#like wow you really paid that much attention to my silly fanfic???
satoruxx · 2 months
i just read paracosm of the gods and when i say THE WAY YOU PERSONIFIED GOJO AND GETO PERFECTLY????? like…i could read it like it was literally canon they were both so in character 😭 that one part when reader and gojo were grocery shopping and he gets all happy because the cashier thinks they’re both together like YOU AINT SLICK GOJO SATORU WE ALL SEE YOU 😒😒
and don’t get me started on that scene when Haibrra dies because my GOD THAT WAS LITERALLY GETO FR 😟
anyways sorry for ranting i just sat through that whole fic and i can’t stop thinking about it HAHA
sorry for getting to this so late bby !! but i’m literally giggling and kicking my feet??? i’m so so glad you enjoyed it i actually adored writing it !! i always get worried that i don’t characterize people well so hearing this makes me so giddy <33
LMAO yeah satoru is such an idiot but he doesn’t realize it bc he thinks people don’t notice him tsk tsk. honestly he's very emotionally constipated so he tends to show affection in these roundabout ways and then reaps the rewards by feeling really good about himself lmaooo. i think writing him with his canon character is my favorite thing to do bc it just comes so easily?? like i totally understand why he acts the way he does and that just helps me write him easier.
as for suguru, i adore writing his canon character bc of all his internal battles and convictions. that scene with haibara was so important to me bc not only did it canonically push him to solidify his plans, but it also added more to his drive bc paracosm mc was so ruined by it (oh yes i will always push the "i'd destroy the world for you" agenda when it comes to suguru and reader).
ANYWAYS i'm smooching you many times nonnie !! tysm for reading and sharing what you thought i'm genuinely so glad you enjoyed it :33
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
sparse sleep ; syverson x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count —1,972 words
summary — in which syverson has trouble sleeping.
warnings —swear words, fluff?? mentions ptsd and war things, angst?? insomia, implied smut, sleeping (literal sleeping) with strangers (thats dangerous please dont do that)
pairing — syverson x fem!reader
a/n — dont mind me, im just trying to get out of my fanfic writing rut so i would really appreciate some feedback and asks/messages are open! if you follow me, please state your age/age range in your bio. i will block you if you follow me and don’t have your age/age range in your bio!!!
tagging —​ @la-cey @melancholyy-hill @pedropcl @beck07990 @doozywoozy
masterlist | series masterlist | join my taglist (please follow the rules)
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“Shit! I’m so sorry,” Sy apologized as he accidentally spilled his drink on a woman who was sitting by the bar; his eyes lifted from the stain his drink made on her velvet dress to her eyes. Wow she looks beautiful, he thought as his mouth hung agape and he struggled to formulate words. “It’s alright,” She reassured him and chuckled at his panic, “I trust it was just an accident?”
It took him a few seconds before foolishly nodding his head, “It was, I’m sorry,” He pointed to the gathering crowd behind him that were rushing to get out to the balcony, “I was being pushed around by all these people.” It was a mere ten minutes before the new year approached them.
“Ah, well I don’t know about them but I’m not too keen on the fireworks,” She stated as she paid her bill. This lured Sy in as he hasn’t met a lot of people who disliked fireworks like he did, “You don’t like fireworks too? How come?”
She shook her head as she stood up from the chair, “Well just one of the reasons is that it bothers a lot of dogs.”
“My dog hates the fireworks too!” He said, too excited and he had to clear his throat as he began to walk along with her, “‘Tis the reason why I chose a hotel room with soundproof walls, or so they say.” Waiting for the elevator, she cooed at the mention of his furry companion; she was too excited that she couldn't help herself from asking, “Do you mind if I see your dog? Only if it’s alright, of course.”
The elevator let out a soft chime, Sy gestured for her to step in first and she did, “Sure!” He entered his own floor number and smirked smugly at her, “You sure this isn’t some devious plan of yours to lure me in and seduce me?”
She could feel her heart beat increase as she shook her head and slapped a hand to his pec, “No! Excuse you I just happen to love dogs so much, okay?” The former captain could feel the nervousness start to sink in as the elevator didn’t play out instrumental music; shifting his weight between his feet, he took a good look at her face as she was looking on her phone with a slight frown.
“What got you pouting over there like a heartbroken child?”
His Texan accent was thick when he said that sentence that it had her laughing softly as she chucked her phone into the back pocket of her denim jeans, “Where’s that accent from?”
“Texas; you from there?” She shook her head as she told him where she was originally from. The soft elevator chime informed them they were on the Captain’s floor. Taking charge, Sy exited first and his one hand pressed against the elevator doors, giving Y/N enough time to step out of the cold box. “Are all Texans a gentleman like you? Or is it just you?”
A deep chuckle erupted from his chest as he reached for his hotel key card in his back pocket once they were in front of his hotel room door, “Some are as dastardly as they come, while some clean up their act only to impress the ones they’re courting.”
As he opened the door, he gestured for her to enter first and she did with a smile; upon closing the door behind him, they both could hear Aika’s excited  barks coming from the bathroom. “You might want to sit first on the bed, I’m gonna get her out.”
“Taking me to bed already? Naughty Texan you are,” Her flirty remark had the both of them laughing, but she happily skipped and sat on the bed as she patiently waited for the dog.
“And this is Aika,” Sy announced as the German Shepherd patiently and in a disciplined manner walked beside him; it was impressive to Y/N how the cute pooch was, despite her excitement — which was visible with her wagging her tail vigorously — she was still staying beside him before being given permission to approach her.
“You can go ahead and pet her,” Sy nodded as he sat on the floor beside Aika. With that signal, she knelt down and proceeded to scratch the space between her ears as she greeted, “Hi Aika, how are you?”
Sy looked with adoration as the girl giggled out loud when her face was being smothered and licked by Aika’s tongue, “Alright easy now, girl,” He tried pushing Aika to him; but to no avail the female dog seemed to have preferred his new found friend more as she plopped herself onto her lap and nuzzled to her.
