#like y'all shut down at someone so much as raising their voice at you or posting some mild criticism for your bad takes
dollypopup · 6 days
hm. idk, maybe the reason Luke Newton isn't announcing new projects or posting any Bridgerton content is because some of you demons treated him like hot trash instead of a creative that you wanted more work from and he decided fuck it, this isn't worth the stress. you know, like a lot of creatives who get mistreated do?
like this is a man who went from couch surfing in a friend's house and bartending to make ends meet, deciding that the Bridgerton audition was the last one he'd do before he quit, to suddenly being recognized on the street because that last audition propelled him to star in a global show where fans who have zero media comprehension blamed him for his character's actions and literally stalked him at any hotel he happens to stay at. he went from being a dude doing musical theatre and shopping at thrift stores and recording random songs with friends and posting silly memes on Twitter to being harassed on his only social media page and his friends insulted and his partners bullied by his supposed 'fans' and anything he posts being so microanalyzed that he can't do a damn thing without someone coming out the woodwork screaming about how he's the WORST and won't he think of the FANS!?
like damn he can't have a girlfriend without being harassed, he can't travel without being harassed, he can't like or not like social media posts without being harassed, he can't post a fucking MEME without being harassed, he can't take a vacation or cut his hair or hold someone's hand or just live his life without being blamed for some bullshit or another. but yeah, okay, 'when will Luke Newton come back?' as if it isn't your fault he's AWOL now
#luke newton#colin bridgerton#polin#lukola#bridgerton#bridgerton has a bullying problem- from kanthony fans to benophie (i see y'all with your anti blogs and your mean opinions) to polin#y'all lukolas say you're fans but most of you are the ones microanalyzing and feeling entitlement to this dude#and you know what?#jakola#because y'all straight up sip the hateraid and lbsr rn and call a spade a spade: you don't know this jack (jake? idk and idc) dude#you don't care about his achievements and aren't fans of his 'work'#you just want your stand-in avatar nic to have male attention as if male validation is the end all be all of a woman's success#and you see luke as the stand in for all the men who hurt you in the past but like he is literally not doing anything and y'all will be mad#and project that he somehow hurt nic as well by 'rejecting' her for his girlfriend who you hate because lbr she's conventionally attractive#when NICOLA Is conventionally attractive TOO ffs#how dare y'all make me step up to bat for a white man this way#leave him alone#aren't you exhausted?#'he didn't like xyz social media post and his girlfriend gives me the ick and he's not posting and appeasing me and blahblahblah' shut up#like y'all shut down at someone so much as raising their voice at you or posting some mild criticism for your bad takes#but you expect a man who has openly revealed his ADHD and anxiety to be the punching bag for all your vitriol#because he's not living his life in a way YOU approve of? like who are YOU to dictate how someone does and does not exist on this earth?#do some soul searching#do i love Luke's acting and want more of it and for him to star in everything i wanna watch? of course#but rn i'm gently cradling his face going 'baby you should RUN' because y'all are the PITS#YOU are the problem#one day y'all will realize that
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simplyraeblue · 1 month
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hunter and hunted (jjk)
college (summer) break au: a fic in which y/n is pining over Yuji's older brother Sukuna, while unbeknownst to her, Choso is doing the same thing for her. contents: sukuna x reader, choso x reader, modern college AU, yuji and choso are brothers, sukuna and yuji are brothers, smut warning always as I'm planning for this to come in parts
chapter warnings/tags: over the clothes touching, sexually explicit wording, sukuna teasing per usual, palm grinding, i'm slow burn cock blocking y'all so no heavy smut
index part four | part six
part five word count: 1,659
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"Yuji, the cookies are almost ready!" you called out from the kitchen. Yuji got up from the couch and made his way to the bar, eyeing the finished cookies.  
"does Nobara really need this many cookies?" he asked, reaching for one. you swiftly swatted his hand away.  
"she’s sick! who doesn’t love homemade cookies when they're under the weather?" you pouted. you hoped she would appreciate them, considering the effort you put in. flour was still smeared on your face from a minor mishap with the mixer.  
"shouldn’t you have made her some soup instead?"  
"Megumi's taking care of the soup. you and I are on cookie duty," you said, pointing your spatula at him with mock severity. "or rather, I'm on cookie duty since I did all the work."  
"hey, I'm delivering them!" Yuji protested, trying to sneak his hand towards the cookies again. you smacked it away once more.  
"I’ve got a batch baking just for us, so cut it out." you handed him the tupperware overflowing with cookies. "now just make the delivery, errand boy."  
Yuji saluted with a grin, taking the containers and heading out the door. you sighed, thinking that being friends with Yuji made you feel like a middle-aged mom. 
as you were in the middle of cleaning the counters, you heard the front door open and shut.
"back already? what did you do, run supersonic?" you asked, surprised to see Yuji return so soon.  
"what, did you miss me that much?" you heard a familiar voice, and you turned to see Sukuna grinning from ear to ear, arms crossed as he leaned casually against the fridge.  
"Sukuna! didn’t expect you to be home until the crack of dawn," you joked, resuming your task of wiping down the counters.  
"aww, someone been dreaming about me at night?" he teased, moving to peek into the oven.  
"hey, those cookies aren’t for you," you warned as he started to open the still-warm oven. before you could stop him, he grabbed a cookie. "those are still hot, you idiot!"  
you reached out to snatch the cookie from Sukuna's hand, but he held it high above his head, just out of your reach. a smirk danced on his lips as he wiggled the cookie teasingly. with a huff, you jumped to grab it, but he quickly moved it to his other hand.  
what followed was a game of keep-away, with you practically trying to climb Sukuna to get the cookie while he skillfully kept it out of your grasp. 
“c’mon, don’t be an ass.” you snarked, and he rolled his eyes, bringing the cookie down to your level. as you leaned in to grab it, he swiftly moved it away. again.  
you did the first thing that came to mind and smacked his chest with both hands, but he didn’t flinch. Sukuna chuckled as he shoved half the cookie into his mouth, raising his eyebrows at you.  
determined, you reached out to snatch the remaining cookie from his teeth. just before you could make contact, Sukuna’s hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling you closer.  
“what the hell do you want from me?” you snapped, though your blush betrayed your icy tone. 
with one hand gripping your wrist, Sukuna used his other hand to pull the now slobbery cookie from his mouth. “give me a kiss, and I'll share,” he said with a sly grin.  
“w-what?” you stammered, your eyes widening in disbelief. “why would i do that?”  
“you fought so hard for this one cookie,” he said, gesturing at the sweet in his hand. “but there’s more in the oven. why go to such lengths for something so small?”  
“I wasn’t... don’t be rude,” you replied, your breath catching. okay, maybe you hadn’t needed to touch him as much as you did during the struggle, but you couldn’t deny that it felt good.  
“just speaking the truth,” Sukuna said, pulling you closer. “what, scared to give me a little sugar?”  
“no.” lies. 
“then go ahead, and you’ll get some of my treat.” he seemed to be reveling in the way he was making you blush, enjoying every moment of your embarrassment.  
“fine,” you said, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek. what you didn’t expect was for him to turn his face at the last second, catching your lips with his. a jolt of shock and electricity surged through you, both of you locking eyes in surprise. you were the first to pull away, your face burning red, and your breath almost completely halted. “what the hell was that?” 
“I said a kiss, not whatever chicken shit that was,” Sukuna shrugged, breaking the cookie in half and offering you a piece.  
no matter how hard you tried, your hand wouldn’t move to take the cookie. you stood frozen, staring at him in surprise.  
“aww, did I break your brain?” Sukuna teased, tapping his finger against the side of your head. “can’t say I'm not surprised that was all it took. must be pretty empty in there.”  
your lips pressed into a thin line, and you slapped his arm harder than you ever had before. “you’re such an absolute dickwad,” you snapped, delivering a second slap.  
as you went for a third, Sukuna grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “I wouldn’t suggest you do that again,” he said in a low, serious tone.  
“why, what are you gonna about it?” you shot back, your brows furrowed in anger. “are you going to hit a girl?”  
you half-expected him to give you a light shove, knowing him. instead of the physical contact you anticipated, Sukuna’s hands moved to your waist and lifted you with ease, setting you down on the counter and grabbing your arms roughly.  
before you could protest, Sukuna’s lips crashed into yours. it was the exact opposite of what you’d expected, sending shivers down your spine.  
“this is what you get for teasing me, brat,” Sukuna murmured against your lips. you sucked in a breath.  
god, you were still so annoyed with him, but the burning sensation spreading through your body was different from your frustration. his lips felt incredibly good against yours, almost as if they encapsulated yours. 
when his hands moved from your arms and gripped your hips, you embarrassingly let a moan slip past your lips.  
“ah, there it is.” you could feel him smirk before his tongue darted into your mouth. almost instinctively, your hands found their way into his hair, pulling him in deeper. 
the younger you that developed a crush on him was practically pumping her fist into the air in victory right now. 
you pulled away for a moment, catching your breath and telling him, “’m still annoyed with you.” 
“but is it getting better?” Sukuna gave you a lopsided smile, raising an eyebrow at your flushed expression. 
you didn’t want to answer, so instead you tugged him back into you, frustrated in more ways than one. with the amount of feelings surging through you, you nipped at his bottom lip a little too aggressively.  
while your mouths were a mess of tongues and pants, you fisted Sukuna’s hair in your hands and his own moved to grab your knees and push them apart. 
a shock split through you when you felt him palm your core through your pants. “Sukuna...” you moaned his name, already feeling intoxicated from his touch.  
“been wanting t’ see how innocent you were since the day you moved in.” Sukuna murmured, his hand rubbing against your heat harder. faster. deliberately driving you insane.  
“is this all you’re gonna do to figure that out?” you teased, panting into his neck at the friction his palm was creating on your clothed clit.  
“wanna find out?” he dared, and you nodded weakly.  
you were fully prepared to make a mess on the kitchen counter, impatiently waiting for him to make a fool out of you, even if it was a one and done thing. if it was just a point he wanted to prove you didn’t give a fuck.  
as the desire burned hotter within you, ready for him to remove every bit of your clothes... you heard a set of keys in the door.  
you quickly pushed Sukuna away, earning a chuckle from him, then jumped down from the counter and straightened your clothes. it had to be Yuji, you reminded yourself. you needed to look like you weren’t just grinding on his brother’s hand right in the kitchen. 
Sukuna leaned casually against the counter opposite you, watching as you scrambled to grab your discarded cleaning spray just as Yuji walked in.  
“Nobara was really grateful for the cookies. and if she says a few went missing, she’s lying,” Yuji said, shutting the door behind him. his gaze quickly shifted to you cleaning, with Sukuna watching from across the room.  
“the other cookies just came out of the oven,” you said, your voice coming out hurried and a bit strange.  
“bro, are you bothering y/n?” Yuji asked, giving Sukuna a disapproving look.  
without even glancing at him, Sukuna replied with a smirk, “yeah, I was bothering her real bad.”  
you choked on your own breath, coughing and blaming it on the cleaner fumes. “both of you. out of the kitchen. now,” you seethed, trying to hide the blush on your face as you ushered them both out.  
left alone with your own thoughts, you knew Sukuna just had to be doing that to get a rise out of you (which he did of course). he’d known about your crush, you told yourself, that was it.  
you tried to brush it off, chalking it up to him being a dick and wanting to embarrass you. but... what he’d said about wanting to do that since you moved in stuck with you.  
no. no Sukuna wouldn’t ever look at you that way. even if you so wished he would. 
fuck, you needed a cold shower—stat. 
 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
if you’d like to be added to the taglist for this WIP let me know! ♡
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coldfanbou · 8 months
TM IS Side Stories: A Rough Ride Home
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Another Side story for y'all. @twice-inamillion Chaeyoung has a bit of a rough ride after taking things a little too far.
Chaeyoung stretched as you both entered the parking garage. “Ah! Let’s go home, Oppa.” She turned herself around on the ball of her foot to look at you. “Thanks for the hard work. Now come on, I want to get home.”
“Did you have to take the outfit?” You ask, looking her up and down.
“What? You don’t like it?” She asks, raising the bottom of her jacket to show off her ass. The tight spandex shorts she wore hugged her lower body well. “Oh? I think someone likes it.” She says, placing her hand on your crotch. “Come on out and play.”
You slap Chaeyoung’s hand away and continue to the car; once you’re hidden, you press Chae’s petite body against the car. “Chae, you know we have to be careful,” You say in a dead serious voice. “Who’s your master?”
“You are, and I’m your cocksleeve,” Chase responds, moving her hips back to rub against your crotch. “I’m your little cocksleeve, made for you and only you.” 
“Then you know you can’t act like that. We barely got into the garage. I think I’ll need to punish you.”
“Please punish me, Master. I need it.” 
You let go of Chaeyoung, “Get in the car, Chae. We’re going home.” Chaeyoung pouts and walks over to the front passenger seat. You start the drive home; Chae turns on the radio as you go, listening to them play some Twice tracks. 
“Don’t be so mad, Oppa.” She says, nudging you. “Here, let me help you relax. Just don’t take your eyes off the road.” Chaeyoung leans over and fishes out your cock from your pants. She flashes a sly smile as her hand wraps around your shaft to the best it can. “It’s so big.” Chaeyoung is enamored by your cock as she moves her hand up and down the length of it. You grunt. Chaeyoung’s soft hand made you feel good, and she knew it. You want to look down to see what she’s doing, but know that you have to focus on driving. Chaeyoung kisses your cheek, “No peeking, Oppa.” She laughs as she moves closer to your cock; her hand moves down to the base as she plants her full lips on the tip. “Mwah! Oh, it tastes so good. I missed you so much.” Chaeyoung says, talking to your cock. She takes the head in, her lips forming an O around the head as her tongue slowly swirls around it. Chaeyoung moans, her eyes fluttering as she bobs her head. You groan; Chaeyoung’s blowjob was working its magic as you drove. 
You were in the countryside when your orgasm came. You took one hand off the wheel and pushed Chaeyoung’s head down. Chae gagged as your cock made its way down her throat so suddenly. She felt your cum shoot out, filling her mouth. She tried to drink it, struggling with the amount that continued to pour out. Her eyes watered as you continued to hold her down; she could feel herself running out of breath. Once your orgasm comes to a close, you let Chaeyoung go; she shoots back into her chair, and her breathing is ragged. Cum ran down from the corner of her mouth before she moved her tongue around her mouth. “Oppa, you have to tell me when you’re going to do that.” You go offroad once you reach the countryside, hiding the car behind some large brush. “Oppa? What are you doing?”
