#like this was so so terrifying and fucked up bc obviously ash is not a kid. but it makes sense. and I'm eating it up.
mossbone · 11 months
So like obviously it was Delilah who first told Laudna "Ashton is a child. He doesn't deserve the shard. You should kill him." But I think the reason Laudna latched onto that concept so hard is because it's the only way to not outright defy Delilah that keeps Ashton safe. Because unlike her warlock patron, she doesn't kill children. She likes children. Children should be kept safe.
Fighting Delilah is exhausting and she is scared of her. Scared of being taken physically over by her, like the airship, or having her powers taken away......or her life. So she has to play a careful game, and feed her powerful objects, and dance when Delilah pulls her strings, and if she plays along in just the right ways maybe she won't be forced when it counts the most.
If Ashton is a child, she can keep him safe. He didn't betray them in a calculated move, he just made a mistake. A mistake she can help him learn from. So he doesn't have to end up like Bor'dor...right? Right, Delilah? Do you promise? I'll play along. I'll prove you right. Look, I made him a doll.
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intertexts · 2 months
since I can't talk about my favorite bits that made me go AUGH bc of things you dont know about yet. give me ur favorite bit. what was ur favorite bit in that fic. gimme the authors notes behind the scenes ramble
AUAUAUAUA.... u r so nice 2 meee godddd what the hell. exploding u💥💥💥!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY. OK. OK. AUTHORS NOTES.
things i included that i am VERY IFFY ON but nevertheless went for:
>i think there's like 70/30 odds that they (dakota) try to do the putting ashe's headphones with thank you scientist or smth blaring on him to try & bring him back thing. can't tell you if it'll work or not but it has to come up. nevertheless i think if u were stuck in yr head for a year with the fucking trickster u would appreciate some quiet!!!!!! & its just. idk man. that's what i'd spiral over. what if one day u wake up n u don't even like all the stuff u love anymore. etc.
>I'M ALSO TAKING. A REALLY FUCKING LONG SHOT by explicitly referring to wiwi as alive? honestly? like it's a 50/50, i think that all the stuff w/ the heart etc should continue to have thematic resonance, but also i don't know how that will work with the wisps when they..... return? (<- using this word in the loosest possible way i just don't know how else to say it. when theyre onscreen again??) i'm sure the wisp thing gets some resolution i have no doubt. and i don't know if "whisperer william" and "alive body traits" are mutually exclusive. idk. idk. we'll see!!
>i'm assuming tide will make another appearance b4 the season ends. idgaf if he shows in deadwood or not i fucking HOPE NOT but i just thought man. he Would come to bring them all back n take care of them. i think he and mark should get to have a really long slightly more. real? conversation on how much parenting fucking sucks and is stressful and terrifying and they feel bad at it.
MY FAVORITE BIT. goddd. iiii. ok. i have a lot of Thoughts on wingfics & idk. i guess i always think they're a bit too easy. u have wings that u Never Ever Let Anyone Touch Except Family And Lovers and u Let Someone Preen Them and what-- there isn't even any terrifying indecipherable swirl of emotions about it?? it isn't even scary?? (& also the whole Why Is It Good When People Touch Ur Wings. "because it is" okay??? and why then?? i also am guilty of this but at least theres like. two sentences about it.) & when there's hybrid shit & its like ok suddenly u woke up with Searing Pain in ur back and things writhing around in there breaking through yr skin and bone to get out and-- thats IT??? there isn't even gonna be any lasting trauma about it? you're not even gonna feel weird about being permanently Different now? it isn't even inconvenient and painful?? so ig that's like-- the core of this one, lmao. obviously i have. Thoughts and Feelings on the whole prime nonconsensually and irrevocably changing ur body defenders thing. like. of course. thesis statement of my blog. & i have thoughts about. being a vessel & not getting any say in it, ig. idk. i hate when people take my stuff without asking!! the idea of someone taking my ME without asking is like, viscerally terrifying 2 me. not unpacking that moving on etc.... my favorite bit is ig ashe having conflicting and messy emotions on liking the way it feels. freaking out and trying 2 stonewall it out & eventually just. letting himself have the good thing. oversharing 9pm time but idk... ashe is a little Like Me in that he was a fucking shut in & never had friends until he was a teenager and doesn't really. know much about it? didn't have much experience in it? so he's really satisfying to write not in a projection-y way but an ah! i KNOW what this is like i can write this correctly!! very scary!!!! very 24/7 butterflies in ur stomach!! OH. I LIED. ACTUALLY. my favorite bit is ashe unconsciously using words & such abt capacitors and voltage and electricity etc. bc of growing up with an electrician dad :] very very small and minor but i have a lot of fucking emotions abt it actually!!! anyway. yeag <333
other behind the scenes thing: in my head wiwi is freaking the FUCK out the entire time he is going shit SHIT SHIT i'm so fucking bad at this shittttttttttttt is this what it's like for dakota to deal with me. is this what i'm like. shit. what do vynce and dakota do. hes like. cartoon running putting down the tracks just in front of the train this entire time <33 this is important to me.
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Round 1 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side B
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Religious trauma coded. Popular hc that his family is Catholic.
He's gay and has a funny hair cut. Is that not enough to be Catholic?
he was such a bad bitch they had to kill him off in the third game bc he would've mopped the floor with the main antagonist otherwise. rip soap keep thotting it up in heaven we miss u every day
`!!!6ths -- propaganda by my kitten
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HI. MACKERELMORE. nhw trickster. killington. amity. the chaos zone. deadwood. new and funny and interesting ways to slaughter people. tide clone shit. bonesaw boiling the failed clones alive. muse. trickster using muse to do shit like u just saw in killington. the wards seeing the trickster using muse to execute people in ways Like That. holds up mic!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting with the trickster bc i feel like when i get into tides stuff ill talk for 10 years. ohhhhh my god dude as soon as they walked into a town called fucking KILLINGTON ????? i was like. god thats a joke trickster would make huh!!!!! hed think thats so fucking funny. (and it is. but only to me who has the advantage of seeing this as a narrative and not a real event i am experiencing. fucking hilarious shit. killington??!?!?!?!? killington. ) i have a lot of thoughts about the shit he did to Amity before he escaped and like. yeah. fuckin yeah. i dont think he wouldve killed Everyone in the city (gotta have. puppets to play with and also like. people who hes not controlling to chase around and hunt for sport) (this is fucking terrifying and awful! this is so bad! like catastrophically so!) but i definitely think when the wards go to amity (because i want them to do that so bad at some point) i think it will be in sort of a similar state to this with like. bodies strung up like decorations. graffiti made from fuckign. ash and blood and paint all mixed together. really obviously placed traps. etc etc etc. jsut like. evidence that this place is like his fucking playground! horrifying!
anyway yeah also muse holy shit. muse has to singlehandedly raze at least one fuckign town. for sure. dude dude like that fucking video jack had where they had everyone gathered together before they started killing them? that but with trickster and muse? and its . more fucking scary because instead of 200+ slaughterhouse 9 clones its literally JUST trickster and muse. and whatever random handful of puppets trickster is controlling around the edge of the crowd for extra sets of hands.. aauogaouguguhhghhhgh. i need them to do horrific shit.
