#like they're really talking to someone in their contacts
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confused-theist · 4 months ago
what story are you planning 👁️👁️
girl help how does one balance school studies, social life, creative projects and religious practices
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remyfire · 3 months ago
I work with somebody about once a week who is so fascinating to me, especially when they are at our first desk. When someone walks in, they do not so much as smile or look at them, much less greet them. When someone leaves, they don't do anything either. If someone says, "Thank you," they say, "Sure," and if someone says, "Have a good one," they say, "Sure."
Listen. I don't know if it's because I was born and raised in the South for over three decades or because I was the front-facing customer-service-driven person at my previous jobs for a grand total of eight years. But I wince and get a little flappy anxious every time. What do you mean, you're not greeting people warmly so they're smiling as soon as they come through the door? What do you mean, you don't thank them for coming, wish them a good day, and bid them farewell? What do you mean, you just don't interact with the public unless forced, even in our front-facing job?
I think the amiable Southern politeness is just too engrained in me. There is no getting rid of it. And I'm kind of hoping that eventually I can work my way up to having more shifts at our first desk instead of our second because it's a lot weirder to gently greet someone from a distance when the employee closest to them is not paying them a single bit of mind.
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campingwiththecharmings · 1 year ago
one thing i hate about online friendships is the lack of closure you have when someone leaves.
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halfdeadwallfly · 1 year ago
ok i'm just wondering, is eye contact like a real thing? is it actually expected and normal for people to look into people's eyes as they talk? just like on the everyday?? because i honestly can't fathom...like every time i talk to someone i don't know where to look, and if i try to make eye contact, it only lasts for a couple seconds and then i have to keep looking around elsewhere. do people ever actually feel comfortable making eye contact in everyday situations?
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smolskye · 2 years ago
they are sooo neurodivergent <3
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valiantwolf · 1 month ago
not to be dramatic but i'm big annoyed i can't actually edit my layout or pages, but i also absolutely do not want to have to go find and edit an entirely new layout just to make things work again
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neverendingford · 6 months ago
#tag talk#when I'm burnt out I catch myself on the edge of like.. wildly violating normal physical boundaries#was closing at work last night and several times I had to stop myself from sneaking up behind coworkers and breathing on their necks#or like. idk. other stuff like impulsive hugging or even one time I had to stop myself from cupping my coworker's chin#because like. that's friendly casual interaction that is fine with very specific friends#but not great to do to coworkers who barely know you#and that recognition of physical boundaries is something I've had to work so hard on recognizing and learning to respect.#cause it's so easy to view people at objects to mess with. like. it's really fun to sneak up on people and scare them. but it's mean.#really fun to watch people spaz out when they feel someone breathing on the back of their neck. but that's not respecting them as people.#and I lose that learned respect for others boundaries when I'm really burnt out because it's an effort I have to make#I do wish physical contact was more normalized. cultures that focus on independence tend to slip into isolation instead#but instead I have to constantly enforce this barrier between my instincts and my actions#and if I let that barrier slip for even a moment I suddenly get seen as the fucking weird guy who caressed your ear that one time#this is why I try my best to be openly weird. it means my quirks get looked upon fondly and not with hostility.#if I'm always weird I can't get judged for it unless someone decides to dislike me entirely#but anyone who likes me is forced to accept all the miscellaneous quirks because they're presented as who I am
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ms-demeanor · 5 months ago
Sometimes college professors like to hop on my posts lamenting the sorry state of syllabi these days and joke about how they haven't thought that far ahead in the course themselves, or talk about how they struggle to complete a schedule for their students.
With all due respect, that's your job. If you can't do your job, you should have a different job. If you need help, ask your colleagues or your department chair or *someone* because I know that professors aren't given a hell of a lot of education on how to educate, so you probably *need* help.
But every single time I make one of those posts I get anywhere from ten to thirty messages, replies, reblogs, and asks say "oh man, that's exactly why I had to drop out of school; I couldn't keep up with the assignments because I didn't know when they were due until the week they were due."
I have been a college student in three separate decades, and "not having a schedule of assignments in the syllabus" is new to my experience. That shit didn't fly in the 2000s or 2010s and I think it likely has to do with professors being overly reliant on apps.
AT A MINIMUM your syllabus should have:
Contact information (including preferred method of contact) for the professor
Office Hours
Grading Policy
Assignment schedule.
Your assignment schedule doesn't necessarily need to have the exact page numbers of every reading or a full assignment sheet for each project, but it should have things like:
December 1st - Major Project 3 second draft due December 9th - Quiz 10 December 12th - Major Project 3 final draft due December 15th - Final Exam
If you end up presenting a more thorough schedule with readings and homework later, that is acceptable to present a week or two into the semester but it is absolutely insane to me that students these days don't know what homework they're going to have to get done over Thanksgiving break during the first couple weeks of class.
If I had three professors at once who didn't give me a schedule, how on earth would I know if I was going to have to read three chapters of a novel, take a midterm and turn in two stats homework assignments, and complete a history research paper the same week that I'm planning to travel to see family? If I'm aware of this from the beginning of the semester I can make sure not to pick up extra shifts, or I can plan to leave a day later to accommodate the midterm, or I can start working on the paper early to complete it before the due date but if I don't know what's going to be due when, I'm going to have a big problem.
If you don't give your students a schedule you are communicating that you don't care about their schedule, and that you think it's their responsibility to contort their life (and their job, and their other classes) around your class, and honestly my advice to students in that situation is "drop in the first week and pick up another class". That's actually part of why I recommend signing up for one more class than you can really manage - if you get a professor whose class looks like it's going to be a disaster because they don't have a schedule, you can bail before the withdrawal period and get a refund for the class.
I'm only in one class this semester but the professor's response has fully dropped me into "Fuck it, I guess I'll fail" mode and I don't even know if I can pull myself out of my current D grade because I don't know how many assignments we have left in the semester.
This is a shitty way to run a class. If you can't do better than this, you shouldn't be running a class.
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why-animals-do-the-thing · 7 months ago
average United States contains 1000s of pet tigers in backyards" factoid actualy [sic] just statistical error. average person has 0 tigers on property. Activist Georg, who lives the U.S. Capitol & makes up over 10,000 each day, has purposefully been spreading disinformation adn [sic] should not have been counted
I have a big mad today, folks. It's a really frustrating one, because years worth of work has been validated... but the reason for that fucking sucks.
