#like yeah they hate each other (mostly endeavor hating AM) but also they kinda look at each other and go like
filipinoizukuu · 2 years
Not a shipper but I love when people ship Endeavor with All Might bc to me that's bkdk if they were worse lmao
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cherriesradio · 3 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 2 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640893672076001280/class-1-a-relationship-headcanons
Part 1 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mezou Shouji
Best hugs ever
I mean what else is he gonna do with all those arms? Fight villains?
Y/n is the only one who can call him by his first name
Shouji is super tall and y/n just calls him “Mezou McTallMan”
He has like 5 million IQ and plays chess with y/n and they just sit their feelin stupid cause they keep losing
Shouji and Tokoyami are best friends and then when him and y/n get together all three of them are best friends and it’s adorable
Y/n never really cared about the mask but was like “hey you don’t need to take it off if you don’t wanna”
And it melted Shouji’s heart that they were fine with it
Thier hair is always ruffled because of how much he messes with it
They just don’t bother anymore
He doesn’t like getting to much attention so for events they have little at home/ in the dorm party’s with just a few other kids
He 100% takes advantage of how scary he can look
If someone is trying to get at y/n he will look at them with the most haunting glare in the world
(*cough* Mineta *cough* *cough*)
Kyouka Jirou
Rockin out to rock but also crappy 2000’s pop music at three am
Jirou will just be sitting beside y/n as they mess with her lobes
Y/n is as much as a crackhead as the rest of the Bakusquad so they all get along great
Bakugo has almost stabbed both of them for kissing in public and being affectionate in public
Coming back to the dorms all sweaty from going to a concert and jumping around for four hours straight
Has the hardest time trying to teach y/n how to play everything because it hurt their ~delicate fingers~
Leaning on each other’s backs and listening to music sharing ear buds 😫
Getting records and hanging them on each other’s walls and painting them if they don’t like the songs 💜
She has a ton of vintage art/ band hoodies and they just share them at some point because they keep stealing them from each other
Going to the arcade with Denki and Kirishima and whoever else wants to come
Y/n always says Jirou has a “out shine the stars smile” and she becomes a blushing mess every time
She’s not very good at comforting :(
She tries tho
She’s great honestly
Hanta Sero
He asks y/n if he annoys them and y/n legit feels so bad like “I love u so much don’t you dare think that>:(“
He likes saving up for dates and going to fancy restaurants and stuff but he’s fine with small inexpensive dates
They’ve gone to sixflags at least ten times and they have definitely broke a whole ride from messing around with his tape
That couple where even before they were dating they were dating
Jokingly kissing each others hand/ cheeks, cuddling up to each other, always asking if the other was going somewhere too, that kinda stuff
Hammock cuddles
I think you understand
Prank war in the whole dorm and y/n and Sero are the kings (or queens) (or non-binary royalty) of it
Bakugo has declared war on them multiple times but never goes on it because of how hard they go
Everyone has said it, you know it
Spider man kisses
He has almost passes out from the blood rushing to his head before
if Mineta walks up to y/n from behind he will tape him up and they can’t have a normal conversation without Sero glaring at him
So many inside jokes
Once y/n put his hair in a bun or something and he was like :0 “oh my god there’s a world without hair in ur face”
Sometimes either of them will sneak in the others dorm in the morning before they wake up and put sunglass on them or draw on their face
“This reminds me of u” insert simp meme
This boy will make sure y/n is always holding his werid long lanky hands
They teach Todoroki what “Yeet” means and now they all use it all the time unironically
Fumikage Tokoyami
👏head 👏scratchys 👏
Y/n has to get him a nightlight so Dark Shadow doesn’t go wild in the middle of the night
Huge edge lord y/n is his only soft spot
Watch dumb vampire movies
They binged all the Twilight movies in one night and everyone makes fun of them for kinda unironiclly liking it
I know Halloween is only really a american thing but they 100% have Halloween party’s at the dorms
They’d set up the whole thing
Y/n gets him black nail polish and skull rings and edgy everything
He has a box that takes up like half his closet of just gifts from y/n
He doesn’t do gifts as much as just spending time with y/n
He does love the gifts tho
Give each other plenty of space
Just say “hey I wanna be alone for a bit” and he’ll be gone in a second
He’s always the little spoons cause he’s scared of peaking their eyes out accidentally
They didn’t keep the relationship a secret they just aren’t very physically affectionate to each other
So one day Shouji is like “oh are you crushing on y/n? Like you are really nice to them and they give you stuff”
And he sits there like “dude we’ve been together for months how do you not know”
And then they are like maybe we should announce it just to make sure? So they do that and the whole class is in shock that they were together for so long and no one noticed
Jokingly calls Tokoyami “Emo Peacock” 
You can’t tell me they try to do the Waltz as a joke but get really into it and do it whenever they hear any music now
Jirou could literally be playing hard core rock or heavy metal and they’ll be doing the waltz to it
Dark Shadow low key feels like a third wheel sometimes but then y/n give him a tight hug and he feels appreciated
Shouto Todoroki
Feeding the simps
So ya know that thing in the notes app where you can share notes? Yeah they share one of those where they list things they hate about Endeavor and after a month they are already on a thousand
Just sit in the same room
Could be doing anything not even envolving the other but it’s nice just to have the other there
Protecting the girls from Mineta together ❤️👏👏
at first it honestly just seemed like they were really good friends because they kept it a secret (mostly cause if it got out to the public Endeavor would find out and probably try to break them up)
Even in private they would just kiss the others cheek or forehead and hold hands and that’s the only difference
He talks to his mother about y/n a lot and she is so excited to meet y/n
She has really high expectations just because of how good they sound but does take in that Shouto is literally in love with them, he’s gonna have slight rose tinted glasses
Yeah their just as good as Todoroki made them out to be
When he told y/n about his childhood (endeavor, his mom, his scar, Dabi…) y/n cried because they felt so bad and cuddled him all day trying to help any way they could
They totally made him go to therapy 😌
Has a written down list of thing they said they like so he can get them one if they feel down
He has literally bought them a cat when they were feeling really down and y/n had to explain that he can’t just go and buy a cat when their feeling bad
They keep it tho don’t worry
He’ll turn off the air conditioning when he wants y/n’s affection
They’ll just come running at him and tackle him so he can warm them up/ cool them down
Expect goodnight texts
Make custom memes about how bad of a parent Endearvor is
Legit the start of Todoroki crushing on them overhearing them tell a friend that they don’t think Endearvor is a good hero/ deserves to be number 1
Once asked All Might to adopt Todoroki (I mean he thought about it for a second before Aizawa told him no)
Todoroki let’s y/n cook stuff on his left side
Deku will just wake up in the morning smelling eggs and think someone’s cooking but find y/n cracking eggs onto Todoroki’s left side
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rosecoloredwriting · 4 years
Best Friend Tings~
A/N: This idea came to me and then boom! This might be a whole series of headcanons i got so many ideas bro!!!! 
