#like they might figure out echo & hunter but could they really tell the same guy also does W & C & T ? maybe not!
robotsandramblings · 6 months
hol up
is it true that in non-english dubs of The Bad Batch, they use different voice actors for each different clone?!!
(was it like that for Clone Wars too??! or is it just a Clone Force 99 thing, since they do have pretty distinguished variations on the og clone voice?)
i guess there aren't international versions of Dee Bradley Baker everywhere??? 😅
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oceansssblue · 5 months
Can I request a Hunter x reader fic where they have a knife throwing contest? (You can choose who wins)
cool request! I'm down!
Decided to do a little flirty thing between a badass female reader and our sexy sargent. Note for everyone that requests me something; if you want speficically a female male or neutral reader do tell me! If not I'll jump to whatever I feel.
Hope you like it!
Hunter carefully watched another round of the knife throwing contest develop in front of his eyes. Cid's Salon had been experiencing a drop in it's sales for quite a few weeks now; and after Tech's comment on how announcing special shows or activities could be an adecuate solution to such a problem, the Trandoshan had oficially inaugurated "Friday's Knife night". Tech had pointed out he had been alluding more to a special drink's discount or karaoke night; but Cid had waved an impatient hand at that, and claimed Ord Mantell didn't catter to the same "Coruscant's sweethearts". Hunter could only agree. The idea of the citizens in Ord Mantell singing a ballad was... Something.
The contestants were good for normal everyday people standards. Most of the knifes always ended up properly stuck to the wood board; though only a few of the participants were skilled enough to hit the borders of the –one round human, another round twi'lek, and so on– black siluete. He could tell who tried just for fun and who had had to use knifes before to defend themselves. None were good enough to match Hunter's seasoned abilities, though; which was the reason why he had comformed himself to remain a silent spectator instead of an active participant.
Almost an hour later, Cid announced the last contest of the night. Hunter studied everyone who payed the fee and wrote their names –and identifications– down on the list; wondering if he should just play in this last chance. There was nothing that ruled him out. He could inscribe himself and win the price; Omega could do with a new set of clothes, as she was outgrowing her current one quite fast. Hunter gulped down the leftover of his drink and patted Echo's shoulder; making his way towards the line.
Upon seing him, Cid rolled her eyes.
"Gonna double that bet, Broody?" she tempted him.
Hunter nodded with a shrug.
"That way I might be able to pay the exagerated fee you'll probably request from us next time" he smiled falsely sweetly, signing his name and turning to walk away towards the wood board.
Cid glanced at you waiting patiently on the line and smirked. Oh, was Broody in for a surprise.
You silently studied your competition. You needed to repair your bike and you were confident on winning that price. The bet was higher than the rounds before as well; the first place just had your name written on it. Plus, half of the participants were already embriagated at this point of the night. It wouldn't be too difficult, or so you hoped.
There were some new faces and some regulars. Your mind quickly divided the participants into three groups; real competition, like Raak –a duros you have had the bad luck to fight against with more than once in the past–, complete drunk disasters, and strangers you weren't really sure were to place that could be a potencial surprise. Like the male human clad up with heavy looking armour as if he was ready to jump on on an open battlefield anytime now; your eyes quickly detecting a vibroblade hidding in a compartment on his thigh. The guy certainly cut an intimidating figure; broad shoulders and trained muscles moving under his armour. His long hair –pushed back and away from his tattood face with a red bandanna across his forehead– didn't sweeten his looks; he still looked... A spicy kind of dangerous.
The corner of your lips inevitably tugged upwards. You've always had a nick for this kind of men; men who could ruin you but who you quickly put into place.
Right then and there, his eyes flickered over the room; quickly landing on yours, almost as if he could feel your stare.
You arched an eyebrow in half surprise, half amusement, and half defiance. Well, wasn't he some kind of well trained soldier or mercenary perfectly aware of his surroundings... You almost wished he could make you a run for your money; give the night some exciting real competition.
Your perspective on such a handsome attractive man would forever be tainted if he just made a dissapointing mess of his knife throws. Just in case he didn't, you threw him a quiet side smile.
Hunter's eyes couldn't help but bore into the female stranger; watching without missing a beat how the woman carefully picked up a knife from the table of possibilities offered by Cid. She slowly examined the weapon, turning it around in her hand patiently; studying it's shape and weight while ignoring the muttering and impatient calls from the crowd around them.
She seemed to nod to herself and he took in the way she positioned herself in front of the wood board; stance impecable with her body slightly turned to the right side, fingers gripping the shiny end with just the needed amount of strength. With just that and the way she concentrated on the siluete –not her hand–, and how she retracted her right arm back before quickly throwing her knife forward, Hunter already knew she had done an good job. Still, he couldn't help but feel surprised at the precision with which the knife got stuck to the center of the chest markings on the twi'lek black siluete; and how she swiftly and calmly abandoned her stance as if it was nothing.
For the second time that night, the pretty woman catched his eye and arched her eyebrow towards him; as if she were asking him a silent "there, that's my shot. What about yours?".
Hunter's hand confidently grabbed a sturdier knife from the table and got into position. He was... Intrigued, for now; but he'd show her how it was done.
You couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement and arousal at such a sight. The man –you have discovered his name was Hunter, appropiate for the way he moved and watched– is definitely not a dissapointment of any kind. Round after round, he had matched you outstandingly well; all of his knifes hitting the exact center of the targets, not letting you stand ahead of him for a single point. He glances at you each time he finishes a throw now too; indulging in your little game and warming up the blood in your veins. It has been a while since you felt this attracted to someone; more so with him being a total stranger.
When it's the other participants time to throw –Raak following the two of you closely behind– he casually stops besides you; his eyes never leaving the contest in front of you.
"How' you learnt to throw like that?"
His voice is deep and slightly husky. Oh, this couldn't get any better.
You keep your wits together regardless of your thoughts and reply just as nochalant.
"Life has a strange way of throwing shit at you" you answer, arms crossed in front of your chest, eyes on the board. "I prefer to throw my shit back at her".
He glances down at you, and you can't help but smirk quietly. You know it's vague, but you're not about to spill all your secrets. He'll have to work with that.
"What about you?" You ask back, this time letting your eyes drive up to his dark amber ones. "You gonna tell me you know your way around a knife like that just by being a model Ord Mantell citizen?"
He hums non-comitally, eyes boring into yours. You have to force yourself not to fidget at such intensity. He really is something.
"Thought my outfit gave it a way" he humours you.
It pulls a smile on your face. Yeah, he's not giving away unnecessary information to potencially dangerous strangers either. Well, at least he's smart and has a sense of humour; you'll give him that.
"Last round, handsome" you push your luck and teasingly move your very fingertips along his shoulder and down to his arm. He squints his eyes at you and you grin up to him innocently. "Better not get distracted".
Hunter hums and moves to pick up his last knife.
The man has, once more, impecably hit all of his knifes on each center of the human siluete target. You only have to repeat the same and you'll both split the price; it's not ideal, but you'll have just enough to fix your bike with the savings you've been keeping this past month.
After picking your knife up, you glance at him one last time. Maybe as a way of saying goodbye. If he's a sore looser, or if he simply doesn't want anything else to do with you, this would probably be your last time of enjoying the sight of such a specimen.
You don't expect to see him with his... Daugther, though. It's obvious the way they're related with how the blonde kid looks up at him; chatting up excitedly and the love and admiration she holds for him bright in her wide eyes. He chuckles quietly, slightly bent down towards her, and pats her shoulder affectionately. Behind the girl, three other men have approached the scene too; perhaps equally interested in watching the final wrap up. Perhaps to support Hunter. They're all wearing the same kind of armour; minor alterations, but it's obvious they're a squad of some sort. A family. And they all look at the kid exactly the same way.
You glance at her, and then down at the knife in your hand, a million thoughts speeding through your head. You haven't had the easiest of childhoods. War is all you remember for a big part of your life; your teens spent running away. You had been forced to adapt to the cruel ways of the galaxy very quickly; and with the options being either becoming a prostitute or an assassin, you had made the choice that finished moulding the person you are today. You're not proud; but you're not exactly regretful either. There are a few deaths you always carry in your conscience; but you mostly only accepted the requests you hand-picked yourself, so you've kinda done your part wiping your corner of the galaxy from scum. Not the prettiest of jobs, and certainly not one you would go proudly announcing around; but life's life. You'd like this kid to have an easier one; and by the way her family are head to toes covered in armour, ready to fight ay any given second, you're guessing it hasn't been going exactly that way til this point in time.
You catch Hunter's eyes staring at you. Your heart beats faster inside your chest. Your hand tingles.
You turn towards the target. You calmly position yourself. You take a deep breath; and then, your last knife flies to the target.
Laughs and cheers errupt around you. The blonde kid smiles.
"Here you go, Broody" grumbles Cid, reluctantly pushing the pile of credits into Hunter's opened hands.
Hunter smirks.
"Bet all against me, huh?" he asks, inevitably happy.
Cid gives him the side eye.
"Well, my pockets would be full if my girl there didn't succumb to your supposedly good looks" she quotes with her hands, then roles her eyes. "I never quite understood the hype for humans anyway".
The Trandoshan walks away, still muttering a hundred of insults and dissapointed comments. Hunter doesn't feel a tad of guiltyness; Cid might not have won the bet, but she had definitely made good money on Tech's idea. The salon had been to the brim, drinks flowing around constantly. She really can't complain.
Hunter leaves the earned credits with his brothers and then turns to scan the lingering crowd. He quickly finds you talking to another participant near the entrance of the Salon. He excuses himself from his family and walks towards you.
You quickly wrap up your conversation with Raak with a forced smile, and once the Duros has reluctantly walked away, you turn to the approaching figure with a honest one.
"Ah, the man of the night" you chirp, roaming your eyes ever him quickly. "Got all those credits in a safe place?
Hunter glances back at Wrecker.
"Don't think anyone's gonna try to steal from him" he answers in good humour, and you nod in agreement.
You've never seen a human that big.
Hunter studies you quietly for a pair of seconds; then tilts his head.
"I admit the knife in the crotch was a good dramatic ending" he comments, then asks genuinely "Why did you let me win?".
You hum and take a look back at his family.
"Kid's cute. She yours?" You directly ask in return.
Hunter smiles.
"Sister" he explains. "More like an adopted daugther, now, though".
You can see the love he holds for her as well in the way he speaks and his features soften.
"Well, I've done some bad things in the past, but I still got a heart" you explain, trying to sound casual. Vulnerability is not often showed in planets like this. "You probably need those credits more than me".
Hunter is surprised; both by your reasoning and the fact that you're admiting it out loud to him. People aren't usually that honest and... considerate here. Or in the majority of places in the galaxy. This... Doesn't really match the idea of this dangerous –though sexy– woman he has in his head. This suddenly makes you more... human.
"What were you going to do with the price?" He asks, curiously.
You shrug.
"Repair my bike. I can usually do it myself, but I can't seem to find the problem this time".
Hunter hums. He doesn't take his eyes off of you.
"One of my brothers knows his way around mechanics pretty well. Maybe he could take a look at it, no need for extra payment."
That's sweet. You nod and smile up at him.
"I'd appreciate it".
You fill yourself with courage and take a tempting step towards him; right hand gently travelling upwards to rest in his chest plate.
"Now, why don't you follow me home for the night, mm? We can take a look at my bike tomorrow. Whatcha say?".
Hunter's turned on just by the fact you have been the one to ask. He has certainly had his fair number of situationships in the past; but he usually always have to be the one to make the first move. This time, however, he seemed to have catched your eye since the start; and you're decided to see this attraction through. He likes that, a woman that is self-assured and knows what she wants. He's happy it's him for this night.
He exchanges a glance with one of his brother's –the one with the headseat and the scomp– and then makes a polite gesture with his hand. He smirks playfully. You already know you'll be having a good time.
