#like this is honestly so crazy to me bc so many people have already quit recently bc the working hours are absolutely horrible and now these
cheekblush · 1 day
lmaoooo found out today that my 2 “colleagues” (that’s honestly a too nice of a word for them) complained about me to our boss that apparently i don’t work hard enough and often just sit around doing nothing :)
#can you believe these backstabbing bitches??????#i am absolutely livid#like the audacity these bitches have who the fuck do they think you are???#and now my boss wants me to be more forthcoming towards them like bitch wtf??? why should i be nicer to them or help them knowing that they#talk so poorly about me behind my back????#they’re so full of themselves and act so childish#like they could’ve just come up to me and talked to me about it like adults but nooo they run to the boss lmaoo#no wonder the boss doesn’t care about keeping me if he’s told what a bad worker i apparently am#and i only found out what they said about me from our lead pharmacist at least she was nice enough to tell me the truth#and now i’m crying again goooodddd fuck this job fuck these bitches i don’t deserve this!!!!#like i try so hard and put in so much effort but they really have the audacity to claim i just sit around#well i wonder what they’re gonna do once i quit since they always complain that they already do everything it shouldn’t a problem for them#right?? :)#like this is honestly so crazy to me bc so many people have already quit recently bc the working hours are absolutely horrible and now these#2 are making everything even worse like i already didn’t like going to work there but now i absolutely loathe it#to work with people and act nice with them knowing they they’re spewing such bs about me#and one of them was so nice to me today like how fake can you be?????#at least have the decency so say those things to my face and not talk behind my back like a school girl#fucking cowards!!!!! i really cannot stand them anymore i need to apply for other jobs asap#but i’m so scared that i won’t find anything else#but this job is seriously damaging me both physically and mentally#god please please please let me find a better job where i’m treated with respect please please please#i can’t do this anymore#i hate how much i’ve cried bc of this job and these horrible people already#☁️
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Hiiiiii, yandere veteran here! :'DD
I saw your post about yandere and stuff, so i thought i could explain a few things! Firstly, there are different types of yandere out there! Clingy submissive type, sadistic yandere, the subtle manipulator yandere, possessive, obsessive, Yangire, Yeredere, Delusional, Intelligenct, quiet etc.
You can even combine two archetypes together, for example, Tsunyandere (Tsundere + Yandere) and kuuyandere (Kuudere + Yandere). There's even a slight difference between female and male yandere! Male tend to be more violent and possessive meanwhile Female yandere tend to be more passionate and submissive.
Generally speaking, the term "Yandere" associate with someone who is so into you and possessive that they would go to great lengths to monopolize you. Yanderes start sweet and overly affectionate, and then they get possessive and possibly violent. A classical yandere goes after the people surrounding their target first and tries to separate the love interest/target from everyone else. If that means locking them in a cage, so be it. Doesn't necessarily have to be bloody and/or gore. Again, it depends on the yandere type!
This is gonna be a little personal, but for me, I like yanderes a lot because I like the idea of someone loving me so much they'd do anything for me. I fell in love with the idea that someone loves you so much, they're willing to do insane, socially unacceptable things for your love. Of course, this doesn't supply to real life.
Anyway, moving on to Belphegor, i would say he's more of a "mild yandere" and possibly leaning more towards the "Nonviolent/Manipulative yandere" those types of yandere never bring direct harm to someone, and never will directly kill someone themselves, but will manipulate others to achieve their goals. It's the psychological and emotional manipulation that makes it so interesting. And seeing how much of a brat he can be, i would say that fits him the best.
Fun fact: There's an old devilgram story, i forgot the name, where belphegor poisoned Satan bc he was flirting with mc, lol.
Moving on to Barbatos, the reason fans suspect him to be a yandere is bc of his character song "Crazy About you," in which he sings the following lines:
"My heart in turmoil
Having you with me makes me want you
I’m crazy about you
I, too, cannot stop this billowing feeling
I wish to please you always
Please leave everything to me
But your poor manner will not be tolerated
Not matter how many times
Let me give you a lecture in calm
I will not hand you to anyone else, oh
I can’t take this
My feelings for you
I’ll make you mine"
"Crazy About you" does give off some yandere vibes, but does that make Barbatos a yandere? I don't think so. Considering all the characters had their "yandere" moments doesn't make them Yandere per say. But Barbatos does seem to be possessive in his song about Mc. Honestly, considering that his sin is greed, that makes quite a lot of sense. If i had to categorise him to a Yandere trope, then he would be the "Intelligenct/quiet yandere." Those types of yandere plan far in advance and fight more with their brains than with their brawn. It's almost similar to the "Manipulative yandere."
He could be absolutely terrifying, a yandere able to manipulate time and space? That's absolutely scary IF he was a yandere.
unironically, the closest thing to a yandere in Obey Me has is Mammon. He's shown that he constantly wants Mc to himself and seeking their attention, even getting in the way of his brothers and constantly reminding everyone that he's Mc first pact demon. In the beginning of the OG, obey me, he even said “I want to be the one who saves you, and if I can’t be, just die already" and remember that ONE NB lesson where he lost control over his Greed and wanted Mc to himself? Yeah, yandere moment definitely.
Anyway, what i'm trying to say is there are different types of yandere, and not everything has to be bloody. Sometimes, yanderes can be subtle with their motives.
Hello there, anon!
Okay see I had a feeling there was more to it than what my basic search of the term had indicated. I have seen some of the other -dere types because someone asked me about that and I had to look it up lol. But my knowledge of the different yandere types is pretty much nonexistent, so thank you for this explanation!
Okay, okay, so I wasn't taking Barb's song into consideration at all. The songs are all fun and there are certainly parts that are informative of character, but generally speaking I don't really think about them in terms of their characterization. (Not that it's bad to do that or anything, that's just a me quirk lol.)
That being said, I think any character can be written as a yandere if that's what the person writing the story wants to do. I would say most characters edge on some of those qualities, which really just boils down to them being a well rounded character.
Especially because Barbatos has this kind of vibe that's he's always holding something back. Not just truths about himself, but his own feelings, too. I think it'd be easy to say that he just doesn't allow himself to act in the way he really wants to.
And in that case, I think the concept of subtle yandere could apply to him. But again, this is all something that I think would need to be explored in fanfiction. I just don't think that in the story itself there's any indication of Barbatos having secret yandere motives. But I don't think it's a stretch to give him some in a fic by any means.
Interesting point about Mammon, though! I think his general tsundere personality probably overshadows those other yandere moments lol. I've never seen anyone refer to him as such, but it sounds like it fits to me! Then again, as I stated, my knowledge of these terms is very limited.
I like what you said about Belphie too - his whole thing is manipulation so that checks out to me!