Summary: Sometimes in life having a best friend is better than getting a s/o 
Pairings: Izuku Midorya x GN!Reader(Platonic), Katsuki Bakugou x GN!Reader(Platonic), Shoto Todoroki x GN!Reader(Platonic), Hitoshi Shinso x GN!Reader(Platonic)
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Izuku Midoriya
We can see from the show he didn’t have any friends before u.a(katsuki doesn’t really count)
So boy must have been lonely before ua like todoroki
He nerded out by himself, no one else to talk to other than mama inko
So meeting you made his life better
he’s up to date on meme culture too
You slide in one vine reference during a convo ONCE when you met and he responds back subconsciously with his own
Instant connection
Like lightning strikes and you both just do the spiderman pointing at each other meme
Vine might be dead but that won’t stop you
Both of you start turning into beams of light
He gets sparkle eyes when you both don’t stop with the vine references
Numbers exchanged and you both find out to be major nerds for certain shows
Late nights are spent sending each other memes/videos and the next day you both are holding in fits of giggles
When the dorms are put in place pure chaos
Yall are inseparable 
There’s a lot of sneaking around because guess what you’re doing instead of sleeping 
Or watching those Russian car crash videos
You go into a youtube deep dive at 3 am together
One brain cell is shared between you two ok
Deku squad are the vibes ok
Ilida can’t believe how 2 of some of the smartest people he knows can turn the exact opposite
“Ilida can you do us a favor? Would you be willing to run while holding us like balloons?”
“What are you talking about!?”
“Ilida me and (Y/N) thought of having Uraraka join us by making us float and have a rope tied around us with you running around!”
“As your class president I will not allow you to do such a thing-!” Cutting him off you turn to Izuku
“I told he wasn’t gonna say yes.” Sighing in disappoint.
“Should we try Kacchan?” 
“I’ll do the talking got it!” You leave behind a dumbfounded Ilida wondering why his friends can be so smart yet do such stupid actions.
Do not be fooled though
You call out izuku when necessary, you both may be chaotic with one another but like hell!!!! you’ll let him slip up because you’re besties and actually have brain cells(sometimes)
From the glare you’re sending him he feels like a disappointment because he caused his bestie trouble and worry
In conclusion: Yall are ride or die
Were talking the strength of the pillars of those temples in Greece
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Katsuki Bakugo
It kinda just happened before the classes eyes
Like no one gets how bakugo manages not to blast your eardrums everyday
He just somehow sees you’re genuinely trying to be friends with him and get to know him
At first, he thought you were some extra following him like the rest of Baku squad at first and somehow saw that you don’t see him godly or anything you just really enjoyed being around him
Slowly you both understand one another
He’s kinda scared cause I don’t think bakugo has ever been like close close with someone before
So it’s slow like his friendship with Kiri
Speaking of Kiri cause this is a package deal if your friends with bakugo
You both will just watch him when someone pisses him off 
“Someone tried to test him right,” you said while passing Kirishima a water bottle. Coming back from the vending machine.
“Yeah he did” he replies deadpanning at Bakugou’s antics
You may be mostly a duo but its also a trio sometimes
So when he gets captured there’s a 50/50 chance that he will come to you
you managed to get knocked out during the attack so seeing one another safe really just lifts the blanket of fear off
So when the dorms come in he will barge into your room and start up your console and play
This distraction won’t last long cause at some point he just sits there stuck in his head
He holds back tears but you just help him through
Really just strengthens your bond
From then on he comes to you and he’s very vague on details but you just comfort him
somehow you both from this experience learn how to read what the other is feeling
If you have something going on the perceptive as ever bakugo will see and somehow do the thing that just gives you a boost, he’s not either an intimate or verbal guy
He’s trying his best alright
The same goes for you in bakugo accept your just a tad slower and use your words instead 
Best friend soulmate ✨✨tings✨✨
One of your past times is either playing fighting games or just relaxing in his room
Like you both will lay on the ground, speaker blasting, taking turns putting on songs
Feeling the vibrations 
Its how the aggressive boy cools down/relaxes
Being angry all the time is tiring
One time you were in a room with someone as they insulted bakugou
Right in your face not only did you defend your best friend but you also whooped some ass that day
Conclusion: the best friends that just get each other 
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Shoto Todoroki
(If you’re an endeavor stan I don’t know what to tell you for this one)
Now hear me out on this
You find Endeavor hilarious
He is just the funniest person to you
Like just looking at him makes you cackle
So when todoroki fights midoriya and he used his fireside everyone was shocked because no one has seen him use it yet!!
But when you see endeavor on the other side of the stadium scream “SHOTOOOOO!” you burst out full-on laughing!!! WHEEZING IF YOU MAY!! Like do you not see his face
When he came back to the stands you just turned to him holding in a laugh
“Hey, Todoroki how are you so serious all the time with your dad looking like that all the time?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Don’t get me wrong he was pissed because like baby just had a mental breakdown but this type of comment is new to him
“Don’t you see how ridiculous he looks with those flames of him like damn. Of all the places! Why his fckin calves!!!!! Like what kind of egotistical man does that”
Todoroki hates his dad so you bashing him really opens up doors for you
Now to me, I think todoroki throws insults at everyone without even knowing himself
Like under his breath he will say a comment you will catch it and hold in a laugh
So you bashing his father made you an a+ in his book
And so the duo begins
Since todoroki does insult people without knowing you are there to be his audience
You will stifle and hold in giggles and laughs as you stand right next or behind him
Once he realized this he subtly increases the amount he says on the daily(These arent basic insults either but they aren’t harmful, plain fun ok)
One time your laughing got to the point Aizawa threatened to separate you two
But still, you helped cracked the boy’s frozen heart
Lots of hugs though cause the boy needs it
Once you’re close enough in the friendship you jump and hug the boy in surprise
Gets a little startled but loves the gesture cause guess what yall are besties
Opening his door, Todoroki meets the sight of you holding a pile of food. Ready for movie night. Quickly placing it down on the coffee table you jump and give him a hug. He stumbles a moment before he wraps his arms around your waist.
