#like you have to keep in mind that there are Fantasy Lifespans at work because then it's like. well why SHOULD this thing exist
nhura · 2 months
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Life is too short.
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(detail + ratio rambling under the cut >_>)
This is one of those "I need a break between my ten other illustrations, let me do a lil sketchy sketch :D" that got too ambitious etc. etc. I never want to see the color red again" moments. BUT!
I really, really like to explore Ratio's viscerality and what's happening between his brain and his nerves, like... all of this thorough control and discipline and he still has to breathe and react to himself and his surroundings, you know? His accomplishments are insane for "his age"* but he's going to run out of "age" at some point! His ambitions are so far reaching that he's not worried about getting doctorate degree Number Nine! Rather, his efforts are pointed outwards, into the universe, for the universe. As you know.
Speaking of his degrees, I had a half thought a while ago that we've seen him with two types of laurel pins.
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One is him in his suuuuuper cute mother goose avatar (three leaves) and the other is the hat he's wearing everywhere else (eight leaves).
The thought was, "Aww, what if they're like commemorative pins counting the number of his degrees or whatever :)". Literally only because there's eight in the current one. This is kind of silly because then you'd HAVE to have an obscene number of degrees even for a normal person for your leaf pin to start looking like a laurel in the first place so scratch that BUT it's cute to think that it's still academic regalia. Something something I work in higher ed myself and it's like... it's like that.
The university goldsmith appreciates the job security.
I REMEMBER WHY I BROUGHT THAT UP. FOLLOWING the fantasy where more leaves = more knowledge!, in summary, even though Ratio seems to be a little beyond trying to get a prize every time he learns something now. But he does want to Keep Going. He can only Keep Going.
So I drew him in a bathtub full of an uncountable amount of gold leaves looking at the camera with an indescribable expression born from a hunger that will never be satiated lol DETAIL SHOT!
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*Referenced only vaguely in a comment in the context of astonishment, but it could have easily have been "woah he's accomplished so much for his age (young)" as it could be "woah he looks good for his age (older)". There is no canon age and even then, reconciling standardized system time versus planetary time versus "does his particular breed of lizard human have the same lifespan as tumblr user nhura?" is a losing game for everyone involved! Here's what I think: I think he started going grey in his early twenties, whatever that means in spacefantasygame, and that that's very cute on him.
Do YOU think Ratio would be tempted by immortality???? Or would he MIND HIS BUSINESS
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desertleviathan · 11 months
I've been working quite a bit this week on a Final Fantasy 8 inspired TTRPG and wanted to post about some of the core concepts.
First of all, obviously the core story is about kids at elite military academies where they become mercenaries who learn to use magic to summon godlike beings for combat support. That's the main FF8 thing and you can't really do a game about it without carrying that over.
In this case, the entities are called Aeons, and they are Manufactured Spirits, cultivated deliberately by their original summoner, with a handful growing stable enough to persist beyond that summoner's lifespan. Individuals who can be trained to manifest a Personal Aeon are known as Espers, and for the most part it's an ability that only manifests among the relatively young. Teens to early 20s. Beyond that point, trying to manifest your Aeon starts to incur severe risks, including that the Aeon might go feral and steal the summoner's body. So because people bonded to Aeons have capabilities that others lack, there's a steady demand to train kids to use this magic.
In addition to personal Aeons there are Institutional Aeons, spirits who have become bound to and sustained by larger organizations, with whom an individual can form a pact for power. The Personal Aeon will always have the most potent influence over a given Esper's magic, but most kids will wind up forging pacts with a Regimental Aeon (whose pacts form the basis of character classes) and an Academy Aeon (the guardian spirits of the individual schools). And then in an Esper's brief time having access to this magic they may form relationships with various other Aeons, although too many pacts will burden them with quite a list of obligations and taboos to keep them all happy. Only the Personal Aeon asks nothing extra of its summoner, since its very creation is enough of boon to earn its power.
The Regiments are less like D&D classes and more like World of Darkness character groups. All these characters share core mechanics that are pretty similar, but choice of Regiment determines some specialties, gives EXP discounts to purchase specific traits, and comes with at least some drawback.
When a student is early on in their training as an Esper, the academy instructors will keep an eye on their development and eventually encourage them to form a pact with one of the eight Regimental Aeons based on which one fits that student's aptitudes the best. Not every kid tracks perfectly to one of the eight, but they govern fairly broad and flexible concepts.
ADEPT - Your creativity and artistic skill seem to have opened your mind to an intuitive understanding of sophisticated magic in a way that other Espers find enviable.
CHAMPION - You are a dedicated athlete, always pushing yourself to improve physically, and can thus channel your Aeon to supplement your strength, agility, and resilience with greater ease.
EMISSARY - You have a gift for making friends and getting along with a diverse group of people. A natural organizer, your magic lends itself well to support and coordination.
ERRANT - You're a hothead and scrapper, maybe even a bit of a bully, but the Academies know that you're just in need of a cause to devote yourself to in order to reach your full potential.
MAVERICK - You may have been a rebel, iconoclast, or just a class clown. An ordinary school would have despaired of reigning you in, but the Academies saw your potential as a saboteur.
PHANTOM - You're spooky and weird, even among kids who learn to manifest artificial Gods. Your outsider perspective has made you highly observant, and few details escape your keen scrutiny.
PRODIGY - You're at the top of the class academically, both briliant and disciplined, with the study habits that ensure you're well prepared for whatever challenges await you.
STALWART - You may not see it in yourself but your teachers have identified you as a natural leader, a pillar of reliability and composure that other kids will rally around in difficult times.
TRUANT - You have not formed a pact with one of the Regimental Aeons for whatever reason, and your magic is developing in its own unique way. This will be a difficult road, but not an impossible one.
In case it wasn't obvious, the eight Regiments draw some inspiration from the main cast of Final Fantasy 8, the six core party members and two guest party members in particular. The Regimental Aeons are more clearly based on those characters, but filtered through ascension to mythical, godlike beings. The three flashback party members and other major FF8 characters contribute inspiration elsewhere.
They're also a sort of rough alignment grid of the classic teen archetypes of Nerd vs. Jock and Preppy vs. Punk, but that draws less inspiration directly from the source characters and is more about how the individual Regiments find their places within the Academies.
An awakened Aeon can be channeled through its summoner's body to produce a wide range of effects. Every personal Aeon grants some common abilities - the power to draw magical energy out of places or individuals who have an excess, the power to substitute their vitality for their summoner's, and the power to manifest a brief burst of power that may take the form of a potent attack, a beneficial effect, or something else that manifests and is done in an instant.
An Esper can learn to channel their Aeon in other ways for longer-term effects though, and each Regiment specializes in a number of these techniques. Specifically, each Regiment has two Fundamental Arts that are part of a pool shared with all other Regiments, and one Regimental Art that outsiders must form a positive relationship with the Regimental Aeon or find a sufficiently advanced tutor to learn themselves. Or in the case of a Truant, they may select any three Fundamental Arts to develop an instinctive affinity for. And finally there are Institutional Arts taught by the patron spirits of the Academies, which which no one is inherently conversant. Learning an Institutional Art requires a certain level of trust from the Academy Aeon, and is normally not available at character creation.
There are eight Fundamental Arts (with two different Regiments specializing in each one), eight Regimental Arts, and currently eight planned Institutional Arts. Eight is an important number for this setting.
At some point in developing these I realized that a bunch of them had names that started with R, and changed them all to match that pattern, but there's no real reason for that idea and I may back off from it if it proves confusing.
RAMPAGE, the Art of Fury - You channel your Aeon directly into your body to enhance your physical strength and close-combat capabilities. (Favored: Champions & Errants)
RAMPART, the Art of Protection - You start by wrapping your Aeon around your flesh like a shield, and progress to warding your mind and spirit or protecting others. (Favored: Champions & Stalwarts)
RECLUSE, the Art of Concealment - You can shape your Aeon into a cloak of illusions that helps you evade detection and misdirect your foes. (Favored: Mavericks & Phantoms)
RECONNOITER, the Art of Observation - You have learned to enhance your senses beyond the normal human range, including awakening supernatural senses. (Favored: Phantoms & Prodigies)
REIGN, the Art of Command - You can make yourself appear more persuasive or intimidating, bolstering your allies and confounding your enemies. (Favored: Emmisaries & Stalwarts)
RESTORATION, the Art of Healing - You can channel your Aeon to mend flesh, ease weariness, and purge hostile magics, although it is costly to do so. (Favored: Adepts & Emissaries)
RITUALS, the Art of Sorcery - You have studied the formal magic that existed before the rise of Aeons, and can use your Aeon to sculpt traditional Spells. (Favored: Adepts & Prodigies)
RUSH, the Art of Movement - You start by running faster and jumping higher, but eventually may learn to teleport past barriers or redirect gravity! (Favored: Errants & Mavericks)
RAID, the Art of Consumption: Your Aeon can siphon energy from other sources with far greater potency and precision than the baseline, even replicating monster magic. (Favored: Prodigies)
RALLY, the Art of Coordination: You become the hub of a voluntary psychic network that facilitates instantaneous silent teamwork and the sharing of some normally self-only arts. (Favored: Emissaries)
REBUKE, the Art of Punishment: You prepare a potent counter that will take effect when the enemy triggers it, punishing them for daring to engage in battle with you. (Favored: Stalwarts)
RELIC, the Art of Haunting: You can further blur the line between mortal and spirit, manifesting the ghostly traits that your soul might develop after death. (Favored: Phantoms)
RENCOUNTER, the Art of Dueling: You learn a selection of potent close-combat techniques that you can chain together into rapid combination strikes. (Favored: Champions)
RHAPSODY, the Art of Inspiration: You can plant emotions, ideas, skills, or even magic abilities in the minds of others, enhancing allies and influencing enemies. (Favored: Adepts)
RIOT, the Art of Rebellion: You can not be contained by rules or obstacles, especially those imposed by the supernatural abilities of your enemies. (Favored: Errants)
RUIN, the Art of Disruption: You can sabotage complex systems with the infusion of chaos magic, whether those systems are machines, social customs, or other spells. (Favored: Mavericks)
Inspirations for these are fairly loose, since many of these characters had no magical abilities to speak of, but I wanted them to still have a place in this homage. For some of them, I had an idea for an Art and simply assigned the closest character I could. For others, the reference is much more front and center. The Institutional Aeons who grant these arts are more obvious references to each character.
RECOLLECTION, the Art of Memories: You learn to observe memories, walk directly among them, or even cause others to relive them. (Inspired by Ellone)
REDOUBT, the Art of Fortification: You can channel your Aeon into the environment to adjust its physical parameters to suit your tactical needs. (Inspired by Ward)
RAPPORT, the Art of Oaths: You can create pacts between individuals not unlike those Aeons forge, where fulfillment of a bargain generates a specific boon. (Inspired by Laguna)
RENEWAL, the Art of Cultivation: You can establish a connection with the natural world, adapting yourself to the environment and channeling your magic through it. (Inspired by Raine)
REPOSE, the Art of Dreams: You can influence the minds of sleepers, and may even learn to manifest your spirit as part of their dream, or pass physically through it. (Inspired by Kiros)
REVELATION, the Art of Fate: You can catch a glimpse of a likely future and the road leading to it, and either prepare to secure it, or prepare to counter it. (Inspired by Cid)
REVERANCE, the Art of Prayer: You can perform meta-magic feats transferring energy between Aeons and establishing diplomatic relationships with spirits. (Inspired by Julia)
RIGGING, the Art of Technology: You can refine your Aeonic magic into energy forms compatible with devices, taking control of them or temporarily repairing damaged ones. (Inspired by Dr. Odine)
I also have vague ideas for Institutional Aeons associated with organizations other than the Academies based on Fujin, Raijin, Dr. Kadowaki, Martine, Mayor Dobe & Flo, NORG, Nida, Xu, Biggs & Wedge, Zone & Watts, General Caraway, President Deling, Sorceress Adele, the Master Fisherman, and of course Ultimecia, but I don't think any of those would would have full Arts other than the Ultimecia-inspired character. She'll have an array of special techniques that she teaches to the plague of Witches who are a major problem for the setting, and player characters will probably not have much of a chance to learn them safely. The rest of these characters would grant simplified pacts that allowed for a single simple boon and a minor drawback, and maybe a summonable form for an instant effect.
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Hello friends!
I’m back and better than ever!! ᕱ__ᕱ This past week I have felt much, much better and, while I don’t want to jinx it, I think I should be looking forward to sunshine and clear skies for the next few weeks in the mental health department so that's always good news. I don’t have very much commentary this week, and I don’t want to keep y’all for longer than I need to in light of last week's heavier post, so I figured I would keep this one short and sweet. The main thing I have made progress on in the last few days is world building. Now, keep in mind that all of this is still in it’s beginning stages so things may likely change in the future, but for now here is a basic outline of some of the fantasy races and magic system in my story:
Elven Kind - the Atharenel
Names come from celtic, russian/slavic, germanic, french
Ailidh’s people have celtic names
Ruslan’s people have russian/slavic names
Two other main groups of Atharenel
one has germanic names 
one has french names
The Atharenel are fully mortal and have normal lifespans much like humans
However they have a highly increased ability for magic
Along with a deeper connection to the natural world
And they have slightly enhanced abilities
Naturally mildly faster
More flexible, etc.
Names come from misc languages
latin, hebrew, spanish, japanese, chinese, arabic, african dialects etc.
Some have ability for magic but at a much lower rate than the atharenel
And naturally powerful magic users are rare
Often use objects of power to help channel and amplify magic
Staffs, wands, rings, etc
Often utilize spells to help direct and shape magic specifically
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Magic is highly connected to nature
Magic enhances nature and follows an extension of most natural laws
There is always a reaction to an action
Something can’t be made of nothing
Stuff doesn’t just happen because
Light magic (or Life magic) refers to the magic of healing, growing, creating
Dark magic (or Death magic) refers to the magic of aggression, death, destruction
Life and death magic exist on a balance, they are yin and yang, there simply is not one without the other
However there is such a thing as “bad magic” and that is corrupted magic
This is the type of magic that creates things like the shadow army
It tilts the balance between light and dark out of balance
It twists nature itself into something unnatural and seems to come with no cost
Shadow Army do not have names
That’s pretty much all I have for y’all today. As you can tell, this is a pretty basic outline and some of the details are still vague and wishy-washy, but as I devote more time to this project I hope my vision becomes more and more clear. Only time will tell I suppose. Next week I will hopefully have some more characters developed for you all as recently many have been fighting to be released from my brain. We shall see. Until next time!  ᕱ__ᕱ 
Always remember to dot your j’s and cross your t’s!
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 years
i have to stop thinking about this and go to bed i have to. BUT
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missyasf · 4 years
Game Of Hearts
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↳ Summary: Your life is in monotonous tones of grey, day in, day out. Nothing matters besides your sister, the only thing you remember is seeing fireworks before waking up to Tokyo abandoned . Soon enough you are properly introduced to the deadly Borderlands where you must fight for your life in Games to survive. When things can’t possibly get worse soon division arises and rivalries are made. No matter what though, you are constantly plagued by a blonde who, no matter how hard you try, just can’t seem to go too far without.
↳ Pairing: Chishiya/Reader
↳ Genre: Angst, smut, thriller
Word Count: 11k
___| Next
Trigger Warning: ⚠️ much like the manga/Netflix adaptation this will be a dark fic which includes mentions of prostitution, attempted murder, child ab*se, sexual harassment, heavy grief and attempted suic*de among other things. Additional warnings will be added for chapters when triggers are brought up. Please read with caution if these are triggers for you or just skip all together! 
Side mention: This could be considered a prequel to the current Alice In Borderland. I’m writing based off the Manga bc I was a glutton and couldn’t wait no spoilers will be present as of...
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the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy ♡ 
You had known all about this during your short lifespan, as a child you’d often play pretend with your sister that you were movie stars living in a five star hotel rather than the shitty busted up apartment on the wrong side of town. Escapism came in, many forms. It was often a way for people to cope psychologically, simply because sometimes, facing the reality of your situation can be too much for one person to handle mentally. 
Or at least, that was the topic of your lecture today in class. The human mind always fascinated you. Even at the young tender age when your mom died and you watched your once cozy little family fall apart piece by piece until nothing was left in its wake. 
It was your fascination that drove you now for most things, why? Why, why, why? You always wondered what the motive was behind someone’s actions, not only thing but you wanted to  understand them better, to try and sympathize. You were already fairly intuitive in nature. It wasn’t difficult to read people. In fact your line of work made it easy, you’d watch a man who would be excited to be with you reach for his left finger as if used to touching something. A wedding band perhaps? 
The lowlife cheater was fairly common in a whore house after all. Or the man who had been pissy this morning behind you in line because you had decided to try something new on the menu and you weren’t fast enough, obviously because he was tardy and woke up late, his shirt unbeknownst to him was button the wrong way and his tie loose and even the way his hair fell were all signs of being late to work. 
It was the little things you noticed in people’s facial expressions, the way they moved and spoke. You could read people like a book, and sure sometimes it was useful. But you often wished you weren’t so perceptive. It drove you mad knowing when a potential love interest was no longer interested through a simple text or a friend not wanting to talk by their tone. Sometimes you wished you could just blot it all out, still, you lived like this day in and day out, you were used to this kind of thing and honestly. Friends? Love? Your gaze dropped a little to your feet, the pumps you were wearing a jet black and the heel too high for any respectable woman to ever wear. 
...It wasn’t like you ever had any of those in your life and you had struggled to come to terms with the fact that you could survive without that kind of support. Still...it made you envious, the couple happily holding hands on the sidewalk. The group of friends all laughing at a table while they studied. Oftentimes these feelings are muted, but when you’re faced with something you’ve always craved, those muted feelings suddenly become hyperactive in your mind. 
It’s pathetic, honestly. 
“How dare you! You disgusting slut!” 
In this moment however, you were brought back to reality at just what was happening, you squeaked loudly as you dodged the shoe the woman had thrown at you. This was all a regular occurrence, you had a lot of regulars who weren’t the most amazing people but hey, money was money. But along with them they also left a trail which their wives and girlfriends always followed. And then they always blamed you instead of their partner for leaving them for a prostitute despite you never having agreed to anything such as that.
It really wasn’t your fault, you were just trying to make a living while juggling with keeping up your own education, paying your fathers debts, rent and still somehow getting food on the table. What part time college job could provide that?
Prostitution wasn’t a job you would’ve gone into willingly but given the past and your trauma that was already laced in it you had been learning that sometimes because of the trauma we experience, sometimes people go back to that same trauma and actively participate in it as a way of feeling like they’re in control. 
That whatever happened before, would never happen again if you were in control. You weren’t sure if you qualified under this category, trauma came in many forms but the one most used as an example in your class was that a study showed that women who were assaulted often develop a kink for consensual non consent as a way of coping with what happened, except this time, it’s in a controlled environment where it can end the moment they want it too. 
Again, you weren’t sure you fell into this category, but you often wondered if your line of work was intertwined with your earlier memories when you were younger, if anything it brought comfort to you. Much of it, blotted out now simply because your mind couldn’t take it. Trauma expressed through amnesia was also much more common than many thought, and it’s so small, so easy to miss. After all how can you be aware of something if you have no memory of it anymore?
“Security!” Your manager screeched, two of the bodyguards were already between you and the feral woman who was ready to gut you clean as she screamed hysterically, her husband...your regular....at her side trying to get her to calm down only for her to come to her senses and slap him clean across the face. You didn’t condone violence, but he did have it coming...
You weren’t about to justify cheaters, you couldn’t imagine the hurt someone had to feel that not only did their partner cheat on them, but it was with someone...like you...You had been trying not to put down your job occupation, sex workers were just as valid as anyone else...you knew you would’ve thought this way if it was anyone but you in this position. 
You sighed as you ran your hands through your hair, watching the couple get dragged out of the tight space of the brothel, “Jesus christ....didn’t you say you stopped using perfume because of this?” Miki, your manager sighed as she crossed her arms. You didn’t want to say your manager was your friend but she was the closest you had as you’d often complain to her about most of your problems. Sex work often attracted broken people, it wasn’t something she wasn’t used to. 
“Yeah, but apparently he never got around to washing his clothes…” You wiped your mouth on the back of your hand, “Lipstick stain,” You glanced down at the ruby pink color that stained your skin now, “Fuck...that did hurt.” You rubbed your sore cheek that was still throbbing from where she had first slapped it when she ripped the door open of the room where she got to see with her own eyes you riding her husband. 
It had happened so many times now you weren’t even embarrassed about someone walking in let alone a partner. Miki gave you a lopsided smile as she patted your shoulder, “Guess that just pays for being one of the best here. Did you at least get paid.” 
You nodded, “Yeah, I always make them pay in advanced but I was hoping to get a tip afterwards...He was a lawyer so you know he had good money.” You sighed, crossing your arms, you were well aware of his partner because a lot of the time he didn’t even come in for sex anymore. It was funny how humans work. 