"Lead the way, mesh'la".
Wohooo! This spicy little one was so much FUN to write! I hope you all liked it as well, specially the user that requested it.
I'll publish a Tech Mermay long oneshot TODAY AS WELL; and the next one planned will be a Wolffe one.
Stay tunned!
Back to my main masterlist here:
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rlyc00l · 3 months
Decepti0n, Chapter 3 on Fanfiction.net
(For some reason tumblr won't let me link to fanfiction.net the normal way anymore? WELP)
Zer0's an ass, Rhys's entire life is ruined forever, Rhys maybe has a virus, Rhys almost dies again—but hey, he does do one kind of cool thing.
EDIT: Chapter is also under the break :)
———— “Look, I appreciate the extra sleep,” Maya said. Her hair was tousled, she combed it out as she spoke. “But we agreed you’d take first watch and then wake me up.”  
“I didn’t need to.” Zer0 had their storage deck holoscreen up. They scrolled through their guns rather than face Maya. Rhys couldn’t help but notice they had two pistols besides the one they’d stolen from him. “I kept watch throughout the night. / And nothing attacked.” 
“That’s beside the point. We need everyone rested. If Jack figured out that we survived, he might send another ambush–” 
“I require less sleep.” They closed the holoscreen. Unlike the others, they had no camp to pack up, and they’d declined breakfast. The fact they hadn’t gone on alone put their air of self-assurance in question, at least in Rhys’s eyes. “And I am more observant / Than the rest of you.” 
The measured smile on Maya’s face fell. “You understand why I can’t take your word for that?”  “Yeah, I like to think I’m pretty damn observant,” Axton put in as he rolled up his bedroll. “Though, I don’t mind sleeping through the night, thanks, Zer0.” 
“The point is, if we’re going to work as a team, we need to communicate better,” she said.   “I’m not on your team. / We’re traveling the same way. / For the time being.” 
“If that’s the case, why stick around?” 
“Because I need that,” They pointed to the Claptrap, “If I want off this glacier. / Or so I’ve been told.” 
“Then work with us! We have the same goal.” A light went through her tattoos. Rhys was getting the sense that this wasn’t the first time they’d butted heads. He hadn’t paid much mind to the other bandit’s interactions, having assumed they were all in this together from the start. 
“You wanted guarding. / I guarded. What’s the problem? / You are still alive.” 
Whatever Maya was about to say was drowned out by her ECHO device. 
“Hey, kiddos.” The voice was unmistakable. Rhys straightened up on instinct. “Jack here–President of Hyperion. Lemme explain how things work here: Vault Hunters show up. Vault Hunters look for the new Vault. Vault Hunters get killed. By me. You seeing the problem here? You’re still alive. So, if you—hold on, wait, wait wait wait, do you seriously have one of my employees with you? How the hell’d he get down there?” 
And that was it. Rhys was completely, one hundred percent, ruined. He’d be branded a traitor, he could never return to Helios, and if Pandora didn’t kill him, Handsome Jack would.
“Well, okay. Rhys Strongfork. From Security Propaganda? That’s weird.” Jack laughed. “Rogue employee going Vault hunter? That’s a new one. Let me know how it turns out. Anyway, I was gonna just tell you all to kill yourselves but, Rhysie? I really wanna see what happens to a traitorous little code monkey on Pandora.” The comm ended with a click. 
The others were all looking at him. He tried to put on a brave face, cracking a smile. “So uh, we’re definitely killing that guy, yeah?” 
Dunno if it’s a ‘we’, Strongfork.” Axton clapped Rhys on the back. “But hey, I’ll give you front-row seats to my badass Jack kill.” 
Rhys shot him a glare, even as he tried to work out a way to convince Jack he was only a prisoner. Would Jack accept that lie, even if he believed it? The man wasn’t known for tolerating failure. 
“He’ll die by my blade,” Zer0 said simply. An “uwu” projected from their visor. 
“No! I will crack the fingers in my teeth!” Krieg twitched as he yelled, smacking the side of his head a few times. 
“If any of us are going to kill Jack, we need to get off this glacier first,” Maya said before anyone else could make their claim. “I suggest we get moving.” 
She’d apparently taken up leadership of the group, and the others accepted that, aside from Zer0. With a few final preparations, they were on the road again. 
It was still freezing, of course, and Rhys was more sore than he’d ever been in his life, but the walking had become easier. They’d moved past the deeper, loose snow. Now Rhys’s feet only went two inches through the icy crust. And the sun was out. None of that made Rhys any happier about his current situation, but at least it wasn’t worse. 
He tried to ignore the sound of Gaige taking long strides to catch up with him as he walked. Maybe if he didn’t look at her, she wouldn’t try to talk to him. She could not possibly have anything good to say. 
His efforts failed. “So, Jack didn’t set you up to be killed, huh?” 
“Before you were all ‘Jack tried to blow me up! I was subtly undermining Jack! He didn’t want to martyr me!’” She did a voice that must have meant to be Rhys’s, but did not remotely sound like him. “But obviously, Jack didn’t know you were here until, like, literally just now. So?”
Was he being interrogated? “You hear the part where he called me a ‘traitorous code monkey’?”
“Yeah, but like, did you actually do anything cool? Try to smash the system?” 
“I did what I said I did,” Rhys snapped. It was suddenly very important to him that this teenager thought he was cool and not a liar. “Maybe Jack–Maybe he didn’t personally set that up for me, but someone up there wanted me dead for it. There–there’s an entire organizational hierarchy up there, Jack doesn’t handle everything himself.” “Fine, geez. I was just wondering…”
“Well, I’m glad to appease your curiosity, or whatever.” He noticed her eyeing his right arm. “Can I help you with anything else?” “Nope. I’m good.” Gaige said, looking down at her own cybernetic arm like she was comparing the two. It was a good thing hers was on the left, he would not put it past bandits to steal a man’s arm. Of course, maybe he was still in some danger from her. She had to be unstable, to end up here. 
He was about to ask her to stop staring at him like a piece of machinery when a sharp pain struck him. His ECHOeye port seemed to explode into little needles as his vision blurred and flickered. He let out a cry. A dark-haired, pale young woman appeared in front of him, just for an instant, and he fell. Distantly, he heard Salvador’s “I think Hyperion guy died.” before things went dark.  
The next thing Rhys was aware of was snow moving rhythmically below him as he passed over it. Someone’s hand grasped his forearm, another on the back of his thigh. He was being carried, he realized. Groaning, he lifted his head. He made brief eye contact with Salvador, who laughed, shaking his head. “Hey, Axton, the princess is up.” 
“Wha…?” Rhys blinked, rubbing his head. The pain from before had turned into a soft ache. “Let…Let me down…” 
“You gonna pass out again?” Axton asked. 
“No? I don’t think so?” 
Axton slid him off his shoulders and onto the ground. He felt dizzy, but got his bearings after a few stumbled steps. 
“What happened?” He asked. For a second time, he was being stared at. He caught Zer0, once again far from the others, watching him with a “LOL” projected from their helm.
“You went all twitchy and blinky and then fainted.” It was Gaige who answered. 
“Real elegant pose too, ass straight up in the air.” Axton grinned. 
“Great to know, thanks.” At least they hadn’t left him behind. They weren’t complete savages. 
He brought his hand up to his ECHOport, half expecting it to be bleeding or loose. Nothing out of place. Both eyes were functioning. His right arm moved as well as the left. He seemed okay, aside from the residual soreness from yesterday’s bullymong attack. 
Surreptitiously, he felt for his wallet. It was still in his front pocket, only thinner than it had been. Yep, that’s about what he’d expect. Fair enough. Only later, once they started moving again, did he get some real concern, from Maya. “Is something broken? I’m…Inexperienced with cybernetics, but I imagine they were the cause. Your eye was blinking.”
“I must have hit my head harder than I realized, knocked a part loose? It…It should be fine.” He had no idea if that was true, but you weren’t supposed to show weakness around these types, a rule he’d already broken too many times. Maya might seem reasonable, but there had to be a good reason Jack wanted her dead. “I can fix it, once we get somewhere with a mirror and some tools.” He didn’t relish the thought of poking around in his own head. Maybe it was one of those one-off things, some sort of glitch that he wouldn’t run into again. Maybe he could ignore it. 
“Gaige seems to be an experienced mechanic. You could ask her for help.” 
Rhys just looked at her. 
She shrugged. “Understandable. Still, try not to faint again, if possible. Claptrap’s claiming that Knuckle Dragger’s lair isn’t much further. Supposedly, he leads a sizable pack.”
They came to the lair nearly an hour later. It was up on a short ridge. The only way up was through a misaimed moonshot shipping container, both ends opened. 
Rhys let the Claptrap and Vault hunters go ahead of him. He knew he’d be useless in this fight, or worse, an outright burden. Better to stand around down here until the shooting ended. 
The Claptrap started screaming immediately, and the first shots were fired. He heard roaring, more cries from the Claptrap, something large slamming into the earth. Strangely, this was starting to feel routine. 
He leaned back against the side of the container and activated his arm’s holographic interface. Should he take this chance to shoot a message to Vaughn and Yvette, let them know he wasn’t dead, or would communicating with them implicate them as traitors? Best not to risk it. There were rumors of Jack airlocking an entire R&D team when he suspected one of betraying him. 
Still, it was strange, even if they’d thought Rhys had died down here, wouldn’t they at least think to ECHO him? Unless something had happened… Vasquez wouldn’t try to off them, too, would he? His throat got tight, thinking about it. 
Something landed on the shipping container above him with a heavy clunk. He looked up to find a bullymong staring back down at him. It was four times the size of the others he’d seen. Fresh bullet wounds covered its pelt. It wore a glowing blue sphere around its neck.
Nearby, he could still hear shooting. 
Slowly, he turned to face it. Just stay calm. Back away. Don’t do anything to upset it. It’ll be more interested in the people who shot it. He grabbed the stun rod, not taking his eyes off of it. 
It was staring at the glow of the hand interface. He deactivated it. Wrong move, the bullymong—Knuckle Dragger, he realized—roared and leapt at him. Scampering to the side, he jabbed out at it, just like last time. Unlike last time, this one swiped the rod out of his grasp, sending it flying.
Rhys turned and ran. 
Knuckle Dragger followed.
He sprinted in a wide circle, bullymong close behind. There was no way he’d outrun it for long. His only chance was the shipping container. Knuckle Dragger was too large to fit through the opening. 
With every stride he was sure he’d be caught, up until he finally leapt into the container. He slipped on the icy metal, fell forward, and felt himself being pulled back out. The bullymong had his shoe. Yelping, Rhys wriggled his foot free. He dragged himself out of reach, into the open on the other side.  
Chaos lay before him. He couldn’t begin to count the bullymong, alive or dead. A sharp-clawed robot—Gaige’s, he realized—raked open one’s chest a few feet in front of him. Somewhere, Salvador was yelling incomprehensibly. Axton was reloading his gun, covered by a turret next to him. He thought he saw Krieg dash past as he got to his feet.  “Help?!” he heard himself cry, to no response. The crate behind him echoed as the bullymong climbed over it. Rhys did the only thing he could think to do: he darted straight through the battlefield, hoping Knuckle Dragger would turn its attention to someone else. 
It didn’t. And once again it was closing in. He came to a sheer ice wall with the thing bearing down on him. To his left was a large pile of remains: an assortment of bone, cloth, and metal. He grabbed at a piece of metal in desperation, pulling it free. It was the twisted remains of a Jakobs rifle. A crude blade was affixed to one end. 
He dodged a blow from the bullymong’s massive fist–and blindly thrust upward with all of his strength. 
The bayonet passed between the detached lower mandibles and stuck fast in the roof of its mouth. Knuckle Dragger pulled away with a choked cry, yanking the makeshift spear out of Rhys’s grasp. Blood flowed down the blade, spattering the ice beneath it. Enraged, it reared up, fists balled. 