“It seems like she might have chosen over you,” She observed as she stroked her fur with a smile; “I can’t blame her for doing so; I would have chosen you too, you know?”
His remark had her eyes widening and shock and she could feel the heat rushing up to her cheeks, “I don’t think I’m strong enough to carry you on my lap, Sy.” It was the first time he heard say her name and he felt this tremble inside him — due to all his years in the military, he mistook the feeling for something of fear while he was out in the battlefield — but really it was just butterflies floating around in his stomach.
“Well doesn’t have to be sitting on your lap, you could sit on mine you know?” He threw in a wink to mask his nervousness. Biting her lip, she gently jostled Aika off her lap and moved to sit beside him, until the outside of both their thighs were grazing against each other, “Let’s start off like this first and see where we go from here, yeah?”
“I’m fine with that,” He grinned at her, he checked on his wrist watch and noticed how they were a minute away from welcoming the new year, “Last sixty seconds of this year and it’s giving me a gift as a way to end and start the new year’s.”
Loving the sound of that, she took a bold move to sit on his lap, he tilted his head up to look at her as she was caressing his bearded cheek, “How ‘bout we welcome the new year with a kiss then?”
Instead of verbally responding, he took charge and slanted his lips with hers; pleased with what he did both her hands ran across the short trims of his hair while his large, warm hands circled around her waist.
The loud countdown by the people counting down the last ten seconds could be heard, but both of them could only focus on the feel and taste of each other. As their lips danced together, they both could feel the rumbling sound of the fireworks, they felt a dog snuggle in between them.
Breaking away from the kiss they both turned their attention to the sweet furball; Sy cooed at her while he was rubbing her head lovingly, “It’s okay, girl. We’re here, we won’t let the fireworks harm you okay?”
It was abordable to see how snuggly the pooch was, they giggled among each other while they brushed her fur lovingly. Sy moved her body around so her back was to his chest, whereas AIka settled her head into her lap; it had only been less than a few hours before they had met each other, they both felt safe and at peace with each other.
“She’s so adorable, how long has she been with you?” She found it odd how the collar she had did not contain a name tag. “Been together for almost three years now, she’s an army dog.”
With that information, she turned to face him, “Are you a veteran?” He nodded with a tight-lipped smile. Her hands left Aika’s fur and turned fully to hug him, rubbing the wide expanse of his back, “Thank you for your service, Sy.”
Part of him found her reaction quite silly, but at the same time no one has expressed such sincere gratitude to him and the fact that it came from her warmed his heart even more. “Well I had to make the world safe for you now, don’t I, love?”
Removing his tight hug around him, she jokingly shoved his shoulders but smirked otherwise. “So what are your plans now that you and Aika,” She pet the dog once more to remind her that they were here for her, “Have retired from active duty?”
“Gonna be training newly recruited soldiers — gives great pay and benefits, so I thought why not?” She pouted and tilted her head as her fingers ran around the hair that was by the nape of his neck. “Maybe try to get some sleep for once.”
“You have trouble sleeping? Do you have nightmares?”
Sy nodded sadly as he bit his bottom lip, “Not really nightmares, moreso flashbacks of all the explosions and killings.” He took a deep breath before continuing his recount of his sleepless nights, “Part of the reason why I don’t like fireworks, really. They remind me of when I was back in Iraq.”
The feeling of the pad of her fingers felt great along his skin, prompting him to open up more and let down his walls. Disconnecting his gaze from Aika and onto her eyes allowed him to see orbs of hope and love. “I’m sorry to hear that, Sy. You’re so brave for having to get over the terrors that keep you up at night.”
“Maybe if I had someone to hold me, I wouldn’t have trouble sleeping.”
The captain was only joking, but she didn’t hesitate when offering, “Well I could hug you to sleep at night, test that strategy of yours?” He looked at her with bewilderment, “You’d sleep — not the euphemism — with a man you just met?”
Shrugging her shoulders, she pursed her lips, “I’ll take my chances with you, Sy. But I don’t think you’re the type to lure women and kill them in their sleep now, are you?”
He chuckled and pecked her lips softly, “Well damn am I glad that you’re taking your chance on this Texan captain. I can lend you some clothes so you can dress up?”
She nodded and stood up, offering her hands to him which he gratefully took as he stood up. Silently, he handed her clothes and guided her to the bathroom, allowing her to dress and freshen up first. Once she was done with her routine, she then exited the bathroom and told Sy it was now his turn to change. As the captain was changing into more comfortable clothes, Y/N had been petting Aika and humoring her.
“Are you ready to sleep now?” He smiled as he leaned against the wall as he was watching the lovely scene in front of him.
“I am, and I do hope you get to sleep well.”
There was the warm feeling in his chest and stomach again; instead of addressing it internally, he just picked Y/N up from the floor and laid them both down on the wide bed. “Show off,” She remarked as she cuddled up into him — her arms wrapping around his wide frame as her legs tangled with his.
“Happy new year, by the way,” She said after a few moments of silence after they were cuddling. Nodding to himself, Sy pressed a tender kiss on her shoulder before greeting her back, “Oh it will be, love.”
And that night did prove his theory right, that he does sleep better with someone holding him. But that wasn’t the only reason as to why he wanted to keep her in his life for a long time.
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mattness · 5 years
Space Dementia
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Sorry for the long wait. I did not have time to continue the translation. Now I'm here and I promise to soon finish to translate fanfic  As usual, sorry for silly mistakes and typos  OTP: Jennifer Wright/Robert Grey
Pleasant reading!
Chapter IX.