For almost a decade, I've been trying to fact-check the claim that there "are 10,000 to 20,000 pet tigers/big cats in backyards in the United States." I talked to zoo, sanctuary, and private cat people; I looked at legislation, regulation, attack/death/escape incident rates; I read everything I could get my hands on. None of it made sense. None of it lined up. I couldn't find data supporting anything like the population of pet cats being alleged to exist. Some of you might remember the series I published on those findings from 2018 or so under the hashtag #CrouchingTigerHiddenData. I've continued to work on it in the six years since, including publishing a peer reviewed study that counted all the non-pet big cats in the US (because even though they're regulated, apparently nobody bothered to keep track of those either).
I spent years of my life obsessing over that statistic because it was being used to push for new federal legislation that, while well intentioned, contained language that would, and has, created real problems for ethical facilities that have big cats. I wrote a comprehensive - 35 page! - analysis of the issues with the then-current version of the Big Cat Public Safety Act in 2020. When the bill was first introduced to Congress in 2013, a lot of groups promoted it by fear mongering: there's so many pet tigers! they could be hidden around every corner! they could escape and attack you! they could come out of nowhere and eat your children!! Tiger King exposed the masses to the idea of "thousands of abused backyard big cats": as a result the messaging around the bill shifted to being welfare-focused, and the law passed in 2022.
The Big Cat Public Safety Act created a registry, and anyone who owned a private cat and wanted to keep it had to join. If they did, they could keep the animal until it passed, as long as they followed certain strictures (no getting more, no public contact, etc). Don’t register and get caught? Cat is seized and major punishment for you. Registering is therefore highly incentivized. That registry closed in June of 2023, and you can now get that registration data via a Freedom of Information Act request.
Guess how many pet big cats were registered in the whole country?
Not tens of thousands. Not thousands. Not even triple digits. 97.
And that isn't even the right number! Ten USDA licensed facilities registered erroneously. That accounts for 55 of 97 animals. Which leaves us with 42 pet big cats, of all species, in the entire country.
Now, I know that not everyone may have registered. There's probably someone living deep in the woods somewhere with their illegal pet cougar, and there's been at least one random person in Texas arrested for trying to sell a cub since the law passed. But - and here's the big thing - even if there are ten times as many hidden cats than people who registered them - that's nowhere near ten thousand animals. Obviously, I had some questions.
Guess what? Turns out, this is because it was never real. That huge number never had data behind it, wasn't likely to be accurate, and the advocacy groups using that statistic to fearmonger and drive their agenda knew it... and didn't see a problem with that.
Allow me to introduce you to an article published last week.
This article is good. (Full disclose, I'm quoted in it). It's comprehensive and fairly written, and they did their due diligence reporting and fact-checking the piece. They talked to a lot of people on all sides of the story.
But thing that really gets me?
Multiple representatives from major advocacy organizations who worked on the Big Cat Publix Safety Act told the reporter that they knew the statistics they were quoting weren't real. And that they don't care. The end justifies the means, the good guys won over the bad guys, that's just how lobbying works after all. They're so blase about it, it makes my stomach hurt. Let me pull some excerpts from the quotes.
"Whatever the true number, nearly everyone in the debate acknowledges a disparity between the actual census and the figures cited by lawmakers. “The 20,000 number is not real,” said Bill Nimmo, founder of Tigers in America. (...) For his part, Nimmo at Tigers in America sees the exaggerated figure as part of the political process. Prior to the passage of the bill, he said, businesses that exhibited and bred big cats juiced the numbers, too. (...) “I’m not justifying the hyperbolic 20,000,” Nimmo said. “In the world of comparing hyperbole, the good guys won this one.”
"Michelle Sinnott, director and counsel for captive animal law enforcement at the PETA Foundation, emphasized that the law accomplished what it was set out to do. (...) Specific numbers are not what really matter, she said: “Whether there’s one big cat in a private home or whether there’s 10,000 big cats in a private home, the underlying problem of industry is still there.”"
I have no problem with a law ending the private ownership of big cats, and with ending cub petting practices. What I do have a problem with is that these organizations purposefully spread disinformation for years in order to push for it. By their own admission, they repeatedly and intentionally promoted false statistics within Congress. For a decade.
No wonder it never made sense. No wonder no matter where I looked, I couldn't figure out how any of these groups got those numbers, why there was never any data to back any of the claims up, why everything I learned seemed to actively contradict it. It was never real. These people decided the truth didn't matter. They knew they had no proof, couldn't verify their shocking numbers... and they decided that was fine, if it achieved the end they wanted.
So members of the public - probably like you, reading this - and legislators who care about big cats and want to see legislation exist to protect them? They got played, got fed false information through a TV show designed to tug at heartstrings, and it got a law through Congress that's causing real problems for ethical captive big cat management. The 20,000 pet cat number was too sexy - too much of a crisis - for anyone to want to look past it and check that the language of the law wouldn't mess things up up for good zoos and sanctuaries. Whoops! At least the "bad guys" lost, right? (The problems are covered somewhat in the article linked, and I'll go into more details in a future post. You can also read my analysis from 2020, linked up top.)
Now, I know. Something something something facts don't matter this much in our post-truth era, stop caring so much, that's just how politics work, etc. I’m sorry, but no. Absolutely not.
Laws that will impact the welfare of living animals must be crafted carefully, thoughtfully, and precisely in order to ensure they achieve their goals without accidental negative impacts. We have a duty of care to ensure that. And in this case, the law also impacts reservoir populations for critically endangered species! We can't get those back if we mess them up. So maybe, just maybe, if legislators hadn't been so focused on all those alleged pet cats, the bill could have been written narrowly and precisely.
But the minutiae of regulatory impacts aren't sexy, and tiger abuse and TV shows about terrible people are. We all got misled, and now we're here, and the animals in good facilities are already paying for it.
I don't have a conclusion. I'm just mad. The public deserves to know the truth about animal legislation they're voting for, and I hope we all call on our legislators in the future to be far more critical of the data they get fed.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
sometimes characters will say something that just completely throws me for a loop
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morningmask27 · 1 year ago
guys, I have a feeling I might be in love...
