#like. it's nice that we get to see cissnei
rocketbirdie · 2 days
Weird thing that bothered me about Rebirth and I want to hear other people's thoughts.
Um... Why did they gentrify Gongaga? I can't be the only one who feels cheated by the chummy suburban development vibe in Rebirth.
OG Gongaga is an isolated village deep in a jungle. It's possible to completely miss the first chance to visit, because it's practically unheard of. All the young folks fled to the big city. A reactor blew up and killed most of the inhabitants, leaving the town in a state of decay. The houses are falling apart, the people are desperate, it's derelict and miserable.
An understated theme in the OG is how life is difficult without modern technology. Avalanche sets out to destroy these reactors without considering the consequences for their own futures, thinking "well it won't be easy but i'm sure it'll be fine." Gongaga is the story's way of showing you just how fine everything is going to be— despite being in a lush rainforest, long since violently cut off from Shinra's influence, these people still suffer immensely.
I wanted to see it in hd so bad honestly. The splintered rotting wood, the furskin rugs, the dirty brick walls. The unspoken yet unignorable trauma. The mournful purple twilight that quietly hangs over the whole village. I wanted to see the survivors' spiteful determination to make things work without mako.
Instead we got a squeaky clean Crisis Core rendition of Gongaga, with its down-to-earth upbeat stardew valley soundtrack and generic hard workin' country folk. The houses are like... twice the size i expected them to be. Neat and tidy, no holes in the roofs, no dishevelled interiors. No sign of struggle. Everybody is content at worst.
The reactor may as well have never exploded. Nobody talks about it. We hear some bullshit about Shinra trying to "make amends" or compensate people for the damages, and that's about it. Apparently everybody's just fine with this, because all of the original version's resentment and grief is gone.
Don't even get me started on the barker stationed at the town entrance. "Come experience nature's bounty!" Man... why are we treating it like a goddamn hippy tourist attraction. OG Gongaga would have had someone knock this kid's teeth out.
Idk I'm just sad. The melancholy is what made Gongaga so memorable despite its bump-in-the-road identity. I wish we could have gotten that instead of one big callback to CC.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
I keep thinking about what would happen if the firsts+Turks had to take care of children/babies they had to rescue from a village while they wait on their parents to get them. I feel like it would be a nice mix of pure chaos and wholesomeness.
➜ Genesis gathers the kids around for storytime (don't ask him how he had a children's book readily available on hand), doing exaggerated tones, dramatic gestures, and silly voices that make the kids hang on to his every word. Hearing them beg for "just one more story" makes him feel all warm and gooey inside and he's definitely holding back tears. He also plays dolls with the little girls and teaches them a few swear words because he comes up with telenovela scenarios that are not fit for children but shh focus on the good (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
➜ Zack is like a giant kid himself, so he has no qualms about playing pretend (and taking it seriously, okay? the man will scream his head off if a kid says there's a dragon in front of him and will fight the air). The kids adore him because his energy is contagious. Definitely the most popular with the kiddos but shh don't tell Angeal. But Zack also encourages the kids to climb trees and play in the mud so perhaps he's not the best influence…
➜ Reno, surprisingly, turns out to be a natural with the kids. He’s quick to organize a makeshift sports team with Rude, splitting the children into teams and coaching them through impromptu games…He did pull a whistle out of nowhere and refers to the kids as "snot noses" but he's surprisingly patient as he explains the rules and makes sure everyone is playing fair…until one boy questions his authority and Rude has to hold him back from fighting a child.
➜ Sephiroth is visibly uncomfortable in the presence of so many tiny, inquisitive humans. He tries his best though, answering their endless questions with serious consideration, as if he's in briefing—he refers to the kids as 'sir' and 'ma'am' and they love that he treats them like tiny adults. And then the children start playing with sticks as makeshift swords. He steps in, adjusting their forms and offering practical tips while sharing stories of how he made good use of sticks as weapons when he was a boy…..Ignoring the fact that Sephiroth taught a bunch of kids how to wield stakes, he somehow ends up in a braid train with some older girls. Eventually one child falls asleep in his arms and he refuses to move a muscle. He feels fully responsible for this child now.
➜ Tseng is initially stiff and uncomfortable around the children, but then he encounters a little girl with wide green eyes and a brown hair who reminds him so much of Aerith at that age. He crumbles immediately. Tseng is now playing with dolls and enduring the pang of guilt, remembering how innocent Aerith was, and how much she’s endured since. He pushes the feeling down, focusing on making the little girl laugh, determined to protect her if only for a little while.
➜ Angeal and Cissnei are dealing with the aftermath of Sephiroth teaching the kids how to successfully use sticks to attack each other, and are actively running around confiscating the sticks.
*Zack sees Cissnei taking away a stick from a child* Zack: Aww, what are you? The fun police?? *Angeal is wrestling a stick out of a child's hands in the background—he's losing* Cissnei: Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Someone could get seriously hurt! *Angeal is thwacked in the face with the stick* Zack: Don't be silly! Sticks are great toys for kids! *The child hits Angeal in the shins. He falls down* Cissnei: ….Hm…I guess you're right. Do you want to come help me gather more so we can assemble an army? Zack: Do I! *More children have appeared with sticks to gang up on Angeal. Sephiroth will pay for this dearly*
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silver-wield · 3 months
so i argued with a cloti in a tifa server. They said the biggest factor why c/eriff doesn't happen is because of Zack. Apparently it's bro code that saves the day😑. And i asked them when the fck do they see this. They told me for one he finds her attractive. Because of the dress they say for example. I said the usual points and they told me "yeah he's like oh? She can be this pretty? " And that we should all include this because it's in the game. They still haven't told me what the worst and mid dress means lol but.. that's in the game as well right? So why conveniently ignore that? So what's the common denominator then? It's the dress, not her. He DGAF about her facial features jfc, was the bikini reveal not enough she's literally half naked and DGAF. And they tell me that's because he met tifa first. Like wat?? I don't get why there are some clotis jerking off at high speed to give c/eriff a crumb and then insult them for being stupid. Sometimes i really wonder if they care about tifa and cloud or just wants her to be just another choice.
Isn't it nice that we have a character called Cloud whom the word loyal and devoted is an Understatement, because he's Never been tempted lol. He's just awkward, kind and nice but he knows what he wants. And he knows his type. And that ain't the assertive gal , Nope.
In any case, if that's the case do we thank zack because of him we didn't get a c/eriff k***? Seriously, they complain about the mischaracterization of him but these sepcific types of clotis do it anyway. It's in fanfics it's in fanarts. Goddamn Weirdos and I feel bad for him.
Does it never occur to them that by having a thing like this is basically saying he's a goddamn hypocrite for being jealous whenever tifa is with another guy. And this is the version they believe tifa deserves?? Okay. EWW🙄😬.
I'd rather stay with Canon lol.
Seriously what are these people smoking. He remembers Zack and suddenly it's about bro code (literally Not in the game, and Not necessary because he's All about Tifa from the get go) and not "holy shit how tf do i forget about my bf" the disrespect for Zack JFC. And don't get me started with some zeriths. They seem to like this BS "crush", but not once do they feel bad for Zack? UGH. Would they be happy if someone said Zack has a thing for cissnei and tifa?
Cloud literally feels bad about the Zack death thing and apparently nobody brings that up enough?? Wow, I'm getting a AC BS flashback. Guess it's the devs fault for not emphasizing enough, but why oh why Zack is Important, I'd say Actually important than that Bitch.
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No he doesn't think she's pretty. He literally doesn't recognise her and those people should know that if they follow canon.
Sounds like they're cleriths infesting the server. No cloti would ever say he thinks that rancid corpse is attractive when he has Tifa.
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zmediaoutlet · 6 months
fic: the spare bedroom
the nostalgia bug has got me good, y'all. And man, it's so much easier to write for a new fandom, haha. For the four of you who might see this --
title: the spare bedroom pairing: Cloud/Barret rating: E length: 5000 tags: Game: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth (2024), Gongaga (Compilation of FFVII), Friends With Benefits, Size Kink, Oral Sex
summary: After getting out of the desert and making their way to Gongaga, everyone splits up. Cloud comes to check on Barret.
(read on AO3)
Cissnei's house is nice enough. Small. A few beds, like maybe desperate folks have crashed here before. A kitchen. Maybe Tifa'll cook something, if they're lucky. Pay back their host for her generosity. From the burn marks on the stove they better not rely on Cissnei to provide.
Barret's not hungry, though. He's tired but he doesn't want to sleep. Piece of shit of a day, worse than just about any he's had in four years. He sits on the bed shoved against the wall in the back room and rests his elbows on his knees, trying to figure it. Between the plate getting dropped and losing his team and the reactor back in Corel blowing and his arm being shot to bloody broken bits—yeah, he's got a list. Previously he'd had the ranking pretty well defined. Maybe on some later day he'll feel less like a sorry sack of shit about the whole thing but right now, every time he closes his eyes he sees that holding shack at the prison, and he feels the hot dust under his fingers, and in his ears, his best friend saying—
"What are you doing," Cloud says. Barret jolts, opens his eyes.
"I'm bo-ored," Yuffie says, from her slump in the living room around the corner. "This town was supposed to have materia."
"It isn't just going to appear midair. I thought you were a hunter. Go find it." Barret snorts. Kid doesn't even sound like he's trying to be rude. Perfectly practical, that's our SOLDIER. Yuffie makes some whiny noise—Barret is truly not looking forward to Marlene being fifteen—and Cloud sighs, and like he's making a great concession says, "I think I heard the GYC guys talking about training with magic. Maybe you can convince one of them to hand something over."
"Really?" she squeals, and then, calling like to a distant friend, "Materia, never fear! You shall be mine!"
Running sneakers on the stone, the front door slamming closed. Barret tips his head back against the wall, watches the afternoon light coming in through the strange stone-hewed windows. Town's nice. Peaceful. If it were some other day he bets he could enjoy it.
Cloud appears in the archway. His lips part on seeing Barret and then he shakes his head. "Figures. Last place I look."
"Ain't everything in the last place you'd look?" Barret says. He stretches his boots out on the stones. "'Cause you'd stop looking then, right?"
Those big, pretty eyes narrow. "Right." Cloud studies his face and Barret lets him. Nearly all his awful secrets are out in the light, now. Don't make sense to pretend otherwise. Anyway, the rest of 'em didn't abandon him in the desert or kill him where he stood, so he figures little fearless leader here isn't about to run him through. Though, really…
"You need something?" Barret says. Better to head those kinds of thoughts off at the pass. "We ain't moving out already, are we?"
Slight head-shake. "Mission break. We don't even know if that reactor's the right place to look. Everyone needs some downtime."
Barret's got enough going on that he thinks he can be forgiven how it takes him a few seconds. Cloud's looking at the ground, his arms folded over his skinny chest, and Barret stares at him in silence until he sees how the kid's ears and cheekbones are going that telltale pale pink. He'd laugh if he didn't feel like his guts had been torn out and left all over the desert. "Don't know if I'm gonna be good company for that, man," he says.
Cloud rubs the back of his neck. "You're never good company," he says, after a second, and Barret's surprised enough to snort. Cloud's mouth tilts, barely, and then his jaw firms. "That was—messed up, today. It shouldn't have gone down like that."
"My best friend shouldn't have been mown down in a hail of bullets by Shinra goons? With it being my fault?" Barret shrugs. "Yeah, guess I'd agree with that."
Strangest look on the kid's face. He blinks hard, shakes his head. Barret frowns—he knows he sounds bitter but he didn't mean to make the kid cry, damn—but after a few seconds Cloud says, softer than he normally says just about anything, "I can't imagine." He stands there, quiet, while Barret takes a full breath, deep in his lungs, trying to clear out the thick tense fucked-up misery that's solid there, all of a sudden, his chest full of iron ore and sandstorms. Then Cloud steps forward, hands loose at his sides, cheeks pink, chin lifted. "Let me help take your mind off it."
"Cloud—" Barret starts, but Cloud gestures vaguely to the rest of town, interrupts with: "Yuffie's out chasing materia; Red's mushroom hunting; I think Cait's charging; Tifa and Aerith are… I don't know, they're doing girl stuff." He tips his head to the side, toward the real bedroom. "I'm betting that door locks."
Barret sighs. "You thought of everything, huh?"
"I try," Cloud says. He sucks his lower lip into his mouth and lets it out slow through his teeth, so it shines in the dim light. Nervous and doing a hell of a job of hiding it, and it might even work if Barret hadn't seen his badass act fail about fifty times by now. "I don't know how to make it better. Maybe it doesn't get better. But there could be an hour that didn't suck."
Damn if the kid hasn't had a 180 in personality from the day they met. Barret's heart's still lead, but—hell, the kid's right. He doesn't want to feel like this anymore. "Long as you promise it won't suck," he says. Feels heavy coming out but, damn, he's trying.
Cloud steps forward between his boots. "Or what," he says, dry.
Barret reaches out, flattens his hand over the kid's chest. The tank's thick wool, surprisingly soft. "Ain't got the energy to mess with you, man," Barret says, more honest than he means to be. Cloud's eyes change, quick as that. He gets a little nod. Barret curls a finger under one of the leather straps on Cloud's armor and tugs. Cloud leans down slow, bending at the waist, pausing for some reason when his breath touches Barret's skin—meeting Barret's eyes, checking, like Barret's some virgin that needs to be gentled—and Barret holds there like a stone until Cloud reaches whatever internal decision had to get made and sinks down the final few inches and kisses him, close-mouthed. Sweet.
