Yes / No Sins: Lust / Greed / Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath Virtues: Chastity / Charity / Temperance / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Element: Darkness Big5: Openness Jugian: INFP ( Alternative Type) MOTIV: Offbeat (Materialist 45% 54% Offbeat 81% 48% Thinking 21% 51% Intimate 21% 56% Vital 50% 54%) Left/Right Brain: Right
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lindyhunt · 6 years
4 Comics Who Are Keeping it Real About Motherhood ( and 4 Who Are Proudly Not Procreating)
Having children is one of life’s greatest pleasures…or so I’m told. But what happens when you become a mother and life is not the mommy-blog perfection that we all expect it to be? Lucky for all of us, some  comedians have given us all a glance into the unfiltered world of pregnancy and parenting. And, greatest pleasure or not, that shit seems terrifying). An important part of the conversation when it comes to motherhood is that it’s a choice, and probably shouldn’t be considered the default choice for women. That’s not to say that women who don’t breed don’t like children, they’ve just decided that it doesn’t fit into their lifestyle. Like that time that I got side bangs without realizing the amount of work I would have put in  to styling them every day. And yes, I’m saying bang maintenance is exactly the same child rearing.
Regardless of whether or not you want to raise tiny humans, here are the voices of comedy who are keeping it real on all ends of the spectrum.
Ali Wong 
“I used to hate on other moms for the clothes that they wore, you know, all the cheesy-ass animal print and loud metallic shiny shoes, and now I see something that’s bedazzled in rhinestones and I’m like ‘oh that looks nice, I think I’m gonna get that,’ because when you’re a mom you need sparkle to compensate for the light inside of you that has died.”
I’m grateful the weekend is over. #WorkIsEscape #TGIM
A post shared by Ali Wong (@aliwong) on May 28, 2018 at 7:03am PDT
There’s something so incredibly wonderful about watching a heavily pregnant, 5’3″ woman dancing around the stage with her middle finger high in the air. Ali Wong became a household name in 2015 when she released her stand-up special Baby Cobra on Netflix. At the time, she was seven months pregnant with her first child. Three years later, and equally pregnant Wong came back on stage for her new Netflix collar, Hard Knock Wife, to report back to us on childbirth and motherhood. She gave the audience and viewers a…graphic look into what she’s been up to since we last saw her. She spoke about childbirth, breastfeeding and how she sometimes wants to throw her kid in the garbage (fair enough). She also speaks on her choice to continue her career after having children, and how that’s a choice she was privileged to be able to make. To sum up, Ali Wong should write a parenting book ASAP. Even my childless-self would read that thing cover to cover.
Natasha Leggero
“It is very humbling to think that you’re carrying life inside of you, you know? I don’t want to get too emotional but it’s even more overwhelming then when I realize that it’s gonna be five more months before I can do drugs again.” 
A post shared by Natasha Leggero (@natashaleggero) on May 25, 2018 at 4:43pm PDT
Best known for her blasé delivery of shock-comedy, Leggero’s stand-up will have you thinking whether or not you should feel bad for laughing (you should, but it’s okay). When she walked out on stage for her set in The Honeymoon Stand Up Special (which she did with her husband, Moshe Kasher) heavily pregnant in a sequin minidress and white-fur coat and told the audience to hold their applause because she was “still in the abortion zone,” Leggerro proved that she had no intention in changing her comedic style due to her maternal-status (nor should she!). Though Leggero hasn’t released any new material since the birth of her daughter, she’s taken to Instagram to reassure fans that she’s still the same-old Natasha. Whether she’s posting a photo of her breastfeeding while adorned in gold or introducing her daughter to the world of Vogue, she’s making sure that her comedic voice is still known.
Katherine Ryan
“My daughter’s six. Right now I just have to keep her hair out of her face and her hands out of her pants and I’ve nailed the day.”
A post shared by kathbum (@kathbum) on Aug 9, 2017 at 11:19am PDT
Originally from Canada, this UK-based comedian released her Netflix special — In Trouble — in 2017. Ryan talked about her dating life, pop culture and life as a single mother. She’s also quick to gossip about the other moms that she has to interact with, which is relatable to anyone with or without a child. In her most recent set at Noel at the Apollo, Ryan tells her audience all about a mother at her daughter’s school named Jane. “Does anyone know Jane from the North London school run?…Jane said to me ‘Katherine, you must be so sad that you don’t have a husband at Christmas.’ This coming from the woman whose ham-coloured husband Brian is a man I’ve never seen out of a bicycle helmet.” Whether it’s dealing with the death of her child’s pet or bringing her kid along so that she can meet Prince Harry (true story), Katherine and her daughter are setting up to be the modern-day Gilmore Girls.
Tig Notaro
“I feel like [my wife] and I are doing a great job, I really do. But I also feel like it would be reasonable if somebody called child protective services a couple of times.”