Rhys shielded himself against a blow that never came. 
Instead, there was a pitiful groan. Knuckle Dragger stumbled, swayed a little, and fell forward, narrowly missing Rhys. 
 Perched on its back was Zer0, their sword buried between its shoulder blades. They freed their blade, hopped off, and yanked the makeshift Claptrap eye necklace from Knuckle Dragger’s neck. 
“I…Erm…I…” Rhys stammered out, his heart still pounding in his chest. 
They glanced at him, drew a pistol from their digi-holster, and tossed it to him. He fumbled as he caught it. Zer0 was gone again by the time he recognized the gun.  
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Salutations! I figured since you requested me(it's halfway done aaaa), I'd uno reverse card you and do the same. How about some cute headcanons for each of the TBB boys going on a cute first date with Fem!Reader? I'm weak for the clones having a tiny bit of normal time. If you've done something similar I'm sorry lmao please link it <3
Aloha! Sounds fair to me :)) Can't wait!
The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader - First Date HC's
Tumblr media
Warnings: Partly Suggestive
He thought he was cool about it or at least that he could act like he was. Hunter is nervous, he sweats and he desperately tries to hide it. You are so cute and pretty in your dress, he is blown away.
It takes him a little while but he'll soon see, there is no need to be super nervous. You are such a wonderful and sweet person, he will calm down and open up to you after an hour or two.
Hunter is clever and fun, he can make you laugh and he has such interesting stories to tell. But more importantly, he listens to you, he is interested in what you have to tell and he asks questions, shows real interest.
From the very first date, Hunter will feel like an absolute godsend.
He won't impose or force anything, but he will not be averse if you suggest a private place and signal him that you want to make out. He respects you, he won't try anything on the first date but if you do, he won't object. After all, he is a man and he thinks you are hot as hell.
He seems so smooth at first glance. Echo is clever and sweet and caring. But he is nervous and when he is, he tends to be clumsy. He'll trip once or twice, almost falling. He'll almost spill his glass of wine at the dinner table in the restaurant and he steps on your feet at least once.
Be nice to him. He's embarrassed and already uncomfortable about it. Make a few jokes to lighten the mood. Give him a nice and sincere compliment. Let him take a breath and just be nice and he will get over that awkward nervousness.
As soon as he feels more comfortable, you really see and hear how clever and sweet he is. He is such a gentleman and actually really good with words. He will not make the moves on you, he is not the type to do this on a frist date and he might be a little to nervous to give in to any suggestions about that matter coming from you, at least on the very first date. But he'll give you a good night kiss and Echo is an amazing kisser, you'll melt under his touch.
He is sweet and honest. He'll even tell you that he is a bit nervous, which is actually pretty clever, 'cause your sweet reaction to his honesty is taking away any fear and nervousness.
This is going to be a fun evening. You are most likely not dining in a restaurant, you are at the movies or stroll over a Funfair, it's probably the latter. Wrecker loves funfairs.
You two are having fun at that thing with the hammer, where people are supposed to show their strength. Wrecker brakes it.
As I said, Wrecker is very open and honest, also at the end of your date.
"I really like you, a lot. I know you like me too. Now, I want you to know that I respect you either way and I don't want to impose or be pushy, but I'd love to make out a little and cuddle or something. It's okay if you say no though, I don't want you to feel forced or uncomfortable. Even if you say no, I'd still go on a another date with you"
He means what he says. Wrecker is the kind of guy who carries his heart on his tongue.
It's very likely that you asked him out. He wanted to approach you, but kept changing his mind, not daring to, until at some point it became obvious and you approached him.
Tech is neatly dressed, he is very gentle, sweet... but also nervous and kind of a mess. He is so scared to leave a wrong impression, to do something wrong that he is constantly tense and it shows in his posture and the way he talks.
Tell him that you know that he is nervous, that you are nervous too. Smile at him, let him know that you really like the way he dressed for you today. Show him that you realize the effort he put into this and get him to talk. As soon as he really talks, he calms down and can relax.
At the end of the date he asks pretty frank, "On what number of dates is it appropriate to suggest sexual contact?"
He obviously likes you...
You answer, "Usually not at the first one but... I wouldn't be averse to be honest"
He'll blush and stare at you but say, "I wouldn't be averse either"
Tech even got a condom with him, Crosshair gave it to him, just in case.
This tease knows how to play it cool. Yes he is nervous but he is a master at hiding it. He feels so drawn to you that it scares him. He want's to leave a good impression, he want's you to like him. But he also want's to be cool.
He is not much of a talker, more a listener and a bit of a showoff. Crosshair will take any and every chance to show off his skills. And yes we can admit it, he is damn skilled.
Be cool about it, show him that you are imrpessed but don't give him too much, if you do he might get a little cocky.
He'll actually be pretty generous, he pays for everything and he shows some sense of culture by taking you for a walk in a nice place with beautiful, ancient architecture, something special, wonderfully lit at night, romantic, culturally valuable and interesting. He will invite you to eat somewhere in the old town and sit with you at a fountain.
He has already rented a hotel room for the two of you, so he will definitely try to get into your pants. He can be very persuasive and even though he doesn't like to talk much, he actually is really good with words if he want's to and has a charm that is hard to resist. It's up to you if you want to go for it. He will not give up even if you say no, he will ask you for more dates if he really likes you.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
162 notes · View notes
streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: After your parents were murdered by werewolf hunters, you had to run away. You had to save yourself from going through the same tragic fate and that leaves you to being a lone wolf. Thankfully, moving to a new town led you to meeting new people and possibly a new family.
Theme: werewolf au, strangers to lovers
Genre: smidge of action, fluff, slightly suggestive
Warnings: mentions of slight nudity and violence, gets a little steamy near the end but nothing too detailed
WC: 6.6k
Pairing: Alpha!Minho x Omega!FemReader
a/n: Hi :) Obviously werewolf skz is just *chef's kiss* so of course I had to write about it. So here's a Minho one ;)
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Due to your parent’s unfortunate death, you had to move away to avoid being caught by the same hunters who killed them. By moving cities, it means moving schools too. Before this, you were in your dad’s pack which only consists of your mom, your dad and you. Now that they’re gone, it leaves you to being a lone wolf.
Hence, why you managed to enrol yourself into this new school after finding yourself a cheap rundown apartment.
You were an Omega werewolf which means you weren’t a part of any pack. You were a lone wolf. After your parents died, you had no one to go to. No friends, no family, nothing. You might as well just die.
Except, you knew your parents wouldn’t want that so you had to persevere and try to at least survive for as long as you can on your own. Throughout your whole life, you weren’t really able to detect any werewolves near you despite your amazing supernatural sense of smell.
So you thought you were alone from now on. Little did you know, the previous town you lived in just didn’t have your kind.
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The 8 of them were a pack. To be more specific, they were in Chan’s pack. Chan was their leader but also an Alpha along with Minho and Changbin. Meanwhile, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were Betas. They’ve been together for quite a while now where Chan was initially only with Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin before he took in the other young ones after a few unfortunate circumstances.
Chan has been teaching them how to hunt, enhance their skills and basically provide them food and shelter. They were more like brothers instead of friends or acquaintances. Their bond was stronger than anything else. If one was injured, the other would know even if they were miles apart.
It was a warm Tuesday afternoon, the boys were just having lunch at their usual table when Changbin’s nose began to tickle with a strong scent, only for the others to smell it too right after.
“Hey, do you guys smell that?” Changbin asked quietly, earning a few nods from the rest.
Since Chan, Minho and Changbin were Alphas, they have slightly stronger werewolf senses compared to the others and they could tell that this scent was new. They knew a few other packs that were present on campus and were even friends with some of them but this?
This was a very new scent that they weren’t familiar with.
“Whoever this is, they clearly just transferred here.” Jisung stated nonchalantly.
“No shit sherlock.” Minho said, earning a low snarl from the younger boy.
“But where is it coming from? I would know if they’re in the room with us… Looks like they’re in the grounds just not in this cafeteria…” Chan said as his eyes began to scan the entire radius of the cafeteria hall.
“But can you tell if it’s a male or female?” Jeongin asked curiously only for Chan to turn back to his brothers and nod.
“It’s a female.”
A few minutes later, they were all gathered for the talk session they had with a motivational speaker regarding the academics. The 8 of them were seated in the middle row of the lecture hall. It was already filled with students from all courses, leaving only a few seats empty. One of which was at the very end of the row below them, right by the aisle and just in front of Felix.
Soon enough, the man began talking and introducing himself to the audience. The boys were just seated there, barely focusing. Neither of them were properly listening to the speaker.
However, their attention was soon diverted intensely when the same scent from earlier only grew stronger by the minute. Before they could even ask each other about it, a new face came stumbling in the main doors.
That’s when they realized where that scent was coming from.
It was you.
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You were running late for the motivational talk which is why you were now sprinting across the campus to reach the main building which held the auditorium. Upon arriving, you managed to find the right hall after what felt like forever. The minute you pushed the double doors open, you were immediately met with at least 400 pairs of eyes.
The man standing on stage simply smiles at you and asks you to take a seat wherever you could find. He was nice and you could tell. However, your mind was currently spinning from the overwhelming amount of scents you could clearly smell in this hall.
There were at least 5 different werewolf packs in this room right now but there is one pack scent that was so strong and bold to you.
It literally stands out from the rest.
Just as you were about to walk to the steps on the side nearest to you, the strong grip on your forearm made you halt.
It was a lecturer you weren’t familiar with but you felt uneasy with him. The way he was staring at you from head to toe, his tightening grip on your arm made you wince.
“Are you a new student?” He asked lowly.
“Which class are you with?”
“I-I’m not sure. B-But I’ll just sit anywhere that’s available.” You frowned deeply before you yanked your arm out of his grip with a bit of struggle.
With that being said, you rushed up the steps towards the empty seat right next to the aisle. The moment you sat down, your fiery glare travelled back to the lecturer who was standing at the same spot he previously was in but his eyes were on you.
Damn him.
However, your mind seemed to grow fuzzy with the sudden strong scent that was intoxicating your senses now. It was so strong, as though whoever or whatever they are were extremely close to you.
Just then, the soft touch on your forearm made you flinch as you turned to come face to face with a pretty girl. She didn’t have any particular werewolf scent on her so you knew she was an ordinary human.
“Do you know which class you’re in?” She asked.
“Umm… I… I haven’t checked my timetable.”
She giggled softly before she continued, “Don’t forget to check it later so you know where to go after this. I’m Yeri by the way. You are?”
With that being said, you gave her a small smile before telling her your name.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. If you need help with anything, just ask okay?”
You nodded a little to acknowledge her but then your trail of vision got diverted to the male sitting a few seats diagonally above yours. What made you focus on him was the fact that his eyes were boring into yours. It wasn’t creepy or uncomfortable though. It was more like curiosity. You hold your stares for a bit and that’s when it hits you.
The scent.
It was from him.
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A few nights had passed, there was going to be a full moon tonight so you decided to go hunting. Your aim was to practice your survival skills, one that your father taught you when he was still alive. You didn’t bother bringing any change of clothes, telling yourself you would most probably just go to your parent’s secret hideout in the woods.
So here you are, in the middle of the woods alone, finding yourself standing in an empty spot that had the full moon just directly above you. This spot wasn’t new to you.
This is where your parents violently got killed by the werewolf hunters.
During that horrible incident, you were hiding behind one of the huge trees after your parents told you to run. The last thing you saw was your father’s head being decapitated mercilessly before you took off running on all four paws.
Running as fast as you can, praying that the hunters didn’t catch you.
Lucky for you, they didn’t. And yet, you knew they would do everything in their will to continue finding you which is why you moved.
You were taking in the beautiful moon, deciding to change into your furry self so that you could move freely through the woods. After about an hour of just running and strolling through the woods, playing in the lake, chasing bunnies, you figured you wanted to take a quick rest.