He often felt his wife was overbearing and you had suspected some sort of verbal abuse by the way he talked about her constant screaming. Truthfully, you don’t think he ever intended on cheating with her. He just wanted someone to talk to without being judged, you could relate with sympathy to that, but he unfortunately chose to walk into a brothel instead of a therapy clinic and this truly was the only inevitable outcome. Still, you hope if for anyone’s sake, he gets that divorce for himself. 
 “Hey I think I’m gonna call it a day. I need to get back to Nanami, she was wanting to talk to me about college applications.” You sighed as you rubbed your neck, ever since she had graduated high school she had been chomping at the bit to start applying for college, maybe to just get out of the house and into a dorm. You couldn’t blame her and if she did that it would lighten your load a little. 
Guilt washed over you at the thought as Miki chuckled, “They grow up pretty fast huh? My brother was the same way, except the moment he found out I was a sex worker was the moment he called me a whore and we haven’t talked since. That was probably about five years ago,” She crossed her arms as she sighed, “Crazy how the things we do for the ones we love, never appreciate our effort...I’ll see you tomorrow then?” 
“If I’m not bruising.” You offered a weak smile as you nodded at her before going back to your room to get changed. Truthfully, you much like anyone else, often wished you could go to a world where reality wasn’t a concept any longer. Where you could lay out in the sun for the whole day and just soak up it’s rays with no worries or trepidations. 
But sooner then later everyone had to face their fears. Even you, you supposed. But no matter how hard you fought your demons, they always came back tenfold. Again, you supposed your story was no different from tens of thousands, and yet you all live on regardless. Maybe it’s you who should be the one seeking therapy. Pulling on your jeans and the cropped top over your head before pulling the jacket over your arms and grabbing your bag. 
The walk home was as quiet as ever, your hood over your head and earbuds any unwanted attention, it wasn’t too late at night, only eleven PM and your work had just been getting started but that had ruined the night for you and besides, you had already failed a test today, you could use the sleep tonight. 
Occasionally you’d hear the sirens of  a cop car passing by or a bystander shout, nothing out of the ordinary in this neighborhood. Walking up to the apartment complex you pulled the key from your bag as you unlocked the door. Quietly stepping insides as you shut the door before locking it once more. Your nose wrinkled at the smell of stale air mixed with rotten...something…
If anything, you were always lacking in something, you had been so busy most of the day that you never had time to clean anything leaving the house in a horrible state. Not that you thought this was much of a house. 
Walking down the narrow hallway you opened the rickety door with a missing lock as you gave a brief smile to the small clump of bedsheets. Your sister was curled up and on her phone, eyes darting to the door with a hint of fear before she jumped up, “Y/n! You’re home earlier from night shift already!?” 
You offered a smile as you set down your bag and nodded, sitting down on the mattress that laid on the floor as you replied, “Yeah, a coworker needed the extra hours so I let them cover for me tonight. Besides, you wanted to talk about college applications?” Your sister was under the impression your late night job was bartending at some hole in the wall downtown, where in all actuality you just went there to drink a few days and talk to the loud and sometimes obnoxious, but good hearted bartender who loved talking about his nerdy underaged friends that couldn’t do anything beside stay and drink soda. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t think your sister would accept you, if she knew what you were actually doing. Fear, most times came in many different forms and this was one of them. You simply didn’t want to be judged, even by her. So nobody in your life truly knew who you were, and therefore, how could you hold the expectation for people to accept you into society if you were already self sabotaging yourself? 
All philosophy aside, you were simply a lost soul, looking for your way in the cruel reality called life. 
“Yes!” Nanami was chipper as always as she squealed, clapping her hands, “I…! I was thinking about applying to the university you attend! Maybe I'll get a grant and move into the dorms there? I already applied for several jobs, I’m just waiting on a callback!” 
You offered a small smile as you hugged your knees to your chest, “I think you’d like it there, there’s lots to do around campus. But what will you go in for? The only advice I can offer is be sure it’s what you want to do.” 
Nanami’s face faltered a little as she hummed, “Well...I thought maybe working with animals? I’d love to be an assistant surgeon in veterinarian? I know it’s a pretty...sad job but...I really like the idea of being able to heal such innocent things.” Your smile tugged into a gentle one at your sister. She was too tender for this world.
It had been your goal sense the day your mother died that you took care of your sister, it didn’t matter what happened to you. You could rot for all you cared at the end of the day, all you wanted was to look up and see your sister's smile and her happiness in life blossom. She more than anyone deserved it. 
“I think you’ll be great at it.” You encouraged as you rested your chin on your hand, always happy to see her bounce in excitement as you yawned, your body was used to your demanding schedule but it was always more than happy to welcome a few extra hours of sleep.”
Hearing the door loudly slam close caused you both to jump, Nanami hurriedly crawled back in bed, pretending to be asleep as you frowned. Your dad must’ve come back home from wherever he was. 
“Y/n! Just stay here! Can’t you talk to him later?” Nanami looked scared, she always did when he was around. But you weren’t about to stand down to the bastard any day of the week, you offered a weak smile as you replied. 
“It’s fine Nami, I’ll be just a few minutes.” You replied, you knew that she knew, that was probably a lie. But you’d try your best, for her sake at least. But somebody had to put this guy in his place occasionally and it was always you. It results in a lot of screaming sometimes, other times he’d break down in tears or on a bad occasion you’d get shoved to the ground, a few times hit. Nothing major. 
Walking out of the room you leaned against the wall of the entrance of the hallway watching your father stumble around in the living room, “Did you finally talk to the loan company?” You called out as you asked, not in a forgiving mood tonight. He had said he’d do this for two weeks in a row. The company that sank your whole family into the ground. The reason your mother couldn’t take it anymore and put a blade to her wrist. 
Your father stood up, looking a little wobbly, obviously drunk, “Now listen here little girl I don’t have shit to own to you or anyone else.” You sighed as you tucked your tongue into your cheek, annoyance flowing inside you as you straightened up. You weren’t going to be bullied into being scared of this guy. 
“Actually you do,” Your smile twisted into something more sharp, more bitter and sinister as you walked forward, “See, if you hadn’t of gotten involved in something shady like loan sharks we wouldn’t be drowning in debt and mom wouldn’t have killed herself because of you and both your daughters wouldn’t hate you. I know you drink away all our money in some pathetic attempt to escape from the cold reality that you fucked up your whole life and watched your family slip from your fingers while not even trying to do anything other then put us in further shit,” You closed your eyes as you tilted your head, “But the least you could do, is admit that. You owe us at least that for being a total fuck up.” 
You opened your eyes to find pure rage brewing in your fathers eyes as you smiled once more, this time a false sense of sickly sweet tone to it as you shrugged, “Or you could live in denial, at this point, there really isn’t anything you can do to get anyone back ♡ ” 
You had turned around, planning to tell Nanami that maybe she should go sleep over at a friends house today but you never got the chance, suddenly being slammed into the wall and flecks of spit hitting your face, “I am your fucking father! I deserve respect from you and your worthless sister! Do you know how much I provide for you both?” 
Anger splintered through your veins as you grabbed onto his wrists, his fingers digging into your neck as you squirmed, “Like fucking what!? A shitty broken down apartment that your vacant from because you’re too fucking ashamed of yourself to even look at us sober!?” 
Much like years in the past you weren’t surprised to hear Nanami cry as she rushed out of the room at the sound of you both screaming, “Stop!” She cried out, trying to break you both up, “Stop! Don’t fight! Why…! Why can’t we all just get along!” She sobbed only for your dad to shove her down making her curl up in defeat. 
Alarm bells were triggered in your head at the sight of Nanami on the ground, she had never actually gotten hurt while in your sight and it was triggering something deep inside you as you watched him stalk up to her. Your hands shaking and rage boiling in your mind as you grabbed the closet thing you could find. An empty beer bottle on the table. 
Your vision blurred and you don’t quite remember what happened other than glass shattering over his head and the brute force of you shoving something before blood was stained on your hands. 
How did you end up sitting against the wall? Why was there….blood on your hands…? Your fingers trembled at the metallic sticky substance. All you could hear were Nanami’s sobs and cries as she frantically pushed herself away from the body slumped on the ground. 
“You…! He…!” Nanami’s eyes brimmed with tears as you heard a loud boom making you jump, your eyes darting to the open window where….fireworks, big and bold crashed and crackled before you felt like you were sucked into a vortex making your whole vision black out. 
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Your head felt fuzzy and there was ringing in your ears as you groaned, curling up into yourself as the darkness beckoned you closer before you forcibly opened your eyes. You were laying against the hardwood floor. Beams of light streaked through the window and you could see dust particles in the air against the shower of sunshine that streamed in. 
...Wait...Light? The thought had perplexed your head enough to make you push up from the ground, memories pulling into your mind as your breath became shallow, suddenly looking to the side where...you slumped against the wall. It must’ve just been a bad dream….your eyes flickered to Nanami’s curled up figure...a really vivid dream…? Something wrenched in your gut as you rubbed your eyes. What happened? “Nami…!” You whispered, forcing your muscles to move despite their protest as she whined. 
After another moment she reluctantly opened her eyes, flickering around before she suddenly scrambled up, taking a deep breath as if realizing what had happened before, looking towards where your dad once was she frowned, “...I...What…” She seemed just as perplexed as you and if her face was anything to go by, last night had obviously happened, “Is dad…” She looked at the absent place of the floor. 
Leaning against the wall your eyes darted around the room, “I guess so…” You silently felt relief at knowing your dad was still very much alive as you leaned back as you closed your eyes, trying to remember what had happened before everything went dark...oh..! The fireworks...had it been a celebration last night? Your brows pinched together, something felt...off...getting up you opened the door to the apartment walking out. 
“Y/n? Y/n! Hey! Where are you going!” Nanami called out, quickly chasing after you as you frowned, cars were parked odd and there was no one out on the street...as in...at all...Something was very wrong and you couldn’t figure out what. 
“Wow...it..must be a slow day…” Nanami felt a sense of discomfort at the lack of life as you both walked down the side walk, it didn’t just feel like a slow day it felt, apocalyptic. As if humanity just left on it’s own leaving nothing but an empty city behind. Cars were parked on the curb and a few even left in the street.
“No, it’s like everyone vanished...This is really weird.” You wrapped your arms around yourself as you frowned, looking around as you came closer to where typically it would be a booming part of the downtown but it was empty, just as everything before. 
“Well, maybe it’s a national holiday?” Nanami rubbed her head, trying to make sense of the situation just as much as you, surely everyone wasn’t...gone...right? She looked around as she bit her lip, second guessing herself at all the cars that were vacant, “Hey Y/n.” 
You paused as you looked at your sister, curving an eyebrow as she offered a weak smile, “What if everyone got raptured away like they talk about in christanity?” Your expression flattened as she giggled, obviously getting a rise out of you as you crossed your arms. 
Raptured? Where? To heaven? “Wouldn’t it be fire and brimstone then if that was the case?” Nanami pouted at your words as you shrugged, snickering yourself at her expression, the tables now turned as you sighed, “I don’t think there’s anyone left in Tokyo...I mean, it feels like...we’d have seen someone by now...right?” 
“Well…” Nanami frowned once more, a little disturbed at your words as she spoke, “There’s no way everyone could be gone I mean, where would they go? And how could we miss something like that...Maybe the police found us and now we’re under some weird simulation.” 
Chills spilled down your spine as you shoved her making her whine, “Don’t say that! That makes me feel all weird…! I didn’t…!” You cut yourself off, you didn’t what? Murder your own dad in cold blood...you looked down at your hands, they were free of any blood but it still felt like something like sin lingered. Like no matter where you went, it would always be stuck to you.
You didn’t like this, not one bit. Briefly you felt the urge to go hunt down your dad, he was a deadbeat but you would never...you’d never kill him....Right?
“Well…” Nanami hummed her eyes scanning ahead before they jumped to the mall that was up ahead, “Hey…! If nobody is here...maybe we could make use of it! Come on! Let's go!” You yelped at her grabbing your arm before dragging you ahead. Cars were all parked and yet not a single person exited through the mall's entrance. Something just felt off! You wrapped your arms around yourself as you warily looked around the empty mall, “Nanami I really don’t like this!” You looked around, concern bubbling inside you as she ran ahead into the store, digging through the section of clothes as she giggled. 
“Relax! I doubt any of this is real and even so…! Who’s going to stop us!?” She shrugged as she bounced in excitement, “Oh my god! I had dreamed of something like this happening! Now we can do whatever we want! Go wherever we want! Y/n!” She gasped with a smile, “Now we don’t even have to worry about money!” 
“We don’t even know if this is permanent.” You looked around warily, not partaking as she began plucking off the racks, “Regardless of what this is, I don’t like it. I want to go back home, our home. This just doesn’t…” You shook your head, “This just doesn’t feel right.” 
“Well you can feel that way!” Nanami clacked her tongue as she gave a childish smile, “But I’m gonna go through this whole store and get a new wardrobe so feel free to sit on the bench and tell me what you think looks good!” 
Looking away you sighed, unable to pinch the anxious feeling you had away as you sat down reluctantly as Nanami went into the changing room. Well...at least she was smiling and she was happy...With each outfit Nanami tried out and giggled, you giggled with her and maybe things weren’t so bad after all…
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“What a perfect day.” Nanami hugged you close as she sighed, yawning as you looked up at the sky in awe, you had seen a single star while living in Tokyo before, but now it was filled with constellations and millions of stars that stretched for miles. You could stare at it for days and days. The sun had just set a little over half an hour ago and you were ready to retire and find something to eat at the apartment. 
You and Nanami had tried going to the food court but much to your dismay everything had been...rotten...soiled and ruined, meaning there was no point in trying to find anything there and you were getting really hungry despite devouring bags of chips you had both got at the convenient store, another thing that stood out to you was that there was no electricity...at all..
Looking back up to the sidewalk something caught your eyes...was that…! Light!? “Hey! Nanami look!” You shook her making her squeak as she looked up ahead, “It’s the hospital! They have electricity there which means there’s other people! Of course! Why didn’t we think to check essential areas!? Come on! Lets go! I wanna figure out what happened.” 
“Alright! It sucks that this is already over but at least I can finally charge my phone, the battery is pretty low.” Nanami nodded in agreement as you both made your way up the road. 
The walk wasn’t too far and you felt excitement fill you at the sight of the hospital all lit up as you walked into the entrance, a frown slowly setting on your lips once more as you walked past the receptionist desk and…! Oh there’s other people! 
You felt relief wash over your as you ran up, there were at least seven other other people here at least! “Hey! Guys oh my god. I thought everyone was gone! What’s going on?” You asked, smiling bright in relief that you and Nanami weren’t the only ones left behind. Was this some kind of evac point or…?
Silence ensued and you slowly began to frown as you felt everyone stare at you as if you were insane, “Um…” You wrapped a hand around your arm, suddenly feeling as if everyone knew something you didn’t, “What’s going on…?” You furrowed your brows as you tilted your head, unsure of why everyone was looking at you like this. 
Somebody looked like they were going to talk to you, a guy relatively around your age but a woman stopped him- his girlfriend maybe? “Stop, the less that know the better chance we have.” She said quietly though you still heard just enough. Fear twisted inside you as you took a cautious step back...The...the less you knew? 
“Wow, you guys are assholes,” A girl suddenly whistled out, she was sitting in a waiting chair, a cowboy hat on her head paired with distressed jeans and...a bikini top? Strange but you’d roll with it if it meant getting answers. She stood up as she offered a smile, “Akari, nice to meet ya’. You folk must be new to the Borderlands huh?” She jutted her bottom lip a little as you frowned. 
“Um I’m Y/n and this is my sister Nanami...?” You introduced yourself despite feeling confused as you raised a brow, “Borderlands…?” You echoed, what was that supposed to be? Other than Tokyo?
Akari gave a nod as she let out a brief chuckle, as if amused by your confusion but you sensed she had no real ill will unlike....your eyes checked to the couple that stood off in the corner on their own, “That’s what they call it here,” She nodded in affirmation as your eyes darted back to her in confusion, “To be frank with ya’, I don’t have a damn clue what's going on. Nobody does. But ever since you crossed the threshold there’s no going back, so I’ll be brief. We’re all considered outsiders here and we participate in games at venues such as this to extend our stay.”
Nanami and you looked at one another confused as Akari waved you over to the table in front of a TV, “Here, you’ll wanna put these on, it’s for the game.” She explained as you carefully picked up the metal bracelet, something about it felt ominous as you reluctantly put it on, jumping at the way it latched together and there was no getting it off now, “Word of advice, just don’t panic and you probably won’t die.” 
“What?!” You screeched as Akari smacked your back, panic evident in your voice as you turned around to face her making her laugh again, this girl was insane! She had to be! “You’re…! You’re joking!” 
Akari wrinkled her nose as she tilted her head, “Ah shit, I wish I was- Oh…! There’s the last player!” Just on que everyone turned to look at who had arrived, someone heaving breaths with their hands on their knees as if they had sprinted. You were mildly worried at why he seemed so scared but you had a feeling that was the least of your problems right now.
“Y/n what’s going on…?” Nanami frightened grabbed your arm as she hid a little behind you due to all these immensing strangers that looked like they were ready to feed you to the sharks, literally. 
The guy walked past you both as he put on his bracelet, your eyes sharp as you watched it latch together automatically, your gaze jumping to everyone's wrists to notice you were all now wearing one. The TV suddenly lit up. 
You squinted your eyes a little at the sight of the screen, just what were you about to unwillingly participate in…?
Difficulty: 5♣
“The game you will be participating in is, Monster under the bed.”
A playing card? Monster under the bed? Your brows furrowed as you looked at Nanami who shrugged a little despite her concerned expression, looking just as confused as you. You could’ve made a joke out of this, surely it would’ve been easier. Maybe everyone would bust out laughing and you’d be at the end of a poor joke but...somehow you felt that wasn’t the case. Thus paying very close attention to whatever was on this screen, 
“Everyone will be sectioned off into pairs by the number chosen on your bracelet, when the doors to the ward open you will have three rounds ten minutes each to figure out who is the monster under the bed that must be returned to its own, once the ten minutes is up you must hide before you are found. If the selected pair that is the monster is chosen correctly it’s a Game Clear.  If the monster is not found by the end of the third round or if the pair fails to hide it’s a Game Over.” 
Once the doors are open you and your partner must find a hiding spot by the time limit
Both partners must be hidden. If one is exposed to the monster it’s a Game Over for both partners
There will be an X marked on the ground to place the monster of your guess onto. 
You will have three rounds of ten minutes each to find the monster.
Any attempt to remove bracelets results in a Game Over
If the monster is not found by the third round a Game Over.
The only Game Clear condition required is for the monster to be returned by the third round.
“Now the game will commence, you have five minutes to figure out who you have been paired up with before the doors open.”
Your mind was blanking as you watched everyone look down at their bracelet, hurriedly you lifted your arm as your mind blanked 2 looking back at Nanami her lips were already quivering as she sniffled lifting her arm in defeat as your lips dropped open, 5.
“Hey! Guess you’re my partner!” Akari grinned as she wrapped an arm around Nanami who sniffled, “Oh…” She looked between you both, “Oh! Oh don’t worry! We’re not the monster so I’ll make sure your sister lives! You should go find your partner.” 
Your hands trembled unsure of what to do before you went to hug Nanami, “Whatever happens just stay calm okay! I need to go find my partner now!” You whispered, kissing her cheek as she sniffled while nodding. 
Everybody was shuffling around looking for their partner now, you passed by a few people, 4, 1, 3...did you even have a partner…? You scanned around, your throat tightening a little in panic, there had to be a mistake! There were only 8 people surrounding you- you yelped at the tight grip that suddenly held your arm forcing you to turn around to be met with a white hooded figure, a lollipop handle hanging and earbuds in before sighing, “So it appears I’m stuck with someone useless.” The man concluded as he stood up making you back away a little as your lips parted somewhat indignantly. 
How...how rude! You looked up, unable to fully make out his face but you could tell you didn’t like him one bit, “I’ll…! First of all I’m not useless! I’m just trying to understand what's going on! This is insane! We aren’t actually going to die from this, are we!?” Pushing his hood down you were immediately met with a snide gaze and cat eyes that leered at you like you were nothing more then dirt beneath his feet, long blonde hair pushed behind his shoulders and his bangs hanging low, suddenly a viscous side smile appeared on his lips, “Apparently so, otherwise I wouldn’t have watched half my last game get their brains blown out and the other half hung.” 
You reeled a little away from the blonde, your face dropped in semi horror, unsure if this was just a sick joke or he was serious. You searched his face a thousand times over, but for the first time in your life, you couldn’t figure out what his goal was. You couldn’t figure out anything about him, except he was exceptionally cold, “Well I don’t suppose I have much choice to doubt you,” He said with an annoying sing song tone as he rattled his wrist that showed the bracelet with a matching 2 on it, “My name is Chishiya, just stay out of my way and we’ll both live.” 