OKAY. CLONE TIME. CLONE TIM.E . OUGHGHHGHGH TIIIIDE. TIIIIIIIIDE. how many failed clones do you htink there were. how many failed clones to make tide and magma. do you think they know about the failed clones. they got fucking BOILED ALIVE. do u think tide and magma ever see any of the other clones before theyre ready and they have to look at their own fucking faces (face?) and think about that. i still have that post abt the lambert family in my drafts god i need 2 finish that but. in my mind tide and magma are the oldest (technically magma is the oldest but tide was like. a year or less after him so theyre closer in age) and then it was. seismic and whirlwind at the same time so theyre twins. and then shockwave. and then elle. so i think tide and magma have that Eldest Sibling bond where they have. Issues that are parallel to each other. and a LOT of that comes from being endbringer juniors and a lot of that comes from being clones. but where magma got closed off and aloof about it tide like. desperately clung to kindness bc he doesnt like when people are scared of him. anyway im getting distracted. FUCKING CLOOOOOONE SHIT. CLONE LORE. WORM CLONE LORE. THE WHOLE LIKE. either implanting false memories from other people or needing to raise them from scratch????? thats fucking insane. oh my god. what the fuck kind of memories do u think they got. obviously a lot from dr lambert but like. man. do u think the endbringer thing is like baked into their fucking memories. its in their dna. i didnt quite understand the bit about bonesaw trying to give them their powers but if altering memories can alter what sorts of powers they get...... do the endbringers have dna. do u think tide and magma got endbringer dna in them. that would be sick (both in the sick meaning cool way and in the im gonna make myself sick way). actually that brings up the point. are the endbringers even organic??????????? or are they constructs?????????? since they were confirmed created by someone/something....... man. MANY THOUHGST HEAD FULL. HAVING A LOT OF EMOTIONS ABOUT NHW TIDE. bonesaw boiled the failed clones alive. i dont . i dont think tide and magma were ever *kids* (which is like. ow.) but like. god im just imagining the part in trigun where vash and knives find whats left of tesla. holy shit dude. do you see my vision here
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Can you tell the story about the time some guy chased you around a camp on a mountain in the middle of nowhere screaming that you were a communist and a country ruiner and that capitalism feeds and houses the people?
Slight tw// really veuge mention of horrible guy? (For my friends on this app: mention of k)
I'm at this camp in 7th grade where they took us to the nearby mountain to stay for a week and at lunch they ask us if we want to sign up to tell a story or preform an act at that night's campfire and I'm like why not? You know, I gonna best social anxiety this time and tell a bit of a story on the history of anarchism and what it's about.
Day before I'd shook hands with this guy and we introduce ourselves and he's like "oh wait... are you *Ash*?" And I'm like "...yes?" And turns out he's friends with this guy who um. Let's just say he did really horrible things to me and my friends like he had to move across the state kind of horrible stuff and so this guy is all like
So obviously I like back up and fucking run my ass out of there to go talk to my friends and be like "GUYS???"
So, after I'm done with the whole speech thing and everyone's all like "wow that was really cool!!!" Bc I'm Hella good at bullshitting speeches out of nowhere (big vocabulary bc early autism special intrest) he basically chases after me after I'm heading back to my cabin and he's like
and I'm all like??? Where are you even getting communism from I just talked about anarchism first of all and second of all WHAT THE HELL??? so he's all like "capitalism feeds the people! Socialism puts people on the streets!" And I have to keep from like laughing my ass off at that but I'm also completely terrified and running for my life bc I might actually be in danger so I'm shouting back at him and getting angry because I was a stupid 7th grader the adults are doing NOTHING. and I eventually outrun him and make my way to my cabin and he like apologized the next day so, I didn't get beat the shit out of luckily.
But yeah!!! Super scary and when I say him in school from that moment on I'd look at my friend (who was/is a communist) and we'd shout "COMMIE BASTARD! COUNTRY RUINER!" at each other so at least good stuff came out of it.
(Don't repeat any of the things I did here they were all pretty bad choices that I totally could've fixed if I wasn't a stupid kid 💀, also sorry I type like an excited 2nd grader)
Summary: edgy 7th grader talks about anarchism and almost gets beat the shit out of by hyper capatilist guy who already had a vengeance against them
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misty-groves · 5 months
More Josephine Beaumont
Technically the freelancers had a polycule in the past so that's fun! Josie was never officially in it but she would have been given more time (more about that here)
Josie has a metal spine, enhanced speed strength and healing via gentrification modification. (Thanks project freelancer!)
She has chronic pain from a combination of injuries and aftereffects of the scientific experiments. She also suffers migrains after concussions fucker her up
Her top speed (sprinting) is 29 mph and her top long term sustainable speed she can hold is about 22 mph (these are all unlikey/unnatural speed thanks project freelancer!)
Josie is REALLY bad at bowling, has rolled only gutter backs 90% of the time
Josie was number 5 on the pfl leaderboard towards the end. She's very dangerous. She specialized in infiltration and intel
Josie's weaknesses in fighting: she occasionally gets tunnel focus, even though she has uncanny speed and strength she still feels all the pain, she perfect defense and turns out sometimes
Because of the enhancements these weaknesses aren't so bad and fighting most people she seems unstoppable but the other freelancers, and people like Locus are capable of taking her down
She likes music and can play guitar
She's good at cooking
Abandonment issues, when pfl tried to kill her to see if their experiments would work or not she was left alone for like, three weeks amd labeled MIA likely dead
Josie hates Nikiminaj with a passion
She's terrified of needles (Caboose holds her hand when she hast to deal woth it)
She has the best communication out of the main crew but also hates talking about her feelings
She has nightmares and sleepwalks
She has ptsd obviously, and intense trust issues even with friends
She's terrified that she's never going to escape the project or all the blood she's spilled in their name
Josie can not dance. White People club dancing (you know what I mean)
She's allergic to certain metals, also pollen
When she and Wash reunited there were some Thoughts. And then he worked with the Meta and her trust issues got So Much Worse
She is so fucked up guys. She just- chooses kindness because it'd a way to spite the part of her that sounds like everyone who's hurt her
She's loyal despite everything actually. But like- way too loyal. She woukd burn down the whole fucking world and dance in the ashes for someone she loved regardless of trust issues
Loses herself to wrath everyone in awhile. Not pretty
Threatened to kill Grif violently if he ever breaks Simmons's heart (meant it too bc that is the only man she trusts fully rn)
Caboose is her adopted brother and she loves him very much
But after Wash comes back to her She talks to Doc and Shiela and she realizes she is NOT Okay (TM)
So she starts reading mental health articles online and it's NOT actually therapy tbh but she's learning and putting in work.
