#like yall dont even KNOWWW
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h8aaz · 1 day ago
ur blog feels so cozy 🥹
stop i literally love u sm kari thank you!!! yours is literally gorgeous like the most calming and beautiful green forest ever i love itttttt!!
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jupiter-reimagined · 10 months ago
just remembered an idea i had earlier. so like dominic was originally named butch/butcher but i realized i dont like it at all, and i was iffy about dominic from the get-go and like yesterday or smth the name buster came in mind for him. im really not sure tho. its better than butch i *think* but like. decisions decisions :pensive:
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wabblebees · 2 years ago
#god i hate it here#as an american dumbfuck i wanna strangle all these dumbfucks (my neighbors) for the yearly fireworks bullshit they pull#like. i actually LIKE fireworks. and i dont mind the noise! HOWEVER#i know people do. and i certainly wouldnt want to potentially trigger/hurt anyone by setting them off in a crowded residential area#and i knowww its fully fucking illegal for my neighbors to posess/use/sell/buy fireworks in our state. and ofc ik that legal=/=moral!! BUT#these motherfuckers should absolutely NOT be setting off fireworks rn oh my god.#with all these damn wildfires?? yr rly out here setting off fireworks when just this last week we had an air quality warning??#if u want more of those: please ! by all means keep doing what yr doing !#its only MY sorry ass working outside doing manual labour most of the time. so dont worry#ik you wanted to get rid of my gayass one way or another !#happy fucken fourth ! ig we might as well go on & celebrate the freedoms our country's blessed us with while we've still got any at all !#apologies for the pessimism; im just. grrrugh. like i said#i hate it here#my extended family (all mor//mon) is real big on patriotism bc the cult ((as i experienced it)) was too#so theres. like. even more layers than ill get into to how much im hating this rn lmao#🎶fuck america🎶#but. anyway#i hope yall are doing well (near or far<3 american or no ofc)#and if yr not an enjoyer of fireworks but youve been subjected to them today anyway -- im thinkin of you#ily & i hope youre able to get some peace+quiet+calm soon too<3<3#bee speaks
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hauntingkiki · 8 months ago
HII!!! can i request Venture with pregnant reader? how will they react finding out shes pregnant? headcanons on them taking care of her throughout the pregnancy, giving birth, etc? Even them taking care of the baby later on!! and Venture parent headcanons in general!! sorry if it’s a lot, i’m just thinking of Venture as a parent!! SO CUTE!!! love ur writing btw!!
OMG AWWW YES! this is so cute! and it’s not a lot dwdw!! and thank you! i’m glad you enjoy reading my work!
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Venture x Pregnant! Reader
2nd POV
- i want to start this off by giving a quick headcanon!!(idk if ive said it already) but i TOTALLY believe that sloan has a huge family, and i mean HUGE. bunch of brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces and nephews, so they’ve ‘experienced’ what it’s like to have someone who’s pregnant
- but anyways, into the request!
- so! a few weeks after the two of you got 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, sloan noticed that you were a little…off?
- something didn’t sit right with them, but they kind of shrugged it off to ‘it’s been a while, and we both have shitty sleep schedules; it’s probably that’ and they went to work
- you knew something was wrong, so you took a pregnancy test from the bathroom
- ^ the girls in sloan’s family gave some tests for you just in case
- but anyways, you took the test, patiently waited the three minutes and-
- you were pregnant.
- sloan got home a few hours later, and you told them you made a discovery while they were at work. sloan’s mind immediately clicked to you finding a geo in the backyard but they closed their eyes, and opened them to reveal a positive pregnancy test!
- they were so happy!! started crying tears of joy while they peppered you in kisses and engulfed you into so many hugs!
- when you’d have really bad morning sickness, sloan would hold your hair back and just sit with you on the bathroom floor
- they know you’re going through a lot, and you’re going to go through more as the months go on, so they’ll accommodate to your every need:)
- one of my irl pookies gave me a headcanon😳 she said, “venture the typa parent to act ike theyre calm and collected the whole pregnancy but constantly freak out and worry about their partner” WHICH I SO AGREE ON!
- even though sloan went through this multiple times, they’re so stressed out because it’s YOU! their partner!!
- you’d be in bed, upset about something then sloan will come to the rescue!
“don’t worry, i’ll go get you something!” *stands completely still*
*in disbelief while tears are STREAMING down your face* “WHAT ARE YOU DOING??”
- they panic so much cause they don’t want to make you more upset or anything:)
- sloan tries their HARDEST to not make you mad at them, but it just ends up with you crying because of how sweet they are towards you
- whenever you have a new craving, sloan is so down to try it. a good 70% of the times they like them! but the other 30%…never again.
- have you seen those cute gender reveals where it’s just the parents and they cut the cake? yall did that
- this and this tiktok are MY FAVORITE GENDER REVEALS EVERRR!! and it’s EXACTLY how i imagine it!!(kinda)
- the two of you were somewhere pretty, like a lake, flower garden or a beautiful meadow! and you two had the cake in front of you, the glasses in hand.
- little oneshot real quick for this😳:
“you ready?” sloan muttered, hands shaking as they held the beautiful champagne glass that was going to cut the cake to reveal the gender.
you nodded faintly, heart hammering against your chest. your hands shook violently, your wedding ring tapping against the glass, a faint ding sound ringed through the glass.
the two of you hovered over the cake, both glasses clinking together.