It wasn’t until you stepped onto a pile of dead leaves that the sharp click followed by a loud snap echoed through the woods. A shrilling howl left your lips as the pain began to crawl up your broken hind legs where your human ankle would be.
You whimpered in pain, your entire body collapsing to the ground when you realized you were trapped.
Just then, a soft click of a shotgun’s hammer sounded as they locked the bullet in place and were left with pulling the trigger. Your vision was getting blurred from the tears welling up in your eyes.
Your bright gold eyes were flooded with tears, a weak whine leaving your lips as you looked up at the man who killed your parents a month ago.
“Say goodnight. Your parents are dying to see you in the afterlife.” He said while he pointed the gun to your forehead.
However, before he could pull the trigger, a low growl came from somewhere behind you.
The last thing you saw was a larger silver coloured wolf lunging itself onto the hunter and soon began to wrestle with him, only to receive help from another wolf equally the same size but a light brown colour.
And a few seconds later, you passed out cold.
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The boys were in their wolf forms, strolling through the woods like they usually do except tonight with the full moon shining down at them. Everyone was having their own fun. Chan and Minho were lingering behind their younger brothers, watching over them and their safety.
Changbin was walking with Jeongin in the centre, once in a while playfully nudging Jeongin’s side with the tip of his snout.
Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin were playing catch but making sure to stick close by while Seungmin was just breaking out into small jogs and twirls excitedly whenever he comes across a field of dandelions on the grass patches.
They were all roaming freely together when all of a sudden, a shrilling scream echoed in their sensitive ears making them all halt to a stop.
“What was that?!” Jisung asked through telepathy, only for Chan to transfer his message to the rest of the boys through his mind.
“I don’t know but it sounds close by.”
“I don’t feel good about this. I think someone’s injured.” Hyunjin said worriedly. However, before anyone could continue, a certain scent intoxicated Minho’s nostrils and he knew exactly what it was or who it was.
“It’s that new girl from school. She’s caught in a metal trap. We have to help her. Now!” Minho said firmly as he began running through the woods, using his sense of smell to try and detect your location. The minute he saw the man standing over your limp body with one of your hind legs horribly clamped between the metal bars, Minho raced over to you.
Right before the man could pull the trigger, Minho leaped out from the shadows, sending the man flying backwards along with himself. Minho tackles the man easily as he growls in the man’s face.
Chan soon joins in to give Minho a hand. Chan bit the shotgun and tosses it far from reach.
Right when the man began to plead for them to spare his life, Minho lets out one last growl followed by a hiss before he bites the man’s head off without a single ounce of mercy.
Normally, Chan does not condone violence to his pack. He only allows it during a life and death situation and if it involves werewolf hunters.
After the hunter’s body was laying there limp, like a headless chicken, Minho licks his canine teeth tasting the disgusting blood coating them. His glowing red eyes bore deep into the limp body, feeling anger taking over him until he heard Seungmin’s soft voice through the telepathy.
“Hyung, she fell unconscious.”
With that, Minho turned around as he and Chan quickly went over to where your body laid.
Your chest was barely moving, your leg was bleeding and probably broken, there was no sign of other injuries except for your leg.
Meanwhile, Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, Jisung and Jeongin were guarding the perimeter, senses heightened so as to be able to detect any danger coming their way just like how Chan had trained them to perfection.
Chan sniffed the metal trap to try and see if he could break you free from it.
“Minho, bite the other clasp. I’ll bite this side then we’ll try and pull it apart.” Chan said as the younger one walked around Seungmin and soon bit down one side of the clasp like Chan says.
The two of them managed to free your broken leg from the metal trap but now, your leg was bleeding quite a lot.
“What should we do now?” Seungmin asked.
“Take her back to our place. We’ll treat her injuries and wait till she wakes up.” Chan said firmly, earning a nod from the two boys.
Chan called the others over, asking Changbin to help him carry your limp body together.
Chan slides his head under your shoulders while Changbin does the same beside the leader. Once they were both standing on all fours, your body was splayed over their backs horizontally with your head hanging over the side of Changbin’s furry body.
They brought you back to their home, only for Felix to attend to your injury. After they had transformed back to their human self, they wore back their clothes before they went to make sure you were okay.
Felix had just finished cleaning your bloodied wound, washing it with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any bacteria when you slowly began to transform back into your human self.
Of course, you were still unconscious but you were now laying on their couch butt naked with your private parts shielded by your arms and the cross of your thighs.
Nevertheless, the boys quickly diverted their gazes away from you even though you weren’t awake.
They respected you being the only female in the house, which is why Hyunjin ran to the nearest room to get a cosy blanket and soon came back, covering your naked body with it. Felix managed to wrap your leg with the bandage but that was it. They wouldn’t want to help you wear any clothes simply because that would mean they would have to handle your nude self.
Since you were practically strangers, they weren’t gonna do it simply out of respect for you. “Now we wait…” Chan announced as the rest of them nodded.
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You didn’t know how long you were out but the sudden warmth and soft material hugging your body made you stir awake. You struggled to focus your vision, finding the bright light a little too overwhelming for you.
Where are you?
Your mind was racing with thoughts. A whole list of possible scenarios were going through your mind, making a guess of which one it was.
Just then, a very familiar scent entered your nose and you recognized it immediately.
That’s when you managed to focus your blurry vision towards the figures that were gathered around the room you were currently in, finally recognizing the faces that were staring back at you in utter concern.
However, it was still a little surprising for you since you were not only in a room filled with guys who were practically strangers to you, you were also butt naked save for the blanket to shield you from their eyes. With that being said, this made you squeak as a soft gasp left your lips.
You hastily sat up, desperately pulling the blanket tighter against your body. The light brown haired male carefully approached you with his hands out in front of them to tell you he was harmless.
“Woah, hey… hey… relax, we’re not gonna hurt you. I promise. Okay?” The leader said with a warm smile as your eyes went to scan him.
You could immediately sense that what he said was true and that they all meant no harm to you. When he noticed your shoulders relax a bit, he smiled before he carefully sat down beside you, making sure to avoid your broken leg.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as you noticed the others were intently staring between you and their leader.
“I… It hurts…” You whispered, eyes finding its own way to the one leaning against the shelves with his arms crossed over his chest. He had ash blue hair, his eye shape was similar to a feline cat and you vividly remember he was the same guy you had a mini staring contest on that first day in the auditorium hall.
“I know it does. So we will try our best to take care of you until it heals… But, only if you agree to stay and let us help. Of course we understand if you want to leave since you don’t know us. It’s up to you. We won’t force you.” The leader said, making you turn to him as your grip on the blanket only loosened slightly.
It didn’t take long for you to decide on staying after you practically could sense sincerity and safety from them. So upon agreeing to their kind offer, the leader went ahead and introduced them to you.
“Since we don’t have any female clothes for you, are you okay if we lend you some of ours for the time being?” Chan asked, to which you nodded gently.
You carefully got up, making sure to wrap the blanket around your body securely. However, the minute you put a small amount of pressure on your injured leg, your knee buckled from the excruciating pain. A soft whimper left your lips as you were about to collapse to the ground. Instead, you never made it to the ground thanks to the strong pair of arms that reached out just in time to catch your waist.
Your free hand flew out to grab onto his shirt, not really seeing who saved you from the fall until you looked up to see who it was.
It’s Minho.
“Woah, be careful. Are you okay?” He asked as you nodded. Except, he didn’t miss the tear that was threatening to roll down your cheeks. You were visibly trying to hold in the pain but he knew it was difficult.
“Let me help.” He offered softly as you could only nod.
With that being said, Minho bends down to carry you bridal style before telling his brothers that he was going to bring you to his room for you to change and rest in. Chan agreed saying it was a good idea since it was already nearing 1 in the morning.
Once Minho made it to his bedroom, he brought you in only to close the door behind him using his foot. He gently placed you down on his king sized bed, making sure to not hurt your leg.
After he laid you down on the bed, he went over to his closet and took out a clean oversized shirt and sweatpants.
“Here, change into this then go and rest. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything. The others will be right down the hall in their bedrooms, okay?” His voice was so gentle, you almost forgot you didn't know this guy personally.
When he saw you nod subtly, he flashed you a smile and was about to leave when you grabbed his wrist softly to stop him.
“Thank you… all of you…” You whispered, earning a smile from him before he told you to rest.
The small jolt of electricity running through your veins at the skin contact didn’t go unnoticed between you two but you decided to ignore it until he left. The minute he closed the door, you gently caressed your hand that reached out for his wrist.
Little did you know, he did the same to his hand where you left a tingling sensation to his skin.
What was that feeling?
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From the first day they met you at the auditorium, Chan could already sense you were an Omega. That night when they saved you from being killed, Chan already knew he would take you into the pack. It was just a matter of whether or not you want to accept his offer. It has been three months since they saved you that night.
Ever since then, it was pretty obvious that you’ve grown slightly closer to them and they were already treating you like a part of their pack. Despite not giving a firm answer yet on whether you want to officially be in their pack or not, Chan still treated you with respect and like you were a part of their little family.
And for that, you were grateful.
However, during the past three months, you’ve also developed a little crush on Minho.
Not only was he always sweet and caring towards you, he was also the one who offered to lend you his bedroom and his clothes when you stayed over for the few days after you got injured.
Although you tried your best to hide your feelings for him, it looks like the other boys could sense it considering how Jisung and Felix would sometimes tease you whenever Minho was around. You would normally just brush them off or just plainly ignore them. Yet, sometimes Minho would catch you blushing when the boys tease you about him and he couldn’t help but find you adorable.
It was a Thursday afternoon, you had just finished your first class and were just keeping some of your books in your locker when a figure appeared beside you with an arm resting against the lockers. You glanced up to find Minho smiling down at you adorably, his eyes disappearing into two crescent moons.
“Hey, joining us for lunch?” He asked.
“Yeah, just keeping some books I don’t need for later.” You said, only to feel him tuck the stray hairs behind your ear.
This small gesture was enough to make your heart skip a beat in your chest. You tried to ignore the feeling but he was making it so difficult as he soon began to gently play with your hair, telling you it's pretty and soft.
You couldn’t help but giggle as he slid his hand down only to rest on your waist. After you closed your locker, you turned to face him, letting him slide his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. However, before any of you could say anything, Changbin’s teasing voice broke out from behind you.
“Aye, finally the two lovebirds acknowledge each other’s feelings huh?” This made Jisung and Chan, who were with Changbin, to chuckle in amusement.
You pulled away from Minho only for the boy to speak up.
“Seo Changbin, if you don’t keep that stupid mouth of yours shut, I’ll make sure you sleep on the porch tonight.” Minho threatened, earning a silly face from Changbin who clearly gives no shit.
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A few more weeks went by, you only grew closer and closer to the boys and yet you still weren’t in their pack. You had been so dependent on your parents that when they left you, it almost rendered you insane. It took you a while to accept that you were a lone wolf but after that incident, it only made you stronger and much more independent.
That’s why until now, you still haven’t accepted Chan’s offer on being in his pack despite knowing they were good people. It wasn’t because you still didn’t trust these boys. It was just in your nature for being an Omega, to feel independent.
It was a Friday evening, you haven’t been to the boys’ place for almost a week now but you still saw them and spent time with them in school.
Just then, you distinctly heard a familiar howl which sounded like they were in pain.
It was far but you knew where it came from and who the howl belonged to. You didn’t bother changing out of your pyjamas, running out of your apartment and straight to the direction of the howl through the woods that were right behind your run down apartment complex.
You ran as fast as your two feet could take you, already memorizing the woods in the back of your head. You followed the scent as it got stronger with every corner you took which means you were getting close.
That’s when you recognized Chan and Changbin’s furry self attacking the three hunters while Minho’s wolf form was laying there on the ground against the tree with his mouth in a nuzzle.