He is sweet. Clumsy still, even if they've done this already. Barret holds him by the small of the back over the thick leather brace and lets Cloud take the lead, the weight still dragging at him, but distracted at least—the kid's skin smelling like salt and river-water and the jungle green they waded through to get here and also that weird sharp tang that's always around him, the mako seeping up somehow through his pores. His girl-soft mouth and his girl-soft skin, the touch of wet against Barret's lower lip, his hands warm even through the leather gloves when he frames Barret's jaw, when he sucks in a shuddery breath through his nose, when he makes this tiny deep sound in his chest, like he's tasting something he's been wanting for a while.
Barret's gut wakes, slow. Like it's remembering that he's a man and not just a hollow thing for grief to fill. He presses Cloud's mouth wider, licks his top lip, and Cloud shudders, lets Barret kiss him—deeper—his hands sliding from Barret's jaw to clench in his vest. Then he breaks away—mouth red, wet—and blinks at Barret, and then pulls at his vest, hard, that unnatural strength hauling Barret upright before he's ready so he stumbles forward into the kid, who catches him like it's nothing, and pulls again, until they're in the bedroom, the door slamming behind Barret's back as Cloud pushes him up against it. Cloud has to lift up on his toes and Barret has to bend to get their mouths together again but damn if it's not worth it, with the kid better every time, making those little noises like he's surprised, like he's learning something, like he didn't know he could like it. Hot as hell and not the first time Barret's thought it and certainly not the last, with this warmth building up in him. He was dead ten minutes ago and now he wants—damn, he wants a lot, too much, shit he can't do with responsibility about to come knocking any second, in the bedroom of some stranger's house, with a door that—
"No lock," Barret says, fumbling behind himself. Shit, shit—
Cloud stares up at him hazily, breathing heavy. "Fuck it," he says, rough. "You're a doorstop, right?"
"Screw you," Barret says, surprised into laughing, and Cloud smiles at him and then hooks his sword off that magnet on his back, leans it against the wall—careful like he always is, like the thing that cuts dragons in half will get chipped if he doesn't treat it nice—and then pushes right back in and kisses him, wrapping his arm around Barret's neck, pulling him down enough that it's easy, and then his other hand skimming down Barret's belly to his belt to the front of his fatigues, gripping there, small but firm.
Hell of a lot bolder than he was before. Barret grunts, dips and kisses the kid's jaw, lets his hips curl forward. He's not all the way there but Cloud's curious, feeling the length and the thickening girth and it feels—damn, just right, muffled pressure that's not enough to go crazy over but that feels—like a strong hand gripping his and pulling him out of swamp-muck. His nuts don't mind, that's for damn sure. He drags his fingers down the center of Cloud's back, pressing through the leather, kisses there under the kid's ear and grips his ass in a big handful, squeezes, gets a sweet tiny gasp against his jaw that makes him grin, all unexpected.
"Shut up," Cloud said, and then before Barret can protest that he didn't say nothing at all, he immediately says, "Do you want to—like before?"
Fucking the sweat-damp tunnel between Cloud's thighs, the kid squirming and panting and overcome under his bulk, so hot he's half-surprised the room didn't catch fire. Something that'll be good dreams, as long as he manages to keep his sorry ass alive. Still—"Don't think we can screw up Miss Cissnei's bedroom like that," he says. Regretting it sincerely but also somewhat glad to see Cloud pull back and blink, confused. "Made a mess, creaming you up."
His cheeks are about the color of one of those hibiscus outside, speaking of catching fire. "Right," he says. Just barely unsteady. Barret squeezes his ass again, pulls him in closer against his thigh, and Cloud half-stumbles and—yeah, he's hard too, stiff enough through the uniform that Barret could probably just get the kid to ride his leg, desperate and dizzy with it until he made a mess of himself. And that'd be fun as hell, especially if excuses had to get made about ducking back out to the river for a swim, but Barret's more selfish than that, and, anyway—
"Right," Cloud says again, harder, and then licks his lips, and drops without so much as a by-your-leave to his knees—drops, all at once, hitting the floor with a thud—and reaches for Barret's belt, and Barret's too shocked-stupid to stop him.
Belts aren't complicated and neither are trousers and Cloud's got him unzipped in record time, and that's also when Cloud gets to find out that it's been a long journey and there hasn't been much time for worrying about the delicates. He takes a deep breath and curls his hands into the waistband. "Commando, huh?" He flicks his eyes up.
"You complainin'?" Barret says, spreading his boots. Goddamn, that's a sight.
"I figured you'd need a special sling for this thing," Cloud says, cool as a mountaintop like Barret can't see his ear-tips glowing red under the mess of his hair. He pops the bracer on his right wrist and drags the leather glove off with his teeth, and it's ghostly-pale fingertips on the low of Barret's stomach, dragging down the trail from his navel to the bush he's let grow kinda thick and then touching the root, curious, feeling him all fat and ready. Ready—damn, feels like he could hammer nails—but he doesn't have to wait much longer, with Cloud's fingers peeling back the v of the fatigues and pulling down just enough that his dick—ah—pops free, hanging heavy but hard enough that it's standing out from his hips. Cloud curls his left hand around it—the leather strange and battered-soft—hefts him, fingers barely meeting his thumb—and frowns, and lifts up higher on his knees, and then dips and—presses his lips to the side, over the vein, dry, the heat just—
"Yeah," Barret says, thoughtless, and Cloud glances up at him hot-faced and then closes his eyes, licks instead, his lips dragging stutter-soft up the side of Barret's dick. "Cloud. You done this?"
He holds there with his lips just under the head, bangs hiding his face. Barret fits his hand around the back of Cloud's neck, something twisting so hard and vicious in his gut it almost hurts except that his nuts surge like he could shoot right now, no warning. He slides his thumb up over the soft hollow spot at the top of his spine, feeling the soft puffs of Cloud's breath over the head of his cock—quick, warm. "Wet your mouth," he says, quiet. Tiny space between their skin—he hears the slick noises, Cloud sucking his lower lip—and Barret closes his eyes tight but then opens them again, because hell if he's gonna miss this. "Gotta relax your jaw. Don't try to fit the whole thing. You suffocate, there'll be hell to pay."
"You'd bring me back," Cloud says, absent-minded, and Barret uses the grip at the back of his neck to pull him away—Cloud blinking up at him, startled—but he has to curl down and kiss the kid for that one, knocking his mouth open and really licking inside, pushing his jaw wide, feeling him—wet, yeah, slick and warm and good, and then he stands up again and brushes his thumb over Cloud's smooth cheek and watches him sway softly under that tenderness—what in the hell, every minute's like meeting a new merc—before Cloud licks his lower lip, and bolsters Barret's dick high, and bends to fit his mouth around the head.
Wet shock. Slick, hot—god, there are times Barret prefers this to pussy, of whatever gender. He's too big and most never offer, much less try. Cloud's tongue slicks smooth and strong under the head and Barret grips his hair, presses his hips hard back against the door not to fuck in and maybe actually cause an injury. Little grunt and Cloud pushes down another inch, pulls back, coughs. "Good," Barret says, like a dumbass. "That's good, baby."
"Don't call me that," Cloud says, but he must not mind too much because he licks a sloppy kiss there at the tip and tries again, sliding the tight ring of his lips down and down, the inside of his mouth—he sucks and it's the silk inside his cheeks and his tongue sliding and a hint, ow, of teeth, but with how hard he's trying even that's a kind of harsh hot thing that's swirling tensely at the pit of Barret's belly. Cloud switches hands, gripping with the bare right instead and sliding his left down to hold Barret's nuts, and he laps right at the slit, pressing hard, and Barret—damn, he's trying but he's mortal, isn't he?—fucks his hips forward, chasing it. Knocks into Cloud's throat, makes him yank back, coughing—and Barret does feel like a piece of shit, says, "Damn—sorry, sorry—" but Cloud, being a crazy-ass, says, "Shut up," and kneels up gripping Barret's hips and forces his mouth down. The angle's all off and he hasn't done this or at least hasn't done this with a cock as big as Barret's and he only gets maybe halfway down, but that's insane-making enough, Barret's cockhead threatening the pit of his throat and feeling that tight spasm, his hips pushing forward because he can't not under that demand, closed up in all that heaven. He's so turned around he tries for a second to grab with his right hand, forgetting somehow that it's been gone for four years, and ends up leaving his gun-arm laid heavily over Cloud's back, clanking against his iron pauldron. It's a mind-bending handful of seconds buried about as deep as anyone's managed in years before he remembers he's not supposed to kill the kid and he pulls Cloud away by the hair, his dick emerging into the horrible cold air slick and furious, calling him a fucking dumbass for not leaving it right where it belonged.
Cloud coughs once, slurps spit and air. Barret tips his head back and there are—fuck—tears in his eyes, his face red, his eyes furiously blue. Looking up like it's a challenge and like he's got not a thought in his head, all at the same time. Barret keeps his head still and pushes forward, his dick standing straight out from his hips, lets the cockhead kiss Cloud's mouth. Lets him lick at it, soft-pink and wanting. Pushes past, sliding the sticky-wet along Cloud's bizarrely soft skin, watching the fat dark of it smear along the pale cheek and past, dipping under his ear, brushing the soft ends of his hair until Cloud's lips are pressed to Barret's skin, Barret's nuts against his chin. Barret slides his own fingers against the underside of his dick, brushing Cloud's jaw. Cloud tips his head forward, forehead against Barret's belly. Kisses, careful, at his sack. God, if it were possible. If there were a dozen nights where Barret could hold his head just so and coax him and open his throat, feed in—all the way, past the constriction, in—
He can't wait. He spits in his palm and wraps his fist around his dick, and from lack of options—even crazed-headed as he is he's careful, careful, with the gun, nudging Cloud back with the muzzle against his collarbone—Cloud's eyes opening wide, darker, his jaw dropping—so Barret can feed the head in—just the head, jerking himself, Cloud watching and gripping Barret's hips and then his nuts and then just holding there, cupping Barret's sack and slurping and suckling and licking soft and sweet at the cockhead, this hot urgency in him, wanting it bad enough that he'd choke if Barret let him. Fuck, Barret could choke him. He wrings at his dick, that coil turning in and in and in on itself, tighter and hotter and clawing its way out of his nuts, and he should warn Cloud, should pull him back, should say at least—should say—except it's one of those things he knows, down somewhere deep past every other thing, that no, that this is going to be—that he will—
He bites his lip hard so he doesn't yell out. His hips jerk, once. He follows the pumping release, fisting up and up and up, drives—in—just barely, Cloud gripping his hips and then wrapping his hands over Barret's hand, holding it, letting him pump inside. Cloud's mouth opens and he gasps wetly and Barret watches the white shine on his lip and wrings his dick viciously to pull out another gob of it and then chases that right into Cloud's mouth, forces it back inside when he seems like he might lose it over his chin, and Cloud holds the back of his hand and closes his lips over Barret's thumb and sucks it clean, blurry-eyed, good. Fuck, he's good.
Barret stares at that, for a few seconds. Maybe for eternity. This insane fucker, acting like Barret's giving up the lifestream itself. His tongue pushing hard along the ridge of Barret's thumbnail. How he swallows, and gasps weird around Barret's wet thumb, and then swallows again. Then Barret's brain logs back in, or at least halfway, because he rips his hand away and grips Cloud by the bicep and hauls him bodily to his feet—fucks his tongue into Cloud's mouth for a stolen second to taste himself—bitter, god that's bitter, salt and bleach and Cloud's tongue—and then turns them around, slams Cloud back against the door and goes to his own knees, less gracefully but no less happy to do it.
"What," Cloud says, raw-voiced—god, god, because Barret fucked him there—and Barret says, "You gotta help, baby, can't do this one-handed," and Cloud stares down at him before he fumbles at his waist—rucking up the wide back-belt, peeling open his uniform, and there's—sweet, standard issue Shinra grunt white boxer-briefs with his little dick standing up so hard in them, pushing forward the cotton desperate enough that there's a damp spot at the tip, pink skin shining through the wet. Even kneeling Barret's too tall for this, though—he fumblingly helps Cloud push the trousers and briefs down to his mid-thigh and then picks up one leg, hauls Cloud's knee over his left shoulder to lift him higher—one boot thudding against his back, the other scrambling to brace on the stone floor—and it's awkward, yeah, but at that moment the bed feels a mile away and anyway he can just—"Oh!" Cloud says, as brainless as he's ever been. Barret slurps down, down, to the base—easy—while since he's had the pleasure but it ain't the kind of thing you forget. "What—Barret—"
Barret pulls off, kisses the inches of bare white thigh by his cheek. "Gotta stay quiet, you don't want the whole village coming to see," he says, and when he glances up Cloud's covered his mouth with his gloved hand, staring wide-eyed like Barret's something he never expected to see. Barret'd laugh at how fussed he is—wet-eyed and pink-faced and fluffy-haired as a chick—but it's more fun to grip his tight little ass with his good hand and push him forward into Barret's mouth. Stiff pole of it, leaking all over the place, salt and clean skin and again that strange metal flavor, a tang, somehow all off and weird and addictive all at once. Good mouthful, his nuts a sweet smooth package pulled up so tight to the base he seems ready to shoot, with thirty seconds' worth of decent attention. Barret wants to do him better than that, though, to give back even half of all that good—"Suck," he says, tapping two fingers against the metal back of Cloud's glove. A blink, confusedly hazy. "C'mon, now. My mouth's busy."