“i’m so scared.” you sighed, your voice cracking as tears stung your eyes.
sloan brought their fee hand up to your face, caressing your cheek before letting their hand rest on your arm. “it’s okay!” they reassured with a chuckle, rubbing their thumb across your forearm.
sighing, you nodded, the two of you closing your eyes and pressing down into the cake, pulling your glasses up once they were filled with cake.
“okay.” sloan chuckled, rolling their shoulders. “3…2…1…”
the two of you opened your eyes, you bursting into tears while you dropped your glass into your lap, the frosting staining your dress.
sloan let out a breath, eyes wide as they examined the glass in their hands before leaning it against the cake, pulling you into a hug as they two of you cried tears of joy.
it was a girl.
- once sloan found out you two were having a baby girl, they went on an outfit shopping spree; buying everything that they found cute for her.
- months have past and you were going to name your baby girl, d/n (daughter name), but, you were trying to figure out what she was going to call sloan when she starts talking
- you were looking for gender neutral titles for your lover, before sloan walked into the living room and sat next to you, unaware of what you were doing
- they turned to you the same time you turned to them, a sad look on your face as you open your mouth but sloan beats you to the punch
“…i’m going to be a dad.”
- your due date inching closer, the stress was getting to both of you. both of you were ready to see this baby but, what the fuck do you do?
- sloan backed a backpack full of necessities and left it in the car a month prior, so you were good there. the nursery was all set with everything the baby needed, baby monitor was also installed, stroller was purchased- the list went on
- then, it happened.
- as soon as the words “my water broke” left your lips, sloan suddenly locked in and knew what to do
- it all happened so fast, one minute you were in your apartment then the next you were in the hospital
- while sloan and you were waiting for you to be fully dilated, they helped you do some stretches and get your mind somewhat off of the pain, which helped a ton
- they held your hand the entire time, not letting go at all. they held your hand when you were getting your medication for the pain relief, and when you were pushing- they were at your side the whole time
- when you were pushing, you were expecting them to pass out, but they didn’t (you weren’t super surprised since they’ve been through this before)
- constant words of encouragement from them! they’d also give you small pecks on the lips during your breaks before kissing the top of your head
- then, many hours of pushing, the baby had arrived
- sloan started bawling the second they saw her, obviously letting you hold her first as the two of you cried happily together
- when you passed d/n off to sloan, you were a little nervous, but they did fantastic holding your baby
- while you were getting some sleep after the birth, they were just holding her. their mind was blown that they were a father, a parent!
- when they were getting sleepy too, they joined you on the small ass hospital bed, but they let you be practically on top of them, so it was a win in their book LMAO
- i think that’s all the pregnancy head canons😓 so let’s dive into the general parenting headcanons!
- they’re 100% playing in the dirt with your daughter, looking for rocks, worms, and other critters and surprises
- d/n definitely got sloan’s love for rocks and nature, she’s constantly begging her father if they can go outside
- you two hardly get mad at her, since she’s such an easy kid
- sloan deffo limited the amount of trips for work, only going on week long trips instead of month+ trips, but as she got older and more mature, they started going back to work again
- the wayfinder’s absolutely ADORE HER! she calls everyone aunty/uncle there and they treat her like she’s family(she basically is)
- if you and sloan want to go on a date night, sloan would drop her off and they’d happily take her in:)
- as she got older, sloan and her got more into archeology; them telling her all about their adventures and even about overwatch too!
- oh, and (mostly) everyone at overwatch loves her too
- rein, ana, and sigma have honorably taken grandparent titles
- they would so want to give her a quinceañera when she’s 15 (since mexican from sloan), but they won’t force her to have one if she doesn’t want one
- they’ll speak spanish to/around her, that way she can get familiar with the language and she can communicate with family members who only speak spanish
- and you do the same too! if you speak another language, that is
- they’re the overprotective parent when it comes to dating/boys
- if she wanted to have a sleepover with 10 friends, they’d so let her! sure, you’d probably get a little upset, but sloan would help feed them and clean up after them:)
- but, overall, they just really love their little girl. they’re so happy to have a family, especially with you!
THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!! thank you for requesting!! i hope you enjoyed!:)
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taplagmeja · 14 days ago
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my first love, it's his birthday and he needs to know that he's loved!!
warning: some indonesian phrases cause one languange cant even come close to describing him and his beauty!!
pink: sinister, playful
i love sirius so much. i swear. he's not just some pretty boy to me (evwn though he IS pretty) he's my everything. the light to my dark, the music to my silence, the color to my greyyyyt(if that makes sense!) LIKEEEEE he's so imperfectly perfect!!!! ik he has major flaws (hes mentally ill if not insane(PARTLY to be fair!!!!)) it's still fresh in my mind, that one time sirius shot mc right in her feet, all the horrible things he's done(out of love btw) I LOVE HIM SOOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOOOOOMUCH!!!!!! and I'll tell you why, cause it's his b'day and he deserves to know that he's special and loved!!!
we'll start from his lovely appearance: i love his tanned skin. his skin shines, glows, glistens, under the sun, moonlight, or artificial light even. it's like he's glowing all the time!!! his skin is soooo smooth(even if his skin isnt smooth i'll still love him the same) it's the perfect shade of golden brown that really makes him pop and shine in even the busiest crowds of people!!!!!! when i first saw him it's like finding a diamond in a pile of rusts, he does need some polishing, but who doesnt? speaking of polished, badannya (his body) is the definition of POLISHED.
