#like with skirk; that might be hopeful thinking
trashcanwithsprinkles · 10 months
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because @ewilansoleil asked, here's the tsaritsa's design!
started with trying out a design for what she would be like in the actual canon universe and then adapted her to the modern au of cyanide. you can think of the canon universe tsaritsa as the one that appears in itysg(ainly)
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avemstella · 1 year
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Skirk Skirk Skirk my beloved
Her mention in the latest Archon quest has me by a choke hold
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followerofmercy · 11 months
Just finished archon quest. Childe and Skirk commentary:
Good God Skirk is so much worse of a person than I expected. I love her.
Most people I know hate her and I think a lot of it is because one, her design is too vtuber and not enough monster, which, fair, even if I don't 100% agree, and two, we were all kinda hoping for Childe to have his Abyssal Found Family and not the person probably single-handedly responsible for most of the things wrong with him. She is awful. She outright says that the reason Childe thought she wasn't very chatty was because he was too weak for her to bother carrying a conversation with him. A literal teenager.
The yeet wasn't funny. I don't think it was intended to be. She sounded bored the entire time, as if this man didn't just spend a MONTH IN SOUP FIGHTING A WORLD-ENDING MONSTER FROM SPACE with a delusion that's killing him.
Meeting Skirk has given me a whole new respect for Childe. He turned out this well DESPITE her?! He views that as a role model, and his biggest problem is seeing himself as a tool instead of a person?? This kid's incredible.
I'm choosing to view Skirk and Childe's relationship as Mom /neg, not because she's particularly motherly towards him even in a shitty abusive way, but because she was uniquely poised to Fuck Him Up how only a mother can. She's responsible for his life. She's everything he ever wanted to be. He's been chasing her approval ever since he fell in that hole, and he's never gonna get it. This kid needs better friends.
(Though, on the other hand, if Foul is anything like Rhinedottir, Skirk probably comes by it honestly? Skirk's awful but she might actually not be the worst case scenario)
This archon quest has completely changed how I think of both Childe and Furina and I'm losing my mind. This is going up with fullmetal alchemist as some of my alltime favorite media.
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lyss-sketchbox · 11 months
if u saw the new trailer whats ur opinion?
im very excited for skirk,,,,
Obvious spoilers for the fontaine archon quest in general for my thoughts and interpretations
Okay so refer to what neuvi said at the end of Act 4 where 'all sovereigns are not im full dragonhood and it can only happen IF THEIR ARCHON DISAPPEARS'. I was hoping that Furina would somehow relinquish the gnosis or her godhood to Neuvi to let him be full dragonhood and stop the flood and WELL THIS LINES UP.
1) arlecchino did say furina was not archon like or has something wrong with her, 2) her playable character model HAS A VISION!!!!!!! 3) Iirc but her promo art, the one with the white bg with nation symbols on it, people say that it didnt have the symbols an archon would.
She's DEFINITELY losing her godhood here somehow and man. MAN IM SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT
Second of all FURINA or should i say the HYDRO ARCHON as a whole
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She sounded MAD when she stated she wanted to use her own trial to show the world the true meaning of justice. This leads me to believe that focalors DOES have some sort of multiple sides/personalities to her. Especially with her announcing HER OWN TRIAL through the 3rd person.
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And well one of these sides is either Egeria's manifestation or furinas actual 'TRUE lady justice' side. A bit of a stretch but one of the official art in the livestream is multiple depictions of furina so it can be a lil nudge ya know.
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Okay this man definitely was acquainted to Egeria in some way and this extends to Furina as well (BECAUSE HE LOOKS SO SAD LIKE WHAT HAPPENED TO CRACK THIS MANS FACADE). I like to believe that Egeria and Neuvi might have a sort of Mentor/mentee/passing of the torch relationship. Because in so far everytime we hear Egeria, she talks to neuvi as if to hope that he will learn to understand humanity or learn his purpose or find SOMETHING (i forgot exactly what she says). But yeah he clearly holds her to high regard and that sentiment might extend to furina either because Egeria entrusted Neuvi with Furina, his loyalty to Egeria and Fontaine, or Furina just reminded him of Egeria and regardless of the trial still didn't want harm to come to his archon.
Okay a step back, we know that neuvi has holes about his past when he came to the world as the sovereign successor. And his line (i think its his idk) 'i seem to remember now... this trial is...' could be a call back of something Egeria told him from the past.
I firmly believe that this prophecy was actually a trial for NEUVILLETTE and not FURINA. It could be a final trial for him and his understanding of his position as chief justice and humanity. WHICH would tie into Egeria's line
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and neuvi's line
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Finally the GNOSIS
Okay the most obvious place is in the Oratrice. I feel like because Egeria isn't truly dead (from the who Amrita thing), it's possible that she lives in the Oratrice where she guides Neuvi and Furina. That's why it seems like it has its own conciousness and agenda. It's why it falsely accused Childe (and presumably Furina too). It might be why neuvi i think says this.
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Anyways theres NO WAY the gnosis is staying in the oratrice lmao. There's bound to be a power transfer, the oratrice might be dead or dismantled because of its previous 'wrong' accusation for childe. And well im very much hoping it goes to Neuvi where he'll finally have his own meaning of Justice and no longer needs the assistance of the Oratrice to make judgements
I dont have much to say about Skirk, im most certainly looking forward to skirk childe interaction. Im guessing shes there at the abyss side either for the Narssizkruenz (fack spelling) ordo relation or well.. the gnosis. Im taking a random guess that she and the abyss might take away the gnosis to prevent celestia from descending early because fontaine is giving back the power they stole from a sovereign back to him.