You get out of the car without a word, making your way to Chaeyoung. She looks at you, confused. You open her door and pull her out of the car. “Chae, you should’ve waited until we were home.” 
“Oppa?” You unbutton her coat and toss it inside the car before moving your hands down to Chaeyoung’s waist. She’s about to speak when you press your lips against hers and slide your hand under her shorts to tease her clit. “Mmm, ah, Master, not here.” Ignoring Chaeyoung, you move her shorts down to her knees before turning her around. “Master, what if we get caught?” Chaeyoung roars as you impale her on your cock. Her mind shuts off as you begin to thrust into her. You were just off the road, and there were cars passing by. All that kept you hidden was some large brush. “Oh shit.” Chaeyoung groans. 
“Shut it, Chae.” You grab Chaeyoung’s arms, pulling them back as you thrust into her cunt, her walls squeezing your cock as you stretch out her tight pussy. Chaeyoung could see the cars passing by; if anyone looked their way, there was a small chance they could see. The thought of being caught turned her on. You could feel her getting tighter around you. “You want to get caught, Chae? Maybe we’ll show them something good.” You release Chaeyoung’s arms, moving your hands to the back of her thighs and lifting her. You spread her legs and have her face the road.
“NO! Master!” Chaeyoung yells, rushing to cover herself. You kiss the back of her neck and bounce her along your cock. Chaeyoung could feel the bulge your cock was creating against her arm. “Shit, I’m cumming.” She whines as you continue to bury your cock inside her. You feel Chaeyoung’s legs tense up in your arms as she cums. Her nectar splashes out onto the ground as she squirts. “No! I don’t want people to see.” She moans, coating her hands with her slick. You feel your climax coming quickly and drive your cock back into Chae, filling her womb with your baby batter. Chase feels the heat from your cum inside her. Her mind becomes flooded by all the pleasure, and she focuses solely on the feeling of your cock inside her. “More cock,” She mumbles. You lower Chaeyoung to the ground, letting her get her feet under herself. She rests against the car seat, leaving the lower half of her body outside. 
You spread her cheeks apart, watching her asshole wink at you. “You want more cock, Chaeyoung?”
“I want your cock, Master.” She groans. Chaeyoung holds her cheeks apart for you. “I want it here. 
You pat Chaeyoung’s head. “I’ll give you all the cock you want.” With your cock in hand, you press the tip against her asshole, pushing in slowly, groaning as you feel the crushing tightness. “Fuck, I love your ass, Chae. I can never get enough of it.” You want to hurry things along, thinking about the others waiting for you to return. You ram the rest of your shaft into the petite woman, watching as her asshole tries to close around your cock. Chaeyoung cries out cumming from your cock. “Aww, you came already, Chae? That’s no good. Am I going to have to train you again?”
“I’ve been a bad toy. Please train me,” Chaeyoung moans as she scoots her ass back. You feel her soft cheeks against your pelvis and give them a rough smack before beginning your thrusts. You dig your hands into Chaeyoung’s soft flesh, keeping her in place as you split her in two. “More Master! More!” She cries out, feeling your cock stretching her tiny ass to its limits. Chaeyoung’s walls are clamping down on your cock. You’re both nearing your climax when you grab Chaeyoung’s shoulder and start pulling her back. Every inch goes into changing, stirring her guts as you bury yourself inside her and cum. Chaeyoung has her third climax at the same time, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. Once you finished dumping your load into Chae, you pulled back up her shorts, letting them hold back the flood of cum before buckling her back into her seat.
You climb back into your seat, ready to finish the trip home, when you see Chae leaning over. “You could at least clean me up, Chae.” You pull Chaeyoung down; she mindlessly wraps her lips around your cock, her tongue moving around your shaft as she bobs her head. Your drive home is a quiet one as she works diligently to clean your cock. Once you’re home, you reward Chae for her hard work, painting her face white with your cum.
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alwaysonf1 · 5 months
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Pairing: Charles LeClerc x Hamilton!OC
Genre: Slice of Life; Fluff
Word Count: 502
Warning: N/A
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Dates and times don't matter.
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The days before media day are usually ones where drivers aren’t expected to be at the track for long, but this is a track that has been off the calendar for so long that none of the twenty drivers feel comfortable enough to leave exploring it for later in the week. Especially Charles, who has walked the thing twice and is halfway through a scooter “walkthrough.” His mind is focused solely on mapping things out and imagining himself in his car taking the route. It’s a struggle, but it’s helping calm his nerves.
A hand slamming down onto his shoulder throws off his concentration and startles him. Other drivers have gone by him, but he’d been alone for several minutes. 
As he calms his racing heart he meets Lewis’ gaze. He wishes he hadn’t though. Charles has rarely seen the older man look angry, he hides it well even when he’s voicing displeasure, but right in this moment Charles feels fear enter his body. Something tells him he’s in danger, though he can’t fathom why. He opens his mouth to ask questions, but Lewis raises his phone so that it’s eye level with Charles. That makes him a little more confused, but then he squints at the screen and his heart rate picks up again.
“No, no, no, no. It’s not what…”
“I know it isn’t. At least it better not be?”
 Charles shakes his head. “It is not.”
“Then how are you going to fix it? I don’t appreciate my sister seeing shit like this. And I don’t like the comments it’s bringing to her social media.”
“I… I didn’t know that that was up. I would have… This would be down and I would have dealt with it if I knew.”
Lewis softens, but not much. “Well, you know now, fix it.”
With that he leaves. Lewis’ scootering away doesn’t deescalate the heightened emotions Charles feels and George appearing and following Lewis doesn’t either. Even if the Brit turns back to give Charles a tense, but reassuring smile. 
Another thing he would know about him, but at least this time Charles would know how George got the information.
But he couldn’t even find it in himself to think about that for too long, pulling out his phone and hopping online to see all the posts he’d been tagged in. They’re tamer than the ones he wasn’t tagged in and his hand unconsciously moved to his hair to tug at it. 
Of course, the one time he would have preferred to not be seen with an ex he is, while all the other times it wouldn’t have mattered, he'd flown under the radar. He’s sure that the rumors about him and Iman are partly to blame for the increase in eyes on him, but he can’t bring himself to blame the girl who’d seen them that first time or the people at the club.
“Fuck!” he shouts.
After taking a breath, he pockets his phone and races back to the garage.
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charlesleclerc Maybe be sure about who I give my affection to before posting.
immyham charles
‎ ‎↳charlesleclerc mon ange, I told you I couldn't help myself
logansargeant RETWEET
‎ ‎↳lewishamilton retweet
‎ ‎↳georgerussell retweet
↳alex_albon retweet
↳lilymhe retweet
↳oscarpiastri retweet
user not him just full on hard launching
↳user It's not like we didn't know
user Oop not the grid in the comments also calling y'all out? Even Oscar. Apologies with tears from all of you immediately.
user They're so cute
hateruser Oh...
user And y'all better not bring up his ex either.
user he told y'all to shut the fuck up LOL
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immyham well my soft launch is ruined, but i'm still going to post this because it's cute. maybe when someone learns to not go rouge he'll get his own dump
lewishamilton Why you make it look like I was flipping you off?
‎ ‎↳immyham uh because you were????
charlesleclerc I won't say sorry, mon ange.
‎ ‎↳immyham 🙄
user he calls her mon ange 😍
user They're so cute
user and y'all swore charles would never
user logan and her looking like menaces to society
user not her failed soft launch including all three of her favorite men. immy is so cute
hateruser Ew, he should have gotten back with his ex.
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deanwritings · 2 years
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Request: So excited you're back! Can I request a protective/jealous!Dean x reader fic with an established relationship? Vibes of "don't touch her" would be much appreciated 😅
Summary: A fun night out at the bar takes a turn for the worse when a handsy patron approaches the reader.
Word Count: 1,928
Warning: Descriptions of violence & self defense related injuries. Cussing, if that bothers you.
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A/N: Years ago I went to a gym with my dad and the trainer/owner, this HUGE muscle head and really sweet man, gave me a free self defense class, which I still keep in mind to this day and peppered into this story.
And Happy New Year's y'all!
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You lean against Dean as you take a sip of your beer, Dean's hand resting against your waist as you both politely listen to Sam as he shares a new piece of lore he learned during your latest hunt. You nod along, slightly intrigued with what Sam's found, but really wishing he could have saved the shop-talk for a time you weren't trying to unwind. Your body was still sore from the arachne fight, and you could use a break from all things hunting, even if it was just for a night. You can't see Dean's face from your vantage point, but if you had to guess, your boyfriend was likely staring his brother down with a straight face hoping he'll shut up.
You tip your bottle back again, but are disappointed when only a few drops trickle out. You give the bottle a little shake as you look through the brown glass, confirming with yourself that it was in fact empty.
You place the bottle down and step away from Dean, his hand falling from your waist. At the movement, Dean looks down at you and frowns.
"Be right back, need a new beer." You tap the glass as your straighten up from the high-top table. "Anyone need anything?"
Both brothers shake their heads and you make your way over to the bar, thankful for a break from the earful of arachne lore.
It's a fairly busy evening for Wednesday night, most tables occupied and the bar itself swimming with patrons. Luckily, you eye an opening just big enough for you to squeeze into and you step into the space. After a few moments, one of the bartender spots you as you rest your hands against the slightly sticky bar top and gives you a nod as he pours a blue liquor into a cocktail shaker.
You purse your lips as you look around the room, the crowd mostly older, with a few twenty-somethings mixed in. It seemed to be the only bar in town when you had Google Maps a spot earlier, so you weren't surprise that this seemed to be the local's go-to pub.
Your gaze falls back to the bar, taking in the bottle labels on the tiered shelves as your nails tap against the wood beneath them.
Jameson. Crown Royal. Bacardi. Bacardi Tropical. That's a new one.
A man brushes besides you as he steps into the very small space that had been open on your right. You look up at him and frown, quietly expressing your annoyance at the invasion of your person space. You get it's crowded, but the guy could have just waited behind you or someone else until a space opened up.
Rude much.
But rather than be turned off by your vexed welcome, the man just smiles down at you.
You huff and roll your eyes, looking for the bartender, his back to you as he appears to be serving two cocktails to a pair of older women.
"Can I buy you a drink?" The man next to you raises his voice over the noise of the crowd, leaning in towards you to make sure his question is heard.
His smile is still plastered over his pale face, his blonde hair shaggy over his forehead. You just glare up at him, your annoyance growing as it appears the man is incapable of reading social cues.
You see the bartender approach you, and you turn your shoulder away, squaring yourself up to the bar.
"Just a Bud Light, bottle, please." The bartender nods at you and turns to squats down at the fridge casing all the bottles.
"How about a name?" Warm breath tickles your ear, and your shoulder scrunches up at the sudden closeness as your stomach tightens.
The bartender places the beer back in front of you and asks a question with his eyes.
"The Winchester tab, thanks." The guy nods and and punches the drink into the POS.
You turn to walk away when that pestering voice calls out again.
"Winchester, huh?" You take a deep breath and turn to face the thorn in your side. "How about a first name?" His elbow leans against the bar and his eyebrow is raised at you. His grey t-shirt stretches across his chest at his position and he continues to smile at you.
He's looks like the poster boy for punchable assholes.
"Since you seem to be too dumb to figure it out on your own, let me spell it out for you." You smile tightly at him. "I'm not fucking interested." You feel your eyes crinkle along the edges as your lips tighten.
Finally, his smile falls, and he straightens up.
"Cunt," he spits.
Ah, there it is.
"You know it." Your forehead rises as you raise your beer and take a drink before turning on your heel.
As you approach your table, Dean is standing at attention, his jaw tight.
"All good?" You come alongside him, your shoulders brushing.
You look up at him and smile, genuinely.
You weren't surprised he was watching the interaction. Dean usually had his eye on you if you weren't by his side. You weren't sure if he knew that you knew he was always watching. When you first started dating, it had bothered you. It made you feel like Dean thought you couldn't handle yourself. But the more Dean opened up to you, you realized that it was just a part of Dean he was never going to shake; he had to know that his loved ones were safe, no matter where they were. A lifetime of losing everyone you've ever loved will do that to a man.
"Nothing I can't handle." You bump his shoulder and his body relaxes with a sigh. His jaw loosens and his smile returns as he throws his arm around your shoulder and pulls you into his side.
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Another two beers later, ones that Dean insisted he get, your bladder was uncomfortably full, and you excused yourself to the bathroom.
The bathroom was in the very back of the bar away from the crowds, and as you washed your hands, you took a moment to appreciate the quietnesses. You loved bars and going out drinking with Sam and Dean; it was one of the few normal things you did in your lives. But it was nice to take a break from the noise and masses to reset before you threw yourself back out there.
After drying your hands, you take a moment to readjust your ponytail, a few hairs having gone astray from Dean's hand playing at the nape of your neck.
You shake your head at the thought with a smile.
Once you're all set, you exit the restroom, your eyes looking down the narrow and dimmed corridor when a hand wraps around your bicep and twirls you around.
You smile at the movement until your back is thrown against the wall, your head bouncing off the wood on the impact.
Before your vision catches up with the rest of you, you already know whose body heat is radiating in front of you; not your boyfriend, sneaking up on you for a private make-out session, but a scumbag barfly who had been harassing you early.
"Maybe next time you won't be such a bitch," whiskey wafts over you. Your nose scrunches and you turn your head away from the smell, but fingers wrap around your chin forcing you to look into his dark eyes, his pupils dilated and eyes wildly jumping back and forth as an elbow lands heavy on your windpipe.
You glare at him, your heart rate calming as you take a breath.
This asshole has no idea who he was dealing with.
"And hopefully this time you'll learn your lesson," you wheeze out as his elbow digs into your throat, restricting your breath.
He cocks his head at you and before he can react, your right hand flies to his fingers wrapped around your chin and you grasp his thumb. With a swift surety, you snap his thumb back with a sickening crack. A howl leaves his throat as his hand and arm fall away from your body. He begins to back away, his eyes looking at his broken thumb in horror, but you grab onto his shoulders, driving his body back to yours as you ram your knee into his crotch, nothing but a strangled cry and a lone tear in his eye as his knees hit the ground and he doubles over.
Your chest in heaving as you look down at the pathetic man in front of you; his good hand holding his bruised boys and his mangled hand cradled against his chest.
"Y/N!" A familiar voice echoes down the hallway. You turn towards the shadow racing towards you, and Dean is illuminated in the dim light above you as he reaches your side.
"What the fuck happened?" His forehead is wrinkled as he takes in the battered man in front of him.
