#like wow.. wtf is erong with you
hakuhub · 3 months
cw: rant, sa jokes, implied transphobia
ok so i'm friends with this guy right and he was really nice and funny when we hung out a few times but then sometimes i forget that like.. he's a guy. what i mean by this is we went out to a mall and we passed by a lingerie store and he suddenly said "haha yk how women are like 'it doesnt matter what shes wearing', then why are they wearing stuff like this underneath" and i just felt my heart SINK and he starts laughing and he notices im uncomfortable with it nd whats worse is the fact that he. started using my identity as a guy to make justify his actions?? like??? he started saying stuff like "c'mon ur a guy right? u gotta know what i mean, since you're a guy now" nd uaghhh ick ick ick what.. the fuck...
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