Anyway, I like when characters have flaws and act jealous or possessive because it makes them feel more real to me. But that means it's only one aspect of who they are, so I don't tend to focus only on those traits when I write about them. But this is just a personal preference and I think that if you like yandere characters, it's perfectly reasonable to make your faves yandere even if they aren't in the source material.
Thank you for this thorough explanation, anon! I'm glad someone who knew more about it was able to add more insight and nuance to the discussion! It sounds to me like we're in agreement that Barbatos has some yandere moments, but in general is not a yandere.
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royal-they · 8 months
okay so personal headcanon on why mike cut his hair, i personally think it's his way of handling - or not handling - his grief over eddie munson.
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we know already that eddie inspired mike and dustin a lot to embrace their nerdier side. it also is clear that he got mike interested in alt culture quite a bit. which i think is really sweet honestly.
i also personally like the headcanon that many people had when volume one first came out that mike had a bit of a crush on eddie. bc it's honestly not that out there lmao.
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hes completely infatuated. like everyone else in hellfire was laughing and agreeing with eddie and mikes just like smiling like an idiot the whole time. not a word is getting into his head. (similarly to the van scene)
basically, my headcanon is this. okay so mikes look in season four is him being inspired by eddie. okay, but what if mike had a tiny crush on eddie? what if this is not a, youre cool i want to look like you but a hey youre cool and i want you. which i feel like as a queer person - whos also trans - doesn't feel that out there at all.
mikes also VERY repressed, even taking his possible queerness out of the picture. never once is his trauma really brought up outside of maybe like season two? maybe? kind of?? like this kids seen supernatural monsters, tons of people dying, and being possessed and yeah he isn't able to talk about it bc of the government but like he also never talks about it with the other characters who already know about everything? lots of characters don't but i feel like mike especially doesn't talk about it. he just immediately starts trying to be el's boyfriend. or what he thinks el's boyfriend would be i guess is a better way to put it. bc as far as el's concerned i think he's doing a shit job.
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so seeing dustin and mike react so differently is kinda not surprising at all. dustin really holds on to the memory of eddie, almost obsessively. like he's still walking around in his hellfire shirt that is literally ripped. dustin also literally saw eddie die so there's also that. (i kind of want to see lucas dustin and mike fight about this in season five ngl)
it's been said that there's going to be some sort of large time jump and it's not really clear yet how far that time jump is? so maybe mike just moved on faster, but honestly i find that really fucking hard to believe seeing how he handled el and wills "deaths."
so anyway, my point is. mike with short hair back to a style similar to his season 1/2 style? not very surprising. when you have trauma you tend to stay very fixated on the event. dustin saw eddie die, so he's stuck on that, even in how he dresses.
mike is worried about everyone leaving him constantly so someone that he looked up to dying who seemed invincible is going to fuck him up. he really hates growing up which is brought up a lot. so him kind of going back to a time before everything went to shit, when he was a lot younger isn't to crazy. they're both coping differently.
edit: mike also maybe realized, hmm this isn't making me feel more confident but i still like the way eddie looked like a lot- wait nope time to repress this. hahaha so straight i have a girlfriend yes very straight of me did you know i am straight
anyway. this isn't the most coherent theory/head canon but it's what i've been thinking about for the past week.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
that pudding card is GORGEOUS i love her so much she doesn't deserve to be a part of op discourse leave my girl alone she just needs love
Pudding is such a complex character! I love her so so much! She really means the world to me. Honestly, her whole story is completely relatable and the fact that it's basically used to parallel Sanji's doesn't help. It just makes everything hurt more. I could talk about her for hours and how misinterpreted her character is due to fandom discourse and the recent wave of "puritanism" within the internet.
I'm not gonna get too into fandom discourse because I hate it and I already have horrible experiences about it in this fandom (with Lawlu, specifically), but... I find it stupid. Her character has so many layers. She's just as complex and traumatized as Sanji. That's... That's quite the whole point? She made mistakes and has mixed feelings and different types of personalities due to her past and trauma responses. She made mistakes. Sanji made mistakes too. The only damn reason why people don't forgive her is because "she hurt our little meow meow <//3 She's so evil!!! Evil woman!!!" as if they wouldn't forgive her character right away if she were a MAN. Like. Misogyny who??
Anyway, I think it's pretty obvious people don't like Pudding because of obvious misogyny and overprotection of Sanji. Which is understandable because I'm also very intense when it comes to him, but damn... He would not like it if he knew y'all hate her for her mistakes.
Also, people only talk about her to say "she's a great character but her age gap with Sanj-" why does it always have to be about Sanji? Let the girl be her own character. Have you hear of the Bechdel test? No? Perhaps you could try it? Her character is obviously created for Sanji, but she's so much more! Let her escape!!! From the hands of patriarchy and men!! That being said, the whole discourse about their age gap is... Just... So fucking stupid.
Don't go cancelling me right away. I'm just saying that when it comes to stuff like age Oda doesn't seem to be very... Consistent? He's made mistakes before. And the Charlottes are a very huge family. I'm sure not even Oda knows the order of these children, lmfao. I think he would only say shit like "Katakuri is one of the oldest and Pudding is one of the youngest idk. Just made her one of the youngest to match Sanji's backstory of being one of the youngest". But leaving that aside-- Maturity never equals age in a show that's... About pirates... Where everyone has different experiences with different social surroundings... It's just like the Lawlu discourse, damn. You have to know the characters before saying crazy stuff like "Law would groom Luffy" because HOW??? HOW WOULD HE DO THAT??? That's basically impossible. And you need to think about the characters before assuming things. And Sanji and Pudding? Leaving aside the age difference, Pudding has more power over Sanji and that's noticeable. Does that even matter tho? They understand each other on the same level after all in the end. Tbh I couldn't tell about the age difference. I thought they were the same age ngl. Only found out bc I saw the discourse going on and my first reaction was "This is fucking dumb". Tbh their relationship is one of the healthiest I've ever seen for Sanji. We see him being himself for once without being extremely creepy. The whole arc about him losing himself is about a girl loving him for who he truly is. And the whole arc about a girl being judged for being different is about a boy loving her for who she truly is. It's so beautiful!!!
Anyway. Not the point. The thing is that people hate Pudding for... Absolutely nothing? Not knowing how to read complex characters? I still don't get it. Perhaps it's just that my mommy issues are too harsh and I can see through her but damn.
Ana also the whole thing about erasing Sanji's memories? People hate her for that and calling her... Selfish??? Did you not... Watch the scene... Of her crying because she lost the only person she has ever truly loved. But whatever. Call her selfish.
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here’s my full review of the tortured poets department: the anthology by taylor swift. i’m just going to start off by saying this is a grown ass woman and a billionaire and if you believe her music is above reproach just because she embodies girlhood or you liked the album or whatever just keep it trucking because i get to say whatever i want here.
first here’s the songs i like:
the black dog (what girl hasn’t checked a location, i ask you?!?)
