#like yea visually it's great but. what else
147-moths · 3 months
lots of people have been saying the exact same thing but honestly netflix's biggest and most frustrating problem is that they really do treat audiences like the biggest of dumbasses. yea we've seen this time and time again but we have two perfect examples rn in the live action atla and 3 body problem. erasing sokka's misogyny and "internationalising" 3 body by?? making everyone british?? perfectly encompass this descent into dumbed-down everything. i get that there would've been people misinterpreting sokka's arc and i get that there would've been people complaining about the chinese names or whatever but by catering to that specific subset of the audience you lose so much nuance and complexity!! but alas, profits.
also one of the major criticisms against the three body problem was the characters being one-dimensional and dull but like. is this better? is shoehorning romantic relationships fucking everywhere better?? what the fuck is up with ye wenjie and mike evans. WHO asked for this. benedict wong as da shi is perfect but why the fuck is his name CLARENCE
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sighonaraa · 2 months
tagged by the brilliant @jamiesfootball and the stunning @lady-of-the-spirit and the gorgeous @abubblingcandle! thank you all for the tag MWAH <3
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
ted lasso (quick everybody act surprised), daredevil (i WILL get back to that fic i prommy), thor & loki, and uh. i haven't posted anything yet but somehow succession got me to care very deeply about billionaires so. watch this space............
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
It's the Great Father's Day, Ted Lasso (ted lasso)
It's the Great Valentine's in May, Colin Hughes (ted lasso)
hear you calling from some lost and distant shore (thor & loki)
and do not recognize us as we pass (ted lasso)
It's the Great Moving Away, Sam Obisanya (ted lasso)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I DO. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS LIKE A LIE AND THAT IS BECAUSE IT IS. i have been woefully bad at catching up with responding to comments........... however i will fix this once school gets out.
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm. despite the fact that my fics tend to be Incredibly Angsty, they almost all end with deep and abiding sappiness. i suppose at the moment the sun is only a God if you learn to starve has the angstiest ending, although that's mostly just because it only has the one singular chapter atm.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably It's the Great Father's Day, Ted Lasso! i love that ending very very much.
8. do you get hate on fics?
thankfully not yet!! pls be nice to me im This Tiny (i am not short at all) (be nice to me anyways)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
i have not! maybe one day, possibly, but i'm very [blushing] about writing that right now lmfao.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
i haven't written any crossovers before! i tend more towards AUs (as we can attest)
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
as far as i'm aware, nope!
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no but if anyone ever wants to, i'm so incredibly down for that
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no! BUT! i would LOVE to! come to my dms and let's brainstorm.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
all of my favorite characters/therapy. tbh.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i will finish every WIP i've posted a chapter of because i will. this is my Brave Face Mantra. in terms of ones i want to finish in my head.... the ted lasso s3 fix it will hopefully eventually happen but not for A While.
16. what are your writing strengths?
hrm. hrngh. i hate complimenting myself. people have told me i have a good grasp of character voices and also prose? so? [throws that at you and runs away]
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i am THEE absolute worst at describing settings/environments. i'm not a visual reader at all which translates into not being a visual writer and it's just. urgh. HELP.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
hell yea! most of the characters i've written for so far have been mostly english-speaking, but for characters who are bilingual (dani, sam, richard) i try to include phrases in their native language they would use. if i were to ever write a lot of dialogue in another language, i'd probably give an in-narrative translation, or just stick 'em in the end notes.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
when i was 12 and infinity war came out i was so distraught that i wrote like 10 fix it fics and none of them will ever see the light of day.
20. favourite fic you've ever written?
and do not recognize us as we pass & find a new place to be from! yes i cheated and chose two.
tagging! not sure who has and who hasn't done it yet so! @altschmerzes @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid @thirteenemeraldcats @nativestarwrites @orbitalpirate + absolutely anybody else who would like to participate and use me as their tagger! MWAH <3
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vinxwatches · 9 months
watching disenchantment season 3
big spoilers. i recommend it a lot. it can be harrowing, but the ending is so worth it. if you might watch it i recommend you do. otherwise, lets delve in.
the intro promises the love pendant to be broken and the screwed crown to be bloodied. those are very bad signs even with the better ones. a book that on a page is a stairway down? holy shit stealing that for my DND campaign. was that a visual gag, or what that more future plot points? and Bean has the endless conflict between the life she wants and the people she cares about. too good of a person to have a simple easy life.
on the one side Mora is being more rude then usual. on the other her girlfriend did just say no to running of with her over friends she doesn't know. damn, with a girlfriend like that Bean with have powerful AF muscles in no time, truly hope that's the way they're taking this. beating her mom with the strength literally gained from her girlfriend would be just so beautifully cheesy. satan is going to become a goodguy just to get rid of his wife isn't he. damn, that 3d was pretty good. i mean if you know what to look for you notice that it's not the 2d models, but you need to know to look for it. there are definitely some potholes in this one. like the conflict between Bean and Nora if you think too much about certain events does not line up, but when you just take it like a normal person it really works. don't know if i like the people constantly splitting up, but it does allow for more things to happens. it's simply hard to have too many people act at the same time and certain people make others largely useless. Elfo doesn't have a lot do to when Bean is around. he fits in small things and can be easily motivated, but that's it, any other activity Bean is simply better at. he works as friend of Bean of course, but she's less reliant on others to take action now. split apart there are just more conflicts that can be interesting.
yea, ok, this conversation is painful. i mean i get that that's the joke, but it's painful because it seems like a stupid way i could come across if i stopped worrying about how things i say come across, something i in general worry too much about making friendships incredibly hard. "it's like they took a nunnery and made it awesome", ah, a lesbian bar. oh, how odd that they did the same thing twise. first with lucy and now with bad beans body. of all parts of the body that you should not be hanging from THE HEAD IS NUMBER ONE! but the overall plan makes sense, i wonder if it'll come to fruition in a more willing manor. also pretty avatar legends of Korra. oh those are working together, that's not good. that means Bean is really running out of allies. fucking hell, i'm trying to watch this while doing something else. i end up just watching it. and then it comes with these strong cliffhangers meaning that stopping to watch is also really hard.
oh... he's just dead... fuck... that... sets stakes. i mean Elfo and Luci will probably be fine, but this may be the death of Miri. well, that's one problem... delayed some more, and another... solved, and replaced for getting lost.
ok, so yes, Elfo's death set a lot of bad things into motion, undoing it also removed Mora and the great relationship Bean has with Zog, if you could ask Bean it would be a hard question. OH, that's a fun plot twist. Miri isn't human? oh. that... well it explains nothing, but it's neat.
oh, she's finally allowed to start seriously winning. it really feels like an earned powerup. in part because it has been set up well, in other because FUCKING HELL LET HER BE HAPPY DAMNIT. oh. i thought they were allowed to get away to, idk, be a minibos later. nope, instead killed to set up some evilness.
oh. making her sound mad. yea, not a joke i think works in universe. like there's one fuck setting with a non mechanical function metal prosthetic. yes i know my immersion is broken by the strangest things but it's bugging me. damn, setting up something heavy, destroy yourself the saves the ones you love? i mean media in general says "do it and for your good deed you'll survive", but i'm afraid they won't do that here. it's either better, or much, much worse. maybe a reset and you get to rebuild your life, but i'm not fan of those endings either. don't undo everything we've grown to care about, even if it can be rebuild. one is planning to kill, the other is planning to delete.
everyone's coming together for (hopefully) the final finally. oh, the tune return. i wonder if there's a meaning to it or if it's just creepy for creepy sake. fuck this battle has some epic moments. i mean there's only so much you can do with the animation style, but fuck they truly do everything possible with it. NO, you can't do that. healing magic? not real? i was fearing that, the scene seemed awfully similar before. DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE END IT LIKE THAT!