How arrogant! You scoffed as he walked past you, not the least bit bothered at your offense as you whipped around, glaring at his back. How come out of everyone you got stuck with the most…! Pompous! Arrogant! Ugh! You crossed your arms as you followed behind him, stilling secretly sending daggers into his back with your eyes as everyone shuffled into the ward. 
Hospital beds were scattered around the room, a few closets and one large vent at the bottom right corner of the room ahead. 
“Wait, what is this?” The first person to speak was a fair thin older gentleman, he appeared friendly as he observed the room around him, everyone looked around in confusion as you noticed what he meant. 
Any possible hiding spot was covered by either sheets of metal or locked tight...How were any of you supposed to hide if…!? The rules mentioned nothing about solving puzzles to gain access to a hiding spot!
“Forget that,” Another man said with a sneer he was broad and a bit older, well into his late twenties at least, perhaps a gym coach? Or maybe a wrestler of some sort? He looked like he could break you and nearly every other person in this room like a twig, “We need to figure out who’s the monster. “ He cracked his knuckles as you leered a little away and nobody spoke for a second. 
Of course, who would out themselves as the monster, more importantly, how does one even know they’re the monster? You could immediately feel tension rise as the previous, more patient man spoke, a little more collected, “How about we just check one another's’ watches! If anywhere it would show us on that! One pair should work on solving these puzzles here so everyone has a place to hide” 
“Unless the monster is among us and it sabotages us so we all die by the time limit.” The girlfriend crossed her arms as she darted her eyes around. Truthfully you didn’t know what to believe, the wording on the soundbox was rather confusing as to just what were you looking for. Was the monster supposed to be in the group or it’s own entity?
“If that were the case it would’ve showed up on our watches, which it didn’t. So that won’t work.” Chishiya spoke matter of fact, his tone cool as his eyes gazed across the room before he walked away from the group inspecting various hiding spots granted you didn’t think he was about to help anyone but himself, if anything you were at least lucky that him securing a hiding spot meant it was one for you as well. 
You looked at everyone in confusion, some arguing while others scattered to look for a hiding spot as the clock ticked down. You breathed in relief at the sight of Nanami and Akari both going for a bed to hide under. Your gaze finally found Chishiya’s form before following him, unsure of what you were supposed to do, if anything outside trying to figure out just what the monster even was. 
You glanced up at the digital clock that stood above the entrance you had just come in from, it was already a minute in before you searched the floor where you found a red X in the center of the room, that must’ve been the...what? Offering spot? You cringed a little at the idea. Looking forward you peered behind Chishiya’s shoulder deciding to not think about that, it seemed the metal sheet that had wrapped around the bed and was sealed to the ground was locked by some sort of metal device…? Contraption? Lock?
“Isn’t hiding under a bed a bit obvious…?” You frowned as you crossed your arms, unsure as you looked behind your shoulder once more to where accusations were already being thrown in the group. 
“The vent is a decoy to make you waste time, I already checked,” Chishiya replied, his fingers nimble as they rattled the metal, “And even if someone were to accomplish it in the time limit it’s the most obvious spot the monster would first check. Next would be the closet given it’s at eye level and the first thing one is drawn too when they walk into a room.” 
Your lips parted a little in surprise at his assessment...obviously he wasn’t just overconfident, “And why this spot?” If he had really thought about all this in less than a minute then...did he have a reason for this spot? You now found yourself, slightly less annoyed and a little more curious as to what was going on in his mind. 
“If the monster were to check a bed it would be after his eyes are drawn to the closet. Next in that line of sight would be the vent directly across it, which would be his next place to look if not his first and vice versa. The beds are all staggered throughout the room making them less conspicuous compared to the other hiding places, the bed on the far end of the room would be no good.” 
Your brows furrowed in curiosity at his assessment as you watched Chishiya blow a piece of hair from his face, wiggling out one piece of the knotted metal, “It’s too far from the entrance where as the one in the middle is by average the one most people would start with, where as the first? It’s almost too soon in the start to look there thus making it the safest.” 
“It’s them! They’re over there conspiring!” You both twisted around to watch the broad man point an accusing finger at you both as your eyes darted from him to the clock on the wall, which read at six minutes. A few other pairs, relievingly so was your sister had started working on a hiding spot while a few others stood around and argued. 
Your face coiled a little as you replied, not appreciating the accusation to such a baseless accusation, did they not realize the longer they argued the less time they had to secure a hiding spot? “Someone who’s terrible at playing the minority would often be the first to point fingers. There’s only six minutes left before the first round is over and we need to hide. But if you want to talk about this then sure,” 
You stepped closer as you crossed your arms, scanning over him before continuing, “Let’s talk about the chances of you being the monster, ever since you first came in you’ve been all twitchy and acting like something is wrong. Even when we first got paired up, you seemed a little panicked. Anyways,” You turned around as you spoke, “How do we know one pair is a monster and not one single person?” 
“Eh,” Akari sat on the bed that her and Nanami chose as Nanami fumbled to work out the puzzle, she had always been good at those! You felt assured as your heart beat frantically at the idea of them not being able to get a hiding spot in time, “Let’s all calm down,” She gave an awkward laugh, “This isn’t a hearts game, we shouldn’t divide our trust. This is a team building after all which means this game should be making us work together, the last thing we need to do is throw that away on our own accord.” 
“...Team building?” You frowned as you murmured having not been aware that this was some sort of game category...Hearts? Clubs? The memory of the playing card flashing on the screen appeared in your mind again, right...was that to stand for some kind of game genre? If Clubs stood for team building then...there should be no reason that the monster is any of you. Why would they even suggest that to begin with?
Then...what was the monster? 
“One minute remaining.”
The lights suddenly began flickering, “Got it.” Chishiya yanked the last piece of metal undone as he pulled the sheet of metal off, everyone was now scrambling and the few who had not done their puzzle were now panicking. Getting down you crawled under the bed, your back flat to the ground as you inhaled sharply as you noticed the lights beginning to dim, “This is...uncomfortable.” You mumbled, trying to ignore being pressed shoulder to shoulder with a man you didn’t even know besides him having a god complex, “We should’ve went with the vent.” 
“By all means, if you want to try and get yourself killed already. Go for it.” You turned to look at him, dark endless cat eyes meeting you as you harshly glared at him, why was he so condescending!? 
You were about to snap back something before you realized it was completely dark and the door slammed open causing you to jump. Was your heart always this loud? You could see the heavy boots step against the ground making you unsteadily inhale, swallowing as you closed your eyes. You could only place your trust that Chishiya hadn’t picked a horrible spot. 
More importantly your mind was plagued with worry for your sister, you had been so caught up you hadn’t even tried to help her yet...did she even…! You heard a sudden loud scream from two people causing you to stiffen as you looked up at the bed frame lined with wooden planks. You could only cower back down at blood suddenly painting the floor.
Your stomach suddenly churned as you covered your mouth. So he wasn’t lying. Chishiya however looked just as nonpulsed as he did when he first told you himself, his eyes blankly staring up at the bed frame as if this was just a regular game of hide and seek as people screamed as they were torn apart. 
Or that’s at least what you assumed it was. 
After an agonizing few minutes the doors finally closed and the lights flickered back on making you breath in relief as you waited a moment, could you even bear to face what was waiting on the floor? You winced a little before something caught your eye. What was with all this extra wood stuck in the frame? 
Chishiya had already gotten out from under the bed and before you suddenly heard a few girls scream, your sister among them making you puff and breath as you scrambled from beneath the bed.
Standing up your mouth agape at the horrid sight of the female and the broad male that had been too focused on accusing others, they didn’t have...enough time...it looked like they had been completely mutilated, blood pouring on the floor and the smell made you want to gag as you looked away. 
“Well, now what do we do.” Akari scratched her head, also not looking phased that two people had just been brutally killed. Your eyes stayed placed on the bodies before they slowly trailed to your hands, the memory of blood staining them still fresh in your mind. 
“Well we have to figure out where the monster is?” The girlfriend of the couple spoke up, she looked around somewhat suspiciously, “But I’m not sure where we could find it? Maybe it has to do with the bracelets? Maybe there’s a clue hidden.” 
“Oh what about in the cabinets?” The collected man from before offered as he went to search the cabinets, your frown furthered as you glanced around. Everyone was now getting along, still on edge but along at least. 
Chishiya only leaned against the wall, his hands in his pocket as he rolled the lollipop in his mouth, his gaze the same steely one it was before as if he had done his job in securing his temporary salvation and was now done. 
Or maybe he just didn’t know what to do? It was obvious his strength didn’t lie in teamwork, clearly. But then again, you weren’t sure what was going on, you couldn’t get a read on him. Crossing your arms you stayed beside him, your eyes briefly washing over your sister who was working Akari to dig through a desk together. 
“Cabinets and drawers are too obvious.” 
Chishiya’s eyes flickered to your figure, his expression just as cold if not...a little smug maybe? He said nothing in return as you continued, “If we’re looking for a monster, it’s obvious it’s a metaphor for something. Inanimate most likely,” Your eyes flickered around the room, inhaling sharply, why did it feel like the answer was right in front of you? 
Think…! You glanced at the clock, only six minutes left. The rounds were really short…! “It’d be something small and inconspicuous, something that’s in plain sight….but easy to miss...and the game said it was a pair which means there’s more than likely two.” 
“Three,” You glanced at Chishiya as he spoke, pulling the lollipop from his mouth, that permanent smug look on his face as he answered, “Two is what they want you to think and if you spend a round searching for each like they hope it’s game over by three.” 
You rubbed your neck as you frowned, “It’s already the second round and we haven’t even found one…” You glanced around before you suddenly perked up, “Wait…!” Getting back down on the floor you laid on your back as you pushed yourself under the bed, “Chishiya! Help me get this thing out!” 
Within a moment the blonde appeared as well, his eye sharp and keen as they noticed straight away what you were tugging at, “You think this is the monster?” 
You looked at him as you raised a brow, “We have less than four minutes left on our second round, you have a better idea?” Chishiya said no more but helped regardless, successfully with the both of you maneuvering it around from beneath the wooden boards you managed to get it out. 
Holding it up you looked at it, “It’s a poppet doll.” You turned to face him as you smiled in accomplishment, “They’re typically used as curses to place upon people in folklore. If anything is a monster, this would be it.” 
Excited at your first victory you pulled out from beneath the bed as you waved it up, “Hey guys! We need to start looking for something similar to this! If not a replica.” Everyone huddled around you examining the doll before the microphone sounded, “One minute remaining.”
Everyone had immediately scrambled back to their hiding place as you ran to the red X, placing the poppet on it, that's the reason that had to be there right!? You’d just have to see, hurriedly you ran back to your spot under the bed. Making it just in time as the lights flickered off. 
The door slamming open once more as you slowly inhaled, it had to work right? If not...then you were at a loss for what to search for and you were utterly screwed. 
The boots stomped against the floor past the bed as you closed your eyes, unable to calm yourself. After a moment you heard a screech and something rip open before screams followed making you jump. Chishiya’s eyes were on the feet that stood by the closet that had been obviously ripped open. 
You heard the sound of something wet and a gurgle before a body slumped to the floor and you could hear begging before something got snapped in half causing you to close your eyes once more...Did you make it angry!? Was that not it? Fuck. You had never felt this stressed before as it roamed around, passing in front of your bed as you tensed.
Was this your last moment alive? Truly? 
Much to your relief, the door closed once more before the lights followed, flickering on, relaxing a little you sighed as you reluctantly got out from underneath the bed with Chishiya to see what had happened. Much to your horror it was the man who had been so kind this whole game and his partner. 
The monster didn’t check anywhere in the first round, yet he did this round? You tried to block out the bodies slumped in the corner as you glanced at the red X, the poppet doll gone. 
“Why- why were they killed!” Nanami’s eyes began to water as she grabbed her head, “This makes no sense!” 
“If it accepts the doll that means we only need two more. What happened to them is irrelevant.” Chishiya stuffed his hands back into his pocket as you glared at him sideways, not appreciating his careless tone. You could deal with it, but you didn’t want your sister dragged into it. 
Grabbing your chin you thought about it for a moment, “Well...the game said to return the monster to its own and…” You glance down at the X, was there some kind of unsaid rule that if you didn’t get all three of them on the first try that it would start hunting down players? “How would a mother feel if they only returned one of its children?” 
“This thing doesn’t have feelings,” The girlfriend of the partners replied coldly, her eyes like steel of her own as she clung to her boyfriend, “It’s as he said,” She waved to Chishiya, “It doesn’t matter, we’ll be like them if we don’t figure this out.” 
You glanced around the room, “Tell me this, if it doesn’t matter, then why did they give us all these different hiding spots?” Everyone was silent, all eyes on you as if your question didn’t make any sense, your eyes flickered to the clock that was nearing eight minutes, you didn’t have time to monologue, “No think about it. The monster never intended to look for us- that was never stated in the rules. So why did they give us all of these choices if we only needed one per pair? My point being, if we found one poppet in our hiding spot then...You get where I’m going with this? Chishiya.” 
He glanced up at you acknowledgement as you curved a brow, your lips threatening to tug into a smile as you tilted your head, “How confident are you in solving that vent?” 
He glanced back down and for the first time, you watch a cocky wide smirk twist onto his lips, “You’re lucky to have someone as smart as me here to be able to open it.” You tucked your tongue into your cheek as in annoyance as he sauntered over to the vent already getting to work, “As for everyone else, we need to open up as many of these as possible to find the other two.” 
Everyone immediately scrambled to get to work, with only seven minutes on the clock this was...going to be difficult. First Nanami and Akari searched all the opened spots as you worked on another bed. Rubbing your head as muttered, “Shit...I never was good with puzzles.” You awkwardly hung your head in defeat temporarily, briefly letting your eyes shift to Chishiya who was fiddling with several locks, his gaze sharp and you couldn’t even imagine all the calculations going on in his mind. You were somewhat envious of what it would be like to be that perceptive to anything adhering to logic and solution. 
“Aha! Found one!” Akari yanked the poppet from the top of the closest as Nanami covered her mouth, looking like she was gonna throw up being so close to so many dead bodies. You ignored the grisly sight at the second victory of the poppet doll. Akari quickly placed it on the X as you began to work on the puzzle once more, looking up at the clock. Oh no...Oh no there was only three minutes left!
“Chishiya! Hows that puzzle coming along.” You called out, trying not to sound alarmed but you could see the clear cut annoyance on his face as he continued working through the locks, “If you’d like to help while struggling on a novice lock feel free.” He replied condescendingly, not appreciating the pressure. 
You rolled your eyes with huff as you finally managed to get it undone, feeling triumphant as you searched under the bed but there was no luck, “There’s nothing here!”
“Or here!” 
Several people called out as well as you rubbed your head, standing up, “If the only other place that hasn’t been searched is the vent then maybe there’s only two? It did say a pair.” You felt a lump of anxiety well in your chest at the sight of the clock ticking close to a minute and half. 
“Should we really take the risk?” The boyfriend asked as he rubbed his neck, concern on his face as he looked around, “If we’re wrong then we’ll all…” 
You hadn’t even thought of that…
“...! Hey.” You turned to Chishiya who seemed to be trying to get your attention making you immediately come over, if he was asking for you it’d have to be for something important given there was nearly less then two minute on the clock, “Hold this right here.” He immediately pushed your hand onto the lock right where he wanted it, “This is a two handle mechanism meaning that there needs to be two people unlocking it. Push down and out at the same time.”
“Hide! Everyone needs to hide now!”
The lights were beginning to flicker as everyone scrambled to hide, stress evidently put on your shoulders now more than ever. You could only hope he was right with your life on the line, “Now!” You pushed down on your side, the lock sliding as you pulled out, pulling a piece of metal holding up the lock directly out as Chishiya did the same with his side. 
The lock fell off as well as the metal of the gate of the vent, you immediately with no hesitation leaned inside it was dark and hard to make it out anything besides the steep drop off. So he was right, this was a waste of time for a hiding place. 
Looking down you caught sight of wood before laughing in relief, “It’s here! Wait shit! Chishiya! It’s too far down in the vent, you’re gonna have to lower me down to reach it. Time?” 
“Forty five seconds.” You felt unfamiliar hands on your hips lifting you up as you were lowered down, “We have time.” 
You squinted trying to see as you reached down, “Lower me further! I’m not quite in reach,” Your muscles began to ache in your shoulder as you reached harder, growling in frustration, “Time!?” You were lowered a little further, the wooden poppet brushing against your fingers. 
“Thirty seconds! Could you go a little faster?” 
“Could you lower me a little quicker- Ah! Hey did you almost let go!?” You snarled back, grabbing the poppet doll, giving a good yank as it lodged in between the crevice it was in, “Get me back up! I got it. Time!” 
“Twenty seconds.” Chishiya called back, pulling you up as you gasped, pain from the metal jabbing into your stomach evident as you were met with a darkening room. Setting your feet firmly on the floor your eyes flew to the flock fifteen seconds and your spot was all the way across the room….! 
“Where are we supposed to hide!? We can’t get all the way there in time!” You hissed out running to the X as you dropped the poppet down. The lights shut off as the final five seconds counted down and before you could do anything you were shoved to the floor as you squeaked. Your body throbbing in pain and your mouth immediately covered as you were met with the coverage of a bed but neither one of you were bold enough to try and scramble beneath it as the doors slammed open. 
Your whole body was tense as your eyes squeezed shut, you were just a little ahead of the X here, if this is all the poppet dolls...they’d have no reason to go further into the room...unless...Your hand squeezed tight around the wrist of the hand that covered your mouth as you tried to calm yourself at the loud thudded footsteps. 
It was quiet for a moment before you heard more walking before the doors closed. 
“Game Cleared”
The lights turned on as you fell limp against the side of the bed, Chishiya’s hand removed from mouth as you pushed your hair from your face, closing your eyes as you breathed in relief, “Holy shit.” Was all you could mutter to yourself, you had never been more grateful to breathe air in your whole life. 
“I guess you weren’t that useless after all huh.” Chishiya clacked his tongue as you turned your head to look at him, raising your brows as your face contorted into something between insult and amusement. 
You’ve only known this man for a half an hour and yet...something about his words, if you dug down deep past that smug expression of his, was this a compliment? Looking away you pressed your tongue into your cheek, trying to keep from smiling, “Yeah, and you’re still conceited and arrogant but, I guess you have a good reason to be.” You glanced back at him again but you could hardly hold his gaze, something in that brief moment was electrified between you both as you laughed somewhat sheepishly, closing your eyes as you looked away once more. 
What the fuck was even wrong with you? If this was back before today you would’ve totally kicked this guy in the balls and went about your day.
“Y/n!” You straightened up at the sound of Nanami’s voice, your expression brightening as you stood up, quickly running to her as you hugged her tight, “I can’t believe that just happened…” She whispered to you as she pressed her face into your neck. You couldn’t either but, you were thankful you had survived this game. Whatever it was. 
“Come on, let's get out of this room.” You tugged on her arm, no longer wanting to be in this death room despite knowing it was all over. Pulling her out you paused at the sight of the TV and a...register…? You bracelet unlocked as you took it off, tossing it on the table as you tilted your head. 
“Congratulations Game ''Clear ``.''
“...Now issuing visas to those who survived the game…?” You furrowed your brows as you glanced at Nanami who rubbed her head in confusion. You grabbed the receipt as you looked it over with a frown before picking up the 5 of clubs playing card along with it. Odd. 
“It’s how many days you’re allowed to stay now! Almost a whole week, that's a good score for a first game!” Akari called out as she patted your back making you jump a little. 
Almost a whole week…”Until we have to play again to...continue our stay?” You raised a brow, deciding not to ask what happens if you refused. While you had many questions, you had a feeling you knew the answer to that one. 
A part of you couldn’t even believe this had happened, or was it all still a dream. 
“Hey…! Sorry for all of that in there,” You turned to see...oh…! It was the boyfriend of the partner, the gifrlfriend stayed behind looking brooding, “I’m Ryu and that’s my girlfriend Hiroko I was...ah…” He faltered a little, rubbing the back of his neck as his gaze flittered to his girlfriend who was glaring him down, “You should stop by the Beach- I...I think you guys would make good additions! Bye!” He hurried not even finishing his original sentence before scurrying off making you furrow your brows at what he even meant. 
“The hell?” Akari raised a brow as she watched the guy run off, “Seems to me he wanted to chat more…guess we know who's really pulling balls in that relationship.” 
Nanami suddenly snickered, covering her mouth as she giggled, “Hey Akari! Why don’t we stay together! We did really well in the game together!” 
“Awh shit, if you guys really want me too!” Akari offered a quirky smile as you laughed, you had no problems with someone staying behind with you. Looking past Akari your smile faded a little at the sight of a white hoodie exiting the entrance. 
