#like yes they are annoying but that's because im squared to them so im allowed to say that
sixthwater · 2 years
Random thought but i feel like ppl project on libra placements a lot (source: me. I am not very good at astrology though so idk)
Hi! This might make less sense than usual cause I just got back in from a bit of a long day
Lovely Libra
This would be considered an observation to me because you're not too far off, but there's a lot of layers to it. I don't think people notice when they're projecting onto libras or those with libra placements. It's the same as when people throw out random reasons to hate water signs (reflective) and like geminis (same energy as scorpio where they can see through your bullshit but will much more of a bastard about it if you're not playing nice, so 'two-faced').
The thing with Libra influence is that they don't like 'mess'. They are not afraid of it, but they'd rather avoid it or not be involved. So you have to pay very close attention to how they respond to conflict; if they're actively giving their opinion or if they're being vague. Are they ignoring what's happening or are they paying attention. If a Libra isn't vocal about how they feel, 9/10 you don't really know how they feel about the situation, they're just being civil or supportive lmao. I think this is where it comes from, because they will put their foot down when people Do try to speak for them or overstep their boundaries, and this causes that whiplash and bitter feeling because just a few moments ago the person believed that Libra was on their side completely which leads to that whole 'if we're talking about (insert negative quality) then ____ needs to be mentioned' and that's not the case at all lmao.
I think it can be a bit of a bad quality, but we as outsiders are also at fault to just assume and project at times as well. I think I made into the big leagues and know every placement now, at least one per placement, and it usually plays out as I stated above. The influenced will appear to be:
very neutral
supportive at most, but vague about their own feelings
just trying to get information
damn near absent
yet somehow their stance will still be dubbed by someone else without them stating it themselves. I think it's harder on rising natives because despite any other placements being more blunt and open, they will still face this projection. The rest needs some sort of interaction. however it doesn't have to all be bad. libra is one of those signs where people will look at them as like...they can provide something unattainable thanks to venus (seriously, pay attention to the comments those with venusian placements get). my friend recently showed me an artist who turned out to be a late libra, and one of the main comments people make about them is regarding gender envy (i believe they're a cis male but i never dig deep into celebs and i don't want to trust Wikipedia so.) and how they're 'doing whatever they want with their music and we need more of that', so while that's not Direct projection, it's close.
in general; a good reminder that libras are in between virgo and scorpio for a reason. they are hilarious and super fucking sarcastic when you pay attention and it's so funny to catch them slipping. i hate stereotypes but they actually really do care about the fairness of a situation, and their other placements will change how intense they express that or how they go about it. rule of thumb is to always remember the bare bones of a sign when judging them. libras are cardinal air signs, they should be given a lot more credit. also this is definitely the dialogue going through their head when they're confronted with some shit they don't want to hear:
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faeodum · 2 years
okay i just saw love and thunder and i need to get some things out. spoilers alert yk the drill
first of all i’ve said this in the tags a couple reblogs back but MY GOD don’t go see this movie if you want to see an action movie or worst a serious movie. this is not what this is. idk about you, but when i’m considering paying 15 bucks to see a movie i kinda want to know what i need to be looking forward to and L&T gave exactly what it said: an unserious, ridiculous, weird, corny ass lovecom that will allow you to turn your brain off for a little less than two hours and have fun
literally they described the plot as “imagine if you put a bunch of kids in the writers room, asked what they wanted to see in a thor movie, and then said yes to everything” and that’s what we got! why are you having a fit on twitter!!!!!!
ANYWAYS besides that it was really fun!! the room i was in was very open to the corny kiwi humor, everyone was laughing the whole time and even when it got cringey it was more funny than annoying and we all had a great time (im thinking of the “fake bad acting” choice in the directing but again i’m familiar with taika’s work so it didn’t bother me but some might find it upsetting)
AGAINNN its not the height of cinema and its not supposed to be. would i have liked more character development for val? yes absolutely this was my main hope so im a bit disappointed. but also i understand that there are more thor movies coming up and this one was about thor and jane and bringing closure to what we knew had been a serious/long-term relationship that just?? ended off screen suddenly. so i am hoping val is getting that next time and im not too worried about it
though you can’t take this away from waititi: the movie was really fucking pretty (yes ik a few wonky green screens but even actively looking for them i barely noticed besides the War Baby Flashback)
like hello the second face-off with the villain was insane???? christian bale is a crazy talented actor and i loved the video game-ish vibes it had (although ik my friend was kinda put off by it) but it was actually one of my favorite scenes
actually yk what the thematic of love was refreshing as hell… the fact that the antagonist had it against selfish and unresponsive gods rang with me and it was nice to see thor acknowledging that although he had very much been like that, he’s working on himself to be better
choosing to admit you’re defeated and just choose to pass ur last moment with your loved ones rather than fighting a loosing battle? how the movie treats important and heavy themes such as a loved one fighting a deadly illness, wanting the best for them and yet NEVER making choices for them… choosing love over hate always
again some people have HATED the last scene but guys? although i was not expecting it, it actually makes sm sense for thor. all he’s ever wanted was to take care of smn/someone, but the position he was given (crown prince then king) was just too much pressure on him and he just knew too well how utterly unfit he was for the job, and well although he could have grown into it, it was just not in the cards for him with the whole thanos disaster/ensuing depression
with this new development, he gets that AND stops this long cycle of loneliness and self-doubt he’s had going on for literal years. here he can’t doubt that he’s loved and needed, cause he now has a literal child in his custody that very definitely both loves and needs him and he CANNOT doubt that and thats so good for him and his confidence i think. also that single interaction was so fucking cute and natural are you kidding me??????
bonus points for the fact that it also allows him to grieve in a more healthy way because again, he can’t take care of a kid if he can’t take care of himself. no more brusso brothers alcoholism bs we’re in a healthy household now!
we knew it but val’s sexuality was confirmed and so were gay rock dads (squared)!!! and it felt damn good since last time we got that was with phastos which made me tear up a bit in eternals lmao
still laughing thinking about the gd goats
THIS WAS A MOVIE FOR KIDS!!!!! and that was so wholesome. yeah it’s a movie for kids and by kids too since the actors’ kids were all included both in the writing and monsters designing process (and featured in the movie too!) and i think it’s great that little kids out there can watch this movie and go huh i too can be a hero! it’s alright if i’m scared and it’s normal but i can do anything! and thats what heroes comics are about babeyyyy
might be repeating myself here but gd yall threw a fit because marvel was boring and yall wanted smn different and now you’re like “TOO DIFFERENT TOO DIFFERENT!!!” like pls go touch some grass its a fucking marvel movie it couldn’t be LESS deep
if, again, the movie was all about lame jokes, when it got to heavy scenes it did it very well. a few people got choked up during the final showdown and the scene just before it. and i think it takes talent to have people switch from hilarity to sad tears so organically
unfortunately the after credits scenes did not do it for me. although the prospect of bringing in greek mythology is cool ig, after seeing so many cool looking gods in that one scene i was like 1) zeus could have stayed dead actually 2) hercules is not the most exciting option but again? benefit of the doubt…lets see whats gonna happen…… also pretty sure the second post-cred was just waititi being like ‘aw fuck they killed heimdall? >:(( fuck that hey idris mate get ur ass on set’ bc it served nothing lmao but hey! not complaining about seeing heimdall one last time!
anyways yes thats about it for now!!! might add some later if something comes to mind but otherwise i’ll resume this with: if you have two hours and 10 bucks to kill, go switch off ur brain and watch thor love and thunder
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beann-e · 3 years
Arranged Marriages With Stoic Guys
female pronouns used for this one !
“ y/n you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to “
“ are you stupid of course I have to “ you snapped at your father who stood hovering over you a slight smirk on his face “ eh thought you’d want to hear what you wanna hear “
you scoffed trying to push his arm off your shoulders this was all stupid you didn’t want to do any of this
“ honestly i’m doing what’s best for you y/n you need this — we need this “ he sighed “ I mean don’t you want to help your family and yourself think about how well set up you’ll be “his eyes went stone on yours “ you need this “
you flinched at the way his sureness slipped into his tone there was no way you were gonna get out of this “ no you need this there is no we right now “
his face hardened as he held out his arm for you to grab “ shut up and grab my arm “
“ i’m not going out there with you “
“ yes “ his voice was threatening and quiet “ you are “
“ I said im no— “
“ look you’ve been weighing this family down for years yet, we’ve said nothing— and now you finally have the chance to help us — to show you belong in this world and you won’t ? are you serious “
His face flew up into a look of annoyance “ you have no other purpose than to help us that is why you were born to be shoved into a family rich enough to secure your own and your families needs and now you mean to tell me you don’t want to do what you were created for “
your mouth snapped shut at his claims
“ are you that disgusting that you can’t even help your family “
you felt your body go cold as he continued to press into you
“ you preach how we’re the bad people yet you do evil shit like this“
he scoffed looking down on you “ i feel nothing but pure disgust to even have to go out there and call you my daughter “
he shook his head in disappointment before putting his arm out for you to grab again “ grab it “ his voice raised “ and you better go out there and put on that glorious look of innocence his father liked “
you gulped as he directed you quickly out the doors and draped the piece of fabric that you wore on your head. Placing it over your eyes and walking you down the aisle that had been so beautifully decorated
you were suppose to be getting married today not that you wanted to but, you had to.
you were the only girl in a family full of knuckle headed boys who just weren’t smart enough for an arranged marriage.
This was your fourth time being close enough to being married off though you hated the other 2 there was one that stuck out to you and that was number three
Your third boyfriend was one your family never liked they saw him as disgusting, vile, and too dirty with his language.
To you he was caring and open and rarely ever talked too harshly to you as long as you managed to never piss him off. You were happy with him and he was the only one you could ever see yourself settling down with until he told you He would take care of you and only you.
That was the nail in the coffin when you brought him over to dinner one night and out of the blue he spoke loudly so everyone could hear him “ look — with this whole marriage thing when I do marry your shitty daughter “
his eyes coming over to look at you and sending a look of reassurance your way making sure you knew he didn’t mean it. Them falling back to look at everyone around the dinner table who moved comfortably in their seats not caring how he talked to you as long as they would get to live lavish
“ i’m not taking care of you guys “ he scooped up the leftover food on his plate “ i’m only going out of the way for her and her only — the rest of you are on your own “
he shoveled the food in his mouth speaking carefully and making sure to watch his words knowing how serious he had to be with them in order for him to be heard by your parents “ you guys are using her for money and I don’t like that i’m not taking care of shitty parents and two brothers who act like they can’t even tell me how to spell yen “
him laughing and turning to your eldest brother a small smile on his face “ hey jerk face “
“ uh huh “ your brothers body wiggled in excitement to be acknowledged “ what’s up “
“ spell yen for me real quick “
“ babe don—“
“ shutup needa prove a point for your asshole parents “
“ hmmm “ your brother thought out loud as your other one jumped in the conversation “ hey dude what’s yen anyways “
your boyfriends mouth flying open as he slammed his hand on the table “ actually scratch that — i’m gonna pay for them both to go to elementary school and be two tall ass bodyguards that talk and say dumb shit like this to scare the kids into learning “
he pushed himself out of his chair kissing you softly before leaving the room. The door slamming as your father followed him anger swirling off his body at not only your boyfriends attitude for not wanting to help them but for coming in his house and making a fool of his family
you never got any of what your third boyfriend promised because he never got the opportunity to come back and your father made sure to have you cut off all contact with him.
So lucky you
free wedding , new guy
“ smile “ you felt your face do what you were told immediately as your feet shuffled down the aisle anyone could tell this was painful or at least anyone who actually knew you and not the 100 paid citizens of japan who sat in your wedding chairs
The guy you were marrying is a hero so, you can see how easy this is for him to pay for. He had to keep this little ordeal in the papers but only so, his father could stay relevant or at least that’s how they explained it to you no one explained that this was your e—
“ y/n“ your fathers voice was sharp “ take his hand“ you blinked finally realizing you were at the end of the carefully laid out carpet “ pay attention don’t make us look stupid “
you smiled carefully at the male before you dragged your foot stepping up and using his outstretched hand across from you “ thank—thank you “
it was silent which you immediately understood you knew he felt no need to talk to you ‘ maybe he’s not that into talking in public maybe he’s a private kind of person ‘
yeah he was so private that he said nothing but his I do’s and his occasional mhmm’s when you tried to get to know him with this continuing all night you never got to. This was all set up between his father and your own. you and him had no knowledge you were getting married today from what your father told you
“ so how— how is hero work “ you questioned as you two sat in the busy hall waiting for the doors to open up to allow people outside into the courtyard for pictures “ I hear you are one — a hero I mean “
you looked up to him as he faced forward his mouth making no attempt to move “ what really no it’s that hard ? “ you looked off speaking to yourself “ wouldnt think hero work could ever be hard“
“ did i just witness you ask and answer your own question “
your body shook as you felt heat rise up in your body your temperature high hands starting to feel sweaty “ oh uh “
“ if we have to get you checked for mental health problems i’d like to do so early “ he never broke his gaze from in front of him even when the doors opened “ I do not want to wake up with a knife to my chest or walk in on you talking to your imaginary friend after work “
you face dropped you understanding you were getting no where in communication with this man. You grabbed his outstretched hand and let him weave you carefully through the many people you didn’t know finally he stopped only to grip your hand tightly “ don’t move and wait quietly please“
you nodded your head as you watched him talk to the photographer guessing they were discussing where you were gonna take your pictures
“ hello there y/n “ you heard a booming voice say turning around only to bump square into a hard chest
“ or should I say daughter in law “ his voice scared you it was something about the way he was so sure of himself something felt wrong here
“ oh um do I— I know you “
“ of course you do “ he pointed to your new husband smiling “ you married my son an hour ago “
you shook your head uncomfortable with being left alone with now not only one person you didn’t know but also two plus a room full of people you couldn’t even name “ excuse me if I seem a bit “
“— lost , ditzy, bimbo like “
“ w-what bimbo? excuse me “
“ it’s ok as long as your quirk is as good as your father tells me I am fine with your intelligence level not being up to par my son is fully equipped with the knowledge to take care of a woman and provide like a man should “
“ I-“ you thought for a moment deciding on if you should go all out on the male that stood before you retracting into yourself when you thought of your father
“ oh y/n i know — it’s the bimbo tendencies? yeah here i’ll make it easier for you is there something you wanted to say“
you flinched at the statement smiling and presenting yourself happily as he smirked down on you ‘ he knows what hes doing ‘
“ no no nothing at all “ you said feeling his large hand pat you on your back “ good girl— get over there my sons kinda dense when it comes to talking to people “
you smiled to hold all the hostility in your voice “ yes i’ve seen so much of his density in our one hour together I find myself wondering how he can provide for me without proper communication skills “
the males eyebrow raising at your ability to speak back to an elder “ hmm he suffers with interaction due to lack of affection— childhood trauma as people your age like to say “
his smile tight and not fully reaching his ears “ I do expect that you’ll show him the proper amount of affection no matter if you got dragged into this or not “
you turned on your heel leaving the annoyed male to his own thoughts your hands coming up to interlock over your new ‘husbands’ shoulders “ hi shoto “
he bristled at your touch his shoulder moving to drop your hands as he pretended to stretch his arm in a small circle side eyeing you carefully alerting you to not touch him without permission again before he turned back to the male in front of him voice low “ I do not understand why I cannot take the photos the way I want to “
“ your father sai— “
“ their my spouse ? “ he was direct with everything he said “ it’s my wedding “
you could feel the questioning in every word he said voice low almost threatening the male in front of you “are you going to believe a 90 year old geezer who just found out beating kids is wrong or are you going to believe your beloved pro hero ? “
you could hear the teasing he held at the very end that even made you want to move just as fast as the photographer in front of you and follow after him
“ how do you want to take the photos y/n “ Shotos eyes looked down on you expectedly as you shook your head in confusion ‘ how did I end up picking our poses he wanted to change the generic one that was preplanned‘
you looked into his face as his eyes morphed into a look you couldn’t quite figure out “ i’m guessing you did this for me ? “
he shook his head slightly “ oh so you thought I would want something different from the basic ph— ok um “ you smiled as you turned to the front “ can we just do a um — maybe a hug but he hugs my waist that’s always a pretty marriage picture “
you moved to look back at him as the photographer agreed shoto moving carefully to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist hesitantly “ you can — it’s ok “ you felt as his shaky arms snaked around and sat in the spot that you guided them to your arms moving over them as your hands tried to soothe his jumpy ones
“ hey calm down “ you laughed “ just a picture — not me waging war on you family “
he looked down on your smiling face his own going through so many emotions not able to tell which one he wanted to show “ at least not the rest of them — your father maybe “ he watched as you turned back around the camera clicking as a genuine look of interest for you passed over his face
“ do you guys want to take another one “
“ um I think we’re good he doesn’t um— he doesn’t seem like a photo- e guy and i’m not very photogenic “
the photographer shook his head in understanding letting out a sigh of relief that he held as you moved to walk off your husbands grip tightening on you “ hey I — you can let go now sh— “
“ do you remember earlier “ he questioned “ when I told you to stay put “
your body flamed as you knew you’d done something wrong immediately feeling like you should try to defend yourself
“ why did you walk off “ his eyebrows furrowed “ how — why did you disobey orders “
“ I just—- I didn’t — your father— he — he came up and he— “
“ either way you didn’t listen you moved from the spot I placed you in” his eyes were staring holes into yours daggers really “so no matter who spoke to you — you were in the wrong “
“ I — it’s my body I can move “
“ yes you can in the spot I placed you “
“ I don’t even know you I don’t have t— “
“ that’s how it works “ his voice roared looking to the ground eyebrows furrowed as he was trying so desperately to understand you “ that is how it works in a marriage you listen to me —when I tell you to do something you do it and when I tel— “
“ no it’s not what — I” your face made up in confusion “ who told you these things —- this is ? i’m not a kid I am your wife now—we’re on two equal playing fiel— “
“ no “ you gnawed at your lip as he waited for a rebuttal seeing as though you had been answering him back after everything he said standing up straighter when he seen your tightly closed mouth “ i’m done with this argument I was just curious of something and you answered it “ he unwrapped himself from your body and turned to leave tugging at his suit
you not knowing wether to follow him or leave him be choosing the first option when he turned over his shoulder and stopped his movement
voice coming out short you were so confused with your new ‘husbands’ behavior he expected almost everything from you as if you could read his mind without words “ sorry — sorry “
he shook his head in understanding as he went to get his car from the valet opening the door for you as he opened his own getting in and setting himself up properly for a nice drive
your back hitting the seat hard when he took off your mind racing thinking this may be punishment for your words and anger towards him earlier.