yea, no, obviously there's no care left. for episodes it was set up she cared most for Mora. the show has struggled at times to set things up, Beans magic, was probably the only thing set up more. the only motivation could be the same as Dracula in the castlevania show: a long suicide. a rocket, to the moon? why though? well fuck, now everyone is dying. i'm hoping not permanently, but i don't trust it isn't. :O he killed god "love conquers everything, and anger helps"
goodbye Bean is not a promising title, especially after the last episodes cliffhanger. AND NO i will not be ok with Bean and Mora being together in heaven. oh, magic came from the tears of joy of angers mixed with steam from hell. what will tears of sadness do? i just realized what i want: i want dangmar to have a third act breakdown finally. i love Luci's arc. it has totally nothing to do with that i wrote his speech multiple times already in less elegant words. "i've always hated weddings, especially my own" the show has such good lines. not the gay wedding i was expecting, but still one i'm very happy about. i love an overly happy ending. finally a happy ending, it was such a long wait, but it was worth it. YES, finally the third act breakdown.
wait... but the world is flat. so how it it on the other side of the moon? also what a random reveal. it adds nothing, it takes nothing away. it's "what a twist!"
incredibly unbelievable happy ending. I LOVE IT!!! literally every plot point is is resolved, even the ones even i forgot about.
seriously the show had a lot of frustration to it, victories often fell flat, setbacks and defeats were often and big, and as someone who likes happy endings it was often dreadful. honestly i don't know why i kept watching. i guess just something made clear they had plans. sure, details about people plans seemed often not fully planned out in advance, but the arcs of characters? those were old, and they revealed they were working up to the happy ending i was after for so long. Really good series, highly recommend, fuck me if it can't be harrowing, which is why i'm writing it at 2 am because i needed to get to the end.
and i finally got the best way to describe it: the show is cynical, but not pessimistic.
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Fav Series to get to know me a little better.
Been seeing a few posts do this and thought it could be fun to try too. No pressure but feel free to join along if you want!
The Sandman- While I've read a few chapters of the comic (which I still need to read more of) par say, the Netflix show adaptation is so freaking good & seriously exceeded my expectations in terms of the visually effects also the storytelling is done so well & seeing Morpheus in live-action is also great too. So hyped for S2.
POSE- I swear this series doesn't get enough attention on it as far as I can tell. Because it's honestly I think one of the best shows I've seen so far, Set during 1980s America during the AIDs crisis with a mostly Black and POC casting that's focuses on Ballroom culture which offers a place of belonging to NY gay/queer communities. This show is a emotional roller-coaster that had me feeling so much for its great characters & it should be watched more by everyone because it's so good.
Arcane- Just seriously one of the best mature adult animated series thus far. Before I got into Arcane the only one or two thing I knew about it was hearing how awesome it was and that its based off of the long time popular online game League of Legends & that was pretty much it. But actually seeing this show upon first episode had me hooked from the start, everything dealing with this show is top-notch. From the fantastic, incredible 3d animation to the mature well-written compelling storytelling, along with well-rounded, morally complex flawed characters that feel so human in terms of the choices they make be it in the wrong or right, also the real banging soundtrack along with it. Just one of the bests series I so far seen.
Primal- Yet another example of really great adult animated series that have come out recently way ago. By the creator of Samurai Jack and Dexter Laboratory, Gennady Tartakovsky Primal is to me a good, well done showcasing of visual storytelling. Just a epic & awesome story about a caveman dub as Spear and his Dinosaur pal "Fang" that bonded over the loss of their families & now goes on a journey together through the violent prehistoric times. I consider this animated show to be akin to art, like a show with zero dialogue & all atmosphere & raw emotions. Just a piece of like animated art.
American Gods-Ah this show, Yet another one of Nail Gaiman works. I have a bit of some conflicted feelings on this show because while its so damned good and I seriously love everything about it on the premise of Gods and Deities from other cultures and mythology living within the modern world & trying to rebuild the influence they've once had on humanity & everything else how this show is put together in terms of visuals also storytelling is great...except for that damn cliffhanger and the fact that the show was cancelled...so yea. Still love it a bunch but eh...yeah.
Tuca & Bertie- Yet another fav adult cartoon show of mine that also got done so dirty yet again but also I feel don't get a lot of attention on it. Made by Lisa Hanawalt who in case you didn't know was the character designer of BoJack Horseman, and I would say Tuca & Bertie is like the less depressed and lesser cynical sister series of Bojack while still tackling some real heavy mature issues and problems. The world of Tuca & Bertie is one filled with mainly anthro bird people and dogs also talking plants people too. The show just has this more off-beat , zany , fun optimistic feel-good vibes going for it that's feels so inventing. But similar to Bojack in a way were its not afraid to get emotional serious about adult problems like sexual abuse or dealing with harassment & treating said issues with tact & maturity while still keeping the show overall light-hearted tone. Should be watched more.
The Midnight Gospel- The short way to giveaway on what this show is or deal with? Can be phase in one way. And that there's should be more animated Podcast. Made by Pendleton Ward the same man behind Adventure Time, I swear this show was quite the experience but in a good way. The animation is so trippy and yet so uniquely creative with using different styles. It follows a dude who goes inside a simulator to different worlds to try to interview people. The talks within this show can hit on many different levels with discussions of coping with loss and death or dealing with the struggles of hoping, a show you should take your time with, but so worth it.
Castlevania- I'll try to keep this one short & sweet. But another real awesome and oh so good adult animated series based off the classic game of the same title. great and amazingly done action /fight scenes as well as also just as wonderfully engaging and entertaining characters that you'll truly end up feeling so much for and the crap they have to deal with. Fantastic beautiful animation also the storyline and plot is just as good as the look of the show. Truly another banger.
AMC Interview with a Vampire- Now, this might sound like a controversial statement. But I deeply think and feel that this series version of interview with a Vampire is ten times more better then the movie. Not! That the movie is bad or anything, I very liked and enjoy the movie...but it never been one of my top fav movies to be honest. But the show on the other hand is so Top-notch on many levels, especially with the great performance of each actor. So Love Jacob Anderson playing as Louis de Pointe du lac and with him as an black man during 1900s America and how that's play into dealing with his vampirism, also his sexuality in terms of black queerness and showing the intricacies of the many challenges also jump ropes a black man having to keep the front of hypermasculinity especially black masculinity in a time era were being black your already seen as less than human is written so damned well. Also Sam Reid playing Lestat De Lioncourt is so fucking both great and entertaining to watch like for real, and Claudia in this show I feel is so much better then the one in the movie. Like I felt so much for her in this series. Like its so good.
Documentary Now- One of my most favorite comedy series that's never fails to creak me up. Like for real if you're interested in or into mockumentaries style of comedy then this show right here is right up there. Each episode focuses on a different "documentary " topic from dealing with a band rise & fall from success to the son of a famous chef overcoming his fears of chickens and taking over for his dad to a broken man that's ends up having a deep connection with a monkey. This show is just something else ^0^ .
Final Space- Final Space is probably one of if not the best adult animated series that I truly feel belongs right alongside with Bojack-Horseman to be honest. It's severely underrated in terms of adult animation which I think it's a shame because it really surprises me with how good it ended up becoming. At first glance looking at this sci-fi themed average typical comedy adult cartoon ended up being and becoming a much more well-rounded, emotional thought out very developed top-notch mature series. What I love about final space is that unlike other so-called “adult” animated shows is that it doesn’t try so hard with its adult humor or go overbroad with how much it tries to make it so “adultlike” such as having non-stop cussing or unnecessary super crude gore or out of place sex & nudity ( which I feel isn't always a bad thing when done right...but some adult cartoons tend to go overboard with it) This show has such a great balance of its comedy while also not afraid to get emotional serious about loss & grief or deal with some real heavy dramatic moments that are treated as serious as can be & isn't treated as a joke or a one off thing like how it would in certain other adult cartoons. One of the most mature animated series I've had the pleasure of watching & still pissed that it was done so wrong.
