#like very slack and loose while also .... slithery
Aaaah your billy is so good,,,,,,I don't have a specific request but I'm desperate to see more of him in your stellar style 🖤
🥺👉👈 UHUHHH uhuyhh t-thank you.... you're the main reason im so exited about that little puny guy, that 5'8 piece of shit little boy, littlr mousy boy so 💖💖💖 here's smth quick from my break from classes o w o
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I still barely have any idea whats going on w him (didnt watch the remake, might be too rough for my sensitive ass) so I don't really have a full characterization of Billyboye??? But I was relistening to the calls and the "I'm going to kill you" bit just. God. Destroys me. It sounds like he at that moment realized he's going to do it, like it was barely a threat, just, "oh, so this is the plan now o — o" and i Love that that is Chilling and I really want to do a full mood piece painting based on it.
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skywardsoul · 7 years
Dianakko Week! (day 7)
here it is! my seventh and final work for @dianakko-week Day 7-Freeday!
The final day has come! For today, I decided to write this silly concept I came up with a while back. This has been one heck of a project for me, and is probably the most I've consistently written in a long time. Thank you to everyone that stuck with me to the end, and thank you to the wonderful people who started this! Without further ado, enjoy day 7!
AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12114093/chapters/27624726
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12655858/7/Dianakko-Week
There were many things important to a witch, but none more important than her familiar. A familiar was more than the servant, or pet non magical humans thought they were. A familiar was a partner in arms, a beacon of trust, and above all else, a friend. While the most common familiar’s came in the form of typical animals, such as crows, cats, wolves and frogs, there were records of witches who had bonded with creatures of magic. Golems, mermaids, griffins, even mighty dragons, all have been seen at least once, serving alongside exceptionally powerful witches.
So it was no doubt in Akko’s mind that when it came time for the students of Luna Nova to find their familiars, that Diana’s was going to be something spectacular. The excitable Japanese girl couldn’t help but imagine grand images of her girlfriend fighting alongside a dragon, or healing the wounded with a phoenix. Of course she was also excited to find her own partner in magical crime, but she had long known what she wanted her familiar to be; A kind and elegant crow, just like her mentor. She hadn’t a single clue as to what Diana hope her familiar would be, and she was dying to find out. That was why, several days before the familiar finding ceremony, when the two of them were in Diana’s room studying, Akko asked her girlfriend eagerly.
Akko was practically bursting with excitement as she tried to guess what Diana would answer. A Raven? No, that seemed a tad to dearly for the platinum blonde, (although perfect for Sucy). Perhaps a cat? Diana had never really expressed a fondness for them, but Akko could see her snuggling up with one happily. Maybe a Horse! Diana did own several she was fond of back at-
“Wait! That’s it!” Akko exclaimed internally. How could she have not seen it before? If there was one creature that was fit to be Diana’s familiar, it was a unicorn.
She had summoned one back at the Samhain festival, and they were even the patron animal of Diana’s family! It all fit so well! She could see it now. Diana’s beautiful flowing hair blowing in the wind as she rode atop her elegant horned steed. Yes, Akko was sure that a unicorn would be Diana’s answer...which only made Akko even more baffled when Diana gave her real answer.
“I’m sorry, you want your familiar to be a what now!?” Akko asked in shock.
Diana tilted her head slightly in confusion.
“Should things go the way I planned, I would like my familiar to be a snake,” she repeated calmly.
Akko simply started at her girlfriend slack jawed. So she had heard her right the first time. Akko couldn’t help but wish she hadn’t.
“A snake!? Like the big slithery reptiles!? Like the ones you’re aunt has!?” the Japanese girl questioned loudly.
“One, I don’t see why you find the need to be shouting. Two, yes like the ‘slithery reptiles,’ I’m not sure there is any other kind of snake. Although, I would be quite lucky to bonded with one as regal as my aunt’s,” Diana said casual, as if saying that she found her aunt’s death serpents to be ‘regal’ was the most normal thing in the world.
Again Akko started at her girlfriend in disbelief. Her early image of Diana riding a unicorn, shattering, replaced by one of her laughing haughtily while a mass of snakes curled around her.
“Whaddya mean ‘regal’!? Those death noodles tried to kill us!” Akko exclaimed, throwing her hand up over her head, as if this somehow helped to prove her point.
Diana frowned at this, eyeing her girlfriend carefully. “Just because my aunt commanded them to do evil, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate their magnificence.
“Magnificence!? They’re snakes Diana, snakes! Creepy, slidy bringers of death!”