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krakrac · 11 months
what do you like about skirk's design (or what do you dislike about people hating on her design)? /genq
i really enjoy her primordial sea color palette, hinting that her involment with the prophecy and the sea itself is way deeper than we thought and also basically confirming that the abyss and the primordial sea are closely intertwined if not the same in some aspects.
honestly im not the biggest fan of her clothes but i've seen people mention that she is described as a swordswoman, not a warrior, so that would explain the lack of armor and more floaty clothing which is easier to fight in. after all she has been living in the abyss for hundreds, if not thousands of years, she's gotta have some fighting experience me thinks. i like to think about her untouched, unscarred beauty as a parallel to childe being a prince looking, being canonically called a "pretty boy" guy. like hell yeah she taught him to slay and serve cunt!
also, this is more on the sentimental side but the fact that her light colored design contrasts with childe's foul legacy's darker colors is driving my crazy. (so if her foul legacy is also dark and abyss-like, then it would definitely confirm my theory that the primordial sea and the abyss are intertwined entities.)
as for why i cant stand people hating... idk might be the 'tism because i have been going crazy over childe's lore for two years now, hoping for skirk's appearance the whole time, and when it finally happens, people are calling her ugly because she is "an anime ahh princess girly from honkai" or whatever (as if hyv were able to give us old, buff woman... i can only dream).
basically i would really appreciate if people weren't jumping to conclusions about her when we have seen only like a quarter of her whole model and know nothing about her character and lore.
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
also finished the 4.7 AQ and like . well firstly rip to all the sinner theories where it was like could it be nibelung or someone else and all like that was a bit tragic but thats the nature of theories i suppose. i do think it makes sense that the bigger players arent just all going to be figures we Already know of but yea.
overall i think it was like. quite good but also kinda suffers from the way these quests just Have to be an annual thing especially with how short it was? i saw a comment being like this feels like it shouldve been the epilogue to caribert and i kinda agree . also as much as it is appreciated that we Do get some direct answers to big lore questions in the quest was kind of a exposition dump in that sense . fade to black w the abyss sib and dain duel was certainly a Choice 💀
caribert truly is a sweetheart man i didnt expect him to pop up but i feel so bad for him now. except for the loomzoning atossa thing i get that he had no choice on the matter but that was rough for ur girl 😭😭
iiiiiii dunno how to feel about the whole we forget all about the reunion anyway when traveler Remembering as a descender has been established as such a core thing like it kinda feels like a copout im ngl . guess we are just now . aware of information as players that the traveler is not privy to . considering im already more than a little wary towards the general concept of like. memory erasure slash irminsul stuff when it comes to genshins writing im definitely feeling conflicted w this . also applies to the loom of fate editing reality thing . like okay on some level yes it is cool to include such prevalent elements of like. uncertainty and unreliable narration but in worst case those concepts are also v easy for a careless writing team to just. run off w and end up w a convoluted mess so i rly rly hope that wont end up the case
anyway. so the sinners are the big deal this time around i suppose and like. not that i wasnt necessarily expecting surtalogi to indeed be khaenriahn but the confirmation is certainly here now. no particular feelings on this from me im afraid bc like. Highly unpopular lore thing from me but both khaenriah n hexenzirkel (the latter more so than former) are kinda these. big lore topics and entities that i logically Do know and acknowledge as the massive deals they are to the story. but they just arent sth i have so far gotten that invested in altho khaenriah i have somewhat warmed up to . hexenzirkel still feels too much like an unnecessary presence to me lmao i might be missing out on stuff but if the abyss order arguably has a lack of story presence issue then the witches have it like 5 times worse 💀 But point being surtalogi being part of this whole crew of transcendent beings from khaenriah that became sinners is like . okay then isiskskskdk its not that big a deal for me
i think the most meaningful implications from that (in terms of My personal lore fixations at least *cough*) just have to do w like . sth id already been thinking about even before we got the confirmation of the visionary as the sinner that clothar found (which was a big theory anyway that i did personally find very compelling and well its canon now). and that is just the way that like . when skirk compared surtalogi as one in pursuit of "perfection" and brought up the visionary and rhinedottir as two ppl akin to him. that and the narzissenkreuz note about primordial human essentially being the synonym for descenders . & how rhines magnum opus was the primordial human PROJECT aka in light of this note. Very likely to be an attempt at Creating a descender . and how the sinners and abyss orders loom of fate is obviously just another pathway into accessing some sorta will or way to rival the world and defy the heavenly principles . became this thing where i was like 90% convinced and now 100% convinced that if the "perfection" both gold and the visionary pursue is indeed a descenders will in one form or another . then surtalogis aims Must involve the same fucking thing
which naturally gets us back to the insane ajax theory territory bc . if what connects those 3 (and post 4.7 more like. All the transcendent sinners from khaenriah) is getting to that world rivaling will. Then it sure fucking makes Everything surtalogi is doing and planning w both the narwhal and ajax Very Interesting . like it sure is curious that These would be the things surtalogi is occupying himself with if its indeed a descender he seeks . so like . Yeah we dont need to get into 3rd descender stuff but one thing i sure do think is becoming less and less like crackpot speculation and more and more and explicitly foreshadowed future direction for childes arc is that. one way or another. he is going to be involved with the subject of becoming a descender . bc like. if gold tried creating one w alchemy. and if the visionary is Literally creating a loom of fate to serve as the machine capable of weaving a worlds worth of leylines and destiny aka just a descender equivalent machine . then it sure wouldnt make sense for surtalogi to be putting all this heavy effort and resources (as skirk commented on) towards acquiring and possibly subduing an interstellar voyager like the narwhal and getting his student to look for and train the weird kid with a possibly innate connection w it. Without that serving a role in His brand of descender equivalency that hes seeking as a sinner. So yeah childe long term relevance stocks are definitely up w this one guys Trust
but yea thats on surtalogi for me . Point being its not rly a New suspicion for me (like ever since primordial human project started sounding like DIY descender lab project i was thinking this) but i think its been absolutely further affirmed by directly linking surtalogi to the sinners of khaenriah that more likely than not seem like theyre All going to be ppl who used the abyss to seek the power of a descender in a variety of ways???? so thats very neat . wonder who the other 2 will turn out to be then .