“Hey- I’ll be right back!” You pushed past the both of them who paid you no mind as you pushed out of the exit and down the stone steps, not sure why your feet were making you chase after such an egotistical man but…!
“Chishiya!” You called out, making the man pause, he turned around, pulling the earbuds out as he glanced up from his hoodie, raising his brows in acknowledgement, “Um…” Why did you even chase after him…? You stepped down the last step as you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
It was silent for a moment as you berated yourself internally for why you seemed so speechless all of a sudden. Chishiya however didn’t seem to mind, his eyes absent now as he stared up at the hospital, “I used to do my clinical rotations here.” 
You were broken out of your silent thrashing of internal humiliation as you raised your brows, lips parting in curiosity as you asked, “You were a doctor?” 
“No,” Chishiya snorted, that amused calico look of his on his face once more as he looked down at you, “I was a medical student. Training to be a doctor but that obviously didn’t happen…” His lips curved into a frown, his eyes cold once more as they looked back up at the building, “I came here tonight to see if anyone I knew would be here.” 
“Oh…” You looked away, feeling somewhat awkward and unsure of how to reply to him as silence took over once more beside the occasional rustling of the wind in the tree’s, the urge to speak overtaking you to the point you couldn't resist, “Chishiya...I…” You looked away, feeling somewhat bashful, “We...made a really good team back there.” You forced yourself to look up at him as you offered a bright yet subtly shy smile, “If you want...you could stay with us…?” 
Chishiya pulled the lollipop stick from his mouth, letting it drop to the ground as he spoke, “No thanks.” You turned to him in surprise as you frowned a little, you shouldn’t have expected anything less…
“Oh...I understand.” You offered a weak smile as he turned his back on you and began to walk once more, “I just have one more question,” You called out causing him to pause, “...Do you by any chance know about a place called the Beach?”
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Note: Whew...! As a lurker in the Alice in borderland fandom I saw a lot of people complaining about the lack of Chishiya fics so I decided to volunteer myself and take on for the team to write a series for this little blonde fucker so PLEASE let me know your thoughts and I hope you enjoy!! Also
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hi there again! thank u for responding to my ask! it gave me some courage to ask once again so i hope u don't mind!
i had been wondering what kind of object or a person that the yorishiro of the clock keepers would form – it must be something that they found to be precious to them, right? but then I started to wonder; what if no. 1's yorishiro is a clock winding key? It doesn't seem to hold importance nor is a precious item that all three of them would be fond of, unlike how shijima's yorishiro was a sketchbook of her human counterpart and yako had a pair of scissors as a gift from misaki, the man she fell in love.
instead, it holds importance to something else, perhaps controlling the time of kamome itself. from what i understood, the clock winding key is used to make sure that a mechanical clock – grandfather clocks for example – would keep on working and never stop, as if the owner is controlling on whether the clock's time remains frozen or moves forward. this could mean that removing the seal from this bitch (that is, assuming that it would destroy itself after it had been used once) would allow the kannagi or a certain toilet ghost to wind the specific clock that the clock keepers had guarded – which could also mean that said kannagi and toilet ghost can control and caused imbalance to kamome's time.
this could be the possible reason for kako and mirai to avoid revealing the location of their boundary and the clock itself to protect the time of the school. having to smack off grabby hands such as the yugi twins with exorcists and kannagis running around – i, too, would never tell them unless i want Kamome to go downhill in a second.
i mean, the g-fantasy cover of akane and hanako together had a clock winding key on their backs! it must mean something, right?!
but then again I might be overthinking so there's that
omg I was thinking about if it'd have something to do with the clock! this is amazing! and dw I love asks here because I'm mentally ill when it comes to talking about the clock keepers.
a winding key would be perfect! honestly I'd say here and now we've predicted the clock keepers then folds, but I wish that was the case when it comes to tbhk, anyways
it'd make a lot of sense! I personally was just thinking like the simplest thoughts like "idk maybe it's the clock" or "idk maybe they all share a clock handle???" like help me i don't know what I'm doing...
a winding key would be of importance to them because as a clock keeper nothing matters more then keeping the balance of Time, it may not have been about their pasts, but personal feelings of mentaining time, it's very important, although they seem to not mind messing with time themselves, they won't let it get out of hand[also what do you think about the possibility that Amane Yugi died unexpectedly because of the clock keepers? or a student that messed with time?]
but someone destroying that would just be mayhem itself....and I've mentioned that Hanako would LOVE to mess with Nene's time, which is why he shouldn't know of the grandfather clock. especially since he has an assistant that could obviously send the place into chaos (like he's already done by manipulating her into thinking she's doing good) so the Yorishiro of No.1 wouldn't be a problem, and Hanako has a habit of not sharing the details, and this would follow up to what Sakura said about if all Yorishiros were to be destroyed
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do you suppose Time would also cease to exist?...
(btw does that mean Nene will get to love with a long lifespan or will nothing exist so it doesn't matter?????)
messing with the Yorishiros is so dangerous and I can't believe we are, ugh, but we all want the secrets so no protest from me.....I need those juicey clock keeper secrets!! so then I can see if I got some things right and if I got some things wrong, and I'll definitely share with all of you on what I got wrong and right! so then we can all talk about it, the unexpected and what I dismissed but ended up I should have paid more attention to the possibility..
but this is definitely a twist worth tbhk scrapbooking! yippee
anyways thanks for the ask! I guess I didn't have much to besides you're so right and I LOVE the idea of the winding key being their Yorishiro (also maybe Kako used to fix a winding key once in a while since he had a clock???? so maybe it'd be important???????idk) but I'm headcannoning this and if it isn't true I'm going to act like this was a major surprise, I'll give credit to you for the idea though! dw I gotchu
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stainandscribble · 4 years
Flower, Falling In Love
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Pairing: Wonwoo (Seventeen) x Reader
Genre: Wonwoo Cupid AU (sort of); Soulmate AU; Coffee Shop AU (brief); fluff; fantasy
Summary:  Wonwoo is a love messenger, he answers to the god of love and he is destined, like all messengers, to never fall in love: or so it would seem. The god of love is unpredictable and does as he pleases. After centuries of helping people fall in love; Wonwoo is the one that needs assistance.
A/N: loosely inspired by Angel’s last mission: Love, based on the world in HONEY (EXO Lay fic) you don’t have to read it though, it is unrelated to this. 
Word Count: 5390
Wonwoo was born the same way as all his brothers were, forged into existence the moment the sun painted the clouds various shades of pink and purple. As the dawn broke across the horizon, he had taken his first look at the sky across from Olympus. He was a messenger to the God of Love, Baekhyun.
The God of Love was cheerful, that was what Wonwoo noticed when he was born. The God of Love was smiling down at the newly awake messengers, his eyes shining. They were still pure and innocent then, still impressionable. He remembered that Baekhyun had told him he will live as his helping hand, aiding mortals down below them find love, helping him bestow this precious gift onto humanity.
And then he bestowed upon Wonwoo the greatest act of love a love messenger would ever receive: The God of Love gave him a name.
A name, Wonwoo had learnt was important. His brother recognised him by his name. Strangers would learn his name and cease to be strangers henceforth. A name made him who he was; Wonwoo who was Baekhyun’s love messenger, Wonwoo who was a brother.
He liked it when his brothers called his name. it made him feel important, useful. It made him warm. Wonwoo felt happy when they called his name cheerfully, the same way Baekhyun had the time he gave him his name, with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eye. Wonwoo thought that was love or at least the closest he was to ever feel it.
Love messengers had no knots in their white threads for lovers. Although they bestowed the gift of love onto humanity, they were fated to never experience it. Love was for the Gods and mortals. It was something unattainable to them, just beyond their fingertips. Humans and Gods fell in love so that their races could continue to exist. Human lives were short, and so for them to continue they had to love and have children. Despite their short lifespans, Wonwoo had always heard his elder brothers Jeonghan and Seungcheol talk with the Gods of Love and Lightening, about how humans took time to love.
One day, as he rested on Olympus as a young messenger, Wonwoo had been so bold as to ask the God of Lightening how he knew, and he had simply smiled at him, as if Wonwoo was a child, and lay a heavy warm hand over his shoulder, looking up at the tall messenger.
“Humans have short lives, and so they pick their time well and love only those they deem deserving of love.”
“They try anyway.” Jeonghan had supplied, his bright mischievous smile making the God of Thunder shake his head.
“Gods’ love easily because they don’t have to think too much about the passing of time and growing old. That is why they take long to learn. They will fall in love quickly because the mistake is only a short moment on an infinite number of moments. They make the same mistakes and the same bad decisions over and over because their time is limitless, and they can afford to waste it.” Seungcheol had explained to the younger messengers, all staring intently between the God of Lightning, and their older brother.
“Gods are born like humans are. They need love to pass on life too. They are not born in the clouds the same we are. Dawn does not kiss life into them like it does to us.” Joshua said. His voice was soft and light, matching his expression as he gazed over at his younger brothers. His brown eyes held a tenderness that had far surpassed love. Sometimes Wonwoo thought that if Philia, the affectionate love, could choose a shape it would look like Joshua.
“Humans have a good saying; the higher you are the lonelier you are. With power comes sacrifice and loneliness. Gods’ realms are often separated, the way this mountain is far from Junmyeon’s sea.” The God of Lightening Jongdae gestured over to the peak of Mount Olympus, to below, were behind the white tuft of clouds, the azure sea beat against the rocks. “For sacrifice and for balance, we are given love.”
That was the conversation that shaped Wonwoo’s idea of love. It was that lecture, given by the God who loved and married a mortal, that turned into one of the most important conversations of his existence. He was less impressionable afterwards.
That was over four thousand years ago, and still, despite never feeling Eros, he felt lucky. He was not lonely the way the Gods were, and he did not have a short life the way mortal humans did. For four thousand years, Wonwoo had worked and been content, diligently fulfilling his duties and watching as couples fell in love. Sometimes he had the displeasure, but an honour nonetheless, to watch as the same people he helped fate bring together had said their goodbyes. Millenia ago it had been death that forced them apart. More recently it had been finances and not enough time.
That was why he was on earth today, sitting in an auspicious café, sipping on an iced caramel macchiato. He had taken the last empty table, spread his things out to make sure no one else could sit with him, and watched as his charges smiled at each other in greeting as one offered an empty chair at their table to the other.
Wonwoo smiled to himself, his pink lips spreading into a joyful smile that showed all his teeth and turned his eyes into crescents. He had the satisfaction of watching as they met, his personal coffee show au unfolding in real life.
The coffee shop was packed, the air was warm and stuffy, and undoubtedly a welcome relief from the chill of winter lingering just outside the brick walls. Most of the tables were round, made of brown wood standing on black metal legs, the buzz of chatter and the mechanical humming of the coffee machines completed the ambience, and Wonwoo thought it would be a rather romantic place to meet the person destined for you.
The two humans were both college students, both tired and trying their best to keep up with assignments. They were studying the same subject, so it wasn’t their first meeting, but it was the push in the right direction. Wonwoo had been that push. That was his job, and he had sipped on his coffee and grinned down on his chocolate brownie in satisfaction at completing his last assignment this round. When he was done, he could return home to mythical Cyprus, plating beside Olympus suspended in the clouds. His brothers had already decided to drink nectar when they all came back for a well-deserved break.
That was too easy though. Too simple. A plan too well formulated and too close to execution, and fate had other ideas. Rather, the God of Love had other ideas, and he had made sure Wonwoo would not leave the coffee shop satisfied and in high spirits.
“Hi, is this seat taken?” A melodic voice broke through Wonwoo’s daydreams, bringing him back to the mortal realm. In front of him, a young woman looked down at him, and at the spare chair right she was now resting her hands against. At first glance, Wonwoo wondered if you were a muse to the God of the Sun, but you weren’t. Wonwoo studied your features, and he found none of the essences of immortal beings in them; and he finally heard your heart, previously drowned out by the sounds around him. Your heart was beating, a steady relaxed rhythm proving your mortality. He wondered if you had already found Your soulmate, and if not, who would be the one to help you find them. Would it be one of his brothers, or would it be a messenger he didn’t know? Could it be him?
“No.” Wonwoo told you, gesturing for You to leave your things in the space right in front of him before you went to order your drink.
“Thanks.” You muttered once you came back, sending him a smile in gratitude. Your drink was steaming, the mug holding the hot chocolate was warm against your fingers. 
Wonwoo watched you over his cup, glancing at you from time to time to see what you were doing. He watched you warm yourself up, undoubtedly cold from the weather outside. Whilst you had gone to get your drink, snow started falling from the sky, white flakes blew in the wind, settling against the chilled earth like a blanket. Wonwoo thought you were pretty. Your eyes were twinkling, and you liked your lips after a sip of the heavenly hot liquid. You were driving the love messenger insane, his heart began to beat irregularly, startling him when he could hear the blood rush in his ears when you caught him looking. Wonwoo’s cheeks turned rosy, and the room began to feel far too hot for December. Even when you were both inside.  
Worried about his rising temperature, and his mind replaying the small smile you sent his way, he decided he needed to make a break for it. There was no need to remain on Earth any longer, and he should be getting back home, in the realm of the God of Love floating beside Olympus. 
“I have to go. Bye!” Wonwoo excused himself, walking out as fast as he could, completely forgetting his scarf, still hanging on the back of his chair. 
You picked it up, hoping to find him outside the coffee shop, but when the cold air hit your skin, and the snowflakes began to fall against your cheeks, you noticed the tall man was gone.
Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo stood in the back alley behind the packed coffee shop, hiding from mortal eyes as his heart beat against the rungs of his ribs, trying to break free of the pericardium and the bones keeping it away from you.
He had never felt like this before. His heart fluttered watching the happiness he brought mortals, and his feelings soared when he watched his brothers mess around. He had never felt like this towards a human. His hands were sweating, and he thought that even the falling snow could not cool down his scorching skin. 
“Why is my heart beating so fast?” He muttered to himself, threading his fingers through his hair, frantically trying to gather his thoughts. 
“And my hands are sweating.” Wonwoo spoke, looking around and wiping his hands on his dark jeans. Thankfully, there was no one around to witness his mental breakdown in the alley.  Under all the confusion, and a strange excitement that was now filling Wonwoo’s body, there was an important question that needed answering. It was that very question that made his hands tremble, and his heart pick up pace.
“She is human. Why do I react like this because of a human?”
Up above the coffee shop, beyond the vastness of the sky, The God of Water, Junmyeon, and The God of Love, Baekhyun, watched the messenger freak out. They observed the first instance of Eros ever felt by one of Baekhyun’s messengers, watching through the looking glass placed on the marble table in the pavilion. Their imposing silhouettes were still as Junmyeon awaited Baekhyun’s explanation.
The other Gods sat around the table, their dark eyes staring intently at Wonwoo’s image, the messenger was dressed in warm clothes, snow falling around him and cold wind nipping at his cheeks, a stark contrast to the warm breeze and the sun shining down on Olympus.
“What have you done to that poor love messenger?” Junmyeon asked, his deep voice rolled over them like waves, but there was a playful lilt in it, and his eyes were laughing as they watched the poor love messenger fall in love for the first time.
“I have given him the greatest gift, if only he would stop being so frightened.” Baekhyun muttered, tapping his fingernails on the marble table, watching as Wonwoo ran his hands through his hair and muttered to himself like a crazy person.
“How could he not be, his kind had never experienced something like that before.” Jongin reasoned, his tender heart soared at the innocent fear in Wonwoo’s eyes as his feelings wreaked havoc on his mind.
“Can love messengers die of a heart attack?” Kyungsoo laughed, his dark, earth-coloured eyes watched as Wonwoo grabbed his chest theatrically, feeling his irregular heartbeat.
“The fates have agreed?” Junmyeon looked over from the looking glass to his brother, the one he thought must be responsible for this.
“Of course. I chose him myself.” Baekhyun spoke, full of pride as he puffed his chest out and looked over to his elder with a mixture of mischief and hope.
The God of Love had chosen him himself. The moment Baekhyun looked down at the pink clouds, waiting for a new cohort of love messengers to be born in the light of dawn, he knew that it would be one of them. He was getting ready to pick out a messenger, whose lifeline he would eventually mess up, tying lover knots into their fate. No one of these beings, ones he affectionately called his children, had ever felt Eros. No one them in the centuries that they have been around, had ever fallen in love, despite bestowing this gift onto humans. They lived for love, and because of it, and yet they didn’t even know what they were living for. Baekhyun was determined to change that. Starting with Wonwoo, his children would learn what love is.
When the pink hue of dawn passed, and he had called out their names, he had realised he had almost forgotten about one messenger. Wonwoo, still nameless then, watched the God of Love with innocent fascination, eyes filled with Storge, affectionate love, as he watched the God of love smile down at him, oblivious to his intentions, and that was when Baekhyun had decided; it had to be him, who he had almost forgotten.
“Wonwoo.” Baekhyun had called him, and his fate was set.
Wonwoo sat with his brothers around a wooden table, the warm Cyprus winds kissing their cheeks, a pleasant contrast to the harsh winter on Earth. Here, the sun shone down on them, and Wonwoo had swapped out the warm coat for summer clothes and a loose-fitting shirt. From crystal cups his brother sipped on golden nectar, but Wonwoo could not stomach his drink. His cup sat full on the table as he felt his stomach churn and flip. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Love messengers never got sick. The more people they helped find their soulmates, the better they felt, and their work was never-ending. Mortals and Gods kept them busy and kept them in high spirits. 
“Jeonghan, I think I’m sick.” Wonwoo muttered when his heart began beating a little faster and he could feel his cheeks heating up a little more when his mind made him see the girl from the café again. He put his head in his hands.
“We don’t get sick.” Jeonghan laughed as he sipped on cool nectar. Beside him, Seungcheol looked over at the younger messenger and furrowed his brows.
“Something is wrong with me.” Wonwoo pressed, trying to avoid the curious gazes of his brothers.
“I saw this girl at the café whilst on duty, and she was mortal, but she was pretty.” He admitted, thinking about how you were definitely the prettiest mortal he ever laid eyes on, and about how he absolutely shouldn’t under any circumstances consider you attractive. Heck, he shouldn’t even know what attraction feels like. There were no lover knots in his thread of life, and there should be no feelings associated with Eros bouncing about his heart.
“When I saw her, my heart started beating in my chest as if it was skipping a beat, and my hands grew sweaty when she accidentally brushed her hand against mine.” He explained, his hands miming the way his heart was beating before he dramatically rubbed his hands together.
“Impossible.” Jeonghan whispered, his goblet abandoned on the table.
“What is impossible?” Mingyu asked, his eyes widened when he saw the shock on the faces of everyone else. He looked expectantly over to Wonwoo, who looked like he was about to faint.
“It can’t be real, can it?” Joshua asked, and before Mingyu could ask again about what was happening Seungkwan beat him to it, answering Joshua’s question instead.
“We don’t do that.” He shook his head, a broken chuckle escaped him as he sipped on his drink, trying to avoid Mingyu’s wondering stare.
“I have never in my six thousand years heard about this happening.” Seungcheol announced, looking over at the younger love messenger as he looked absolutely miserable, his face flushed and his eyes glassy as if he had a mortal fever. When they stopped to listen, they could hear his heart, fast and irregular. The same as a mortal heart in the throes of infatuation.
“Wonwoo, how are you feeling right now?” Seungkwan stood up from his chair to press a hand against Wonwoo’s forehead, checking if his brother was really burning up. To his surprise, he was, and the warmth that emanated from him was a pleasant feeling. Wonwoo was projecting, and for a moment Seungkwan thought his heart might also skip a beat. He retracted his hand and looked down onto his brother.
“Fine.” Wonwoo answered, although his cheeks were still pink, but the thought of you was now gone from his mind, and instead, fear had taken its place.
“Can he be infatuated with a mortal?” Mingyu asked, looking over at Seungcheol for answers. The older ran a hand through his black hair and sighed.
“It’s fate. You can’t fight fate.” His words had a finality to them that made them all sit back into their seats. It was the kind of finality that took over all of them, not just Wonwoo, who watched on with wide eyes, and despite the warmth of Cyprus’ air, the hairs on the back of his neck rose.
“You met her again, didn’t you?” Joshua asked, his voice soft as he watched his brother struggle with the new information.
“After I ran out, I came back the next day, just to make sure.” Wonwoo nodded.
“We bumped hands accidentally.” He added afterwards, but didn’t know if it was important, or rather why it was relevant,
“She invited me out for ice cream.” Wonwoo told them, putting his hands on the table and playing with his cup as a distraction.
“You said no, right.” Joshua prodded, his eyes soft but unsure, and when Wonwoo stayed silent, he turned to Seungcheol, who watched everything helplessly.
“You said yes?” Jeonghan cackled, laughing hysterically at how hopeful and happy his brother seemed at the prospect of meeting the mortal again.
“We are meeting on Monday.”