"Like I said," you glance toward the pathetic excuse of a man whimpering on the ground. "Nothing I can't handle."
Dean's eyes find yours before they quickly scan over your face, then your body, making sure you were actually okay.
"C'mon," his hand lands gently on the same bicep that had been grabbed just a few seconds ago. "Let's get out of here."
You and Dean turn away but a rasped voice calls out to you.
"You psycho bitch! You'll get yours."
You just shake your head and continue your way back to the table, but Dean stops beside you.
"Dean," you say in a low warning. His head glances back slightly over his shoulder.
"What'd you say, douchebag?" Dean ignores you as he turns around and you reach out to him, though he brushes you off as he stalks towards the man picking himself off from the dirty bar floor.
His eyes find Dean, and he squares his jaw.
"I said," the man rolls his shoulders back. "Your girl's a fucking psycho and I'm pressing charges."
You're a step behind Dean, and before you can reach out and stop him, Dean's got the man pinned against the wall, holding him up by his t-shirt that looks like its about to rip.
"Press this, dick," Dean growls as his fist whips into the guy's nose. Blood spews as Dean drops him and he crumbles to the ground, tears now streaming down his cheeks, mixing with the gruesome stream flowing over his lips.
Dean squats down the the man's level, his finger his in the man's face.
"Touch her again, and there will be no one to press charges, capeesh?" Even without knowing Dean, anyone with a brain could tell it wasn't a question.
"Fuck you guys!" Blood sprays as the man yells.
Dean just rolls his eyes and stands up, taking one large step to your side.
"How about we call it a night?" Dean smirks down at you, unaware of the splatter on his flannel as he throws an arm around your shoulder.
"Sounds like a plan to me." You arm wraps around Dean's waist, your fingers only reaching the far side of his back as you smile up at him.
The two of you take a few synchronized steps before Dean glances over his shoulder again. You watch him closely before his eye face forward, a proud smile on his face.
Dean's elbow closes around your head as he pulls you into him, his lips pressing against your temple.
"Nice job, sweetheart."
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A/N: Sorry, I really wanted to have a badass reader with Dean coming in for assistance vs. Dean coming to save the day. Figure if the reader's a hunter, she can definitely handle a handsy guy on her own. Protective!Dean is just a bonus. Hope you enjoyed, anon!
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@iprobablyshipit91  @likesiriusly @kittyque @findingfitnessforme @wonderange @deansgoddess @captainemwinchester @xtina2191 @smoothdogsgirl @mogaruke @chin-up-love @tsunadesenjuuchiha @lyarr24 @globetrotter28
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❥𝗌𝗇𝗂𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗍 : 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝖺����𝖺𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗂𝗍 𝗂𝗌 (𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍)
{ 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 — 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖼𝗈𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋, 𝗉𝗐𝗉, 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗇, 𝖺𝖺𝗏𝖾, 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗐𝗃𝗈𝖻, 𝖽𝗈𝗀𝗀𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝗒𝗅𝖾, 𝖼𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗂𝗑 𝗁𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀. }
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   "Alright y'all this is a practice match no need to waste energy recklessly. Atsumu if you keep arguing you'll be warming the bench." You sigh walking over to Karasuno's managers.
    You introduced yourself. "Hey I'm (y/n), the manager." The brunette smiled slightly. "Hello I'm Kiyoko and this is Yachi." The smaller girl waved, you returned the gesture. "Having to handle a team of rowdy teenage boys is tough; that's why I got myself an assistant."
   You sigh dramatically. "Yeah but I couldn't do that to someone else." You both laugh as she takes in your appearance. "I like your outfit." You thank her, it wasn't nothing much just a white tank and some gray biker shorts.
   You expected to be moving around a lot, critiquing the boys and helping them get the balls; and no offense to the pretty girl but it was too hot to be wearing a damn tracksuit. You excused yourself heading almost across the court to get some water from the sports cooler.
   "I'm Daichi, the captain." A voice interrupts your sip holding a hand out. You shook his hand, the firmness of his grip had you thinking of other things as you stared at it. "I'm (y/n), the manager of Inarizaki." You look up catching him smile.
   "Ah I don't recall seeing you at the tournament; I think I'd remember a pretty face like yours." His smile so smooth and voice so deep you almost forgot you were 'working.' You giggled playing with the end of your twist.
   "Oh nah, I couldn't come I had some business to attend." He looks you up and down. "Aw that's a shame I would've loved to see you watching me win." You nudge his peck slyly trying to get a feel of his muscle, which he caught on.
   "You don't even know me." He smirks. "You could've been my good luck charm; I would've pinpointed you out." You laugh, face heating up as you tsked. "Stop playin." He looked at you pulling out his phone asking for your insta which you obliged.
   "Ayoo manager practice is over!" Kita yells out from somewhere in the gym. Daichi waves you off with a "I'll text you later." You grin waving back.
   "Soo manager what were you talking about with Karasuno's captain?" Atsumu poked. You sigh looking over him. "Nunya business." "They were flirting, laughing. She probably gave him her number." Another person giggled.
   "Suna how many girls are you cheating on? How many baby mamas? Ohh thought so with yo toxic ass, mind ya business stay on that phone." He hissed raising his hands in surrender. "Yo Aran you better get yo girl, she acting out."
   The bus laughs as you both tsk; You telling the boys to shut up and Aran looking out the window, face indifferent.
   "So you tryna make me look dumb now?" You were questioned as you set your shoes by the door and your bag on the couch. "Excuse me?" You continue down the hall until you're grabbed by the hand. "You excused."
   You snatch your hand from the boys hold. "Aran...boy don't play." He sneered at you. "Little girl don't play with me right now. The fuck you doing flirting with our rival team, making me look mad dumb earlier."
   Scoffing, you continue to your bedroom. "Boy…first of all don't little girl me, second i wasn't flirting, and third ain't nobody making you look dumb." He followed right behind you. "How the fuck does it look when my girl is fucking touching another nigga chest?"
   "As far as I'm concerned im single... You made it very clear this was a situationship, so I can do whatever I want." You shrug. His brows knit up as he jerks you back, pressing you up against a wall, hand pinned to your throat.
   "(Y/n), bruh, you gon learn to stop fuckin with me." You push at him, he didn't budge so you suck your teeth. "Don't bruh me, I ain't your brother or one of your little friends."
   "You stay trying me. Bet." He let you go before pulling his shirt over his head. "Undress. Get in the bed." You did what he said not wanting him to throw a fit.
   You couldn't lie to yourself you was getting hot, and you loved making Aran mad but his ass was gonna have to learn to be direct with you or you'd bust it open for whomever you wanted...and Daichi was kinda fine.
   He sat at the head of your bed only in his briefs as he stared at you, stroking his dick from the outside. You bit your lip, he was trying to bait you but it wasn't gonna work today, you were too stubborn.
   "Whatchu at my crib for anyways? Ain't you got stuff to do? Girls to play with?" You study him, arms crossed making your boobs press together, he licked his lips slowly eyeing you. You almost creamed.
   He sucked his teeth. "Man (y/n) why you gotta play so much?" He pulled you forward onto his lap as you retaliate, pressing your finger to the side of his temple. "I don't be playin with you Aran, in fact you be testing me." He smirk, hands resting on your hips.
   "So that's why you tryna make me jealous?" "I ain—" you’re interrupted by your phone notifications going off and Aran is quick to grab it before you, reading the message aloud.
   "You got niggas texting you now?...'So wassup do you want a relationship or a fwb cuz I'm down for whatever'...?" He paused staring at your phone then at you before putting it back on the nightstand.
   "So wassup with you? You ain't tell this man we together?" You shrug. "Cuz we not." His eyebrows are furrowed as his hand is once again on your neck. "Yo lips so pretty but all you do is talk shit. Suck my dick, do something useful."
   You pull his briefs down lowkey marveling in it. His dick was a pretty two tone brown his tip the lighter shade as it stood at 8 inches, fat and heavy. Your thumb ran across his tip spreading the pre so his dick looked like it had a nice glaze.
You kitten lick the tip hearing him hiss. "Cmon now suck this dick like you mean it." He watch your tongue curl around his tip before going down getting his whole dick wet as you fondled his balls.
Y'all maintained eye contact when you lifted off of him, rubbing his tip against your puffy lips before spitting. It ran down his length, you rubbed it in twisting your fist around him. His eyes rolled back, letting out loud groan, you plunge down taking him all in.
"S-shit that's what 'm talkin bout." He looked at you observing how your lips puckered around his dick, biting his lip. You moaned the sound rumbling through Aran's core. He pulled you off of him kissing you deeply, his tongue dominating yours.
You pull away, getting air, a string of saliva connecting you both. He drags you onto his lap, hand going to your soaked pussy as he placed hickeys on your neck and shoulders. "Why you do this to me girl? You like how I fuck you when I'm mad?"
Letting out a heavy sigh you bit your lip, his fingers rubbing in between your folds, circling your clit. "Yea but you gon have to start claiming me or I'll find someone who will." He stared you in the eyes nodding his head a soft "Bet." leaving his plump lips.
   It happened so fast, you arched your stomach on the bed, Aran behind you. You could feel his print in between your cheeks as he plays with the globes of your ass. He moved his dick rubbing it against your pussy teasing you.
   His tip repeatedly bumped your clit, you were beyond horny but you couldn't give in so quickly, especially when his tip caught your hole almost going in. "Fuck Aran if you don't fuck me right now imma call over Daichi. I ain—"
   The air is knocked out of your lungs, his dick sat inside of you uncomfortably, his tip pressing your cervix. Your back is arched deeper from the pain. He bent over your form, hand snaking your throat, biting your shoulder before he growled out.
   "Yo (y/n) fuck allat shit. Must think it's fun to play with me or something, speaking another nigga name while my dick in you." You finally caught your breathe one of your hands reached back to push him away a little as you cried out.
   "Fuck you hittin my cervix Daddy~ 'm sorry, 'm sorry." He chuckled sarcastically, gyrating his hips making you inhale sharply. "Ohh you sorry now? Gon stop fuckin around?" You mutter yes's and sorry's. He pulled out a bit, you could breathe now, he kissed your cheek then your mouth sloppily.
   He slowly circled his hips, the wet slapping sounds made you heat up, you moaned as the pain that once stifled your lower stomach turned into pleasure. He kissed the few tears that fell down your soft face. "That's what I thought."
   Your pride rolled its eyes internally as you whine. "It's not fair you can talk to other people but I can't." You hear him suck his teeth, feeling a particularly sharp thrust. "I ain't entertaining nobody."
   You didn't say anything but it's like he could hear your inner thoughts. He sat up hands gripping your waist ramming into you making you lurch forwards gripping your sheets as you moan.
   "This all yo dick baby, you don't gotta trip." He felt you tighten around him. "You like hearing me say that baby? This yo dick. All of it." You continue to moan, you tried not to release so quickly, feeling that familiar pressure building up.
   "M yours too Daddy~ 'm sorry f-for talking to him." Your eyes roll, so close to the edge, Aran could feel the sporadic clenching of your pussy making him grin, slowing a little to precisely hit your sweet spot.
    "Yea baby I know. And when I tell you don't talk to another nigga unless I let you—" You trembled, your orgasm was gonna hit you hard, you both knew that as Aran continued hitting your spot with precision. "I! Mean! That! Shit!"
   "A-aran~ fuck fuck fuck!" You buckled, pussy squeezing Aran's dick tightly, your body flopped forward, trembling, ass in the air still. Aran pulled out jerking his dick off, three pumps later You hear him groan, feeling warm splotches fall on your ass. "Ahhh~ fuucck!"
  Your eyes felt heavy, hearing movement in the back before soon feeling a cool sensation, Aran was wiping you down from your slick in between your thighs to his cum on your backside. When the rag left your body you fully laid in the bed, Aran coming to lay behind you, throwing the cover over y’all in the now cold room.
   He pressed his head into your shoulder. "We been together together. I just didn't know you wanted labels 'n shit." You sigh. "Aran you are a fine ass black athlete bitches are gonna throw themselves at you regardless.”
You continue. “It may be my insecurity talkin but I would feel comfortable knowing that some would back off if they knew we was official; to know I’m the only person you messin’ with."
   "Bet." He pulled out his phone snapping a picture.
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Liked by 219 others
datboyaran: she's mine im hers and we'll beat someone tf up. @you
   He turned to face you kissing you softly. "We official now. So drop that fuck nigga from earlier." You smile wrapping your arms around his waist.
   "I wasn't gon text him back anyways."
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𝗌𝗉𝖺𝗆 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾𝗌, 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗌. 𝖣𝖮𝖭𝖳 𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖺𝗅, 𝖼𝗈𝗉𝗒 𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾. ©𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖺𝗅
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
Hi I was the one who sent that nsfw Jackie thot and I have more thots but this time it's on Lottie.
Like imagine fucking Lottie with a strap in the locker rooms bathroom after a game that y'all lost so your just taking your frustrations out on Lottie as she takes it like a good girl as you have her pinned against the bathroom stall door with her mouth covered as the rest of the girls are in the locker room getting dressed then after taking your frustrations out on her you make sure to check if Lottie is okay and give her soft sweet kisses all over and praise her for being such a good girl for you.
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This was longer than planned, I didn't really look over it again
The entire team worked so fucking hard to win the game, you worked so hard spending sleepless nights catching up on homework after practcing on the field dealing with extra drills coach forced you to do while Jackie kept pushing the entire team to be flawless. 
You felt yourself slipping, Lottie could sense your building frustration watching you walk around with your head held down in the halls, isolating yourself unless you had to talk to someone. She hated seeing you slowly spiral, you’d snap at her when she tried to comfort you and your attitude did bother her until she saw how sick you looked. The dark purple bags under your eyes and how much weight you lost. She understood you didn’t mean any of it.
Lockers opening and closing/shutting filled the silence, you lost the game.
Everyone was so dejected even Jackie didn’t have anything to say. Plopping yourself down on the cold bench slumped over as tears filled your eyes, ‘how did this happen?’ you thought. You’ve never felt so disappointed and the team never lost this badly. 
A hand lands on your shoulder, turn and meet Lottie’s gaze, her brown eyes softening. “Baby it’s ok” your heart rate spiked eyes darkening. Lottie regretted the words the minute they left her mouth.
It wasn’t fucking ok, you stand quickly gripping her wrist with bruising force and immediately pulling her into the stall locking it.
Finally your pent up feelings exploding on her. 
She gasps “baby wha-!” you shove her against the door, shutting her up with searing kiss moving down slowly biting kisses on her neck. “Y/n what are you doing?” she sputtered, “just be my good girl… please.” glassy eyes meeting hers melancholy written all over your face. Lottie knew you needed a release so she relented feverishly kissing you back.