his body's refined, chiseles. he's like if those statues of greek gods comes to life. he looks and feels like he's carved by a 100 year old master!!!! i gotta thank whoever carved his body cause he looks ETHEREAL. he looks like a statue!!! when i first saw him i couldnt believe my eyes. who is this DIVA💜???
his hair is MAJESTIC. when i tell youu his hair is one of an angel's GUE GA BERCANDA. I'M NOT JOKING. his iridescent, shiny, glorious long hair flows freely in the wind. his hair acts like a prism and reflects the rainbow and colors youd never even THINK of you'd think you were blind. his hair's a gorgeous deep shade of blue-purple. but it's not just any hair, it's IRIDESCENT. his hair's holographic. it's long and reflects light like a mirror would. his hair's who-knows-how-long and thick. it's such a shame that such beauty has to be contained in a low ponytail. to be fair, if he ever removes his equally majestic lavender hair ribbon(that matches his earrings) the world would be BLIND. ever wonder why your hair's so bad??? it's because all the beauty in this world is drained and contained inside him.
he's the definition of gorgeous, beautiful, majestic, ethereal, blinding.
his eyes are one of a guy who knows he's pretty(evwn though he's more than just pretty). his eyes are not only iridescent like his hair, BUT ALSO CHANGES COLOR BASED ON HIS EMOTIONS!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!! it was never listed anywhere what color is for what emotion, but I've got yall covered. after being his soulmate, girlfriend, wife, his everything for 3 years, I'm pretty sure i can tell what color means what.
black with a swirl of red: angry, furious, sinister²
blue: surprise
yellow: joy, amusement, flustered
purple: bored, relaxed, calm, numb, insane(sometimess)
it's crazy how one's eyes could be so deep and meaningful. i could stare in his eyes for centuries and still not over it. his spiky eyelashes, his slanted eyes, his glowing, iridescend, color changing irises will never cease to amaze me. how can someone be this perfect? kok bisa ada seseorang se-sempurna ini? dari ubun-ubun ke ujung jari kaki, you cant find a flaw. dont get me started on his voice!!! its deep, playful, and seductive at times!!!!! what a man. his laughs are the end of me. i love him sm u guys dont even knowww!!!!! how could a person like him ends up in such a trashy developer's hands? fate's cruel, i know. it's probably because they knew that if he was to be in the hands of a proper developer, he'd take over the world. enough guys, on to his personality!!!!! he's like playful at first sight. he's a troublemaker, teaser, and really goofy!!! but could be threatening, mysterious,insane, and charming at times!! he's kinda goofy and silly, one time my glorious king (not so) accidentally steps on alpheratz's stomach while taking a walk in the garden (you go girl!) but he's more than the eyes can see. he's affectionate, smart, and good with his words(hes good with anything though.) he's good with his hands, too. he's a member of queen tet. he uses a shotgun/revolver as his magical weapon. his shotgun has this galaxy pattern on it. he's reaalllyyyy!!! cool!!!! he's also one of the oldest sorcerer(turning 103 todayyy!!!!) and a survivor of a grand incident. where all the monsters roams the world. he's a really skilled fighter, I'll give him that, gladly. he's powerful!!! more than he lets on. he's flirty at times. and did you know???? he's canonically a yandere!!!!(listed somewhere) but he hides it sooooo well!!!! i still remember that one scene he just whispers "dont go" for like god knows how many times when mc was about to leave. i love this man so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's an experienced one, rough on the outside and soft on the inside. he teaches me about love.
i love him today, tomorrow, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, forever and ever!!!
im so lucky to meet him. i see everyone i've ever loved in him. hes my one and only and im so lucky to be his one and only too!
ok guys part 2? it's already superr longgg! and it's nearly 11pm!
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soursturniolo · 1 year ago
so…. I have a Chris smut I originally posted on ao3 like a month ago under a different account but deleted… and I’m thinking of posting it here…. BUT ITS SO DIRTY YALL YOU DONT EVEN KNOWWW
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mad-zz · 2 years ago
One Shot-
Mike Wheeler x Fem Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: Cuss words and some parts where i dont clarify who is speaking
Reader , Mike , Dustin , Eddie
Can’t belive he did it
Mike Wheeler wasn’t known to have “rizz” as some might call it. The only girl he ever actually dated way Jane/Eleven but she moved away with his bestfriend in a whole other state so the relationship got a bit rocky and the had to break up. Mike didnt want it but Jane knew it was for the best.
So of course this left Mike in a mental state where he thought he would never find love again……Untilll he meet you. Co-Captain of the cheer team. Never afraid of speaking her mind. One of the most popular kids in school. So who would ever think a nobody like mike bagged someone like you?? His friend sure didn’t think so until you proved them wrong
Mike was walking to his next class until he saw you at your locker getting out your needed books. He thought you looked pretty doing anything. Walking, Talking, Eating. Anything you did you did it best to him. So it wasn’t much of a suprise to him that you were one of the captains for the cheer team. Mike walked up to you and right when you saw him you gave him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a tight squeeze.
Gosh you had butterflies in your stomach right away. You found it werid that you still get butterflies even though y’all have been dating for 2 months already. You had asked him how his day was going and he said good as usual. As you and mike were talking you two were on your way to class when a particular friend of mike’s was watching. You had seen him before..What was it…?Uhhhh……DUSTIN! That was it you had seen Mike talking to him and he told you that Dustin was a close friend of his.