“No, no, no!” You hissed as you ran to him, cupping his large wolf face in your small hands.
“Minho! Minho, can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me! Please…” You whispered desperately as his eyes were closed. You reached behind his head to unclasp the nuzzle, freeing his snout from it.
You looked around to see there was a shotgun laying just a few feet from you so you crawled over to it and locked the bullets in place before you aimed it at the hunter that was struggling under Chan’s grip. One of the 3 hunters was lying dead on the ground headless. So with one deep breath, you pulled the trigger, shooting the hunter straight through the side of his head.
Chan jumped back a little only to turn to the side and locked eyes with you who had the gun pointed to them. You quickly shifted your aim to Changbin and the last hunter, but it was slightly difficult due to them rolling and throwing each other around.
Before you could pull the trigger, Changbin growled and soon tore the hunter’s limbs apart one by one before settling for the head.
You threw the shotgun as far away as possible, turning back to Minho who was going in and out of consciousness. However, feeling as though you needed to make sure he was still alive, you gently stroked his furry chest to try and feel for his heartbeat.
Chan and Changbin came back to you and Minho, only for them to talk to you through telepathy.
“He’s badly wounded. We need to aid him fast.” Chan said.
“Let’s quickly get him home. Are you gonna stay with us tonight?” Changbin asked, making you nod at them.
With that being said, all four of you quickly made it back to their home with Minho on top of the two, just like they did with you on the night they found you trapped.
Once you all arrived at their house, you quickly ran to their door, knocking it frantically and it took them less than 2 seconds to open the door.
“Oh shit, quickly, get in.” Hyunjin said as the 3 wolves entered only for the two to gently place Minho on the couch.
“His leg got shot twice, one more on his left rib and a plunge to his shoulder.” Changbin told Felix as the younger one began to get to work with Seungmin’s assistance. In the meantime, the two boys went upstairs to go change while you stayed behind with the others in the kitchen.
“How come you were with them?” Jisung asked as you leaned against the counter with Hyunjin standing beside you while Jisung and Jeongin stood opposite from you.
“I was at home when I heard a howl. I knew immediately they were in pain and it sounded very familiar. So I went to check.” You explained as the boys exchanged knowing glances to one another.
“Noona? Can I ask you something?” Jisung asked.
“Did you get any particular feeling when you heard the howl?”
“I just… I felt like it was someone close to me. Someone I cared for… Someone I-”
“-love?” Jeongin finished your sentence for you, making you look up at him with wide eyes.
“We know… We can always tell when one of us is in love… And we’ve known that from the start about Minho towards you. We just… couldn’t tell exactly for you since you’re not part of the pack.” Hyunjin explained, only for you to understand better.
Minho loves you?
You frowned as you stared at your feet for a while before you looked past Jisung’s shoulder to find Seungmin placing a blanket over Minho’s wolf form.
You were worried. You were terrified. The last thing you wanted was to never get to say goodbye to him. Never get to say the three words you hoped to tell him one day. Lucky for you, it wasn’t going to be a worry for you anytime soon.
Felix and Seungmin carefully left Minho there to rest as they approached the four of you in the kitchen.
“How is he?” Jeongin asked.
“He just needs plenty of rest. We managed to take out the bullets so I’m sure he’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Felix explained.
Since Minho was an Alpha, it means that he heals faster than the younger ones did. Same goes for Chan and Changbin if they ever got injured by something that wasn’t deadly to them. So with that being said, you excused yourself to go check on Minho, earning nods from the rest of them.
They watched as you made your way to Minho’s peaceful form on the couch.
“Why can’t they just confess already? They’re practically the perfect soulmates for each other.” Seungmin sighed with a smile.
“I know right?” Felix giggled.
“Come on, let’s give them some space.” Hyunjin said as he began to pull his brothers upstairs to let you and Minho have some privacy.
You sat on the floor in front of Minho’s adorable snout, gently caressing his soft fur on his neck. You gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose before whispering to him.
“Please be okay… I don’t want to lose you.”
His soft breaths filled your sensitive ears as you stroked his chest like a lullaby for him.
A few minutes of silence accompanied you, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep with the top of your head leaning against his neck and right underneath his chin. You didn’t know how long you were asleep but you woke up to the feeling of someone gently caressing your hair.
Successfully stirring awake, you brought your head up only to find Minho back in his human form and still in all his naked glory but with the blanket covering his waist down.
You immediately got to your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck, earning a soft giggle from him as he snaked his arms around your waist.
“Hi princess.” His sultry voice echoes in your ear, making you blush.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” You whispered, hearing him chuckle softly.
“Of course I have to be okay, I won’t leave you hanging.” His words made you pull back from him, staring into his adorable round eyes. Minho could sense your confusion in which he laughed.
With that, he reached up to cup your cheeks and gently caressed it with his thumbs before he whispered.
“I won’t ever leave you.”
You didn’t know what came over you but you suddenly felt brave. It has been screaming at you to do this for quite a while now, you just chose to ignore it. But this time, you felt like it was the right time to do it.
So with one small breath, you leaned in to kiss him, feeling him instantly smile against your lips. Both of you felt sparks shooting out of the kiss as he pulled you on top of him. His hands flew down to your waist while your small hands cupped his face softly.
Minho’s tongue teased you as he licked your bottom lip before tugging it in between his teeth.
His grip on your waist tightened, making you sit firmly on his thighs. You completely forgot he was butt naked until you felt something poking your inner thigh. It wasn’t until he pulled away from your lips to smile cheekily up at you.
“Should we go to my bedroom?” He asked, making you giggle.
“Are you sure you’re healed? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” You asked.
Minho kissed you again only to pull back and smirk, “Trust me sweetheart, I’m already good to go. I’m an Alpha, remember?” You rolled your eyes at his cockiness but nevertheless found it so attractive.
Minho laughed as he captured you in a kiss yet again before he stood up with you on his waist, your legs wrapped around his hips. A small yelp escaped your lips as he carried you up to his bedroom. Once you made it to his room, he kicked his door close and locked it before gently tossing you onto his bed.
He crawled over to you until he was situated in between your legs, making you nervous.
“You know you can always tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable, right baby? I will never force you to do something you’re not okay with.” Minho reassured you as he caressed your cheek lovingly.
You were nervous, yes because it would be your first time mating. However, you didn’t feel uncomfortable because you trusted him. So you weren’t going to stop him.
Not now. Not ever.
“I want you… Minho. Please… I… I love you.” You whispered with your eyes closed, too afraid to look at him. What you missed was how his eyes grew even softer the minute you said those last three words. Minho never felt this way before. Sure he has mated before and none of it works out. But this time, it all felt so foreign to him.
You weren’t just another one of his playmates. You weren’t a random stranger whom he would have sex with and leave. You were someone he cared for, someone he grew fond of, someone he trusts, and most importantly, someone he loves.
With that being said, Minho smiles as he leans down to close the gap before he whispers against your lips.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Right after, he kisses you like his life depends on it. Pouring out his love for you through the kiss, hoping you could feel his sincerity. He felt your hands sliding down his chest, only to trace your fingertips along the outlines of his abs.
He helped you discard your pyjamas, tossing them onto the ground as he then realized you only had your panties and no bra.
“Did you really just leave your apartment like this?” He chuckled, pecking your lips a few times.
“I got worried okay... I wanted to make sure no one’s hurt…” You blushed as he teased you.
“Aww, so you rushed out without thinking to change just because you were worried about me?” Minho smirked down at you.
“Shut up, Min. I didn’t know who it was when I ran out okay…” You pushed his face away with your hands only for him to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious!” You pouted as he pulled away to look at your disappointed face, making him chuckle and kiss you repeatedly, saying you looked too cute.
“Okay okay, I believe you baby.” Minho chuckled, cupping your cheeks to kiss you again, this time letting his lips linger there for a bit. Both of you took your own sweet time with each other. He promised to be gentle with you and that was exactly what he did. Only going rough once in a while so that you could both reach your highs.
Minho marked you as his partner and you were happy he did. But there was only one thing left that you haven’t done.
After he cleaned you, you were both lying in bed under his soft duvet. He was just gently playing with your hair while you laid your head on his chest. His mind was filled with nothing but you. All until you spoke up.
“I want to be in Chan’s pack.”
Minho’s fingers stopped whatever it was doing, only for him to stare down at you.
“What did you say?”
“I’ve thought about it… And I want to be in Chan’s pack.” You repeated again, causing him to smile.
“Wait… are you serious?”
You nodded with a small smile, making him huff. After almost 4 months of spending time with them, getting to know each of them better, you realized that they were nothing but a family to one another. And with your tragic past, maybe being in Chan’s pack wouldn’t be so bad. Not only will you have a family of your own, but you also have someone who you loved dearly.
So why not right?
With that being said, Minho kissed you again and again on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead and your lips. All you did was giggle.
“Let’s go tell Chan!” Minho said excitedly as he leaped out of bed butt naked, going around to collect both your clothes that were scattered on the floor. Once you were both changed, he grabs your hands and laces his fingers with yours only to run down the hall, accidentally bumping into Jisung and Changbin as you did so.
“Bang Chan!” Minho called out as he burst open the elder’s bedroom door, only to find Chan just reading something from his book shelves.
“Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Chan smiled as he placed his book down on the desk but Minho was quick to tell him the news.
“Y/N wants to be part of the pack.”
With that, Chan’s eyes grew wide as he stared at you with a happy glint in his eyes.
You gave him a firm nod in which Chan couldn’t help but grin.
“Well then, welcome to the family Y/N.” Chan announced, only for the rest of them to rush in.
“Noona’s finally part of us?!” Felix and Jisung asked in unison, earning a solid yes from Chan. The younger ones immediately ran to you to give you a hug. You couldn’t help but giggle as they welcomed you warmly. After you were done exchanging hugs, Chan spoke up to get everyone’s attention.
“Also, I think it’s pretty clear that Y/N is now out of bound to the rest of us except Minho.” Chan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at the male who had his fingers laced with yours.
“Yeah so don’t even think about it.” Minho warned, pretending to threaten his brothers but of course he didn’t actually plan to hurt them if they got close to you since they already loved you like a sister.
“Don’t worry brother, she’s all yours.” Changbin smiled cheekily, only for you to blush.
You were glad that you found them. You were glad they saved you that night and not any other pack. You were glad they came into your life. Because they taught you how to be strong again. They taught you how to survive. And most importantly, Minho taught you how to love again.
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darthzero22 · 3 years
We make a good team
Wrecker x Fem!Reader
No one dared to lay a finger on you, not even to speak to you in a bad way, and the reason was fear, fear that your tall and strong man would do something to them in order to protect you. But sometimes there are people who don't know that.  
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The others were at Cid's Parlor, but soon you would go to the Havoc Marauder because there was another job waiting for you to do. You were inside the ship, preparing it before takeoff, but Hunter ordered you to return to the bar through your communicator. You obeyed and exited the ship in the direction of the bar, but before you could get out of the docking station a man who was running collides with you, and both fall to the ground.
“Hey, you! Be more careful, or are you blind?” then man asked. You almost thought it was funny that the man was angry because it was his fault that he fell to the ground.
“You're the blind one, friend! Watch where you're going”
You didn't hurt yourself when you fell to the floor, but your palm feels a little sore. That man didn't care who you were, but when he sees that in the fall his datapad had been destroyed, he gets angrier at you when you were not to blame for anything. They were one of those typical guys who liked to pick fights over anything.
“You destroyed my datapad! That's it, you're going to pay for that” he gets up off the floor, but you don't.
“Well, that's your fault”
You see that the man was serious about making you pay when he comes threateningly close to you, but you always had your big, strong bodyguard.
“Hey, you!”
The man turns around when he hears the voice coming from behind him, and is startled when the tall, big, strong figure of Wrecker grabs his clothes around his neck and lifts him up with one arm very easily, making him take his feet off the ground.