another thing to do w the sinners is also like. the way that if we do count dainsleif among them just as one that Didnt jusr abandon the ppl during the cataclysm . there is obviously that doomed number of Six there . so like pygmy theories have been going wild already in the few days it took me to catch up w the AQ but im just kinda . i Still think pale princess is most likely to be about an irminsuled event and be about sth far further back into the timeline than khaenriah and the cataclysm . theres things like rhe night mother specifically talking abt Thousands of years passing before the new hero (= 4th descender aka us most likely) appears to challenge her and also just the general way i still think pale princess aligns too much w the story of the seelie ancestor and her lover Not to be a story about that time period . so as much as the 5+1 sinners of khaenriah being the pygmies is like. Yes the numbers would finally add up clearly with no mental backflips needed unlike w the archons . but like all things considered im still a bit unconvinced. we shall see . that book is a menace anyway so its always gonna be a hot topic lmao like what is Up with it 💀
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blood-orange-juice · 9 months
I browsed a little too many fics and now I wish to know your opinion on these two surprisingly common takes on the boy:
* Childe's ambition is to rule over the world (kinda of a James Bond Villain take on someone wanting to be The Best There Is if you ask me)
* Childe's ambition is to take down the heavens because the system is unfair
Sending this as an ask so you can choose to answer or not ^^
I'd say the first is a solid miss. He has never even once shown any desire for power over people or creating and sustaining any kind of system. If you asked him he'd probably say the idea is boring.
The second is somewhat close to how I myself headcanon him!
From what we can see, something happened that completely ruined any possibility for him to percieve himself as a hero. Couldn't have been trauma and hardships, he doesn't seem to be put off by that. Could have been him being turned into something not properly human but he doesn't seem to behave like that either (not "the world is all right while I am not" type).
This only leaves the option that something is horribly wrong with the world.
Personally, I think taking down the heavens would be too simple and it probably doesn't work like that. The heavens are complicit and so he might as well take them down (gives him something to do at least) but it probably won't fix anything.
He also seemed to be floundering after coming back from the Abyss until he became a Harbinger and seemed all-too-happy to accept the Tsaritsa's goal as his own. This implies she suggested a solution he didn't know before.
So one of my theories is that everything he does is an act of despair and stubborness.
Preserving the dreams of children because they are the only shred of normalcy this world has. Attacking the heavens as a way of saying "screw you" even if it solves nothing. Seeking battle as a form of improvement and entertainment. Following Her Majesty's plan because she seems to know what she's doing and stands a chance. Hoping for some way to fix it all because Skirk promised he would get to play a part. Trying to become stronger in the meanwhile to play his part perfectly.
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 1 year
dandelion memories
In his memories, Ajax is colored yellow and orange. He’s midmorning and high noon, camellia flowers in bloom and a babbling stream; an endless blue sky, the bursting green of the hedges lining Zhongli’s garden, the way his breath caught in his throat the first time Ajax came flying down the walkway. He’s the settling of a crane on his roof and the flutter of a hummingbird’s wings—there, and viscerally real, but only for a moment.
These days, it’s difficult for him to parse his waking dreams from reality. Guizhong thinks he’s not sleeping enough, while Zhongli himself suspects it’s a sign he’s getting old. 
His back hurts. One of these mornings, he’s going to wake up and find a gray hair on his pillow, and then he’s going to complain about it to Guizhong until she kicks him out. It’s half her fault that he’s saddled with incurable waking dreams of Ajax, anyway, and so half her fault he’s feeling like a sentimental old man. 
Zhongli remembers that debacle with all the viciousness of someone who’s managed to pinpoint where it all went wrong.
“Morax,” says Guizhong, with that lilt to her voice that means she’s about to say something he won’t like. 
Zhongli makes a noise of interest. But really, he’s far more preoccupied with soaking up as much early morning sunlight as he possibly can. And if this means lying on his back in the middle of Guizhong’s bedroom, shifting slightly as the patch of sun moves east, then so be it. He has his hands folded over his stomach and his eyes closed. 
“Will you do me a favor?”
Zhongli frowns. “Last time I did you a favor, you had me make ammunition for your ballistae. For hours.”
“Nothing so taxing,” Guizhong titters, and laughs in that bell-like way she has. It’s ensnared many a mortal, and even one or two of their adepti, but has never worked on Zhongli. He’d thought it was a manufactured sound until they started cohabiting, then realized otherwise when she laughed like that even when she thought herself alone.
“What’s the favor?” Zhongli asks, and Guizhong sobers. 
“A friend of mine has a student,” she tells him, her voice soft and serious. “She’s taught him all she can, but if he learns any more from her, he may damage himself beyond all hope of repair. That said, he has too much talent to let it go to waste—so she asked me if I had any teachers I might recommend.”
“I don’t take students anymore, Guizhong,” says Zhongli tiredly. “You know that. Xiao was the last.”
“That’s the favor,” she says. “Would you make an exception?”
“For some mortal child?” 
“For me,” Guizhong says, sounding exasperated. “For me, Morax, not the child.” 
Zhongli opens his eyes to deny her again, but then he’s faced with the full power of Guizhong’s face at her most pleading. Pale, round-cheeked, and lovelier than any human woman or god—a visage that hides the razor sharp wit beneath—she stares down at him, all soft brown eyes and red mouth. 
He shuts his eyes. “I’ll meet him,” he says. “I promise nothing more than that.”
Guizhong laughs, delighted, and claps her hands. “Ah, Morax,” she murmurs. “Never change.”