But Dustin was off. He was just staring at the two of you looked confused. And when he saw you staring at him, he had walked off in a hurry. You just minded your business and walked into class with Mike chatting about his new dnd board and how you should come over and see it. In the middle of him talking you had cut him off and said “ Hey why was Dustin looking so strange just now?” He has turned to you saying “Oh he was here i didn’t even notice?!” He looked kinda nervous when saying it. You thought something was up but you didn’t metiton it. So when you finally entered class you had taken a seat by Mike and had forgotten about it.
~Time Skip~
It was now lunch time and you were sitting with the jocks and cheerleaders while Mike was sitting with his friends. Every now and then you two will share glances with each other. It’s not like your relationship was a secret. Almost have the school knew you two were dating. Emphasis on almost. Because while you didn’t know it, Mike’s friends were that other half. So while Mike was staying at you a little bit and Dustin noticed he said. “Mike what we’re you and Y/n Y/l/n doing walking habe in hand with each other?” The guys immediately spit out there drink and in union yelled out a WHAT?!. Mike had turned his head right away and kinda just laughed it off with a “Whattttt pffff uh i mean i would never uhhh you knowww umm yeah”
Dustin replied with “You complete dodged the question” “I did not doged the question-” “You definitely just doged the question Wheeler” Eddie said. “Ok ok even if I did where is your proff of-” “Jason is hitting on Y/n” “WHAT” Mike right away turned his head to see you just talking with your friends. “Hey you tricked me!” “Why were you so worried about jason talking to y/n hmmm?” “Do you like her??” “And going back to the original question why were you two walking to together?!”
Mike looking completey embarssed with no excuses he had to fess up. “Ok ok i’ll tell you but yall have to promise to not freak out or something ok?” The whole table and nodded wanting to know what was happening between there friend and the most popular girl in school. “Ok here it goes…. Me and Y/n are dating and have been for about two months so far” Mike had looked back to stare at his friends for a moment until all his friends had staring laughing as Mike trew his head back in frustration.
“HAHAHA OK OK SO YOUR TELLING ME YOUR DATING Y/N Y/L/N THE MOST POPULAR GIRL IN SCHOOL ??!!!” “Yes 😐” “STOP JOKING WHEELER IF THAT WERE TRUE I WOULD BE DATING CHRISSY RIGHT NOW AGHHH HAHAHA” “Guys im telling the truth!!” “Then how about you go prove it” Dustin said fake wiping away a tear “FINE” Mike says getting up to walk to your table. “Oh shit he’s actually going to do it”
You see your boyfriend walking up to your table so you wave at him but right when he comes up to you he pulls you up from the table and just kisses you. You don’t know why he’s doing it but hey your not complaining. You wrap your hands around his neck as he holds your waste. The kiss is passionate but soft at the same time. And when you two stop you ask him quitely why he did that. He just said I had to prove something to my friends real quick and presses a quick kiss on your forehead.
And Mikes friends are still at there table jaws dropped to the floor, astonished by the fact that Mike was telling the truth. Just as Mike was walking back Eddie said “ Cant belive he did it, he actually bagged Y/l/n” And Mike sat down he asked “Any other questions?” {Spoiler Alert they did}
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therealestpodcast · 2 years ago
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“Jae and Ona in the morninggg….nights..”
Jae: We gotta change that intro
Ona: Nooo its so iconic!!
Jae: Then we need to stop recording at night..
Ona: Bitch now you KNOW thats not gonna stop.
Jae: True…
Ona: Whats the topic today jae jae?
Jae: Today’s topic isss…… drumroll please!
Ona: These nails are press on, if they pop off I would cry.
Jae: The topic is the new Five Nights At Freddy's movie.
Ona: You could've used the soundboard…
Jae: I dont want to hear NOTHING from your right now…
Ona: …..
Jae: …
Jae: Anyways Ona, whats your thoughts so far on the movie!
Ona: ….I hate you so bad.
Ona: But seriously i CAN NOTTT WAIT.
Jae: If yall didnt know me and Ona always go to see horror movies together and we at least go 3 times.
Ona: We literally have every streaming app for what ever they put the movie on.
Jae: Usually the first time we go with a group of friends.
Ona: And the the other times we go to actually analyze the film.
Jae: what is are your theories for the movie?
Ona: I feel like it’s only gonna be like the first game or something like that im really upset that they arent gonna have a scene with the springlock suit, like I heard a lot about that.
Jae: Well, you know there’s definitely gonna be at the movies, I think it’s mostly gonna focus on the first game as you said, but more of like a backstory type of thing too.
Ona: how much you wanna bet that the movies aren’t even going to be in timeline order?
Jae: oh my God I’m not doing that bullshit again..
Ona: the timeline was literally horrible to figure out.
Jae: We should stream as replaying the games on our twitch.
Ona: Definitely, I’m so sick of people talking about the red eyes.
Jae: Oh yeah, isn’t it Cannon? or something like that?
Jae: so I just looked this up, but did you know that they my delay the movie since people are complaining about it? like the movie is already in October that so longgggg.
Jae: it’s not even that big of a deal to be honest.
Ona: like if you read the books and they literally have red eyes when William is in control.
Jae: You sound like those weird kids in 2014
Ona: Um…you WERE the weird kids!