Derry met Jennifer overcast weather, that offered its not hit surprised. Audi drove slowly into the Wright's house, stopping in front of the garage. Turning off the engine, she got out of the car and accidentally slammed the door. It seems that a deafening sound was heard at the other end of the block, and the glass miraculously remained in place. Jen swore under her breath and reached into the trunk for her suitcase. "Jennifer!" Chester exclaimed joyfully as he left the house and headed for his daughter. "Daddy, hi!" the brunette happily smiled, instantly appearing in his father's strong and warm embrace. "How are you?" "Good. Repair is almost finished, there were a couple of rooms", the man briefly told and helped the girl to bring a suitcase to the house. "I've got promoted to chef at work, and now our diner is famous all over Derry because of my cooking." "Wow, I'm so happy for you!" Jen said softly, kissing him gently on the cheek. They went to the spacious kitchen, which was renovated in the first place. Now the room was not so dark and nothing no longer repelled. The large windows were filled with sunlight and illuminated the room beautifully. In the center was an expensive oak table, the old stove changed to a new one, as well as a refrigerator with kitchen cabinets. Under the round sink is a dishwasher. In general, the kitchen was all that is necessary for a professional chef such as Chester. "Dating, dad?" girl casually asked, while his father prepared everything for dinner. "What are you talking about?" Chester was genuinely surprised. "Come on. There's nothing wrong with that. I'll be glad if it turns out you have a girlfriend." Jennifer placed the plates on the table. She watched closely as a slightly embarrassed smile appeared on dad's face. It often happens that the brunette was smiling just as he is. And now she saw him as almost her own reflection. Jen barely kept smile knowing that he has someone there. "For example, there is one, so to speak, a lady who is very pleasant to me", admitted confused Mr. Wright, taking a heated pan with food and came to the table. "And what about you?" "It's quiet", Jen shrugged. "I don't really care about that." More conversation about the relationship they did not start, deciding to enjoy each other's company. The girl was able to let go of herself and finally to forget about the pressing challenges. When you're with a loved one, nothing matters except every minute you spend together. Jennifer, after living a few months apart from dad, realized that it is not necessary to miss any opportunity to meet. The fact that he wasn't getting any younger every day was particularly disturbing to Wright. She wanted to devote a full month of her vacation to her father. The working week began quietly, and to sit in the house Jen did not want, while Chester went to the cafe to delight new visitors. Naturally, the brunette was not sitting idle and wrote articles, but other than that she wanted to do something else. Walkings through the Derry special pleasure not bring. She was constantly haunted by an unpleasant oppressive feeling, it was worth staying on the streets for more than half an hour. Bad thoughts crept into her head: about the missing people in New York, about the children, who through the fault of some madman, would never return home from school on Jackson street. So Jen tried to do without the walks, not leaving home unless absolutely necessary. Still, she had to go back to the supermarket, where the clothing store position of the packer of goods was still relevant. Besides, the money never are not redundant, in between times she thought. The brunette enthusiastically performed the work, occasionally in the evenings sending e-mail copies of articles for Mrs. Johnson, who was still happy with everything. She even insisted that Wright spend more time with her father, arguing that she needed to gain strength and accumulate inspiration to return to New York. However, Jennifer did not mind. Vacation paid, and seems to be ahead of her waiting for a great business trip somewhere in Florida. Everything was going perfectly, and nothing could spoil her good mood. * * * Another working day at the clothing store was in full swing. To the music playing in her headphones, Jennifer unpacked numerous boxes of goods that came this morning. By the way, the weather in Derry surprisingly improved, and the girl was happy to go to work on the bike. Now the sky outside the window was a pure blue, and the cirrus clouds were slowly passing overhead. The sun was already shining somewhere on the West side, reminding of the imminent approach of the evening. The girl quietly hummed to herself, not noticing how the door to the warehouse opened. A sharp touch to the shoulders made Jen cry out in fright. She swore loudly and turned to the man who liked to scare people while they were busy. Her heart immediately calmed down, and breathing returned to normal. In my head for a few seconds swept thousands of options, it could be the one she so carefully tried to forget. But fortunately for Jan, it was only Riley, another employee of the store. A crazy sixteen-year-old girl with a nose piercing and short-cropped black hair. She pretended to be a jerk and tried fiercely to communicate with Jen. "What's up, packer?" Riley asked, sitting down on a table near the entrance to the warehouse. "You have nothing to do? Jennifer snorted as she continued to cut the tape. "You're scaring me…" "I'm bored. There's nobody in the store. I walked around the entire supermarket", with a heavy sigh, began to tell the girl. "Nothing interesting is happening here." "What's stopping you from just sitting there and reading a book? Bear with me for five minutes, and I'll go out and buy you cigarettes, so be it." In response Riley smiled. Jennifer snorted, mentally wondering what is a difficult child, it seems, had nothing except the stupid pack of cigarettes. However, it was easy to tell what she wanted from life. Wright was sure that all the puberty of girl just cause of bad habits. As soon as the clock stopped at two, Jen threw a yellow leather jacket over her shoulders and headed out of the store with Riley. In the nearest stall, Wright bought the cheapest pack of cigarettes and handed to the girl along with the change. "Now will you leave me alone?" rolling her eyes, quipped Jennifer. "No. Come with me to the parking lot behind the supermarket", Riley giggled, opening the pack and already squeezing one cigarette with her lips. "I'm bored standing there alone." The brunette sighed, agreeing. She didn't have much to do during lunch anyway. Jennifer usually went either for a walk in the park, which was located nearby, or was in the store, sitting quietly in the warehouse by the window, reading the news on the Internet or a book. Riley, unlike her, wasted no time Smoking almost half a pack for the whole meal. Then the girl smelled so much that Jen could barely contain her coughing fits, but she preferred not to say anything to her: sooner or later the habit would affect her health. The girl stopped at the back entrance to the mall next to Riley. Jen crossed her arms and watched the girl calmly smoke, peering into the distance. "Do you have a boyfriend, a packer?" suddenly decided to talk Riley: apparently, silence between them the beginning of its depressing. "Not your business”, Jen snorted, and glanced to the Parking lot, where stood the old wreck and the car of the middle class. "I'm not