Welp that's about it! Sorry if this got too long (  ̄▽ ̄). This is just a couple of series I love. Tag in if ya'll want too!
@iamnmbr3 @dorkynerd23 @lokomotives
@feministfandomforever @uncleasriel
@zinexine @itwv-brainrot @vulgar-mary-p-ppins @captainbarinius @eddawrites @that1-otter @ghostbauhaus @freedom-and-beyond @dreballinarts @youlackconviction @toe-star @gey-scout
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chidoroki · 9 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP1
aka: city wide brawling
So the OP song is the same as last season but the visuals changed? I'm not too bothered by it but I would've loved another great song. The boys already looking so good too. Very excited to see more of Smiley and Angry and hopefully I can learn their names properly now.
Aww, Emma looked so pretty in that one shot.
Oh, that one captain of Toman whom I dunno the name of.. does he switch sides? That scene of him getting up from the chair with that pissed off look on his face ain't giving me good vibes.
I'm like 95% certain that Inui eventually cooperates with us while Koko doesn't and that moment with the both of them with the former disappearing from the latter's side sorta reinforces that idea in my mind.
Oh, yup, that Toman captain (Yasuhiro. I was good and looked him up) joins Tenjiku, with Sanzu right behind him too I think. I guess I should've seen that coming, which means Toman loses its fifth division captain and vice captain.
This fight looks insane already. My boy Chifuyu putting in work, Inui looking so unbothered while kicking ass and Kakucho nailing Takemichi with a heavy hit oh my god.. and that moment of Izana running up on Mikey with crazy eyes is definitely creepy.
I try my best to avoid spoilers, honestly, but Mikey and Izana have some sorta history, don't they? like, family related or whatever. And I'm so not looking forward to what may happen with Emma, if it happens this season.
Anyways, lemme actually start this episode.. and we're starting right where we left off, thank god.
“Takemichty, your mind can't even begin to fathom me.” Bro, my mind can't comprehend you either and I hate it. How can Kisaki just jump around to different gangs and reach an authority status so easily, like the hell is so special about you dude?
Hanma riding in on a bike sporting purple leopard patterns.. what an icon.
YO! Mochizuki! Can you not drag my precious boy like that?? And toss him through the air like a sack of potatoes?? I hope Chifuyu kicks his ass during the upcoming battle.
Tenjiku is already brawling with Toman's second division somewhere else? That's Mitsuya's division, yea? Oh dear.
Ain't no way the twins come rushing in by running over all the Tenjiku members with their bikes!! Seeing Smiley all happy like that is hilarious!
Angry doesn't play around, holy shit, his punches are deadly!
Okay okay, so Angry is Souta and Smiley is Nahoya, but if even their intros call 'em by their nicknames I just might do the same, although that'll just lead me to forget their real ones quicker.
Ah damn, so the twins had beef with Mocchi way before their Toman days huh? Alright, either one of them can get revenge on that dude. That's fine.
The twins are insane but I love them already. Well, I know they've been around since the first season, but finally seeing them more is great.
“What if Kisaki can also travel through time?” I'm not completely certain about him but I do know Takemichi isn't the only one capable of doing so at least.
Oohhh Takemichi is through playing games. That's such an angry and determined face!
I know it won't ever happen, but the fact that killing Kisaki has never been brought up as a viable option to stop this chaos is incredible.
Yuuupp, I knew Mitsuya was involved in that brawl happening far away, but at least he's landing a couple nice hits on Mocchi.
Okay what the fuck Ran?? Knocking Mitsuya down with a damn cement block. What cheap stunt.
“Sorry about the cheap shot.” OH well at least he's self aware!!!
I've seen how loved the Haitani brothers are so I'm interested to find out why, though I don't think causing harm to Toman is ca contributing factor..
Mhhhmm I know nothing about Shion aside from this little scene that was teased in trailers but he's intense.. and apparently he was the ninth gen leader of Black Dragon. That's terrifying.
I got a feeling the info the twins forced outta those two Tenjiku dudes was just bait, because if Kakucho is there then that's certainly not good.
I mean, it's nice he sent the swarm of Tenjiku guys away, but I doubt Kakucho is gonna struggle fighting a 1v4 either.
“First Division’s Captain means you’re the toughest of all of you, right?” “Uh, actually, that’s not really true. He fights with his kindness, not his fists.” Glad Chifuyu said what everyone was thinking.
Crazy to think all these fights are happening everywhere between Toman and Tenjiku while Manjiro and Inaza are just chilling by the sea..
So.. they didn't already know each other? Odd. Perhaps they don't remember one another?
That punch of Takemichi's really knocked down Kakucho so hard he's having a serious flashback.. or Takemichi is anyways.
Wait a damn minute, they knew each other in second grade?? Hello???
“You were my hero.” Another one huh?
“Beware of a traitor.” Well thanks to the OP I got a hunch on who two might be. Maybe.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
the smf leader/subleaded/rookie/etc choreo videos just all came out and they really are something i guess. i do not personally get the creative decisions to shove like 293838 men into the two middle groups or cut dance videos like that but Oh Well. personally chosing to focus on how fascinating the styling for the subleaders choreo was. like, thoughts? visually they look semi-fantasian (for lack of better words) but you turn the volume up and its bibi & yoon mirae so … ??
took a break from my graphic design hole to watch these and.......well. mnet has never learned a single thing i guess. i'm not really sure either why the choice was to add the two 'middle' sections, bc the original way they did it in swf with just the leaders/subleaders was fine. adding the rookies worked great too, since it was still kept to eight, but then designating all the other guys as 'middle' is lowkey disrespectful lmao. like yea everyone is not the same ability but you don't need to all label them like that, yeesh. my issue with a lot of these choreographies + the way they are directed (and it was the same with swf) is that they're not very good routines because of how broken up they are via editing and use of scene changes. this especially applies to the middles, bc those are basically just two person choreos that they half-assedly expand to include 16 people. the middle 1 choreo has a cut in the middle of it that doesn't make any logistical sense in terms of the flow of the piece, and it's the same with middle 2. i have to assume that mnet has some kind of requirement for having them separated out on risers like that, because wow does it fuck with the flow AND it looks bad.
vata had a great intro for the leaders but then immediately undercut everything with shaky camerawork and a ton of cuts, whereas it would have been so much stronger if they'd kept in that first space and actually showed the transitions between everyone. the rookies was very 'pop six squish cicero but what if we were BOYS' (boring, you could have been cuntier about it, esp with a sik k song), but it did manage to stay all in one place and keep its flow. i think wootae did the best job actually, since he was willing to go beyond the hiphop styling that everyone else is stuck in bc men are fragile. he also used the camera very well, and the cuts are mostly feasible transition points (other than the costume changes). also i like the set the best as well, since it looks like it's the inside of a building atrium/courtyard that they just added plants and ionic columns too, which makes it this kind of weird space between industrial and fantastical. since the title of the song is 'love and war' (law), i'm assuming that all the juxtapositions were intentional, including the more fluid costuming. i'm not sure that it's totally conceptually coherent as a piece, but it's more interesting than any of the others specifically because it looks different, so that's a good thing
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atherix0 · 2 years
SAD MUMBO ENJOYER, AS IT TURNS OUT, HNNNNGH. Sad scar enjoyer too for the record. The fact that there is a bird sleeping in SCARS BEDROPM while this CONVERSATION IS HAPPENING AHHHHHHH
So maybe this is gonna sound weird, but I'm physically disabled irl, and seeing any sort of nod to the fact that Scar is disabled in fanwork makes me so happy - that might not be what your going for but it does make me happy even if the subject matter is sad
GOD the two of them are on the PRECIPICE of finding out theyre in love. Like. Grian already knows Scar is, duh. Cant wait for the moment he realizes mumbo is too. THEYRE SITTING ON THE EDGE AND IM ABOUT TO BREAK, YOUR HONOR.