Jae: Not too fucking much…
Ona: OH MY GOD???
Jae: ….No.
Ona: …. I gotta make some calls, who did you go to school with?
Jae: No one, i was a lone wolf.
Ona: Anddd that tells me everything i needed to know.
Jae: DI’ONA!
Ona: Back on the topic, it’s so crazy to think that we literally grew up with the series.
Jae: No yeah, I thought about that before.
 Jae: Have you ever thought about how controversial the game is?
Ona: What d’you mean?
Jae: like, do you remember when people would argue over the gender of foxes?
Ona: that was literally insane, like there was real debates about that….
Jae: You would probably joined in….
Jae: I have no idea what you’re talking about..
Ona: Hey i just had a thought-
Jae: wowwwww for once in your life!
Ona: ……
Ona: …Anyways. What was your favorite FNAF song?
Jae: Its been too long-
Ona: Oh.
Jae: …what is your problem NOW?
Ona: Nothing, just…nothing um anyways-
Jae: ….
Ona: Jaeyoung i swear to god.
Jae: You started it.
Ona: LIKE I WAS SAYING, My fav is Join the Party or Join us for a bite.
Jae: Girl pick one.
Ona: NO WAIT! Below the surface!
Jae: If they dont play its been so long at the end credits im gonna go insane. 
Jae: Ona…please dont start…
Ona: I cant pickkkk
Ona: But i think they should play Stay Calm.
Jae: Whys that?
Ona: Dude like it make perfect sense for the first movie! Dont piss me off at 12:55 Am….
Jae: Why didnt you just say 1 in the morning?
Ona: Your soo lucky time is up…
Jae: Well everyone thanks for tuning into the realest podcast for the night-
Ona: the best horror podcast around..at night..
Jae: Dude we gotta change our catchphrase.
Ona: It doesnt rhyme with anything elseee
Jae: That was the hardest sigh ive ever tooken.
Ona: Next week you’ll hear us talk about Aliens-
Jae: Which i’m sure will be an exciting venture. this has been the realest.. being real.
Ona: have a good night everyone and thank you for listening.
Jae and Ona: This is The Realest Podcast signing out!
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spacedhead · 2 years ago
homestuck reread #5: a5a2 part 1
we have finally made it out of the troll session and into the troll - human hybrid adventure that the rest of the comic will be. until more shenanigans ensue that is
look at this.... it reminds me of someone i know...... i love these two together theyre so awesome. john is sort of like if tavros had self respect
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that gif of the troll guys smile slowly fading away
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ahahahaah this is so awesome
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there have been a ton of narrative parallels in the comic so far but this one is so much more obvious than the others. maybe because it happened right after
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john is now vriska coded. sweeeeet
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this is so funny. bro does not care at alllll
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dave why do you call women crazy. do you think thats chill
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what could they be referring to.......?
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baby daveee
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cool panel. he is in the pipes
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okay so right now there is a ton of shit happening. theres a bunch of daves running around his planet making fucking bank and hes also working with terezi. john is talking to vriska about getting jade in. rose is talking to kanaya about how they arent actually gonna win the game so she wants answers. jade is..... asleep. again. whats new. but she will have more to do soon im sure. and the panels are getting way cooler! look
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my sons are having a meeting about GIRLS.... half of yall arent even into girls 😹😹😹
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its so funny how often he fumbles. like he wants SO BADLY to come off like this hyper aggressive badass leader guy who takes no shit from anyone but just. every conversation is him utterly embarrassing himself in front of people he values the opinion of. and you know what? he is all the more the based for that. we salute you karkat
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i think this one is a game!!!
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that was a game alright i walked around as karkat and talked to all the trolls then did the same thing as terezi and vriska . was fun got some cool easter eggs. also some "demon" destroyed prospit so now karkat is saying that no prospit dreamers are allowed to go to sleep
this shit zoomed in GODDAMN it scared me
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look at her fucking stance. she looks like shes ready to do a cart wheel or something
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this art is so good man
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man. him too huh. maybe its the noses. or the shading
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welp. its the beginning of the end here now. i cant even remember what makes him become... what he becomes. i just remember that this was a part of it, i think?
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is this bars?
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REAL.... dave does not miss
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poor davesprite :( one day you will become half cat troll and work out all of your personal issues
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heres a really cool panel to end this part on
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i feel like my commentary was lackluster in this one... mostly because im just enjoying reading. taking it all in . i think the comic has really hit its stride at this point (hehe stride) and i am looking forward to revisiting whats coming up next :p
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oflgtfol · 5 years ago
“pdp’s situation got twisted by the media uwu’ ah yes the actual video of him paying ppl to parade around with signs saying “death to all jews” is absolutely something that got twisted by the media. sure. /s
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gingus-doon · 2 years ago
i tried out that porportion trick where you measure with heads
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1. orig
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3. okay thats good
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novannna · 3 years ago
Okay so like def 🖊 hmmm and also 💖, 🧠 and 💋 (which is freeform so I am gonna ask: fave couple to write (fic or ocs))
(Also you know how when you go to like a pastry place and you point out pastries for the person to put into a box for you? Thats what this ask feels like) (completely unrelated to how I bought pastries today btw) (AFTER I dropped off Alex so again. Not date bc I didn't like. go home and twirl in a circle and stare out a window or some shit)
Sometimes I forget that other ppl can read the asks I send yall
hi michstie afsfsgkf i want pastries now also ha imagine having a crush on someone and going on a date with them thats so fucking lame omg go bring me some pastires plss <33 im tired can u tell
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
hm okay i have not written in a little while but my current personal wip <33 also its kinda long but whatever <3
“What did you do, Merle?”  