Slurped right in, after that. He ducks back down and laps at the smooth sack—truly, he'll never be over how the kid seems to be entirely hairless from the nose down—and kisses Cloud's belly and the knobby little turn of his pelvis where he's too skinny and bites real careful just under his navel, makes Cloud's cock jerk like it's on a damn lead up against the underside of his chin. His fingers are getting what he'd bet would be the gold-star VIP treatment at the Honeybee, Cloud sucking as eagerly as he did dick, and goddamn, if Barret were younger they'd have a real issue on their hands. Even so his nuts are interested, wanting another try.
"Good," he mumbles against Cloud's belly. Another jerk—his dick's pearling clear, oozing. Barret pulls his fingers out of Cloud's mouth and gets a stuttery little gasp, and then a choked noise when he applies them to the red dripping head, smears all the wet around. "Cover your mouth," he says, and Cloud doesn't quite obey but slips his own fingers inside, biting, and that works, too—well enough that when Barret slips his hand around and presses against his asshole the only sound is a chest-deep grunt, not something that'll get shouted to the village and the whole jungle, besides.
Cloud ain't a princess and he's so desperate he don't need coaxing; Barret rubs the wet around, feels him tight, flexing, and doesn't ask before he pushes his middle finger in, quick and all-at-once to the knuckle. Cloud jerks and Barret slurps his dick back in, sucks in little pulses to match his finger fucking in, and Cloud's naked hand fumbles to Barret's shoulder, grips his vest so tight Barret hears a stitch pop. Insanely hot inside. Maybe hotter than other people—those mako treatments, again?—and the ring of muscle clamping hard—and easy, damn, so easy, Barret scrubbing his finger along that front wall where all the good stuff happens and Cloud's breath going strange and high and whiny around his fingers, his thigh flexing over Barret's shoulder and his hips not knowing whether to push back or crush forward. Barret makes it easy for him, encourages the thrust, letting him rock between Barret's hand and his mouth. It feels nice, anyway, right, his lips tight, letting Cloud rock against Barret's tongue pushed flat and hard up against the base, his taste leaking all over 'til Barret's sure he'll only taste that salt-and-metal for days after. He can feel Cloud quickening, though, his tiny noises going deeper, his hips getting desperate, and he crushes his finger in hard and pulls Cloud all the way up against his face, his beard grinding against that smooth sweating skin, his nose crushed in against his belly, sucking, demanding, and—yeah, Cloud's breath stops and his whole body seizes and his bootheel bruises Barret's back and he—shoots, right up into the back of Barret's throat, quick jets that Barret swallows down right away before he pulls back, slurps soft at the head, gets those last few drops. Slippery as mercury.
Cloud's head is tipped back against the door. Fingers still in his mouth, his chest heaving. Barret kisses his cockhead, all flushed and wetly red, and his belly, and then, watching carefully, he tugs his finger out of Cloud's body and then presses back in with two. Thick—he knows, his two fingers are thicker than a lot of men's dicks—but Cloud swallows them up without a whine or a flinch, his body clamping tight but just—taking it. He missed his calling, Barret thinks, and then feels bad for thinking it but—not that bad, really.
"You're so good, baby," he says, meaning it about as sincerely as he's meant anything, and Cloud's eyes open up above and his head drops down, his chin against his chest, meeting Barret's eyes. Not protesting at all. Tilting his hips when Barret grinds his two fingers thick into that spot, his pupils huge and his lips open and everything about him seeming to say—go ahead. Go ahead, make me.
If only. Barret kisses Cloud's belly again, right at the root of his softening dick, and pulls out his fingers and then stands up, bracing against the door to do it. His knees crack, gun-shot loud. Cloud blinks at him, looking up of a sudden with Barret so close, and then gets one of those tiny, goofy smiles.
"Don't you say a thing," Barret says.
"Hm," Cloud says. He looks to the side, where one of the high windows is pouring in that syrupy late afternoon light. "Maybe we can get you a potion, later."
"Man, what'd I say," Barret says, and Cloud grins and then turns back and goes on his toes and kisses him, quick. Just this brief unselfconscious peck, not asking for another thing. He drops back to his heels and he's not smiling anymore but his eyes are soft, and Barret chucks him under the chin, gentle. Dumbass, crazy kid.
He zips up. Cloud gets his uniform back together. In less than a minute, other than how Barret's mouth tastes like cock and metal, looking around the bedroom, no one'd suspect a thing.
Cloud pulls his discarded glove back on, clicks his bracer back together. Twists his wrist back and forth to check the fit. Says, looking down, "You good?"
Barret takes a deep breath. He feels—he doesn't know. It's still this shitty day but it's not worse. His bones feel looser in their sockets and his brain feels somewhat clear and he doesn't—regret at least one thing that happened today. "I'm good," he says. Not exactly true but maybe there's not anything truer.
A steady look, sidelong across Cloud's shoulder. "Good," he says. A little soft. The tip of his tongue touches his lower lip and he swipes one gloved thumb across his mouth, like he's trying not to think about it. If he keeps doing that it's gonna be hell on Barret's composure. But then he settles his shoulders, and picks up that big-ass sword and lets it clank heavily into its place. Looks more like the badass merc he's meant to be. "I'm going to check on the others. If nothing's going on maybe we can rest here, tonight, go on to the reactor in the morning."
"Sounds good to me," Barret says. He opens the door—no one waiting in awkward silence in the rest of the house, thank the planet—and follows Cloud to the entry. Watches Cloud reach for the knob and then grabs his arm. "You—" Cloud lets himself be held still, looking over his shoulder. Barret clears his throat. "You meant it, huh. 'Bout having my back."
Cloud looks at him entirely clear-eyed. No weird tenseness or like he's thinking of ten other things or brooding on whatever dark-ass secrets he keeps locked tight. Just this kid—man, Barret amends—standing there with him. For a minute, steady as a mountain. He nods, once.
Barret swallows. "Hope you know it goes both ways."
A slow breath. "I'm counting on it," Cloud says. Means it, too.
Barret nods back, something settling low at the base of his spine. Something steel-forged, solid. He ain't got a lot of best friends left. He'll do what he can, for this one.
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kazumahashimoto · 1 year
omgggg ok category 5 autism moment incoming i just feel CRAZED like omg. voice direction is something i feel i care perhaps an above average amount about so of course i'm like paying super attention to all that but also i'm just so confused like the way in which caleb performs as zack is so. not zack. like i'll disregard the pitch thing for right now even if they were trying to get someone that hit closer to zack's japanese voice actor's range why wouldn't they get. a Voice actor? like caleb pierce has had a number of on camera rolls but this was his first voice acting roll. and sure like aerith's new va hadn't done voice acting either but she's like. good at it? i don't know how to say this lightly but he's bad. or at least for the character he's bad. there are plenty PLENTY of voice actors in that mid high range with all the levels of nasal and scratch you could ever dream of that can give you the emotional range and growth zack goes through. caleb just doesn't perform that. we see this in scenes where he's meant to be yelling yet he puts no strain in his voice or in scenes where he's meant to be calm and understanding where he still has a snarky bite.
another thing that comes to mind for me to show just how different they play the character is the scene where zack meets aerith for the first time. once he collects himself, rick has zack deepen his voice a bit to put up a sort of bravado, he's just met this cute girl you see, zack is something of a flirt, he's just made a fool of himself falling through her roof and he's compensating. what a nice moment of ACTING!!!!! that is TONE that is ALL rick and/or the director. that wasn't the script. caleb reads those lines the same way he reads everything else. there isn't the same nuance and intrigue in performance, to me anyway. i find watching caleb perform boring to listen to honestly. like he's too afraid to get a little silly or a little ugly. no mess. all snark. and sure up to a point you can get away with that i Guess but it's not a terribly long time. once angeal starts pulling away zack gets more serious. he's still goofy and silly but he's also angry and loud and confused and he doesn't know how to deal with any of it. caleb not getting more rough with his voice takes the emotion out of these scenes. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO ANGEAL?" stops sounding like an angry and horrified boy who thinks his mentor just killed his mom, and starts sounding like someone scolding their dog or something. like this was a failing of the director if nothing else.
but let's get back to the pitch because i am so serious it makes a difference!!!!!! even if caleb had STARTED at the same place he should have ENDED putting on at least a Little bit of a deeper voice? like am i supposed to assume this man has No range? i don't wanna assume that i don't fucking know this guy!!!! but like man. angeal is Such an important person to zack. zack sees angeal in EVERYTHING. one of the first scenes is angeal saving zack and grabbing his hand to pull him up. zack is the one who ends up killing angeal. angeal chose him because he knew he was going to die anyway and he didn't want it to be at the hands of shinra by any means. zack is not shinra to him. zack is his cherished friend and mentee. zack kills angeal and is gifted his sword. zack mourns angeal. cissnei tells him wings don't signify a monster, they symbolize freedom. zack looks up to the sky as white feathers fall around him. he catches one in his hand and says, "those wings, i want them too." when zack dies it's angeal we hear his final message to, and we see him reach his hand out to be pulled up by angeal. he smiles as he goes. the main theme of crisis core is dreams and honor. dreams and honor is angeal's theme, angeal's leitmotif. we hear dreams and honor in nearly every song in the soundtrack, even including cloud's. most importantly zack's theme, the actual main character of this video game, is dreams and honor with an electric guitar. zack sees angeal in EVERYTHING. zack thinks the entire world of angeal. in nibelheim he tries to fulfill a similar role in that moment that he had with cloud. he tries to be the rock. when cloud shifts the conversation to be about zack, zack breaks. he lets out a bit of that frustration and confusion at what shinra is forcing him to do. when cloud brings up his sword he suddenly remembers angeal again. not just that he was his mentor and he was grounding, but his strong sense of morals and ideals. his dreams and honor. it is in this moment i believe zack stops seeing "SOLDIER" as SHINRA and starts seeing it as angeal. angeal stopped seeing zack as shinra long ago. before zack kills all those infantrymen he repeats angeal's mantra. embrace your dreams and whatever you do, protect your honor, as SOLDIER. zack is not still attached to the military he's currently slaughtering the lowest members of. he's not desperately clinging to a title of power he once held. he's reclaimed it and given it to angeal.
ALL THIS TO SAY I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT HE CHANGES HIS VOICE TO SOUND MORE LIKE ANGEAL'S AS HE GETS OLDER. like from a character perspective it makes no sense he wouldn't have a vocal change At All after so much has happened like that's a super easy thing you can give to a character to show growth. AND ZACK HAD THAT. BEFORE. i'm running out of steam. it's just kind of crazy to me like even separating rick gomez from the equation caleb pierce plays zack in such a boring unnuanced way. but anyway. heart<3
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disdaidal · 3 months
Zack ❤️‍🔥
Awh 🖤 Zack Fair my beloved
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How I feel about this character: He's a badass warrior that could kill you in a heartbeat, but he could also be your best friend. I love him to bits. I would die for him. He deserved so much better. I don't care what his (few) haters say about him, he was genuinely a good boy. Heart of gold, stubborn to the core. All he wanted was to do his best, have his hard work and efforts mean something in this fucked up world, only to get nothing but shit in the end. Kicked to the curb and forgotten by those who he helped, protected, saved even.
On the other hand, he was meant to be a tragic character. He lived, fought and died, so that the people he loved and cared about could live and carry on. He carved his own path, worked hard for his goals and refused to give in, no matter how hard things got for him. Even when he chose to go down, he did it on his terms—fighting for what he believed in and protecting and taking care of those who mattered to him. He took care of Cloud, kept him alive for months, then took a bullet for him (well, several actually) so that Cloud could live and carry on.
And I was supposed to not just... feel anything for this guy? Not cry for him in the end? Not a chance. So yeah, I do have strong feelings for him and I love him so much, it almost hurts. He's so dumb and reckless at times like holy shit, but he's still precious and I want to protect him *cries*.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Oh boy 🙊🙈 here goes:
Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Sephiroth, Cissnei, Tseng, Biggs, Yuffie (older). He is so shippable honestly. :D It's his sunshine personality.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I really liked the few scenes we got between Angeal and Zack in CCR. I thought Angeal was so great with Zack, mentoring him, keeping him in line and in check when Zack got too reckless or excited, and humbling him down when he got too cocky. I really wish Angeal hadn't abandoned and betrayed Zack because honestly, things could've ended so much better in a way. Without Angeal's support and guidance, I think Zack was more or less lost as a person. Perhaps they both could've lived longer and kept having a meaningful relationship with each other, apart from the mentor-mentee kind of thing. It would've been nice.
I also really liked Zack's and Elmyra's relationship in Rebirth. She was so hard on him at first, for a very good reason too, but he soon became part of her family and she even thanked him for helping her. His moments with Marlene were also so freaking cute, he's so good with kids and I almost wanted to cry again because honestly, I think he would've made such a great big brother, or a dad even. The potential.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I haven't dabbled too much into the FF7 fandom aside from playing the games, watching Advent Children the movie and then making gifs, reading/writing fanfiction because honestly... I've seen quite enough of the general/shipping side of this fandom already and I think I lost a few braincells there. And so I don't really know if I have any 'real' unpopular opinions about Zack's character, really.