I really love the awful loop that Scar's gotten himself into. I know you said this is going to have a happy ending, and i have a few,,,,ideas 👀👀,,,,regarding how. But man oh man if i didnt know you wanted this to end happy i would be SHITTING! BRICKS! Hell i still am because like. How we resolving this one chief.
And god those quiet feelings and anna and his son that mumbo is having? Snapping me like a twig. Like a grian. Hehe. Cant wait for that to resolve and for him to come into his own as a Vampire Lord, protective over a family.
Mmm mmm mmm
<3 YEA Grian's sound asleep and completely oblivious and these two are just <3
I'm actually disabled too, though mine's a visual disability (not enough to not be able to work but ya know how it is), so the fact that CC!Scar is disabled is super important to me and even if Midnight!Scar doesn't have the same disability, it was important to me to call back to that. His magic is the more noticeable one ofc but there is also a physical disability that I've hinted at in Visit and Ambush, though I'm not sure how in-depth I'll get with it b/c I really really don't want to represent anything incorrectly <3
Hahaha <3 Grian and Mumbo are both very jealous and possessive people and they are together and KNOW the other is just as jealous and possessive as they are, which creates one problem; how tf are they supposed to bring up the fact that they ALSO want SOMEONE ELSE when they know their partner is the "Mine <3" type AND THEY DON'T KNOW THE OTHER WANTS THE EXACT SAME PERSON so it's like the two of them just don't. Realize it, or bring it up. And Scar is so incredibly oblivious when it comes to anyone's interest in him poor thing </3 So- I am looking forward to the moment Grian gets confirmation that Mumbo has fallen too <3
Yep, all of Scar's problems compounding in a vicious cycle </3 And he's only made it worse with his decisions in his young adulthood </3 And sadly it can't be reversed like a full Elf might have been able to do, so... vicious cycle that can only get worse <3 Ahahaha have you picked up what I put down in Midnight Mistakes.......... hehe, although I am 1000% giving it a happy ending, there are actually a few different avenues that'll be presented by the end and I haven't decided yet if I'll establish one as canon or leave it open for the readers to decide, but I definitely know which one is the one I'm gonna be... heavily hinting at-
Mumbo is a very soft heart <3 That was his family and he didn't get to see it through to the end and my HEART, it's important to me that Mumbo gets the chance to look back on his past and finally find closure, and realize it's alright to not only mourn and regret, but it's also alright to move on </3 Mumbo is gonna be such a great Lord he's already getting protective <3 This is his family now, he's gonna protect them and save them <3
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speakyskelly-1999 · 5 months
so i just watched pink floyd - the wall
fascinating piece
hard to recomend ngl cos it's a kinda heavy, i don't think the some of the content is for everyone
very good
i don;'t now how much i wanna give like a detailed review about it cos it's very abstract and up to interpritation which means it very revealing about a person when they analyse it and i'm not against that but like my main issue is that it would be so much effort to write all my thought/feelings about it down into a coherent review
like if i was to actually try i'd neeed correct spelling, gramma and punctuation to properly get everything across correctly
and i simply don't have time to do that at the minute
like maybe eventually but at the moment i literally don't have time
and like idk how much that would actually match the ton of this blog
here are some random ish thoughts i had about the piece that are kinda funny
spoilers for the wall ahead and errr tw yonic imagery and discusions of facism
also i have boba, ignore how late i'm having caffine for me
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so random funny thouight i had about the wall in no particular order cos i started listening to journey and i'm losingf my train of thought
so pink is played by bob geldof (who i always new as rod geldof idk whyyyy) and people make a point that he dosn't get to sing in teh film which is whatever to me rn but i do think it's funny that i think a tim curry version of this film would slay. like don't get me wrong i loved bob's proformace, it was great, but i also want a version with tim curry cos look
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the second gif is very thematic
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oh look it's dina from alice in wonderland
so anyway
can you tell i lreaned how gifs work
so theres a scene where pink is giving like a "fascist speach" to like his fans (it's complicated..... it's complicated) insead of the music concert he's giving and like all i could think about was andrew tate and taylor swift. weird i know. will i explain why eeeeeeeeh, it's hard to cos it's so abstrac and on the nose at the same time it's a really complicated explination but yea. andrew tate and taylor swft. oh and like also hitler cos thats what they were riffing off but like pop culture now wise tate and swift
theres a point when the "ghost" of pinks wife comes back to "haunt" him as a vigina monster and i thought this was the perfect moment to deepface jerma into the film as pink like look at him
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he'd fit
he'd be a good pink
errrrrrr what else
oh not really funny but erm yea as someone who had parents who were into pink floyd and played another brick in the wall (cos like they were in school when the song came out so yea you'd deffo like the song then), listening to it without the visual element is a diservace to the song and it's meaning and then also not having the context of the stuff in the film leading up to this point, real diservice to the song. liike people still use this song today and with good-
WTF..... WONDER WOMAN?????????
-reason cos the education system is still fucked. But. ahdn hear me out. the way it's used in the film and with it's full context, people kinda miss use it today. like errrr it's rooted in it's historical setting (it's weird saying historical cos it was like errrrrrrrrr 50 years ago which for some people really isn't that long a go and like i don't view it as that long ago, but) the culture at the time si so diffrerent to now what like it dosen't work as the same anti school vibes as now.
like i kinda stated i'm not gonna go more into that but if you wanna get the vibes for your self watch the first 28ish minuets of the film (okay thats more than i thought it was but yea,) or watch the music video, the six minuet one, this one Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2 (The Wall) - 1080p Remastered (youtube.com) 👍🏽 it's the exert from the fiml. theres some things that aren't explained by just the music video but the school bit that i'm on about mainly is
i can't remember anything else that i thought was funny so errr yea
cat break
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over all i'd give this a errrrrrrrrrrrr 8/10. like i think it could have benifitted from being a little less abstract butr at the same time could it really be made less abstrat? i dunno. i'd recomend if you like this sort of thing. like british music from this time, pink floyd, political peice, abstraction, that kind of thing.
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ps you should watch foling ideas review of the nostalga critics parody of the wall, tis very good
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death2normalcy · 2 years
Here’s post 3 of me talking about Ateez songs/music videos!
See the last 2 posts for notes, but basic break down: I’m new to the group, I’m watching all their music videos first, then moving on to other songs. These are just my initial thoughts, my opinions change all the time. If I make a mistake or get something way off, let me know
This one has Be My Lover, Deja Vu, Eternal Sunshine, Turbulence, I’m Real, Don’t Stop, Rocky, and Guerrilla.
And here I go!
Be My Lover - Just to clarify, I do not know the other person in this video, Jong kook, I know nothing about him.
But this was a fun video and song! Very cute. Loved the styling and everything. Loved Mingi being back. Overall, very cute!
Deja Vu - ...okay, listen.
I’ve actually already seen this video and heard this song before. When I was originally trying to get into Kpop, back in April, I came across this video, but overlooked it. I did add the song to my Spotify though, and I’ve listened to it once or twice. However, now I can appreciate it more since I know them a little better and know what to expect more.