‘ maybe he’s gonna play fast and furious while i’m In the car to get me to shut up ‘
“ I do not intend to scare you if that is what you are thinking “
he looked into his side mirror as he got over into another lane “ but I do intend to build structure where I see there is none “
you knew you should be quiet right now is not the time to fight for your rights in this new relationship not when he was driving like he’d never heard of a car accident
“ and I am not sure about you but I do feel right now is the best time to set that in place seeing as though I don’t know you and I doubt you even want to know me “
he waited on your answer “ when I stop talking that signifies you may speak “
“ sorry yes— no I do want—want to know you “
“ that’s interesting “ he sat back in the drivers seat as he eyed the road carefully slowing down a bit when taking in your answer “ i’d like to think that we were both forced into this “
“ ye-“
“ but that is simply not true “
your eyes refused to blink “ neither of us were “ he slowed the car down even more as he pulled into an underground parking garage “ you were handpicked by myself because I was asked to find a spouse to spark some uproar in the headlines or else i’d lose my title of number three hero and I am not too keen on giving that up right now with my father being number four and only living to climb the ranks “
he turned his car off as he turned to you “ i do not want to give him that enjoyment— “ he sighed “ you are not necessarily wanted nor needed— the only thing I can ask of you is to uphold this facade out there and i will give you and your family— everything i originally signed to in the contract“
he opened his car door as he stood fixing his suit again “ in here — my house you either follow my set of rules or you will be asked to leave and id honestly hate to ask you to leave “
you heart fluttered so he was interested in you
“ because then i’d have to talk to the media and I do hate when they ask me questions they have the material to supply themselves an answer with “
you heard the slam of the car door as you got out yourself hearing the two beeps from his car when locking it following him up the stairs as your eyes blinked several times
no no
you followed him up the elevator images flashing In your mind as you looked to the buttons remembering the number all too clear as he stepped out and onto the floor opening the door to the pent house your sweaty hands fiddling with the bottom half of your dress
“ shoto”
“ todoroki inside please my love — also “ he moved to his kitchen stripping off his jacket “ baby goes for me —my love goes for you in or out I don’t care — but do not overuse it — you will only annoy me “
you smiled softly trying to rush to ask your overwhelming question that was buzzing around inyour mind “ baby do you um— by any chance do you happen to have a rooma — “
“ who the fuck left the door open “ you heard the voice your ears had missed so much your body wanting to drop to the floor after hearing it “ shitty icy hot always coming in places and just leaving shit open— it’s like you don’t even know privacy “
“ well that is true I have never been awarded such thing as privacy I was off throwing up on tile after a long hard restless day of beatings “
“tch always so quick to spill your shitty trauma — wheres the bitch you set yourself up to marry “ he scoffed as you heard him nearing the kitchen “ marry for hire I mean “
shoto nodded as if the male could see it closing his fridge making his way over to you pushing you to follow him towards the loud deep voice “ she’s here actually though she’s going to be busy in a moment — you’ll have some time to meet her afterwards I promise “
“ god — if it goes on all night I swear — still can’t believe you hired some weird bitch to marry you and the whor—holy fuck “
Your eyes rose to meet his as you saw the tall blond drop his grenades he held in his gloved hands the loud clang echoing throughout the house “ my god I do ask bakugou if we’re going to stay together due to the department , that you do watch how you mess up our house , you have free range to destroy anything you want inside your own room “
“ shut —shut the fuck up ice tray“ his eyes narrowed on yours as he pointed at you “ this is the — the bitch you went to marry today — the one you picked out “
“ yes — I — is there a problem “ shoto turned to look you up and down “ though I did suspect some mental health challenges earlier i’m sure you can’t notice them up front right “
bakugous body shivered as he took a step back from you his body prepared to run
“ bakugou i’ve never seen you this “ your grip tightened on your dress pulling it up in the back hand dipping low to grab at your cell phone knowing you would have to call for help if he decided to be the bakugou you knew and kill you your ears listening closely as shoto spoke “ this afraid it’s quite eventful “
“ you— you dumbass “ he kept his eyes on you “ get the fuck out this isn’t the place for you— go back to your run down shitty cottage or something “
shoto stood confused as bakugou ran to grab you his hand tight on your arm his body stopping eyes made up in sadness face dropping as he felt himself wanting to scream and cry all at the same time. Hand only gripping harder onto your figure
“ what is the meaning of this —- I find this disgustingly rude — bakugou “
he shook his head eyes dropping to the floor your heart breaking he won’t even look at you that’s how bad your father screwed things up for you
Him pushing you away from him and towards the door as he spoke low hurt and pain ripping through his voice “ she’s gotta go “ his body moving to walk away “ now “ he screamed “ unmarry her or some shit—I don’t wanna see that bitch when I come back out here “
“ katsu— “
“ don’t you dare say my name not like that not with tears in your fucking eyes and sounding all sad and shit the last time you said it was the best time dont make me forget that shit “
your body shook in fear as his eyes weighed heavy on you shotos voice pouring out “ god bakugou please what are you saying your just being a bit of an— excuse my language my love but an — asshole aren’t you ? “
his body stalling when he thought back to a few moments ago “ wait how — how do you know his name “
your heart broke as you looked between the two men.
Just your luck that you would have to choose between a man who would most likely give you nothing but pure gentle love and supply your family the same only for one small thing in return or one that you missed so much every night you went to sleep
then again you would have no choice but to be married to someone that you’d already signed away your life to in a binding contract that stated your family and yourself would be very well taken care of and who were you to choose love over protection ?
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lesbvan · 3 years
can you please link us some tutorials on how to make good gifs? not as good as yours of course but decent ones!
im very late to this im sorry ! and yes i could link you to some tutorials but i thought if thats okay i could just make my own, on how i make my gifs ! this might take a while so bare with me please
here's what we'll make (it's a gif!)
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1. potplayer
2. adobe photoshop (any works, i have the 2020 one)
3. please like/reblog if this was useful !
you might see that most people use kmplayer, and i used to use that as well but last year, for some reason, it stopped working for me so i changed to potplayer.
so, you'll need a video file first, and id recommend always using 1080p or 720p unless you truly can't find what you want in that size. why? because both of those sizes are best as they have better quality and your gifs will look better. tip: the bigger the file size the even better quality itll have (i can't bother downloading 40GB files so i always just use small ones, it still works fine for me)
when you have your file, you open it with potplayer, choose the scene you want to gif and click ctrl + g to pull up a little window which will make your screencaps for your gifs.
this is how the window looks like:
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in storage you choose which folder you want the frames to go to. the format i use is png because it has the higher quality, always choose original size and the rest you can just copy from me. then you click a button bellow all of this that says start and once you're done you can click again on that button to stop.
theres another method i used back when i was starting to gif, that doesnt need any other app and its just on ps, but frankly i dont think that method is good at all.
now that you have all you need to make your gifs, lets start making them !
open photoshop and load the files needed for the gif.
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to load the files i use load multiple DICOM files, BUT, for newer versions of photoshop this won't work as DICOM files are not png, or jpeg... i was only able to make it work cause i had an older version of ps and copied the file that would allow this to work to my newer version. most people use load files into stack which is how i will teach you how to make your gifs. the difference between these two options is that the DICOM one loads your files in order while with the into stack one you will have to do an extra step which i find very annoying.
select load files into stack.
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then you click browse, select the folder where your pngs are and just select all of them. click ok and they will slowly load. once they're done loading you will see the picture above again this time will all of the files on the rectangle and you can click ok. theyll start appearing on photoshop.
now onto the gif making, finally !
your timeline will look like this:
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click create video timeline and then you'll have your files stacked in a vertical manner. on the bottom left corner of your timeline you have a 3 square icon called create frame animation. click that.
now you will have one frame only on your timeline, but that won't make a gif so, you will go to the upper right corner of the timeline, select the 3 line icon and click on make frames from layers.
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there, all your frames are loaded, but, they're on the wrong order so you will once again click on the 3 line icon > select all frames and once they're all selected you will again, click on the 3 line icon > reverse frames. this time they're in the correct order.
now let's crop our gif and resize it.
go to the crop tool and click it.
crop it around to how you want it to look like. i always use the same crops which is why i saved them as presets on ps so its easier, as i just have to click the one i want and i don't need to keep guessing how to size it so all the gifs look the same.
once your gif is cropped go to image > click image size and a window will appear:
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depending on the gifset you want to make, there are different dimensions you should choose so your gif is shown with better quality. here's a guide on the best dimensions for tumblr (the crop has nothing to do with this, you can choose any crop you want and as long as the sizes are these it'll look fine):
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choose the type of gifset you want and on width change the number to 540px, 268px or 177/178px (the height will be calculated by ps automatically so you don't need to touch that).
now that your gif is resized you will notice that your frames are all still selected, and you will need them that way to change the seconds of your frames (basically each frame will last a limited amount of seconds until the next frame comes on your gif).
with all your frames selected just click on the arrow next to 0 secs > other and a window will appear (any frame works as long as they're all selected, remember that!).
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type how many seconds you want the delay to be, most gif makers use between 0.05, but i personally prefer 0.07 seconds. click ok.
right bellow the frames on your timeline you'll notice an arrow that has the word "once" or "3 times" right next to it. click on the arrow > forever (this way your gif will loop forever, otherwise it'll work once and then stop)
color your gif using the adjustments available.
lastly we will sharpen our gif so it looks extra crispy.
on the layers section of your ps, click on the first frame and then press shift. while pressing shift scroll down until the last frame and click. now all your layers are selected (except your adjustments!).
with all your layers selected look at your timeline once again and on the bottom left you will notice a small icon "convert to video timeline". click it (your layers have to be selected!).
go to filter > convert to smart filters and you will have a smart filter layer (where all your frames are put together). with that layer selected go once again to filter > sharpen > smart sharpen. choose your options to how you want to sharpen your gif. try not to have your radius too big or your gif will look weird !
and we're done ! now you just have to save it. go to file > export > save for web.
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im not very good at explaining stuff but hopefully this helped ! if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask away on my inbox !
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Night Out
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen Genre: Family Characters: Gordon, Scott
#fluffember day 18 - ‘touch’ - and something a little different, mostly because @janetm74 decided to call me out about whacking ‘unsuspecting characters’ with a chair of ‘pain and suffering’ and @gumnut-logic mentioned literally hitting them with a chair...  I promise this is mostly fluff still!  That Teen rating (Teen for a fluff fic?  Tsari what are you doing?) is for language and alcohol, because we have two former military boys in a London pub.
Gordon learnt two things that night: Scott was an affectionate drunk, and sometimes people throw bar stools for no good reason.
Gordon couldn’t recall the last time he’d gone out with Scott – just Scott – for a reason that wasn’t mission related.  He’d hit the town with Alan (not that alcohol was allowed on those occasions, what with the kid being underage and all that) a few times, and Virgil on more than a few post-mission de-stressors, but Scott was always too busy for frivolous things like having fun.
No more.  It had taken some convincing, a lot of wheedling, and the strong-arm combination of Grandma and Virgil, but a blissful forty-eight hours’ downtime was being spent in England, just because they could.  The gracious offer of being chauffeured around by Parker – made by her Ladyship, to the man’s apparent disgruntlement – just made the choice all the easier.  And what better way to unwind than a nice, rowdy night in the pub?
Karaoke, free-flowing alcohol, and Scott’s communicator firmly confiscated in the Creighton-Ward manor to ensure he didn’t slip back into work habits meant that he was having the time of his life, and Scott seemed to be enjoying himself, too. At least, if the gaggle of girls he’d acquired, flirting with him and being flirted with in kind, was anything to go by, his big brother was definitely enjoying himself for once.
Unwilling to spend the entire night as the wingman, and definitely not interested in finding out if Scott managed to go further than just exchanging some smooth words, Gordon had found himself over by the pool table.  He’d spent enough time in pubs – even if he’d been underage for most of it and Scott (probably) didn’t know that – to be able to find entertainment with a group of strangers, so separating from his brother wasn’t much of an issue.
He was good at pool, too.  Good enough to quickly work his way through the ranks until he was the champion everyone else paid to play, and all in all he was having a really good time of it. The drinks were good, the company was fantastic, and best of all, he was having a blast.  Maybe later he’d drag Scott away from the girls for a game – show the Londoners exactly how good the Tracys were (and hope Scott was inebriated enough not to beat him, because Scott played a mean game sober).
At least, that was the plan.  The world liked to mess with plans.
It started with raised voices.  Nothing unusual in a pub, especially now it was entering late evening and the alcohol had been flowing for a while.  Gordon thought nothing of it, and continued to roast his latest challenger at pool, beaming when the black ball found the pocket.  Well-meant congratulations passed between the two of them – they had manners, after all – and Gordon cast around for his next opponent.
Then the tingle ran up his spine, and immediately on its heels came a tap on his shoulder.
“Hey, bro,” the guy – Dennis, Gordon had trounced him two games earlier to much laughter and another pint – started.  “Didn’t you come in with that guy?”
There was only one that guy he’d come in with, and combined with his squid sense kicking in, Gordon had a sinking feeling as he turned to look at where he’d left Scott.
Just in time to see a bar stool smash into his head.
Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was just Gordon’s default reaction to seeing someone smash a bar stool over his brother’s head, but his vision went red.  The pool cue dropped, but he paid no attention to where it landed, already surging forwards towards where his brother had crumpled to the floor.
Someone was laughing, someone else was screaming, but Gordon had eyes for only two things: his unmoving brother, and the guy still holding the bar stool aloft.
“Hey!” he roared, elbowing gawkers out of the way and slamming into the guy hard enough to make him loose his grip on the stool.  It fell to the floor with a crash, thankfully missing Scott, followed by the man himself. Gordon kept his feet, feeling the buzz of alcohol mixing with adrenaline, and placed himself firmly between the aggressor and his brother.
Everyone else backed off; in his periphery Gordon could tell that the three of them – him, Scott and the stool-wielding asshole – were loosely ringed in by the other patrons of the pub, all looking on with varying emotions ranging from astonishment, fear, and bloodlust.
“You with ‘im?” Stool-Bastard spat, pulling himself to his feet with a glower that was supposed to be intimidating.  Gordon hadn’t served in WASP to be cowed by a drunkard in a London pub.
“You attack him for a reason?” he shot back, hearing shuffling noises from directly behind him. Good, that sounded like Scott was conscious.  The pleasant fuzz of alcohol was gone, leaving him as sharply aware as it was possible to be after however many drinks he’d had, and he tallied everything up as the guy snarled, swaying on the spot but not attacking.  Not yet.
Tabs were all paid up; no need to worry about any unpaid drinks.  No sign of the bouncers, but that could change any moment and a barfight was not high on Gordon’s list of reasons to get arrested (yes, he had one. No, his brothers didn’t know about it). The nearest exit was… there, by the group of girls Scott had been with.
If Scott was conscious, as he suspected, it wouldn’t take much to get out of there.  He just needed to not be attacked the moment he turned his back.
“’E was ‘itting on my girl,” the man snarled.  Gordon had many things to say to that, including the fact that Scott – even drunk – had morals and that if the guy didn’t trust his girlfriend around other guys then maybe he should be looking for problems a little closer to home.  He said none of them.
He didn’t have to. The girls surged forward, arguing the point for him – good for them, and did he need to take note of their names to hand over to Lady P? – and he took the chance to crouch down and assess Scott’s condition.
His brother had managed to drag himself up onto his elbows, one hand holding his head, and there was a scowl on his face.  Blue eyes were dilated and a little unfocused, although how much of that was the alcohol as opposed to the knock, Gordon wasn’t entirely certain.
“You good to stand up?” he asked, gently touching where Scott was holding his head.  The dazed blue eyes blinked at him for a second, and his brother grimaced but tried to move.  Gordon caught him when he swayed, wedging himself under one arm and dragging Scott’s arm around his neck for support, wrapping a firm arm of his own around his brother’s waist.
Dennis from pool came over, clearly offering help, but Gordon waved him off with a smile that was probably more strained than he’d planned.
“I got him,” he said. “If you want to help, make sure that bastard doesn’t get another hit in.”  He didn’t want trouble – this was supposed to be a relaxing downtime, dammit all – he just wanted to get Scott somewhere safe so he could check him over properly.  Luckily, the man got the message and moved to stand so that he was blocking Stool-Bastard’s view of them, leaving Gordon to haul his brother out the door.
No-one else stopped him, and with a few stumbles – Scott was heavy, okay? – he got them over to a nearby bench, which Scott sank onto bonelessly.  Gordon shot a quick message to Parker to come get them – fun night out was over – before turning his attention to Scott.
“You with me?” he asked, keeping an arm around his shoulders and peering at the shock of brown hair resting on his shoulder.  “Scott?”
“M’fcker,” his brother slurred, sounding vaguely annoyed.  He didn’t move, though, seemingly content to remain slumped against Gordon’s side and trust him to hold him up.  It was just un-Scott-like enough for him to be a little worried, but he had also been drinking and he wasn’t entirely sure how much Scott had had. Nor had he actually ever seen Scott drunk before – at least, not without the buffer of Virgil and/or John to handle him. He vaguely recalled something about him being an affectionate drunk, though, so with any luck that was all that was.
Still, he ran his free hand through gelled hair, gently probing for signs of injury.  Scott hissed when he reached the back of his head, where he’d seen the blow land, and Gordon explored the area lightly with his fingers.  It didn’t seem like it was a bad knock – certainly not as bad as it could have been, and he was starting to realise it had actually only been a glancing blow rather than the square hit he’d initially thought – but it could definitely do with some ice and painkillers, and he was pretty certain there was a minor concussion in there, too.
No amount of alcohol explained Scott’s suddenly quiet and slightly lethargic attitude, when Gordon knew he’d been laughing and flirting right before the attack.  Virgil was going to be so pleased.
“Hey,” he tried again, poking his cheek when he didn’t get an instant response.  “Talk to me, Scott.  What happened back there?”
Scott groaned at him and buried his face further into his neck in an additional show of drunk and concussed.  “D’nno,” he muttered.  Gordon felt more than heard the words.  “M’fcker came’p ‘hind me ‘nd yelled sommat ‘bouta girl.  D’nno what.  Then th’bast’d hit me.”
A very small part of Gordon was amused at the filterless language.  He knew Scott knew how to cuss – he’d Served, the same as he had – but Big Brother also had a very strong grip on his language around family. To hear what was no doubt a throwback to the Air Force days was quietly satisfying.  However, most of Gordon was a combination of furious and worried, in approximately equal measures.  Maybe a little more worried than furious, but there was a large part of him that really wanted to show the guy why you never messed with a Tracy.
Fortunately for his PR, Scott needed him here, not embroiled in a fight or spending the night in a lockup, so he swallowed down the rage and pulled his brother a little bit closer.
“Anything hurt except your head?” he asked, brushing his fingers through his hair again.  Scott shook his head then groaned.
“’m fine,” he claimed, still not lifting his head from where it was buried in Gordon’s neck.  “St’p fussin’.”
“I’ll stop fussing once we’re back at the manor and your head’s been looked at properly,” Gordon countered, to another groan.  “How much did you drink?”
“Was’nly weak sh’t,” Scott told him.  “Few p’ntsa cid’r.”  Enough to get buzzed but not enough to get blindly drunk, then.
A breeze blew past them, reminding Gordon that London was in England and therefore cold.  Scott shivered just a bit – not enough to be noticed if he wasn’t plastered against Gordon’s side – and he tightened his grip again.  Neither of them were dressed for the night air, not with the original plan being for them to remain inside the pub until Parker arrived, and the thin jacket Gordon did have on wouldn’t fit his brother, even if he could peel him off long enough to shuck it.
“Not the best end to an evening,” he mused instead, rubbing at the denim jacket Scott had on in a vain attempt to give him a little more warmth.
“C’n say thattag’n,” Scott agreed, burrowing into his side even more.  Gordon assumed he was trying to leech body heat.  “S’posed t’be fun.”
“Well we’ve got all of tomorrow to lounge around the manor,” Gordon reminded him, spying a flash of pink approaching at speed.  “You know that’ll be fun.”
“W’th this h’ngov’r?” Scott complained.  Gordon winced – he had a point.
“It’ll be fine,” he promised, letting go of his brother with one hand to flag Parker down. “Water and painkillers and you’ll be good as new.”  Depending on the severity of the concussion, that might be stretching it a bit. Scott was definitely going to be off duty for more than another day, though.
FAB1 pulled to a stop next to them and Parker jumped out, eyes sharp and alert as he took in their condition.
“Trouble, sirs?”
