#like- uh. well see a LOT of the oc content i do is to script with one of my best buddies
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acoraxia · 4 months ago
Currently working on some little icons and trying to think of what would be good perks for joining my tiers so uh idk speedpaints? free art requests for $5+ members? idk i’m workshopping it
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vampstel · 4 months ago
Had a question
What is your typical video? Like do you do art or script first? (I am asking to see what I can do to use it as inspiration for my own)
I figured maybe I’d ask you to get more insight on how you get stuff done if this made any sense
Side tangent I absolutely LOVE your work. You have no idea how many characters designs of yours actually saved me. I usually just look at your work and I had to redesign a character because he looked way off. And your designs actually helped me figure out what I was missing!!
Okay so… This is gonna be a pretty long response since my work process usually depends on what video I’m making so uh… Answer’s under the cut 🫣
If we’re talking about my Design With Me videos:
I always do the art for them first to make the scripting process easier. After all, I don’t have much to say about my characters if they don’t exist yet LOL. That being said though, I always have notes about my OCs prior to scripting and drawing since that helps with the whole work process in general.
Usually, I write down the characteristics and physical traits I want my characters to have. Sometimes I write the inspirations and references I could possibly use for them too. A lot of the things I write down during this process doesn’t get shown in the final cut of the video but here’s a general idea of what this stage looks like:
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After this stage I draw the character, finish their reference sheet then repeat one or two more times before scripting and boom. A Design With Me video is born lol
For my Art Ramble videos:
It really depends on my motivation but the script’s usually done first. I don’t have to worry much about the speedpaint footage for Art Rambles unlike Design With Me. After all, one series is focused on art topics while the other is focused on the art itself. When I used to do Draw With Me content, it was the same process as well. Script came first, then the art comes right after.
(And yes, this is why Art Rambles With Kai episodes are easier for me to produce lol)
I think that’s about it. Hope this was helpful!! And thank you as always hehe ^_^
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3wisellamas · 3 years ago
Primes! And if any require a specific fic, pick your favorite. >:)
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Honestly, you can just look at my AO3 and pick them out -- I tend to fixate on and make tons of headcanons about a few specific characters for each fandom, particularly ones that didn't get a ton of development in canon, since I can develop them to my heart's content instead. ;v; Currently it's Sweet Cap'n Cakes, since they're just wonderful, but I also really love all the Boxbots (Logic included) and, surprisingly, Professor Venomous? He might not have actually been my favorite character on OK KO, or one that canon didn't develop, but he was fun as hell to write.
2. What character(s) do you find the most difficult to write for? Why?
Weirdly enough, main characters, or whoever's the most popular in their specific fandom -- if there's high expectations and a ton of other conflicting ideas about them, it's tougher for me to come up with my own headcanons and write them!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
Using...uh...Well, I've used Shades of Gray too much for these, let's go with a new favorite, Odd One Out.
I just really like the intro to this one, that scene with Sweet watching the other two on the couch and thinking about how he doesn't yet know them all that well since they'd just met, and I even got to do a little worldbuilding describing the weather in Cyber World. It's one of those scenes I just saw in my head and HAD to write, and the rest of the fic came from there. ;v;
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
All the damn time. I actually have tons of character-specific playlists, that are really personal and weird since my taste in music is really weird, so don't ask to see them.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
...Oof, there's a lot ^^; Deltarune-wise probably all the ones I'm working off of for how the Dark Worlds work, as well as SCC's weirdly-detailed backstory, and on the OK KO side I REALLY love the ideas I came up with for the episode OK AU, and the other swapped hero/robot characters I got to write in that one fic!
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I really like writing in a more action-driven style; I don't really do a ton of description or metaphor, and go instead for really matter-of-fact stuff, and if I want to develop a character or make the reader feel something I'll do that via actions and dialogue.
Even when there's a ton of dialogue going on I'll still have the characters doing something in the background, both to break up the chunks of text and to keep things from grinding to a halt!
13. When did you start writing fanfic? 
*Points to the astonishingly-accurate question number*
I was on FFN in the early 2000s, the days of random humor and script fics. Those were some dark times.
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
I really really really like fluffy everyday / domestic stuff, as well as fics that are straight-up just bonus "episodes" of canon, where I try to be as 100% compliant as possible.
Also, I'm an absolute sucker for hurt/comfort and sickfics, with emphasis on the comfort part, though I refrain from writing a ton of these for...reasons. ^^;
19. What words do you think you tend to use the most? 
Honestly, I really just tend to overuse a ton of words, usually adverbs, and it's actually a very very bad habit.
23. How much do you stick to canon? 
I actually tend to stick exclusively to canon! Or, something really close to it, that'd fit seamlessly in there -- I like worldbuilding and expanding on canon, in ways that feel like they would be in the original work! OCs and AUs are...actually very difficult for me. ^^;
29. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Making up a fuckton of headcanons about the characters/setting beforehand, and letting the stories just form naturally from those. I guess that counts as brainstorming?
31. What was the development process of [Fanfic Name] like? 
(Again, using Odd One Out)
I just kind of came up with a bunch of really weirdly-detailed backstory headcanons for SCC early on, and really wanted to do something with them. ^^; I knew I couldn't fit ALL of them into one fic (...though I may or may not actually be attempting that for real right now), but I still just started writing that first Sweet scene based off of them, and went from there.
Also, there was a lot of screaming about it as I went, both with @the-golden-ghost and on the Treble Rebels Discord server. XD Screaming about your writing is the most important step!
37. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story? 
I'd definitely be open to it!
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calpalirwin · 5 years ago
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Summary: Rehearsals get a little messy when you land a role opposite your best friend
A/N: Anon request- Fic where y/n or an oc is in high school with the boys and Ashton and her audition for a play and both get lead roles. Maybe the play is something like Beauty and The Beast or Little Shop so the romance dynamic is strong as hell -Bird.
Content: High school theater. Teenage awkwardness.
Word Count: 1.2k
And away, and away we go!
She slammed the flyer down on the lunch table, a wide grin on her face. “School musical! Who’s auditioning with me?”
The boy with black curls and dark eyes rubbed at the back of his neck. “Soccer practice, sorry.”
“Already playing the music for it,” the blue-eyed blonde shrugged.
“Uh.... videogames!” the other blonde grinned, his green eyes pleading with her not to be mad at him.
Her excited grin fell to a frown as they all turned to the fourth boy. “Aaaaassssshhhh…” she asked, drawing out his name as she leaned forward, batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips.
The hazel-eyed boy sighed, passing a hand through his sandy brown hair. “What play?”
“High School Musical!”
Ashton groaned.
“What scene are we auditioning with?”
Her grin was back.
He lost track of his own feet as he twirled her back to him. “Ash!” she laughed when he stumbled.
“Sorry!” he giggled with her.
“Ash, the audition is tomorrow,” she reminded him, firmly.
“I know. I’m trying okay?”
She smiled softly at him. “Get out of your head, Ash. Stop thinking too much and just let your body move.”
Ashton jumped lightly in place, shaking out his nerves. “Alright,” he nodded.
“Take my hand,” she sang along to the lyricless song as they started over. Their hands interlaced as she rested her free hand on his heart. “Take a breath,” she smiled as she felt his chest move with his breath. “Pull me close,” was the next instruction, and his free hand pressed into the small of her back. “And take one step.”
“Alright, next up we have Ashton and Y/N,” the drama teacher announced, gesturing to the empty stage.
“Don’t be afraid,” Ashton sang, twirling her towards him. “Afraid to fall.” He kept a secure hold as she dipped gracefully in his arms. “You know I’ll catch you through it all.”
“Holy shit,” she breathed, her finger hovering next to the first two lines on the cast list.
“Did you get the part?” Ashton asked, peering over her shoulder.
“We both did…” Her eyes were wide and her tone was stunned.
“We got the lead?” he asked, blinking.
“We got the lead!” she screeched, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
Ashton blushed.
“Well, do your characters kiss?” Calum asked.
Ashton shook his head. “Nah. A few moments where it feels that way, but no.”
“Damn,” Luke muttered with a shake of his head.
Ashton shrugged. “It’s alright. Still gonna be spending a lot of time with her.”
“So, you gonna kiss her?”
“Our characters don’t kiss, Mike.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“Why would I kiss her if that’s not in the script?”
“Because you’re in love with her?” the guys supplied.
Ashton scoffed. “What? I’m not in- That’s crazy.”
“So, you’re just gonna keep playing this game of pretending that you’re just friends with her?”
“I’m not pretending anything! I am friends with her!”
“Friends don’t look at friends the way you look at her, mate.”
Ashton sighed, pushing his hands through his hair. “Okay, but just because I like her that way, doesn’t mean she feels the same way.”
“Ash?” Calum piped up.
“Why do you think she asked for an audition partner?”
“Because she didn’t want to audition alone?”
“Because she already knew we’d say no. It was a safety thing. She could act like she was asking us in general and would have agreed to any of us. But she knew we’d say no and you would say yes. Which is what she wanted.”
“Okay, but why would she want me for an audition partner? Luke’s the better singer. And you’re the better dancer.”
“Because she loves you too, dumbass. Haven’t you been listening?” Luke asked with an eye roll. “And you call me the idiot…”
“See?” Mike laughed. “Even Luke knows.”
Ashton reached out to grab her arm as she moved away from him. “Hey, hey. Look at me. Right at me,” he coaxed softly. He swallowed thickly as she whirled back to face him. Even though he knew it was fake, she looked so terrified. “Right at me,” he repeated with a smile. “It’ll be like the first time we sang together. Remember? Like kindergarten.”
A shy smile crossed her lips as she gave a small nod of her head, eyes still locked on his. His tongue poked out to wet his lips. His head leaned down instinctively.
“Ashton, stop ducking your head. We need to see you,” the drama director called out, breaking the moment like glass.
Ashton jumped a step backwards, his cheeks burning. “Right! Sorry!” he chuckled, thoroughly embarrassed.
The drama teacher had already moved on. “Band, mark ‘like kindergarten’ as your cue. Alright. Run the scene again, this time with the song. Light crew, get ready for your cues.”
“Ready, Ash?” she grinned at him.
Ashton nodded as they jumped in place, wiggling out their nerves. Closing night. And he was going for the unscripted kiss. No one could yell at him not to anymore.
The closer they came to the end of the show, the more nervous Ashton grew. And it had nothing to do with stage fright.
“Congratulations, Wildcat!” she smiled brightly up at him, the red dress dancing with her movements.