“Why are you hugging me? We saw each other all day.”
“Just thought you needed it.” Mumbling a thank you you go to the coffee table. The surface spilling with bags of snacks.
“I have my soba and more if you want any. I even got those candies you like.”
“Really! Thanks Sho-kun! I also got those chips you really enjoyed the last time. So you ready?” With a hum you both sit down opening the food you'll be eating for the rest of the night. Grabbing the remote Shoto hits play, the screen lights up to show the Disney logo.
Many movie marathons and binge-watching nights because you need to show him so much
When these hangouts happen you have hardcore munches together
You both will have a buffet of food because boy does he love his soba and you love to do to bring an entire pile and bag full of food
Just appreciates you and all you do for him
Will definitely sneak in really expensive gifts to you
Loves to watch Disney movies with you 
Conclusion: you are the best friend he needs, he wouldn’t have you any other way
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Hitoshi Shinso 
Both of you met in gen studies class
At this point, everyone in the class knew one another names and stuff and when word got to you of his quirk oh boy
He was minding his business sitting in his desk
Slightly wishing he was dead or wanting to vibe at home
But here you come strutting on over and say hi to him
He was kinda nervous cause everyone knew his quirk and just got all those villain comments
You just talk and say how cool his quirk is and he’s like ‘aw shit here we go again’
Instead, you just ask why he isn’t in the hero course
Like his quirk amazing for that shit
He’s shocked alright
So you both just stick together
You are his wild friend taking him on adventures as he complains saying he would rather watch a movie or do something
Low key in on your plans 
He trusts you with his life so don’t take advantage of that
Teases you on a regular basis
Is the type of friend where if he makes fun of or teases you 
You’re his friend
at the sports festival, you treat him to lunch because he deserves it!!!!
He made it to the last round
And fought MIDORIYA!!!
“You don’t have to do this you know.” Dragging Hitoshi around the food stands he tries his best to stop you from doing this. Even if it’s your treat he rather pay himself.
“Hitoshi I swear if you don’t just pick what you want for lunch I’m fighting you.”
“I’m being serious you don’t have too. I didn’t even win against him.” You come to a halt both hands on his shoulders. Looking him in the eye you reassure him.
“You may not have won but you made it to the 3rd round. Do you know how amazing that is! A general studies student made it that far! You did that! You showed everyone we might as well be just as good as the hero course students! As your best friend to, I must treat you for this accomplishment.” This time he grabs your wrist. Pulling you around until he sees a food stand that peaks his interest. A soft smile on his face happy to call you his friend and to have someone care for him like you do.
He is the reason why you're an insomniac now
When you blame him for your sleeping schedule he just says in the deepest and seductive voice “it was part of the plan”
Makes you want to punch that handsome face of his(but you wouldn’t you love the boy too much)
Sometimes you guys sneak cats in like your dorms just somehow manage to have cats in them
The fur is everywhere but their you fur babies
You both spend your time playing board games and sometimes inviting the deku squad cause Hitoshi has a pretty chill relationship with Izuku(plus their too social for their own good)
So things become waaaaaaaay more lively
Both of your social batteries though are completely empty
There is late-night cuddling though as weird as it sounds
when you take turns slipping in one another’s dorm you both manage to hug like it’s super platonic and just find it comforting waking up to one another
the bond so strong that you protect one another even when you sleep
Conclusion: the besties that mess around one another but are like this🤞
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
The Vampire And The Hawk
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Pairings : Hawks x Student! Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warning : Age Gap, Mild Cussing
Word Count : 2642
Note : In this Oneshot Dabi is Not a Villain since Endeavor is a Good Father in this AU and in this AU Hawks is adopted by the Todoroki Family so he's pretty much Endeavor's son now.
Note : Bare with Me. Your Quirk is Vampirism, So you have Midnight black hair and Crimson Red eyes on this Oneshot.
3rd Person's POV
It All started with a Mentoring Trial with Class 1-A . Everyone was hyped to know That The Pro Heroes Dabi and Hawks were assigned to their Class in teaching them how the actual field works while sharing their experience and giving advice to the Class.
Two people in Particular did not like the idea. The first one is undoubtedly Shoto knowing very well that his brothers will tease him nonstop and then there's y/n who really hated going outside because of her quirk. She hated the sun with all her being.
Her quirk is Vampirism, Meaning she pretty much has the Capabilities and Powers of a Vampire with a few minor upgrades but aside from that. She is allergic to Garlic and The Sun's Rays irritates her very sensitive skin.
And unlucky for her the training ground is on Ground Beta. Technically outside. It wasn't helping that today was extremely Sunny so now it led to her Bringing an Umbrella with her outside as she followed her class who were really enthusiastic with the idea of meeting two well known pro heroes.
" I hate this " Y/n grumbled and Shoto who was beside her couldn't help but agree.
" Come on you two! Be positive for once! Two of the most popular and not to mention good looking Heroes are here! " Mina cheered and she didn't get a positive reaction from y/n and Shoto.
Once they reached the middle of the training grounds they saw two figures standing there waiting for their arrival. One with blonde hair and the other with red crimson hair, similar to Todoroki's hair .
" It's Them! " Denki exclaimed and everyone came running towards their direction with delight and excitement leaving the two pessimistic people behind.
" Why does it have to be them? " Shoto growled.
" Why does it have to be outside? " Y/n grumbled.
" Hey! Slowpokes! You guys coming or what!? " Sero yelled at the two.
