#like usually i can be like okay wheres my work key or is my water bottle clean are my earbuds charged
this-doesnt-endd · 2 years
Ive been so tired lately and idk what it is but like i cannot bring myself to do little things i can usually do even when im like exhasuted and its not like a oh i need to sleep rn or else tired its just a i cant tired
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reiderwriter · 5 months
So obviously Spencer is iconic for his wide range of haircuts over the show, and I have this vision of a Spencer x hairdresser fic where he goes to the same hairdresser all the time because he likes the routine and it’s what he’s used to. So like they’re low-key friends bc he’s been her client so long, but then she notices he can’t come as usual and he tells her it’s because he’s always away or working late. So because they’re close she gives him private late appointments after she closes bc they’re more accessible for him, and then they’re always together late at night, and eventually they fall for each other!! And like she loves his curls and cringed when he wanted it cut short but loves it regardless AHH I JUST LOVE IT. Bonus points if Spencer gets to recommend his hairdresser girlfriend to his teammates just to brag about the fact he has a hot girlfriend lmao. I get it’s kinda long lol, if it’s too long a premise then no worries, just sharing it is nice :)
A/N: Hi! I love the idea of hair stylist reader, so I had a lot of fun writing this~♡ Thank you for your request, I hope you enjoy it!
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: implied Autistic Reid, brief mentions of sensory issues, writer does not care for the shows Canon hair continuity and does basically whatever she wants.
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The first time you'd met Spencer Reid, you hadn't been able to cut his hair. Which was a damn shame because it really did need cutting. 
Sweeping up the floors of the hair salon you worked at, you had noticed the man lingering outside, wringing his hands together and pushing them awkwardly through his hair, approaching and retreating every few seconds. 
You watched him through the mirrors, and let him dance around like that for five minutes before deciding that the evening breeze would be a boon during the hot summer night that was about to set in on you. 
Opening the salon door, you stepped outside and soaked in the fresh air before turning to the now frozen, slightly awkward man. 
“Can I help you?” You tried to put a welcoming smile on your face, but the salon was past closing and empty beside you. You should've been heading home by now, but something in the man's posture had you dawdling.
“The barber shop down the road closed down,” he said quickly, as if the words were practised on his to guess moments before. 
“Yes, that's true. It's been six months now.”
“Six months?” he squeaked out, running a hand through his hair as he turned inwards. 
“Do you… need a haircut?” 
“Yes. Yes, are there any other barber shops in the area?” 
You rolled your eyes and walked back into the salon, picking up a robe and a shoulder cover and spinning around the closest chair to welcome him. 
“Well, are you coming in?” 
“But you're closed. Your sign says you're closed.” 
“And I'm still here, aren't I?” 
He didn't argue any further and hesitantly stepped into the salon. 
You helped him out of his bag and put it away before helping him into the robe and shoulder pad. 
He awkwardly stood around as you prepared your scissors and station again, switching on the mirror light so you could fully see his face and hair. 
And damn was he attractive. As you smoothed his hair out of his face, you were met with warm brown eyes, open and anxious, like a deer caught in headlights. Or, more accurately, a dear caught in a hair salon. 
You had to blink and look away as you remembered what you were about, standing up and leading him over to the sink. 
“I'm… I'm a little bit sensitive about my hair,” he admitted quite meekly as you tested the temperature of the water. 
“Okay. Is there anything specific?” 
He sat himself in the chair but didn't lower his head to the bowl, so you waited. 
After a minute or two, he gently lowered his head to the bowl, and you helped his progress, making sure he was comfortably settled. He didn't speak, just let his shoulders relax and closed his eyes as you turned the water on his locks. 
You enjoyed the simple repetitions of your job. Everyone's hair was different, that was true, but there were really only so many ways to wash hair. 
You rinsed his hair thoroughly, keeping the water away from his face and ears with a face guard before beginning to lather it up. 
For a man who hadn't seen the inside of a salon in six months and likely a hairbrush in the same length of time, his hair was healthy. 
De-tangling as you went, you ran your hands through the lengths of his hair, taking note of how it fell, which parts were healthy, and which had developed split ends. Then you began massaging his head, working the shampoo into his roots, making sure his scalp was free from any possible dirt or dry skin. 
This was the best part of the haircut for you, and you knew your regular clients enjoyed it greatly as well. Which is why you probably shouldn't have been too surprised when the man fell asleep. 
It took you a few minutes to realize that was what happened, the face guard obscuring his face from your vision. When you squeezed the water from his hair, patted it dry, and twisted it into a towel so the water wouldn't run down his back, you had no clue that he was away with the fairies. 
It wasn't until you asked him to stand, and he didn't even move that you moved around the sink and lifted the face guard. 
If he seemed anxious awake, it had melted away now. He looked younger asleep, more calm and confident somehow. His eyelashes were long, a fact you only noticed when you leaned in to get a better look at him. 
It was your hand unconsciously tracing a hand along his jaw that woke him back up, and for a second, you just stared at each other, faces inches apart. 
“I'm.. I'm so sorry, I should go. Thank you for… I should go,” he said hurriedly, pulling the robes and towels off and snatching his bag up, running out the door. 
“Wait, your hair,” you called after him, but he was gone. 
And he hadn't paid. 
It took a week for you to collect the payment, though you couldn't care less about the money anyway. 
But a week thinking about the man's delicate features, his shy smile and stutter, and you were very distracted. 
Thinking about him had become your full-time job, as much as cutting hair had, and you'd had a few close encounters with the scissors when you were lost in thought. 
You'd been thinking up back stories for the man ranging from the romantic to the obscure to the downright realistic. So, a week later, you found yourself behind on work and needing to stay late, just as he stepped into the shop a second time. 
“Hello?” You shouted from the backroom, hearing the doorbell jingle as it opened. “We're actually closed right now, so- oh.” 
He stood awkwardly in the door, his face already flushed slightly. 
“Hi,” you said, trying to stop the grin spreading across your face. You didn't want to scare him off a second time. 
“Last time, I… kinda ran away. I was… I'm not the best with-” 
“With haircuts?” 
“With change.” You both nodded at that, awkwardly staring at each other. 
“So…?” You lead, trying to encourage him to introduce himself, hoping he would reveal something you didn't already know. 
“You're closed again, but could you cut my hair?” He asked, pushing the long locks back on his head as he stood a little taller. 
“It would be my pleasure…” you trailed off as a question, needing to know his name. 
“Spencer. Spencer Reid. Doctor… just Spencer is fine if you'd prefer.” 
“I'm Y/N. Come and take a seat.” 
You slid him into the robes once again and got through a hair wash without any accidental naps this time. Though you did notice that he seemed to be enjoying it just as much. 
His sighs left you feeling hot, your heart beating as you focused on his hair to draw your gaze from his lips. 
When he was back I'm front of the mirror, he again looked like a scared cat that had been backed into the corner. 
“So, what'll it be, Spencer?” You asked cheerily, combing your hand through his locks to detangle them. 
“Hmm? Oh, a water would be nice.” 
“For your hair, Spencer. What haircut do you want?” 
“Oh! Oh, um, just a…just a haircut.” 
Your face scrunched up in confusion as he doubled down. 
“But what kind of haircut?” 
“What kind?” 
You pulled away from his chair for a minute and went to grab a cut reference book. 
“Okay, so we've got undercuts, or trims, I can do pompadour or bowl cut or-” 
You looked at Spencer's face again and saw that he looked more than confused. 
“How about I just cut your hair and after you tell me if you like it or not?” 
He nodded and gave you a weak smile as you grabbed your scissors. 
Twenty minutes of silence later, and you felt Spencer exhale in relief as you dusted off the back of his neck and pulled the robes off of his clothes. 
You'd gone for a shorter cut, but his curly hair had such a nice natural texture that you left it a bit longer on top. Without his hair in his face, his jawline was sharper, his eyes brighter, and you were somehow more infatuated. 
He stood up shyly and you smiled at how good he looked. 
“Okay, perfect! Let me just-” You lifted your hand and smoothed out some of his hair, picking up some strands and pushing them back and forth until it was just right. 
He caught your hand just as you were about to pull away, and you suddenly realized how close he was. Or more accurately how close you had gotten. It was like you were breathing the same air. 
“D-Do you like it?” You asked, voice small and high as it battled your heartbeat to be heard. 
“Yeah. I like it. It looks… it looks like a haircut.” 
You giggled as his grip became gentler, and your hand fell down to your side, brushing his chest gently as it descended. 
“How much do I owe you?” He asked, and you led him over to the register to complete the payment. 
“Thank you,” he said as he grabbed his bags to head out the door. 
“Just doing my job. I'll see you in six weeks,” you said, waving him off. 
“What for?” He asked, voice confused but bright. He sounded almost hopeful. 
“For your next haircut, Spencer.” 
He smiled and waved back as he walked back into the dark and disappeared down the street. 
No one could ever accuse Spencer Reid of being forgetful, and six weeks later, he was back in your chair. 
Except he didn't arrive at 11pm this time, but instead 11am. 
The other customers and stylists gawked at the man as he walked in, and you thanked the gods that your seat was free as he met your eyes. 
“Spencer! You're back.” 
He nodded shyly, head hanging a little as he ignored the many looks from the women in the room and the eruption of whispers and loud glances in his direction. 
“It's been six weeks. You said that's when I'd need another haircut.” 
You laughed a little as you pulled the robe around him. 
“You know, I say that every time, but most people ignore me. I love a man who can follow directions.” 
The eruption of red on his cheeks left you feeling suddenly tongue tied, and you carefully redirected the conversation back to the task at hand. 
“Same again, Doc?” You asked, readying your spray bottle and supplies. 
“Actually, could we, ah, go shorter this time?” Hesmiled sheepishly and watched as you ran your fingers through his tangled hair. 
“My boss, last time, said I looked like I joined a boyband, so…” 
“Your boss at the hospital?” You asked, clinging to every detail you could get from him. 
“The hospital?” 
“You said you were a Doctor, do you work in a lab instead or-”
“Oh. No, I work at the FBI. I'm not a medical doctor, I have a PhD. I have three, Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics.” 
You whistled. “Impressive. You can't be older than 30.” 
“I'm 29.” He said, smiling at you in the mirror, and you smiled back, hands still running through his hair. 
“So, no boy band haircuts, okay. For what it's worth, though, you look totally hot.” 
The words cut the conversation short, and you tried your best to take the words back as you went off to the sides to grab your sheers. 
Half an hour later, and you could swear that half the salon had given up pretending to be doing their jobs and were just awkwardly ogling the man. If the shorter “boyband” hair was good, the undercut you'd done for him was even better. 
You turned him around to get a closer look, using the excuse of making sure his hair was symmetrical enough to stare at him some more as you got closer to finishing. 
“Okay,” you said with a sad sigh. “You're all finished, Spencer. Let's get you rung up.” 
He nodded and followed you quickly, pulling out his wallet as he paid quietly. 
“Okay. And I'll see you tomorrow,” you said, as he picked up his bags to leave. 
“Tomorrow? I thought you said it was six weeks between haircuts.” 
“It is. But it's also my day off tomorrow, so I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner. With me.” 
He blinked at you once. Then twice, and another time before smiling and looking away. 
“Okay. See you tomorrow, Y/N.” 
He ran a hand through his hair and nearly walked into the door he was trying to walk through, but your heart still fluttered as you waved him out. 
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bettysupremacy · 8 months
eddie you say? 👀 if we’re talking eddie again can i request relationshipy fluff? Like sleepovers or something??
okay so verdict is .. we all missed eddie?
When Wayne Munson slid you a key to his house over coffee, he didn’t expect to have you sneaking in at two am.
You’d snuck in quietly, crept into Eddie’s room, toed your shoes off, and peeled the puffer you wore—over your pajamas—off your chilled body. His room smelt like lingering weed and cologne as you’d entered, but as you crawl into his bed the smell subsided.
“Eddie,” you whisper into his neck, preening for the reciprocation of his touch. “Eddie.”
He moves, shuffling in his sleep. He’s pretty like this, though you’re afraid he’s always pretty. Cheek pink from where it dug into his arm, hair mussed from sleep. He’s shirtless and warm, heat emanating from his smooth skin. Eddie’s always been like this; a heater. In the summer he can’t stand the way you move away from him in your sleep, desperate for some air.
“Baby,” you whisper a little louder, like a child commanding the attention of their mother. Any other night this may embarrass you, but you’re too desperate for his affection right now.
Slowly, he rouses. He doesn’t notice you at first, too occupied with the floating feeling of the in between sleep realm, or maybe too used to the feeling of you next to him to notice discrepancy. When he does though, you can’t help but feel a pang of guilt at his initial fear. Flinching, he moves to shuffle away before the streetlight casting in from his bedroom window catches on your face.
“Hi, I’m sorry.”
“Y/n?” He murmurs, voice thick with sleep. “Baby..” he rubs his eyes forcefully and you can’t tell if it’s apart of his usual dramatics or his sleepy stupor. “What are you doing here?”
You frown moving closer quietly, nestling yourself into him. He peers at you with the curiosity of a scientist and his creation. You’d’ve never done this in the beginning. Too scared to ask Mr. Munson Wayne for a glass of water. “Missed you.”
“So, we’re just breaking and entering now?” His hand comes up to cradle your head gently. He’s not serious, anything but it. His girlfriend appearing in his bed is a gift horse he’d never be stupid enough to look in the mouth. Leaning down, he nuzzles his nose in your hair, pressing a long kiss to the skin he finds. “You have work tomorrow, my love.”
“It’s not breaking and entering, I have your house key.”
You manage the sentence like it takes the most out of you; like you want the preserve the feeling of sleep holding you down; to stave away any alertness you can find.
“You have work tomorrow.” He repeats, sleepy concern lacing his voice.
“Steve can open without me.”
Eddie grumbles. It’s true. Slowly, he lowers himself back down to lay beside you, letting you climb your way on top. Your arms snake around him, desperate for any skin you can find. You want to feel him, to be as close to him as possible. You’ve missed him so much over vacation, lying with him right now doesn’t feel real. It’s carnal the way you squeeze his back, though there’s nothing lustful in the touch. He groans, letting himself wrap around you as well.
“You missed me?”
You’re too lost in his heartbeat to register his voice, too sleepy to respond. “Mhm.”
His nails drag up and down your back slowly. “Missed you too.”
You shiver, kissing his chest in response. There’s no need for words when the both of you feel like this; tired and in love. He pulls the old duvet higher up over the both of you to cover your back completely.
And that’s how Wayne finds you the next morning. Tangled in each other like sticky spaghetti.
“Hey, boy, have you seen..”
He pauses, hand on the cold doorknob. It’s certainly a sight Wayne thinks. Eyeing the shoes and backpack of work clothes on the floor, his eyes flit back up to the tangle of lovers. You lay practically all the way on top of Eddie, long sleeves and pants you’d picked out to protect you from the chill drowning you. Under the fabric that is your pajamas, Eddie snores softly, arm still around your middle. This is the type of parenting Wayne never thought he’d have to do with Eddie. He shakes his head, weary smile playing on his lips as he leaves the room to find his boots himself.
He’d given you the key for a reason.
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wonijinjin · 2 months
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author's note: sorry for not posting this sooner, i have been sick for the last week unfortunately, and just started to recover, hope you can understand:) (btw this is part of the 200 followers event, fell free to check it out!)
synopsis: your boyfriend is very eager to show you how much he loves you.
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff | pairing: mingyu x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of alcohol and drinking, painkillers
the first thing you heard after waking up was a knock on your door, followed by a loud thud. you were still sleepy so you couldn’t really decipher the meaning of these sounds, since you were not expecting visitors at such random time in the night. well, except for your boyfriend, who was out with his friends, saying that you shouldn’t wait up for him, since he would be out for quite a while. “what is he doing outside? did he forget his keys?” you mumbled to yourself as you jogged to the door, in order to help mingyu unlock the door. however to your surprise the sight which greeted you wasn’t very usual; it was wonwoo, at his side your clearly tipsy boyfriend, wonwoo’s arms holding him up (as well as he could handle a giant like mingyu). “what do we have here, hmm?” you questioned with a raised brow, not the happiest with the situation since you knew you would be the one taking care of him and cleaning the aftermath of his mess. “umm, hi. so…he drank a bit more than he should’ve.” wonwoo greeted you, awkwardly trying to stop mingyu’s limbs from escaping his hold. “hi sweetheart!” mingyu hiccuped, smiling sheepishly like an idiot. “oh gosh, what a sight.” mingyu could see that you weren’t pleased with his state, but the giggle you were trying so hard to hold back assured him it would be fine. “here, let me take him from you.” wonwoo handed you your big koala boyfriend in an instant; now that you gave it some thought he must’ve been extremely tired, afterall mingyu had been working out for years, building extreme amounts of muscle. “thanks. he has been whining about wanting to kiss you, so don’t be surprised if he attacks you. anyways, I will be on my way now I think. take care!” wonwoo waved, leaving you alone in the living room with mingyu. “i have missed you so much baby! give me a kissy kiss!” mingyu screamed (where he got the sudden energy burst from, you had no idea) while hugging you, smushing your face in his hands. he showered you with kisses, never stopping if it wasn’t for you making him pause. “wonwoo was indeed right, although you attacking me is nothing out of the ordinary.” you giggled, his face turning redder than it already was.