“What about your team?” he asked her, breathless, as his heart hammered in his chest. This was it. One more line.
“We won too!” she broke the news.
He was supposed to take her in his arms and spin in a circle. An action just long enough to cue the next line. Instead, he matched her grin, and crushed his lips into hers.
If the audience whooped, he didn’t hear it. All that mattered was the feeling of her fingers tangling in his hair as she kissed him back. Yes!
“Hey, Ash?”
He turned from where he was standing with Calum, Luke, and Mike. They had been congratulating him on not one, but two jobs well done. He wasn’t sure he’d ever stop grinning. “Hmm?” he asked.
“Can we talk?” She nodded her head in the direction of the empty auditorium.
His heart stopped. “Uh… yeah… Yeah!” he stammered. “I’ll uh…”
Calum’s hand came down on his shoulder. “We’ll catch you later, mate.”
“Yeah. Later,” Ashton agreed, his spinning world crashing to a halt.
“Great job, Y/N,” Calum said, having moved to wrap her in a hug.
“Yeah, you did amazing,” Mike and Luke offered their congratulations to her as well.
“Aw, thanks guys,” she told them, her cheeks turning pink.
“So…” Ashton said, falling into step with her as they walked back inside the theater, the empty stage still lit up.
“So…” she giggled. “That, um… was there a script change?”
“No,” he confessed with a shake of his head.
“Good. So it won’t be weird for me to do this, then.”
Everything that happened next cemented in his memory. His eyebrows pulled together in confusion. His mouth parted to respond. Her lips set a course for his. His eyes widened in surprise as her fingers wove into his hair. His arms pulled her tightly to him.
“Safe to say you like me?” he asked, a cocky grin on his face as they pulled apart.
“How many hints do you need?”
“Which answer gets you to kiss me like that again?”
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@frontmanash​ @goeatsomelife​ @flameraine​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @cxddlyash​ @1-irwin-94​ @sparkling-calm​ @tea4sykes​ @youngblood199456​ @5-seconds-of-obsession​ @gosh-im-short​ @aquarius-hood1996​ @talkfastromance4​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @philthepegacorn​ @kikixfandoms​
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comicteaparty · 5 years ago
February 22nd-February 28th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from February 22nd, 2020 to February 28th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How do you deal with people shipping non-canon ships for your story?
Deo101 [Millennium]
To be completely honest, I've only had one person ever ship a non canon/endgame thing. I kinda just ignored it. I think I would in general just ignore it, no matter how many people did ship a non canon thing. But it does make me uncomfortable
I once had a professor tell me "once you release your story to the world it no longer belongs to you" and i think he was right. once your story is shared with others it can no longer be said to be solely your creation anymore. you can't stop other people from shipping non-canon ships and even if you want to discourage it it's kind of beyond your hands at that point. other people's interpretations of your work is something you have to accept as a creator even if you find it unsavoury
this is always in the back of my mind so uh, I let folks be and try not to search up fandom pics of my comic. at the US at least, I remember reading that creators who are currently writing/creating a story and it's not up to completion, anything like viewing fanart or reading fanfiction of alternative interpretations is not advised. So you have to stow it away till the story is thoroughly done, then you can just check out what fans are doing rip. I think it's aimed towards creators who have like NDA thing they're working on or if they're working with a publisher. still, I thought that's an important thing to keep in mind.
though I do get folks send me like single character fanart and really doesn't interfer with the story anyway so I accept those lmao
@Tuyetnhi that's for creators to not get sued for having their story turn out similar to people's fanfics
aahhh :0
still er lmao. if the possibility is there, I rather not uh.... seek it lmao
especially like shipping fanfiction of my characters when the story isn't over yet lmao
eli [a winged tale]
I totally agree carcarchu. Readers can interpret character interactions through their own lenses and sometimes what we as creators intend in the story may be seen as a potential ship to varying degrees. I actually just had a conversation about this within my beta circle where a friend who hasn’t seen the whole script shipped a non canon pair and it was interesting! I personally don’t feel disturbed by it unless the pair had a large age difference/can potentially be unhealthy etc. There is a threshold I won’t cross but that tends to be quite high. Otherwise I just think it’s interesting and continue the actual story
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I haven't come across this with mine yet, but given that my story is deliberately non-romantic and the whole cast is aroace, I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone shipping any characters romantically. But that's very specific to my comic.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
To me, there are four levels of "non-canon" with regards to shipping. 1. You were supposed to ship this and get disappointed, so good job. The obvious example is the Mizuki-Cahe-Pejiba love triangle. Mizuki x Pejiba doesn't work out in the end, but it's not like it was a non-viable ship - if Mizuki x Pejiba wasn't compelling at all, it wouldn't have been much of a love triangle, now would it? 2. Didn't think of it myself, but I get the dynamic you're going for. One surprisingly common ship in the shipping contest poll was Taci x Coruby, which isn't a ship I was deliberately teasing... but, like, I get it? Coruby is outgoing, loyal, and makes lots of dad jokes. Taci is prickly, self-absorbed, backstabbing, and was (is? probably is) literally afraid of dad jokes. I can definitely see why people would want to see more of that dynamic. 3. ...Why? An example of this is Zaxaty x Mr. Enetoro, which showed up in the poll. Even ignoring the bad age gap (22 vs 50 which is like... all right... she's half your age but ok...) and the sexuality incompatibility (Zaxaty's only into women, Enetoro's not into anyone)... these two have literally never spoken to each other either on or off screen. Literally what drew you to this pairing??? Like I'd almost believe it was a mis-click on the poll over anyone actually thinking these two work together. 4. Bad, bad, very very bad. AKA "they're related", "one's underage", and/or "i know exactly why you want this ship, and I don't like it". For a while during the shipping poll's running, the third place ship was Mizuki x Nothing. First off, the age gap there is pretty gross, but I guess I can't expect readers to know that (Nothing is an immortal demon, but relative to other demons it's a kid so... someone's underage there). And second... I know exactly why people were shipping Mizuki with the giant demon that uses tendrils to mind control people, and I do not like that dynamic.
As for what I do about the ships in #3 or #4... so far, nothing, because they've been contained to the poll. If someone drew actual art of them, though, I'd probably tell them to stop, and I for sure wouldn't post the art on my fan-art page.
I don’t have a very present fandom, at least in the sense that there’s any amount of shipping that’s unexpected. Or maybe it’s tucked away? I think the people who read my comic aren’t ones who make their own content. Either way, I’m pretty ok with shipping non-canon ships. I’d encourage it, really. I love the idea of people having fun with my characters in a way I didn’t expect. As for ships that are taboo... as long as they’re not hurting real people, I just don’t want to see it really or be made to be part of it. It would make me uncomfortable.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, how pushy/not pushy they are with Weird Ships is a big factor for me as well.
As long as they keep it to themselves, they can ship all the ships they want, no matter how icky. I'd prefer to not know if it's really icky.
So far there is only one Potentially Viable ship in my comic, though. And that Viable ship is very, very important to me. So if anyone ships one of the involved characters with someone else, I would seriously hope it's not because I've failed to develop the Viable Ship in a compelling manner. People are free to ship whoever, but don't let that be because of my own failure as a storyteller?
I've actually had anti-shippers against that Viable ship though lol, which may be relevant to the topic. What do you do when you get vocal anti-shippers of canon ships
I do think it is related, like another variation of "people sticking to their own thing with regards to ships."
As a shipper: any crack ships I come up with is usually just because I like to explore the dynamic. Some people are more extreme about hating ships but... idk it’s probably just because they don’t like one of the characters for some reason
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Believable crackships can be a lot of fun to observe, as a non-shipper. Like I look at this amazingly well-written crackship and I'm like, wow, this is sorcery
I haven't had it happen yet (my comic is less than a year old and doesn't have a lot of followers haha) But I'm really open about shipping! Much like @kayotics I would probably encourage it. I'm personally aroace and in my original writing I like to explore non-romantic relationships, but I know the appeal of shipping and tbh i ship my own ocs that aren't canon to the story/don't get explored in the comic because they're background characters for whatever reason. It would be genuinely fun to see if other people started exploring those ships on their own! Or things I haven't thought about! If something made me really uncomfortable, I would likely ignore it. If someone tried to get their non-canon ship to become canon that would be worse, no matter if i personally liked the ship or not, lol.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, people need to respect boundaries, always
Yeah, definitely. It wouldn’t make me uncomfortable unless someone was trying to break into my personal boundaries
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
It doesn’t happen so much currently with Phantomarine, because I just don’t have enough shippable characters yet (related, underage, or otherwise just kinda squicky). I wonder what will happen when I introduce more. But as long as people are interacting with my characters in a fun healthy way, but still respect my choices in the end, they can ship away in any (legal) direction. It’s honestly not a ship-heavy story. It’s far more about friendship and healing and rebuilding strength/trust after trauma - if any shipping were to happen, it would probably be in a sequel or continuation when everyone is... feeling a lot better
Depends on the characters. 90% of the time I don't care, I may even make jokes. There's nothing wrong with people wanting to see my hideous characters getting together, although there are two things that would make me a little salty. 1. If there is a scene going on that I want readers to take seriously. Such as if there is a part in the story where someone is overwhelmed and having a mental break down, then another character comes over to help calm them down. It would be kinda rude to get a bunch of comments screaming "KISS THEM!", "KISS NOW!" Although that could just be me being a stick in the mud. 2. Anything involving Julian. They are currently not mentally stable enough to properly consent to any romantic endeavors, so when people try to ship other characters with them it's a little... eeeeh! Kinda non-con, and it feels a little gross. I try not to get on anyones ass about these, realizing no one means any harm, they may not even be full aware of the situation. (Especially with Julian since they're still functional enough to talk to people sometimes and hold down a job.) Normally I leave the comments be, they just kinda irk me sometimes.