He meets Ajax on a sun-drenched day, and his first impression is that the boy is tall. Unfairly so, like a dandelion stretching towards the sun, and bright orange besides. He wears nondescript robes and his skin is fair, almost too fair, to be under such light. Zhongli nearly figures him for a normal mortal child until he catches his eye. 
And isn’t that intriguing, how Ajax’s eyes are as limitless and dark as the sea, with none of the bright spark Zhongli is used to seeing in humans.  
The woman beside him is nearly as intriguing with her gleaming white hair, sensibly tied back, and the horsetail whisk at her belt. Zhongli almost doesn’t recognize the qiang on her back—but when he sees the trailing dark blue ribbon, an old memory floats to the surface. 
“You didn’t mention your friend was Skirk,” he says to Guizhong, who hides a laugh behind her sleeve. 
“Didn’t I?” she says. “How careless of me.”
Zhongli only shakes his head and makes his way down the garden path to meet Skirk at the gate. She bows first, then fixes him with the steeliest look he’s seen in the last decade. “Morax,” she greets. “You look well.”
“Daozhang,” he says. “The same to you, though the last I saw of you, you weren’t accepting students.”
“Times change,” says Skirk, her expression unreadable. “I assume Guizhong has filled you in.”
“Some,” Zhongli admits. 
The boy still hasn’t spoken a word, only stared at Zhongli. It’s a little off-putting. 
“Then will you take him?” 
Zhongli favors the boy with an appraising look. His frame is deceptively slight, and there's something about the way he follows Zhongli’s every movement that betrays some amount of skill. Perhaps it’s enough. 
But before he can say so to Skirk, the boy opens his mouth. 
“If you’re unsure of me, xiansheng, how about a spar?” he asks. 
Zhongli blinks. 
“Do you know who I am?” he replies, taken aback. 
“My new teacher,” says the boy. “Is there more I should know?”
[ ]
“Xiansheng!” Childe cries, desperate and wide-eyed. He stretches out a hand and drops to his knees, reaching with a youthful optimism that Zhongli can’t help but envy. And then there’s the rain, driving down from the heavens and plastering his hair to his forehead—he looks soaked through and miserable, and still, there’s a brightness in his eyes that he’s never seen before. Even though his face is twisted into a rictus of desperation, even though he can read his panic in every tensed muscle, he looks more alive than he’s ever been.
Zhongli smiles up at him. “Sorry, Ajax,” he whispers. The name is old and careworn in his mouth, tasting like summer days and sunshine. 
“Xiansheng, please!” he howls, stretching impossibly further, so far that he might fall off of the cliff if he keeps this up. 
“I’ll go on ahead,” says Zhongli. Childe’s mouth opens in a wordless scream—and then Zhongli falls. 
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
I experienced dehydration last night!
It was not fun! I lost feelings in all my fingers and toes because I was really cold!
So anyways I just wanna say that Wifey in za abyss would probably experience something similar but they would probably or maybe might find someone to help them and teach them the ways of the abyss, maybe Skirk from childe’s backstory or someone else. Also the existence of Skirk is making me think about wether the abyss actually has small sections of human civilisation, I’m think they might be nomads or live solitarily, as much as I like to believe Wifey survived on their own I also like the idea that someone had helped them at one point and then died in front of them or died protecting them and also someone to teach Wifey the ways of the abyss. Also do you think Wifey would speak with childe about their experiences? Childe’s soulless eyes have been theorised to have been caused by his experiences in the abyss so maybe Wifey or him would recognise the look in their eyes and have a kind of solidarity?
First of all holy shit, I hope you’re okay now.
Second, wifey would have for sure needed someone to teach them how to survive in the abyss. Learning to find food would be one thing but wifey is not a violent person. They don’t know how to properly defend themselves. The thought of that person dying in front of wifey trying to protect them, well goddamn okay let’s just mark it down on the trauma bingo card. Really contributing to the trauma induced amnesia/mutism.
Their interaction with Childe would be different compared to in the fic. They were naturally very wary about having a harbinger near their family and the old monastery. Abyss wifey would immediately recognize the soulless eyes because even centuries later, they’re still trying to keep the light in their own eyes. Childe’s what, like 21? 22 at the oldest? And then wifey finds out he got lost in the abyss as a child? Immediately they latch onto him like “you’re my baby now I’m so sorry that ever happened to you oh my god are you okay???? Do you need to talk about it????”
And then Childe looks over at Zhongli like “please tell your wife I’m fine,” and Zhongli shakes his head because trying to get his wife not to worry is a losing game. Also no, you’re not fine, let them make you some tea and you two can trauma bond.
Also, something my brain literally just dumped on me: Childe got Foul Legacy from Skirk while he was in the Abyss... so... :)...
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ac-liveblogs · 11 months
Misc. 4.2 Archon Quest Predictions
I'm vaguely aware of how Furina and Neuvillette's little... power struggle? Is going to be resolved thanks to leaks, but until then -
I think the Gnosis is in the Oratrice. It's the reason why Fontaine's Justice system functions Like That, as well as why they can convert Belief into Power. After Sumeru's Akasha system, that makes the most sense to me.
That doesn't account for why Furina doesn't seem like an Archon, since not having her Gnosis didn't really bother Ei, so I assume she also put part of herself (?) or her authority as Archon (?) in the Oratrice as well. I don't know what exactly she did to herself, but it should be related to the Oratrice. Or depending on when the Oratrice was made, the previous Hydro Archon Did Something and Furina is saddled with it.
The Oratrice being wrapped up with the Gnosis and the Hydro Archon this way is why Neuvillette honours its judgments - even when Childe has been found guilty.
I don't expect Navia, Clorinde, Wriothesely, Lyney/Lynette or Freminet to do much more than help the people of Fontaine evacuate when the waters rise. Navia has her weird boat-shaped base, Wrio is building his own Ark, the twins+Freminet have the Magic Pockets. I'd be shocked if we got anything else from them.