With a groan y/n slumped her shoulders hiding her face beneath the umbrella as she walked at an even slower pace.
She started cursing everything that lights up. Mostly the sun but within her train of thoughts she didn't notice a certain someone approach her.
A gloved hand grabbed the handle of her Umbrella yanking it away from her grasp and raising it above her head.
" Hey! What gives!? " Y/n hissed as she looked up , her red orbs clashing with a pair of golden ones.
" Kid, you're slowing Everyone down. Now hurry up! And stop walking around with an umbrella. Now's definitely not the time to be fancy " Hawks stated but his eyes couldn't help but admire the features of the girl before him.
Beautiful Midnight Hair with luscious curls, Big Crimson Eyes that stared right back to the depths of his soul, Delicate and Pale Skin, Captivating Lips that seemed to be Asking for his. It was actually too much because how the fuck is a First Year student so damn attractive!? .
" Excuse me? No wait.. Excuse you!? I am not being fancy you Prick! " Y/n objected his accusations while pointing at him angrily.
The man only chuckled giving her an amused smirk.
" Oh really? Then what's this doing here? Maybe I should throw it away " Hawks was about to do exactly as what he stated but he was stopped when y/n gripped his wrist.
She hissed at him showing her fangs and her red eyes glowed with menace, grabbing his chin with her free hand she forcefully turned his head to look at her at a very close and dangerous angle.
" I'm a Fucking Vampire you Little bitch but I must say. It's really bold of you to 'Tease' me but I warn you Not to do it... Don't tempt me" She whispered her lips inches away from his and he didn't know why he want to devour her lips in such a hungry way. Maybe it was because of how Suggestive her eyes are? .
Hawks's eyes couldn't leave hers the smirk on his face was long gone with his mouth slightly agape but he regained his composure and that same smug smirk from before came back to life.
Y/n rolled her eyes harshly letting go of his chin and snatching her umbrella away from the winged hero as she stalked her way towards her classmates who watched the entire scene unfold.
They were speechless because in their eyes their classmate pretty much owned the winged hero and not to mention they looked like they were about to tear each other's clothes off infront of them.
" Hawks.... I never knew you swung that way..." Dabi chuckled and the winged hero turned to him with a smirk on his face.
" I didn't know either " Hawks answered followed by a small laugh.
By now everyone was too shocked to say anything and y/n who had finally stood with her classmates gave a questioning look .
" .... I'm telling Dad about this " Shoto suddenly blurted out from the crowd and everyone turned to him.
" Shoto No... Unless you want me to show everyone what you did when you were 9 " Hawks threatened a sly smile plastered on his lips and shoto's eyes widened and it turned into a glare .
" You wouldn't " Shoto countered.
" Oh I will " Hawks Snickered.
And a glaring contest ensued between shoto and Hawks. The glares mostly coming from shoto though, since Hawks looked relaxed and unbothered.
" Ok enough you two. We're wasting Time here! Let's get started with training! " Dabi tried changing the subject and luckily everyone seemed to buy it.
_______________2 Hours Later
" So....Is it True that Vampires Can Turn into a Bat? " Hawks asked as he trailed behind y/n who tried her very best to ignore his random and very annoying comments.
Everyone was listening and watching their interaction from behind them after the physical exercise they did earlier and now they were just strolling around Ground Beta , The two heroes giving advice and telling the class their whole experience.
" If I could I would have turned into one and flew as far away as I can from you " Y/n snapped her eyes narrowed at his direction and Hawks put on a fake hurt expression that ticked the girl off.
" So... Can you Hypnotize people by Looking into their eyes like Dracula from Hotel Transylvania? Because I could get lost in your eyes forever " Hawks's Comments soon turned flirtatious and Dabi couldn't help but snort at how Terrible his brother was doing.
" If I could I would have hypnotized you to leave me the fuck alone and jump off a fucking cliff. Please stop annoying me, your very presence is pissing me off " Y/n growled glaring at Hawks who seemed unaffected by her words.
" Sheesh, your friend is really Harsh. Is she usually like that? " Dabi asked Shoto who gave him a shrug.
" She's usually like that when she's annoyed... Also because she noticed how bad of a flirt Hawks is " Shoto glanced at his older brother with a sigh.
Hawks leaned his head down over her shoulder from behind her as he glanced at the annoyed expression of the girl.
" So... Is it true? Some people on the internet claim that Vampires Sparkles--" Hawks was immediately silenced when y/n grabbed his cheeks and turned her head back to slam her lips against his in a dominating but lascivious kiss that got him going.
But the kiss ended a little bit too soon before he could even return the kiss.
" I didn't Know that the Pro Hero Hawks would actually Be interested in a Kid who's younger than him... Oh well I guess some people have nasty fantasies " Y/n's entire demeanor changed into a teasing and more playful.
The girl turned around completely her eyes hooded with an unreadable expression. Hawks's smirk began to falter as his eyes looked down to hers, His eyes flashing a hungry look.
He began to question his sanity. Was he really interested in a Kid? Well Fuck it. Call him sick but He is.
" Tell me Hawks. Wouldn't it be better to Have a woman instead of a Teenager? I suggest you start looking for one and stop playing Cat and mouse with a little girl " Y/n coaxed her index finger reaching over to brush against his lips.
Her soft skin touched his lips only to brush her finger down, staring at him with a teasing smirk on her lips, she kissed her finger that touched his lips before walking away from him.
" Holy shit.... What the Fuck was that!? " Dabi yelled and the class was rendered immobilized in their place and speechless.
Even Hawks was speechless as he stared at the retreating figure of y/n.
His emotions clashing with his growing desire for her and he knows he's pretty fucked up to like a kid but fuck everyone else he wants her and he intends to keep her.
" I don't fucking know but dude... I think I kinda got rejected " Hawks was finally able to answer but his eyes stayed glued to her figure.
" ... That was.... Highly inappropriate " Iida stated pushing his glasses back.
It was finally lunch time and Class 1-A were of course in the Cafeteria eating.
However y/n who was happily snacking on her chocolate cake was bombarded with questions from her classmates.