Diana didn’t not seemed amused by her logic.
“I’ll have you know Akko, the serpent has long been part of an important symbol of healing, and an important part of the Cavendish lineage,” Diana explained matter-o-factly. “Countless witches in my family history have had snakes for familiars.”
Akko grimaced at the thought. “Wouldn’t prefer to buck the trend then?” She asked hopefully.
“No, Akko, no I wouldn’t,” Diana replied.
The brunette girl couldn’t help but frown at this. It just didn’t make sense to her. How could someone as beautiful and elegant as her girlfriend be so in love with creatures as creepy as snakes. While she wasn’t particularly afraid of them, it was no secret Akko wasn’t fond of them either. Just thinking about one slithering across Diana’s arm they way Daryl’s snakes had made Akko’s skin crawl.
“Besides, snakes are nowhere terrible as you seem to think them to be,” Diana explained. “While it is true they have garnered a rather unfortunate reputation over the years, it is hardly a fair one.” Getting up from her seat, Diana walked over to her bookshelf. She quickly scanned over the spines of the book before pulling one from the shelf.
“In actuality, they’re fairly docile creatures, preferring to avoid people rather than attack them,” Diana said, flipping to a page in the book and returning to her seat to show to Akko.
As Akko, skimmed over the pages on various snake behaviors, Diana sat back in her chair and watched her.
“You know, even my aunt’s snakes were once friendly creatures,” the young Cavendish said, thinking back to her childhood. “When I was still a little girl, before my mother died, Daryl would let me play with them. They were as sweet as could be, following me on adventures, keeping me safe from myself, even nuzzling my cheek when I was sad…”
Hearing her girlfriend recount her past, Akko slowly looked up from the book, taking note of Diana’s far off look, and the sad, nostalgic smile on her face. Something clicked in Akko’s mind, and she started to realize just why the platinum blonde was so set on a snake familiar.
“Well, maybe you’ll find a snake just as big and...f-friendly as your aunt’s used to be,” Akko said, moving to take Diana’s hands in her own. Shaken out of her longing stare, Diana looked back at her girlfriend in surprise.
“No, your familiar will be even bigger! And like, a gazillion times sweeter!” Akko continued happily. Diana giggled at this, a beautiful smile replacing her earlier somber one.
“Is that so?” She asked playfully, quirking an eyebrow.
Akko nodded enthusiastically in response.
“Of course it’ll never be as sweet as you Diana!” the Japanese girl exclaimed, pulling her girlfriend into an unexpected hug. Quickly overcoming her initial shock, Diana started to laugh, pressing her forehead against Akko’s.
It, may not be a dragon, or a unicorn, but if a snake familiar would make Diana happy, and maybe even help remind her of a happier time, than Akko was all for it. Besides, it’s not like she’d ever have to see much of it, right?
It just so happened, unfortunately for Akko, that when you dated a witch, you saw a very good amount of her familiar. Especially if said witch was extremely fond, of the aforementioned familiar. While she had yet to determine if she had predicted the sweetness of the creature yet, Akko sure as hell had guessed correctly about it’s size. The snake that came to Diana during the ceremony may not have been as big as her aunt’s, but was still huge nonetheless. It’s scales shone a vibrant red, intersected with bright, gold bands. Judging by Diana’s squeal of delight and the amount of time she spent getting to know her new friend, she was quite pleased.
Akko, however was not. Everywhere Diana seemed to go, her familiar just had to follow, coiled loosely around the heiress’ shoulders and right arm. While Akko was happy for her girlfriend, to an extent, this was less than ideal. Cuddling on the couch and holding hands in the halls became significantly more difficult when a large snake was factored into the mix. At this point, she would give anything for just a moment alone with her girlfriend…, and the snake seemed to know it too.
Diana had mentioned that animals that bond with a witch and become their familiars were typically much smarter than ones that didn’t. Whether this was a result of the bond or some greater, more natural, source of magic at work no one knew. What was known was that this boost in intelligence was what allowed the animals to communicate in their own complex languages, and understand magic and magical spells. Thankfully, Diana’s snake had yet to learn any spells, but what it had learned, was how to tick Akko off. Every time Akko tried to be romantic with Diana, giving her a kiss, or putting an arm around her shoulders, the snake seemed to pop out of nowhere, and muscle himself into their personal space, causing the brunette to jump back in surprise. Diana found this adorable. Akko did not.