You stuck your leg between her thighs pushing up against her, she began rutting against you, her eyes eyes widening as she felt a large bulge move against her sex, a smug smirk laced your lips. You turn her over, her chest and cheek pressed against the door groaning until Tai and Van’s voices echoed into the empty bathroom. You pause whispering, “be quiet ok?” She nodded swiiftly desperately pushing back against you.
You whip the strap tucked in your pants, tugging her shorts down her legs and bucking into her against the wall giving her no time to adjust to your size. Your fingers quickly circle her clit feeling her slick drip down her thighs. “Take it, my pretty slut.” You rapidly slapping your hand over her mouth as Lottie’s cries began to raise covering her moans with your hand spit dribbling in your palm.
Shoving deep into her, your pace quickening loud whimpers leaving her throat. You knew she was close, her legs trembled while your hand graviated to her neck squeezing lightly, “come on, cum for me.” She fell undone white noise echoing in her ears gasping for air. 
Your pace began to falter slowly coming to a standstill gently pulling out and turning her to face you. Lottie’s cheeks flushed pink, swollen lips panting for air you hold her in your arms pushing back stray pieces of hair while cupping her face. “Are you ok baby?” 
“I feel amazing” she sighs a smile lacing her features. “Come over to my place, we can relax do whatever you want.”
Leaving soft pecks over her face pausing between words,“I Love you, my perfect, beautiful, girlfriend.” Planting one last kiss before walking out the stall her shaky legs following in your wake. 
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luvangelbreak · 9 months
Deprived | Eight
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, smut? (whoops), male!masturbation, abuse? (nothing heavy) word count: 2.5k a/n: y'all this is my first time attempting some sort of smut so if its bad GIVE ME A BREAK. i tried my gosh darndest i swear.
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pov: layla
After staying at Downs with Matt and his friends for a few more hours, he and Chris dropped me at my house around 10 pm. I unbuckled my seatbelt as I leaned forward to put my elbows on the console between them as Chris hummed along to the song that he was playing on aux.
"Thanks for coming tonight," Matt smiled at me and I returned it quickly along with a nod.
"Thanks for letting me," I smiled up at him, my high slowly fading now that it had been a few hours since I smoked, "I'll see you guys at school."
They both returned their own versions of goodbyes as I slid out of the backseat, closing the door behind me. I sighed when I noticed my dad's car in the driveway, hoping that he was asleep already.
Much to my dismay, the moment I opened the front door and Matt drove away, I heard his footsteps travel down the hallway. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment as I closed the door behind me before I opened them again to see him standing there, swaying back and forth as he looked at me with dead eyes.
"Where were you?" he slurred, trying to sound angry but he just looked tired and out of it. I adjusted my phone in my pocket and looked over to him.
"I messaged you. I was at a friend's hockey game," I answered truthfully and he furrowed his eyebrows further as he took a step towards me making me tense. I didn't move from my place in front of the door, my body being frozen.
"Did you take the brick to Wes?" he asked me and I shook my head, hearing him huff as I looked at my feet.
"He said he wanted it tomorrow. I'll do it then," I answered quietly and I felt my breath catch in my throat as he stepped even closer to me.
"What did I say about mumbling?" he said through gritted teeth and I swallowed my nerves, lifting my head to see he was only a foot from me.
"I'll do it tomorrow," I answered him clearly and he just stared at me, a rage behind his eyes that was always misplaced. I knew he was never mad at me, I did everything he wanted me to, but he had to take his anger out on someone and I was always the only person around.
"You better start pulling your act together," he pointed a lazy finger at me, eyes drooping as he did so, "Or you will turn out like your bitch of a mother."
"Dad don't say that," I whispered shakily and he shook his head.
"What did I say about talking back?" his voice raised, making me flinch slightly but I continued to stare into his eyes, not backing down as he swayed in his spot.
"I'm sorry. I'll do better," I answered clearly, fitting the urge to throw him out of the house and lock him out.
"I'm going to bed. Don't fucking wake me up tomorrow," he grumbled, trudging back to his room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I leaned against the front door, hearing his door slam as I closed my eyes. I reached around, locking both locks on the door before I waddled down to my room.
I closed the door behind me, flicking the lights on before I quickly got changed into clothes to sleep in. I looked in the mirror to take my makeup off and I forgot the 81 Matt had painted on my cheek was still there. It was slightly smudged but I smiled to myself, biting my lip before I grabbed a makeup wipe, scrubbing it off of my face before taking the rest of my eye makeup off.
I slid under my covers, checking my phone quickly to see a message from Wes.
Westy 10:21pm yo, when u dropping tmrw?
You 10:23pm probs around 6 that good w u?
Westy 10:24pm ye c u then
I sighed, locking my phone before plugging it in. I turned to stare at the ceiling, adjusting my pillow behind me as my mind travelled to the events of today. I didn't really want to go to Downs but I felt the need to go with Matt, feeling bad if I left immediately once the game ended.
I thought about when I took his phone and the fake anger on his face, making me smile to myself. I became bold when I was high and it wasn't until he was standing in front of me, I decided it would be fun to put his phone in my bra. The feeling of his fingers brushing against the skin of my stomach was enough to raise goosebumps on my skin and I felt like the air had left my lungs when his hand brushed against my boobs. I didn't think it through, now overthinking it and wondering if I went too far.
Was he uncomfortable and I didn't notice? Did he really not want to do it and I misread the situation? Did he hesitate because he was scared to touch me or because he found it unpleasant?
My mind circled with thoughts of anxiety and worry but soon enough, my mind fell to only the feeling of his hands on me as I drifted to sleep, hugging the pillow beside me.
pov: matt
It took me forever to fall asleep, my mind falling to Layla every time I closed my eyes. I don't remember what time I fell asleep but when I woke up at 2 pm, I realised it would be exponentially harder to get my sleep schedule on track when I went back to school on Monday.
I spent the first hour awake just scrolling aimlessly on my phone before I decided to get up, seeing Chris and Nick sitting on the couch. I walked past the living room and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. I waltzed back into the living room, placing myself on the couch beside Nick.
"Nice of you to join us," Nick said sarcastically as he watched a random movie on the TV and I turned my head to look at him.
"It's the weekend, bro. Give me a break," I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of the water before screwing the cap back on.
"I'll give you a break when you stop putting your hand up Layla's shirt in the middle of a parking lot," Nick raised his eyebrows at me and I let my jaw hang open.
"Chris!" I yelled at him and he held his hands up in defence, "It wasn't like that."
"How is touching a girl's tits 'not like that'," Chris smiled and I rolled my eyes, flopping back into the couch.
"She took my phone and put it in her bra. She said the only way I was getting it back was if I grabbed it. So I did," I explained and Nick and Chris shared a look before they both looked at me.
"She would've given it back eventually. She can't hold your phone hostage," Nick deadpanned and I pursed my lips, crossing my arms over my chest as I sank further down into the couch.
"Well, I wanted my phone and I got it. End of story," I mumbled before I heard Chris's chuckle. They didn't say anything further, turning their attention away from me as I stared blankly at the wall.
My mind drifted to her again, the feeling of her skin against my fingertips. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting my head fall back onto the couch as I tried to get her out of my mind. I felt like I was in middle school and just discovered a girl's body for the first time, the tent in my sweatpants making it obvious that I was losing my mind over this girl.
I grabbed a blanket, pulling it over my body to hide my now very obvious boner from Chris and Nick. I tried to picture anything else, the classic of my grandma or my brothers doing some stupid shit but to no avail, my mind always travelled back to her.
I wondered what she would look like laying in my bed in nothing but my shirt or what sounds she would make as I slid my hands down her body. I wondered whether she would be loud and dominating or quiet and submissive, my mind leaning towards the former considering she called me a good boy last night.
Good boy.
My mind wouldn't stop reeling her words in my head and I quickly shot up from the couch, throwing the blanket off of myself as I walked out of the room.
"Where you going?" Chris asked me.
"Shower," I quickly responded, not looking back at him as I made a B-line for the bathroom.
I turned on the shower, quickly sliding my clothes off before I stepped in, the warm water covering my skin. I looked down at the tattoos covering my waist, imagining her hands running along them delicately. I groaned, hitting my forehead against the wall of the shower to rid my thoughts.
I never intended to think about her like this, I wanted to be friends, but it was hard to feel that way when everything she did drew me towards her. It started with her eyes, peering up at me with judgement and confusion before it turned to happiness and seductiveness, whether that was her intent or not didn't matter in my brain.
When she bit her lip, the soft pink skin that I wanted nothing more than to bite into right now. I wrapped my hand around the base of my dick, hissing when I felt how hard I was as I pulsed in my own hand. Keeping my head against the wall, I started stroking myself slowly as I panted lightly.
I imagined my hand as hers, her delicate fingers working their way around me easily as the water made it easier to glide over the skin. I let my eyes fall closed, thinking of her brown eyes looking up at me in pleasure before I bucked my hips into my own hand.
I mentally slapped myself for thinking about her like this but I couldn't stop myself. She was bad for me, I knew that, but it made me want her all that much more. Something I shouldn't have being mine was what drew me to her more every day. The way she was so different from me, her life so different from mine, tempted me towards her in ways I hadn't realised until now. The thrill of doing something you shouldn't was intoxicating.
I groaned as I thrusted into my hand, the pleasure building in my stomach as I imagined her in front of me, nails running down my back as her body would press against mine. The way her face would be contorted in pleasure and back arching in bliss. The beautiful noises that would fall from her lips, calling my name back to me to let me know I was the one who could make her feel such a way.
I let out a small whine, almost feeling her arms around me as I came undone and slowed my pace, pumping myself steadily as my tip became red and sensitive. I hissed pulling my hand away from myself as I sighed.
I quickly finished my shower, deciding I didn't have the energy to shave again and just washed my face regularly. I turned off the shower, stepping out and drying myself off. After wrapping my towel around my waist, I picked my clothes up from the floor and exited the bathroom.
I entered my bedroom moments later, shutting the door behind me while shaking my head and throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry. I picked out some sweatpants and a pink shirt, realising I wasn't going anywhere important today.
I sat down at my desk, opened my laptop and played a random playlist on Spotify as I started studying to the best of my ability. Before I knew it an hour had passed and I had barely written anything on the page when I heard a knock at my door.
"Yeah?" I called out, not bothering to turn around. I heard the door open, catching my attention and Chris waltzed into my room, throwing himself on my bed.
"What are you doing?" he asked, typing something on his phone as I spun around again.
"Trying to study," I mumbled, tapping my pen against the table as I looked down at the empty page, my thoughts blank when looking at the numbers.
"Since when do you struggle to study," Chris mumbled as I heard him shift on my bed. I looked over to see him now laying on his stomach, his head at the end of the bed that was close to me.
"Since now I guess," I sighed, slumping back in my seat as I placed my hands on my head.
"Someone's pussy whipped," Chris mumbled and I frowned at him, noticing a small smirk on his lips making me roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm pussy whipped over a girl I haven't even hugged. Nice thinking genius," I answered sarcastically and he once again, shifted on my bed to sit up, crossing his legs over each other.
He shrugged, looking at me with tired eyes as he said, "So ask her out?"
"What happened to thinking she was a psychopath?" I asked, squinting my eyes at him and he shrugged once again.
"Maybe I judged too early. She seems chill around you," he answered and I turned my head towards my desk, biting my lip to hide my triumphant smile. I got rid of the smile on my lips before I looked at him again and he said jokingly, "As long as you don't start breaking our sober streak."
"Does one puff of a cigarette count as breaking the sober streak?" I asked hesitantly and I saw his eyebrows furrow.
"What?" he asked, leaning forward so his elbows were on his knees as he looked at me sceptically.
I sighed, running my hand down my face as I mumbled, "That day I went to McDonald's with her. She was smoking and I don't know why but I took it and tried it."
"Matt," Chris groaned and I threw my hands out in front of me.
"I don't know why I did it! It was fucking awful anyway," I explained and he shook his head, clear disappointment, "She just made it look so easy."
"She's already fucking you up," he shook his head, his distaste for her once again peeking through as I sighed.
"It's not her fault. I'm the fucking idiot that didn't think before I did it," I groaned and adjusted my shirt as it rode up my back from sliding down the chair.
"Yeah, you are a fucking idiot," he shook his head, a smile falling onto his lips before mumbling, "Pussy whipped."
"Fuck off!" I threw my pen at him as he jumped off of my bed and ran out of my room giggling like a little kid.
"Nick he's pussy whipped!" I heard him call out to our brother as he jogged down the hall and I rolled my eyes, placing my forehead on my desk in despair.
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix
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bulgingforbucky · 9 months
Late Nights
Warning: Fingering (M receiving)
Summary: Bucky come home at night from a mission that lasted 3 weeks.
Jesus y'all I need this man so bad imagine you taking care of Bucky after his long mission that poor baby deserves everything.
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You have your gloves just for this occasion as you lube your fingers. Looking down you see his blue eyes looking up at you as you imagine him fucked out begging for you to fuck him. He spreads his legs for you as you take in the view of his small pink hole. It doesn't matter how many times y'all have done this he will always get shy showing himself to you.
"You ready?" You ask before proceeding before he gives you the signal that you can proceed. Bucky braces himself as you caught this, "Baby don't tense remember?" You remind him as he nods in response relaxing his body. He closes his eyes before he hears your voice, "It's just me." You say softly. "I know." He responds as he felt the reassurance. He bites his lip as he feels your fingers inside him as he lets a small whimper slip.
You start to finger him slowly as he whines lowly making you look up at him. "Ok?" you ask checking in as he nods in response. "Don't stop. please?" He says softly. You taught him well, using his manners as he isn't being demanding but asking for what he wants. He's being such good boy for you.
Your fingers speed up as bucky takes a gasp of air as he grips the mattress. His need for you starts to rise as his hips begins to roll meeting your fingers. "Someone's needy." You smirk to yourself seeing him nodding frantically in your promethium vision.
If he's acting like this, I wonder what he would look if I pegged him.
"May you stroke my cock please?" Bucky requested looking at you waiting for a response as you smile.
"Is that what you want?"
"Yes ma'am."
God why is he so good?
You grab his swollen sensitive cock before swiping at the tip making him hiss. "Shh, I know." You reassure as you finger and stroke him making his body twitch. You place a kiss on his knee before you hear a sweet mumble, "More please? Faster?" Bucky breath hitches as he feels your fingers speed up as the sensitivity of his body get worse just like the need for him to cum.