So yea, this video is indeed sexy, I agree with the comments, lmao. Also, more men should be slutty in crop tops, that’s all I’m saying.
It’s a great song and video. Love the looks, love the choreography, fantastic.
---------took a break to take a nap, lmao
Eternal Sunshine - Another vibrant and colorful video, I love it. Also, another chill and upbeat song, they’re really good at these types of videos/songs. Again, probably won’t be my favorite, but still a really good one!
I don’t really have much else to say on this one.
Turbulence - First of all, this music video was absolutely stunning. The visuals, the styling, all of it.
They all sound amazing, as well, but that’s a given at this point. I will say these types of songs aren’t my cup of tea, just in terms of whether or not I’ll replay it or not. But it’s a stunning song.
I’m Real - Okay, I have thoughts. I just wanna say, I don’t mean anything by this, I’ll try to explain what I mean the best I can.
Are parts of this video supposed to be funny? Or am I just not getting it? Because I loved it either way, it was very chaotic and fun and I love that, but I also almost feel like I’m missing out on a joke somewhere, I don’t know. I could be reading this completely wrong.
It was a fun video either way, and they seemed to be having a ton of fun, so that’s always a bonus!
Don’t Stop - This one was definitely unusual. Not only was there no English subtitles, so I have no idea what this song is about (I’ll look it up later, lol), but there also wasn’t any visible singing or dancing of any kind. Definitely unusual.
The song was pretty good though, definitely gonna watch a lyric video to figure out who’s singing what. It felt like a very lore heavy video, so when I start getting into the lore, I’m curious to see how it fits (I’m waiting on that, for now, at least until I finish the music videos).
They were all very stunning here, as well, such fantastic looks. I was especially blown away by that shot of Mingi walking towards the camera. Gorgeous.
Rocky (Boxers version) - This was very aggressive, which I suppose was the point, lol.
It’s not my favorite from them, but it was good. The dancing was a lot, lot of hip thrusts, lmao. And the styling wasn’t too bad. Not much to say about this one, honestly.
Guerrilla - This isn’t my favorite from them, but it’s still really good! Another intense and chaotic video/song. Loved the styling and the choreography. And of course, they all sound amazing.
Probably should have spread these out more, because I think I’m saying less as I go on because I’m getting a bit wiped out, lol. I also have really bad heartburn, and it’s very distracting.
0 notes
demon-bfoty · 2 years
watched a tonne more movies since my last post, so here are some of my quick notes! note that this will have some spoilers for all the movies below so yknow
Nightmare on Elm Street
good story, good writing. much more of a story it felt than the others I watched. Or maybe i mean more content that is plot than just running and dying. cool kinda sins of the father thing. nancy was p cool in that last part. great visuals and effects. freddy got clowned on
extrmely good stuff. throughout there were such amazing visuals and shots. the use of colour and lighting was phenominal. the build up to the instigating event was so well paced, and then the secquence of nic cage essentially becoming the slasher and all the action was unreal. great job from all and great acting. nic plays an entirely broken man extremely well. the mild otherworldly aspect was great esp when it turns out to all just be drugs. and how they used the sound!!! all the effects and distortions and reverbs and god knows what else theyre all called but they were fantastic
fun movie! liked how self aware it was of the slasher genre, makes sense being Wes Craven. the slasher himself was real entertaining and the characters were well written. all the teen like issues and emotional stress. good effects on the kills, still practical which i like. amazing how simple yet iconic the killer outfit is. deffo felt like a good evolution of the slashers that came before it, fun and a bit campy but still serious about it being a horror while having fun with it. while the killer identity wasnt too surprising, and the fact there were 2, i wasnt expecting lillard to be the other! was real good surprise
The Ring
like the amount of focus on the chars and the like history/mystery of it all. the horror elements were cool and well done, lot less of it than the previous ones i have here but strong when used. lot more time given to tension and fear the chars are facing. very green movie.
Mad God
i loved that but idk if i got it lmao. but what a visual masterpiece. an absolute grotesque nightmare with so many questions never to be answered. aesthetic and auditory thrill ride. I do not even know what I can write about this one, I think it just has to be experienced. The way it made me feel, the things I got to experience - I wont be forgetting this for a long time. (ty @zenshousewife for the rec!)
The Omen
yea that p good! well done story and well acted. i can see why at the time this would be freaky to people. the premise for how they came to adopt damien was a bit fricked but sure, american politician. deffo liked the insidious evil vibes. good musicThe Babadook
that was extremely good. EXTREMELY GOOD. taking the time to really build the stress and have us relate to her, while slowly creeping in the horror bits, building to that final act, and that final learning to live with and control your monsters. both the literal and metaphorical stories going on were so good. the design of the babadook itself was simple but effective. the sound design was sick, as was the cinematograhpy. the use of the glitchy visual and frame skipping or lagging almost really worked for me for heightening her stress levels and the fear
The Terminator
very good! deffo see why it was considered horror, even if it was not too horrory. arnie played the robot killer well, though still a bit goofy. when it turns into an actual robot skeleton i think it is way more effective as a scary thing, especially that last part in the factory when it is chasing them, and then chasing her after being blown up. being constantly stalked by this undying killing machine, and sarah's fear feels very real. the fake arnie head was a bit goofy, but the robot skeleton effects were so good. extremely sick. ALSO THE SYNTHS!!!!!
like fuckin hell. if ever i wished i had an insane audio setup it's right now. that was a fucking lesson in audio and visuals. every sound, every noise was just perfect. and every shot was freaking beautiful. the COLOURS! the LIGHTING! it perfectly portrayed what the story was doing. amazing movie. the exhale i had at the end
The Medium
what a movie. absolutely loved the presentation style, it worked so well for this story and heightened it. the acting was suburb, cold feel every emotion. everyone did so damn well. such a tense movie, and so much to stress. extreme recommendation. mink's performance was amazing. the thai culture being presented here, while foreign to me, was shown so well that i could see the importance and the history of it. truly an amazing experience
0 notes
running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
Another question (last one I swear) there this male prison guard who just transferred who knows y/n from childhood. and like while buck is in the courtyard with his minions. he see his “property” walking with the male prison guard (who doesn’t like y/n that) but the thing is she more open and “affectionate” with him (because she trusts him and they are close friends also) compared to when she’s with buck. I feel like that would hurt him more than some random inmates making crude comments about y/n, because y/n is “encouraging“ this behavior and even doing it “herself”. Like he knows he only owns her body in terms of claiming and has yet but still trying to own her heart,soul and mind (hence why she defiant against him and isn’t acting how a typical mate would act with their mate) so seeing that visually and seeing her laugh and smile (she rarely smiles and also has a resting bitch face) with this “random” guy constantly (other inmates joke that their a couple and buck and y/n are broken 🤷🏾‍♀️) and he’s hurt and feels bad (of course he hides it tho). my point of typing all of this is to ask, after all of this what do you think he would do with this “problem”
Hmm.. yea I'd imagine that he would act "friendly" at first with his darlings new friend. Hed be overly nice, but the tension in his body and his annoyance is easily noticed. Hed start asking other inmates about who the guy is, where he transferred from, how he knows his darling, etc. Buck would do quite a bit of spying first before he makes his move. He wants to make sure the guy has no possibilty of one-upping him. The closer and closer he realizes his darling and the guard are getting, the stronger he is to react. Hes got everyone else holed under his thumb besides these two so it's almost a fear for him, because he doesnt have control. though, hed take great precautions to make sure his insecurity on the situation never shows. Once he realizes how close his darling is to the transferred guard, I imagine he might forbid them from going near each other. Hed make sure his darling is near him at all times, and is almost like cockblocking their friendship. Though if he finds his darling continuing to disobey, he might turn to anger and outbursts. Hes rational in the beginning of situations because he feels they are usually easily solved with a few threats or beatings, so his hot headedness really tends to show when he knows his darling isnt listening. I think his reaction greatly depends on how the guard views him too; whether he's scared of Buck or doesnt find him intimidating. Again, Buck is almost like a jealous child; he doesnt like other people touching his things, even if there is no romantic relationship occurring between them.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Perhaps the most degrading aspect of woman's subjection in the early modern period was a husband's right to strike his wife. A proverb recorded in 1475 allowed: ther be iii thyngs take gret betyng: a stockfish, a milston, a fedirbed, a woman. A century later, a jest tried to make the most of this mundane and unpromising subject: A certayne lytle boy seeing his father beating his mother every daye, and hearing him saye one night when he was abed, that he had forgotten to do one thing: I know what it is quoth the chyld, what sayd the father: Mary (sayd he) to beate my mother. While the merry books labored to wring humor from the thud of fist against flesh, church courts adjudicated horrific cases of male violence against women, whether maid, wife, or widow. 
