#like u couldn’t necessarily say what it is just from smell alone like u might be able to name something like vanilla for instance
hawnks · 4 months
hear me out but gojo smells like cedarwood & oak or patchouli & saffron. walk with me on this
I’m walking with u anon, we are holding hands and walking
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shadyteacup · 3 years
Hi! Im the one req 7 for chuuya sorry i didint specified, i just realized it. Can i get angst prompt 7 for chuuya?
Hiya! This pained me to write, so I made it fluffy at the end... sorry if u were looking for pure angst! I can't go to sleep peacefully peacefully after writing angst, I need to clutch my soft toys and cry myself to sleep..
Warnings: Angst to fluff, maybe a swear word at the end.. dw, it's just "bish", but like the actual word.
Word count: 2006 😳yes, I got carried away
Nakahara Chuuya + “Please wake up”
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“Don’t move, Chu.”
You grumbled against his chest. It was yet another lazy morning for the two of you. Lazy mornings consisted of waking up late, cuddling on the bed till lunch time, getting dressed and having dinner at some exotic place, going for a long drive, then coming back home. It was a perfect day for a traditional lazy day, except for the fact it was a weekday.
Chuuya sighed. He had to get to work, and so did you. You both couldn’t afford to miss any workdays, considering that you both worked for the same organization, one that didn’t hesitate to punish for untimely work. Chuuya was an executive, and so were you. You both had multiple solo missions planned out for today and one mission wherein you both had to team up. It was going to be quite a busy day, and Chuuya wanted nothing more than to just get it all over with. He was looking forward to some lazy cuddles in the evening, after both of your jobs were done.
“We have to get dressed, dove.”
He tried reasoning with you. You were a workaholic, just like him. It surprised him to see this lazy side of you. But then again, you must be tired, he thought.
“I know. But let’s bunk today!”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, hoping to convince him.
Chuckling, he pet your head affectionately.
“The mafia isn’t some school that you could just bunk. Besides, don’t you love working?”
You frowned at that. You were feeling weird today. It’s like something was forewarning you. But about what?
“I just have a bad feeling about today. I don’t know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen.”
He sighed. He was never one to believe I such things. That was why you weren’t telling him until now.
“We work in the mafia. How worse can it get?”
“I suppose you’re right.”
You smiled, getting up to get ready.
“The target is in the warehouse.”
Chuuya said to you. You both were currently seated in Chuuya’ s car, parked on a hill. Your stakeout point had a clear view of an abandoned warehouse. Apparently, it was the location where a rival gang was coordinating with some members of the mafia and stealing their goods. You both had already executed the moles and had sent in one of your trusted members as a pretend mole. He would send you both a signal when he felt that the security was the weakest at the entrance. You both would then attack. He was supposed to cause a commotion in there, resulting in majority of the guards to rush inside and leave the entrance wide open for you two. Your men had already sealed all exits to ensure no one got out. Now you were both waiting for the signal.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.”
Chuuya pouted at your jab.
“I was just being thorough!”
“By stating the obvious?”
“You’re so mean.”
“Says the angry redhead.”
“What has my hair got to do with anything?!”
“Your hair has got to do with everything! I-”
A sharp sound was heard. Both you and Chuuya were blinded for a second as white filled your vision. You felt your torso pinch a little. It almost felt like someone was sticking a few needles into your tummy. You heard screams. They sounded frantic. A few moments later, your vision cleared, and you saw yourself floating in the air, a frantic Chuuya saying something to you. It all sounded mangled and mixed up. If you could have laughed at the moment, you would have laughed at how funny he sounded.
The screams had turned to cries, now. You were so confused. Who was crying? And why was Chuuya pressing down on your stomach?
Looking down, you saw the blood. There was blood everywhere. It had completely soaked your shirt. Chuuya was using his ability and his hands to keep it in. He seemed hurried. His eyes were watery, and streams of tears were flowing down his cheeks.
Finally understanding the situation, you realised that you were injured. Looking down at your torso, you saw the two bullet wounds. And now, you finally felt them. The pain was overwhelming. It rushed in like water at the breaking of a dam. It completely filled you up. You now realised that those cries of pain were actually your own. You wished to have never woken from your daze. You wanted to remain oblivious. You wanted the pain to go back to mere pinpricks. It was too much. Succumbing to the enormous pain, you let your eyes shut close. You realised that your body was going to sleep. Maybe for the last time.
Chuuya sat in a chair next to your sleeping form. You were lying unconscious on the clean white sheets of the hospital bed. Your entire torso was covered in bandages. You had taken two bullets, one in the side and one right next to your belly button. The doctors were able to save you in time, and it was a matter of time till you gained consciousness.
Chuuya held his face in his hands. The memories of just moments prior to visiting the hospital kept running through his head. He kept seeing flashes of your blood oozing out of your body. He kept remembering the way your eyes had glazed over while he tried to apply pressure on your wounds. There was so much blood. His mere two hands were proving to be inefficient. So, he had activated his ability to push the blood back in. He had no clue if that had helped. He remembered activating his ability the moment you had let out a blood curdling scream. He had levitated you both out of the car and high up in the night sky.
He should have listened to you. Your forewarnings were right. Something terrible had ended up happening. The mole he had sent inside was found murdered by the backup team, and the head of the organization had fled. His men had taken up sniping positions all across the hills. Two of them had shot you at once. He remembered going on a mad spree and pelting boulders at all the men in his sight using his ability right before he flew to the hospital with you in his arms.
“Has she gained consciousness?”, the doctor asked as she peeked in. Chuuya had asked all medical personnel to leave him alone with his sweetheart, a little too passionately, after they were done treating you, and hence the poor doctor was a tad bit scared to check up on your vitals.
Chuuya whipped his head up.
The doctor scrunched her brows in worry. Rushing in, she did some tests.
“I’m sorry, sir, but if the patient doesn’t wake up in another hour, we will have to declare a coma condition.”
The doctor jumped at his outburst, but answered him, nonetheless.
“The body is behaving as if it is already in coma. This can also be because it is repairing itself. It doesn’t necessarily have to be coma.”
She sighed.
“But, if the patient retains this state of unconsciousness, we will have to rule out a natural healing process. I suggest you try to communicate with the patient. Sit close, hold hands, maintain physical contact. Try speaking. That way, maybe the body will react to a familiar scent, touch or voice, and gain consciousness.”
Chuuya gulped, worried, and nodded.
“I understand.”
He shakily made his way to your face, observing your serene features. He hesitantly put your hair behind your ear, breathing unsteadily. He felt immense guilt and anger. He was guilty of not paying your uneasiness an ear, and he was angry because he couldn’t save you. If only he had been more vigilant, more aware of his surroundings, he would have been able to smell a rat.
“I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have been able to protect you.”
He gasped inaudibly, trying to keep his sobs in. He couldn’t stop the tears. They flowed freely down his cheeks, a symbol of his immense fear of losing you. He couldn’t bear the idea of loosing you. It might be selfish of him, but he wanted you to live, because God-forbid, if you didn’t, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. He knew that if such a devastating situation ever occurred, he would lose all sanity and go mad. He would lose his mental balance and completely fall off the edge. He couldn’t bear to be separated from you for two days, forget the rest of his lifetime.
He caressed your cheek, smiling bitterly at your sleeping form. Nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, he let himself truly cry. He let out all his emotions into your hair. He found comfort in your warmth. He has always felt the safest in your embrace. That’s where he could truly be himself.
He didn’t realise how long it had been when he began talking to you. Telling you how much he loved you and how he couldn’t live without you. He pondered on how he would take his life if you left him.
“I’d have to go to that stupid mackerel for guidance. But then again, he has been unsuccessful in killing himself for 22 years. He’s probably the worst suicidal guy out there.”
He was lying next to you now, cradling your frail form in his arms.
The doctor waltzed in, a serious and sorrowful expression straining her pretty features.
“Nakahara-san, I’m so sorry.”
Chuuya gritted his teeth, holding onto you tighter.
“No! There’s still a chance that-”
“Its hopeless. The patient has already been in this state for 16 hours.”
“16 hours?”
The doctor smiled sympathetically.
“I gave you a lot more time. I thought maybe the constant contact would help. But sadly, it’s out of our hands now.”
Chuuya sat up, holding your face in his large palms.
“Wake up! Wake up, damnit!”
He shook you gently, desperate to get any kind of reaction out of you.
“Nakahara-san! Please get away from the patient! You mustn’t cause any harm! Security?!”
The doctor rushed forward to pull Chuuya off of you, but he held onto you. He grabbed your arms, looping his own around them and pulling you towards him.
“Wake up!”
He rested his face on your chest, sobs escaping him.
“Please... please wake up...”
The doctor reached forward to clasp his shoulder, trying to pry him off of you.
A large gasp followed by couple of coughs were heard.
You took in a large breath, trying to swallow. Your throat was dry and scratchy.
Looking up, you saw Chuuya holding you in his arms, a relieved and surprised expression on his elegant features.
Your voice sounded raspy, but it was music to his ears.
He engulfed you in a hug, one that knocked the air out of your lungs.
“She’s still a patient!”
The doctor reprimanded as the security guards pulled Chuuya off of you.
You smiled at the tiny ginger.
“I’m alive, Chu. Stop being dramatic.”
Chuuya laughed at your carefree attitude. He didn’t resist the men as they pulled him out of the room. He was relieved to see you awake. He didn’t care about anything else. Just as he was about to leave, you spoke up.
“Call Gin and tell her that I’m not dead!”
“You don’t need to call me, idiot. I was waiting right outside.”
You smiled as she walked in, giving you a hug.
“Why does she get to go in but not me?!”
Chuuya whined.
“Hey Gin, guess what?”
Gin smiled at you, sitting at the edge of your bed at the nurses did their check-ups.
“I’m alive, bitch!”
Your snickers could be heard till the hallway, where the rest of your friends were seated. Shaking his head, Tachihara snickered.
“Good ol’ Y/N.”
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bobathots · 3 years
i wrote the first draft of this in a lust-fueled haze in less than 24 hours a few weeks ago and then i watched a movie where tem was just absolutely off the rails h word and my brain went “haha smoking kink go brrrrr again” so literally this is just an excuse for boba to smoke. @jon favreau give him a cigarette u coward mob boss! boba/female reader. smut 18+  ~10k tags: pwp, smoking, oral sex, shotgunning, at one point u give boba a blowjob while he smokes also on ao3
He wasn’t expecting anyone — or at least, he wasn’t expecting you , that much was clear from his body language. You weren’t even sure it was him until you got close enough to see the dim streetlamp cast a familiar shadow across his face, until you could make out his staple leather jacket wrapped around his form. The tip of his cigarette stood out cherry-red in the evening light, hanging loosely between his index and middle finger.  He tensed and turned his head as you approached.
“Boba!” You kept your voice light and even; you didn’t know how to talk to the man at work, much less in a situation like this. You hadn’t exactly expected to come across him in the middle of the night, in a dark alley situated neighborhoods away from where you both worked. But, then again, it wasn’t as if this was part of your normal schedule.
He dipped his head toward you in greeting, then brought his hand up to his face to take a drag from his cigarette. Your gaze remained transfixed on the motion, how he rested his index finger on his tip lip while his hand remained splayed, as if he was trying to hide the action. You spoke before you could think, the words tumbling out of your mouth, “I didn’t know you smoked.”
His inhale sounded like a sigh. Dropping his hand back to his side, he courteously turned his head away from you and exhaled billows of ash-grey smoke from his mouth. “Meant to keep it that way, too.” Oh. You winced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”
He shook his head as if to waive away your concerns. “Don’t. I’m the one smoking outside in public.”
“At midnight,” you added, knowing that he probably chose this time and place specifically for privacy. Privacy that you were now infringing upon.
“...At midnight,” he echoed, the beginnings of a wry smirk on his lips.
The conversation died out there, but you remained standing next to him, casting your gaze out onto the buildings. Distantly, you could make out drunken conversations from the surrounding busy streets so filled with nightlife, mixed with the occasional prickle of Boba puffing his cigarette. A cool breeze swept through the leaves and across your skin, causing goosebumps to pimple out in response. You hugged yourself tightly, palms wrapped around your bare arms, as if you could chase away the evening chill.
“Speaking of midnight —” You glanced back at Boba; he pinched the end of his cigarette between thumb and forefinger and dropped it to the ground, crushing it underfoot with his heel, “— you shouldn’t be out alone this late.”
“It’s not so bad in this part of town.” It felt weird having your boss express concern for you, as subtle as it was, even if it was in his nature to take care of his own , as he put it. You figured you were more like a blimp on his radar; it wasn’t like you were a crucial employee. You hardly ever needed to interact with him at work. “The streets are always lit,” you continued, “and always crowded.”
“Right. Which is why you decided to go down a dark alley in the middle of the night.”
Heat rose to your face. “Because I thought I saw you!”
He let out a sound which might have been a chuckle — god, it was so hard to tell with him — and he pushed off the building he had been leaning against. “Let me walk you home, then. An apology for causing you to make a stupid decision.”
You can’t tell if he’s being mean on purpose, but regardless, you didn’t want to impose on him. “Boba, it’s okay, there’s no —”
“Start walking,” he ordered. His voice was stern, commanding; the tone he took when giving instructions at work, and that meant there was no room for argument, no wiggle room to barter or bargain. The words yes, sir sat on your tongue, burgeoning with desire, but you swallowed them down back to the pit of your stomach where they belonged.
Another breeze blew in. You shivered, both from the temperature and from Boba’s intense presence, but finally nodded in acquiescence. “It’s not far,” you assured him, turning to walk back the way you came. “Maybe like five minutes or so.” Then, something heavy and warm draped itself over  your shoulders and you paused, turning back once more to look at Boba.
A now jacket-less Boba.
“I...oh. Um. Thanks?”
“Don’t mention it.” He kept walking the direction you set out, leaving you to play catch-up. You took a moment to slide your arms through the sleeves, and it thrilled you to find out just how much extra fabric hung past your hands. Even bunching it up at the wrists caused it to slide down from how loose the jacket sat on your body, so you simply clutched the hems in your palms to keep the fabric from slipping over your fingertips. The rest of it draped over you, his frame much larger than yours, and you felt weirdly protected in his jacket. It smelled like leather and faintly of cigarette smoke, but most importantly it smelled like him, a scent you had no other words for. It was the same smell that lingered in his office long after he’d left, something masculine and oddly comforting. Wearing your boss’ jacket was like being wrapped in a second-hand hug, and you were ashamed to admit how much you liked the idea.
You had to do a little jog to catch up to Boba. Maybe it was the night air, or maybe it was the fact that you had genuine one-on-one time with the man you’d been admiring for so long, but you were suddenly emboldened to nose into his personal life. “So...am I allowed to ask why you don’t smoke with the others?” The “others” you referred to were a sizable group of Boba’s underlings that you often noticed smoking together by the backdoor. 
“Not a social smoker.”
You wouldn’t call Boba a social anything , to be honest. “Okay, so why not in your office? I mean, you spend a lot of time alone there anyway.” You would have remembered if he kept an ashtray or a pack of cigarettes anywhere visible, and his office never smelled like smoke.
Silence stretched out between you. You thought maybe he was done with your invasive line of questioning — after all, this was the first “real” conversation you had had with him that didn’t involve work-related topics — but he spoke up after an elongated pause.
“It’s a nasty habit I can’t kick. I try not to indulge if I can help it.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that Boba almost sounded embarrassed at having a vice. “My turn to ask a question.”
“There a reason you’re leading me through back alleys instead of taking the main streets?” He cast a sidelong glance at you, and even with the glint from the streetlamps you couldn’t place whatever subtle emotion danced in his gaze.
“Oh, uhm. It’s just a faster shortcut,” you said, hesitating despite your honesty. “I...normally don’t feel safe enough to do this at night, but…” The implied since you’re here hung heavy in the air between you. You drew his jacket tighter around your body, relishing in the shield it provided against the chilly evening air.
Seemingly satisfied with your explanation, Boba lapsed into silence beside you. You lead him around a corner and stopped at the base of a sloping hill, turning to face him. “Um, the house I’m renting is just up the road from here,” you started, nerves sitting at the base of your chest. The thought of Boba — your boss , who you were crushing on hard — knowing where you lived? It was almost too much to bear, because you were certain you’d do something stupid like invite him in for a drink, which would naturally lead to you into shamelessly begging him to do unspeakable things to you. You couldn’t. 
Instead, you shrugged off his jacket, internally mourning the loss of warmth and security it radiated. “Thanks again. And thanks for walking me home.”
Boba acknowledged you with a slight dip of his head as he pulled his jacket back around his own shoulders. You gave him what you hoped was a natural and normal smile that didn’t let your nervousness show, and turned to walk up the long sidewalk that led to your ramshackle house.
His gaze burned on your back the entire time, only letting up when you unlocked the door and stepped inside the safety of your home.
The second time had to have been a coincidence, an alignment of your schedules, because you found him at the exact same spot at the exact same time a week later. The only difference was that this time, he was grinding out a cigarette and raising a zippo to light another in the same moment.
You never took him for a chainsmoker.
“Boba —”
“What did I say about walking alone at night?” His tone wasn’t accusatory, necessarily, but neither was it condescending or patronizing. It was almost concerned, if you could call it that.
“I only have the same excuses as last time,” you admitted. He made that noise again, the little huff you’d taken to mean he’s amused, and your chest did a funny little skip in response.
“Means I’m responsible for walking you home again, then.”
“I - no! Not if it’s some sort of imposition. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“I’m sure of that, kid. But,” he paused to inhale, and deeply: his chest visibly expanded to fill out whatever room was left in his leather jacket, and he held it there for a beat, savoring the burn, before he breathed out in one fell swoop. “I’d like to see you safe with my own eyes.”
The white smoke obscured his gaze for just that moment, and all you could see was the bright burning end of his cigarette like a wine stain on a white tablecloth, like a gunshot wound through a white shirt.
You swallowed thickly. “Y-yeah, okay. Thanks, Boba.”
Something like gratitude settled over your shoulders, but there was also something else there, something you didn’t know how to describe. It meant enough to your lovesick heart to know that he cared , at least in some capacity, about your well-being. Enough to walk you home twice .
Even when Boba looked away, gaze on some distant point down the alley, you couldn’t keep your eyes from him. He looked so good , so imposing at all times, and the cigarette only helped add to his appeal. He was every bit like an intimidating mob boss, like he might decide to put his cigarette out on some thug’s eye for mouthing off — and you were only a little ashamed to say that the mental picture made you want to squirm.
At the same time, you could tell there was a different edge to him tonight. Something more coiled and tense, like he had a bundle of energy he needed to burn off and burning a cigarette was the closest he could come.
If he had been savoring it that first night, he was flat out devouring it now. It was aggressive, in a way; how he’d barely let his lungs take in a full breath of oxygen before he filled them with nicotine and tar again.
“You smoke?”
His voice startled you from your thoughts, bringing you clear back to the current moment. “N-no. Why?”
“You keep staring. Made me wonder if you wanted a puff.” He had caught you red-handed in your shameless oogling, and you supposed you should’ve felt embarrassed, but you were too enraptured with the way he spoke with his cigarette hanging from his lips, how the smoke leaked out in little wisps with every word. Deftly, he thumbed the filter to flick ash from the butt and immediately brought it back to his lips again. Your eyes followed every movement. “But it’s a good thing. Don’t start.”
“I hadn’t planned on it,” you said, which was the truth — the truth that existed before you knew Boba was a smoker, anyway. It wasn’t like you had a craving to smoke for smoking’s sake. Instead, you wanted to taste from the same filter that sat in Boba’s mouth, imagining it stained with the imprint of his lips; you wanted to inhale the same smoke that he exhaled and pretend that you were sharing breaths like lovers, or fuckbuddies; you wanted to kiss him and taste the nicotine on his tongue —
— but he was your boss, and a good deal older than you, and he’d never be interested in the first place. Instead, you had resigned yourself to watching him in the act with the hopes that you didn’t give off creepy vibes and that he’d fire you. It’d be best if you could turn your mind away from more unsavory thoughts, you decided. You would rather be a friend to him than someone he cast aside. You figured his stress came from the current negotiations between him and a potential business partner, but said partner was well-established in this area and, to the best of your knowledge, kept raising their “prices.” You didn’t know much about it because it simply wasn’t your job to know, but word did get around. “Are the talks not going well?”
He let out a derisive snort. “Hardly.” He exhaled and smoke escaped through his nostrils, giving him the momentary impression of a dragon. “It’s that obvious, huh?”
“It’s just…” You paused to search for the right words. “You seem very stressed. I thought it might be because of that.”
Boba grunted in response. He held his little nub of a cigarette between forefinger and thumb as the smoldering end continued to eat away at the filter. For a moment, it seemed like he was honestly considering trying to finish it off, but then he breathed out a quiet sigh and tossed the butt to the ground. 
“....So it’s a stress thing, then, huh? The reason you smoke?”
Boba crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his full weight against the building behind him. “Supposed to be,” he answered. “But then I got addicted.”
“You picked up smoking to cope with stress?” You couldn’t keep the incredulity out of your voice if you tried. Your response to stress was just to cry, something arguably way healthier than what Boba was currently doing.
He breathed in deep, then out, and caught the tail-end of a worrisome cough as he exhaled. “Stress used to make me angry,” he explained, taking a moment to clear his throat. “When I was younger, I picked a lot of unnecessary fights, broke a lot of bones.”
“And others’.” You didn’t miss the uneven slant of his mouth, the slight grin he wore at the admission, as if he was proud . “But it was a dangerous outlet, so I found something else.”
“Like smoking is any less dangerous,” you pointed out.
“A cigarette kills slower than a bullet, kid. And besides, you’re...what, half my age? Maybe more?” He lifted himself off the building and beckoned you to follow him with a jerk of his head. “I’ve been smoking longer than you’ve been alive. There weren’t many other options beside violence or drugs when I was younger.” “Oh. I’m...I’m sorry,” you said lamely, not really knowing how else to respond. “Don’t be.”
He was leading you home, you realized with a start, both amazed and terrified that he remembered the route you showed him exactly once. As you walked, you stayed close to his side; the evening was no less chilly, and even though you were wearing a thin windbreaker of your own, you were still cold. Boba radiated body heat, and you tried to soak up some of his without being in direct contact with him.
“You don’t look stressed,” you offered after a minute of companionable silence. 
He turned to look at you fully, an obvious cue to continue, but his unwavering attention made you nervous, and you started to blabber. “I-I mean, like… just in case you were worried that you were projecting the wrong image. Whenever I see you on base I just think you look so cool and intimidating, so even if these talks are stressing you out, it doesn’t show, and you still look as powerful and scary as ever, and so —”
“Thanks.” His voice made you shut up instantly , though there was no harshness or anger behind his tone. You were glad that he stopped your rambling; you were certain that if you had continued, you would’ve said something you couldn’t come back from.
You stopped at the same place last time, at the base of the hill, and turned to Boba with a slight smile. “Well, thanks again —”
“No, kid.” His hand fell to the small of your back, so big and solid and warm , and for a moment your brain short circuited as you tried to process the contact. “I said I wanted to see you safe with my own eyes. I’ll walk you to your door.”
“Uhh, y-yeah, okay. Yeah. Good. Sounds good to me.” To your surprise, as you started walking again, Boba’s hand remained a constant on your back. Were he any closer, you could pretend he had his arm slung around your waist as if he were a lover, or your boyfriend, your partner — but, desperately, you attempted to put a stop to those thoughts. They were all fantasies, anyway, unreachable things that you were never meant to hope for.
You stopped in front of your house steps. They were shoddy and showed more tear than wear, and the building clearly needed some love and care. It was, however, home , for the foreseeable future.
“Um, this is me,” you said awkwardly. Boba’s hand finally fell from your back, unfortunately not stopping anywhere on the way down, and he glanced up to take in the state of the building. You couldn’t tell if he was impressed or not — his expression was virtually unreadable — and you didn’t want to imagine what he was thinking, or what information he could extrapolate about you based on your residence. “I wanted to say thanks for walking me home. Again.”
“You shouldn’t be walking alone in the first place,” he said in lieu of acceptance, his brows furrowing ever-so-slightly.