“I need more kisses!” he repeated for not the first time after a while, not leaving you alone. “mingyu baby I love so very much and missed you just as much, however I am tired. it is the middle of the night, you know? besides, how many kisses has it been? I cannot even remember how long has it been since we sat down.” you answered. “but I even planned on telling you all about my night! the boys told me so many stories! they are so interesting!” he pouted with big eyes; he looked exactly like a kicked puppy whose spirit has been destroyed. “oh really now?” your crossed arm and the way you were already standing in front of the couch only appeared to mingyu upon closer inspection, leaving him missing your lips even more. “yes! please at least this one story! it was about how minghao got into the situation where he had to wear a peacock costume on tv…” your exhausted mind couldn’t really process this, so you decided to end the conversation there. “tell me about that when you are sober, okay? now let’s get you to bed instead.” you urged as you dragged his almost limp body to the bedroom, tucking him into bed, and kissing him good night one last time, but not before putting a glass of water and painkillers on his nightstand. “sleep well, I will be waiting for that interesting story tomorrow, alright?”
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Taking Care Of You When You're Drunk
A/N: Not requested, just an idea I had! Still not feeling great, but I will definitely get back to requests tomorrow :) This is just a lil thank you for your patience my loves! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜
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Butcher notices you've been drinking a lot more than usual. Ever since you found out he was dying, you've been trying not to think about it or worry about it, and the only way you can do that is by drinking. Getting drunk is just a fun side effect. He'll drive you from the bar, taking your shoes off before tucking you into his bed. He hates the idea that you're hurting yourself like this because of him, because he didn't listen to you and he took the V without regard to his or your safety. The least he could do was hold your hair while you threw up and bring you a glass of water and some Tylenol. You don't talk about it, though. You don't want to talk about him dying, you don't want to face that future, and you don't want to talk about your growing problem. You were drinking on the job, too, maintaining a certain numbness so that nothing else could hurt you.
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Hughie hates that you're drinking more. He understands why. More and more stuff just keeps going wrong. More and more issues pop up. It's hard to be positive or optimistic. It was easier to find your way to the bottom of a bottle than to come face to face with any of this stuff. He doesn't mean to pry, but he asks you a lot of questions. The main one is why are you doing this? You just shrugged. It's so hard to explain. Everything feels like too much. You were tired, and scared, and you weren't sure you wanted to do this anymore. What was the point? He tried to cheer you up. You had the serum in the severed leg, you were so close, why give up now? You wanted to be that hopeful. You really did, but you couldn't.
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Annie definitely lectures you. This is the third night in a row (this week alone) where the bartender called her, your emergency contact, taking your keys from you. You've been drinking a lot more, ever since you left The Seven and joined The Boys. You worked with Vought for so long, she knew there was a lot you weren't saying. She tried to talk to you about it, but you were so cagey, shutting her out instead. Shutting everyone out. It was awful, that much she knew. Still, everyone went through something. That didn't give you the right to get as drunk as you were as often as you were. You're barely listening, but she gives you her speech anyways. She'll keep telling it to you until something changes.
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M.M. hates taking care of you when you're like this. The biggest thing he can't stand is the vomit. He stays as far away from you as possible, yelling from the across the room if you're okay. He offers hand sanitizer and napkins and mouthwash, but he refuses to get any closer than that. The noises alone make his skin crawl, let alone the smell. He's in charge now. He feels like he has to take care of everyone, regardless of the issue. You getting drunk wasn't a problem yet, but he knew he'd have to talk to you if it got worse. Drinking every night just to function during the day wasn't you. You couldn't keep going on like this. If that included tough love, so be it. You needed to hear it.
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Frenchie drinks with you. He never goes as far as you, realizing that at least one of you should be slightly more sober. He doesn't really mind when you get drunk. Something happens with you. You become happier, sillier, more fun. You smile and laugh more. He likes seeing that. He likes knowing you're at least a little happier. Life had become so hard lately. Your past was catching up with you, and you didn't know how to handle it, so you got drunk. He understood the concern from everyone else, but he knew yelling and lecturing would change anything. At least he could be there for you. At least he could take care of you and laugh with you and be there. That's all you really needed.
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Kimiko is quite gentle when you're drunk. She walks you home from the bar and takes off your shoes and asks you questions: Are you nauseous? Are you hungry? Thirsty? She gets it. When she saw the posters of the Shining Light Liberation Army, she drank more than a few beers. Anything she could get her hands on. Sometimes, you just need a little liquid courage to face the hard things. She makes sure you have pain relief for the headache you'll feel tomorrow and gets you something greasy to put in your stomach. She doesn't like or want to villainize your actions. You were all tired of this, fighting a battle you could not win. She stuck up for you when the others thought you were being messy or stupid. You just needed some time, that was all.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks you're messy, a degenerate, and he won't tolerate it. When he knows you're drunk or hungover he makes a special point to seek you out, to punish you. You're a member of The Seven, you should act like it. The same way it infuriates him when Sage lobotomizes herself, he feels that when you start drinking. You have a public image to uphold. Even when you go out in civilian clothes, anyone could spot you. Anyone could ask for a photo or ask questions. It was stupid and selfish and reckless and as long as he's in charge, he won't tolerate it. He humiliates you, he says, because he cares. You think it's because he likes having power over you when you're at your most vulnerable.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy thinks you're a lightweight and calls you out on it any chance he can get. There's no keeping up with him. Even being a Supe, you could still get incredibly drunk. Your tolerance was a lot higher than humans, but nowhere near Soldier Boys. He doesn't really take care of you when you're drunk. It's more like lying you on your side and leaving you to sleep. He's not very caring towards anyone, let alone someone he considers lesser than himself. He's fun to drink with, but the fun pretty much stops there. If he's feeling extra considerate, he might throw a blanket over you, but that's as far as he goes. He'll leave you and keep on drinking for the rest of the night. You being drunk won't put a damper on his legendary partying.
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boydepartment · 10 months
hiii r u taking requests! if so can you do enhypen reaction where you call them in danger and they get super panicked
pick up- enhypen texts + scenarios
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a/n: HI ANON! i am always taking requests :) i hope you like it!!!!!!
warnings- dangerous scenarios, one reader gets followed, another one burns her hand, they aren’t dark at all tho :) nothing triggering
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you had called jungwon a few minutes ago while walking home and you felt the presence of someone else. it was unusual for you to be walking home late from a study session and other students did too. however your intuition was raising red flags.
- “y/n are you okay? are you safe?” jungwon was panicking, you could hear it in his voice. you knew if he could he would drive over at this moment.
- “i’m okay. i just made it back to my abode. i’m just really shaken up i’m sorry for scaring you and calling you when you were working.”
- “baby please don’t ever apologize, you were scared and i’m glad you come to me for stuff like this.” you heard rustling on his end as you safely locked your door behind you. jungwon spoke up again, “i’m coming over with snacks and stuff. i’ll be there in 15.”
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you were home alone for the first time in years and heard people yelling loudly outside. usually your friend would be home with you but they were off with their family which left you by yourself. during the day you didn’t mind but at night it was different. when you peeked out your window the people were fighting and it scared you. leading you to call heeseung.
- “i’m on my way right now. why didn’t you tell me you were home alone?” heeseung got right to the point when you answered his call.
- “i’m sorry i didn’t think that it was important and i didn’t want you to get in trouble if you came over and-“
- “i don’t care about that. are the people still outside?” heeseung was rushing you could tell.
- “no….”
- “okay i am still on the way. stay on the phone for me pretty.”
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your hand was on fire, quite literally for a few seconds. and pick up the phone when jay called you back. which led him to rushing over to your home and using his key. immediately he rushed over to you and put your hand under the kitchen sink water. your burns weren’t horrible but they were pretty bad. jay swiftly picked you up and sat you down on the counter so he could wrap your hand.
- “i’m sorry i called when you were with your mom….” you mumbled into his shoulder. you were panicking and that alone made you exhausted.
- “i’m not mad at all baby i promise. is the bandage too tight?”
- you shook your head no and places small kisses on the side of his neck. you were too tired and overwhelmed to thank him. he knew and just swiftly carried you to your room.
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the first mistake your made was even going to this party. it was a stupid idea and you got roped in. so when the cops showed up and you scaled a wall, breaking your nail, scraping your knees, and falling into a rose bush , you immediately called jake.
- “okay where are you right now?” jake asked, you could hear his pants, jogging to your location on the life 360. he asked you to get it so he could see how close or far you two were always.
- “i’m now sitting next to the rose bu-“
- “ah i see you!” you saw jake jog up to you and kneel, “hop on. i’ll piggy back you to my dorm and we will get you all cleaned up okay?”
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normally you don’t call sunghoon without asking first. it was just a thing you both did. so when you called he was immediately concerned.
- “baby can you hear me ? are you okay?” sunghoon frantically asked when you picked up.
- “i’m okay…. i just got scared because there was a loud noise in the library i’m sorry i panicked. you’re away again and i got paranoid without you.” you whispered into the phone. sunghoon tried not to softly smile, he missed you so much.
- “im here princess. talk to me tell me about your day. please.”
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your day was terrible. the week prior you and sunoo got caught getting coffee at 4am, and your face was covered thankfully, however, engenes are still sometimes crazy so you were paranoid. when you went to get groceries today, you had a couple of them go up to you and ask about your keychain. which was in the photo. obviously you played dumb but it was still scary.
- “they asked about your keychain? why don’t you take it off now?” sunoo asked, you were putting groceries away now.
- “you got it for me when you went to italy. i don’t want to take it off it reminds me of you.” you said and reached the top shelf.
- sunoo smiled to himself, “i’ll get you a new one. i’ll get you as many as you want.”
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you and riki had gone out to a themepark. no one knew except staff and the other members, you wanted a date and something nice to do since you both don’t get this a lot. the day was going great, and you both didn’t have a care in the world at the moment. at some point you both took bathroom breaks and were separated. as you waited by the men’s bathroom you decided to check your phone for the first time in hours. you saw tweets from a few seconds ago and they were of you, and riki. your eyes widened and you immediately went to a nook of the amusement park to call him. wanting to just hide away.
- “y/n where are you? you were supposed to be waiting for me outside of the bathroom? y/n what is going on?” he was looking for you frantically, if riki lost you at this park he didn’t know what he would do.
- “i’m between these two buildings and and-“ you were stuttering, you yelped when you felt someone pull you into their embrace, “please don’t hurt me!”
- riki looked down at you confused, “y/n it’s me? what happened?” you looked up at him blinking and showing your phone to him which had the screenshotted tweets.
- “fuck…”
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snowyquokka · 4 months
Hey I saw that you wanted ideas for some angst, thought I would shoot my shot. What if one of or all of them idk you choose the boys calls reader clingy and reader gets insecure about it. It's okay if you don't feel like it tho. Take care of yourself and drink lot's of water❤️❤️ I'm new to your blog but I really love your work hope to see more of it in the future❤️❤️❤️
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cw - non idol!minho x gn!reader, angst (😈), swearing, fluffy ending, hurt comfort kinda
wc- 1.1k
a.n - IT’S DONE !! i am exhausted but hey it’s out 😭😭 anyway i’m sorry for being a bit MIA lately, i’ve been having a bit of a rough time but it’s getting better. i’m not sure if i like this piece or not tho :((( I LOVE YOU MUAH <3
All day, the silence in the house seemed to echo with Minho's absence, each tick of the clock stretching the worry tighter across your mind. The morning had started off on the wrong foot, with Minho oversleeping- a rare occurrence which in turn threw off his whole routine. The rushed breakfast, the hasty goodbye—everything felt off-kilter. It was unlike him to be late, especially for his job at the veterinary clinic, a place he often described as his second home, where he could merge his passion for animals with his skills in care and healing. The hurried departure left a cold space in the wake of his frantic energy.
The argument from the night before added layers to your concern. It was one of those disagreements that seemed trivial in the light of day, yet in the shadow of the night, it had grown into a monumental barrier between you two. It wasn't just the words exchanged or the silence that followed, but the unresolved tension that lingered, making the air heavy with unsaid apologies and unexpressed affections. The fact that Minho had been irritable even before the argument didn't help, it only amplified the discomfort, casting a shadow over his usual bright demeanor.
As the day dragged on, you found yourself glancing at the clock, counting the hours until Minho's return. The thought of him dealing with the stress of work on top of everything else weighed heavily on you as guilt settled in. It wasn't just the worry for his mental state, but also the longing for reconciliation. You knew the importance of mending the rift, of clearing the air with conversations that bridged the gap between hurt and healing. The thought of him walking through the door, the opportunity to start anew, to offer a smile as a peace offering, became a beacon of hope in the slow march of the day. But as you continue to relive the argument you can’t help the pang of sorrow that strikes your heart like lighting, complimenting the storm of emotions whirling about your being. 
The dispute sparked when you casually asked him about his day. To you, it was a simple question, but Minho perceived it as intrusive, deeming you "too clingy" and expressing his exhaustion with what he viewed as your constant nagging.Since then you’ve been running yourself into the ground trying to get as much stuff around the house as you can. If Minho comes home to a clean house, you think, then there’ll be one less reason for him to be irritated with you. 
The sound of keys jingling faintly outside the door interrupts your thoughts. You had just finished cooking dinner and were plating it just in time as Minho to strolls in. 
“Mm,“ he hums in approval as he wraps his long arms around your waist, gently tugging your back to his front. He rests his chin on your shoulder as he speaks, “Smells good, baby. Thank you.” You hum and nod, not sure what to do. He was just complaining about you being clingy but here he is, swaying you side-to-side. Minho clearly sensed your apprehension and pulled back with a sigh. “Why am I getting the silent treatment?” 
You aren’t sure how to respond to that. You weren’t purposefully trying to ignore him, you’re just confused and you don’t know how to voice that. “I’m not giving you the silent treatment,” you turn around towards him and lean back against the kitchen island, using your hands to brace yourself.
Minho hums and folds his arms over his chest. He raises a brow, wanting you to continue. You huff and tip your head back for a moment before looking directly at him. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want to come off too clingy.” Your tone came off a little harsher than you’d planned and you watch as his expression shifts into something more serious, guilty even.
“Shit, baby I- I didn’t mean it, you know that. I shouldn’t have said it and-” You shake your head, effectively cutting him off. 
“It’s fine, I’m fine. It’s just-” 
His eyes begin to soften as he inches back into your space. “Hey. Hey,” Minho murmurs as his hands find purchase on your shoulders in an attempt to provide at least some semblance of comfort. He’s always been the type to have some sort of contact when talking to you like this. It makes it feel more personal, more sincere, especially when he ends up apologizing. “Don’t do that, you know I hate it. I’m the one who should be sorry, okay? I’m sorry, I was just stressed and I know that isn’t an excuse.”
“I shouldn’t have pushed you, I made you upset.” 
Minho shakes his head. “I want you to ask about my day, I want you to show that you care. It makes me feel important. You make me feel important.” You pull your lip in between your teeth, a nervous habit you picked up as a child. 
"Are you sure? Because I will-" Minho clicks his tongue and leans his forehead against yours, his brown eyes sparkling.
"I never want you to feel insecure about anything I say, regardless of what it is. I understand I can be hot-headed, and I'm working to fix that, but I want you- I need you- to tell me when I’m doing something that’s upsetting you. I love you and I promise you I didn’t mean any of it.” He presses a soft, chaste kiss on the tip of your nose with a smile. The action makes your stomach erupt with butterflies and you know everything will be okay. You’ll always bounce back and find your way back to each other. 
Minho looks down and locks his pinkys around yours before looking back up at you. “You okay now?” You nod and lean against him further with a content sigh. 
“I love you too, Min.” Minho begins to open his mouth to say something but you beat him to it. 
“Even if you’re a dick sometimes.” You say with amusement laced in your tone and a grin.
“I guess I’m lucky you put up with me then.” 
“Now you’re getting it,”
tags: @godslino @seungseung-minmin @myseungsunglove @azuna-sz @kaiyaba @solisyeah
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springtyme · 18 days
𝐏𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚 ♡
Spencer Reid x afab!reader || Masterlist || Spencer playlist
Started my period today and cramps are kicking my butt. So, nataurally, I wrote some Spencer fluff to self sooth.
word count: 1.3k
warning/tags: Reader is on her period. Mention of cramps and cravings. Spencer is a sweetheart. Roommate au. Mutual pining. Fluff and comfort. This hasn't been proofread, so apoligies for any potential mistakes <3
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You groan slightly as you clutch a cushion to your chest, trying to settle on the couch while a wave of discomfort washes over you, the familiar twinge in your lower abdomen, an annoying reminder that your period has arrived. You wish you could curl up under a blanket and disappear for a few days, which life doesn’t usually allow for, but it is Friday, and there is at least that little sense of relief that the weekend is here.   
You take a deep breath, feeling the cushion’s softness against you, and allow yourself to sink a little deeper into the couch, squeezing your eyes shut for a brief moment as another cramp ebbs and flows. Just as you’re about to let yourself wallow in self-pity, you hear the gentle sound of keys jingling and the front door creaking open. 