“Good luck.” Mingyu told him, and the sincerity in his voice gave Wonwoo the courage to smile at him.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It was fate after all, and you can’t fight fate. They all knew that.
 The ice cream shop was surprisingly full for the middle of winter. The walls were lined with wood painted a cream colour and the tables were also cream with pastel-coloured chairs. It was a fun little shop, and Wonwoo waited outside excitedly for your arrival. He had come earlier, just to make sure he was at the right place, and because he had a bad habit of being late, and he figured being late on the very first date of your immortal existence would not bode well. The snow had stopped falling, but the world remained covered under a soft pillow of pearly whiteness. Everything looked softer in the snow, and Wonwoo didn’t mind the cold.
“Hi Wonwoo.” He turned around when he heard you call his name, watching as you waved at him from the edge of the sidewalk.
“Hello Y/N.” He answered, smiling at you, his dark eyes carefully trailing over your face, wondering if you were as cold as he was.
“Let’s go?” You asked, gesturing towards the entrance to the gelateria.
“Sure.” He nodded and followed behind you into the warm ice cream shop. You sat down at a table near the window, your eyes scanning the tall man as he sat down and took off his black jacket and scarf. His cheeks and nose had turned red in the cold, and you wondered if he waited outside for long. He was already waiting when you spotted him as you were crossing the street. Once you were seated, you looked through the menu, deciding to share a sundae between you.
“How about this one?” Wonwoo asked, pointing to a sundae slathered in toffee sauce.
“Sweet nectar?” You asked, and he nodded, a smile appearing on his lips as you watched his eyes light up. You could feel your heart skip a beat when he caught your eyes with his dark coffee ones.
If only you knew the irony of his choice, you would have undoubtedly laughed, a messenger from Olympus who wanted nectar. Wonwoo had found that almost ridiculous.
For the remainder of your date, you sat at your table, walking about your favourite films and books. Turned out Wonwoo was a big fan of romance films, and he had mentioned that he liked Casablanca.
“So you like black and white cinema?” You asked, smiling as you leaned your hand against your open palm.
“You could say that.” He chuckled, eyes drifting from you onto the empty ice cream cup.
“What’s your favourite?” Wonwoo asked in return, feeling his breath hitch in his throat when you caught his eyes. Their colour mesmerized him, and for a moment he thought he was looking into a mirror, seeing the white thread of his life tie in a knot as he watched. The depth of your gaze was immeasurable, and he found himself drowning in the vastness.
“Cinema Paradiso.” You replied without breaking his gaze.
“So you like foreign cinema?” He asked, a teasing lilt in his voice. The smile that broke through sent your own heart into a frenzy, and you felt yourself being pulled closer like a puppet on a string. Closer to him.
“You could say that.” You spoke, and the softness of your voice felt pleasant against Wonwoo’s ears. It was a sweet sound. Sweeter than the melodies played on any harp or lyre by the muses of the God of the Sun.
For the remainder of the evening, you sat in the gelateria, talking about your passions and your hopes.
“Tonight was nice.” You told Wonwoo once you left the building. The white snow had resumed its descent onto the frozen earth and had added layers onto the white blanket covering the world. It acted as a means to silence all sound but the sound of your beating heart and the rich resonance of Wonwoo’s voice.
“It was.”
“Would you like to go out again sometime?” He asked, turning to look you in the eyes when he offered.
“Let’s watch a film.” You agreed, happy when he took a small step towards you. In the crisp winter air, his warmth radiated like a heater, protecting you from the nipping wind.
“They are screening Notting Hill at the Contemporary Arts theatre.” Wonwoo told you his cheeks dusting a deeper shade of red.
“I’ll text you the time. Is that okay?” He asked, looking over unsure if he was being too forward. He had never spent this long with a mortal, much less with a mortal he knew he would inevitably fall in love with. He wondered if this was what all his charges felt when he helped them bump into each other or helped them make the first move. Were they also this warm? Did their hearts beat a new life and their breaths hitched in their throats with the feelings coursing through their veins? If that was the case, Wonwoo thought that infatuation was a very pleasant stage of mortal relationships.
“Of Course.” You told him, and just as you were about to bid your farewells he stopped you. His hand landed in your arm, and before you could react he had pressed a quick kiss to your cheek.
His lips were warm against your cold skin, and the tingling sensation they left behind was enough to make our heart skip a beat.
“Goodnight.” He murmured, letting go of your arm, allowing you to walk home.
The messengers had picked a small coffee shop as their hangout in the mortal world. It was warm and served the best hot chocolate they had ever tasted, whipped cream and all. It was also frequented by tender writers and happy couples. Currently, in the throes of winter, it had been decorated with white lights and smelled like cinnamon, most likely because of all the gingerbread and spiced cakes they baked. Jeonghan made Wonwoo and a few other’s meet here before he left for Olympus later in the evening. They sat at a round wooden table sipping on hot coffee and trying to keep themselves awake.
“You are meeting her again?” Jeonghan asked, poking Wonwoo on the side. The elder had recently dyed his hair platinum blonde, and Wonwoo was truly considering also changing something. He just wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to change. He felt like he was a different being to the one he was just a few weeks ago. He knew what the blossoming of love felt like now, and despite all worried of what his brothers might think of his predicament, they had been supportive.
“I have a date in half an hour.” Wonwoo answered, sipping on his hot americano.
“I can’t believe it.” Mingyu muttered under his breath. He still found the idea that the God of Love allowed one of his messengers, the ones doing his dirty work, to experience the very same love they brought to the world. The possibility that Wonwoo could love a mortal and be happy meant that the rest of them wondered whether they would also get to experience Eros within their lifetimes. It was not new knowledge that the God of Love Baekhyun had wanted his footmen to have love, it was just new that the fates let him meddle with their life lines.
“It takes almost half an hour to get to the Contemporary Arts Theatre, you better get on the bus now.” Seungcheol told him, poking the watch in his wrist to remind Wonwoo of the time. He didn’t need to be told twice.
“See you at home!” He waved at them half-heartedly before running out to catch the next bus.
True to Seungcheol’s words he had barely made it on time. The building of the Contemporary Arts Theatre was low, with only two screen rooms and a small gallery for student pieces. There had been only four other people at the screening of Notting Hill, and Wonwoo was thankful. He felt much more at ease with less prying eyes.
In the dark room, with the only light coming from the projector behind you, it felt right. Wonwoo had been timid at first, making sure you were comfortable, being careful not to be too forward. You could never have imagined his relief when he felt your head press against his shoulder halfway through the film. The rest of the film you had stayed like that, with your head on his shoulder, and with his fingers threading through yours on the armrest, and Wonwoo swore he had never been more comfortable, not even in the push beds on Mount Olympus.
“Tonight was lovely.”You told Wonwoo as you were leavening. Your hands were still intertwined, and it didn’t look like Wonwoo had any intention of letting go anytime soon. Not that you were complaining. It was a nice feeling, being held, and you enjoyed the way your relationship was progressing. Nothing seemed rushed, and you were happy with that.
“I’m glad you liked it.” Wonwoo answered, beaming as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes as you walked through the streets.
“I was just wondering,” You thought out loud, and Wonwoo halted in his tracks, turning to face you with serious eyes. The hints of playfulness now gone from the deep brown orbs.
“Wonwoo, what is that white string?” You asked, not sure if you were going crazy or not, but you had been seeing the white thread follow you since you met him, and whenever you asked your friends, they had thought you were either pulling their leg or going insane.
“What white string?” He asked, panic taking over. He had never thought you would ask him that. White string was the fibre of his life line, the fibre that held his fate in chronological order. Mortals couldn’t see immortal strings.
“This one.” You unlaced your fingers, pointing to the pearly white thread that wrapped around your ring finger like a wedding band.
“You can see it?” He asked in disbelief, and although he was panicking inside, you had let out a relieved breath. You nodded wiggling your fingers and watching the pearly sheen of the thread glisten in the streetlight.
“It’s been following me around since I met you.”
“That’s,” Wonwoo coughed, his voice cracking with the shock of your revelation.
“That is fate. My fate, that I share with you.” He answered when he regained the ability to breathe and think coherently.
“What?” You asked, not quite understanding what he was saying.
“We are soulmates.” He explained, watching as your eyes filled with shock. It wasn’t every day that someone told you you were soulmates, much less the man who could also see the crazy invisible threads wrap around your finger.
“How could you possibly know that?” You pressed for answers.
“I know because I’ve been watching those strings for a very long time. I’m the one who helps tie them together.” He explained, holding your hand to pull at the life line that wrapped around your finger. His life line, his fate. His love.
“I’m a love messenger. I help people fall in love.” He answered, looking into your eyes, and the weight of his confession settled over you, wrapping around your heart. To prove his point, he held out his hand, and sure enough, you saw a scarlet string wrap around his finger and shoot straight to your heart.
“Like cupid?” You pondered, and he laughed. He laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and at the fact that you had taken all his confessions in stride rather than running away. Maybe you were both mad.
“You could say that.” Wonwoo nodded, and the wind picked up speed, sending snowflakes spinning all around the two of you, shielding you from the prying eyes of the world outside.
“I’m your soulmate?” You asked again, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you towards his warm frame.
“Scared?” He whispered, his warm breath fanning the shell of your ear.
“No.” You answered, smiling when neither of you pulled away. Slowly, as if to not frighten you, he lowered his head, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours, moving gently against your own. His lips felt hot and searing against the cold winter, and he tasted like cotton candy. When you had finally broken away from the kiss to catch your breath your eyes strayed to the ground, and you saw Wonwoo’s shadow, his tall frame elongated on the pavement, but that was not what drew your attention. Sprouting from the back of his shadow, a pair of wings, like those of an angel, sprouted and fluttered against the wind.
“I’m terrified.” You whispered, and Wonwoo couldn’t help the laugh that broke from his throat, cacophonous and filled with joy as you teased him.
In the night, under the orange glow of streetlamps, he kissed you until you were breathless, and you decided you would love him, not yet, but in the future. Love was a flower, and it had sprouted from amongst the snow, the first signs of green peeking through the crisp whiteness.
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apollos-son · 3 years
✎ ❝You And I, It'll Always Be Us,❞
Rating ; 15+
Pairing ; Poly Ateez
Genre ; fantasy, adventure, fluff
Tags ; fluffy, lots of adventure, magic, illusions, some mysterious men in black fedoras gee I wonder who they could be...
Trigger Warnings ; blood, violence, lots of swearing, name calling
Summery ; In the heart of Seoul, eight supernatural men live semi-peacefully as they run through their day-to-day lives. They aren't fond of one another really, but that all changes as their red strings of fate are tied together by a mysterious force lurking in the shadows. This new connection sends them on a rollercoaster ride where they learn to love one another and fight for what's right.
I know this is unlikely but I do ask that you do not copy my work under any circumstances. Do not repost, translate or use my work without permission. Thanks :)
Smol tag list: @atiny-piratequeen , @leelovesatz , @catboy-dia , @btsheadquarters7
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Sector One
"I Feel Familiarity When Our Hands Touch."
p.sh . . .
The streets of Seoul are usually packed during the evening though on that particular night it was eerily quiet. Seonghwa liked it this quiet, though. It didn't bother him at all really. After all, he was used to the dark. His mind was on Hongjoong, and how aggressive the littler male was. He had been in another protest today, dripping blood all over the apartment floor. It really made Seonghwa mad when there was a mess.
When Hongjoong first moved into his apartment they were on okay terms, despite Seonghwa outing immediately and rather bluntly that he didn't like the way Hongjoong dressed. He was like an emo wannabe he'd seen from the early 2000s. He called it being an "e-boy" and Seonghwa didn't know if that was better or worse. After that though, Hongjoong started to be rather venomous towards him. At first, he thought it was a game so he did the same thing right back.
That was, until Hongjoong said he hated him.
He didn't know why, but something deep within him was hurt by those words. They effected him in a way that he didn't really understand. Like something from the past was being hurt. He decided to ignore that pain, and he went to "hating" Hongjoong as much as he could with all of his being. But he even failed at that.
He didn't know why his 430 years of experience with other beings didn't help him at all. He'd had experiences with dragons, wolves and even humans! And yet none of it seemed to help him get on Hongjoong's good side. Despite the difficulty they had, he couldn't bring her himself to hate Hongjoong. He pretended to, but he couldn't actually. Seonghwa had realised about 254 years ago that he wasn't made to hate those around him. But Hongjoong's hate for him was so strong, so passionate and so... spiteful. He had no idea what he even did wrong in the first place because he had offered Hongjoong a home. Maybe it was because he commented on the youngie's fashion choices... was that a nerve he hit by accident?
Now he was contemplating, surely Hongjoong didn't hate him just because he said his fashion choices were.... odd to say the least. If that was the case then he had to make it up to him somehow! Maybe Hongjoong liked cooked meals?
"I know what I'll do..." he mumbles to himself carefully and he claps his hands together with a small nod. He walks ahead a bit quicker to return to the apartment before Hongjoong goes to sleep. He'll be listening to that loud pop music again, for sure. He just had to cook a nice meal and apologize.. that wouldn't be so bad, would it? He's apologized plenty of times in his longish lifespan, he thinks he can pull a simple one like this off.
His mind fell back to Hongjoong and his bleeding wounds and, with a small frown, he tries to make a promise to himself that he'll care about Hongjoong's wellbeing as much as possible. He knows the younger really enjoys going to those protests and fighting for rights but he can't keep letting Hongjoong do that. He might get himself killed..
Behind him, a taller man in black with red glowing eyes watched him. He looks downward at the tethered red string that the other was dragging behind him. Nobody else could see the red strings of fate. Only certain people could. The man in black reaches down to hold the frayed piece of string and sighed, looking over to his lookalike who was staring up at the sky as the rain began to fall. Solumnly, the man in black pulled a jewel of some kind from his pocket and spoke quietly into it.
"Hong.... I have the frayed string... one down, seven to go," he said ominously and quickly turned on his heel before his lookalike could spot him at all.
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gayregis · 4 years
Talk to me about Regis, please; headcanons, why/what you like about him, etc. I love him, but there's not a whole lot of (book-based) content about him (That's probably for the better actually, just look at what twn did to Dandelion; there's a bunch of content but it's all ooc or just straight up infantilizing him because uwu innocent baby - gosh I hope twn fandom don't get their hands on Regis)
this is such a great ask ;w;
committment to principles, breaking of tropes
let’s get the deep and emotional parts out of the way. i love regis for being a good person. “epitome of humanity” and all of this. i love how he was an incredibly cruel and violent man and has become a kind person and someone committed to helping others. i find this a very comforting fantasy to be close to and think about. i like how this process was not instantaneous, it took more than 50 years and a good amount of time after that... i love how sapkowski used the idea of an immortal/extremely long lifespan for an arc of redemption and becoming a better person. regis is only a vampire because sapkowski needed him to be able to survive death and reconsider his actions... for most people, death would be the finality... and i like how regis, when recounting his backstory, doesn’t ever make excuses for himself or dwell upon his behavior. he doesn’t speak of consuming guilt, he doesn’t make useless apologies. he has accepted the past and is not looking for attention when he says all of this, it’s merely for context. so he doesn’t seek validation from others, he has already validated himself because he knows that he has become a better person.
i love how regis is an inversion of the vampire tropes... not the ones that are like “vampires can’t touch sunlight/be around garlic/enter houses without invitation, etc.” but the ones that concern vampire origins and what being alive for hundreds of years does to a person’s mind. the “traditionally accepted vampire lore” would have some human losing their humanity over many years, becoming distant from human morality and ethics. regis is a complete inversion of this. instead of being a human who has lost their morality, he is a monster who has gained his morality. he made a committment to learn and understand, and how he sincerely works for good.
hinting and character reveal
i LOVE the buildup to his character reveal. from the moment the company meets him in a cemetery during the dark of night, it should be apparent that he is not what he seems. this added to the fact that they then meet peasants who were searching for a vampire in the very same cemetery, and regis somehow knows all of these accurate facts about vampires... it’s simply entertaining to read or listen to how it all unfolds. 
the dramatic reveal is brilliant. i love how it occurs in a scene where regis was doing absolutely nothing but healing dandelion. i love how only regis and geralt knew what this was about, so we received narration in milva’s point of view because milva is the most observant of the other three that were in the company, and she slowly noticed all of these little features about regis that she didn’t notice before... his eyes glowed in the low light with an eerie catlike quality, he didn’t cast a shadow...! it’s good writing because there was significant buildup behind it. we already thought we knew regis, we got all of these hints towards his true identity, and now he’s being revealed as just that, but slowly, slowly... sapkowski doesn’t have geralt immediately yell “HE’S A BLOODY VAMPIRE!” ... it’s a very drawn out conversation. i love how regis doesn’t react much when geralt rests the sword on the hollow of his neck. he says, “well, geralt, i’m all yours,” as if geralt was beckoning him to a conversation and not standing above him with a glistening sword in his hand. and then regis just smiles and challenges him to “go on, thrust it in!” ... just entirely casual and smug. it’s creepy and yet so funny!
and i love how everything about his character seems to make more sense once his backstory is revealed. especially the part where he says he never drinks, not even a sip... after you read the part where he describes his backstory, you realize that this is a nice nod to what is revealed later on.
ability to challenge geralt
i’ll segway the last point into this one: i love how regis is just a straight up bitch to geralt in baptism of fire after he is revealed. during the reveal scene he starts mocking geralt, asking him if he’s going to let him get away, asking him how high he would value a contract on him. geralt tells him to never come back TWICE, and TWICE he returns. he appears to geralt, sits down right next to him, begins to deliver him a great monologue of advice. geralt tells him to fuck off, he just sighs “as you wish,” and continues to give advice.
regis acts on his OWN terms. geralt does not control the speed at which lobsters die vampire. regis acts like a c*nt because he simply can because he knows that geralt can’t fight him on it. what’s he going to to, kill him? ha!
regis came in at exactly the right time. dandelion is geralt’s best friend, but this means that dandelion knows geralt and knows what he’s like, and geralt knows what dandelion’s like. geralt sees dandelion’s unwavering loyalty to him as dangerous, because he doesn’t want to lose dandelion, so he blocks out whatever dandelion says about “i want to go with you, i need to go with you.” geralt knows that dandelion’s only saying this because they have such a deep relationship, and isn’t willing to risk that relationship when he thinks that it doesn’t need to be risked (i.e., that he can handle this without anyone else’s help). milva doesn’t have this long friendship with geralt, but she is his friend, and she’s known him for a few months. she knows that geralt is acting stupidly, and tells him this to his face. but geralt can sense that because she’s also his friend and because she is acting out of some sense of penance, he can’t accept her company, either. geralt is able to push both dandelion and milva away, because he can. he can tell them he doesn’t want to be bothered, he wants to be alone. 
enter regis, who simply will just not take “go away” for an answer. regis has been compared to other sages and philosophers in and out of the text, but i think this is very socrates of him. he’s the gadfly to geralt’s sluggish horse. he is able to rouse him simply by annoying the ever loving shit out of him, returning when geralt has told him to leave, giving advice when geralt has told him to shut up. and it’s for good reason, regis doesn’t do this to harm geralt, but to help him. and because he’s regis, he literally has all of the time in the world and the power to be able to annoy geralt like this. he can’t be swayed by stern petulance because it just is like nothing to him, water off of a duck’s back. he has this unbearable attitude of knowing that he’s right. this doesn’t make regis a perfect character - far from it, i would say that this is one of his biggest flaws in fact - but in this situation, it works.
optimism, kindness, healer class
i thoroughly enjoy how the immortal member of the company that has lived for over 4 centuries is such an optimist in everything he does. “it is simply a matter of positive thinking” and all of this nonsense... he’s very content and cheerful all of the time. i made a post counting every time regis is mentioned to be smiling... and it’s a lot. he is also always mentioned to be spekaing softly, calmly, gently... he has a very gentle nature!
regis is a very placating force in the company, he tries to resolve arguments between different parties (milva and the peasants who wanted her horse, milva and angouleme at the kitchen table). he assumes there’s always a good resolution that can be reached.
and the fact that he’s a healer ties it all together. i love how sapkowski actually describes everyone’s profession with detail and length, it makes the fantasy medievalesque setting more immersive, since one’s profession is extremely significant to one’s whole character in a setting like this. regis gets that short monologue about how dandelion is lucky to have gotten this head wound and not an abdominal wound, what with the liver, guts, feces mangled and spilling out... peritonitis... regis actually being described as healing people makes it feel like his character is useful and is actually a surgeon (unlike in the games where he doesn’t ever heal anyone). 
he sincerely cares about the human condition and expresses regret and pain when he cannot do anything to cure someone, even though he can sense their sickness. he describes this as literally being “a curse,” that demonstrates how difficult it is for him, and it’s only difficult for him because he cares.
blending in with human society and the quirks that come with it
i love the precautions regis has to take to continue blending in with human society. he smiles with pursed lips as to not show his fangs, but when he is with friends he ends up smiling fully. he has to continue to mask his presence with the blend of herbs. he has to avoid mirrors, dogs, and sorcerer/esses. horses dislike him even with the herbs he carries, and fulko artevelde mentions that “horses and dogs brisk at [the] company’s approach.” these small details are fun and keep reminding the audience that it’s not simple to blend in with human society, and there always IS something off about regis. hell, just shine a bright lamp on all of the company together, and you’ll see that their barber-surgeon doesn’t cast a shadow. the probably reason that they didn’t notice he didn’t cast a shadow was because of how overcast it is around that area of brugge. when they get into beauclair, i headcanon that regis doesn’t tend to walk on the sunny side of the street because of wanting to hide the fact that he won’t cast a shadow. 
there’s a lot of different conditions that are necessary to consider in relevance of keeping his identity hidden, and regis does a pretty good job at navigating all of them. i appreciate that these details were written in because it makes it more realistic... even though sapkowski broke multiple vampire tropes with regis, so you know, he won’t burn in sunlight or have adverse reactions to garlic, but there’s still all of these odd ends that he needs to take care of. it makes him seem a lot less overpowered, because it continouslly reminds the audience that he doesn’t blend in perfectly.