“Someone took a swing at Scott with a bar stool,” Gordon admitted, prodding his brother.  Parker’s eyes narrowed and he suspected Stool-Bastard might find his own brand of trouble later, once Parker was convinced they were safe.  The man seemed to have a soft spot for Scott – hell knew he didn’t have one for Gordon, despite his best efforts to the contrary.  “C’mon, Scott.  Let’s get you in the car.”  His brother groaned but at least made a token effort to stand up, freeing Gordon long enough for him to get to his own feet and haul Scott up.  Parker slid around to Scott’s other side without waiting to be asked, and between them they helped him stagger into the back seat, where he promptly slumped again.  Gordon slid in beside him and was immediately reclaimed as a pillow, which he resisted long enough to make sure they were both strapped in before allowing Scott to bury his head in his neck again.
“’Ow ‘is ‘e?” Parker asked as he slipped back into the driver’s seat and pulled away from the curb. Gordon caught sight of him looking at them in the rear view mirror and offered a tight grin.
“Minor concussion,” he answered, running his hand through Scott’s hair again, to a quiet noise that could have been either complaint or contentment.  “He also drunk enough to get buzzed, so I’m not entirely sure how much of this-” he shrugged at the big brother draped against him “-is that.”
“Hmm.”  Parker sounded unconvinced, but did at least return his attention to the road.
Gordon glanced down at his brother and poked him lightly.
“You’d better not be falling asleep on me, Scott,” he warned.
“’M n’t,” came the muffled response.  “W’k m’up wh’n we g’t therr.”
“Scott, no,” Gordon scolded, shrugging his shoulder and forcibly peeling his brother off of him. “You’re concussed.  Don’t sleep.”
The baleful glare he got was pretty pathetic, on the Scott scale, but his brother huffed in defeat.
“F’n,” he grumbled. Gordon caught his head when he attempted to bury it in his neck – again – and guided it to rest normally on his shoulder.
“We’ll have a proper look at the manor,” he promised.  “Then you can rest.”
Scott huffed, but didn’t close his eyes again.  He did, however, wrap an arm around Gordon in a tight grip, which he returned in kind.
“Are you always this cuddly when you’re drunk?” he asked.  The grumble he got wasn’t a coherent answer, but the way Scott purposefully looked away was.  Gordon laughed.  “That explains why you don’t go out drinking with us much.  Do any of the others know this?”
“Shuddup,” Scott grumped. It was a shame he was also concussed, otherwise the blackmail would have been glorious.
Aw, who was he kidding. As soon as Scott came out the other side clear, it was totally acceptable blackmail.  For now, though, he was content to hold onto his brother while Parker drove them back to the manor, more than a little relieved it hadn’t been worse.
So much for a relaxing night out with his brother.
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calpops · 5 years
oooooooooooohhh evie this is so exciting!! what about first kiss with enemies-to-lovers!cal??
I kinda ran away with this one. Hope y’all enjoy. Word count: 1.5k
You didn’t know how you ended up on a walk home with Calum; one of few people who could undoubtedly get under your skin and push all the wrong buttons. You didn’t remember when your disdain for him had grown, you didn’t even remember why. There had just always been an air of negativity—something that dug into you and wouldn’t let go. You surmised that maybe it had something to do with his cocky grins, the questions he asked and the responses he gave; a sharp wit matched with a sharp tongue giving you more than enough to verbally spar with. And you had—plenty of times. Usually during run ins where mutual friends brought you together. House parties where you’d comment on the music and he always had the exact opposite opinion. Where girls had lustful and longing eyes wandering after his every move and guys kept you distracted from the slights you felt towards him. But walking home with him was different.
The change in atmosphere from overcrowded, overly loud and overwhelming to silent and almost serene struck a contrast you couldn’t ignore. He was calm, less jaded and more settled. Occasionally you bumped shoulders, a narrow sidewalk keeping you close together. You moved away on instinct, automatically shifting to create space between you once more. Only once did you glance toward Calum to see a smirk painted across his face, a confidence you couldn’t replicate and never saw anywhere else keeping his shoulders squared and jaw set. You rolled your eyes, a small breath escaping you and colliding into the cool night air. It was Calum who turned next; eyes curious and too confident to waver as you caught his gaze.
“What?” He asked, voice sure and strong around one syllable. You shook your head to feign uncertainty at his question, wanting to make him explain himself and his one worded question. “What’s wrong? Why are you huffing?”
You pursed your lips, not at all surprised he’d call you out in such a bold way. If there was one thing about Calum’s attitude that you could almost appreciate it was his way of always meaning what he said and saying what he meant. You rolled your shoulders back and let out another breath; perhaps to collect yourself and your thoughts but more likely to annoy him further, keep him curious and waiting.
“It’s nothing,” you said, catching the hitch in your pitch and grimacing, your tell of lying shining through. Calum gave you a doubtful look. “It’s just—why are you even walking me home?”
You decided aversion and changing the subject would be best, unsure that you would even be able to put into words the reason for your attitude. In retrospect you knew he had done almost nothing to annoy you that night. Just one smirk was enough to get you riled up, and maybe, just maybe, that was on you. Not him.
“It’s late. Dark. Excuse me for caring and being a gentleman.”
You laughed dryly. “You do not care about me.”
Calum shrugged that off with an incredulous look. “Sure I do. What gave you that impression?”
His admittance and question stopped you in your tracks, deadpan yet confused. Calum was a few steps ahead of you, not stopping to accommodate your confusion—because of course he wouldn’t—when you finally shook yourself and took long strides to catch up to him. Your brow furrowed and fingers curled into your palms. There was a beat of pause while you reconciled with his words; unsure if he meant them or said them just to get a reaction out of you. But his eyes didn’t linger like usual when in a moment of heated debate and button pushing. He did not smirk or raise an eyebrow in challenge. He simply said the words and kept moving; said the words as if they were easy to admit.
“Since when?” You finally managed to get out; thoughts tumbling into one another, forming chaos and uncertainties you couldn’t deal with on a moment’s notice.
Calum shrugged, shoulders hitching and dropping in a quick burst as he kept moving forward; your apartment complex coming into view just up the sidewalk a piece.
“Does it matter?” He challenged, tone firm and steely. He stopped and it took everything in you not to be petty and keep walking as he had done moments earlier. You prided yourself on being the bigger person and stalling your steps.
Your one worded answer had him laughing. It wasn’t the same kind of laugh you usually heard from him; not the dry humorless kind that spilled from him when he disagreed with your music taste. Nor the over exaggerated guffaw when your date of the night said something even you found outlandish. This laugh was tamer, more genuine and reserved. Less laughing at you and more laughing because of you. Not with you; not quite.
“Why is that so funny?” You asked, irritation building though it was hard to muster when his laughter was light and airy and begged for a giggle or two of your own to join him.
He shrugged again and it took every ounce of effort not to roll your eyes. “I’ve always cared about you. Don’t agree with you ninety percent of the time. I think your tastes in music and movies and men are trash, but it doesn’t mean I don’t care.”
Calum started walking again, but his steps were small and he threw you a look as if asking if you were following. Following his movement and his words. It took a moment to process; memories flashing in quick replays. How Calum would linger to make sure your dates behaved, the quickness in which he had snatched a cup out of your hand and told you to never leave your drinks unattended, the questions he’d asked always prompting true colors from people. It hit you hard and fast. All those instances turning cockiness to caring. Flipping switches of annoyance to gratitude.
You bit your lip as you scurried to match his new pace. “Would my taste be so awful if I said I might somehow weirdly care for you too?”
“There’s always exceptions to the rules,” he grinned and for one of the first times you found it to be endearing; less conceited and more joking. “This is your stop, right?”
You nodded as the old brick building bore down on you. Your eyes flickered from an escape to a risk. From home to unknown territories.
“Yeah. Thanks for walking me home,” you said, the words foreign on your tongue in such a context and to Calum himself.
You shifted, unsure what your next move should be. Walking away and leaving all these new discoveries behind; left to the night where shadows were the only witnesses, or to dive headfirst into them. Calum was still, waiting for you, waiting with a welcoming presence you’d never picked up on before. You closed the distance between you, placed a small peck to his cheek and felt the warmth washing through him against the cold night on your lips.
“G’night, Calum,” you said in a whisper laced with disbelief.
You weren’t sure you could admit it at that moment, still too riled up and confused, but the small form of affection felt right. You were mid turn, about to make your way up to the building but Calum’s hand gently caught hold of yours, spun you back around. His eyes searched yours, body leaning in slowly, waiting for a type of permission. You nodded your head minutely, eyes fluttering shut as he leaned down to press his lips to yours. It was momentary, soft and gentle, easy yet alarming. Your entire body was ablaze, goosebumps rising on your arms as they came to wrap around the back of his neck, stood on tiptoes as you sought to deepen the kiss. Your mind was hazy, filled with what the hell’s and why the hell not’s. You weren’t sure how long it lasted and once you broke apart you weren’t sure it would ever happen again.
“That’s how you say goodnight,” Calum chided in a light tone; those giggles you’d suppressed from earlier finding way to the surface.
“You always have to one up me, huh?”
He merely nodded, tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and shifted to break the hold you had on him. You let him go, still unsure what exactly happened, why it happened and what it all meant. The only thing you did know for sure was that for once you actually looked forward to seeing Calum again.
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Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This work is not allowed to be uploaded by anyone else in any format (translations included).
Tagged: @rosecolouredash @irwinkitten @golden-hood @who-do-you-love-5sos @caswinchester2000 @wildflowergrae @empathycth @cuddlemecalx @calumsmermaid @babylon-corgis @outerspaceisbetterthannothing @mariellelovescupcakes @xhaileyreneex @dammitbands @gosh-im-short @feliznavidaddycal @loveroflrh @findingliam-o @flowerthug @g-l-pierce @talkfastromance4 @cashtonasfuck @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer @cthoodsthetic @calumscalm @thesubtweeter @akafeliznavidaddy @myloverboyash
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simptasia · 4 years
here are my thoughts, headcanons, about the human owners in the Cats universe. i have cats 2019 in mind with all of this, but a lot of this could easily apply to the stage musical ‘verses, if you’re so inclined. i haven’t thought about them in Great Detail but i have pictured a lot of these cats at home, so i’ve pictured their humans a little. oh side note: when i imagine humans in this universe, i operate on lady and the tramp logic where you cannae properly see them. like, from the neck down at the highest. maintaining the cats themselves as the focal characters. so yeah here are the few hcs i have about people who in my mind literally have no faces or names
munkustrap: i’ve considered the idea that his family is rich but it turns out he lives in a flat thats directly next to a junkyard. i think they’re middle class, maybe even upper middle class, because it’s not cheap to live so close to trafalgar square (that and a lot of these cats live close to each other and we see other cat’s homes that are well off). anyways, they’re a generic late 1930s family. in an idyllic way, really. i’ve based them off the human family in lady and the tramp. munkustrap being our lady. so there’s a husband, a wife and a baby. and there’s also an aunt who takes care of munku when the family is away on holiday. i gave them a baby to add even more to munku’s Paternal Instincts. they’re pleasant people and they treat munkustrap well. the lady of the household brushes him. munku has a bed in the lounge/kitchen area but sometimes they let him sleep on the foot of the bed. munku wants caviar like it’s crack so i have to assume he’s tasted it at least once. this would imply very indulgent owners. or they might have dropped some at a party, who knows. they’re not strict with munku (he can go where he wants to, get given Human Food, sleep on Human Beds) but this never led to him being spoilt because he respects his family a lot and doesn’t take advantage of their kindness (eg. many cats are known to push things off tables. munkustrap would never) oh also the baby has pulled on munku’s tail once but he doesn’t hold it against her
mr. mistoffelees: we can actually glean some things about his family from his song and the behind the scenes. first of all, laurie davidson says misto is owned by a magician, who uses misto as a helper during magic tricks. that is to say, he pulls misto out of his hat. this is delightful and i hold to this concept too. from his song we know at least two things: one lyric says “the family” and thats plural so there’s more than just a magician, who i imagine is a guy, by the way. so he gets a wife. i don’t see them having kids. the other thing we know from his song is that misto sleeps by the fire..... though sometimes he is on the roof, making a ruckus, apparently. misto’s owners are sometimes annoyed but overall fond of their kitties antics. since misto emulates his owner’s magic-ness, it stands to reason that this guy is a guy worthy of being emulated. therefore: decent and nice. concept: misto sees his owner doing magic tricks and being lovey dovey with his wife and is basically like “god i wish that was me”. i also imagine they give misto a decent amount of toys, like a jingly mouse, a ball of yarn, etc. this was partially an attempt to get misto to stop playing with forks and the man of the house’s magician doodads... it didn’t wooork~ yes, im still thinking of 2019 misto, just because he’s anxious, doesn’t mean he can’t be a silly little scamp too. he’s gotta practice his magic!
rum tum tugger: his owner is a sweet lady who adores her kitty so very much and loads him with praise. basically she’s largely responsible for tugger’s,,, High Self Esteem. she talks to him in baby talk a lot. she’s a cat enthusiast and has even entered tugger in some pet shows. she’s good natured enough but her house smells funny. she spoils tugger and will allow him to behave however way he pleases. according to tugger’s song, she sews. he jumps on her lap, throwing her off her task, and she sighs fondly and says “oh, what am i going to do with you?”. nothing. because she wuvs her pwecious widdle kitty. basically, tugger owns her
victoria: she was given to a little girl as a christmas present and what we see at the start of the movie is her being chucked away because the girl and the parents got bored of her once she reached maturity. so basically they’re fickle bastards who weren’t ready for cat ownership
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer: ohhhh boy, so i said tugger was spoilt but these two. these two! their owners are rich. the details of this family are unclear in my head but at the very least theres a middle aged couple who hate the way these cats behave but choose to tolerate it, and a younger stupid woman who ignores their shenanigans and says “they don’t know what they’re doing” (said whilst they grin mischievously). mungo and rumple’s behaviour is put up with because they’re show cats who are worth a lot of money. once in a while they’ll do a show and then the rest of the time these two are Chaos. as i said, their family is the one i’m least clear about, like how many people live here, how everybody is related, but im picturing a somewhat large rich family (like 3 generations in one house and theres a few bratty kids about) and they’re not very nice people. they’re snobby and unkind. any goodness the chaos twins have was given to them by the other jellicle cats, not their owners. oh this household also employs several maids, who have to put up with so much shit, lord
skimbleshanks: skimble has no one Owner in a traditional sense, he is beloved by the people who work at the local railway station. the drivers, the guards, the station master, the station master’s daughters who are 6 and 8. skimble does and doesn’t belong to all of these people. the train people adore skimble and literally will not start the train without him, which is canon. i picture the driver as being really burly, to juxtapose how cooey he gets over this orange kitty. they let him roam the train as he pleases, and honk the train horn, drink scotch and they always give him Human Food. and in return skimble is infallibly loyal and has amazing work ethic. i mean, considering he’s a cat... anyways everybody loves skimbleshanks
and for the sake of the story working, these owners are either ignorant that their cats are getting out or letting them free roam. twas a different time
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nearlymanaged · 4 years
10. Des Mots Magiques
The last few weeks of the term seemed to fly by at the speed of light before the world came to a screeching halt. Remus felt not only pleased with himself, but also proud of his three best friends for how they finished their first half of their sixth year at Hogwarts. James and Peter had been doing better than just alright in their Potions lessons, and Sirius managed to scrape up an E on their mock History of Magic exam. 
The four boys arrived at the Potters’ residence in the late afternoon on Christmas Eve. They spent the whole day playing two-a-side snow fight. James’ dad would occasionally join them, without leaving his study, by charming some snow balls to pelt whichever side was doing better at any given moment. They eventually got called back inside by James’ mum for some of the best dinners Remus had ever had the pleasure of eating - especially after exerting all his energy, trying to bring James and Sirius down.
He had been a guest of the Potters a few times before, and he always thoroughly enjoyed it. He would have never said a bad word about his own parents, but Mr. and Mrs. Potter seemed to love nothing more than caring for their son and his friends. Remus silently wondered if he could ever have such a home - full of love and laughter, instead of anxiety and quiet resentment.
He enjoyed chatting with James’ mum immensely; they would discuss topics ranging from Herbology to the ongoing war against Voldemort and his supporters. And James’ dad had such warmth about; Remus had never truly realised that dads didn’t have to be distant and strict and vague until he met Fleamont Potter.
Since Sirius now lived with the Potters, he had his own bedroom in their house, and he insisted that Remus take his bed that night.
“Your body gets wrecked enough as it is, we shouldn’t subject you to sleeping on that,” he pointed at the camping bed that Mr. Potter had set up in the room.
Remus had tried to argue but Sirius swiftly turned into a black dog on the spot, dragged a blanket off the foldout bed and onto the floor, and, after turning in circles a handful of times, curled up in the middle of it. “Thanks, Pads,” Remus had smiled at him and climbed into the empty bed.
On Christmas morning they all gathered in the sitting room to open presents and drink hot cocoa together (James had added a liberal splash of firewhiskey to each cup).
“Sirius, your hair is getting so long,” Mrs. Potter lightly brushed her hand over the top of his head as she walked past, collecting everyone’s now empty mugs.
“Yeah, I suppose it is…” Sirius tugged at a dark strand looking self-conscious all of a sudden, which didn’t happen all that often.
“It suits you, you look very handsome,” she beamed at him, effectively putting a proud grin on his face.
“I like it too,” Remus mumbled, more so to himself than anyone else.
“So what have you boys got planned for today?”
“We’re more than happy to help you cook!” Peter looked up at Mrs. Potter eagerly.
“So very sweet of you, but I’ll be quite alright. It’s your Christmas break, you should be having fun!”
“Well, actually,” Sirius got up from his chair and stretched. “I’ve been wanting to go to a record shop.”
“Great! Remus can come with you,” James grinned without skipping a beat.
“I suppose I can,” Moony agreed, albeit a little confused by James’ insistence. “What are you two going to do?”
“We’ve got...stuff, school stuff.”
“Oh really?” Mr. Potter peered at his son, but Remus never heard the rest of the conversation because Sirius grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room, evidently extremely eager to get going.
“It might not even be open today,” Remus pointed out but proceeded to put his shoes and coat on nonetheless.
“I know how to pick locks, remember?” Sirius wiggled his eyebrows.
“That is very much illegal, remember?”
The walk to the Muggle town took about thirty chatter and laughter filled minutes, towards the end of which Sirius started complaining about being cold. Of course, that was to be expected since he was wearing a leather jacket and no gloves or scarf or hat. Just as Remus was pointing this out, they rounded a corner and saw the record shop on the other side of the street. They could hear music coming from it, but when they walked up the steps leading to the door, they saw a ‘closed’ sign. Just for good measure, Sirius rattled the handle, but it unsurprisingly didn’t budge.
They could clearly make out now that the music coming out through the open window on the side of the building was some kind of a french song. 
“What are you doing?” Remus asked slowly as he watched Sirius walk over to the window that was set in the wall just above his head, and, keeping his eyes on it, started walking backwards. 
“I’ll just take a quick peek. Maybe they’ll let us in.”
“Sirius, that’s a bit creepy,” Remus laughed, watching him jump up a couple of times before turning into a  massive dog. He could jump a lot higher as Padfoot and so when he leapt up again, he used his strong front legs to hang over the windowsill. “At least technically not illegal, I suppose…”
“Oh merde!” A surprised yelp came from inside the building. “Mais qu'est-ce que c'est?” 
A brown haired boy, probably around their age, poked his head out the same window; after glancing around quickly, his eyes fell upon Remus. “Is this your puppy?” He asked squarely, a noticeable accent clinging to each word - French, Remus was sure.