But if we're getting into the more shippy side of the things here, fanfictions with certain characters especially, he's often portrayed as the caretaker in a relationship whose own injuries and traumas are often brushed aside, even completely ignored in favor of other character's traumas and injuries. This has become somewhat a personal pet peeve of mine because Zack also went through a lot and suffered a lot (more than most, actually) and I just wish I could see it more you know? He's strong for sure, but he can also be fragile and weak at times. There's nothing wrong with that.
Also... hmhmhm and if we're getting to the actual smutty side of things, I would honestly... not mind seeing him as sub or bottom every once in a while. Both in his m/m and f/m relationships. Just sayin'.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I wanted him to live, obviously. But if not live, at least die happy. He was so positive and optimistic in life, wanted to believe in the goodness of people, and had such high hopes and dreams. I wanted him to see Aerith once more, spend time with Cloud when he was conscious and they'd both be free from the clutches of ShinRa, at least for a while. But yeah, well I guess not then.
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thinkaboutmeff7au · 7 months
flash time 115
I'm really good at getting lost in this place. I was supposed to go meet up with the other 2nds, but I might have gotten off on the wrong floor and taken a wrong turn. And I think I wandered through a security door with another group that I don't actually have access to...
Anyway, there's a huge break room that has a couple windows on the side at the corner, and it's full of Turks. It must be their break room...I slow down and peer through the window from the corner, just out of sight.
The bald one with sunglasses on is Rude. I've seen him around. He's standing in the corner looking at his watch. Then, there's Cissnei having coffee and a muffin at the table. Zack always says hi to her whenever he sees her. The blonde girl with the ponytail I've never seen, nor the guy with dark hair and glasses.
I hear footsteps down the hall. I quickly slip out of sight. Why am I doing this? I should be getting back to my station, but...
"'Sup, bitch," I hear someone say. It's a woman's voice with a gritty tone. It must be the blonde girl.
"Huh? Are you talking to me?" I recognize that voice, though. It's Reno, the red haired guy who always wears his shirt half unbuttoned.
The woman clicks her tongue. "Note to self, Reno responds to 'bitch' as predicted."
"Watch it, you're barely out of training," Reno says. "Tseng will have your ass...hey! Hey what's that look for?!"
A different voice giggles. "Sorry, I don't think Tseng will back you up on that." It's Cissnei. "He's got bigger fish to fry."
"'Sides, when did you become a rat? Little teacher's pet?" the other woman chides. "Hey, I can get you some concealer for those hickeys. Wall Market last night?"
"Dude! Come on!"
I take my chances and peer back around the corner through the window. Rude has popped his collar up, and the blonde woman has kicked back in her chair with a wry, cocky grin. "Hey man, no shame. I can help you touch up your roots while we're at it."
"Shotgun!" Reno hisses.
She puts her hands up. "I'm a bottle blonde, I'll admit it. I'll fix you right up."
Reno's fists are shaking, but Rude looks up. "Reno," he says.
This makes him back down, but only a little. "How the fuck do you know so much?" he snarls.
The other guy at the table, the one with the glasses, looks up from his magazine. "Really?" he remarks.
"Are you stupid? That's our thing," Shotgun says, leaning forward. "We gotta know stuff. What better place to start than in our own circle?"
"You don't have to stalk me!" Reno exclaims. "All right, what else do you know? Not about me, either! How about, uh..."
Cissnei perks in the middle of a bite of her muffin. "How about SOLIDER?" she says, then swallows. "It's easy to start with, especially if you shadow Tseng. He's eyes for their Director."
"Okay, okay." Shotgun tilts her head. "So 1st-class Fair--"
My heart jumps. I can't leave now. The small town gossip instinct roots me in place.
Reno cuts her off. "That's too easy, dude just got busted for crushing Hojo's nose."
"Okay, fine!" she huffs. "1st-class Hewley tends the community garden down in Sector 4. He's there about 3 times a week in the spring and summer. He also sits in for a jazz trio that plays above the plate."
"What instrument does he play?" Rude quizzes.
"Nice work."
Reno paces around her. "Okay, who else? There are more SOLDIER than that--more 1sts, even. That's still easy picking though, they're like celebrities in their own right--"
"1st-class Rhapsodos stashes his weed in Tseng's locker."
"Too easy," Reno says, albeit with a snort. "He complains about that pretty loudly when it happens."
Shotgun rolls her fingers on the table. "Okay...he's...in a gay relationship with 1st-class Cetra?"
Everyone seems to clear their throat at the same time. The guy reading a magazine pushes up his glasses and taps the side of his nose. "Don't be hasty," he mutters.
"Huh? What do you mean, they're not dating? I saw them...they're always fucking leaving together, and looking at each other with those huge goo goo mako eyes. Hell, I caught them coming out of the 1sts training room and Rhapsodos was still buttoning up his pants!"
"Just because they're fucking, doesn't mean they're together," Reno says.
"Don't," Cissnei says with a wave of her hand. "It's not worth it."
Shotgun rolls her eyes. "Well, if you know all that, then you probably know that he's adopted, too."
"Yup," Reno says. "He was 15 when Jenova Cetra swept him up with her three other kids. They're still down in Sector 2."
"No," Shotgun corrects, "I'm talking about Rhapsodos."
All the Turks stop to stare at her.
"What?" Cissnei asks. "Really?"
She appears to have stumped them, and she knows it, leaning back in her seat. "Oooh!" she says. "Gotcha!"
"Fuckin' Banora apple juice poster boy is adopted? Fuck!" Reno shakes his head. "How the hell...and he still got all that money for it? Lucky bastard..."
"That's enough," Tseng says appearing in the doorway, and everyone jerks back, startled, including me. "You were so busy gabbing that you didn't notice a 2nd was eavesdropping."
Uh-oh. I stumble backwards, and hustle around the corner. My heart pounds as I find the emergency stairway and race down it, ignoring the blue in the corners of my vision. Hopefully Zack can give me a pass so I don't get reprimanded...
"Apologies, sir," Cissnei said, standing up and dusting off her lap. "We were waiting for you to arrive..."
Tseng shook his head and set his attention to Shotgun instead. "Rhapsodos isn't privy to that, so keep it to yourself," he advised. "They're his foster parents. He gets a cut of inheritance because of the little bit of acting he did as a child."
"A cut?!" Reno exclaimed. "You're telling me he's rolling in cash and that's only a cut?!"
Tseng glanced over to Reno with a side eye and wrinkled his nose. "Yes. You should really limit your...less savory life choices to your weekends."
"What about Strife?" Rude asked. "The eavesdropper."
"I'll speak with him later," he replied, then narrowed his eyes at everyone. "You all have your assignments. Shotgun is with me today. Dismissed."
As the room disbursed, Reno hung back with Rude. "You knew there was someone listening?" he asked.
"Yeah," he said with a sigh. "I'm on SOLDIER training duty. Hopefully Tseng will understand that's punishment enough."
Reno snorted. "Or front desk."
"Don't tell Elena that."
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doomboogie · 7 months
So far chapters 5-8 were a goddamn slog to get through and I’m bummed about it. Pacing in this part of 7 has always been iffy but here it just kinda screeched to a halt. I know it’s kind of a normal part of many rpgs that the party really should just focus on the main threat and not fuck around, but holy shit these guys really need to stop fucking around.
I was really looking forward to the first Gold Saucer visit because I hated it in the OG and was hoping I would like it here. The design is nice and the music is an upgrade for sure, but seriously fuck the mandatory mini games. I’m so tired of them. Forced to play a shittier version of Gummi ship battles, forced to play a still shitty G Bike, forced to compete in the battle arena, forced to look at every single square even if there’s nothing to do in them! And that’s just Gold Saucer - the chocobo race is still mandatory but it is better in this one, but you’re forced to fuck around and (guess what) play mini games for a fetch quest to even get to the race in the first place. 🙃 At least the racing is halfway bearable now.
I was also really excited for Barret and Dyne stuff but it honestly feels like Barret got the short end of the stick here. I’m hoping some future stuff will make it a bit better but what’s already happened wasn’t great and can’t really be undone.
The lead up is smothered by Yuffie’s butting in all the time, the possibility of Barret being the shooter isn’t there anymore, the actual confrontation between Barret and Dyne is offputting, the boss fight gets outright wacky with the giant metal scraps arm, the aftermath and Dyne’s suicide are more bombastic and over the top in a bad way, and to top it all off we get a random ass goofy Palmer fight to completely kill the pacing and mood followed by yet another mini game!! And then Barret is just…fine! after a minute. This game’s Barret had a much more traumatic and upsetting resolution with Dyne but nope, moving on, we gotta get back to our Ubisoft ass open world checklist and go see motherfucking Cissnei!!
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rens-room · 4 years
final fantasy vii crisis core (not spoiler free):
NOTE: I don’t play video games so my opinion is inherently skewed.
ALSO: I’ve been in the fandom for about 4 years now...all without playing any of the games so fanon and canon are a little blurry for me.
so I watched a cut scene/game play compilation and my initial thoughts are: WTF IS THIS GAME??!!
for some reason I never imagine the shinra logo in characters, I always picture it in english letters.  
why is half of the dialogue lines of poetry from a fictional play? I feel like I have loveless memorized at this point. 
the beach fight. why is zack in a swim suit fighting with an umbrella?? is there a plot purpose for this or??
half the scenes end in weird ways?
more questions than answers. 
why does hollander look like a washed up frat boy with a beer gut? 
hojo and hollander are scary but give off different kinds of scary vibes. 
the best way to save money in game development is to make the enemy clones of a character you already have to animate. 
young tseng/tseng with his hair up is...very nice.
seeing cloud is cool, he’s so young and cute!
I do like seeing the parallels/callbacks to the og game: the train entrance and meeting aerith by falling through a roof. 
multiple bahamut summons lol. 
wow, seeing sane sephiroth is strange. 
I do like seeing my favorite turks (reno and tseng), but man is the plot line crazy. 
zack’s hair change? strange but not bad. because, it’s longer it kinda looks like angeal’s...
why do I feel like the aerith romance sub plot has actual game tasks like find a child and build a wagon?
why must we relive nibelheim (and probably zacks death) again?
ah nibelheim but with genesis this time! 
what kinda cowboy fashion phase was tifa going through...
this sword went from angeal to zack to cloud.
sephiroth logic: if all your friends are having mental breaks and going crazy, you should too.
haha sephiroth gets yeeted by the guy impaled on his sword. 
cissnei, the real hero.
how am I just noticing the giant-ass flip-phones everyone’s got.
genesis flies down and kicks zack in the back and starts reciting loveless. this is treated as completely normal. and then genesis flies away?? 
zacks hair is...magic and can make monsters? 
“no way, he just ate my hair”
do the genesis copies also degrade? or are versions with wings being made now? 
^follow up- they also degrade. 
wait what are hollanders attacks? funny worm? dimension missile??
I like how clouds unconscious body is carted all over the world in the side car. 
genesis reminds me of oikawa from haikyuu. he’s got a flair for the dramatic and feels overshadowed by someone more gifted... 
minerva’s really cool, I wish I knew more about the lore. 
deadman completes literary classic from beyond the grave.
cissnei wtf is your real name?
awwww tseng kept all of aeriths letters! hurt me more why don’t you. 
fuck fuck fuck I was right I’m gonna have to watch him die again. 
I think...reno grew out his hair/got the ponytail in the four years zack and cloud where with hojo because he didnt have it earlier...
why did I not know tseng and the turks wanted to save zack?! ahhhhhhh that makes it hurt more!
why is it the one time you show blood in the game its ZACK’S DEATH!? WHYYYYYYY?! IT HURTS ENOUGH ALREADY!!
aerith knows.
head canon: so solider hearing means that even if zack was on the way out...he probably heard all the gunshots...and cloud’s crying as he died.
hey, hey, hey, cloud, living legacy does not equal borrowing an entire personality, fighting style, or memories.
awww angeal brings zack into the lifestream. 
I wonder if zack had anything to do with cloud falling into the church, like in some kinda magic, divine intervention way? 
did this segue into a remake preview?? or is it just the version I watched?
the full circle ending with cloud on the train hurts but looks so cool!
so was anyone gonna tell me that reno and axel/lea share an english voice actor?? 
also I always forget that it is theoretically canon compliant for sephiroth’s last name to be crescent because his mom (lucrecia)’s, last name was crescent and not just fanon. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
I need to ask you this given your icon: your take on Rufus Shinra ;P
Hey there!
Hmm. Well, I have a lot of thoughts about Rufus Shinra, because he’s a much more complex character than the OG showed us. Before Crisis, especially, showed that Rufus is against his father. He doesn’t seem too upset when the man is killed, no? 
I think Rufus may be more present in Remake since they are bringing in all parts of the compilation. We hopefully will see at least some hinting towards his Avalanche connection, maybe even some hinting or talk about how much he hated his father.
There is a theory floating around that Cloud and Rufus are brothers. It’s an interesting theory, and I’m open to it. I think it’s weird how Cloud stares at the young President Shinra picture in the Shinra museum. The two COULD pass for brothers, but I think it’s a bit of a stretch at times. 
I DO hope we find out at least what happened to Cloud’s dad and/or who he was. That’d be a nice addition to his backstory.