I'd be shocked if Charlotte even shows up in 4.2 outside of maybe writing a news article on what happened at the end.
I really have no idea what Childe will do. Leaks from ages ago said he had no speaking lines in 4.1 and 4.2, and while he definitely didn't in 4.1 he was still present and... said things, I guess. He's definitely present in the 4.3 trailer, so maybe he'll just appear in cutscenes to fight whatever the new boss is, help hold it off for a little while or whatever, get knocked out, and then we have to step in to finish the job.
No idea what will happen with the Vision. Maybe he'll fuck off into the Abyss with Skirk and we'll keep holding onto it (lmao). It's such a weird point that we got it. I wonder if it's just to justify the Childe dream-sharing. That feels like a plot element they might want to keep around?
Who knows about Skirk. She might just be a cameo or she might dump some lore and bounce. I don't think she'll stick around after this.
We won't fight Arlecchino. I assume we would have heard something about her boss battle by now if we did. We might just end up teaming up with her entirely in this patch to fight the Abyss.
Despite the hype for the trial in the trailer, I don't think they're going to make us do another one. I hope they don't. I seriously really fucking hope they do not. Please.
So far, I've been really unimpressed with Fontaine. Unlike Sumeru, there are a lot of plot elements present in this region that could have really worked for me but so far they've flubbed every single one.
Ch1 was tedious right up until the trial, and the trial was terribly written; ch2 and ch3 were extremely poorly thought out filler that failed to use the playable cast members in meaningful ways; ch4 was... passable, if an extremely boring way to make use of all the players in Meropide. Though at that point I also just wanted to be out of Meropide.
Fuck Meropide.
I don't really expect ch5 to be a meaningful improvement, but if they can do some fun stuff with Childe I'll at least enjoy that much.
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Doing it like that, verbal smackdown only (excepting Skirk grabbing people by their lapels and Morax proving a point), was truly the absolute best way you could have done it I think. God that was so satisfying.
Also Ajax terrifying the local police because they didn't listen, I'm. Yes. Yes.
Thank you for yet another banger chapter, yet another banger parental smackdown (courtesy of itysg(ainly) bc while I'm also a big fan of Babysitting in the Apocalypse Ajax' parents in that one aren't absolute cunts like the other sets are), and yet another fantastic start of a day because for some reason I always find the update notifications right after or right before sleep. Hm.
Anyway, hope your day is as blessed as you've made mine!!
the updates' timing might be bc i either post chapters in the morning or in the night. like- it was all but finished the day before so i touch it up and post it next day before midday, or i finish it throughout the day n send it off before calling it a day hahahah;;
i felt like ajax' parents in babysitting being assholes woulnt've contributed much. it was a short thing to begin with n the meat and potatoes isn't exactly on ajax' trauma with his family, so. it's literally a found family speedrun lmao
aaa thank you! happy to know you liked how i went about it, i do also think it was the best course of action;;
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4fahy · 2 years
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i can't with people saying childe is a misogynist bc he "hates" the fatui woman. 4 woman that are his coworkers and nothing else.
colombina creeps him out, sandrone hates him and he doesn't know why, arlecchino would betray the tsaritsa if it was beneficial for her, and signora tricked him, died in battle and lost the gnosis to scaramouche.
did you just forget his devotion to the Tsaritsa? or how he cares so much about Tonia? how he interacted with Xinyan?? how he treats the Traveler??? and his master Skirk?? who he wants to be like in the future???
damn sometimes you just hate your coworkers and they just happen to be woman uk.
136 notas - publicadas em 14 de julho de 2022
I feel like someone has done this already
Tumblr media
181 notas - publicadas em 28 de agosto de 2022
last messages between armin and candy revealed
Armin: ok cool then
Candy: if you think ill wish you happiness you are so wrong
Candy: i fucking hate you
Armin: in this case fuck you too
Armin: i hope you find someone with premature ejaculation
Candy: i hope you suffer and die, asshole
[you blocked this person.]
[you unblocked this person.]
Candy: bald
[you blocked this person.]
243 notas - publicadas em 21 de setembro de 2022
so like
all of port mafia are vampires
and NO ONE wrote a single Soukoku Twilight AU
not even as a JOKE????
dazai: i know what you are
chuuya: say it. out loud.
dazai: bald. that's why you use the hat.
chuuya stopping the traffic so he could watch dazai struggle with woman that want to court him. cut to dazai considering running over chuuya's car with an old ass chevy.
(twilight/midnight sun)
chuuya getting rid of dazai's old ass chevy that has no seat belts and getting him a mecedes guardian (200kg of body armor and missile proof glass) so nothing happens to him even if he tries.
(breaking dawn)
391 notas - publicadas em 29 de setembro de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
why is twilight x yor shipp not called yorlight
it's basically "your light" and that's the apex of cuteness
plus Loid is his fake name so using Twilight would imply that it's beyond the facade of the fake family
518 notas - publicadas em 13 de abril de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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lostacelonnie · 10 months
Hell yeah! Mood every time i go to a beach i always miss her after. I will keep my fingers crossed for your return on another trip. Oh those are all so good. Im especially a fan of churros & empanadas. I should get paella again sometime. That is a very mismatched group but i respect the vibe based friendship. Also reminds me i should get back to finishing mag archives thats a good podcast. Also been meaning to look into goth music to see what thats all about. The peak goal of adhd people. To rember. High luck stat to not be attacked by gulls. I think i got a tad bit there too because ive never been attacked by them but like. You can see the simple minded desire in their eyes. Especially if you have food. Damn best of luck to her. Thats like people tellin me they moved to florida, where the gators climb over fences often. Group chat for geo teacher fans that is amazing. Love that for yall. Oh there's one thing xabi & i share as i too do not know whats goin on so often. Thanks! I only hope i have enough but i think sw is in the back half so i can save even more pulls than i have. Probably will have to pass her light cone up like i did for seele's til next time. Meta can leave i dont care for it i use who i want when i want this is an anti meta zone. Oh? Im not sure. What to ask about them. Like i wanna know more of their role in the story of honkai i guess. What happens to them & all that. Welt seems to have history with otto/luocha. & himeko is my coffee lovin mom character i like her a lot. We love a girl who keeps complex machinery like the express working. Skirk showed up so briefly at the end of the archon quest but damn if it wasnt funny. Yeeting childe out of the abyss & just lore dropping on us all. I think i saw you played the story quest & learned about furina? I think it was uh. Durandal's jp va that she shared with skirk i cant remember cant wait to see if she becomes playable though. Oh damn really? The range is insane indeed what a queen. Oooh congrats! I also got her & had enough for her weapon next is navia but i might only have enough for her & try for her weapon later. Since arlecchino is a few updates out. Im not yet at a world level where relics matter but same. Not the best luck on that yet. 7 am exam? That should be illegal but i wish you luck on your studies. Especially with feelin a bit sick trying to study while sick is awful. Ooooh nice! Such a fun & good series. I just got the fifth volume last week & finally had time to finish it. Quickly became a favorite for me. Now if only i had time to read everything else im behind on.