English law allowed husbands to beat their wives as much as they liked so long as severe injury or death did not result. On this issue the law was more conservative than church doctrine, which was firmly, though not consistently, set against wife beating. Many preacher-pamphleteers cited the Pauline precept that husband and wife were one flesh, arguing that it was wrong to seek to harm oneself. Henry Smith held that "these mad men which beat themselves should be sent to Bedlam till their madness be gone." Although the one-flesh argument erases the individual woman on the receiving end, at least it could be invoked to stay men's hands. Popular literature did not fail to register the doctrine's attractiveness to wives. 
In an early Tudor example of gossips' literature, The gospelles of dystaves, women secretly gather to hear the following "gospel" preached by a wise shrew: "He that beteth his wyfe shall never have grace of our lady tyl he have pardon of his wyfe .... Mary faith it is great synne as he wolde despaire himself / for after that whiche I have herde our vicar saye it is but one body man and woman togather." Some conduct-book authors managed to find a loophole even here. William Whately's A Bride-Bush (1623) called wife beating permissible after all else failed because it could serve as a healing "corosive" to a husband's "owne flesh." In this perverse bit of sophistry, wife abuse becomes pious self-flagellation. Other godly pamphleteers urged husbands to be proactive. 
Robert Snawsel's A looking glass for maried folkes (1610) told husbands they had every right to control their wives by firm discipline, "including beating and deliberate changes of mood." One extremist even offered his readers lessons in wife beating, showing how husbands could measure and justify their blows. Certainly, the church did not fully or logically enforce its own strictures. In 1618, for example, an episcopal court judge chastised a Lincolnshire vicar for beating his wife in the churchyard. The offense lay not in his beating her but in doing so on holy ground. Faced with such acts of Christian instruction, wives were told to endure with patience and thank their husbands for the correction. 
Henry Bentley's The Monument of Matrones (1589) contained this prayer "to be used by the wife that hath a froward and bitter husband": O most wise and provident GOD ... if it be thy good pleasure with frowardness, bitternes, and unkindnesse, yea, the hatred and disdaine of my husband, thus to correct me for my fault, I most hartilie thanke thee for it ... and that I for my part may quietlie beare the frailtie, infirmitie, and faults of my husband, with more patience, mildnesse and modestie, than hitherto I have, so that mine example may be to the comfort and commoditie of other to doo the like. Many women refused to serve as comforting examples of patience, fighting back when attacked and crying out for help. Neighbors were their first line of defense because local authorities could not be counted on to prevent severe or mortal injury.
Gowing has shown that women under attack turned to women neighbors first and there is evidence that all members of the community expected women to risk their own safety for the well-being of other women. Some beaten women filed complaints against their husbands in church courts or (more rarely) in civil courts. Not surprisingly, women who sued men for violence usually brought other women to court as witnesses. Though many husbands bitterly resented the women neighbors who intervened, neighbors continued to act as a vigilant and moderating force. Because of the wider social conflicts wife beating engendered, the extent of a husband's right to correct his wife was a live issue in the courts and in neighborhoods.
Ballads show irate husbands grousing that their hands are tied, although they itch to pound their wives, because their wives' friends will criticize and slander them. Neighbors upbraid the harshest wife beaters with terms leveled at their sense of honor and rationality: vicious or repeated beatings could raise the cry that a man was "bedlam" or "unmanly." Being known as a wife beater could shame some men, but others ignored such pressure until either a wife's death or the law stopped them.Faced with intransigent offenders, neighbors sometimes escalated countermeasures. In a case from Bristol in 1667, a group of neighbors surrounded a notorious wife beater and threw dirt at him, creating "a loud mocking demonstration" that strongly resembled charivari.
Another example of neighborhood discipline concerns a child beater rather than a wife beater-making it a rare case because parents' right to administer beatings was seldom questioned-but it does shed light on the verbal arsenal that communities could deploy against transgressors. In 1622, neighbors of a prominent Essex citizen named Richard Turner wrote rhymes to mock him for brutally beating his daughter Anne. Among its many verses: Hye thee home Anne, Hye thee home Anne, Whippe her arse Dicke, Will have thee anon. All those that love puddinge, Come unto Parke Street, And learne the songe, Whip Her Arse Dick. As if that weren't enough, the song goes on to compare Turner to a child murderer who had just been hanged.
Written by artisans and tradespeople, the song spread from town to town through the posting of copies and constant singing so that even children came to know the song and torment Turner with it. For a time he was forced to stay indoors, hoping the "balleting" would abate. Visual culture bears evidence of the social pressures that functioned to limit male violence and to succor the abused. "Patience Baited," an emblem by George Wither, spells out collective limits on patriarchal privilege, warning that even the meekest wife will finally turn and fight. 
The image shows a sheep attacking its tormentor, a young boy. The poem informs readers that anyone who mistreats a friend or spouse runs the risk of social ostracism: Thus, many times, a foolish man doth lose His faithfull friends, and justly makes them foes .... And by abusing of a patient Mate Turne dearest Love, into deadliest Hate: For any wrong may better bee excused, Than, Kindnesse, long, and willfully abused.
Male drunkenness was a leading cause of "kindnesse long and willfully abused," and jests involving domestic violence are generally alcohol-sodden. Many merry tales strongly criticize alcoholic husbands who ruin their health and pauperize their families. Pasquils Palinodia (1619) blames husbands for driving wives to other men's arms because of their own alehouse haunting and violent drunkenness, while Thomas Heywood's Philoconothista, or the Drunkard, Opened, Dissected, and Anatomized (1635) shows brawling, puking asses and goats served by an alewife who looks on with a touch of scorn. In some jests, wives seize the position of agency in the narrative, in a brief but significant moment of linguistic mastery.”
- Pamela Allen Brown, ““O such a rogue would be hang’d!” Shrews versus Wife Beaters.” in Better a Shrew than a Sheep: Women, Drama, and the Culture of Jest in Early Modern England
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henqtic · 3 years
𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘤𝘭𝘢𝘺 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺
word count: 1.2k
author note - Here’s a visual of the rings, I want to make some myself so badly, but I don’t have the artistic ability to so why not write about it :)
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masterlist. // taglist form. // request works. // picture creds.
Being in an art block was not the funnest thing in the world and you decided that maybe going outside would be nice for your mind to maybe get the gears turning. Wearing a long flowy skirt and a cardigan to keep you warm just in case cool winds would come in later in the day. 