"You're swallowing my fingers so good Buck, do you want another finger?" Hearing a chocked up "Yes." from the desperate man in front of you, you push in another finger making it three as you feel him clench around your fingers in desperation. Tears of pleasure fills the man's eyes as he lets out moans after moans feeling your touch in his most vulnerable places. Your fingers poke a spot that makes Bucky's body jilt letting out a small cry.
You hum in confirmation as you hit that spot again as Bucky makes the softest noises as the grip on the mattress gets tighter. "God, I need this, I need this so bad you don't understand." Bucky says in a hushed tone biting his lip as his hole quivers in need. You roll your eyes in response to him being dramatic, "How much you need this?" You ask as your fingers hit that same spot that has the man gasping. Hearing a faint huff you raise your eyebrow in question.
"I need this, it's been weeks without cumming." Seeing a small pout on his face you narrow your eyes. "Maybe I should let you wait." You tease making his eyes widen. "No! Oh God no, I want to cum please let me I've been so good for you please let me cum this one time?" He rambles as he grinds his hips down meeting your fingers. You tighten your fist around his cock making the man whine and squirm. "Stay still." You demanded as he throws his head back as his hair falls in his face.
He's so beautiful.
"I'm trying it feels so good." He looks up at you with begging eyes before you start to finger him with purpose on his prostate as you stroke him. "Fuck! If- if you keep going at this rate I'm going to cum soon." Bucky shuts his eyes as he tries to breathe but the pit in his stomach gets worser. "You've have been good so far haven't you? Poor baby have been so worked up with nobody to touch him." You slightly taunt as it's getting harder for Bucky to keep still.
He nods faster as he starts to thrust upwards, "Yes, yes like that. So good m'gonna cum like this." His legs start to shake slightly as you keep the same pace. Bucky bites his lip hard as you know that's one step closer to what both of you have been waiting for. "Go on Buck. be a good boy and cum for me." You gently express making him moan before you feel him tighten around your fingers before he cums coating your hand. You hum in satisfaction as you work him through his orgasm.
His body goes limp against the bed as he feels a sense of relieve that he hasn't felt in a while. You withdrew from his body before you move upwards towards his soft expression as his pupils are blown. Skin to skin contact is made when you caress his cheeks before prepping his damp skin with kisses.
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moodymisty · 11 months
I am back to ask for more peterturabo fics. He is a petty boy who i love dearly. Do anything you want i love all your warhammer fics so much
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Author's Note: You had me at Perturabo, friend. Here's some writing of turbocunt, hope you enjoy. It's sort of a rehash of a drabble I did not long ago. But I'm kinda amazed how weighed my requests are towards chaos. Y'all are some horny heretics.
Summary: You feel like a creature on display, surrounded by curious Primarchs eager to learn about Perturabo's littlest warrior.
Relationships: Perturabo/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Perturabo's shitass attitude, General 40kness, Gossipy Primarchs because when you're emotionally stunted demigods stuck up in a palace or on a battleship someone getting laid is probably international fucking news
Word Count: 1255
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"I see the littlest Iron Warrior has made a return to Terra; Was Olympia to your liking?"
The uniquely loud but gentle voice stops you dead in your tracks, and only after two distinct pairs of steps come thundering closer do you dare to turn.
It would take someone of extraordinary denseness or hermitic nature to not recognize the Angel Sanguinius as the source of one pair of footsteps, though his companion alludes you for a moment. He's almost as pristine as Sanguinius, but there's a particular aura around him that is distinctly different. When Sanguinius says his name to fully catch his attention, you remember.
Fulgrim, The Phoenician; Perturabo had spoken of him a sparse number of times, though most hadn't been the most positive. Then again, he rarely speaks of his fellow Primarchs in any other way than with sentences filled with disdain and pejoratives.
He looks right at you, through you, and you try not to completely melt under his gaze. You swallow a knot in your throat as you realize you haven't even said a single word, though you don't really get the chance to. You must have been the subject of a previous conversation, judging by the phrasing of his next sentence.
"She's not what I expected of him."
You dare to glance towards Fulgrim. Was that meant to be a snub? A compliment? Is he insulting Perturabo?
You had only meant to make it back to your chambers before it got dark, the chance of crossing not one but two Primarchs was an astronomically low one.
The Angel smiles, gentle and soft. Just like the pristine white feathers of his wings. He laughs, presumably at your apprehensive mien.
"Oh come now, we won't bite."
Sanguinus' smile is gentle, while Fulgrim scoffs. His smooth white hair slides down over his shoulder, covering a portion of the elegant purple cloth he's currently wearing.
"Says you," Fulgrim's expression is what you can only describe as cold, but not emotionless. He's controlled, elegant and pristine; Like a flower carved from ice. "I'm sure being around Perturabo hasn't helped matters. He isn't exactly the most amicable company."
You swallow that same pesky knot that stays in your throat again, and give a nervous smile.
"He has his moments."
Sanguinius' face lights up upon hearing your voice, perhaps a bit mischievous at the tidbit you'd spilled. Fulgrim is the one who speaks up, however- eyebrows raised.
"Oh really? Tell me; Does actually have a bone capable of a romantic emotion in his body, or does he just fiddle with machinery all hours of the day?"
You smile fades a bit, pursing your lips shut tight like you're attempting to lock them for a moment.
"I, don't think he would be pleased if i said anything more on the subject." Sanguinius wings shift.
"Then we won't keep you from him any longer." He looks to Fulgrim, and you dip your head as you move out of the way and they pass you by. You continue standing in the middle of the massive hall for what feels like forever, just staring at the gold filigree and ornate tapestries.
But once you manage to unstick your feet, you finally make it to Perturabo's private chambers. Iron Warriors pass you by, on guard duty while their Primarch stays in the palace. They grant you entry on his orders, but you can feel the energy coming from them isn't the most positive. But their gene-sire is Perturabo, afterall. You won't proclaim he has the most amicable personality.
When you enter the foremost room of the massive bedchamber, you see him slightly hunched over a worktable. You can't quite see what he's fixing from this angle, but it appears to possibly be something relatively small in comparison to him. He looks away from it to you, brow furrowed.
"What is with that expression of yours."
Brushing a chunk of hair behind your ear, you purse your lips. Tools are scattered across the table, stained with oil and scuffed from use. You still can't quite see what he's working on when you shift a bit to your left.
"I met Primarch Fulgrim and Primarch Sanguinius."
The change in his posture is immediate, and energy palpable. He doesn't ask where, so you assume he has a general idea that they crossed you on the way here. His brow is furrowed as he stares at you, thin lips tight.
"And what did they say, or did they merely try and pry as much information from you as they could get?"
Would it make him more upset to say they did one of those things, or both?
You purse your lips to one side, trying to find the right way to word it. Perturabo's eyes glance between you and his current project multiple times.
"They didn't say much of anything. Other than that I wasn't what they expected of you. I'm, not entirely sure what they meant by it." He makes a noise somewhere between a hum, and a displeased grunt.
You stand still for a moment after speaking, before coming closer to stand at his side. He moves his arm for you to come even closer, and silently assists with helping you into his lap. It's been something you've been doing more as of late; Perturabo is always working, and this is one way you can manage to steal a bit of his time. He doesn't mind it either. And if anything, he seems to enjoy when you watch him make things for you.
"I didn't tell them a thing. I didn't feel like it was something they should know." He continues working, but you know he's listening. You wring your hands and try to dislodge this feeling in your gut. Your feet dangle off his legs, feeling small in the shadow of his chest.
"I feel terrible because, they're Primarchs; But they aren't my Primarch."
Perturabo lets out a one note laugh.
"If their prides were so insulted that you managed to skirt around their questioning, then they can say so to me. I'm in need of the amusement."
You watch closer at his hands, and realize he's tinkering with something for you.
It's an automata, he calls it. Something that is powered by an unknown machinery inside. It just looks like a bunch of baubles and gears, to you. All you know is that each have a key that when you turn it, makes them move. You have many of them already, it seems this one is shaped like a small Iron Warrior.
Perhaps he just enjoys making the little things. Not much will ever be difficult to the Primarch, so maybe he just finds their simplicity and clumsy mimicry of whatever he's cast their silhouette in silly. They entertain you, at least.
Sitting it down onto the massive table, he closes it's back and winds it up, watching it stomp across the table in the pose of a proper Astartes march. When it slows to a stop, you lean forward to pick it up.
It's heavy, and while it looked small in Perturabo's hands, it's massive in yours; Around the size of your head. He watches you hold it from above, you can feel his gaze on you. You try not to smile as a bit of a mischievous thought crosses your mind.
"You should make one that looks like Sanguinius."
The Primarch lets out a surprisingly loud gauffaw. His left hand lands on your thigh.
"The next one, perhaps."
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rock-n-macabre · 6 months
Heyo if your still taking request I was wondering if you would do a severen x fem!reader where she was freshly turned doesn't know a lot about vampire stuff her and severen both go into heat cause there souls are bound and shit and shes like wtf is going on
Always open for requests! Thank you so much for the request! 🖤✨ This one is a wee bit fluffy but still captures the vibe of Sev and his mate 🥰🖤✨
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"What the fuck is happening to me?!"
I asked the snickering asshole beside me.
" 's okay, darlin'. Won't be long." He murmured into my hair as he nuzzled into my neck.
"Yeah, at least it won't be as painfully long as it will be being stuck to this buffoon for eternity!" Homer chortled with a smug expression.
"Shut it, lil' boner!" Severen diverted his gaze, hissing at Homer.
This is my life now.
One minute being free whilst on vacation. Now? Part of this shit show.
It was almost like some sort of demented prearranged marriage ordeal from what was explained to me. Supposedly if one nips you, you're officially theirs or something like that. I chuckled to myself, thinking it was some sort of bullshit looking at how Mae ran off on Homer and nipped Caleb. No divorce papers with that.
Apparently what happened to me was some sort of big deal.
The one who turned me, as they say, didn't take turning lightly and when he turned me...that definitely raised a few eyebrows.He had commitment issues, so I thought... no big deal. I'd probably be forgotten about just as Mae did with Homer, or something of the sort.
Y'all are probably wondering how did we get to this point mere moments ago.
I give a groan as my body slumps into Severen's as it ....reboots...itself, and the playback of events occur. ✨
It was a flurry of bright colours, extravagance, and partying. Drink in hand and without a care in the world, I dance my way through the street with no plan in mind with how my night might end.
I may have not had plans, but fate had other plans in mind.
I felt a hand snake its way around me and a hand came to rest on the small of my back as the person pulled me in close, dangling a set of beads in front of my face before letting them drop down my cleavage and running them up and down teasingly.
"Care for some beads, darlin'? I'll trade ya." A voice, sweet as honey, drawled.
I looked up into the stranger's eyes. I was met with the most piercing yet deep bluest of blue eyes, and a charming grin. I blush in spite of myself.
"You think I'm the kind of gal?" I give a small laugh as I continue to examine the man.
"Well, darlin', ya certainly don't give off them vibes of bein' all righteous now....'n' you look to me as if yer lookin' fer a fun time." He smirks.
I can't help but roll my eyes.
"Wow! I never knew I'd come across my own personal tour guide!" I laugh sarcastically.
"My services are quite sought after. Limited time offer, sweetheart." Severen laughed. He couldn't hide the amusement behind his eyes, as for once someone actually was conversing with him in a manner other than lust.
Mostly when it came to hunting prey, he would just turn on the charm and the gals would fall at his feet mindlessly. To come across someone different piqued his interest. Besides, this one aroused another feeling from him. Something that went deeper than anything he felt. Not gonna lie, the feeling was a bit overwhelming to him.
"I reckon I might know a thing er two...know 'em like the back of my...." He trails off as he bends down to capture the girl's lips in his.
It was like a jolt of energy surged through him and a glimpse of his past in tombstone...of a girl he was courting...
He pulls back and studies her features.
Nah, it couldn't be.
I gasp as I'm pulled into the alleyway that isn't littered with people, and feel the coolness of the brick against my back as he leans in to keep assaulting my mouth with hungry kisses. I was unaware of with each contact, did it trigger memories to be brought back to life within him. There was a hunger within him that was awakened alongside of the norm.
"Fuck it. Enough a the bullshit. I ain't wastin' n'more time."
I barely could react to his words and ask what he meant when he gripped me right before dipping his head into the crook of my neck and biting hard and sucking for a few moments. When he released and took a step back, with my blood staining his lips, I used my the little energy I had despite being woozy to deliver a punch.
He doesn't look phased as I yell and pathetically try to get away. With a lazy smirk, he pins me back against the brick wall.
"See ya still have that fight in ya.....some things never change." He murmurs as he plays with a strand of my hair. I don't respond back.
"Yer tellin' me ya don't remember us? What we had? Them kisses didn't spark those memories that have been haunting me all of these damn years, honey?" His blue eyes search mine for answers.
I try to make sense of the visuals that popped into my mind during the heated kisses. It could have been some mind trick he was playing. I could have just envisioned the scenarios because of his honeyed accent.
"You're lying....please....let me go." I whimper and try to get out of his grasp. This only makes him tighten more.
"I lost ya once all those years ago, darlin'. I ain't 'bout to go 'n' do it again. Yer comin' with me, whether ya like it 'r not." He laughs as he picks me up and puts me over his shoulder as he heads towards an RV in distance. I pummel at his back relentlessly before giving in.
"You'll remember 'ventually, darlin'." He smirked and gave my ass a tap as he stepped inside the RV. What even was this man.
I grumbled as he put me on the couch in the RV and slung his arm lazily yet with a firm grip to keep me by his side. I looked up at the faces staring bewildered back at us. The crickets chirping in the background solidified the moment all too well. Eventually , the man who I presume is the leader of this unruly gang spoke up.
"Severen...we need to talk. Now." The gruff voice of the Silver One spoke to the petulant man child that held me hostage.
Severen shook the hair out of his eyes before walking over to Jesse where they both went to speak in the corner of the RV away from the group of us.
"It's her, Jess'.... After all this time....I ain't lettin' 'er get away from me again." Severen clenched his fist a little when he spoke.
"Do you think we have an ark or something for everyone we bring in? It's bad enough that Mae brought in Caleb out of the blue. You should know better, Severen." Jesse gave Severen a look.
"I didn' see ya ask me when ya turned Di---" Severen got caught off as Jesse slammed his hand down beside him, eliciting a growl from Severen as he narrowed his eyes.
"Don't make me regret leavin' ya back in Tombstone to rot, Severen. Coulda left ya hangin' there in the gallows." Jesse said sternly.