She just knew that it was doing it on purpose too. While she had yet to master snake language yet (she was the second best at it in her year, second only to Diana) she was sure she heard the familiar mock her. Diana wouldn’t believe her, however, as apparently snake’s didn’t actually accentuate the letter ‘s’ when they talk, and wouldn’t say something as ridiculous as ‘jealoussssss?’ Still, Akko just knew her and the snake were locked in a silent battle for Diana’s attention, and while she hated to admit it, the snake seemed to be winning. Even now, as they sat on a couch together in Diana’s room, the platinum blonde cooed happily to the large serpent as it slithered around her arms.
Akko, turned back to the book she held with a pout, pretending that she was reading, and totally wasn’t super jealous of a cold blooded noodle. She was pretty bad at pretending however, as it didn’t take Diana long to notice.
“Akko, is something wrong” Diana asked sweetly, the slightest hint of worry tinging her voice.
“Yeah,” Akko thought to herself. “Something is about 7 feet of wrong.” out of the corner of her eye, Akko saw the snake, now curling in Diana’s lap.
“Akko,” Diana tried again when she got no answer. Turning to look at her girlfriend, Akko sighed. She just couldn’t hide anything from her.
“It’s nothing Diana...it’s just that…,” Akko said, trying to find a way to explain without sounding absolutely lame.
“It’s just that, what?” Diana said, prompting her to continue.
“It’s just that...I feel like I hardly get to be with you anymore,” Akko said softly, already fearing where this conversation was headed.
Diana eyed her in confusion. “I’m afraid I don’t understand. Are we not together right now?”
“We are, but...like we aren’t together, you know?”
“No, I really don’t,” Diana replied.
Akko groaned in frustration as she tried to think of a way to get her point across. She was starting to feel silly.
“I mean like...kissing in stuff,” Akko said bashfully, turning to look at the floor. He face was a bright red she was sure. “I haven’t even held your hand in a week…”
Giggling softly, Diana gave her a sweet smile. “Akko, if you want to hold my hand, you don’t have to ask. I think we are well passed that point in our relationship.”
Akko felt her frustration ire rise at this. If only it were that easy.
“I’d love to!” Akko shouted, her frustration boiling over. “But everytime I try, He gets in the way!” Akko angrily pointed to Diana’s familiar, who had remained curled in Diana’s lap.
There was a pause, as the room fell silent. Silence, that was broken with laughter. Akko pouted at Diana as her girlfriend tried to hide her giggles behind her hand. She wasn’t the only one laughing apparently, as Akko swore she heard a quieter, raspy laugh as well, one she didn’t recognize.
“Damn snake,” she thought to herself, as she narrowed her eyes at the familiar.
“Are-are you saying, that...you’re j-jealous of Asclepius?” Diana asked through her laughter.
Akko felt her face flush in embarrassment. “Why shouldn’t I be! You and I haven’t spent a single moment alone since he showed up!”
As her laughter died, down, Diana looked at Akko with smile. “Maybe you’re right. I have been spending a large amount of time with this cutie here,” Diana paused as she ran her hand along Asclepius’ body. “That I’ve forgotten to spend sometime with this cutie here,” she finished, bopping Akko lightly on the nose.
“That’s right,” Akko said with a huff, crossing her arms. Diana gave her another giggle.
“How about I make it up to you?” Diana asked as she pulled Akko close to her.
“That would be nice…” Akko said, blushing deeply.
Diana needed no further encouragement as she brought their lips together. Akko sighed into the kiss, not realizing until now just how badly she had needed this. Slowly pulling away, Diana smiled at her, adoration burning in her eyes.
“I love you Akko,” she said softly. “I’m sorry about neglecting you.”
“I love you too Diana,” Akko responded, equally as quiet. “Sorry about being a big but earlier.”
They laid back on the couch, Akko leaning her head on Diana’s shoulder. They didn’t sit like that for very long however, as Diana looked down in surprise as she felt as soft thump against her chest. The heiress giggled as her familiar now made his way up and around her shoulders.
“Yes, Asclepius I love you too,” she said as she scratched the serpent's head. He flicked his tongue at her happily.
Akko surprised even herself, as she steeled her nerves and moved to pet the snake as well. She was surprised at how cool and smooth the snake's’ scales were. Akko felt herself smile. This wasn’t so bad, maybe she could get used to it.
“Attention hog,” she said with a giggle as she continued to stroke the serpent.
“Crybaby,” Asclepius responded with a quiet hiss.
Akko decided right then and there to learn a few insults to say in snake tongue.
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