When I have to share my Cheerios 😕
A post shared by Tig Notaro (@tignotaro) on Mar 5, 2018 at 2:02pm PST
A veteran on the stand-up comedy circuit, Tig Notaro has always included her personal life in her bone-dry comedy. In 2015 she released her documentary Tig on Netflix, which followed her ability to find humour in her breast cancer diagnosis and eventual double mastectomy. In her newest Netflix special, Happy to be Here, Notaro had much happier experiences to draw from. She spends most of the hour telling stories about her wife Stephanie and their baby twin boys Max and Finn. A lot of her material now stems from her kids, including her one son’s sudden outbursts. “A couple month’s ago, he just out of nowhere yelled ‘I’m gay’.. yeah, Max the whole family is gay, it’s not a big deal, except for Finn but even [our cat] is bi-curious.”
Michelle Wolf
“If having babies really was the best job in the world, men would’ve figured out a way for them to do it.”   
Not in the spirit of the mission.
A post shared by Michelle Wolf (@michelleisawolf) on Apr 29, 2018 at 9:52pm PDT
Michelle Wolf is most recently known for her set at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner which received mixed reviews to say the least. Now, she has her own show called The Break with Michelle Wolf on Netflix where she does a little bit of everything. In the premiere episode, Wolf sat with her friend and fellow comic Amber Ruffin to talk about their choice not to have kids. This isn’t a new topic for Wolf however, she touched on the concept of “making a human” in her HBO Special, Nice Lady. “It should be hard to make a human. It’s hard to make a croissant. It takes three days to make a croissant, you can make a human in that bathroom. You cannot make a croissant in that bathroom.”
Sarah Silverman
“I love kids, but I also really love what I do. Which is anything I want, all of the time.”    
A post shared by Sarah Silverman (@sarahksilverman) on Nov 20, 2017 at 11:56am PST
Sarah Silverman is another stand-up comedy veteran to speak about the idea of motherhood. Silverman is known for never holding back, so it seemed perfectly normal for us to share her ideas on having children in a monologue for her show I Love You, America. Silverman also brought it up when she was on Chelsea with Gloria Steinem and Chelsea Handler, all who have chosen not to have kids. “Loving kids  and having kids of your own are two very different things. The thought of having my own baby completely paralyzes me.”
Chelsea Handler
“Sometimes in your 20s and 30s people will trick you into having kids. But it’s possible to remain childless and alone. You just have to want it.” 
This sums up what I’m dealing with on the home front. Every day, it’s like I’m starting over.
A post shared by Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) on May 22, 2018 at 4:52pm PDT
Chelsea Handler has always made her aversion to having children known in her material. In her show, Chelsea, she has a recurring PSA spoof called Kids: They’re Not That Great. She is seen having a cocktail in her bathrobe or binge watching TV, telling people that being childless is actually pretty great. She even got wrapped into hosting a kids Halloween party, and it’s absolutely hilarious.
Jen Kirkman
“If you do something as big as having a kid…you gotta have an urge to be good at it and an urge to do it. And I’ve never had the urge to ruin my life.” 
Hello world!

As you can see – I’m not on tour right now. I’m on a job writing to bring you entertainment on the streaming teevee. Some years I hit 30-40 cities in about 3 countries – this is not that year! So far! ✈️✈️✈️ But there are plans and things in place for fall and winter – and things will go on sale before that. My weekly email newsletter is THE ONLY way to find out what’s going on in my head – where I’m thinking of heading next and why. 📝📝📝📝So, join up! Again, I am not on a big tour this year – I’m just going to be popping up in really surprising places in America and beyond. I KNOW WHAT they are – but you don’t! Cuz you’re not on my newsletter. CLICK LINK IN BIO TO JOIN. It takes you to my website homepage and the link is there. 🌟🌟🌟🌟😁 *****any question you ask below about what city I am coming to is literally the reason I have a newsletter. Save me the headache. The answer to all questions is JOIN MY NICE FRIENDLY FUN PERSONALLY WRITTEN BY ME 🙋🏻‍♀️ every week newsletter*******
A post shared by Jen Kirkman (@jenkirkman) on Mar 5, 2018 at 8:46am PST
In Jen’s first Netflix Special, I’m Going to Die Alone (and I Feel Fine), Kirkman speaks out about not having kids has never been an issue for her as much as the people around her. She even published a book in 2013 called I Can Barely Take Care of Myself: Tales From a Happy Life Without Kids. Needless to say, kids have never been on Kirkman’s radar, and the only problem she has with it is the fact that people have a problem with it.
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djzena · 7 years
Halloween Songs For Children Party Free
There are no Misfits on this listing as a result of that's a given at any Halloween party, and no Thriller on this Halloween music list both. Marla Mase, a mom and owner of the New York City-based party planning enterprise and , says she has thrown many Halloween parties over the of probably the most memorable was a graveyard social gathering, the place she adorned the world with hay, overhanging branches, leaves, lighting, tombstones, coffins, skeletons, body parties, sound results, filth and enormous plastic rubbish cans, pumpkins, black lighting, and so forth. You do not have to obtain any new software program into your laptop with a view to purchase the PDF for these Halloween songs. Get ready for a Spooky, Loopy and Enjoyable Halloween Evening @ The Meals and Booze Exchange on 22nd October. Music, Joint Attention & Autism - Read about my master's analysis examine and my findings as they relate to music and kids with autism. I really like the classic feel to those Halloween bingo cards from The Crafting Chicks.