"Exactly. That's why I'm not leavin' her again this time, Jess'. If I fuck up, it's on my ass. I know. Ya gotta trus' me on this." Severen pushed his way past Jesse and back over to where we were before settling back down.
The time Severen was gone, the others had introduced themselves to me and their backstories. They took to me better as being part of them immediately, unlike Jesse who was still skeptical.
"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" I turned to Severen, "and why you decided I'm your long lost love?"
All eyes turned our way before Severen lounges back and pulls me in towards him. Homer rolls his eyes and grumbles something about it being another storytime. Severen sighs and shoots Homer a glare.
"Shut it, Homer. The lil' lady wants to know."
I am taken aback when he grabs hold of my hand and absentmindedly runs his hands over my knuckles and proceeds to tell everyone about his days of being an outlaw. How he fell in love with a girl who was an entertainer, singing in the saloon. How he would whisk her away to share sweet nothing's away from the hustle and bustle that was Tombstone during that time. Eventually the law caught up to him and he was sentenced to the gallows. Just when he thought he was a goner, Jesse had came to his rescue and turned him.
Severen gave a grim smile as he rummaged in one of the pockets of his jacket until his fingers grazed the object he was looking for. A tarnished ring that had definitely seen better days. He held it up before grabbing my hand and slipping it onto my finger.
"Still the same size, darlin'. It's like nothin has changed." I give a small gasp as everything clicks.
All those dreams weren't caused because of watching Western movies...they were flashbacks. The overload of information was too much. Yet.... I couldn't stop the feeling that was consuming me. It was something I couldn't describe. Something that overwhelmed every sense in my body....
My eyelids flutter open and I am greeted with Severen being right up in my face, and a hunger pang gnaws at my insides and my eyes wander between his neck and his wrist. With a smirk, I close the small distance between us and I nuzzle at his neck this time. He chuckles and leans into my shoulder as I place kisses on his neck.
"Someone's eager, huh?" He smirks as he examines my features with desire.
"Need you," I growl as he cups my cheek with his rough hands, running his thumb over my bottom lip.
"Always fuckin' need you." I whisper and keep my eyes locked on Severen.
This triggers any last restraint he had to go out the window as he picks me up and carries me to the back corner of the RV.
"Ya have no idea how long I've been needing you." He murmurs into my hair as he lays me down and begins pawing at my body, pushing down the straps of my dress.
"I think I have a bit of an idea." I give a giggle before it turns into a moan when he gently sucks at the spot he bit earlier.
Shit. Right.
Severen looks at me before leaning in , pinning me against the mattress.
"I'll only do this once, darlin'. But yer gonna have to learn to hunt like the rest of us. Ya hear?" I nod as he gives me access to his neck and I clamp down hard as instinct takes over. He hisses and a small 'shit!' escapes him. He pulls away after a while, holding me at arms length with an amused grin.
"Well I'll be damned, yer a natural, honey." He chuckles before pressing his lower body back against mine.
"Want something, cowboy?" I smirk up at him.
"Need you. Fucking need you." He growls.
"Need me to do what?" I raise an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue.
Severen laughs, shaking the hair out of his eyes.
"Where to even fucking begin." I give a grin before pulling him in so our lips are mere inches apart.
"How about from where it all began?" He smirks at that thought before closing the distance and capturing my lips in a heated kiss as he grinds his hips against me suggestively, causing me to moan into the kiss.
"Let me remind ya then, darlin'." He winks before pinning my wrists down and resuming the heated make out session.
If it was anything like baseball, he would have hit a home run. Maybe even go another lap around the bases as well. I swore I lost count of how many times he brought me to my sweet release before he obtained his own. That man must have wrote the guide on sex positions.
Afterwards we laid beside each other. A small laugh escapes me and he turns to give me a look.
"Now, now ... Did I break wind er somethin' darlin' ? I know it's been an honest while since I've gone all out an' wild like that....but I ain't that bad!"
I put my fingers against his lips to shush him and he goes to nip my finger tips before I give him a tap on the cheek.
"Nah, Sev .... Just surprised ya ain't shootin' cobwebs." I give a wink and shriek when he goes to tickle my sides.
"Real' funny, honey. Gee, who woulda thunk my sweet wildflower woulda turned into a comedian in the next life. I thought you were a singer." He smirks.
I roll my eyes. How the hell did I put up with this man in my past life? Not missing a beat, I took what I could recall from the past memories.
"And who woulda thunk it that to this day, you'd still be a smartass?!" I giggle as he pulls me in and I pretend to struggle to get away. He holds onto me tighter before I relax again and he watches me as I admire the ring on my finger.
It was real.
All so damn real.
"Some things never change, darlin'. Some things never damn change."
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
Ghost and Doc (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader)
Part Twenty-Seven
I have a date today- excuse my happiness that you can't even see lol. Hope y'all enjoy!
Roach went back to the plane to get his belongings while you said your goodbyes to your team. Alejandro and Gaz gave their condolences to you finally, asking if you would still keep up with them. You promised you’d try, as you wiped away a few tears. Soap engulfed you in a whole-ass hug like he’d done earlier when calming you down, saying that if you needed anything, his number was in your phone. You told him you would, but doubted anything bad would happen with Roach. (Soap silently hoped that was the case)
Ghost’s arms were crossed as he watched you say the goodbyes. He could hear the other voice in his head saying that they should stay, but he obviously pushed it down considering they’d gotten orders from Price. And there would be too much conflict with Roach to stay. “We’re a phone call away if you need us, D- (Y/n). Just call and we’ll be here when we can.”
You smiled, lightly and tiredly. “Thanks, Ghost… but Gary will take care of me. He’s done this before.” You noticed his shoulders tense, so you put your hand on his shoulder. “I’ll call if I need it. C-Can I give you a hug, LT?”
“...Just this once,” Ghost responded quietly. Your arms went right above his waist due to your height. His hands hovered in the air for just a moment, before tapping your back a few times. Once he saw the rest of the team was staring- including Roach, he let go and pushed you away a bit. “Take care.”
Your smile fell a little as the tears started to come back. You’re leaving your family again. Shut up. “Y’all t-too… Tell Price I-I said hi.” You watched your team load up onto the plane, waving as the back of it shut. You waited until the plane was in the air before turning to Roach and looking down. “Will this be like last time?”
Roach shrugged. “Depends. We’ll see how your first couple of nights go.” He put a hand on your back, reassuringly, then started to make his way towards your truck. “I’ll drive, you shouldn’t be right now in the state you’re in. Hand me the keys.”
Now, Ghost normally respects his team’s privacy… but with this? He felt like he needed to know exactly what was about to go down. So, while on the flight back to base, he managed to get someone to dig up old information about you… information that involved Roach in it. Call it concern, if you would.
In the winter of 2020, Medical Sergeant (Y/n) (L/n) was put on leave due to a divorce from her ex-husband, Shawn Hill. According to a close acquaintance of hers, Sergeant Gary Sanderson, she turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism. Medical Sergeant (L/n) is to become completely sober before returning to work, by any means necessary. Thankfully, Sergeant Sanderson has taken up his vacation time to be with her through this process. Hopefully this works out. I’d hate to lose one of our best medics to a glass bottle.
An alcoholic? Ghost exited out of the classified file and turned off the tablet, setting it down next to him. His fists went under his chin as this processed through his head. He didn’t figure you as one… actually- While you’d been that one night, Ghost had woken up in the middle of the night. So, he went downstairs to get some tea to help him out. Next to the coffee machine, something he hadn’t noticed earlier, was a shiny coin with a number two on it. When he rubbed it to read it better, the words had been put together: Unity Service Recovery.
“It was a fucking sobriety chip…” he muttered under his breath. With the headset on, however, everyone heard what he said and looked at him with raised brows. He wasn’t sure he should tell them, but he had been the one snooping. “Just read something about the medical sergeant. It explains a bit of her relationship with… Roach.”
Soap blinked at him, gesturing with his hand to continue. “Well? The fuck does it have to do with a sobriety chip?” Ghost tilted his head to the side, giving Soap a ‘really’ look. “Oh… oh… Well, why do you know that? Seems like classified information.”
“Si, it does.” Alejandro nodded, rubbing his chin. “Hope you weren’t searching around her files, hermano. We’re all worried about her, but she clearly trusts… Roach? We need to leave them alone unless she asks for ayuda.” Gaz muttered in agreement next to him.
Well, Ghost didn’t really feel like expressing his concerns publicly, but it came out anyway. “He’s helped her in the past, that’s all. It’s what I was…” Concerned about. “I just wanted to know.”
Soap hummed. “Sounds like you’re concerned, LT.” Ghost narrowed his eyes and glared at the sergeant. “What? You do sound concerned for her. Am I right guys?”
“Leave us out of this one, hermano.” They wouldn’t say they agreed with him, not out loud at least. (Soap would beat their asses later for this)
Ghost sighed. “Call it what you will. Let’s drop it for now.”
Taglist: @redpool, @calicokitkat, @abbiesxox, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @tescomealdeals-blog, @judachoo, @cabreezer0117, @reiya-djarin, @cutiecusp, @m0chac0ffee, @cassie-vizsla, @seasaltt99, @lazy-kari202, @comedinewithmeyeah, @somnibats, @badpvn, @peachy-is-obsessed, @bookoffracturedghosts, @dorck26, @adeptusnunya, @wonusbitch, @m00vp, @user1727381919
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marksbear · 2 years
How about really famous dom reader. Like he a avengers and then sub Steven grant. Then his works place is hosting a party and everyone is shocked about his partner. And they all try to talk to him but he just doesn't care that much and only wants to talk to Steven and be around him. And Steven is wearing a nice suit and reader keeps flirting with him and saying how he looks so gorgeous and can't wait for tonight. Which leads to reader not waiting till they get to the bed and fucking him barely when they walk inside. And fucking Steven at the door. This man deserves only the best and making everyone jealous. -🐻‍❄️
Okay I love the idea! And I hope you enjoy reading this! 🐻‍❄
WARNINGS! Dirty talk in public, hella famous reader, SMUT, overstimulation, masturbating, car sex. H/n= Hero name!
The crowd roars with cheers and applause. Cameras flashing with their bright lights and interviewers bringing their microphone to who you may ask. Well of course The H/n.
Even though he just joined the avengers he is already the most famous man on earth. His great strength and personality did help him get by but what really gave him a boost is his looks.
He easily became a fan favorite and honestly the world's favorite. Teenage girls, boys and their mom swoon over him. While the straight men or fathers envy the man to the point like he was a god.
With the whole world swooning over him he didn't get much privacy. But the only thing the world didn't know was who is H/n dating?
H/n constantly talked about his boyfriend. Like I mean constantly. He always found a way to brag about him. Always showing him off but never revealing who he is until today.
"Everyone please quiet down." Y/n raises his hands to the air making everyone shut up. "Thank you~" Y/n winks at everyone making them all blush. Lots of people are live recording Y/n. "Okay. I want y'all to meet someone very special to me. Hes my everything. Hes my heart and soul. And especially hes my moon. Everyone meet my boyfriend Steven Grant hopefully future L/n!"
Y/n steps to the side revealing his boyfriend to the world. The room emerges in cheers and people trying to ask questions while cameras snap photos of the two of you. Y/n looks at Steven studying him making sure hes comfortable.
Anytime someone gets too close to Steven Y/n will pull Steven away gently or put his hand in the person chest backing them up himself. "Typical Y/n always makes a grand entrance. " Tony says playfully to Y/n making him laugh. Y/n takes Steven hand guiding him to a quieter place in the party.
Lots of people try to follow the couple but get stopped by Captain America telling them to "Give the boys some space guys."
Y/n sits on a stool taking Steven in his lap. "Oh baby you look so good. So gorgeous. You make me just wanna show you what your beauty does to me right here and now~" Y/n teases kissing the back of Steven's head. "Really? In front of all these people?" Steven's voice cracks a little leaning into Y/n's lap getting more comfortable.
"Mhm Stevey. I mean they are already jealous of you. Cmon just looks at you. You look like a god. So handsome." Y/n moves his mouth to Steven's ear giving it small kisses and a soft bite. "I can't wait for tonight. I'm gonna fuck you all night long how about I start now-----" Y/n gets cut of by a interviewer. "Mr L/n and Mr Grant?" Y/n groans and turns around facing the shy interviewer. "Yes?" "Uhm HI I was wondering can I ask you two some questions it won't take too much of your time." Y/n looks at Steven who nods and Y/n answers saying "Yeah kid. Ask away."
"Okay great! So when did you two meet and who asked out who?"
"Well we met at the museum he works at. I was there with my nieces and they were begging me to buy them a hippo. So I took them to the gift shop and that's where I met the love of my life. And for the who asked out who neither of us. My nieces had set up a date for both of us and we took off from there."
Steven giggles from the memory and adds "His nieces told me he was too shy to ask me out. So they wrote a letter asking me out as him."
"Wow who knew that The H/n is a shy guy. Moving on how long have you two been dating?"
"Way too long. Long enough to know I wanna marry him." Y/n gives out a short answer. "Now will you excuse me, i'll be right back." Y/n gives Steven a deep kiss with tongue and that leads them into making out. But Y/n pulls away from the heated make out. "Find me if you're in trouble." Y/n gives Steven one last kiss before heading off to mingle.
After Y/n spends time with his friends he leaves them to find Steven. He finds him in the corner of the room reading one of Stark's expensive history books. Y/n sneaks up behind wrapping his arms around Steven hugging him from behind. "Y'know if you want to keep just take it. I'll pay him back later." Steven jumps a little but relaxes once he finds out it was his boyfriend that's hugging him.
"Let's go home. I wanna fuck you all day long and I don't know how long I can hold myself back. You look so sexy Steven." Y/n praises him kisses trails on his jaw. Steven sets the book on the table and pushes Y/n face away from him. "Y/nn! Stop embarrassing me!" Steven whines out and finally gets himself free from his boyfriend.
Y/n places a strong hand on Steven waist guides him out of the party saying bye to everyone as they make their leave.
The couple gets into the car and Y/n plays soft music in the back having a calm atmosphere. Y/n opens the glove box and takes a bottle of lube out. Steven doesn't notice it since hes staring outside of the window looking at the stars deeply. Y/n puts his hand on Steven crotch tugging at his pants.
"Wah?! U-uhm Y/n what are you doing?" Steven Jolts up looking at his boyfriend. "Strip. And after you're done I want you to finger yourself okay baby?" Steven opens his mouth to argue to shut it and does what hes told trying to avoid getting punished.