“Er, yeah…” He pulled his lips into a smile, wondering how Sirius liked being referred to as a puppy.
The answer to that came in a loud, angry growl when the stranger tried to pet the dog. Then, Sirius leapt down to the ground and, having no choice at this point, sat down next to Remus looking rather like an obedient pet.
“Not very friendly? But ‘e has good taste in music.”
“Apparently so. We uh, didn’t mean to bother. Didn’t realise the shop would be closed.”
“Ah you are not bothering me. Come in...” The boy disappeared and seconds later opened the front door. “Please.”
Remus glanced down at Sirius, barely able to contain an amused smile, and gave him an almost imperceptible shrug before walking over to the boy. “Is it alright if my puppy comes in?”
“Of course. I don’t think my uncle would be pleased but ‘e is not ‘ere.”
“Does your uncle own this place then?” Remus asked, brushing his fingertips against the covers of records as we walked deeper into the shop, followed by Padfoot.
“Yes. I am only ‘ere for the ‘olidays. My parents think it would be charmant to spend Christmas in the English countryside. But I think it is so boring ‘ere. I only like this shop,” the boy motioned around as he stopped in front of a record player. “Do you know this song?”
“No, I don’t think I’ve ever heard it…” Remus mumbled.
“I must play it for you from the beginning then!” And with that, the boy lifted the needle of the player and repositioned it at the edge of the vinyl disc. “It is a well known love song in France,” he added before lowering the needle again, allowing the music to fill the air.
The song was beautiful, Remus had to admit, even though he had no idea what they were singing about. He liked the sound of a beautiful language that seemed like it possessed magic beyond anything he’d ever learnt at Hogwarts. That night when Sirius was speaking French, talking him to sleep, Remus thought his heart was going to explode. He had listened to the hypnotising crooning of his voice, dreaming up images in his head of the words he was hearing were those of professing love. Of course, he was sure, Sirius was probably talking about how boring that week’s History of Magic lesson had been or something just as mundane. But he felt like he could have curled up in his voice all the same and spent a hundred years lying there, on that sofa, so close to him.
The boy wasn’t saying anything so Remus started pacing down the rows of boxes full of records, getting lost in the memory that the song had brought back in his mind. Sirius was striding alongside him the whole time, up until the song ended.
“‘E is comparing ‘is lover with the wind and smell of roses,” the boy spoke again right behind Remus, who hadn’t noticed him come up and flinched slightly. “‘E is saying that she is a beautiful love story, that ‘e will not stop reading it.”
“That’s...very poetic,” Remus blurted, feeling a bit out of the water discussing the topic. “What is she saying?”
“She says, it’s all just words. She does not believe ‘im anymore. She thinks it is only sweet, euh...fragile words.”
“So it’s a sad song?” 
“Yes and no. Is it better to have passion that is very short and go away, or is it better to never have it at all?” Again, Remus didn’t really know how to answer such a question, and posed by a stranger no less, all while Sirius was listening to them. “You are turning red,” the boy stated to add to it all. “British boys are so shy sometimes, I have noticed this.” A strange smirk played on his lips.
“You ask complicated questions, I suppose,” Remus answered, growing a little annoyed by the boy's obvious enjoyment in making him feel uneasy.
“Red suits you. I am called Vincent,” he turned around on his heel and strode over to the record player before glancing over his shoulder. “What is your name?”
“Remus,” Moony shoved his hands in his pockets and cast a glance at the black dog who was starting to squeal and whine a little.
“Remus… I like it. Do you live here, Remus? I’ve never seen you.”
“No, I’m just visiting for the holidays as well.”
“Ah, I see. ‘Ow long will you be ‘ere?”
“For another week or so.”
“Were you looking for something specific? To buy?” Vincent casually changed the topic, again.
“Er, not really. Just wanted to browse around, I guess.”
“Then what should I play now?”
Remus looked at Sirius out of the corner of his eyes, hoping he’d indicate to him somehow which record he wanted to hear; instead, he was peering at Vincent with unyelding intensity, almost glaring, if his canine snout allowed for such expression.
“H-how about Velvet Underground? Do you know them?” Remus looked over at Vincent from across the shop.
“I do not think so.” Regardless, he strode over to the box labelled ‘V’ and pulled out a record. “You can come closer, I will not bite,” he uttered once he stood in front of the player again.
“I might,” Remus mumbled without thinking as he shuffled deeper into the shop again.
Vincent lifted his face as the first notes of Sunday Morning filled the room; there was that same peculiar smile etched in his features. “Who are you visiting for the ‘olidays? Not a girlfriend--” his breath caught, eyes gleaming, before he added, “or a boyfriend?”
“No, just a friend and his family…” Remus answered, wondering if it was the language barrier that made the whole interaction so strange. “So how long will you be staying here for?” He asked, more out of politeness than anything else.
“Two weeks. Maybe this trip will not be so boring in the end?”
“Yeah, maybe,” Remus shrugged with a small smile, not really understanding what the boy meant.
Sirius seemed to be eager to get out of there, his whining growing ever louder, but Remus didn’t want to seem rude and walk out right then, when Vincent had just put on the record for them. He shot Sirius a quick, somewhat exasperated look and turned back to the French boy. “What do you think? Bit different than your music, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is very different. Is this your favourite artist?” He looked vaguely put off.
“Not really. I like a little bit of everything.”
“Ah, I see. I like the first song more. ‘E sounds, I don’t know… ‘ow do you say? Aggressive maybe, no?”
“I suppose Lou Reed doesn’t have the most pleasant voice…” Remus laughed a little, bobbing his head.
“Your puppy doesn’t like it?” Vincent looked over at Padfoot who, for all the boy knew, was agitated by the music.
“Oh, he likes it alright.”
There was a pause that stretched while the song went on; an awkward pause, Remus felt, as his smiling eyes kept wandering from Vincent to Padfoot, to boxes of records, to the player. He started wondering if maybe the boy was growing bored, maybe he regretted letting them in, maybe it was time to leave...
“How did you get these scars?” Vincent spoke softly, yet unexpectedly, and lifted his hand, as if intending to touch a long-healed mark on the side of Remus’ face; instead, his fingers hovered inches from Moony’s’ skin before he retracted them.
“Er…I-- It’s...” Moony stumbled over his words, surprised by the bluntness.
“Forgive me, I did not want to offend,” the boy pressed both hands to his chest; now it was him who seemed to be blushing. “I think they are beautiful.”
The boy let out a small giggle. “They look very unique...in a good way. I think they make you more ‘andsome.”
Remus felt his ears get hot as he stared at the boy; it was as though he only now took a good look at him since he had entered the shop. Vincent was shorter than him, probably a little shorter than Sirius. He had brown hair and eyes that were so dark, they almost appeared black. He had perfectly straight teeth and a tanned glow to his skin, even in the middle of winter.
Before Remus could respond, Sirius bounded across the length of the shop and put his giant frown paws on his shoulder, nudging Vincent out of the way as he did so. 
“‘E is very funny dog!” The boy chuckled.  
“He is…” Remus pushed the dog off himself; Padfoot wasn’t relenting, however - he snatched the sleeve of his coat and started tugging at it, slowly inching backwards, towards the door. Remus wasn’t sure if he wanted to leave now. He was overcome by a kind of curiosity - this French boy seemed to be flirting with him. “I er...I think I ought to get going,” he breathed out, trying to shake Sirius off. “Thank you for...er, thank you.”
He felt a rush of excitement as the boy gave him a rather disappointed smile. Remus had become so wrapped up in his feelings for Sirius that he was taken aback by how nice it felt to have this stranger notice him, how flattered he was by it.
Just then, Vincent took Remus’ hand in his. “Come back again before you leave, Remus?”
“I-- I’ll try,” he beamed at the boy before giving in to Sirius and getting dragged outside.
Sirius didn’t waste any time before turning back into his human self, which Remus found a bit reckless, considering the boy might have been looking out the door or one of the windows.
“Well that was a drag,” he folded his arms over his chest as they started walking back the same way they had come. “What a pretentious little git.”
“I think he was alright…”
“Zis is a song about love, eet is not aggressive but full of passion. But you wouldn’t know anything about eet, British boys are so pudibond,” Sirius did a cruel yet rather accurate impression and rolled his eyes. “Fils de pute prétentieux.”
Remus gaped at him, his whole upper body turned towards Sirius. “The fleas bothering you again, aren’t they? I’m telling you, we can get rid of them very easily,” he let out a melodious chuckle but Sirius merely pouted, hugging himself tighter.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
34 with Noshirr and Ari?
34: A pretend kiss.
So in case you were wondering, these two met through not great circumstances. Noshiirs ship had just been destroyed and he was being chased by bounty hunters. In an attempt to get away he hid amongst Ariannesses cargo. When he was found by her crewmate they immediately disliked him, assuming the worst of him, when in actuality he's just a sweet goof that needs a little help.
This one is a little silly but I enjoyed writing them pre-romance 💛
Arianness was annoyed. No, beyond annoyed. They were being chased by bounty hunters and for what? Some no-name Zabrak that stowed away on her ship? Luckily she had Chasaadia on board, having one strong bounty hunter to fight by her side would make this easier. But was this idiot really worth the trouble? His charm could only take him so far with the captain before she punched him. Oh and she was definitely ready to do that after all the trouble he's caused.
“Hey! Red!” She called as she allowed her Nautolan hunter to take control of the ship while they had a little talk. She found him elbows deep and covered in grease in the engine room. “Hey! What are you doing to my ship?!” The twi’lek shrieked and pulled out one of her blasters.
He quickly came up and threw his hands in the air. In one of them was a wrench. “It’s not what it looks like! I heard something rattling in there and noticed that your weapons system was a little busted. I’m just fixing it-”
She kept her blaster trained on the man and peered into his workspace. “Oh- yikes- I guess I hadn’t realized how hard a hit we had taken..” She holstered her weapon. “Thanks... I just came in here to tell you we’re touching down on Coruscant. It’s republic space so most bounty hunters won’t go there unless they’re gutsy…. Or invincible.”
Noshiir wiped off his hands on a cloth “Good I need to grab some parts for this if you don’t mind. I’ll buy ‘em since you’ve been putting up with me.” He told her with his usual charismatic smirk.
She had originally come in here with frustration and the intention of kicking him off her ship, but he was so willing to chip in. Currently, her crew consisted of an old imperial droid, Chasaadia, a tauntaun, and herself. Maybe another set of hands on the ship wouldn’t be so bad. “Alright. We’ll head into the shopping district, but you better behave yourself. If you don’t then you can find your own way off this planet."
Noshiir nodded "Noted." He replied "and look… I know you don't want me here… but thanks. I was pretty certain your guard dog was going to throw me out the airlock"
The pink twi'lek crossed her arms with a wicked grin "The night's still young, Red." She teased him.
"Hey now let's not do nothing hasty-" he replied with a nervous chuckle. "Ill show you that I'm worth keeping around" the wink he gave send a shiver down her spine, but she rolled her eyes anyway. He was a handsome zabrak, but also a very annoying one.
"We'll see about that, playboy."was her final response before leaving the room. Arianness rejoined Chasaadia up front and took a seat beside her. Coruscant was straight ahead.
"You hit him yet?" The nautolan asked. 
"Not yet. He was repairing a piece of my ship." Arianness replied as they entered the atmosphere. "But if he winks at me again I might."
Her friend laughed loudly at that. "At least let me be there for it. He stowed away on your ship, he deserves a little smacking around."
"Well, he's at least making himself useful now." The other sighed. 
The ship broke through the clouds and aimed for a landing pad. "So, while we're here I'm going to fuel up and go to the market with our stowaway. He said he'd buy some parts to fix our weapons system and I'm not about to deny free labor." 
"Fair. I guess I'm on guard duty with the Droid then?" 
As they made their landing the captain got back on her feet "Yes, and be nice to Toovee, you know how he gets." 
The wicked snicker she got in response wasn't inspiring in the least. When the bounty hunter spotted her captains pointed look she rolled her dark eyes. "What? It's funny" she argued as they touched down.
"Just… don't overload his circuits. You know how intimidated he is by you" Arianness groaned as she walked back out to join Noshiir by the airlock. "Ready?"
"Woo I get to take a walk with the captain!" He cheered "maybe I can finally have a chance to prove I'm not a liability to you"
She raised a brow at him and opened the door. "You have roped me into this bounty hunter chase. Youve already proven that you are a liability." She stated flatly. "But, I'm an optimist. You're willing to do some work around my ship and pay for it? I'll give you this single chance to earn my forgiveness" 
He watched the captain step put first. Noshiir wouldn't lie to himself. The captain was an attractive woman, and strong headed. He liked that. But she was also ready to throw him off her ship, so he wasn't about to press his luck with inappropriate flirtation. 
The trip to the speeder service was relatively quiet, until the zabrak insisted he pay for the ride, that was when Arianness spoke back up. "Alright I fold." She said. "Who are you and what have you done with the moronic stowaway I found on my ship."
He blinked at her. "Uh… well, technically your guard dog found me-"
"Stop calling Chasaadia that, she doesn't like it."
"Right, well. Anyway. Neither of you really sat me down to talk. I'm wanted for a reason. Some hutts put a bounty on my head a while ago." The mention of hutts caused the captains hands to ball into fists. "Not a fan, huh?"
"Im a twi'lek. You tell me." She muttered. There was a brief silence filled by the passing of other vehicles, then Noshiir spoke again.
"Sorry, I get that's a touchy subject. You'll be happy to hear that I'm on the bounty list because I freed a bunch of slaves and stole some rather valuable goods from the hutt."
She perked up and looked at him a moment. Her face stayed relatively neutral, what he assumed was her poker face, but her eyes were haunted. "Thank you." Was all she said before dropping the subject entirely. "We're almost there, we shouldn't have to worry about being attacked here so no need to be on edge unless you plan on doing something stupid" 
"I'm Wounded that you think so little of me!" Noshiir gasped dramatically as the speeder came to a halt. The twi’lek snickered and punched his arm. 
"Then prove me wrong, c'mon let's go." She jumped out of the speeder and started walking. Noshiir looked around as they walked to the starship vendor. 
"So… Anything you can tell me about yourself?" The zabrak bravely asked after a moment "or is it all hush-hush until I earn your trust?"
Arianness's lavender eyes glanced at him. "The Empire took something from me and I'm trying to get it back. That's about all you need to know for now." She said. They stepped up to the vendor before Noshiir could respond. He quietly picked out what he needed from their selection and paid the vendor. 
"A little pricey here, isn't it?" He sighed once they were walking away. 
"Well, its the capital of the Republic." The woman shrugged "not saying it's right, just saying that if there's one place thats gonna extort you for credits and call it 'just' its gonna be here."
He was a little surprised to hear that. So she seemed to care about the republic about as much as the empire. "So.. where does your loyalty lie?" 
Her shoulders seemed to heave in a sigh. "My family and crew. I couldn't care less about the war going on. Now come on, pick up the pace. Poor Toovee is probably blowing a gasket. He doesn't like being left alone with Chassy" 
Noshiir nodded, but was stopped in his tracks by a familiar young lady while his companion continued forward, none the wiser. "Noshiir! You did come back for me!" She squealed. He studied her face for a moment. Oh he definitely recognized her. He hadn't flirted with this woman, for once, she just became obsessed with him when he had stopped by to shop for gear at her booth a few times. 
"Well, actually I-"
"You don't have to say anything else! Oh I've missed you so much!" The woman was small but strong. "Now you can stay here with me like we planned!"
"We?-" he looked frantically for a way out of her death grip. Arianness had stopped ahead and looked back once she realized he was no longer with her. She spotted him and came back.
"This a friend of yours, Red?" She asked.
Upon seeing the captain the other woman's grip loosened. "Who's this, Noshi?" She demanded to know.
God how he hated that nickname. "This… is…" he looked at Arianness for a moment, then dared to pull her closer to him by her shoulder. "My wife!"
"What?!" Both women replied. The man's eyes screamed for help when he looked at the twi'lek again. She let out a frustrated breath and put on a fake smile. 
"Sorry, I wasn't expecting him to be so upfront about it. Yes I'm his wife." She lied. The girl looked heartbroken.
"How could you? We were supposed to be together!" She hissed.
"Sorry sister, you know what they say about… sparks and… stuff" the Twi'lek replied awkwardly. "Ready to go, husband?"
"Yes. Please let's go-" he pleaded. Arianness gave him a nod, then gasped when the smaller girl slapped the Zabrak. It was hard enough to make him stumble.
"You jerk! You just love to break hearts you soulless creep!" She snapped. Arianness couldn't quite understand her anger. Possibly because Noshiir had admitted to freeing slaves and has been showing how selfless he truly was today. Or maybe she just bought her own con a little too hard. 
She checked the spot on Noshiirs cheek and lay a gentle caring kiss on it, then she turned and punched the woman square in the nose. "Watch who you insult next time, got it?" She growled and started to lead her new crewmate away from the area before security got involved. 
Noshiir was in a daze, she kissed his cheek. It stung from the slap, but damn that tiny peck warmed his skin like no other woman ever had. "You kissed me-"
"Shut up."
"You stood up for me-"
"Shut up."
"You did something stupid for me!"
"Shut up!" The speeder took off and they could hear a commotion rising behind them. "Who was that girl exactly?" She finally asked as they got farther away.
"Some poor soul who fell in love with me I guess.. I just had to keep stopping by her vendor when I was here once. I didn't even try anything." He sighed. "Thanks for helping me out there, by the way… You're… a really great captain" Noshiir twisted the tip of his platinum ponytail between his fingers as he spoke. Was this what real infatuation felt like? He was normally the confident loudmouth, but not with her.
"Thanks." She gave him a smile "you're not so bad, yourself." She then stuck a hand out to him. "Welcome to the crew, partner. But, don't expect me to call you husband ever again."
The man chuckled and took her hand to shake it. "Thanks, honored to be part of it. And don't worry, I don't think i'll need a fake wife ever again." 
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arlakos · 3 years
Why do you think seasons 2 and 3 of Miraculous are particularly bad compared to the first? #curious
Oh boy where do I even begin...? Ok first of all, for the sake of not sounding biased and condescending, I'm not going to try and be mostly factual here, focusing only on plot points and structures of the shows episodes. No attacks on ships, no salt any characters, and no discussions about Chloe or whether or not she can be redeemed, since that always sets the fandom against each other for some reason.
With that out of the way... Let me explain starting with season 1
The structure of how season 1 works is that
 someone was introduced,
 someone gets akumatized because of something in said episode, 
and then there is a cool akuma fight at the end. 
Each of the episodes had no connection to each other, and could pretty much be watched in any order, barring a few like origins and Volpina.
While this was rather basic for a superhero show, it worked for season 1, because it introduced a lot of characters that would be loved by many fans, allowed the show to explore locales of Paris and explore the world of miraculous as a newcomer. While I do think season 1 does have its issues, its overall...fine. It was good. Not everything I found to be perfect, but Im tired of being a Negative Nancy here, I enjoyed season 1.
Then season 2 came along and I was excited. The very first episode takes off from where Volpina left off, a first in the show, Gabriel turned out to be hawkmoth (which I later disliked but at the time found cool). We learned about the guardian and learned about his mysterious past. It was all lookin to be great! ...But then as the episodes started coming out, I found myself to be less and less excited. The episodes, while having new villains, didnt really change the formula all that much. It was pretty much all the same as season 1...but I found myself getting bored, which was when I started noticing all the flaws in the show and found myself less and less liking the show. Which is when I started seeing problems
The structural formula of the show was still the same as season 1.