Honestly, I think I'd be flattered to see more fan interaction with Fractured Magic. Even if it's a ship I don't really get, it would just be nice to know people are engaged with the story and like my characters enough to interact with them beyond just reading (though this answer's definitely coming from a place of having been publishing it only half a year and not having a huge readerbase yet) Someone making fanfic with my characters is actually a major goal of my writing, but I agree with the above people who said reading it before the story's done probably isn't a good idea. I don't think there's much legal risk to it (I actually wrote a major paper on this in law school) - there's only been one case even remotely analogous in the US. Someone wrote a Rocky fan script and sent it to the writers, and then the next Rocky movie had a similar plot and the person sued. The judge said if you make a derivative work (like fanfic), you can't sue the creators of the original copyright for infringement. But I do think it would be bad form bc it is really easy to be influenced by stuff like fanfiction of your own story, even if you don't mean to be
Thankfully I haven't had to deal with people shipping my characters from MHIAC with anybody else. But that's mostly because I've only actually introduced the two main characters, who are husbands, and one friend. I think it'd be super interesting to see how people view the character relationships once I introduce more of the cast. I'd be really curious too! I mean, I don't want people to try and break up the canon couple that's for sure... but I guess all the side characters are fair game for shipping if people choose to. I'd honestly be super flattered if people shipped any of my characters, it would feel like I'm doing something right. As long as there's no NSFW stuff because boy that'd make me uncomfortable.
Shipping‘s fan stuff and just for fan, as long as you do it in your own space, go hog-wild. Have fun! Not gonna watch/read/view it, but have fun! People taking their headcanons as fact for the main-comic might end up a problem, but I‘ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
So far, I've only had people ship the canon main couple, so I haven't had problems yet. But honestly, I don't care who the readers ship for the most part, unless it's gross and/or illegal. For example, if they are related or underage... Other than that, I don't mind. It's all in good fun
Deo101 [Millennium]
I actually wanna add on to my comment: non canon ships only make me uncomfortable if they go against the Characters sexuality, or if it's an abusive ship or illegal. If it's not one of those then it doesn't bother me! My Characters are generally friends so I totally get someone wanting to ship two who won't be endgame
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I dunno. I just can't be bothered by stuff like that for multiple reasons. 1) Most of my characters don't talk about their sexuality in the comic. 2) Because of setting and time period, everyone expects everyone to be straight (which of course isn't true). 3) And I don't think readers typically mean anything bad by shipping people with each other that won't be together (again, unless it's gross or illegal).
One of my characters, for example, is aroace, but he doesn't even know that's a thing, because sexuality and mental health is not understood in this time period. So of course he hasn't mentioned that he's aroace at all. He is married to a woman, because of societal expectations, so likely he will be shipped with her. But their relationship is horrible, and it was definitely a marriage of convenience. So if readers decide to ship him with other people, I can't fault them, because they simply do not know.
Him being aroace is only in the subtext and in my heart.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I make my Characters sexualities pretty clear, so I consider it akin to homophobia to want to see my gay man with a lesbian
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
In your case, it's definitely a bit different, because you have made it obvious.
Capitania do Azar
Too bad @Deo101 [Millennium] i am preparing problematic ships right now (no I'm not)
I don't care about what people would ship, and I would be curious as to why people think this or that pair could work it's a very interesting way to see how people are interpreting the story and the characters
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I'm definitely scared of people shipping incestual relations in my comic, because there is a situation where characters are related, but it isn't known to the audience (yet)
And I really don't want that mistake to be made
Deo101 [Millennium]
Lia/luke shippers before the last star wars movie came out...
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I'm like... soooo nervous right now
I can just feel the bad ships encroaching
Capitania do Azar
If people don't know can you blame them?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I think it's only bad if the ships persist after it's revealed
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I can't blame them, but I just don't want to think about it
ack, good luck cronaj! I wanted to add that when it comes to shipping and canon sexualities i'm the same boat as you cronaj. I have my own idea that my main characters are pan and ace respectively, but it doesn't come up in the comic and they don't have the lingo for it during this time period, so I can't blame readers for making up their own headcanons and ships
I have comic ideas that are a lot more centered around sexuality and getting into a relationship. If i ever make them happen I'm sure I would mind a lot more it people's ships went against the characters' canon sexualities
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, haha, I also have a pan character whose sexuality isn't revealed in comic XD
Like... A little bit of subtext, but not explicitly said
I actually don't mind people shipping things in my comic that is non canon, because it just proves people read my comics. I myself love crack pairings and dumb things, so I treat their ships like crack pairings. I think an example in Teasday was someone joking about shipping Vander with Spyder, two characters who never met and I was like "Haha that's funny." Because it just proves they read my comic to even know the names at least.
Capitania do Azar
They never met but... If they did
I've had more readers want to date the characters themselves then ship them with another character, so it's hard to have a solid thought on how I'd feel with ships so far That being said however, i don't really mind ppl shipping as long as it's respectful to me and the readers boundaries. There's been people honestly wanting more interactions between characters that aren't shippable in my eyes, so i most likely would advert them if i saw ships i didn't agree with. That said, go wild!
Kat - The Yuri Canon
I get a lot of non-canon shipping, mostly because there are so many possibilities. Mostly I allow it, as long as they don't get too extreme or overly sexualize my characters. But I did have to stop some when they kept insisting my Ace go out with one of my characters. I finally had to say it just wasn't happening.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Its never happened to me, but if it did that would be fine I guess. I’m not about to change plans in how I write the story to spontaneously put characters together unless there was good chemistry maybe
I would be happy overall that people were engaging with my characters on that level
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I have only had one single ship comment in the 14 years I’ve been doing webcomics, and it was over a decade ago. But it was also an intensely uncomfortable one, where a reader was trying to ship my 14yo gay character with an adult female villain. Needless to say I put the brakes on that right away, and have never had a ship comment since.
But secretly I wish readers did occasionally ship my adult characters, because so long as they don’t get toxic, I think non canon shipping can be fun. If the reader doesn’t demand their ship be made canon or fight with people shipping a different pairing, I’d be all for it.
Honestly I would love to see ships. I've never really had an audience for Foxes with Machine Guns, so seeing people care that much? I think I'd just be grateful. TBH I cried when I got a comment so someone having a whole ship? Of My OCs?? I'd probably end up sobbing like an idiot. They're all adults, ship away, you have my blessing.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I personally love shipping, and in regards to my comic, I'm excited, but also nervous. I have a main ship that I push myself that so far a lot of readers have been really receptive to (Merlow/Nocturne <3). I also have a few more ships coming up... but in the meantime, I like to see theories, but I worry that either a) the ships I end up with will make folks unhappy, or b) folks will ship things that ignore a character's established orientation. Like, it's fairly clear Diana is a lesbian, but I already had a casual suggestion from a rl reader of her and Merlow getting together and I'm like. N no. No please. Please, just let them be besties, they will be best friends I promise but Merlow is not a lady.(edited)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
See, I don't care about people having ~gross~ ships. I might not want to hear about it -- and if you expect it to become canon, you're probably out of luck -- but if a reader enjoys imagining or exploring it on their own time? I'm not gonna police them over that.
Just because a thing is illegal to do IRL, that doesn't mean it's illegal to imagine it or write about it. (If it was, I'd be in a whole lot of trouble...)
...not that it's really come up, since with my comics it seems like most people are happy to go with the canon mostly-healthy ships anyway, but.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Same with shipping against orientation -- if some reader wants to imagine an AU where the character realizes they've been bi the whole time after all, why not? The canon representation you wrote is still there. It's not gonna be compromised or erased unless you write that happening.
(And if the reader's imagination is more like "everyone is actually straight and some people, including these characters, just get temporarily confused"...I mean, at that point they have waaaay bigger problems than which webcomic characters they like to imagine kissing.)
I think I gotta agree with Erin here. I’m not gonna police what people want to imagine. It’s not my business. They can do what they like in their free time.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I assume most of "I don't want X" folks mean "I don't want to see X." I can't even imagine policing what people do in their own time! I mean, what are you gonna do, be like the NYC library parking sign?
(That sign is real and I have seen it)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
"I don't want to see X" is definitely true for me
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Yeah, any time someone's clear that they mean "I don't want to see X" or "I don't want readers telling me about X", that's a different story!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And if said illegal/gross ships are perpetuated on the internet, I'll probably try to step in
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
...see, that's getting back into "policing what random people do with their free time" territory.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
um, there's a difference between things you do on your free time, and things you post where children can see
it's an important distinction
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I specifically have one character who is a small child who I do not want to see in ANY romantic situations
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I mean, we don't have psychic filters on "check this box to confirm that you are over 18" filters, so in theory "children can see" just about anywhere...
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
unless, of course, the character is aged up significantly
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And cute ships with young characters having crushes on each other have been around since forever.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
oh young characters having crushes on each other is one thing
but there are far worse things on the internet
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Right, but we're talking about "shipping" as a general thing, which includes the cute crushes.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't want any weird pedo crap
keep that aaaaawaaaaay from my characters thank you
Deo101 [Millennium]
on the subject of what people do in their free time, it's pretty obvious that I can't control what people are doing but that doesnt mean I support any free time activities.
I'm not gonna say I'm okay with adults shipping adults and children even if they do it where no one can see
like they CAN and I can't stop them but I wont say i'm okay with it just because I can't control it
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Sure, but, we're not talking about any "free time activities" -- we're talking about people using their imaginations. That doesn't cause me any harm. And if nobody ever sees it? Geez, plenty of people have waaaay darker thoughts than that in the privacy of their own heads.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think it causes harm to how they interact with the world, though. and just because it could be worse doesnt mean it's okay
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
If they are interacting with the world in a specific harmful way, that would be a thing we can discuss on its own merits!
I feel like if you police people from not doing something, they want to do it more.
So by not drawing attention to it, it might be a better move? For Ships, if someone ships something you don't like, don't draw attention to it kinda thing?
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Also true!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think "I won't say I'm okay with it" and "I will actively make an effort to police it" are two very different things?
You can definitely have this... area where the distinction isn't clear
For example, if someone is like "Don't draw this character as X because I don't like it" People might do it because you said something?
People are weird, I wish they will listen to author wises but not everyone will.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I mean, yeah, but "I won't make an effort to police it because that would be physically impractical" is also different from "I won't make an effort to police it because that's not my job."
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Well, if they do that, then they are an asshole(edited)
because they aren't respecting the creator's barriers
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
@FeatheryJustice Not spreading ideas you don't like in the first place is a smart move, yeah. Put your energy into promoting and spreading the things that make you happy.
Yeah! Promoting things that make you happy might be better. Like "I like the fact you guys enjoy drawing my characters" Something like that that's more positive
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Sure, they can do it, but if you do something like that, which is also illegal in most countries, then you are disrespecting the creator, the character(s), and the law
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Wait, what are people doing that's illegal?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) Today at 11:19 PM And if said illegal/gross ships are perpetuated on the internet, I'll probably try to step in ESPECIALLY WITH UNDERAGE CHARACTERS
Oh yeah that's something different. That's just illegal.