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus (it could be traffic sounds and my name being in the title will still make me like it)
the alchemy
clara bow (this one makes me go 🎀🧚🏻‍♀️💕)
thank you aimee (grandchild of mean)
the albatross
peter (really mostly just the ending)
the bolter
the manuscript
the smallest man who ever lived (i will never hate a song that is about how matty healy sucks)
i can do it with a broken heart (corny but i have already seen edits with it and the right edit could make me like any song plus certain parts remind me of yoyok)
guilty as sin?
my boy only breaks his favorite toys (specifically for the line “im queen of sandcastles he destroys” which i like)
but daddy love him (she’s real for saying cut the fucking whining)
fortnight (post malone’s positive affect on my enjoyment cannot be overstated)
now for my opinions:
many of the songs aren’t BAD just completely unmemorable like i remember nary a lyric or tune of cassandra or the prophecy or robin etc etc
jack antonoff should be strung up! the only good things he’s done are 1. melodrama by lorde, and 2. inspiring margaret by lana del rey (plus the occasional good taylor song like getaway car and sweet nothings but whatever) honestly the two have outgrown each other and their music apart is way more interesting than anything they do together. aaron dessner is a hero.
i have no technical issues with florida!!! but as someone who has spent quite a bit of time in florida it feels like someone romanticizing newark, new jersey and that feeling stretches so deep that not even florence + the machine could make me enjoy what is otherwise a really fun song
there must be something about british men bc people dating british guys write so american by olivia rodrigo and paper rings and people who have broken up with british guys write so long, london
who’s afraid of little old me feels like the perfect example of every criticism taylor gets. she is the most powerful voice in hollywood, is extraordinarily litigious, and has won in every way that matters but still she acts like every criticism of her is an attack on girlhood and feminism. like she is a grown woman writing “i’m just a girl” music about how not being universally adored is such a huge tragedy and it just feels so corny
i look in peoples windows and down bad are both songs i’m sure i’ll love two months from now
the line about 1830 without the racists is CRAZY. even without the racists that was not a good time!
overall a very weak album. it’s like she’s stuck in some sort of perma-youth where she is unable to mature beyond “all of my exes are either the devil or taylor lautner” and it shows how very insular her adulthood has been. she’s been famous her entire adult life and her music sounds like the kind of lyric a teenager writes in their notes app. like i don’t hate the music but it’s all just so extraordinarily mid. every song on this album could be on any other album of any other pop girlie and i wouldn’t blink. taylor is supposed to be one of the strongest lyricists of our time and we’re getting lyrics like “touch me while your bros play grand theft auto”
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I dont even think the tag is dead at all tbh. We were really spoiled last summer with 2k post per day, and something crazy happening everyday like Mikhailgate, scriptgate, sock anon or people impersonating Ross duffer, but if you check most tags on this app, that's rarely the case. The thing is, it's been a year since season 4 came out and we're still getting around 300 posts per day and I need people to realise how crazy that is. Before season 4 the tag had like 5 k followers and there could be days without a single post. The fact that it's been a year and we still surpass 200 posts, AND we've already made it through the most content drought phase of the hiatus (since filming is about to begin and we'll increase the daily posts again) is crazy. This tag is still very much active, even for a show that hasn't released any new content for a year. And also AO3 is still active. The fact that for a whole year, there's been writers who still update fics or create new ones everyday is something I'm not used to coming from other smaller fandoms.
I get it's a bit more boring right now and we are looking back to the may-august craze, but we've already made it through the worst and we only need to hold on for one more month
This is definitely the best way to look at it!
I think I’m also maybe sad bc a lot of familiar faces aren’t as active, like some folks I remember seeing daily are gone. Which is fine!
And even despite that you’ll see posts in the tag get like hundreds of likes, so there are definitely a lot of people still lurking just not posting. Which is also fine!
It’s so true though that we are a lot more active than we realize.
Tumblr in general I used to think of as like a no man’s land pre-s4 bc it tends to really only be active in specific fandoms where like the unity is on point bc the content is just rolling in.
So many fandoms reside here at a point, but dwindle over time, and I feel like we are very fortunate to have made a big space here bc it is a cool platform when you have a lot of people that like a certain thing and want to talk about it.
And we’re fortunate enough to be so massive and not only that but this is sort of just the beginning. Imagine how many followers we’ll gain leading up to s5, during and after…? Or the aftermath of people coming here to look at theories and be like YOU GUYS WERE RIGHT! All the queer fans who kind of talked down on us (understandably) for potentially falling for queerbait, joining in and being like wow this is surreal, it finally happened. It’s going to be magical.
For now I guess it just makes me wonder if I should take a break too?? Like seeing yourself over and over in the tag is almost a wake up call that I should step back like everyone else is for the time being? Bc like idk if it’s maybe annoying to see the same person over and over? Or if it’s just the reminder of how inactive things are and that’s what makes people step back too?
Not even a bad thing necessarily like you said, bc this is still an unprecedented case of a fandom being quite active despite the circumstances.
Honestly though, even if there isn’t much news going into May and in the couple months after it, beyond like the bare minimum of what we’re expecting, I’ll try to embrace it and maybe step back or even focus on more detailed posts instead of the day to day fodder.
I also hate myself for this, but I rarely go in the top posts tag??? I’m always like living in the recent posts part of it and that’s probably also the problem 😭
So reminder to anyone that’s like me who does the same, we gotta support more of us that have top posts too bc I will literally remember the top posts exists, go there, find absolute gems (obviously it’s top posts???) and then be like why the fuck don’t I come here more often??? That’s another way I could probably curb my disappointment about us not being as active as I’m used to. And it’s super simple.
There’s a lot of stuff like that I could do better at to contribute to the solution of this being a better experience for myself and other still active on here!