So she starts to realize that if she can Trust Anybody (but Simmons and Caboose bc she already trusts them for reasons.) She can trust the Sim troopers that have only ever accepted her good and bad
She goes to real therapy after it's all over. And she writes letters to the paper freelancers that didn't make it apologizing for the way it all ended
Josie is definitely not a perfect woman, bit she tries. And even at her lowest she has tried to help.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
In the stolen century, what if everyone had things they never shared? Little things that grew few as the years went on. What if the years wore down takko seeing his friends, family die over and over. Seeing his twin sister and her dork boyfriend die and become a being of death? His sister had taken a step he dared not follow. Death had taken a new form in his life. And it terrified him, but what could he say? So the words died in his throat years ago, he swallowed the ashes and they sat in his stomach and weighed him down. Feelings that he never shared as he grinned and continued on with life. It was something that never made it into lucertia's books. Yet when his life was stolen, so was the weight of these feelings. When the song returned to his life, the weight slowly returned. It weighed him down that it became noticeable.
Sorry for the word vomit of an idea, its 4 am
never apologize for stuff like this!!! i love this!!!
taako who doesn't know how to bring up emotional topics/thinks it's easier to repress what he feels if it's not positive my BELOVED!! i love the idea that he still carries the weight of all his grief with him, even if he doesn't know why he has it. which adds to the anger towards lucretia bc he could have been healing all this time and he just wasn't allowed to!!
also i wanna add the delicious idea that kravitz is the first one who notices something is wrong. bc everyone cares about him and everyone loves him, but kravitz has gone from knowing his sorta closed off taako to this taako who is so obviously grieving so many things but still won't talk about it. and he might not be a Taako Expert but even he knows that's not how u should process shit??
i do truly think all the birds are fucked up by the stolen century (bc how could they NOT be) but taako is particularly affected just bc of how much he tends to hide and the fact that his first person to go to is lup, who isn't always there and wasn't there for ten years. now that's a different lup, with her own trauma, and he doesn't want to bother her!!! get this boy some therapy!!
idk! the way i write taako's coping is strongly based off part of how i used to cope, which was just: if i don't talk about it, it doesn't exist! im not sad bc i didn't say i was sad! but it's so obvious to literally everyone else how sad he is skdfsdf
i also think he's got some issues w the Lich Idea that he never expressed- mainly that lup was going to keep living after he died. like, you can't unlich yourself (that he knew of then). but he doesn't wanna bring that up bc it's important to stop the hunger n he knows he can't change lup's mind once she's set on something !!
aa!! good food anon! thank u!
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destiny-moonforge · 3 years
i think that it would have been so fun if certain companions from previous worlds followed us into arc 3. like i think it would have been fun to see ivan the great just punt medulla into the sun. plus! ship crews IRL generally are bigger than 3-4 people! like i love, pork, beans, and sparck, and i know we don’t want to overcrowd things with Too Many Characters Going On At Once because then individuals wouldn’t really get to shine, but it could have been so fun you guys. plus maybe we would have gotten some more insight/development on our old friends from other worlds. 
this post is gonna get long so buckle up
maybe they wouldn’t have such a major role because they already had one in their original worlds/storylines, and maybe i’m way too attached to our old companions, but we didn’t throw katara away when aang started learning earthbending in ATLA, you know? she stayed with the group and grew with everyone else. of course, wizard101 is a game, not a tv show, things are obviously different and of course there are shows where the protagonist Does move on with other people and new friends, but in pirate101 your companions stay with you as you go from world to world. though maybe it’s a different case there because the companions are also like, an incredibly important part of p101′s mechanics whereas the wizard101 ones just buff you in fights. in the pokemon anime, ash (the protagonist) Does move onto new regions like how the young wizard (protagonist) moves on to new worlds, but even then on occasion sometimes his old friends will roll back around.
some companions do have actual reason to stay back in their worlds of origin, dyvim has his deal with the king or whatever (iirc?) but this all rolls back to the point that plenty of other people in the fandom have made about all of the wizard’s friends either eventually leaving them or having to be left behind.
on top of this, you would think mellori and bat, who, yknow, channeled their ~*vibes*~ or whatever to help the wizard become the divine paradox at the end of arc 3, would have a part in arc 4 as well, at least a little, what with the whole Evil Paradox(tm) that we see. like. you don’t just bring characters with that important of a role into the game and never mention them again, right? i know arc 4 isn’t over yet but considering how KI is terrified of another malistaire situation im really not expecting to see too too much of them? though i’m hoping i’ll be proven wrong.
i’m not up to date on karamelle and lemuria bc my membership has died so i dont know what goes on with any companions from there. but like. pork is a skyship captain! he could help us Go To Other Worlds In The Spiral because of the whole world key situation (see dragonspyre and khrysalis, where theres like only one or two world keys to dragonspyre and a new one has to be forged for khrysalis). alternatively he could happen to Show Up in the places we visit on occasion and we could have a neat little reunion. like if zeke and eloise can be everywhere im sure we could have a reunion with the empyrea folks or other polaris or mirage characters at least once. like the visits with dyvim and zoot in the arc 4 prequest(?) were a step in the right direction but also were fairly brief. 
also tell us what happened to rat and scorpion. are they just sitting there in the shadow realm waiting for spider to come back with the milk. like. they went there and then spider decided the universe wasn’t gonna game end after all and is hopefully going to couples therapy with raven in the primordial forest. like rat and scorpion arent even companions but you’d think spider’s other children would get some form of closure to their stories-
-actually no, you wouldn’t think because we don’t even really say goodbye to bat at the end of arc 3. (iirc) like where the fuck is that guy. i do hope we didn’t just leave him in the husk? like he wouldn’t just stay there after being told he’s spider’s most favoritest boy right. because he has a life and has built relationships with people Outside Of The Shadow Realm and doing things for spider! does he go back to building machines and start to help fix the messes made in empyrea, does he start traveling, or chilling at the arcanum, or what? to my knowledge, we have no clue! we take down the storm titan, spider tells bat he loves him, that’s it. mellori comes back with us to the arcanum, but we don’t even really know if she continues studying at ravenwood or not.
there’s honestly so many loose ends with certain characters in this game that aren’t really tied up. i guess it leaves room for fans to create their own interpretations to fill in the holes themselves and who knows, maybe they Are better about this in arc 4 (again i wouldn’t know because i haven’t played, never finished karamelle) but frankly kingsisle is such a mess in SO many aspects that it wouldn’t surprise me if they werent. 
i still have no idea how old morganthe and by extension her teachers are supposed to be and how time works in the spiral. at this point you could say she did time travel to fuck things up in celestia and zafaria and it would probably still make more sense in the story than the messiness of arc 2. i look at arc 2 and then i am Looking Away. 
of course there’s definitely a balance to be found between characters being brought up so much it might get boring instead of letting the character rest with a natural end to their story (malistaire) and delving deeper into the rippling effects their character’s story might’ve had on the protagonist and other characters and then on the flip side Never Having Characters Who Were Important To The Story Brought Up Again Ever (bat) but it’s absolutely possible. of course it’s not the case that there’s No Recurring Characters Ever in wizard101, we’d see ambrose all the time because he was a big deal and obviously we’d have to go back to our teachers for spells and quests every so often, but some of the professors are also a little flat (though that’s a discussion for a other post) and they also don’t Actively Travel With Us. 
