#like yeah I talk to my coworkers irl and I message my friends on discord
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murderandcoffee · 1 year ago
I desperately need people that I can regularly socialize with who are also interested in the same things I am currently interested in. help
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sigmadecay · 6 years ago
Tagged by @lovedelux (thank you sm I love these things)
1. Drink: Diet Coke
2. Phone call: today, I answered a telemarketer from Nigeria kasjdhl
3. Text message: “Any particular reason” - to my brother, after he asked me what kind of cake I like
4. Song you listened to: Ich Tu Dir Weh by Rammstein 
5. Time you cried: toDAY because I am the worst
6. Dated someone twice: nope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. Been cheated on: not that I know of 
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: ye
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12. blue
13. black
14. deep purple
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: kinda
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah! 
20. Found out who your friends are: yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don't follow anybody I don't know irl
24. Do you want to change your name: ye “Kenneth” is not the legal name
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I was 21 and in college so I got DRUNK
26. What time did you wake up: 6:30 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: for Rammstein to come to NYC, to start transitioning officially
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: sitting next to her rn 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: not killing myself over school, relaxing more
31. What are you listening right now: a playlist I made
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah my cousin
34. Most visited Website: discord probably idk
35. Mole/s: none
36. Mark/s: birthmarks? an absolute fuckton
37. Childhood dream: to be a veterinarian 
38. Hair colour: light brown (naturally)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not rn 
41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes, my hair, my sense of humor
42. Piercings: none
43. Blood type: I have no idea
44. Nickname: Kenny, Matt (middle name)
45. Relationship status: single
46. Zodiac: virgo sun, gemini moon, scorpio rising 
47. Pronouns: he/him
48. Favorite TV Show: Letterkenny
49. Tattoos: none...yet
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: none.........yet
52. Hair dyed in different color: black
55. Vacation: usually going out to Long Island with my family 
56. Pair of trainers: one pair of converse, 2 pairs of vans 
57. Eating: I am always down for a poke bowl.
58. Drinking: I am unfortunately addicted to iced coffee from DD, and Diet Coke.
59. I’m about to: go eat an ice cream sandwich
61. Waiting for: until I work up the nerve to come out to my brother & coworkers
62. Want: to finish my goddamn fanfic 
63. Get married: eventually, maybe, yeah.
64. Career: I work at a neuroscience research lab! 
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: shorter
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: yes
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex in the first date: no
79. Broken someone’s heart: yes
80. Had your heart broken: no
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: depends on the day
85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: no
88. Kiss on the first date: yes
89. Angels: no. Unless ghosts count, then yeah.
90. Current best friends name: Isabelle 
91. Eye colour: hazel
92. Favorite movie: Mad Max: Fury Road
Tagging: @reeshs @nosflakeratu @cumpumpkin @tilllindemannseyebrowpiercing @n3bel
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