The slight shuffle of footsteps makes your heart flutter. You can almost picture him as he hangs up his jacket next to yours. It’s not as if you officially have designated places on the coat hanger, but you both seem to instinctively know where your things go: your coats to the right, his jackets to the left, closest to the door. It’s a tiny ritual, an unspoken symmetry: your shoes on the top shelf of the shoe rack, Spencer’s on the bottom. It’s comforting, a bit like the hot fudge brownie you’re currently craving—soft, warm, and reassuring. 
Spencer’s voice calls out your name, breaking the quietness.  It’s soft, laced with a gentle curiosity that always makes you smile, even when you’re feeling less than great. “Are you home?”
“Yeah, I’m on the couch,” you reply, trying to keep your voice upbeat, even though your abdomen protests with another cramp.
“Hey,” Spencer’s voice is warm, as he peaks around the corner, his expression shifting from curiosity to concern as he takes in your curled-up form. The way he looks at you—soft brown eyes wide with worry as his gaze lands on you makes your heart swell, even amid the discomfort. 
“Hey,” you reply, forcing a smile. You could use some comfort right about now, but you’re not sure how to express it.
He tilts his head, his brow furrowing slightly as he takes you in. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you reply, sitting up a little straighter and attempting to brush off your discomfort. 
Spencer’s brow still knit with concern as though your discomfort is a puzzle he wants to solve. “Are you sure? You seem... a bit off.”
You hesitate for a moment, debating whether to open up. But there’s something in his eyes, a soft understanding that makes you feel safe. “It’s just— you know, girl stuff,” you mumble, biting your lip. His expression softens, instantly changing from concern to something gentler—perhaps empathy, or just the simple desire to help.
“Do you need anything?” he asks, lingering by the doorway, his hands fidgeting with his messenger bag. The sight of him, warm and slightly disheveled from his day at work, makes your heart swell. He looks so sincere, and it’s hard not to smile.
Falling in love with your roommate was the furthest thing from your mind when you moved to D.C. a year ago and desperately looked far and wide for a place to live. But here you are, head over heels for the man who has a penchant for collecting obscure facts, making the best cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted, and hanging his coat on the left side of the coat hanger while yours resides on the right. 
He hates how the water makes his hands pruny and how the leftover food on the plates turns mushy when doing the dishes, which you have never really minded, but he loves vacuuming, which you on the other hand have never been a big fan of, and he tolerates the tedious routine of folding laundry just about as much as you do. So you wash the dishes and he dries off the plates and silverware you hand him, and on Sundays you fold your laundry together and every time you do so, you fall a little harder.
“Maybe some chocolate?” you admit, a hint of shyness lacing your words. It’s a little embarrassing, even though it shouldn’t be, but it feels good to be honest with him.
“Chocolate it is,” he replies, a bright smile breaking through his initial concern. You can see the shift in his mood, and it warms you to know your simple request has lifted some of the weight on his shoulders.
He disappears into the kitchen, and you hear the soft clattering of cabinets opening and closing as he rummages for something sweet for you as well as the familiar clinking of cups and the sound of water hitting the bottom of the kettle. The comforting rhythm of those sounds gives you a moment of solace, allowing you to let your body sink back into the couch, still cradling the cushion against your chest.
You close your eyes again, letting your mind wander as you anticipate the moment Spencer returns. You feel a little guilty for making him work for your comfort the second he comes back home from work, the drive from Quantico is long, but he was the one who asked. And the thought of him moving around the kitchen, searching for that little bit of happiness on your behalf, brings a flicker of warmth to your heart and you have every intention of sharing your chocolate with him.
A few minutes later, you hear his footsteps returning and he appears with your chocolate and a big cup of tea, the steam rising in delicate tendrils and the pleasant minty scent wafting through the air. “I read that peppermint tea can help with cramps. It’s supposed to be soothing.” He hands you the mug with delicate care, his fingers lingering on yours for just a moment longer than necessary. “Here you go,” he says, his tone casual, but you notice the way his eyes linger a little longer on you, taking in the moment. 
You take the cup from him, the warmth radiating through the ceramic and into your hands. You can’t help but feel a little bit like the luckiest person in the world as you settle back against the cushions. There’s something about the way he takes care of you—whether it’s tea for cramps or the endless supply of random trivia that somehow always manages to make you smile—that makes your heart ache in the most beautiful way.
“Thank you,” you whisper, feeling the tension in your shoulders begin to ease. He smiles back at you, the slight curve of his lips lighting up his face and making your heart race just a little faster.
“Of course,” he replies, settling down on the couch beside you, the cushions shifting slightly under his weight. He reaches for the remote, flicking through the options before finally deciding on an old classic—something light-hearted to distract you both.
You take a sip of the tea, letting the comforting warmth seep into your bones. As you do, Spencer settles on the couch next to you, his presence a comforting weight of safety and familiarity as you take the chocolate bar Spencer had brought from the kitchen, breaking it in two and handing the slightly bigger piece to Spencer. A little smile gracing your lips as you watch him take the piece from your hand, and even amid your discomfort, the gesture feels like a tiny moment of victory. The simple act of sharing, of being taken care of, fills your heart with a warmth that competes with the soothing tea in your hands.
“Thank you,” he murmurs. You steal a glance at him, the way his curls fall slightly over his forehead, the way he occasionally glances and smiles just for you—moments that seem small, yet mean everything.
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minniesmutt · 5 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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     There were signs. There were always signs but the rose-colored glasses hid them far too well. Y/n should have listened to her friends. She should have listened to her family but there was no way someone as nice and sweet as Jeongin would hurt her. Right?
     “Y/n, he’s not protective. Jeongin is obsessed with you,” Changbin told her. He’d been her best friend since they were kids. They grew up together, he was like a brother to her.
     “Everyone keeps saying that!” Y/n exclaimed as she put her head in her hands. “I think you guys all don’t like that I’m happy with him!”
     “I think he is manipulating you. He didn’t let you go out with Hyunjin last week for his birthday.”
     “And thankfully I listened because now he, Chan, and Felix are in a coma, Changbin.”
     “And I don’t think he got hit by a drunk driver in that Uber.”
     “Are you trying to blame Innie for it? He was with me all night!”
     “Y/n, he told you six months into dating him to stop talking to your parents,” Changbin reminded her
     “So? They weren’t giving me support. Why would I wanna have people in my life that don’t support my decisions!”
     “Because they can see how crazy he is!”
     “Whatever,” Y/n rolled her eyes and gathered her things, “Thanks for the coffee Changbin.”
     “Y/n…” Changbin sighed as she walked out of the café
     Y/n walked over to her car and got inside. Taking a deep breath before her phone rang.
     Innie 🩷
     Y/n answered her phone as she started her car. “Hey,” She sighed
     “Hey, baby. You okay? You sound tired,” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah. Just met with Changbin for coffee. About to head home. How was work?”
     “Alright. Same old same old. What’d you guys talk about?”
     “I don’t wanna talk about it. Tired of talking about the same shit with everyone.” 
     “I’m sorry baby. Do you want to come over then? Get your mind off whatever it is?”
     “Can I?”
     “Of course. I just got back but I’m gonna hop in the shower. You know where the key is?”
     “Yeah. I’ll be there soon. I love you.” 
     “I love you too.”
     Y/n hung up the phone and put on her seatbelt, pulling off and heading to her boyfriend’s, listening to the playlist that they had made together. She was replaying the conversation she’d had with Changbin in her head.
     She had pulled up to his building and walked up to his unit. Grabbing the key he had hidden for her she walked in. Announcing her presence just in case he had gotten out of the shower. She could still hear the shower running as she set her stuff down and slipped her shoes off. It shut off not long after she hung up her bag and she walked into his kitchen and grabbed some water. She sat on his couch and waited for her boyfriend to join her.
     After a few minutes, Jeongin walked out from down the hall and pecked her forehead before sitting down next to her, “Hi baby.”
     “Hi innie,” Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him
     “Sure you don’t wanna talk about it? You seem upset about it,” Jeongin pointed out, wrapping his arm around her.
     “It’s all the same shit. Not worth talking about it again and again.” 
     “I’m sorry, baby.”
     “Sometimes I wish it was just us. No one else to give their opinion or tell me to leave you.”
     “We could always run away,” Jeongin suggested
     “That’d be nice. Start a new life.” Y/n giggled, thinking her boyfriend was joking, that he was playing into her little fantasy.
     Jeongin just kissed her head before turning on the TV. Turning their current show on. Waiting. All he needed was an opportunity. Just one, and he would take it.
     Jeongin loved his girlfriend, like no one else in her life. Her parents did not like him, he knew that. He’d overheard her dad telling her “there’s something off about” him. That she should “be careful”— she should have. She’d come to him a bit upset and he proudly had convinced her to cut them off. 
     “You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions. And you know what’s best for you, you don’t need people telling you what to do.”
     Hyunjin and Chan also had too many unsolicited opinions for Jeongin’s taste. But he couldn’t do anything without raising suspicions of her other friends. It wasn’t hard for him to do the dirty work for him. Though he was a bit upset they only ended up in a coma. Felix getting put in one too wasn’t the plan but it was one less person
     Changbin had been an issue since they met. The fact he was still around pissed him off. He needed to know what was said in that conversation. He could tell he still had his hold on Y/n at the very least.
     He’d played off his idea as a spontaneous trip. A quiet weekend, just the two of them. He’d even packed for her, not making her worry about a thing. The place was fully remote, with not much of a signal, and miles from the city. A remote cabin he paid cash for. Owned under a fake name that he’d been working months on to make perfect. She wanted a new life, he’d give her one.
     “This is so cute, In!” Y/n gasped as she walked into the cabin
     “I’m glad you like it,” Jeongin smiled as he kissed her cheek, bringing thrift suitcases inside the room as she unpacked the kitchen. Getting all their supplies into the fridge for the weekend. Humming to the last song that had played in the car as she did so.
     Jeongin had finished bringing everything in and locked the front door before joining his girlfriend in the kitchen. Wrapping his arm around her as she finished packing the fridge. “We should break the place in,” Jeongin suggested. His voice was low in her ear.
     “Mm, I like that idea.” Y/n smiled
     Jeongin kissed her neck before pulling her into the bedroom. Y/n smiled, even over a year into their relationship, he still gave her butterflies. He pushed her onto the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist as he leaned down and pushed his lips onto hers. Y/n moaned into his mouth as her lips moved in sync with his. She wrapped her arms around him, playing with the collar of his shirt. “My pretty girl,” Jeonging groaned as he rolled his hips against her. 
     “All yours,” Y/n moaned
     “Know who you belong to,” He smiled as he sat up, pulled his shirt off, and chucked it onto the ground before pushing her shirt up over her chest. 
     Y/n sat up a bit to help him before laying back down. Jeongin positioned her up on the pillows of the bed. Y/n smiled— thinking he was trying to make her comfy— and wrapped herself around him again. His lips attached to her neck, sucking and biting the skin like his life depended on it. Grinding into her as his hands wandered her body. His hands wandered down to her bottoms, pulling the fabric down her legs as quickly as he could. 
     “Did you bring condoms, In?” Y/n asked as he sucked on her skin
     “No. I’ll pull out.” He had no intention of doing so
     “M’kay,” Y/n moaned as he lightly bit the skin
     Jeongin sat up and tossed the fabric of her pants onto the ground and pulled off her undergarments, leaving her bare under him. He laid down between her legs, tongue licking up from her entrance to her clit. Y/n let out a small moan as the rough muscle slid across her clit before his lips wrapped around the small bud.
     “In,” Y/n moaned, gently lacing her fingers into his hair.
     Jeongin sucked on the bud as he pushed her legs open. Spreading her open for him to taste. His lips sucking on her clit as two fingers slipped into her. Hearing her gasp from the intrusion and tightened her grip on his hair. His fingers pumped in and out of her as his tongue and lips both took care of her clit. Her moans were music to his ears. The music he was going to hear forever.
     Y/n moaned as he inserted a third finger into her, stretching her further. His fingers reached deep inside of her, curling his fingers up into her. Sucking harder on her clit while her back slightly arched from the mattress. Looking and admiring the top of his head as he ate her out. His eyes met hers. Something different in them. 
     The tips of his fingers rubbing against her g-spot had her forgetting her current train of thought. Head tilted back into the pillow below as he tipped her over the edge. Continually stimulating her clit and her g-spot till she was coming down from her high. 
     He pulled away from her and sat up on his knees. Pulling his pants off along with his boxers. He grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head while she was still in the post-orgasm haze. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Cuffing her wrists to the metal frame of the bed and smiling. 
     Y/n looked at her boyfriend. His smile was different as he leaned down and kissed her chest. Mumbling something she couldn’t hear but her gut said something was off. 
     “In,” Y/n said, pulling at the restraints. 
     “You're safe, babe. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, would I?” He asked as he sat up on his knees. Lining his tip up at her entrance. 
     Slowly he pushed into her. Reveling in her warm walls wrapped around him. Y/n shrunk into herself as he pushed in further and Jeongin noticed. He stopped for a moment, expression dropping as he looked at her. Then quickly bottoming out inside her.
     Y/n gasped as he was fully sheathed inside her. Jeongin grabbed her jaw as he leaned down to her face 
     “You love me, right?” Jeongin asked 
     Y/n looked at him, wondering what was going on. “Right?!” He snapped 
     “Yes!” Y/n replied, tears starting to form. this wasn’t her Jeongin. 
     “Say it.”
     “I love you…” Y/n watched him sit back on his knees, letting go of her face. 
     “I love you.” Y/n moaned as he pulled out and then pounded back into her 
     Jeongin had her chanting the phrase as he pounded into her. A wicked smile appeared on his face. One of his hands snaked to her throat, fingers wrapping around and shutting her up. Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pleading with her boyfriend to let go of her neck, tell her this was a weird wet dream.
     But the tighter his hand got on her neck— the less oxygen she got— the more she realized this was real. Her friends and family were right. She tried bringing her legs together, to push him away but it only resulted in him slapping her across the face before he grabbed her face and made her look at him, stopping his thrusts, “What do you think you’re doing?”
     “‘M sorry…” Y/n cried
     “Keep your legs open or I’ll tie them up too.” 
     Y/n nodded as he let go of her face and started thrusting into her again. The hand that was on her neck had moved down to her clit. Y/n bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the moan that threatened to come out of her throat as he rubbed her clit. Watching her squirm under him.
     “Come on baby, you know I’m the only one that makes you feel good,” Jeongin teased as he leaned down and kissed her neck, “I’m the only person who gets to see you like this. Not even Seungmin.”
     The mention of her ex threw her off. Seungmin had dumped her a few months before she met Jeongin but he’d disappeared not long after they broke up. Everyone assumed he had just gone out of town. It wasn’t out of character for him to just do something without telling anyone so everyone let it go. He’d show back up eventually. But now Y/n wasn’t so sure…
     Jeongin sucked on her skin, leaving what were once pretty bruises in his wake. Pressing harder on her clit and finally getting the moans to fall out of her throat. “Only I get to feel you cum on my dick. No one else and no one else cums in this pussy.”
     “No one.” He cut her off as he felt her clench around him.
     Y/n tried getting her words out but her orgasm was building too quickly. He knew all the right buttons to push. All her butterflies had turned into anxiety.
     One particular thrust from him to her g-spot had tipped her over the edge. She moaned and pulled on the cuffs around her wrists.
     “That’s my girl,” Jeongin smiled as he pistoned his cock into her. Working his own high while she rode out hers.
     Y/n was barely out of her high when she felt him twitch inside of her. “In, pull out,” Y/n begged
     “You don’t get to tell me what to do Y/n,” He bit back
     “Please In! Pull out,” She tried again
     “You’re the one always begging me to fill you up when I fuck you. Here’s your wish,” Jeongin groaned as he buried himself into her. Y/n cried as she could fill his warm cum flooding her insides. Sticking to her walls before he pulled out of her, staring down at her used hole, pushing his cum back into her, listening to her whine.
     Y/n sniffled as he reached up and took her cuffs off. Pulling her to sit on his lap. Y/n looked at her boyfriend like he just switched back to the Jeongin she fell in love with. She watched as he kissed her wrist and then her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered against her cheek
     Something in the back of her mind told her she should run but it wasn’t even possible. So she chose to play along, then maybe she could get out of this alive. “I love you too.”
     Their vacation was three days. For three days she was isolated alone with him. Three days— and she had told Changbin they’d be gone for three days. But as day one turned to day two, three, four, Y/n could tell it wasn’t going to be three days. 
     Jeongin did not let her leave his site. Not once. Everything she did, he watched— even when she went to the bathroom. They had no service— not that she had any chance to reach out to her friends. Hell, she could barely use her phone.
     “Innie,” Y/n asked as she was making them lunch, Jeongin sat at the bar of the kitchen
     “Yes, baby?” He asked
     “Can I ask you about something you said the other night?”
     “Of course.”