I'm just admin stepping in here to remind people to remain respectful. Cause this is the sort of conversation that can quickly go out of hand.
Got it Rebel
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Doing bad things is illegal. Writing about bad things happening isn't illegal. (Again: I have written fiction about soooo many illegal-to-actually-do things.)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I think there is a difference between writing about a terrible thing happening and putting it in a negative light and shipping pedophilia(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I think writing about underage characters with the intent for sexual pleasure counts as CP
I mean drawing and writing about murder is okay, actual going out and murdering someone is not okay. But I think for this context we are looking at something that is a bit more worrying.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But I wouldn't want to read a story where murdering for pleasure is glorifed either
Yeah, that's why I think context matters.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
and I frankly think media like that shouldn't be shared with the world
Like, i guess write it and stash it away on your computer somewhere
but don't show it to people
i can hear the police sirens blaring from the sound of someone writing cp lmao
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Back to talking about shipping (Sorry I got this conversation derailed here), I think there will be people who will never announce their ships as well.
Or have it so open ended no one knows what's what.
And maybe we can brainstorm good ways to tell people we would like them to not ship certain things?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Probably don't say anything unless it does become a visible problem
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
...I get that nobody wants to go into this too closely, and I sure don't either, but I also think someone should say -- legally speaking, a work is only CP if a child is harmed in its creation. If there's a living, human victim. Conflating that with other things is not beneficial to anyone, and can itself be hurtful to survivors.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Honestly, I don't feel the need to warn people not to write inappropriate ships about my underage characters, because it should be common sense not to do such a thing
I really won't say anything about it unless someone actually posts it on the internet
rip I hate to burst it but under us law, even drawn cp is considered illegal
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I think it depends on the country
but in some countries, yes, it is considered CP
But see that brings in the complecation of international law. If an artist is in the US but the fanartist is in say Japan where they have a much different relationship, whose laws apply?
it depends on the site host i think?
like if it's a US based site
and there's CP there, it's under US law correct?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
the fanartist can't be be punished if they live in a country like Japan where that's legal, but I would still try to contact them and ask that they take it down(edited)
(I wasn't talking about CP in my post I was just like if you don't want these two characters to be shipped together what can you say? Didn't mean to spiral off like that sorry)
But it might only apply to US citizens. For example, some sites specifically alter themselves so part of their site follows European GDPR laws but tell the americans they suck
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But that is also the difference between law and site terms
the person might get banned from the site but not sued
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I can't speak for every country, but it's genuinely not illegal in the US -- and, yeah, I don't know why a general discussion about shipping had to go this far either! You don't need to go right to the most disturbing possible interpretation when thinking about hypothetical shippers...
Yeah. All my point is is blanket saying its illegal just cause it is in the US is inaccurate.
Deo101 [Millennium]
also morals =/= law, and a site is allowed to say no to that even if it is legal
they are not owed a platform
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Individual site TOS can be stricter than national laws, yeah.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
@Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn) I think the reason people discuss the worst case scenarios is because those scenarios are precisely what they have issues with, as opposed to other kinds of non-canon ships
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn) In my case, I mentioned it because that's where I draw the line with shipping. Other stuff, no matter how much I disagree with it, I don't really care enough to do anything about it
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
I get that people have those lines in their heads, but when you don't describe the distinction, when you talk about "shipping" as if "everyone should understand that I exclusively means graphic photorealistic sexual content"...that's a big leap to make!
@Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn) agreed but er.... I still do believe that the US has a law about drawn CP being illegal. it's something that I found out when I had to help a friend out from a situation (I won't go to details rip)
but yeah it's a big assumption lmao
I know shippers in good faith won't try to push that onto others
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And it seems unfairly harsh on any shipper with literally any other interests or activities.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Honestly, even if someone only commented about a ship with an adult character with a child character, I would still ask them kindly to delete their comment, or delete it myself
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
It doesn't have to be a visual representation for me
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
And when you're talking about your own website, I think setting rules like that is completely reasonable.
Deo101 [Millennium]
again, I wont say im okay with it even if it's only in someones head. Just cause theyre not sharing it doesnt mean I'm okay with it
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
If I have the power to remove their comment or report them, I would
but if I don't, I will ask them to refrain from such comments
That's all the power I have
And as @Deo101 [Millennium] said, I also don't have to agree with people's filthy thoughts
Deo101 [Millennium]
I understand they can think them and i cant do anything about it but i wont offer support for it i dont think
As a reader, I want to second that it's important to distinguish what you mean when you say you don't tolerate specific ships. Obviously, no one think pedophilia is okay and that would be a fine ship to not tolerate. However, if all you say is you don't tolerate specific ships, readers will also jump to the worst conclusion possible, which in this context is you don't tolerate anything that is non-canon (vs. what creators think is the worst possible conclusion when they hear non-canon).
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
see, this sort of thing is exactly why i have four tiers of "non-canon"
Deo101 [Millennium]
please elaborate!
4 tiers? :0
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh yes, definitely
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i mean it's in my post a few days back To me, there are four levels of "non-canon" with regards to shipping. 1. You were supposed to ship this and get disappointed, so good job. 2. Didn't think of it myself, but I get the dynamic you're going for. 3. ...Why? 4. Bad, bad, very very bad.
with more detail explaining specific ships that ended up in my poll that fit into each category(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Even if stuff is noncanon, or goes against a character's canon sexuality, I don't really care, because fan AUs exist
and it's pretty hard to offend me
mostly the pedophilia thing is the only thing I'm passionately against
So yeah, #4 is the only place where my hair stands on end
Deo101 [Millennium]
oh sorry I did read that but I didnt realize thats what you meant by the tiers ^^;
its helpful!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
It is indeed
I read it before, and I still find it useful
I'm sure #1 and #2 is where most of the WotP shippers will reside
And there will definitely be a few #3s
That's very useful, the tiers XD
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
@RebelVampire absurdly late, I know, I just wanted to second that "obviously, no one thinks pedophilia is okay" is really important to keep in mind. No matter what anyone says about any kind of shipping -- people should be able to feel comfortable that nobody's gearing up to call that into question. We're all on the same side with that one.
There's a few characters I'm a little protective over regarding their sexuality, but most of the characters are bi/pan so it's pretty free game! I'm so here for random crack ships honestly
Capitania do Azar
Get ready
Personally I enjoy seeing what random ideas fans come up with. It's all part of being a creator.
lmao i'll try to get one comment in before the discussion closes As a creator, a lot of my feelings about shipping is related to how I am as a reader/audience member for media? Character dynamics and relationships are one of my favorite things + what'll usually hook me for a series, and definitely exploring relationships that either didn't receive any attention or were completely non-existent in the original material is one of my favorite things to do! And that'll inspire me to create or make certain choices with my original characters based on that "Well, what if [this] happened in that story?" So with that, I don't find myself get super-attached to canon/endgame ships and I'll just do my own thing, regardless. I always respect the original intent when it comes to character's sexuality or preference (unless it's a case of 'everyone's straight' lol), but I'm a rabid multishipper in fandom anyways so I'll carry that energy over to my own works LOL And let it be free for all, even if I have an 'end' goal in mind. After all, I'm the biggest multishipper for my own characters too!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
>I always respect the original intent when it comes to character's sexuality or preference (unless it's a case of 'everyone's straight' lol) @meek Just for the sake of argument, why do you respect the characters' sexualities unless everyone is straight? Personally, I don't mind sexuality swapping in fan ships and such, but I do wonder why there is this specific stipulation for you.
Also input as a reader: sometimes it's good to be completely upfront about where your boundaries are as a creator! And also being explicit about certain character details or relationships can help, because a lot of times readers don't.. really know.. I can't tell you the number of times I've started reading a comic where the ages of the characters are very ambiguous with: - specific ages are never said - the art style is stylized in a way that unless they're explicitly a child or an elderly person, everyone looks like they're the same age - the context clues on their age is limited to.. they worked a minimum wage job - in-story they are treated with the same level of respect and authority status as everyone else around them - characters that are older than them that act the same age and that's led me several times to thinking a character was at least 18-23+ and actually they were supposed to be 14.....
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I assume it's for the same vein of reason why we don't have a Straight Pride Day. This is getting into the weeds though, so I'm very hesitant to approach further
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
The short answer is that there's no harm in adding more gay or trans representation to a work of fiction
but erasing canon gay or trans representation to make it cis or straight is bad and homo/transphobic
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with respecting characters's sexualities or messing around with possibilities, but it just seems rather... odd
also just straight up it's complete white-washed fiction that LGBT or POC did not exist in history until [convenient time here] so acting like you're being "historically accurate" by exempting them is just.. bad
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Well, depending on location, that would be incorrect
But again, I'm not particularly upset to see "straight" characters depicted as gay(edited)
well i'm a queer nb person so i've encountered innumerable works of fiction where everyone is straight, cis, and white so i'd much rather diversify that then perpetuate it
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
You're not wrong about there being a numerous amount of straight, cis, and yes, white characters in media
But I feel like it's destructive to society as a whole to suddenly decide to be more courteous toward LGBTQ+ groups than toward straight people
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is getting too political for me and I feel it could get out of control quickly
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Maybe it is political
You don't have to participate
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It also feels off topic
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But I think it's important to politely discuss it
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Maybe not in this channel specifically
i'm going to be honest, i feel incredibly uncomfortable to be asked to continue this conversation
if you want to talk more, then write a DM but this has nothing to do with the main part of my comment or the topic for this channel
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
If you feel uncomfortable, then I respect your decision not to continue this discussion
I've said my piece
Spring-heeled Jack
Jumping in before this closes: I'm not there yet but I'm in the camp of "whatever floats your boat!" If someone ships my characters I think I'll be flattered that they are that invested in them to have those feelings. But also I'm super new to this and the only comment so far is my friend jokingly saying she ships herself with one character.
I'm in the same boat as Spring-heeled Jack- the idea that people would even be invested enough would be flattering, yes. It would be really cool, but I doubt it will happen since there's a limited cast and it's not a romance. I do have personal ships, but since romance isn't a factor, shippers... Just won't be canon, kinda no matter what they ship. Maybe if my story was more romance-centered I'd care more, but as it is... Do what you want, it's not going to hurt my feelings if you think Ren and the Oni would be a power couple or whatever.
I’m just gonna pop in here and say this: shippers making queer content of (presumably) straight characters is a large part of how I figured out I was queer, because for the most part (especially when I was younger) that doesn’t exist in the public eye.