FOR REAL FOR REAL ive never been much of a sea person but ahh this is such a universal experience... and thankies!!! while i could never Live in spain permanently [hot and everyone tries to talk to you] i did end up becoming quite fond of the country. GOD YEAH CHURROS ARE SOO GOOD generally speaking i like ALL spanish food. banger after banger after banger. need to learn how to cook some because i miss it so bad. but i DID manage to not fuck up scrambled eggs when i made them for the first time ever recently so thats a good sign for my culinary abilities id say. anyway IT IS AJDKKFJF but i vibe with them so its chill. ah nice!! im terrible with podcasts [can never quite concentrate on them.....] but i wanna listen to it Someday since i heard only good things ab it. also good luck luck with that!! i like goth music as in i think its Good and i generally enjoy it if i happen to hear it but its also sth i just Do Not listen to in my free time. i respect it tho. coming back YEAH AJSKDKFK I WAS JUST. observing the gulls the whole time but surprisingly nobody from my class was attacked ajdjfkgjs. and ill pass on the message when i talk to her next time AJKSLJFJG i really Do wonder what even prompted her moving there sometimes. i believe it was her boyfriend but also she changes those as often as clothes so she must Really like this guy, i guess. good for her tho shes my coolest sibling. and thanks SHJDKFKA were really devoted to her. also ive been accused of simping for her by the ice skater which is extremely funny because this is not even the first time ive been accused of being into a 30-40 y/o woman by someone at school [ITS ALL CHILL BTW its just for the shits. still. attacked and slandered!]. and same ajdkfjgj tho in his role its actually Quite Annoying for my class since like. we NEED to get things done sometimes and he just. does not do that. like literally our english teacher [who also looks like shes constantly dead inside and hates her job but we love her] did more to help us with this one thing than he did even tho she did not have to do that in any capacity. shes just epic. AHH GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!! i love ignoring meta sooooo much which might sound weird from someone who spends half his life grinding for stuff in honkai but its true. honkai is literally the only game where i care about meta and thats bc honkai meta is UNFORGIVING. but hey at least the gacha is much better with the 100 pulls guarantee for each char + 50 pull guarantee for gear pieces. IM NOT VERY GOOD WITH OTTO LORE TO BE ENTIRELY HONEST as in i know quite a lot of it but it hasnt quite Clicked in my head BUT IM ALWAYS HAPPY TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS AB THEM YOU MAY HAVE [<- GUY WHO IS SOO SO NORMAL]. AND YEAH SKIRK IS SO FUCKIGN FUNNY TO ME like the way she was previously described painted her as just so strong and intimidating but her speech pattern is so funny to me shes so chill. i feel like i could meet her smoking her evening cig and shed tell me where to pirate shit. id do a polish joke here but it is literally untranslatable without a 30 minute long backstory so nevermind. AND OOOOOH EPIC ALSO RIGHT?????? i respect voice actors above anyone else. ahh good luck getting navia!!!!!! i was Planning to pull for her but im much less efficient at grinding rn since i got a screentime limit due to having fucked up eyes [which im Not following btw but i am trying to touch grass a little bit more at least] [this is also the reason why i responded so late im sorry the change kinda threw me out of the loop]. ah understandable i was. well not Very high but enough to have trouble without decent gear so yeah. good luck in the future farming tho!! AND RIGHT I AGREE tho honestly the alternative would be an exam at like FOUR PM which is actually Worse imo. i personally function pretty well during my 7am classes and learned to enjoy them [public transport is very charming early in the morning..... i get to catch the sunrise sometimes] but that is also because i live like maybe 40 minutes away from my school. so i get up at around 6 am to get to school.
[ignore the random paragraph break i hit the character limit JSJFIGKJSWIJF] some of my classmates, however, have to get up at 4 am which. respect i could never. anyway thanks!!! the exam went quite well actually hehehe im doing much better in history than i thought. im becoming a nerd along with my entire friend group. every single day someone has new historical memes to share and theres already some inside jokes as well. fun. AND AHHHHHH THATS SO EPIC!!!!!!! i love this series sososoososooso much even tho i didnt have time to start the 3rd volume yet... however i DID read a translation of the "she's so cheeky for a commoner!" web novels and im about to read the light novel so im quite excited for that. first and only loretta and pipi fan ever.....
0 notes
merakiui · 3 years
thot on childe: An ex-military soldier, recruited by Dottore (he wanted to study what made Childe so different in hopes of his quest for immortality or whatever). Wants a perfect Android sparring partner - android never ge tried, can be programmed multiple different fighting styles, and don't break as easily as humans!
I like this idea. Thank you, anon!!