asking you who you're sleeping with." The teenager burst out laughing. "Come on, Jennifer! I'm just trying to be friends", Riley smiled, shoving Wright lightly on the shoulder. "What's wrong with that?" "Really, I'm not particularly eager to have with you friendship", the brunette calmly replied with a sigh. The girl sprinkled again, not wanting to say anything. She threw her cigarette butt on the ground and smothered it with the sole of her torn sneakers. Suddenly her attention was drawn to a dark blue Aston Martin coming into the parking lot. The car came to a smooth halt a few meters away from them, and the driver turned off the motor. While the girl was watching the expensive sports car, Jennifer was standing next to her and completely immersed in thoughts. "This is a car..." Riley whispered breathlessly and admiringly, pulling Jen out of her thoughts. "I'd ride one of those." Wright raised her eyebrows in surprise, noticing the familiar Aston Martin. She immediately frowned as the car door opened smoothly and the driver stepped out of the passenger compartment. A tall brunette in black glasses and an expensive suit put a cigarette in mouth and lit it with a lighter. Of course, Jennifer recognized him only by the top of his head — Robert Grey was as handsome as ever. "I would have asked him for a cigarette", the girl smiled dreamily, glancing at Jen, who crossed her arms again. "But I'm not going to be lucky." Heart skipped a beat, reminding Wright of forgotten feelings in just three months. And what the hell was Grey doing here? How did he find her again? The girl remembered how the word didn't tell him about what is going to come here during the holidays. They never called or agreed to meet again. Robert just disappeared, and Jennifer felt that it was not necessary to impose. Now, seeing him again, the brunette was hurt. He is a moron not even bothering to write after all these stupid promising kisses! Wright spent a few days worrying that she'd done something wrong, blaming herself for wanting to leave New York. But of course it wasn't her fault. Jen realized this slightly later. "Try your luck, Jennifer? Riley asked, grinning slyly. The girl said nothing, suddenly feeling Grey's look herself. Having overcome herself, Wright went down the stairs and slowly went to the expensive sports car. She noticed that Robert smiled contentedly as he exhaled another cloud of smoke and tossed his cigarette butt aside. With each step, Jennifer felt more confident. The desire with all her strength to kick the face of Grey's was growing inside and haunted. Wright stopped in front of Robert, who took off his glasses and playfully flashed his green eyes. "Hi, honey", the man greeted her with a dazzling smile, as if nothing had happened. This was the last straw in the bowl of patience. Jen swung her right hand and slapped him. A resounding slap was heard echoing throughout the Parking lot. Discouraged, Grey rubbed his flushed cheek, and watching them, Riley gasped in amazement: "Wow, guys!" gasped the girl, and decided to get out of harm's way, not wanting to look at the unfolding drama. Robert burst out laughing, straightening up and looking at Jen puffing with anger. The girl was ready to swing a second time, but restrained herself. "It's good to see you, too, Jennifer", Robert smiled insolently, taking his hand away from his face. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" cried out from the overflowing of her anger, the brunette. "It's been almost three months, and you show up here like nothing happened and say, 'hi, honey'?!" Grey snorted, mentally noting that Jen was right. Still, it was a little awkward. He really wanted to appear earlier, but the circumstances were different. It was so good in Pennsylvania that he didn't want to go back to native Derry. However, remembering Jennifer and her stories, Robert decided to come back. He hoped that the unexpected appearance would cause her a few other feelings. "Not my fault. So it happened", shrugged Robert. "So it happened?" outraged Jen clapped her hands together. "And what prevented you to call me or write? God, I broke my head over you thinking I did something wrong! Not only do you somehow miraculously materialize where I am, but you're always playing the innocent asshole!" The man barely held back a smile as he watched her. He took a step closer to Jennifer, carefully placing his hands on her fragile shoulders. Girl discontentedly grumbled, dodging his hands. Robert touched the brunette's face, lifting her chin with his fingers to look at her. Jen, pouting like a little child, frowned. "Please forgive me, Jenni", Grey insinuating whispered, staring at the blue eyes and with interest starting to read the thoughts of tossing girl. "I promise it won't happen again." She breathed in the familiar scent of cologne, feeling like she was giving up. She groaned, knowing that fucking missed and now were ready to pounce. But Jen tried not to show it. Still, she was hurt and still unclear how he found her. Robert, continuing to look smug, calmly continued to read every thought in Jennifer's head. "Just tell me why you didn't call?" Jennifer sighed heavily, looking into the large green eyes. "There was no time, honey", Grey said gently, and the brunette's body immediately went goose bumps. Over the past two months, that he spent far from Jennifer Wright, Robert managed to study almost all habits lovers people. He read a lot of articles and books about relationships, learned what to do and what not, learned almost everything that so carefully avoided a huge amount of time. Even had to learn how those pesky human beings pleasure yourself is not only stupid kisses. All this was terribly alien and new to him. From the strange manifestation of "love" for his alien mind always seemed weird and gross. Maybe the practice is not as disgusting as watching all sorts of movies and reading books? Yes, Robert decided to change his tactics. Now the plan seemed much more effective, and would surely work faster than its standard intimidation and fear-inducing. First he would drive her mad those, that will allow themselves love, and then will take advantage of these and, breaking the weak and loving a girl, finally gobble up. She would feel unbearable pain, perhaps even hatred towards him, but it would not really bother Robert. He is fully satisfied with the negative feelings of the girl, and then will tear her into small pieces, eating the tender flesh. "How did you find me?" "I thought you said you had a house here." "I didn't say a word about my vacation," Wright protested, crossing her arms. In fact, now the girl not so much worried about how he learned of her location and the temporary workplace. Her head is spinning just thinking about the fact that Rob never lost. The feelings that were born inside became stronger, and Jen could barely control herself. She still thought she was acting like a lovesick teenager. "Does it really matter?" Grey boldly cut the last step between them and dropped his hands to his fragile waist, pulling in a girl who didn't resist too much. "How about dinner?" "I'm still mad at you", Jen breathed out in embarrassment as he leaned toward her. The brunette hugged his shoulders, barely holding back a smile. "Don't be a child, Jenni", Robert whispered, his tongue clacking, and he was about to kiss her plump lips covered with a pink sheen. In the latest moment Wright dodged, and a man buried his nose in black hair. The girl