" Y/n what the fuck was that "
" Do you Really Like him? "
" Oh shit that was so hot " ( mineta)
" Is that even legal? "
" That was not an appropriate interaction! "
" Guys Chill your tits. That was nothing " Y/n stated firmly but apparently she didn't notice that Dabi and Hawks were seated behind her.
" Was it really nothing baby bird? You wound me" Hawks frowned faking a pained expression as he placed his hand on his chest.
" Uhh yeah? " Y/n muttered unsure of what she should say.
" After that kiss? So now what? You're the type of girl who kisses me once and never again? " Hawks accused and y/n didn't really do anything to deny that which angered him but he was the type of person who had full control of his facial expressions and body language so it wasn't obvious but Dabi on the other hand noticed it clearly since he had known Hawks ever since he was a kid.
" That's pretty irresponsible of you Kid, Another rule of being a Hero Kids : Take responsiblity . And y/n you should take responsibility for stealing a kiss along with my heart " Hawks smirked poking her cheek.
" You know you're getting better at flirting...... Not " Y/n muttered as she scooped another small size of her cake pointing it at Hawks.
" Face it. I don't go for guys who are older than me. Sure maybe a year or two will be fine but more than 5 is a big NO NO. I like cute and young guys " Y/n smirked seeing Hawks's angered expression start to surface . Although his face was blank his eyes held anger and pain she kinda liked it.
She should probably start getting rid of her sadistic tendencies. She does like the Birdman but she wanted to tease him too.
Hawks was furious. He didn't really like how she got his hopes up and he wasn't the type to give up that easily. Now he was taught well and giving up is not an option. And the thought of her with another 'young' and 'cute' guy made his blood boil he wasn't that old but she sure as hell was making him feel like it .
He's an adult now but he doesn't know why he has the raging and jealous hormones of a teenager who foolishly fell in love at first sight. He's holding himself back from dragging her away and slamming her back against a random wall while kissing the hell out of her lips until she can't think of anything else but him.
You don't need a boy. Fuck it, you needed a Man and He was that Man. Because he'll screw up whoever tries to take his Baby bird away.
" Open up Hawks" Y/n cooed pointing her utensil at his mouth to which he replied with a glare and turning his head away
" Oh? You're butt hurt now and you refuse to talk? Ok then . Izuku say Ahh~" Y/n smiled as she turned stop Izuku who turned into a blushing mess while fearing for his life when Hawks flashed him a deadly glare.
" Come on Izuk--" Y/n was cut off mid-sentence when a gloved hand gripped her wrist and yanked her hand the other way.
Her hand now pointing at Hawks as he guided her hand up to his mouth. Opening his mouth he ate the small portion of chocolate cake on her spoon before letting go of her hand.
" I thought you didn't want to eat it? " Y/n raised a brow in amusement ignoring the intense stares of Dabi and almost Everyone in the Cafeteria.
" Oh, trust me baby bird. I'd rather eat you than any other treat in the world " Hawks grinned as he stood up bringing y/n along with him. On the other end of the table shoto was ready to cringe and Dabi held back a laugh.
" Hey Brats! Listen up! This girl here is Taken By yours truly! If any one flirts with her or even tries to take her from me... Good luck... You'll be at the Top of my list of people to eliminate ! " Hawks announced with a spine chilling tone making some people shiver.
Y/n was stupefied and couldn't utter a word.
Dabi was beyond flabbergasted he looked like a fish thrown out of the sea and directly onto the burning heat of a frying pan.
" What the hell? The fuck is wrong with you? What about your reputation?" Y/n gasped when she felt him cup her cheeks and kiss her. Right infront of everyone making the room tense up .
Y/n was stiff as Hawks let go of her staring at her with a grin on his face.
" Y-you.... " Y/n was speechless as a small hue of pink tinted her pale cheeks.
" Hawks you sick Fuck Get away from my student! " Aizawa said in fatherly tone and behind him were almight and endeavor.
" Young y/n! Is this true!? " Almight asked in disbelief.
" Well Keigo when do you want your wedding to take place? " Endeavor laughed staring fondly at his adopted son.
" Can I Marry her now? "
" Definitely No! Endeavor don't encourage him " Aizawa hissed and y/n who was too embarrassed to say anything kept trying to pry Hawks's grisly grip from her arm.
But in the end Hawks only pulled her forward pecking her lips .
" Don't try to run away from me Baby bird "
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narrator-kun · 3 years
haha bnha war arc dabi and hawks theories go brrr plus shorter version here
disclaimer: I have not yet read this chapter. I have read the bnha wiki and spoilers. i wrote this all in a 'new tab' and did not proofread. not only that, but I haven't read bnha since march 2020. be warned.