“Oh, you better not have been planning to do what I think you were going to do” Wrecker sounded very angry, and he was certainly scarier that way.
“Let go of me! I promise I wasn't doing anything!”
“Yeah, right”
“Easy, big boy. Leave him” you approach him and put a hand on his arm, which he had up because he kept grabbing the guy and holding him in the air.
“But I saw you on the ground and him approaching you! If he was going to dare to hit you…”
“Easy, easy, pal. I wasn't going to do anything to... your friend”
“Wrecker” you now rest your hand on his chest.
Wrecker listened to you and let go of the man, causing him to fall to the ground in a sitting position.
“You mess with my girl and you mess with me, got it?” he makes his fists crack.
The man definitely runs out of there, scared, and Wrecker chuckles at the sight of him running away like a coward.
“Ha! It's always the same with these guys. They run away like cowards”
“Well, you gave him a good scare. Look how he runs” you smile.
“And that's fun! Do you think I made him soil his pants?”
“Most likely. You scare them easily. You are tall, very strong, you have big muscles…” you pat him on his chest. “And I love that”
“Oh, you've already made me blush” he smiled and he runs a hand over the back of his neck, his cheeks were a little flushed.
“You look adorable” you were smiling.
Despite the brief funny moment, Wrecker remembers seeing you on the ground earlier. He lowers his hand and rests it on your back, with a very soft touch.
“Are you really okay? What happened? I saw you on the floor”
“Yes, I am fine. Don't worry. That guy bumped into me as I was heading into Cid's Parlor”
“What an idiot! But, are you sure you're okay?”
“My hand only hurts a little, but it’s nothing”
“It’s nothing, big boy, really. So, you've come looking for me?”
“Yeah. Hunter told me you were on your way, but I wanted to come… and look for you”
What Wrecker was saying was true, but you knew he was hiding something. You look at him with a raised eyebrow, but always smiling, and he gets a little nervous because he knew that look of yours.
“Oh, don't give me that look!”
“Come on. Tell me everything”
“Fine! The truth is that I wanted to see you...” he blushes. “I don't like it when you are absent for a long time”
“Oh, big boy. I was absent for half an hour”
“Well, it's an eternity for me! But… I know I worry a lot. I know you can take care of yourself”
It was adorable to you that Wrecker would always worry about you, after all the situation you were in could be considered dangerous because you were fugitives. You were about to say something, but over your communicator you hear Hunter say to you and Wrecker that they were on their way to the ship.
“Well, it looks like another job in progress”
“I just hope there are some explosions this time! The last job was boring”
“Yeah. That’s…” you hear Wrecker's stomach rumble. “Looks like someone wanted to make an appearance. You didn't eat anything?
“I wanted to eat! But I can't buy Mantell Mix or anything else before we do the job and get paid. You know... the debt”
“I know. I may have the solution to that”
“Oh, you have credits?”
“Something better”
You head for the Marauder and Wrecker follows. Once inside the ship, you start looking for a box that you had kept in case of emergencies, but you did not find it in the place where you kept it. Maybe someone found it and put it somewhere else, but you had no idea where it might be. You were thinking for a few moments, while Wrecker was doing weights with Gonky, and suddenly it occurs to you where you might have left that box.
“Got it!”
“There, at the top of that rack. I'm sure someone put the box up there, maybe Echo”
“What's in that box?”
“Emergency rations. I'm sure they wanted to hide that box from you and me”
“What?! Oh, well, that's over!” he leaves Gonky on the floor. “They will see that they can't keep something from us for long”
“Yeah, but the rack is too high”
“That's easy to fix!”
Wrecker grabs you by the waist and easily pulls you up, making you sit on his shoulders. Thanks to that, now you could reach the rack easily, so you look for the box among the things.
“Did you find it?”
“Not yet. There's a mess up here. Oh, wow”
“What is it?”
“I found the flashlight we lost”
“Oh! I thought we lost it in Felucia”
“Felucia… It almost seems like an eternity has passed since that mission”
“You could say that again! I kinda miss the old days”
“Me too… Everything changed so fast”
“Yeah. But I still have you”
“And I have you, big boy”
After giving Wrecker a pat on the cheek, you continue searching until you finally manage to find the box.
“I found it!” you grab the box and open it. “And we found our reward”
“Ha! That's my girl. And they still don't realize that we make a good team”
“More than good” you smile.
Wrecker carefully helps you off his shoulders, and when you had your feet on the ground, you pull a ration bar out of the box. He was hungry, so when you give him the bar, he grabs it and eats it in one bite. You knew him and you knew that with just one he would not be satisfied, so you give him another bar. He realizes that he was eating all the rations and you weren't, you didn't care, but he did.
“I... Here” he gives you the ration bar he was going to eat, which was the fourth one. “You have to eat too”
“It's okay. I'm not hungry”
When he looked at you with those eyes, you couldn't say no to him. The truth is, you were a little hungry, and so you smile and grab the ration bar.
“Thanks” you start eating the bar.
“It's nothing. I have to thank you, though. You are… always taking care of me”
“Of course. I love you and want the best for you” you wipe your mouth with your hand.
“Oh, I already have the best, and it's you”
Wrecker wraps his strong arms around your body and hugs you tightly. You reciprocate the hug, and when you separate just a little, you give him a kiss on the cheek.  
“You take good care of me too, you always did” you said.
“It’s because I love you too. Now, before the others show up...” he lifts you up by grabbing your waist so that you are at his height, and you rest your hands on his shoulders. “I want to, you know… kiss you”
“You don't have to ask, big boy”
You bring your mouths together and join them in a kiss. As you always did when you kissed, you stay like this for a few moments, especially when you were alone. You wrap your arms around his neck to make the kiss more loving and deeper, and Wrecker hugs you a little tighter. When you separate from the kiss, you give him a caress on the cheek, and he refused to put you down.
“I have to put the box back in place. I don't want the others to know that we take rations without permission” you said.
“Right. Good point. But I don't think they'll find out”
“Let's not risk it”
Again Wrecker makes you sit on his shoulders, now to help you put the box back in its place, which was at the top of the rack.
“Done. If we are lucky, they will not suspect"
“Ha! They won't suspect us” he helps you get off.
“About what?” Omega's voice is heard.
You and Wrecker look at each other in surprise, and turn your heads to the side to see only Omega at the door of the ship. She had her typical curious face, as always.
“Oh! Hey, kid. We… We were talking about…” Wrecker certainly didn't know what to say.
“About adult stuff” that was the first thing that came to your mind.
“Yeah! Exactly”
“Adult stuff?” she was confused. “Why would others be suspicious of that?”
“You know... There are things that a couple keeps secret” you said.
“And we appreciate privacy… sometimes” Wrecker said.
“Oh, okay” she smiles.
Did she really believe that? Anyway, you and Wrecker relaxed when you heard her say that.
“Don't worry. I won't say anything about the ration box” she finally says and goes to her room.
“… I think we are bad at hiding things” Wrecker said to you.
“We are terrible criminals” you said.
“But we're still a great team" he smiles.
“There is no doubt about that” you smile. 
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What I Want - Part 2
AO3 Link
Chapter Title: What I Need
Pairing: Crosshair x fem!Jedi Reader
Summary: Following the awkwardness of the night before, you go to an old friend to try and process your feelings for Crosshair.
Click here for Part 1
Warnings: 18+, a bit more frisky business but not full on so rated 18 just to be safe. Swearing.
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Notes: You ask, you get!! Thanks so much for all the support and love for part 1 ❤️. As a thank you, I bring you part 2, I hope you enjoy! If this one takes off a bit as well, I do have an idea for a little bonus chapter around the Bad Batches' reaction. As always, feedback/comments are massively appreciated along with reblogs. Fic is below the cut off, thanks for reading!!
Taglist: @aerynwrites @shannon-lynn-21 @saltywintersoldat @tired-night-owl @wille-zarr
A comm alarm beeped softly, slowly pulling you out your slumber. Giving the device a sleepy glare, you shut it off and huffed back onto your bunk. Wrecker’s snores were echoing off the small ship barracks, you rolled your eyes at his sleeping form across the room as you swung your legs over the side of your top bunk. Below you, Tech slept soundly, he managed to fall asleep with his goggles on which were now sitting wonky on his relaxed face. He also had a datapad clutched to his chest, almost like a teddy bear, which made you chuckle to yourself.
You’d barely slept after getting back from the mission but being a General stopping over on Coruscant meant rest would be a pipe dream. Your alarm was set to get you out of bed and ready for the first of what you were sure would be a hundred and ten briefings today. You were always happy to shoulder the politics for the team, removing that burden from Hunter so they could keep to themselves. But today, you could really do without it.
You looked over at Hunter and Crosshair’s bunks, the former sleeping up top with an arm over his eyes. Probably to block out the few small coloured lights on the ship that shone from critical systems, preventing the room from being truly pitch black. You didn’t envy Hunter’s enhanced senses, they seemed to cause him quite a bit of discomfort when they weren’t on missions. You should probably pick him up an eye mask one of these days.
Below him, Crosshair slept with his back to the open room. One of the few times you ever saw his body relaxed was when he slept. You cringed as you remembered yesterday’s awkwardness with the sniper and mentally cursed at yourself for causing, what was, an easily avoidable situation.
Shaking your head you jumped silently off of your bunk, mindful to not wake any of the batch. You gently removed Tech’s goggles, placing them in their usual spot before moving over to grab some fresh robes and head for the fresher. Today was going to be a real drag.
“Hey! Look what the Lothcat dragged in” someone called after you as you trudged up the steps to the GAR Headquarters. You turned around to see none other than Anakin Skywalker jogging up behind you.
“Nice to see you too Skyguy” he chuckled at the nickname as he threw an arm around your shoulders.
You fell into companionable chatter as you made your way to your first meeting, the dark halls of the military headquarters looking indistinguishable as you attempted to find the correct room. Members of the Coruscant Guard patrolled the halls, nodding politely to you both as you strolled past.
Eventually you found the room where Mace, Plo and Luminara were waiting, along with some clone and human high command. You stood outside the door for a moment, readying yourself to seal your fate of being talked at for a solid eight standard hours.
Eventually you caved, mostly as you were on the verge of being late if you debated standing outside any longer. Begrudgingly, you sat through briefing after briefing. All the voices and different rooms blending into one grey blur as you tried to take in what information you could, but your tired and stressed mind was having none of it.
While it was nice to catch up with some of the other Jedi, you always felt a bit out of place among the perfect members of the council. More so now than ever.
You ended up wandering back to the temple with Anakin where you both retired to his room and you flopped down onto his simple bed with a whine.
“Okay, what’s going on? You’ve been off all day” Anakin was the closest thing you had to a brother, you trained as Padawans together and due to your similar age you became fast friends. You knew about his marriage to Padme and decided that if you could offload your dilemma on anyone, it’d be him.
“I fucked up” you groaned out from behind your hands.
“What’d you do?” Anakin replied in a playful tone.
“I might’ve got a bit hot and heavy with one of the clones in my squad, led him on and then cut it off” Anakin raised an eyebrow at your confession. “And now he’s pissed at me”
“Why?” You weren’t entirely sure which part of that entire thing he was questioning.
“Because I started the whole thing, I wanted it. Then all of a sudden I did that whole guilty Jedi, must follow every word of the order thing, gave him some pathetic look which said really sorry I can’t have attachments mate, hope you understand. He called me out on it before I could even utter the banthashit excuse and then he stomped off and hasn’t spoken to me since.”
“In his defence, seems like he was probably wound a little tight” Anakin replied with a chuckle which you just groaned at.
“He has every right to be pissed. Hells, I would be if the roles were reversed. Whats with this whole self-righteous act us Jedi have going on?”