“I know, I know, just —” You shuffled awkwardly, half-wanting him to leave, half-wanting to invite him to stay. “Thanks.” You hoped it was obvious that you weren’t just thanking him for seeing you home, but for sharing pieces of himself with you, for allowing you to see the bits of himself he never showed at work.
For a moment, his eyes seemed to look you over, top-to-bottom. He dipped his chin slightly in response. “Get some rest, kid.”
And then he was gone, the phantom touch of his hand hot and heavy on your back.
You formed a ritual together after that.
You’d meet him at the same place every week, always around midnight, and he’d smoke while you had an easy conversation. He smoked depending on his mood: sometimes, it was just one cigarette, enjoyed slowly, the stick held between his fingers more often than his mouth. Other times, he’d smoke multiple in quick succession, never more than three, but always with a sense of quiet urgency, like he wanted to finish them as fast as possible. He’d usually smoke them down to nothing, too, leaving barely anything left to count as litter.
Consequently, you grew closer to him than your schedule at work would ever have allowed. Some nights, the conversation would stick to work or work-adjacent topics. Other nights, you’d talk about more personal things, like when Boba revealed how his father died and you stepped in to overshare about your own sob-story childhood — but no matter the topic, there was a general acknowledgement that your relationship had Shifted, with a capital s . The dynamic between you two was no longer strictly boss and employee, but neither was it just a friendship. It was something precarious, dangling over the edge, desperate for something to disrupt it.
And you were desperate to keep it there. Sure, Boba had gotten a little more physical with you in the sense that he always had a hand or an arm touching you as he took you home, and maybe he gave you his jacket more often than not these chilly evenings, but otherwise he was still...Boba. Still kind of hard to read, still a little emotionally closed off, and most definitely not into you. It sucked, but you had learned to be content with the crumbs you got, and it came with the added bonus of having a secret together that no one else at work knew about. It wasn’t scandalous, or taboo, but it definitely felt a little gratifying knowing that you got to see a side of the boss that most everyone else wouldn’t know existed.
Your weekly meeting was a ritual. A sacred thing.
Until it wasn’t.
One night, Boba simply wasn’t there .
His silhouette was missing . There was no figure leaning against the building, there was no cherry-red glow of cigarette embers, there was no one.
You checked your phone: just a little past midnight. Was he sick? Or busy? He had your number for work-related reasons, so surely he would have texted you if —
But why would he? It wasn’t like this was anything serious , right? It wasn’t a meeting he needed to cancel, or a failed date you could excuse your way out of. This was just… a thing . A repeated thing with a date and a time and a place, sure, but…
Nonetheless, you found yourself drawn to your phone, the screen casting a soft blue glow across your face as you waited for a notification to pop up over your messaging app. You wouldn’t call yourself a romantic, but surely expecting a courtesy message wasn’t beyond whatever little ritual you had going on, right? At least, as your employer, he could treat it like —
A hand grabbed your shoulder. On reflex, you twisted around and flailed your arm wildly, hoping to hit whatever would-be assailant in a place that would hurt.
He caught the fist you carelessly slung in one broad hand, his fingers wrapped around your wrist tight to hold it in place.
“ Boba! ” you gasped, both relieved and irritated at the same time. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
  He let your hand slide from his grasp, and if you were in the right mind to pay attention, you would have noticed how he purposefully let his fingertips ghost longer on your skin, how they ran from your wrist to fingers instead of dropping away outright. “Don’t stand oblivious in an alley. At least keep moving if you’re alone.”
You slid your phone back into your front pocket. “I was waiting for you . I didn’t think you were coming.”
At that, he raised an eyebrow ever-so-slightly. “Wasn’t aware I could be late.”
And, well — he was right. This was his thing, after all, his late-night smoke break that he just happened to be so kind as to let you participate as a spectator. Of course he could change his mind, of course he wouldn’t think to let you know. It was your fault for getting attached and thinking it was something more —
“You should stop walking alone so late at night.” Boba was close , you realized. The brief panic earlier had drawn you two together and you hadn’t parted very far, your chests merely inches from each other. It was closer than you had ever been to him before, at least face-to-face, and as a consequence he spoke quieter, his voice coming out as more of a husky rumble than an actual vocalization.
“I’ll stop when you stop smoking,” you countered, your mind too focused on your proximity to Boba to filter your words properly. You were worried he might pick up the true meaning, that it was the act of Boba smoking that lured you to him each week, but instead he huffed out a chuckle.
“We’ll see about that, princess.”
Princess . That was... oh . It sounded like a proper pet name, and the realization made a rush of heat go to your face.
“P-princess?” you finally squeaked out. “Really?”
“You’re spoiled often enough,” Boba said plainly, though the hint of a grin pulling at his lips made you realize he was teasing you.
Something overwhelmingly warm and pleasant tugged at your heart, replacing practically every negative feeling you’d experienced in the past ten minutes. “I’m spoiled, huh? How am I spoiled?”
“You usually get what you want.”
You hummed at that, trying to think of something he might be referencing. He didn’t interact with you much at work, and typically it was usually the opposite in your experience. “I don’t think so,” you finally said, drawing up blanks.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
You hadn’t considered that maybe he kept up with the ritual for your sake. Maybe he didn’t smoke at the same time and at the same place on a weekly basis, but instead decided to show up because you expected him there. Because that made sense.
Guilt ate at your heart, replaced quickly by a sense of affection.
It meant he enjoyed your talks, then, right? That he at least enjoyed your company? You couldn’t think of anyone he might just hang out with other than Fennec, and even then, you couldn’t picture him going through the trouble of all of this just to talk with her.
“Boba…” Tentatively, you reached out and placed your palms against his chest, looking up at him. He smelled like leather and smoke and himself , and you were so close that if you wanted, you could… you could….
Thunder crackled sharply overhead, and you jumped back in pure surprise. Boba’s hands came to settle around your elbows, keeping you from fully peeling away.
“Oh, fuck,” you breathed. Ozone filled your nose — the threat of rain.
“Didn’t think it was supposed to storm tonight,” Boba admitted, and the change in weather made disappointment surge through your veins. You doubted he was the type to enjoy smoking while soaking wet, meaning you’d likely have to call it quits for tonight.
“You could…” Oh, god. You already knew that the offer would be a mistake, but you swallowed down the nervous lump in your throat. “You could smoke. In my house. If you wanna.”
He regarded you quietly. “If I want, huh?”
“I-if you want,” you repeated. “But would a ‘please’ help influence your decision?”
“No.” And oh, that made your heart drop in your chest — but then he curled a finger under your chin and applied enough pressure to keep you gazing up at him. “But I want to hear one anyway.”
You couldn’t look away if you wanted to. There was something in his eyes that had you absolutely mesmerized , something burning like the smoldering end of a cigarette. God , you wanted to fucking kiss him. “Will you please come to my house?”
His lips curled into a small, self-satisfied smirk that bordered on a grin. The way he allowed you to see a flash of teeth seemed almost predatory , and it made you want to run away, or run toward him. “I’m not in the mood to get soaked,” he finally said. “Let’s go.”
You thought he would pull away from you entirely, leave you wanting and waiting,  but instead his arm curled itself around your waist to pull you against the warmth of his side. The gesture was so obviously possessive that it made your heart swoon . You tentatively leaned into him, a hand braced on his chest, but he took your weight easily, as if it were nothing.
The walk to your house was usually a quick affair, a five minute walk at most . Yet, now it felt like you were getting there at a snail’s pace, your body and brain hyperaware of your surroundings, dragging the walk out into one long punishment. Boba’s hand had slipped underneath the hem of your shirt to touch bare skin and it burned with promise. His body was so warm, and so solid, and he smelled so good that you just wanted to bury your face in his chest and just breathe. 
To anyone else, you would’ve looked like a typical drunk couple enjoying the evening together. You were invisible, and that knowledge made you almost giddy . He was no longer your boss and you weren’t his employee. The circumstances of your relationship didn’t matter, and for a moment you could pretend that you two were just —
Well, that you two were something together. Something with a future.
Too held up in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the pebble in your path, and you caught your foot on it and stumbled. Boba’s arms wrapped around you before you could pitch forward and he dragged you up to hold you against his chest, one strong arm braced around your middle. “Easy.”
His lips were right by your ear, so close that his voice had come out as barely more than a low rumble. You instinctively tensed in his arms, one hand resting atop his own, and turned your head back to look at him.
Christ , you were impossibly close. The angle meant that there were scant few inches separating you from him, and that a small adjustment would be enough to allow your lips to brush his, to allow you to have a taste of him that you’ve craved these past few months —
Thunder boomed overhead and you startled in his arms, enough so that you jerked away from him. You gave a nervous laugh moreso to assure him that nothing was actually wrong than anything else. The first few fat drops of rain splattered your skin, shockingly cold, and you both looked up at the sky in unison.
“We’d better hurry,” you suggested, knowing how easily torrential rain began in storms like these.
You reached for his hand this time, settling your small hand in the palm of his own, but it was Boba that pulled you along to your house with a renewed sense of urgency as rain began to darken the concrete in small splotches. The clouds threatened to open up and drench you both, but there was something a little more primal in the way he handled you, like it wasn’t just the rain on his mind.
By the time you reached the steps leading up to your door, he was practically manhandling you up them, and instead of allowing you to stop and fish your keys from your pockets, he kept himself in your space, crowding into you, forcing you back against your door. He braced an arm over your head, the other settling on your hip, and when he pressed his knee between your thighs you parted your legs willingly for him.
Boba stared at you. Water droplets dusted the shoulders of his leather jacket, shining dimly in your porch light. The same light reflected warmly in his brown eyes, eyes normally so hard and closed off, but soft for you , like he was sharing a secret, like he was barring some hidden part of himself just for you. Only you.
His thumb skimmed your bare skin where your shirt had ridden up, drawing slow and smooth circles that didn’t match the intensity of his gaze or the way your heart pounded in your chest. When he swallowed, you watched how his adam’s apple bobbed and longed to put your mouth there, to feel the motion against your lips.
“You gonna invite me inside?”
You wanted to hit him. You wanted to give him a snarky reply for all but forcing you up your stairs, or call him something that involved the words cheeky and asshole — but his breath kept ghosting tantalizingly across your lips and his damned smirk was so attractive and you felt like you had been waiting for this for literal years, desire and want and longing all bound up fit to bursting in your chest. “Only if you kiss me,” you challenged breathlessly.
Boba surged forward, hands sliding to cup your face between his broad and calloused palms, and he kissed you with more teeth than lips, something ferocious and desperate . His knee slotted itself higher between your thighs, purposefully rubbing against your center, and you moaned into his mouth, clutching desperately at his wrists. Against the awning, the spattering of rain turned quickly into a flood and for a moment you couldn’t differentiate between it and the blood rushing in your ears.
You never thought you’d find the taste of cigarettes appealing, but you did — at least, you liked them combined with whatever it was Boba tasted like. Maybe it was your attraction to him warping your senses but you couldn’t get enough. You licked into his mouth, sucked lightly on his tongue, teased his lip with your teeth — literally anything  to keep him pressed against you.
His hands left your face which made the chilly air feel all the more cold against your cheeks. Instead, they ran down the length of your torso, mapping out the curves and planes of your body. You arched willingly into his hands as they reached around to your backside, sliding into the pockets of your jeans —
— only to be met with disappointment when you heard the jangle of your keys as he pulled them from your pocket. “Could’ve —  asked ,” you managed between breathless kisses. Boba hummed into your mouth as he reached for the doorknob to your side. Reluctantly, he pulled away just long enough to slot the key correctly into the lock, and you busied yourself with tasting the expanse of skin on his throat that the new angle provided.
One hand still remained cupping your ass, and you squeaked when he suddenly grabbed a handful and squeezed. As he turned the doorhandle, he used his hand to pull your weight forward against him so that you wouldn’t fall backward into your house, which had the added advantage of pressing your chest to his.
“C’mon,” he murmured lowly, playfully swatting your ass. “Inside.”
You barely registered the sound of your keys hitting your tiled floor as he ushered you indoors, because the moment you both were safely inside you fell on him again, lip-to-lip, hands trying to work off his leather jacket. He took the hint and shed it quickly, letting it fall to the floor, and immediately he urged off your own shirt, breaking away from you long enough to pull the fabric up over your head.
His hands felt so big against your body like they were everywhere, his rough palms a stark contrast against your smooth skin. He thumbed just under your breastband, one hand settled on your back to keep your pelvis pressed to him as his other hand groped your chest over your bra, rough and demanding, and you whined into his mouth. The pleasure threatened to sweep your thoughts away, to turn you mindless and dumb and completely receptive to his whims. You turned your head away from his lips, trying to find the words to speak as he continued to grab handfuls of your flesh. “Boba —” you started, cutting off abruptly with a whine as he teethed at the delicate skin of your neck, each nibble a promise of a later bruise. “W-wait, Boba, I thought you came here to smoke?”
In an instant, his hands fell to his sides, leaving you completely untouched. If you weren’t keyed up and desperate, you might’ve appreciated the gesture, but now it just left you feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. He looked down at you in concern, brows slightly furrowed, but all you could focus on were his lips . They were slick with saliva, kiss-swollen, and you felt a twinge of regret that you had pulled away at all.
“....Do you not want —”
“No! No, I do, I just thought that maybe, y’know…” You gave him a sheepish grin, aware of how hot your face felt.  “I thought that maybe you could...do both?”
Concern gave way to slight confusion, then he chuckled in amusement. “I should have guessed.” Boba reached back into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out his lighter and a carton of cigarettes and carefully shook one free. “You have a thing for smoking, huh?”
“No!” It was a gut-response to deny; smoking was gross . It was yucky . It did awful things to people’s bodies and it stained clothes and fingers and yet — “Or at least, I didn’t,” you amended, voice softening. “Not until I saw you that night.”
He paused, lighter halfway to his mouth. The cigarette dangled attractively from his lips. “You should have better taste.”
You choked on nothing. “Wh — you should have better stress relievers!” “Are you offering?”
That made you stop, heat rising to your face at the implication. Sure, you wanted him — but the thought of being his little toy , someone he came to when he needed a quick fuck to ease his frustrations — you liked the thought of it a little too much. Boba was smirking at you, but he seemed to understand to leave well enough alone, at least for now.
There was a flash of light, steel hitting flint, and then the familiar smell of smoke filled the air, more potent in your tiny house. He motioned his head toward your couch as he breathed out a mouthful of smoke. “Go sit.”
The command was almost unneeded; Boba practically steered you there himself, hot on your heels, his hand right back on your lower back like it belonged there. You settled yourself on the cushions, half expecting him to sit beside you, or maybe cover your body with his own — but when he sunk to his knees in front of you, nerves bubbled up in your stomach.
“Oh, Boba, I’ve never...No one has...gone down on me before.”
He grunted, deft fingertips already at the button of your jeans. “Don’t see how that impacts me.” You raised your hips to help as he tugged at the hem of one pantleg, and he slid your jeans off in one smooth movement. He placed your legs over his shoulders and jerked you forward so your ass was off the couch, hips suspended in midair by his arms hooked underneath your thighs. It left you trapped and pinned in place, your back slouched awkwardly against the back of the couch. He puffed on his cigarette before transferring it between his first two fingers, the burning tip pointed away from you as he gripped your thigh. Smoke escaped his mouth as he spoke, “Unless you want me to stop?”
You shook your head, and whatever nervous thoughts you had about tasting or smelling weird, or not looking the way he expected, or not being groomed the way he liked instantly left as Boba ran the flat of his tongue against your clothed cunt, so hot even through the fabric of your panties, and you jerked your hips both in surprise and want .
“Be still ,” he growled, so close that you felt his breath against your center. “I don’t want to burn you.”
“You won’t,” you breathed. You trusted him not to even accidentally harm you, like accident wasn’t a word in his vocabulary. Instead, you felt his arms clamp down on you harder, giving you even less potential wiggle room than before.
A moment later, his mouth was on you, his tongue licking broad stripes against your panties. It felt good even without direct contact; you had never had someone’s mouth on you before, and it had been a long time since you had anything but your hand to pleasure yourself with. 
“You’re already so wet.” He turned his attention to your inner thighs, and pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses to your heated skin. His free hand rubbed you through your panties, spreading your slick into the fabric, and you moaned . “Is it because of me, or are you just excited?”
“You. It’s you.” He hooked his thumb under the edges of your panties and pulled the fabric away from your crotch, exposing your heated core. Your breath came in short puffs as he finally touched you, skin against skin, his thumb dipping into your folds to collect your slick on his fingertip. “I’ve — thought about this for so long.” “About me eating you out?” You were so wet; you could see how your juices glistened on his thumb as he brought it to his mouth, letting his tongue loll out lewdly as he licked your taste clean from his finger. You whined at that sight alone and imagined his tongue tasting you for real, imagined how wet and hot it would feel against your bare cunt. He brought that same hand down onto the meat of your thigh, slapping you light enough to get your attention but not enough to leave a lasting sting. “I asked you a question, princess.”
“About this,” you repeated, as if it clarified anything. “About you.  About — Boba, please —” You tried arching your hips off the couch to tempt him, tried to explain without words what you wanted as your voice died off into a needy whine.
His hand returned to your cunt, fingertips grazing over your clit through your panties. They were so soaked with his spit and your slick that it was barely a barrier at all, made translucent by all the fluids. “Don’t make me guess what you want,” he said. “Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”
Frustrated, you groaned and covered your face with your hands. “It’s embarrassing to say it.”
“It’s embarrassing, huh?” Boba teased the edge of your underwear, flicking it against your skin as a reminder that his fingers were right there , that you could have what you were desperate for if you only asked. “Is it embarrassing if I say that I love how you taste?” 
“Boba….” you whined weakly.
“I want to taste more of you,” he murmured, voice growing husky. He nosed against your clothed mound, breath fanning hotly against your core. “I want to bury my tongue in your little cunt and take everything from you. I want you to come undone on my mouth, princess.” He pressed an oddly-sweet kiss to your thigh, his lips lingering on your skin. “But I can’t unless you tell me what you want.”
You felt hot and extremely bothered by the casual way he said those things, how he just uttered his desires as if they were nothing. It wasn’t embarrassing to ask him to eat you out, but you found it embarrassing that you wanted it. You swallowed thickly, and when you finally looked out from under your hands you found Boba looking up at you through hooded eyes, just waiting. Watching.
“Please,” you whispered. “Please eat me out.”
“ That ’s it." In a blatant show of strength he ripped your panties right from your hips, tearing the cloth with one strong pull. You didn’t even have time to articulate a response, because a second later his mouth was on your bare pussy, his tongue eagerly lapping up the liquid that glistened on your folds. 
“ Boba! ” You jerked hard in his grasp but he pinned you down with his hands alone, his grip on your thighs so tight you knew that there would be ten marks in the shape of his fingers the next morning. He was relentless, lapping and slurping at your cunt like a man starved, and the sounds were so lewd and so pornographic that you’d have found them gross were you not so aroused. 
You wanted to snap your thighs closed and rut against his mouth so bad , but his hold on you was unforgiving. He kept you spread and held in place, completely at his mercy as he licked and sucked and devoured you. Little gasps and moans kept escaping your lips, mixed in with mindless repetitions of Boba and please and yes, yes, like that.  This was the loudest you had ever been; months of pent-up desire and sexual frustration had you quickly approaching an orgasm, vastly helped by Boba’s skillful tongue. The urge sat heavy in your gut and only grew with each passing second until you were frantically trying to grind into him, hips moving minutely in his iron grip.
And then he began to pull away. Your hand shot out to grab the back of his head to hold him in place, a desperate whine leaving your throat. “No! No, Boba, please, I’m so close, please —”
“Shhh.” He turned his head to place a soft kiss to your inner thigh. “Relax, princess. I’m not going anywhere.” His assurances were enough to cause you to let go, and he rewarded you by peppering more gentle kisses to your slicked skin.  “You got an ashtray?”
You had to think through the haze of want that clouded your thoughts. “A... huh? Why?”
“Don’t want to burn you.” He motioned toward the cone of ash on his cigarette, which had been steadily burning the whole time his mouth was on you. Carefully, he unwound his arms from around you and you slumped, boneless, back into the couch. “Unless you want me to use the carpet?”
“N-no, god, my landlord would kill me.” You spotted an old mug sitting on the endtable right next to the couch and reached for it, almost spilling the scant liquid left inside as you haphazardly handed it to Boba. “Use this.”
Sitting back on his haunches, he flicked the excess into the mug and then brought the cigarette to his lips, inhaling deeply. You watched the fabric of his shirt stretch across his chest as he breathed in, how his shoulders seemed to broaden with the action. When he exhaled, he blew from the side of his mouth, keeping the smoke from reaching your face.
Which was considerate and all, but… “ Boba .” You stretched your lower half toward him in need, letting your thighs fall open. “Please?”
“You invited me here to smoke,” he reminded, even as his free hand slid up to brush tantalizingly close to your slit. “You gonna make me waste a cigarette?”
“N-no, but…” Tears pricked the back of your eyes; you had been so close , and the longer you went without his mouth on you the more you worried you wouldn’t get to come at all. “ Please .”
Boba flicked ash into the mug again and set it aside on the floor, out of reach of flailing arms and legs. “Spoiled little thing,” he said, so affectionate, and then he was upon you, his head back between your thighs. And, fuck, maybe you were spoiled, but it was his fault for indulging you and giving you an inch so you could take a mile. His tongue just felt so good, and without his arms pinning your legs open you rutted freely into his mouth, moans and pleas rolling off your lips anew.
Boba turned his head to the side as he took another drag from his cigarette, holding the little nub a safe ways away from your skin. He exhaled before he wrapped his mouth around you again, hotter than before, and his lips latched around your clit.
“Fuck!” Pleasure shot up through your spine and you moaned shamelessly, your eyes shutting tightly against the feelings that threatened to overwhelm you. “Fuck, fuck , Boba, please, oh my god —”
“Gonna come from my mouth alone?” His lips barely left your cunt as he spoke, his hot breath only serving to further tease you. “Wanna come for me, sweet thing?”
“ Yes ,” you hissed. “Yes, Boba, please , wanna come on your tongue —” You weren’t even wholly aware of what you were saying, just babbling mindlessly as he kept torturing your clit with attention. The urge you were chasing earlier came back full-force, leaving you teetering on the edge. “Please, please , Boba, Boba —”
“Then come,” he ordered. “Come for me.”
It might have been his voice, it might have been because his teeth skimmed your clit, but you came and you came hard . You think  you screamed, or blacked out, or screamed and then blacked out — and when you finally relaxed, body no long tight and taut, you opened bleary eyes to find Boba’s face still buried between your legs, his tongue lapping at your sensitive pussy in slow, languid movements.
“Boba,” you whimpered, pushing at him weakly. “‘S’too much, please …”
He peppered hot, open-mouthed kisses on the heated skin of your inner thighs as he pulled away, settling back on his knees. To your embarrassment, his mouth and chin shined with your juices; he turned his head to wipe himself clean on the sleeve of his shoulder and replaced his cigarette back between his lips. It was evident he’d enjoyed himself, too, because there was a sizable bulge tenting the fabric of his jeans.
“Hey.” You stretched a leg out, brushing a toe across the top of a clothed thigh. “It’s not fair you’re still dressed. Take off your shirt.”
He exhaled slowly, smoke drifting lazily upward from his mouth. “Take off your bra if you want it to be fair.”
You had completely forgotten that you were still wearing it, and you realized how ridiculous you must look: stripped nude with your bare pussy on display, but still wearing your fucking bra. It wasn’t even cute .
Sitting up, you hesitantly reached behind yourself and unclipped your bra. You let the straps slide down your shoulders but left the cups covering your chest, suddenly very acutely aware of everything: the couch beneath your bare thighs, the drying slick on your skin, Boba’s warm eyes focused intensely on you .
“Don’t get shy on me, now.” Gentle and slow, he reached a hand up and helped ease your bra the rest of the way off your chest. He palmed your bare breast, pebbling your nipple underneath his thumb. “Beautiful.”
You flushed at the compliment but gently pushed his hand away. “Your turn. Fair’s fair.”