“benevolent ominousness”
regis has a very fun supernatural presence, and he only ever uses his powers for good.
things like saving the girl from the refugee camp by sticking his hand into flames and holding a white-hot horseshoe with absolutely no hesitation... saving geralt and dandelion by materializing out of shadow... also appearing out of nowhere to milva and cahir in the forest and milva trying to choke out a grateful sob at his presence... saving ciri at castle stygga by absolutely wrecking the entire lab, with blue flames dancing on the countertops, and then turning around in that chair and saying “don’t be afraid.”
it’s things like this that i have dubbed “benevolent ominousness” - these demonstrations of power would be extremely unsettling, if you didn’t know him and know that he was there to protect you. the embodiment of “you may rest now, there are monsters nearby.”
humor and lighthearted nature despite dark themes, great lines
this isn’t the same humor that sapkowski uses elsewhere... it’s mostly funny due to the line delivery and context. some regis dialogue is just funny, especially when peter kenny voice acts them. 
things like regis telling geralt his travel plan is very well-concealed after dandelion gets done telling him everything about it (”and ingeniously concealed, no one would ever suspect the direction of your journey”), regis lifting the horseshoe from the fire and then challenging the priest to perform an exorcism on him, regis appearing to geralt and sitting next to him and during his monologue he’s mocking him and saying “it should be your exclusive right,” geralt saying “shut up, vampire!” during the fish soup scene when regis begins to give him unsolicited advice again. regis’s entire backstory being a blatant metaphor for alcoholism and the equivalencies to human culture (”driving while drunk” = “flying while drunk”), though macabre, are hilarious. regis telling angouleme "i’m not your uncle, dear child,” and she replies, “and i’m not your dear child, uncle!” WHILE ALSO riding on his mule as well. even to the very end, all of his lines and presence at stygga were brilliant. like “i feel such strength inside me, i could probably lay waste to this entire castle,” as he loses it. “beware? i didn’t come here to beware!” as he just charges vilgefortz absolutely unhinged.
honorable mentions
his liking of philosophy and sociology and discussions about all of this
you could argue that regis talks a lot because he probably doesn’t feel how long he’s been talking for. if half a century is “the blink of an eye,” then what’s 10 minutes of monologue?
all of the vampire powers are very cool and come on. i could have literally answered this ask with one word and that word would have been “bat.” he’s a fucking giant bat. that’s epic as hell
fun and tragic potential for his backstory.
meme potential in the fact that he is modest and calm by default. can you imagine regis saying “bitch” ??? or burstin out enthusiastically in song lyrics?? it cracks me up to think about him being out of character for a split second, just for humorous effect.
also yeah if twn and/or its fandom gets their hands on regis i wont know whether to laugh or cry
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leapyearkisses · 3 years
Director’s Cut Commentary - Orbs Are Bad News Part 2
Second part of me blathering my thoughts all over this old story per the request of a very nice anon! I am still sleep-deprived, so yay~ Sorry, this commentary is probably way less interesting, since this part is just the sexy stuff, but if you have any particular questions, please send me another ask!
Happy to do any of my stories or just answer asks, whatever. I clearly enjoy reading myself talk XD
Comments in bold below the cut! This part is NSFW. Well, it’s all kinky but there’s also sex.
I forgot to mention this in Part 1, but the title of this story is because the homebrew campaign I ran for my friends involved magical evil crystal orbs. Hence they are bad news.
"Are you ever going to stop sneezing?" Remembrance asked.  At the same time, Cordes said, "One thousand blessings, Llewellyn, one for each."  The two of them were several yards ahead on the road, and only Cordes was looking back over his shoulder.  Right now, the four party members were the only travelers on this particular stretch, although as they got closer to civilization, they'd started to pass the odd wanderer, farmers with wagons, even a merchant or two.  The woods here were broken up periodically by stretches of arable land, clear-cut several decades ago and now waving with wheat, flax, or various vegetable leaves.  The fields were golden in the late sun.  Their shadows stretched behind them like taffy, rippling on the cobblestones.  The day was vanishing quickly, and Gerrit could sense his companions' impatience to move on even as he stopped again himself, drawing out his handkerchief in a now very familiar motion.
 Stick your people in a world. That’s my advice. Don’t have them just floating around in a no man’s land of generic scenery. (Also why I like period/historical snzarios and fantasy stuff, because reading about plain people in an apartment somewhere is boring to me.)
Llewellyn, for his part, could not answer them, face buried in his elbow as he ducked with another reluctant outburst. "Hahktschiu!  Hahh- happtsch!"
"Bless," said Gerrit, and he stepped in front of the elf to shield him marginally from view.  He laid one warm hand on the back of Llewellyn's neck and lifted the handkerchief with the other, capturing the next sneeze in the flannel folds.  He settled his fingers firmly around Llewellyn's nose.
This was an arrangement that had been born out of necessity three days ago when the party had raided a bandit camp's plundered stores.  Along with a good stash of gold and gems, they'd found a blue crystal orb, cursed perhaps, that had summarily become attached to both of Llewellyn's hands, rendering the sorcerer unable to do most anything... including take care of his cold on his own.
 On the last episode of Orbs Are Bad News...
Llewellyn blew his nose into the handkerchief, wetting the cloth and dampening Gerrit's fingers through it.  Originally quite opposed to such a display outside of the most private circumstances, the elf had been forced to put his pride aside and let Gerrit help him.  His fever had abated the previous day, but the frequency of his sneezing had increased, as if his body was insistent now on ridding itself of whatever illness remained.  It was a horrific prospect to Llewellyn to catch the resulting mess every time in the sleeve of his robes... so he suffered Gerrit to hold the handkerchief, even though they were walking along the road where any might see them.
Despite some initial teasing, Remembrance and Cordes had quickly grown accustomed to the practice and now cared not at all, except to complain.  "We're going to have to camp again," grumbled Remembrance.  "Five miles from Veigh and we're going to be stuck without a bath!"
 Is five miles a realistic figure here? No fucking clue! I frequently engage in excessive and specific research for my stories, but I didn’t look up how long one might hike for in D&D. Oh well.
"Is there anything I could do for you?" Cordes asked, somewhat exasperated.  The priest had made several herbal concoctions for Llewellyn over the past few days, but none had helped the elf's nose much.  Cordes's specialty was unfortunately not the curing of disease but the mending of bones and flesh.
 I will take any opportunity to make up an excuse as to why the snz cannot be contained. You’re welcome lol
"Ndo," Llewellyn growled, as fed up as the rest of them.  "I'm beyond heh- help. Hngtschiu!"
"Bless you, arimelda," said Gerrit, trying to keep his voice even.  He shifted the handkerchief so that Llewellyn could have a drier spot, trying to ignore a glimpse of slickness on the elf's face.  "Remembrance, Cordes, why don't the two of you go on ahead?  Find an inn, get a room, take a bath, whatever you want.  It might be prudent also to send a message ahead to the Mages Guild about the orb.  Will you do that?  Llewellyn and I will join you when we arrive."
 An elvish word appears! I researched this but not walking.
Cordes nodded.  "Yes, I'll draft a letter as soon as- Hey!"  Remembrance had grabbed his arm and was rushing ahead already.
"Let's go, man!" she said.  "Everyone loves a damn priest; you're my ticket to a good room, so may your god help you if you dawdle."  Her pointed tail swished as she practically jogged down the road.  Cordes spluttered but could no more stand up to her as to a tornado, so off they went.  It was a remarkably short time before the two of them were out of earshot, disappearing around a bend.
 And again, removed so that the main characters can bang, lol.
Gerrit sighed but turned his attention back to Llewellyn, who was blowing his nose again.  The handkerchief was running out of clean corners this late in the day, but the elf leaned back this time when he was finished.  "All set?" Gerrit asked.
"Yes."  Llewellyn rubbed his eyes on his upper arm, wiping away a spare tear from the effort.  "...My apologies."  He cleared his throat, refusing to meet Gerrit's gaze.  "We may arrive after dark."
"You're ill," said Gerrit, trying to fold the flannel in a way as to avoid his pocket getting wet.  "We'd move faster if you let me carry y-"
"Then I don't mind taking a more leisurely pace."  Gerrit smiled.  Even after everything, Llewellyn was stubborn.  Honestly, since they weren't really in a rush, he didn't really care when they reached Veigh; they'd only detoured here to try and remove the orb.  If Llewellyn, the most inconvenienced, didn't want to give up his pride and piggyback on... well, Gerrit found his noble hauteur inexplicably cute.
 Me too, buddy. Don’t worry, you can carry your elf later.
He also wasn't in a particular hurry because it was awfully uncomfortable to make any sort of time with his arousal pressed flush to his thigh.
A reminder that sex is usually going to be involved in my stories. The snz is not enough by itself.
Llewellyn coughed into his elbow and then started walking again.  Gerrit had pulled back his hood for him in the morning and braided his hair, and the crown of plaits caught the afternoon sunlight like an obsidian.  Gerrit tried not to let his eyes linger on the sorcerer's pale nape.  Or any other part of him.  He and Llewellyn had been travelling together for close to three years, working for their current patron in the capital, and in that time Gerrit had felt himself growing closer to the elf.  Wanting to be closer, anyway.  
Llewellyn shot a glance at him and caught him looking.  Gerrit flushed and turned his gaze back ahead to the road.
"You've been very accommodating during all of this," the elf said, tone carefully neutral.
Gerrit shrugged.  "It doesn't bear mentioning.  We're comrades."
"Comrades," Llewellyn repeated, an edge to his voice that Gerrit couldn't quite place.  "Is that all it is?"  He kicked a stick that had fallen to the cobblestones, sending it into the brush. Somewhere to the right, bumblebees droned over a meadow.
 Llewellyn is kind of a asshole and not super great at communicating with any level of affection, although he does get better.
Gerrit swallowed.  "Yes?  You and I, we've helped each other before.  I consider you to be a steadfast companion."  Eyes on the road.  Eyes on the dappled play of shadowed leaves and light on the ground.  "Why do you ask?"
"So shy," Llewellyn exclaimed, a tad mockingly.  "You've never been shy about taking me to bed, Gerrit."  Despite his short height, the elf seemed to find it easy to look down his nose at the much taller fighter.  "Has something changed?"
 Height difference is also personally sacred to me.
"Changed?"  Eyes on the road.
Llewellyn stopped walking.  "You called me 'arimelda.'  'Dearest.'  Did you think I wouldn't hear you over my sneezing?"  He couldn't cross his arms with his hands trapped by the orb, but the set of his jaw was determined and his firm brows were arched.  "I wasn't so distracted then as you seem to have thought."
Gerrit shoved his hands in his pockets.  He stopped walking but didn't turn.  "Apparently not," he muttered.  "Look, we can set it aside.  Doesn't have to mean anything – doesn't have to change anything.  I know a highborn elf like you wouldn't consider an official relationship with a half-elven bastard, and I've known that from the start.  For my whole life.  So... I care about you.  But it can just be as comrades, or whatever you want it to be."  Llewellyn was quiet, and after a long minute, Gerrit did turn on his heel, desperate to know what kind of reaction he'd provoked.
 The angst of the half-elven existence! Gerrit is a very typical half-elf in terms of D&D characterization, lol. Despite that, I do find these different-lifestyle pairings interesting, so they keep happening, cliche or not. There is a definite pathos in the elf/human relationship because of the different lifespans, of course - most famously depicted through Arwen and Aragorn, probably, although he’s not the exactly typical human. Anyway, it kind of varies how people like to determine elven and half-elven lifespans in D&D depending on the PHB and your DM’s weary forbearance lol, but Gerrit and Llewellyn will expect to live similar lengths because I’m a sap.
He saw Llewellyn standing with his eyes closed and head titled back, lips parted.  The elf's nostrils flared as he gasped.
"Are you going to sneeze again??" Gerrit asked.  He threw up his hands, then went for his handkerchief once more.  They ­did have an arrangement.
He strode back over to Llewellyn's side and tucked the cloth around his nose again, thumb and forefinger just resting on the elf's nostrils.  He started to rub Llewellyn's back.  "You have the worst timing, you know?  Here I am, spilling my heart to you and everything."  
 I laughed writing this part, too. You can’t always let things just be angst.
"Sh-hhuh-t up, I jh- just nih-" Llewellyn gasped again and gave in; he had no other choice.  "Hahktscht!"  He moaned and pressed closer into the handkerchief, thick congestion only aggravating the itch that remained inside.  "Hkktschtt!  Hngtscht!  Hahh- ah-- ankcxttschiu!"
 That sure is a bunch of letters crammed together!
"Easy... it's okay."  Gerrit massaged Llewellyn’s nose, tried to soothe the irritation.  He guided Llewellyn to the side of the road, and, in a moment of calm, settled him to sit on the grassy bank.  He followed, kneeling at the elf's side.  Llewellyn was tearing up again and his nose was twitching against the pads of Gerrit's fingers.  Gerrit felt electric all over.  He found himself wishing the handkerchief was gone so that he might touch the soft, heated skin of Llewellyn's septum, coax the elf to relax and loose his tension, sneeze into Gerrit's palm.  The mess didn't bother him; none of it bothered him.  He was supremely unbothered.  His cock was almost painfully hard.
It took several more minutes punctuated with more urgent expulsions before Llewellyn seemed to trust himself to speak.  His eyes were wet with unshed tears, eyelids tender and reddened.  His nose was brightly ruddy, running to chapped.  He had to take a shaky breath, collecting his thoughts.  "Gerrit."
 I’m a very visual writer. This kink is extremely visually-based for me. I wish I could draw as well as I want to so I could depict these scenes how I imagine them, but eh.
"Yes?"  Gerrit lowered the handkerchief, gently pinching as he did to clear any lingering moisture.  He wasn't ready to hear a rejection, nor did he feel particularly ready for a lecture or a tirade or even a logical exploration of why a relationship was a bad idea.  He wanted, if possible, to keep walking to Veigh, side by side, listening to the bees and dragonflies and songbirds settling in for the evening, feeling the light breeze on his face, replete with the scents of summer.  
"Kiss me."
Gerrit blinked, mental caravan bunching to a halt.  "What?"
 i am so funny omg
Llewellyn nudged him in the chest with the orb.  "Kiss me.  You're all worked up."  He cleared his throat.  "And judging by the state of you, you're not put off by my cold.  So?"  He tilted his head to the side, gently, closed his eyes.  "I want you to kiss me."
 An example of the B character not really forcing the admitting of the fetish but just kind of not caring. That is also okay, and I think it’s normal. People don’t just admit to all their kinks immediately upon entering a relationship.
Baffled, but feeling as though maybe all was not lost, Gerrit obliged, pressing their lips together.  His own eyes slid closed and he cupped Llewellyn's cheek, deepening the kiss, touching their tongues together, trying to convey how he felt.  Whatever had changed.  The kiss lasted for too short a time; Llewellyn broke away to breathe, eyes half-lidded, but he didn't lean away.
 I’ve never kissed anyone, but I consume media. I feel like I am pretty good at depicting things regardless of experience.
"I'm not going to dismiss you out of hand," he said.  "You or your feelings.  But I would ask for some time to think."  He looked up through his lashes.  "Are you feeling better?"
 Another thing I like in romance, even in kink short stories like this, is a more realistic portrayal of the confession than just “It was obviously meant to be~”
Gerrit could feel his pulse in every extremity.  "Not really," he managed, and he kissed Llewellyn again, this time sliding one hand under the elf's head and one at his hip and pressing him back to lay in the grass.  He moaned in his throat as Llewellyn kissed back, and when they had to break for breath, he started to kiss at Llewellyn's forehead, jaw, throat, wherever he could touch skin.  His hands roamed over the elf's body, smoothing over hip and thigh and belly until he could start to undo the buttons on Llewellyn's close-cut robes.
"Gerrit," gasped Llewellyn.  He moved the orb between them, jamming it into Gerrit's sternum.  "You are not going to sleep with me on the side of the damn road!  Get ahold of yourself!"
 He has standards!
Gerrit growled at the quick pain in his chest, then shook his head and leaned back.  He flushed deeply and pulled his hands away.  "Oh.  Oh, fuck, sorry.  I-"
"Pick me up."  Llewellyn lifted his arms.
"What??"  Gerrit's brain was having a hard time keeping up at the moment, all of his blood being elsewhere.
"There was a thicker copse of trees back about thirty feet, on the left."  Llewellyn waved the orb at him.  "Pick me up.  We can lay down there."
 His standards are NOT that high! But he does have them!
So.  So Gerrit ducked his head into the circle of Llewellyn’s arms and picked him up, holding him securely and setting off down the road again, back the way they’d come.  The elf was right; there, about twenty feet back from the bank, was a thick copse of pines, all grown together with wild geranium and maidenhead ferns.  Gerrit pushed through, shoulder first.  Despite its proximity to the thoroughfare, the inside of the stand was quiet and shielded completely from view.  This would do nicely.
 Told you you’d get to carry him soon.
He set Llewellyn back on his feet and made short work of undressing him, first freeing the sorcerer from his pouches and bags, then undoing the silver buttons on his robe from his collarbone to his crotch.  The rich fabric fell open appealingly.  Next, Gerrit freed the elf from his boots and leggings.  A long white shirt, woven from the finest of elven angora, still covered him, but Gerrit pushed the fabric up over Llewellyn’s belly, leaning in to kiss the elf again and touching him intimately.
Llewellyn moaned and nudged Gerrit’s hip with the orb.  “Now you,” he said.  “I want to see your body.”
Gerrit complied, making quick time shedding his cloak, pack, leather armor, breeches, boots.  Two daggers, two short swords, caltrops, a bow and quiver, a glaive, and a spiked whip followed.  He pushed them to the side as Llewellyn rolled his eyes.
This is another funny trope lol, like when a hero or assassin or someone has to go through airport security and the metal detector keeps beeping because they’re carrying 18 knives on their person. Fighters are proficient in every weapon, so why not have one of everything?
"You can't possibly have a use for all of those," the elf said, and then Gerrit captured his mouth again.
He laid Llewellyn down on the soft carpet of pine needles, using his cloak to cover the ground and double as a makeshift pillow.  The elf was beautiful in the shifting shade, skin flawless.  He had the orb resting on his chest and it glowed intermittently in the inconstant sunlight.  The gold chain netting that encapsulated both the orb and Llewellyn's fine-boned hands glimmered.  "You know," said Gerrit, smoothing a hand down Llewellyn's bare thigh.  "You'd look pretty good bound up in gold chain."
"This isn't enough for you?"  He scoffed.
Gerrit laughed.  "It would be fun to tease you.  I love it when you fuss at me.  So cute."  He dodged Llewellyn's elbow and settled down on his stomach, hooked one of Llewellyn's legs over his shoulder, and nuzzled the base of the elf's cock.  "Ready, arimelda?"  His own cock was under him, pressed to his stomach in the confines of his shirt.  He could feel his pulse in the head of it, quickening with the scent of his lover.
"Yes, you prick," sighed the elf, and he moaned when Gerrit started to kiss him and lave his skin.  His fingers flexed on the orb, longing to wind into Gerrit's hair.
 Licking is kind of thing, and I love writing about fellatio so. Yay~
Gerrit took Llewellyn into his mouth eagerly, fingers curled over the elf's thighs, fingertips pressing at the sensitive inner surface as he sucked and teased and swallowed.  Like this, he could focus on Llewellyn's pleasure.  The noises the usually stoic and prideful sorcerer was making were enough to make Gerrit moan, mouth full, and rock his hips.  Nothing pleased Gerrit more than seeing Llewellyn undone, seeing the elf flushed and open and undone for him.  And he shivered, all over, when he heard the elf's breath catch and his tone go wavery.  He thought he could come from this, listening to Llewellyn sneeze while pleasuring him implacably with a heated, well-placed tongue.