“Look, it’s hard being a Jedi at the best of times. It takes an inhumane amount of self-control, which is why its not a path for the weak. But being a Jedi while at war… it’s a lot. You’re emotions are running high, you’re forming bonds with soldiers on the battlefield that you shouldn’t be, but none of us can help it because it’s uncharted territory. Maker knows I’d hunt down anyone who hurt Obi-Wan or my Captain. Yes, It’s not the Jedi way, but neither is fighting a grand-scale war.” Anakin’s eyes were alive with emotion as he spoke, be he quickly caught himself and then it was gone.
“My point is, don’t beat yourself up so much. No one is getting kicked out the order or in his case reconditioned if that’s what you’re worried about. Figure out what it is you want, and then just be discreet about it” you looked at Anakin like he’d grown two heads, he just winked at your confused stare.
“Okay let’s keep it simple. Are you attracted to him?” You thought back to the night before and firmly nodded in response.
“Do you like him as a person?” You pondered his question.
“Well, it’s Cross. I wasn’t sure if he even liked me for a long time. He’s closed off, anti-social, but he’s also a good guy, cares about his brothers, has saved my ass multiple times, and he is kinda funny in his own, snide way” you rattled off with fondness in your words.
“Well then I suggest you go and talk to him.” Anakin replied, giving you a knowing look when he spotted the small smile on your lips as you spoke about the sniper.
You took a deep breath, glad to have finally gotten that off your chest and feeling content that you now knew what to do next. “Thanks, Ani”
“Ugh please don’t call me that” he moaned back, apparently only Padme was allowed to get away with that one.
Your walk back to the Marauder felt like it dragged on and on. Your brain ran over a thousand scenarios of what to say, how he’d react and you were about to short circuit. There was so much risk, so much possibility, that you did your best to shut your mind off and let yourself handle it in the moment. These things never went as planned anyway, it was best not to guess.
The large door to the ship hissed open, your boots clanking on the metal surface as you cautiously walked into your home. It didn’t take you long to find Crosshair, he was sat in the main hull methodically cleaning his hand blaster. Everyone else must’ve been asleep. He was just in his blacks, the material hugging him in the most wonderful way, it’s like whoever designed those things was trying to trip you up. The contours of his arm muscles flexing as he worked, his strong chest looked practically chiselled at the heart of his lean frame. You had to force yourself to calm down a little bit.
“Uh, hey” you greeted awkwardly. “Mind if I join you?”
You took his silence as a well he’s not saying no. He didn’t spare you a glance as you walked in and took a seat opposite him. As a General in the GAR, you rarely got nervous. War, as a concept, was simple. You knew your purpose, your objective, you had a job to get done and you’d do it. The risks never stopped you, rather they fuelled you. Probably why you’re such a good fit for the bad batch.
But this right now, personal feelings, not knowing where you stand with someone you care about. Because if you were honest, you really did care about Crosshair, the same as you did the rest of the team. You’d only been with the squad just under a year but you’d gladly lay down your life for any of them in a heartbeat. If you could at least get back to where you were before the other night, you’d be over the moon.
You weren’t used to being so nervous, you let your hands fiddle with you dark Jedi robes as you readied yourself to speak again.
“Look, I’m not here to throw some crap about being a Jedi at you, I promise. And I’m sorry for trying it before” he still didn’t look at you, finding his blaster much more interesting. But you could tell he was listening, you had his attention. Might as well keep babbling.
“In terms of an explanation for what happened yesterday, well I guess I panicked.” You sighed as you tried to find the next words “The way you made me feel that night, I… I’ve never felt like that before and everything i’d been taught over the years screamed at me that what I was doing was dangerous and wrong. I now realise that I’m just an idiot. I make my own decisions and I… uh -well, I stick by that one, starting something that is.” Still nothing.
“I know this is probably a long shot. But in the interest of being transparent” you rambled “uh… if you want to go down that road again, I’m up for seeing what happens, can be as casual as we like. I promise I won’t freak out on you again.” You chuckled and thought you almost spotted a slight pull in the corner of Crosshair’s lips “But if you want to go back to how we were before, I’d also really like that.” You watched him for a while as he gave no acknowledgement of your words, his cleaning finished as he now gave the weapon a once over in his hands. Having said everything you needed, you got up from your seat, looking away from him.
“Well, if I can do anything else, let me know” you turned on your heel to leave, feeling slightly defeated but glad you’d at least made the first step.
“I could think of a few things” he finally spoke as he leaned back into his seat and continued to stare at his blaster, still not meeting your gaze.
Well that caught your attention, you turned back around to face him as he carried on ignoring you. While his tone was unbothered as he spoke, you knew him just enough to know his words held a meaning. He was playing with you, back to his usual teasing and you could’ve laughed at the relief that washed over you. This you could work with. A cheeky idea popped into your head and you’d decided to run with it.
“Oh really?” Throwing caution to the wind, you strode over to the sniper slowly. His gaze finally meeting yours after all this time, watching you as you got closer and closer. Practically drawing you in with his amber eyes. You pushed him back by his chest, creating enough room so you could straddle his lap. “Care to elaborate?”
He huffed out a short laugh at your words, his face overall unbothered but his eyes, they were burning into you. “You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you’ll figure it out”.
You hummed in response, deciding to kick things up a notch you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your faces just breaths apart. “Something like this?” You asked, pausing for another second before bringing your lips to his in a surprisingly soft and gentle kiss. You felt his hands come up to rest on your back, pulling you closer as you continued your slow dance. This was so different from the other night, where before there was desperation and lust, now there was something more… tender, passionate. You were quite glad you weren’t standing as the way he moved against you would’ve definitely made your knees weak.
Dragging yourself away from his lips, you searched his face. His mouth pulled into a barely there smirk “That’s a start.”
“Who said I was finished?” And just like that, the last few strands of tension between you both snapped and you relaxed in his arms. You fisted your hands into the front of his blacks and pulled him back to you, his tongue slipped between your lips, curious and demanding. He was everywhere again, filling your nose with the scent of the standard cheap GAR soap but mixed with something earthy, something so distinctly Crosshair and you couldn’t get enough.
You could tell why the Jedi order frowned upon such activities, kissing Crosshair was intoxicating. You couldn’t think of anything else other than the handsome clone in front of you and just how much you wanted him in that moment.
His hands wandered lower and lower down you back until they rested comfortably on your backside, pulling you further up his lap. Feeling mischievous, you started trailing kisses along his jaw. Setting a teasing, languid pace as you mapped out the spots that made him squirm. Crosshair was never a man of many words, so you made it your mission to see just how vocal you could make him.
As your lips met his pulse point, he gave a loud exhale and you smirked in victory against his skin as you continued the onslaught on his senses. You definitely seemed to be doing something right as his hands found themselves in your hair, clutching slightly and you couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped you. Even while trying to gain the upper hand in the situation, he always had some control over you. It was maddening in the best way, setting your veins alight with desire.
Determined to get another victory you traced your tongue against the base of the side of his neck and trailed it all the way up to the bottom of his ear, which you teasingly took into your mouth, teeth grazing the soft skin. A strangled moan escaped the clone and that was the moment where you knew you were hopelessly and utterly gone. Your mind filled with nothing other than wanting to be closer to Crosshair.
“Not very Jedi of you” he commented, slightly breathless when you finally stopped teasing him and came back up to meet his eyes. Looking down at where your bodies were pressed against one another, you chuckled.
“What exactly about this situation led you to believe I was ever a model Jedi?” You smirked, though it was only visible for a second before his mouth was back on yours, devouring you as his hands greedily roamed your body.
You continued making out like teenagers for most of the evening, taking the time to explore each other, enjoying the closeness. Contentment settled over your body, almost as if this was were you were meant to be. If Crosshair’s arms were where you belonged, well, you could think of worse places to be.
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crimsonophelia · 3 years
Could I get a fluffy and maybe flirty Childe imagine set during his story quest? Instead of the Traveler and Paimon accompanying him, the reader (who works at the Northland Bank as one of Childe’s subordinates) gets slapped with the duty of babysitting Teucer and covering for Childe and his façade as a toy seller in Liyue.
"I must say that your brother is quite cute, sir."
"...I guess it must run in the family."
"Hm? Did you say something, comrade?"
"Oh. Um. Nothing, sir."
Of course, being the perceptive man he is, Childe heard all of what they said. What he ends up doing or saying to the reader? Seeing the magic you’ve worked when anon previously gave you the liberty of it, I leave it entirely up to you. :)
featuring: childe x gn!reader
warnings: a teeny bit suggestive at the end
published: april 27 2021
form: imagine
a/n: i’m gonna be real with you, i was stuck on ar35 for the longest time because i was too cowardly to level up my world so i finally did it today and i jumped from 35 to 41 T_T and now my enemies are stupidly strong. but anyways i just started the childe quest today so im just gonna stick to the part when they’re still in liyue and there’s no fighting wwww
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“teucer, i swear to celestia-” you muttered under your breath, as the little redhead slipped from your grasp yet again, running ahead to go look at some kite vendors. “come back here, kid! otherwise you’re gonna be in a heck of a lot of trouble!” 
earlier in the day, you were out running errands for the bank, under tartaglia’s orders, when you had come across rumors of a ruin guard running amok. figuring you would use your spare time and save some local liyue citizens the trouble of having to deal with the feral robot, you defeated the machine with efficient ease. however, in the vicinity, you discovered a lone child showing great excitement at a deactivated ruin guard, jumping and leaping while calling it “mr. cyclops” with a strange elation. 
you figured the boy was snezhnayan, what with his features and clothing reminiscent of the cold climate of your homeland. but why in the world was he out by a ruin hunter all alone? he kept mentioning his brother, a toy seller in liyue, but you could think of absolutely nobody that fit that description. 
so, out of the goodness of your own heart, you decided to take the little boy-- teucer, he called himself--back to liyue harbor with you, and see if you could find this older brother of his. 
however, once you arrived back in the city, your plans were quickly derailed as the little brat seemed to have the attention span of a fruit fly, and was constantly trying to weasel his way into some other dangerous situation without you knowing. 
“god dammit teucer”, you huffed, trying to keep up with the child. who let children have so much energy? your age must finally be catching up to you, you thought. “how about we go back to northland bank? you might like it there” you thought taking him back to your headquarters would stall the boy for enough time for you to find someone who might know the whereabouts of teucer’s brother. there weren’t too many snezhnayans in liyue--whoever his brother is, he can’t be far.
the little boy looked up at you with his big, blue puppy eyes, but you knew his act by now. “no buts, kid. if you’re lucky, we’ll be able to track down you’re brother there.” he sighed, relenting to your orders and following you back to northland bank.
the two of you climbed up the stairwell leading to the entrance of the bank on the second floor, teucer clearly dejected and pouting like a baby. exhausted, you pushed open the doors that you were so familiar with, and ushered the child inside.
much to your surprise, you see tartaglia talking with ekaterina in the lobby. it had been quite a while since you had seen your superior in person, and the surprise certainly was not unwelcome. sometimes you couldn’t stand the man’s smug attitude, yet there was something in his rogueish charisma that you simple couldnt deny attracted you to him.
teucer also seemed to be excited by this sighting of the red-headed harbinger, the little boy’s eyes lighting up with unbridled excitement.
wait. was tartaglia the older brother teucer had been talking about all along?
childe turned around, distracted by teucer’s voice, and upon seeing the little boy, his eyes lit up—first with surprise, then with confusion.
“teucer? what the heck are you doing here in liyue?”
he left the fatui agent with a befuddled look upon her face, and ran towards the child. teucer jumped up into his brother’s broad arms, and they grasped each other in a tight hug, like they had not seen each other for at least an eternity.
ruffling teucer’s hair, tartaglia softened, with an expression unlike anything you had really seen him wear before. he really must care about his family, you thought to yourself.