He extended his cigarette out to you as he stood up from his knees, and you didn’t miss the quiet noise of exertion he made at the effort. “Hold this.” It was burned down to almost nothing, wasted, but as you took it from his fingers you remembered how often you’d imagined holding the filter between your lips, how often you dreamed of tasting him second-hand.
“Want to try?” He must’ve caught you staring; when you glanced back at him, he was bare-chested, and you marveled at the power that flexed underneath his skin, at the tattoos that spanned his chest and upper arms. You’d have to ask about them later.
“I thought you didn’t want me to start?”
“You’re an adult. I’m saying the offer’s there, if you want.”
You considered it — you really did — but then you thought about how sweeter it would taste coming from his mouth, and you passed it back to him.
“I...can we try something?
The end of it burned red-hot as he inhaled. “What?”
Your earlier shyness came back, your nerves sitting heavy in your chest. “What if...you kissed me, right? But with your mouth full of smoke? And then...y’know….” You wrung your hands in your lap as your confidence died out.
But Boba merely chuckled and took a seat on the couch next to you, the cushions dipping under his weight. “You won’t like it,” he warned.
“I don’t care.” Half-surprised he agreed, and half-giddy with desire, you crawled loose-limbed into his space, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth as you settled into him. “If it’s from you, I don’t care.”
You had tucked yourself into his side, but Boba hauled you into his lap instead, swinging your legs across his own. His clothed erection pressed into your hip and you had half a mind to ask if he wanted his pants off, too — but then he grabbed your chin between one large hand and held you in place as he puffed from his cigarette. His lips ghosted across your own, soft and tentative, and then he kissed you for real.
Unlike before, this was gentle and sweet, the slow molding of his mouth to yours, until he urged your lips to part. On instinct, you inhaled, and the smoke that entered your lungs was hot and spicy . You coughed once against his mouth before you had the chance to turn away. Your lungs and throat burned and tears quickly filled your eyes as you coughed away the sensation.
“I told you,” came Boba’s smug reply, and you narrowed your leaking eyes in a glare even as small coughs wracked your body. Gently, he smoothed his hand up and down your spine. “Wanna try again?”
“So you can —” you stopped, coughing, “— laugh at me?”
“Not laughing.” He wiped away some spittle on the side of your mouth. “It’ll be easier if you just hold it in your mouth. Don’t breathe it in.”
You nodded. After he took another drag from his cigarette, well and truly burning it to the filter, he kissed you again. This time, when you felt smoke fill your mouth, you fought off the urge to inhale. It almost tasted sweet beneath the bitter burn. You forced yourself to breathe out, the smoke pouring from between your connected mouths, but despite your best efforts you ended up inhaling a little anyway. You pulled away and coughed to clear your throat.
You shook your head. “Not really,” you said sheepishly. “At least I know there’s one fantasy I don’t want to try again.
Boba extinguished the nub of his cigarette between forefinger and thumb and tossed it to the mug he left on the floor. “You fantasized about this?”
“Well, duh.” You sunk down against his chest, resting your head on his shoulder as he drew you close. “What else am I supposed to think about at work?”
It was a tease, mostly, but Boba pinched the soft skin of your thigh. “Naughty thing,” he admonished. “I pay you to fantasize, huh?”
“You occupy my thoughts even when I’m off the clock,” you admitted. As you shifted a bit in his lap, his erection pressed into your side, and you remembered another worktime fantasy and spoke before Boba had a chance to reply to your honesty. “Hey, you brought a whole pack with you, right?”
He huffed out a chuckle. “You trying to give me lung cancer?”
“No! No, no, just —” You squirmed. “Do you maybe want a blowjob? While you smoke?”
He answered you by reaching into his back pocket to pull out his lighter and cigarette carton. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”
“W-well, I mean, I thought you might like it. It’s supposed to be every man’s fantasy, right? A good blowjob and a smoke?” You eased yourself onto your knees before him as he lit up another cigarette, smoothing your hand over his broad thighs.
“Never considered it before,” he said as he began to undo his belt, “but I won’t say no.”
Your deft fingers helped undo the button on his jeans, and you pulled the waistband down just far enough to free his aching cock. “Oh, fuck ,” you breathed. He was big . Bigger than anyone else you’d taken, and you felt a phantom twinge of pain in your jaw just imagining him in your mouth. 
“Like what you see?” Boba grinned down at you, his freshly-lit cigarette hanging from the side of his mouth. Oh, he knew he was big. He knew it, and he knew you liked it.
You wrapped your hand around him and almost moaned when you realized you were barely able to touch your thumb to your middle finger around his girth. “Holy fuck , Boba.” You had never wanted to suck a dick as badly as you did now, even if you were questioning how any of it would fit in your mouth. Would he even fit in your cunt? If things escalated to that point, would you be able to take him, or would he just split you in half?
You subconsciously squeezed your thighs together and leaned in, pressing kisses up along his shaft. He smelled good , like musk, like Boba , the scent that you could never name. You parted your lips and dragged the tip of your tongue along his shaft, feather-light, stopping to take his leaking head into your mouth. He tasted salty on your tongue and you braced your hands on his thighs as you leaned in farther, relaxing your throat as his girth stretched you mouth impossibly wide. Already, it was almost too much, your jaw threatening to ache, and you worried you’d have to give him a handjob instead.
“‘Atta girl,” Boba praised, and oh if that didn’t make you feel like you could do anything . He ran a hand through your hair and settled a palm on the top of your head — not pulling, not pushing, but a comforting weight that held promise. Potential.
You pulled off his cock, tilting your head to look up at him through your lashes. “You can be mean,” you breathed, cognizant of how his hand tightened in your hair. “It’s okay.”
Boba hummed low in his throat, as if he were considering it. “Some other time,” he promised. “You have to learn to take me. I can’t break you on the first day.”
His words made you whimper automatically with want as your brain immediately filled in the gaps. Boba exhaled a mouthful of smoke around his cigarette and applied a little pressure to the top of your head, encouraging you to bend down again. “C’mon, princess. Take me into your mouth.”
You held his gaze for as long as you could manage as you wrapped your lips around his cock again, sinking down on his length. Despite his size, you wanted to take him deep in your throat and feel his jeans rub against your chin. You tried to relax as much as possible as you sunk lower but he was just too much , and you ended up gagging audibly.
He gave a sharp tug on your hair, pulling you off his cock. “Go easy ,” he stressed. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
Spit dribbled down your chin. “I want to take all of you,” you whined.
Boba’s hand cupped your jaw, his thumb smearing your saliva across your lips. “Be patient. I’m not a small man.”
“You make it sound like I’ll get another chance to do this.”
“You will. If you want.” Ash fell from the end of his cigarette and onto the cushion below, but in that moment you couldn’t care less about your stupid couch. “I’d like to have fun with you again.”
You hid your grin behind kisses as you peppered them along his shaft. “Okay,” you finally said. “Okay, I’ll go easy.” Boba made it sound like you’d have all the time in the world later to train your throat to take his cock — and hopefully there’d be time to train other things, as well.
No longer focused on deepthroating his entire cock, you worked on fitting as much as you could comfortably handle into his mouth and settled into a rhythm as you sucked and licked. You stroked the rest of his shaft with your hand, aided smoothly by your excessive saliva that drooled down his length.
You took a chance to look up at Boba, and found him with his eyes closed, an arm thrown over the back of your couch. The cigarette bobbled in his mouth as he inhaled around it. “ There you go,” he murmured, smoke trailing from his lips. “Just like that. Easy.”
You swallowed around him and his hand tightened in your hair. The taste in your mouth grew saltier with each passing second as his precum leaked from the tip of his cock and mingled with your spit. Boba groaned above you, something guttural and almost primal , and you felt the ache between your own legs grow in response.
“Want my cum, princess?” 
Grateful for the chance to give your aching jaw a break, you lifted from his cock and licked a broad stripe up from where your hand had been. “ Yes ,” you plead. “Yes, please, will you come in my mouth?”
“Gonna swallow me, huh?” At your enthusiastic nod, he grinned. “Good girl. My good girl. Scoot back.”
He moved to stand up from the couch and you realized at once what he intended to do as you shifted backwards, sitting pretty on your knees. He towered over you in this position and you couldn’t take your gaze away from him; at this angle, he seemed larger than life, intimidating and scary and huge , and the cherry-red of his cigarette burned brighter than ever. 
Boba cupped your jaw in his hand, tugging at your bottom lip. “Open your mouth.” You whined and clutched at the fabric of his pants as you obediently parted your lips, moving your head so that the tip of his cock was pointed at your mouth.
He fisted his cock in one hand, jerking himself hard and fast, and with the other he gripped the back of your hair and held you in place. “Gonna come, princess. Stick your tongue out for me.” 
You stretched your tongue out of your mouth as far as it would go, lips parted wide, and stared longingly up at him. Each of his exhales contained a mouthful of smoke, and it gave him the impression of standing in a translucent cloud, the tip of his cigarette standing out amongst the white.
He grunted something unintelligible and you felt something warm and thick land on your cheek. The next one hit your upper lip, and Boba drew you forward so that the head of his cock sat on the tip of your tongue. The rest of his cum landed hot and salty on your tastebuds.
Boba jerked himself from base to tip, coaxing out whatever droplets he could give you. “You look so good,” he murmured, voice husky. “Good girl. Swallow.”
You obeyed, opening your mouth wide after to show him. His thumb came up and helped guide the mess he left on your face into your waiting mouth, where you sucked his tongue clean each time.
“You did so well,” he praised, and even though your jaw ached and there was a dull throb between your legs, you beamed . You pressed your face into his clothed thigh and sighed happily as he rested a hand in your hair, stroking down the strands he’d mussed earlier. He took his cigarette from his mouth and tapped the ashes off into what you hoped was the mug.
A sort of quiet peace settled over you, and even though you were completely nude and it was late and you kind of wanted to invite Boba to stay the night (or forever), you were content to just sit there on your knees as he ran his fingers through your hair.
Besides. He told you there would be a next time — there was no reason to rush.
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junova · 4 years
↬ 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 | 𝐫. 𝐝𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞
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abstract — the one where ransom gets a taste of his own medicine, but you happen to be so much sweeter than he’s ever been. 
pairing — ooc!ransom drysdale x fem!reader 
wc — 4.1k+  im so sorry lmao 
warnings — cheating (if u squint its very vague), angst, fluff, slight self deprecation, ransom is kinda nice idk, i want a soft!ransom drysdale now pls, this is also very messy so read at ur own risk!
[m blabs] — howdy howdy! first time ransom fic. woot woot! still kinda finding my voice w writing so i hope you like it! <333 
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His mouth set in a hard line as you continued to curl into his chest, the span of your confidence seemed to be wiped away with a nightmare from the past. Part of him was upset you hadn’t told him anything, the blind leading the blind, as you stepped foot into his family event. Seeing the last person you’d ever thought would be there. 
Surely by now, he thought you would trust him but it was more than evident you still didn’t. You persisted on hiding everything from him, anything you were sure might tick him off. 
Well, Ransom wasn’t necessarily known for biting his tongue.  Although, in your presence, he was learning what to say and where to say it. 
It really surprised him. Not one woman had been able to tame him, not since he’d be fucking everyone in sight. His desire was endless and not one single individual would be enough for his fill. 
Then, he found you drunk and sobbing on the concrete, right outside of the bar he was exiting. To this day, he still couldn’t tell you why he stopped for you. He never really paid attention to anyone if it wasn’t to his own benefit. Ultimately, meeting you was, even if he wouldn’t realize it then. 
You flinched from his touch when he patted your shoulder, gently asking if you were alright. If anyone asked him, Ransom would surely deny he felt you pull at the strings of his heart in an instant. 
He just knew. 
Maybe it’s why it took him so long to accept it, to believe in what he felt for you. Definitely not because you did nothing but be the most wonderful human he’d ever met. More had to do with him. 
Ransom dropped you off the first night you met in your small apartment downtown, definitely on the rougher side where he thought his Rolex sporting his wrist may get stolen. 
A cute little thing like you living in a neighborhood like this — didn’t make much sense to him. Then again, it certainly checked out with his privilege why he didn’t. 
Truly, Ransom didn’t realize how fortunate he truly was. Of course being a trust fund brat gave him the ignorance to live in an unmatched state of bliss. 
He still remembers the moment. 
Watching as you fumbled with your keys, finding it more than difficult to open your front door. It was cute, with your tongue poking out between your lips in concentration. Now, he wondered how he’d forgotten why he’d gone to get hammered at the bar in the first place. 
“Here, let me help.” New to Ransom, he offered a giving hand. Grabbing the key from your jittering fingertips before unlocking your door. He tried to hand you back your keys, but you pulled him so close, your chest touching his own. Dragging two rapid hearts through your apartment. 
“You smell like him.” A dopey smile on your face lighting every dark sight of Ransom, not that you’d know it did. “I smell like who?” 
“My ex-boyfriend.” Your hands cupping his cheek, but you were too drunk to realize how Ransom flinched from your touch. 
He didn’t push you away either. 
“But he definitely didn’t look this good.” Defying all laws of his own nature, Ransom let you stay in close proximity to him as you felt him up. Your hand resting on his chest, traveling lower stopping at his stomach. “Definitely didn’t feel this good.” 
He watched as you sighed, your puffy eyes were only slightly swollen and the mascara was still staining your skin with the rest of the makeup you wore. If anyone had asked him, you’d looked like a wreck but he still found you alluring. 
Ransom always liked his women looking more than fucked out, usually from gagging around his cock. Not crying over a broken heart. Nope. He definitely did not like dealing with a woman's sorrow. 
“He never let me touch him though. Guess that should have tipped me off.” You let your hands travel back up, wounding themselves around his neck before they applied more pressure — pulling him into you. 
Ransom found you pretty confident for not even knowing anything more than his first name and the car he drove you in. You were definitely craving attention and maybe he’d be more than happy to oblige but the little voice in his head Dr. Shoal told him to listen to was being a pestering, little bitch. 
What did Ransom want? 
Right now he wanted to drown himself in some sweet ass pussy. He knew you would give yourself easily to him, especially in your drunken state. Clinging onto him like he was a vine. 
The smaller part of him, the better part, knew you were drunk out of your mind. Absolutely plastered, but you had to stand there looking like a goddess. 
He didn’t really know why he was letting you touch him, maybe in hopes the deeper, darker side of him would win like it always did. Ransom knew better, even if he tried to hide it from everyone including himself. 
He liked you. From the very first moment, he knew he’d have to get you. Whether it cost your own sanity or his, Ransom didn’t care. 
It’s why he left you drunk and alone, safely tucked into the comfort of your sheets with his number left in your phone. Even taking the liberty of texting himself from it. 
He could never be too careful. Letting you slip through his fingers was simply not an option. 
Thanks to him, you didn’t forget about him. 
The next morning your memory only held vague images of a handsome stranger helping you home, thankfully he seemed to be nothing more than a doting gentlemen. The first for you to ever come across. 
Until later in the afternoon the following day, Ransom introduced himself and checked up on you, worming his presence into your life. 
Then he kept talking to you everyday, surprising even himself in the matter. Truly, he couldn’t help it. Part of him loved how gently you spoke to him on the phone. No one ever talked to him with such a level of care. 
He always warranted yelling, usually he was the one who stirred the pot. He enjoyed it, and thrived in a chaotic environment. It’s what he grew up in. Ransom was more than comfortable with his own family yelling and cursing him out until the sun came up. He did just the same. 
So, whenever you sweetly asked him how he was, it threw him off guard. 
Not a single soul even cared or bothered to ask him anything. Truth be told, Ransom was a sack of shit treating everyone like they were the gum beneath his shoe. It didn’t matter who talked to him — Ransom was simply more superior in every conceivable way. 
He would succumb to not a single soul. Paving his own way through life, with only the money from his trust fund of course. 
Then the two of you fell into each other and he could pinpoint the exact moment he did. 
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The weeks and months blended together. He couldn’t really tell you why he was still lingering around, while he got nothing in return. You did get him off once or twice, but he wasn’t fucking you like he really wanted to. 
Maybe it was the innocence in your eyes pulling his soul into the very little good he still had left within him. Or maybe it was the way your thumb dragged over his cheek when you thought he was in slumber, blissfully unaware of your touch. 
More importantly his favorite thing, the way you let him hold you when the two of you cuddled. Your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, bouncy cheeks pressed into whatever knit sweater he decided to wear that day. 
It was all the little things, unknowingly making him fall in deep like he never had before. 
Unwelcoming to him, his mother came barreling in one Sunday afternoon, while you slept in his arms. Even as Linda screamed his name, you never jolted, out like a log. Safe in the peace he kept you in. 
Linda looked annoyed, irritated he even had company in the first place but not surprised. What truly shocked her was they both had clothes on.  Not truly believing Ransom was capable of such a sinless interaction. 
He knew what she wanted; he didn’t even have to move from his position to continue a private conversation. Not that it would get him off the couch, and out of your embrace in the first place. 
“I said no. Don’t know why you bothered coming here.” Linda angrily sighed. “You should at least show up.” 
Ransom didn’t notice, but subconsciously continued to run his fingertips up and down your spine. Linda did. She noticed that he didn’t even care she was judging him, but let you remain unbothered sleeping in her son’s embrace. 
“It’s for Walt. You need to be there.” She stepped closer, hoping the increase in her volume would wake you. “I expect you to grace us with your wonderful presence as does the rest of the family.” 
The sarcasm dripped, attempting to coax him out of the four walls he never seemed to leave. Not recently, anyhow. 
“I already told you, I can’t.” Now Ransom was irritated and he really wished she would calm the fuck down. It was one day, one event. There would always be another, that much wasn’t lost on him. “I have plans. Send him my best.” 
Assuming it was the rumbling of his chest when he spoke, you moved jolting yourself in his arms, before remaining still again. His heartbeat continues to soothe you. 
“You have plans? What else could be more important than your family?” The louder Linda’s voice grew the more you stirred, pissing him off. 
He really needed to change his locks. 
Even if he had no intention of going, he needed his mother to leave. Really for your own sake — trying to save you from Linda giving you a cold shoulder followed with a third degree burn. 
“Fine. I’ll go. Can you just leave?” She accepted Ransom’s submission, before looking at your figure. Sound asleep and clinging to her one and only, sinking your claws into him. 
She really didn’t like the way Ransom was looking at you. Linda was positive he would never be able to care about someone other than himself, but here he was, holding you close to his chest. 
Almost like his life depended on it. 
“Who is she to you?” With a raised eyebrow, eyes narrowing to you before meeting back with Ransom’s cerulean blues. 
“I don’t know yet.” Ransom paused looking down at you, so beautiful. Holding a light so pure, so radiant; he hoped no matter how cruel he could be, he’d never act like that towards you. “Maybe someone I don’t deserve, but want to be better for.” 
His rough, calloused fingers drawing mindless patterns on the exposed skin of your waist. He didn’t know what Linda said next or when she left. 
Time seemed to stand still, his confession hitting his chest fiercely. He let himself sit with it for a moment, before you woke up. Enjoying a moment where he didn’t have to deal with anything, he didn’t have to say a word. 
He could just enjoy the moment without eyes judging him or you questioning why his eyes seemed to shine just a bit brighter whenever you were around. 
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It was the first of many. Moments where he felt small pieces of himself chipped away into your care. Planes of existences within him no one had ever scratched the surface of. 
Much like right now as you cried into his chest, begging for mercy. 
Because you were afraid. Terrified you had made the worst mistake, an unforgivable one. You lied about your past and to Ransom it felt like more than a betrayal. More accurately he felt a dagger in his heart placed strategically with your murderous hands. 
He’d never felt such empathy and pain at once. Maybe he’d never been empathetic a day in his life at all. 
Until now. 
To make matters worse, he knew his entire family was watching the whole scene from the window. It wasn’t from worry or concern for either one of you. Mainly all of them enjoying pain being inflicted on Ransom. 
Linda of course wallowing in her ego, he could practically see her bask in her own pride. Another thing she’d been right about checked off the list. 
The rest of the family watched the two of you fight with shiteating grins permanently stamped on their face. They’d never seen Ransom care about anyone but you. To watch the relationship he held so close to his heart blow up so publicly, only fueled the fire to Ransom’s rage. 
Except Harlan. 
Even through his hot, beating anger Ransom was trying his best to comfort you. To calm you down even if you had been the one to be caught red handed. Harlan couldn’t believe it, someone Ransom seemed to care about more than himself. 
More than any of his family. Not that Harlan was offended. Well, maybe a little, but more so he was thrilled his grandson finally found someone he had to grow up for. Someone he had to earn, not buy. 
No bribes. No schemes. No games. 
Just you. 
“Hugh, please talk to me.” How could he? It’s not like he had much to say. Maybe he did, he just wasn’t sure how to get the words out without hurting you or himself. 
“I know I lied and I fucked up, but please — we need to talk about it.” Soft hands reaching for his own, but he brushed them off, his hands snaked higher on your waist. “We should have talked about this the moment you met me.” 
Dead silence is all you were met with as he walked the fine line of pushing you away, leaving you behind and pulling you closer than he ever had. 
“You’re right. I should have told you the truth but can you blame me?” He met you with solemn eyes and his own heart beating rapidly. “Yes I can.” Ransom was trying to act cold and distant but the two windows to his soul told a different story. 
“That’s fair.” Even as he was holding you, Ransom still felt like he was a galaxy away. He was withholding himself from you like a turtle retracting into their own protection. A year ago, before he met you, he knew he would have never even recognized it. 
Now, you made it possible for him to be aware of just how much he had changed. He broke old habits of his own just to please you so when you disappointed him, this unreachable high standard he held you to, it shattered his sense of self. 
“Did you still love him?” Ransom questioned you. “I did. At the time, he’s all I ever really knew. I thought that’s what love felt like. The only image of love I had was the one he gave me. So, I ran with him and it crushed me.” 
Ransom had to pretend the words you were speaking didn’t split him into you two. The image of you falling in love with someone else was enough to make him wanna strangle your ex. 
His friend. 
“Then we just got into one really big blow out. Right in the bar in front of all of his friends I had met for the first time that night.” You reached for a chunk of his sweater, clenching the material in your hand, like you were trying to convince yourself to let the words fall from your mouth. 
“He told me how much I’d been irritating him and I couldn’t help but notice every girl he flirted with and touched right in front of me.” You tested the waters, placing both of your hands over his chest, the beat of his heart calming you down. 
“Then I just cracked. It was only one of the many fights we’d been having over the course of the past few months. Everyone single argument pushed me closer to the edge, until the last one actually did.” You sighed, watching as he frowned. 
“I ended things that night, before getting thoroughly plastered and soon enough crying on the cement. Wasted and lonely out of my mind, until I met you.” You moved your hand from his heart, cupping his clean shaven face. 
“You made me realize I never knew what love really meant or felt like.” This piqued Ransom’s interest. 
You said love. 
Could a tragedy bring out the words Ransom craved to hear more than anything in the world? 
Maybe you cared about him, more than anyone ever showed him. But loved him? How could someone be as hateful as him be worthy of someone like you? 
Even if you had broken his heart, he’d done far worse to more people than he could count. He wasn’t really in a place to judge but it didn’t change the fact it still hurt. A lot. 
“Hugh.” You heard him gulp rather loudly. “Yes?” His tone came out as more of a question than a response. 
The silence he gifted you was unsettling at the very least. “You've barely said a word.” He was surprised he didn’t scurry off in his beamer the second he saw the guilt reach your eyes. 
He was surprised he hadn’t let his anger take over and let the rage he felt inside body take it all out on you. 
He was surprised he somehow couldn’t inflict a single hateful word towards you, even as you sat with his heart in your hands. 
In pure bliss of just how much you owned him. 
“I hate it. This fucking corner you’ve back me into. Not to mention for the prying eyes of my entire family to watch the show.” The sharp tone he uses sensoring you. “You used me just to get back at him.” 
“Like I was some pawn in your game and I really even shouldn’t be mad.” He paused, trying to choose his words as carefully as he can. “I’ve done the same thing to so many different women. Used them and threw them out at my earliest inconvenience.” To your surprise, even Ransom’s, a single tear left his eye showing you how much you really meant to him. 
You hated yourself for letting it get to this point. 