#morningtalks#FUCK#but it's weird I don't really know how the feelings go.#I know I have strong feelings for this girl. we met this week for a summer course of Greek and she was so fun. we walked back to the train#station a few times together and she's so cool. it also definitely helped that we had to go to the same place but yeah. she's cool and fun#and I want to be her friend. I want to spend time with her and share wonderful moments alongside her. I want to help her learn her Greek#I want to be able to just randomly send her a message and laugh for no reason. I want to just be able to be with her even if we don't talk#I want to spend time with her. to get to know her better and because she's so wonderful. i know I have those feelings and that they're stro#but I don't know if i'd want romantic things with it. I want to be her friend. I really do. but if it became romantic maybe i'd feel comfy#or maybe not and that's kinda the thing that makes it slightly hard to tell the difference.#my feelings are so strong and they are the same as when i'm romantically in love with someone. it's exactly the same feelings#but I don't think i'd want this to become romantic now#the course ended today so we're not going to see each other anymore bu i'll try to stay in contact with her#because I feel like she'd be worth the effort to have in my life. She does truly seem like a fun person.#maybe I could ask er once if she's up to meet somewhere. i'll probably be the one taking the train to spare her the effort for once#but yeah. we'll see#what's sure is that I Definitely have feelings for her
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fairyhaos · 4 months ago
the small romantic gestures that seventeen would be
this has been in my head since april so it's really nice to finally!!!! be able to get it out :>
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maintaining eye contact as you talk. it's such a devastatingly lovely action and it shows how attentive he is of you, all the time, even if you're just telling him some silly story about something that happened at work. he pays attention to you, always, because he cares. he'll smile at you, looking you in the eye and silently encouraging you to continue talking even if the rest of the group isn't quite interested anymore, because he still is, because it's you, and he's always interested in what you have to say. 
sincerely complimenting your outfits. you quite like fashion. he likes being stylish, but he wouldn't exactly call himself the biggest fashionista, and you know this and are totally fine with that. but sometimes he'll look over at what you've decided to wear on your date, do a double take and very genuinely tell you what he likes about it. he tells you you're pretty every day, sure, but the fact he takes the time to notice your clothes even though he doesn't really care about that kind of thing? you feel touched that he's paying attention to something that you care about, too. 
holding doors open for you. he’s a gentleman, and also a little shit, and holding doors for you is the perfect way to be both. it's sweet, and helps you carry on your conversations without a hitch, and earns him a warm smile as you enter through the cafe doors he's held open for you. but he also holds the door when you're several metres away, just grinning as you glare and do that awkward hop-run towards him so he won't be standing there by the door for ages. nevertheless, the action is often mindless, natural, showing how much he always goes out of his way to help you, even with the little things. 
sends you pics and is like “this is us!!!!”. it's not ur typical romantic gesture thing, but it also shows how he just thinks about you, always. whenever he goes out anywhere you can bet he'll take a photo of two cats or two leaves or, one time, two cigarette butts on the floor and tell u how they look just like you two <33 even if you can't see any sort of correlation whatsoever, it warms your heart and you find yourself looking forward to the silly little pictures that junhui sends you. you have a whole album in your phone dedicated to them, in fact. he cries when he finds out. 
giving you flowers. not the plastic-wrapped, fancily arranged flowers. just… flowers he finds. a pretty violet in the park that made him think of you. a sunflower from the girl selling flowers in front of her house because they're cute and he thinks you're cute too. sometimes the flowers are growing in someone's garden so he sends you photos of them, because flowers are pretty and it only seems right to send pretty things to the prettiest person he knows. and it feels more heartfelt to send you these ones, the real ones, rather than the perfectly picked flowers in the shop. because that's what you are. beautiful and real.
he becomes talkative when he's with you. this isn't rlly a gesture (most of these aren't tbh) but he just. he just talks so much when he's talking to you. wonwoo is quite introverted, and even with the others, he'll probably talk the least, but when it comes to you, it's like the words just flow out of him. you make him feel comfortable. he wants to tell you everything, to share every detail of his life with you, because there's just something about you that makes him feel lighter, softer, more relaxed. there are few who know wonwoo better than he knows himself, but he's more than happy with the fact that you're one of them.
smiling whenever he sees you. every time your eyes meet, every single damn time, the corners of his lips will twitch upwards and his eyes will crinkle just that little bit. most of the time, it's unintentional, and it makes you feel giddy to know you have such an unconscious effect on him. sometimes, he'll smile for your sake even when he's exhausted out of his mind, and that touches your heart, because he cares enough to put on a smile for you, to try and comfort you, to show you that he loves you even when he's like this. 
remembering small things about you. you swear that minghao probably had some secret file full of information about you, because you really don't know how he does it. you'll offhandedly mention something about your niche food preferences one time, but he'll remember it and randomly bring it up when you're out at dinner three months later. it's like some sort of magic, but when you comment on it, minghao just shrugs with a smile. of course he remembers these things about you. who do you think he is? 
sending “goodnight” and “good morning” texts. every. single. day. it's so devastatingly sweet of him, and he always wakes up a little earlier than you, so you get to start each day with a brief, adorable morning update from your boyfriend. they're sometimes the only things that get you out of bed, and at night, you know you're guaranteed one last conversation with the love of your life before you go to sleep, and nothing is more comforting than going to bed whilst imagining mingyu murmuring a warm “goodnight” into your ears
holding hands. the action itself could be romantic enough, but he always has a specific intention, a specific reason that causes him to hold your hand. you never know how he knows, but when you're particularly stressed or overwhelmingly exhausted or simply feeling like you're at your limit, his hand finds yours, fingers interlacing, his touch warm and safe and grounding. it's like he always knows, like he's aware that he's your lifeline, that he's the one thing you need in order to keep sane. he holds your hand, and that small action speaks louder than any “i love you” he's ever said. 
“so, tell me how your day went?”. he's a yapper, he won't deny it, and firmly tells you that it's because gossip just loves him so he kind of Has to talk about stuff, Always. there's always something or other going on in his life at any given point and if he can, he'll 100% tell you every single detail. nevertheless, he's still aware that he can sometimes talk a little too much, so after a bit, he'll always settle down and turn the topic to you. regardless of how busy he is, he'll always find time to talk about you and what you've been up to, no matter what. 
tucking your hair out of your face. it's habitual, and he won't even bat an eye as he lifts a finger to brush a strand of hair away before it can get caught on your lips or fly into your eyes. it's sweet, but also a little unusual, so you ask him about it one day, as he's tucking loose curls behind your ear. and he says it's simply because he likes watching you talk, likes looking at your face as your eyes shine and you chatter animatedly, and he didn't want your hair getting in the way. he likes looking at you, he says. so he tucks your hair out of your face. 
he's always planning “surprise dates”. it's so cute bc you always know when they're coming, because he's grinning ridiculously wide and looking so!! adorably!! pleased with himself before he asks you out but it's just so endearing that you always smile and laugh as you say yes. the fact that he never gets tired of planning things for you, for arranging days where he does things specifically for you and takes you out to do things that he thinks you will love… it shows how much he loves you, even without him having to say the words. 