I think Rufus isn’t good or bad. I think he does what’s best for Rufus most of the time. I really liked him in AC - the dynamic between him and the Turks was endearing and hilarious. He also put his full trust in them when he jumped off that building with Jenova’s head and they caught him. 
I’d also LOVE to know who Rufus’ mother is! I heard somebody joke and say Scarlet. I don’t know if she’s old enough for that, nor do I think President Shinra would keep her around if he knocked her up. He seems like that type of guy - he’d banish her somewhere (maybe that’s what happened to Claudia?).
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Another thing that I hope we get an answer on is why Rufus could see the Whispers. Tseng couldn’t, that was clear. They even did a cut to show his POV. Rufus absolutely was confused on what the hell was going on at that point. There’s definitely much more to him. 
But then they do this interesting thing where they have Rufus looking down and Cloud looking up. 
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I am betting these two will have a rematch at some point. I honestly think making them brothers would be REALLY interesting, but maybe a bit overdone - I still would be totally okay with it and the dynamic that could bring. 
I am definitely hoping we get more about Rufus and The Turks.
How does Rude know Tifa?
Did Tseng keep the 88 letters? 
What happened to Cissnei? 
Do The Turks know about the other person (Cloud) running with Zack? Did Cissnei report back who it was? Do any of them recognize him, but are keeping quiet due to orders? 
Why didn’t Tseng tell Aerith that Zack was dead? I’m assuming they know... Or if they don’t know, then maybe they’re trying to figure out where he is if Cloud is up walking around, considering the condition he was in.
Can we just get a whole DLC about Rufus and The Turks? 
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
ok another clack fic cuz cloud whump is the best and there’s never enough, so “please don’t cry” and “don’t ever do that again” from prompt list where cloud is still emotionally inept but zack is always there to help him feel and comfort him🥰🥰
Soooo...this took a very dramatic turn and I’m sorry! I actually have another version of this fic more along the lines of what you asked for in the works, so if you want me to tag you when I post it I can totally do that XD. I’m sorry it took me so long to complete this prompt! Life has been a bitch and I didn’t want to force it, you know?
“Please don’t cry” / “Don’t ever do that again.” (From This Here Prompt List)
*TW for violence and minor emetophobia
-If you want to send in a prompt, the guidelines are HERE and HERE!
Dusk has settled well over the city when the register rings shut for the final time that night. Sealing away the money he’d just counted should not be as satisfying as it is, but Cloud’s more than eager to end his shift. Eight hours is a misery but ten is exhausting, and every muscle in his body aches with the need for plush sheets and the warmth of his heating pad.
Today is Zack’s day off, which means he’s going to want to take the scenic route as he walks Cloud home, but there’s no way in hell Cloud is walking three miles today. He wants his binder off and his packing out. He doesn’t know why he’d thought packing on a busy Saturday was a good idea, but he’s starting to regret it.
Kicking the cup-holders into place, Cloud checks over the fridge and the oven before finally flicking off the last of the lights. There are some dishes still in the sink, but it’s only a couple of plates and a mug. Not enough to bother with, and hopefully not enough to piss Barret off come morning, though Cloud can never be too sure when it comes to the man.
Sometimes, he feels like Barret is warming up to him. Other times it’s like the man has an “I hate Cloud Strife” tattoo painted across his face. Cloud’s long since stopped trying to impress the guy in favor of actually being himself, and the recent response has been a whole bag of mixed signals. The only consolation is that he seems to hate Zack more. Which is why Zack has been permanently banned from visiting Cloud on morning shifts and instead been delegated to walking him home after closing. An entirely useless endeavor, considering Cloud can take care of himself, but Zack mostly does it to keep him company than out of some strange sense of duty, so he lets it slide.
A loud pounding on the door signals Zack’s arrival, and Cloud only makes another cursory sweep over the kiosk before hanging up his apron and grabbing his things from the back. As soon as he heads for the front door he sees Zack, face pressed to the glass and waving wildly, an eager smile splitting his face in two.
Warmth wells in Cloud's chest at the sight, along with a faint of tinge of exasperation at the other man's antics. He sighs and rolls his eyes enough for Zack to see it through the smudged windows, pushing the door open so hard it has him bouncing off the glass.
“Ow! Hey!” Zack huffs, rubbing at his nose with a pout, and Cloud casts him an unimpressed look.
“Tifa’s going to have your head for messing up her window.” The door shuts behind him with a bang, rattling against a gust of heavy wind, and Cloud burrows into his scarf with a shiver. He fumbles for the key with gloved fingers and uses his other hand to pull the scarf tighter, scowling into the soft fabric when Zack only grins.
“Don’t worry! She won’t ever know it was me.”
“Yes, she will.”
“Wh- how?! Nobody saw me.”
Cloud raises a brow at him before turning to the door, fighting with the lock for a good three seconds before it budges and clicks into place, and when he turns back around it’s to see an expression and complete and utter betrayal on Zack's face.
“You would tell her? About me, your own boyfriend? What happened to bros before hoes?”
“Tifa is my bro.”
“What, so does that mean I’m your hoe?”
Cloud’s lips twitch into a smile, and he hides his blush in the folds of his scarf as he grabs Zack’s hand and powers down the sidewalk. “Let’s go.”
“Yeesh! Calm the death grip, piña colada.”
“Absolutely not, Zack.”
“It’s a cute pet name.”
“It’s not a pet name at all.”
“Well, you’ve vetoed literally every real one in existence. I have to get creative.”
“There’s not a creative bone in your body, soldier.”
Zack tuts, tone suddenly serious in a way that has Cloud feeling guilty for snapping, and slows his walk drastically. He tugs at Cloud’s hand as he does so, and Cloud’s forced to either drop behind or risk losing him. Reluctantly, Cloud falls back. When he reaches Zack’s side, the other man is quick to give him a sideways look of concern. “You’re in a mood. Bad day at work?”
“It’s not a mood,” Cloud hisses, because the tension just won’t leave, heart pounding and ears ringing. Zack’s hand tightens around his for a while, thumb pressing into his palm until he’s gentling.
“I know,” Zack eventually says, “those were the wrong words. I’m sorry.”
Cloud glances away. “‘S fine.”
“Did something happen at work?”
“Just-” Cloud exhales loudly, pulling Zack closer as they turn a corner, “-long day. And a Saturday, so…”
“Your chest hurt?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, then how about we talk about the awesome day I had at my work!” Cloud hums his assent, leaning into Zack all the way as he relaxes into the sound of Zack’s voice. “A vet came in for Collie today, and they were the perfect match. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog and a woman fall in love faster in my life. I mean, I’ll be sad to see her go, but she’s still got regular checkups for a bit, so I can spend some time with her for a little while longer. Not to mention Cissnei is an amazing person. I mean, she’s rough around the edges - sure - but who isn’t?”
“I have no idea who that is.”
“Oh! She’s the vet. Just came back from a real bad tour and she needed a trainer with good ethics - that’s me - so she dropped by and almost instantly bonded with Collie. It was so heartwarming. Wait, I’ve got a picture here…She wouldn’t let me take a video but...”
Zack trails off as he searches for his phone, and as much as Cloud loves hearing about Zack’s passions, he takes a relieved breath of fresh air at the break. 
It’s quiet out. Cold and biting beneath a clear sky, and Cloud peers up to blink at the lack of stars and natural lighting. A thick glow isolates the moon above him, created by the ever present lights and sounds of the city, and he feels a longing pang for home. He tugs at Zack’s hand and leans even further into him, pressing his face against the warmth of Zack’s coat, and listens to the rising curses with a contented curl of amusement.
Maybe he won’t go straight to bed, after all.
Steps echoing down the abandoned inner roads, they turn another corner and start towards their apartments. He glances up at the other man through his lashes, reluctant to part completely and abandon Zack’s heat. Snuggling would be nice, he decides. Cradled in his boyfriend’s arms as they warm up beneath the covers. Maybe he could even convince Zack to give him a massage. 
Cloud hums, opening his mouth to ask if Zack would like to stay the night, but before he can so much as get a word out a bruising grip wraps around his wrist. All thoughts of home are wiped clean from his mind as he’s ripped from Zack’s arm with a startled yelp. He twists and drives his head viciously backwards into his attacker’s nose, only managing to feel a brief sense of satisfaction at the ensuing snap and scream before hard metal collides with his head in an excruciating explosion of pain. He gasps and chokes out a cry, legs buckling as his mind splinters in agony.
“Cloud!” Zack’s voice rings painfully in his ears as his hand is wrenched to the other side of his chest, an arm encircling him and pulling him back into another body.
He flinches at the feeling of a cool metal circle coming to rest against the side of his head, whimpering as he’s shaken violently, head flaring enough to make his stomach lurch. “Zack.” His voice cracks on the word as he blinks stars from his eyes, Zack’s wide blue eyes coming into view before the pure, unadulterated horror of his expression does. Cloud’s stomach lurches again and he heaves, struggling weakly against his captor’s grip.
“Hey!” The gun digs painfully into his skin as the man shakes him again. “Quit your damn struggling before I decide you ain’t worth my time.”
“No! No- don’t-” Zack sounds on the edge of panic, and something somewhere in Cloud’s hazy mind tells him he should comfort the man, but no words can find his lips. “Don’t hurt him, please. What do you want? I’ll give- I’ll give you anything, just-”
“I said shut the hell up! You think I’m joking?”
“He’s- he’s out of it, man. Come on. Just tell me what you want. Don’t- don’t shoot him, please. Is it money? I’ve- I don’t have a lot, but- but it’s all yours. All of it.”
Cloud whines out a protest, awareness trickling back slowly. Zack is strapped for cash right now. He wouldn’t survive dumping all of his money. 
“Tell your bitch to shut the fuck up!”
“Hey, calm down man, okay? Here- here’s all of it just...” There’s a thump on the ground in front of them, and what ensues in the most excruciating and awkward bend in the history of Cloud’s life as the guy reaches for it, never once taking the gun from his head. Then there's a scoff, and Cloud knows - knows - what he’s going to say before the words even fall from his lips.
“You think this is enough? The hell do you take me for? Give me all of it!”
“That’s all I-”
“Does your boy have anything on him?” The man’s shaking now, voice wavering on the edge of hysteria, and the tremor of his gun has Cloud swallowing tears of fear. “‘Cause if he’s hiding nothin’-!”
“No, he’s fucking broke, just-”
“I saw you walkin’ along all comfortable! Give me your fucking phone and...and that necklace.”
Cloud’s stomach drops with the words, panic rising high and heedy in the back of his throat. The necklace - Angeal’s necklace. No way. No fucking way.
“Um...the- the necklace, right.” It’s weak and strained, Zack biting his lip to hold back tears, and something in Cloud’s heart breaks. 
“Don’t. Zack, don’t-” his words are cut off in a cry of pain as the gun comes back down on his head again, and there’s piercing, splitting noise like gunfire that has Cloud jumping, bucking against his captor in pure terror as Zack yells.
“Holy shit. What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I told him to stay fucking quiet! The next one goes through his head.” The grip tightens around Cloud until he can hardly move anymore, gasping for breath as the tears shake from his eyes. “Now give me the damn necklace. Now!”
“Okay..okay, I’m giving you the necklace.” Zack’s sounding really agitated now. In a different, very dangerous way that says he’s about to do something stupid, and the thump of Cloud's heart against his ribs is more deafening than the gunshot ever could be. 
Zack is going to endanger himself. Zack is going to do something. Cloud’s mouth feels gummy but he can’t move and he can’t speak and his head feels like it’s on fire. Through the blur of his tears he sees Zack shift, hand coming up to his neck, and he feels his captor freeze against him.
“What are those?”
“They’re my tags, man. They’re...completely worthless.”
“You were in the army?”
“Special forces.” The hard edge to his tone is enough to chill even Cloud, who’s known Zack for years and who’s seen him smile like the very heart of the universe itself. For his captor, it seems to have an even worse effect. One of high, panicked breaths and the uneasy waiver of his gun. 
Cloud sees Zack’s face harden before he charges. Sees him tense and move in the split second the gun is away from his head and it’s like the world comes crashing down around him. “Zack! Don’t-”
His voice breaks as he’s pushed aside, the breath forced from his lungs when he collides with the ground, head searing. A gunshot cracks through the air and there’s a shout, fists against flesh and another shot, this time with a scream, and Cloud tries desperately to push himself up and see what’s happening but the world spins sickeningly and he vomits onto the dirty concrete with a gut wrenching sob.
Then there’s silence. A loud thud that makes Cloud’s veins run cold and his stomach quiver again.
“Cloud.” A hand pushes through his hair, soft and gentle and Zack, and Cloud lets out a sob of relief. He collapses into Zack’s hold, shaking against his knees and encased in his arms, and claws desperately at the fabric of his pants. Burrowing his head into Zack’s thigh, Cloud sucks in a deep breath and exhales with the force of every line of tension wringing his energy dry.
“Zack,” he breathes, “Zack, you’re alive.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m so sorry, Cloud. I should never have let you get hurt like that, I- I- Hey…hey, please don’t cry.”
Cloud shakes his head and chokes out another sob, because God - God - he’d almost lost him. Almost lost Zack. And the tears won’t stop spilling from his eyes even as Zack runs a hand through his hair, up and down his back soothingly. Even as Zack curls around him like he’d never let Cloud go.
“You almost died- you almost-” and then there’s anger, stark and hot as he raises his wet face to glare at his stupid fucking boyfriend, “-don’t ever do that again.”