okay so first off, dabi most definetely didn't burn *off* the wings. I believe hawks' feathers do a weird lil regen thing, and maybe the fire cancels it out and that's why it's a weakness? but still, with what they've built up and that dabi's goals were focused on endeavor, I don't doubt that he severly injured hawks? but not to the point where he burns the mf wings off. as hawks worked directly with endeavor, maybe dabi was trying to spite him- but- and hear me out i know this is a fanfic type of thinking but still- i do think dabi might have been trying to scare hawks away. If he had truly protected hawks from the league, he'd know that this level of betrayal paints a big ass bull's eye on his back, and that hawks would most definetely try to come back at least to dabi. for answers or interrogation or whatever. so it's possibe that dabi was trying to just really scare hawks, so he doesn't come back and get even more hurt. That's how i see it anyways- we'll see hawk's wing damage soon and we'll be able to test this. But in preparation for if dabi really d i d burn off hawks' wings, here's some more theory. 1, we've eri! hawks can go on the waiting list with mirio. second, this would mean that something in dabi's goal has changed. From what i know, dabi just wants to hurt endeavor, so burning off hawk's wings would have nothing to do with that. maybe he wants to cancel out hawks as a form of reinforcement, but then my scare theory stands as well. and we know dabi's relatively intelligent- and unless i missed a piece, he values his relationship with hawks. so i really cannot see him doing that to hawks unless another explanation is given. but of course, we need to consider our bird man. hawks is definetely scared. but, he's the most stubborn mf there. so, i do think he'll try to contact dabi again for some reason- most likely information. he'll be banking on what they'd built up still having some weight. now, if he truly despises villains and idolizes endeavor, he's being sent into a fuckin crisis rn. there's no way he know's dabi's childhood story and isn't bothered by it. now, if he said that he and dabi are nothing alike, i think that's really him denying it. this isn't even fanon or headcanon- they're canonically similar. a bit like akechi and akira, if you will. anyways- i think this revelation is going to have a significant impact on how he deals with the league and his partnership with endeavor from here on out. i mean. fUCk dude, this man you absolutely idolized,,,was abusing his entire family???? to the point where his oldest son faked his death and became a villain, and shoto fucking despises him where he refused to use his quirk until he had a whole ass intervention- i mean you see where i'm coming from. so that's a thing. I think hawks might confront endeavor about this tbh. now, the wings. if dabi really did burn off hawks' wings, i don't think we have anything to look forward to from here on out. sure, if the rest of the theory stands, he won't *totally* hate dabi, and there might be some understanding there, but he. burnt. off. his. wings. there's no reparation. but if he didn't and my scare theory is accurate, i think hawks might realize that. he isn't dumb, and he's been around dabi more than anybody. he'll either realize what dabi was doing, and mostly likely not comply, or he won't but will see that *he's alive and intact*. i'm now realizing that this is what the fic and audio were talking about, so hawks knows that he was fuckin' spared. and i think if he keeps the wings, we good. that would actually be more interesting than if he didn't, because it leaves that door unlocked and we get to see what he does with it. anyways yeah
that was me 10 minutes ago. here's my current theories-
alright. with more knowledge, I'm just angry. Hawks basically forgave Endeavor??? On god I hate that. But I suppose if we've a whole war going on, they have better things to worry about. still, I don't like it. That was a really good chance to give some more development, horikoshi!! also at this point i'm lowkey rooting for the villains so whatever i say can be thrown out bAHAHA
I am clearly not keeping in mind that Deku and Shigaraki are the main characters. I don't care. You wanna talk story arc? Stain was kinda right but everybody is doing this shit wrong. Back to my point.
Hawks hasn't had any internal dialogue since High End, and it's obvious why. Still, it's not like he recovered immediately, so he definitely had time to think about the whole thing. Now, I didn't know he killed Twice. I loved him so that's kinda upsetting, but now I can completely disprove my scare theory. It would also seem that Dabi's goal is now to just. Eradicate heroes, based on that one panel where he's like "Guess I didn't do enough." Which, combined with Hawks forgiving Endeavor- ew- puts them at direct opposites with each other now. Still, Hawks learned a lot about the villains during his situation as a spy coughhoneytrapcough​ anyways- so that inner dialogue should be interesting. Once again, we needed the disgust at Endeavor but that's fine. Now, since Dabi was clearly angry at Hawks for k!lling Twice, we can tell that he does​ value relationships, and if the ship exisiting alone doesn't tell us, Dabi and Hawks were pretty damn close. So Dabi's feeling of betrayal probably contributed to him deciding to burn Hawks as bad as he did, and he might be wondering the same I was- whether this information on Endeavor will change Hawks' views on heroes. We also haven't heard from Dabi since High End, so whatever he's plotting is kind of important. K!lling Twice combined with learning about Dabi's past probably messed with Hawks a bit, but Dabi too. I'd like for them to interact again, but we might not even get that with the direction the story is going. If they do, I'd also like it to be outside of a fight- not that they aren't fighting almost constantly, but hearing their full thought on the events of High End would be interesting. I think if that does happen Hawks'll be angrier than Dabi, and he'll probably be a bit difficult to talk to. Still, if a bit of my scare theory stands- that Dabi let​ him live- that could be used as a leverage point.
That still relies on Dabi wanting to talk with Hawks- which is kind of unlikely considering that his goal now seems to be "kill all heroes" SO maybe It'll be Hawks approaching him? I don't really know.
Uh that's all lol sorry
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the-skooma-den · 5 years
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Aight! part 2 to my whole shebang on my eso main syke! Part 1 is here and it covers the basics of who/what she is. This one is how she goes through the main plot, all thats under cut
And here is a directory to both posts about her, as well as the ones about her siblings
Were gonna do this bullet point style .also just assume the main plot quests are going on at the same time, the “main” quest remains relatively unchanged aside from her relationship with Abnur Tharn, who is her grandfather, which although it sounds important really isnt because she hates him. 
Pre main plot: Mostly covered in the previous posts
 Her time before the main plot, as a member of the brotherhood.  At the time of her kidnapping she was mentally a wreck and moments away from a mental break. She was on a lot of drugs and was drunk pretty often, it was a very bad scene. On top of that morally speaking was pretty ambiguous if not downright evil.She was actually infamous in the brotherhood for her ruthlessness. (It’s actually a common story to tell the new recruits about the time she slit a babies throat in front of its mother because the mother got in her way). Overall unsympathetic and completely apathetic to worries of the world around her. 
It’s worth noting that deep down she was already ashamed of herself, which fueled a lot of her unhealthy behavior. She doesnt see much wrong with how the brotherhood operates in general (she was literally raised in their cult so not much surprise there) But her earned reputation as being brutal was not one she was proud of 
Eventually she was drunk one night and was captured and sacrificed by the worm cult, thus starting the main plot
Cold Harbor: She was in cold harbor for a long long while ,she’s not actually sure how long she was there. It felt like years, but when she got back to nirn she had only been missing for about 6 months, and some of the injuries she couldve sworn were there for a months looked only hours old when she escaped. Her experience there haunts her for a long time,pretty much the rest of her life, but she does her best to deal with it. Her time here cause her first real shift, because now she cares about something. Even if it’s just caused he pissed her off. She’ll stop at nothing to stop Molag Bal even at the cost of her life. Which might not really be an issue in the first place, as thanks to her lack of a soul she is essentially immortal. Whenever she “dies” her body falls to the ground and her concienness is left to wander nearby while it magically heals (unless the body is completely destroyed, then she ends up at a wayshrine a while later)
Cold harbor is where she got her most prominent scars. The shackles around her neck (mostly on the back of her neck) and wrists and lashes on her back. All of her piercing were ripped out as well. Her hair is extremely matted and overall shes just gross and uncomfortable She also has 2 neat and precise stab wounds above her heart from manimarco.