“But you? I could never even think about hurting you. I could never live with myself if I treated you like everyone else because you’re so much more than that to me.” The tears continued to roll. The dame Ransom kept shut his entire life, opened because of you and he just wanted to make it stop. 
He would give anything — even you. 
He just wanted to not feel like a piece of shit for once in his life. For a moment, he thought he might have a chance to be something more than the picture he portrayed in everyone’s mind. You showed him maybe it was more complex than it seemed. 
“I just assumed I was that for you.” You sighed in frustration, softly wiping his tears away. “You are, though. You are more than that.” 
“Then how could you be so okay with lying to me?” The crease between his eyebrows only created more of an indention as he felt the anger trying to escape out of him. 
You let the tension get to you first. 
“Because I-I was scared if I told you the truth, you’d never tell me.” You puzzled him once again. You softly reach up between his furrowed eyebrows, the pad of your thumb smoothing it out. 
“Tell you what?” His mind was clouded with the possibilities of what he could have missed. 
“I can’t spell this one out for you.” You were tired of being the one to do everything first. Even if your intentions weren’t free from fault once you realized who he was, your feelings for him were anything but. 
“I don’t know what you want from me. You only let me fall for you because you knew how much it would hurt him.” He bit back, growing impatient and tired. “Any other time, I would have cared. Probably would have been more than happy to assist. But you made me-” 
Then Ransom cut himself off, jumping out of the swing and away from you. 
“I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I thought I could.” He literally sprinted to his beamer, but you chased him. 
You were hell bent and just as crazy as he was. Maybe it’s why it worked for as long as it did. 
“Hugh! Get back here.” You were running, thankful you’d gone for a more casual outfit today, the sneakers supporting your feet far better than the heels you’d usually wear. 
Maybe if it was someone with a normal childhood upbringing you would have just cut your losses but this was someone who chose to be called Ransom. 
This was someone who chose to run away from love and care because the only affectionate way he knew how to treat someone was to throw money at them. 
This was someone who had the communication of a ten year old because that’s when his own mother didn’t bother to mess with him anymore before sending him off to boarding school. 
This was someone who didn’t know how to love — and to be loved. 
By the time you caught up to him his was digging for his keys, but he couldn’t fucking find them. 
“Hugh Ransom Drysdale.” Your tone was sharp and he knew you meant business. “For once in your life, stop running away.” 
“Why not? What good has it ever done for me to stay?” His back was facing you, his broad shoulders stilled with the rest of his body. Almost like he was ashamed of what he was hiding. 
“I can’t speak for everyone else. I can’t speak for your mother or for Richard. For Harlan or for anyone else you thought might abandon you and really did.” You inched you way closer until you knew he felt how close you were to him.
“I can only speak for me.” Giving yourself, the final piece of you to a man who might run away from it. 
You were so close he felt your breath on his back, and it made him tremble. He was shaking, terrified of it all. You didn’t let him be for long. 
Intertwining your fingers with his, as he kept them at his sides, rubbing your thumb along the palm of his hand. 
“I’m sorry for the way I hurt you. Lied to you. You never deserved it. Never.” You thought it would be easier if he didn’t have to look at you while pouring your heart out to him. A theory proved to be right as he gave your hand a squeeze. 
“You’ve done nothing but treat me like a princess. You’ve done right by me, more than anyone else I’ve ever met in my life. It made me feel inadequate. My dark secret, always looming over us like a dark cloud of my own personal doing.” 
“I’m sorry I haven’t done the proper thing by us and made you feel like I used you. You had every right to feel it because I did.” You took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to face whatever the future held for the two of you. 
“I never expected to fall in love with a trust fund, playboy brat.” You felt him take a deep breath, like a breath he’d be holding all his life could finally be set free. 
“I love you, Hugh.” The next thing you knew he had you pushed up against the car, lips hungrily attacking your own. 
All forgiven because you love him. You actually were in love with him. 
He couldn’t fathom it really because you’d been the first. To accept him just as he was. The first to refuse to call him Ransom because you like the way Hugh rolled off your tongue better. 
You liked how he felt on your tongue, too. 
The first to tell him Fran and Marta should call him Hugh because you wanted to be the only one who got to. The first woman to cook for him, willingly and not attached to the Thrombey payroll. 
The first woman he had ever fallen in love with. 
The first one he’d stick around and not run away for. 
So, he kissed you. Hard. Softly whispering how much he loved you into the kiss, because maybe he wasn’t ready to say it outright. Loud and proud. 
Yet, he felt it with every bone of his body — no longer lost in the blues.
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taglist: @tonystankschild @parkastoria @tinylumpiaa @brattycherubwrites
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emergingsentiments · 3 years
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Episode 10 (Repost)
Loneliness must have drawn you back here, says Hwajung to Chohui. But these could have been words for Dusik and Hyejin, too. The past and current entanglements of Gongjin’s love affairs, after all, run parallel to each other. For Chohui, her mother’s death and her brother’s migration left her solitary, so it only seemed natural to return to somewhere familiar. Hyejin, on the other hand, visited the seaside town to reclaim the memory of happier times, when her mother was still alive. Dusik’s reasons are still obscured but the glimpses into the wakes he’s stood vigil by are compelling reasons behind his return.
Home, as I observed in the first episode of Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, is where the heart is and the hurts are.
Episode 10 unfolded like the turning point that it is. As the previous chapters tackled the inner workings of all our characters, especially the progress of Hyejin and Dusik both as individuals and in their romantic engagements, we saw how people began to confront their fears. Whether it’s Cheonjae’s anxieties as a has-been singer and as a single father to a rebellious Juri or Gamri’s quiet suffering in her empty nest, the melancholy that undergirds the town’s surface pushed each one to face their scars and losses. For all the comic relief she brings, even Miseon had to brave confusion and rejection.
In this page of Gongjin’s tale, however, the theme of battling life’s greatest antagonist is truest among Dusik, Hyejin, and Seonghyun.
Poor Seonghyun, so new to the town yet so quick to have been thrown into the maelstrom of Gongjin’s charms and tragedies. His greatest fear was being late. He missed opportunities before, including in the postcard-perfect moments of his youth. Always an observer but never the one observed; always watching over Hyejin but always a step behind others in the line. If he were dancing, he’d be out of rhythm, too busy trying to memorize the choreography.
He has rehearsed his lines a thousand times. Will they come out right? Here, Lee Sang-yi gives Seonghyun his most graceful and yet graceless moment. Making an abrupt u-turn on his way to Seoul, he returns to Gongjin — late once again. Hyejin, attacked by a wandering sexual predator in town, has been saved by Dusik. If the shock of the night’s crime were not enough, he confesses the next evening to a Hyejin that had just mistakenly implied her growing affections for Dusik. She’s just had dinner, too.
Full and formal, Hyejin listens to Seonghyun’s lonely and tense confession. Sangyi delivers the lines Seonghyun has held onto for years. It’s a speech marked by jitters, fretful glances, and a slowly growing blush. Once out, he tries to stop the tension by marking the scene as a take. But the clapperboard humor isn’t enough. Hyejin watches him eat alone. She has no appetite.
Hyejin, for her part, couldn’t be blamed. She never really saw Seonghyun other than a senior to be admired. Yes, he’s saved her from a jerk before. But years of absence have made the heart grow duller instead of fonder. She’s also just come from an equally awkward dinner with Dusik, who is celebrating his grandfather’s death anniversary. There is no room for another meal. The night before — the night of the attack — she had slept in Dusik’s home for the third time as well.
At the first visit to his home, she kissed Mr. Hong on impulse and alcohol. On the second, she carried the weight and fears of an inebriated Dusik. On the third visit, she is traumatized from the night’s break-in, so now slips in to Mr. Hong’s clothes and stays over, unable to sleep unless Dusik’s around with poetry. He reads to her...It is my job to fall in love with you while waiting for you the next day. The antidote to Hyejin’s fear, after all, is Gongjin’s son.
But what does Hyejin fear? Well, it’s simple. She fears what she lost — her childhood, to be who she is. As a young girl who lost her mother, she had to grow up fast given her father’s alcohol-tinged coping mechanism. As a young woman, she had to build walls after a harsh rebuke of her lowly appearance. So she covers her scars with pretenses — and fancy shoes. Her clothes are her walls. Her life has been planned out. She steers this career with distinct professionalism and ambition. But it’s never ruthless. A woman-child, her core reveals a soft, compassionate heart.
This is what Dusik brings out in her. It’s not something Dusik necessarily gives. The two, after all, have their losses but they are whole persons, too. Dusik’s unconventional lifestyle and ways have eroded the surface of Hyejin’s fortress. Like salted sea slowly breaking down cliffs. With Dusik, she regains the lost child, the one who laughs when pieces of crab meat are flung to Dusik’s face. If that was Seonghyun, Hyejin would have been profusely apologetic and formal. But Mr. Hong is different. Around him, Hyejin can be unguarded, vulnerable.
Dusik, on the other hand, always saw her in a different light. Carrying the weight of unexplained grief, Dusik knows exactly what’s hidden behind Hyejin’s front. But for all his bravado, he’s afraid, too. The people he loved the most have left him, leaving him with an unimaginable sense of guilt. It’s what keeps him tethered to the idea of boundaries. He only likes Hyejin as a friend. But his eyes, his actions — they speak otherwise. If he admits to loving Hyejin, then the prospect of fresh losses cripple him. He’s an engineering graduate, so he has made the calculations. And yet, this strange woman who has returned from a childhood memory is urging him to take those risks and forget those probabilities.
He took a stab on the shoulder, one that nearly cost his life. Isn’t that love — or even the semblance of it? Why does Dusik need to certify his affections with assurance? Gamri, Gonjin’s wisest daughter, sees through Dusik’s barricades. Life’s brevity, she says, demands risks but most of all, honesty with oneself.
These are words worth ruminating in the evening breeze at the town’s breakwater.
It’s the same place where Hyejin finds him.
After a trip to Seoul to forget the town’s powers over her and Miseon, she realizes the city’s offerings were no longer attractive. Everything reminds her of Gongjin. She can’t stop thinking of Dusik. As a grown-up, Hyejin had sought security. Her instinct of self-preservation made her hard. Drenched in a sudden downpour in Seoul, she remembers her rain-soaked self with Dusik at the beach. It is enough for her to understand.
These realizations surge from Hyejin’s adrenaline-filled confession. Unable to deny her growing affections any further, she takes the plunge.
The child faces reality with simple acceptance. In the presence of a vulnerable Hyejin, things freely move and are themselves. The effects are immediately clear. Like any sensible woman, Hyejin knows Dusik could all but reject him, too. Who drives back from Seoul to rant about love, right? But Dusik understands. The hours waiting for her return were sooner than he had anticipated. But the man had made his calculations. The formulas are no longer useful.
True to himself, Dusik fulfills his new duty. It is my job to fall in love with you while waiting for you the next day. So he returns the confession with the most reasonable declaration: a kiss, first tender, one that leaves Hyejin breathless. He speaks but yearns for more. So he lets his lips touch hers for a second time. A kiss now free from all the tentativeness of the night.
A few weeks ago I read several criticisms about Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. It’s cliched. People only watch it because the actors are popular. There’s nothing exceptional about a love story.
Cliched, true. But there is a reason why there are cliches because they are true. Do people only watch because the actors are popular? Perhaps. Perhaps not. A love story doesn’t hold a candle to the more intellectual and uncomfortable narratives available for consumption, right? You know, the stories that deal with war and violence, politics and its lack of virtue, the more profound tales that explore humanity or its degradation. But I fear this is an effort to leave the commonplace, the domestic, and the personal materials unattended for the sake of what seems profound. Yet, the production of these “better” and more profound stories does not offer any solace from suffering.
For over a year now, we’ve been fighting the wrath of an invisible virus. It might even be true to say that for many of us, we’ve lost someone dear, someone deeply loved. If not, we know someone who has dealt with these losses. Given the lockdowns and restrictions, even grieving has been abbreviated. Our reality is sobering. We fear many things. So while I don’t hold it against people to choose the more elevated tales, it would be a shame to dismiss those who gush over a love story as uncritical and frivolous.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha resonates with and appeals to many because it reminds us of the things we’ve lost to the pandemic. Face-to-face conversations. The stability of a job. Family. Friendship. The pat on the back. Our grandparents. Our first love. A hand to hold. Dinner with friends under the warmth of incandescent light. Office conversations. Senseless chatter. The thrill of falling in love. The smell of the sea, and the sand on our feet. Our best friend. The normalcy of a leisurely walk. Dancing in the rain. People. Our community. The words we wanted to say. A kiss.
In a world where physical intimacy and closeness are dangerous, we feel our lips with our fingers watching Hyejun and Dusik kiss. And we remember the way we were. Kim Seon Ho was right in saying Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha is a healing drama. To love and be loved, after all, remains the ultimate catharsis.
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10boys · 5 years
MLQC : Oral (receving)
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
-Ugh ok so Gavin is 100% a giver
-He loves you more than life literally and theres nothing he wouldn’t do to show you.
-Naturally , hes a super bashful guy and gets a bit embarrassed when its time for he himself to be taken care of. He’s so used to being responsible for others that showing his vulnerability is something that took time, which you gladly gave him. You and Gavin have such a comfortable bond now he could do anything infront of you but ya know only things that make him look cool infront of you
-He came to your house superr late at night since after being on one of his week-long missons, still in uniform and smelling of “outside” to his airborn location
-after quick ilys and imys you offer him a shower to wined him down of his journeys
-The moment he stepped in and left you alone with your thoughts, they went wild
-His thick body fit into his uniform so well, his chest heaving from fatigue of his flight. His masculine smell filled your nose when you first embraced, the same one emanating from his steamy shower. Your thighs twiched as you imagined his body elongated and streached out to wash himself in the shower. His musclier arms reached above to rub the conditioner into his hair, the white bubbles dripping down his muscles coming together in the creases of his back. They’d dip into his V-line , as if showing your eyes where to go. Just as your were getting to the most delicious spot..
-“Babe..what are you looking at?”
-Actions speak louder than words......
-He layed beneath you on the bed as you kissed and sucked at his neck and ears. His fresh wet scent was tantalizing, his skin was soft and delicate beneath your fingertips. He held a tight grip on your waste, seemingly trying to keep you close as possible to him.
-Feeling your breast smothered onto his chest , nipples supply poking into his skin made the heat rush to his dick at an unbelievable speed
-Gavin has a very...active imagination. A small peak at your collar bones or the back of your lower thighs and he already has a saucy full-body image of you in his head. Saying something vaguely suggestive to him is the equivalent of your whimpers in his ear. You’ve ever wondered why those cheeks are always red?
-Plus the boys just super horny in general lol he always wants saucy times when hes with you. You don’t even have to ask and at the blink of an eye he’s shirtless ( he loves being shirtless for you ‘baby pls look at my hot bod pls love me the most’ )
-He poked you from beneath his navy boxers, hips slightly bucking into you as you continued to grope as suck at his neck and chest. His face flushed pink as his head started to cloud in his light waves of pleasure.
-As you began to kiss him lower, golden eyes poured into your own. He watched the way your lips connect and parted with his skin, leaving sheen pelts of spit his torso. Your tongue danced down his happy trail as you sucked light purple circles onto his lower abdomen.
-Gavin is a grunt and groner. He’s still shy, so he’ll be quiet at the beginning, but its hard to keep his cool when your figure is present to use at his leasure. Heavy breaths and pants will escape as he lets himself roam. His hands will never stay in the same spot when you’re around...They’ll start on your thighs, then to your waste, then your chest, then behind your head, then back to your chest, then to your ass, waist and chest, thighs and chest you get the idea
-Actually, most of the moans you hear from him are simply cause he failed at holding them in
-Btw Gavins v gentle with you but his ass grabs are superr hard. He probably just gets carried away at the sensation of it filling his palm but you usually still feel his grip long after he’s let go.
-He just wants to be everywhere, to take and claim all of you.
-You kiss and smell along his length, palming him over his briefs. The smell was so intoxicating you couldn’t help but clench your thighs, trying to create a heat of your own. You quickly disregard of his boxers revealing his beautiful fully erected cock. Pre-cum dribbes down as the cold hair hits his tip, or maybe cause the view of your face so close to his cock is just that hot.
“Mmm Babe stop looking” srry baby ur just so beautiful. Ofc you can’t look for long without him getting bashful.
-He has a large vein ranging from ball to tip and it feels amazing when you run your tongue across it. Like Victor, Gavin loves watching you play with it. Its almost too much for him to watch. Lick him all around with as much spit on your tongue as you can get, kiss his tip with his balls in your hand. And for the sake of our boy make alllll the dick-sucking noises too- They’re his favorite. He even trys to stay quiet to hear them better.
-You don’t tease Gavin as much as you do the others. Although he would take it for you, hes way too impatient. He’s got great stamina from his daily workouts and could fuck for years, but his first nut usually comes rather quickly. Like i said, it doesn’t take much to rile him up.
-A wet mouth and hollow cheeks get the job done for him. His grip in your hair is kinda massage like, he rakes along your scalp in un-rythmic patterns. In other words, he totally fucks up your hair everytime.
-In usual circumstances, your body is usually draped over him in the 69 position while you suck. Gavin absolutely, and i mean absolutely loves the smell of pussy. He is 100% a panty stealer. He loves to have your backside smothering his face as he thrusts up into your mouth. The smell is absolutely engulfing to him, he can’t help to suck at you from over your panties.
-But for sessions created just for catering to him, he likes to sit on the edge of the bed with your naked body quivering below him. He likes watching the liquids from your mouth dribbling off your chin to rest on your bouncing chest. But his favorite part is your legs spread wide for him exposing your opened heat. His tongue often peaks out in in-voluntarily licking motions before he can bite his lips. Your clit is his eye candy as he thrusts himself closer to his release.
-Typically lf hes layed across the bed he uses his forarm to hide his erotic faces from you he must not know how orgasmic you find them
-Gavins orgasims come on strong, erupting a deep growl from his throat as he shoots his loud into your mouth. His tense face softens , eyebrows rising showing his state of complete bliss. He stiffens, holding you down on him until his very last wave.
-Once he’s done, he releases his grip resulting in an erotic view of his white semen spilling out from your mouth, it drips down onto your breast piling up with the rest of your liquids. Your wattering eyes look up into his sending an intense blush across his cheeks
-If Gavin were in an anime he would be the boy with massive nose bleeds when he see’s you
-ooh no he’s horny again
-yes he will clean u up first
- Kiro is also a giver in theory
- Now dont get me wrong- this bright bubbly ball of sunshine loves to give his acts of service to you, but he is , very much so, a boy. He loves when you go down on him, he loves being the center of your attention and all your gestures.
-Kiros definitely a pint up boy- going from show to show and interview to interview, he barley has enough time to sleep let alone relive himself. When you two first got together, he was very modest and a bit shy to show his manly desires for you. He respects you for being such an important person in his life, having ungodly thoughts about you made him feel like a nasty boy. But as time passed and you escalated in your intamacy, he is absolutely shameless in letting you know what he wants or if he’s ‘in the mood~” “babee.. stop working..i wanna play~” “Those shorts look very good on you miss chips...so... short”
-Kiro doesnt talk much to let you know what he wants anyway, in fact, one glance into those ocean blue orbs and you know his intentions. He’ll act super cutesy at first, slowly inching his body closer to yours for ‘innocent cuddles’. Kiro is a very hands-on affectionate, so this part was normal. But soon his hands will start to wonder and grope while a devious smirk spreads across his face he knows you see him as a sweet little angel and he will play that role to his advantage
-He’ll nuzzle his head into your chest demanding you take notice to his actions like a freaking puppy, And once you lower your gaze to find his figure latched around yours, his seemly sensual orbs pour into you, sending you notice of his want for you. When kiro uses his cuteness to fight for dominance he will always win.Always. And you’re okay with that.
-Kiros not necessarily shy about his noises for you , especially after all the praises you’ve whispered to him about how good they sound. He’ll moan and whimper to you as your hands massage his length over his boxers, peppering kisses down his neck and across his chest. Your kisses feel like heaven to him, leaving small waves of heat at every peck and nibble left on him.
-With that said, when you start kissing and sucking at his lower abdomen , his mouth immediately hangs releasing a steady breathy moan for you. The view when you looked up at him was godly..
-Kiros pleasure face is absolutely erotic. His pleasure state in general is mouth watering. His eyes are dark and low, his face twists and contorts, he grabs at everything; His hair, the sheets, the pillows, you, anything that might fall into his grasp is being pulled and scratched at. As much as you would love to spend all your time planting kisses on his skin, you quickly relocate to different spots making sure not to leave any marks. Kiros shirt lifts a considerable amount of times from him jumping around on stage, so its better not to ruin any of his fans’ day by new-found knowledge of his intamacys. This service is for you but that is fan-service for them.
-Kiro loves being teased :)
-Blow your heat onto his head from over his boxers for a easy and quick way to wake up little kiro. Kiss him around the spots he wants you too, and make sure to keep eye contact. He gets super off from you watching him he just loves attention
-Please pay all attention to his balls. Lick them up and down for a while with his legs spread wide, nibble and suck at them. This will make his hips a thrusting mess as he trys to create more friction for himself.
-He’ll use his own hand to push his dick in your mouth, but first, he’ll watch as you lay there mouth wide and tongue hung for him. He’ll press his tip against your face, letting it roll over all your features. He lets out a soft giggle before letting the tip roll over your hot wet tongue. The wave immediately made his cock twich infront of you, a dribble of pre-cum leaking from his tip.
-Kiro is def a hand holder. Pls expect him to want your fingers interlocked to bring a loving gesture to your vile actions. He’s internally lovey-dovey during sex. Even if he’s not verbally spitting soft phrases at you, his mind is filled with fluffy thoughts of you “ahh.. so pretty” “she uses her mouth so good..” “she’s so lovely” “im so lucky” “..m-more there...ah...perfect” “i love her so much”
-Kiro nuts very well <3
- The boys orgasims...are mighty. His hip thrusts might get a little rough as his head fills with waves of pleasure, subconsciously bobbing your head down a little harder than intended. Short moans tumble over eatch other as his breath quickens considerably. He trys his hardest to keep his eyes open, the view of you teary-eyed engulfing his length is enough to finish him and it does .
- A few more deep sucks and his back arches, his body stiffens as waves of hypnotizing pleasure take him over. His moans were as pretty as his singing coming close, but as the shocks of heated kisses reminisce through his nerves , he sits silent, mouth hung open only to release small high-pitched gasps and a maybe dribble of drool.
-As he comes down from his high he’ll wipe your face and spit beautiful praises at you. He’s a fluff after sex so expect lots of mushy gushy cuddles and pillow talk <3
“Wow...that was the best one...”
“you said that the last time...and the time before...”
“Yeah !!! Until next time too~ !!”
Yayyy the continuation is done! Pls lmk what you think, and my ask is currently open ! Gavins is a bit short cause he’s my fav, so im a perfectionist in representing his image lol. Will add the links once im off work -Myk
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crackimagines · 5 years
Marianne and Ashe heart to heart (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Marianne reflects on something Ashe said that has stuck to her mind for quite some time.
That girl seriously needs a hug
also no im not salty that their A support happened post time skip instead of during the academy, nope definitely not, SHUT UP
Inside the Cathedral, it was midnight and dead siilent. No one was present except a blue haired girl, praying in front of the statue.
Once Marianne was done praying she looked behind her, expecting someone to be there. 
Unsurprisingly, there wasn’t anyone. It was very late at night, who’d even be here besides her?
Well...Ashe would’ve been.
Ever since their last conversation, she had been actively avoiding him since he kept trying to talk to her. She felt guilty, making him go through all of that trouble for someone as worthless as her.
He stopped showing up at the Cathedral about a week ago, at first it gave Marianne some peace of mind that he wouldn’t have any more trouble, but after the deafening silence she went through each time, she could only think about Ashe.
Not necessarily what he said about using her crest for good, she didn’t believe a single word of that, honestly.
What she was thinking was more on the lines of ‘How bad is he feeling, thinking he upset me?”
She took a deep breath and looked behind her again, some small shred of hope that he’d be coming through the door.
Five minutes passed, and nothing happened.
What a shock.