Thanks for the pep talk anón 😇🙏
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dogfags · 5 months
i think my life would be better if I didn't mind they/them being used on me but it quite honestly feels like an insult sometimes when people assume those are my pronouns or they think I look weird and androgynous so they default to those. I know I am weird and androgynous but it's just annoying to have to be like no I'm just.. a man. when I have put so much effort into passing and going stealth. and for sure even tho I'm just a man I have some weird nonbinary feelings as well. bc I'm trans and being "binary trans" doesn't mean u don't have a complicated relationship with gender or experience a bit of gender queerness. I mean I identified and lived as a lesbian for several years of my life so ofc a part of that is ingrained in me. idk, I kind of wish more people would look at gender as something you do rather than something you innately are. I don't think I innately am anything. I think I used to live as a girl and now I live as a man. maybe that makes me nonbinary or maybe that just makes me a normal person. idk. a lot of the trans narratives that have been popularized by the media are just so unrelatable to me I almost don't consider myself the same thing as them. I don't think I transitioned bc I was a boy born into a girl's body I think I transitioned bc I'd just rather live as a man and so I am. of course I also have debilitating dysphoria but yk. I don't think I was "born this way" and I didn't show any signs as a child or even give my gender a second thought until I was older. I got a taste of female puberty and was like nah I'd rather opt out of this whole woman thing. so I did. and now I'm a man. it's that simple to me idk.
but yeah if I liked he/they I think it would make my life better bc then I wouldn't be like. dysphoric and offended when ppl would default to they for me simply bc I have green hair. I don't even dress femininely almost ever it's just the hair I think lmao. or bc my name is gender neutral. I guess I am androgynous in the face also. I do not have a chiseled jawline although I do have a mustache and it is pretty dark now. idkkkkk man
I've lived so many lives already in just this one that idk how to classify myself anymore. I've been every letter of the LGBT and dated/fucked someone of every gender and sexuality lmao. but I still think it's kinda annoying when ppl deny my masculinity or maleness upon seeing me and default to they/them when I Try So Hard to pass. obviously it's not their fault, they've been told it's rude to assume anyone's pronouns and I am fully self aware of the way I look and come off. I almost feel like I can't even correct people when they call me they bc I know they're just trying to be.. nice or something. like how would I even go about correcting that, "thanks for the consideration but I am in fact just a man" ???
I think in terms of gender identity I can get behind the vibes of he/they being used for me in theory, but in practice it makes me feel like a freak. it's like a glaring neon sign that's like, you look WEIRD and idk what you are bc you're WEIRD. I know this shit wouldn't happen if I was cis and presented exactly the same as I do now. I feel extremely vulnerable and almost outed when people call me they. like it tells everyone in the room that I'm Different. and despite the fact I dye my hair crazy colors and have 7 facial piercings and stretched ears I actually do not want to stick out. I just love the alternative look. but I don't want attention drawn to me. I don't want people to look at or talk to me. it's a struggle I've had my entire life. id much rather blend in than stand out but literally everybody knows who I am and my name bc I just have an appearance that is so jarring. ugh.
I even had my instructor for some reason "correct" himself on my pronouns, he literally got it right the first time then went "er, they-" like ??? come on man. when have I ever told anyone I want to go by they here??? is the mustache not enough?? do I have to grow out my patchy ass stubble as well??? for a split second sometimes I think about going by he/they and then I am called they in real life and cringe so hard. rahhh.
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taeiun · 5 months
TAEIUN UPDATE (05/07/24)
hello everyone!! im not sure how many of you still keep up with this blog and i am so sorry for being inactive for so long (a full month sheesh…) and for not posting anything for longer than that! i have a couple updates, some good some bad, and a few changes i want to make to this blog.
TL;DR: canceling the beomgyu smau + possible future redo, temporary archive of this blog, future works planned.
O1. from the lack of of updates and the low interactions ive gotten, i think you guys can already guess that the beomgyu smau i posted back in march was going to be terminated at some point. it’s not that ive lost full interest in the plot. im just unhappy woth the setup and also dont have things flushed out to where i think an smau would work as a format. i do hope to publish it again some time in the future but for now, that post will be taken down.
O2. again, based off my inactivity i dont think it’s much of a surprise for me to say im going to be temporarily archiving this blog. that doesnt mean im never coming back! its just that right now i dont know how long it’ll be before i get back into a consistent writing schedule again. think of it just as an extended hiatus; the main difference is that im calling it an archive in case i dont come back at all. ofc ill announce if im going for good but this is just in case.
O3. i dont think i’ll be gone for good (knock on wood) so while i stay kind of inactive, there a few things im changing up here.
declutterring: going to be deleting spam posts and tidying up my blog to make the viewing experience more pleasurable!! i have a second blog where i ramble and shit post so i dont need this one for it.
reposts of old works: i dont have the time as of now to be working on brand new shiny content, so i hope people dont mind me possibly reposting a couple of my fave older stuff from my previous blog.
O4. i am crafting new things! they just wont be out for a while. a few things on my mind are:
zb1 apocalypse au: i have standalone fics for all the members and i hope to get this done at least before calling it quits. taerae my boy…
a couple different possible supernatural!skz smau mini series: little bit on the fence with these ones bc im not fully into skz (despite saying i write for them lol) so im not sure how much passion i can put into this project. if not the mini series, then i’ll be working on a minho fic within that au instead!
i think that about sums up where this blog is going. in general ive been good. busy with school and idea of uni but good-ish. ive been enjoying life for itself and got closer with one of my irls which has been so nice :DD im also facing a bit of a writer’s slump bc of the mental switch from a heavy math and science academics semester to an only analytical and writing semester. honestly, i really do want to keep this blog around. its just hard when my interest in kpop as a whole has dwindled down so fast? like its crazy how quickly i kind of got over this phase ngl- but yeah! thats it for me <33
thanks for sticking to the end of this if you did! no hard feelings if you didnt. its funny i say that bc they wouldnt be able to see this if they didnt but oh well. that’s all from me for today!!
— ur fave, sol / jun.
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wrongcaitlyn · 5 months
Hi!! First of all: I’ve been following dear reader since the first chapter of talk your talk and tbh this series has seen me grow up? If that makes sense??? It’s like “woah. It’s only been a YEAR?!” because I’ve just done so much growing and I think a lot of that is due to your writing, so, just, like, thank you sm. (Hope that’s not weird!!)
For my actual question: I think it was touched on briefly but never in depth: how did Austin, Kayla, and Apollo react to Nico and Will’s relationship? Like, they def knew something was going to happen, but how did they feel about that? How long did they know? Like I can just imagine them having so many bets about when they were finally going to start dating and who would confess first and stuff 😭 esp Kayla bc I get the feeling she’s just a liiittttle bit nosy but!! yeah!!
ahshdf omg thank you?? that's so insane to find someone reading from the first chapter!! (logically, i know that people did, because it received hits, but like, wow that's so crazyKLDSF) - and LITERALLY SAME. honestly i've done so much growing with the characters, i remember writing them when i was literally in the same year of hs with them and everything, and so so much has changed in that single year, it's been crazy. to know that that's been the same with some of the readers is so so incredible to hear!! (and not weird at all, i totally get it) i feel like specifically looking back at my end notes over the years... i recently reread talk your talk just because i was in a fic drought and it's so crazy to see all of those end notes... it genuinely felt like a diary at some point, sophomore year of hs SUCKEDsdfj
and on to the question!! ahh i didn't really go into depth with this and i absolutely should have! thank you for asking :)
basically, i think that they were all very very aware of will's crush on nico. nico's crush on will was also pretty obvious, but bc kayla lived with will 24/7 and austin was more in contact with will, they knew more about him first and foremost
austin would return home every break and be like "are they dating yet?" and kayla would just sigh very loudly.