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @suraandsugar @pan-de-seungcheol @dokyeomkyeom @melodicrabbit @bananabubble
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meidiary · 6 months ago
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synopsis : ur wbk favs get a little too annoyed because of the bold guy next to you
starring : sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, kiryu mitsuki & kaji ren
mei's note : eeehhh!! first time writing for wb.. i absolutely adore all the wb content on here && I wanted to contribute a bit- so that's what brings us here.. hope you enjoy! this layout was inspired by the lovely @stunie & @kaiser1ns ♡
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nicknames / f!reader
"baby~ need me to put some sunscreen on your back?" you grab the sunscreen spray and get up on your knees. you giggle as you see a faint blush on your boyfriend's face. "don't need any sunscreen," sakura mumbles, avoiding any eye contact with you.
you wrap your arms around his neck from the back, leaning down before brushing his ear with your lips. "nuh-uh, you do need it.."
"close your eyes, okay?"
he grumbles a bit before obliging and allowing himself to melt in your embrace.
the first spray was cold, albeit the warm weather, it still gave sakura the chills. but he forgets about the cold sensation once he feels your soft hands, massaging the sunscreen onto his skin. your fingers slowly gliding from his shoulders to his upper back.
sakura almost missed the cold feeling of the second spray because he was too focused on how warm your hands felt om him. your hands gently making their way to his lower back.
then the third spray- your fingers suddenly stop moving. his eyes jump open, his eyebrows are up in confusion, where did the warn sensation of your touch go? he looks to the back to see you waving to a group of people on the other side of the beach.
"haru', i'm gonna go say hello to some old friends! give me a minute or two, and I'll be back, yeah?" you tell him all giddy before heading to your old friend group.
a huff leaves sakura's lips, just a tad bit annoyed some randoms stole your attention. he meticulously follows you with his eyes as you make your way to the group. sakura internally scolds himself for not telling you to wear something on top of your little two piece bikini. don't get him wrong! he thinks you look gorgeous, stunning even! but now he has to restrain himself from going over there and punching the guy who's been undressing you with his eyes the second you greeted the group.
his teeth are clenched, the veins in his neck are popped while he struggles to stay put and not make a scene. sakura knows you don't like it when he starts a fight, that's why he's using up all the patience he has to prevent himself from beating the guy. if it were up to him, he would've started a fight the moment that weirdo started smiling at you like that! who does he think he is? does he really think he stands a chance with someone like you? funny.
sakura doesn't even know what you see in him, but there's absolutely no way he's going to stand by while some sicko is flirting with his girlfriend!
as if on cue, you bump into sakura the moment he started agigatedly stomping your direction. "eh? you miss me already?" a giggle leaves your mouth as you wrap your arms around your boyfriend's neck. "I didn't know you needed me around so badly!" another silly joke of yours flew right past sakura, his attention still being at your former friend group.
"hey..! what're you looking at?" your head spins to the same direction sakura's looking at before you notice he's glaring at your old friend. after a while the realization hit; your tsundere boyfriend was jealous! ah, lovely, another thing to tease him about!
"baby~ are you jealous I was talking to him?" you laugh, turning his head to face you.
"w-what?! of course not! w-what are you on, you weirdo!" he stumbles backward a bit before gaining his balance again, your arms now detached from his neck. sakura continues to mumble, "he- he should just stop lookin' at you like that.." your raise your eyebrows as you see a blush creeps up on his face.
you bite the inside of your lip, trying your hardest to keep yourself from smiling. "like what haru'? hm?"
"you know what I mean."
you reconnect your hands with his neck, tilting your head to the side. "no~ I don't!"
"[ ♡ ]!" your first name rolls off of his tongue so smoothly, reminding him not everyone can call you that. not everyone could stand as close to you as he is standing right now. not everyone could feel your hot breath on their skin as your fingertips slowly caress their neck. and even if they could, he wouldn't let them. you're his and his only.
"like you're his girlfriend, cause you're not! he should know his damn place.." sakura sighs before hiding his face in the crook of your neck, hesitantly wrapping his arms around your waist. "y-you're mine. just- just don't forget that.."
you gulp as you stand in the middle of the beach, completely enveloped by your boyfriend, not able to move an inch because of the way he's holding you. you receive glances from passers-by but you don't care enough right now. he called you his, it felt as though you could've squealed when he uttered those 3 words.
but truth be told, you are most definitely his, and his only.
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if you squint your eyes -> a bitttt of yandere!suo at the end / nicknames / reader wears dresses !
"but- it looked so cute!" you protest, your eyebrows furrowed as you look at your boyfriend rolling his eyes playfully.
"hey now, I thought i already told you that it definitely carries like atleast 10 diseases," suo glances at you, noticing your lips were still pouted, "look, if you had touched it, you'd probably have ended up in a hospital, we don't want that now, do we pretty?" suo lets out a chuckle.
you slightly shake your head before intertwining your fingers with his.
he lets out a quiet sigh before admitting, "it did look cute, though.." you giggle at your boyfriend's statement, your giggles mixing with his chuckle.
suddenly, you hear a small thud, which makes you swiftly turn your head to the side at the sound of something falling.
"ah! su', gimme a minute, stay here with the bags please!" you let go of his hand as you make your way to the guy who had dropped some boxes. you get down and start helping him put the items back in the boxes. "h-hey, thanks for helping out!" the guy spills out before he continues grabbing his stuff, his hand accidentally touching yours as you both go to grab the water bottle. awkwardly laughing it off, you two finish up refilling the box.
little do you know on the other side of the street suo drops the shopping bags he was holding for you, he doesn't care less what could happen to those pretty pink bags filled with cute dresses you tried on earlier in the shops, which you decided were essential additions to your already filled to the brim closet. if the bags would end up stolen, suo would buy you new ones anyway. so they weren't that important right now.
not when some guy was gushing at his girlfriend. not when that same stranger had touched your hand, which only he was allowed to do. and oh, definitely not when he had the courage to shove his phone in your pretty hands, waiting for you to put your number in.