Y/n hands him the bottle of lube and closes the glove box. Steven stares at the bottle embarrassed and opens the bottle and applies the lube on his fingers. Steven squirms in his seat shyly once he feels his boyfriend's eyes on him. Steven takes a deep breath before using one finger circling around his hole teasing himself. Steven lets out soft moans and whimpers. His cock slowly begins to rise and once it's fully hard he pushes his finger into himself.
Steven rolls his hips back and forth before moving the finger up and down twisting and turning it. Y/n watches in awe before taking one hand off the wheel and wraps his own hand on Steven's cock jerking him off slowly. Steven becomes putty in his hands and pleasure over takes him not even feeling embarrassed no more.
Steven adds two more fingers inside of heard thrown back and he fuck himself in a face but gentle pace. His cock twitches rapidly leaking precum out of tip making his cock look shiny.
By the time they get to the apartment Steven cums hard. His moans got louder as he cum onto his boyfriend hand. His body becomes sensitive to every touch and whimpers pleas for Y/n to stop touching his cock. Y/n lets out a mischief laugh and help Steven put his clothes back on. Y/n unlocks the door and turns off the car leaving the car and helping Steven get out. Steven's legs are all wobbling and shaking from his intense orgasm.
Y/n puts his hands on Steven's waist behind him guiding him inside the building. As the two walk Steven feels Y/n bulge pressed up behind him and whines. As the two get in the elevator Y/n grinds his crotch on Steven's ass holding Steven's hips still as he does.
As they make it to their floor and walk to the door. Steven hands fumble around with the keys as Y/n bite his neck and his clothed cock grinding against him making his mouth water.
When the door finally unlocks the door swings open hitting the wall during the process as Y/n eagerly picks up Steven and Steven wraps his legs around Y/n waist. As the couple gets into a heated makeout Y/n closes the door with his foot.
Steven and Y/n messily take off their clothes and shoes never breaking the kiss. Y/n lowers Steven onto his cock angling him right above the tip before thrusting his full shaft into him.Steven lets out a high pitch moan and holds onto Y/n leaving scratch marks on them. Y/n doesn't wait a second fucking him merciless. Steven hides his face into Y/n's neck muffling his moans. Wet skin slapping against each other along slide moans fills the room. As the two fuck on the door from the outside the door is shaking and making a thudding noise.
"G--aHhh~ Y-y/nn!~ CuM im cumming! FuCk" Steven moans out cumming all over his boyfriend and himself. Y/n slows down his thrust but still goes deep inside him attacking Steven's prostate with each thrust. Steven's sensitive cock slowly becomes hard again. "No.No--- Please Y/n~ I-i was a good boy please please just cum in--inside me~" Steven begs as tears fall from his face from being over used. "Okay baby just cum one more time then i'll cum inside you does that sound good?"
Steven whines but gives in shaking his head yes. Y/n picks up his pace fucking him with no mercy and the grip he has on Steven's hips bruising. Y/n aims for Steven's prostate abusing his hole in the process. Steven cock is all wet and shinny cum still leaking out from his previous orgasm. Steven uses his left hand to stop holding onto Y/n and go down to his own cock jerking himself off. Y/n sucks hickeys where it would be noticeable and leaves bite marks on his neck claiming Steven as his own. "Y-y/n oooH~ Please jUst cum inside me p---please! use me just use me please!" Steven begs as he cums again panting Y/n chest white. "Good boy~ Because you were a good boy you deserve an award."
Y/n thrust has gotten faster than it was before. He traps Steven body to the door as he fucks him faster and rougher. His thrust got messy and stopped making an effort to hide his voice. With all the noise you two are probably waking up the entire building. It doesn't take Y/n long to cum deep inside his boyfriend. Y/n keeps thrusting riding out his orgasm until there's nothing left.
Y/n holds onto Steven tighter walking him to the couch laying him down. Steven looks at his body covered in cum and he looks in between his legs looking at the cum that's on all over his thighs and some even leaking out of his hole overflowing.
"Aren't you sight for sore eyes." Y/n teases finding some snacks and water placing them on the table beside Steven. "Got you that book you were reading. You looked like you were enjoying it so I took it as we were leaving." Y/n puts the book beside the snacks and gives Steven his reading glasses.
"So Mr Grant. How was being in the spotlight?" Y/n asks like he was an interviewer using the book as a microphone.
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tfsroleplay · 7 months
GRIEVED for Arius
Glimpses of the Past
send GRIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they had recently lost someone / something
((y'all really like Arius huh? I don't use him as often but it's nice to know people like him c: ))
((the first draft of this was... really long... the writing bug bit me LMAO I cut it down and changed it so it's not too long, but a decent amount))
death tw, uhhh... i think that's all?
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At 15 years old, he was just another Soldier in the Octarian Amy. Took his father's place when he had an accident with one of the Great OctoWeapons. He'd stared those Inkling Agents down, trying to splat them and keep his home from losing more power...
From losing more people like his Mother...
His heart aches constantly, but his sadness is quick to turn to anger. It drives him, keeping him from admitting the pain he feels when he's splatted by one of his enemies. Makes him get up, charge headfirst with his Octoshot, even if it means being a distraction so his fellow soldiers could get the upper hand.
He doesn't show much else besides anger, everything else just feels... Numb. He refuses to be considered weak, to be anything besides the strong soldier he was trained to be.
...Not even the boy his mother raised...
He was convinced that boy died with her, his sorrowful wails echoing through the hospital with countless others whose family members or friends didn't survive the power outages, or who couldn't recover quick enough when the hospital had to reroute everything when a Zapfish nearby had been taken.
He'd refused to leave, logic going out the window that day. He'd come to visit on a day he had off, bringing her favorite flowers. The same ones that reminded her of the surface above them...
She was still smiling, even when the machine beside her shut down. Her heart couldn't last on its own anymore, and by the time the power had rerouted, she'd left him...
Arius faced the direction of the Inkling Agents, 3 and 4...
They stared back at him, the one holding the charger kept it raised directly at him, but she did not fire. The roller rushed towards the Zapfish. Arius was covered in their ink, yet to be splatted.
Arius screamed at them, the roller flinching at his voice. 3 stared at him, she hadn't moved an inch. He fell to his knees, hands curled into fists.
He threw down his weapon, opening his arms and waiting for the shot. To be taken down. The Zapfish was in 4's hands, Arius' other soldiers had already retreated. Why was he still there? Why hadn't they splat him? It was likely his spawn point was no longer working now that they had the Zapfish, he'd be finished for good.
And see his mother again...
He slammed his fist into the ground, his goggles keeping his eyes and expressions hidden. Everything looked blurry, he was... He was crying. His shoulders shook, body heaving as he sobbed for the first time in... so long.
There was a shadow over him, a hand outstretched when he looked up. Agent 4 held his hand out to him, as if expecting him to take it.
His sadness was quick to turn back to the anger, the irrational thoughts and blame coming in. He'd reached for his Octoshot, and 3 released the trigger for her charger, splatting him immediately. Arius respawned after they left, lying face up and staring at the darkening screens of the dome.
...The spawn point shut down after his respawn...
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nsfwflint · 2 years
Office Politics Chapter Seven: Catharsis
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A/N: Old school Flint, 3 pieces in a 3 week span. Wild. Here's the (hopefully) long awaited next chapter of Office Politics and my return to the ultimate waifu, Eunji! Hope y'all enjoy this piece and think it's as hot as I did while writing it!
Your pulse races frantically as you approach Bo Reum's office. Blood rushes in your ears as your heart thuds violently against your chest. Every cell in your body feels like it's about to explode. The world blurs around you as you gently rap your knuckles in the door. 
"Come in." 
You gulp nervously before turning the handle and stepping past the doorway. Bo Reum looks at you with an irritated gaze as she closes the open file on her desk. 
"How nice of you to join us at 2:30 in the afternoon. Shut the door and take a seat please." She gestures towards the chair in front of her desk. 
Sitting down in the ridiculously uncomfortable chair once again, your heart feels like it’s about to burst out of your chest. You can feel the drops of sweat beginning to appear on your forehead. Bo Reum lets out a loud sigh as she throws her head back and stares at the ceiling. A second of awkward silence passes. Then two. On the third, she finally speaks.
“I don’t have to tell you how bad you fucked up, right?” She says bluntly.
“No ma’am. I know how much trouble I caused.” You gulp.
“You don’t know the half of it. You really dropped the ball on this one. Mr. Gold almost considered cutting ties with the company.”
Your heart sinks and you feel like you’re about to throw-up. You finally managed to get a job at a prestigious company, and you’ve made a monumental mistake that will probably get you fired, all because you let yourself get distracted by the “perks” of your hidden title.
“Thankfully, after explaining how it was the mistake of our rookie employee and the fact that he was impressed by your previous work for him, we were able to calm him down and persuade him not to drop us.” 
A small sigh of relief escapes your lungs. At the very least the good work you did before today didn’t let your mistake fuck everything up.
“So do you have a reason for what happened?” Bo Reum asks, not bothering to hide the disappointment in her voice.
As you open your mouth to answer, you hesitate slightly. You could very easily tell her the truth. That after a week of overworking yourself and an intense late night workout, you ended up sleeping through all your alarms. But that’s just an excuse. In this corporate world, you’re expected to be able to handle all of that. 
“None that can excuse it, no ma’am.” You shake your head.
“I see. Normally this kind of mistake is a career ender.”
Silently nodding, your gaze falls to the floor and you feel your stomach do kickflips.
“Luckily for you, since you’re still so new and all of your other work so far has been exemplary, you’re only getting a warning this time.”
You quickly look up at Bo Reum and a deep sigh of relief washes over your entire body. 
“Thank you so much. I promise, I’ll do everything I can to make sure nothing like this ever happens again. And I’ll definitely work even harder to make it up to both the company and Mr. Gold.”
“About that…”
“Well this can’t be good.”
“Given what’s happened, Mr. Gold suggested that you might be too new to the industry to be his liaison after all and has requested that someone more experienced be in charge going forward.”
“I see. That’s regrettable but understandable.”
“So, I’m going to need you to send everything you have to Sun Young. She’ll be handling everything for Mr. Gold from this point on.”
“Understood, I’ll get right on it.”
“All right. That will be all, you can go on now.” Bo Reum gestures towards the door.
You bow slightly before finally raising out of the stiff chair and walking out of her office. As you sit down at your desk, Chae Soo Bin quickly comes over while you start gathering documents to give to Sun Young.
“Everything okay Rookie?” She whispers quietly.
In times like this, you’re thankful that Soo Bin is just as kind as the characters she used to play.
“Yeah. I just messed up and lost a huge opportunity, but I still have a job. Where are the others?” You ask as you notice that once again you two are the only ones in the department.
“Sung Hee is still out of town on a business trip, and Sun Young left with Mr. Gold earlier as soon as she became his new point of contact.”
“Ah, okay. Well thanks for checking me, but I’ll be okay.” You say with a grateful smile.
“Just let me know if you need anything.” Soo Bin gives you a friendly smile before returning to her own desk. 
You release a deep sigh as you start organizing your files in preparation to hand them over to Sun Young. Sorting everything by importance and date, and emailing all the pertinent information, getting everything in order ends up taking up the rest of your afternoon. Just as you place the last file into the box, you look up to see that Bo Reum has already left for the day and Soo Bin is on her way out.
“Have a good weekend, Rookie. See you on Monday.” She says before heading towards the elevator.
Grabbing the sides of the box, you slowly make your way to Sun Young’s desk, wallowing in the regret and disappointment that you’ll no longer be the one working with Mr. Gold. As you lay the box down on her desk, a sudden realization hits you. Your pulse begins to race again, but for a different reason than before. 
Quickly digging your phone out of your pocket and opening up the clock app, your worries are proven true.
You didn’t sleep through your alarms, they were turned off. Since you certainly didn’t turn them off, that must mean somebody else did. And the only person with the motive to sabotage you like that is the person who just became the new liaison to a prestigious law firm that is expected to bring in numerous profitable contracts.
Ryu Sun Young.
Cursing under your breath, you can’t believe that such a drama-esque situation has actually happened to you like this. You didn’t realize that sabotage like this actually happened in real life, and you’re angry at yourself for being this naive. Feeling yourself trembling with rage, you try to take a few deep breaths in order to calm down.
But it doesn’t work. All you can see is red. Opening the messaging app, you begin rapidly typing a message berating Sun Young and telling her you know what she did. Halfway through, you delete what you’ve written and close your phone. As much as it enrages you, there’s no point in flipping out about it. You have no proof that it was her, and she’ll just deny everything. Worst case scenario if you send that text is she submits a complaint to HR about you for harassing her. 
You quickly gather your stuff and get ready to leave. Even though you came in late and would usually stay late to make up for the time you missed, you know there’s no way you’ll be able to get any work done when you’re this angry. You don’t know what you’ll do to calm down, but you know that you won’t be able to do it here.
As you step on the elevator, your finger pauses slightly over the button for the lobby. You turn to see a flier for the company gym on the side of the elevator wall. Working out would be a good way to use all the adrenaline flowing through your body and to get your mind off things. Another small second of hesitation passes and you hit the button for the 3rd floor instead.
After a brief consultation with another employee, you soon enter the gym and are immediately greeted by exactly what you expected to see. Gorgeous people and wall to wall exercise equipment. You release an impressed whistle as your eyes travel over the endless sea of workout machines. Staring at the hundreds and hundreds of different exercise machines and workout stations, you’re once again struck with the reality of how big the company actually is when a voice pulls you from your thoughts.
You turn towards the surprised voice to see Eunji staring at you. The first thing that catches your attention is her silky black hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. Then your eyes drift down and drink in the view before you. Her deliciously curvaceous figure hugged by tight black workout clothes, you can’t help but notice her amazingly fit body.
“It is you! I’m surprised, I never saw you here before. I didn’t realize you even knew that we had a company gym.” She laughs.
“Of course I knew about it. Just haven’t had the chance to try it out yet.” You reply, conveniently leaving out that you had to ask one of the janitors for directions.
“Uh-huh.” She teases with a knowing smile.
While you aren’t really in the mood for her teasing, Eunji’s warm smile and smooth laughter helps relax some of the tension throughout your body. 
“Well what brings you here today of all days?” She asks before taking a quick swig from her water bottle.
“Just a rough day and was hoping that some exercise would help me work through it.” You admit.
Suddenly, Eunji steps closer to you and gently touches your shoulder.
“Oh really? Well I happen to know one kind of exercise that does wonders for that kind of thing.” She says softly as her hand slowly travels down your arm..