Seasons 2 and 3 still followed the same beat as season 1, with the only differences being that some characters were now being reused instead and the new character that WERE introduced were mostly just one-offs that never really had relevance to the episode again. Even Marc, who is now miraculous token “gay dude for woke points but not confirmed in show because we’d get cancelled in certain countries” character, had relevancy in only one episode and was never heard from again, becoming just another background character. They do not do anything new, such as focusing on developing characters through anything BUT akumas, or even trying to explore the show more.
The show started to have a lot more tonal whiplash as a result of wanting to have a story but also wanted each episode to be separate plot-wise.
The best example of what I mean would probably be the season 3 premiere, Volpina. Aside from opening the floodgates of more toxic aspects of the fandom, it really sets up a plot different from the main show. Lila is apparently going after Marinette and the show seems to want to make that the key plot point of this season...
...but then the very next episode released is either Animaestro or Weredad (depending on where you watched it), neither of which follow upon that plot point. In fact, Lila wouldn’t do anything for  (canonically) another 23  episodes, which itself did nothing to change the formula of the show or even advance the plot. 
Even though the plot of the premiere hinted Lila to be the villain of season 4, she did practically nothing for a majority of the season, and even the finale, which should have been Lila’s time to “shine”, ended up being overtaken by Chloe. Again, not going into the whole Chloe thing , but season 3 ended up being false advertising for what the rest of season 3 would be.
The Ship between Adrien and Marinette progressed nowhere....then became even more confusing.
I'm not going to win points here, but I feel like, despite 3 seasons worth of episodes, the relationship between Marinette and Adrien has not progressed in any sort of way.
Yes, Ladybug and Cat Noir do interact with each other, but aside from the fact that most of their interactions involve hero battles, i don't really count those.
Most episodes they featured together in didn't have them really doing anything, most of the time just involving Marinette blushing and stammering, and although some people do say they are friends, I only feel that's the case because their own friends are dating each other (Alya and Nino) and I feel that if that wasnt the case they never would interact at all.
So how does the show fix this? By introducing two more people into the love square and still have no interactions! At least till the finale that is.
Look, I’m not attacking the ships themselves, Im fine if you like Lukanette or Adrigami or whatnot, but I still think them being included as “love rivals” is just more annoying because...well they also didn't really do anything with those ships as well until season 3.
 And even then it was jarring to have them go from “characters that were only introduced once” in season 2 to “i suddenly fell in love with you after coming back out of nowhere” in season 3, to finally dating in the s3 finale. And the worst part? 3 episodes into season 4 both relationships were immediately terminated and now Marinette and Adrien are both single again. Aside from meaning this will mean more Adrienette teasing for another season, it's kinda sad that they couldn't create a plot about either ship and have it be a multi-episode plot, it just...ended.
Also, ignored and Dropped Plots!
A lot of plot points in this show happen out of nowhere, and those that do seem to be ignored before being remembered 1.5 seasons in and then being answered half-heartedly.
The destruction of the Order we heard about in the premiere of season 2? ignored for nearly 2 whole seasons before it turned out that the whole reason the order fell was that Fu was hangry, making him look incompetent rather than tragic. 
How does Hawkmoth have no timer? It takes 3 seasons before it turns out that Adults have no timers for free! Aside from being a lazy response, it begs the whole plot hole of...why didn't Fu recruit young adults instead?
Gabriel caring for Adrien and being his only moral vice like in Gorizilla? Chat Blanc ruins that and has Gabe beat his own son after being shoved down our throats why Gabe would never do that.
Its a running trend on this show.
There are many more reasons, but I feel like this is enough to explain my issues? Thanks for the question and sorry if this was too much to read for ya, I tend to go a bit overboard. XD
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Bells Of New York
Cw:mentions of a woman being harrased,implied sexism (cause its 1700)
A/n: much singing cause you know,cannon Is a musical
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The horn of the boat blew as it was tied to the docks the plank fell and the servants went down it with the language of two very important guests.
Jerico jumped down the ramp holding her umbrella in one hand her father,Raymond dragged his feet to his daughter, who was looking around the place.
Suddenly a sound distracted her,the chime of the church bells.
--Father,isnt this beautiful?
Mildly annoyed her father said--yes my dear
--Do you see the snow around Us?--She sang-- Do you feel the peoples Will to change?
Oh look at them living their lifes, every day hearing the bells of New York square coming to life?
Jericos dad took her hand and stops her,singing--I see the desire in your eyes my dear but we have one hundred Years for our Revelation, we cant draw any attention
A is Woman getting harassed on the street,jerico goes to save the day to be stopped by her father
--This is unnacceptable look at all of this!--she sang with anger--This place needs some change, te digo yo que si!
--We have to wait,theres not time yet
--This town needs change
And that ill bring my way.
For I am the revolutionare
In the streets of New York! Get ready world cause i am here
And with me i bring change
To The sound of the beautiful bells
Of New York!.
Raymond sighed taking her into the carriage.
The Manor they stayed at was big enough for jerico to run around the place.
Before she could however her dad gave her a dress, not her style.
--AND a corset too?this is bull--
--no no,no swearing
--what is this all about?
Her dad sighed taking her hands-- im sorry dear but we need to act as it is normal here, the world is not yet ready for where we come from..
Jeri stormed off into her room upstairs bregudgingly putting on her dress.
--whats the matter dear?--vica, her helper said, putting on the corset.
--I dont enjoy getting my lungs crushed....
Vica laughed and nodded--it is quite challenging but after all the wars youve been through, I think this is nothing compared to you and your armor
Illa came in with the traditional terran dress,she put it on smiling at the familiar feeling of the lightweighted green fabric, the exposed shoulders and the turtleneck.
Sadly for her she also had to put on the cumbersome Pink dress of the eighteen Century.
--This is so annoying!--jer slammed her hands against her desk, while vica did her hair--I get to Keep my hairbun...at least
And so she heard the trotting of horses, she peeked through the Window to find two men stepping out of the carriage,she gasped softly and ushered her helpers approach.
Vica and illa leaned in,--who are they?-- she asked.
Vica smiled fixing their suit--alexander Hamilton and marquiss lafayette, your dad is helping them with the revolution, they catched your eye?
Jerico shook her head with bright Pink cheeks,and a knock on the door informed her that it was time to go to the dinning room--anyway we should get going,come on guys
Vica and illa transformed into cats,vica a black cat and illa a white one.
As jeri Walked down the corridors she couldnt help herself but to sing--would you look all around us, this luxury they gave us, just because.
The red carpets that cover the floor, all this Marble pillars and Stones,the biggest of mansions its all white and enormous, but with it they come prices to pay.
Like this stupid Pink dress...!--she went down the stairs picking up her cats--but at least our guests are quite the catch, wonder what they Will bring for us...--she stops singing entering the dinning room.
--Mr Hamilton, monsieur lafayette, my beautiful daughter, jerico.
Raymond put an arm around her shoulders and Walked her to sit Next to him.
Hamiltons breath hitches when their gazes meet, she had the deepest of green eyes he had ever seen.
He trips and falls over his words, trying to explain their plans for the revolution,lafayette wasnt of any help as it seems the beauty of their acquaintances daughter was making him nervous.
Raymond wasnt pleased with the two men after his daughter,who seemed to be rather amused by the mens behaviour.
But thank god, after a minute of trying the plan came across rather well, and with dinner everything calmed down a bit.
There wasnt Many places where jerico could add her own point of view, as part of her fathers "fit in" plan she wasnt allowed to add in conversations she was allowed to back in her home.
So right after she finished eating she excused herself and went to the big garden where she took off the dress and hung it in a Bush.
--Finally free!--she sings-- finally me!, can you feel the breeze blowing in the trees?!--Her cats walk closely-- do you see the clouds passing by in the night Sky?no rules to follow no stupid plans to act by, its me, myself and I!...--she twirls and falls to the Grass-- every small being, working day and night, the animals sleeping and stalking around?.
Oh how I miss being free, no stupid rules to follow,no plans to act by, just me...myself...--she made a pause- And I...
She sighs putting her knees against her chest and her arms around her legs.
Vica purss against her side--I cant wait to go back home...I cant Belive dad would make us act as something we arent,I dont like those dresses,I hate being diminished for the gender I was asigned at birth..I hate those corsets and I hate to act pretty and shy so the men arent scared away!
Suddenly a Man offers her his hand,he looks up.
Hamilton smiled softly--Then why obey by something that makes you feel so bad?-- he said helping her up.
--youre not supposed to see me like this..--she said gripping the sleeves of her dress that gathered at her wrists.
--See you by how you truly are?
--yes...--she sighed looking away.
He takes a few steps closer--if I may--he takes her hand and she meets his eyes-- I think youre very beautiful just the way you are, you shouldnt abide for something that tells you you shouldnt be you..
--The whole situation is serious,and we cant risk it..
--but that doesnt mean you should Hamilton licked his lips and offered his arm--let me take you for a walk
She took his arm--if you think you can change my mind,youre wrong mr.hamilton
He chuckled softly--can I try?
--youre welcome to
And so they Walked through the garden, the quiet chatter being interrupted by soft laughter and terrible puns.
When it was time for him to leave he escorted her back to her room,and smiled.
--Will you come to tomorrows meeting?--Hamilton asked.
-- I dont think my father Will let me
--Then lets make a plan, ill leave the meeting early and ill meet you at the gates of the mannor,ill take you to town and ill give you a tour
--youre insane--she said with a small smile--i like that
She pressed a soft kiss against his cheek--good night, Alexander --and so she closed the door changing into her night gown, and falling on the bed.
During the ride home Hamilton couldnt stop thinking of her.
And she wasnt able to fall asleep thanks to the thoughts of him that plagued her mind.
Somehow someway they knew they were meant to be.
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
Re: POV for the fury: literally anyone else’s reaction to the power move?
this got long im sorry ;; also up on ao3 here!
When they were younger, Arya wasn’t able to hide anything. It had humiliated Sansa as a child, the way she would just spout off whatever she was thinking, no matter what those thoughts were or who they were too. Back then, Sansa thought more than once her Lady was better behaved. When she was particularly annoyed, she would tell Arya so.
A lot has changed since then, for both of them. But as they go toward the dragonpit and Arya becomes increasingly still and unresponsive, Sansa thinks that maybe there is still the girl who would bare her teeth when she needed to get her way. Which she usually did.
Deny Arya anything, and it became her heart’s desire, their mother used to say.
Sansa is counting on it.
As their retinue approaches the pavilion, she’s not immune to the stares. Daenerys’ cool disdain is something she is already well-acquainted with, the Dragon Queen unable to put on her normal courtly mask in Sansa’s presence. While Sansa wishes she had played that hand better, and regretted Tyrion’s eventual fate because of it, it does nothing to curb the grim satisfaction she gets when Daenerys tries to smile at her like a subject but can’t.
If anything, it’s the Salt Queen’s blatant hostility that makes Sansa look away. She doesn’t know Yara, never will except for on the opposite side of a field, but she knows Yara cared for Theon. That Theon cared for her. And for his sake, Sansa allows herself this one regret, the one thing she wishes could have gone differently.
Still, Sansa keeps posture straight, her chin high. Good posture is important in a dance, and she’s found herself interesting partners. Sansa glances at the Baratheon banners, and is not surprised to see its Lord openly gawking at her sister. Her lips purse a little in a resigned sort of humor–if they’re compatible in areas beyond a lack of discretion, then there truly is someone for everyone.
Beside her, Arya looks as she always does. Her thumbs are hooked in the belt she wears around her waist, her eyes are trained ahead. But Sansa has felt this same, raw energy around Arya before–the beginning of the Long Night. She hasn’t been able to parse if this means Arya’s afraid or ready to kill something, but maybe those emotions aren’t fully separated within her wild sister.
Sansa takes her seat as the head of the Starks, and before she’s fully smoothed her skirts she sees a blur of grey and blue. Her head snaps up just in time to see Arya take the empty seat next to Lord Baratheon, and her eyebrows raise despite herself. Sansa narrows her lips, taking in what she can, the tells that aren’t spoken.
Arya’s hands are bunched into fists where they rest on top of her thighs. Her back is ramrod straight.
Gendry’s expression goes soft as he looks over her sister’s cuts and bruises, pausing on her lips and Sansa sighs. A master of subtlety, this new Lord Paramount was not. He nods at her, and Arya turns to look. The Starks’ gazes meet, and there’s that small furrowing in Arya’s brows that tells Sansa all she needs to know. That her gamble this morning had paid off.
“Might as well piss on him,” Sandor says from where he says to her right. He’s taken up the position where the Starks’ sworn shield would stand in both the wedding ceremony and this Council. Sansa’s not sure how this came to be, but she’s also not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Your meaning?” Even though she knows the answer.
His gaze flickers down to her, hand resting on the pommel of his sword. After a moment, he swallows and faces forward again. “You’ve eyes.”
“How long?” Sansa asks. Her suspicions are since Winterfell, if not earlier. But she has never seen an Arya in love, and so it’s hard for her to gauge the situation fully.
“Why the fuck should I know?”
Sansa glances up, unimpressed.
Sandor grunts at it. “Since they were runny-nosed brats. Not that they aren’t now.”
Sansa evaluates the two again. Arya is watching Gendry, and Sansa doesn’t think she’s ever seen her sister so vulnerable. Sansa silently forgives every single ripped hem, ruined doll, and social slight–Arya has found someone wonderfully convenient to fall in love with. Hopefully their earlier conversation is enough to move that piece on the board. All Sansa needs is for her sister to continue gestures like this, to make it obvious that a Stark and a Baratheon are in love again.
Because of course she isn’t the only one noticing. Geraint Lannister and Lord Royce both send glances to the Lord Baratheon, each looking as though they’re watching something play out again. Quentyn Martell is also keeping a watchful eye underneath his lazy repose–no doubt understanding the political match with Starfall may not play through. He catches her staring and sends a slow wink. Sansa responds with a polite smile.
She’ll need to watch that one.
By the time Daenerys starts to speak, Sansa feels reasonably confident in how the field has been set, knows she has a thorough understanding of its players. Today, it’s likely the Reach will be bled dry, its husk given to whatever Targaryen sympathiser Daenerys wants to pat on the head. For the first time in awhile, Sansa’s thoughts go to Margaery and she’s honestly sorry for what will become of her home.
“Thank you for coming, I’d like to welcome you to the first full Council- ”
The sound of a chair being violently shoved makes everyone stop. Sansa doesn’t have to guess where it comes from. For a moment, it’s like there’s a palimpsest: the Arya standing before her becomes younger, with branches in her hair and a tooth missing and ready to spit fire at anyone who said Jon couldn’t sit with them at a feast. Sansa does not know much about who her sister has become, but she knows the line of her clenched jaw, that her eyes narrowed in such a way means defiance. And Sansa feels a flicker of fear, because while she anticipated Arya being impulsive and reckless, she did not expect her to go this far for some boy.
“Arya Stark. There is something you have to say?” Daenerys asks, and Sansa can see the hostility radiating that she tries to hide behind a flat smile.
Try it, Sansa silently goads. Try anything against Arya. See how the North will respond. How your Lord Husband responds.
Sansa is not surprised that Arya’s attention bypasses the Queen’s and goes straight to Jon’s. There is a silent exchange there, and oh. Sansa is beginning to see what foundations have been laid down. Well done.
Arya is as ferocious as wolf’s blood has made her when she squares her shoulders and takes a visibly deep inhale. “I ask for my brother the King’s consent.”
“This little shit,” Sandor whispers when he, too, understands.
And Sansa does not try to contain the satisfaction blooming in her chest when Daenerys looks lost in the dark, when she turns to Jon looking for an answer Sansa thinks he doesn’t have.
Jon is clearly uncomfortable–both by the request from the sibling he used to dote upon, and the scrutiny of his wife. “What for?”
“My betrothal to Gendry Baratheon.”
It takes every lesson Sansa’s learned to not break out in triumphant laughter. Even still, she knows she doesn’t hide the grin on her lips. Jon’s eyes go wide, Daenerys’ nostrils flare. Across from Sansa, Quentyn Martell catches her eye, and makes a small dip of his chin–acknowledging a point gained in the greater game between them all. Sansa fights down grin in favor of folding her hands in her lap and turning her attention back to Jon. Who is glaring at Gendry. And for the first time in her life, Sansa is overjoyed to have Arya make a spectacle of their family.
“Granted,” Jon says.
Yes, Sansa thinks, fighting down a smile as Arya slowly sinks back into her chair and her blacksmith’s struck expression follows her. This will do nicely.
Her cousin on the throne. Tullys holding the Riverlands and the Vale. Starks ruling the North and Stormlands.
Sansa’s eyes land on Tionne Lannister. They met for tea two days ago, an invitation Sansa sent to demonstrate that the North’s ill will toward the Casterly Rock Lannisters need not extend to the Lannisport branch. They had decent conversation, during which Sansa not-so-subtly suggested that it felt like an opportune moment to have more women on the Council, what with Her Grace’s revolutionary ideas. Tionne’s face had brightened at the prospect, green eyes sparking with intelligence. If it went according to plan, Sansa suspects the young woman will be spending more time in King’s Landing. So will her unwed brother.
Crownlands, Riverlands, the Vale, the North, the Stormlands. Westerlands.
Sansa’s gaze shifts from Daenerys, to Yara, to Quentyn.
Winter is coming.
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nevadaughterofelsa · 5 years
An Icy Threat
Authors note: a piece of fiction until I can RP as Neva with a Hades.
Also had an idea for alternative ending, lemme know if you'd like to see it and I'll write it! But hopefully this will inspire someone to wanna RP with me :)
Neva was watching the happenings in the Isle of the lost. It was her only way to spy on Auradon thanks to her old home welcoming the core four that were Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos over to their side. The Isle was full of excitement because those very four kids had managed to stop the jealous Audrey- daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip from causing destruction in Auradon.
Part of her was sad Audrey failed, yet another part of her was joyful at her failure. It meant she could bring her own destruction to Auradon. It was four years since she had been banished to the Isle. Banishment for avenging her family’s honour and title. Hans is the true villain, not her. However in these four years, she had grown with the attitude of 'if they want me to be the monster... Fine. I’ll be the monster'.
“You’re staring into your shard deep in thought again.” A male voice echoed through her frozen forest. “Hades...” she simply greeted, waving her hand to close the images in her magical shard and turning to look at him. “And what brings the fire to my domain?” She questioned him. This made Hades smirk and chuckle. “Really Neva? What’s with the dramatics today?” He asked, walking up her ice steps to her chair, feeling glad he always his favourite clunky boots so not to slip.
“I’m just keeping up to date on the goings-on. Nothing wrong with that is there?” Neva simply retorted with a smidge false innocence in her voice. “Now, no need for the sass.” Hades began. “Neva, if you needed updates you could just ask me. I am after all one of the rare ones that doesn’t find you intimidating.” He smirked. This caused her to roll her eyes. “And that my dear Hades, requires leaving my forest and losing my temper with the VKs.” She told him back, leaning close to his face and using her index finger to flick his chin from underneath.
“You’re a flirt. You know that right?” Hades pointed out. “Only to you,” She smiled, before standing up and walking down the steps towards the trees that line the little frozen lake to her left. Hades chuckled, he was pleased he got that out of her. He had found her utterly fascinating and ironically hot for quite some time. “Now whose the one staring?” She called out, not even needing to turn to look at him to know he was watching her every move.