frowned and stepped back, crossing her arms again. She bit lower lip, feeling her insides tighten with resentment. Robert irritably rolled her eyes at this painfully familiar smell. "What now, Jennifer? I said I was sorry." "How long are you staying here?" Wright asked coldly. "Long", Grey replied meaningfully, without really explaining anything. "You could say I'm here for work." "Really? In the middle of nowhere, and for work?" He nodded. She watched as Robert took another cigarette from the pack. The faint light of the lighter instantly ignited it, and Grey breathed the first cloud of smoke into Jen's face, causing her to cough with displeasure. He burst out laughing and walked around the car to get behind the wheel. "Can I pick you up tonight?" he suggested calmly, lowering the car window from the passenger seat. "Why?" "We have another date on schedule." "Really? Just another?" Jen snorted, leaning over and peering into the car. "Maybe more", Robert smiled fascinatingly. "I'll call you, Jennifer." The girl could not help but burst into a gentle smile, feeling a pleasant warmth filled her soul, starting to warm her from the inside. The dark blue car left the parking lot, and the brunette, standing all alone for a couple of minutes, decided to go back to work, where it was impossible to avoid stupid questions from Riley. Jen tried to speak a little or nothing at all to say, while restless the girl was around. The working day went on quietly, and none of the superiors did not know that Jennifer accidentally extended her lunch for ten, and maybe more minutes. Meeting with Robert gave her strength for the rest of the day, and now the smile on Jen's face could not be erased by anything. Even Riley was a lot less pissed off today than usual. Something inside told her that tonight and the night she would be away from home with her father. At least, she hopes so. During a short break, Jen sat by the window, watching the twilight envelop the streets of Derry. The sun had long set over the horizon, and the sky was painted crimson. The lights slowly lit up, and there were fewer and fewer cars in the Mall Parking lot. Radio standing on the window quietly creaking, ominous, and does not prevent to dream Jennifer… * * * "...According to the latest data police, in Derry over the last month the establishment four man", suddenly heard a girl, distracting from their dreams. Frowning, she turned up the volume of the radio, "But it wasn't just Derry that was losing people. We also know that about fifteen people have gone missing in the States of New York and Pennsylvania…" Wright hesitated, starting to put in mind the location of Robert and the disappearance of people into a single puzzle. Everything was one to one: wherever Grey went, there almost immediately began to disappear people. Maybe it's just a stupid coincidence and nothing else? Maybe it was just her own speculation. From his stories of her own life, she could hardly tell that he was a violent maniac-the killer who was now so desperately wanted by the police. Jennifer was at a complete loss: she did not know what to think and who to believe. "Law enforcement agencies urge you to remain calm and observe the curfew. The police are making every effort to get on the trail of the criminal who commits…" Jen turned off the radio, not wanting to hear anymore. News every time they made a bad thoughts, forcing her to blame Robert Grey in all the disappearances of people during his every movement in the country. She hoped he had nothing to do with these crimes. Although the loss of people still could not be called a crime. They're just missing, doesn't mean they're dead. * * * The hands of the clock stopped at eleven in the evening, and the dark blue car slowly slowed down near the house where dad had been waiting for Jen. The lamp standing near the window in the living room still burned, saying that Chester either read before going to bed or watched TV. He'll probably be surprised to see her come home late. Jen smiled at her own thoughts and looked at Robert, who, like her, had noticed the light. "He must have been waiting for you", Grey suggested, smiling warmly. "He'll understand", she said, leaning back in her seat and looking into the eyes opposite, which seemed black in the dimness of the car. "Thanks for tonight, Rob." "Thank you." Jen burst out laughing, already closing his eyes and getting another sweet kiss, which for this evening was set. However, a simple kiss the girl already couldn't get enough, wanting more. Wright waited patiently for the right moment. She knew that the man didn't want to rush. Robert watched every action, feeling what she felt, and absorbed everything like a sponge. Embarrassment, tenderness and sympathy together constituted some thermonuclear mixture of, which well can be was get enough of not worse, than fear. He allowed himself to relax, trying to enjoy this strange and unusual process. Robert deepened kiss by biting her lip and making her moan. For the first time he touched the warm pliable female tongue, not wanting to devour it immediately. The girl answered with pleasure, showing what and how to do to get the maximum pleasure from the process. She knew it was Grey's first experience, but she still hadn't said a word about it. Robert was surprised, because in how many films and books he had studied, the first experience of someone with a more experienced partner always caused ridicule or surprise from the second. "I'll go", Jennifer gasped into his mouth, pulling away. He nodded and brought the breath back to normal, saw as the girl slowly went to the house. As soon as she disappeared behind the door, Robert, pleased with himself, pressed the gas pedal to the floor and drove away. * * * Two weeks later Jennifer got home from work late. She quietly opened the front door, which creaked plaintively, and went to an empty cold house. All around has long been plunged into the darkness of the night. Jen wearily took off his shoes and put the keys on the nightstand. She walked down the dark corridor, feeling her feet freezing with each step. The floorboards were still creaking, and the draft made she shiver. The girl yawned and began to slowly climb to the second floor. She didn't want to think about anything now, except the bed, where she wanted to be as soon as possible to fall into the Kingdom of Morpheus. The shadow cast by the curtains of the window on the second floor of the house suddenly distorted and imperceptibly followed the girl. Wright, suspecting nothing, opened the door to the room and tried as quickly as possible to find the hand switch. The enveloping darkness was oppressive, and the knowledge that Jen was alone in the big house did not make her feel any better. Black shadow assumed the shape of a clown, sharp claws which are already stretched to the shoulders of the girl. It softly chuckled, barely holding back, not to bare his fangs. Copiously flowing saliva began to drip on the floor. Jennifer swallowed, nervously, suddenly sensing someone's presence. Her heart started to pound as something hit the floor. She stepped quickly into the room and turned on the light, turning sharply to face the dark corridor. She breathed out a sigh of relief, making sure that there was no one behind her. She was just imagining things. Wright once again sighed and fell on the bed, wearily rubbed the bridge of nose. Today was too heavy day, and now it is necessary to have a good rest that tomorrow with new