either way, when they eventually did find out, they were very supportive (in the teasing sibling way), but let's be real - leo and nico were like siblings to them for quite a long time! they spent a lot of time at apollo's house, and in a lot of ways, the dynamic between them as a household didn't really change - nico was still the same nico that they'd always known
as for apollo... god i'm so excited bc eventually i'll get to write his pov of their relationship, and i just imagine him... god, just so happy to see his son in love and happy. don't get him wrong, he's absolutely happy for aroace austin too, but there's something about seeing will get it right the first time, and have this little budding crush on his friend in middle school turn into a solid relationship throughout high school and knowing that one day that's gonna be his son in law and he already loves nico like a son - like that's seriously gonna hit so hard.
i think that at first, apollo's like "ah, a middle school crush. i can't wait to impart my breakup wisdom to my son"
and then, obviously, as time goes on, he thinks to himself that god, he really likes this kid. he actually really hopes that they don't end up breaking up... even though he's had such bad experiences with romance that it's kinda hard not to imagine it ending up that way, yk?
but then they do eventually get together, and apollo is ecstatic, but throughout that first year he's just kind of watching, observing, slowly taking note, trying to see if they really could be the one for each other when they had found each other in literally middle school
but i think that by the time their senior year comes around, and nico's father's death, and how they manage to get through all of that, he thinks that yeah, they're definitely it for each other. and that makes him more proud than any grade or college acceptance or grammy that they could've gotten
(have you noticed i love apollo and will and nico dynamic. bc i do. idk why but i just do. they're so. hsdflsdfljsd)
thank you for the ask!!
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
how has your day been? in as many words as possible pls
wow. aiming for the stars. bold since you know how much I love to talk but I’ll give the people what they want
my day was pretty good all things considered. the things we’re considering is that I worked 3-8 instead of 12-5 today and I don’t even have a show to watch with my family tonight. the bachelorette was crazy last night kallie you would have loved it.
anyways the play by play of my day was I woke up at 9:55 bc my friend has her radio show from 10-12 and I listen as often as I can. but it wasn’t even her on the radio it was some other bitch but I was already awake so I just stayed up even though I was up late last night reading fanfiction and texting bi guy jason and journaling. so I ate my breakfast which was an overripe mango which I ate peel and all over the kitchen sink and gas station potato wedges I got from work two days ago. it was fine. and I watched a youtube video on the barbie movie by a youtuber I’m subscribed to while I ate. but I was still tired and I had enough time to take a nap so I did and let me tell you the last fucking thing I wanted to do was get up but alas I did. and I was hungry so I had a struggle meal (so you could call every meal I have these days) it of an entire can of green beans. I heated them in the microwave ofc but honestly they were fucking delicious.
I left for work a little later than I wanted and that was stressing me out and I started listening to my playlist from last summer and I must have played that shit to death bc I skipped like a million songs before I got to one I could listen to. I got to work and I liked all my coworkers that were there which is a fucking miracle and my three favorite coworkers (the guy my age, the woman who got hired the day before me, and the manager who doesn’t give a shit how much work anybody’s doing and has been perpetuating the wheels vs doors debate for a week) were all there so I was content. even if all the customers were fucking cunts for some reason like idk what was in the air today but people were being such assholes but it was fine bc every time they walked away my coworkers and I would just talk shit about them. btw I didn’t like the woman who got hired the day before me at first but now me and her are like this 🤞 ily sandy. she’s so fucking real and every time I tell her that she’s so real she laughs bc she thinks it’s such a funny phrase. but she literally is I swear to god I would have lost it if I was the only new cashier. but apparently she got a way better training process then me bc she’s constantly like “nobody taught you how to do x or told you that you need to do y? that’s so weird” like yeah sandy it is weird. and both of us have the same irrational fear that every other one of our coworkers hates us but at least we like each other so it’s fine. bottom line I love sandy she’s my best friend and I hope when summer ends and I quit that she goes and finds a better job she deserves it. also both of us got soooooo excited when we saw the new halloween candy display like fuck yeah you know what time it is
all the coworkers were talking about arbys at work and I’ve never even gotten anything other than fries and I was starving and we have no food at home because my family sucks at grocery shopping so I went to arbys and got a french dip sandwich and some mozzarella sticks. the sky was beautiful on the drive home and when I got there my mom was sitting on the couch in the front room crocheting but I opted to be a hermit and eat in my room. I got some grease on my bedspread but it’s fine. I started the new garrett watts video bc I have to watch all of his videos it’s tradition. well it’s usually tradition to drink starbucks while I watch his videos. maybe instead of finishing it while I go through my drafts I’ll watch it tomorrow after work and get myself a lil drink as a treat. bc that tradition started back in 2020 when every thursday after my last online class instead of killing myself like I wanted to I would go and use my years and years of starbucks gift cards to buy myself a lil drink then go on a lil drive and go home and drink my drink while I watched the newest sweet boys (garrett watts and andrew siwicki) podcast episode while I embroidered. anyways after that greasy ass dinner I was feeling like collapsing and dying so I ate half a green bell pepper in the kitchen. and even though that was all like less than an hour and a half ago I’m really fucking hungry again. I literally don’t understand how I’m always so hungry. it’s pissing me off.
since then I’ve just been fucking around on my phone and I think I’m gonna write my diary entry of the day then take my shower (I have to wash my hair boo👎👎👎) then try and go to sleep I’m fucking exhausted. speaking of my diary thanks for asking me this bc I’m probably just gonna copy paste it instead of actually writing the diary entry for today. which I’m ideally gonna write in a week but I’m back to being two weeks behind on my diary again. I knew that was gonna happen with dani visiting and all but it still sucks. hopefully I can get my act together before school starts. thanks!
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
ship asks (gonna go stranger things w this one): steddie, elmax, and byler
I answered already for Steddie (a soft ship it), but as for these others...
Ship it
1) What made you ship it?
I love the idea of Max being one of the first people to expand Eleven's horizons and treat her normally/see beyond the fact that she has superpowers. The Material Girl Mall Scene is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show since it's just a good, fun time. Eleven's first taste of real freedom and fun. They also just compliment each other well since El's more softspoken whereas Max is more boistrous.
To be clear, I also hardcore ship Lumax, but Elmax just has something about it that makes me very happy.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
Again, the complimentary personalities and girls backing up girls. Also just... this. I don't know if this is just a normal thing, but I wouldn't get this cozy with my closest friends that I've known for fifteen plus years, let alone a few days.
Tumblr media
3) What's an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly I try to stay clear of ST shipping discussions so I don't know what's really a "popular" vs an "unpopular" opinion. Idk I'll just say that I think it's really close to or on the same level as Lumax (but again I loooove Lumax)
Byler (oh boy lol)
Ship It
(But I don't lose my mind over it)
1) What made you ship it?