     “What did you mean when you said ‘not even Seungmin’?” She asked
     “Don’t say his name.” Y/n heard his tone change and turned to look at him. He was staring at her, face void of emotion
     “I’m sorry, it’s just no one has brought him up since he left so it just threw me off…”
     “Don’t be sad baby,” Jeongin sighed, getting up and walking over to her. Cupping her face in his hands, “You don’t need to think about him anyways. You have me, just me now.”
     Y/n nodded as he leaned in and kissed her lips. Play along, she told herself. Lips moved with him as he pinned her against the counter. Y/n moaned into his mouth, from the countertop hitting her back uncomfortably. His hands had moved from her face to her hips.
     She shouldn’t have let him back her suitcase either. All he had packed for her was lingerie. That’s all she wore since day two there. She’d practically been his little doll the last three days, dressing her up and fucking her as he pleased then returning to the sweet boyfriend she met. Everything left her so confused as to what was going on.
     Jeongin gripped the silky fabric of the flowy lingerie he had put her in, pressing her firmly against him. She could feel his hard-on against her stomach. He’d been fucking her like a dog in heat for four days now, she was sure he was trying to get her pregnant, a way to keep her tied to him. 
     Jeongin moved his hands up, pulling the fabric with him and spreading her legs open with his knee. Y/n groaned into his mouth while he moved one hand to the front of his sweatpants. Pulling his hard cock from the material and quickly pushing into her sensitive cunt. Y/n whined as she grabbed his arms, trying to ground herself a bit as he wrapped her legs around his waist and started thrusting up into her. 
     His lips detached from hers and attached to her neck. Biting and sucking on the skin as his free hand traveled to the back of her head. Holding her still. Y/n closed her eyes as a couple of tears slipped down her cheeks and bit her lip. Play along, play along, don’t make him mad, don’t make him mad.
     “Love you so much,” Jeongin moaned into her neck and pulled back on her hair
     “Love you too,” Y/n replied
     “Gonna fill up this pretty pussy again,” he groaned, starting to roll her sensitive clit with his thumb.
     “Innie,” Y/n moaned
     “That’s right baby. Only Innie gets you off like this,”  He smiled and Y/n could feel his teeth on her skin.
      By the end of day two, Y/n had started mentally checking out and faking her moans. He knew what buttons to push for her orgasms but she still tried to fake it. But Jeongin caught on way too quickly. Fucking her the rest of the night, not letting her sleep. Even if she tried it ended with a hand on her neck or him slapping her to wake her up. She wouldn’t try that again. But she could fake her moans, she knew what she sounded like so it was easy to convince him she was still his.
     His. It didn’t sound right anymore. Back when she was heartbroken over Seungmin, being called Jeongin’s was the best thing she could think of. Now, she wanted to go back in time and wished she walked away when he said hi at that club with Felix, Hyunjin, and Minho.
     Felix. Hyunjin. They were still in a coma when she left. So was Chan. She hadn’t even gone to see them in the hospital because Jeongin didn’t want her to. 
     Minho had just stopped talking to her months ago when he realized she wasn’t going to listen to him. She wished she did. 
     She wondered where Seungmin was. Was he safe? Did Jeongin have something to do with him disappearing?
     How was Jisung— whom she texted every day? Was he worried sick about her? Begging the others to go to the police? Getting on Changbin’s ass for not getting through to her
     Changbin. She wished she listened to him. Wishing he was seeing through Jeongin the way he always had and was on his way to her.
     A hard thrust threw her out of her thoughts. Her high washing over out of nowhere— she knew it was building but tried forgetting it. Jeongin wasn’t far behind her. Pushing himself deep into her as he filled her up again.
    “That’s my girl,” he moaned into her neck.
    “What happened to him?” Y/n asked, hoping to get an answer from him while he was still hazy from his orgasm
     “Don’t worry baby. He’s locked away, can’t hurt you.” He kissed her cheek and pulled out of her, “Finish lunch then you can clean up.”     Jeongin tucked himself back into his sweats. Y/n whipped the tears from her face and fixed her dress, already feeling his cum run down her legs. She finished making lunch and then went to the bathroom— the door open for him to keep an eye on her. Then sat down and ate with him.
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
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PAIRINGS: Ghostface!Natasha Romanoff x reader
WARNINGS: bottom!Nat, kinda dark reader, Mommy (R), smut obvi, mentions of face riding, hand jobs, breeding, little!Nat, praise, pet names, Nat is referred to as “bear” a lot, small angst, wrote this in abt an hour so it’s not that great :/, think that’s all tho :)
Screams echoed through the dark alley, and Nat cursed herself for not thinking to cover the victim’s mouth. Someone could hear, and with the news of the recent killings spreading, she didn’t want to risk finally being caught.
The blood oozed out of the man’s wound, and Nat smiled as she grabbed her camera. She examined her surroundings, making sure nobody was nearby before she took multiple photos, placing them in her pocket after making sure they were perfect for you. She sent a text your way, updating you on her completion before removing the mask and cloak, placing them in her bag while she placed a single headphone in, making sure she looked like a normal citizen and not a killer who just took away the life of an innocent man. You told her to be safe on her voyage home and received a quick photo of her grinning with a thumbs up, giving you all the closure you needed as you set up the bath. You ensured the water was hot so it would cool to an even temperature by the time she was home. You placed her favorite toys in the pile of bubbles and ventured into the kitchen, waiting for the oven to set off and to hear the twisting of keys to your shared apartment.
“Mommy? I’m home!” You heard a giggly Nat alert you, causing you to peek your head out of the room. She smiled when she saw you and tried rushing forward, only to be stopped by your voice.
“Ah, ah, what’s the rule with shoes in the house?” She looked down, noticing a small trail of blood she left on the floor. She rushed an apology and placed them on the rack next to the coat hanger, continuing her way to you and throwing her arms around you in a hurry.
“Mm, I missed you, bear.” You placed your hands on both of her cheeks, squishing the plush skin before leaving a quick peck on her lips. Her dimples shined under her large blush and you chuckled, placing one last kiss on her forehead before grabbing her plate of food.
“I know you must be so hungry after all your hard work today, I thought you deserved a little treat.”
“Breakfast for dinner? Oh, thank you, Mommy!” You knew it was her favorite, and while it was a bit of a hassle, you’d rather spend half an hour cleaning if you got to see her smile so large. She poured the maple syrup over her waffle before grabbing the whipped cream, only to be stopped by a hand.
“I think it’s best if Mommy does that for you, we don’t want you dirtying up your shirt, now do we?” You also knew she loved to go over the top with sweetness, whipped cream being one of those. While she deserved a lovely treat, it was best if she didn’t plow down piles of food and complain later on about stomach pain.
“Would you like me to cut your waffle for you, love?” She grappled onto your arm, resting her head on the soft skin as she watched your every move.
“Yes, please.” Her mouth felt empty, usually, she had her pacifier to soothe her in times of calmness like this. So, she took to biting her lip instead, a habit you’ve been trying to have her let go of.
“There you go. Why don’t you eat up and you can tell me all about your little adventure tonight, okay?” She nodded, instantly taking her fork and picking the piece she saw first. You sighed with contentment before taking the seat across from her, occasionally feeling her foot slap against your leg as she swung them happily.
“I even got a bunch of pictures for you!” She concluded her rant, reaching into her pocket where the Polaroids were stored.
“No talking with your mouth full, bear,” You reminded her, making her stop as she swallowed the nourishment before continuing. She placed each of them on the table, taking a sip of her apple juice before explaining each one.
“And guess what? I stabbed him, like, a billion times! I forgot to cover his mouth on accident, so I made sure to leave before anyone heard him or saw me.” You nodded along with her statements, standing alongside her as the two of you cleaned each dish.
“Now, baby, you need to make sure you’re being careful, I don’t want you to get caught.”
“I know, Mommy, I promise I’m usually really careful, but I got a little excited this time.” The man wasn’t a terrible person, but in her mind he was. He was your boss and had been setting unrealistic expectations for all of his workers, including you. This meant longer hours and more stress, which also meant less time that Nat got to spend with you. You tried making it up to her, and she didn’t blame you, but she knew this was the best gift she could offer you. After all, you do so much for her, you deserved a thank you.
“That’s alright, we’re just going to need to wait a little bit longer until we find someone, this time.”
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The two of you quickly finished the load of dishes, thankful that there wasn’t a lot. You led her to the bathroom, helping rid her of her clothing before she settled in the bathtub. She played with the toys, allowing her giggles to be presented instead of shying away. She was never appreciated in the ways you showed her, so being able to remove that ounce of fear she held felt undeniably relieving.
“Mommy, can I ask you something?” She asked in a low voice, clinging onto the towel you wrapped around her. You furrowed your brows but gave her permission, your worry only growing as her gaze faltered to the floor.
“Do you really think I’m good at this type of stuff?” She had been trained her entire life to kill, it was all she ever knew. She was of the highest rankings at such a young age, but the constant competition and downgrading she received failed to fill her confidence. All she ever wanted was to be good enough, and now that goal was even more important with you by her side.
“Oh, honey, of course, you are! I’m always so proud of you and your work, nothing will ever change that.” She sat on the edge of the bed, the cracked window causing goosebumps to erupt on her naked skin. You took the signal to shut it before returning, kneeling before her as you patched up a small cut on her knee. She eyed the Frozen bandaid with a smile, running her fingertip over the area before returning her gaze to you.
“But you don’t seem as excited about it as before, am I doing something wrong?” Her lips formed into a pout that she tried to hide, only to be exposed as you brought her face to meet yours.
“No, that’s not it at all. I’m so sorry, bear, I’ve been so stressed over work, and with the holidays coming up, I guess I’ve been neglecting you as a result. I’m so sorry, it was never my intent to hurt you.” She relished in the fact that the truth was now out and she could be at ease, but she felt saddened at your reaction. She didn’t want to hurt you, but now you were the one with a heavy heart.
“No, it’s okay! I- I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong, I’m not mad at you.” You rubbed her sides gently, taking the seat next to her as you wrapped your arm around her small frame. She rested her head on your shoulder out of instinct.
“You did so well tonight, I think I’m going to hang those photos up on the fridge so I’ll always be reminded of how talented you are.” Her legs rested on top of yours as she kissed your cheek in appreciation. You chuckled, doing the same to her while your hand rested on her thigh. You inched further, watching her shuffle impossibly closer to you as a result.
“You know what I think? I think that my girl deserves a little reward for just how well she did.” Your thumb made contact with her tip, the action bringing a shiver throughout Nat’s body. She grinned through a bitten lip, her cheeks turning a shade of red as you removed the skin from her teeth.
“You need to stop that, baby, you know I don’t like it.” She rushed a quick apology before a small gasp left her. She removed the towel from her lower half, only to see your hand now wrapped around her length, stroking a continued motion slowly.
“M- Mommy, that feels really nice.” You hummed, your eyes falling to the area of attention. You removed your hand, causing a whine of disapproval from your girlfriend. You shushed her, guiding her to lay on her back as she spotted her stuffed animal. It was a plush dinosaur that you got her years ago, she still cherished it. You pressed a kiss to her forehead before doing the same to the soft creature in her arms.
“Close your eyes, I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” She questioned when you stood in front of the door. You turned to look at her as you removed your shirt, exposing the black bra to her eyesight. They widened, her cock hardening even further before you closed the door behind you. She tried to follow your orders of sitting tight and closing her eyes, but the anticipation was so high. She wanted to know what you were doing, she wanted to feel your touch again. Her palm lowered down her body without realization, and she couldn’t hold back the whimper as she brushed over her balls. They were so sensitive, but you always said that was your favorite part about them.
“Natty, baby? Are your eyes closed?” She retracted her hand instantly, hoping you wouldn’t get a glance at her antics. You were never one for letting her touch herself, she suspected that wasn’t going to change tonight.
“Yup!” She heard the door squeak and had to fight the urge to look, but she remained how you wanted her, and she knew that pleased you when she heard small cooing.
“Aren’t you just the cutest little girl ever? Mommy is so, so lucky to have you, bear.” You ran your cool hands against her nipples, resulting in the buds hardening. She stifled a moan as you went lower, your fingers tracing over the same area she had just teased. She hoped you couldn’t tell, she never knew how but you seemed to know everything, especially when it came to her.
“I could just…eat you up!” Your hand enclosed around her cock, creating the same movements as you started earlier. She was grateful to have the return of your touch, but it wasn’t quite enough. Her hips thrusted with every stroke, her desperation being made clear to anyone who could see her.
“Oh, did you need something?” She whimpered when you came to a halt, your thumb collecting the pre cum from her drooling tip. You rubbed it over her bottom lip, letting her get a taste of the sweet nectar you grew addicted to.
“You, I…I want you.”
“But you have me, don’t you?” Your condescending tone brought her to quiver in excitement and fear.
“I need to be in you, Mommy…please?” You crooned, hovering over her length and letting the head tease your folds. You moaned, rubbing your clit in small circles. You continued until she couldn’t bear it anymore and finally let yourself soak in the pleasure, and allowing her to feel your warm walls clenching around her.
“Fuck, my little girl is so big, can barely even fit.” You groaned, interlacing your fingertips with hers. She seemed content with the praise and let her hips follow your movements, hoping she was doing it correctly in order to make you feel good, but that was quickly proven by your high-pitched moans.
“Right- right there- ah! Don’t stop, baby, don’t you dare fucking stop!” You leaned your face down, admiring the fact that she continued to comply to your request even in a state of such arousal.
“You can open your eyes now, bear.” She fluttered them open, blinking twice as she came to register the sight in front of her. The mask covered your face, the black paint looking into her eyes and she suddenly felt like someone else. She was no longer the killer, she was the victim.
“You like the mask? Yeah? Good, I was hoping you’d say that.” Your pants caused your chest to heave, your breasts bouncing in her face as a result. She removed a hand from yours, using her digits to caress the soft peaks before wrapping her lips around one, then switching to the other. The coil in her stomach tightened with each clench and each thrust, her eyes squeezing shut as she forced herself to slow down.
“Don’t hold back, bear, I want to feel your cum so deep inside of me.” She looked at you one more time for permission, using your short nod as approval to let go. Her teeth bit down gently as a result, causing you to hiss as she hurried to explain herself. You cut her off before she could speak, and she found herself unable to do so as she painted your walls white. You let her ride out her high, finding yourself unable to care for the orgasm you threatened yourself into having. It was cut short, and Nat wasn’t going to allow that.
“Shh, shh, don’t worry about me, just fill Mommy’s pussy.” Your tight hole greedily accepted her, and your womb greedily accepted her seed. You felt so full, but you were nowhere near done.
“You see this?” You pointed the knife in front of her, she gulped in fear before it led into hunger. You led the weapon to your chest as you leaned back, drawing it from the bottom of the mask to your lower waist. You grasped her palm, placing the knife in her hand as you allowed her to sit up. When doing so, her cock maneuvered inside of you, bringing a shudder of pleasure from both of you.
“I want you to mark me, baby. I want every single fucking soul to know exactly who’s Mommy I am.” She smiled, letting the object slowly and barely seep into you, it was just enough to leave a mark but nowhere near as bad to injure you greatly.
“And I want you to tell me while you write just how much of a good girl you are, and just how much Mommy loves their little bear.” You pet her head, rolling your eyes to the back of your head as she continued. You felt your hips threatening to repeat from earlier but held off until she finished.
“There, all done.” ‘Owner of Natty Bear’ was sloppily written on your skin, the blood dripping down your side as you praised the younger female.
“Mm, you did so good, Princess. Now, I think Mommy deserves a little treat, as well, yeah?” She nodded happily. “Alright, lay down, Mommy’s going to ride that cute face.”
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curtsycream · 9 months
Kunimi x tsukki x kenma x akaashi x little reader where she Regressed in babyspace and feels sick but cant tell them bc she's non verbal and want to be Held and even when she falls asleep and she feels when she get put down she wakes up and start crying 🥺🥺
(I used in the request the pronoun she her but u can use any pronoun u want)
Poly!Nope Squad x Regressed!Reader
Don’t mind me but this was a requested fic and I think that’s what motivates me most knowing someone is anticipating something on my behalf. But I did try my best because I’ve never ventured into babyspace but I do know someone who has. Also it’s fine I don’t mind writing for any gender or pronouns! It’s just gender neutral is mine own default for inclusivity
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It was raining yet again for the fourth time this week in Tokyo. This wasn’t a new revelation as it was spring and heavy rainfall was expected. Sitting up in bed alone Y/N couldn’t help the frown from appearing on her warm face. Normally she would be the third one up behind Keiji and Kei. But today she was the last one which only happened when she pulled an all-nighter or if she was sick.
Rubbing her eyes harshly she let out a small cough with a disgruntled look on her face. This wasn’t a normal cold for her as she felt an added factor to the situation. Sitting in bed alone she felt fuzzy inside and from her watering eyes and quivering lip she knew she couldn’t fight it. Before she knew it she had regressed which wasn’t uncommon for her to do. Her life partners were aware of her regression but she had never regressed into baby space before.
She was lost as she sat in bed until the bedroom door opened and a rather calm Akira walked into the room. On days like this Akira didn’t have to go into work at Eleventh Bank. Something Akira enjoyed as he usually got to sleep in. “Baby…are you okay? You don’t look well..” he said in his usual monotone voice.