“Do you wanna know what’s happening in Auradon or not?” Hades changed the subject and this made Neva turn around. “They stopped Audrey. You got a clever daughter. What else is there to know?” She replied to him. “They need me to go over and save Audrey. Her use of Maleficent’s staff put her in a death like sleep. So I’m going.” Hades explained. This actually surprised Neva. “But why? She doesn’t deserve it! If I got this for what I did, she should remain in her own prison!” Neva complained, her voice full of anger. “Im not doing it for Audrey. I’m doing it for Mal...and to get my ember back.” He explained, walking over to her and placing his hands on her arms.
Neva scoffed. “Its true. I couldn’t give two damns about those heroes, but I do care about Mal. She deserves happiness.” Hades continued and this made Neva calm slightly. She always did admire his fondness for Mal, despite staying out of her life for all these years. “...fine” she simply said. Hades then got a smile on his face. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you were jealous.” He joked, making Neva breaking out of his grip and conjuring a snowball to throw at his chest.
“You’re insufferable.” She commented. “And you’re surprisingly hot when you’re mad and well... For an ice cold princess.” He replied smiling smugly. Neva walked back to him. “How do you do that?” She questioned, “Do what?” “Make me fall in love with you when you make me so mad?” Neva admitted and that threw Hades off guard for a few seconds. “Because I’m a God” He smirked, grabbing her and lifting her head up to his. Just as he was about to give her the kiss he’d always wanted, there was a cough in the near distance snapping him out of the moment.
“Mal, you’re here for me already?” He asked with a sigh. “Yes dad. Audrey can’t keep waiting.” Mal told him, her arms folded across her from the cold. Carlos and Jay were seen behind her. Carlos looked utterly terrified but Neva couldn’t work out who he was terrified of. Hades looked back to Neva, “I guess we’ll save that moment for later. I’ll be back Icy” He winked, walking over to his daughter and her friends.
“I’ve told you before hot head! Don’t call me that!” she called out, throwing another snowball at him, this time hitting him square in the back. She saw Carlos jump and squeal at the action. “God you two! You’re worse than us kids!!” Mal complained leading Hades back to the limo. “She’s terrifying, no wonder the VKs don’t step foot in that forest anymore.” Carlos whispered to Jay. “If you’re going to whisper, do it quietly. She’s no scarier than any one of us.” Hades chimed in, giving the son of Cruella a sideways glance.
Hades was sent back to the Isle and his first stop was to Neva's forest. “Neva?!” He shouted looking everywhere for her. “Where is that—” “icy witch?” Came the interrupted reply from behind him.
“Just came to say I’m back and shall we continue where we left off?” He smugly told her. “You are seriously something.” Neva smiled shaking her head. Hades just grabbed her and kissed her on her lips. His warmth against her cold made for an electric contact. Stepping back to break away, Neva looked up at him and smiled. “Hades I didn’t think you were serious.” “about finding you hot as Hell?! Neva I was DEAD serious. I come to annoy you because I like you and I’ve not felt anything since Mal's mother.” He truthfully spoke, not wasting the opportunity to throw in some underworld puns in in the process.
“I’ve always liked you too. Never did anything about it because we’re so different.” Neva admitted. “Hel-lo!! The saying “opposites attract” exists for a reason.” He told her, pulling her into an embrace. Neva froze in his embrace before relaxing, placing her hands on his chest, gripping at his torn robes under his leather coat. Truth be told, Hades annoying antics made having to live on the Isle a lot more durable. She knew she would have gone utterly insane if he didn’t bug her to no end nearly every day.
Two days passed and the Isle of the lost was just like any other day. Kids either stealing, selling, or spray painting that bit of wall that had a tiny area free of paint.
On Auradon the kids and adults alike were all gathered at the entrance. Mal with her fiancée Ben and her friends on the balcony. Fairy godmother walked over and handed Mal her wand. “Ready my dear?” She asked Mal. “Definitely!” she smiled and with a wave of the wand a few words to form a spell, she brought down the barrier between the two worlds once and for all.
The Isle felt a strong kick above the Isle and as they looked up at the sky they saw the barrier break and disappear. Lead by Uma and her crew, every VK on the Isle ran across the bridge. The core four and kids of Auradon all met them at the entrance and either bowed or courtseyed, allowing the Isle kids entry to a new better life.
Hades stood on the Isle, at the bridge holding Neva’s hand. “Ready love?” He asked looking down into her blue grey eyes. She nodded, but gulped and squeezed his hand just that bit tighter. She didn’t have a good feeling her heart. Hades stepped forward with her and made it onto the bridge but he felt a tug and Neva's hand fall from his. He span round to find her still on the Isle. “You can do it Neva!” He told her reassuringly, not knowing why she stopped.
“I can’t! The separate spell keeping me here is still up!” She told him, wide eyed and close to tears. She thumped the air and Hades saw for himself the magical barrier glow when she collided with it. “Then I’ll come back” Hades told her, stepping towards her, “Hades no. Go to your daughter.” Neva stopped him. “She needs her father at her wedding.” She continued, her hurt and anger forming in her hands. Before Hades could stop her, she blasted him over the bridge where Mal met him half way. “Dad!!” She screamed as she ran to him, helping him up to his feet.
“Im fine Mal. She did it for my own sake...” He told her, walking her back into Auradon. That’s when the winds picked up strongly out of nowhere. The sun being hidden by black thick clouds, swirling in the sky. Snow began to fall heavily on Auradon.
“Neva no...” came a voice Hades hadn’t heard before. Queen Elsa and her sister Anna walked up and spoke. Hades turned back to the sky and saw the storm get worse. “Dad look!” Mal called out pointing at the ice that spread up and round the entrance of the Isle and across the bridge. “She’s freezing the whole place” Mal gasped. “If Auradon didn’t banish her this never would have happened.” Hades remarked. “We didn’t want her banished Hades.” Elsa replied, looking up at him with disapproval in her eyes. “She knows that YOU didn’t want to, but you think that makes a difference? Auradon has given the rest of the Isle a second chance to those who want it. Yet they won’t give it to your own daughter.” Hades pointed out. “Its no wonder her powers have have taken over!” Hades continued, finding it difficult to not blame Elsa.
“It’s not my sister’s fault!” Anna chimed in. “Was there ANY positive things for her over there?” Anna asked. “Yeah...me” Hades flatly spoke. This did not make Elsa happy one bit. Anna couldn’t help but smile. “Well Elsa! They do say opposites attract!” She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not now Anna” Elsa told her sister, walking towards Belle, Beast and the Fairy Godmother. Hades watched as quiet words were spoken between them and he squinted his eyes in a judging manner.
That was until the sounds of Mal's chattering teeth reverberated through his skull. He quickly took his coat off and wrapped it round her. “Vome on, we need to get everyone inside and warmed up. Then I’m going to make myself known in that little meeting they’re having.” Hades suggested to her, guiding Mal and the other kids inside.
Neva watched as the love of her life walked away with the people of Auradon. He did what she told him to, do why was that very image making her cry. Screaming in emotional pain, she dropped to the floor, ice shooting out all around. The Isle now falling victim to her powers. “Hades...help me...” She cried, until the last of her sorrow snapped and she slowly looked up with a smirk.
“Maybe now Auradon you’ll see what I’m capable of! I’ll have my revenge and you’ll regret EVER turning me into a monster!” she practically flat, standing up and walking up onto the balcony, creating an ice throne and spires on the frontal buildings. She stared on as her ice and snow covered Auradon in a blanket white. She watched as only a few of the adults stood on the opposite balcony wrapped in several layers and blankets staring back at her. An evil smirk crept across her face.
Elsa and Anna looked out at their precious Neva. “Hades was right. We never should have let her be banished...she’s more like I was than I realized possible.” Elsa spoke to her sister, as Anna pulled her in for a side hug and rubbed her shoulder. “They didn’t give us a choice... We’ll pull her back Elsa. I promise. I pulled you back remember?” Anna reassuringly told her sister. Elsa slowly nodded as tears fell down her cheeks.
“Your version was different. You both had each other. Even the Isle exiled her...” Hades explained to them, stepping up from behind. The two sisters looked at him. “You said she had you?” Anna queried. Hades simply closed his eyes briefly and nodded. “I was the only one who would visit her. She just stayed in the forest freezing it before I did. I got her to eat and drink. Stay healthy. Thawed parts of the forest just to gain a reaction out of her numerous times.” He explained, smirking at the end bit. He remembered even those dark days fondly.
“Thank you Hades.” Elsa simply commented. “I never thought I’d thank a villain but you kept her stable. So thank you.” Elsa thanked him again, looking him in the eyes. He just simply nodded to her in recognition. He didn’t take his eyes off the Isle and Neva. “Neva..” he breathed. Elsa and Anna quietly stood out in the cold with him, despite the fact Anna could never handle the cold after she got her heart frozen when she was an teenager.
“has the dark in me finally come to light?
Am I monster full of rage?
No where to go but on a rampage, or am I just a monster....in a cage?”
Days and days went by and the storm just grew. Auradon was growing weaker from the freeze. Her revenge was finally coming to light. Elsa never left that balcony. Numerous people tried to get her inside but she refused to lose sight of her daughter.
“I’ve been talking with Hades... He’s going to go out there and talk her down.” Anna broke the silence walking up to Elsa in the morning of day 12 of this winter. Elsa looked at Anna. “How, it didn’t stop it from happening?” Elsa questioned, confused on how it could do the slightest bit help.
“Because I love her” Hades interrupted, answering her question. “If I can’t bring her back then when I’m back I’ve agreed to let Belle and Beast to destroy the bridge...” he explained, getting a lump in his throat as he spoke those words. The last thing he wanted was her to be stranded on the Isle forever. “Then bring her home. Bring my girl home” Elsa said, turning and looking him dead in the eye. She grabbed his hands and squeezed them. “I have faith you’ll bring her back to the light.”
Hades squeezed her hands back before letting go. “Keep her safe Anna. And... Look after Mal for me.” Hades requested, to which Anna hugged him with a simple “I will. Now go get our girl” before letting go.
Hades took a deep breath before exhaling and he tightly wrapped his coat round him before fighting through the storm to get across the bridge. If his theory was right, he should be able to enter the Isle with no problem and get to Neva. Neva squinted her eyes as she saw a figure in the storm battling across the bridge. “Turn back!!” She shouted, standing up, raising her hands, ready to fight.
“NEVA! ITS ME! ITS HADES!” He bellowed through the sound of the storm whirling around him. This stopped Neva dead in her tracks. Slowly lowering her hands, she waved them in a circular motion to make his walk easier to her. Her heart may be getting harder with the power in her, but she refused to have Hades struggle in her eternal winter she created. Hades stood up shit more right now the wind let up around him, and only him. It made him stop briefly to look around. He couldn’t help but be impressed by her power. It was equally beautiful as it was frightening.
Pulling his coat tighter across his chest, he power walked over to her and looked up when he reached the bottom of the balcony. “Neva this needs to stop. People are getting seriously ill from your cold.” He told her, his voice didn’t have an ounce of fear towards her or hatred. He spoke out of admiration and love. “They deserve everything they get. They trapped me in my frozen Hell, I’ll trap them in theirs.” She coldly told him, yet Hades could see the emotion of upset in her eyes. “The Isle kids don’t. I know they were scared of you, but they were just like you. Banished to this damned place. I was sent here. A God. Yet here I am trying to continue and bring back all the hard work my daughter created.” He tried to get through to her.
His plan didn’t go how he wanted as she glared and shot a barrier of icicles Infront of him, causing Hades to jump back slightly. “Neva! Please!” Hades called to her, desperation in his voice now. Since when did he ever feel the need to beg? This was not like him. He never begged but this woman was causing him to. “They wanted me to be a monster! So I became one! They’re reaping what they’ve sowed!” She all but yelled at him.
“Just let me come up! We can sort this mess out! If you stop this winter, they’ll let you back!” Hades pleaded with her. This momentarily caught Neva off guard and he wondered if he was finally getting through to the woman he had fallen in love with. Then her reaction changed back just as quick. “Lies! You think they’d welcome me back with open arms?! They’ll lock me up the moment I cross the bridge!” She told him, convinced that’d be the only outcome. Through her yelling, she unknowingly threw her arms up and shot a ice blade right at Hades, impaling him in the side.
Hades fell to the ground in pain as he made the blade thaw and melt. “HADES!!! NO!! OH MY GOD NO!” She looked wide eyed, shaking with fear at what she had done. Clambering up rapidly, she ran down her stairs and skidded down to him, the storm seizing, but the snow staying. “No no no no.. Hades I’m so sorry! I’m do so sorry.. please.. please don’t leave me, oh god..” She looked from the wound to his face quickly, running her hands through her hair and over her face. Her hands are shaking and she didn’t know what to do. “Neva, hey...hey look at me” Hades said, shivering as he felt her ice overtaking him.
Neva looked at him, tears falling from her eyes. “Its okay...I love you. I know I’m not one to say that sappy crap but...I love you.” He had to admit it to her, even if he didn’t survive her ice. “I love you too... Tell me how to fix this. Please, I can’t lose you...” She sobbed, leaning down placing her forehead on his. “Anna said love will thaw. Said you’d know what that means” He explained. She lifted her head and wracked her brain for the meaning. “Love will...thaw...love will thaw!” she remembered what her aunt told her about how her mother used the love in her heart to thaw the winter. Hovering her hands over his wound, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the ice, she thought about drawing it upwards and as she did so, her hands raised above Hades, speckles of thawed ice raising with her. The wound began to close and as she opened her eyes and smiled and chuckled. “I did it!”
With a grunt Hades stood up with Neva’s aid. He looked down at her with love in his eyes and a smile to match. “Now...let’s do the same with this storm. I believe in you” He told her, running his hands down to grab her hands. “What if I’m not strong enough?” She asked, afraid she won’t undo all she did. “With my power you will be.” He reassured her, giving her hands a squeeze and a nod of his head towards the bridge all to say 'come on'. With a gulp and a sigh, she let go of his hands and stood in the middle of the Isle and looked out towards Auradon. She raised her hands high above her head to skies above and Hades did the same with his ember in his grasp.
They glanced at each other and with a nod they looked back to the skies and used their powers to thaw the winter. Every bit of ice and snow began to rise from the ground and buildings around them and all come together into a snowflake in the now blue skies. Just like her mother had done years before. Parting her arms away she dispersed the cold and came back the warmth to all of the Isle and Auradon. The two of them could hear cheers and screams coming from Auradon in celebration. “Told you you could do it!” Hades smirked giving her a wink causing Neva to blush.
“Neva!” She quickly looked back towards the bridge and she saw her Aunt Anna come running down the bridge. Grabbing her hand once more, Hades walked her to the bridge and stood with her. The barrier still up for her. “Aunt Anna?” She spoke. “Neva! Oh my god that was incredible!! Your mom was so proud!” Anna was gushing. She may be older but that young spunky attitude was most definitely still there.
“Where is she?” Neva questioned. “On her way. She don’t do the whole running like a reindeer thing as she calls it.” Anna told her, panting from being out of breath. Neva smiled and saw just behind Anna was indeed Elsa with the fairy godmother beside her. She tried to work out their body language but couldn’t. “Neva. You froze Hans, you brought an lasting winter stronger than anything your mother made....” Fairy Godmother began talking which made both Anna and Hades to cough to make her get to the point. “But you’ve proven yourself here today. You’ve proven that through love you can change any outcome. So, to keep my part of Auradon's deal with Elsa and Hades, I remove your barrier and welcome you back to where you belong.” She smiled, waving her wand and spouting her famous words 'bibbidi bobbidi boo!’ the barrier broke down. Hesitantly Neva stepped one foot forward, finding she could finally cross. Elsa instantly pulled Neva into her grasp. “oh Neva! I’ve dreamed about this day to hold you in my arms again!” Elsa cried.
Anna gave Hades a little fist nudge on his arm, which brought a straight disapproving bloom from him. So she quickly retracted her grin. “Mother...” was all Neva could say. Elsa pulled her back to really look at her and wiped her remaining tears from her face. She guided her back to Hades and placed their hands together. “Thank you Hades. For giving my daughter the love she so desperately needed to show her there’s more to having these powers than destruction.” Elsa complimented him.
Hades was about to respond when the cry of “DAD!!” broke the moment up and Mal came bounding down the bridge with nearly all of Auradon and the Isle behind her. Mal threw herself onto her father hugging him. “I saw everything!” she said to him, before pulling away to look at Neva. “I am SO sorry...and I’m glad you’re with my dad.” She told Neva, hugging her. Neva shocked, hugged her back after computing the action. “Thank you Mal.” She said, pulling away and looking at everyone, “thank you all.” She told them.
Belle and Beast walked through the crowds to stood in front of Neva. “Neva” they spoke formally. She looked at them both nervously. Then Belle smiled and embraced her. “Come home” she declared. Neva smiled and nodded, “I want nothing more” was all that needed to be said before Hades stepped up to hold her hand and they all went back to Auradon....together.