Merle let out a long suffering sigh.  “You really want to know?”  
“Really, really.”  Strangely, Lapis didn’t sound as angry.  She just sounded tired.  
Merle laughed.   “My screw up that got me sent all the way out here…”  Lapis leaned forward, eyes gleaming.  Merle hummed thoughtfully.  “I existed.”  Lapis jerked backwards as Merle cackled.  “Horrible, isn’t it?”
“What are you?”  Lapis’s voice softened, and there wasn’t a shred of anger left.  
Merle tilted her head.  “A bird, a bone, a wish, a curse.”  
“Stop speaking in riddles, and answer the question.”
“I did.  Take your pick, or choose your own answer, it’s all close enough to the truth.”
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
hm i like how I can be really overdramatic and use metaphors that make absolutely zero sense to anyone other than me bc i can! Also i really like my character designs i come up w i think theyre v funky
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
kinda a wip but not really, a sasha character study where i overuse the number 3, sasha is even more manipulative than in canon, and shes way more traumatized than amphibia showed
💋 fave couple to write (fic or ocs)
HHHHH FUCK YOU i dont knowww
hm okay i feel like for fic, i dont really have any that i really love writing more than others. for oc's,,, probably slordan theyre just so <333 i love writing assholes who hate eachother and would also die for each other, also Lapis and Merle, they arent a couple, just very close friends but they deserve an honorary mention, theyre just very !!!! i really like their characters, and how they interact w eachother, and help eachother grow, and how they will always inevitably make each other worse idk currently brainrotting yeah
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riphimopen · 3 years ago
I love halloween 5 mike, dude's greasy as fuck and played by a indigenous actor
I KNOWWW IM SAYING LIKE they had to use the ugliest mask in the whole damn franchise to disguise the beauty of don shanks.... ALSO just 2 let yall know we dont acknowledge that dumbass thorn curse or h6 in here we what's the word. disregard it. h5 ends with michael finally recovering after being shown even a modicum of kindness by his niece and then he and jamie go off and live well together after killing loomis once and for all. there is no such thing as druids bro go back to bed
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thanksfortheflaglove · 2 years ago
not that anyone asked but. my faith in the future ratings n reviews so far <3 (enjoy the specific ratings bc everythings 7 or higher muahaha)
the greatest — 8.8, great(est) opening song! love the buildup
written all over your face — 9.89, literally such a fuckin BOP i love the bass and his fuckin VOICE are u kidding me. this was instantly one of my favs but ive been listening to the second half of the album more than the first so i havent been giving her the love she deserves 😪😪 im on it 🫡
bigger than me — 28000, god. i cant express what this song has done for me in such a little amount of time. firstly id fallen off so badly that i hadnt heard the singles yet (and lowkey wasnt super aware that the album was releasing as soon as it did, thats how bad) so i listened to it for the first time when i listened to the album upon release and- with my situation rn please just trust me when i say that this song is truly tattoo worthy for me like!!! i know its a single but i dont give a FUCK the lyrics are hitting so so so close to home & the instrumentals/overall vibe just reminds me of walls & its made me sob almost everytime. biiig bigger than me girl <3
lucky again — 7.8, cute song, cinema. 🎞️🎞️🎞️ shes fs so cute tho i need to listen more <3
face the music — 8.9, love getting right to the instrumentals!! def a feel good song n im here for ittt
all this time — 9, okay this one is DIFFERENT but i FW it!!! two things: firstly idk if any of yall know the songs "life is a game of changing" by the dma's but it has such a similar vibe and im honestly very here for it. secondly getting high to this, amazing experience. think it might need to be a staple piece on the high playlist. edit: that one time he says "worth it all this time" but it just feels like ur getting launced into another universe
out of my system — 9.7, shit slaps!!! everytime "gotta get it out of my system" instruments 🎸🥁🎹 GETS ME EVERYTIME!!! cant forget how hard this slaps
headline — 7.7, not my fav (yet) but no worries id literally still die for her. him saying fast, yeah. shes cute
saturdays — fucking 10. holy fuck. again with the lyrics. & the guitar hitting that last time around will never not give me the chills. amazing. truly. going to take the time to go post this on my insta now brb.