All she could do was look up at him with wide teary eyes and a quivering bottom lip. She couldn’t bring herself to speak she felt nonverbal which usually never happened when she was in little space. So instead she decided to raise her arms making grabby hands at him. Understanding fully what she was trying to get across Akira smiled softly at her before picking her up. When she was secure in his arms she hid her face against the side of his neck.
Akira with his arms around her body as he carried her out of the room had a puzzled look on his face. Though this wasn’t the first time he had picked her up this was the first time she was so quiet about it. They all knew how slightly talkative she was even in littlespace. But he picked up on something different she was warm to the touch and so quiet.
Making his way into the living room with her in his arms he looks at Kozume who is playing his switch. “Eh, what’s wrong with, kitten?” he asks Akira.
Akira could only shake his head, “I don’t know…I think she’s not feeling good. But I can’t tell because she isn’t talking.”
Kozume raised an eyebrow at his words before placing down his switch. Standing up from the couch he was slumped on he walks over to Akira and Y/N. Placing the back of his hand against her forehead he sighed, “I think she has a fever..”
Moving his hand to her cheek he smiles at her, “Hey kitten…are you not feeling good? You’re so warm..” he says gently. He could tell from her pout and glossy eyes that she had regressed. “Are you feeling little, kitten?”
She could only nod her head slowly with a pout as she looked at Kozume. Yet she didn’t say anything she still couldn’t speak even if she wanted to. Something in her head was preventing her from doing so.
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Not even an hour later after they had bathed her, fed her, and read her a bedtime story she was asleep. The only issue was that she was asleep in Kozume’s arms. He didn’t want to leave her alone in the bedroom but he did have a scheduled stream soon. So against his own want to keep her close to him, he decided to lay her down in their bedroom.
Moments later Kei had gotten home wearing his training with the Sendai Frogs. He still had on his uniform as he cleaned his glasses with a cloth. Making his way past Akira who was cooking dinner in the kitchen, whom he greeted, he walked upstairs. When he made it upstairs he heard the sound of soft sobs and whimpers from their bedroom.
With a confused look on his face, he walked into the bedroom before spotting his princess curled up on the bed in tears. Walking over to her he shakes his head, “Don’t tell me you’re pouting…did Akira say no to sweets before dinner again?” He teased.
Yet his teasing words didn’t go over well with her as she only cried a little louder. Kei found this strange as he removed the blanket from her head. His eyes took in her swollen eyes from tears, her frown, and how she hadn’t spoken to him in return. “What’s wrong, Princess? Are you okay?” He asked worriedly.
She didn’t say a word all she did was crawl over to him on the bed. Her arms wrapped around his midsection as she let out noises of discomfort. Kei seemed to have caught on as he picked her up rocking her a bit. “You’re sick…do the others know? You’re so warm,” he coped out unintentionally.
She nuzzles her cheek against his cheek with a nod as she clings to his tall figure. “You’re awfully quiet today too…” Kei says as he grabs her chin with one hand. He stares into her eyes before shaking his head, “You seem to be in a deeper headspace than usual..feeling smaller?”
All she did was nod and confirm his words which Kei figured. He remembered Keiji speaking about how at times regressors can regress younger than they usually do. This normally happens when they are under more stress than they usually are. “You’re feeling like a baby?” He asked calmly.
Yet another nod as Kei thinks over what he remembers about baby space. This was unfamiliar territory for him as he had never seen his princess in a headspace younger than 5 or 6. “I’m guessing that’s why you’re not talking too…huh?”
He didn’t even need to see her nod, which she did, to know her being in baby space was the reason she was nonverbal. Kei only held her tight in his arms before leaving the bedroom, thoughts of changing long forgotten.
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Later that day when Keiji had finally left his home office,which was in a secluded part of the house, he walked downstairs. He was amused to see Kei trying to put down a reluctant and crying Y/N. It seemed the last thing she wanted was to be put down for a nap even if she would be sleeping on the couch next to him.
“What’s going on here?” Keiji asked in his rather caring voice. As he did she perked up making grabby hands at him.
“She doesn’t want me to put her down even when I told her I’ll be right beside her. I think she regressed further than usual as she’s nonverbal right now. She also has a little fever but that has gone down a bit,” Kei said.
Keiji could see the the exhaustion on Kei’s face as he tried to get her to sleep. “Don’t worry Kei, do what you need…I’ll take care of her..” he assures.
Before Kei could protest or she could whine Keiji had already scooped her up in his arms. Sitting on the couch with her in his arms he presses kisses to her slightly warm skin. When he does a flurry of giggles leave her pouty lips. “Look at you dove causing such a fuss..” he said affectionately as Kei walked upstairs to shower and sleep.
After Kei went upstairs Keiji let out the couch so that he could lay down on it with his dove. Since it was a lazy body that could work as an oversized bed he grabbed a blanket off of the back of the couch.
“It’s okay dove..I’ll be here when you wake up..” Keiji cooed as he pressed kisses along her cheeks and nose. With his words of comfort, she did exactly that and fell asleep in his arms as they laid on the couch.
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When she woke up hours later she felt better as her fever had gone down fully. Rubbing her eyes she still felt tired but she didn’t feel as small as she did before. Looking around she noticed it was still raining and the TV was playing an episode of Bluey.
Not only that but she noticed all four of her boyfriends asleep on the couch around her. She couldn’t help the smile that appeared on her face as it seemed they wanted to keep her company.
“Kitten…why are you up? Go to sleep..” Kozume said from his position beside Akira. His eyes were partially open as he looked at her. With a nod, she listened before curling up between Kei and Keiji. This time she fell asleep with no issue knowing that regardless of what happened she would always have them there for her.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed anon! I think I’ll be writing a bit more but I don’t know. I recently started grad school and I’ve been occupied with that and settling into adulthood.
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ultralightpoe · 2 years
Tiktok Trouble- Jake Seresin
Authors Note: Let me know if you like this, might do more 
Warning: Allusions to smexy times 
Word count:1519
Description: You learn you like pranking your husband....tiktok likes it too. 
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It starts off with you being pissed at your husband, Jake. 
To be fair it wasn’t his fault. You both had planned a date night but he had been caught up helping fix a jet at work, so he called you and told you he would be missing the night. So although you were angry, you weren’t super angry. 
But you were just a little upset and took to watching tiktok instead of the date, and that is where you came up with the idea……the perfect prank.  You made dinner, making sure to set out a plate for him when he texted you he was heading home, moving to jump into the shower once you heard his car in the driveway. 
You knew he would be upset but you had to set it all up, so you started the water and soon enough you heard him calling for you. When he got no response from downstairs he came up and opened your bedroom door. “Sugar?”
“Just in the shower!” You call. 
“Right now? Did you eat already?” He asks, trying to open the door. “Is it locked?”
“I ate! I just wanna shower.” You laugh and hear him give a dramatic sigh before making a kiss sound and disappearing. You finish your shower and rush to dress, waiting for him to come in and get ready for bed. 
You wait until Jake is ready for bed, just down to his boxers as usual, crawling in and then you move to the dresser. 
“What you doing ,sugar?” He calls, not looking as he tries to find his phone charger while you set up your phone to record. Once you are sure he won’t notice you give the camera a small thumbs up before heading over to the bed and grabbing your pillow. “Sugar?”
Jake watches, eyebrows pinched together as you fluff it before grabbing a blanket, he sits up quickly when you go to leave. “Y/n, what’s goin’ on here?”
“I just kinda want to sleep on the couch.” You shrug, giving him a small smile. 
“....Okay?” He looks confused but gets up as well, snatching his pillow and moving to you. “We can have a little movie night-”
“No no, I just kinda want to sleep by myself.” You laugh, kissing his cheek, a small amount of guilt filling you when he looks like a kicked puppy. 
“But…but…” He looks to the bed, then back to you, then back to the bed…..then back to you. “I promise I’ll be quiet. You won’t even know I’m there!”
“Bubs, I just wanna spend the night by myself-” You don’t get to finish the sentence before he is snatching the blanket and pillow and storming past you. “Where are you going?!”
“To set up downstairs. I never sleep without you-” You break then, laughing your butt off which makes him gasp. 
“I’m so confused right now.”
“Bubs, it was a tiktok idea.” You explain, pointing to the camera and moving to shut it off as he gasps dramatically. 
“You were pranking me?!”
“Duh.” You giggle, turning to look at him and his eyes squint as a smug smile covers his features. 
“Y/n? Sugar? Bubs? Light of my life?” 
“I’m going to ruin you.” You barely get a second to squeal and rush across the bed before he can catch you, the game of chase underway.
You had posted the video, and it got popular fast. 
Which wasn’t a shocker considering you already knew how handsome your husband was and everyone else was more than willing to say the same. Him only being in boxers definitely helped.  But everyone began sending in ideas and you just couldn’t help yourself. 
The next prank came a week later. 
You had set up your phone to film at the window in front of the sink, pretending to do the dishes as soon as you heard the front door. 
“Sugar?! I am homeEeeEE.” 
“Doing dishes - OW OW OW!” You act hurt, pretending your hand is stuck in a travel bottle as he rushes in, dropping his keys and glasses on the way.
“What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?” He panics, rushing in to check you. You show him the bottle, doing your best to look like you are in pain. 
“Shit- under the water, put it under the water.” He rushes out, moving you to the sink and turning on the water to try and get your hand out. “Just relax, relax relax relax.”
“Let’s try soap-” You offer, taking your hand out of the cup to grab some soap and shove it back in. He nods, reaching over you to grab the bottle and add more, kissing your forehead in a soothing manner before his eyebrows shoot up and he steps back. 
“Wait-” You die laughing then, taking your hand out of the cup as he rolls his eyes. “Oh come on! Low blow even for you.”
He’s laughing too, and you can’t breathe at this point. “That….that was…..so funny-” You collapse to your knees cackling as he finds the camera and leans forward to look into it. 
“I regret getting married.” He laughs, turning off the water before flicking your forehead and walking to go pick up the things he had dropped to get to you. “I want a divorce!”
The clip ends with you just cackling. 
Your weekly date night had come up, and you felt like being a really cute wife…..partly. 
He was sitting on your shared bed watching some youtube videos on fixing sinks (yours wasn’t broken so you honestly had no clue why) and he had left you alone in the bathroom to do your makeup, perfectly content to just be near you. 
You shut the door, murmuring that you were going to the bathroom which he hummed to and once the door was shut you began recording yourself. Doing your best not to laugh as you took a lip liner and overlined your lips….. Like a lot. 
You had to take a second to reign in your giggles before you were heading out to where he was laying on the bed, shuffling until you were kneeling in between his legs, they came up to wrap around you instantly as he kept watching his video. 
“Bubs.” You smile, waiting. He hums in acknowledgement, one eyebrow raising as he listens but doesn’t look. “Bubs-”
“Yeah sugarpi- holy crap.” His face turns to one of shock when he looks at you finally, eyebrows shooting up as one hand covers his mouth. 
“I watched this makeup video while you were gone,” You smile, flipping your hair. “I think I like it.”
“You….. o-okay.” He smiles, clearing his throat. “It… wow.”
“Wow? Like stunning wow?” You ask, doing a little pose. 
“Sure. Yeah. That.” He smiles, trying to be supportive. “Hey, how about we stay in tonight?”
“Yeah…yeah for sure. I just- you just look so good I want to keep you to myself-” He smiles, leaning up to kiss your cheek. You laugh at that, allowing him to kiss you before he sits up and swipes at your lips. “Love the lip shade….But sugar?”
“Yeah bubs?”
“Can… can I be honest for a second?” 
“Of course?”
“You look like a bee stung your lips.” You break at that, once again cackling and he looks very worried. “I don’t wanna be the ass but-”
“I’ll remove the lipstick. Just get ready to go you dork.” You laugh, kissing his lips and walking off.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out. You need anything?” Jake asks, dressed in his errand clothes with his sunglasses on his head while he pulls the back of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. 
You give in easily, moaning a little before pulling back. “Oh bubs, your lips are chapped.”
“What?” He laughs, moving up to touch his lips and smack them. 
“Yes. Here.” You dig through your purse and pull out the chapstick that you had already replaced with lipstick. He smiles at you, kissing your forehead before generously applying it over his lips and smacking them. 
Naval Aviator Jake Seresin…..wearing bright red lipstick. …… amazing. 
He smiles at you, a big cheesy smile, and kisses you once more before strutting to the door. He does his little butt wiggle when he reaches the door that makes you laugh before he disappears through the door. 
Once he is gone you turn and wink to the camera. 
He gets back an hour later, you hear the front door slam and him call your name. You immediately turn your camera on, walking to the stairs and walking down them. 
“Yeah bu-”
“Do not bub me right now.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I ran into Maverick at the store.”
You crack out into laughter, covering your face as he glares. 
“That’s it. Pranking time is over. Your ass better be in those sheets naked by the time I get up there!” He snaps and you stand straight, heat traveling you. “3…2….” You don’t need to be told twice.
“Honestly mom and dad”
“Can you adopt me????”
“Tell him to take his top off!”
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puppyluvfics · 3 months
A Hard Day's Night | XH OT6 Reaction
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OT6 | non idol!au (kinda? nothing is implied either way) WC: 3.5k (500-600 per member) Genre: FLUFF Summary: OT6 reactions to you coming home crying Warnings: none I think? light angst but nothing bad... lmk if I missed something! partially proofread! A/N: this made me so soft... wahh :<< thank u anonie for the req!
It had been a long day, to put it nicely. You had held it in as much as you could, with small sniffles occasionally leaving you on the drive home, which you could easily pass off as allergies. Still, as you pushed your keys into the knob, you felt your chest tighten with that all-too-familiar feeling. You cleared your throat, trying to push away the feeling, pushing the door open.
“I’m home…” You called out, your voice a bit hoarse and raw. 
“Hey babe!” Gunil called back, his voice coming from the kitchen. You took a deep, shaky breath, shutting the door behind you, taking your shoes off, padding softly into the living room, sitting on the couch, and putting your head in your hands. You heard his footsteps get a bit closer, a small kiss being pressed on the top of your head as he made his way around to sit next to you.
“Woah, hey, you okay?” He asked, sitting down next to you, his hand finding its way to your knee. You nod your head, yes, but that doesn’t stop the tears from falling and the sniffles from leaving your nose.
“You don’t sound very okay... What’s going on?” He said, rubbing your knee softly. 
"Nothing,” you said, trying to push it down, but he could see right through you. 
“Hey, look at me.” He said, tenderly, letting you take your time lifting your head. His heart ached when he saw the tears running down your cheeks, and he reached out, cupping your face with his hands. “Hey, there you are. What’s going on, pretty baby?” He asked, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away your tears. His voice was soft, warm, and quiet. You shook your head softly, with more tears falling down your cheeks. 
“Long day?” He asked, letting you go through the motions while still trying to assess the situation. You nodded as he wiped a few more tears from your cheek. “Oh, my poor baby. Come here.” He said, pulling you into his chest, leaning back on the couch, shifting so you were lying between his legs. Your arms wrapped around his waist, and his found their way around your shoulders, letting you get it out, his hands occasionally rubbing your back or toying with your hair. After a while, when your soft sobs subsided and you were left with shaky but steady breaths, he patted your back softly. 
“Better?” His voice was still warm and soft, soothing your internal turmoil. You nodded, meaning it a little more than the first time he asked. He smiled softly, coaxing you to look up at him by putting his fingers under your chin. “How are you still so beautiful?” he asked, a small chuckle filling the otherwise silent room. You rolled your eyes playfully, adjusting your body so you could look at him properly. 
“You’re the beautiful one, you know. Taking care of me like this...” You said, your eyes meeting his with nothing but love and admiration for him.
“Loving you is easier than breathing, sunshine. We can both be beautiful.” He said, his hand petting your hair softly. You smiled at the contact and his words, too exhausted from the day to fight back in your usual playful manner. 
“Come on, let’s go be beautiful together and get you something to eat and get you some water.” He said, before pulling you into a small, tender kiss.
You didn’t mean to slam the door when you got home, honestly. Jungsu was in your shared bedroom, working on something on the computer, and if it hadn’t been for the reverb of the slam against the wall, he wouldn’t have even noticed you were home. Curiously, he took his headphones off and walked out to the living room, where frustrated tears streamed down your cheeks. The last thing you needed after today was the laces of your shoes to be knotted, yet here you were, trying to force them apart.
Without saying anything, he approached you softly, letting you know of his presence with a bit more weight, not wanting to scare you or make anything worse. 
“Do you need help?” He asked softly, squatting next to you, noticing the hot tears streaking down your cheeks. Everything in you wanted to say no; you wanted to be independent and have control of the situation. But even you knew when to give up. And so you nodded softly, letting yourself softly fall onto your butt onto the floor. He followed suit, sitting next to you.
“Can I?” He asked, not wanting to overstep. You nodded with a heavy sigh. He nodded back in acknowledgment, his fingers slowly and easily undoing the knot in your shoelaces, pulling your shoes off and putting them by the door next to his. You let out a small scoff, frustrated that you had let yourself get to this point. 