I mean, in my opinion it's very obvious that there's tension there. Will absolutely has a crush on Mike but can't say it, and Mike, bless his heart, is too fucking oblivious to realize that or that his own feelings for Will seem to go far beyond that of his other friends. Also just like... I love Will and the poor kid deserves to have something he really wants, even if he's not really sure how to cope with it.
2) What are your favorite things about the ship?
The best friends dynamic is cute, it's an idea that makes Will happy, and I love how every time, without fail, my roommate and I see any blue-and-yellow object(s), we call it "The Byler [Object(s)]. So my bike is the Byler Bike since it's blue and yellow and we always tried to get a blue bowl and a yellow bowl at the dining hall (one had the blue, one had the yellow) so we could have Byler Bowls. Byler brings people together.
3) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think I'll get sniped for like... any semi critical Byler opinion bc half-offense (as opposed to full or no offense) some of y'all are fucking crazy, so I'll just say one since I probably have a couple. Mike Wheeler doesn't deserve Will Byers because he gets too swept up in Eleven to understand that his friend is going through shit, which isn't condusive for a healthy relationship.
I have a lot of opinions on Mike and his relationships with Will and Eleven in general and I want to make it clear that I don't hate Mike, or anything close. I think Mike's just not quite emotionally mature enough to handle relationships yet, especially ones with so many complexities as Will and Eleven. I have/had the same problem, so I'm not chastizing him, I'm saying I'm the same way and I see the signs.
Mike's too tunnel-visioned on Eleven to give proper attention to Will, and this can coexist with the fact that Mike's just not the right one for El since I think he's tunnel-visioned on her abnormalities of her rather than the normalcies that should be celebrated, which is where Mileven and Elmax differ for me. In my opinion, Eleven wants as close to a normal life as she can get after all the shit she's gone through, and I don't think Mike really seems to understand that.
I don't wanna do a whole analysis post because one, this is just an ask game; two, many people with more knowledge on the subject have done this before me; and three, this is not my circus, not my monkeys, Stranger Things ships aren't my expertise, the Creels and HNL are.
But tl;dr, neither Byler nor Mileven are currently viable because Mike needs more time to mature and develop before he himself can understand what he wants. The kid's a freshman in high school dealing with supernatural world ending threats every few months, I wouldn't be able to function normally either.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
4, 19 and 39 for weird writers ask 🫶
ty for sending this in friend!! <3
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
okay i know this is asking for specifics but here we have a category 5 "i've been asked to recall something so naturally my brain forgets everything its ever known" moment. soooo, i'm going to be pretty unspecific probably lol buuuut
any word that implies something tender is happening is my jaaaaam. i mean, tender itself is a word i love a lot. but yeah anything that implies something deeply vulnerable and intimate is so so good. i go coo coo for cocoa puffs about it.
i also fucking love space words - nebula, constellation, supernova, cosmic, celestial, anything to do with the stars, the moon, the sun. i eat that shit UP.
also same goes with words about water!!!
also shout out to my homies irrevocably (which i still associate with that one monologue from twilight but like it kind of went off using this words soooo sdflkds), petrichor (bc that's a fun word and i LOVE rain and the smell of rain so), and also freckles and dimples bc i fucking L O V E mentioning those in anything i write so they are favorites too <3
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
ooh so i started writing like officially the summer before my freshman year of college. i had been apart of fandom before that for a while and had definitely been reading fic for quite some time before, and i'd always sort of wanted to do some writing of my own, but i could never like fully commit to anything. which, in hindsight, i'm very glad i couldn't for that first fandom i was in lmfao. let's just say iykyk.
but then i watched skam and i totally and completely fell in love with that show, with that cast of characters, with the stories they were telling. and i wanted to add to it, i wanted to expand that universe, i wanted to put these characters in my own situations and shows how they'd respond! so i did! and i wrote and i wrote and i wrote. to this day it is still the fandom i have written the most fics for (tied with marvel also lmfao, and honestly stranger things is creeping up there, it's getting close and the brainrot has not died, not even close, so it just might pass it up. but the fact that it's stayed number one for like 6 years? crazy).
it absolutely helped that i found a server to join for fans of the show. that was literally the best thing ever. i made so many connections and so many dear friends and, aside from the brief bumps in the road that came with that server (lmaoo), it was such a good environment and it was SO creatively stimulating and SO motivating and SO inspirational. like i had so many people in my corner rooting me on to actually finish writing that first fic!! and i did!! and their support just kept coming and coming for everything after and that was SO integral to my success and my desire to keep writing. so yeah, shout out to skam international, yall were the real mvps and i wouldnt be where i am today if it werent for you all <3
where am i now and where am i going? well, right now im deeeeep in the st brainrot so im riding that wave as far as it will take me for as long as it will take me. and as for the future? i really have no idea! i have no clue what's going to sink it's claws into me next, but i'm excited to find out!
39. What keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
really truly it's my friends. whenever i'm feeling down in the dumps about my writing they're always so kind and so nice and so encouraging with me, they know exactly what to say. and a lot of them are writers or artists themselves too so like they understand the feeling too, which makes it easier to like talk about it with them and to take a step back from that ledge.
i also like to look at how much i've done already, and how much i have left that i want to tell and that kind of just helps to put things in perspective. like wow i've done so much, i've made it through so much to get to this point - no way can i give up now.
weird questions for writers
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chuluoyi · 10 months
Same.... I've never spent a single cent on games, so I only can grind.. And I'm failing badly... I've grinded like 1000 s-chips in 3 days and I still need 200+ before I can do a 10-pull... YEA they've come so far... Lukerosa is so the best ship in my opinion! I love Vyn and Rosa dynamics too... Like I didn't like Vyn at the start cause he's so sussy (Vyn girlies don't come after me please) but after seeing him and Rosa rely on each other so much I feel like Marius's and Artem's relationships with Rosa are just pretty normal (Again this is my opinion so don't come after me please 😭😭)
It's about $8 for me... And woahwoahh again?! Are you like in Japan rn? And I would advise you to save your money... BUT if you don't get a Gojo coaster then spend away! Anything for the husbands 💖
YEA like I had no idea... I thought people disliked Suguru so I went into Animate all happy and shit but I guess I was wrong... Cause where I'm from everyone hates Suguru I'm just that one crazy fangirl AHHAH- And I share your sentiments... I think I just dislike that group of Kenjaku homies... I'm not wrong tho??!? Volcano man has ONE eye and is BLUE SKINNED but he gets all that the girlies desire 🥲🥲
HUH VENTI TOO 😭😭😭 Okay I probably would've done that too if I HAD Venti... But I lost 50/50 to Qiqi in all of his banners... But FR Genshin is so... Money leeching.... I have so many friends who want to quit but can't cause they already spent so much...