She considered going to bed, but she wasn’t tired physically as much as she was mentally. This had been plaguing her mind for a while, so if she were to lay on her bed, she’d be tormenting herself the entire time. She might as well do it where there was a good breeze.
She walked out towards the right wing of the Cathedral, and sat down at the bench, looking over the monastery.
The only thing Marianne could think of was how guilty Ashe must’ve been feeling. This is why she was a curse, she’d cause nothing but grief for others trying to help her. She was better off alone no matter what anyone said.
“...You shouldn’t have come to me, Ashe...”
“AGH! Y-You knew I was here?!”
...Why was there a response?
She quickly turned her head near the stairs, and to her surprise, Ashe was standing right there.
“S-Sorry I didn’t meant to startle-...Wait a second...If you weren’t expecting me then...”
Marianne realized that she spoke aloud, and that made her flustered.
“N-No, I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry, if you’ll-” 
“Hold on a second!”
Marianne was about to get up, but she stopped herself when Ashe came to the bench with her. It was then she noticed he had a blanket on him.
“Um, why do you have that?”
“Well uh...It’s for you.”
He gestured it towards her, using one hand to awkwardly rub the back of his neck.
“It’s pretty chilly tonight and I figured you’d be out here so...I don’t want you to catch a cold or anything.”
Marianne was shocked that he did this for her despite the fact she had been treating him like a stranger everytime they talked. She mustered out a quiet ‘Thank you,’ and wrapped herself around in it.
They both remained quiet, not saying a word to each other. The silence wasn’t tense, awkward or anything really. They both just stared out, letting the wind be the only noise around them.
It stayed that way for about three to four minutes until Marianne broke the silence.
“I’m sorry, Ashe.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you. You were just trying to encourage me and I...I made you think that you were to blame for my actions.”
“No, it’s alright. I should be apologizing. I’m the one who never really asked you why you felt the way you do, and butted into something I didn’t know. And what was that bit earlier about me coming to you?”
“...Everyone that I meet I end up driving off. You’re a very nice person, Ashe, but you’re better off not associating with someone like me.”
She looked downwards, her eyes somehow looking heavier than before.
“I’m not worth the trouble. Please forget we ever had this conversation.”
“You realize I’m not doing that, right?”
She looked back slowly to him, his face no longer filled with any anxiety, but now determination.
“Marianne, I don’t know why you say these terrible things about yourself! When has anyone in our class regretted meeting you ever since the Professor brought you in?!”
He was almost shouting, but he quickly lowered his voice, and she noticed it was starting to shake now.
“B-Besides...we’re all a little bit of trouble ourselves. Sylvain with his skirt chasing, Felix with...well being Felix, and the list goes on. Heh, and here’s me, pestering you about this...Marianne, you’re such a kind person. You take your time to check the wounded after our battles, you help people with their studying, you take care of the animals with such gentleness and...”
His eye began to water as he tried regaining his composure.
“...And I can’t stand to see someone I care for talk about themselves like that.”
Marianne’s mouth was slightly open in shock, no one had ever been this passionate talking about her before. Sure, they’d say the things Ashe were saying, but no one had been moved to tears and shouted it at her before.
That last sentence, she could truly see how much she meant to him.
Her eyes began to water up as well, and she began shaking in her blanket, her nose sniffling.
She started crying, the tears falling from her face couldn’t be stopped anytime soon. Her chest was tight, and her heart was burning now, barely able to process everything he just said. 
Ashe didn’t know what to do, so on instinct, he hugged her, letting her head rest on his shoulders as she cried it out. The sob became louder once he did, and she started hyperventilating, which caused Ashe to hug her tighter, hoping the tighter he did, the calmer it would make her.
Slowly but surely, it worked. After a brief moment, she slowly stopped crying, and spoke up.
“...I’m sorry...T-Thank you, Ashe.”
“It’s okay...”
He gently patted her back, letting her slowly start breathing normally.
Saying nothing again, they both stared out towards the dorms, Marianne’s breathing slowly getting calmer and calmer.
“Are you okay now, Marianne?”
She looked up at him at the same time he looked down at her, their faces very close to one another.
The first thing that came to both their mind was ‘They smell nice.’ 
The second thought was ‘Wait, just how close are we?!’
They both bolted upwards, completely flustered and cheeks burning bright red.
“I-I’m sorry!”
“N-No it’s okay, I didn’t really think, I just-”
Before Marianne could respond, they heard a third voice bringing them back to reality.
“Hey, what are you kids doing down there?!”
They both turned around and saw a Monastery guard looking over the railing above them.
Another voice they couldn’t make out seemingly came from behind him, and the guard turned back to them.
“You two stay there! Greetings, Professor! There’s something to report, actually!”
Ashe widened his eyes upon hearing him.
“P-Professor Byleth?”
“...I see.” The Gatekeeper said. “I was making my patrol and then I heard...Oh, those are your students? What did they say? Well...Alright then.”
The gatekeeper looked over the railing and motioned his head while speaking.
“Your professor wants a word with you two, don’t worry you’re not in trouble. Sorry for the scare!”
As they both walked up, they saw Professor Byleth in a casual outfit instead of his uniform, and looked at the two. Ashe was the first one to speak up.
“I-I’m sorry sir, I didn’t mean to cause you trou-”
Byleth raised his hand up and gestured for Ashe to be quiet.
He looked at Marianne and noticed her eyes were red, and the blanket over her. He pretty much deciphered what was going on by that one glance.
“It’s no trouble. I know that guardsman so it’s fine. Next time you come, just be a little quieter and let me know beforehand so you don’t give a knight a heart attack, alright?”
They both nodded.
“Alright. And before you ask, Ashe, I’ve been following you ever since I noticed you were carrying that blanket and started walking quickly to the Cathedral when you thought no one was walking.”
“...I-I see.”
“I’ll walk you back to your rooms. Get some rest, I don’t want you falling asleep during the lecture after all.”
Byleth walked both of them back to their dorm rooms, and both drifted off to sleep. Ashe was happy to help Marianne, and Marianne held the blanket closely to her as she slept.
Once lectures had ended for the week, everyone packed up their belongings and started making way.
Ashe organized his papers until he heard Byleth calling out to him.
“Ashe, come here for a moment, would you?”
He nervously gulped, and walked towards Byleth who was standing with his arms crossed and standing behind his desk.
“This...is about last night, right?”
Byleth nodded, and reached into his desk and pulled out a small pouch.
Ashe had no idea what it was, and when he looked back, Byleth was smiling.
“Gatekeeper told me what you two were talking about, cause apparently there was some shouting last night. So on that note, you plan to treat her to something nice tonight, right?”
Ashe’s brain cells collectively halted their thinking process upon hearing that last part.
“...Seriously? Tch, good thing I talked to Dorothea about this kinda thing...Anyways, treat her to something nice in town. Nice little joint called ‘The Shepherds’, ran by a girl named Anna. Tell her I sent you, she’ll treat you two nice.”
“...U-Um, thank you so much professor!”
Byleth smiled and before Ashe turned around, he said one more thing.
“They’re open late, and since tomorrow’s a free day, I’ll make sure not to schedule anything for that. Weather should be pretty, so ask her at the Cathedral tonight.”
Ashe nodded and excitedly ran back to his room.
Byleth shook his head still smiling as he heard a girl’s voice in his head.
“That was quite a bit of your personal funds. Was that really wise to do?”
“Meh, it’s pocket change really. Plus it’ll get them motivated for class, and thats the main reason.”
“You say that, but I can hear your thoughts, you know?”
Byleth said nothing as he continued to smile and began grading papers.
Later that night...
Ashe stood in front of the doors, his heart gently pounding like a drum, and opened the door to see Marianne.
“Hey, Marianne!”
“Oh, Ashe...!”
“Were you praying just now?”
“No I...was waiting on you, actually. I wanted to say thank you.”
His heart stopped when he saw Marianne smile with the moon shining on her face perfectly.
She looked heavenly, so much so he almost completely forgot what he was going to ask beforehand.
“Ashe? I-Is something wrong?”
“Huh?! N-N-No! Not at all it’s just...your smile was...really pretty.”
They both looked down in embarrassment before Ashe cleared his throat and finally mustered up the words.
“Well if you were waiting for me...Would you like to have dinner with me?”
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blacklilyqueen · 6 years
Star Crossed - Chapter 10
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Word Count: 2500
Tags:  @marlmckitten @blackinnon-paradise @ajustalittlebitch@gs1np1 @marlenemarauders @marlenebadasskittenmckinnon@sarcasm-slytherin-sass101 @hufflepuffmarlenemckinnon@blackmarlene @marley-mckinnon @marley-mc-kinnon@marlythebitch @black-kinnon @blackmarlene
Marlene had never really understood it when people talked about how everything changed when you fell in love. Songs in which the artists expressed their feelings and sang that they would now feel like a different person. Books in which the lives of the protagonists took a 180° turn as soon as they found someone for whom they were meant to be. Films that gave the impression that the couple would live happily ever after. All this seemed incredibly unrealistic to her. The idea that a single person could change her life in this way seemed too close to impossible. Of course, she had been in love before and had felt that something in her life was changing, but nothing ever came close to this in media presented idea. At least not until that New Year's Eve.
She couldn't say what it was, but something felt different. It wasn't her whole life that had changed, it were small situations she perceived differently. If she was stressed or annoyed by something, she wouldn't talk to him about it, just because she thought it would help her to speak, but because she knew that his presence alone offered her comfort. When something exciting happened or she received good news, she could hardly wait to tell him and share her joy. And when she thought about her future, then she found herself more and more often imagining spending it with him.
So it wasn't surprising that they moved in together immediately after graduating, albeit with a few small obstacles. Her friendship with Sirius had been a thorn in the side of her parents ever since he was disinherited, but at the latest when they learned of their daughter's new relationship with him, they tried with all their might to keep them away from each other. The fact that Walburga regularly complained to Marlene's mother that Marlene was the reason for Sirius' bad behaviour did not necessarily make the whole thing any better. But that didn't stop Marlene from moving to Sirius, only strengthened her in her decision.
Although she had finally managed to escape her slowly decaying family, her life was not always peaceful. Of course, living with Sirius made her overjoyed and yet a great shadow hovered over the young couple and it was called war. Dumbledore had asked them and some of their friends during their last school year if they would join the Order of the Phoenix. Almost everyone had agreed and so it happened that the two of them were now called back to the harsh reality again and again and regularly risked their lives in the process.
As many times before, Moody had called all members together to bring everyone up to date and as always, he ended the meeting with a warning to everyone that they had to be on their guard at all times. A few members left headquarters immediately after he finished his speech. Marlene and Sirius were among those who stayed for a while to talk to their other friends. While Marlene was talking excitedly with Dorcas, Emmeline and Alice - and, of course, little Neville on her lap - Sirius was standing rather apart from the group. The Potters had been in hiding for a long time and Remus also appeared less and less recently at the meetings of the Order, without telling anyone where he was. The absence of his friends obviously saddened Sirius very much, yet, or perhaps because of it, he was particularly glad that he still had Peter, who was now the only one standing beside him. The two young wizards were still talking as Marlene approached them.  
"Sirius, I promised Mary I'd meet her right away. Do you want to come with me or do we just meet again at home later?”
"I think I'd rather leave you two girls alone. I love you."
"I love you," they kissed before she left the quarters and apparated to Mary's apartment. As soon as she had opened the door, the two friends were already in each other's arms. After Marlene had entered, the two went into the living room and took a seat on the sofa.
"Tell me, how are you? I hope you're not in too much danger," Mary looked at her friend worriedly. She had been one of the few who had refused to join the Order at that time. The fact that her friends put themselves in danger almost every day still scared the hell out of her.
"I'm fine and the others are too. Lily and James are safe and the rest of us are looking out for each other."
"Have you visited them yet? It must be hard to have to hide for so long."
"No, unfortunately not. Dumbledore wants to keep the list of people who know who the secret keeper is as small as possible, even if it's actually a rather open secret", Marlene took a short break. She didn't like the idea that Sirius would take over this important task. Not because she didn't trust him, but because she was afraid that Voldemort would send people to get the information from him. Mary had apparently noticed that her friend would rather avoid the subject, so she tried to change it quickly after a few moments of awkward silence.
"Yesterday I did an interview for the daily prophet with one of the doctors at St. Mungos. Apparently they're working on an improved method to cure dragon pox," it wasn't perhaps the most exciting topic, but Marlene was incredibly happy about the distraction and the two were then involved in a conversation about it that was actually more interesting than Marlene thought at first. But during their conversation, Marlene felt more and more uncomfortable, until she finally apologized and immediately ran towards the bathroom to vomit. When she came back, Mary looked at her anxiously again.
"Is everything all right? Are you sick? Did you eat something wrong?"
"No, this happened quiet a couple of times the last few days, but otherwise I'm fine, it's probably nothing bad, don't worry," most of the others would probably have believed her, but Mary had lived with her for seven years and was able to determine pretty well whether she was telling the truth or not and now definitely the second was the case. At first she didn't know why her friend didn't say anything, but then a thought came to her.
"Maybe you should do a test. You know…a pregnancy test," she let her suggestion sink in for a few seconds, wanted to see how Marlene reacted. Maybe Mary was completely wrong with her guess, maybe it was nothing and Marlene would immediately explain how absolutely ridiculous this idea was, but the moment Marlene looked at her, Mary already knew the answer, "You already did the test.”
She briefly considered what to say next, how best to help her friend, but Marlene began to speak to her: "I did it three days ago. Sirius doesn't know yet, I didn't know how to tell him. But can we please not talk about it, I'm still trying to repress the whole thing," Mary thought Marlene should definitely talk about it and yet she accepted her friend's wish. The two soon started talking about other things again and yet the mood seemed to have changed. Even as Marlene left, Mary felt that they should have talked more about the subject.
After saying goodbye to Mary, she wandered around for a while to clear her head. The last three days had not been easy. Sirius had been on a mission for the Order at the time she decided to take the test. She had previously suspected, or much more feared, that she had caught more than just a flu, but only when she was sure that he would not burst in unexpectedly had she dared to check her suspicion.
It had been the longest five minutes of her life. Spellbound she had stared at the small stick in front of her. Again and again she repeated in her head her wish not to be pregnant, almost as if she were praying for it, but to whom? To the universe? To a God? To another supernatural power? She did not know. And apparently it had not worked either. The red plus on the test seemed to shout at her and brought her back from her thoughts into the hard reality.
She couldn't remember how long she just sat there and cried. Time seemed completely insignificant to her at that moment. Her thoughts were spinning in circles like a carousel and images of the worst possible scenarios were playing out in front of her eyes, so colorful and lively and yet so dark and frightening at the same time. She thought of Sirius and how he would react, of thousands of possibilities as she told him and as many possibilities as he left her for that reason. She thought of Lily and her fears when she learned that she was pregnant. At that time Marlene had been the one who had tried to take those same fears away from her who had tried to convince her that everything would be fine, but now? It seemed so silly to her what she had tried to persuade Lily back then. She thought of the war, the misery, the torture and the death, which she experienced almost daily in one form or another and which laid over her life like a single big shadow, determined to devour every tiny spark of hope and destroy it to the last.
Back home she stopped for a moment in front of the door. She still didn't know how to tell Sirius, so she just decided to put it off for a while. Although she knew there was no point in prolonging it, she couldn't help it. So she gathered briefly before finally opening the door to the shared apartment. The first thing she noticed was the chorus of one of her favourite songs, which seemed to come from the kitchen. The second was the smell of something burnt. Suspecting nothing good, she made her way towards the kitchen and was not surprised to see Sirius dumping something in the trash that could hardly be identified because of its black colour. As he did, he cursed, but stopped as soon as he saw Marlene.
"I was actually hoping I could surprise you with that, but I think I did something wrong," a little smile spread across his face as he walked up to her and kissed her, "How was Mary?"
Even though it was just a harmless question, it caused enough panic in Marlene. She felt that only a small movement, a wrong word, a tiny change in her face could tell everything. So she tried to stay calm and answer as normally as possible.
"It was great. Mary told me about an interesting interview she had the other day. Oh and she finally gave me the book I told you about," Marlene pulled the thick book out of her purse. Already weeks ago Mary had told her in a letter that she had found a strange old book about runes at a flea market. Knowing that her friend had been fascinated by these old signs since her school days, she had bought it for her and waited only for an opportunity to give it to her.
The rest of the evening was pretty quiet, even though this was the last word Marlene would have used to describe her state of mind. Due to Sirius' unsuccessful attempt at cooking, the two decided to order pizza without further ado. As soon as she had eaten, Marlene could hardly wait to take a look at the new book. Like a sponge she absorbed every word and if she had been able to, she would have sat on the sofa all evening and certainly read the whole book to the end. But something stopped her, or rather someone. At first she felt his hand slowly gliding up and down her thigh. Then came his lips. Gently, as if stroked by the wings of a butterfly. First on her temple, then on her cheek and finally on her jawline. Marlene closed her eyes briefly to concentrate fully on his touch. She felt his mouth wandering along her neck and couldn't help but let out a little moan. But as much as she greeted his touch, she couldn’t do anything else, but to turn away from him.
"Do you really rather want to read now?" He sounded confused and also a little disappointed.
"Only this one chapter. Why don't you go to bed, I promise I'll catch up," in reply he briefly pressed her thigh once and then walked towards the bedroom. She looked after him for a moment, but then turned her attention back to the book on her lap. At the part she was currently reading the author told the stories of some witches and wizards who had contributed a small but important part to rune research. She turned to the next page and was about to read on as a picture in the top corner of the page caught her eye. Marlene would have recognized these runes among thousands. They were the same ones she had seen all too often as a child, and the same ones that now adorned Sirius' back. Without hesitation her gaze wandered to the caption:
"Sitara (long-branch runes)"
Based on what she had learned on the pages before, this was apparently the name of a long-deceased witch, who had tried many decades ago to translate ancient Danish rune texts in order to gain new knowledge about the beasts living there. Marlene smiled to herself. For years she had been trying to figure out what these runes could mean, and now that she had given up searching for them long ago, the answer just came that way to her. Without realizing what she was doing, she stroked her hand over her belly and whispered quietly:
"Sitara, would be a beautiful name, wouldn't you agree?"
And for the first time since she had been staring at the little red plus, another thought spread through her head. In front of her she saw a little girl with wild, curly, black hair and bright blue eyes. She seemed to be playing with some toys and laughed. It was just the laughter of a little girl, but to Marlene it sounded like music in her ears. Suddenly she could feel someone put two hands on her shoulders from behind and then place a gentle kiss on her neck. She didn't have to turn around to know it was Sirius. As she watched the little girl, she could feel his arms wrapping around her, drawing her closer to him. But probably the biggest change was the feeling that suddenly seemed to take over her whole body. It was a feeling of peace.
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theboyz-engup · 6 years
Come On - Eric One Shot
Q: may I please request a scenario with Eric where he gets a little jealous and pouty bc the reader hangs out a lot with Kevin?
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Music rang loud through the dorm, most of the party’s concentration being contained in the living room. Some people lurked around the hallways while others had locked themselves in bathrooms, smoke and sounds the only inkling they were there at all. Red cups were everywhere, though it didn’t necessarily mean alcohol- at least, in Eric’s case it didn’t. He was happy enough to nurse a cup of water, standing by the tap to refill it for just something to do.
He couldn’t quite say he was bored but he wasn’t having fun. All these people were over for their album release, a week in advance, and they were all congratulating him. Even Felix, who was quite familiar with the business, hung off his shoulder at one point and professed how proud he was before pressing a sloppy kiss on his cheek and stumbling off elsewhere. The thing was, Eric didn’t really seem to care for it. A third mini album was nothing in comparison to other people’s releases and successes. His dancing wasn’t getting any better and his singing voice wasn’t well cultured.
There just didn’t seem to be anything to be proud about or excited for and so, he couldn’t help but feel out of place. It didn’t particularly help that you were off somewhere, even though you’d promised you’d keep him company for the night. You usually hated these things, always in the corner until he swept you off your feet and pulled you to dance with him. He could almost see you in front of him, mouth wide with a laugh that came from your heart outwards, not knowing how to dance but at least trying with him.
Yet, he blinked and there he was, alone and in the kitchen. Taking a lonely sip, Eric steeled his chest and made his way out towards the living room. He filtered past people easily, saying hello and goodbye quickly. He didn’t know why he felt the need to see you but- well, no. It was your smile these days that made him happy. It was your hugs and the way you seemed to not want to pull away that took some of the air from his lungs. It was the way you’d lean your head on his shoulder if you were at peak happiness that would settle his heart.
Out of anyone, he needed to see you.
“Eric!” A hand clamped on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. The voice sounded like bubbles belonged to Kevin and his grin that stretched from ear to ear, trying to tug him forward. “Come on, come play beer pong with us!”
“U- uh sure,” he conceded, thinking that maybe if he made quite a show of himself, you might turn up, “have you seen y/n, by the way?”
The black haired boy nodded as he led you to one end of the living room, using his chin to point you out. “Yeah, she’s playing on my team!”
“And I’m playing?” Eric asked, almost skeptical. Kevin only snickered, pushing him lightly to the other side of the table, where Sunwoo and Juyeon were tossing around a ball in preparation.
“Against us!”
Eric supposed it was funny, sure. Maybe it was supposed to be a joke that you were playing against each other, the two of you some of the most competitive people he knew. Maybe it was just a coincidence that Juyeon gave you a little knowing smile, eyes darting between you and Eric before doing the first hit against Kevin. It landed right in, forcing Kevin to drink, you cheering him on. You had a wildly happy grin on your face, voice louder than usual. How much had you had to drink? Eric wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
Distracted, he shot poorly and missed, resulting in a few boos from the surrounding crowd. You only gave him a proper grin before focusing as usual. Your tongue stuck out between your teeth, eyes narrowing and aiming properly before releasing, It hit right in and there Eric was, watching you yell as you raised your hands in the air. Kevin and you grabbed hands, bouncing around happily while Juyeon handed Eric a cup just under his nose.
“How are you holding up knowing that your girlfriend is cozying up to Kev, huh?” His grin was deadly and quite honestly got on Eric’s nerve. With a little glare from the side of his eye, Eric only snatched the cup and drank it as fast he could.
He finished with a quiet, unnerved, “she’s not my girlfriend.”
All he got in response was a cheeky little smile before Juyeon went to cheer on Sunwoo, who was doing little tricks with the ping pong ball. He threw it up and down and juggled it, entertaining the crowd while Kevin and you were heckling him, telling him to hurry up with ridiculously large smiles on your faces. Eric was wondering if he was the only one not having fun, his lips coming forward as his arms crossed over his chest.
For a brief moment, you glanced at him and gave him the littlest smile, blush forming on your cheeks. You looked like an angel in the filtering lights that circled off the walls and flushed across your face. It reflected off your hair and skin, hitting the exposed parts of your collarbone and neck. The striped button up you had tucked into those light jeans hung off your shoulders, showing the tank top you had underneath. It was like watching a dream, the way you shifted under the lights and grinned- the way you seemed to look at him like he was the only person in the world. Just for one moment, his heart skipped a beat and he found himself so distracted by the power that lay in your gaze.
It was safe to say his team lost.
Sunwoo wasn’t necessarily upset with it, a bit too laughable as he slung his arm around Eric’s shoulders and brought him close. His breath smelled lightly of beer, head pressed against Eric’s as he giggled, “your girlfriend’s got quite an arm on her.”
Perhaps it was the golden luck that filtered through his blood but all Eric could do was chuckle a small, “I know,” and left it at that. Sunwoo was a fan of circling around parties so he left after pasting a kiss onto Eric’s forehead and then yelling, “I’m the king of the world!”
Cheers took him far away and Eric was alone again, unsure of what to do. Readjusting his jacket, he looked for someone’s eyes he could find solace in. There was Hyunjae, who only seemed too preoccupied with someone he didn’t know. He only told Eric to go find y/n, saying she was looking for home earlier.
“Wait, what? She was?” Eric’s eyes searched for Hyunjae’s but they were so detached and distracted, hand pointing in the direction of the kitchen.
“Yeah, she was over there,” he mumbled before finally focusing in on Eric and asking, “do you think you could get me a drink so I can impress this girl?”