Spring-heeled Jack
My comic isn't romance based, it's horror but I feel that really good horror is best built off characters you can connect to. So I have some families. I have some married couples. The older two "children" (they are in their 20s) are dating. I made one of my main non-binary and their partner is ace. Another main is a transman. In my heart my characters are all pan anyway so I like just putting them with who I think works best lol
I also low key ship one of my married characters with another character that is coming in later. I do enjoy shipping so I might be biased lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
my comic is pretty romance based, it's not a romance but there are pretty strong romance threads in it, and my characters arent all pan so I feel differently, so I do see why you would feel differently than me on this subject!
Spring-heeled Jack
I can also respect a creator having an idea for a character and not feeling comfy with people going different directions with it.
Oh definitely- How individuals interact and feel for their characters varies from person to person.
I don't mind people making changes for shipping purposes or shipping non canon stuff -- so long as they don't expect me to change my writing to suit them. And like Snuffysam, I kind of have similar tiers for ships, too. I don't want to (and can't, really) control what other people do, but I'd prefer that if a reader knows it's going to make me upset or something I've expressed wishes against, that they not share it with me. Besides, if what I'm writing doesn't meet their needs, I'd rather see shippers search out, celebrate, and elevate work that better matches the values they idealize in pairings. (and trust me, romance is FULL of it if you look. :D)
Spring-heeled Jack
I thought about my only canonically het character that I have (I only rp him now, I have a comic planned for him down the line) and even with him all I can think is "if someone wants him to kiss a boy, I super don't care."
Wait, hold on, have people actually asked to change the story based on who they think should get together? Is that a thing people do? (Forgive my ignorance, I’m not really a fandom person? I’m p shy and keep to myself)
I seen it happen. Which in itself is pretty rude soemtimes because people get angry if their ships aren't canon kinda thing
Oh my. Thank you for the warning then, I’ll keep it in mind. That’s very rude! Would probably fill me with spite, to be honest. The “well now I’m not doing it” haha. I’m... disappointed but not surprised this happens. Still, it won’t change my mind. XD
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I have run into more than one person who hyperfixates on a ship (in any media, not just comics) that's... honestly, truly, never going to happen? Like, a main character crossed with a background character who had no lines and showed up in a single scene. That sort of thing. Then they implode/explode when it doesn't become canon by the end. If it happened for my own work, I don't know what I'd say. Apart from telling people not to put all their eggs in one basket, I guess I fear that kind of manic fanaticism.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Wasn't that the reason behind that infamous blackmail incident, the Voltron one
or am I mixing it up with a different fandom?
Spring-heeled Jack
Looking at fandoms in general, there are people that get over invested and become possessive. It's a shame.
Deo101 [Millennium]
the fact that it could be more than one fandom says a lot, i think :P
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
yeeeeeah ugh
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
If it's not, I'd still believe it (edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Also the needle in the cookie one (though this was given to a fan artist who drew a ship they didn't like, not the actual author)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Hoooooooly hell, I feel like I remember that, but not specifically what it was for. NIGHTMARE SCENARIO.
Deo101 [Millennium]
thought that was because they didnt draw a character fat?
again, the fact it could be multiple things
hugely concerning
Spring-heeled Jack
Just, please, never take consumables (food, drink, ect) from strangers.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, I think the "you didn't draw her fat enough" was a different one
Deo101 [Millennium]
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Scary world we live in -_-
Spring-heeled Jack
There are people who get too invested in things and don't know how to process those feelings. Be smart and careful, but don't let those people stop you from making your comic, art, fanart, or anything.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
ngl, I'm honestly legit scared. Not quite terrified but lowkey fear in my mind... I'm not at all active in con circuits, etc. so I don't think any physical harm will happen to me, but I do worry about potential online harassment.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Me too, to be completely honest
Spring-heeled Jack
Conventions are usually really great. I've been at some for about three years now and everyone has been so kind. Online, however, is more of a concern because people can post anything, it's easier with that distance.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Even with a low likelihood of something happening, common sense is definitely good. Don't take food, have a buddy nearby, have an 'out' if you feel uncomfortable. But yeah, cons seem to be lovely so far. If anyone causes trouble, staff usually does a good job wrangling them
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, I've had great experiences at cons for the most part. A few creepy people that camped out at my table for a bit longer than comfortable, but otherwise it's been great
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Oh yeah The campers. They mean well, but man... they CAMP.
Spring-heeled Jack
I get a lot of lingering people and returning people,. but only once so far did I really have someone just stand there and block others. But he was a bit older and was putting his change in his wallet from a sale, so I didn't want to say anything
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I love the people who return! I usually get people returning the next day to buy something (or to buy more stuff). Those people always seem so invested in my work.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Yeah, it's more the online stuff I worry about
Deo101 [Millennium]
me too, I've been real lucky to have people mostly be very kind but theres always new fear with new readers, or every new thing i introduce that someone will be mad about it
Spring-heeled Jack
Lemme clarify, returners are okay, but the ones the are weird and linger and block the booth. That makes me a little stressed out
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Oh man, Deo, I can feel those fears in my bones.
Deo101 [Millennium]
ahahha a bunch of new people show up and youre just like thats a lotta people who could be pissed at me huh?
I had someone get very upset with me over something once, in a way i never imagined someone would, and im coming up on a scene I've been planning for like a year now which canonized my characters trans identities, and I worry some people will think i am hmmmmmm doing a bad job
or not the job they want
Spring-heeled Jack
Forget them. Do what you have planned!
Deo101 [Millennium]
yup! but if people do get very upset with me I will still be hurt, even if I think I am really doing the best job I can
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
hard same
I won't bend my story, but I sure as hell will be hurt
Spring-heeled Jack
I understand. I worry that my queer characters aren't queer enough, but then that's a worry I have about myself IRL, sooooooo, I get you
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone once got upset with me over that ;) so i worry about it too
Spring-heeled Jack
It sucks because the opinion of others both don't matter and SUPER matters
Deo101 [Millennium]
or, sorry, they said I was blase my bad
and yeah like, im gonna do what i want but it still sucks when people are mean about it, regardless
which ^ is kind of how I feel about this shipping topic. Im gonna do what I want but Id really prefer people not be upset over not getting what they want.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think everyone's mileage varies on what 'the right representation' of relationships and characters is. Barring obvious no-nos, I don't think everyone will ever be 100% satisfied. I do very much dread that one person coming into my comments to tell me "You did this character/ship wrong, thus, you are a bad writer, and probably a bad person - gonna write an article about you now kthxbye" At that point, I would just hope enough people come to my side to go "Um... no?" because I would definitely want to recede far into the nearest dark corner and think about what I've done
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah. when I did get that comment of someone kind of telling me off about how Ive chosen to represent things. I really kind of started... not overthinking, because I dont think that worrying about doing a good job and taking comments into consideration is BAD, per se, but I started really worrying about whether or not i DID do something wrong. my friends came to my defense, which was very nice, and the person did actually end up changing their mind and kind of rescinding their comment. I think places like this and having people that support you to back you up when stuff like this happens is really important
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It happened to me and it did absolutely suck. I'm genuinely unsure I can take another one if it happens again
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah idk what I would do if someone went... that hard..
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think there are some reactions that not even sensitivity readers could predict. Like, things that are so out of left field, but also still make a bit of sense if you really, really stretch your brain? Arguments that would make for excellent thesis papers someday, tbh
Spring-heeled Jack
:( I'm really sorry it hurt you that much, Keii. I know I can say "don't let it get to you" all day but you will feel how you feel when someone pulls that kind of stuff. I hope it doesn't happen again and, if it does, I hope it doesn't hurt you!
I hope it helps to remember that there will probably be many people out there that see your work and see the characters and go "That's me!" or "I feel seen!"
Spring-heeled Jack
We get a new topic tomorrow, yeah?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I think so
Spring-heeled Jack
2 notes · View notes
littlemisssquiggles · 6 years ago
RWBY Squiggle Script #019: Junkrats
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This is a repost of a Squiggle Script I had originally shared as part of my RWBY Musing #74. While I don’t generally make it a habit to resubmit scripts that I’ve already shared in theory posts, I’m making an exception to this specific script. I happen to adore this script a lot and consider it one of my personal favourites  not just because it centers on another favourite Pinehead headcanon I have for Oscar but it additionally introduces yet another RWBY OC of mine.
With all the content I’ve made with my most known RWBY OC: Rose Fox, it’s inspired me to work on more content featuring other original RWBY characters I have. 
While the Squiggly RWBY OC (or OCs) featured in this script doesn’t have a face as yet like my Rose, he does have a defined personality and a premise behind his characterization and creation for what it’s worth, I hope this scripts help you guys get to know him as well as get used to him a bit more since you might be seeing him again soon.
If you’d like to learn about the theory/Pinehead headcanon behind this new RWBY OC, read this post right here.
Picture it. A nervous looking Oscar Pine is at Atlas Academy, riding an elevator lift transporting him to a new unknown sector of the school beneath its massive compound. 
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Accompanying him was a woman known only as Ms. Dolores Mombi. Not that she bothered to disclose her full name to Oscar. During the ride down below, Ms Mombi remained rather stone-faced with her back straight and her lips pursed so tight, you wouldn’t be able to see her mouth if it weren’t for the thick coat of blood red lipstick caked on her thin lips.
Every so often she would glance in Oscar’s direction; her pointy nose turned up in disgust to scrutinize the poor young boy standing awkwardly at her back. Oscar could only shift uncomfortably under her piercing gaze.
Mombi: *sternly* What did you say your name was again?
Oscar swallowed tensely.
Oscar: …Uh…it’s Os---
Mombi: *impatiently* Nevermind. I’ll just call you something like…Freckles.
Oscar: I---
Mombi: No talking.
The lift then came to a screeching halt. The door opened and Oscar found himself looking in on a dark room packed with various machinery and equipment; some functioning while others were off to the side out of order. It looked like a warehouse but it reminded Oscar of the old garage workshop his Uncle Henry used to own back home on the family farm. Before Oscar could get a better look of the place, Ms. Mombi stepped out before him; the heels of her shoes clacking annoyingly loud against the metallic flooring. As Oscar attempted to follow suit, Ms. Mombi swerved on him with one wrinkly yet perfectly manicured hand reaching up to thwart his movements.
Mombi: *sternly* Wait here!
So Oscar watched silently as Ms. Mombi took three more steps and shouted; voice shrill like a banshee.
Mombi: Tip!
The only response she received was her own echo.