“Hey, no, none of that.” He said, hearing your scoff, as he helped you up to your feet. “Bad day, huh?” He asked, pulling you into a tight hug. 
“You have no idea.” You said into his chest. His lips found their way to your forehead, leaving a small, loving, lingering kiss. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, not pushing either way. 
“No, not right now.” You admitted, your arms finally wrapping around him. 
“That’s okay. What can I do for you, then, baby? Name it, and I’ll do it.” He said, his voice sincere and full of love. He always offered to do ‘anything’ but he always meant it, good days or bad. You hummed, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. 
“Can we watch that movie I’ve been wanting to see? I saw that they put it on Netflix the other day.” You asked softly.
“Of course we can. Come on.” He said, without hesitating. He interlaced your fingers, dragging you to the bedroom, sitting you on the bed. “Get comfy; I’ll be back soon.” He said. Sure enough, no more than 20 minutes later, he came back with his arms full of sweets, popcorn he had popped in the microwave, water, and your favorite drink, just as a little extra treat. He settled in next to you, arranging the snacks in front of you, wrapping one arm around your shoulder, and pulling you close to him. “I love you; you know that, right?” He asked, planting a small kiss on your temple. 
“I do. I love you too; you know that, right?” You asked, mirroring his words. He laughed softly, kissing your temple again. He did know that, and even on your bad days, he felt it more than anything.
Gaon, ever the energetic one, never passed up an opportunity to greet you at the door whenever you came home; it didn’t matter where you came from. Be it work, out with friends, or just some time alone, he was always there waiting for you, ready to shower you in love and ask about how it went. So when you came home in tears, shoving past him wordlessly, he knew something was wrong—seriously wrong. 
“Wh- hello??” He said, watching you shove past him and walk directly into your shared bedroom, slamming the door behind you. He stood there, bewildered for a moment, trying to process what had just happened. After a moment, he turned on his heels, following in your tracks and knocking on the door. “Babe?” He called through the door, his heart aching as he heard sobs wrack your body.
“Baby? Can I come in?” He asked again after a moment, listening intently. 
“It’s open.” You mumbled flatly into the pillow. He pushed the door open slowly, taking in the scene in front of him. God, did it hurt his heart to see you like this. It was a rare sight. His lips curled into a small frown, and he stepped into the room, slowly walking over to you. 
“What’s going on?” He asked, his tone more worried than accusatory. You shook your head, not wanting to talk about it, or rather, not really being able to. Whenever you opened your mouth, another sob fell from your lips into the pillow, which only tugged at his heart strings. He sat next to you on the edge of the bed, not wanting to overwhelm you but still wanting to be near you as much as possible. “Shh, it’s okay; take your time.” He said, his hand slowly coming down to rub your back, his thumb occasionally rubbing smaller circles in its trail.
“I’m just so tired.” You managed as your breath steadied, tears still falling from your eyes. 
“Emotionally or physically?” He asked while nodding his head in acknowledgment. You hadn’t been sleeping well the last few days, and while he took notice, he didn’t want to make you feel like he was controlling you by telling you to go to sleep at a certain time, the same way he didn’t want you doing the same to him.
“Both, I guess.” You mumbled. He nodded again, his hand rubbing up and down your back with a bit more pressure. 
“I get that. Do you wanna talk about it? Or just take a nap, and then we’ll talk about it later?” He offered, giving you the majority of the control in this situation. You didn’t have to answer verbally; your tugs on his arm were more than enough. He chuckled softly, lying next to you, pulling you flush against his body and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. One hand continued to rub up and down your back at a slow pace, the other slowly raking through your hair. “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.” He whispered as your breathing steadied, his whispers of love and safety lulling you into a much-needed nap.
If there was one person in the world who made you feel the safest, it was Seungmin. You had texted him before you headed home that today was just the worst; your lack of emojis really punctuated the severity. The drive home was silent save for your occasional sniffles and labored breathing, your knuckles turning white from your grip on the steering wheel. You just wanted to get home. 
And home was waiting for you. The second you pushed the door open, there stood Seungmin, arms open, waiting for you. You wrapped your arms around his waist, finally releasing all of the pent-up emotion from the day, clinging to him so hard that you were afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. His chin rested on top of your head, one hand rubbing your back and the other carefully nestled in the nape of your neck, pulling you as close to him as possible. 
“I’ve got you. You’re okay.” He said, walking the two of you over to the couch, taking small steps so you didn’t trip. He laid down carefully, making sure you were comfortable the entire time, his arms cradling you. You were his baby in every sense. He let you go through the motions yourself, laying beneath you as your rock, wiping your tears and whatever snot had come from your nose, his eyes never faltering in their pure adoration of you. 
When you had calmed down enough to talk without hyperventilating, he sat up, sitting you up with him, pulling you into his lap, pressing his chest against your back, and resting his head on your shoulder. “There’s my baby. I’m proud of you.”
“For crying?” You asked, scoffing just a touch.
“For letting me take care of you.” He said, his tone stern but loving. It’s not that you didn’t let him take care of you often—quite the opposite, actually. He was always doting on you, pampering and spoiling you. Still, he loved to remind you that he was thankful for the opportunity, grateful and appreciative that you let him in and let him help you as opposed to shutting him out, which would be much easier to do. 
You nodded at his words, acknowledging them. “Of course, I love you.” You said, your fingers tracing small shapes on his arms that had wrapped themselves around your waist.
“I love you too. So much.” He said into your shoulder, inhaling the lingering smell of your shampoo and conditioner on the ends of your hair. “You smell good.” He said, trying to lighten the mood a touch. You chuckled softly, much to his relief. 
“Thanks,” you said, leaning onto him again and letting out a long, shaky sigh. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, knowing that there were times you did and times you didn’t. He never pushed when you didn’t, but he would always sit attentively when you did.
You nodded. “I think so.” You said, getting comfortable in his lap. He hummed in response, his fingers slowly raking through your hair, parting it, and then mixing it over and over. He knew you liked it but were too shy to ask for it, but the way you relaxed in his touch made him continue, occasionally pulling your hair into a braid or a ponytail before letting it fall again, all the while listening to you talk about what was bothering you and responding when he felt the need to. And so, the night went on like this until the both of you were too sleepy to keep talking but content enough to know that things were going to be okay as long as you had each other.
Junhan was never one to pry, always giving you space when you came home from wherever you were, knowing you needed time to unwind from the world in a quiet place before you were ready to be loved on. But when you came home in near hysterics, he knew that he couldn’t sit there and watch. Still, he didn’t push. He watched carefully, assessing the situation and determining the right time to step in. 
That came when you dropped to your knees by the door a few moments later. He walked over to you quick enough to get to you but not fast enough to overwhelm you, kneeling by your side. 
“Hey, hey, listen to me. Can you do that?” He asked, his voice soft and smooth. Despite your hysterics, you nodded, finding some clarity and light in his presence. “Good, that’s my good baby. I’m here. Just listen. I’m gonna help you stand up, and then we can either sit on the couch, we can go lay down in bed, or we can do whatever works best for you. I’ve got you.” He spoke, his voice still calm and guiding. You nodded, gesturing your head to the couch as best you could. That’s all he needed. 
He stood first, offering both his hands to you and helping you stand up. His thumbs traced over your knuckles gingerly, his lips pressing into your forehead softly. “There you go; you’re doing so well. So so good.” He spoke, his voice quiet but firm. He led you to the couch, his hands never leaving yours. Once you were both sitting comfortably, he placed one hand on your back and one on your chest softly.
“Breathe with me.” He said, his words coming out as more of a gentle command than a question. He exaggerated his own breaths, taking large breaths in through his nose and exhaling them out of his mouth, guiding you to do the same. Once you got a steady rhythm, his breathing returned to normal, but he was still keeping a pace for you to follow if you felt yourself getting lost again. While you breathed, working through sobs and whines, his voice never faltered, the room filling with loving, grounding words. 
“There you go, just like that. You’re doing so good, I’m so proud of you. In and out, there you go. So so good.”
His hands both rubbed in small circular motions, the one on your back going in one direction and the one on your chest going in the other direction, a small way for him to bring you back to the present, grounding you and reminding you that whatever had been bothering you was gone now; all that was left was you and him, and that’s all that mattered in this moment. Once your breathing had returned to a normal, albeit shaky, state, he let his hand fall into your lap, grabbing your hand. 
“Is it a 'talk about it' problem or just a shit day?” He asked, his voice cutting through the silence.
“Shit day.” You replied, your voice hushed, resigned. He hummed in response, his hand moving up to the back of your neck, applying some soft pressure. 
“Do you wanna go to bed and forget about it?” He offered, genuinely. As much as he would love to know what’s going on, knowing wouldn’t make it go away or not happen, and really, all he wanted was to be there for you. You nodded at his question, leaning over and leaving a small kiss on his cheek; it was your wordless way of saying, “I love you.”. 
He helped you to the bedroom, taking special care to help you undress and get into your pajamas, his fingers occasionally rubbing out tense spots on your body in passing. He let you sit on the bed, brushing your hair for you and bringing you whatever you needed from anywhere in the house. His whispers were never silencing, full of praise and love.
It was no secret that Jooyeon was incredibly protective of you. So when you came home with tear stains on your cheeks and fresh tears daring to spill over, his protective side took over immediately. 
When you pushed the door open with a heavy sigh, he immediately hopped up from the couch where he had been relaxing, waiting for you. Without a second thought, he pulled you into his embrace, his arms squeezing your shoulders—admittedly a bit too much, but you didn’t care. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Do I need to do something? Talk to someone?” He said, his voice full of worry and a bit of anger. Not at you, of course; never at you. Still, the fact that someone or something in the world was out there hurting the love of his life was enough for him to be angry. His actions made you chuckle softly—a welcome new feeling from those that had plagued you throughout the day. 
“I’m fine… It’s just been kind of a bad day.” You said, downplaying the situation. Frankly, it was a classic case of Murphy’s Law—everything that could possibly go wrong today did, and then some. 
“You don’t sound fine.” He said, sternly, pressing his chin to the top of your head, trying his best to protect you from everything in the world outside of his embrace. Your arms wrapped around him, and you let your head fall onto his chest. His heartbeat in your ear was a sweet soundtrack of purpose and love. 
“I… I’m not. I will be.” You reassured him. It wasn’t that you didn’t like to be taken care of, but you didn’t like worrying him, and you especially hated feeling pitied by him, despite the fact that he has never done that. He was your person, and you didn’t want to lose that. You wouldn’t, obviously, but the way the day had gone, you were preparing for it. “Just... please don’t leave.” You whispered into the fabric of his shirt. 
He pulled you away softly, keeping his hands on your shoulders. “Why would I ever do that?” He asked, his voice now quiet as well, but serious. There were hints of hurt in his words, but there was a bigger part of him that knew this was just the bad day and anxiety talking, and not that you meant it.
You shook your head softly. “I dunno. I just... everything has gone wrong. It feels like one wrong move, and you’re gone too.” You admitted. His heart ached, and he pulled you into another bone-crushing hug. 
“Oh, my silly baby. You couldn’t get rid of me, even if you tried. I’m here; I’ve got you; I’m not going anywhere.” One of his hands cupped the back of your head, pushing you into him, trapping you in his warmth and safety. 
“Promise?” You asked, your voice small. 
“I promise, with everything in me. The only place I’ll ever go without you is the bathroom.” He joked, trying to lighten the mood. It worked, despite how stupid it was, because you let out a genuine laugh—so much so that you couldn’t even fake a pout about it. 
“I guess I can live with that... Thank you for being here.” You said, your tone turning serious toward the end.
“I wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “Come on, wanna go lay down and blame all the bad things that happened today on things that have nothing to do with them?” He asked, tilting his head toward the bedroom. You nodded. It was hard to resist his playful way of cheering you up, especially when you knew it was genuine love.
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ashthewaterghoul · 15 days
Can I get some slightly spicy Mountain/Rain? 🙏🏻
I don't write a lot of spicy stuff so I hope this is okay. It was going to be a few hundred word drabble, but in true Ash fashion, I yapped.
"Good" - A Mountain/Rain One Shot
“Your little innocence act doesn’t work on me, Rain.” Mountain said, his voice finding residence low his throat.     “S- sorry, sir, I didn’t-“     “Didn’t what? Didn’t meant to drag yourself to my kit and start playing? I thought you were going to be good for me?” Mountain taunted, standing behind Rain and encasing him in his shadow.     “No! I am! I am good! Please, I’ll show you-“ Rain went to spin around, but Mountain’s hand locked firmly around his throat and stopped him from moving.
Words: 1452
Tags: Praise k!nk, like a smidge of choking, dom!Mountain, sub!Rain, instrument practice with a happy ending, spoiler it's fade to black bc I'm not up for writing full blown scenes yet but there is plenty of spice to make up for that (I hope), ends on a really corny joke so I'm just going to apologise for that now💀
For the love of Satan, MDNI
    Water and Earth got along like a house on fire. Water nourished the plants and the Earth carved out spaces for rivers and lakes and ponds. It was a glorious relationship in which they helped each other out.
    The same can be said Mountain and Rain.
    Not only did their Elements call to each other, but Mountain was the one who nutured for Rain after his summoning. Not only was if from necessity, but because Mountain’s stomach dropped at the skinny Water Ghoul shivering in the summoning circle. It ending up a happy coincidence that the two both were in the rhythm section of the Ghost project, and Rain’s spot on stage being one right next to Mountain. They were each other’s everything and often made their appreciation known to each other.
    But right now? Rain was bored.
    In fact, he was starfished out on the music room floor, his bass laying somewhere near to him. He’d been staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours as the little squeaks of Mountain’s tuning keys filled the room, where music once had.
    They often had little practice sessions with just the two of them. It was important that drum and bass locked in with each other so their music sounded the best it could. And they were never going to say ‘no’ to a bit of alone time.
    They were just going through the songs from Impera but they weren’t even halfway through Spillways before Mountain stopped, saying something was wrong with his kit. And so Rain sat down to wait. Then he slumped. Then he started lying down.
Read below the cut or on ao3
    After Satan-fuck knows how long, the Earth Ghoul put his hardware down and sighed.
    “Done?” Rain asked, lifting his head and, yes, maybe he had his fingers crossed.
    “Yeah, I gotta go to the bathroom though.” Mountain replied as he stood.
    Rain groaned and flopped around so he was face-first into the ground.
    “So dramatic.” Mountain muttered, his eye-roll practically audible.
    “Fuck you.” Rain said, albeit muffled by the carpet.
    “Maybe later.” Mountain said.
    Rain was about to say something else but his voice was cut off into a groan as Mountain threaded his fingers into Rain’s waves and pulled his head up by his hair.
     “Is this the game we’re playing?” He whispered, low and almost threatening into Rain’s ear, “Because I can take as long as I want in the bathroom. Hell, I could go to the Clergy ones on the other side of the building. After that, maybe I want to try a new layout with my kit. Maybe my drums will fall out of their tuning again as I move them around and I’ll have to fuss with them all over again. So, I’ll ask you again, are we playing this game, Lilypad?”
    Rain’s brain was short-circuiting, and he mentally cursed himself for falling this easily. The two usually loved to fight over who (quite literally) came out on top and earn the submission of the other. But all Rain’s brain could think of right now was wanting to be Mount’s good boy.
    Rain shook his head as much as the strain on his neck would allow, biting back whimpers at the hold Mountain had on his scalp.
    “That won’t do, baby. Words. Let me hear my Syren’s gorgeous voice.” Mountain said in that same husky whisper.
    “No, sir.” Rain replied shakily.
    “Good.” Mountain said, purposefully avoiding the full phrase and gently lowering Rain’s head back down, “Wait in this room until I get back.”
    Rain had no chance to respond before Mountain was out the room. He groaned again as he curled in on himself, internally cursing how responsive his body was to Mount’s brief action. He also cursed himself for wearing the tightest pair of jeans he owned because now they were even tighter.
    He did his best not to palm his bulge, Mountain may not have said it but he knew there was the extra demand of “No touching”. It was always there and Rain didn’t even want to try so much as ghosting his pinky over his zipper. Somehow, Mountain always knew.
    What he didn’t say, however, was that Rain couldn’t move. So, he sat up and groaned as his back ached. There may be a carpet, but it was thinner than Rain’s patience and rough stone floors laid beneath it. As Rain stood, he caught sight of Mountain’s drum stool. He sat down on it and gave a few obligatory spins before facing the kit properly.
Well, Rain was still bored and now he was frustrated too. Mountain had taught Rain some drums over the years and so the Water Ghoul’s deft fingers reached out for the two sticks and started playing the simple grooves, fills and the like that he knew. He lost his shirt at one point and didn’t notice Mountain watching in the doorway.
    “Having fun?” The Earth Ghoul shouted over the noise.
    Rain froze like a deer in headlights and he scurried to put the sticks down where Mountain had left them. The Earth Ghoul chuckled and his unreadable expression made Rain shiver. Rain put his hands in his lap, carefully avoiding where he was still painfully hard, somehow even harder than he was before, and fixed his eyes firmly to the ground.