i wouldn’t want a favorite character of mine to be brought back and then absolutely be done dirty in terms of writing and story and having all of their development from their original world set back to square one. you wouldn’t take sokka from ATLA and suddenly make him sexist and annoying again at the end of the series like he was earlier on, because he’s grown and developed past that! that’s why he’s a fan favorite! (to my knowledge. i don’t partake in the ATLA fandom and it’s been several years since i watched the show in full so i'm running off of memory here) i also wouldn’t want them to be flat and boring if they don’t grow and develop past how they were before in the story. i know all of this would likely be difficult to show at times because we play as the wizard and only really see their perspective exclusively, but certainly not impossible. 
though i suppose there’s a lot of angles to consider here, like how some of the people who spend the most money on the game likely don’t care for the story much at all and where the characters go and what they do, i’m sure we’re all familiar with the stereotypical mean storm wizard that bullies you in waterworks or darkmoor for not having Top Of The Line pack and bundle gear or gear from insanely hard dungeons or spells that can only be obtained through pack or mob drops (all of which require insane amounts of luck and either money or grinding). and then there’s the fact that some older voice actors might not even be Available anymore due to layoffs or whatever.
i’m only really writing this because i really miss the arc 3 characters a lot and even ones from late arc 2 and it makes me sad that KI is doing a full 180 and has decided No. They Shall Never Come Back Ever after the ordeal with malistaire. also for further context i’m not complaining about all this because i hate the game and think it’s the worst thing ive ever played, because i don’t, it’s been one of my biggest interests for a really long time. like it matters a Lot to me otherwise i wouldn’t have this blog, yknow? and for what it’s worth i did like pieces of arc 2 and the ending of darkmoor was pretty sweet. there’s definitely more eloquent ways i could have worded a lot of this. but my point is and has been that it’s possible to bring back an old friend every once in a while and have them play a part without it just being like Ah, This Fucker Again for money purposes. of course then we have to think of more natural ways to have a character return too, but that’s the case for even bringing a new character into the story. 
of course all of these negatives can be turned into positives when it comes to fan content because we can take all of it and be like “mine now. here’s what happened to XYZ” because there Is room left open with the vague spots and loose ends to tie things up ourselves. but some things are So Big and messy that sometimes they have to be Entirely Rewritten. there’s a lot of reasons why things would or wouldn’t work in terms of his game but i suppose it’s all just food for our own thought because we know kingsisle themselves is just gonna do what they’re gonna do. 
idk i have a lot of complicated feelings on this matter and i’m sick of writing this it’s been a few hours since i started, maybe all of this is just based off the fact that i Very Much So Have Favorite Characters And Miss Them A Lot. but yeah.
i miss bat.
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a-non-ymouswriter · 3 years
WISHES AND FAMILY UPDATE LETS GOOOOOOOOOO oh my god i forgot how hype this fic is and just *chef's kiss* that scene w george!!! Creative mode!!! I am losing my goddamn mind.
All the build up and allusions to tommy as a very formidable and terrifying mag is scratching my bamf!tommy itch. Seriously the way each pov never fails to mention how strong he is and how much they respect him is making my little inniter heart happy. I'm seriously looking forward to the newbies reconciling the image of regular teen tommy to mag tommy, i'm already giddy with what you have written so far. Purpled #1 tommy apologist is real and trueeeeee
But also the Human Santorini moniker!!! I googled it bc, naturally, it made me curious as to what that means and by now its pretty obvious that tommy has volcanic related powers. Which is so. Fucking. Cool. And although yes, volcanoes are more associated with fire, earthquakes are a pretty close second too. And oh boy if this tommy does know how to shake things up!
And i dunno why but it also brought to my mind Atlantis, you know, the great ancient city obliterated by natural forces, except w Santorini and Thera. This is just speculation on my part but maybe what makes tommy's mag powers so terrifying beside the whole fire and boiling-you-inside thing is because of his reach? Because thinking about the sheer scope that volcanic erruptions cover is terrifying, never mind that i nearly got a taste of it last year because a volcano several cities over nearly errupted and gave us weaks of ash fall hehe
Now that tommy is finally awake, i am so looking forward to his interactions w others and we finally get to see how the whole team operates! Lovely update op, excited to see what happens next :DDD
GALAGHIEL!!!! it's been a while :DDDDDDD
i'm so glad you like the latest updates!! you have no idea how long i've been waiting to write creative mode!!! not only that, tommy's creative mode is something i've been thinking of for a long, long while, even during the writing of rewind long while!!!
alas, it's not for some time that we'll see volcano boi truly erupt.
i was gonna call him mt. vesuvius bc of pompeii and everything but after i googled a few things, i decided on santorini since it fits his greek aesthetic and theme better and is very fucking terrifying holy shit
we. need. more. respected. bamf. tommy fics
yes i know there's been plenty of bamf tommy fics but the respect in them varies. so viola! respected and feared tommy innit fic in wishes and family >:)
oh trust me, i am going to enjoy the chapter where tommy human santorini gets to erupt
because he is terrifying
though he does have his weaknesses obviously, i love a good op character but balancing him out is important. dont get me wrong, op characters are amazing and i love reading about them but in this fic, there definitely needs to be a balance and a crutch here and there.
that's why we have the other mags and hattie, the one mag that tommy could never truly go against. because past angst and survivor's guilt. (no i have not forgotten about henrietta gourd aka hot girl from dsmp, i have PLANS for her and tommy dont worry (and yes i did actually use hot girl from dsmp and turned her into an actual character in this story because why not?))
at any rate, thank you for reading wishes and family!! i hope you enjoy the rest of the fic as it comes out! i'm so happy :D
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blanc-et-n0ir · 3 years
Meeting SBI (You're not a Vampire, Tommy AU)
A short drabble about an AU I made where Benchtrio are vampires while SBI are vampire hunters!! (usually post this on twitter :D)
Tommy didn't know what sucked (haha get it?) more: being stuck at 18 for centuries or stumbling into three grown men stabbing a stake into the chest of one of his kin.
To be fair, he never liked the dude. He always thought he was the "shit" despite being a messy eater.
Like, who allowed him to splatter blood all over his face and shirt and think he was cool? It was definitely not.
Though, seeing how Tommy's second death would look like was a bit... Cathartic (see Ranboo, he knew big words). It was both amazing and terrifying.
Tommy was sure he'd be stuck staring at the stupid ashes of that idiot (he didn't know what his name was, was it Charles? Steve??) if one of the men hadn't called out to him, "What are you doing here, kid?"
"I'm not a kid." The response was a reflex because he really wasn't. He was probably older than all of these men combined! Just because he had the face of a literal teenager going through puberty didn't mean he hadn't lived like... A hundred or so years!
Which was why, out of utter spite, he turned to the oldest man of the group (a blonde!!) and he said, "What's it to you, old man?"
He wasn't even the one that asked the question. The brown haired dude even snorted and turned his face away while his shoulders shook. Whatever the fuck was wrong with him.