AHAHAHAH RIGHT WRIO SUPREMACYYY!! And it's always the men ahhahah!! I started cause of Diluc and Ayato omg... I only stayed till Sumeru cause of Alhaitham.... yes, I agree... These men are probably too... too holy? Throughout Heaven and the Earth, they are the honoured ones... 🥲🥲
hehehe it's really nothing!! 😍😍
And 'once' ..? You sure about that babe...
Also NO I have not seen the newest ep... I stopped for like 4 weeks cause I knew Nanami's end was coming... But guess what I was spoiled on Instagram anyway... Nobara is so precious like tf she's just 16 Mahito leave her tf alone!! Yuji too! Like he already killed Nanami in front of him... And he had to bring Nobara there too... He's despicable like please stop 😭😭😭 Leave our babies alone!
P.s. Chu I really enjoy talking with you omg like you're probably the only writer on Tumblr that I've interacted so much with!! Love you!!!
HOW did you grind 1000 s chips in three days?!😭 disco anon i barely could grind 100 daily so how sskskks you must teach me😩
actually i agree with you!!🥹 in my personal opinion, it’s their chemistry due to the childhood friends trope that makes things already intimate between the two of them. ahh, i’m still not used to vyn i’m sorry🥲 partially bcs of the sus part HAHAHA
for me it’s luke - marius - artem - vyn 🥹 but i’m not saying vyn is bad! i actually love his birthday cards and the main story in the cruise ship! it’s just i’m not used to his calm persona HAHAHA marius is a big baby so he is dear to me and artem is the epitome of man every mother wants for their daughter so i go for him to delude myself into having the perfect man☺️
omg why?! suguru is so precious he didn’t deserve the ptsd imposed by the jujutsu world *sigh* VOLCANO MAN PLSSS😭😭😭😭 it’s so funny ahahahhaha
venti is not as useful ever since kazuha is released imo🥲 it’s just his burst skill is fun and you can fly. tbh i pulled for him just because he’s cute and anyway why do we pull for genshin men at all? not bcs of their usefulness, certainly. it’s just they’re so easy in our eyes😩😩🫶🏻
i agree!!🤧 like well everything is pricey, and the rate off possibility is just too much sometimes🥹
too holy lmao🥹🥹🥹 i think i’m logging in genshin again just to see my luck and primo… i honestly forget if i still have any left or not…
…sure. i’m totally sure. pls pray for me to be sure 💀
HAAHHHA there are many of my friends who haven’t even started the 2nd season at all bcs they already know what’s coming😭 but yes it’s so painful like nothing good comes in this season *sigh*
hshshsjjs i enjoy talking to you too disco anon!!🥹🫶🏻 thank you for stopping by omg i’m always happy to answer asks and i’m glad i’ve found kind friends in this hellsite because tbh i’m a bit spooked by several discourses i’ve seen in this fandom🥲 like pls i don’t ever want to be involved in any of that😭
love you too!!!✨
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blushinggray · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Wow thank you nonnie!! What a lovely chain to participate in, I love this 💞 my own personal faves change quite a lot as I continue to write more, but here are a couple recs that I’d love to share:
Thief (kita shinsuke/reader) 👹 — honestly still kinda consider this my magnum opus just bc of all the world building I put into it with the demon!au. Out of all of my one shots from this hq thread, I think I’m still most proud of this one the Hinata one is good too but ima keep it to one for this list
Watch Over Me (kirishima eijirou/reader) 🐺 — I cannot tell you how much fun I had writing this. All the emotional layering, tension, and the lowkey animosity of this fic was just such a good time for me. Despite the fact that I’m not the most proud of how I ended it with the last chapter, I still go back to reread this one sometimes (beware of sensitive themes tho)
Fall Into Place (midoriya izuku/reader) 💚 — smth I kinda like to go back to when I can’t fall asleep. I wrote this for a fic trade and went a little crazy with the wc. Def not my usual genre or character but I ended up so proud of it bc of all the emotional development and heart wrenching twists
Shot clock (bakugou katsuki/reader) 🏀 — originally just a drabble that was inspired by a fanart I saw of bball player baku, but ended up becoming so much fun. I love a lil high school clique drama/teen romance, and this is prob one of my fave kiss scenes I’ve ever written 😌💋 (tumblr post link if you don’t wanna jump over to ao3)
No Time to Hide (bakugou katsuki/reader) 👨‍👩‍👦 — if it wasn’t for the kita fic, I think this one would be runner up for magnum opus. I think it’s one of my more popular fics already so I didn’t originally wanna add it to this list but… idk it just has so many things I love in it; drama, tension, slow burn, reconnection, adorable children, and dilf!baku 😔✊ I do find myself thinking about it again every so often so I guess I have to add it to the list
Fics are always such a labor of love, so I’m so happy to get an opp to shine a spotlight on some of my personal faves. What /I/ love most in a story may not always translate over to what The People love, but I will always hype up my fic babies in hopes that others might give them a chance and enjoy them too 😊 thanks again, nonnie! 🌹
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berryunho · 2 years
honestly the best lore is when u make it random ass lore bits bc it gives joong vibes like... ur aware of all of it but everyone else struggles: torture LMAO
no bc i'd say the ult situation is relatable... but it's not... for me at least... i've always been kinda picky but also kinda instant?? LMAO IDKGJHFDSHJFDS i just. get to know the group ig and then there's usually one or two?? that i kinda gravitate towards and once i rly get to know the group i'm like oh. yeah it made sense. yeah ur mine now. DSJHSJHDSJ LIKE? (past bc i rly. only stan ateez. idk. idk how. don't ask) when i stanned bts i kinda knew them already but jungkook like stood out, n once i got to know them 'well' i was like yes this is it. also shinee's taemin, yes. but then we ARE quite similar bc i don't have many ults either! i've only ever ulted jungkook (less now), taemin (military pls give him back), wooyoung (this was difficult i rly did not want to give in) and now san too.. idk how it happened ajeshgjhdg
THERE IS SOMETHING I WANT TO KNOW HONESTLY AND IT IS ABOUT! COLLECTING bc u mentioned u bought a lot of merch during tour!!! so i'm assuming.. u collect yunho photocards too.. hehe.. do u.. i kinda want to start collecting woosan?? but at the same time i'm like, do i wanna go through that stress? not really.. but also i can just be a casual collector and make a wishlist n collect my wl woosan? (+joong?)?? BUT ALSO i have expensive taste so like. idk.