forces to go to work. Probably tomorrow will appear again and Robert will be invited her to the next date. From these thoughts on lips girls immediately, a smile appeared. A pleasant warmth spread in the soul, and the image of Robert Grey in an elegant black suit appeared before his eyes. However, a sharp roar sounded somewhere on the first floor, immediately dispelled all dreams. Jennifer jumped up on the bed, very frightened. She rose silently to her feet and, glancing at the baseball bat in the corner of the room, walked slowly to the door. Tightly gripping the bat in her hands, Jen crept down the dark corridor to the stairs. The heart was again in a crazy rhythm, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. An unpleasant cold filled the room, and steam came out of his mouth with each exhalation. The girl came to the stairs, with horror looking down. The distance to the first floor became unbearably long. Taking a breath, the brunette began to descend the stairs. Suddenly, stumbling on her own feet, Jennifer shrieked and flew down to the bottom of the stairs. She fell with a crash and cursed, hitting her back painfully on the floor, and the bat that fell out of her hands was immediately next to her, falling on her right leg. "Shit!" Jen hissed, clutching at her ankle, which was swollen in an instant. The sound of the water caught her attention abruptly, and she immediately forgot about her unfortunate landing. Somehow rising to her feet, she headed for the kitchen. The bat was in her hands again. Wright turned on the light and once again cursed: luckily, no one was there. Stupid hallucinations suddenly took over her mind. Jen frowned, thinking, that this on soil suddenly the onset of the solitude. Brunette came into the kitchen and inspected everything. Drops of water fell steadily into the sink from the tap. They resembled the ticking of a clock that hung on the opposite wall from the ceiling. Was Jen afraid of the water? The fantasy played out, and she thought someone was in the house. Wright breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back into the room when she turned and screamed in terror.
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zhoto-bodoroki-blog · 6 years
The Quiet Moon ☾
Todoroki x reader
Part 1
MasterList For TQM
( i’ve never done this before but I've read a lot of these fanfics and they were all lovely and so awesome that i wanted to try it out. it might not be good at first but i hope you’ll enjoy this lol :)  )
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Since the first day of U.A. you’ve kept to yourself. The girls around you bonded so well together but you somehow couldn’t. They were so cheerful and happy that you didn’t know how to act around them. You are more of a lone wolf, one that is quiet and honestly not that fun to hang out with. You’ve tried but just felt out of place. So you rather sit by yourself and daydream, thinking about nothing but weird things, things heroes would never ever think about, things that you diffidently have to keep to yourself. Aside from that, the number one reason why you never got along with anyone was because you never wanted to be a hero. You never liked the idea of becoming a hero or someone that saves people like every kid's dream, instead, you loved violence and loved how people screamed when villains were destroying buildings and whatnot. 
You loved it all, but with your parents being one of the top heroes prevent you from having any type of dark ideas. When they found out about your dark desires they had you checked privately and paying ‘hush money’ so no one would spread any type of rumor of your families daughter wanting to become a villain. They would ask millions of doctors from around the world why you had such dark thoughts, where they even come from since all they did were ‘good things’ and never had you around ‘bad influences’. No doctor could explain it, they were all confused and told your parents to lock you up in a mental hospital but your mother wouldn’t allow it. As a kid, you always stayed alone in your big mansion, since your parents always had some type of job or interview they had to do. But that didn’t bother you, you loved watching the things they prohibited you from watching, such as slasher movies or watching LIVE villains attacking the heroes but you always hated when they heroes captured the villains and locked them away. 
When you grew a little older you stopped telling your parents how you felt about watching the villains terrify the city so they would think you got over it and looked at you as a “normal” child. Eventually, they stopped taking you to those bastards of doctors. What they didn’t know was that you grew more into it that you began to write every villains profile and the callous they’ve done in journals, of course, you hid the journals from everyone. No one knew about your strange obsession with villains but you. Your personal favorite was Atsuhiro Sako, better known as Mr. Compress, from his personality to his quirk it was just so astonishing to you. The way he seems so confident and self-assured of his attacks made you feel so excited and happy when you would watch him on TV.
 When you finally got your quirk everything changed. Your quirk was weapon/armor equipped, you could change into any armor and any weapon at any given moment, you just thought about what type of armor/weapon you wanted and it would appear on your body/hand. An example of how to use your quirk is if someone were to attack you with fire you would wear your fire armor, their attacks wouldn’t work on you since you’ll be immune to fire. The armor would absorb the fire and it’ll make your armor and the weapon you were using so much stronger during the fight, but when you stopped using the armor it’ll go back to normal and would not be as powerful as it use to be, also as long as you wore that armor the fire would not damage your skin, but if you’re not using that fire armor the flames would injure your skin. 
You didn’t have a limit to how many armors you had but the downside was that you would get really tired from the amount of time you stayed in that armor, you would get weak and pass out, the max you can do without feeling ill at least two hours but three is when you start to feel ill. Since day one you and your father would train nonstop, he would get angry with how “weak” you were. You would get beat up from training that you couldn’t move for two whole days. Your mother would look at you with such a painful look but she wouldn’t do anything to stop your father from his strict training, the only time she tried to stop him was when you were lying on the floor weeping while your father was still beating you for how weak you were, but ever since that day she never intervened and you never understood why. ‘Did she ever loved me? Were all those “honey i’ll always love you” just a lie?’
You always wanted a sibling so you could run to them and they could comfort you on your time of need, but you never had that honor. You always heard stories of siblings sticking out for each other when they were in some sort of trouble and honestly you just wanted someone to hold you and tell you everything will get better soon.
 You sigh at the thought of your depressing past. You hated thinking about it because it made you feel angry at yourself and your parents, even thinking of him made you uneasy. You stopped yourself from thinking about that and heard the bell ring. Class has begun. 