You know that you’re normally fairly oblivious, but for once, the seductive undertones in Eunji’s whispers aren’t lost on you. And she’s right, it would definitely help you get your mind off of everything.
“My apartment is closer.” You whisper quietly as someone walks by you.
“Then what are we still doing here?”
Eunji gives you a flirty smile as she picks up her nearby gym bag, and the two of you briskly make your way to the elevator. As you walk over, you can’t help but admire Eunji’s body once again. Her exercise pants cling perfectly to her figure, the tight black fabric hugging her voluptuous ass and emphasizing her perfectly round cheeks. 
As if blessed by a miracle, the elevator opens right as the two of you approach it. Giving you a seductive smile, Eunji quickly presses the button for the lobby. The ride to the lobby is only 2 floors, but with how much you want to tear into her, it feels like an eternity. In the short but long way down, the two of you agree to take your own cars and that she’ll follow you to your apartment building.
Your brain racing with adrenaline and anticipation, you’re fairly sure you might have broken the speed limit to get home. But you don’t care as long as she is still able to follow you. Thankfully, Eunji pulls into your apartment parking lot mere seconds after you. Smiling to yourself, you guess she must want it as bad as you do. You step out of your car as she quickly parks on the other side of you.
Walking over to her, you once again admire the view of her perfect ass as she steps out of her car. Shutting the door, she turns to you and a thought enters your mind.
“Do you have extra clothes in your gym bag?”
“Yeah. Why?” Eunji asks with a confused look on her face.
“Because your ass looks so amazing in those pants that I just want to tear them open and fuck you through them.”
A small moment of silence lingers before Eunji turns around and grabs her gym bag from the back seat of her car. 
“Gonna need to bring them up so I can change afterwards then.” She smiles. 
The two of you race up to the apartment elevator, a lustful hunger quickly overtaking both of you. Eunji gives you another seductive smile as the doors close and you can barely manage the elevator ride up without tearing her clothes off. In your desperate hurry to get inside, you fumble your keys briefly before finally unlocking your door. 
The door barely closes behind you and you wrap your arms around Eunji and pick her up. She lets out a playful squeal as you carry her down the hall into your bedroom. Entering your room, you lightly throw her onto your bed. 
“God, I just want to fucking ravage you right now.” You say as you pull on the knot of your tie, loosening its grip on your neck.
As she sits up and stares at you, her smile is dripping with an erotic excitement while she watches you throw your tie across the room. Eagerly shedding the rest of your clothes, they quickly join your tie in a nearby corner. No foreplay is needed, your cock fully erect just from the thought of what you’re about to do to Eunji.
“Hurry up and get to it then.” She says as she turns around on all fours and teasingly shakes her ass towards you.
An ecstatic grin spreads across your face. Swinging both your hands down, you forcefully slap Eunji’s shapely ass and give it a rough squeeze. The sleek black fabric of her exercise pants clings to your fingertips as you rip into it like a present on Christmas morning. And after peeling back the wrapping, you’re greeted with your gift. Eunji’s moist cunt glistening with anticipation.
“Looks like you want this as much as I do.” You tease, lightly brushing your tip up and down the lips of her cunt.
“Yes daddy I do. Now hurry up and fuck my brains out.” Eunji commands.
Well, who are you to say no? You quickly comply and are immediately rewarded with the tight heat of her cunt as you pierce your cock into her depths. 
“Oh fuck.” She gasps as your tip slams against her womb.
Her moist walls hungrily grasp your cock as you slowly withdraw your shaft before shoving it back inside her. Seeing her voluptuous ass shake through the tight pants with every thrust, you abandon any hopes of taking your time. Grabbing her wide hips with a rough squeeze, you lose all control as you wildly pound away at her cunt.
The dulcet tones of Eunji’s moans quickly fill your apartment as your tip pierces into her depths with each rapid thrust. Her velvety cavern devours your cock, squelching and dripping with every lustful slam. Your cock aggressively pistons in and out of her cunt as you tightly squeeze her hips. 
“Oh god, you’re so fucking good Rookie.” Eunji groans
“You like it when I fuck your tight pussy like this?” You grunt as you give her ass a forceful smack.
“Yes. Ravage my tight little pussy. Fuck me even harder.” She shrieks at the top of her lungs.
In the back of your head you know that you’re probably being a selfish lover, but hearing Eunji’s screams begging for your cock convinces you that it’s fine either way. But honestly, you don’t care either way. The only thing that you care about right now is fucking Eunji as hard as you can and flooding her cunt with your cum.
Raising both of your hands, you slam them down onto her curvaceous ass as if trying to feel every inch of her perfect skin against your fingertips. You grab her ass roughly, forcefully squeezing and kneading it as you rapidly slam your cock into her velvety cunt. Her thick cheeks heave in the constricting fabric from your relentless thrusts, shaking wildly against your fingertips.
“You’re so fucking amazing Eunji. You’re so fucking tight.” You groan.
Watching her plump ass bounce in the tight black fabric and desperate to feel the heavenly softness of her ass ripple against your skin, you can’t take it anymore and rip her pants even more so that her ass is now fully exposed. Your hands immediately return to squeezing her voluptuous cheeks, violently squeezing and groping the thick slabs of silky flesh. Her heavenly flesh heaves and bounces against your palms as you do your best to savage Eunji’s cunt with your animalistic slams. 
Kneading and massaging her heavenly ass, you wildly pound away at her cunt. The velvety walls of her cavern hungrily grip your cock while your tip slams against her womb. Your feral animalistic thrusts pierce into her moist depths as Eunji collapses slightly. Her face pushes against your mattress, her body now sloped downwards as her ass is the only thing raised up. The smooth skin of her thick cheeks jiggles addictively against your fingertips.
“Fuck, right there. Fuck me just like that.” Eunji screams as her hands tightly grasp your sheets.
As you plunge your cock into her depths, her pillowy ass slams against you. The silky skin of her plump cheeks ripples violently like the wave of emotions pouring over you. Your brain replays the events of today's betrayal over and over, and your anger grows quickly. You decide to use your rage the only way you can right now, to empower your lustful chase for ecstasy and fuck Eunji as hard as you possibly can. 
You give her perfect curvaceous ass one more forceful smack before pushing her down onto your bed. With Eunji now laying flat on her stomach, you plant your hands next to her head as you continue relentlessly slamming your cock into her depths. Your bodies viciously crash against each other, her plump ass bouncing wildly with every piercing thrust. She bunches even more of your sheets in her fists as her lustful moans are music to your ears. Your cock viciously pistons in and out of her tight cunt, greedily hunting for your own orgasm without caring if Eunji cums or not.
Her beautiful ass ripples wildly from every rough frenzied thrust as you rapidly pound your cock against her womb. Eunji's frantic moans dance in your ears, the only reassurance you need to continue savaging her moist cunt. You never realized you had such a creaky bed, the mattress springs screaming almost as much as Eunji as you continue to relentlessly pound away at her cunt.
“Oh my fucking god. Almost there, don’t stop.” Eunji screams, her erotic shrieks bouncing off of your walls.
“I’m close too.” You grunt as you feel yourself approaching your limits.
Suddenly, her velvety walls tighten around your shaft. Eunji's slim body twitches as you pound away at her cunt. A small flood of sticky fluid coats your cock as you continue to relentlesly fuck her through her orgasm. Her tight cavern grips your shaft while her body trembles against you. As her orgasm slowly dies down, you feel yours rapidly approaching as your balls tighten.
“I’m going to cum, Eunji.” You gasp, quickly losing your stamina as you tumble over the edge of ecstasy.
“Cum inside me. Drown my pussy with your cum.” Eunji moans at the top of her lungs.
Her plump ass heaves wildly, rippling and shaking from your violent pounding. Every muscle in your body screams in exhaustion as you power your way through your last forceful thrusts. Finally, your tip throbs violently and with one last powerful slam, it erupts directly into Eunji’s womb.
A thick torrent of sticky semen blasts into her tight depths as you release a satisfied groan. Your milky load surges into her silky depths. Her pillowy ass trembles against you, her hot walls milking every drop of your potent semen that it possibly can. You pour as much of your virile cum as possible directly into her womb. A guttural grunt escapes your throat and your body twitches as one last thick spurt floods her velvety cavern. 
After a few seconds of panting and silence, you finally withdraw your flaccid shaft, now coated with a mixture of the remnants of both of your orgasms. A thick milky waterfall slowly oozes past the lips of Eunji’s cunt. You briefly collapse onto her body before rolling off and laying next to her.
“That was fucking amazing Rookie.” Eunji gasps.
“Yeah, that was incredible.” You nod.
Turning towards you, she looks into your eyes and finally asks the question you’ve been dreading.
“So what happened that made you so upset today?”
“You could tell I was angry?”
“It was pretty obvious with how rough you were. But it was some of the best sex I’ve had, so it’s fine.”
With her saying how good it was, you’re not sure if you should apologize or not.
“So, what’s going on?” She asks in a gentle voice that catches you off guard.
While the two of you have had great sex and she’s a fun person to hang out with, Eunji has never shown anything resembling any kind of romantic affection the way she is right now. You always just assumed she was a friend who takes full advantage of your position.
But as Eunji stares at you, you feel something break inside you. It’s like the emotional dam you tried so hard to build up has burst, and everything comes pouring out at once. And you tell her what’s been going on that’s bothering you. 
From your confusion about your romantic feelings for Nana, your constant overwork, to the workplace sabotage and betrayal of Ryu Sun Young. Your countless frustrations come rushing out and before you know it, they’re quickly followed by tears.
“Shhh.” She softly hushes you in a soothing whisper as she runs her fingers through your hair.
As you lose control and break down, Eunji delicately wraps her arms around you and pulls you close to her. Normally being pushed against her silky skin only fuels your arousal, but the gentle warmth of her actions only makes you even more emotional. Sobbing uncontrollably into her stomach, you wrap your arms around her and take solace in her comforting embrace. It doesn’t take long before the emotional exhaustion catches up to you and your vision fades to black.
Gentle sunbeams warm your face as you finally wake up. Opening your eyes, you see that you’re in the same position as last night. Cuddled up tightly with your head resting on Eunji’s body. Looking up at her, she looks down and gives you a sweet smile.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” You mutter as you quickly detach yourself from her and put on your nearby boxers.
“Nothing to be sorry about. I wasn’t awake for too much longer before you.”
“Not going to lie, after everything that happened last night, I was expecting you to be gone when I woke up. But you stayed.” You note with surprise.
“I felt like you needed me to.” 
Eunji softly presses her lips against yours before pulling clothes out of her gym bag. Still surprised by everything, the only thing you can do is watch as she gets dressed and walks towards the door.
“Thanks.” You mutter shyly.
“If you ever need help, just let me know. Whether it’s as someone to workout with or just someone you want to talk to. You don’t have to get through this alone.” Eunji says with an affectionate smile that you’ve never seen from her before.
A warm blush creeps over your face as Eunji gives you a wave before opening the apartment door. 
“Eun..ji? What are you doing here?”  A shocked voice barely manages to choke out.
Recognizing the voice, you race towards the doorway without thinking. Which is immediately added to your list of mistakes from the last few days. As you stand next to Eunji while wearing nothing but your underwear, you find yourself face to face with the gorgeous woman who has plagued your mind for almost a week. And the pain and sadness on her face is ready to haunt you for even longer. You manage to somehow mutter her name breathlessly as it feels like your world is collapsing around you.
A/N2: Once again hope you all enjoyed the piece. Eunji is so amazing and I've wanted to get back to her for such a long time now. I wanted to write her again so much it honestly kind of blocked me. I had this picture saved for this chapter for over a year now. Thank you all for the support and hope you enjoy!
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speedystarshine · 2 years
I think u do Darius fics-
But imagine Darius having a male S/O who's struggling and is very insecure but one day when Darius is out, Y/N starts overthinking a lot and doubting that Darius loves someone like him. He soon comes home to Y/N crying by the mirror and just comforts them 🤲💕
It would mean the world to me if you did male reader, it helps me feel like a boy 🙂
Ack sorry y'all! I've had the big C and its not going away anytime soon, so I've came back. Got a lot of fics out soon, look out for those!
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Your relationship with Darius was relatively healthy, both of you being there for each other when you need be. Sometimes though, due to your different professions, that wasn't possible. Like tonight, for example. A meeting had come up, and he had to go, of course he did. But you couldn't help worry as the clock ticked just over to midnight. Titan, where was he?
To stop worrying, you decided to go on your scroll. This didn't help however, since everything was boring you and you ended up going through the two of your private messages, where he had left a little voice message, three hours ago. You clicked it.
Y/N, I apologize but I won't be home for a little while yet. You know how it is, work and yada yada. I'll be back soon though, I promise. My day off is soon, we might even be able to have a spa day. Can you imagine that? I certainly can. Unfortunately, I have to go. I love you, and again, i'll be back soon.
The recording came to a stop, and you felt tears dripping down your face. Titan, you hated it when this would happen. Usually, Darius would comfort you and then the two of you would watch a movie, or cuddle, or something.
But he wasn't here.
You frowned. Did he ever get tired of seeing you like this? It didn't happen often, but you could clearly picture the worry every time. You hated worrying him, but you couldn't help it. What if he wanted someone who was much more low maintenance? He was a coven head, he had plenty of others he could have.
You were full on crying now, not noticing the click of the front door being shut.
Then two arms wrapped around you, which made you cry harder.
"That's all right love, let it all out." You felt his comforting breathe on his neck, and after a while of you sniffing and hiccuping, you slowly relaxed into his arms. He gently turned you to face him. "Are you all right now?" You nodded. "What happened?"
You couldn't look him in the eye, so instead you looked down at the scroll you had discarded a while ago. "Just thinking."
He raised an eyebrow, as if ushering you to go on. "Yo- I was worried about how long you had been gone, and I was just thinking that maybe.. You-" He cut you off. "Were with someone else?" You nodded, looking embarrassed. He sighed softly, before giving your hand a tight squeeze. "Look at me."
You did, albeit hesitantly. "I... I feel like the luckiest witch in the world to be with you. You're so sweet, and amazing, and everything I could possibly wish for. And, you actually like my tea."
You let out a little giggle at that.
"It hurts every time I have to leave you, because I worry about you." He paused seeing your guilty expression, and took your face into his hands. "I would make every little bit of your pain go away if I could, but I can't. Only you can. But please understand, that I love you. And nothing is going to change that."
You sniffled slightly, melting into his touch. "Thank you." He smiled at you, kissing your forehead. "It's no problem. Here, how about we watch that series you were going on about yesterday?"
"I would like that."
There you go anon, so sorry it took so long!
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