Khenarthi’s roost/ Auridon: After Razum-dar drags her out of the ocean looking like hell, She’s so dazed from ya know,dying and coming back to life that she doesnt bother coming up with any kind of character or disguise, she barely even has the mind to come up with her fake name,Syke.
When he dredged her up he immediately brought her to healers and though they had to work pretty quickly they fixed her up well. They cut off all the matted bits of her hair (which she later fixed into her little Mohawk thing), they healed up all her tears from the piercings being ripped out. They also healed up the wound from the shackles and whips the best they could ,they couldn’t do it all the way through but they made sure it wouldn’t get infected at least, but there was no way to stop it from scarring.
She actually does know who Raz is even though they’ve never met, she’s just heard of him. She figures “Hey getting the support of the Queen and her spy force would be useful” so she goes along with it and helps him. She manages to conceal the fact she knows who he is pretty well, but he is still suspicious. (which to be fair a women who was recently pretty clearly a prisoner falling out fo the sky and clearly being a experience fighter and mage isn’t exactly normal). She proves herself dangerously competent, extremely useful (and also kinda hot) so Raz asks for her help on Auridon as well. 
Only a few notable divergent from the main plot of things happen while on  Auridon. The first is that after she is appointed as an Eye of the queen she asks the queen to speak privately for a moment and while no one knows 100% of what they spoke about, the main thing is that this is when Syke explains the whole “I have no soul and am planning on killing Molag Bal to get it back” thing. As his invasion is starting to really mount up by this point the queen promises to support the endeavor whenever it happens so on so forth.
The second is an extra moment between Raz and Syke after the quest at Mathiisen. Basically She looks at Raz and realizes since she’s met him like 4 of his friends have died. She’s not very good with people or emotion but, well they may not really trust each other but they still like each other…and she’s at least pretty sure they're friends,all his other friends are kinda dead, she figures she might as well TRY to comfort him. This ends up with them getting absolutely smashed in the local inn and is basically an excuse for exposition because Raz knows almost nothing about her at this point. He does end up learning quite a bit about her, including that she’s from a little town north of silvinar (which honestly, kinda obvious. She has a pretty strong east bosmeri accent even after living away from there for years and years), and that she’s at least somewhat noble with little to no interest in claiming her titles. She greatly downplays HOW noble she is. He returns the favor and tell her he’s from a little farming village and She immediately guesses what part of Elsweyr hes from, shes spent a lot of time there in her youth, and she could identify that southern Anequina accent anywhere. After this she takes to jokingly calling him Farm Boy…if only in private. They also learn more about each others families, though it mostly amounts to funny stories about their younger siblings.
They wake up horribly hungover (and naked) the next day and go on their separate ways for a bit. (aka, he goes to meet up with the Queen on their way to the festival in skywatch, Syke goes and does some sidequests and then they meet up during the festival. The plot continues)
Last little side note here is her addiction to skooma and other drugs. Dying, spending a long time in spooky terrible ghost hell prison, and then kinda but not really coming back to life has some pretty funny affects on a person. She didn’t get any kind of magical cure for her addiction, she was basically just forced to go cold turkey for god knows how long. She’s in an ok enough mental space to at least refuse skooma, but she still hits the alcohol pretty frequently.
Valenwood:  Valenwood is where things get a little conflicted with her personal life, Namely because of her sister, Nia. (more on her in part 1 but quick summary, she ran away almost 10 years ago and faked her death,and then showed up with the bosmeri noble members of their family completely denouncing her, their mother and the rest of their family)
So while Syke is off doing the main quest in Valenwood, Raz puts together that one of the Dominions biggest supporters among the Bosmeri Nobles matches Sykes description of her sister. Raz decides to tell said Noble about the whole thing and she confirms that, that sounds a LOT like what happened between her and her sister. Raz learns a bit more about the whole family drama he has somehow stumbled into, including the whole “Nia ran away Thing, but doesn’t learn much about Syke specifically. Just that her and Nia are actually cousins, they have different last names and that she’s pretty much always gone by fake names or nicknames (and that Nia is working of the correct assumption that Syke wouldnt appreciate her real name being revealed) 
Nia at this point, does not regret leaving and knows it was what was best for her, but defiantly regrets how she did it. Raz informs her that hes actually going to see Syke at Marbruk and invites her along to try and apologize to Syke.
Raz is expecting some heart felt reunions and tearful apologies and is of course surprised when Syke didn’t even let Nia say two words. She saw Nia, was stunned enough that Nia took off her mask without struggle but before she could get even 2 words out Syke decked her. Hard
So Raz talks to Nia (once she wakes up) and learns some alarming things from her. Mostly why Nia ran away in the first place (she didnt want to be a member of the dark brotherhood and being a impulsive teenager who figured that faking her death was the best option) and that yeah, Syke is not just a member of the brotherhood, but a really notable one,and also a lot about her …disturbing reputation in it. Not to mention the fact she’s a bit higher up on the nobility scale then she originally implied…by like a lot. She is pretty close to inheriting several thrones and important titles, and is by the way, Abnur tharns granddaughter.
Raz, of course, runs to the Queen to deliver the information that yeah, their extremely efficient new recruit is a member of the brotherhood, and is the granddaughter of the man who tortured her. The Queen already knows. Syke isnt dumb, she figured this might come up eventually and told the Queen first chance she got (remember that conversation in Auridon?). Ayrenn agreed to continue letting her be an Eye,with the understanding that if Syke ever moved against the Dominion she’d be killed on the spot. As for the Abnur Tharn thing, well Syke never really knew him. At the time of the Auridon conversation she had never met him, and you can’t really hold a person accountable for the actions of a relative she never knew… Course Syke had at this point met Abnur tharn multiple times but even someone with zero social grace like her understood that this was not the time to mention it.