Eric’s feet found the kitchen floor easily, though he didn’t see you. It wasn’t until your bubbly laugh hit the ceilings and found him that he turned to see you. You had your back pressed up against the counter, nursing a red cup and cackling. You had your head thrown back before it came straight again, focusing in on Kevin. His arm was on the marble beside you, getting pushed forward into you as someone fell behind him. You didn’t really seem to recoil, though you turned your head to the side as Kevin’s came forward. His other hand came to your other side and, if anyone else had seen this scene, they’d be just as confused as he was.
Turning your head to the side allowed you to spot him though and you waved him over. Eric was pulled forward with some force of magic, his body wanting to be anywhere but there. Kevin’s eyes were so unknowing and kind, his smile so unwavering as he called out to Eric, “we missed you! Where did you go?”
“Around, I guess,” Eric murmured, taking another quiet sip from his water. You didn’t say much, only smiling as you copied his movements. Kevin looked between you two for a brief moment before excusing himself, making up an awkward excuse of needing to use the bathroom. His hand clamped on Eric’s shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze as he leaned in.
“Good luck, man,” he started, the sound of diamonds in his voice, “she’s been talking about you all night.”
Eric took a slight double take, blinking as Kevin gave him a little wink and walked off. Did he mean it? The thought made his mind doubtful and perhaps he didn’t see what he saw. Perhaps it meant nothing to you and every single beat of your heart was reserved for him. He wanted to see it, looking for the blush on your cheeks that you usually covered up so well.
“And then there were two,” you hummed over the rim of your cup, eyes piercing into his. He hardly noticed your skin underneath mimicking the red of the cup, or the way your hands shook just slightly.
“I can bring him back if you want,” Eric said, hoping it came off jokingly, though even he could taste the slight bitterness on his tongue.
“No,” you said so quickly, as if you didn’t even have to think. Then, you caught yourself and murmured, “I mean, you don’t have to. I’m okay with it being just us.”
It was hard not to laugh a bit at how awkward a pairing you two were, especially when you spoke. Every conversation started like this, with giggles and side glances and never really being sure of what to say. But then something would happen and it would be like your mouths couldn’t close, no matter who asked. Come to think of it, Eric hadn’t seen you like that with anyone else and it settled his heart for a while.
“You did good at beer pong,” you teased, pressing a finger into his chest. It didn’t take much for Eric to smile, brushing your hand off and shaking his head. “I almost couldn’t tell you were distracted.”
“Shut up,” he breathed, redness on his cheeks as he turned to look elsewhere. If he stared at you for too long, all of the words he knew would be lost.
“Not like I was any better though,” you conceded, giving him a shy glance before taking a sip, “I was really nervous. Kev had to keep telling me to calm down.”
“Nervous? You?” Eric tried to run his head through all the times you landed your shots, not seeing a single trace of stress on your lips. It didn’t make sense, unless it was Kevin making you nervous. His heart sank as easily as it rose in your presence, doubt creeping into his skin ever so slightly.
“I didn’t see that at all.”
“Well, I was,” you pressed, climbing up on the counter. You tapped the space beside you for Eric to climb up too. With a small huff, he adjusted himself beside you, trying to ignore the way your thigh pressed against his as you swung your feet slightly.
It took you a moment to speak but you made the words out, trying hard not to look at him, or anyone. You had your eyes glued to the ground and cheeks flushed, an odd look on your skin but he quite liked it. You flustered seemed to make him think that maybe he had a ruling over your heart, however big or small. He didn’t want the power he had there but he knew that it meant you cared for him in the slightest.
“You’re usually so good, is all,” you started, pulling in your bottom lip, “and I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of you. I never want to look like an idiot in front of you but sometimes I- I don’t know.”
The way you paused was like you were on the precipice of saying something you were scared of. Even your lungs seemed to shake and Eric didn’t know what to do but wait with bated breath. Slowly, you murmured just over the music, “I just want you to have a good impression of me. We’ve been friends and we hang out but I can never tell what you’re thinking because- because you’ll look at me and blush or smile. But other times, I’m just talking to someone else and you seem upset. I don’t know what to think.”
“W- what? What do you mean I seem upset?” Eric asked almost auspiciously, not knowing his emotions showed on his face so easily. You only shrugged.
“Like when I talk to Kevin about seeing a movie or when we come back from eating some ice cream after practice,” you suggested before furrowing your eyebrows and turning to him with a gasp on your lips, “oh my- it’s only when I talk to Kevin, isn’t it?”
Eric couldn’t help the embarrassment on his face, redness covering from what felt like head to toe. Clearing his throat, he shook his head and muttered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” over the rim of his cup. You only seemed to laugh, eyes nearly squinting shut.
“You’re jealous, huh?” you inquired, poking at his shoulder for a moment. The laugh was still on your lips as you said it, shaking your head a bit more. You spoke but it sounded like you were talking to yourself, hushed and rushed. “God, jealous. That makes so much sense. And the whispering!”
“What are you talking about, what whispering?”
“Oh, come on, Eric,” you drew out your words, waving your hand around, “everyone else? The little side comments from Jacob. Juyeon smiling at you at the beer pong table. Kevin dropping your name every five seconds. Holy shit, it all makes sense.”
“Y/n,” Eric attamepted, hoping to save himself from the embarrassment. You looked so genuinely amused, happy that it caused him some sort of discomfort when you clung to Kevin and fell asleep on his shoulders. You seemed to enjoy the way he squirmed a bit when people called you his girlfriend under their breaths- dear god, did you hear the boys call you that?
Adrenaline ran through his veins in the most unsettling way and all he wanted was to just apologize, tell you that it meant nothing. He didn’t want to admit his feelings, not when you were laughing about it like that. He almost felt he couldn’t, opening his mouth as you fixed him with a small look of interest.
“Look, y/n, it’s all just a joke. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I’m sorry if I did. I just- I don’t know. I’m sorry.” He looked down at the rounded edge of his cup, pulling his cheek in between his teeth.
“What are you apologizing for, it’s my fault. I should’ve been more attentive, don’t you think?” You quirked up an eyebrow at him, tilting your head to the side. The look on your face was unreadable, his eyes scanning for something but there was nothing. He didn’t know what you were thinking at all and the confusion dripped in his voice.
“I don’t… I don’t get it,” he admitted, furrowing his eyebrows.
A little giggle formed in your throat, head shaking. Your hand came out to grasp his shirt, pulling him slightly closer. Your eyes were hooded with a look he’d always hoped was for him and, just before your lips touched his, you smiled.
“Oh, come on, Eric.”
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RWBY GF Scenarios
How you met    
“Watch out!” She flew and hit you square in your belly. A painful grunt escaping your mouth as you fell on the ground, your books scattered all over the place while a certain young girl with eye-catching red clothes laid on top of your stomach. You gladly thanked god she wasn’t heavy.
“I’m so sorry. I was running away, and didn’t see you. Weiss is really mad at me, and i don’t want her to hit me with the paper so i used my    semblance. She’s really scary!” The girl rambled on, looking at the Academy and then back at you after getting up. You waved your hand since you couldn't talk due to the air that just seemed to have disappeared from your lungs. She stopped talking and clumsily helped you up.
“You’re not hurt are you?” She asked, concerned as she looked at you from side to side.  
“No… I’m okay.” You finally responded. She seemed surprised at your voice. It was quite deep and grow up for a person that looked 12. You probably were almost the size of Ruby, only a few centimetres taller.
“I like your voice.” She complimented out of nowhere. You raised an eyebrow and smiled awkwardly.
“Thank you…?” You said, mostly asking. Since you didn’t expect that, she then looked around and saw about 7 books laying on the ground, two of them being wet from falling on the puddle. You were just glad YOU didn’t fall on it. She happily started picking the books as you helped her. I mean, she helped you. A warm smile fleeing from your lips. Not before a angry voice said the girl's name and she flew again to somewhere else with one of your books in hand.
You were pretty sure you were going to see her again.
A good morning. Nothing could stop you from being happy today. Except… some random man talking to your father and telling you had to be friends with that man’s daughter so they could increase their profit. Yes, except that. But it happened.  
“Daaad! I don’t want too! She’s a huge bitch!” You complained to your father, he looked at you as if he didn’t even care and gave a sarcastic laugh.
“Ahahahah! It’s so funny how you think you have a choice!” He laughed, you glared at him. He only walked towards you and rested a big hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry. You have so much in common. I bet you’ll be friends in no time.”  
“No! No! And no! The first thing she told me was ‘that girl is so annoying, she doesn’t even look that rich.’ No way in hell i’m going to get close to that princess!” You replied, imitating her voice like those sassy popular girl you see in movies and making air quotes. Your dad laughed again.
“You only talked to her on the phone. You haven’t met her yet.”  
“Yeah, and i don’t want to.”  
“Well, too late for that choice.” You dad murmured as he went away and angry footsteps were heard from the hallway of your mansion. Soon a white haired girl with a fancy outfit came to view as she walked angrily towards you.
“I’m bitch? Look who’s talking, spoiled little rat!” She argued. Yup. She was listening to the conversation.
“Says the girl who gets new jewelry every day so she won’t yell at ‘Daddy’” You barked back, as angry as she was. Your dad and hers only ignored you too while talking to each other, laughing from time to time.
“Ah! At least i get jewelry! I bet you don’t even get decent clothes, it looks like you got that from a garbage pile.” She insulted, pointing at your clothes. You glared at her in hatred as she did the same. Well, i guess you both did have something in common. You both absolutely hated each other’s guts.
It was her again. Everyday she would go to the library and pick the same book. She had finished that book a thousand times, you had seen it. Yet, she kept reading it over and over and over. It made you curious. What was so important about that book? You were just itching to know. So, you had came up with a plan. You were to ask her that exact question. It wasn’t necessarily a plan, but for you, it was complex. You planned every action and every outcome of what would she say or happen. And you planned everything you were to do if that happened. It was a flawless plan. 4 weeks and a half working hard, day and night to ask her why did she kept reading that book. Today was the day.  
The plan had started.
“Hello. Nice to meet you, my name is (Y/n).” You greeted, extending your hand for her to shake. She kept looking at her book. You predicted that.
“So, the library is a good place to read books…” You continued. No! It was, “a good place to relax”! Read book? Libraries were especially made for that!
“U-Uh, what book are you reading, there?” You gave another shot. She stopped reading the book and looked at you. After analysing you for about 2 minutes she tilted her head to look behind you. Which had your favourite book and a folded paper inside of it, the paper was your flawless plan that seemed to be failing since the start.
“Who are you?” She simply asked. You paled, you had told her name. If you repeated, there would be a chance she would say that she heard it and was asking ‘Do i know you?’. If you didn’t, it was almost 100 percent she would ignore you forever.
“I-I’m (Y/n).” You replied, obviously shaking. She noticed it and to make you feel better, she smiled.
“Nice to meet you (Y/n). My name is Blake.” You could swear you saw her black bow twitch a little.
“Nice to meet you Blake.” You successfully responded.
“Do you have something to ask me?”
“Yes actually. I wanted to know why do you keep reading that book?”  
“I like it.” She plainly answered. You hesitated, nervous. You were afraid you started to smell bad due to sweat covering your armpits, forehead and hands.
“What’s that behind your back?” She asked, pointing to the book you had hid between your hands. You brought it to her eyes as she scanned the title.
“Ninjas of Love?” She asked, tilting her head so she could read the title. Oh god, she would clearly find you weird. Why did you bring that book with you?!
“Can i read it?” She asked, you were almost fainting so you simply gave her the book and ran away. She only became clueless and opened the book.
You cursed yourself for leaving the paper there. She only smiled.
“The next fight is Yang Xiao Long vs (Full name).” Glynda announced, as you stepped up and the blonde did too. You look at her, admiring her. Both her looks and personality. She was one of a kind. You both went to the front of the class, your weapons in hand (Especially Yang’s) as the health bar could be seen on the screens. Glynda went to the corner to examine the battle better without intervening and you went into a battle stance, your weapon ready to hit the blonde beauty. Though you felt pity.
“Ready to lose?” She asked you confidently.
“Never. But you should.” You snickered back at her, she alone gave you a smirk back. You were both ready and Goodwitch gave you the start you needed to start the fight.
It was quick. The battle was very quick. And confusing from the viewer’s point of view. You both had struck with a powerful attack at the same time. You both had flew either way. You both had lost the battle at the same time. So… A tie?
“A tie! That was very quick Miss Long, Miss (Last name). You’re both equally strong, good work.” She praised you. You both were the most shocked. Never did Yang find someone at her level, and neither did you. It was awesome the feeling of having their asses kicked. It felt like you still had a lot to learn, you could still become stronger.  
“Wow.” She murmured. You got up and helped her up. One hand as you both stared at each other, admiring and happy for the battle.
“Please, return to your seats.” Glynda suggested. You walked to your seat that was a lot closer to the battle stage as Yang passed by you to her teammates.  
Not before you gave her a wink and she gave you a chuckle. You were sure your were going to be friends with her.
Ren had talked about her a lot. He always said. ‘You have to meet her one day.’ or ‘You’re basically made for each other.’ And it made you uncomfortable. Since from what it’s been told around the Academy, Nora might have a crush on your best friend. And you knew he wasn’t stupid, so he had realized about Nora. Maybe he didn’t care, or was so afraid that he just didn’t accept it. You had yet to ask him. So, you brought the subject up while you two were having lunch. Luckily she wasn’t there. You and Nora never met. When you were with Ren, she wasn’t there. When she was with him, you weren’t there.
“So..” You cut him off completely.
“Ren. You know Nora likes you right?”  
“...” He simply stared at the ground after the question. The mood went to calm and relaxing, to sad and filled with tension. It made you shift in your seat.
“Yeah. I know.” He replied, the meatball bread he was eating now waiting on top of the table.  
“Then, why do you keep pushing me to her?” You asked again. The pancakes you were devouring were aside for the first time in your life.
“I… don’t want to hurt her. I don’t see her the same way she does.” He explained.
“But if you don’t tell her, she might get even more hurt at the end.”
“You mean, when she confesses?”  
“Yes. You need to tell her.”
He nodded in defeat. You knew that he still wouldn’t do it, but he would at least think about it. He cared too much for Nora to watch her get heart-broken. Though, you think that Nora wouldn’t be devastated, since it was simply a crush. You think.
“I should go. I have to get back to my team. We are going to have team games today.” He bid goodbye as you waved at him and looked at the sandwich he left.  
A certain ginger haired girl had seen it, headed your way and smiled at you.
“Thank you for talking to him.” She said. You didn’t reply, shocked that she had spied on your conversation.
“I’m Nora, what’s your name?”  
“Wow, i can’t believe you won!” The blonde boy excitedly praised the winner of the Vytal Festival Tournament. That was also his teammate.
“WE won.” She corrected him. You watched from afar as her team celebrated, as well as her school. You only watched. You were from the school, but you still didn’t felt close to her. Why? Because you might have a tiny little crush on her. Pyrrha Nikos. The strongest, most beautiful person you ever saw. Yet, she never noticed you. You didn’t mind though. It was probably better this way. You were extremely awkward and it was very rare for you to say a word.  
It would be painful for both of you.  
But, not everyone agreed. Unknow to you, Pyrrha had seen you. She had seen you since she first started at this school. It was impossible for her to not noticed a certain (Hair colour) haired girl with stunning (Eye colour) eyes. But she was also afraid. She thought you were such innocent creature, whenever she came across you, you would run away, hide, sometimes even not attend to class because of her. So she was afraid she’ll scare you again, keeping her curiosity to herself was the best thing to do.
But now that her school won because of her hard work she felt like she could do anything. And i mean, anything. After finally having some thinking time, she looked at you. You were peeking from the corner and hid again after you noticed she saw you. You were ready to run, but a warm hand kept you from fulfilling it.
“Please don’t run. I’m not going to hurt you.” She said. Her voice filling you with butterflies in your stomach, making your heart flutter due to her hand touching your wrist.
“I wanted to say thank you for… cheering me on.” She continued. You were looking at her. Your cheeks flushed but you kept looking. You were afraid it started to get creepy.
“Could you tell me your name, please?” She inquired. You quickly grabbed her gloved hand and turned it around so you could be facing her palm. You were shy and weird, a combination that Pyrrha had yet to get used to. Taking a blue marker of your pocket (A pocket somewhere, if you don’t have any, then your hair or something), you started dribbling on her hand, making poor Pyrrha very confused. After you finished you ran again. Away and away you went. Pyrrha couldn’t see you anymore, and curiously looked at her own right hand.
“(Y/n). Nice to meet you.” She read. Then glanced back at the hallway you had run off to. A sincere smile on her lips.
“Nice to meet you too (Y/n).”  
“Ready? Go!” Shots were fired, rapid and loud. One bottle down, another one flew, and the last shattered in pieces. Cheers erupted around you. Resting your rifle on your shoulder, you raised from your position and took the cheers and applauds genuinely. You were very know in your school, people often told you that it was because of the talent you wielded. That talent being, you were one with guns. Any kind of it, you were an expert at it. One of your personal favourites, the Sniper rifle. To be exact, a KNT-308. An amazing rifle that you loved to use. But even if you were famous and a pro with gun wielding skills, you were never close to a girl that weared very cool sunglasses and always carried around a handbag which was actually a minigun. Coco Adel. You admired her. And you were probably a fangirl. Not the first and the best fangirl, but you strived to be an awesome huntress so she could noticed you.  
People started to run to another place close by, screaming and pushing each other as if they wanted to reach there first.  
“Oh my god… I can’t believe she’s here!”
“Look at her, she looks so cool!”  
Coco? The Coco? She’s actually a few meters from you? No way, no freaking way. You couldn’t believe it. It was like God heard your prayers. You finally had a chance to ask her for an advice. To ask her to give you a handshake. Or a hug. Something! You just ran immediately, pushing everyone your way. It wasn’t easy. There were a lot of people. The rifle on your back shifted and hit some people, making them groan as you apologized. Finally seeing the familiar cap and some bunny ears. Probably from her teammate, Velvet. You started calling her name desperately as you raised your arms so she could see you. You came off too strong. Hitting the poor girl as you both flew to the ground and her teammates looked surprised at the suddenness of your appearance. You could hear her handbag falling to the ground as you entered in panic and got up immediately. Coco doing the same as she dusted herself off.  
“Wow. That was unexpected.” She murmured. An amused smile on her face. Velvet asked if she was fine as the other two boys tried to prevent that from happening again and tried to protect her from other fans. You only looked at her. You couldn’t believe you were right in front of her. And though you felt bad for throwing her to the ground, you at least touched her.  
“Oh. Aren’t you that girl in our school? What was it… (Y/n)? “ She remembered, she actually knew your name!
“Y-Yes. That it is my name Mam! Correct!” You saluted. You were seriously gonna hit you head a couple of times against the wall after this. She laughed.
“Mam? No need for that (Y/n). We’re classmates.” She softly said, resting her hand on your shoulder. You were sure you were about to pass out. And you kept repeating to yourself that if it’s a dream you never want to wake up.
“She has ears. You should yank them off.” The man teased.
“Yeah. I bet you would look a lot better without those things popping out of your head.” The other agreed.
“Though, she still would be fucking ugly.” Another joined in. As the three laughed, you jabbed a wall close by. The knuckles on your hand turning bruised. You were just warming up. You were going to kill those mother fuckers. Making fun of a faunus, especially an innocent one.
“Stop! That hurts!” She pleaded, as the first guy pulled one of her ears. They continued laughing and mocking her, sometimes hurting her as the girl was close to tears. You wondered why she was in this part of the city, but this wasn’t time for that. You came closer to the group as you cracked your hands and glared at the one with his hand on the girl’s bunny ear.
“Let go of her.” You angrily ordered. One of the guys laughed as he came closer to you. The one holding the ear pulled it more painfully, making the girl wince in pain.
“What? This?” He inquired as the girl tried pushing him off. The one coming closer to you, traced his fingers towards your waist as you pierced his skull with glares and stopped his hand with your own. He smirked at you.
“Come one babe. You did want to join us, didn’t you?” He asked, a flirting tone present in his voice. A knife went to your neck as he held it very closely, clearly not afraid to slit your throat. Who cares? You were training to be a huntress. And you certainly had one of your hands resting on a knife on your pocket. So, fear wasn’t shown on your features, but anger and courage. The second man that was looking at you attentively noticed it.
“Watch out! She’s a-” It was too late for the warning. The one assaulting you had fell on the ground as both of his friends ran away, clearly scared as they saw one of them dead before their eyes. You were about to throw your knife to one of them but the bunny girl stopped you.
“No! Don’t kill them!” She shouted, as she rested on the ground. You could see from anywhere that her ears were slightly red and hurt as well as small drops of tears hesitantly coming out of her brown eyes. She was from your school. A second year like yourself. Velvet. You worriedly went to her aid and grabbed her hands.
“Are you okay?” You asked. Velvet smiled at you, a little surprised at the sudden contact.
“Yeah. Thank you so much. Could i ask your name?” She asks you, sweetly. Your heart thumped like a drum as you stared at her gorgeous smile and noticed her soft voice.
“It’s (Y/n).”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Vel-”
“Velvet Scarlatina. I know.” You cut her off. You then rubbed softly her ears to see if they were swollen. She winced when you made contact.
“I’ll take you to a hospital.” You suggested, lifting her up in bridal style. She gasped a little as her face turned red.
“I-I don’t think there’s need for that. We can just go to Beacon Academy, my friends are there.” She softly replied, her head hiding against your shoulder, as she held you shyly. You nodded and started heading out of the creepy street you were in. That it was also your house.
“Thank you again.” She murmured. You hummed in acknowledgement as she smiled, happy you came along.
Your first task. Your very first assignment by Ironwood. It took a long time, but with hardwork and dedication you managed to do it. After being trained and trained, and fixing broken robots as well as advising Ironwood with new designs you finally had a better job. You were going to take care of the first android capable of generating a aura. Penny Polendina. You needed to go to her room and take care of her while Ironwood was busy. Basically you only needed to keep her inside and satisfy her to her every wish.
You had arrived to her door and before you even knocked she already had opened the door and pulled you inside. The door closing on itself.
“Ohhhh! I’m so excited! I finally have a roommate! And a girl roommate! If it was a boy it would be weird, but, it’s a girl!” She excitedly said. Wait roommate?  
“Uh… Do you know who i am?” You asked. She stopped her blabbering and took a good look at you. You also didn’t waste the chance to have a peek at her to see how was this Penny that your boss always talked about and praised with every possibility he had. She really did seem like a living human. A innocent girl with very few knowledge of the outside world.
“Yes! You’re my new roommate, (Y/n). Mr Ironwood said that you’ll be living with me from now on.” She responded. You took a moment to process. Ironwood… lied to you?  
“THAT BASTARD! HE THINKS I CAN’T TAKE THIS GIRL ON AND LIED TO ME SO I WOULD BUY IT! WELL THEN, IRONASS! I’LL PROVE IT TO YOU WHO’S THE BEST SOLDIER HERE!” You shouted across the room. Penny seemed extremely confused but didn’t think much of it since she didn’t even understand half your words. You grabbed her hand and kneeled in front of her, your head hung low as she looked at you dumbfounded.  
“My princess, your wish is my command. Your desires will be my life goal to complete with the burning heart i have to protect you and make you happy. You will never wish for a better guardian than me. My life will be rested upon your hands for you to smash it at any moment or toss it into the flaming fires deep in hell. For if that happens it will be with good reason of my failure. I will protect you with my life Milady.” You stated, with as much respect as you had left.
“Milady?” She asked, her head tilting in a cute way. You mentally thanked your boss for helping to create this beauty.  
“Like the ones in the movies?” She asked again. Then gasped, you only looked at her from below. Since you were still kneeled with her hand resting on yours. You could swear you saw stars in her eyes.
“Am i rich?!” She inquired at you. You got up and before you could answer she already answered herself and started to laugh snobbily.
“Ohohohohoh! Bow to me peasants for i have money! I will rule this planet and make every single person… SMILE!” She said, the last word dramatically. You posed like an evil anime character and laughed.
“Muahahah! To do that you’ll have to pass through me!” You declared. You both began doing fake shooting and slashing while you imitated the sounds with your mouths. The imaginary dramatic music playing in the background. You two laughed and continued playing until your mouths were dry. Maybe it wasn’t so bad having an android as your roommate.