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sofhyuck · 6 years
Greasy Baby
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Genre: fluff, greaser!hyuck
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N this au stems from some enlightening conversations with @cinanamon who is graciously allowing me to use some of her ideas, this one’s for you bb ;))))
greaser!hyuck is...a lil shit to say the least
like ye he’s a handsome boi i mean,,,imagine him in a leather jacket,,,hair gelled back,,,yes pls
but he knows him and his group of bois (dreamies hello) are hot shit and he’s not afraid to show that he knows it
him and the dreamies are always seen cruising around town,,, harassing hollerin at the ladies from the inside of hyuck’s beat up mustang (is that a time period correct car??? idk and idc to look it up lol)
he never actually physically harasses anyone, it’s all fun and games (for them at least don’t accept cat calling kids men ain’t shit)
there’s just...nothing else really for them to do around town
the only forms of entertainment come from the drive in theater and the soda shop that all the kids hang out at after school
he attends his local university since him and the gang come from a small town and didn’t really care to leave or have the grades to go to a better school
and you...well you don’t really know why you decided to attend a university in such a dinky little town
maybe it’s because you wanted a change of pace from the city, and maybe it’s because it’s your mother’s alma mater and you spent a few of your summers there
but somehow you find yourself at the school
the only problem is,,,everyone who attends the school grew up in the dumb town,,,meaning everyone already knows each other and has their friend groups and cliques
leaving you to fend for yourself and kind of live as an outsider
sure you make acquaintances in your classes but,,,it’s hard for you to make solid friends when everyone else already knows everything about everyone else 
so you’ve been living your life on campus, smiling at the acquaintances you’ve made when you pass by them on the street, but you never really hang out with anyone after school
your sophomore year you got a job at the soda shop bc college ain’t cheap and they were hiring
surprisingly enough you made close friends through the job, your coworkers went to the same uni as you and the clientele were also in some of your classes
so you began to actually go out more (when you weren’t working obvi)
on day you were on campus walking to your next class and you saw one of said new friends
but while you were distracted with waving to them you bumped into someone and woop guess who????
you guessed it our boy hyuck with the rest of 00 line walking past
he was bouta pop off but then he sees it’s you the cute lil waitress from the soda shop that he’s lowkey seen around and been crushing on for a few months now
so when he sees you stuttering out an apology bc boi is brighter than the damn son and took your breath away
he just smirks and lets out a lil chuckle and just says ‘don’t worry about it sweetcheeks’ with a wink and then he’s off
you stand there for a moment in shock bc like obvi you know who he is even if you’ve only been around a few years who tf doesn’t know hyuck and co
and ofc your friends all saw and were like...b don’t even worry about it he just be like that sometimes ya know
and you’re like yea u right and forget about the whole encounter
but guess who doesn’t ohohoho it’s mister lee donghyuck himself he be thinking about it the rest of the day bc wow you’re even prettier up close huh
and the rest of dream are like...mmhmm ok mr. lee not sus at all we’re on. to. you.
so guess where hyuck ever so casually zooms off to after his classes are over????
oh boy you guessed it right off to the soda shop but oomph poor bb you’re not actually working that day and bb is sad :(((( meanwhile his boys are just laughing at him bc omg hyuck is so w hi p pe d
so now bb is going to the shop every moment he can until!!! finally!!! you’re working again god bless!!!
as soon as he sees you’re working baby sits bolt up right and starts fixing his slicked back hair that he had totally not been running his hands through out of nerves
the other boys weren’t there bc??? they have better places to be than at the soda shop for the 50000 time that day even though chenle and jisung had been there earlier just to laugh at him
but now holy shit you’re coming over and you look so cute in the dumb poodle skirt they make you wear as a uniform with your hair placed in a high ponytail
meanwhile you’re sw e a t i n g bc shit it’s hyuck and he’s still a handsome ass boy and you have to serve his table n ow f u c k
so you sidle on over and give him your usual spiel asking what he’d like to order n shit
and this boy omf remember when i said he was annoying?
well yea he fucking goes ‘are you on the menu bc I’d certainly like to have a piece of you’
and you’re like...boy tf oh my god i want to SLAP him 
but you grin through it like ha ha...funny ok...our specials for today are...
hyuck ain’t listening anymore bc he’s busy mentally kicking himself bc??? really hyuck??? you’re trying to make her like you wtf were you t h in k i ng
so he just points at some random thing on the menu, his head hanging in shame
and yea you’d think it was cute if he hadn’t just gotten on your damn nerves
but, alas, you have to continue serving the boy who had ordered literally just a fried egg but you know who were you to judge
he eats the egg rather quickly and then just...sits there...not doing anything...and you don’t know what to do like you can’t kick him out he did order something and it’s not particularly busy
meanwhile hyuck’s head is spinning trying to think of how to woo you after completely embarrassing himself earlier
after like an hour passes you head over to him, ready to ask him again if he wants anything else to eat 
but as soon as you get to him he jolts upright scaring the shit out of you and he’s like fuck sorry i didn’t mean to scare you 
and you’re like it’s fine now seriously do you want anything else-
but he cuts you off and suddenly...lee donghyuck?? is grabbing onto your hand??? and rapidly apologizing to you for being so Gross earlier
you gotta shake the boy off of you and honestly,,,he’s really endearing like aw he’s so embarrassed what a bb
when you get out of his grip you’re like bro it’s ok tbh i get much worse all the time
suddenlt hyuck is ready to f i g ht like who tf??? i will square up 
in your head you’re like,,,bitch ik you catcall don’t even try...but in reality you’re like mmmhmm sure ok you couldn’t hurt a damn fly
hyuck is angery now like wdym im tough >:( don’t you see my leather jacket and cool hair and car???
and you,,,oh you little reader pat lee donghyuck’s fUCkiNg head and now he is blushing oooooh
in a smol voice he asks for his check and leaves you a v generous tip despite your protests
and by that time his confidence seems to come back bc he winks and tells you he’ll be back
you giggle and give him a lil wave bc...wow lee donghyuck is just a cute shy lil bb hehe
and now hyuck is coming in every day,,,sometimes with his boys,,,sometimes alone but no matter what he’s always sure to, in a respectful manner, flirt with you and chat you up while dream just look on in amusement bc, again, hyuck is wh i p p e d
y’all just kinda...live like that for a few weeks but it’s v clear to e v er y body that there is shit going down between the two of you
like at this point hyuck’s hanging around campus with you too so like,,,everyone and their mother knows at this point bc,,,like i said earlier,,,everyone in this damn town knows everything about everyone
so ya’ll are stagnant, hyuck flirting, you laughing and sometimes flirting back
until one day ohhh boy there’s a new boul in town and he is not ashamed at all
and by that i mean he’s the biggest fucking asshole to ever step foot in the town, thinking he’s hot shit and everybody wants him when everyone hates his g u t s
and this boy has been hanging around the shop, livin his life, waiting for his moment to strike
but uh oh he made a mistake bc the first person he attempts to come on to...is you
and hyuck has been there bc he knows this guy has been hanging around and he wants to keep an eye on you his girl
it was a good thing too bc... this boul is going all out
tugging lightly at your skirt when you come to take his order while he uses the same cringy line hyuck used on you that first day
and hyuck knows you’re a big girl who can handle herself which you make very clear by firmly rejecting him with a smile plastered across your face
but...boy does not and will not let up
and you’re getting more and more frustrated and hyuck can tell esp when you keep throwing exasperated looks in his direction w the occasional eye roll
he would laugh but he’s too busy trying not to flip his shit
until boy fuckin just goes to grab your ass and you immediately move back, ready to reprimand him
but all thoughts are brushed aside when a loud crash sounds followed by heavy footsteps
hyucky had stood up so harshly that his chair had fallen over but he hadn’t even bothered to fix it bc he immediately stormed over to you, loosely wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his side 
he is m a d like you thought he couldn’t fight before but now he looks like he could rip a guys head off and you lowkey find it hot but that’s not what’s important right now
the guy is like oh woops sorry bro didn’t know she was taken but hyuck is not having it going off about how you shouldn’t treat anyone like that period no matter if they’re in a relationship or not
and yes hyuck and his friends had been the same way a few months before but meeting you changed his way of thinking and his friends as well
bc the idiots had never had any female acquaintances before but now they have you and you’re like a sister to them except for hyuck obvi bc he’s in looove
anyway back to the matter at hand i swear i keep going on tangents soz
you have to calm hyuck down before he actually punches this guy in the nose and the guy throws some money on the table before booking it out of there bc he’s high key scared rn lol puddy
your boss comes out and is like...y’all good? and you’re like uhhh yea mind if i talk to him for a minute? n he’s like ya sure whatever
so you pull hyuck over to a back room and you’re like,,,bro,,,wtf you good now??
but hyuck is on a roll now and just flat out says ‘i’ve liked you for a while now so will you do me the honor of being my gf?’
you ??? for a second before snapping himself out of it and you’re like ??? hell yea boi tf???
so now y’all are dating woo!!!
he makes sure to come to the shop whenever you’re working
at first he even would miss classes but you were not gonna have that oh no education comes first kids >:(((
and he was like ugh ok fine but he always managed to get other dreamies to be there when he couldn’t just so he knows you’re ok :(((
you get really close with the other dreamies tho so now you’re all one happy family
even when hyuck isn’t at your shift he makes sure to pick you up afterwards
waiting outside, leaning against his beat up mustang …leather jacket on…waiting for you to come out…and when you walk up to him he grabs you by the waist…pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead…before opening the door for you…driving off to who knows where…but neither of you care as long as you’re together…
sometimes you go to the drive in and cuddle up in the backseat making out for the duration of the movie hehe
you climb onto his lap and sometimes you can hear the people in the next car wooping and hyuck just gives them the finger before bringing his hand back to settle on the back of your thigh
ahem anyways enough of that
other times you just,,, drive around,,, windows down,,, blasting music and laughing,,, just living your life as two college students should hyuck’s hand resting on your thigh shhhh
you always stop at the same dingy diner that’s hidden away on some side road
(shout out to steph for this next part love you bb uwu)
and hyuck always rummages through his pockets  for change to buy you a drink, even when you say he doesn’t have to and you know he doesn’t always have the most money he says he wants to
trips to the diner are always followed by sunset drives where you have to remind him to watch the road bc  he finds it so much fun to smiles t you and try to kiss you while driving and you scold him that he’s going to die one day, him saying it’s better to live hard, die young
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nie7027 · 5 years
Super5 headcanons part 3
Part 1 Part 2
{{Yeah im posting it again because very few people have seen the original post and Im a simple human that craves validation, so please if you like it reblog it. I doubt ill do it again but just in case i put a nifty tag so you can block it}}
Thank you everybody for saying such nice things of part 2 (as i said i wasnt that confident so it made me really happy to know you liked it) and sorry for taking so long but school is a bitch and almost killed my inspiration. Anyway here comes part 3
Minegishi: i just got out work. Can someone care to tell me what happened?
Hatori: uhh, yeah . sorry
Hatori: i got out of work like an hour ago and came home to find Shimazaki sleeping on MY bed
Hatori: Shibata was already at the gym and shimazaki hasnt waken up so i dont know much more??
Hatori: i dont know either what to do...
Shibata: is he still there? I told him to take my bed!
Hatori: well he clearly didnt...
Minegishi: ok but HOW did you find him exactly?
Shibata: ill tell you later guys. My next class is about to start
Shibata: And dont worry Hatori! i dont think hell wake up anytime soon.
Shibata: You should have seen him carrying the dog! It was cute <3
Shibata: in a strange way
Minegishi: dog?? WHAT DOG?
Hatori: did you just say "carrying"?
Shibata: sorry guys gtg
Hatori: shit WAIT
Hatori: where am i supposed to sleep now? I cant sleep on the couch!
Shibata: you can sleep with me
Hatori: WHAT? NO
Shibata: Do you prefer to wake him up?
Hatori: I pick the right side
Minegishi: No homo
Hatori: fUCk U
Shimazaki wakes the next morning to the sound of someone gagging to his right
"THE HELL IS THAT SMELL? WHY DO YOU STINK SO MUCH?" yells Hatori before letting out a muffled yelp when the pillow Shimazaki threw hits him square on the face
Shibata, probably alerted by Hatoris screams, comes running and asks from the doorframe "Whats going here?"
"THAT BASTARD SMELLS LIKE POOP AND NOW MY BED WILL SMELL TOO" says Hatori while pointing at the man on his bed who is just groaning clearly annoyed at being awaken
"Hmm it was probably the dog" says Shibata pensive and then looks carefully at shimazaki "You dont have more clothes dont you?"
"Holy shit! Thats true. Youve been using the same clothes since then..."
Shimazaki cant understand why it suddenly matters so much to them "No i dont. Now that that has been cleared up can i go back to sleep?"
"You have to change first. Hatoris clothes wont fit you. so take a shower while i search for something to lend you" says shibata and then turns to Hatori "you gotta go now or you are gonna be late. Dont worry todays my day off, Ill wash your bed"
"Thanks man" says Hatori and then quickly discusses something abouy dinner with shibata before leaving the apartment. Shimazaki can only stare. He just wants to sleep.
But before he can turn his back and return to sleep Shibata is already on him hurrying him to the shower.
Shimazaki doesnt like the idea of giving up his clothes to Shibata (he doesnt like letting go of his possesions because Mental eye cant find inanimate objects and he learned early on life how easy it was to lose things) but even he is starting to get nauseous at the smell of trash and he isnt in the mood to deal with it himself
Shibatas clothes fit loosely but they are comfy, besides once he gets out the shower the man has breakfast ready for him (theres still a box of his favourite cereal) and leaves him to his own devices while he does laundry.
By the end of the day Shimazaki has his own clothes back and they are softer than he remembers ("its the softener" says Shibata, "the what?" responds shimazaki)
Minegishi and Hatori arrive later with boxes of take out and they eat together in awkward silence until Minegishi casually asks with a smirk if Hatori and Shibata slept well at which shibata laughs and tells them Hatori is a blanket hogger which in turn makes Hatori complain about shibatas snores.
The childish fight continues and even though Shimazaki doesnt take part in it he listens atently
At the end he returns to minegishis apartment that night and sleeps on the couch. Neither of them uttering a word of what happened.
The next time Minegishi asks him to go grocery shopping he accepts.
This is stupid. This was a waste of his time.
Shimazaki couldnt read price tags or labels and he didnt know what he was doing here or why Minegishi had brought him
At most he could tell apart boxes from cans and the weight of things but he couldnt differentiate whether he was holding a can of tuna from a can of yakitori sauce or 1k of salt from 1k of sugar without having to ask somebody else.
It was even worse when it came to liquids if the milk/juice failure was anything to go by
After the first few failures of trying to pick stuff Minegishi had tried to teach him about couponing and discounts but then again he had to ask him the price everytime and they both soon got tired of it
All he could do was to touch and feel the fruit and vegetables trying to tell apart the riped from the rotten/damaged
Looking for any bump, hole, softness...things Minegishi taught him
It was stupid.
Minegishi could ripen/fix any plant with his powers and they both knew it
This was a waste of time.
He hated every second of this and wanted to go already but Minegishi had been hellbent on him learning at least this and left him in the fruits section to pick whatever he deemed best while he finished the shopping.
And that was what he was TRYING to do when a store clerk had the brilliant idea of addressing him
In his defense they had been almost 3 hours here and he had been done since the first. The fact he didnt even know what the hell he was holding anymore except that it was round and ripe not helping his annoyance.
He turned to tell her to fuck off. He just wanted to intimadate her. Force her to leave him alone.
He may have gone a little bit overboard.
He opened his eyes.
"Excuse me sir. Customers arent supposed to grab the tomatoes with their bare hands. The bags are-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Her scream could be heard all around the store
Before he could teletransport away the tomato he was holding twisted and tangled its newly grown vines around his hand in a tight grip. (The sight of it clearly didnt help the girl's panic)
"Dont even think about it" hissed a pissed Minegishi when he passed by his side on his way towards the screaming girl.
Minegishi couldnt feel more stupid than he was feeling a the moment.
In his haste to initiate Shimazaki on the path of becoming a civil person he had somehow forgotten the man was actually blind (not his fault it was so easy to forget when you have seen him destroying entire buildings).
He had tried. He had really tried to come up with any way to fix this mess of a trip but it was getting late and they hadnt even started their actual shopping.
So at the end he gave up and left Shimazaki to the only task he thought could keep him busy and at the same time allowed minegishi to keep track of the mans position anytime while he hurriedly finished the shopping. It was a good plan. What could go wrong?
The moment he heard the scream he knew everything could and will go wrong where it concerned Shimazaki.
Thankfully he could feel he was still holding something vegetal (a tomato?) so Minegishi quickly dashed (shopping cart forgotten) to the mans position and the screaming girl.
His first instict had been to go and calm the girl even though he didnt know what had happened but when he realized people were starting to stare he quickly grabbed Shimazakis arm and dragged him the way he came.
"The fuck did you do?" Minegishi asked once they were in another aisle safe from curious stares
"I did nothing!" responded Shimazaki somewhat offended
" As if! What did you do to her? "
"I didnt do shit to her! I was just doing the fruit thing you asked me!" he raised his hand to show the tomato still holding onto it
"And? Why was she even near you?" mineshiki asked while his powers disentagled the vines and took the tomato
"Huh? What? I always do-THATS NOT IMPORTANT! Why was she screaming?!"
"I told her off"
"What? People dont scream like that when someone tells them off, even when you..." Shimazaki was clearly hiding something "How did you do it exactly?" minigishi asks with narrowed eyes
"....i may have opened my eyes"
"Your eyes?" minegishi stares increduously "whats that- oh" hes about to ask what was that supposed to mean when he remembers Shimazakis bottomless eyes caused by his physic powers. He may have gotten used to his hollow stare but he still remembers what he felt the first time he saw it. The girls scream finally making sense "You never open your eyes unless you want to threaten someome...did you want to threaten a simple clerk?? "
"i just forgot!" shimazaki huffed
"YES CAN WE GO NOW?" irritation lacing the mans tone
It was that moment that Minegishi realized this trip was taking a bigger toll on shimazaki than he (and probably even the man himself) anticipated and sighed.
"Yeah, i was almost finished anyway lets find the cart"
Shimazaki silently followed.
They finished the shopping without any further accident and while they waited in line to pay something caught minegishis eyes. It was just what he needed.
There was a row of cheap aviator glasses hanging in display.
After some considerantion he grabbed one of the pair with the mirror lens kind and handed them to a now calmer Shimazaki "Here, put this"
Shimazaki who had been following Minegishis movements asked curiously "whats this?"
"Glasses. In case you forget to keep your eyes closed again people wont be able to see your eyes. Put them on and open your eyes. i need to see if they fit and if they'll work"
He miraculously did.
The frame was thicker than it was supposed to be for these kind of glasses (a crude imitation of the stylish kind people wear in magazines) but they fitted and the mirror lens hid perfectly shimazakis glowing irises(?) (Hell never know)
"How do they feel?"
"You could wear them only when you are out in public. They are cheap. Ill buy them and you can do whatever you want with them"
Shimazaki took them off and when it was time to pay he handed them to minegishi
Once outside shimazaki at first refused to teletransport the bags back to the apartment but complied once Minegishi told him he would force him to help carry the bags all the way if he didnt do it AND promised to buy take out to eat.
Minegishi thought the glasses had been left forgotten in the bags but the next morning while he was getting ready to work he noticed they were laying folded on top of a sleeping shimazaki
When Hatori and Shibata inevitably asked about Shimazakis new glasses(that he now used all the time) minegishi told them about what was now deemed as the "supermarket incident"
The next times they went shopping Minegishi stayed all the time with Shimazaki and kept teaching him about vegetables and any thing that came to his mind.
Once they finished (everytime quicker than the previos) it became Shimazakis job to drop the goods at the apartment in exchange of picking what they were going to eat that day
It wasnt exactly what Minegishi had planned but it was a progress (or that was what he thought until Hatori complained about tripping on shopping bags that suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall whenever Shimazaki dropped something there)
Shibata was annoyed because even though they all agreed Shimazaki was behaving nicer the others didnt still believe him about the whole puppy ordeal
so that, coupled with the nagging feeling he had left after washing shimazakis clothes and after hearing about the market incident made him come up with a plan
"A mall trip?? What for?" hatori asked perplexed
"He has just one shirt"
"He has been wearing it since we were together, actually i dont remember him wearing anything else ever"
"Thats his problem!"
"HIS JACKET HAS BULLET HOLES " replied shibata getting impatient with how much it was taking Hatori to understand
"He probably likes it that way??" said Hatori still not getting it
"Actually ive been thinking the same. I noticed the bullet holes too" finally came Minegishis voice from the receiver. He was was working at the moment because if they wanted to do this he had to work a double shift to free one day. "I dont think he has anything else"
"See? Minegishis with me!" exclaimed thriumohantly Shibata which only made Hatori roll his eyes
"Fine! i get it! Ive seen the bullet holes too...but i dont get why does it have to be us?"
"Because we are his friends" easily replied Shibata causing Hatori to frown at this
"Are we really? When has he done something for us?" hatoris tone suddenly turning serious "You are literally asking me to spend one of my few days off shopping clothes with MY MONEY for a guy who wanted to kill me mere months ago?"
"We dont know that" said shibata
Hatori trew him a glance that clearly was supposed to mean 'you gotta be kidding' "Look, do we even know if he likes us back?"
At this both men kept silence until shibata dared to speak "he is wearing the glasses"
"God forbid me for forgetting those damn glasses! Guys, im just saying we are already doing so much for him for nothing! why do we need to do more?"
"Because thats what good people do" came Minegishis response and shibata nodded firmly making hatori huff. He was gonna regret this.
" fine! But do we even know if hes gonna like what we buy? If hes gonna even wear it? As you said we had never seen with other clothes"
"Thats why we are gonna take him with us!" said Shibata, glad that this was finnally getting somewhere
Hatori turned to look at the phone "didnt you said you believed shopping stressed him?"
"Mmm these last times had been better" said minegishi
"What if he actually doesnt care about the clothes or-"
"He does" replied Shibata and Minegishi in unison making Hatori stare confusedly
"How do you know?"