Raz is pissed at Ayrenn and Syke for not telling him any of this, Syke is pissed at Nia for…everything she’s done for almost 10 years, and Ayrenn and Nia are getting along surprisingly well (and lowkey are kinda dating). Nia follows Syke around for the rest of the main Dominion plot, Syke is not happy about it but damn Nia’s hard to shake. Nia is as stubborn as her sister and If Syke won’t forgive her then she can at least try and help get her sisters soul back.
The Raz and Syke thing gets resolved before the end of Valenwood after another brief conversation where it really hits Raz with the pure amount of shit Syke’s been through and is still going through.
Yeah hes still mad, but shes desperately trying to apologize to him and honestly sometimes you have to cut a person some slack. Whatever her reasons for joining in the first place she is genuinely loyal to the Dominion (if she wasn’t those giant golden wing tattoos on her back were a real stupid move). There’s no way around the fact he’s a little intimidated by her now, for several reasons really. And it sucks and it hurts her but you can’t really blame him.
The main plot counties as it does, though I like to think they get a slight break at the end to actually enjoy the celebration appointing the new Silvinar and Green Lady for a couple days before things go to shit and she has to run out to reapers march.
Appearance wise, shes starting to replace her Piercings and she’s getting tattoos to cover her scars. Golden Laurels around the shackle marks and Golden eagle winds to cover the whip marks on her back. She really believes in the Queen at this point and thinks Ayrenn is the best bet Cyrodill has, to the point she’s decided to represent it on her body.
Reapers March: (technically part of Valenwood I think but i figure it deserved its own part)  Even more shit hits the fan now, cause being declared an important figure in a completely different religion isn’t something that’s gonna help a crisis of faith. So a few things happen here.
A third member joins the party, Syke’s little adoptive brother Jo’Thera, a Khajiiti Necromancer and fellow member of the brotherhood shows up. He was besides being her little brother, easily Syke’s best friend. He knows She’s been unhappy for a long time now and when she disappeared he was the only one who didn’t just assume she killed herself. The moment he heard a rumor that a woman who sounded a lot like Syke was running around the Dominion territory he took off after her. (side note, the reunion between him and Nia isn’t as violent as her and Syke’s, its just bitter and cold and sad). He was never really all that loyal to the brotherhood, he was mostly in it for his family so when Syke explains the situation he’s just fucking ready man, ride or die. Fuck it lets go off the grid, tearing credit cards and shit if she’s out then he is. (She’s not actually out yet, leaving was never in the question for her. She desperately wants to get back to her famly she just wants her soul back first. He’s just supportive)  and Syke is considerably happier to have him along then she was Nia (who while ostracized by her siblings, is still following along). He kinda creeps everyone out, cause on one hand he’s a perfectly cheerful friendly man. On the other hand he’s a necromancer assassin. It’s just an unsettling combination...It doesnt help that he aware hes creepy and finds unsettling people extremely fun. 
So of course Senalana happens. She lets Raz live, so he is of course extremely mad. and thats a whole damn thing. It’s not to different from what happens in game, just imagine afterwards it’s more of a real argument rather then Raz just yelling at her, also its longer. And also imagine some more romantic tension between the player and Raz .LIke they aren’t really dating yet, but they've defiantly banged multiple times and theyre both lying about not having feelings for each other
She does have a good reason for letting him live outside of their growing romantic relationship. She doesn’t really believe in the dominion so much as she believes in Ayrenn and Razum-dar. She’s seen to much of the Dominion from the inside and out to really think well of it, but she knows Ayrenn. And she knows Raz. If someone has to be emperor/empress of her home she’d prefer it to be Ayrenn. However she is also convinced the Ayrenn won’t be able to do that without Raz specifically, Syke has seen them work together and at least from Sykes point of view if one loses the other then any hope the Dominion has of winning this war is fucked.
Anyway that whole argument ends up in a shouting match at the end of which Syke takes the circlet,disappears for a few weeks, hides it her own damn self and then continues on the main quest.
This is the main reason why it really took Raz and Syke so long to get together, if it weren’t for this they would have been together before Syke went back to coldharbor easy. This complicated things a bit, made them both think
Syke chooses Shazah as the Mane and was really torn up by Khali’s death. This only real difference between this and the canon quest is that she actually threatens Shazah towards the end of it, like full on knife to throat, right after watching Raz and Ayrenn die. Basically saying that if any of this comes to pass, Syke will hunt down the traitors first, then Shazah. And if it comes to it she’ll take the Ruby throne for herself (one of those moments that everyone remembers that she is a noble woman, even if she doesnt use the title. and also that no one but her really knows just how high up she is). Shazah asks her if she loves him. (him being Raz, she did just watch Syke sob over his body, then only tear up a little at Ayrenns corpse). Syke doesn’t Deny it, she doesn’t say anything. They just keep moving.
(Also Raz and the rest were being kept updated on what was happening during the whole ceremony and up until this point it was basically a mix of dark humor about their own deaths and sympathy for the girls having to go through it. At this point it goes dead quiet, eyes turn to Raz, and im not gonna extend this further by adding a pic of the surprised pikachu meme but in spirit its here and representing Raz’s face)
The main plot keeps on rolling till it’s time to storm cold harbor. She does go in alone though, despite her siblings insistence, she refuses to put them in danger of losing their souls to.
She has one final conversation with Raz before she goes, they admit nothing cause theyre stubborn bastards but they do apologize to each other 
Cold Harbor: There’s really not much different here about how syke goes through it. The only things of note are that she’s terrified for the whole thing and also makes friends with a few of the other reoccurring characters, namely Darien, who i think shows up earlier then he actually does in game because he basically ends up her sidekick through the whole thing (though he might say otherwise). She is suitably distraught when he disappears. She helps out in the search for him whenever she can spare the time after that.
The Dlc start to happen about a year after the main quest (that year is when all the things like that mages and fighter guild happen). At this point her hair does keep going grey but once the stress of “I have no soul and i’m going to fight a god” goes away it slows down a lot. The worst of her scars are already covered by tattoos and her favorite piercings have already been replaced, so this point any additional piercings and tattoos are just for fun because she likes them.
as for the last 2 drawings,One is just her in game look,I thought it be fun to put in here. the other is just a reminder that she almost always wears a mask and that variations of this mask are the only thing most characters will ever see of her.
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