"[ ♡ ]," suo calls out your name as he reaches you. "we should go, sweetheart, we told the others we'd be at kotoha's in 10," he forces a smile before taking the guy's phone out of your hand and pointing it towards him. "yours?" cold, that was the only way to describe your boyfriend, whose smile had disappeared into thin air, tone.
the guy who you were so innocently helping earlier, started awkwardly thanking the both of you before hastily making his way to his car.
"ah, su'! my bags!" you sprint to the shopping bags on the other side of the street, worriedly checking if all the items were still inside. "everything's still inside?" your boyfriend's smile was showing again.
you nod as he grabs the bags in one hand and locks his other hand with yours. this time with a tighter grip, the last thing he'll allow is for you to stray from him again.
"stay close to me now, alright pretty? don't let go of my hand."
and you could've sworn you saw him clench his jaw before relaxing it and sending you his signature smile again. "love you."
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no warnings, just nirei being adorable
how did nirei even get himself into this situation? no, but really, how? it was a perfect day; sunny weather with clouds nowhere in sight, nirei was hanging out with the people he loved being around, his friends, and of course, you! yet somehow, he finds himself in the bookstore, ignoring his friends' stories.
he isn't purposely ignoring them! it's just hard to listen to them when his, his girlfriend is being hit on by the employee.
you were talking him about how badly you wanted to read this book. it was of a psychological genre, and when you explained the story premise to your boyfriend, he got totally spooked by it! but when you two and your friends got to the store, you couldn't find it at all..
you were searching for an employee to help you find it as your earlier attempt with nirei and the others weren't really successful.
but, oh, the regret nirei's feeling right now about letting you go off on your own to find someone to help is absolutely tearing him apart! he doesn't want to seem like the possessive type by waltzing over there and snaking an arm around you, but he can't stand witnessing one more second of that guy flirting with you!
"hmm, what're you gonna do now, huh nirei?" suo teases the blond, elbowing kiryu to witness nirei's predicament.
"hah? you gonna let 'em take your girl, eh nirei?" kiryu chuckles, playfully pushing his shoulder.
nirei shakes his head before sending yet another glare at the employee. he was an older man, way too old to even think about flirting with you. what's worse is that you were completely oblivious to the situation, you probably just thought he was being friendly!
that's it. with that thought flowing in nirei's brain he makes his way to you.
"h-hey! you find the book yet, sweetheart?"
nirei usually sticks to calling you by your name or nickname, occasionally even calling you baby. but never had he called you sweetheart before. so that was what caught your attention.
"yes, darling, I have!" you giggle as you decide to play along this game of his, oblivious to the way your boyfriend's staring at the older man, waiting for him to get the hint and back off.
"well.. I'll be going then.." the employee abruptly leaves, after rolling his eyes at you two.
nirei's knot in his stomach finally seems to loosen as he intertwines his fingers with yours. "glad you found it," your blond boyfriend sends you a cheeky smile.
"thank you, sweetheart!"
"SWEETHEART?!" tsugeura yells out, fake-fainting into kiryu's arms. the pink-haired individual struggling with keeping tsugeura on his feet. "y-yo, you're 'bout to make me trip!"
suo smiles widely, one of his hands on nirei's shoulder. "my, my, you've progressed a lot in the past 5 minutes, haven't you? you even got sakura blushing like crazy.."
"hey shut up!" sakura hides his face behind the book he was holding, pretending he was checking it out. mind you, it was upside down..
oh my, nirei is going to be teased about this for the rest of the year. but honestly, he'd do it all again to see your pretty smile again. your laughing mixing in with all the ruckus the guys are making brings another genuine smile to nirei's face.
this was his happy place, right here with you.
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(just look at him omg... i-)
"ah! mitsuki, look at this top, isn't it adorable?!" completely in love with the clothing piece, you show it to your boyfriend, waiting for his opinion on it.
"mhm, it'd look so pretty on you. and it'd fit with your new shoes!" kiryu adds, slightly wiggling his eyebrows up and down to convince you the top is a must-have! "come on~, tried it on for me."
kiryu locks his hands with yours before pulling you along with him to the dressing rooms.
you hand your boyfriend your handbag and jacket before picking out where you'll try the top on. "I'll be quick, kay?" you tell him, earning a smiley nod from him.
after some time, kiryu sees your hand coming out of the dressing room, signing to him to come in. chuckling, he goes into the small space.
"baby, look how small it is! 's like a baby size.." you mumble, still trying to adjust the top.
the back of your top gets adjusted by kiryu before he shakes his head, "baby-, I'll just go grab another size for you. this size could actually be a baby's size.." you giggle as you nod, planting a quick kiss on his cheek before letting him go look for a different size.
kiryu searches at the original spot, but he doesn't seem to find the other sizes. after a long while of searching and asking the employees, going through 3 floors searching for the top, and then suddenly remembering there's a fourth floor, kiryu finally finds the infamous top.
this piece of fabric better be the best clothing piece ever.
with the top in his, your boyfriend makes his way back to you, eager to see you wearing the right size this time.
he turns the corner to get to the dressing rooms when he hears your voice. you're sitting on the couch, talking to some guy. that isn't a bad thing, it really isn't! what is, though, is the fact that the guy was giving you heavy heart eyes as he grabbed your phone to add his number. like yes, you're pretty, gorgeous, stunning, but you're taken, so no, thank you!
"h-hey.. maybe we should y'know go there togeth-"
"hey, princess, I found your top," kiryu walts over to the sofa, standing in front of the two of you. his smile disappears almost immediately once he shifts his gaze to the man next to you. "and you are?"
you widen your eyes a bit at your boyfriend's sharp tone. "baby-," you mumble
kiryu's fixed stare started to make him feel fiddly as he starts awkwardly laughing. "h-hey man, didn't know she was taken.. was just hitting up a pretty girl, right?" he chuckles before standing up.
"mhm, next time, don't hit on my pretty girl, yeah?"
another awkward laugh flows out of the man's mouth as he leaves the dressing rooms.