You had forced Draco to wear anything other than black seeing as the sun was out and shining and you didn’t want to see your boyfriend heat up to one hundred degrees. He’d brought a book with him to read and his head was laying against your shoulder.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  
You were drawing a frog's face that was spaced out to almost look in the detail of a ring, when your eyes widened in realization and happiness. ‘Finally out of the art block’ you thought as you called for the blonde leaning against you-
“Draco” He hummed in response, still reading his book as you shook your shoulder making his head shoot up and look at you. “I think I have the best idea of what we could do, make rings out of clay,” you said with excitement as he looked down at the book in your lap.
“Make rings out of clay?” He snorted as he looked down at obviously expensive rings as he said, “I think my rings are better than clay, you can have one if you want.” He started to slip off a silver ring that had a snake detail engraved into it. You stopped him by putting your hand over his, making his face scrunch up in confusion and look at you.
“No Draco, I just think it’s a rather creative idea and it’s better than just buying one from the store. “Look at this,” you pointed at the elongated frog face on your sketchbook with your pencil and gushed, “wouldn’t that be so cute as a ring.”
He was perplexed at the idea of doing something by hand and enjoying it. He was barely ever in his kitchen unless it was to eat the food made by the house elves and most of the time he hadn’t even pulled out his own chair. “I could always get you one custom made for you. You know that right,” he said looking at you as if you were some kind of homeless puppy in need of a home. 
A breathy laughed emitted from you; amused at the fact he couldn’t comprehend the meaning of actually wanting and enjoying things done by himself. “Love no, that’s not the reason. I think we should make it ourselves because it’ll have more personality to it. Isn’t it always better to get a real present than money? And you could alway just watch me instead of doing it if that’s what you want.” 
“No and Yes. Money is better and I’ll do it with you, I’m used to your--oddness now.” He joked leaning his head back to its spot on your shoulder. “Very flattering Draco.” You jerked your body back as his head hit the blanket underneath you. 
“Ouch-- what was that for?” “Sorry Draco, it was only an accident,” you lied as he hesitantly put his head back eyeing you scared that you would move again. “Draco I’m not going to move you can go back now,” you said in an unconvincing tone trying to make him paranoid. 
“Yea. Alright,” he muttered tenderly laying back down, his head hovering slightly as you started to draw more designs.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  
“Alright this is all we’ll need,” you said excitedly looking at the table in front of you. There was polymer clay, paint, paint brushes, and a craft oven. You showed him the other designs you’d come up with including a bear, pig, and a duck. “Which one do you think you like best?” 
“You made them, so I like all of them.” You raised your eyebrows at him trying to contain a smile at his compliment. “But I’d have to say the frog is one of the best.”
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  
“Bloody hell where did you get this from? I think it may be bad,” the boy said five second into kneading the clay with the green paint. You sighed as you went closer to his side, “Draco, It’s clay it’s not going to be a bit hard.” Huffing, he went back to kneading as his eyes went wide looking down at his stained hands, “You never told me my hands would turn green” 
“Obviously. It’s paint. We’ll wash our hands when we’re done anyways.” You had gotten done with your second ring, which was in the design of a bear when you decided to see how Draco was doing.
You laughed as you looked at him; his face was crunched up and his tongue out touching the top of his lip as he tried to get the pupil directly in the center of the frog's eye. “It doesn’t have to be perfect love, it’s for fun.” He just dismissed you with an ‘mhm’ his eyes never leaving the what he would call the ‘challenge’ in front of him.
A few minutes went by when you were both done with four rings each. You put them into the oven as you and Draco talked about different things at school. About how he’s going to ‘Get Pottah back’. You hadn’t even known what he had done to cause Draco to get ‘back’ at him. But what was the point in trying, there was always something?
When you took the rings out of the oven, you watched as he admired the frog he had worked so hard on causing a smile to come upon your face. “I’ll admit this came out better than I thought.” 
“I agree, they did come out pretty good,” you said back hoping he would say something else. After a sew seconds he caved in,“Alright fine, I’ll wear the frog but you have to match me.” An excited smile came over your face as you laid a kiss on his cheek. “Of course, I knew you’d come around.”
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*   Bonus
“What’s that on your hand Malfoy,” Theodore teased. He, Draco, and Blaise were all up in their dorm about to go to bed when he caught sight of the ring on his finger. “It’s a frog ring if you want to know so badly, I made it with my girlfriend,” he said, putting emphasis on the ‘girlfriend”.
“Something that you clearly don’t have the capability.” He gestured to the boy’s face with a look of disgust painting his own. A loud laugh emitted from Blaise’s mouth, “Nott just please go to sleep now, ‘cause you know it’s true.” Ever since Blaise started dating some Ravenclaw he sat by in potions, Theodore had become the fifth wheel whenever everyone hung out.
The boy hastily pulled the blanket over his body and quickly pulled the string turning off the lamp, almost snapping it off. “That was uncalled for Malfoy, I hope a spider crawls up you while you’re sleeping,” he grumbled, causing the blonde’s mouth to clamp shut and take a large gulp. The sound was heard as Blaise started to laugh again “Shut up Zabini,” the boys said in sync as he only laughed louder.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*  
A/N- Feel free to leave any feedback or constructive criticism and have a great rest of your day or night <3
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
sending this on anon bc im a big fan who has interacted w you p openly and i dont want you to like. associate me w this one criticism. but im an autistic person who takes great comfort in the L being autistic (head)canon and well. i cant help but notice that even though youve claimed to support the headcanon you tend to characterise L in a way that seems to completely contradict it. what im referring to specifically here is that a couple of L's most prominent autistic traits in canon are is flat tone of voice and flat expression. a lot of autistic people tend to have flat expressions/speech patterns, and this is called "flat affect".
everytime you draw L, this is completely absent. you pretty much draw him with the face of a neurotypical. dont get me wrong, for real, i love your art soooo much and i have a lot of it saved to my phone. but everytime i see the expressions you draw on L (which are great, realistic expressions for a neurotypical!) i just get this uncomfortable, uncanny feeling, like if someone took a picture of you but edited the parts they dont like without your permission (not kin, just an analogy). it's like, "aw... why they took my mans expression, he didnt need it 'fixed', let him have his flat face..."
this isn't meant to be an attack at all!! just me as an autistic person letting you know because chances are you dont notice youre doing it and sometimes it can suck when people go "yea i support autistic characters/the fact that the autistic community has largely claimed this character and projects onto him!" and then depict them without any of their autistic traits. you say you support the headcanon (and i believe you do!) but the way you draw him in interacting with others, interacting his environment, and most importantly, his expression just makes it feel like... all of his autistic traits have been airbrushed over to make for a more "ideal" ship scenario. and it sucks to see autistic characters treated that way. we arent only autistic when we're visibly stimming, and then everything else dissapears when it wouldn't look cute or attractive, ya know? ^_^;
uh, anyway, i just needed to get this off my chest, because ive been thinking it for awhile (everytime youre on my dash), i love you and your art, have a nice day!
Oh man you're right I had no idea I was doing that! My bad, I'm sorry if it felt like I was erasing some of his autistic traits! It's not an excuse by any means, but my thought process going in to whenever I draw him is like "autistic people can have big expressions too!" But in hindsight it's starting to skew into a more neurotypical portrayal when I'm not including more accurate rep of his usual flat tone/expression. I always imagine him speaking pretty flat, but I can see how that's not being conveyed visually. Whenever I approach character acting in any of my scenes from now on I'll be sure to keep that in mind! I'll try to be more well-rounded going forward! Thanks for letting me know dude!