AND SO EXCITINGGG korea so soon and i'm SORRY i literally haven't started on that ppt but i promise u once i get my shit together i will bc i still really like the idea LMAO JUST DONT! K WORD SAN OFF BEFORE I GET THE PPT DONE PLS AND I PROMISE IM NOT STALLING JUST SO U LIKE. LE THIM LIVE. BUT IVE SEEN THAT OTHER ANON. AND NO. WE DO NOT WANT HONGJOONG TO KNOW. IT NEVER HAPPENED OK? OK? IT NEVERRRRRR HAPPENED. yk what. maybe joong would want to join. he's a cult freak for a reason. BYE ANYWA YHE CANT KNW BYEEEE
-san anon ily mwah
good morning (not for u probably yikes timezones) it is i san anon and i have not a lot to say BUT!!! I WOKE UP LIKE 30 MINUTES AGO AND THE FIRST THING I SAW WHEN I OPENED MY PHONE WAS THIS WHAT THE FUUUUCK AAAA idk if i’m barking or crying or both at this point HE’S SO! SO! SO CUUUUTE so baby i miss him ew
HIIII !!!!
PLESAJKLSEJKSJ youre so right like sometimes i forget that im the one writing and like ... what i say goes ... i have Power Over the Narrative ... crazy KJLKFJSDKFJ
but yeah lol i get it there are many ways that people come to bias their biases and i feel like your way makes a lot more sense LKJAFLKDJS but oh em gee i would also say that ateez is really the only group i stan ... like i have quite a few groups i listen to or groups where i know the members but like ...... idk i just do nawt care about any other groups like i care about ateez ALKJDFLKSJDF but no fr bring taemin back
AND COLLECTING !!! YES I DO !!!! i collect all of yunho's kr album pcs and then just fansign benefits/pobs that i really like hehe i only started in ??? january 2022 ??? so i dont have a complete collection yet lol but im not too .... stressed about it i guess ?? i definitely think that being casual about it is the way to go lol otherwise its just a lot of work and doesnt seem like it would be fun !
litcherally .... korea NOW ... sitting in my dorm in seoul as i type this im FIGHTINGGGG jetlag like i want to sleep so bad but its only 6:30pm KLJA;DLKFJSDLKFJ but omg so far everything has been so good and its just like ..... SURREAL LIKE WHAT . IM IN KOREA . HUH . but KJAFJSDLFKJ DW ABOUT THE PPT ! PLEASKEJALFKS lowkey i have hella writers block rn and havent been writing so .... as long as that keeps up he's DEFINITELY safe LKJDKLFJASD BUT ALKJDFKAJDF HONGJOOJGAJKNAGN yeah . anyways .
when you sent that second ask i actually WAS awake i think it was like 4am ??? and i had just gotten through airport security to start my journey to kr and anyways ! it was a good morning thank you and KALJDFSAKSDFJS GOD SO VALIDAJKSDLFJ PLEASE OBSESSED W THE EW AT THE END BC I FEEL THAT ALWAYSSSS WHEN I CATCH MYSELF SMILING TOO HARD OVER KPOP BOYSKLFJLS but anyways its valid to miss them im litcherally counting down the mf days until theyre in kr and have a schedule i need to lay my eyes upon them immediately .
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daisyvstheworld · 2 years
Day 10 - Jan 10 - Prague
I slept super well the first like 5 hours after drinking all that beer but started waking up again throughout the night - forced myself to get up at 8:15ish bc I wanted to get to the Prague Castle before the buildings opened at 9AM. It was a bit off a rush, but I got up, finally decided to wear my paper boy hat, and started walking to Old Town Square. I found a random coffee shop near the university and ordered ma espresso and this housemade pastry with plum jam - that shit was so good. It was like a mini danish. After that, I started walking to the castle and the route was quite confusing not gonna lie. Because it was so early, there weren’t many people heading a certain way that I could follow. But eventually, I found the stairs and began the hike up to the palace. When I got to the top of the million stairs, there was this group of Japanese film crew taking photos or filming the view from the top. It was kinda cool. I tried taking selfies with my camera and failed. I think they laughed at me 🫠
Anyways; went in the castle and honestly it was pretty confusing.. like everything (the audio guide was $15, the extra exhibits were additional) cost hella extra and the exhibits we did have access to included in the $10 ticket were mid. the golden lane was cool but then I found out it’s free after 5pm everyday!! I guess the campus is large but you don’t need a ticket to wander the campus sigh. So I did that and then walked around the surrounding area. Looked at souvenirs and visited the Lennon Wall until Porks opened so I could order the Prague dish of pork knuckle.
Bruh. This pork knuckle was giGANTIC. It came with sauerkraut and mustard. I ate all the sauerkraut and like 1/8 of the knuckle. Pork in general doesn’t sit too well in my stomach and now I was eating crispy fried skin, fat, and red meat. It was good! But way too much. There were two Chinese girls also dining alone next to me and they both devoured their knuckles, I was so impressed. I took like 75% of it to go.
After eating, I had the energy to hike back up to Petrin Hill and tower. It was a nice park with gorgeous views of the city. I ate my gummies while listening to Call Me Daddy lmao
After that, stopped by the Dancing House and went back to the hostel. I was preeeettty freaking tired at this point. I had walked 13.3 miles already 😂
But then a girl Nova from the Hostelworld chat added me on IG and messaged me asking if I wanted to meet up for a drink! And I was like I need social interaction after like a week so I mustered up the energy and she came to my hostel to meet me before we went to this vegan restaurant for drinks. I got this massive drink called Spicy Mama and it was yummy but strooong. She was super nice!! Super easy to talk to and we had a lot in common. Shes from Norway but loves Berlin, which is where she had just come from, and was moving to Australia for a semester to study later this month. Side note - there was this boy or maybe masc female that was wearing the exact same outfit as me, just slightly more masc and I felt weird lol. Anyways, that placed closed after not too long so we walked back up Wenceslas Square to Old Town to look for a place but after wandering around for a while and not finding anything that wasn’t only occupied by large groups of men, we found a place called Crazy Daisy. It was this cute underground mixology bar that had super Gatsby vibes. We were seated on the side with a bunch of men but turns out they were altogether and had more people coming so they asked us to move and paid for our drinks in exchange. We were like ya ofc that’s fine haha so we moved to the other side and ordered these deliciousss drinks. Even this place that is considered more expensive was like maybe $10-12 per drink. I loved it.
On our way out, I smiled at our waiter and he smiled back so I thought it was coo, but this other guy followed us out and was like “um ur not going to pay?” And we explained and he was like mm the other servers didn’t know that. So we followed him back in and turns out he was wrong, shocker. So we did our little walk of shame back out. At the end of the day, still got free drinks 😊
Also side note - homeless people are so interesting in Prague. Beggars will beg by kneeling on the ground with their head down and hands up as if they’re praying for forgiveness. They have a hat or something in front of their hands that people throw money into. They just kneel there for hours. It’s so dehumanizing… but I guess most begging feels that way..
0 notes