You slightly paid attention to what the teacher had to say. You thought about what a villain would do in your situation, obviously, they would never even think about attending this school, if you had the choice you wouldn’t be in this school either, but you wouldn’t want to be sent to a mental hospital either so you choose the easier solution. For now. 
The professor asked a question that no one knew the answer to, not even Yaoyorozu knew, which was very surprising, but you heard a slightly low and honestly pretty voice answer the question. You glanced over and saw the two-haired color boy, he never caught your attention before but for some odd reason, today was different. You couldn’t stop yourself from glancing at him ever-so-often. You clenched your fist and narrowed your eyebrows. ‘Why can’t i stop looking at this bastard?’. You felt weird, you never kept looking at someone like this, you usually ignore everyone since you’ll rather watch people screaming for their lives. The people that look frightened are the only thing that's engraved in your mind. Just thinking about it made you smile. 
“Wow (l/n)! I’ve never seen you smile since you attended UA. Who were you thinking about? Is it possibly a boyyy?” Ashido asked, a smirk slowly creeping her lips. You were startled at first, no one has ever talked to you. This was weird. You looked up at her with a confused expression 
“Of course not. Um. Why were you looking at me anyway?” She giggled and pat your shoulder smiling. 
“I was just looking around the room since everyone left and you were just here sitting and smiling. That's all” She chuckled. 
You looked around and saw no one but you two in the room. This was embarrassing.  
“Oh my... I’m sorry. I was daydreaming that i didn’t notice anyone leaving. Thank you.” You said as you were packing your things. She smiled and nodded. 
“So...I noticed how you kept on looking at him. Do you like him..?” You froze.
 ‘She noticed? Why was she even looking at me? Why does she care? Why is she even talking to me?’ So many questions were running through your head wondering why she was even interested in you and your feelings. You just kept a confused expression. 
“At who? Liking someone? What are you talking about?” You asked as if you didn’t know who she was talking about. She laughed. 
“At Bakugo silly! I saw how you kept glancing over his direction. You can’t hide it from me! The way you kept looking at him made it seem like you were really interested in him” She said laughing. You were completely shocked and confused. 
‘Bakugo!? When the hell was I looking at Bakugo? Is she crazy? She obviously is since she asked me why I was looking at Bakugo. Why was she even looking at me during that time? And my parents think I’m weird...’ you massaged the back of your neck and swung your backpack around your shoulder.
“I. Uh. I was-” you got cut off by someone clearing their throat. You both looked over and saw a person standing at the door. Well... If you didn’t want to die before you really wanted to die now. 
Tell me if you want another part to this story (obviously it needs a part two lol) but if y’all didn’t like it i’ll start on something else for those who didn’t like it :) i’m also willing to write any suggestions that y’all might have. I’m new at this so sorry if it wasn’t that good lol. I could also write these in Spanish for those who speak Spanish. I”m bilingual so its not a problem :))  x  
                                                                     next ->
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
Serendipity - Mark x MC, (#LoveHacks Fanfic)
[A little note:  I have wanted to do a Mark x MC piece for such a long time, but with the way #LoveHacks is constantly up and down for me, I didn’t think I’d ever find the inspiration to finish one.]
[Summary: Standing up MC isn’t the perfect way to start a relationship. Can Mark make it up to her before the last train home? Wow this is a terrible summary]
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Dani basked in the Sunday afternoon glow of San Francisco heat. She arrived early in her rush to beat downtown traffic and was relieved to finally have a few moments to herself. 
She sighed and tipped her head back, drumming her fingers across the bench’s rough texture until she involuntarily checked her watch again. A habit she had begun cultivating as of late, whenever she felt the bundle of nerves she was feeling now. She checked it superfluously every few minutes for any familiar signs of his bright eyes or his familiar dark hair; but no one jumped out at her the way Mark often did as they passed.
They were supposed meet with the rest of their friends, except the rest of their friends had cancelled. Horatio had taken someone else’s shift at the bar, Sereena and Brooke were up late from work the night before - and she hadn’t heard from Cole all week. A tour of one of San Francisco’s greatest museum they said, except everyone came up with excuses to bail last minute. She wondered if it was because they had been obvious to everyone but themselves in their flirtatious smirks and teasing remarks; nevertheless, they had left her ultimately to her own fate. A fate of loneliness, after demanding the tour to San Francisco’s best museum was an absolute necessity.
As Dani sat near the edge of her seat, the bottom for her heels clicked impatiently. Still her eyes, skimmed the crowd, restlessly searching for any sign of him. Craning her neck forward, she tilted her head past the typical wave of San Francisco traffic.
There was a surprisingly large amount of people for a Sunday afternoon. They were all sporting summer dresses, loose T-shirts and jeans even though Summer had just declared itself in the new season. Couples held hands and walked briskly past her, parents trailed behind their children before stepping by her towards the museum entrance.
She glanced at her phone again, hoping he would make an appearance before she threw in the towel and left.
No such luck.
After nearly an hour of waiting, she tucked the device inside her small bag and hailed a taxi.
She had the sinking impression of a probable reason why he hadn’t showed. Although they had decided to move forward – seeing where things could go after ignoring the spark over the years; they had barely made any attempts with getting to know each other better. Intimately better. She knew Mark the other way, in fact better than most. She knew the smile he wore whenever he had an idea, the way his eyes sparkled at the mention of his favorite comics before he would launch into a detailed explanation that the rest of their friends didn’t care about. And the rumble of his laugh when they talked about the week they had, often finding their complaints to be silly by the end of the night. She knew that Mark, but the Mark she wanted to know was so much more.
The last time she even remembered the feeling of his lips, were almost whispers of another time. Things hadn’t changed since then, in the wake of the two weeks after.  In between meet-ups with their friends; he was apologetically busy with his job and his growing mobile app Dopey Cat, while she was adamantly working on her own business. A start-up with a series of articles to get her two-woman company up and running properly with Leah. Things were almost at a standstill between them and she hoped tonight could have been their first fresh start.