Zack smiles weakly, wiping at his own eyes with his shoulder, and the glint of his tags - the glint of Angeal’s necklace - makes Cloud’s shoulders seize again as a fresh wave of tears comes. He clenches his eyes to fight it and ducks his head down again, Zack’s words vibrating against his cheek as he speaks.
“I could say the same about you. Fuck, Cloud, I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.”
“I doubt it.”
“No, it’s true. It’s- It’s really, really true.”
Cloud lets that sink in for a second. “Oh.”
Zack cracks out a laugh, forced and loose and relieved all at once, and exhales as his shoulders droop with exhaustion. “Yeah, oh. Never again, Cloud.”
Cloud sighs and closes his eyes, letting the world take him.
“What about damsel in distress?”
Cloud opens his eyes again with the single minded purpose of burning a hole into Zack’s waist. “What do you think?”
“Eh…” Zack smiles nervously and scratches the back of his head. “Too feminine?”
“Too ridiculous.”
“I did just save your life.”
Cloud scoffs and doesn’t say anything for a while. Then, “you’re giving me a massage when we get back home.”
“Sweet Apple Pie, I’ll give you a thousand massages once we get back home. But we aren’t getting home until you’ve been to a hospital.”
“Ugh.” Cloud pulls a face, though for the pet name or the idea of a hospital, he doesn’t know.
Zack takes his response with the usual amount of grace. “You’re going to the hospital if I have to haul your ass there by the seat of your pants,” he huffs, “and I’ll call Tifa to make sure you don’t struggle.”
“We should probably call Tifa anyway.”
Zack sighs lengthily, petting a hand through Cloud’s hair as he tilts his head back to look at the sky, and Cloud relaxes into the touch with a pleased hum. There’s the occasional zing of pain when Zack skirts around the lumps on his head, but the pain fades into a dull background noise over time, as they sit and drift into the quiet of the night.
The ambulance arrives not two minutes later.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
AGS have to go on a mission in Wall-market, and end up having to cross dress. They need important information from Don Corneo. What kind of shenanigans would go down?
The Don Corneo Mission That Did Not Go As Planned
• After a Turk mission goes wrong and the cleanup falls under SOLDIER's jurisdiction, Lazard summons the first-class trio to the briefing room, as no one else is better suited for the job. <- the lie Lazard repeats to himself after emailing them in hopes he'll speak the truth into existence.
Angeal: You asked to see us, director?
Lazard: I'll be direct. One of the Turks—Cissnei—went missing in Wall Market three days ago while she was investigating suspicious activity related to Don Corneo—
*Everyone groans*
Lazard: —and seeing as search and rescue operations fall under SOLDIER's jurisdiction, you three will go to Wall Market and look for her.
Sephiroth: Understood. We can leave right now.
Lazard: ..... It's not as straightforward as it seems. Accessing Corneo's mansion requires a specific type of person. We can't afford to compromise our cover and jeopardize Cissnei's safety.
Genesis: Ah, I see. Don Corneo tends to talk when he's in the presence of beautiful women, so this mission requires beautiful women.
Lazard: Three beautiful women to be exact.
Angeal: NO!
Lazard: Yes.
Genesis: WHY?
Lazard: Because I can't trust the girls from Second and Third Class with this. It will have to be you three.
Sephiroth: I don't understand. Where are we to find beautiful women on such short notice?
Angeal: HE MEANS US.
Sephiroth: I understood the crossdressing part. I mean where will we find two other beautiful women apart from myself on such short notice?
Genesis: SON OF A—
• Getting the trio into their disguises is both challenging and surprisingly simple. Sephiroth's hair is easy to style, and he fits well in a dress. Genesis is a chameleon and insists on doing his own makeup. Unfortunately Angeal feels extremely self-conscious in his outfit.
*Angeal—wearing a corset, long skirt, and wig—stands in front of the mirror*
Angeal: Nope. This is never gonna work. Corneo will clock me from a mile away. Don't you think so, Zack?
Angeal: Zack? Where did you—WHY ARE YOU ONE ONE KNEE?
Zack: I will make you the happiest wife imaginable.
Zack: I'm poor but I'm a good man.
Angeal: GET UP.
• Meanwhile, Lazard is lacing Sephiroth into a corset, marveling at how small his waist is and surprised at how well Sephiroth is handling it, with his glittery silver hair, black dress, and makeup.
Lazard: You look great, and I'm proud to see how unbothered you are by this.
Sephiroth: Studies show that symmetrical, aesthetically pleasing female faces distract individuals and trigger the halo effect. Such women can say anything, and people will be in awe of their beauty.
Lazard: I don't think that's true.
Sephiroth: Here comes Reno. Observe.
*Reno walks up to them*
Sephiroth: When I was four, Professor Hojo made me witness the birth of a newborn lamb and then slaughtered it to show that despite the miracle of birth, death is inevitable.
Reno: Nice tits.
Sephiroth: Thank you.
Lazard: What the fuck
• Meanwhile, Genesis should be thrilled at the prospect of dressing up and performing—he does look striking in a red dress and red wig—but he can't fully enjoy it. He seems to be the only one troubled by his uncanny resemblance to Cissnei while in disguise.
Genesis: This is ridiculous. I look exactly like Cissnei.
Cloud: I don't know why you're upset, sir. You look very pretty and this will hardly be a problem.
*A mailman walks up to Genesis and delivers a live chicken, addressed to Cissnei*
Genesis: What in the goddess' name is the meaning of this!?
Cloud: Oh! It seems that people think you're Cissnei and are delivering her stuff to you.
Genesis: And what would she need a chicken for!? Dinner?
*Cloud covers the chicken's ears*
Cloud: Please don't insult your child.
*Angeal rushes by, dragging his leg which has Zack clinging into it like the jaws of life*
• Lazard rounds them up before sending them off for one last briefing.
Lazard: Are you all ready?
Sephiroth: Professor Hojo once gave me a cup of mud, claiming it was chocolate milk to condition me to despise chocolate, and ultimately deprive me of the dopamine-driven joy associated with eating it.
Genesis, holding the chicken: We're ready.
Angeal, with Zack clinging onto his waist and sobbing: I'm ready too.
Tseng: And I'm ready to quit. Lazard, these men are wholly incapable of completing this mission without drawing attention to themselves.
Lazard: Nonsense. I trust these men with my life.
*A mailman walks up to Genesis and delivers a jar of popcorn kernels*
Genesis: What even is this !?
Sephiroth: Choking to death on popcorn is possible as the small kernels can become lodged in the airway, leading to inhalation, suffocation, and a painful death. Professor Hojo told me this to deter me from eating popcorn.
Genesis: Sephiroth, your breasts look fantastic.
Sephiroth: Thank you.
Angeal: ZACK, LET GO.
*Tseng turns to Lazard*
Tseng: You must not value your life very much.
• They all get dropped off at Wall Market as Corneo's candidates. But they're stopped on the bridge leading to the mansion by a mailman who delivers a pepper shaker to Genesis, addressed to Cissnei.
Genesis: AGAIN? What am I supposed to do with a chicken, popcorn kernels, and black pepper?
Sephiroth: Maybe they're items to care for the chicken.
Genesis: Nonsense. Why would I need to care for this thing?
*The chicken clucks and cuddles up to Genesis, lovingly*
Genesis: I have never loved anything more than I love this creature. This is what joy feels like.
Sephiroth: You had chicken for lunch yesterday and expressed the same sentiment.
*Genesis starts crying*
Sephiroth: You went back for seconds.
*Genesis cries hader*
Angeal: Hey! Is that the vice president coming over here?
*Rufus walks up to them*
Rufus: Gentlemen, before you enter Don Corneo's mansion, you should know that from what we've gathered, Cissnei is alive and possibly being held somewhere inside. It would be best to let Corneo choose a bride while the rest of you search for her.
Angeal: Copy.
*Rufus looks at Genesis*
Rufus: That's odd. I thought Rhapsodos was also on this mission.
Genesis: How dare you—
Rufus: Miss, you are the most stunning woman I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.
Genesis, blushing: !?
Sephiroth: My mother was the most stunning woman I've ever seen. Of course, I only ever looked at her through a photograph, which is now lost forever and can never be retrieved—much like my mother, Glenn, Rosen, my childlike wonder, and joy, among other things.
Rufus: Sephiroth, your breasts look eye-catching.
Sephiroth: Thank you.
*Just then, Zack crawls onto the bridge railing from the river, soaking wet and holding a bouquet of roses*
Zack: 🎶 My love—
Angeal: NO!
*He pushes him back into the water*
• Once they're inside, the bride selection begins, and the three are introduced to Don Corneo. Sephiroth struggles to refrain from summoning Masamune and shoving it down Don Corneo's throat. Corneo is creepy and invasive, and Angeal is relieved that Sephiroth and Genesis look more feminine than him. Now he can focus on locating Cissnei without having to deal with Corneo directly.
*Don Corneo grips Angeal's shoulder*
Don Corneo: I love a girl who can beat my ass!
Angeal: Say WHAT?
Don Corneo: Congrats! You're tonight's lucky girl! You beat the nut case who can't shut up about her terrible things and the one with the pet chicken!
Sephiroth: Chicken meat is an excellent source of lean protein, and contains essential vitamins like B6 and B12.
Genesis: Motherless children are statistically more likely to lead unhappy lives due to the absence of maternal care and nurturing in their formative years.
*Don Corneo grabs Angeal's hand and hauls him off*
Don Corneo: Come along, I had the bedroom prepared for us!
*Sephiroth turns to Genesis*
Sephiroth: He wants us to act accordingly to our roles as female friends.
Genesis: Girlhood it is.
*They turn to him*
Genesis: Good luck, sweetie~ I'm so jealous of you!
Sephiroth: I too wish I could be romantically pursued by a greasy creep with no respect for women~
• Once Corneo and Angeal are gone, Corneo's lackeys naturally approach Sephiroth and Genesis, assuming they're the available leftovers.
• Sephiroth is ready to pack a punch, but there is suddenly no need to, as the same moment Genesis raises his foot to kick one of the lackeys between the legs, the lid of the black pepper shaker he had been holding pops off and a bunch of black pepper flies into his face.
• Genesis sneezes.
• The sneezing frightens the chicken, who flies out of Genesis' grasp and tips over the popcorn kernel jar.
• The popcorn kernels fly into the lackeys' eyes.
• The chicken hungrily attacks their eyes.
• One of the lackeys falls down and this presses a button that was in his pocket.
• The button makes a trap door in the floor open up, and Cissnei walks out.
*While the chicken is still angrily attacking the lackeys*
Cissnei: Hey guys!
Sephiroth: Well that was remarkably easy.
Cissnei: Yeah. Genesis, I see you got my orders. It worked, huh?
Genesis: Wait, all of that was on purpose!?
Cissnei: Duh. I never take a mission unprepared.
Sephiroth: But how did you know the pepper would fly into Genesis' nose?
Cissnei: Same way I guaranteed the kernels would fly out; I loosened the cap. And I made sure the chicken was hungry.
Genesis: Well, this is terrible for Angeal. If we were certain your rescue was guaranteed, Angeal wouldn't have had to go with Don Corneo.
*There's a series of screams, crashes and an explosion before Don Corneo comes running out screaming. Zack is chasing after him with a flaming sword*
*Angeal runs after them*
Genesis: Wow. Who knew Puppy could be so loyal?
Sephiroth: I had a puppy once.
*They look at him, surprised*
Sephiroth: He was a robotic hound used in my childhood combat training. I grew fond of him, so Professor Hojo dismantled him, teaching me that machines are incapable of human emotion and I should be too.
Cissnei: Sephiroth your boobs look so good!
Sephiroth: I know.
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hardnoctlife · 4 years
My Thoughts on FFVIIR
It’s been a few days since I finished FFVIIR, and I wanted to put my thoughts on the game into words, but I gotta get a few housekeeping things out of the way.
1.       These are all MY opinions. I understand and respect that others may have different opinions from me, however, that does not make this an open invitation for argument in the comments, bashing, etc. I have no problem blocking anyone who wants to be an asshole. Just be nice, please.
2.       I grew up playing FFVII and all of its spin-offs. FFVII was my first RPG, and ultimately what got me into playing video games. Nostalgia is a -huge- part of why I enjoyed FFVIIR so much, and therefore I am openly biased towards the game. I’m interested to hear the thoughts of people not familiar with the original, because they’re seeing the story with a fresh set of eyes.
3.       With that being said, I’ve already noticed drama surrounding FFVIIR fans who -have- played the original vs. those who haven’t, or those who haven’t played Crisis Core, etc. I am firmly of the belief that this is a great game for new and old fans and won’t tolerate any condescending attitudes in either direction. Video games are supposed to be fun, so let’s just all agree to enjoy the thing TOGETHER, shall we?
Alright, now that those things are out of the way, onto my thoughts. **MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD**
I’m going to be breaking this up into sections, because there is just too much to dissect! Let’s start with the characters.
“The Good Guys”
Cloud: Still my favorite character of all time, even more so after playing the remake. And of course, he is gorgeous. I could stare into his eyes all day. I know there has been a lot of controversy over getting new voice actors for the remake, but I feel like his VA did a great job. They nailed his personality of “broody asshole with a heart of gold”, and I think the remake had reasonable and believable character development when it came to Cloud’s interactions with the other party members. His dynamic with Tifa, Aerith, and Barrett was also spot on. I think it was a good move on Squeenix’s part to keep him pretty much the same, because he’s such an iconic character for the entire Final Fantasy series, so no complaints on my part!