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
So, naturally, someone has to ask you about onlyoneof's comeback. The whole thing has me incredibly confused. Firstly 8 songs were teased but only 4 released? Is this album actually supposed to be a prerelease? And then conceptually....the teasers weren't very coherent and the mv and song are just so strangly detached from each other? To be fair libido was also detached but the mv was coherent with itself while the skinz mv feels like it didn't have a core direction. The tech opening was great but then the pov section hit and just....idk the whole thing lost its plot. I will say the what I've seen of the choreo fits the song well, I just don't get how something that was openly a libido sequel felt so off when the material was right there.
I loved the outfits for the first stage, junji's jacket was fantastic. Someone said they were serving second gen and while I don't think they went that far I do love the copious and copiously cheap leather. I'm certain they'll release another guilty pleasure version that's just the choreo and I really wanna see the whole dance.
I love the three bsides we got I'm just so beyond confused on how they straight up dropped only half of the tracklist. That and the MV being super cheap genuinely made me wonder if the full comeback hasn't actually happened yet but there's just no news of anything like that so...??????
I actually do like skinz in the same way I liked libido- neither song appealed to me at ALL at first but infinite's the chaser made me make a two listen rule because I also somehow hated that song on first listen. On second listen...the 10 seconds of opening with the guitar that fades into the instrumental is SICK. I wish the guitar was more present in the song other than little pop ups here and there. It's def a weird song and the weakest of the 4 we got but also feels very derived from libido and sage. I think it could've been a great noise music song and I can hear what they were trying to do with it I just can't figure out if it's too empty or too crowded.
What are your thoughts?
oh this is so long! thank you!!
yea the whole comeback has been a bit scattered but honestly i think it's probably a money thing more than anything else. we know they are actually capable of doing full scale concepts since all their previous cbs have been more typical; i suspect they really took a hit domestically with libido and the fact that they doubled down instead of switching concepts to something that was less socially 'risque'. it's obviously a gamble they were willing to make in order to be their weird little indie boy selves and i applaud them for it. they've clearly got enough support to keep the lights on and if that lets them keep making music than i'll take some sacrifices.
as far as the mv goes, i don't actually mind it? well, i do mind it, but let me explain. i hate watching it because pov type stuff skeeves me the fuck out, but i also think they did that on purpose. the fact that they likely had a much smaller budget this time around means that they had to do some very creative problem solving to get a cohesive mv, and this is a perfect example of limitations breeding creativity. i think they're playing at something really interesting by reaching into the space of the whole voyeuristc fan experience and superimposing it with a 'storyline'/such obvious inter-group connections. although libido was decidedly western tinted, it still fell within the production standards of what we expect from a kpop mv. despite there being a rise in 'authentic' content from idols, there's usually a very clear distinction between 'performance' work and 'extra content', of which we see a visual distinction that usually comes down to things like rehearsal/casual clothes, tech quality, filming locations, etc. so even though the skinz mv ticks all the boxes of being easy-to-film cheap casual content, i don't actually think it is. there's a couple of really good vfx shots, there's two different aspect ratios, a lot of the shots are very purposefully framed, and the pov aspect, obviously. the fact that they all get into a company car but there's not a manager driving, and there's no accidental shots of staff at all, which all tell me this was a storyboarded and intentional mv. because of the high standard of production, a kpop mv presents an idol as a 'character' in a sense; they aren't wearing clothing they would usually wearing, they're in an artificial setting, and they aren't really 'acting' like themselves either. they're dressing up for work, yanno? customer service face etc. so by purposefully breaking the clearest visual boundary between 'work' and 'casual', skinz is directly questioning those boundaries. where exactly is the line between what's 'performance' and what isn't? how much do we see as fans and who are we to tell if what we're seeing is 'real' or not? it's a really interesting mv concept. not entirely sure it was totally successful, but it got there for me.
it is annoying that they only dropped half the tracklist and it is 100% my villain origin story but addy (@hoforwonho) told me that re-bido was a cd exclusive, which makes me think that the rest of them are as well. and i don't blame them for trying to drum up money any way they can. i'm just glad gaslighting was in the tracks they dropped for streaming because it was the one i was most excited about from the previews and it fucks supremely. ultimate bliss is also really good but gaslighing is my fave by far.
in terms of the actual title track itself, i LOVE the guitar and i think the instrumental has good bones but i don't like the vocal line (not the people, the actual melody+lyrics+arrangement) at all. i think where you're getting the too empty/too crowded from is that the vocals are doing a LOT and the instrumental is kinda bare under the guitar riff, but they're not working together at all. it bothers me less in the studio recording but the chaos is really obvious in the performances. i think i can see where they wanted it to go but it didn't make it all the way there for me, even if i can understand why it was meant to be offputting.
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love4hobi · 3 years
dont really want to add to the negativity but i just had to bring this up, last year when joon came live on his birthday he expressed his mixed feelings over the success of dynamite and said he’d been wondering how true the sentiment that music could overcome language boundaries was
he really!! came online and said it out loud! he was upfront about a topic that a good portion of us were wondering about
and i saw hardly anyone talk about it? of course joon seemed to have come to terms with his feelings by butter since he felt like he’d stopped taking shit during the interviews and stuff
but the way it was not at all talked about by the fandom. really
and this one thing is enough imo to tell us that they werent satisfied with dynamite either, if their solo work isnt enough proof
and hundred percent agree about them seeming tired, rather have them get a proper break than get a million performances of the same song
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thank u for giving me the link i was really interested to hear what he said!! and even though i read your ask before watching it i was still surprised at how honest he was and i can also see why armys wouldnt be eager to bring up what he said lol. when he said
“"Music truly transcends every barrier like language" Even while I was saying that I questioned myself if I indeed believe this. Some songs are great even if you don't know the lyrics, songs made better by knowing them, and songs made worse. Lyrics of course are important in a song, but music is fundamentally aural. The auditory aspect and the especially the visual aspect of songs these days.”
idk i could be misunderstanding but to me its like yea how /could/ that statement be true if they were only able to finally get the billboard #1 with an all english song like if that were true black swan wouldve gotten the dynamite treatment she rightfully deserved! ✊ and that it doesnt really matter what their english singles sound like aurally as long as theyre in english :/ and then you didnt mention this but a little later when he said
“I still love music. Just walking and humming a tune makes me happy and still feel I can't live without it. But I still want to rekindle what I had before at first. That purity. Different from going back to my roots. Rekindle what I used to love what gave me mental satisfaction back then.”
that was just like. woah. i think that could be interpreted in different ways but in the context of dynamite/ the english singles i think its just really telling the fact he felt strongly enough to say that in a log posted to bangtantv… idk but thank u for bringing this up it was actually kind of reassuring to hear especially from him? because of course we dont know how they all feel about the direction theyve taken but its nice to hear from joon specifically like u said cus he mediates between them and the company and is more involved in producing n whatnot. but yea also like u said i feel like their solo work alone is enough reason to believe they may not be fully behind the songs theyve been putting out lately. like mono is one of my fav albums of all time its so beautiful, and obvi d-2 and hope world are just so amazing and well made as well, and so in my head its almost a little rude? that armies would just accept that dynamite and ptd and butter are the best the boys can do when theyve shown us in the past how much more dedicated they are to their passion than to put out generic pop songs. but then theyve also put out songs in the past that fit into that same sort of genre but are actually good.. like boy with luv? dimple? dna? run?? why not just make another song like that and then have only the lyrics written by someone else in english or something idek. but dont feel stupid for being upset it is really frustrating just because we know how much better they are and its annoying to watch them waste their time on the industry that will probably still not pay them any mind anyway :/ armies can stream obsessively all they want but theyre still just that, streams, and it doesnt mean the gp or the grammys or whoever is gonna pay anymore attention to them,,, so why not just go back to making good music ? :DDDD
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