Still, the old (young?) blondie looked offended enough at the comment so Tommy counted it as a win in his book!
Instead of answering, the pink haired man in the middle responded for him, "You're not supposed to be here."
Oh mimimi, Tommy you're not supposed to be here. Oh, Tommy you're supposed to be in the other side of the world by now! Oh Tommy, you're supposed to be somewhere else, right?
Pff, Tommy was always right where he needed to be! This man just didn't get the memo.
Tommy rolled his eyes (bc he could and no one could stop him) and they landed on the pile of ashes on the floor. He was once again reminded of that asshole who was staked through the fucking heart (he deserved it but you didn't hear it from him) and his eyes widened.
"Holy shit." He whispered as his hands came up to cover his mouth (a habit he had whenever he felt like he was about to grin so wide his fangs would show) .
"Look kid, it's not what it looks like." The pink haired dude—who was obviously the Blade, how did he not realize this?—said.
"You're the famous vampire hunters, Sleepy Bois!!!" Tommy did not screech, he was completely dignified in front of the very people he admired and considered heroes. "Holy shit I really—oh my god..."
Tommy stood before his three heroes! He stood before his three heroes!! He stood before his three heroes and called Philza—PHILZA—an old man.
Holy shit, somebody kill him.
"Holy fuck, I'm so sorry, Philza!! You- I did not mean to call you an old man, even if you are, but still!" Tommy rambled, his hands moving around as he spoke to his hero!!!
"It's alright kid." Philza—fucking Philza, can you imagine?—chuckled.
If Tommy had a heart, it's best right out of his chest in his excitement. He had always looked up to these three ever since he found out they were the reason a bunch of stuck up assholes started disappearing.
Nobody liked them anyways and preferred them gone so really, these three were doing the community a favor! It was extremely hard for vampires to kill each other, especially when it would just cause more problems like in fighting and rebellions but that didn't fucking matter.
Why? Because right there was the Legendary Famous Vampire Hunters: Sleepy Bois!!!!
If Tommy wasn't already dead, he'd probably die for just meeting—FOR TALKING TO THESE THREE!!!
He was so happy to finally meet the fabled vampire hunters! Each of them known for their skills!!
Their efficiency in hunting down vampires were top tier and Tommy always admired them for that!!
The Famous Vampire Hunters: Sleepy Bois were right there.
Emphasis on /Vampire/ Hunters.
Tommy was a Vampire.
Well shit.
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satanfemme · 2 years
Yh Catholicism is the worst isn’t it. I’m not practicing but even tho i have the most progressive outlooks on politics and society im personally permanently trapped in catholic guilt. Like im not straight and not cis but there’s nothing I can ever do about it bc the catholic guilt haunts me to believe I’ll be eternally dammed. Not to mention the catholic family. Im also terrified of getting pregnant and having an abortion due to the catholic guilt. Even simple things, I ate chicken on Ash Wednesday and I was like 😬😬. It’s exhausting when I don’t even like the religion. I really like mcr bc I feel like gerard understands how I feel lmao
oh my god yeah I totally get that
for me, my mother un-converted from catholicism while I was still a kid (and my father's never expressed any opinions on religion around me lol) so for most of my life its actually been somewhat distant. I never really experienced things like obligatory church or anything - and I don't even consider myself as having religious trauma specifically per se. and yet. what connection my family had/has to it was still enough to help mess me up pretty bad lmao. I've still disowned ex-family members over conservative catholicism, I still got told horrifying things as a young child as if they were factual, I still deal with my mother's catholic "suffering is good" values even now. etc etc. which is insane to me, cause how does being only vaguely raised catholic still infect someone (me) with catholic guilt and long-lasting mental issues so bad? you guys have seen my art, a lot of u know about my delusions, catholicism is obviously still embadded in my pyche. like what the hell. truly a fucked up religion, hurts anyone it so much as Touches.
mcr totally gets it too tho. frank and gerard both (idk if the other 2 members have ever talked about it? sorry lol). honestly imo listening to music by people expressing this kind of stuff helps a ton, maybe I'll think of other recs later too when Im more awake
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isolctions · 3 years
“ILYSSA” + past lives.
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................*just throws up peace sign*
no but really, y’all know clear & concise hc posts are Not The Vibe here and nothing makes sense n this likely won’t, either. it don’t even make sense to me & i’ve been writing this entity since 2016. anyway, let’s get started. trigger warnings do apply for descriptions of body horror, mentions of death, natural disasters, plagues and the like, & a lil’ sprinkle of creepy supernatural horror elements.
THE CREATOR — i tried leaving any one specific religion out of her development, bc it really doesn’t even play that huge of a role in her life & aspen’s life, so i always thought of The Creator as a well-known-but-not kind of entity. The Creator created...everything, obviously. all beings, all forms of live, all dimensions and everything in between, including The Void that comes up later. there’s no specific gender, name or details, just The Creator. ilyssa was once a child of The Creator, birthed as an Angel, assigned with certain tasks such as maintaining The Creator’s life forms in a designated area, & ilyssa’s assignment was Earth & its’ inhabitants.
FIRST LIFE — ilyssa no longer remembers any clear details of her first life as an angel. doesn’t recall her name or her appearance, just certain sensations that she felt that lasted throughout her existence. she wasn’t exactly a guardian angel bc she wasn’t allowed to interfere with any of The Creator’s plans or engage with any of the life forms on earth, simply observe & report. and she was so good at her job too, and she was a fairly well known Angel among The Creator’s many children, and she was complete with the warmth of a glowing halo & the weight of shimmering wings & light in her heart & the absolute horror of multiple eyes and an elongated but welcoming mouth. very reminiscent of biblical angels. mildly terrifying. she more or less followed the rules bc let’s face it, Earth & its’ inhabitants were super boring for the first few thousand years. but they started getting so creative! it was so fun seeing them grow! she slowly felt tempted to see what it was like on this big place for herself, so occasionally, she’d disguise herself and walk among humans for a while. if any other Angels took notice of her sneaking off to earth every now and then, they never said anything abt it.
THE FUCKENING — several thousand years later, nothing but sickness and plague and despair filled Earth & its’ inhabitants. ilyssa was very confused. for all time, she watched as humans suffered and animals perished and places burned and volcanoes erupted & buried cities in ash or oceans with floods, and there was...nothing? she could do about it??? she felt compelled to end their suffering in any way she could, including (not so sneakily) sneaking back to earth to give them blessings to ease their woes, but The Creator reminded her that it was not her place to do such a thing. why? because it was all part of the plan, of course! divine intervention was not to be tolerated, no matter how much she found humans to be cute little things. and ilyssa was complicit for a while simply because she didn’t want to cause a rift between herself and her creator, but then humans kept fucking suffering — even those who didn’t deserve it. and she kept asking questions and kept demanding to put a stop to such cruelty and begged The Creator to step in and help, and they refused. finally, The Creator got fed up. ripped the wings out of her back, stripped her title as an Angel, and banished her to lifetimes of solitude. she was fated to fall, halo broken, and would never interact or interfere again.