"don't even get me started," kiryu hands you the top. he motions for you to try I on before plopping on the couch again, still annoyed at the individual trying to get with his pretty girlfriend.
but all that pent-up annoyance and frustration suddenly goes right out the window when he sees you walking out of the fitting room. wow, you look incredible.
the way the top hugs your figure so elegantly yet somehow still remains a casual vibe, surprises him.
"baby? what do you think?"
"you look so pretty, princess.." kiryu wraps his arms around your waist before pulling you closer to him. "you always do."
kiryu's bank account might be experiencing an existential crisis because of all the items he bought you, but he couldn't care less when he sees you smile like that.
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teenie tiny bit of swearing / reader's wearing a skirt
where is that damn soda of yours?! kaji's been roaming the grocery store, searching for another soda for you because you were all "baby, they're buy 1 get 1 free!". and how could he tell you he wasn't in the mood to go to the back of the store to get it for you when you were puppy-eyeing him.
damn you. (he loves you)
if kusumi were there with him, kaji just knows he'd be poking fun at him, calling him a simp again.
finally, he found the bottled soda! he angrily grabbed it, making his way back to you, who stayed in line, waiting for your turn at the cash register.
kaji moves past families with full carts, jumps over children playing on the ground, and almost knocks over a fabric softener stand.
reaching the line at the register, he hears your laugh and follows it past the others in line to get to you. wait, who were you laughing at? as he stands behind you, you turn around to greet him.
"baby! this is kai, he was telling me all about some trivia about fruits!" you giggle, waiting for ren to greet the man in front of you, who had reached out his hand to him.
your boyfriend only stares at him before the man retrieves his hand, uncomfortably running it through his hair before letting out a forced chuckle.
you smile awkwardly, turning your head a little to kaji's side. "ren. be nice," you warn with a smile still on your face.
"anyway, did you know figs aren't fruits! they're inverted flowers, isn't that crazy?" you start rambling, hoping to dissipate the awkward situation. you were completely amazed at what the stranger told you. unbeknownst to you though, kaji was fuming, he was humming at your rambles whilst scowling at the man in front of you.
you should've seen how the stranger was looking at you before kaji stood next to you! his toothy smile, flirtatious glances, the man even playfully touched your shoulder. but you, of course, being the clueless person you are, thought he was just being friendly!
as you ended your newly learned trivia about fruits, you saw the man grabbing his stuff and hastily walking off.
"y-yeah well, was nice to meet you too.. bye.." the guy turns around, not even sparing you another glance.
kaji rolls his eyes as you too load up your groceries in a bag and start heading out.
"baby, you were so rude!" you state while taking a sip from your soda, and then offering it to him. "the guy was just being nice.."
grabbing the sods, kaji lets out a scoff. unamused with your cluelessness. "the guy was trying to get in your pants," kaji's eyes shot down, only to see you were wearing a skirt. "..uh skirt, whatever, you know what I'm getting at..!"
"ren, you're exaggerating so much it's starting to give me a headache!" you joke, locking your arm with his.
another sigh leaves kaji's mouth. "baby, why else would a guy randomly tell a pretty girl some shitty trivia in a grocery store if not to get close to you?!"
a moment of silence lingers between the two of you before you look back at your boyfriend. "... you think I'm pretty?" you deadpan, holding in your laugh as you see kaji literally breaking.
"I should've let him have you-" as your boyfriend hears your giggles a tiny smile creeps up his face.
"love you too, rennie."
his arm slings around your waist and holds you even tighter to him than usual.
kusumi's right, he definitely is a simp.
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specshroom · 9 months ago
Ok so what do you think would make a monster INSTANTLY attracted to someone. And then how do you think they would vocalize/show it?With said monsters being orcs, merfolk, centaurs, driders, werewolves, and vampires
Okokok so these are all obviously just my opinion :) but here we go:
🧌 I think in orc culture the women initiate romantically and sexually just as much as the men, as opposed to human culture where the men generally are expected to initiate more. So I think any orc would find it hot if you were the one to flirt and initiate contact first.
- They like humans who know what they want and go for it.
- They like humans who can hold their liquor. They just think it's hot.
- They like humans who are a little vulgar. Who swear and shout and are a little rowdy maybe?
- So if you want to attract an orc your best bet would be to just go up to one and flirt heavily with them. If they like you they'll think it's hot that you show your attraction so boldly and they'll flirt back just as hard.
🧜Merfolk generally keep to themselves and their underwater cities. For a merfolk to be swimming in shallow waters means they're probably curious about the surface already.
- These merfolk will be instantly intrigued by a human who is as interested in them as the merfolk is with the surface. They just really like humans who try and talk to them, frantically ask them questions about their species and just seem enamored with their existence.
- A merfolk will fall for a human who brings them cool human stuff they've never seen before and enthusiastically tells them stories about the surface world.
- They'd appreciate humans who aren't scared to swim with them. They know the water is not a humans natural place and that it takes a lot of trust for them to be so vulnerable. They'd straight up take that as a confession of love from the human.
🐎 In my head centaurs are often depicted as strong stern types. Like noble warriors and such so I think they'd admire humans who are resourceful and independent.
- They won't like any human who disrespects nature. Killing unnecessarily or destroying/ littering wildlife is an absolute no go.
- They like outdoorsy humans who like nature walks or mountain climbing, that kind of shit. Anything from fishing to bird watching really.
- They find archery very attractive for some reason.
- Centaurs are known for being steely and almost cold so if one likes you they probably won't show it immediately but slowly over time by engaging in your shared interests.
🕷️ I think driders are often starved for affection. In my headcanon, driders don't get much affection from their parents because they're very independent and able from a young age so they're never really coddled as children.
- So I think driders would like a human who treats them very gently and sweetly despite not needing too at all because they're fierce hunters.
- They're not the most approachable monsters with their eight beady eyes and venom filled chelicerae. They don't initiate with humans much because they know they can be frightening. It can be isolating for them so they'd love if a human showed no fear towards them and instead treated them as if they were cute rather than scary.
- They'd be absolutely smitten if a human coddled and babied them, calling them grossly sweet petnames like "cutey", "darling" or "baby" while caressing their face gently. Just treating them with such care even though they could kill the human very easily. They might even cry from the affection.
🦇 I think vampires appreciate humans who aren't childish but still have a love for life. People who are lively and curious about the world but still mature and driven.
- I think humans who are exciting and have a thirst for life is what attracts vampires cus it helps them reignite their own love for life which may have dwindled after so many years of being immortal.