A hope that dwindled the further she drifted from the museum.
Sighing, she stared out the window of her taxi at the sunny weather, which admittedly made her feel worse instead of better. She wasn’t the type of person to lose confidence easily; especially when it came to relationships and dating – but with Mark it had always been different. Things were supposed to be easy with him, but staring out of the blasted window; it was beginning to feel anything but that.
It was as if their secret admittance had never happened. Two weeks of barely seeing each other exuded second thoughts inside her head. She couldn’t help but think she was back to that same awkward limbo she dreaded being in with him. They shouldn’t be taking two steps forward only to take several steps back.
On a whim, she fished out her phone to text him.
Hey where are you?
Her fingers hovered over the send button. She bit her bottom lip and read over the words, before indecision overwhelmed her.
She uttered a low groan of aggravation before shoving the device back inside her handbag. Why was this so hard? It wasn’t as if she had never dated before, and relationships weren’t supposed to feel like this. So desolate. So depressing. It shouldn’t be so complicated and yet her nerves were telling her it was.
She gave the cab driver a tip when they arrived by her destination. The subway that would take her back to the safety of her home. She travelled towards the train, muttering all the ways she was going to tell Mark how upset she was. Her mind kept drifting back to the unsent message that waited on her to send. Maybe if she –
She stopped herself. If Mark had really cared about her, he would have made some kind of effort to contact her. Instead, he ditched her in the most pathetic way possible. A date to the museum that ended with her going back home with an empty feeling inside her chest. And now all she wanted to do was head back to her apartment, soak inside a tub and cry with her favorite tube of ice cream beside her. At least her ice cream wouldn’t make promises it couldn’t keep.
As she grabbed her ticket from the vendor, her eyes had on a whim skimmed the hall. She froze, and squinted until she was certain she wasn’t seeing things. Her eyes had spotted him across the room.
Those bright eyes and the familiar dark-hair that reeled her in from the very beginning of when they met. “Mark?!” She said incredulously.
He was standing a few feet away with a bouquet of flowers inside his hand. Roses – and as cliché as they were, they also happened to be her favorite.
They crossed the distance between each other quickly. She threw her arms around him, laughing in delight at the sight of him. “I thought you weren’t coming!” All her earlier reservations of annoyance, and all the terrible things she wanted to call him had already begun dissolving when she noticed his smile.
“I know, I’m sorry. I got caught up with work and couldn’t leave until my boss gave the okay.” He squeezed her affectionately with his free hand. “I figured I’d have a better chance catching you here than at the museum by the time I left.”
She pulled away slightly to smile up at him. “Good call.”
“I happen to have those every now and then.” He replied, winking at her.
“More on the lesser scale than anything else.”
“You say that now, but wait till you’ve seen what I’ve planned for our second date.”
She snorted, “You’re sucha dork.”
“But an adorable dork that brought you flowers and is begging for your absolute mercy and forgiveness?” He playfully held out the bouquet of roses. “Please?”
Her mouth twitched, until she laughed. “Since you did bring these, you’ve won back some points.” She said as she took the bouquet from him and inhaled its sweet scent. “Not a pass,” She eyed him with mock disdain, “You’re still on thin ice.” She warned thinly but with no real conviction once he smiled sheepishly at her again.
“You know you can’t resist this smile. I mean come on.” He motioned to himself and his smile grew when she laughed again.
“Should I just get on the train and leave without you? I mean there’s only so much room for me and your ego.” She teased, shaking her head.
“Ouch that hurts – right here.” He pointed a finger to his heart. “But our date doesn’t have to be over before it’s even begun.” He tucked her arm under his and begun leading her towards the train.
“It doesn’t?” She quirked an eyebrow at him.
He gestured to the train, before enclosing his hand around hers. “Our chariot awaits.”
“Just what exactly are you thinking in that big brain of yours Mr. Collins?”
“I guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”
They sat beside each other with shoulders touching. Mark kept a hand on her leg, and she leaned in closely, eliminating most of the space in between them as they spoke in hushed over tones. People filed in with every stop but neither of them paid much attention to constant flux of people or the flow of their conversations.
She was keenly aware of every breath he took, the way his eyes brightened and hung on to her every word and the octave his voice dropped to once she suggested they stopped by his apartment. She was beginning to notice new things about him and they captivated her; far more than the dull sound of the train stopping before commencing once again across San Francisco.
As people came and left, they stayed on board and raised their voices a little more each time, and they paused until the train moved once again. Each time they did, they learned a little more about one another with every passing stop.
They swapped stories of each other’s day; Mark filled her in on the latest developments of his mobile app and Dani kept pace with her own little articles she was working on across the bustle of city life. They swapped stories of their newest habits and Dani tormented him about his unrelenting patterns whenever he inevitably fell back into a slump.
He admitted to her that most of his patterns didn’t linger as long as they used to. He smiled more, laughed a lot and he was finally getting around to the bucket list they both made in freshman year.
She teased him that it was ultimately because of her. 
Their conversation had changed abruptly after that. The amusement in his eyes was suddenly replaced by sincerity. The air around them dissolved from friendly into something more as his hand gripped hers. 
He shifted inside his seat. “I think you’re a part of the reason why.” He muttered honestly, “Not all of it, but I think ever since you moved back here - I’ve been having less of them.”
“Mark…” She trailed off as he leaned forward and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. The musky scent of his cologne invaded her senses and she couldn’t look away from his stare as they bored into hers.
He didn’t hesitate to kiss her; his eyes had said he wanted to even before she felt his lips descend on hers. They were familiar, gentle. A slight pressure of desire surged inside her and heat lingered across their lips that slant together.
It wasn’t their first kiss; or similar to one they shared in the bar. This held the promise of something more. As her lips sought his, she wondered if perhaps this was what her heart had been waiting for all along. What she hadn’t found in anyone else, she had found in the most unlikely of places. A person who recognized her likeness as if it were his own.
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