Jessie: Okay, so, I hated Jessie at first. She was too flirty and all over Cloud for my liking, and I felt this strange disconnect between the “I used to be an actress but now I’m fighting for the planet” part of her backstory. Yes, she was still spunky in the original, but they didn’t draw it out nearly as much (I assume because she was killed off early). I -do- appreciate that the developer’s felt the need to give her more depth and show more interactions between her and Cloud and everyone else, but I also thought it detracted from Cloud’s relationships with Tifa and Aerith to an extent, especially the whole scene where she was asking him to come back to her place with him (yikes). And, true to Squeenix form, they killed off her character, even while letting Biggs and Wedge live (they both died in the original). So, in that sense, I didn’t really care that much for her, although her final scene with Cloud was very moving and redeemed her in some ways for me. So, yay for more screen time, but c’mon Squeenix, why do you gotta use your female characters this way?!
Biggs & Wedge: I loved the updates to their character models, and like with Jessie, I appreciate they tried to give them more depth and dialogue to make their involvement more significant. It did throw me for a loop when they both ended up living instead of dying when the Sector 7 plate fell. I was delighted to discover they survived (until I found out Jessie died and they didn’t). At times, I felt like their exalted importance detracted from other characters, especially at the end in Shinra HQ where Wedge shows up to warn everyone and Avalanche comes in to try and rescue Cloud & the gang, only to imply that he dies -there- instead. To me, it felt like an unnecessary moment to add in, but hey, there are only so many characters in the remake that people get to see, so why not give the Avalanche crew a more important role? I’m interested to see if this means that they’ll be returning in the next installments as they may be ‘fated’ to survive.
Barrett: What a glow up! Barrett looked good, he sounded good, his character was solid and true to the original. I have to say my favorite thing to see was how the banter and dialogue shifted between him and Cloud as you progressed through the remake. They went from basically hating on each other to complimenting each other and being buddy-buddy, and it was truly heartwarming. I even enjoyed using Barrett in battle (more on the fighting system later), which was refreshing. It was a good move on Squeenix’s part to show his softer side by including more scenes with Marlene, and he’s an excellent foil to Cloud’s character, which I feel was consistent for both games.
Tifa: My lady, the love of my life, my HERO. Tifa was -amazing- for me. Also, her VA was probably my favorite of the bunch. The updates to her outfit were much needed, yet she still retained her sexy allure, even if it was a little awkward to hear all the male NPC’s talking about how hot she was all the time. Other than Cloud, she was my favorite party member to use in battle—what a total badass!—and the scenes with her and Cloud made me squeal with delight. I was grateful for the extra attention put into their relationship, and how it was made clear that she was just as important and strong as the male characters.
Aerith: First, the positives. They expanded Aerith’s fighting range, which was appreciated, because in the original I only used her as healer. Her personality shone through a bit more, as she was even ore outgoing than I remembered her being (and even cursed a few times!), and I loved all of her interactions with Tifa and Cloud (my favorite trio/love triangle). Her backstory was pretty well communicated regarding the Ancients and her relationship with Shinra. On the flip side of things, I found her party banter annoying as hell and her voice grating at times (it reminded me of a high school girl), and I’m not sure how I feel about her interactions with the Whispers and what that implies for future installments. There was some hinting at the end of the remake that Aerith may not die like she did in the original (at least that was my interpretation), and I’m not sure whether I like that possibility or not, mainly because Aerith’s death is one of the most memorable scenes of FFVII, and that would change the entire plot. For better or for worse, who’s to say?
Red XIII: I loved all of the scenes with Red! His voice fit him really well, and they showed a lot of character development with him and the group in a short amount of time. I was sad you couldn’t control him in your party, but I’m hoping that will change in the next installment. I’m excited to see his backstory in Cosmo Canyon when we finally get to that point in the remake.
Chadley: This kid was annoying and weird, and I wasn’t sure exactly what his deal was, but he was definitely shady AF. Not sure why he was entirely necessary if he was simply a way to upgrade your materia, but hey, I’ll take that assess materia from ya buddy if it means new stuff for me to use. 
Johnny: Johnny grew on me. Was he also annoying and weird too? Yes. But he reminded me of a Prompto-Gladio lovechild and turned out to be a sweetheart, so I say he can stay, Squeenix.
“The Bad Guys”
Shinra executives: Not much to say here for me other than great job in bringing this diabolic group to life. Yep, still hate every one of ‘em. They stayed pretty much true to their original selves, and all of them matched what I remembered of them, right down to the dialogue. I thought it was an interesting choice to see Sephiroth kill President Shinra (in the original you just find him dead at his desk, impaled on Sephiroth’s sword), but I’m not complaining. That guy was a grade A asshole.
The Turks: Love, love, love how they portrayed each of these guys, and showed how they are also unwilling participants in all of Shinra’s shit. They definitely made them more likeable from the get-go and I felt a lot of callbacks to Advent Children. Reno cursing and being sassy was probably one of my favorite things out of the entire game. He had -so- many great lines, even if they weren’t direct translations of the Japanese. I’m hoping they will include more of the Turks in future installments (like Cissnei in Crisis Core) and continue fleshing out their story arcs.
Rosche: Okay, unpopular opinion, but I did not like this guy at all. I’m not sure what the hype is about him all over my social media. Could be the mullet, which is an automatic ‘no’ for me (Gladio from FFXV being the only exception), but he seemed like an irritating and very pointless addition to the game. His sole purpose appeared to be to prepare you for escaping Shinra and fighting from Cloud’s motorcycle towards the end, but I felt like he could have been taken out of the story entirely without missing anything. I didn’t hate as many of the newer characters (like Leslie) as much as I did him, but I guess he and I just didn’t vibe. I’m assuming he’ll return later on, so maybe my opinion will change. (I sure hope so.)
Leslie: Okay, at first, I was like, “who is this knock-off Noctis wannabe?” but I really enjoyed the backstory and depth they gave this seemingly minor character. I see that Squeenix is trying to provide new things for older fans to take interest in, and in this case, I felt he was a nice touch. (Edit: I was told that Leslie, Kyrie, and some of the other new NPCs were featured in an audio book?! Which I had no idea even existed, so...the more you know!)
Don Corneo: Even slimier and creepier in HD! Honestly, hats off to Squeenix for translating what was possibly the most cringy and controversial part of the original in a ‘tasteful’ way in regard to all of Wall Market. This guy was definitely a worthy villain in the remake.
Rufus: Holy hell. I never ever in my life thought I’d be saying this, but wow, is Rufus hotter than I remember. Thank you, Squeenix for giving me another foxy bad boy to drool over. He was also, for me, the hardest and most frustrating boss battle (even more so than Sephiroth), but it was totally worth dying to watch all the cut scenes with him over again. Can’t wait to see more of him in the next installment.
Hojo: God, I hate this guy. I know you’re -supposed- to, but he is such a creep. Hearing his dialogue in the remake was even worse than reading it in the original. Gotta say, dealing with his four wards in Shinra HQ was my least favorite part of the game by far, but I know he will get his comeuppance later down the road. All the dialogue was just as shocking as I remember, so, yeah. Good job?!
Sephiroth: Alright, anyone else feel like they made Sephiroth EXTRA SEXUAL in this remake?! You too? Oh, good, good, same bro. Now, it could just be me projecting, but anytime he came on the screen…panties were dropping y’all. Of course, I’m not one to complain about Sephiroth content. On the contrary, I lap it up like I just walked through the desert and found an oasis, BUT, I will say this…you barely see Sephiroth at all at this point in the original. As a reminder, the remake only covered the first 4-6 hours of the original game, and I get you can’t really do a remake without at least SHOWING Sephiroth for the people who have been waiting to see him in HD, but with that being said, he was VERY involved. I love Sephiroth, he’s a great villain, but they are definitely changing things with him, so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
My one criticism? His voice was my least favorite out of the main characters. Not saying the VA didn’t do a great job, but it didn’t sound deep enough to be as intimidating. I prefer the VA who voiced him in Advent Children, but I’m sure it will grow on me in time.
Battle system: When the remake’s demo was released, I remember a lot of people were complaining about how ‘difficult’ the new battle system was, but I absolutely love it. It’s just the perfect balance of turn-based and real-time, with plenty of options for customization. If you want more real time, you can set your short cuts, and if you want more turn-based, you also have that option. My only real complaint was that item use is also tied to the ATB bar, but overtime I figured out when to heal myself in a timely fashion (after dying more than a handful of times). Button mashers won’t enjoy this battle system because it requires a little more strategy, but I think the point was to create an updated version of the original fighting style that would appeal to both old and new players, and it definitely delivered. Seeing the classic limit breaks used and being able to run around during battle was so much fun for me, and I about died when I saw Cloud strike his OG victory pose in Wall Market’s coliseum. Also, the transition between running through Midgar and entering battle was SO incredibly smooth and seamless that at times you didn’t notice the shift. Phenomenal.
o   Boss Battles: As much as I enjoyed the battle system of remake, some of the bosses felt unnecessarily hard and/or tedious (I’m looking at you, Hell House). Making use of the assess materia early on definitely helped me out, but I legit got bored at times, especially that damn giant robot you fight with only Barrett and Aerith when escaping Shinra HQ. This is really just a minor complaint, but there were a couple bosses where I died several times (*cough* Rufus *cough*) before I figured out the secret to defeating them, while others were super easy or just not that interesting. Meh. For context, I played on “normal” mode, but it truly felt hard in certain scenarios. (That could just have been me trying to get used to the new fighting style.)
o   Materia: speaking of materia, I did notice some new materia in the game, which was neat, and although I didn’t care for Chadley (dude, where are your parents?) it was nice to have a way to develop and earn new materia throughout. I found it somewhat strange that summon materia was just a thing you could get so early on instead of having to work for it, but I was excited to use it. Shiva and Ifrit were definitely my favorite summons (which hasn’t changed from the original for me). My one big question: where is the freaking ‘all’ materia?! I know they kinda split ‘all’ up into many different types of materia, and you do have ‘pray’ for healing your entire party, but man, that was so versatile in the original so that was a hard adjustment for me not to have use of it.
o   Weapons: I think it’s cool that they developed an upgrade system to make use of your weapons long term, giving them their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Made me think of FFX where you used the spheres to upgrade your characters. Also? I loved being able to see materia in my weapons when I switched them out. That was a really neat touch. 
Music: And here I thought they couldn’t make the music of the original game any more epic, but they definitely outdid themselves in the remake. I enjoyed hearing all the remixes and ways they wove the classic themes into different parts of the games. I think my favorite was when you’re going through sector 5 with Aerith and have to control the giant robotic hands. The music in that section SLAPPED. The in-game jukebox was also a nice way to honor the old school classics. Hearing Aerith’s theme for the first time just about made me cry, and listening to One-Winged Angel fighting Sephiroth? Nothing could beat that moment musically for me.
Side quests: I’m not sure about anyone else, but I really didn’t care for the side quests. They weren’t very fun for the most part, and considering how linear the game is, they felt more like chores that needed to be completed because I had to, and not because I wanted to. The only exception was Wall Market, but all-in-all, most of them didn’t add much to the story, unlike in FFXV where I could go down a rabbit hole of sidequests for hours and hours.
Graphics: This is clearly stating the obvious, as anyone with eyes will tell you, the game is nothing short of gorgeous. I cannot tell you how many screencaps I took of just Cloud. It was definitely a world that I wanted to run around in for hours (and did) and will do so again and again just to look at all the little details. My favorite thing to do is watch comparison videos of the original and remake openings side-by-side. How crazy is it that technology has come this far!
Playtime: My biggest critique of this game is that it was too damn short. Stretching the first 4-6 hours of the original into 40 was definitely impressive, but considering I waited 20+ years for the remake, it was pretty disappointing to finish the game in less than a week. Like most people, I’m wondering just how long they plan on stretching this out, how many installments there will be, and when the second part will be released. Hopefully not another ten years, but it -is- Squeenix we’re talking about...
Most people who played will tell you that most of the remake stayed very true to the original, even lifting some of the exact dialogue and scenes. The nostalgia hit me so hard in parts that I was literally in tears. The first time I watched the opening in the demo, I cried. That’s the power this game has over many people, including myself.
In other ways, the remake improved on parts of the story or re-imagined them. We always knew it wasn’t going to be a copy and paste of the original story, which I’m sincerely grateful for. I would seriously hope that after 20+ years they would have thought of ways to improve or polish FFVII and make it new and exciting for returning fans and people just picking it up.
My pros regarding the updates in the story:
- They fleshed out many background characters and added in new ones. Most of the core group spent more time interacting, and the party banter felt natural and progressed realistically as the game went on.
- New mini-games and side quests expanded on the slums and made the areas larger and more interactive, yet they still kept the nostalgia of iconic locales.
- Plenty of fuel to fan shipping fires with emotionally charged scenes and pretty boys abounding (Cloti and Clerith especially).
- All of Wall Market was brilliantly done. I was wondering how they’d update it for the new generation, and it was seriously the best part of the game for me (and had me laughing the entire time).