silver tounges — dont come for me but im gonna go 7.8 😌 shes fun i like her shes just growing on me okay
she is beauty we are world class — 8, reading these lyrics (and honestly just this song) high is making me feel things idk lol, still more of an all this time girlie but she is beauty and i am world class so she will get to that level ik she will <3
common people — 8.3, this ones so sweet 🥹 i (finally) go home not tomorrow but the next day thank FUCK, might fuck around the whole ride home listening to this <3
angels fly — 9.6, im starting to listen to this one more n lemme tell u what ive found out: how much of a damn comfort song this is👼🏼👼🏼👼🏼
holding onto heartache — 9.7, in all honesty if it was just 2:18-3:30 on repeat for the rest of my life i wouldnt complain. AND NOTHINGS EVER EASY!!! 📢📢📢
thats the way love goes — 8, shes cute but i definitely need to listen to her more to appreciate her 💖
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onepunchmiss · 6 years ago
OPM s2e10 Live Blog
“Justice Under Siege”
ALRIGHT so despite the fact that it is the 1 week anniversary of my death, OPM has forcefully wrenched me from the underworld to come continue with the season. So here I am and I’ve already posted my guess for what this episode will entail so lets see how well I handle it! (see: how much I scream) As always, I’m watching as someone who is up to date on both the Manga and webcomic
lets try that again ok
AHA YES OMG we’re starting with this!! I was totally expecting to pick up exactly where we left off, with Destrochloridium at the HA but OK throw me for a loop! Mix it up! “ORA ORA ORA ORA” I love Saitamas VA, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I laffff oh my god it keeps going in the background as Kind talks I can’t
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This is the scariest Saitama face I have ever witnessed wtf??? Why does it look so creepy?? Also, they added quite a bit to this scene huh? I guess They have to amp up the jokes since shit is getting pretty serious otherwise at this point in the series. OH SHIT THE DING ‘NO OTHER WORDS CAME TO MIND” OK Excellently done that got me I cackled fffffffffffffffff
OH MY GOD KING THAT SICK BURN?!?! I dont remember that I guess they’re really making it a point to be like ‘HEY LOOK THIS IS GONNA BE USED!!! IT EXISTS!!!’ but like I dont care cause it was worth it for the joke hhhhhhhhhhhJUST
Yanno, I just realised I think I know where every sing scene in the whole opening comes from down to the omake. Also just realised we are definitely getting Genos/Bang/Bomb vs Centipede cause that joint attack Bang and Bomb use is in the opening. Huh why did that only just now click anD OH MY GOD BB GENOS IM DYING NO
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Ok now we’re where we left off and oh dear god I HATE that squish noise please stop no OK Gyoro’s weird Eye twitch was a cool touch. Oh wait Narinki is the highest ranking executive now? I thought he was just the top donor of funds or something? eh anyway- lol wow Gyoro puts on a convincing sob story voice this is so funny?? Cause its Complete BS and I wonder what my reaction would be if I didn’t already know that AHH OK BUT THAT ‘HEHIHIHIHIHI’ LAUGH THO OMG SO GOOD
WHEW ok but seriously just the MENTION of assembling all the heroes is raising my blood pressure asdfghjkl if I may have one thing in life PLEASE LET IT BE A THIRD SEASON PLEASE IM BE G G IN G
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ASDFGHHJKL Did Destrochloridium just shout Itadakimasu?? HULU y u no translate that??? DOI as he gets smooshed pfffffftttttttttttt omg the sound pls ohmigod everyone knows steel is no match for a hardened body i just fukken HEKK I love this show so much pls he sounds so concerned that destro DIDNT know that
“Better step up” OH MY GOD YES DO THE THING
OK WAIT This is actually badass and not just a joke?? Darkshine, er, Blackluster(??) stop u r 2 good I cant handle it rn
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oooohhhhHH OH OH OH OH PLS SHOW EVERYONE I WANT PLS THE MONSTER ASSOCIATION!!! PLS!! SHOW ME WIFE?? CADRES?? PLZ?? yo total side note but I LOVE Murata’s monster designs?? Every time I reread opm I just oogle at a new one I never noticed before they’re all so unique and good. Also At least 3 of them in this sequence look like pokemon i swear- lol the silence no applause, if that was a joke in the manga i totally missed it uuuuwaAAAAAAAAAAA SCREAMING SCREAMING I AM SCREAM CADRE YES YES ASDFGHJKL ARE YALL READY TO SEE T H  A T FACE FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES THUS FAR???? HUH????
ew oh wait I actually feel bad for Awakened Cockroach, and he twitches after getting eaten oh noooooonono ew oh no dude im sorry no AAAAAAAAA WIFE HELLO oh their voices are so sad when they’re terrified for their lives I dont like it :[ ITS OK UR SAFE 4 NOW ILY PLZ BE CAREFUL AND STAY AWAY FROM PRETTY MEN 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMYCYBORG SON MY HEART I WEAK GENOS BB PLS BE CAREFUL ILY TOO hey heres a WACKY  and TOTALLY LoOnEy IdEa, what if,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHAT-IFF,,,,,,,,,,, everyone was HAPPY???? Crazy I knowww I just want the best for my sons and babies and children boys wives daughters loves and husband, is it so much to ask???
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Oh my god he looks so Sad here please no Genos everything will be ok please don’t be reckless do not be reckless listen to Dr. Kuseno you fool 
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CHILD EMPEROR MY SON I LOVE YOU TOO BOFOI UR AN ASS oh my god please can you even TRY to be a good mentor for the kid???? Thats it Zombieman adopt him pls remove shitty Bofoi influence replace with Best dad man influence. ANYWAY ok that was a tangent huh oops sorry. Ok but look at him. Child Emperor is genuinely adorable and a sweetheart poor kid don’t lose your faith in adults.
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Uh, the episode is running late still not to Garou yet either?? hmmmmmmmmm again I’m getting nervous are they gonna rush it?? lol the saitama throwaway OH OH FINALLY OMG MY HEART ISNT READY MY FAVORITE GAROU IN THE WHOLE SERIES OH MY GOD
im… im screaming… i love these two so much it hurts it does really. I was not prepared for how adorable it was possible to make Tareo either can I hug?? I must hugg?? And Garou’s voice is so calming and he’s being so sweet? I was really expecting to sound more… i dont know, whiney? Every time he shows up on the screen I love him more and more ffs
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This is such a good shot. Desktop wallpaper material right here.