I'm oddly interested in the idea of Childe and Dottore being allies. Like, they're not exactly friends. They can't stand each other, but they're working towards their goals and the other has what they might need/want to reach that goal, so they'll settle for being allies for the time being. And since Dottore lets Childe go ham in the fighting arena, that's more than enough for him to consider him a decent ally.
I think it would be neat if Childe is human, but there are nonhuman aspects to him. Or maybe he is the half-human, half-android specimen Dottore was looking to create!! Wait, yes!! Because he's been trying to create a specimen like that for so long now and here comes Childe with all of his perfect functions and whatnot.
All I can think of is Childe having the eyepatch that's seen in his beta design along with like a prosthetic/bionic arm or something along those lines!! Maybe he lost his arm during his time in the military and he got a prosthetic one that makes his grip much stronger than it was before. I also had the idea where he discovers an underground android fighting ring/crime syndicate (aka the Abyss) with all sorts of horrifyingly strong opponents and hybrid-like androids when he's young and they mold him into who he is in the present day. Maybe that's how he gets his half-android side? He's practically on death's door and then Skirk saves him, reconstructs various structures and systems that are failing, and then goes on to train him to be an efficient warrior.
Perhaps he's sent off to the military when he makes his return because he has all this strength and doesn't know what to do with it.
I'm trying to think of ways to incorporate his Foul Legacy into the mix because it's just so cool. Maybe that's the part of him that's half-android... Like his inhuman strength and quick, deadly combat style. Maybe the eye that's covered by the patch is violet-colored like it is in Foul Legacy and it allows him to see things like this. Like a high-tech, 3D interface of information that's readily available to him when he scans a target.
All I'm saying is that if Dottore sends Childe after you, you're done for. There's no outrunning him. ^^;;; This man practically has an aimbot installed; it's hopeless.
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
hello Ky! ♡♡
ooh. ik it doesn't mean a lot, but please take breaks during whatever you're doing so you can keep some of your energy. i hope you'll be alright! ♡
i tried to get better, and it worked for a day or two,, but i'm down again :') so sorry. it's really tiring.
giving you lots of warm hugs as a thanks because i'm not sure what else to give (๑´・‿・)(・‿・`●)―
oh they'll have to wait for years, we've only explored 3 nations! poor abyss. and yee. paimon is annoying sometimes but she's still our favourite emergency food, it's good to have her!
ooh D: do you usually buy constellations from the shop ? i think kaeya comes at the next reset if that's your thing. otherwise he'll have to be benched and he'll be sad,,
truee and they're not *that* close to anyone, not enough to dance with them at least. i mean ingame. maybe you gave them new friends in your headcanons ?
diluc in general is adorable so i think it's only fitting to give him lots of flowers <3 oh if only we could give him some on his birthday. and fr i wish we could have sweet brotherly moments with them, like the ones with klee and albedo! they're so so cute :(
i like to think that childe sees anyone who's stronger than him as a sort of mentor because they remind him of skirk! tho zhongli wouldn't want to hurt him just because. /j
genshin looks like it's filled with sort of familial relationships yum yum (ships are okay tho, don't get me wrong)
see u! i wish an amazing sunday/week! ily Ky <3 take care of yourself ♡♡
- 🦊
I am SO sorry for the late reply sjgiusgeih I'm not doing too good haha- I'm doing my best to take care of myself, so rest assured, I'm not too bad off. :D
Nono trust me, if anyone understands that, it's me. If I may though. Maybe lower your standards for "better." Truth be told, you might never be as happy as you were. But, that doesn't mean you can't be happy. If you lower your standards, "happy" can be anything you want it to be. Take every day, every minute you feel even just a bit better, and call that progress. You won't recover in a day, maybe it takes months, but so long as you believe in the progress you're making, you'll be okay. We're in this together, m'kay?
AAAA I can't save starglitter to save my life. The moment I get five, into the gacha it goes. Though I might consider saving eventually, thank you for that idea! Thankfully he's okay at c1, hopefully I can steal my sister's luck and get c3 Kaeya soon...
Usually I make my headcanons while I'm writing, so their partner is usually (Y/n) or me but my readers don't need to know that :D
Ahh that makes sense, actually! It's pretty cute to think about though sijisuhg- and yes, found family EVERYWHERE. It looks like all the characters have at least one counterpart! A friend, a sibling, a mentor/guide, etc. Not one character, not even the most alone of them, is truly alone. And I like that.
I hope you've been alright, I'm sorry again for the late response! Thanks for being here, sunshine, take care. <3
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pauperpedia · 3 years
Tuesday Brewsday 30: Rakdos Cult 101
It’s not often Pauper gets a card that screams BUILD AROUND ME. However, when I first saw the card First Day of Class and folks from discord and reddit pointed out that it works with persist creatures, I got hyped. No longer do you need to rely on green for Ivy Lane Denizen if you want to play a sacrifice deck with combo potential. SteelOsprei, MrMeatzombie, and myself from the same discord immediately began throwing some deck ideas around. We ultimately came to the untested realization that you could build a deck with three different ideas in mind based around Putrid Goblin & First Day of Class. You could channel your inner Caleb Gannon, famous combo deck and storm brewer, and build a glass “Gannon” version that could potentially win on turn 1 or 2. You could build a combination aggro-combo deck, but being 2 colors makes that difficult to pull off. The last option, which I like the best, is you could go more in on the potentially grindy value plan. There is even a Rakdos version of goblins being brewed out there being dubbed Moggwarts (be sure to keep your eyes open for that one). Although that deck looked tempting, I thought it was best to write about my original plan. Without further ado, here’s my carnarium!