You didn’t like her. You never met her, but you didn’t like her. Since she transferred here you had a bad feeling about her. On the contrary, she was very curious about you. You were a teacher in Beacon Academy, a professional huntress that teaches kids to slay monsters. Your talent was to scare people with a simple glare. But you resigned from being a teacher due to your hot tempered personality. You were now simply Ozpin’s helper. But he liked to say you were on the same rank as him. Though you knew it wasn’t true.  
Ozpin had asked you to make sure every student were in their rooms and safe. And so you were. Walking between the hallways of the dorms and entering every room to check on students. They knew about now. They were used to it. Of course you knocked, they still had their privacy. And everyone was sleeping or doing other useless stuff. After checking on team RWBY and team JNPR you went to the last room of your check up. The one you were more cautions about. The one who had the black haired girl with an evil glint in her eyes. You softly knocked on the door. Gentle footsteps were heard towards the door. You wanted to question her, you wanted to know what was she up to. The girl you’ve had on your thoughts opened the door. Cinder Fall. It surprised you at how dark was the room. Peeking inside you saw her two teammates sleeping. You could see her smirk from the corner of your eye.
“Hello. How can i help you?” She asked, amusement shown in her voice. You tried to disguise it but you were sure she could see how you glared at her.
“I’m just checking if everything’s okay.” You answered. The harshness of your tone not going unheard by the black haired student.
“Then you don’t have to worry. Everything’s perfect.” She softly said, clearly not to wake up her comrades. You were both in silence, her in front of you as if covering the entrance of her room, while you only looked at her in suspiciousness. You had to admit it. She was gorgeous. But to a student that would sound weird. Then it wouldn’t matter right? She isn’t like the others. She wasn’t a kid.
“You’re not a student. Are you?” You asked, she smirked even more. Finally closing the door behind her and pushing you away from it.  
“Oh? How did you figure that out?” She teased you. Without your knowing you were already touching the wall as she was fairly close to you.
“I’m going to report this.” You confidently said. She traced a hand on your cheek, making you slightly uncomfortable about your personal space.
“Are you? Wouldn’t that be boring?” She asked. Her voice still soft.You slapped her hand away from your cheek. She giggled silently.
“You’re interesting. I’m going to keep an eye on you.” She finished and walked away to her room. Not before giving you a wink. You could try to lie and say that your heart wasn’t pumping rapidly, and your cheeks weren’t flushing with red. You could, but it was pretty obvious.
“Hey! My wallet!” You yelled frantically. Your arms flailing around as you ran after the green haired girl. You were so out of shape. The girl was so fast you lost her after the first turn. But you continued running to where you thought she was. Of course, stopping from time to time to breath and complain about your own physical state. After running what seemed like 2 hours, you stopped and gave up. You lost your rent money, you lost your food money. You lost the girl. Sitting on a chair at a random cafe next to you, you fanned yourself with your hand while you breathed. A man was kind enough to offer you a cup of water as you gulped it up like a dolphin. You sighed at the end, thanked the man and started walking. You passed some museums, some stores, and some signs that you didn’t recognize. Soon, you realized you were lost.
“Awwww…C’mon.” You complained in desperation.You wanted to cry when you realized you were in an unknown town with no money and in no state to defend yourself from other thieves or worse, rapists. You shivered in cold as well. It was starting to grown dark and people were starting to go home and leaving the streets empty.
You walked around, holding yourself for warmth, hoping to find a kind person to offer help. But there wasn’t anybody on the streets. You whimpered.
“Why? Why am i so unlucky?” You asked yourself. Then you heard voices. A male one and a female one.  
“So?” Was what the female voice asked.
“You don’t get it do you? You stole 20 Liens. I stole 90. You see the difference?” The male charismatic voice replied.
“It’s only because the last girl i stole from only had 5 Liens. Walking around with a big wallet for only this little amount… What a waste of time.”  
“But it is a nice wallet. Look at the leather.”
“At least this will make me about 10 Liens. I saw one exactly alike it worth only 8.” Wait. Was this your wallet? Was this the girl who stole from you? And more importantly, why do you only have 5 Liens in your wallet?! What about the rent money? Don’t tell me you got stolen before… Awww Man!
You walked towards the voices, which led to a dark ally. You learned from your mother since you were a child that dark alleys are never to be trusted. But you needed your money. No, more essentially, you needed help. Even if it was from the girl who stole from you.
You saw them from afar. A silver haired boy with a smug look on his face and the same familiar green haired girl with tan skin. You smiled in relief but soon turned into a scared look when the boy kicked you in the stomach. You fell on the ground and held your stomach in pain. The girl came closer to you and helped you up. Confused you let her help.
“Seriously Mercury. Why did you kick her?” She asked the silver haired boy.
“Sorry, i thought she was going to attack us.” He laughed. The girl inspected you carefully, while you still rested your hands on your belly, rubbing it to see if it would make the pain go away.
“Oh! You’re the girl i stole from.” She stated, amused. The boy snickered.
“The girl with only 5 Liens and a really sweet wallet?” The boy asked. As the girl said before, his name must be Mercury.
“You followed me here?” She asked you. You sweat dropped and rubbed your head.
“No. It was actually a coincidence. I only ran aimlessly and reached here.” You replied, a goofy smile on your face. Though you felt like puking because of the pain of your stomach and stupid from talking to the person who robbed you, you still tried to act the best of you. You still wanted help.
“She must be lucky.” Mercury said. You could disagree with that a thousand times. But you didn’t want to say anything that could get you killed, so you stayed quiet. The green haired girl looked at your hand that was holding your stomach and frowned.
“Sorry about that. Mercury can be an asshole sometimes… My name is Emerald. Nice to meet you.” She kindly said, her hand offering itself for a shake. You shaked her hand, rather friendly.  
“My name is (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” You replied, with the same tired tone you had since the beginning. She reached for her pocket and in her hand she had your leather wallet. The same you had seen in the store and bought it.
“Here. You can have this. It’s not like i would gain much money from it anyway.” She tossed it to you. You clumsily dropped it and caught it again. Keeping it safe in your pocket, you swore you would be more attentive next time. You wanted to ask her how did you get back to your town. But you stood there nervous as they both turned away and began walking.
“Uh…” You murmured. Emerald turned her head towards you. You could finally see her smile.
“What? You’re not coming? You do need a place to stay the night.” You smiled at her, catching up with the two. The butterflies in your belly making the other pain seem insignificant.
For goodness sake! It was the fourth time this week! Roman robbed you again. You dropped your groceries at your worker’s hands. And ran to his home base, where you knew well it was. You were sure the old man would keep an eye on your groceries as well as your store. Even though it was robbed a minute ago. Roman was going to get it.
You didn’t have to run much since it wasn’t far from the city. Surprisingly, you still had your apron stained from cooking breads around your waist. You knocked on the metal garage door.  
“Who is it?” A playful voice asked. You knew too well it was the son of a bitch.
“Roman, i swear to god. If you don’t open the door i will push your cane up your ass until it reaches your fucking throat.” You sweared. A feminine giggle and Roman’s grunt was heard from the other side of the door. He opened and at this moment you didn’t even care about the short beauty at his side. You angrily stomped towards the ginger and raised a fist. He laughed nervously, his cane far away. The little girl came between you, her pink umbrella pointed towards your head. You could see a blade inside of it.
“What? You got a bodyguard now?” You asked Roman in particular. Roman rested his hand on her shoulder as she lowered the umbrella to her side.
“Yes. But not for you of course. She doesn’t know about our relationship…” At this, the girl furrowed her eyebrows at Roman. You couldn’t blame her. The way he putted it, anyone would get the wrong idea.
“He meant our friendship.” You replied, mostly to the girl. She smiled kindly for explaining and stepped aside from Roman.
“So… Sorry for robbing?” He asked. A vein easily popped in your head. You punched his gut. He huffed and fell on the floor. The pink and brown haired girl seemed worried, but Roman assured her when he got up and laughed.
“Okay. I deserved that.” He grunts. You sigh and help him up. To tell the truth. He was your childhood friend. It was supposed for you two to start a business together, but you two followed different paths. Now he’s been robbing you, thought it wasn’t a lot.
“What’s her name?” You asked. He rested his elbow on her head, due to her height. And it was cute the way she seemed a bit mad.
“Neo. Neopolitan.” He replied. The girl bowed respectfully as you smiled.
“My name is (Y/n). Nice to meet you.” You introduced yourself. She nodded and you wondered if she was mute. Either way you liked her. You might spend more time with Roman from now on.
“Now give me back my breads.”
(Bonus: “But they’re so delicious!” “Roman, i swear to god.”)
“She might kill you when she sees you.”     “Okay.”
“She must hate you after everything.”
“And we all know you did that for the good, but she might not believe you.”
“Also, treat her well.”
After your little agreement with Ozpin, with only ‘okays’ coming out of your mouth, he was satisfied and sent a signal to Ironwood to let her in.  
Ironwood went down the elevator and you and Ozpin awaited for the blonde huntress to come to you so you could introduce yourself.
“Is she hot?” You asked out of the blue, your hands resting on your crossed legs as you sat beside Ozpin. He sighed mutely as he coughed nervously.
“We discussed this already (Y/N). She is hot if you think she is.” He muttered, you kept looking at the elevator waiting for both adults.
“Did you two date or something?” You inquired.
“No, we’re simply friends.” He answered again, silence quickly filled the room.
“So… Did you two fu-” You got coincidentally interrupted by the elevator’s doors opening, a certain general stayed on the elevator quite nervous as he didn’t looked amused when Glynda marched the room towards you and swiftly slapped you. You weren’t surprised as well.
“How dare you show your face here?!” She spat, you got up and offered your hand for a handshake, the same emotionless expression on your face.
“Nice to meet you Glynda, my name is-“
“I know who you are, you monster. You’re the one who putted Ozpin in the hospital!” She resumed, her accusing finger all over your face.
“Glynda, we’ve told you why she’s done it and we all forgave her.” Ozpin interrupted. She kept glaring at you.
“You might have forgiven her but I don’t.” She peeked at Ozpin before returning to you.
“I’m never forgiving you.” She threateningly warned, you, sick tired of this shit, lifted her chin with your finger. She stood frozen, her finger still hesitantly floating mid air. You slowly got close to her ear and ghostly smiled, you were sure she ‘heard’ your smile.
“I’m sorry for what I did. I hope one day you forgive me.” You whispered, then you casually walked towards the elevator, passing through a very concerned Ironwood as you gave him a smile, trying to ease him of any thoughts he had on his mind.
As you pressed a button to go to the ground floor and the door closed you could see Glynda frozen in place and Ozpin calling you back.
She was so red.
“I want a beer! Gimme! Gimme!” You excitedly jumped up and down, Qrow patting your head. He clumsily putted an arm around you and stumbled towards the streets.
“Awww, c’mon kitten. You know Ironwood doesn’t let me.”  You pouted.
“Please Qrow! I’m old enough.” You whined, he looked carefully at you, for awhile you thought he had fallen asleep standing, but he was simply drunk thinking.
“You know what! Here! Have it.” He gave you a half full bottle of his favorite whiskey. You eagerly grabbed it and were ready to gulp it down, if it weren’t for a hand to swiftly snatch it away from you.
“I can’t believe you! Ironwood specially said for you to take care of her and that’s what you do.” A mature voice grabbed your interest as you rotate and see a white haired girl with the same uniform that you saw plenty of times when you were in Atlas.
“Give me a break. I’m drunk.” He retorted, retrieving his bottle. She growled silently as you stared aimlessly at her. As she finally noticed Qrow’s lazy arm around you, she pushed his arm away from you and pulled you to her.
“And get your disgusting hands away from her.” She warned, you dazed, kept quiet.
“Ohhh, getting a little defensive are we?” He teased, chuckling at the end. You snorted and the girl stared confusingly at you.
“I’m sorry, but do you find him funny?” She questioned you, quite more harshly than she intended. You were about to nod, but instead you couldn’t take your eyes away from her. From your point of view, she was beautiful. Her white snow hair neatly bundled into a bun as one of her eyes was covered by her fringe. Her light blue eyes carefully staring at you concerned. Oh right! You need to speak.
“You’re pretty.”  Your confession left her dazed but slightly blushing, it was easy to see since her skin was so pale.
“That didn’t answer my question, but thank you.” She replied, her hand still in yours. Qrow just bursted out laughing as the girl glared daggers at him.
“What’s so funny?” She asked to clarify.
“Nothing, nothing. I’m gonna leave Ice queen. I can see you have your hands busy.” He answered, turning the corner clumsily.
The girl stared at you nervously as you kept your gaze on her.
“Oh excuse my manners. My name is Winter Schnee, General Ironwood insisted I brought you back.” She introduced herself, you smiled.
“I like you Winter!” You announced, she blushed and smiled, making you follow her as she took you back home, her hand never leaving yours.
“I hope she isn’t drunk…” Winter muttered, luckily you were too distracted by your surroundings to hear it.
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firefistlaw · 7 years
a scenario where ace s/o tells him that she’s pregnant? ❤ thank u ❤
A/N:thank you for requesting 💗💗
s/o tells Ace they’re pregnant
Loud voices echoed happily through the whole ship. People were laughing, dancing, drinking and just having a great time at the deck of the Moby Dick. The sun was was about to set, warm colors of orange and red now painting the sky in beautiful harmony.
You were seated somewhere on the deck and watched your family celebrate, a glass of water sitting in front of you. Normally you’d be in between everyone, dancing and drinking into the night, but not today. Today was a important, maybe even too important. You glance at your dark haired boyfriend laughing with one of your friends and sigh.
A few of your crew mates had arrived back from a mission today, which had took about three weeks. That also was the reason for the celebration, but you couldn’t really focus on that. Exactly three weeks ago, after the mission had started, you had started to feel weird, started to feel things you weren’t too familiar with.
Your back suddenly hurt, you got nauseous a lot, felt very sick in the morning and to your surprise, you got exhausted quickly. Way to quick for someone like you, someone who fought at the frontside of the Whitebeard pirates, someone who was not weak.  You couldn’t really explain what was going on at first, just too confused with your body. Normally you would talk about it with your lover, Ace, but said man had just left for the following days. After exactly two days with pain, you couldn’t bear it anymore though. You had walked into the doctors office angrily, already out of breath from the short distance, and asked for help, for medicine, for something. What you got from the doctors however, shocked you extremely.
“Ah, why do you look so grumpy, little one?” Thatch asks, ripping you away from your thoughts. His brown hair seemed to shine under the light of the sunset. “You’ve been gripping onto this weak glass of water for over an hour now, where’s the beer?” He laughs wholeheartedly. “Ain’t no party without beer, sweetie.”
You open your mouth, about to say something, when a big glass of alcohol was sat down on the table. A familiar smell arounds you as an warm arm sneakily gets around your shoulders. “Are you flirting with my woman, cook?” Ace teases, a big grin plastered on his face. “Because you better not be!”
Thatch grins right back at the freckled man, all while you feel yourself become more and more uncomfortable in this situation. You had yet to tell someone about your… well, situation. You had begged the doctors to keep quiet and even though they had felt bad, they tried their best to keep your secret for themselves. It wasn’t like you didn’t want your crew to know, it was just… you wanted Ace to know first. It was his child, after all.
“Well, you were gone for quite some time now, weren’t you? Maybe things happened.”, the cook winks at you and leaves the both of you alone. You could hear your boyfriend laugh quietly to himself, then you felt him push you closer towards him. “Ah, I missed you, Y/N.”
He looks at you with warm eyes and you feel your heart jump in your chest. Suddenly, you feel like you can’t breath anymore. “I-I missed you too.”, you stutter and smile at him, or at least you try.
“Are you okay? You look like something’s wrong.” Ace murmurs and pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. You stare at him for a long second, then you take a deep breath.
“Ace… I think we should talk.”
He pushes his head back and musters you surprised, mouth open. “This does not sound good… but, like now?”
You nod and stand up, chewing on your bottom lip in worry. You can’t help but be scared, this was not something that happened often. This was not something that was supposed to happen, you were a pirate after all!
You grab your lovers hand, feeling a bit of comfort at the warmth and walk to the very end of the deck, where it’s much quieter and less people are present. You let go of his hand and keep walking, the beat of your heart increasing incredibly.
“You’re scaring me.” He says and laughs nervously. “Is this the moment where you tell me, thatch was right and you guys really had something going on last few days?” Ace jokes, but you know, some part of him actually is scared of your answer.
“What? No!”, you say and shake your head. “I wouldn’t do that, stop being ridiculous.” You can’t help but smile at him and you feel like, that was the right thing to do. Ace visibly relaxes and you feel yourself calm down a bit too, but still not enough to catch the right words for your announcement.
You gulp and take a deep breath. This is the moment, you think to yourself, this is going to be the moment where everything will change. Not helping yourself, you think of the worst scenario. What if he doesn’t want this child? What if he doesn’t want you anymore after this? What if he’s mad at you? You know, Ace would never react to you like that, ever. But you just can’t help it, you simply can’t.
“Hey,” His soft voice lulls you back to reality. “It’s okay, just tell me.”
“I am…”, you stare right into his eyes. This is it. This is the moment. “I am pregnant, Ace.”
The sky is now completely dark and throughout the whole ship, lights are turned on. Lamp after lamp is switched on, the darkness slowly turning into a shining atmosphere. The ship glows in the sea like a star in the galaxy and you feel like, it’s the perfect description for what you see in your lovers eyes.
It’s a mixture between happiness, admiration, confusion and concern. It’s clearly visible, that he feels overwhelmed and you feel your eyes get wet. You bite your lip and try your best to get a grip on yourself.
“You’re…. what?” He asks, needing to hear it twice. You repeat your words with a shaky voice and glance at the floor.
A few long seconds pass and neither of you speak. You feel bad for telling him now, after he hadn’t been back home for a day, but you had to tell him.
“I’m sorry, Ace, I-”
And then you feel his arms around you, hugging you tightly. The warmth that spreads through your body is unexplainable, it’s the feeling of finally being home, finally able to breath and finally there where you belong. “I can’t believe it… I’m so happy, Y/N…”
He grabs your face in his hands and stares at you with wet eyes. “Is it… my child?”
“Ace!”, you can’t help but laugh. Your feelings are a mess, you are sure you’re about to get an heart attack from how fast your heart is beating, but yet, you laugh in delight at his words. He is happy! “Yes, of course it’s yours.”
“Oh god, I’m going to be a father… me,” He shakes his head. “That’s crazy…. woah.”
You agree with him, it sure was crazy. “I’m scared though.” You whisper to him and touch his hands softly with yours.
“I’m scared too, Y/N. I’m the son of…” He whispers back and stares into the distance. “It wont easy for our child, I’m not necessarily a good choice of father, but-”
“What? You not being a good choice? That’s ridiculous, you will be a great father, Ace!“, you say, hurt by him saying those things about himself. “You’re so much more than just the son of Roger, you’re a loved part of this family, you’re a Whitebeard pirate, you’re the second division commander and you’re going to be a great dad, an amazing dad! You’re so much more, Ace, and I love-”
He leans down and presses his lips against yours, stopping your rambling. “I love you too.”, he smiles softly. “We have our family; oyaji and the others… we can do it.”
You nod yet again and this time, you smile from ear to ear. He pecks your lips once, twice, thrice, so many times, you forget to count. The both of you stand together for a long time, holding each other and whispering sweet nothings into the night.
Ace was going to be a great father. Yes, he might had a few things to learn, but so had you. You both had each other and your family, that was everything that mattered.
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Learning to Live
Henriette O'Callaghan was in possession of a highly proper name, but she slowly found herself rejecting it. In her youth, she wanted to be called Ri. That was it. She wrote songs of love and heartbreak that she had never experienced, even as her peers began to get a taste of what they couldn't put a lyric or a chord to. She was a hopeless romantic lacking actual romance. She would pour her heart out in her songbook for those who she could never tell. She cried to the voices of those more famous she wished to be with. And she held fast to the hope that love might come her way. That, finally, a boy would notice her as a woman, not just a friend.
Never did she imagine that college would be her... cynical awakening. She got what she wanted. She fulfilled her own songs, like flowery prophecies that would begin to tarnish her core belief in romance.
The first one to tarnish her view of romance was called Tyler.
Ri met Tyler at a party. One of her first college parties. She had a couple wine coolers because she detested the taste of beer. Not than anyone could blame her, she hadn’t been treated to a very good beer. She handed it off to someone else, and her companions (annoyed) found something else for her to drink. She sipped it with apprehension, but was pleased to find that the taste of alcohol wasn’t smacking her in the face as she did. She did a little more than sip it. After one, she felt a little cloudy-headed. She wanted to stop. But those with her kept encouraging her to drink another. So she did. Ri had to be the most notorious lightweight, but she was drunk after the second one. Tyler had a couple beers that night too. He had one thing on his mind. He sidled up to Ri as she was leaning against a wall, enjoying the music. She glanced at Tyler out the side of her eyes, giving him what she hoped was a seductive glance, but most likely just looked confused. None of that mattered to Tyler. He started dancing with her. If only it was the thing to be polite when dancing with a lady, but it wasn’t. Nowadays, dancing like that was predatorial. Not that Ri particularly noticed. She had a small gut feeling, but it was clouded by the liquor. She let him. Tyler kept glancing at her lips, trying to move closer to her, resting his hands on her hips. Ri’s head swayed side to side, back and forth, just a little. And she bit her lip. She decided to tease a little. Ri rested her wrists on Tyler’s shoulders, swayed her hips, and flicked her eyes down at his lips. At least, she was pretty sure she did. Next thing she knew, Tyler had guided her over to a worn-in couch and leaned in so close she could smell the beer on him. But she kind of wanted it. Everyone else she knew had done it already. She was okay with going this far to try it out. Tyler leaned in, and touched her lips. At first, it was alright. But then it wasn’t. Ri didn’t want any more than she had already gotten. They kissed. That was it. But Tyler wasn't done. He didn’t pull back. He opened his mouth, and tried using his to force hers open, like a slimy jaws-of-life. He gripped her harder, squeezing her forearm with his vice grip, digging his chewed nails into the small of her back as he tried to force her closer and closer. He slid his tongue in her mouth when she opened hers to protest. Ri wasn’t having it. She finally sobered up enough to push him off. Putting both hands on his chest, she thrust them forward and knocked him off balance. At that moment she stood up and walked away. Ri went to go find one of her sorority sisters. She didn’t want to be alone and end up with Tyler again. Ri wiped her mouth with her shirt and went in search of water. That was disgusting.
The second boy to strip her of her rose-lenses was called Mason.
Mason was almost everything— physically— that Ri was looking for. He met her height requirements (at least 5'9", to come slightly above her 5'7"), had luxurious hair that swept over his eyes sometimes when he looked down,  a smolder that could light a flame in anyone's heart, and just enough definition in his arms that Ri could imagine being comfortably swept off her feet. As for personality, Ri had never dated before... so she didn't quite know what she was looking for. But Mason had a laissez-faire attitude about life. He wasn't exactly the life of the party, he didn't exactly wake up every morning with a goal in mind... he didn't commit. Like a stoner or a leaf in the wind, he let life take him without truly realizing the damage he left in his wake.
Ri knew this... sort of. She was too enamored by his good looks, suave yet ballsy physical advances, and climax-inducing kisses. Of course, she never let it get that far.
"I'm not looking for commitment," he would say, and then continue to feel around as much as Ri would dare let him.
But he felt like a boyfriend. At least, Ri thought so. He had gone as her date to formal, they cuddled on his couch, slept together once (but no funny stuff. That just wasn't Ri's style), hung out at least weekly, and even been out together... with other people... while one of them was more than a little tipsy.
So it should not have come as a shock when the summer approached and Mason's attention waned. A lot.
But Ri was a romantic. It didn't make sense right away. They had something, right? After checking her phone everyday for even a “hey,” she began to lose confidence in what she thought was there. Whatever it was, it wasn’t there.