Mombi: *exasperated* Where has that good for nothing junkrat gone running off to? TIP!
This time, a voice answered. A man’s voice.
Tip: Is that you Ms. Mombi?
Mombi: *crossly* Get down here immediately! I have someone I’d like you to meet.
Within a few minutes, a tall man entered the room. Oscar could only stare. He knew it was rather unmannerly of him to do so but he couldn’t help it. This new stranger was the tallest man Oscar had ever laid eyes on. He was practically a giant; at least by Oscar’s standards.
There was also…something oddly familiar about the man’s face. Not that there was anything wrong with it. From where Oscar stood, the man seemed friendly enough. Handsome too. But there was just something else about him that Oscar couldn’t quite pinpoint yet. But before he could ponder on it more, Oscar was pulled from his thoughts as Ms. Mombi suddenly snapped her fingers for him to come forward. As he did, Ms. Mombi sharply pulled Oscar by the scruff of his uniform and practically shoved him before the man.
Okay. Giant is definitely what this man is, Oscar thought to himself as he trained his eyes all the way up to the man’s face. His boyish frame seemed smaller than usual under the intimidating stature of this towering juggernaut of a man who blinked down at Oscar; blue eyes curious.
Mombi: Freckles, this is Tip. Tip this is Freckles.
Oscar: Actually…it’s Os---
But Ms Mombi cut Oscar off again; suddenly grasping his shoulders with her trimmed fingernails, sharp like talons and red to match her lips, digging into the fabric of his shirt.
Mombi: *tersely* Freckles will be your happy little helper for the next few months. I trust that you’ll help him get settled in.
Tip: *elatedly* Of course. Always happy to welcome a new friendly face around here.
Mombi: I wouldn’t get too friendly with this absconder. You are not here to be his friend. You are to be his supervisor to oversee his punishment and to ensure that his rehabilitation goes accordingly with the Headmaster’s demands.
Tip: Rehabilit---what now?
Mombi: Rehabilitation.
Oscar watched as Tip quirked a brow, looking between him and Ms Mombi with a look of disbelief. He then pointed a finger at Oscar.
Tip: What no good did he do?
Ms. Mombi only pulled out her Scroll. There is a momentary pause as she used the device.  Next came a noise. A message received notification alert as Tip now reached into the pocket of his jumpsuit overalls and pulled out what looked like his Scroll.
Apparently rather than telling the man of Oscar’s alleged crimes face to face, Ms Mombi preferred to message it to Tip in private. Lovely, Oscar thought dryly. There is another awkward pause as Tip took his time to read through Mombi’s message.
Oscar watched; quiet but uneasy, as Tip’s thumb moved up and down his screen as he silently read whatever elaborately long report his teacher at Atlas had wrote up on him. When he was done, Tip returned his Scroll to his pocket. For a second time, the giant man stared from Ms. Mombi to Oscar with an expression of unbridled incredulity and pointed back to Oscar.
Whatever Atlas had written about Oscar; Tip didn’t seem to buy into it like Ms. Mombi did. And Oscar found himself starting to like this Tip guy.
Tip: *in disbelief* Who? This pipsqueak? With that face?
Mombi: Looks can be very deceiving. I should know.
Tip: *dryly* Well of course since you are quite the piece of work.
Ms Mombi merely squinted at Tip; oblivious to his obvious jester.
Mombi: *monotone* Thank you.
She then clapped Oscar on the back making him jump.
Mombi: A couple of months in the Scrap Farm should straighten you up just fine. You might even fit right in here amongst all the rubble.
Ms. Mombi then half chortled at her own little quip at Oscar’s expense. Oscar sulked sadly. Tip noticed.
Tip: *comfortingly* Hey now. I wouldn’t exactly call him rubble. But you know the ole saying. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Tip winked at Oscar; flashing him a toothy smile. This made Oscar feel better.
Tip: Besides we both know you’re just happy to have a new slave to boss around here, am I right or am I right Ms. M?
This comment proved to irk Ms. Mombi to Oscar’s surprise. Tip, on the other hand, grinned.
Mombi: *testily* Handle him! Before I have you fired for insubordination.
Tip: *cheekily* Ooof, you can try but I don’t think my brother will appreciate your tone.
Oscar didn’t know who Tip’s brother was but whoever this man was, his presence was definitely influential enough to make Ms. Mombi momentarily quiver at the mere mention of him. Still she maintained her annoyance at Tip and Oscar had to slowly edge himself away from her and over to where Tip stood; worried the old woman might implode from her annoyance. All the while, Tip just stood grinning triumphantly in his corner.
Mombi: *venomously* Handle him. Now!
Tip gave a fake salute.
Tip: Yes ma’am.
With a sharp inhale, Ms Mombi practically stomped out of the room. Only her heels were heard as she returned to the elevator shift. She gave one last lingering sneer threateningly at Oscar and a vexed scoff at Tip before she was finally gone.
The minute Ms Mombi was out of sight, Oscar exhaled a breath of relief he didn’t realize he was holding. He really did not like that woman. Now it was just the guys.
As Oscar looked back at Tip, he found him giving him the once over. Oscar hugged his arms; staring back mousy and uncomfortable.
Tip: So…Freckles, huh?
Oscar: Uhm…yeah.
Tip: Your parents didn’t really name you Freckles, did they? I mean, no offense if they did.
Oscar shook his head coyly.
Tip: What’s your real name?
Oscar: Oscar.
Tip: Uhh huh.
Now it was Tip’s turn to clap Oscar on the back. It wasn’t a stern touch like Ms. Mombi. Actually it was more of a reassuring gesture as an attempt to ease up Oscar’s obvious tension.
Tip: *comfortingly* Don’t take it too personal. Ms. Mombi hasn’t always been much for remembering names. That’s the one thing we actually share in common. I’m not very good at remembering names myself but I never forget a face. Oscar’s a nice name and all but I think I’ll remember you better as Freckles. Cute name for a cute boy. Uh…I hope it’s not offensive if I call you Freckles…or…y’know cute.
Believe it or not, Oscar was used to being addressed as both so he honestly didn’t mind at all.
Oscar: It’s…fine.
Tip smiled; bright and friendly.
Tip: Ah good. As for me, around here I’m called Tip. Just Tip.
Oscar: …Why Tip?
Tip: *chuckles* Well it’s a hella lot easier than trying to say my real name.
Oscar: *curiously* …What’s your real name?
Tip: Tippetarius.
Oscar looked at Tip funnily.
Oscar: Wait…you can’t remember Oscar but you can remember Tippetarius?
Tip: Well of course. I may forget other people’s names but I sure as ain’t gonna forget my own name now. *chuckles lightly* You’re a cheeky little fella. I like that. You and I are gonna get along just fine.
Tip then smiled big and bright again; his prominent dimpled cheeks practically glowing with his expression. And this time, Oscar couldn’t help but return the smile. Tip’s overly welcoming energy was infectious. Tip then opened his arms and gestured around him and Oscar.
Tip: Well Freckles, allow me to officially welcome you to the Scrap Farm. Your home and residence for the next few months; after school hours, of course.
Oscar: Okay.
Tip: Lemme give you the grand tour. Keep up with me now.
Tip then draped his arm around Oscar’s shoulder directing him further into the warehouse. Thus beginning Oscar’s adventures as a junkrat of the Scrap Farm.
Fast forward. One month later.
Oscar is finishing up work on a small assembly line of practice droids he had been busily polishing up for that evening’s shift. He is sporting a pair of oil covered brown boots and his trademark sunset orange gloves with a fitted black vest underneath a grease stained metal blue painter’s style jumpsuit (that’s clearly one size too big for him) with the Atlas Kingdom seal and the words ‘SCRAP FARM’ printed to the back with the front zipped down slightly to his stomach.
Hard to believe that a month had flown by so quickly for Oscar. By then, the former farm hand had grown well-adjusted to his new routine. He would spend his weekdays attending school regularly and his evenings working after school down in the Scrap Farm. Sometimes Ruby, occasionally accompanied by either Weiss or Jaune and/or Ren and Nora together, would stay back and wait for him until he had completed his shift so they could travel home together. Other times when Oscar found himself working later than expected, Tip would be generous enough to give the young boy a lift home in his retro mini-van.
A little unconventional seeing a grown man rolling around in a regular rust bucket of a van in a place as technologically advanced as Atlas Kingdom. However Oscar thought Tip was cool enough to pull it off which the man humbly appreciated. As Oscar stood back and admired his handiwork for the evening,  a familiar voice called him from behind.
Tip: Yo Freckles, catch!
Oscar turned around just in time to expertly catch something Tip tossed his way. Looking at the object in his hand, Oscar saw that it was can of juice; straight from the vending machine, nice and cold. But not too cold.
Tip: It’s grape. You like grape, dontcha?
Oscar: *chuckles* Grape’s fine. Thank you!
Tip: There’s plenty more if you want. I’ve got lemonade, strawberry, raspberry, cranberry, blueberry, wild berry, berry-banana and apple cider.
He wasn’t kidding. Oscar found Tip seated at a small table in the Scrap Farm. The table was decked with an assortment of various beverages and other refreshments in numerous sizes, shapes, flavours and brands. By Oscar’s amused imagination, it looked like the inside of a piñata with Tip wasting no time in raiding through the snacks as he skillfully popped open a can of what looked like orange soda with one hand and tore open a pack of potato chips with the other. The older man then nodded to an empty chair on the side of the table next to him where Oscar eagerly joined him.
Oscar: *amused* Did you break the vending machine again?
Tip: *through a mouthful of chips and soda* I…may or may not have. But who’s to know for sure. Besides you know the Junkrat Code. If we break it…
Oscar: …Then we fix it…
Oscar and Tip: *in unison; pointing to each other* …and don’t tell nobody!
The two then shared a hearty laugh.
Tip: That’s my boy! Drink up. I’ve got snacks too if you want. We’re celebrating today!
Oscar: What are we celebrating?
Tip: You, silly. It’s your one month anniversary here at the Scrap Farm. You’ve been doing real good so far. Keep that up and I might actually consider early retirement leaving you to inherit this place.
Oscar: *grinning cheekily* Does this mean I get a promotion?
Tip: Heck yeah! You’re now junior assistant super intendent Junkrat… in training.
Oscar pretended to pump his fist.
Oscar: *with a laugh* Yesss!
Tip rolled his eyes amusedly but otherwise couldn’t help but chuckle at Oscar’s enthusiasm.