THE VOID + OTHER 79 THOUSAND LIVES — banishment wasn’t the only punishment. nope. The Creator took it a step further by destroying any sense of identity that ilyssa once had, by condemning her to constant death & rebirth at the hands of the Void, with each rebirth shaping her into an entirely different being. the first few millennia that passed within the Void, she literally didn’t have a fucking face. she was nothing more than a featureless shadow stuck in an empty wasteland, only seeing life within the crystals & color that made up each of her rebirths. while in the Void, many things happened, such as: slowly birthing with more distinctive features (later becoming her present True Form: twelve pitch black eyes that form an hourglass looking shape on her face, a stretched out mouth with razor sharp teeth, sharpened claws, four arms & bony, elongated limbs. she also shrieks, has multiple voices, has No Nose, & is super fucking tall. just store that in ur brain for later babes!), figuring out that there are a multitude of dimensions that exist, ripping into said dimensions & rearranging timelines for funsies/to piss off The Creator, forgot her true name, was killed/reborn like 80 thousand times prbly, & finally harbored absolute, unfiltered, unwavering hatred for all humans. also realized that falling made her feel so painfully cold and empty, and the closest thing to feeling whole were to consume the soul of a human. definitely made some enemies, bc u don’t just waltz into an alternate dimension & eat every living human there without pissing off a few other entities.
80 THOUSAND — eventually, ilyssa figured out a few hiding spots to avoid The Creator’s wrath & spied on different dimensions. earth, specifically, bc she liked to project nightmares onto humans & consume their souls via sleep paralysis / pass through them & possess them until their bodies died off. ilyssa gave up on trying to name herself bc let’s face it, The Creator was just gonna get the Void to hunt her down & kill whatever body she’d been created in for the next thousand years anyway. life literally had no meaning until aspen was born.
MEMORABLE DETAILS — her true form, obviously. only named herself bc while attempting to communicate with aspen via projecting a night terror, aspen called to her by making a noise that sounded like a name so she just fucking rolled with it and went by ilyssa. prbly does not immediately like any other Angels, and will act very antagonistic towards more ‘pure’ beings out of resentment. kind of dig the idea that there are a few Angels that remember her / she remembers fondly from first life that she’s less likely to attack. her style of ‘hunting’ victims by tiring them out via chasing / wounding them comes from The Creator’s method of killing off her current life while in the Void, bc they’re one cruel motherfucker, let me tell u. and just for technicality’s sake, i guess you could say that she’s not exactly a demon? not in the pure sense, anyhow? but over time, that’s what she’s been known as by humans who managed to survive any night terror encounters from her, so most methods won’t deter her. (she still cannot physically pass through most holy spaces, bc The Creator or other watcher Angels keep her out.) in the most non romantic sense, aspen is very much ilyssa’s first true love, bc she is the only thing she’s ever felt any intense sensation or urge to protect towards. this can & will grow into feeling love for other humans as well, wink wink nudge. was prbly NOT intended to ever reproduce, so aspen being pregnant with ilyssa’s offspring (in her current form before this lifespan gets killed n what have you) is something that was NOT planned by The Creator, should NOT even be possible, and they are VERY confused and UPSET!!!! >:(
anyways, the only reason i suddenly decided to change ilyssa’s direction & give her a backstory involving actually having been an angel (other than how deeply she cares for aspen & how she’s come to softening her hatred for humans post-asp) is because of this goddamn post right here. read it. feel it. let it make u cry. ok that’s all thank u all for listening to this dumpster fire of a post <3
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Round 2 - Resurrect Bracket (Losers Bracket) Side B
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ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to [make it to the finals]
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Friar Tuck
If you use the picture of furry friar tuck from the Disney Robin Hood, bless you 🙏
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Phoenix Prince /// Dragon Princess AU
Aka a healthy (ish) fire siblings au (thats still super angsty im so sorry) where Zuko and Azula love/take care of eachother and earn the love of their people
Ursa dies in child birth, though thankfully Azula survives. Zuko’s only three at the time but he’s devastated by the loss of his mother, and vows to protect his baby sister at all costs
He’s super super involved with Azula growing up, and does everything in his power to protect her from Ozai. Bc when she’s little Ozai’s very bitter bc she “killed” Ursa, plus he already hated zuko for being too weak, plus there’s no Ursa to challenge him. so he can basically do whatever tf he wants to them and be an abusive fucking dick
But then, Azula starts fire bending and is clearly a prodigy. Ozai suddenly takes an interest in her. She’s terrified of her dad so she does w/e tf he wants to keep him happy.
Except she refuses to hurt zuko. he’s her big brother and she loves him. She (secretly) stays really close with him, though is skilled enough at manipulation that Ozai thinks she’s basically cut herself off from zuko/hate him. Which zuko is fine with, he wants Azula to be safe from Ozai and if that means she needs to pretend to hate him when their dad is in the room? He doesn’t care, he knows his baby sister and knows she loves him
Anyway yeah Ozai starts to like her better and treats her.... “better”. (Note the quotations.) but she still feels guilty that Zuko’s getting the brunt of ozai’s wrath, so she does her best to keep Ozai’s attention on how good she is instead of how much of a failure zuko is.
Quick side note: if Azula seems ooc that’s on purpose. We know her toxcicity is a result of Ozai’s influence. But here he has way less control over her. Bc Ozai mainly controls her by using fear. And while she is afraid of him, she’s not nearly as afraid in this AU. a) bc Azula has her over protective big brother being over protective and b) Ursa’s dead so there’s no mother who is supposed to protect her failing to protect her and making Azula feel unsafe
So in this she’s much closer personality wise to like a “season 1 zuko” version of herself. She’s in general cool but tends to loose control of herself. Though she also has a lot more self confidence than zuko did, and maybe a bit too much pride. She’d never hit someone who was already down and cares for ppl, but pretends that she cares for no one
So yeah. The two are just kinda surviving living in the castle and love eacother a lot
Until they hear about the whole kill ur first born thing....... (which happens about 2 yrs after cannon bc Iroh came home when he heard his sister in law died and the whole siege of ba sing se was postponed)
Instead of like. Waiting for her brother to get murdered tiny 9 yr old Azula packs up their shit and gets ready to go on the run
Unfortunately she’s (almost) too late. While she’s getting ready to leave Zuko is trying to cover for her (Ozai would be murderus if he knew Azula was gonna betrey him by leaving) and somehow manages to insult Ozai while trying to protect Azula from being found out
Ozai gets big mad, and in a fit of rage tries to kill zuko by burning half his face off.
Azula runs in at the sound of her brother’s screams, at the exact same time two gaurd rush into the royal chambers. The guards are frozen in shock, but Azula is pissed
Azula attacks her dad. At first she has the upper hand/element of surprise but... she’s 9.
she starts loosing. Her forearm gets really badly burned in a suspiciously hand-shaped pattern.
During the fight Zuko’s struggling to lift himself from the ground and help. He manages to save Azula from a killing blow by throwing some fire at Ozai, but collapses immediately after. Azula barely has a second to breathe before Ozai starts attacking again.