 This is also VERY IMPORTANT. Caretaking to the point of like, partner worship idk. It’s good!!
"Aa, aa, ahh- ih- Gerrit, I-" Llewellyn drew his knee up, curling, heel drawing along Gerrit's back.  "I nih- need to snih- hh-"
Gerrit drew his head back, let Llewellyn's cock free for a moment.  He didn't loosen his grip on the elf's legs, though, wound up and desirous.  "Okay by me, melda, it's okay.  Feel all right?  Want me to stop?"  He was breathless himself, had to force the words past the distraction of his arousal, but he would abide.
 Consent is the sexiest thing.
"No, don't stop," Llewellyn groaned, then turned his head to the side.  "Hpptscht!  Hah- Haktschiu!"
"Bless, bless."  Gerrit kissed Llewellyn's thigh tenderly, then nipped it, drew his tongue over the hurt, sucked a bruise to mark its place.  He swallowed Llewellyn down again as the elf cried out in pleasure and then bent with another helpless burst.  Gerrit wondered if he could make Llewellyn come simultaneously with a sneeze and what that might feel like.  The fantasy set him alight.  His abdomen was tight, his cock like a brand on his stomach. He redoubled his efforts.
Gerrit felt it first, when Llewellyn came, in the tightening of the elf's thighs and stomach, then tasted the salt of his release.  His world narrowed down to taking it in, swallowing, milking with his mouth while Llewellyn cried out, going until the elf was pushing him away, keening, oversensitive.  He didn't wait to lift Llewellyn then into his lap, cradling him with one arm and stroking himself with the other hand, desperate to come as well.  Llewellyn pressed his face to the junction of Gerrit's neck and shoulder, tightly gripping the cloth of Gerrit's shirt as they rocked together.  The elf's nose was gently wet and he was panting, sniffling.  Gerrit came with a shout, holding him close, shaking with an overabundance of pleasure.  He let go of his cock and embraced Llewellyn fully.  He had enough presence of mind not to confess to anything, but he couldn't stop himself from murmuring how beautiful, how soft.
 okay. o__o There’s only so much I can say about writing the porn lol. I write what I want to read.
Gradually the world came back.  Birdsong, first, and the bees, the sounds of the trees swaying in the light breeze.  The lingering heat of the day, dampened by the shade and the growing dusk.  The musty smell of pine needles and the sharper hint of sap, the scents of sex, the pressure of Llewellyn astride his lap, the bite of uneven ground against his knees.  Llewellyn was touching his cheek, trying to say something sweet, failing because of his cold again.
 I tried to write this part so that it would not be immediately obvious to the reader, as it is not to the characters, that the orb is gone.
"Ah- hh- Ttschgktst!"
Wetness against his neck.  Gerrit wound his fingers with Llewellyn's and kissed his jaw.  "Bless you," he said.  "I'll find you a healer in Veigh.  We'll get you well again.  Right after we free you from the orb."  He laid his cheek against the back of Llewellyn's hand tenderly.  Then he paused. "Wait."  Straightening, he brought his hands between them.  The right was laced with Llewellyn's left.  "The orb is gone."
Llewellyn straightened also, looking down at his hands.  His hands with no orb.  He lifted them both, amazed.  And then wiped his nose on his wrist, sighing in pleasure.  Gerrit tried not to blush despite everything.
 Me too, buddy.
"Where did it go?" he asked, looking past the elf's shoulder.  "Why did it come off?"
"Who even cares at this point??"  Llewellyn had let go of him and was stretching, running his palms over his body, touching his own arms and face and cock, finally able to move and feel again after three days of magical bondage.  He wiggled his fingers and then clapped his palms together, raising a small flame with their parting.  "I have my freedom back.  I can cast spells again.  I can-" He smiled brilliantly.  "I can touch you, too."  He dropped his hands suddenly to Gerrit's lap, nimbly taking Gerrit's cock between them.
Gerrit lost track of the orb immediately.
 Me too, buddy.
It was dark indeed when the two of them made it to the inn in Veigh, but both were in high spirits.  Gerrit had relinquished handkerchief duty back to Llewellyn with a great internal mourning, but he could always fantasize about this again in the future (he did, frequently), and he knew that Llewellyn, despite his best efforts, would catch more colds on the road (he did, more frequently than he would like).
I would love to play a fetish-friendly D&D campaign, but it would be way too embarrassing, probably. My current PC has allergies, but I have never mentioned them in-game and probably never will lol. God help me if my DM ever remembers that I wrote them into my character sheet.
Remembrance and Cordes had only been able to secure one room, it seemed, with two beds.  Gerrit resigned himself, going up the stairs, to sleeping on the floor. But... it was apparent upon entering the small space that... well, their priest and thief had ended up taking up only one of the beds, together.  Gerrit and Llewellyn traded glances.
"I don't think I want to ask," said Llewellyn, going for the free bed.
"Sounds like a plan to me," Gerrit replied, joining him.
The untold story, lol
In the morning, Cordes, with great dignity sprung from embarrassment (the cause of which he did not volunteer) informed them that a letter had not been sent to the Mages Guild yet.  He was immensely relieved to find that one was no longer needed and quick to congratulate Llewellyn on his newly regained freedom.  Remembrance just chuckled from the bed and took her time buckling her armor back on.  
Already in Veigh, the party spent some time stocking up on medicines and liquefying some of the heavier treasures they'd liberated from the bandit camp.  Gerrit sent a message on to their patron to expect them back in the capital in a couple of weeks, barring disaster.  They purchased horses and set out, ready for the next adventure.
The orb lay still in the pine thicket, nestled like an egg among the ferns, waiting for the next hapless traveler. 
 Faust’s Orb of Rope Bondage. Make a Will saving throw [DC 15] upon touching the orb with any body part, wearing clothes or not. Upon a failure, the orb will find its way to adhere to the hand of the hapless adventurer. If both hands touch the orb, they will both be stuck. If two people fail the save, one of each of their hands will be stuck. The spell can be broken only if each attached party has an orgasm.
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novantinuum · 4 years
that fantasy au concept is so interesting! it has such a cool emotional core with neat worldbuilding while still staying true to the spirit of the show, and just seems to... idk how to put it but it Works?
a aaa thank you ;w;
i have a metric butt load of ideas for it, some of them being:
-Lots of typical fantasy creatures like elves, dwarves, dragonborn, gnomes, orcs, etc etc etc alongside humans
-The visual aesthetic of the larger cities is strongly victorian steampunk. This is a world right on the edge of technological revolution, and as a result, oftentimes magic and those who perform it are kinda left behind and ignored in lieu of new inventions and ideas.
-Magic is something all denizens of this fantasy world can learn if they put their minds to it enough- but there are definitely some people who have an innate closer connection to the magical aspect of this world and have an easier time with it. This often runs through family lines- i.e. if a parent is a powerful witch, for example, their child will also have an innate inclination towards performing powerful magic.
-All the magic in this world is really personalized. Each individual will have an inclination towards a few types of magic that speak towards their personality and heart. It’s kinda... soul magic? So when I said the eldritch beings Rose was once a part of consume people’s souls, they’re basically feeding on pure magic. 
-Rose is, of course, secretly an eldritch horror disguised as an elf. She’s like... super long-lived? She’s been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years in this world, far beyond the normal lifespan of elven folk. However, she flies under the radar and is never really questioned because everyone just assumes the immense power of her magic is what’s keeping her alive. She deals very deeply in eldritch magic, and also boasts considerable healing/restorative powers. She’s still alive when Steven is born, and is loving as a mother, but... she tends to be very reclusive, and starts to keep him at arm’s length the older he becomes. (see: she’s super stressed and distracted about trying to find a way to save this realm when her ward fails in a few years.) This may be an AU, but Steven still gotta have mommy issues. 
-Pearl is her first love, the elven woman she fell for when she first came to protect this world. Rose has granted her long life, afraid to see the people she loves die. Pearl is a skilled fighter and mage, able to show others impeccably accurate visions of her memory in a cloud of smoke, conjure an illusionary version of any item she’s seen, and even summon light soldiers to cover her.
-Garnet is another early friend she made, during that initial fight against the eldritch beings trying to consume this plane of existence. Garnet has also been granted the power of long life. She is a clairvoyant seer who can see potential paths of the future, but while she uses this power she temporarily goes blind as she accesses her “third eye,” so to speak. As a result, this is a magic she must use wisely, outside immediate dangers. Haven’t decided what fantasy people she’s of.
-Amethyst is a young human girl these three came into care of much later, someone without a home to call her own. She’s scrappy, and is adept with forming illusions and shapeshifting. Her magic is very handy in conflict with distracting and disorienting others, and is also fun for cheap tricks to get a laugh. These days, it’s a rare day she’s NOT in some shapeshifted form.
-Greg is a human, and he’s absolutely a bard :D Most of his magic he actually learned from Rose, as his parents didn’t allow him to seek out magic training when he was a kid under their thumb. 
-Connie is a human who lives in one of the larger cities of this world with her parents, and she quite literally ran into Steven in the streets one day... which eventually lead to them striking up a close friendship and their stories intertwining. She’s always wanted to study magic, but as of late, with all the technological revolutions, texts on it are becoming harder and harder to find. Magic is becoming something that is more often only passed down within families... something unfairly insular. Neither her mother or father are innate magic users, so she has no one to teach her. No one, that is... until she met Steven and his family. Steven... who is the son of the literal most AMAZING sorceress who ever walked this world.
She is a quick learner, and over time picks up some mid-level telepathic abilities- which allow her to poke into people’s inner thoughts at will. She also becomes adept at scouring information- magically soaking up words in a book like a sponge, and at sensing hidden sources of magic many others cannot. She trains with Pearl as a swordfighter, as well. 
-Steven... genuinely believes he is a half-elf for most of his childhood. His mother is an elf, of course, and his father a human. He’s got pointed ears like his mom, and shares her natural magical aptitude. However, since he is actually half-eldritch instead, there’s a lot of very, very subtle, unusual physical quirks about him he doesn’t know to mask, some of which are:
His eyes shimmer with little pinpricks of light occasionally, almost as if an entire galaxy were encapsulated within them. This only happens when he’s feeling very strong emotions. It’s not something anyone would notice unless they were looking for it.
Sometimes... rarely... when you look at him close, it’s as if for a brief glimmer of a moment his form feels off. Like something’s missing, or your sight is somehow glitching. Like there’s something about him you can’t quite see.
He doesn’t feel warm to the touch, nor does he feel cold. The closest description of sensation I could make for what someone feels when making contact with him is like... TV static.
If you know him long enough, eventually you’ll grow to recognize a slight dissonant harmony within his voice. It’s very subtle, but always there.
These quirks are things Rose shares, but knowingly masks. Every single day she doesn’t tell him the truth about her origins is a day she fears these quirks will grow so strong it’ll put him in danger, but what’s even more dangerous is the thought of having to burden him with her secret, and... likely have to deal with the fallout of everyone discovering that she’s lied about what she is for all this time.
Steven’s magic is heavy on abjuration. He’s very adept at summoning barriers and shields and at casting all sorts of defensive spells. He can also bring plants to life, but this is incredibly draining for him earlier on in his magic training. He’s got a bit of healing ability, although nowhere near his mother’s, and he’s also a strong empath. As his power grows, so too does the strength and longevity of his shields and creations. However, along with that, his empathic abilities become so powerful that he often finds himself overwhelmed by the emotions of people around him. He’s largely unable to just “turn it off,” and thus prefers to stick to peaceful, secluded areas rather than trundle through highly populated areas all the time. Music is a really good diversion for him when he feels too overwhelmed by everyone’s emotions.
-At some point, Steven and Connie come to question Rose’s secrecy, and pry into what she’s doing a bit... Connie attempts to use her telepathy to peek into her surface thoughts, and... hoo boy, that’s not a super wise move on Connie’s part, because Rose can feel this girl picking around in her mind. The two of them get into big trouble, as Rose is terrified at people discovering her true identity at this point, at people learning about the truth and then pressing into her dangerous world. While she doesn’t intend to be, Rose gets kinda... scary when she’s upset. Don’t upset her.
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quetzalpapalotl · 4 years
I don't mind so much Transformers having something like "biological" relationship so long as is not the standard. Is not even that I dislike the mere concept of parent-like relationships, I mean, I'm a die-hard fan of the Wreckers Saga. I just don't care when they so closely mimic human relationships and certainly do not want the fucking nuclear family model imposed on my space robots. And also, the idea of an entire race with no childhood is so far removed from the human experience, is no wonder so many try to replicate it still. But that's what's interesting to me.
I had no idea of how much I wanted this fantasy until I encountered Transformers and so I want it to stay that way. I can get stories about traditional families and children anywhere else. Why this is so important for me is to feelsy and too complex for words, but it is.
The mentors in IDW2 work great for me because yeah, it's a parental relationship, but not like a human one. Everyone is adopted and is not like the weight of entire generations of families is on you. The newsparks are not children, they are naive, they need to be taught the ropes, they lack experience, but they have the same kind of processors as everyone else. Unlike children whose brains are completely different from adults and there are reasonings they are incapable of doing. If newsparks are impulsive is because they don't have the practice on controlling themselves and not because their prefrontal cortex is still developing while they process everything with the amygdala.
Transformers come out with a basic understanding of the world, hell, Cliffjumper said "sorry" right after being forged, like he understands something as complex as shame, he knew there should have been people waiting for him. That's not a baby, not even a child. Being a parent is not something that completely reshapes yoir life and identity, your child doesn't require so much monitoring and the period of time they require of you as support is minuscule compared to a Cybertronian lifespan.
On the other hand, the one thing that keeps me from watching Beast Wars is not even the animation. Is the idea that these people are "descendants", and it doesn't mean that they were created by the old Autobots and Decepticons, Primal is specifically a descendant of Optimus, Arcee is Rattraps great-aunt??? How does that work? I don't know, but I don't like it and I'm going to ignore it.
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scary-lasagna · 4 years
Trust || Part VII
" The rustling of fabric and shrinking shadow signaled that he put the gun away but was advancing towards you. What if he decided on a knife instead? Instead, a rough hand brushed your hair out of your face, and placed a soft kiss on your temple. You know he's not going to let up. You have to plan an escape. "
Yandere!Hoodie/Brian x Reader
* * *
The first thing you noticed after emerging from your room was the shiny tray that lay on the console table behind the couch with dirty dishes sitting beside it. Hoodie was busy watching some shitty news story on the broken television. He was always keeping an extra eye out for any reports about you, or his 'friends' for that matter, broken tv or not.
He didn't want the cops to even know about your disappearance, let alone get any leads. But this is small-town Alabama, the cops aren't exactly too smart outside of noise complaints and underage drinking.
You could tell Hoodie was still tense from the night before. Just by the way he was gripping his ankle as his leg bobbed annoyingly. Was he dangerous? Throughout the whole ordeal, he proved himself to not hurt you. Even when tempted with a gun.
But your mind flashed back to the ringlets around your arm, and his crying face with his hands around your neck.
You couldn't trust him. Not after what you've seen he's capable of, even though he held back his violence last night. 
A few shards of your plates were still sprinkling the living room floor. And the tv grew a few more cracks from the assault.
It was so tantalizing. You were just mere feet away from it, and one whack to the back of the head would be enough to stun your captor and fuck around with the door in the right way, just enough to get the hell out of here.
You eyed Hoodie's reflection through the glare of the cracked television, and you acted on primal impulse. The difference between life and death. A gunshot and a beating heart.
The flat of the tray hit the back of his head with a satisfying, "pWaNnng" and you didn't wait to watch him collapse off of the couch. You were slightly disappointed that you couldn't watch your fantasy take place in reality in front of you.
You took off running towards the rickety cellar door. You've seen Hoodie fuck around with it a few times to get a general idea of how it works.
You never looked behind you, yanking and pulling on the metal beam that held it shut. You shouldered it, and the fresh air teased your skin. Another painful lunge towards the slab and it broke loose. You were surprised the cement didn't crack under it's weight, but you had no time to worry about it.
You were already running, you didn't care that you didn't have any shoes, or nothing else besides a t-shirt and jeans to protect you.
You were free. The cool summer wind felt amazing against your cheeks and puffy eyes. And the decaying smell of the forest called out like home to you. There wasn't really telling where you were headed, because heading back the way you came would be too predictable. You're just asking to get caught, then. But this means trudging through a foreign area, and you were wasting energy running this far. For the first time since you left, you looked behind you.
No one.
No signs of yellow between the trees, not even any decaying leaves that are reaching the end of their lifespan sprouted from any low hanging branches. You breathed in, backing up against a tree. The air that touched your throat felt like knives scraping down your raw skin. You passed a shaky breath and looked back once more before relaxing to a steady pace that didn't would leave you exhausted by the time you reached a main road, or any other sign of civilization.
You focused on the sounds around you, making sure the only sounds were the tree frogs and the cheerful chirp of summer crickets. 
But something was...off. Despite the noise of the forest, you couldn't help but feel that there was a predator nearby. An uneasy feeling that settled in the pit of your stomach. 
Then a branch snapped behind you, followed by a hasty shuffle of leaves. You turned, frozen like a deer in the headlights, your wide [E/C] eyes scanning for any possible signs of life other than the forest creatures.
Your muscles slowly relaxed, settling down by your side. It was probably just a squirrel that was eager to get a start on the day.
You turned right into a firm chest. You physically jumped backward, tripping over your own feet as you did so.
The brunette stared down at you through his red flecked spectacles. You didn't want to know who's blood was on his glasses or why. You just wanted to get the hell out of there.
"Listen, [Y/N]. We've been friends for a while before all of this. But I can't just ignore what's been going on, there's really no other option for you."
"Dude, listen, I don't what the hell you're on, but I need to go. It's not safe for me here I was kid-"
"It's not safe. You are never going to be safe. Don't you understand?! The thing has been follow-"
"Alex! I don't give two flying fucks about your villainy monologue right now, I've heard enough of your bullshit from the tapes, just take me to the nearest police station."
"Cops aren't going to he...help..." Alex let out a strained growl, grasping at his temples. It was just now that you realized the switchblade he held in his right hand that he must've caught from his sleeve. Christ, what next?
You wondered if his brain decided to finally fry itself and have a mental breakdown. But then you felt it, first it was dull, barely noticeable behind your ear. But then it started radiating throughout your scalp. The pain was kin to a needle bouncing off of your inner skull and tearing up what's left of your brain. As soon as you caught the glint of Alex's glasses perk up, you turn to take off. 
But you shrieked in horror, watching the 8 foot tall faceless creature tower over you. The ringing just got louder and brain shattering. You couldn't think you couldn't move. You're not even sure when you collapsed, but you were grateful to ground yourself. As if the smaller you became, the less the creature would see you as prey.
You wish it would stop. You wish Alex was normal. You wish Brian was here to protect you and tell that that everything's going to be okay as he wrapped you up in strong arms and a maple smelling hoodie. But nothing was okay. Alex is a homicidal maniac, Hoodie has stolen your boyfriend, and this faceless creature is eventually going to make your head explode if it didn't kill you first.
"YOU!" A roar erupted from Alex, letting the leaves dance under his feet as he took off running. Whatever that creature is seems to be fond of Alex, because the ringing subsided as soon as Alex was out of sight.
You huffed, hugging yourself as you touched the earthy leaves and moss with your forehead. Hunched over and fatigued in a fetal position, you took a few moments to collect yourself.
No matter how many times you gasped for air, your lungs always begged for more. You forced yourself to sit up from your protective position, looking around the thick woods full to the brim of tree trunks, shrubs, and poison ivy.
Whether it was snot or blood retreating back into your sinuses when you sniffed, you didn't know nor care. It was over, it was time to go home.
But something nagged you. Who came to your rescue? Who put themselves in harm's way for your sake? Only one person who's stupid enough came to mind, and you didn't like it.
You turned, slowly so you wouldn't get dizzy, and peered through the trees. Beyond the low ringing in your ears, a hagrid rustle of leaves bounced around the sound of the forest.
By supporting yourself with the wrinkly texture of the trees, you somehow made your way towards the fight.
You arrived at the wrong time, because what once was a noble battle, quickly turned into a massacre.
Alex was pummeling Hoodie, or a spark of hope in your heart found that it might be Brian shining through to save you. Whoever it was, he wouldn't last, not if Alex got his hands on the knife. 
The knife.
Where was it? Surely if Alex had it, the fight would've been over with by now. Your eyes were already searching the ground for a glint of a blade, or possibly even a discoloration among the leaves. But it was hard to see. The returning headache cause your vision to blurr, or maybe you even ruptured a blood vessel in your eye.
Alex was actively looking for the knife, and for a moment you thought he was going to start using you as a punching bag when his sight landed on you. But he was diving for the knife.
It was right in front of you.
You lunged, meeting Alex's dive. He collided with your shoulder and you fumbled with the knife beneath you. You managed to shove the man off as you retreated to gain distance between the both of you. 