Tip: You should probably quit while you’re ahead though. I figured Junkrat isn’t exactly the promising future you came to Atlas for.
Oscar: *snorts* I didn’t exactly come to Atlas for a ‘promising future’.
Tip: *surprised* Oh? Then what are you here for?
Oscar: I…
As much as Oscar liked Tip and as trustworthy as the man seemed, disclosing to him the real reason he and the other huntsmen had come to Atlas wouldn’t be a wise idea.
Oscar: I… don’t know yet. I guess… I’m still figuring it out.
He wasn’t exactly lying. There were many things that Oscar still had to figure out on his own. It wasn’t a subject he liked to discuss openly with others. Not even his most trusted. He didn’t even attempt to discuss it with the ancient soul still playing hideaway within his mind. It was a complicated subject. Nevertheless, at that precise moment, Oscar only hoped that his answer was satisfactory enough to dispel further prying from the curious Tip. Fortunately, it was as the man nodded understandably.
Tip: That’s fine. You’re young. You’ve got your whooooole life to decide what you wanna do with it. No pressure. No rush. Just juice and snacks for now, right?
Oscar: *solemnly* …Yeah. No rush.
Oscar stared absently at the contents of his drink; his face mirrored in the pulpy liquid. He looked older somehow. While Oscar was fully aware that he was still the fourteen-year-old boy he’s always been, at least physically, that’s not how he felt mentally. He felt older. Aged and it reflected squarely in his eyes. It surprised Oscar.
When had he matured this much? It was a bit off-putting.
Oscar then shifted his attention on Tip who was now hungrily eating his way through a jumbo-sized bar of chocolate. When the man noticed Oscar staring at him, he flashed him another warm smile, face full of chocolate. He even broke off a couple small squares, offering them to Oscar. The farm boy respectfully declined. Tip only shrugged, chucking the chocolate into his mouth with a resounding CRUNCH; mind now far away in his own little world. Oscar couldn’t help but crack a small smile. It amused him how such an older man could emulate such a pleasant, almost child-like innocence to him and outreach on life. It amazed him just as much as his own sudden mental maturity. When did the adult man become the teenage boy and the teenage boy became the adult man?
The funny thing was, Tip was innocently oblivious to Oscar’s other side. To Tip, Oscar was just a fourteen-year-old boy expected of only engaging in activities that any boy his age was allowed to do. He didn’t expect him to inherit an ancient power. Didn’t expect him to save the world against an unbeatable entity that he helped create in another life.
No. To Tip, Oscar was just a boy; only worthy of a lifetime’s worth of snacks and sweets for working hard. It would make sense that he would think that since he’s only known him that way since they met a month ago. It was a comforting feeling. One that felt oddly familiar to Oscar; reminiscent of a time when he would spend his afternoons on the farm with Uncle Henry.
Now Oscar knew why he was fond of Tip so much. He was just like his uncle. Not that old but still younger at heart. Was not the brightest man but was definitely wise in his own way---knew everything about what he liked which he was willing to teach and pass onto Oscar. And most importantly of all, Tip was very kind. Never got angry whenever Oscar messed up and was very patient with him, more than willing to help him learn from his mistakes and give him the encouragement he needed to improve. To Oscar, being with Tip felt like being with his uncle again. The man who was more of a father to Oscar than the gentleman he never got to meet. May both of their souls continue to rest peacefully.
With this feeling on his heart, Oscar finally relaxed. If a man like Tippetarius can be so carefree at the age of over 50, then Oscar, the 14-year-old needed to follow in his stride and remember his own youth. After all, he was still a kid. He was still just a boy. For now. So, in that moment, Oscar became a boy again.
He took a huge swig of his grape juice, downing everything in one gulp. He then reached over and boldly broke off a giant slab of Tip’s jumbo chocolate bar right under his nose. Tip blinked in surprise at the sudden pilfer. Oscar nervously took a bite from his poached chocolate; half-expecting Tip to get annoyed.
But instead, Tip smiled--- nonchalant and welcoming as always and Oscar eased up again.
Oscar: I’ll tell you this though.
Tip tilted his head at Oscar curiously.
Oscar: I really like being a Junkrat.
Oscar then smiled. A genuine smile to show that his words were sincere. He was met with a nice big broad happy grin from Tip; dimples shining.
Tip: And I like that you like being a Junkrat.
Tip then raised his nearly empty can of soda for a toast.
Tip: To the Junkrats!
Oscar joined him.
Oscar: To the Junkrats!
The two then clinked their cans and finished their drinks. A comforting silence then fell between them. The only audible sounds were Oscar munching on his chocolate while Tip sat sprawled off across from him; his legs now propped up on a stool he’d wheeled over. His big feet danced from side to side; one side of flip-flips dangling dangerously on the tip of his toes as Tip cracked open another cold one without a care in the world.
It would be another few beats before Oscar started up a new conversation; chocolate done but another can of juice in hand.
Oscar: …Tip, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.
Tip: Shoot.
Oscar: That first day…Ms. Mombi threatened to fire you… and…
Tip interrupted with a sharp laugh.
Tip: *nonchalantly* Listen; I’ve worked here for over 25 years and Ms. M has had it out for me since day one. Threatens to fire me at least five times a week and Atlas Academy would have to be dumber than a box of rocks to actually listen to her. Who do you think really runs this place? That old witch couldn’t fix anything if you showed her how. So don’t you worry about that. She’s not getting rid of Ole’ Tippy Top that easily.
Tip then flashed Oscar a wink and the boy smiled. He was relieved to have that assurance at least. However that wasn’t the question he was gearing up to ask.
Oscar: …But… Ms Mombi doesn’t seem like the type to back down from anyone but when you mentioned your brother, she backed down immediately. So…
Tip nodded slowly in realization; a grin toying at his dimpled cheeks.
Tip: …You wanna know who my infamous brother is?
Oscar nodded innocently.
Tip: *chuckling* I knew this day would come. Whelp, you are junior assistant super intendent Junkrat in training after all. Might as well let you in on the ole Junkrat family secret.
Tip then urged Oscar to lean in closer. The farm boy obliged; eyes wide with curious eagerness.
Tip: When we first met, I told you my name was Tip. Short for Tippetarius. But my full name is actually Tippetarius Ironwood .
Oscar, who had absently been taking another big sip of his drink, suddenly choked; spraying juice right in Tip’s face.
Oscar: *coughing* Ir…Ironwood? You’re related… to the General!
Tip only wiped his nose with a handkerchief from his pocket, perfectly unphased by Oscar’s bout of shock.
Tip: *casually* I just like to call him big brother Jimmy. But yeah, James is my brother. Don’t you see the family resemblance?
In fairness to Tip, he was right. For weeks, Oscar had been trying to piece together why Tip seemed so familiar to him. While he reminded him of his uncle in spirit, there was always that one other odd thing about the way he looked that gave Oscar the impression he had seen his face somewhere before. But he could never quite put his finger on it. Now he knew why. As the realization hit him like a sharp slap, Oscar saw it.
The uncanny likeness. The metallic blue eyes. The tall, strapping muscular build. The sharp jawline that could cut butter. The prominent dimples.
Sure Tip was more clean-shaven and a natural brunette without a single grey hair on his head but the proof was all there. Right in Oscar’s face, clear as daylight. There was no denying it now. Tip was an Ironwood or at least he looked ridiculously a lot like the other Ironwood Oscar was all too familiar with. If Oscar’s jaw could fall any lower, it could decimate Mantle. Somewhere, deep within the recesses of Oscar’s psyche, his amazement was matched by another’s.
Oscar: *stupefied* I…I…I can’t believe it. The General has a brother! I…I’m sorry. It’s just that he’s never---
Tip: Mentioned me? Classic Jimmy. He’s never been one to disclose much about his family life. He’s always been a private man. Me not so much. Mainly because I like using that little titbit to watch that ole witch up there squirm. You should have seen her face when she found out that I wasn’t lying about James really being my brother. Most people don’t believe the relation at all at first.
Oscar: I…don’t blame them. I’m still finding it hard to believe myself. The General has a brother.  That’s so weird! You’re nothing like him.
Tip quirked an eyebrow.
Tip: What? You think all us Ironwoods are hardboiled, war-ridden military soldiers?
Oscar: *blanched* …Uhhh…I…well…uhm…
Tip gave another sharp laugh, patting Oscar’s hand reassuringly.
Tip: Relax Freckles. I’m just yanking your chain, kiddo. You see this is why I normally stray from using the ‘I’m an Ironwood’ card. Being an Ironwood generally tends to garner a rather jumpy reaction from most people around here and I like folks to be relaxed around me. Besides James and I have always been different. Night and day is what they used to call us growing up. Funny. You would think we wouldn’t be given that we are twins and all that.
For a second time, Tip was met with a spritz of pulp-fuelled fuzz as Oscar spat out his drink yet again.
Oscar: *incredulously* You’re twins!.
Tip: Are you going to keep doing that every time!
Oscar: *squeakily*…Sorry.
Tip sighs, offering Oscar a napkin which he graciously accepts and wipes his mouth.
Tip: No we’re not really twins. That part’s the lie. I just wanted to see your reaction. Jimmy and I are actually 5 years apart but people did used to think we were twins growing up though. We do look a lot alike. I have the cuter dimples though.
Oscar snorts.
Tip: We also used to be pretty close. Jimmy and Tippy. The Ironwood Brothers. Thick as thieves. Man, those…heh…those were the days.
Oscar: Aren’t you guys still close now?
Tip’s face fell.
Tip: *sombrely* …Not quite. I mean, Jimmy did get me this job when I was in a pinch which was…nice. Glad to see he still likes to...look out for his baby brother when he’s able to. At least that part of him hasn’t changed yet. But that’s as much as I hear from my brother. I invite him to dinner from time to time…well all the time. But he never shows. I guess being a great General in charge of the Atlas Military and the whole kingdom must eat up a lot of his free time. But, no shame in trying, right?
A wave of blues flashed across Tip’s face. For a man who’s often seen as bright and cheery, it was hard for Oscar to see him look so sad and the boy frowned; feeling guilty now for daring to bring up the subject.  
Oscar: Tip…
Oscar nearly jumped as Tip suddenly perked up with a clap of his hands; suddenly staring at Oscar wide-eyed; blue eyes twinkling.