For a moment it legitimately looks like Ozai is going to murder his two young children in cold blood
Until one of the guards snaps.
She uses the whole fucked up situation to knock Ozai out, though she doesn’t kill him. The other gaurd is just standing there, and she has no clue who he’s gonna help so she just knocks him out
Then the gaurd grabs zuko and Azula, and fucking BOOKS IT from the castle. She does a blue spirit type thing to escape (threatening to kill either Azula or zuko) and eventually gets them somewhere safe where she can get their wounds treated
The next day the fire lord puts out this whole sob story about how an assassin pretended to be a gaurd, killed his father, then kiddnapped his children. And how he’s sending out a whole manhunt for his lost children yada yada yada
The other gaurd that was there mysteriously disappears a few days later, but not before he can spread some “rumors” about the prince and princess’s disappearance. Ozai ascends to the throne and publicly offers an enormous reward for the return of his children,,,,,, while secretly sending assassins after them. (Like.... Azula attacked him and he already tried to kill zuko he don’t give a fuck)
Iroh is obviously devestated when he finds out. and while he thinks the whole thing is a bit suspicious he starts on a journey desperately looking for his lost niece and nephew
While all this BS is happening this poor gaurd suddenly has 2 damaged af kids to take care of and a bunch of assassins to run from
So once zuko and Azula are healed enough to travel and they know zuko won’t die, they go on the run. They can’t stay in one place bc of all the assassins after them and end up going all over the world
They don’t spend a lot of time in the fire nation (for obvious reasons) but they do spend bits and pieces there. Connecting with their people, meeting freinds of the gaurd who saved them that can help (like Lt Jee who ran Zuko’s ship in cannon) and spreading the truth of what happened.
Stories about the damaged prince and princess who were so hurt by their father begin to spread. But even more stories about how the prince and princess care for their people spread ten times faster. Stories they take time to rebuild small fire nation villages damaged by floods, or how corrupt military commanders suspicious disappear after they come to town start to spread.
Ppl start calling them the dragon princess and pheonix prince. Because the princess protects her people like a dragon protects it’s hoard, by killing everyone who dares to endanger it. And the prince has risin from the ashes (you can see the burn clear as day on his face), to heal the land and his people
(Though really..... the prince and princess are both dragons and pheonixes. Because even if she seems invincible and more ruthless than her brother, the princess has been hurt deeply. Though her wound is more easily covered. And she aches for the pain of her nation, the nation she feels she wasn’t strong enough to protect. She just hides her emotions better than her brother....)
(As for the prince, yes he shows more kindness than his sister seems too. But he is just as ruthless as her if someone threatens their hoard. He’s just a bit calmer.... less trigger happy than his twin. It was his idea to take out the corrupt commandor stealing a small town’s livelihoods, after all)
They call the gaurd who saved them “the Kitsune”. They say she is a flame wielding spirit, sent by Agni himself to protect the true leaders of the fire nation
Iroh overhears bits and pieces about them. He starts to get an idea of what’s happening, but for the most part he really struggles to track them. Ppl can recognize him, and they won’t sell out their prince and princess to someone who might take them away
So yeah. The three of them are on the run together for a long time. They can never spend long in one place (assassins never stop coming after them) and dart all over the earth kingdom and fire nation, seeing first hand the effects of the war. And gaining a positive reputation both for caring about their people in a way no one since before Sozin has, as well as shaming dishonorable fire nation soldiers who mistreat those in the earth kingdom
(They almost never hurt foot soldiers who are just following orders, but any one (especially upper command) who take clear pleasure in other’s suffering are often challenged to Agni kai’s in exchange for said soldiers leaving.
Though usually just being publicly knocked on their asses by a couple of scarred kids who turn out to literally be the lost prince and princess holy shit, is enough to put them in their place)
So yeah. They travel together earning a good reputation from as soon as they’re healed until zuko and azula are 14 and 11 respectively
At that point they get separated from the gaurd.... (she doesn’t die, either captured or separated for some other reason)
So now.... all they have is eachother
The two spend the next two years on their own. They still try to do the same types of stuff they did before but now they’re in a lot more danger w/o an adult to help them. They’re basically just.... 2 increasingly ferel children struggling to survive. They live mostly off of like foraged stuff and whatever money they can make/steal from rich assholes
They continue to dodge Iroh as well bc they have no clue if he’s gonna return them to their father or kill them or w/e. Which is wayyyy harder than it would seem, the only reason he hasn’t caught them yet is that they have an alliance with June the bounty hunter who keeps sending Iroh on wild goose chases bc she has a soft spot for the weird ferel kids. (And a huge crush on the gaurd who was basically their mom/older sister for a while. But we don’t need to talk about that)
so zuko and Azula are just these absolutely feral kids being hunted by 12 dozen bounty hunters from their father, plus the “dragon princess and pheonix prince” have officially been declared “traitors to the nation that are impersonating the late children of Firelord Ozai” so there’s a good amount of the actual military after them, and they’re trying to keep away from their uncle and all his fucking white lotus freinds
They’re a little bit stressed ok??? And like super protective of eachother by this point
And then who joins the fucking search??? The goddam avatar
Bc he heard these stories about these good firebenders who protect everyone no matter what side of the war they’re on. And ofc Aang wants one or both of them to teach him
So Aang like the lovable idiot he is, is just trying so hard to adopt these crazy feral firebenders.
And ik I keep saying feral but like. I need to emphasize this bc these two spent 2 years on the run + 2 more years on the run while basically living in fucking forests cus they’re out of money, connections, and the gaurd was the only one out of the three of them with social skills. They’re a little stressed okay???
And idk I just love the idea of Aang trying to befriend these crazy feral firebenders acting like they’re just like. Wild animals or smthn. Like cornering them in a clearing and trying to offer them jerky as if they were wolves and the two giving him the blankest fucking expression
Anyway this post is about 200x longer than I meant it to be and I am so so sorry. (Especially since I can’t put in a read more on mobile)
Anyway bc it’s so long i’m just gonna do the last bit in bullet form and try to finish as quickly as humanly possible
- obvi they join the avatar and stuff
- the gaurd (who ima call kit/kitsune cus I don’t have a name for her) eventually meets/joins with Iroh. June later joins them as well as they try to find the idiot fire children
- Sokka has a big gay crush on the feral firebening guy
- Katara has a very tiny crush she refuses to admit too on Azula
- there’s also a lot of drama between her and Azula at first bc Azula is brash and Katara kinda gets annoyed at a mix of that/the lingering bias she has against fire nation ppl but they get past it
- also Azula has ~issues~ where she blames herself for their mom’s death/ is sure their mom hates them but asp their mom comes to her in spirit form and says she loves her (no fucking clue when that would happen but I love that idea)
- instead of having zuko/Azula chasing them they have a really fun variety of different random bounty hunters. Obvi including sparky sparky boom man
- the siege of the north.... happens. Though Zhao doesn’t kill the moon spirit so yue lives, and Azula and zuko manage to make a huge speech and get many of the soldiers to defect to their side instead so it ends with minimal bloodshed
- when Toph joins the group she and Azula are chaos incarnate
-mai and ty lee hear rumors and stuff and join team avatar eventually
- when they find out about the day of black sun they just. Skip trying to talk to the earth king. Cus they can just stage a cou lol they have the people on their side?? Forces from both water tribes, random earth kingdom ppl they’ve managed to befriend,,,,
- though they have to find uncle first bc he could challenge zuko for the throne. Obvi they think they’ll need to get rid of him bc they don’t really know him and think he wants to hurt them but all of a sudden??? 