Shibata thought back to the hesitance he noticed on shimazaki when he handed him his clothes but didnt think the man in question would like it if he went and tell this to the others and was debating this when minegishi spoke again "Ive noticed someone has been using my softener and i doubt its the plants"
Hatori frowned and then sighed
"You both have settled your minds dont you?" hatori asked and then grumbled when an unison "yes" was heard
"Do you realize we are working with a lot of 'maybes' and 'probably'?"
"Maybe" said the voice from the receiver and Hatori could swear he could hear minegishis smirk
"C'mon man! We have done worse than this" said Shibata happily clapping Hatoris back
"Ugh FINE That bastard better be grateful" grumbled Hatori
This part forced me to think of shimazakis past and now i made myself sad (this isnt the first time he wears glasses)
So the market incident and the glasses scene was stuff i thought about since i started these and was really excited to write it. I hope i did them justice .
I didnt realize how much longer part II was compared to part I so i think part III ended in a nice middle ground.
Haha i again didnt reach the scene i planned to reach(the prank) and at this pace this thing will have 6 parts. Someone save me
Anyway hope you like it and for those of you who dont know I am writing a Teru-centric fanfic about his decision to visit his parents and the aftermath and ill appreciate it if you could check it out (link here) and tell me what you think or at least share it so more people can see it because tumblr sucks and wont let me do it.
See you next time
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George x reader / Hate to Love you
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Request 1: hello fellow twin lover.. I don't know if your taking in request but i would love it if you would write a George x reader story. Manybe start off with a bit angst but later on too a little bit smut and whole lot of fluff... (From @wizards-magic-and-witches)
Request 2: Hello! How are you doing? I see you are having fun at Tour! Im so jealous! It must be a great experience! I was wondering if I could ask for having love/hate relationship with George oneshot? (From anon)
A/n: I’m back! I feel like I haven’t posted in a while even though it’s only been like 2 days, lol. Anyway, this took me a while to think of and to write but I finally got and I think it’s pretty good. It’s a bit of a complicated love/hate relationship but I think it works. It’s got angst, fluff and smut in so it’s a pretty good combination. Set around OOTP before Umbridge and her destruction. (And yes, the tour was brilliant anon, I probably need to stop spending my money on it though). I’m sorry for the wait for both of you but I hope this lives up to both of your requests and thank you for requesting! I put this fic on my queue and I’ve only read through it once so I hope it’s okay but feedback is always appreciated. Sorry for the long A/n.
Word count: 3.9k+
Warnings: Implied and heavy smut, angst, swearing
Masterlist | Requests open
The breakfast at Hogwarts was something that managed to get every student out of bed. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was always usually calm, watching as owls swopped in with the morning mail as students met with their friends studying and gossiping. But occasionally a fight or two broke out as Fred had experienced in the last week except now it always seemed to be the same two people.
“How could you possibly think that was funny?!”
“Well, it was! Just because you’ve got no sense of humour!”
A loud frustrated scream sounded and Fred Weasley sighed heavily at the sound of his twin and Y/n fighting once again. It seemed to be that at every meal they found something new to argue about.
“I hate you so much George Weasley.” Y/n looked livid with the taller redhead. Her face was red, nostrils flared, fists clenched and teeth gritted.
“Yeah well,” George only slightly stammered in his anger before he found his voice. “I hate you too Y/n!” They both squared up to each other and for a second Fred thought they might actually fight but then Y/n was hurrying away to the other side of the room, joining some of her friends. Meanwhile, George stormed over to where his twin sat and took a seat. Fred could have sworn he saw George’s lips twitch slightly as if they were trying to fight a smile as he grabbed his breakfast, that’s when Fred’s suspicions started that there was more than meets the eye with them two.
From there it only grew. Y/n and George still didn’t talk and when they did it always managed to lead to yelling but sometimes Fred would spot George’s gaze wonder to Y/n for just a little too long in the great hall. He once saw Y/n do the same to George in potions but the second she spotted Fred, she turned her attention quickly back to her brewing cauldron, her cheeks a furious pink. Fred also couldn’t help but notice the amount that George spoke about Y/n, sure he was angry as he spoke but she seemed to be his favourite topic of conversation these days.
“So, what’s going on with you and Y/n?” Fred asked as he and George entered the common room. George shrugged but there was the tiniest hint of a blush on his cheeks.
“What do you mean? I can’t stand her, she can’t stand me. Simple as.” George sat down causally but Fred knew there was something. His twin laughed at his suspicious look and told him again that there was nothing between himself and Y/n. Fred only had to hum disbelievingly with one last narrowed glance before pretending to act as if he no longer cared for George to crack.
“Okay, how do you know?” George hurriedly whispered, leaning closer to Fred who smirked.
“Well, I wasn’t sure so thank you for confirming that.” George shrunk back in his seat a little bit with an annoyed huff. “But it wasn’t hard to read between the lines of you yelling at each other.” Fred smirked proudly at his sleuth-worthy skills.
“Look, you can’t tell anyone okay?” George said his words urgently as though everyone in the room was about to find out. Fred nodded but looked further inquisitive and George knew Fred’s line of questioning hadn’t even started yet.
“Okay. But what’s going on between you? Are you serious with her?” Fred was sincere, he wanted to make sure his brother wasn’t just being messed around with. He knew George tended to fall hard for girls he liked even if he didn’t tend to tell them that. George almost looked as if he had followed his twin’s train of thought because he looked meaningfully at Fred as he explained the situation.
“No, it’s casual.” George shrugged and Fred let out a loud scoffing laugh. George turned to give him a long glare, Fred lessened his sarcastic laughter.
“I’m sorry Georgie, it’s just- you don’t do casual.” Fred shook his head as he smirked at his brother but he was worried at what George had tangled himself up in. He knew he had liked Y/n in a romantic way before since he had told Fred so, that was long before they had both started ‘fighting’ though and publicly claimed hate for one another. “How long as this ‘casual’ thing been going on for?”
“A couple of months.” George answered, he was trying to act normal but he knew Fred was right. He had been in love with Y/n since way before their whole ‘situation’ had started. In fact, he’d had a crush on her since their 4th year – George had just never gathered the courage to tell her and he was pretty sure she had hated him up until quite recently. He wasn’t good with communicating his feelings. That’s why, after their spontaneous night together when Y/n had proposed something more casual between them both, George had said yes.
*3 months ago*
It had been a heat of the moment sort of passion. Y/n had been staying the last few weeks of the summer at the burrow due to her parents being on business somewhere and George had loved it. Although he wasn’t always sure where he stood with Y/n it was nice to have someone to talk to other than his family members. Her and George had that kind of love/hate friendship that was hard to get used to but they both knew that they could trust each other fully.
The night it had happened was in the last week before school, George had snuck downstairs for his typical midnight snack to find Y/n sitting alone and staring out at the stars. The way the moonlight had bounced off her face, highlighted every perfect inch of her skin made George forget where he was and what he was supposed to be doing. He even spaced on his own name as Y/n called it.
“George? What are you doing?” her voice was whispered but the quietness made it somehow louder.
“Oh, just getting a late-night snack.” He pointed to the kitchen and Y/n nodded with a supressed giggle before resuming to watch the night sky. George ignored his stomach rumble and joined her. She looked pleasantly surprised as he sat down next to her on the small sofa. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay or I will be.” She reassured. Y/n had only recently split from her boyfriend but she seemed pretty alright to George. Just as he nodded, he noticed that Y/n had looked away quickly as a tear rolled down her face. “Y/n?” She was usually so guarded, it was strange to see her vulnerable.
“I’m sorry.” She tried to wipe her tears but as they started to steadily stream, it seemed almost impossible. George couldn’t help but reach out to wipe some away as she gave up with a sniffle. She didn’t seem surprised by the contact or flinch away from his hand, she instead leaned into his touch and sought his comfort. He smiled sadly to her. “It’s just I feel so lonely. I know it’s ridiculous – I’m in a house with 8 people but-“
“It’s not ridiculous.” George went to take his hand away but Y/n reached to hold it closer to her face as though she was scared to let go. “but you don’t need to feel lonely Y/n because I’m here.” Y/n smiled with a tint of blush on her cheeks and George realised what he had said. “I mean- We’re all here. Not just me- I mean I am-.” George rambled before Y/n laughed and her index finger pushed against his lips, shushing him.
There was a moment that passed between them. One that was full of a type of tension that George wasn’t sure of. His breath caught in his throat as Y/n’s finger curled down slightly so her fingertip could trace his lips. She looked curiously at him as though he was a mystery to her. “You are honestly amazing George; do you know that?” Y/n’s eyes softened as they met his and he felt his insides melt. His cheeks were definitely blushing now.
“I had an inkling.” George watched Y/n light up at his humour with a giggle and he couldn’t control the feelings that he had anymore. He wanted to kiss her, cut off her laughter with his lips crashing onto hers. Before he could actually act on his thoughts, Y/n had stopped laughing and was now looking at George with a knowing, coy glance. He realised his eyes had been on her lips, it must have been evident what he wanted to do because before he could process the look on her face, Y/n had taken a hold of his own and started to kiss him. He kissed back without hesitation, his hands lowering to her hips.
The kiss picked up heat and suddenly there was an intensity between them both. But George could feel the need for oxygen in his lungs and he had to pull away. Luckily, his brain had the right idea and guided his lips to meet Y/n’s neck, kissing and sucking passionately at the exposed skin. She moaned and George smirked.
“Shall we go upstairs?” Y/n had spoken with panted breath as George pulled away. She looked nervous yet suggestive as her eyebrows quirked up. She was staying in Charlie’s old room whilst she was here so they knew they could have privacy especially now they were allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts.
George wouldn’t have usually done it but with Y/n things seemed to be different, he nodded and led her upstairs by the hand.  
It had happened again only once whilst they were at the burrow and as good as it all was, George couldn’t help but question what it all meant. He had feared that it would turn awkward between them both but if anything, it had alleviated the sexual tension that had loomed over them.
It was a week into the school term when Y/n talked to him about it. George had found himself craving her touch ever since the burrow and he knew it was near impossible in this school to have any form of privacy, apparently that didn’t seem to bother Y/n.
“I just think we need to both blow off some steam.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. Her arms were crossed but she looked more relaxed than he had seen her been since school had started. With it being their seventh year, exams were of upmost importance to most especially Y/n but George never let any of that stress faze him.
“How do you mean?” George had asked innocently. He was very confused, he had just been leaving dinner when Y/n had pulled him to the side privately for a ‘talk’.
“I mean,” Y/n drawled her words out slowly as she reached out to rest her hand on George’s arm. He tried desperately not to think about the contact or the heat of his face. “I think we both need an outlet George, something to do to relive stress.” She smirked before she leant in to whisper close to his ear. “And what better to do than each other?” George felt his heart race at both the proximity and her words. When Y/n pulled back to meet his eyes, they both knew they were on the same page.
It had been three days with Fred in the know of their situation and he was already being insufferable about it all. Every time Y/n walked past or was within visible sight, Fred would nudge him with a wink or a suggestive look but George ignored him, not wanting anyone else to catch on – him and Y/n had both agreed it would just complicate matters. They kept up their charade with secret promises of meeting up later that night. The fun thing was that George always managed to find a new place and Y/n was amazed with his knowledge of the castle.
Tonight, they had found themselves in the room of requirement which true to its name had given them just what they needed: a private space with a large roomy bed (and some bonus romantic candles and flowers which had made Y/n swoon a little). They kissed passionately on the edge of the bed and wasted no time to strip down to their underwear. Y/n laid beneath George as he kissed every reachable area of Y/n’s skin occasionally making her elicit moans especially when he reached her cleavage.
“Well, well what do we have here?” George lowered himself down to Y/n’s underwear which seemed to be new. They were lacy and cute and George couldn’t help but press a kiss to them. Y/n giggled before letting out a loud moan as he mouthed her area through her panties. He smirked as he pulled back. Y/n let out a groan of frustration. “As nice as these are, they’d be so much better off.”
“No objections here.” Y/n joked, watching as with a laugh George pulled her underwear off quickly. He resumed his place, briefly kissing Y/n’s clit before moving his tongue further down south. Y/n’s hands pulled at his hair as he continued, her moaning becoming more louder as George delved further into her entrance, tasting her. Suddenly she realised she was becoming tenser and as much as she wanted him to continue, she wanted something more. Y/n pulled George’s hair insistently. “George, I need you. Please.” Her breaths were panted but George seemed to understand as he nodded with a smirk and crawled back up Y/n’s body to kiss her lips again.
Her hand reached down between their bodies to grope George through his underwear. He swiftly removed it and Y/n’s hand began to move expertly up and down his shaft. He moaned and it seemed to echo around the room much to Y/n’s amusement – she didn’t mind hearing it twice. George’s lips found her neck again, sucking and biting at the skin as Y/n guided George’s dick to her entrance. She let go as he pushed in to her wetness.
He went in slowly because he liked to make sure Y/n was okay before he became rough in anyway. He moaned loudly as he bottomed out inside of her and Y/n panted beneath him. He caressed her face as she adjusted and they smiled at each other, George peppered her with kisses trying his best to make her feel comfortable. When he pulled back the smile on her face seemed wider but funnily enough it’s as if there was something more to it. George mentally shook off his thoughts, trying hard to not read into the situation. Eventually Y/n nodded and George began to move gently at first before picking up tempo. He went hard, knowing that Y/n liked it. She moaned louder than he had ever heard her and he smirked.
At one point, he picked up Y/n’s legs and put them over his shoulders so he could go harder and he didn’t even have to check if it was okay because the action and the result of it caused Y/n to scream his name so loud that he was sure it broke the soundproofing enchantment but he didn’t care because it was singly the hottest thing he had ever heard in his life. George could feel his climax as he thrust deeper into Y/n, she must have sensed it because her hands cupped his face and brought lips roughly down to meet her own. She pulled away only an inch to encourage him to cum as she herself succumbed to her own orgasm. It only took watching Y/n’s pleasure to release his own. He thrust deeply as he spilled into her before pulling out and falling down next to her.
She cuddled into his side with a kiss to his chest and he smiled down at her. She returned it but George spotted the same thing he had earlier, this time he was surer that it was there. It was almost like a hesitation at something. Y/n’s head rested atop of his chest and just as he was about to ask Y/n about whatever seemed to be bothering her, he heard a small snore and knew that it would have to wait until tomorrow.
The thing was that George didn’t see Y/n the next day or the day after that. It was only when they were paired together in potions that he got the opportunity to speak to her.
“Listen about the other night…” George spoke in whispers to Y/n as Snape walked around the room not to mention their classmates who were as nosy as students came were stood around the same worktable. Y/n looked surprised at the topic of conversation and immediately gave him a warning look. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you looked like something was bothering you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He rubbed the side of his neck as he could sense Y/n’s tension whether it was at the mention of whatever was bothering her or him discussing their private nights, he didn’t know.
“George can we just get on with our potion?!” Y/n’s voice was loud enough now for the room to hear. He shut up, affronted by her tone and then he realised she must be diverting attention away from what he had just been talking about by keeping up their charade of hatred.
“Fine.” George half-yelled through gritted teeth earning a glare from Snape. He added ingredients haphazardly into the cauldron and noticed that Y/n looked genuinely bothered as she read the instructions and worked on her own side of the project.
George tried to pull her aside after class but Y/n escaped before he had even slung his bag over his shoulder. He sighed and bit his lip in irritation, he had a feeling Y/n wasn’t acting anymore.
Fred tried to tell him it was nothing but George could hardly believe him. He knew Y/n sometimes better than he knew himself – there was something wrong and he wanted to know what it was. So, he attempted to make an effort with Y/n but she was distant towards him. George was reminded of how their relationship had been when they had first known each other. Y/n was mostly on her guard and tended to treat George as if she hated him and he did the same to her but one day after a rather intense fight, they just broke down into laughter as if there had been no reality in any of their words and there wasn’t. They knew from then on that whenever they were rude to each other it wasn’t really meant that way unless told differently.
George managed to catch Y/n as she was walking up from Hogsmeade one day with her friends. She looked somewhat annoyed but encouraged her friends to go on without her back up the castle. George gave an inner sigh of relief.
“What George?” There was tone of snappiness to her voice but George ignored it.
“What the hell has been going on with you Y/n? I never see you anymore.” He made sure that his sadness at the situation was being portrayed in his voice and expression. Y/n’s gaze fell to her feet, it looked as if her guard was falling back down but then in the blink of an eye it was raised back up as George spoke again. “I miss you.”
“You mean you miss the sex?! Grow up George.” Y/n’s voice was matching her anger prompting some people to turn and look. She noticed the students from school looking on and tried her best to walk away but George pulled her back. He was hurt by her words, sick of people telling him that but he persisted on, he needed Y/n to know what she meant to him. Y/n must have caught his hurt look because she looked sorry for her choice of words.
“No, I don’t. I miss you.” George went to reach for her hand but she pulled away quickly, the annoyed anger returning to her face, there were tears burning behind her eyes. He led her to a more secluded place, away from prying eyes and ears. Y/n was thankful but didn’t show it for long as she blinked away her tears and looked away in anger. “Y/n please. If I’ve made you feel like this I am so sorry. I lo-.” He quickly stopped himself from forming his whole sentence but Y/n had caught on to what he was going to say. For a minute she looked shocked then confused and then her lips were crashing against his unexpectedly. They kissed each other passionately for a while before George pulled back, his brain remembering what was happening. “Y/n.”
“Ugh! This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Y/n rubbed her hands over her face as she huffed out a breath. George gently removed her hands from her face and caught her gaze, with a look of confusion and tenderness.
“What wasn’t?”
“Falling fucking in love with you!” Y/n’s tears seemed to be steadily streaming now, she seemed annoyed at herself. “We agreed that-!”
“Fuck what we agreed.” George said simply and he laughed as Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed together cutely. He crossed whatever gap was between them and pulled her in by the waist. He heard her breath hitch and he couldn’t help but smirk a little as her hands rested on the nape of his neck, playing with the hair there. He leaned to kiss her tears away one by one and she gave a watery giggle. He kissed her on the lips and it was so much sweeter than any kiss they had shared before. It was love not lust in their minds as they kissed. It was how George had felt as he watched Y/n look out at the stars that night at the burrow and how he had felt when his lips had met hers for the very first time. An electric spark ran throughout his veins – the feeling was intoxicating him.
Y/n was the first to pull away, her smile had increased in brightness as she looked at George. He could see the red of her cheeks and knew his must be the same if not brighter. He took a deep breath before he broke the silence that had formed after the kiss.
“Y/n I’ve been in love with you since way before any of this started between us. None of this was meaningless to me ever. I just want you to know that.” George sounded sure and confident in his words as well as his look. Y/n met his eyes and nodded with a smile.
“It never was to me either. I mean I didn’t know I was in love with you before but there’s always been something about you George. Something that pulled me to you and I’m so glad it did.” Y/n and George shared one last smile as they both leaned into kiss each other. The kiss lingered this time on both of their lips as they intertwined their hands and started to walk back up to the castle.
“Why don’t we go love each other hard?” George’s eyebrows waggled and Y/n let out a loud happy laugh at his line. She cringed slightly at him and hit his chest with her free hand.
“I hate you George Weasley.” Her eyes narrowed but the smile she wore outshone the rest of her faked anger. George laughed, reaching down to peck her lips which she all to happily returned.
“I love you too Y/n.”
Masterlist | Requests open
Taglist: @blue-andbrxnze @queengirl56 @mamapuritysan @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @justalovertoall @beaaa-banana @harrypotterlifejamesphelps @a9yearoldboy @miss-tipton-is-beautiful @shutupweatherby​​ @sweetsummertime99​​ @@allthehogwartsimagines @quibblersandnifflers​
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