#like yeah kids im glad you're enjoying final fantasy and you're very into it and yes i am sitting here writing final fantasy fanfic
marmolita · 13 days
I've been playing ffxv (my first time -- my previous fandom experience was based on watching it on youtube 😅) and today I got to the bust-a-base part with Ravus and everything. I feel like playing it myself is just reminding me of everything I love about it but even more so? Like goddamn Noct those single strike warp-kills were sexy af, and gosh I love his voice (props to the voice actor for striking a great balance of soft and confident), and he's so ridiculous sometimes?? I just handed over some green beans and everyone is giving him shit about refusing to eat vegetables and I love it.
On the other hand, playing directly is also reminding me of the things I'd rather pretend aren't things in fanfic land though, like how Ignis and Prompto are really weird-looking. I swear every photo of them I get they just look very strange, which is such a stark contrast to how good Noctis always looks. Gladio looks pretty good too so I'm not sure why Ignis and Prompto look so strange.
Anyway I gotta figure out how to possibly extract the photos I took into something shareable so I can post some here bc I got a really great one of Noct today. I've been playing on my steam deck but I think I can open it up on my laptop via steam too?
Side story, the other day after dinner my kid was playing and I walked in because it was almost my turn, and she was like, "Mommy, do you like Noctis?" and I had to restrain myself from asking, "Do you mean like or do you mean LIKE like?" 😂 But I just said yes and then asked her if she liked him, which she didn't answer. Still not sure if that question was her trying to figure out if she liked Noctis or Squall better, or her telling me she wasn't sure if she likes Noct, or possibly that some video game characters here might be becoming her first real crushes, but I guess I may never know and tbh it's her own business. (This morning she was mad at her sister because "she was teasing me and saying I was in love with Captain Jack Sparrow" so I think we're solidly in the puberty era now 🥲)
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zecoritheweirdone · 7 months
When i first heard you talking about this game, i was still kinda in undertale recovery so i thought jt was an undertale fangame but in a more fantasy classic rpg-style
Very clearly i was dead wrong lmao
I genuinely like the premise of a young mook killing the hero and taking their place, and the artstyle made it REALLY appealing to me! Then once i learned it was adjacent to the mario and luigi rpgs i was pretty excited!
The world is such a fun place, with the villain hq being like an office building and the other worlds are cool in their own way, especially the ghost world but I'm incredibly biased lmao. The characters are fun, too! Cereza especially was great, and of course i too love puzzleman lol
The gameplay is fun! The battle system is unique and interesting while still having a good ol rpg kick to it, and i love that! Though admittedly it feels weird that the game is so low level-oriented, i feel super weird about beating the final boss at level 16 lol
The music... had its ups and downs for me. Some songs were genuinely amazing, but others just kinda felt boring
Of course, the game itself isnt perfect. Sometimes it can feel kinda bland, they really didn't try with the pause screen and im not the biggest fan of the ui (the mask kid's mask staring at me in the upper left corner is... unsettling, imo), and i never really got over how floaty and mildly sluggish the game could be. Also the physics were weird. Also i don't really like world 3 all that much lol
But overall this feels like that game that you look at the box art of while at toys r us, beg your parents to get it for you, they oblige, and you adore it and wanna talk about it to your friends and they have no idea what you're talking about, and you feel alone in loving it until you go online and either find a bustling fan community or find out a big youtuber made a video on it and new fans are entering the series nonstop
....was that a long winded analogy? Lol
Anyways i can totally see why you love this game and while i don't think it'll effect my brain as much as it did yours, i had a great time with it and definitely wanna reccomend it to friends and stuff!
YEAHHHH !!! tho it may have had some ups and downs,, i’m glad that you ended up enjoying it overall!!!!
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also: yeah, i get that 😔,,, i also ended up trying to reload my save to see if there was anything else, but- alas.
apparently the devs are thinkin ‘bout making a sequel some time in the future, though! after they finish the current game they’re now workin on, that is,,,
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