You panted, opening the knife with a sharp click, outstretching your hand towards he attacker.
Alex stared, glancing wearily between you and Hoodie.
"Don't worry, I'll be back for you. Both of you." He backpedaled a few steps before running in the opposite direction. You made sure he was faded from view before you looked down at Hoodie. Brian?
You knelt down, taking some effort in turning him over. Jesus Christ, his entire stomach was soaked in blood. You hesitantly pulled up his clothing, looking for the source of bleeding, and praying that there's not more than one.
The seeping one-inch spot didn't do much to ease your worries, but it was a start.
You can't just leave him here to die. That's when his hand grabbed you. Your eyes met with the darkness of the mask, and in sudden realization, you realized this was all your fault. Hoodie could die because of you, along with what's left of Brian. 
Hoodie gasped when met with fresh air, the mask he wore was dreadfully suffocating, and it wasn't helping that most of his oxygen is being poured out of his abdomen.
The key.
If he died, you'd have no way to escape or get away from here safely. Hoodie tightened his grip on your arm, watching your worried eyes trying to assess his wounds. 
He let out a cry of pain, the muscles in his torso contracting and raising his torso against your hands pressing on the stab wound.
"I'm s-so sorry." Hoodie watched your slumped form through squinted eyes. Why were you apologizing to him? All you wanted was some fresh air. It was stuffy in that basement. He couldn't blame you for wanting to leave for a little bit, but he was too afraid to let out outside. For this very reason. 
In the depth of his love, he didn't see that you could do no wrong.
"Hoodie, you have to help me."
It took all of his strength to fumble with the brass key chained around his neck. You needed this. You needed the key for his room, to find the car keys, phones, supplies, and get far away from here. Far from Alex, far from the faceless man, far from him. Tim could take care of you. He ripped it off, weakly placing his hand on top of yours.
"You have to try to stand, I can't carry you back on my own."
For a brief moment, auburn eyes flickered with hazel. Brian reached through, if only for a few measly seconds.
But you were too busy to notice. You were lugging him up like a sack of potatoes, managing to get him on his feet.
You two trudged, slowly, through the crunchy leaves of Rosswood forest.  
Back to that cellar.
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ghost-ghost-baby · 5 years
Scales // Yan!Bakusquad x reader // fantasy au // pt. 1
a/n: ive been too busy to write so have pt. 1 of the dragon!Kirishima turned poly!Bakusquad fic lmao. hopefully it’ll have 3-4 parts! 
requests: open
Sparks flew from your fingers, going right into the lock and you heard it unlock with a small click. Relief flooded you at that, thanking the gods that your magic worked on these locks. It was a miracle you’d even managed to find out about this, you may be part of Shigaraki’s kingdom, but it wasn’t by choice, and you refused to let them kill a dragon. Of course, if you were discovered you’d be killed without question, despite your skills at magic. As long as the dragon escaped, it’d be worth it. The lantern in your hand barely lit up the tunnel, but you needed all your magic, so casting a brighter light was out of the question. The hallway went up, steeper by the step and winding around and around, and it kept growing warmer. Sweat drenched you by the time you reached the door, whispered words making the lock open and you pushed the door open as quietly as you could. The dragon’s eyes shot open as soon as you entered, gaze pinning you down as his lips lifted in a snarl. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you baby, I’m here to set you free, you have my word.” You froze in your tracks, palms facing upwards to show you meant no harm. The dragon’s snarl stayed on it’s face, but it didn’t make any other noises, and you took that as a sign to continue. You made quick work of the shackles on it’s legs and tail, but whatever kind of… contraption they had on it’s wings was more complicated. It consisted of severel locks, and you discovered you had to unlock them in the correct order, or it wouldn’t work. You got past it though, of course you did, despite the substancial drain in your energy. Walking around ot the head, you have the dragon a weak smile, stepping closer when he stayed quiet. The muzzle was easy to work, breaking and falling to the ground with a dull thunk. 
“Okay baby, you’re free to go.” You were grinning now, footsteps running up the tunnel and shouting barely registering. 
“You gotta go now though, or they���ll kill both of us, so just hurry okay!” You were getting more and more frustrated, the dragon only looking at you instead of going. 
“Is it because you don’t know how to get out? There, go through there!” You hissed, hand flying out and with a bang the wall had crumbled to nothing, sunlight streaming into the room even as you felt your energy leaving you. You turned to it with one last look of desperation, banging on the door pounding through your head and, oh, the dragon had such pretty red scales. 
All you could see was red when you woke up, exhaustion making you react slower than you usually would, but giving you time to register everything. The last thing you remembered was the dragon looking at you, but after that everything was black. You really had to be more careful with your magic, passing out wasn’t ideal. Now, what the fuck had happened after that? And how the fuck were you meant to get oout from under… a dragon wing? No, that couldn’t be right, the dragon should have just… left you. Okay, Y/n, just… focus on finding out where you are. You’d been leaning on… well something red and scaly, that seemed to be moving? Maybe you were dreaming, that made the most sense. You crawled forward, finding where the wing ended and crawling out of it. You had to squint to see, summer light blinding compared to the red. Slowly, you turned back around, mouth falling open at the dragon sleeping peachefully before you. Thoughts of running away flashed through your head, and your hand throbbed at that, making yu frown as you looked at it. 
“What the fuck is-” You frowned, scale like tattoos that matched the dragon exactly danced across the back of your hand, from wrist bone to knuckle, with a few on your fingers and thubm. They shimmered if you tilted them just right, and they’d be beautiful if you knew what the fuck they were, and why they hurt when you thought about leaving. 
‘You’re upset, why?’ 
“Who the-”
‘It’s just me, you don’t need to worry.’ This was accompanied by the dragon humming, red eye fixed on you. 
“Why are you in my head?” Your arms crossed over your chest as a reflex, stepping back so there was a greater distance. 
‘Ah, yeah, about that-’ It was interrupted by a roar coming from the clouds, and the noise had you falling back on your ass. 
ANother dragon cirled down, that’s right, another dragon, this was smaller and flashing gold in the sun.  Fear froze your body to the spot. The red dragon shuffled closer to you, but you could swear it was grinning as the other dragon landed. Goldey, as you’d decided to call it, wasted no time and bounded over, letting out a hum that vibratd your bones as he procedded to jump and lick all over the other one. 
You managed to scramble back away from the dragons, the two caught up in… reuniting? Or something like that? Your hands caught on stone and gravel, but you barely noticed, mind numb to the pain as you focused on getting away. Goldey turned to you, letting out a sort of trumpet noise complete with lightning, of all things, and the scream that bubbled up your throat only came out as a whimper. You hadn’t been able to recharge your powers, the fact you were powerless only added to your panic because oh god were they going to eat you? The golden one took a step towards you and you held your hand out, sparks fizzling as soon as they left your palm and gods this was the end for you. 
“Denki! Back up man, go back to the village, I’ll see you there soon.” 
Oh god was that the voice of an angel? Had you died? You finally got a handle on yourself, eyes darting up to meet somewhat familiar red ones. 
“I’m sorry about him, are you okay?” The man asked, hand held out for you to grab when he reached you. You could barely nod, blush on your cheeks because he was half naked, and fuck he was hot. 
“I’m Eijiro Kirishima, I’m really sorry about all the fuss. There’s a village just over the hill, let’s get you there, okay?” He pulled you up, concern painting his features when you stumbled. You were too tired to question anything, like where the red dragon had gone, and how he’d managed to get the golden one to go away, and why he was so warm. Protests left your lips when he picked you up like you were nothing, although they got weaker and weaker. He was just so warm, and comfortable, and nice, and you felt safe. It wasn’t long before you were dozing off.
Warm, you were so warm, half asleep and turning so you could get closer to it. It was soft too, making you hum as you rubbed your cheek against it, thoughourly enjoying the way it felt against your skin. Until it spoke. 
“Feeling better, Y/n?” 
That had you waking right up, eyes barely able to register Kirishima as you were trying to scramble away. He only pulled you closer, arms wrapped tight and pressing you chest to chest. 
“Let me go Kirishima!” You hissed, hands coming up to press against his chest, and that was when you remembered… well whatever was on your hand. Now that you thought about it, the red of the scales matched Kirishima’s eyes perfectly, and that red dragon had just disappeared… And then it clicked.
“What did you do to me?” 
“You saved me, I had to bond you.” He said, as if it was nothing, before he want back to nuzzling your neck. 
“You what?” 
“Don’t worry, you have me now, and I’m gonna keep you so safe.” 
“I don’t even know you, let me go.” You hissed, drawing some satisfaction from the way he flinched when your nails dug into his skin. 
“That doesn’t matter! You’ll know me in time!” He chirped, pulling away so he could look at your face. “Besides, there’s no way to break the bond once it’s been formed, and it comes with some changes I’m sure you’d want me to tell you about.” 
You felt your resolve melting away… what changes? WOuld he only tell you if you were good? Maybe you could find out what they were and use it to get away? 
“There we go, see that wasn’t so hard.” Kirishima smiled, and you noticed how sharp his teeth were.
“So, when a dragon bonds someone, they can’t physically be apart for long periods of time.” 
Oh, there went your plans of escape, then. 
“If they are it can physically hurt them, it was made so bonded pairs would stay together. Other effects of the bond are sensing each others moods, feeling each others pain, and being able to sense when the other is in danger. Oh! And your lifespan will match mine now, dragons do live for a long time.” Kirishima told you, arms wrapped tight around your middle. You were leaning back against his chest, warring with yourself because this fucking bond made it all so much harder. You couldn’t just leave, even the thought of it sent a spike of pain through you, but you couldn’t stay, you’d basically been kidnapped, by a dragon. 
“Now, you’re a sorcerer, right? You must’ve used a lot of your energy saving me.” These words were accompanied by him kissing the side of your neck, and you didn’t know if you wanted to gag or ask for more. 
“Thank you for that, baby. Now we just gotta get your strength back up!” Kirishima reached forward, bringing back a plate of fruit from it’s place on the table. You’d been stuck in this tent all day, the table in the middle the only hard thing there, everything else was all pillows and soft fabrics. He set the fruit on your lap, and you let out a sigh of relief when you realised he wasn’t going to feed you. You munched on the fruit, letting him ramble on about other people in the village, your energy returning with every bite you took. There had to be some way you could get out of this, right? Sure, you’d never faced a dragon before, but how hard could it be, really?
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Psycho Analysis: The Moonchild
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
I feel like this one was inevitable. As soon as I decided to bust open the doors on literary mediums like books and comics, this guy was always going to loom over me. Well, let’s just bite the bullet and talk about him. 
In the final portion of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Centuries, we are introduced to Oliver Haddo’s ultimate creation… a creation he is incredibly disappointed in. You see, the Antichrist or Moonchild is a whiny, miserable young adult strung out on prescription drugs because he went mad after realizing what he was being manipulated into. He is the subject of derision by all who know him, and is treated like a punching bag by most of the narrative, up to and including God literally telling him he’s a bitch. Our villain here is just a miserable, whiny, kind of misogynistic brat who doesn’t even want to be a villain, and in general is just unpleasant and ineffective save for a school massacre he pulls off.
Oh yeah, and his real name is Harry Potter. Kind of an important detail, that.
Motivation/Goals: So as the antichrist, you’d think Mr. Potter might, you know, maybe want to bring about the end of days and all that. But no! He actually pops pills and isolates himself in Grimmauld Place so that he doesn’t do that! He doesn’t want to be the Antichrist and, really, who would? Most of his screentime is thus spent whining, until he ultimately decides to embrace being the Antichrist because he feels  he has no other choice. We’ll get into all of that in a bit, but honestly, his motivation is extremely weak despite the incredibly graphic setup we’re given to his downward spiral: when he first discovered he was being manipulated by Satanists, he went on a magical school shooting, shown to us in a first-person perspective to emulate the games that were often blamed for real school shootings. We get to see Harry slaughter Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore, and so on, we get to see what he did to Hogsmeade and the Hogwarts Express, and absolutely none of it is pleasant. 
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With setup like that you’d expect maybe a little more intrigue and indecision, maybe some sort of conflict between fate and choice or something beyond Harry sitting around half-naked, high off of antidepressants, being a whiny little bitch, but you might be giving the dude who wrote a porno where the kids from Peter Pan engage in underage incest a bit too much credit. 
Final Fate: So Harry has gone absolutely bonkers and it seems that nothing can possibly stop him; our heroes seem to be written into a corner. So what does Moore do? He has God - who in this universe is Mary Poppins - descend from the heavens and have her say how she protects the imaginations of children and how she just straight up hates Harry. Never mind that Harry is quite literally an abused child who was twisted by the cruel machinations of a body surfing wizard, apparently he’s a child not worth protecting or caring about and is unworthy of sympathy. Anyway, Mary Poppins just turns him into a chalk drawing and that’s the end of that. 
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Great writing, Alan Moore, critically acclaimed creator of Watchmen!
Best Scene: Saying Harry here had a ‘best scene’ is seriously pushing it, because literally every moment he’s on the page the comic just beats you over the head with Moore’s biases. I wish I could put the school shooting sequence, because the idea behind it is legitimately intriguing, but the whole sequence is just interwoven with Moore whacking off his hateboner for the series. But on the subject of boners… well, I think there’s only one panel that can truly and adequately sum up this entire character and how much of a miserable failure he is. Those who have followed me for a long time knew this was coming, but for the rest of you, behold - Harry Potter Dick Lightning:
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Final Thoughts & Score: Quite frankly, this is the worst thing Alan Moore has ever done.
I’m not even mad as a fan of Harry Potter; Moore was honestly ahead of his time in hating the franchise to this level. The issue I have is that he doesn’t really deconstruct or criticize in any meaningful way, he just is doing edgy “take that” stuff that you’d expect from a chump like Garth Ennis. Like, the concept here is incredibly solid and intriguing - this version of Harry has been groomed from birth by Satanists to become the Antichrist, with all of his adventures fabricated and all of his relationships manufactured to keep him under the illusion he is a hero to mankind. Upon discovering the truth, he snaps, massacres everyone at his school for their role in his manipulations, and went into exile to stave off the apocalypse, although he ultimately and bitterly accepts his role because he feels he was never given a choice… and he wasn’t! He’s an incredibly depressing and miserable deconstruction of the concept of “The Chosen One,” and yet the whole thing falls apart on multiple levels.
The first is that the Harry Potter franchise already deconstructs the concept of “The Chosen One;” the text goes out of its way to point out that Voldemort’s own actions are what is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy by targeting someone with the will and drive to fight back against him. Harry’s not so much chosen by fate so much as forcibly chosen by an evil manipulator… and that’s basically what we have here, but with less substance. Moore doesn’t really comment on anything, instead leading into the second big issue - Harry’s whole role is to be a strawman punching bag villain so that Moore can complain about modern fantasy franchises. Moore seems to view Harry as the epitome of the lazy regurgitation of the same story over and over that modern blockbuster culture so often falls into… except that Harry Potter was an original product developed by one person and had no artificial longevity slapped onto the franchise in the form of unneeded sequels or spinoffs to extend the lifespan of the franchise at the time Moore wrote this. Throw in the fact Moore just in general seems extremely contemptuous of any post-70s pop culture in Centuries and how Harry is ultimately taken down by crusty old characters from older literature really just leads to Moore coming across as a grumpy old man who hates anything new, not helped by his tired criticisms of millennials and their perceived lack of culture. Maybe Moore would have had more of a point if he created this storyline today, but he didn’t. Thus, he has no point and he just looks like a miserable old fart.
Sure, you can argue that maybe Moore’s basic parody of the character by exaggerating his tendencies to their logical extreme and attacking elements of the plot that had been criticized to death by fans to begin with has its place, and perhaps you could even say that the take in the comic is just an extreme take on how Harry acted in the fifth book, what with the lashing out at his friends and his general feeling of a lack of control, and there is some merit to that, or there would be if Moore’s own unrepentant bias didn’t undermine everything. Look, you can hate Harry Potter, but then why slap it into your work? It’s supremely cringey when people insert characters they hate into fanfiction and just completely derail their characters so that they can treat them like garbage with the narrative, and is that not what Moore did here? Is League not just public domain fanfiction? There’s a reason why I coined “Harry Potter Dick Lightning” as a phrase used to showcase a moment where a fanwork’s contempt for a character becomes so extreme that it not only jumps the shark, it rockets over it into the upper atmosphere. Any criticisms or messages Moore is trying to convey is tarnished by his blatant, seething contempt for the character, and that gets in the way of good writing and good storytelling. Having two characters express pity at having to murder an abused child who was warped by Satanists into being a tool of the apocalypse does not make up for how the narrative constantly mocks, belittles, and treats him like garbage to the point he really can’t function as an effective villain that can be taken seriously.
All of this adds up to what I’d argue is the absolute worst villain in all of fiction, bar none. There is just not a single redeeming quality about the Antichrist as a character. None. Nothing. I cannot think of another villain that so completely fails on every single level as this one does. He doesn’t work as an antagonist because most of the bad things he does are offscreen and he doesn’t come into conflict with the heroes until the very end, and most of his screentime features him doing nothing of note. He doesn’t work as a critique, because he is acting as a criticism for things his character never really represented in the first place. He only really functions as the sort of garbage you’d see in My Immortal, where the characters you know and love are turned into evil jerks because the writer hates them - but he even fails at being that, because at least My Immortal is funny about it! 
I am going out on a limb and saying that there cannot possibly be a villain that so utterly fails at everything it sets out to be as hard as Harry does. I don’t even want to try and believe it. And so, without hesitation, I am giving Moore’s shallow Potter parody a 0/10. And I pray to Mary Poppins that this is the only one of those I ever dish out, because I really don’t want to imagine what could possibly be worse than Harry Potter Dick Lightning.
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
Re the cobalt soul and book hoarding, I really feel like it wouldn't matter if so many dangerous books were available to the public, books about becoming a god for example, because there is an almost 0% chance that a lay person would ever be able to read let alone use them, and someone who IS pursuing those dangerous ends (and is actually a genuine threat on the level the cobalt soul claim to be on guard against) is probably powerful enough to gain access to those books either through connections, blackmail, assault, magic, whatever anyway!!!! Like if one of the cerberus assembly just said 'fuck the politics' and prepared invisibility, silence, knock, charm/dominate person, detect magic/traps, teleport (not even considering 8/9th level spells) they could get whatever they wanted from any cobalt soul library
So to me what their hoarding shows is a desperate attempt at clinging to political relevance in the face of the much more influential and powerful assembly
(You can't be a check or a balance against reality-bendingly powerful fascists, the best you could hope for is a fuckkin assassination squad but good luck with that)
i do see your point about the books - i hadn’t thought about people actually being able to use them lol, a random person (let’s say, me but if i lived in zadash or whatever) picking up something about ascending to godhood would just be kinda like “...okay...” and then be very confused by presumably three hundred pages of arcane equations or whatever. it wouldn’t be useful knowledge at all. i would literally not be able to comprehend it.
and we’ve seen in canon that at least one of the libraries really isn’t that secure - obann’s crew tore through the zadash archive in a big way, but to be fair it was a group of extremely superpowered legendary entities so i don’t really blame the people in zadash for not being ready for them - which does just mean they’re controlling the flow of info to the general public for whatever reason imo. i think we can ascribe a couple different possible motivations to that: the cobalt soul has a lot of government entanglement and might want to suppress ideas that the government wants suppressed, maybe (if i’m being charitable) they’re just kind of really into keeping their books to themselves, it might just be Not That Deep and people just don’t ask to borrow books for whatever reason. (i have a lot of questions about education and information in this setting? but i do understand that that’s not something we’re going to see onscreen unless one of the m9 is like “what if i became a teacher” or something. even then, probably not in any depth. just not what a show like this is gonna get into, imo)
i’m not sure that they need to cling that desperately to relevance, though. when i think about the cerberus assembly i hate them so much try to keep in mind just how new it is. it’s only a hundred years old, very much the new kid on the block in terms of Powerful Organizations. it’s a fantasy world and fantasy lifespans exist; there are probably people in rexxentrum who remember the mages fighting in the streets before that all got folded into swearing fealty to the crown. they’re really powerful because they have a lot of strong individual actors, but i’ve never gotten the sense that they’re anywhere near as big or established as the cobalt soul, which has a presence across two continents and is a religious order in a world where people can tangibly call down divine intervention.
we know the two organizations have a “check and balance” relationship because that’s been said on the show, but i definitely agree with you that it’s... not something that can exist, in my mind? if the cobalt soul was really this super Good force i would love them to just. bring the hammer down on the assembly and get rid of it entirely, if they have a hammer to bring down? it’s evil. i don’t... maybe i just don’t understand why they wouldn’t do that? and that makes me suspicious? the soul is (in my opinion) not about to fade into the background. i just wish they would do more good in the foreground, but that doesn’t really work in the format of the show to me? like, we’re not gonna see that entanglement unless one of the m9 is in a room where it’s being shown to us.
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