After doing a little social media stalking, Ri found photo after photo of Mason with another girl. Albeit, she wasn’t nearly as pretty as Ri… but she was still another girl. It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what was going on, Ri got it. She soon stopped responding to Mason’s mass-snaps and occupied her time by talking to her trusted sorority sisters and drowning herself in relatable poetry. But she would still dwell over Mason. Damn that boy, she would think, why’d he have to affect me like this? When Ri wasn’t avoiding staying at home, she would be out with friends. Coffee once a week, twice a week she would go out, sometimes she’d get a shift at her summer job. All the while, Mason occupied her mind.
Yael: u there, ri?
Henriette: sup, el?
Yael: u gon bring the banner for ep nu rush?
Henriette: totes, el. I got it
Yael: kk, but u been off
Henriette: ?
Yael: come on, grl. I see what u post on twitter
Henriette: yeah… lotta poems.
Yael: is this about mason?
Henriette: i can’t forget him!
Yael: u gotta date other guys, girl.
Henriette: news flash- i don’t know any
Yael: what about will?
Henriette: your ex?
Yael: he’s a great guy and i think u guys would hit if off
Henriette: that’s sweet, el. But no thanks.
Yael: i gotchu, fam. Imma text him ur number.
Henriette: el!! Rlly???
And so Will started texting Ri. It was awkward at first, but then Ri finally had a guy to talk to about her troubles with Mason. And Will finally had someone to talk to about his long-time crush he’d had and not been able to get through to. Ri and Will found friendship in each other, friendship they both desperately needed. But Will told Ri the things that she had been hearing from pretty much everyone: give it time and you’ll forget about him. Except that Will learned Ri had never been on a proper date, so for the sake of her knowing how she should be treated… Will decided he’d take her on one. During this time, Ri was getting DMs from another guy who she went to the same university as, but had never met. His name was Garrett.
Garrett was dangerous. Ri could tell. But not because he was necessarily a bad guy. Garrett was like Ri, a hopeless romantic. Except, Ri didn’t want it to be that way anymore. Garrett reached out to Ri. He texted her about music, then about hockey, and then about how they’re both in greek life organizations. Garrett wanted to marry a sorority girl. He wanted to marry a girl who loved her sorority as much as he loved his fraternity. And after a few mentions of this, Ri quickly tried putting Garrett at arms’ length. She was not about to have this. She still wasn’t really over Mason.
But one night she had an epiphany. She was scrolling through her twitter feed while pondering what kind of quote she could post next, and she noticed that there was no sign of Mason anywhere on her feed. He hadn’t been posting. It was almost as if he really didn’t matter in her life.
And he didn’t.
Mason had been clear that he was never interested in seriously dating Ri. He never took her out on a date. He had never been solid about anything. Except that he was definitely emotionally unavailable.
So why was Ri spending so many of her precious neurons on this guy?
She wouldn’t do it anymore. He didn’t matter. His song in her life was over. She needed to focus on herself. She had so many more important things to do. She wanted to get back into reading. She wanted to be able to help with recruitment for Ep Nu. She wanted to make money. She wanted to write music again.
Ri went back to her songbook. The one that she had jotted down notes for lyrics, chords, and full songs. In there, she had so many songs about heartbreak and wasting her energy on a guy who was never going to love her. She wrote this two years before she had ever felt anything of the sort.
Why’d you leave me? Why’d you leave me this way?
I can’t feel anything I used to
It’s like I’m numb to everything that matters
I don’t know how it got to be this way
But somehow, here we are..
or here I am…
You used me up more than I thought was possible
You took my heart without my letting you
And yet you said you don’t want anything from me…
Not my love.
Not my love.
You wouldn’t give me your love.
Your love.
Your love…
Was it there?
Did it even exist?
Was it air?
Did I make the whole thing up?
Tell me!
You used me up more than I thought was possible
You took my heart without my letting you
And yet you said you don’t want anything from me…
Not my love.
Not my love.
You wouldn’t give your love.
Your love.
Your love…
Was it there?
Did it even exist?
Was it air?
Did I make the whole thing up?
Tell me!
Here I am.
Broken down.
All day and all night thoughts of you swimming round
In my head.
On my phone your contact stays there so I know
If you call
If you do
Then I won’t answer.
Because you won’t answer me…
Was it there?
Did it even exist?
Was it air?
Did I make the whole thing up?
Tell me!
But you won’t.
You’re not there…
But I don’t think you ever were...
Holy crap. Ri looked over the lyrics that her fifteen-year-old self had written. And it was spot on. It was almost as if her song predicted the future. She combed through the rest of her songs. They all said the same things. She was deceived by a guy. She let herself get caught up in a guy. She let herself be deceived by a guy. They were all about Mason before Ri had ever known Mason. She opened the page with her first full song. A tear slipped down her cheek. She knew it was coming, she knew she would suffer, and she let herself suffer. But no longer.
Ri closed her songbook and went to her desk chair. She pulled out her favorite poetry book and looked for the poems on strength. She would have strength. Ri would focus on herself. No more Mason, and no worrying over Garrett. Garrett wanted to date her, that was for sure, but Ri wasn’t about to be swept up in another guy before she had a stronger sense of self. She would focus on being the best the she could for her, and nobody else.
Henriette O’Callaghan was her own person, and no tragic song she wrote when she was fifteen would dictate her life again.
For those who made it to the bottom, thanks for reading my first entry! This story was inspired by a friend who gave me permission to turn her story into short literature.
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elvendara · 7 years
May you do a werewolf jumin x human mc? Like a oneshot where he gets jealous and ends up hurting her on accident? The ending is up to you! LOVE YOUR BLOG ~~
This went a little long, I hope you don’t mind. I really do enjoy exploring Jumin’s emotional side.
Juminsat at the edge of the bed fresh from the shower. He was wearing only hisunderwear and MC sat behind him, running her fingers through his hair. Hischest rumbled in satisfaction, his eyes closed, his body loose. She kissed hisneck and nibbled his ear.
“Kitten,we have to get ready for the gala.” He pulled away from her gently, standingand heading towards the large walk-on closet giving her a smirk over hisshoulder.
Damn,that man was vicious! MC followed him and eyed him sideways as she ran her handover the many gowns he had bought her for just such events. He pointedlyavoided her gaze. Keeping his back to her. She sighed, knowing that he wouldnot move on his desires, no matter how much she tried. His father was countingon him to bring in the Packard family into C&R International. The Americanswere on the verge of spending almost a billion dollars internationally andChief Han had his sights on them spending it through C&R.
Shepulled out a red sleeveless gown that hugged her curves. It was Jumin’sfavorite color and she knew the cleavage she would have on display would makehis mouth water all night. She slipped into it, pulling it over her hips andher breasts. She reached behind her to try and zip it up. Suddenly Jumin wasthere, his hands deftly pushing her hair aside and zipping her up slowly. Hishead was over her shoulder, eyes gazing down between her breasts.
“Interestingchoice Kitten.” He breathed next to her ear. MC smiled and turned her head sothat the back of her neck was right under his lips. He sniffed her neck, justunder her hairline and his tongue darted out to lick briefly. His teeth grewout slightly and he bit into it gently, not breaking the skin, but hard enoughto leave marks that would disappear quickly. He then kissed the same space andbacked away, moving his hand down her arm and taking her hand and placing it onhis arm. She used him to keep her balance as she stepped into her shoes. Juminwalked her to her jewelry case and he opened it, eyeing the contents. He pickedout a simple silver chain with a scrolled design inset with small chips ofdiamond. She swept her hair up so that he could clasp it behind her neck. Heonce more kissed her neck and stared into her image in the mirror they stood infront of.
Shesmiled at him. She loved that he never tried to get her to wear the mostexpensive jewelry, she was more comfortable with simple items. The necklace andher engagement and wedding rings were enough for her. She preferred to let thedress talk for itself. It had taken her some time to get used to the fact thatshe was seen as an extension of Jumin Han himself. That she was in essence, herhusband’s accessory. She had balked at that in the beginning, but now sheembraced her role. She found that she was able to help Jumin quite a bitwithout being intrusive.
“Shallwe?” Jumin held out his hand once they were done getting ready and she took it,looking forward to the night.
“MC,this is Jason Packard Jr., Mr. Packard’s son.” Jumin introduced her to the tallblonde man. His blue eyes glittered playfully as he took her hand, bringing itup to his lips and pressing them down on the back of her hand as he stared upat her and winked. He made MC feel uncomfortable and she could feel Juminstiffen beside her. She wondered what he was smelling coming from the man.There were times when Jumin’s wolf side was a detriment. She pulled her handaway and leaned into Jumin. Jason smirked and eyed Jumin unashamedly.
ChiefHan grabbed Jumin’s elbow and hissed in his ear. Jumin kissed MC’s cheek and apologizedbefore leaving her and following his father. He kept his eyes on Jason as longas he could and MC could hear the low growl he was emanating.
Jasonchuckled and turned to MC. He looked her up and down, his eyes undressing her unabashedly.He made her skin crawl, but she didn’t want to be too rude, she feared that shemight be detrimental to the deal her husband and father-in-law were trying tonail down. She smiled at him, but it did not reach her eyes.
“Mr.Han is a very lucky man.” He stated.
MCnodded noncommittedly. “I am a very lucky woman as well.” She said clearly.
“Ofcourse, of course.” Jason waved her comment away. He then held his hand out toher, she only stared at it like it was a snake in the grass, afraid it wasgoing to bite her.
“Justone dance, I promise, I will leave you alone after that.” She didn’t believehim, but, she couldn’t just say no. With a sigh, she placed her hand in his andfollowed him to the dance floor. He pulled her in close. She tried to keepspace between them, but he was not having it. She closed her eyes and tried toget through it.
Hestroked her back a little too familiarly. She pushed back, but he pulled her inonce more, his face inches from hers.
“Be agood girl now, or I convince my father to walk.”
“Ifyou think I’m going to sleep with you…” he laughed and twirled her around.
“Nono no my dear, of course not, I just want to have a lovely dance. I just wantto see your lovely face smiling at me. One nice dance. How about it?” he asked,his eyes full of desire which belied his words. But she smiled, she smiled andtried to have her eyes match that smile. She wasn’t sure she succeeded but atleast he was true to his word. Once the dance was over, he stepped back fromher and looked to his left with a smirk. He left her on the dance floor andwalked away. She followed where he had been looking and saw Jumin standingthere, his jaw clenched, his hands fisted at his side. He stared at her, angerplaying around in his eyes.
Shemoved towards him but he turned and began to dart away. Damn that man! Sherealized that Jason had planned the entire thing. What was he trying to do? Ifhe knew Jumin was a werewolf, he would never attempt to make him jealous.
MCwalked after Jumin, he was already waiting for the car when she caught up tohim.
“Wereyou going to just leave me?” she asked him. He said nothing, didn’t even lookat her. “Jumin, I…I don’t know what you saw, but, you know I would never!” shetried. She saw that his hands were clutched so tight there was blood poolingout. “Jumin!” she tried to touch his arm but he jerked himself away.
Thecar pulled up and the valet opened the back door for MC, Jumin walked around thecar to the other side. They both sat in the back and driver Kim began to drivethem to the penthouse. Jumin stared out the window, ignoring her completely. Thedrive home was silent. MC wanted to reach out to him, but she had never seenhim so angry.
Theywalked into the building and entered the elevator, surrounded by a suffocatingsilence. When they stepped out on their floor he let her go first, entering thepenthouse when the guard opened the door for them. Jumin headed straight forthe bedroom, already unbuttoning his coat. He walked right past MC. She sighedand followed.
He wasin the walk-in closet, MC stepped in, noting how different the atmosphere wasnow than when they had left earlier. He had taken off his coat and dress shirt,hanging them back up. He was pulling off his belt when MC touched his back,intending to apologize, even though she didn’t think she had necessarily doneanything wrong.
He turnedand snarled at her, his face elongating, teeth sharpening, ears protruding fromthe top of his head. In seconds, there was a shaggy black wolf in front of her.His eyes full of rage as he jumped at her and snapped at her face, his clawsdigging into her torso, ripping her dress and drawing blood.
“Ahh!”MC cried out, tears springing to her eyes. Jumin smelled the blood and steppedoff her, backing into the chest at the end of the closet. MC scrambled awayfrom him, holding her arm across her stomach, her eyes wary and scared. She sobbed,her shoulders heaving, her eyes wide.
Juminreverted, tears of regret in his eyes. He had never lost control like that,never! He had been brought up with the best discipline, taught to be able torein in his wolf no matter what. He’d hurt his mate, he had not even thoughtthat was possible.
He crawledtowards MC, but she kicked at him and held her hand out towards him palm out. Hestopped abruptly. He couldn’t blame her. He ran out of the room and into thebathroom for the first aid kit. He came back and slowly approached her.
“MC,I’m so sorry. I…I…was jealous. I know it wasn’t your fault. I know you didn’tdo anything wrong. I’m the one who did something wrong. Please forgive me.” Shewouldn’t look at him. He’d hurt her, he promised he would never hurt her. He promisedthat his wolf side was not something to be afraid of. But she was, now she wasvery afraid of it, of him, of her husband.
“At least,at least let me help you.” He held out the first aid kit wretchedly.
She closedher eyes and nodded. She let him help her up and walk with her to the bathroom.He unzipped her dress and she pulled it down to her waist. She sat on thetoilet seat and leaned back, letting him have access to her wounds. Her stomachwas covered in blood and Jumin wanted to throw up. He swallowed it down and weta hand towel to wash away the blood. Thankfully the actual wounds were not deepand were fairly superficial, it didn’t make him feel better for having causedthem. He cleaned them up and taped gauze over them. When he was finished he saton the tiled bathroom floor and pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping hisarms around his legs and laying his head on his knees. He broke down. He wanteddesperately to take his mate in his arms and comfort her, but how could he everdo that again? How would she ever trust him again after what he had done? Whyhad he been so angry at her?
“Jumin.”MC knelt in front of him, he looked up at her with desperation clouding hisgrey eyes. “You know I love you. I will always love you. I am not going toleave you. I am not like your mother, I’m not like any of your stepmothers. Ilove you, YOU.” Jumin’s heart wrenched. Was that it? Had he assumed she was flirtingwith another man because he felt it was what all women did? Had he assumed shewas just like them? What a fool!
He embracedher and buried his head into her neck, sobbing. “I’m so sorry MC. I…I…” hisbreath heaved and he knew he was going to lose everything he had eaten in thelast few hours. He pushed away from her and lifted the toilet seat, heavinginto the porcelain bowl. He hugged it as he continued to heave until there wasnothing left and only spittle came out.
MCstroked his bare back using a washcloth to wipe his brow and his mouth when hewas able to push away from the toilet. He leaned against the tub and panted,trying to catch his breath and swallowing incessantly. The taste of bitter bileon his tongue.
“Areyou alright?” Jumin looked pale, his face drained of blood. MC gave him a glassof water. He swished some around his mouth then spit it out in the toilet bowl.MC had already flushed it a few times. He then took a deep drink, finishing thewater in the glass. He handed it back to MC who put it back on the sink.
“More?”she asked. He shook his head, staring at her with pained eyes. She understoodJumin’s reaction, but it still scared her. They would have to do somethingabout that, but right now he needed her. She pulled him up and put him to bed.
“Ishould be taking care of you.” He croaked. His forehead was sweating, his darkhair plastered to it. She brushed it aside and sat next to him. “C…call myfather…there’s, there’s something wrong with me. I…I…” it was all he saidbefore his eyes closed. He’d passed out. She tried to revive him but he wouldn’trouse. His flesh felt clammy and flushed. She grabbed her phone and dialedChief Han, filling him in on what had transpired. He assured her that he wouldbe sending his best physician.
Thedoctor had been in with Jumin for over four hours, it was almost two in themorning and MC was having trouble staying awake. She had been shooed out aftershe had told the doctor what had happened. She hadn’t wanted to tell him aboutJumin’s attack, but he had seen her bloodied dress in the bathroom and told herhe needed the truth in order to treat Jumin properly.
The doorto the bedroom opened and MC sprang up from the sofa. She wiped her hands onthe shorts she’d thrown on when she’d changed out of her dress. Her hair was indisarray and there were bags under her eyes.
“Ifyou don’t mind, I’d like to see your wounds.”
“Oh…uh…alright…”she sat back down and pulled her shirt up. He sat on the coffee table and dislodgedthe tape to pull the gauze away. He pressed his fingers against the surroundingflesh.
“Doesthat hurt?” he asked.
“Notreally, I mean, the scratches sting, but the flesh doesn’t hurt.”
He nodded.“Good. I’ll leave you my number, if it begins to hurt, or does not heal properly,call me. Now, about Jumin.” He took his glasses off and wiped them with ahandkerchief. MC sat up and pulled her shirt down.
“Iunderstand that you are human.” He said.
“ButJumin chose you as his mate?”
“Yes.”She said again.
“Isee. Well. The thing is, there are things about werewolves that are differentfrom humans, other than the obvious of course.” He jested. MC tried to give hima smile but she wasn’t feeling it.
“Juminis a particular case. He has been taught discipline above all else because ofwho he is and who he will one day become. Therefore, he was never allowed toexplore his emotions or feelings like most human adolescents do, or even otherwerewolves. He explained his feelings of jealousy and, well, I’m sure I’m nottelling tales when I say that his father has had a very bad streak with women.”
“I’msorry to say in that moment he fervently felt as if you were the same as them,even though he intellectually knew better. He just, well, he was never taught thetools to deal with those kinds of feelings.”
MCfelt the tears fall from her eyes in a torrent. The doctor gave her anotherhandkerchief from a different pocket. She wondered how many he had stowed awayin his clothes. She took it gratefully.
“Iknow it isn’t an excuse, and he has agreed to see someone about this loss of control,however, I believe the better course of action would be for him to begin toexplore his emotions and learn how to deal with them so that they do notoverwhelm him again. For that, a psychologist would be best. I’ll have mysecretary email you some names that are trusted for our kind. Honesty is thebest policy when dealing with emotions.”
“Hisillness was brought on by the stress of the situation and his inability to dealwith it. Too many huge emotions drowning him at once if you will.”
“Is…ishe safe?” she hated herself for asking.
“Completely.I’ve given him some medication to take for the next few weeks, it will keep himbalanced. But I do not want him to become dependent on medication for this. Ican’t tell you what to do of course, but, I believe that with your help he willbe able to integrate his emotions in a healthy manner. However, what you do isup to you. Chief Han has made available different quarters for you if you donot feel safe here. I have informed Jumin of this as well. He will not blameyou if you choose to accept those accommodations.”
“I…no,I wish to stay here.”
“Verywell.” He smiled, relieved. He stood and grabbed his medical bag, walking towardsthe door. His hand on the door knob he turned around, “I hope you give himanother chance, I never thought the young man would ever find happiness.Contentment, yes, in a job well done, and in his company, but in his personallife? No. I always assumed he would end up in an arranged marriage with mutualrespect, but love, no, not love. I am glad to see that I was wrong.” He noddedto her and walked out, closing the door with finality.
MCstood, digesting his words. No, it was not an excuse, but it was an explanation.She turned towards the bedroom and walked in, closing the door behind her.Jumin sat up against the headboard and his eyes landed on hers. He was scared. She’dnever seen him scared. Her heart skipped a beat and she was suddenly drowningin her own fear. She practically ran to him and straddled him, pulling himtowards her and clinging to his shoulders, her thighs gripping around his hips.His arms wrapped around her back and he buried his head into the crook of herneck. They held each other, both full of regret but ready to fight for theirlove.
Sticking this in the Werewolf AU even though he’s not a Choi =)
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fearsfled · 6 years
—    BASICS.
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▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE    ? Average-ish; 5′6″.
▸      ARE  THEY  OKAY  WITH  THEIR  HEIGHT    ? she doesn’t think about it much until she has to climb on a counter to reach something that’s up just out of reach; in that moment, she hates it.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? blonde, always seems a little bit darker in the midst of winter. thick and with a little wave to it, but it doesn’t typically hold if she uses a curling iron.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? depends on the day and what she’s doing. some days, the depression makes it harder to really care about... anything and she’ll just grab whatever clothing on the floor smells the cleanest and shove a beanie on her head so it looks like the messy thing is deliberate. she’ll put in a little more effort on good days, she brushes her hair, maybe pins it back if she wants to change things up from how she normally wears it. 
▸      DOES  YOUR  MUSE  CARE  ABOUT  THEIR  APPEARANCE  /  WHAT  OTHERS  THINK ? no, in the sense that she cares more about if she’s comfortable with/in what she’s wearing & how she’s wearing her hair than if someone doesn’t like her outfit; yes, in the sense that sometimes she kind of wants to impress someone and doesn’t always know how to go about that beyond making sure she looks Better Than Usual(TM). overall? she thinks that there are always going to be people who don’t like her/something about her so it’s better not to focus on what they have to say. doesn’t always work?
▸     INDOORS  OR  OUTDOORS    ? she doesn’t really like one more than the other? outdoors, probably, because of the days it’s hard to get out of bed.
▸     RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE    ?   rain.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH    ?   forest.
▸     PRECIOUS  METALS  OR  GEMS    ? precious metals.
▸     FLOWERS  OR  PERFUMES    ? perfumes. doesn’t dislike flowers, just... is indifferent to them.
▸     PERSONALITY  OR  APPEARANCE    ? personality.
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD    ? she’s kind of of the mindset that you can be in a crowd and still be alone. would prefer being alone entirely over being in an area jam-packed with people, but could mostly handle it if it was only her friends.
▸     ORDER  OR  ANARCHY    ? she likes a basic plan to start out with, but if things deviate from there? that’s okay by her.
▸     PAINFUL  TRUTHS  OR  WHITE  LIES    ?   painful truths. 
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC    ? science!! magic is also cool, she just thinks science is, well, cooler.
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT    ?   peace.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY    ? night.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN    ? dusk.
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ? cold.
▸     MANY  ACQUAINTANCES  OR  A  FEW  CLOSE  FRIENDS    ? a few close friends. it feels easier to tell them if she’s having a Rough Day(TM) and it means she doesn’t have to waste her energy coming up with excuses to get out of something like she always feels obligated to if it’s just an acquaintance.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ? playing a game. reading is more of a “i can’t sleep so i need something to kill time” thing for her, and it usually just ends with her like 20 pages deep in a wi.kipedia hole about conspiracies.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ?
sleeping too much/not enough
not talking about her own problems/deflecting the focus onto other’s problems
putting off assignments until the last possible minute and then getting so stressed out that she ends up with a migraine
cracking her knuckles every five goddamn minutes
biting her fingernails
the washington twins are about it. she wasn’t the closest to them out of everyone in the group, and frankly, she thinks sam was closer to them than she was, but she still lost them. felt guilty for not being awake to stop the prank or warn hannah, felt guilty that she couldn’t do much to help after that... felt guilty that she didn’t punch mike in the face for going along with it, for a while. (that said, she does actually like mike; she thinks he's a hoot). she misses them and honestly, there are times when she turns to tell one of them something before she remembers that they aren’t there and it always makes her quiet.
she won an award for a paper she wrote in grade 9 -- came with a $200 cash prize. the first time a non-standard recipe turned out well -- think gluten-free or vegan cookies etc.
▸     IS  IT  EASY  FOR  YOUR  MUSE  TO  KILL    ?
no. if she was put in a situation where she had to look a human in the eye and kill them? she doesn’t think she could do it, even if it came down to her life or theirs. it’s hard enough for her to even think about pulling the trigger.
usually, she’ll lock herself away because it’s easier for her to process it if she’s by herself and there’s not someone worrying over her every three seconds. a lot of crying, to the point she ends up with a headache before she’s even finished, which is odd for her. depending on the nature of the breakdown, she might end up punching the walls or her pillows.
yes; capable of and willing to do so. 
she’s never really been in love so she doesn’t know. she’s been interested in people, sure, but she's only ever acted on that once and she was never under the impression that she was in love with that person. 
prone to gift-giving, though -- not necessarily expensive things, but little things that reminded her of them. physically affectionate in a way she’s not entirely comfortable being with other people, really, but that feels okay with that person. more open about her feelings/her depression etc., because she’s comfortable sharing. it’s a lot of displays of trust and “i’m thinking of you”.
tagged by ; stole it and i... don’t even remember where from at this point klgnfdlkgndlkfd tagging ; steal it from me u cowards
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