    “Your little innocence act doesn’t work on me, Rain.” Mountain said, his voice finding residence low his throat.
    “S- sorry, sir, I didn’t-“
    “Didn’t what? Didn’t meant to drag yourself to my kit and start playing? I thought you were going to be good for me?” Mountain taunted, standing behind Rain and encasing him in his shadow.
    “No! I am! I am good! Please, I’ll show you-“ Rain went to spin around, but Mountain’s hand locked firmly around his throat and stopped him from moving.
    Mountain’s fingers wriggled and adjusted slightly to make sure he had a safe hold on Rain’s gorgeous neck. Ghouls may be a lot stronger than humans, but there was still a right and wrong way to do this. And when Rain gave his signal of two taps of his tail against the ground, telling Mountain he was green, the Earth Ghoul got right back into it.
    Not loosening the hold Mountain had on Rain’s throat, he sank to his knees behind Rain and put his mouth right by the shell of the Water Ghoul’s ear, “You think you’re so good? I’ll need you to prove it.”
    “Please.” Rain got out, quite literally choked off, “Wanna be so good. Your good boy.”
    “One good thing, I suppose, is you’re already prepared for me.” Mountain said, running a hand along Rain’s dick print. Rain could feel his smirk as the Earth Ghoul squeezed Rain’s neck and cock at the same time.
    He wanted to moan or say something, but the hand on his throat simply forbade it. Rain was starting to see sparkles and gave one harsh tap with his tail to tell Mountain he needed to let go, and the Earth Ghoul did so immediately.
    “Fuck.” Rain gasped as he took lung-fulls of air. His jeans somehow grew even tighter and he was sure that the button was about to pop off them.
    “Stand up.” Mountain commanded as he did the same, again enveloping Rain in his shadow.
    Rain did so, wobbly slightly as he got his breath back. He tried to turn and face Mountain but a rough hand shoved his shoulder.
    “I didn’t tell you to do that, did I?” Mountain nearly snarled, “I thought you wanted to be good?”
    The push from Mountain made Rain nearly fall straight into the drum kit. But he managed to catch himself, hands braced on the high tom. He shuddered and knew he’d played right into Mountain’s hand when the Earth Ghoul let out a chuckle at the stance Rain had landed in.
    “Maybe you are good.” Mountain said contemplatively, kicking his stool out the way and pressing his own clothed bulge against Rain’s clothed ass, “You look so eager like this. Practically begging for it.”
    Rain was close to fully begging. But thankfully he didn’t have to as saw Mountain’s t-shirt land in a heap over one of the cymbals. Mountain used a hand on each of them to get both of their flies open and pushed Rain’s jeans down with his underwear before his own. Rain groaned in anticipation when that heavy appendage landed with a slap on his lower back.
    It was definitely going to take them a while to get back to their practice session. But of course, it’s important for drum and bass to properly lock in with each other so their music sounded the best it could.
Syren herself has picked up and wrote a chapter 2 where we do indeed see Mountain wrecking Rain over the drum kit…
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tudorscrown · 7 days
you're losing me | spencer reid
spencer reid x fem!reader warnings: angst, breaking up w spencer, i hate myself clearly, depressed!reader, insecure!reader, heartbroken!spencer, hateful!reader, suicidal tendancies (?) aka suislide, knowing youre unfit to drive but still driving, not caring anymore, yn is mentioned but less than a handful of times navigation | cm masterlist word count: 1099 words inspired by you're losing me by taylor swift
You sat on the dark green armchair in the corner, watching Spencer's reaction as he sat on the couch.
"I... I don't understand." He murmured. He stared at the coffee table that separated the two of you.
"I know you don't." You said calmly, almost like you weren't bothered. Spencer looked up at you, his hazel eyes watered and he looked absolutely heartbroken.
we thought a cure would come through in time, now i fear it won't
"It's better this way, Spencer." You said, trying to get him to see things your way. Your tone was still calm but your hands were picking at each other, a sign of anxiousness--a habit you picked up as a kid.
"Better this way? Y/N, I-I thought we were getting better..!" He stammered, searching through the files of his mind to see where he went wrong, where he messed up.
But he didn't mess up.
remember lookin' at this room, we loved it 'cause of the light
Sunlight peered through the room. Sunlight. The sun usually means happy things, like birthday parties, or college acceptance letters, not break ups.
Break ups are reserved for storm clouds and thunder. That's what you contemplate while sitting in the corner in the dark. You don't break up with someone during the day, you do it during a storm so you can have a passionate "don't leave me" kiss while getting drenched to the bone.
do i throw out everything we built or keep it?
"We end up back where we started. We always do, Spencer." You said. You had contemplated staying with him but it wasn't working. You were trying to be happy--happy for Spencer. But no matter how hard you tried or how hard you thought about Spencer, you just weren't happy anymore. You were getting tired, rising from the metaphorical ashes and mending all of your emotional gashes.
you might just have dealt the final blow
"No, no this time...." Spencer trailed off, mouth parting. "It was working, we were working!" His heartbroken gaze pierced through you and you couldn't help but feel like you were making a mistake of a lifetime.
"Stop." You whispered, breaking your gaze away from his. "You're losing me, Spencer."
Several beats of silence passed between you two before Spencer whispered the unfathomable words: "Why?"
Your breath hitched as you paused, trying to find the reasons why you were doing what you were doing.
"I woke up angry every morning, Spencer. I was angry at the world, my parents.., you." You scoffed. "I mean, how can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dying?"
Spencer stayed silent at the rhetorical question, focusing on his hands instead.
You continued. "I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick. My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick."
"You were that unhappy?" Spencer asked.
"Unhappy? Spencer, I was miserable!" You exclaimed. "My pain was always such an imposition, wasn't it?"
Spencer's eyebrows furrowed. "An imposition? Y/N, what? No matter what happened or happens, I will always be by your side."
You shook your head. "No, no, Spencer. I am sick! I am not okay and you can't see that! I can't be with you anymore. I can't..." You hiccupped at tears started falling down your face. You shook your head as you looked at your feet. "I can't. I just can't anymore!"
You got up quicker than Spencer could register and ran past him on the couch towards the door. You grabbed your keys and ran. You ran down the hallway, tears clouding your sight. You needed to get out of there--out of here. Leave. Leave. Leave.
and you know what they all say: you don't know what you got until it's gone
Spencer stood up from the couch and turned to face the door but you were already gone and so were your keys. Spencer had let stray tears fall down his face. He knew something was going on but he figured you would tell him. But you bottled it up, you've always had. Spencer recounted the moments in his head, replaying your hurtful words.
"Stop." You whispered, breaking your gaze away from his. "You're losing me, Spencer."
how long could we be a sad song
Just drive. You had to drive. You need to get out of there--have to. You ran down the flight of stairs that led to Spencer's apartment, your hand ghosting down the old wooden banister. You stormed out of the entrance, feeling a headache emerge at the sudden light caused by the beautiful day outside.
You clicked your keys, listening for the faint beep of your car. You ran towards your car and swung open the drivers side of the door. You knew you weren't fit to drive, not in this state. But the thing was, you didn't care.
You reversed out of the parking space and zoomed out of the parking lot knowing that Spencer could be watching you from his thin windows or even chasing after you but you didn't care. You weren't happy anymore and that was more important.
You were going well over the speed limit, you knew that. You drove to the apartment millions of times to know what the speed limit was but you didn't care.
Even if it meant what the phone call Spencer Reid would get only ten minutes after you left his apartment.
'til we were too far gone to bring back to life?
Spencer sat with his hands clasped together, laying on his knees as he waited for the doctor to come out with news that you were okay. Better, even.
When you arrived to the hospital you were in critical condition and was put in for emergency surgery. The doctors didn't have high hopes for you and neither did Spencer, truth be told.
Spencer looked up as he heard the surgical doors swing open and your doctor came out. But despite Spencer's optimistic thinking, the doctor looked solemn. Spencer quickly stood up.
Before the doctor could get a word out, the world Spencer had built, had fallen. The world you and Spencer had built was gone.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Dr. Reid."
Spencer collapsed on his knees in the waiting room. It was probably unethical to be so emotional in a hospital waiting room but he wasn't at work nor was he on the job and if anyone had a problem with him expressing his heartbroken-ness for his exgirlfriend, they can go to hell.
i can't find a pulse; my heart won't start anymore
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
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redroomreflections · 3 months
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story Chapter 5
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Natasha Romanoff x Black!Fem! Reader
Note: This is a repost from my since deactivated account Natsxaddiction. I will be adding the shorter stories to here; 20 chapters or less - sorry TLH fans =(
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Chapter 5/20 (A completed story)
Summary: Natasha and Reader are married. They get into an accident where Natasha suffers serious injuries including amnesia. Natasha no longer remembers her life with reader and their children. All she remembers are her days loving Bruce.
W/c: 5.1k
The key to a good marriage is good communication. Not to go to bed angry with each other. Not to lie to one another. Don’t lie. That’s a big one and if anyone asked you would tell them that you don’t lie. Even then it’s only half the truth. You’ve been lying to people for as long as you can remember. You lied to Natasha for a long time. You’ve been lying to yourself even longer. You stand under the scalding hot water of the shower, trying to stand strong, as you think about all of the events of the past few weeks. Of all the reactions you expected from Natasha, her pulling out a knife was surprising. For years, she’s been your rock and you hers. Since Ultron physically hurting each other has always been off the list. Training sessions were a different platform and often your initial aggression towards each other was handled in the gym of the compound. Going from lovers to enemies to lovers again has been a whirlwind of emotions. Even though all your feelings for her haven’t changed, you can't help but have the tiniest bit of anger at her actions.  
There was a time when you remembered you were happy. Trips to the compound meant fun, joy, and love for your family. Other times it meant work but even then you were okay with visiting. Today, it means something different. You’re nervous about how Natasha will act in front of everyone else. You’re even more scared that Wanda will say something. You’ve already given her notice about Natasha’s attitude and you know she will be on edge about it. For Wanda is your protector, and you are hers. Ever since Pietro died it's a silent promise you made to each other. It’s comforting knowing that even if you’re at odds with your person you have another one in your corner. You can’t wait to hug her. Maybe you’ll get a moment alone to sit with her and tell her how you’re really feeling. Your mind keeps replaying the events of last night like a broken record. Seeing Natasha pull out that knife terrified you though you won’t admit it to her. She looked at you with anger you haven’t seen in years. As if she doesn’t know you. In her eyes, she doesn’t. You’re another stranger that’s lied to her and you understand that. You’re not expecting her to dismiss it. Her hurt is just as valid as it was all those years ago. 
You only wish you had a bit more time to tell her. Natasha’s never been a patient one. 
You step out of the shower, listening for the sound of the girls down in the living room before you walk to your closet. You’re not up to dressing in your usual dressy fits. Natasha used to tease you about how fancy you always looked. Every shirt or dress you touch holds memories. The black and white sweater dress. You’d worn that to a date night with dinner served on a rooftop. After the delicious dinner, Natasha took you home where you barely made it through the door before she was all over you. A silk blouse that you wore when you signed the deed for the house. All memories of the life you’ve been sharing with Natasha. 
You find your bearings, opting for a simple green oversized sweater, loose-fitting jeans, and white socks. You brush your hair into a messy ponytail before walking out of the closet in search of your shoes. A compound is a huge place and you’re going to have to keep both girls in check. You’re bent over your bed, a blanket tossed over the side, as you reach under the bed for your second sneaker. When you stand up notice it. Almost like a zoom lens, your eyes focus on Natasha’s wedding band sitting on its lonesome on her dresser. The responding EMTs gave it to you in a small Ziploc bag after the accident. You had been banged up and bruised but otherwise fine. You waited one long gruesome hour in your own hospital bed for them to tell you anything. No one had answers for you then and that only made things worse. Your mind went through every scenario where the doctor would come in and tell you she died. You remember the nausea that took over your body when you saw a representation of your love in such a careless piece of plastic. You walk over to the dresser, reaching above you to unclip your necklace, to add the ring to it. It slips on easily as you clip the necklace back around your neck. You inspect yourself in the mirror as you hold the ring between your fingers. It serves as a reminder to keep moving forward. 
“Mama, we are ready,” Olivia interrupts your thinking as she stands in the doorway of your bedroom. You give her a once over, noticing her shoes are on the wrong feet when you wave her over. You hold her around her waist, helping her over to the bed so you can kneel to help with her shoes. 
“I have to pack your backpack,” You inform her. “Is there anything you want to bring and show for Auntie Wanda?”
“I think my dolls,” Olivia nods. She raises her left foot for you to place it inside of her shoe. “Mommy, can I go to the doctor and get that thing on my arm like Mama?”
“What thing?” You ask absentmindedly. 
“On Mama’s arm,” Olivia gestures. “She said I can color on it.” 
“I don’t think those are for sale but I can buy you markers,” You offer, now understanding that she’s referring to the cast on Natasha’s arm. She seems satisfied with that answer. You finish strapping her shoes before patting her legs. “Go get your dolls.” You instruct and she toddles out of the room. 
You sigh, standing to your full height, before tucking your phone in your pocket. The next stop is the compound. You quickly pack the girls a bag filled with Lily’s diapers, a few snacks for them, spare clothes for both of them, and wipes. Lots of wipes. From past experiences, you know that's the number one thing you need. You reach the foyer where Natasha is waiting for the girls. Everyone has their shoes on, completely dressed, and jackets zipped. You go over to the key dish finding it empty. 
“I’m driving,” Natasha doesn’t leave much room for argument. 
“Natasha, that’s ridiculous,” You shake your head. “You have a broken wrist and ribs there’s no way you can drive. Top that with the medications you’re taking. It’s unsafe.”
“As opposed to driving with you?” Natasha argues. That’s a low blow. “We don’t all have a shield to keep us safe.” At your face, she continues. “I did notice it last night.”
You take a deep breath. “Nat, that is completely uncalled for and if you have questions I’m happy to answer them. I can cancel lunch and we can stay here. I won’t be doing this in front of the girls.” You gesture to Olivia whos watching both of you. “If you want I will order an uber and pay the insane fee for all four of us to drive or you will get in the car with me and just trust that I can get us there safely. Either way, I’m not going to let too many of those comments pass.” You speak firmly. 
There’s a moment of silence between you and you can see the wheels turning in Natasha’s head. She’s thinking about this and how far she wants to take it. You’re right. She doesn’t want to fight in front of the girls. She reaches into her pants pocket, tossing you the keys, and you catch them. 
“Thank you,” You nod. You pick up Lily and take Olivia’s hand as you all pile out of the door. You turn to lock the front door and show Natasha to the car. Olivia climbs into her own seat and waits patiently for you to strap her in. Next is Lily and you have a little more trouble as she mewls at the idea of being strapped in. Natasha watches you curiously. She wants to see how you’re going to calm her. You reach into the diaper bag, grabbing a sippy cup of frozen breast milk, and her eyes immediately light up. You’re on your last few frozen bags and soon you won’t have the small remedy. Lily takes the sippy cup with urgency, immediately bringing it to her mouth to drink. 
You round the car to get into the driver’s side, taking a deep breath, before buckling yourself in. Natasha climbs into the passenger side and does the same. “Look, Natasha, I understand you’re feeling conflicted and everything is confusing for you right now. I know I’m not your favorite person right now.” You look into the backseat where both girls are occupied. “I just don’t want to do any of this in front of the girls. That’s something we promised to each other.” You leave it at that. You start the car, making sure to check beside you before you drive off. 
The car ride is done in relative silence. Olivia asks a question ever so often, prompting either you or Natasha to answer, as you drive. Most of them Natasha can answer as they’re simple and general. Why is the sky blue? Why do people walk when there are cars? Why does that man lives on the street? Where does the subway sleep at night? Finally, she gets to one that stumps Natasha. 
“Mama, can we call Auntie Lena later?” Olivia asks. “I haven’t seen her in a long time.” 
Out of your peripheral, you can see Natasha tense. She’s trying to connect the dots and sure enough, she’s landing on Yelena. You can tell she hasn’t thought about Yelena during this time. Seeing Melina and Alexei was more than enough of a shock for her. It’s another piece of her life missing that she has to think about. Natasha’s mouth falls open like a fish out of water. She doesn’t have an answer. 
“Mama?” Olivia asks again. 
“I can call her for you later,” You answer for Natasha. Your eyes remain on the road the entire time. “I’m sure Auntie Yelena misses you. She’s in Rome right now on business.”
“Oh, she’s on business?” Olivia repeats as she looks out of the window. She’s pretty used to this sort of answer so she doesn’t ask for more than that. “Is she hungry?”
You smile at her curiosity. “I hope not. If anything we can send her some food.”
“Like spaghetti?” Olivia volunteers. 
“If that's what she wants we can order her spaghetti,” You laugh. Olivia quiets down after that. Besides Wanda, Yelena is Olivia’s favorite aunt to interact with. Laura is also high on that list. She’s come a long way from being the little girl that was afraid of pretty much everything and everyone. 
“Is her number inside my phone?” Natasha asks quietly. She folds her arms against her chest, a sign of nerves that you know well. 