-  Hinting that Zack is alive and/or Aerith may live is something I’m listing as a pro, only because I would love to see these characters used to their full potential, however, this is also a con for me, and I’ll explain why.
My cons:
Whispers: If you played the original, you probably had the same reaction as I did when the ‘Whispers’ showed up. “Wtf are these dementor-looking things?” At first, I thought they might be something similar to what we saw in Advent Children, and that they were ‘remnants’ or parts of Sephiroth, or somehow his minions, or even souls from the Lifestream, etc. When I found out they were actually supposed to be ‘protectors of fate’ or whatever, I rolled my eyes, especially when Barret was ‘killed’ by Sephiroth and then miraculously brought back to life. It felt very ‘deus ex machina’ to me in the sense that ‘everything has to go a certain way because we said so.’ While it makes sense, I really wasn’t buying it, but I’m assuming that we will learn more about them in the second installment. 
The Ending: The whole final boss battle of the remake was surprising, because it felt almost exactly like the final boss bottle of the original game, right down to the cutscene where Cloud is thrown through space and faces off against Sephiroth one-on-one. Before you defeat the ‘harbinger of fate’ (anyone else get KH heartless vibes?) and fight Sephiroth as the final boss, Aerith goes on her long spiel about ‘fate’ and ‘destiny’ and ‘this will change us,’ and it’s laid on so thick that it’s almost like they were setting us up for an alternate timeline, which is entirely possible, but that’s all speculation at this point. Regardless, they made it clear that whatever is coming next is going to be -very- different from the original, or possibly is going to be another timeline of the story, especially since Zack was shown alive and well. One criticism I heard from someone who hadn’t played the original game was that they treated Sephiroth and Zack like people you were supposed to know, and I can agree with that. They didn’t spend -any- time explaining their significance, backstory, or why people were so afraid of Sephiroth other than showing you little flashbacks into Cloud’s deranged memories, so in that sense, the ending might have fallen flat for those who don’t know exactly what Sephiroth represents or who he is, or why he stole Jenova from Hojo’s lab, etc, etc. Plus, throwing in Zack at the end is something that anyone who played the original game or Crisis Core would get, but new fans would also not understand the significance of. Personally, I screamed when I saw Zack because I was so happy , but I can see why that ending would be very unsatisfying and/or confusing for some.
Overall: 9/10
No, it doesn’t get a 10/10 for me, even as someone who absolutely loves Final Fantasy VII, but hey, no game is perfect. It’s honestly hard to live up to the hype this game has created since it was officially announced, and all things considered, Squeenix -did- live up to it. I will still be eagerly awaiting part two, playing the shit out of this game and squeezing the most I can out of it until I get to experience more.
I’d love to hear what other people thought (so long as the discourse is respectful of course). If you read this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings!
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escapekissed · 4 years
i think the five love languages are really interesting, bc they’re a neat way to categorize the ways we show and like to recieve affection, but also. i don’t think they apply all that well for the most part. human behavior is so intricate and human relationships form all sorts of bizarre rituals as intimacy progresses and mood swings. just because you love someone may not mean you are able to show them you love them. and often, it cannot be expressed in just one of the five love languages, and is instead a facet of ur personality that goes deeper, that expresses everything you feel you are, everything you want to be seen as as you want to express as much love as possible, if love is important to you.
all this is to say, zack’s love language is ‘ENTHUSIASM.’
zack tries to show enthusiasm in everything he does. everyone is a new friend, a new person to protect, a new person to mentor. even his enemies---he shows enthusiasm in his fights towards them, and this is his own kind of respect. he’s showing his all and being a hero for his people. he hopes you are enthusiastic and show your all too, so you can be a hero for your people as well (even tho he’s obviously the better hero~ sorry about it!)
this enthusiasm comes out in physical bursts, but also in attention bursts. he gives things his all, he gives you all his attention, he never obsesses over people (with the exception of angeal), but he ALWAYS turns up and on for you. he performs for you. he is silly and kind and gentle with you, he encourages you to a fault, he always shows you he is happy to be there with you, and even tho he’s a bit too macho to say it out loud, it’s clear in the enthusiasm of his encouragement and attention, he wants you to know he loves you for being you, for working hard for your dreams, for being a person with dreams, who is worthy of following them and gaining their honor, just like he is.
zack dances a lot. he does squats. he sings to cats and small children. he plays games with them. he tries to show as much love and enthusiasm as he can, and when he gets enthusiasm back (from aerith primarily, but also the ‘love crumbs’ from angeal’s attention and small bits of praise) he is happy, he is content, he feels good.
but this is an extremely hard form of love language to keep up. what happens when you get tired. when your life is falling apart. how can you encourage someone---when you no longer believe in them, or your own honor or your own self? how can you be as kind as possible when you feel broken? how can you spread out your energy, your time, your love---when you feel like your heart has been broken?
and most damningly enough---how can you show enthuisasm when you disagree with someone.
this is, to me, the essential core question that zack poses. zack shows unrelenting enthusiasm to be a hero. he is kind to every soldier and soldier recruit and everyone who talks about soldier, and even the people who don’t like soldier. but as he starts to disagree with what soldier is doing, that enthusiasm fades. it’s hard for him to show love for even aerith. he can’t give her all his time and attention, and you can see how much that upsets him even as he feigns enthusiasm for a job that he no longer understands, or can pretend to understand.
the love language of enthusiasm is exhausting, when you have a code of honor, especially, and you don’t want to lie, but you still want to make people feel good about themselves. it allows you no time for yourself. it allows you no time for introspection besides ‘uhs’ and ‘uhms’ and ‘sures’ and simply ignoring people, which hurts the both of you. people start to fade away in your life, and you simply turn your love towards someone it is easier to love when you are tired, someone who talks about things its easier to be enthusiastic about.
you leave people behind, sometimes, as self-care. but you always leave the ‘ba parts’ of yourself behind first, the parts that object to things, the parts that stand up for your beliefs, unless, of course, you’re angry, and you don’t want to show love because you can’t stand it anymore, and you merely explode.
(this is why zack’s ‘watcher’ is cissnei, a kind pretty woman who he WANTS to be nice and show love to, despite being so angry at the situation hate for himself and this world is starting to fill his heart.)
enthusiasm is unsustainable, but for people like zack, who crave validation and positivity above all else---its the only way he can consider being himself and treating others, until he breaks. up until his last moments, he choose to be his best, most enthuiastic self. to live on as kind, and brave, and gentle, and above all encouraging, even when it hurts him.
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kalmaccountant · 4 years
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@chasiingrain​ asked for: @cssnei​ to receive some positivity! 
POSITIVITY MEME! (Send me a URL and I’ll write positive things about them) 
Alright, let’s talk about JaeJae. JaeJae is kinda trash yo, idk why everyone thinks he’s so cool. All he writes are Turks yknow? Cissnei portrayal? Wack. Zwei? Wack. Memes? Wack. Writing skills? Wack... But I can defo cook you up a nice meal if you ask nice enough! 
Memes aside, because you decided to send this in (WHICH I LOVE YOU FOR BUT I CANNOT PRAISE MYSELF), I’m gonna hit the old UNO Reverse card on you Light because I feel like it and I love singing praises about you so, enjoy~ <3
It took us forever to actually start talking properly, mainly because I was a shy af S.O.B and I didn’t know how our muses could interact but then over the last week or so, I eventually started talking properly to Light and then I realised just how amazing and awesome she is both as a mun and as a writer. For a long time, I admired her from afar but now? God, I’m so damn pleased and happy. She brought Zwei back to life, a muse that I thought I wouldn’t have gone back too until now. She’s so sweet and kind and amazing and I really owe a bit to her (SHE TOOK SCREENCAPS OF NICK BATEMAN WHILE I WAS ASLEEP LIKE? WHO DOES THAT? SITTING THROUGH ALL THOSE INTERVIEWS AND CONTENT AJSDLFHAF)
As for writing, I absolutely adore what she’s done with Jessie and in my eyes she’s probably got the best Jessie on the Tumbles (biased? Probably but honestly it’s pretty fucking good). I see the way she writes her, the way she characterises her and respects the source material while adding her own unique flair to the character. She really puts work into her and I’m proud and lucky that I’m not only able to write with Jessie but be able to have a ship with that character. I am glad she trusts me with it, as I adore her Jessie so much. And as for Jessie and Cissnei? Badass fight scene in KoG yeah ;3?  Oh but wait! There are more muses? 
Agent 47 is also a damn fucking treat to write with, she portrays Murder Husbando so well and ugh it just makes me squal in delight when Tobias and Zwei do something cool together. Your Claire is sweet and adorable and I love her (Again waking up my old muses, I offer thee my LEON!!!)  I’m in love with your OCs Nova and H, they’ve got uch a nice aesthetic and such a good backstory... I love my Cyberpunk siblings a lot! And then we have Wes... Who I’m so excited to write with too, I’mma throw Cissnei at him so hard you have no idea.... 
All in all, I’m just a fucking Light stan. Chatting with her daily for the last week/week and a half? I get excited and giddy everytime. You are very important to me. From being super anxious to talk to this? I’d say we did a pretty good job <3 I LOVE YOU LIGHT!!!!!
PS:; You get one of my fav Resident Evil shitposts to go along with this positivity because I think you and I can both appreciate this <3 
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sentofighta · 5 years
ship list bias ? update ? 
einar: for now single ship with sora ( @/crownofsmiles )
           he is hard to get him to be interested in someone on a romantic level because he puts his uncle then his job first so any other thing is secondary to him. but he is a good boy who likes having a family..someday.
eight: cater, deuce. (no ships atm) 
           being a cadet means little time for romance and all that teen fun time. but he is such a sweet boy who loves his friends and mother and wants to do the best in order to make her proud. also no fighting, fighting is bad. but he can knock you out cold. shipping with eito is not hard but it requires time so he can understand that it is ok if he had some...time for himself and not just war only.
machina: rem, deuce ( @/oursongofhealing )
            machina is a tricky one. his fears keep him away from a lot of things. he is very faithful and will do his utmost best to secure happiness for his partner. he is a good boy really. please we dont talk about incognito ok?  guys he loves chocobos. ey, ey?? anyone? because of how machi role is, he can be hard to get hold of? after you know a certain timeline if we are going by the game but overall, you need to make him move from his childhood crush. it aint easy but it aint impossible. 
zack: cissnei (im rareship trash dont at me), aerith. (no ships atm)
           puppy? literally puppy. a good puppy. he just wants to have a good time and make good memories. and kind of brag to his parents he got a GF lmao. a very sincere and honest guy. tbh shipping with zack is not hard but ...it will gradually grow harder if you cannot keep up with him ofc. 
Sohrab: from awakening atm no one. though anna could have a chance. no ships atm.
            sohrab is just sohrab. if you are alchemy he will love you, if you are not he does not have time to waste with you. he prioritizes his life to pursuing his passion, alchemy and anything else is pretty much secondary...maybe less even. he is not entirely against the notion of getting with someone but he got a lot of conditions and points his love interest got to pay attention to, among them his lineage of both ylissean and plegian which can be troublesome to some and he does not want to go into problems because of it. 
roland: maybe noire but it needs a lot of communication but atm no ships.
          he got no time for love when is busy doubting everyone and keeping a close eye on lucina and chrom. smh what is love? i got no time for that buffoonery. but aside from that, he is the serious guy who wants everything clear. he does not like hit around the bushes if he found someone he will confess. but you have to gain his trust before his love ;;; save this boy. he is good believe me. he loves animals!!!!!!
lucina: owain. (before you speak. i know. it is very ok for me because it is very ok in MY culture. you dont like it. there is a magical button called ‘unfollow’) other s supports are okayish for me. marc/morgan depend heavily on the interpretation. as for Avatar ....same with the interpretation. (no ships atm)
            lucina is just like any other girls. she will love but because she sees everyone else above her own happiness, her duties come first and foremost, she cannot find that free time to be a normal girl and act on her feelings. she has in odd sense of..fashion and humor but if you can tolerate these you are a special being. and ofc you know you will have chrom as a dad-in-law hmm~ (and roland too depend on the verse lmao!!! we make the rules here ehehehehe)
aiden: i think she might be interested in Guy (same tragedy vibes yo) no ships atm (or jade. who knows hoho)
         the act to be happy and stuck in acting. she is..conflicted. a complex of emotions because she focuses on acting a lot of time that she sometimes forget what it means like to be ‘actually’ something. she is chill though and not against being with someone but she is dragging some big luggage and needs someone to understand. 
balan: spyrites project. jokes aside but seriously he is 30 years and just loves science and spyrites. what do you expect of him?
           his personality might be a turn off for some especially if they know he kind of like to gamble....a lot. with ...anything. especially dirt stories. call alvin and ask him. he knows. but aside from these things, he is really a thoughtful and generous man. he is kind and likes to listen when people talk to him because it is part of his job to listen. it often helps him figure out stuff when he listens to others. he may find it hard to love-love someone because he spent all his time in laboratories and dedicated his time to save the spirits and the co-existing, but he will warm up with time. 
feiruz: like literary anyone kind and good with animals ?  ? ? ? 
            a very romantic girl. she likes to fall in love, be happy, and all that fuzzy fluffy nice feelings! but not like she will just throw herself at the person but like you know deep sighs when she sees him. try to figure out what he likes and you know just try to have more conversations to know him better. she is a good gal. let me introduce you to my family comes waaaay later. unless there was a need to you know. 
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