4 First Day of Class
4 Carrion Feeder
2 Skirk Prospector
1 Lampad of Death's Vigil
1 Thoughtpicker Witch
4 Putrid Goblin
2 Rendclaw Trow
4 Mogg War Marshal
2 Crypt Rats
1 Goblin Matron
1 Flamewave Invoker
4 Merchant of the Vale
2 Night’s Whisper
3 Unearth
2 Reaping the Graves
4 Chainer's Edict
4 Sulfurous Mire
10 Swamp
2 Witch's Cottage
2 Rakdos Carnarium
2 Mountain
3 Pest Summoning
2 Mesmeric Fiend
4 Red Elemental Blast
4 Trespasser's Curse
2 Flaring Pain
First Day of Class will become pauper legal once Strixhaven comes out. This card, which can be cast at Instant speed for one generic & one red source of mana, gives will creatures that enter the battlefield a +1/+1 counter and haste until the end of the turn. It also has the Learn mechanic which lets you grab a lesson from your sideboard and put it into your hand. Thanks to our persist creatures Putrid Goblin and Rendclaw Trow, we could take advantage of unlimited triggers. So what do we do with these unlimited triggers? Carrion Feeder can get unlimited +1/+1 counters, or Skirk Prospector can create unlimited amounts of red mana if we sac Putrid Goblin to it. With unlimited red mana you can use endless activations from Thoughtpicker Witch, Lampad of Death’s Vigil, Flamewave Invoker, or Merchant of the Vale to churn through your deck. I still don’t know if I prefer Thoughtpicker Witch or Lampad of Death’s Vigil, or maybe I just want more Flamewave Invokers. I would love to see and hear your thoughts about this one.
The one glaring pitfall with the deck is First Day of Class can only be used efficiently on your “combo” turn. I can see the problem where you have a hard time finding pieces for the combo in the face of removal and then get your FDoC countered when you finally have the creatures. This is why I went for more of a resilient grindy deck that can combo off out of nowhere if given enough time.
So the key for this deck to work is how often you can recur your creatures. The deck hinges on Unearth being able to bring a combo piece back to the battlefield so that it can go off, but sometimes just getting a huge Carrion Feeder early on can be enough. The deck is running 3 Unearth since it’s never a dead card thanks to its cycling ability, 1 Reaping the Graves to bring everything back and start over, and two Witch’s Cottage. Since I wanted to play Crypt Rats as an answer to go wide decks or as a finisher, I needed to play a lot of swamps which makes perfect sense to run Witch’s Cottage. It can be reused thanks to Rakdos Carnarium as well. Having this much creature recursion can help you win in the face of abundant creature removal. Sometime you just need to be patient and play the deck like a true combo deck, and sometimes you just need to apply as much pressure as you can.
Goblin Matron is a great value tutor and could possibly even deserve more spots in the deck. Most of the time it will grab a combo piece like Skirk Prospector, Putrid Goblin, or Flamewave Invoker and help you set up for a combo turn. It’s also Unearthable so don’t be afraid to discard it to Merchant of the Vale’s adventure mode in Haggle and gain value in a later turn.
Since I decided to run Merchant of the Vale over Faithless Looting purely for the upside of churning through the deck with unlimited mana to try and find a finisher, the deck needed some form of actual card draw. I could have gone with Village Rites, after all I’m running the appropriate creatures for it, but I wanted something I could always use in case I don’t have the right creature(s) out. Night’s Whisper will remain my card draw of choice, but if Village Rites is more your style, then I think that is perfectly acceptable as well.
One thing I hate losing to is Hexproof. That’s why you see the deck is running four copies of Chainer’s Edict. Alternatively you could run snow lands and play Skred since the deck is already utilizing Sulfurous Mire, or you could run Cast Down. However I don’t like leaving things up to being a race, which is what I foresee the Hexproof matchup being The combination having a playset of Chainer’s Edict & some Crypt Rats can help improve that matchup.
The sideboard is a work in progress for now, I’m still keeping an eye on what Strixhaven will grant us in the form of lessons. Till then I’m taking advantage of the Learn mechanic from First Day of Class. I’ve devoted 3 slots in the sideboard to grabbing a lesson, maybe even just 2 is the correct amount, but grabbing Pest Summoning from FDoC is perfectly acceptable. With Pest Summoning you put two 1/1 black and green pest tokens that gain you life when they die. Sounds like perfect sacrifice fodder to me.
Trespasser’s Curse is the deck’s tech against anything trying to do the same in the mirror, Elves, Flicker decks that are continually looping creatures, and go wide decks. The mirror will be an interesting matchup for sure and might just come down to who has the biggest Carrion Feeder or the most Curses on the battlefield. That sounds horrible actually, nonetheless it’s an important sideboard card to have in my opinion.
Mesmeric Fiend is this deck’s Castigate in creature form. I like Mesmeric Fiend in conjunction with sac outlets because it lets you permanently exile the card you ripped from your opponent’s hand, so long as you sacrificed Mesmeric Fiend with the ability trigger on the stack. Mesmeric Fiend can be brought back with all of our recursion made available to us which hopefully poses a constant pain for the opponent.
The more typical sideboard choices can be found here as well like Nihil Spellbomb and Red Elemental Blast. REB is there for anything running Counterspell or relying on blue cards resolving or staying around on the battlefield. Nihil Spellbomb can be brought in against a variety of decks like Cycling, TortEx, Exhume, Fog, Boros Bully, or the mirror.
It’s not often the Rakdos gather it’s cultist for lessons, but when they do you better believe it’s something about sacrificing the members for the greater good. So murder away and use those endless Putrid Goblin triggers to create some mayhem. I do hope you have enjoyed these blogs/articles. I’m always open to feedback and simply want to provide the best content I can. I’m always open to collaborate on a deck as well. Please visit and like/follow me at http://facebook.com/pauperpedia a fan page dedicated to bringing you links to daily articles, videos, and podcast from other content creators covering Pauper. You can also email me at [email protected] if you have deck submissions you want me to cover as well. Till next time folks, have a happy Brewsday!
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