The track makes use of the deranged fictional schizophrenic analogously for a man who cannot escape his anger issues - in actuality, not totally far off out of your typical angsty http://www.allmusic.com/album/the-spirit-of-halloween-62-classic-halloween-songs-mw0002499407 rock quantity, which is probably why it practically topped the Mainstream Rock Songs chart last 12 months. A tune that offers the texture of Halloween and the phrases a way relate to Halloween. Many individuals thought this was a love tune when it was first launched in 1983, with some even choosing it as the primary dance at their wedding ceremony. Last 12 months he unleashedthe mutated beast Zombies' as a part of the newly minted1984 Suite, and those mind-gorging rotters mingle withBobby Boris Pickett's rock'n'roll basic, The Monster Mash'andthe Prince Of Darkness himself, Ozzy Osbourne, who loses his thoughts on Bark At The Moon'. I have been in search for years of this little Halloween tune that I also discovered within the third or fourth grade ( 1969-1970). American Halloween is much more enjoyable than the tradition in a number of European international locations, nevertheless, masking and elaborate parties for adults presently of year have become in style everywhere now. Right - now we have horrified you to your core with our fiendishly scary, hastily-assembled Halloween run-down - we go away you with this catchy ditty to hang-out you all through the night. CanTeach - Songs & Poems - A whole bunch of track lyrics listed by themes: Seasons, Special Days, Animals, Vegetation, Meals, Family & Mates, language Arts, Math, At School, Other. Mr. Cooper's vocal is delivered with an ominous, biting confidence that makes it an ideal wild-card Halloween celebration choice. In the event you're searching for some spooky get together tunes then there are 5 full-size Halloween tracks at that are perfect for any terrorizing kids Halloween celebration. Like Alice Cooper, this had some rock royalty guesting on it - Mick Fleetwood and John McVie of Fleetwood Mac carried out drums and bass duties respectively. Once they do, although, his lyrics rapidly stir up photographs of bats, undead souls, witches with capes and, after all, murder that match completely alongside any Halloween-like setting. Instead, the rhymes have been steeped with political and satirical messages, created in such a method to confuse the authorities listening; thus, preventing legal or other backlash. It's Halloween is a picture guide written by Jack Prelutsky and illustrated by Marylin Hafner, published in 1977. It is vitally likely that the English pageant of Halloween or Hollantide equates to the lfablt at the moment of yr, talked about in Scandinavian sources, however little or no is thought about that. Six songs will compete in every semi-final, with the top 3 from each advancing to the Grand Last, decided by public televoting. Greater than 160 lullaby songs: lyrics and music to take heed to, for soothing songs, to sing to children earlier than they fall asleep. These 30 child-friendly songs last about 1.5 hours making it child Halloween celebration good. This can be made in the identical approach as the hat besides that the children solely need a sheet of A4 paper that must be rolled lengthwise. But when it got here time to report Pink Floyd's second album, drugs would only allow Syd one song, and the band was forced to exchange him. The next is a listing of melodies Snh48 mv Halloween Night time Pleased Halloween very best that individuals explain to and exhibit to your account. We hope you've got enjoyed this informative record of the highest ten spooky hits; all ideally suited for Halloween-themed parties and even weddings! Halloween can also be typically called All Hallows' Eve, All Hallowtide and may also be written Hallowe'en. Whereas Harley Poe's lyrics are often graphic and might make your skin crawl, the music is one other story. I particularly benefit from the lyric, You go to work today, you'll go to work tomorrow, stfaced tonight, you may brag about it for months. If your Halloween occasion is any good, this may most likely happen! There were monsters in rock songs before Alice Cooper surfaced in the early 70s with songs like The Ballad of Dwight Fry, Useless Infants, and Killer, But there weren't monsters in rock. Study the pre-faculty nursery rhymes for children and excellent visualize 3D animated multiple cartoon animals dinosaur finger household rhyme for youths by my superhero rhymes. Fashionable Nursery Rhymes - Read and look at the pictures of those wacky rhymes and songs. For the second ESL occasion vocabulary train it's essential select the choice (A-D) that has the phrase that matches the definition given in each query. Prepare your self for the intriguing vacation that is about to come your means, with epic dance moves on these songs or can use them as theme setters. Everyone loves a bit of socio-political commentary to carry a celebration to life: The Specials cowl urban decay, de-industrialisation, the rise of inner city violence and unemployment in Ghost Town', the track that spent three weeks at number one again within the 80s at the time of the riots. Not fairly what you'd think about as a Halloween song, apart from the music's title and the lyric no more haunting, baby. But Ella's powerful pop lament managed to reach the top five on the Grownup Pop Songs chart, so something about it clearly creeped under listeners' skin - even if it is not precisely trick-or-treating pre-game material.
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