Oh my god, this moment. And the music is just yanking my heart strings stop.
Oh yeah, they interrupt right. I like these heroes and all, but none of them are particular faves the fact that I think SO MANY OTHER FAVES were are RIGHT before them this ep just kinda overshadows their existence for me. I think this is the ONLY time in the series where Garou goes up against heroes and i cheer for him 110%, don’t even feel a little bad about who he’s beating the shit out of, and that’s kinda messed up of me but thats how impartial I am towards all these guys?
Back to Garou and I love him. hhhhh.
He smak the table
He laughs. Oh no his laugh. OPM forcefully dislocated me from the underworld to watch this episode and has thusly YEETED ME TO HEAVEN THAT LAUGH. I really need Garou to be happy.
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Do you see this man? Do you see him? I do and I’m crying thank you
Omg I got really caught up it watching them talk but the sparkles around death gatling whe Tareo was looking at them snapped me out of it. oi I cant handle this. Garou I want you to know that you have successfully turned the bad guy into the one everyone wants to win. You did it boy you did
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like I know how this goes but I’m so anxious anyway the hhhhhhhhhhhhh the fight choreography is a little clunky but I don’t care OH ok cool Glasses actually kept his little spotlight nice but Garou GAROU PLS B CAREFUL OK except WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS MOUTH DOING THAT LOOKS SO STUPID WHAT THE HELL?? HOLY SHIT IM GETTING DIZZY STOP wh- wh- wait no. NO IM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET COME BACK PLEASE I NEED MORE WAIT NO UHG this is my reaction at the end of every episode when will I learn?????????????? never. The answer is never.
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NO POST CREDITS STINGER and AS MUCH AS I LOVE GENOS’S FACE I already knew he would be in the episode next week. Yall I am so lost as to where the final episode will land. WTF.
This ep was a roller coaster oh my god. Non stop plot not that the tournament is done, and we saw like EVERY CHARACTER my feeble heart could not keep up. The ONLY thing that bothered me was part of the fight sequence at the end, like it was half drawn beautifully half animated so stiff and blocky ??? Threw me for a loop. But next week is only gonna get more intense??? I’m gonna guess we’ll get through the Elder Centipede fight??? But then what does that mean for the last episode??? I am full of SO MANY QUESTIONS??? I really don’t want the season to end yet, 12 eps is not enough. There’s only 2 more. Just. I’m not ready to let go of my bbs it feels like I only JUST got them… Well! Before I devolve into more of a blubbering mess, thanks yall so much for reading!!! As always, see yall next week!
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j4nn4s · 6 years ago
I was tagged by miss @nopeenora & miss shan KWEEN @whatadaze love yall <3
ONE / name / alias penelope / peep
TWO / birthday march 25 (OMG SHAN OUR BDAYS ARE SO CLOSE TF)
THREE / zodiac sign aries / aquarius / aquarius 
FOUR / height 5 ft 6.5 inches :~)
FIVE / hobbies doin design passion projects (even tho i procrastinate smh), learning languages, binging tv, discovering new music (and watching people’s reaction vids LMAOOO), yoga
SIX / favorite colours tbh idek anymore OIJWIOJ maybe indigo but i do love a good black/white high contrast scenario
SEVEN / favorite books tbh the only two books i rmr reading and really really enjoying was perks of being a wallflower when i was like 13/14 and the picture of dorian gray when i was 17/18 ... i also rlly love the 2007 and 2018 (?) editions of scandinavian graphic design cus im a fkn NERD !!!! (but idk if those count)
EIGHT / last song gone by charli xcx, christine & the queens (omg pan KWEEN) 
NINE / last film midsommar ??? i think ??? 
TEN / inspiration for muse muse for what ...... IJOIQJIOQW idk ill just list inspiring things: satisfying n conceptual brand redesigns, any time i see or feel a strong sense of community, julie andem’s writing, endorphins when running, talking with those close to you, mountains in general OIQJIWOJ girl idk
ELEVEN / dream job in general the goal is to become a graphic designer in europe BUT !!!! the most ideal version of that is to become a graphic designer in stockholm at my fave design studio and make enough to live Comfortably and enjoy life
TWELVE / meaning behind your url miss pan queen janna bitch you already fkn KNOWWW .... i think her insta is like j4nn4n4s but thats taken so beep beep guess im goin w j4nn4s
THIRTEEN / top three ships ok obv noliv bc im skam nl’s BITCH and then ofc isak/even of skam cause havent seen a chemistry like that before lbr ... and then rue/jules bc i love them together sm and i feel like they balance each other out but ik that rn the relationship is unhealthy but i sTILL LOVE THEM TOGETHER IM STUBBORN OK !!!! 
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick tbh no matter how much lip liner i wear lipstick never sticks which is annoyin n also when u blot it it isnt as vibrant so its too much to handle smh .... lets go w Chapstick
FIFTEEN / currently reading abbi jacobsons book (i might regret this) !!!!!! deadass ive never related to the first 30 pages of a book in my LIFE this woman makes me feel so SEEN and CALLED TF OUT omg
ok im sorry if youve been tagged already u dont have to do this but i love u hehe @floraflorenzi @isakvdhflorenzi @queenofpurgatoryx @wackpainterkid @megeliz01 @merldruck @axelauriantblot @kar-d-momme
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