- Humans who are reckless with their own lives are a turn off. Vampires already have to experience losing many close ones due to immortality so I don't think they'd appreciate someone who disregards their life or the lives of others carelessly.
- Vampires are harder to categorise because they all come from different backgrounds and stuff but I think if a vampire liked a human most of them would have to know one for a while before bringing up anything serious. They understand the stakes (hah) of falling in love with humans and act accordingly.
🐺 Dog people. Werewolves like dog people. Sorry I know it's basic but I think werewolves are often simple creatures so what attracts them is relatively simple. Nothing wrong with that.
- They see a human walking their dog and they just go "I have a chance!!"
- They like humans who smell like their dog or have dog fur on their clothes, they think it's cute.
- They think it's so cute when humans baby talk dogs while giving them pets. It makes their own tails wag sometimes.
- Now that doesn't mean they like being treated like dogs cus they don't. They just think a dog person is a huge green flag in humans.
- Don't worry, this doesn't mean they hate cat people but they are more likely to flirt and initiate conversation with someone who has a dog or who smells like they own a dog.
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dullbarbie · 1 month ago
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tell me*- matt
analysis: when matt has a filled panic moment over an argument him and his brothers had, he feels the need to call you.
song: 'do not wait' by 'wallows'
wc: 717
warnings: cursing, very tiny mention of sex, mentions of arguing, slight angst but overall fluffy :)
authors note: i came up with this while on a drive listening to this song <333
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it was early hours of the morning when my phone buzzed against the wood of my night stand, the vibrations awaking me from my deep sleep. my eyes begrudgingly flutter open, fighting sleep as i try to register the noises of someone calling me.
i prop myself up on my elbow, blinking a multitude of times at an attempt to wake myself up more. i squint my eyes, trying to read the illuminated clock's numbers without my glasses, '1:49 am' the clock flashes back at me.
i sigh in frustration, ready to chew out whoever in their right mind would call me at a time so early. i look at my phone, my anger subsiding as i see it's matt's contact. i reach over, grabbing my phone off of my table, flicking on the small white lamp text to my clock and answering the face time.
matt's face pops up on the screen, his eyes watery with tears streaked on his face. he looks worn out and exhausted, his eyes heavy with sleep. my face which was before confused was now worried.
"matt, what happened? are you okay baby?" he sniffles, wiping his eyes for any leftover residue of tears. "uhh, i-i got in an argument with chris n' nick and they-they're really mad at me.." i frown at his words, as i could practically see the stress and worry radiating off of him through the phone. "oh matt, what'd you guys argue about?"
he looks away from the phone, trying to recap exactly what happened and what words were spoken between the three of them. "well, during the- the car video, i thought they were being just, i-i don't know, over the top? and-and i tried to say nicely to tone it down a bit," he sniffles, gently wiping his eyes again as he tries to hold himself together.
"but they didn't listen, and after the video i-i got mad at 'em, and yelled.." i take notice to matt's labored breathing, seeing the way he nervously gnaws on his index finger's nail. "matt- matt, it's fine, okay? i get mad too and sometimes i yell. everybody does it. what were they doing baby?"
matt's light blue eyes soften at my caring tone and words. "uhm, like just being annoying? like, making unnecessary noises. and- just being rude." a frown creases my lips.
"that's not good, uhm, what happened after you yelled baby?" his composure seems to start slowly crumble apart, his bottom lip quivering, his eyes becoming glossy again. "uhm, nick called me a name, and just- i don't, i don't know."
he runs a hand through his brown hair, it being visibly damp. he looks up at the ceiling, trying to find words. "did you take a shower to calm down?" i ask. he nods, looking back down at the phone screen. "uhh, yeah." a small comfortable silence covers the phone line for a moment. "and i just, i don't know what to do. because i already know it's late, and i probably already just bugged you by wakin' you up at a time that's early like this, and-"
"matt, matt it's okay. i promise you aren't bugging me. i can talk to nick in the morning if you'd like? he asked me about hanging out for lunch. i can bring it up then?" he nods, wiping his tears dry off of his reddish cheeks.
"sorry, i jus' have no idea what to do. god i feel like a total pussy right now." he lets out a breathless laugh to try and lighten his own darkened mood.
"don't say that matt, it's fine. really, i don't mind." he nods, feeling reassured. "again, sorry i called you so early. you just always know how to calm me down." i smile softly.
even though i know i would've been mad at a personal level at any other person if they called me up at around two in the morning, especially on a workday. but it was my sweet boyfriend. the same boyfriend that makes my stomach do summersaults at the slightest touch from him. to finger tips brushing against each others as we pass by, to when i'm moaning out his name.
even when times get hard, i'm always there for matt.
and so is he.
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i genuinely absolutely hate this fic so fucking much, i had NO idea how end it, and kinda js wanted it over with which sucks. but past that, here you guys go T-T
-love, starsturni
currently tagging:
@stir-knee-o-low @arotzsturns @suyqa @aria3sposts @user101624 @craftycrafter26 @oakley298 @secretbowty @gwennybenny @drlsmiths @strnxzara2 @lillianlovesmatt @sofsturnz689 @wonyyoung @magicalfloweranchor @kyliebabe @avamerrill @h3arts4harry @songstonone @st7n1olo @ivysturnss @literallyjustrue @kitty-kats-54 @hannahsturns @slytherin-princess-x @emosexyvirgin @leeeeree @christmastreecake @graciebrams @aokay1 @pookiewookie0513 @nateismybf @goingtojohnkramershouseee @stvrnmc @chrissturniolodailysluts @gn-4315 @strangelysamantha @sweetrunawaycreation @etherealval @chris-slut @ariiijestertheklown @mattsturnioloarchive @stvrnzwrld @courta13 @sophand4n4 @chrissweetheart
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astonmartinii · 8 months ago
girl, so confusing | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem norris!reader
will "norstappen" will work it out on the remix?
note: obvs everything here is hearsay and all a big fat joke i am just venting my frustrations with whatever the fuck lando just said after that race
- part of the brother's best friend series -
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 783,049 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: we don't just let people by because we have a big lead in the championship (that's actually how you end up with a big lead) btw.