“It is,” You answer. “I think she would enjoy hearing from you. She was pretty worried after the accident and everything but couldn’t come home in time.” You inform her. Natasha nods. “You two are pretty close. I’d think almost closer than Wanda and I.” You add. Natasha processes this in silence, turning so her body faces the door more, and that’s how you know the conversation has ended.
When you arrive at the compound you go through a series of security checkpoints. You offer your name, “Y/n y/l/n - Romanoff,” though no introduction is needed. You give them the names of everyone else in the car and with one look from Natasha, you’re allowed through. 
“This compound has been here for years and you’d think they would let me in on the first try,” You shake your head. You know the real reason behind the guards' hesitance. One that everyone else isn’t privy to except for Sam. He’s called on plenty of occasions for Tony to ask his staff to let him through. 
“Does that happen often?” Natasha asks and you nod. 
“Perks of the job,” You shrug. Being a superhero had its advantages but this was not one of them. You drive down the mile-long driveway to park in front of the compound doors just like always. You place the car in park, thanking the high heavens that you made it safely, while you relax in your seat.
“Mommy, potty!” Lily announces from her chair. In times like now, she’s good with announcing when she has to go but you’re not very expectant that she will. 
“Okay, I’ll hurry,” You call to her. “Nat, Olivia knows the way to the lounge, she will quite literally drag you to it,” You take the keys. You leave Natasha with Olivia while you rush Lily to the first bathroom you can. 
“Mama, are you ready?” Olivia asks from her seat. She’s so excited to see her Aunt Wanda and her uncles. 
“Yes, Myshka, I’m ready,” Natasha speaks quietly. She finds herself anxious but she’d never admit it out loud. Natasha finds that you were right about Olivia dragging her inside of the compound. She pulls her forward, almost into the plexiglass doors that slide open as if they were made in a grocery store. 
“It can see my face, Mama, and your face,” Olivia points to one of the security cameras on the wall to her left. Natasha tries to take in everything. From the high ceilings, the newly buffed floors, and the exorbitant displays of wealth that can only be Tony’s doing. “It’s cool right?” Olivia understands a little bit about Natasha’s ‘sickness’ by taking notes from you and your recent task of telling her everything. “We have to go through the doors. There are two. Then down a long, long, long hallway, and then we get to the ‘Venger’s lounge.” Olivia explains. 
Natasha is a little winded at the pace and distance they’re going and so she asks Olivia to slow down. 
“Oops, I’m sorry,” Olivia giggles. She walks slower, giving a leisurely pace, as she points to Natasha all of her favorite things inside the compound. Once they reach the lounge, Natasha is completely abandoned as Olivia spots her favorite cousin, Morgan playing with a set of blocks. “Morgan! Hi, Morgan.” Olivia greets her. They look to be around the same age though Morgan is a bit taller. 
Natasha is left to look around the place, finding the rest of the adults in the kitchen. She stands by the doorway, watching you come from another one with Lily on your hips. 
“Hello all,” You greet Pepper with a kiss on her cheek and Tony a slap on his back that almost makes him choke on whatever drink he’s drinking. Natasha snickers in the corner but she chooses to remain silent and watch. You give Sam a fist bump and Steve another kiss on his cheek. There’s a woman Natasha recognizes as Sharon Carter. Sharon takes Lily, tickling her, and causing her to laugh. 
There’s another woman that you greet that has Natasha’s blood running cold. You wrap your arms around Wanda, giving her several wet kisses on her cheek, and she proceeds to wipe them off. From the outside, it's an endearing exchange between sisters, but for Natasha, it only causes more confusion. 
“Mama, are we spying?” Olivia whispers almost startling Natasha. She looks up at her mother with pure mischief in her eyes. 
“We aren’t but I do have to say you’re a good spy, I barely noticed you,” Natasha chuckles. 
“There she is!” Tony cheers when he notices Natasha in the doorway. He rounds the counter to approach her, holding out his hand for her to shake, as he walks. “Hello, nice to meet you again, I’m Tony Stark. I don’t know if you remember me but I’m your very, very rich best friend.”
“I remember you, Tony,” Natasha rolls her eyes. “Best friend is pushing it.” She looks him over. He looks older and a bit more mature. Maybe Pepper has finally tamed the wild beast that is Tony Stark. 
“Ouch, you wound me,” Tony holds his hand over his heart. “Though I do understand the best friend title was transferred to Y/n a long time ago.” Tony gestures to you. He bends down to greet Olivia. “What’s up, munchkin, did you steal any hearts today?” 
Oliva laughs at Tony’s ridiculousness. “No, Uncle, I don’t steal. Mama says it’s bad.” 
“That’s right it is,” Natasha brushes down some of Olivia’s hair. 
“Come join the rest of the team,” Tony invites them further into the kitchen. “Did you meet Morgan out there?”
“She’s your kid?” Natasha’s eyes widen. 
“The one and only,” Tony nods. “Pepper carried her right in the oven here. I’m trying to get her to give me one more. A boy.” Tony wraps his arm around Pepper’s shoulder and she blushes. 
“That’s not happening,” Pepper laughs. She pushes Tony’s arm from her shoulder. “Hello, Natasha.” 
“Hello, Pepper.” Natasha gives her a small smile. 
“We missed you around here, Red,” Sam says from his chair. The sentiment is shared by everyone else in the room. Olivia goes around the room to give everyone a hug before she lands on Wanda. Wanda bends down to pull Olivia in her arms, taking her over to the stove where she shows her what she is cooking. Natasha doesn’t know if it’s a conscience move on her part not to introduce herself but she does it for her. 
“You’re Wanda right?” Natasha addresses her and green eyes raise to look at her. 
“Yes, I am,” Wanda nods. “We met a long time ago. I am y/n’s sister.” She introduces. 
“I remember how we met,” Natasha nods. “It’s amazing how much the team has changed.” You narrow your eyes, seeing the shade for what it is, but you remain silent. 
“Everyone has a past but we all joined the team to make the world a better place and wipe our ledgers,” Wanda offers and you pinch her side to get her to stop. You didn't bring Natasha here for them to argue. Wanda barely flinches but she does give you an annoyed look. 
“Who’s car did you drive?” Steve questions. He comes to stand beside Natasha. He gives her a smile.
“A rental,” You wave the keys. “The insurance companies are still investigating and we are going through everything. Our car was totaled.”
“If you need I can have another one to you by the end of this week?” Tony shrugs. He has connections in every single part of this country and others. You don’t doubt he could have you three new cars by the time he hangs up the phone. 
“We can talk later about it if that’s okay,” You nod.  You would rather not discuss the accident at this moment. 
“Can I sign your cast?” Sam holds up a black sharpie. 
“No, Uncle Sam, me first.” Olivia frowns. 
“Have at it,” Natasha holds up her arm and grins when Olivia comes to write her name. She hasn’t completely mastered it yet but she does get the letter O and a squiggly line to accent it. That’s when the rest of the team volunteers and one by one Natasha’s cast is filled with words of wisdom and love. This is the first time in days you’ve seen Natasha so relaxed. Finally, it’s time for you and Wanda to sign. Wanda gives a polite decline but you’re the only person that can’t give a simple no. 
“I think I’m going to give my own message later,” You give a coy smile. If anything you’re still a bit uneasy with Natasha and you’re sure she is with you too. 
“Oh boy, you know what that means,” Tony grumbles. “Don’t tell me you’ll need a babysitter tonight.” He jokes. 
“It has been a long week,” Sam joins in on the teasing, and Natasha’s brow furrows. She’s not dumb she can understand what they’re implying. 
“That’s enough,” You quiet them down though your tone never changes. “Are we going to eat lunch anytime soon or are we here to talk about very private things?” You ask. “I don’t know man,” Sam laughs, and before he has time to react you tap your fingers across the counter sending a surge of magic directly to his hands. He jumps back, giving a small ouch, as he shakes them off. 
“Lunch is ready,” Wanda turns off the stove. Sharon lets Lily down onto her feet and she begins to race around the kitchen with Olivia running after her. 
“Girls, be careful,” You instruct and they run from the kitchen out to where Morgan is still playing. Plates are carried to the big dining table and when Natasha doesn’t sit next to you everyone does take notice. No one is bold enough to speak on it. 
You sit next to Wanda, engaging in small talk with her, as the rest of the team converses with Natasha. Mainly it’s the men giving her a rundown of Avenger’s operations. She’s interested in everything that’s been going on. Lunch goes by without a hitch and you dismiss yourself to go and feed the girls. Truthfully, you need a moment without Natasha there. 
“Since the Accords, it’s been an uphill battle but saving the world isn’t some political minefield,” Steve shakes his head. 
“The Accords,” Natasha repeats. She sits up in her chair. “What are those?”
“Documents signed by about 100,” Steve begins. 
“117,” Tony corrects him. 
“117 countries to regulate the activities of enhanced beings,” Steve continues. “Basically the Avengers are no longer a private organization. Technically we are at the mercy of the government and everyone else.”
“And how did that come about?” Natasha wipes her mouth with a napkin. 
The table is silent for a second conscious of Wanda’s feelings about the situation. She was young and she’s still so young. The youngest in the group besides Peter.  
“There was an accident in Lagos, Nigeria,” Wanda is the one to speak. “There was a mission. A bomb. I did what I had to do and it hurt a lot of people.” She knows she’s dumbing it down but it’s really all Natasha needs to know. 
“So you’re solely responsible for it?” Natasha looks over at her with a challenge. “I’m not seeing how those powers are a help to the team. Or any of us. Really it seems they’re only there to serve the people that wield them.” 
“Whoa,” Steve says and Sam gives a low whistle. 
“My powers have their cons,” Wanda says. “Y/n’s though, she’s used them for plenty of times. Like saving your life.” 
“You mean the accident?” Natasha tilts her head. 
“No,” Wanda says. “I mean if you can look past whatever this is you have going on you would realize she loves you. A lot. You’ve been home two days and you woke up with your guns blazing. Not a real surprise for you but I won’t allow you to tear down her character.” Wanda stands to go and find you. 
The rest of the table sits awkwardly, no one daring to ask what that was about before Natasha stands too. She walks in the opposite direction in search of an exit. She needs a bit of air. Maybe she overstepped and crossed a boundary. Maybe she should have been a bit nicer. What she doesn’t regret is how she feels. In her memory, she met Wanda one time before this, which wasn’t a good meeting. The woman slipping into her mind caused her a lot of pain. It’s something that she counts as one of her worst experiences. 
“Hey,” Steve steps out onto the veranda to stand beside her. He’s holding two glasses of water, passing one to Natasha, and keeping one for himself.
“Hey,” Natasha breathes. 
“That was interesting,” Steve looks over the wooded skyline. “What was that about really?”
Natasha sucks her teeth but never gives him an answer. She doesn't want another one of his speeches about how she should be a good person or give anyone else a chance. 
“Did you know how we met?” Natasha asks. It's a rhetorical question. Yet she still wants an answer. 
“I did,” Steve nods in understanding. 
“And you were able to get past that?” 
“I was,” Steve shrugs. “I’m a pretty forgiving person. You on the other hand hold a grudge.”
“Didn’t seem to work if I’m married to her,” Natasha grumbles. 
“Ah,” Steve breathes. “She told you and what happened? You blew up?” At Natasha’s look, he chuckles. 
“Don’t pretend you know me, Steve Rogers.” Natasha sets down her glass next to her feet. 
“But I do,” Steve shakes his head. “You and y/n are a team. If you don’t listen to me maybe you can have Clint here to come and knock some sense into your thick head. He and y/n are like the only people you listen to.”
“Maybe I will give him a call,” Natasha relents. 
“You’re allowed to be angry, Romanoff, but if you don’t view her as your wife right now view her as your teammate,” Steve suggests. “I don’t know how that works for you but as your captain, I say get it together. I won’t have this on my team.”
“You can’t kick me off the team,” Natasha raises a brow. 
“I can’t,” Steve gives her that. “But I will be very disappointed if you don’t give yourself a chance. Memories or not. She’s there for you.” Steve leaves her to sit with her thoughts once again. Hopefully this time she understands that. 
Meanwhile, in the lounge, you and Wanda are sitting with the girls. Morgan and Olivia are having their own special tea party while Lily sits at your feet with a doll. You’re having a private conversation with her. Wanda recounted the conversation with Natasha to you. 
“I have no words,” You sigh. “I want to give it a chance. She hasn’t been home very long. I think with time maybe she’ll see?” You don’t say names and you don’t give many contexts in case the very attentive three-year-old across from you picks up on it. 
“I understand,” Wanda rests a hand on your knee. “Through all of that don’t hesitate to come to me.”
You nod silently. “I want to talk to Tony or someone about my powers.” You confess to her. You avoid her gaze before forcing yourself to look into her concerned green eyes. “The accident happened so fast and we both know my shield works instantly. It’s most of the time an unconscious fear thing but I’ve learned to control it since HYDRA.”
“What are you thinking?”
“Maybe it was the hormones?” You wonder aloud. You were preparing your body for IVF and it seems a bit farfetched but you’re not exactly sure. “I’ve kept her safe before and that’s the only thing that’s been different lately. I don’t understand?” You look down at your hands. “I know she blames me.” You lower your tone. “I don’t have answers for her either.”
“It’s called an accident for a reason,” Wanda reminds you. 
“Even still,” You can’t fathom any of it. “What if the girls were in the car? What if they were hurt too?”
“They weren’t and they’re both perfectly fine,” Wanda points over to Olivia who is pouring herself another pretend tea to drink. “You can’t keep thinking about what happened and beating yourself up about it.” 
“I know,” You nod. You can feel a familiar warmth through your body and you turn to find Natasha standing nearby. She’s been watching you. 
“I’m ready,” She speaks curtly. Truth be told you’re a bit surprised she wants to come home with you. 
“Yeah, yeah,” You look down at Lily. “Let me say goodbye to everyone else.” You stand to go and gather your things. You look back to Wanda. “Be nice.” You warn your sister. Wanda’s not one for confrontation but she’s also not one to stand down from a fight. They don’t speak until you leave the room. 
“What you said about her earlier,” Natasha raises her chin. “About saving me what did you mean?” 
Wanda stands, walking over to another side of the room, where the girls can't hear. She expects Natasha to follow and she does. Though she keeps a comfortable guarded distance.
“A couple of years ago,” Wanda says. “There was a mission you had in some part of Brazil.”
“What? The one where we got the girls?” Natasha questions. 
“That’s the one,” Wanda frowns. “It was another place like Hydra. Experiments and things. I don’t know the full details but you two along with Steve and Sam had been appointed to that area. Something happened and someone aimed some kind of magical weapon at you. It was supposed to kill you and instead, Y/n absorbed it. That’s when you found the girls and their mother. Y/n held on until you remained safe at the hospital. She passed out for a week after that.” 
This clearly makes Natasha uncomfortable to think about. 
“She’s cared about you for a long time, Natasha,” Wanda finishes just as you step into the room. 
“This makes me look like an asshole,” Natasha admits aloud.
“It does,” Wanda agrees.
“I have the car ready,” You pick up Lily before calling over to Olivia. “Morgan, we will set up a playdate with your mother soon.” You kiss the little brunette on her forehead. She waves you goodbye. 
Natasha doesn’t give Wanda a goodbye or anything. She walks to the car in silence. She was sitting in the front seat with a frown on her face. 
How was she supposed to feel now? 
When you get home, Natasha asks to see one of the family photo albums. You show her and give her time to absorb all of the information. She seems a bit overwhelmed by it all and excuses herself to her bedroom where she doesn’t come out for the rest of the day. 
You talked about a lot of things with her. The biggest shocker was that she had been breastfeeding Lily. It still seems surreal to her and yet it makes sense. The constant soreness in her chest is understandable. Even as she stands here in front of the mirror, looking at herself, inspecting the changes in her body. She still looks relatively the same. Save for the purple bruising around her ribs and the cast she looks the same. 
She slips off her bra, looking down at her breasts, noting the heaviness of them. She doesn’t know anything about breastfeeding. She also doesn't know how to express the milk for Lily to drink. She’s much too embarrassed and distrustful to ask you. Though she feels it would be a huge help to pump. Throwing on a shirt, she walks to your bedroom, where she finds the pump on her side of the bed. She grabs it. Rushing back into her bedroom, she closes and locks the door behind her. She opens her phone, finding a video to guide her through. 
“Position the breast shield over your breast,” The woman in the video gives clear directions. Natasha does as told, struggling with the right position before she feels she has it. She turns it on, groaning in shock when the suction is a bit more than she’s used to. She stops the pumping, noting that her sensitivity doesn't help, as she tries to prepare herself again. Once she feels that she is ready, she turns it on again, breathing through her nose, as the machine does what it’s supposed to. 
For a while, Natasha doesn’t see anything and she feels as if none of what you said is true. Until a small droplet of liquid gold drops into the bottle. Natasha can’t take her eyes off the machine as she watches more droplets, rather feels the warm, tingling sensation leave her breasts. Actual tears come to her eyes as she realizes this is something she’s been able to do for her baby. 
Damn the Red Room and damn Dreykov. 
Here alone in this bedroom, she realizes her life is vastly different than what she thought it would be. 
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