#like yeah shenhe is strong she was raised by adepti
anantaru · 2 years
opinions on shenhe 🤔🤔
she‘s so pretty and moves gracefully, her attacks look so elegant and i use her whenever i do the abyss as a support for my ayaka !! 💗 also i really like her backstory, it‘s so sad and i like that she‘s chongyun‘s aunt 🤠🤠 the way he said "are you my auntie???!😳" THAT WAS SO ADORABLE!!!!!
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smallandfurious · 3 years
there may be some spoilers for genshin 2.4 in this though i don't think i went overboard but just in case be warned
2.4 stream just dropped, you know what that means. reminder and infodump time. remember: this is not a fully researched info post, I'm only writing things that cross my mind about the update so I may get some facts wrong or forget some entirely.
remember to redeem your codes and get them in game before they expire, pick a character you'd like to pull for in the upcoming banners and start saving up since there will be a total of 4 banners until the next update and remember to have fun
there's gonna be LOTS of new features and events.
starting off with the face of the update, we'll be getting lantern rite!!!
during lantern rite, there will be fireworks, tons of activities with primogems as rewards, a FREE NINGGUANG SKIN AND ONE FREE 4* CHARACTER FROM LIYUE. there will also be a keqing skin in the wish shop that's gonna be available starting from the release of the event buuut you'll have to pay for it with genesis crystals just like jean.
as for who we'll get to see once again, we'll be seeing a lot of characters get involved with the event's plot this time. though I'm pretty sure all Liyue characters will be somewhere within the event at some point.
ningguang and Yun Jin will be getting their very own hangout events. not sure if shenhe will be getting a story quest or they'll just have her at the archon quest and call it a day
you heard that right, we'll be getting an archon quest for liyue! in it, we as the traveller, will he helping ningguang raise another Jade palace high up into the sky once again! but then some conflict, fights and somewhere in the story SHENHE APPEARS!!!! that's right, shenhe will have an appearance in this archon quest as well as Yun Jin
so to elaborate on our two new characters, Yun Jin is a Chinese opera singer. (oh and disclaimer I've seen people make fun of her singing as Chinese opera sounds drastically different than most western singing so if I catch you McMisbehaving you'll be catching these hands and feet it's a whole culture you know how racist that sounds) Yun Jin is a 4* geo support who's kit focused on normal attacks. the other character we'll be getting is Shenhe which is a 5* cryo support that's focused on buffs for other cryo characters in the team she's in. in lore, she's cursed or something she basically gets homicidal every once in a while the adepti are teaching her all the adepti arts and skills so she pretty much lives a life of seclusion in the mountains alongside the adepti that live within it. she's currently the disciple of none other than Cloud Retainer. she occasionally helps some normal people in need around some parts in Liyue and those people, and them, not knowing her story, assume she's an adeptus so they kinda spread the rumor around that a new adeptus just dropped I guess in addition to all that adepti stuff she's just an exorcist that comes from a family of exorcists (now where did we hear that before)
we will be getting 4 banners this update! yes it's a lot and all of them are very important characters so the order goes
Shenhe(with Yun Jin) and Xiao in the first half and the second half will consist of none other than Zhongli and Ganyu! lots of good banners this time around so be sure to save up a lot since all of these characters are known to be really strong
as for all other events, there will be another domain event with trial characters, an event that... involves one of those tanuki in inazuma? oh and we'll be getting a windtrace rerun!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
a new area will be added which is enkanomiya!!! have y'all seen that giant dark pool under the sangonomiya shrine?? yeah that leads to the underground civilization of enkanomiya!! i don't know much about it but it's just a dark and gloomy place with LOTS of history
some small additions alongside all these new ones are:
there's gonna be a device in the teapot that lets you play some of the game's soundtrack instead of it being randomly picked.
they changed the alchemy table menu a bit so it's easier to scroll
you can go back and forth between inazuma and the other two nations more easily without having to scroll up yourself
that should be the end of it! again, I'm just dropping as much info as I can remember this is not supposed to be a fully informative post so if I got something wrong or missed things I... don't care
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