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user6: the atmosphere shifted, my skin has cleared and the birds are singing
user7: i didn't think it would be against her own brother BUT WE'LL TAKE WHAT WE CAN GET
maxverstappen1: can you do all my media for me - you give a lot better sound bites than i ever could
yourusername: all my sound bites would be completely unusable
yourusername: cause if they thought you had a potty mouth oh boy they have another thing coming
danielricciardo: it's true i was around her when she stubbed her toe once, it was like shakespeare but concerning
alexalbon: or that one referee against chelsea, i've never heard so many creative insults
maxverstappen1: okay but my thoughts exactly
yourusername: twitter would cancel me baby
maxverstappen1: everyone wants cunty f1 back until i make contact and you ... open your mouth?
user8: not like all of lando's friends either being in the likes or the comments
user9: bro is fighting for his life in the GC after that press run
user10: i think y/n got all the sass cause lando that was not the diva statement you thought it was
landonorris: before you delete i already sent it to mum
yourusername: i'm not deleting it you big baby you gotta stand on your words bro
landonorris: nuh uh
yourusername: i can feel you pouting YOUR 24 YEARS OLD
landonorris: but i'm still your baby brother
yourusername: not with this PR strategy
landonorris: MAX WAS IN THE WRONG
yourusername: 1. i watched the ten laps before lando i'm not dumb 2. i support his rights and wrongs 3. you still won driver of the day and i thought that's what meant the most to you
user11: oh she gagged him
user12: can we get a rupaul's drag race reading challenge in f1 but it's just y/n reading the drivers PLEASE
charles_leclerc: literally all you have to do is spend 10 minutes with her in the paddock
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername and 1,304,599
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: still got my favourite norris on side and that's all that matters
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user13: someone check on lando cause DIVA IS DOWN
user14: diva is dead and buried at this point
user15: they're dancing on diva's grave
landonorris: DO YOU PEOPLE MIND ???
maxverstappen1: who is this random fan in my comments?
landonorris: i'm definitely not a fan of yours after this weekend
maxverstappen1: oh then let me add you to my block list
charles_leclerc: i thought unfollowing each other after a race in austria was our thing max :(
maxverstappen1: yes that's why i'm going to block him not just unfollow
charles_leclerc: oh good 😊
yourusername: and that's why i'm ready to get rid of the name altogether
maxverstappen1: i think you suit verstappen so much more anyway
yourusername: i'm ready when you are
yourusername: a diss? you don't want your sister to be happy? or am i not your sister anymore since max isn't your friend anymore?
yourusername: * second-place
landonorris: STOP IT
yourusername: don't dish it if you can't take it buddy
user16: not this brocedes era for max and lando
yourusername: @lewishamilton @nicorosberg i am so sorry they're minimising your trauma like this
user17: so real of you
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liked by alexalbon, maxverstappen1 and 934,098 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 & landonorris
yourusername: when you forgot that you invited your boyfriend to stay at the family home before the british grand prix and arranged a big family dinner and the flight back to england and your boyfriend and brother decide to try and kill each other in the race and have now 'ended' their friendship.... relatable!
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user21: the footage... GIVE IT TO ME, SHOW IT TO ME RACHEL
yourusername: most excruiting three hours of my life boys are so dramatic
user22: shock horror mad max and norrif are holding grudges
yourusername: IF i didn't have the patience of a saint i would've gone mad max on their asses and mclaren would've been down a driver
user23: out here threatening the victim and not the aggressor
yourusername: now why would i attack my trophy husband?
landonorris: i didn't make the plane ride awkward HE MADE THE PLANE RIDE AWKWARD
yourusername: we tried to nap but the heat from your death glare kept us up
landonorris: THAT'S NOT MY FAULT
yourusername: it's kind of expressly your fault, you could've taken your anger out on a pillow or a 12 piece wing meal like a normal person
landonorris: max's jet doesn't offer wings
maxverstappen1: get your own jet then
yourusername: @ryanair we have a new customer for you
landonorris: NO I'M SORRY
maxverstappen1: finally
landonorris: just for your jet not having wings, you're still the one in the wrong overall
user24: i fear lando may not see his sister back in the mclaren garage for the rest of the season
user25: i mean she looks better in blue anyway
liked by maxverstappen1
oscarpiastri: can we please move on lando your attitude is stinking up the gaff
landonorris: 1. wtf osc you're meant to be on my side 2. where the fuck did you learn that
oscarpiastri: while you've been sulking in your childhood bedroom i've been taking in the normal norris hospitality
yourusername: he'll get over it he did this all the time when we were younger - he'll come back and join when dinner is finished
yourusername: i guess you don't want any of these profiteroles then ...
maxverstappen1: i'm eating them all lol
landonorris: FINE GOD DAMN
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 1,674,099 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 & yourusername
landonorris: i think i just got gentle parented (brought matching jellycats) into forgiving max
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user28: about fucking time
user29: baby had his first real dose of wheel to wheel racing for a win and wanted to throw away a friendship
user30: good thing his sister never knows when to shut the fuck up and humbled these men cause lord knows without her lando would still be chatting shit in the media
yourusername: someones got to make sure lando doesn't embarrass himself (idk where his PR department went but mclaren need to run me my money)
maxverstappen1: girl, so confusing when you literally forget all about it as soon as we got you the jellycat you wanted
landonorris: i am a little brother first and foremost
yourusername: hard on the little you've been acting like a whole ass five year old
landonorris: have you ever thought that maybe i'm acting out because i miss you now you've moved in with max and wanted matching jellycats so we always have a part of each other??
yourusername: awww really???
maxverstappen1: that's actually kind of cute
maxverstappen1: and a hunk of BULLSHIT
maxverstappen1: well i also wanted to win so that's not the serve you think it is
yourusername: you only 'forgave' him because you saw that max was playing padel with charles
landonorris: umm yes obviously, i can't let lestappen be a real thing
yourusername: why not that's literally my dream threesome
yourusername: WHAT WHO SAID THAT
yourusername: lando i think your comment section is haunted
charles_leclerc: well i'm ... flattered
landonorris: you can have lestappen you weirdo
maxverstappen1: @charles_leclerc stop being flattered i don't share
yourusername: heheheheh
landonorris: that much is obvious... you couldn't let me win once?
maxverstappen1: no!
yourusername: no!
fin: here's a lil quick one today cause i had some free time! i am working on guilty as sin p4 but i'm so so so busy and i do be going to silverstone on wednesday xx hope you enjoyed !!!
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