- so they kinda have a few side quests as they’re preparing and gathering everyone but then it’s the day of black sun!!! And it works and shit and I actually have some other ideas too but FUCK this is SO LONG i am so sorry and will shut up now
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reformedmercymain · 5 years
@Anon from like a month ago who I forgot to respond to (life’s been crazy for me I’m sorry)
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Rambling answers under the cut:
With regards to learning how to be a better dps:
Fast answer: Aim is worth less than your brain at a certain point. Work on awareness first (both for dps - and for ana/zen.. and literally everyone.)
One of the BIGGEST issues I see with DPS players is their positioning. Aim is the easiest to improve with enough time - but being able to aim while figuring out the best spot to be is one of the harder aspects. If you’re playing widow for example, are you using one wall for cover, or two? Is it a barrier tank, or is it a fixed piece of the environment? You have to know where you can escape to if your tank moves, or if your angle is even effective.
In some ways I find projectile dps heroes more forgiving with positioning due to a “spam” nature of some of the characters being balanced having more freedom of movement while sacrificing perfect precision.
Hanzo can wallclimb and double jump (horizontally duh), but widow can only use a grappling hook. Mei can put up walls or protect/heal herself in an ice block, while mccree only has a flashbang and a reload key (and a secret reload key called pressing Q). It’s what they do to balance precision over prediction.
I find that people who are better naturally on projectile heroes - it’s because they’re compensating with their ability to move away faster. If you’re the most precise player in the world, and you give them a widow who can climb walls and have a useful jump ability, it’d be terrifying. You would have access to perfect shots a million times more often due to easy repositioning.
Unfortunately ashe breaks that rule but I hate her as is so it’s okay.
I found that hitscan heroes like mccree and widow in particular were BEST for improving positioning due to their more limited nature of movement, whereas on tracer, sombra, (or even soldier & reaper) all have beneficial movement abilities, that can allow you to build bad habits. You can’t learn to be a good tracer if you don’t learn what’s best spatially - it’s too easy to play overly aggressive and rely on your E to save you, much earlier than you needed it if you learned how to position yourself first. Knowing the map is obviously the first part in the tracer example, but playing a hero that’s in the fight (vs to the side as a flanker, or far behind, as a sniper) as someone like mccree can really help you manage the next biggest problem: Target prioritization.  People tend to struggle in the middle of the chaos of a fight to remember that maybe they shouldn’t shoot the person directly ahead of them. A lot of times you need to re-center yourself and get the zen with a healing orb on their bap, before getting bap himself bc zen might have trance to save everyone, even though bap is the one seemingly doing more damage (because he’s a fucking dps no one can pretend he isn’t).
The most obvious example is when people try to shoot the pharah in pharmercy. If you miss the second shot on the pharah, then she’s back to full health and being damage boosted again. Mercy is the priority to kill, and once pharah doesn’t have her tethered support she’s forced to play far more conservatively.
Also a bit unrelated but it relates to part of what you said - deathmatch with widow is great to warm up, but it doesn’t at all reflect the intricacies of what you’ll be facing in game. DM is all aim, no brain.
With regards to being a better healer on ana/zen: From you saying you mainly play lucio and bap, I can infer that you have a very aggressive support style. Both ana and zen have incredibly good dps potential, but it’s not the same as bap/lucio.
Bap = high damage, high offensive utility style gameplay at higher ranks (vs defensively) & lucio = extremely high mobility allowing for high dps capabilities
The good thing here is that if you’re a good lucio, think of zen as a lucio that... can’t move? Similar ultimate ability. But your main utility is just damage orb. You have to be very vocal in comms to make sure people ACTUALLY focus your/the teams target. Zen is almost entirely communication & ult timing. As lucio, you would have ult timing down pretty well since they’re v similar.
Ana and bap on paper might sound like they play nicely but they’re very different IMO. To be a good bap you can be a good dps first and a healer second, but ana is the complete opposite right now. DPS ana’s were more effective early on when she was one of the strongest healers. Justifying playing her right now requires you to be as efficient as bap with healing, and accept you have less offensive capabilities. Her abilities should in most cases in this meta be used defensively until you’re confident on her. Her sleep should be saved for ults or anyone pushing into you, and her nade (until you feel confident in gm with her) should be focused on knowing who in your team is in immediate danger and needs the 2x healing. Obviously tracking who your best player is a part that bap doesn’t deal with, his ult is a window that boosts everyone, but ana has to decide who can effectively use it. The most important thing will always be awareness, with every hero. 
This barely covers any of it and it’d be better off making a video. & maybe I will someday but. if you made it all the way down here congrats
TLDR: Play with your brain not your aim, bc awareness (positioning is a major subset of it) isn’t just related to knowing where the enemy team is. 
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ukulelecal · 5 years
Conception sex with ash, you get stuck with Cal in an elevator and he has to deliver the baby, he turning out to be baby's godfather and ash meeting little one for first time
ok but conception sex with ash would be so rough yet also so romantic and passionate? him just pounding into you so hard but also holding your hand and mumbling filthy praise into your ear, like “fuck, angel, i’m gonna fill you up. gonna put a baby in you” and lol one day you have to go somewhere and when you’re far into your pregnancy ash would want to go literally everywhere with you bc he’s so protective but in this one case he really can’t go so he would deadass call cal to go with you lol. so you and cal are in the elevator and it all of the sudden stops and the lights go out, and you both just groan and as cal goes to press the help button thing, your water breaks. at the worst possible time. and you just mumble “cal?” and he turns to look at you, quickly realizing what happened and he goes into full on panic mode, as he was definitely not planning for this to happen. he’s helping you sit down and holding your hand as contractions come in, and he calls ash to tell him whats going on who is also freaking out. and the people are taking fucking forever to fix the elevator and eventually you’re like “cal, she’s coming. right now. seriously right now” and as terrified as he is, cal knows he has no choice but to deliver the baby. and then just to make matters worse, ash gets stuck in a huge traffic jam on his way to wherever you are, which only makes his panic get worse. and needless to say when the elevator gets fixed they are very shocked to find a baby being delivered. so obviously they get you to the hospital and cal calls ash again to tell him to just go there. and when ash finally arrives he sprints up to your room to find you laying in bed with your baby girl cradled to your chest, and as much as ash is freaking out he immediately calms down when he sees his little bundle of joy. and when he holds her for the first time he’s like “i’m sorry i wasn’t there, my sweet girl, but uncle cal did a good job, yeah?”
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