Tip: Hey speaking of family dinner. You know my wife’s a Mistral girl. Grew up on the same country side as you. She’s been clamouring to get me to bring you home for weeks but y’know…me and my straw brain… keep forgetting. What’d you say to a nice home cooked Mistralian style dinner over at my house tomorrow night? You can even bring your friends along too. The more company, the more food to enjoy. How does that sound?
Oscar: That’s sounds…really great. *grins* Yeah I’ll be there.
Tip: Terrific! I’ll tell the Mrs. to start cooking. Bet she’ll be thrilled to finally meet you. Lemme just…er…make a little note here so I don’t forget this time.
Oscar: *chuckles* Right.
With that, Tip whipped out his Scroll. Now the only audible noise was the tap-tapping of Tip’s fingers against the glass screen. Oscar, on the other end, drank quietly. If anything, this should have been the end of the two Junkrats’ casual conversation. However, there was another curious question Oscar really wanted to ask that kept egging at him. And for a second time, this sentiment was coordinated by the other being within his mind whose own curiosity encouraged his.
So with another swig of his drink for added courage, Oscar faced Tip again just as he pocketed his Scroll.
Oscar: *sheepishly*…So…what happened?
Tip: What happened what?
Oscar: …Why aren’t you and Jim---the General close anymore? Did…something happen…between you two?
Again. This would be the part where Oscar would expect Tip to lose his patience with him and possibly pull him up for being such a nosy kid; prying into a grown man’s personal business. But just like before, Tip subverted Oscar’s expectations as he only chuckled. He didn’t seem annoyed at the probe. Instead he smiled. That same classic Tippy smile; big and bright as he always gives. Even though Oscar could easily see the slight tinge of blue behind it.
Tip: Quite the perceptive little cookie, aren’t you now?
Oscar: *shrugs jokily* My brain’s not made of straw y’see.
Tip laughed hoarsely; wagging his finger at Oscar in a ‘good one’ type of gesture. Oscar smiled but he didn’t back down from his question. And Tip saw that.
Tip: The Tale of the Ironwood Brothers…
Tip paused. A frown flashed briefly across his face as if remembering something awful. But it was gone as quickly as it came with Tip settling on a sombre half grin.
Tip: Well…that my dear young Freckles is another ole junkrat family secret…for another day. For now, story time’s over.
With that, Tip rose from his seat and started ushering Oscar to do the same.
Oscar: Wait…what? Really? What happened to us celebrating?
Tip: We can celebrate more on the way home once our shift’s over and all the work is done. Besides the faster we finish up, the sooner I can drop you off safely. Come on now. Don’t want the wifey to start ringing down my Scroll again. Same for your mother hen.
He meant Ruby. Oscar frowned, folding his arms with a huff as he grouchily watched Tip start packing all the remaining snacks and drinks into a duffle bag. At one point he stopped to give Oscar a firm look that clearly meant that he wanted him to stop pouting and start assisting. Finally Oscar gave in with a sigh of defeat.
Oscar: Fine.
Tip smirked with a single nod. He then thrusted the snack bag into Oscar’s lap leaving him to secure the rest of the goodies. As Tip spun around, there suddenly came a small clatter from the back of the warehouse. As the senior Junkrat inspected, he was met with mechanical shrieks of alarm as a towering Atlesian battle droid peeped its obliquely pumpkin-shaped metal head from behind a pillar of oil cans it had accidentally knocked over.
Tip only shook his head at this familiar bot.
Tip: Oy! PMKN-4340! Don’t think I don’t see you back there! You know you’re not supposed to be outside of your terminal after hours. Offline now!
More mechanical noises were heard, this time in disappointed protest followed by another clatter of cans as the droid---PMKN-4340, begrudgingly plodded its way back to its charging terminal in the backroom with its other sleeping brothers.
When Tip was assured that the droid was back where it was supposed to be, he returned to Oscar who was almost finished packing.
Tip: Sorry about that.
Oscar: 4340 acting up again?
Tip: Yeeeeep.
Oscar: Have you tried switching it completely off? Removing its batteries…er…power core…whatever?
Tip: Pffft! You say that like I didn’t have the common sense to try that a bazillion times.
Oscar: *in disbelief* And it still comes back online? Every time!
Tip: Mmmm hmmmm
Oscar zipped up the fully packed snack bag and tossed it back to Tip who slung it over his shoulder.
Tip: *sighs* Yeah…4340’s always been an oddball but I’ve never seen it this persistent before. If I didn’t know any better, I think it likes you, Freckles.
Oscar: *surprised*What? Me?
Tip: Yeah, it only misbehaves like this when you’re around. Maybe it’s got a little robo-crush on you. Don’t think it’s female though. Do robots even have genders? I mean…it’s looks male but maybe it’s one of them models where you can decide the sex. I never really checked. Never really thought about it.
Oscar: *awkwardly* …Oookay, that’s enough of that. Let’s change the subject, please.
Tip: Yeaaaah you’re right. I’m too old for that kind of talk with you young whippersnappers. *chuckles* I still think that robot’s interested in you for some reason though. Might even give that lil Ruby girl you like so much some competition.
Oscar: Wait…WHAT!
Tip only gave Oscar a knowing look. Oscar could only turn pink under his gaze.
Oscar: *embarrassed* I…I…I’m not…really…it’s not…
Tip: What? You think I wouldn’t notice your crush on Little Red Ruby Hood? My brain may be made of straw but my eyes are sharper than a tack and you got it bad, m’friend.
Oscar: *embarrassed; blushing* Shu---Shut it!
Tip: *teasingly in a sing-song voice* Bad for the Rose.
Oscar: *cheeks turning from pink to red* Shut up, shut up!
Tip: *pokes Oscar’s reddened cheeks playfully* Want some tips? Some Tippy Tips on romance---
Oscar: *covers his ears childishly; blushing intensifies* No! No! We are not having this conversation! Nope! No! No! Not listening anymore. Noooo!
Tip clutches his sides, doing his best not to keel over from laughing his butt off. The older Junkrat then patted his young protégé lightly on the back; silently reassuring him that he wasn’t going to tease him any further. Oscar merely pouted grumpily; unconvinced. Tip grinned.
Tip: *laughingly*  Come on. Finish your juice and let’s get back to work, lover boy.
Tip then masterfully evades a grouchy punch to the shoulder from Oscar as he innocently danced his way out of the room leaving a flushed farm boy alone to his embarrassment. With the senior Junkrat gone, Oscar drops his face in his hands; groaning unapologetically loud.
Oscar: *awkwardly* Why? Why does everyone keep calling me that?
Tip: *yelling off-screen* Because you’re that darn obvious boy!
At this point, Oscar’s face was beet red.
Oscar: *mega embarrassed* Shut it old man!
And scene.
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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halfofxerxes · 6 years ago
// how abt ' language ' for that word drabble thing ;oc
word dribbles
"No! That's not right at all!" Van says, quickly setting his hand on the inside of Sil's thigh, reaching up to squish Sil's face with his other, "You have to make this kind of shape with your mouth!"
"Isn't this a little silly?" Sil asks, a little muffled, and a little upset. Being a perfectionist, having Van keep correcting him like this must be irritating, Van knows, but this was serious. "You know what I'm saying, and I can always supplement with the common language--"
"You asked me to teach you the way that I speak it." Van replies, "Your exact words were 'I want to know the language you think in' and as pedantic as it is, I'm trying to share it with you."
"I can convey the same information with the words you taught me and make it half as long." Sil tells him, "Why are you making this so inefficient?"
"I can't help it, Sil." Van says, his frustration rising, "I can make the contractions and shortcuts when I'm using other languages, but thinking always uses this structure. Even as it is, compared to educated Xerxeans, I sound like a fucking moron."
He sighs, his hand dropping from Sil's face, hand sliding down the skin of Sil's throat. The hand on the thigh creeps upwards, and he switches into Xerxean, talking low. By the flush on Sil's skin and heat starting to rise, he understands; but there's a watchful look in his eyes, as the mer tries to anticipate what Van's doing.
He's not wrong to do so, Van is in the middle of making a point, though it's strange to have that kind of attention directed toward him. Usually, (well, usually when people understood him, it's been a few hundred years), when he started talking like this, and acting like this, the attention was reciprocated. He's glad. The point he wanted to make would be a lot harder if Sil was putting that kind of pressure on him.
He's still not immediately make the switch and be dramatic, getting a little distracted with just how nice Sil's thighs actually were-- seriously considering the idea of going for it. There's a slight confusion in Sil's eyes, his lips parting slightly as he's about to say something.
That's when Van makes the switch, changing the order of his words and condensing the information, going from talking dirty to a literal description of how sexual mechanics work.
Sil starts to laugh, gently pushing Van off of him, hugging him close as he snickers.
"I can concede they're not analogous." Sil tells him, "However I don't particularly enjoy the example you gave me, you have a reedy trill on some of those words that make you sound like a child and it's upsetting hearing it with the content of the words."
"Yeah-- uh." Van pauses, taking a breath, "I suppose you'd call it a script? It's an old one, regardless, I wanted something that was easily understood, and that's one of the things they taught me when they found out I could talk."
At least that's what Van heard at first, the noise is actually more of a pained, soft noise. Sil pulls him up closer, embracing him. After a moment, Sil sighs.
"Are you sure I can't convince you to think in some other strenuous obnoxious language?" Sil asks, "One that isn't quite as pedantic and awful?"
"Maybe." Van says, shrugging, "The problem is that even when I switch, the structure stays. Spiderweb spiral, like I showed you on the graph. Do you need me to get the graph out again? Or would the 3d diagram--"
"No, no I remember." Sil says quickly, "It's fine, I still have a headache from the six topic conversation we had last night, what language makes those kinds of sub-vocalizations necessary? I always thought you were whining and humming to yourself out of anxiety, not having a conversation with yourself."
"Yeah," Van laughs, "I'm talking to the Xerxeans, actually. Many hate that I only use the undercurrent to talk with them, but it's easy to direct the sound, and I used it to shit talk with my friends, so I got pretty good with it."
"I can see why you get along with the nixs." Sil says, "They like to chatter."
"Oh yeah." Van nods, "They sound so much like my brothers, it's uncanny sometimes. That's why the shape of your mouth is so important, though, you can make some serious mistakes by including too much air in a word. Heck, no wonder I didn't learn it until long after I was forming memories."
"Excuse me?" Sil sounds a little shocked, and horrified, but before Van can explain, Sil holds up a hand. "No, shut up. On second thought, stop thinking. Entirely. Just remove the concept of all language and start over."
Van thinks it's a joke, and laughs accordingly. Sil had not been joking.
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