“so you’re the older brother this little tyke has been talking nonstop about”, you teased tartaglia, elbowing him in his side. “you know, he’s thrown me for a loop this entire day. i didnt think babysitting was part of the job requirement.”
the red-head chuckled abashedly, scratching his head. “sorry about that, [y/n]. the little guy can’t seem to bear being away from his favorite big brother.”
teucer laughed. he truly looked so happy to be with tartaglia again, which made you wonder what the harbinger was like when not on the job. you had known him to be a ruthless war machine, a hedonistic killer who thrived off of the rush battle and bloodshed gave him. childe could take down a dozen men, twice his size, in a matter of minutes, hardly breaking a sweat. yet seeing him interact with teucer, almost a little mini-sized version of himself, his gentleness and care surprised you. perhaps there was more to the man than you had initially thought.
teucer finally detaching himself from tartaglia, looked up at his brother with those same puppy eyes, now full of admiration. “are you here to sell toys to the liyue children, too?”, the child asked. toys? what toys could he possibly be referring to? you and ekaterina, both, looked at childe with confusion.
tartaglia stuttered for a moment. “oh! uhh— yes! yes i am! i was just talking with the nice lady, ms. ekaterina, on how many toys we can sell to all the children in liyue!” he responded, hardly missing a beat. did teucer not know what childe’s actual occupation was?
“wow! my brother really is the coolest person ever!” teucer leaped up and down, hanging onto tartaglia’s pantlegs. looking at this young, untainted innocence, you begun to understand why childe might try and shield the child from the truth.
childe detached the excitable child from his clothing, and beckoned ekaterina over. “ms. ekaterina, would you do me the grand favor of watching teucer for the rest of the day? i’d hate to burden our friend [y/n] after they have already brought him to liyue from celestia-knows-where.” he turns to teucer, telling him “big brother ajax is going to sell many, many toys now! so you need to behave yourself when i’m gone, okay? miss ekaterina will be watching you, and she’s very nice.” he pinches his brother’s cheek, teasing him lightly, and ushering him away with the fatui agent.
it’s now just you and tartaglia in the bank, as the sun was setting and all the other employees had gone home for the day. you heaved a sigh of relief, glad to be rid of baby-sitting duty, after having to deal with teucer’s antics for several hours now.
“i’m really sorry about all of that. i had no idea he would be coming, as a stowaway, no less.” the man looked at you with genuine gratitude. “i don’t want to imagine what might’ve happened to the little brat if you hadn’t been there.”
you chuckled, not quite used to seeing such sincerity coming from the harbinger. most of the time, you had been accustomed to his charismatic facade that he puts on when he becomes childe, the eleventh and one of the most dangerous members of the fatui harbingers.
“don’t worry, it really was no problem. your brother is certainly a handful, but undeniably adorable”, you said, mindlessly gathering your belongings again as you prepared to head out again. “he takes after his older brother quite a bit, i must say.”
“come again?” childe looked behind him, eyebrow cocked.
“oh— nothing. i didnt say anything”, you muttered. shit. you really need to get better at keeping your mouth shut. you refused to be known as the insolent fool with the puppy-love crush on the goddamn eleventh fatui harbinger.
“oh? that didnt really sound like nothing, my dear [y/n].” he smirked. whenever he called you “my dear”, you knew you were in for major teasing. he was definitely having fun with this. he strode towards you innocently, with that usual swagger of his, that tinted everything he did. his walk, his talk, his appearance all oozed confidence, and it was utterly intoxicating.
tartaglia now looked at you with a glint in his eye, the same look he gave enemies before he was about to utterly obliterate them. it was frightening, yet terribly alluring, and you despised how much you fell for it.
suddenly, you felt your back hit the cold, marble wall. you hadn’t even realized that tartaglia had cornered you against a gold pillar, his mere presence forcing you to unconsciously move away from him as he approached you, calculatedly. a lump growing in your throat, you couldn’t bring yourself to even utter a single word in defense, only feeling your cheeks grow hotter and your legs grow weaker.
tartaglia leaned his arm against the pillar, dangerously close to your head, effectively propping himself up with only you between him. you were far too aware of the space—or rather, the lack thereof—separating the two of you, the man’s hot breath audible in the dead, echoing silence of the golden bank.
tartaglia smirked, bringing his face close to yours. “you flatter me greatly, [y/n].” smirking, his breath grazed against your neck, his stare burning into your flesh. the way your name sounded on his lips made your breath hitched in your throat. too hot, you felt way too hot. it was impossible for a hydro user to make you feel such unbearable heat.
“seems as if your clever words aren’t of any use to you now, hmm?” you could feel the mans lips brushing against your jaw, each touch against you leaving a stinging trail. he brought his free hand to caress your own, fingers clasping yours as if you were made of a delicate porcelain, the finest kind liyue had to offer. slowly, as if dragging out each second as long as he could, tartaglia brought your hand to his lips, and planted a long, slow kiss to the back of your palm.
your eyes widened at the sheer eroticism with which he kissed your hand—an act commonly of etiquette somehow being much more lustful, even debauched when tartaglia did it. all you could feel was where his lips met your hand, the phantom burn it left, the slight string of saliva connecting his lips to your hand as he left it, the dark gaze in his eyes as he looked back up at you, clearly aware of how vulnerable you were in his grasp.
“thank you again, my dear. i hope we can continue to work together in the future.”
a/n: jesus christ this got really horny at the end LMFAO anyways i hope you like it! its kinda long but wtv
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ectoentity · 3 years
Warped Mirror
Decided to write something based vaguely on the “Spork AU” idea. Instead of Episode 1 Danny meeting Episode 50+ Danny, though, I was curious about a Danny who never became Phantom meeting one who had. This first part is just establishing Human!Danny’s world.
I’ll post it to AO3 when I have the rest of it finished.
Three kids stood before a giant machine in the shape of a door. It should have been humming along and glowing green, with a great hole to another world in the middle. Instead, it was cold and silent. 
“They spent years working on it,” Danny explained, “and then nothing. Mom and Dad have been moping in their room all day.”
Tucker looked around at the portal and the hodgepodge of computer parts attached to it. “It’s probably a loose wire somewhere. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”
“In the meantime, this would make for an awesome picture,” Sam said with a smile. She held up her polaroid camera. 
“Oh no, you’re not getting me anywhere near that,” Tucker immediately walked away from the portal.
“Come on! When they get this thing working we’ll never be allowed near it. Besides, it’s not like it’s going to do anything right now.”
“Then why don’t you get over there and let one of us take the picture?” Tucker asked.
“Because neither of you know anything about lighting or framing a shot. Please?” When she saw that Tucker was not going to budge, she looked over at Danny with wide, pleading eyes. 
He looked anxiously at the portal. So far none of his parents’ inventions had really worked, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t dangerous. Still, Sam was right. It was pretty cool, and getting a picture with the thing could be a good way to keep a memory.
“Yeah, okay, let me put on a jumpsuit in case there’s a live wire or something.”
Ten minutes later he was suited up in the white-and-black safety jumpsuit his parents had made for him. It wasn’t really a hazardous materials outfit - there was no full hood or respirator, or even goggles. It was made of something that was supposed to repel ectoplasm and certain chemicals that his parents used and was insulated against minor shocks, so it would have to do. 
“Oh, no no. I’m not taking your picture while you’re wearing that,” Sam announced. Danny was about to argue, but she reached over and pulled the sticker of his dad’s face off of the suit. “Now you’re good.”
Danny laughed. “Good thinking, Sam. Wouldn’t want to be immortalized in your photos with that on me.” He walked up to the portal. It was a massive piece of machinery, nearly six feet in diameter and deep enough to fit a car. He paused at the entrance. It was hard to imagine it as anything other than a creepy machine in the basement. If it had worked, it would have opened into a whole other world. 
Tucker, meanwhile, was watching while anxiously tapping a foot. He had expected Danny to give in to Sam’s pleas. He was so predictable and utterly clueless. One of these days they would both realize that they were both desperately crushing on each other and they’d-
There was something plugged into the wall. Tucker wasn’t sure what it was, but he had a bad feeling about it. 
“Hold up!” he shouted. Tucker went over and unplugged the cord from the wall outlet, and checked around for more outlets just in case. When he didn’t find anything else, he called back, “Okay, I think it’s alright now.”
“Good thinking, Tuck,” Danny’s voice echoed in the portal. “Hey, Sam, is this good?”
Sam set up her shot. “Looks great! Just hold there a second.” She counted down before the flash went off. The camera whirred and produced a polaroid. “Lemme take a couple more,” she said before swiftly doing so from slightly different angles. “That should be good!”
Danny started to walk out of the portal. Something caught his foot. He tripped and fell backwards, flailing his arms wildly in hopes that he would catch something. His right hand hit the side of the portal. It stabilized him for a second, but then the wall clicked. Danny stared down at his hand, a chill lancing up his spine. He hadn’t hit the wall. His hand was resting on a button marked “ON.”
“Oh my god,” he blurted.
“Danny? Are you okay?” Sam called. He could hear them both scrambling toward the portal. 
“I’m good! I just tripped!” Danny got out of the portal as fast as he could. “My parents put the on/off buttons on the inside! If Tucker hadn’t unplugged it…” All three teens stared at the portal. Danny could have died, just for tripping over a stupid wire.
Finally Tucker gulped and broke the silence. “Want to see if your parents can get it to work now?”
Danny shook himself out of it. “Yeah! I’ll go ask if they forgot about that.”
They all but ran out of the lab.
The Fenton RV sped down the street, ghost alarms blaring. In the back, Danny got his weapons together as quickly as he could with all the jostling and swerving. They’d let Dad drive; time was of the essence.
“A level six!” Jack crowed from the driver’s seat. “Maybe even a seven! How long’s it been since we saw one like that?”
“About four months,” Danny grumbled. He still vividly remembered when the town had been drawn into the Ghost Zone and besieged with an army of skeleton constructs. He was not looking forward to a repeat of that hell. The Fenton Blaster in his hands whined as he attached the power source. 
“We’ll have to be careful, Jack,” Mom cautioned as she always did. “We don’t have the Ecto-Skeleton this time.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t call in the Guys in White?” Danny asked. They might not be the best ghost hunters, but they did have a lot more firepower.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Danny! I’m sure we can take care of this before they even notice something’s happening. Besides, your mom and I are still dealing with the paperwork from the last time they showed up.”
Danny shuddered. He was extremely glad that he didn’t have to deal with that aspect of ghost hunting. 
His dad pulled up to the mall with a loud honk of the horn and squealing tires. Danny and his mom ran out, blasters held at the ready. Dad backed them up with one of the Fenton Bazookas. 
The mall was already evacuated. Some people milled around outside, anxiously talking amongst themselves. In the year and a half since the ghosts had started attacking the town, people had gotten frustratingly complacent about them. The invasion a few months back had shown most people just how dangerous they could be, but a stubborn few always were more concerned with getting good pictures than their own safety. 
“Make way!” Mom shouted. “We’re here to take care of the ghost!” The crowd at least did part for them. A few people shouted at them. Some of it was words of support. A few tried to describe what they had seen - it was green, it was wearing all white, it was terrifying. Only a few made jokes or jeered at the Fentons as they passed. That was annoying, but it was a hell of a lot better than it had been a year ago. 
The deserted mall was an eerie sight. Everyone had left in a hurry, leaving lights on and store music still echoing through empty halls. The Fentons’ footsteps seemed far too loud. The weirdest part was that everything seemed intact. When the technology ghost raided the mall he usually left trails of rubble and discarded packaging everywhere. The box ghost would leave piles of everything that he dumped out of his beloved boxes. Various other ghosts had attacked the mall in the past, and they almost always left signs of their passing. Why was this one different?
“Come out, ghost!” Dad shouted, his voice easily carrying through the empty mall. “Let’s make this quick!”
“Curious.” The voice was quiet, but had the same unnatural echo of all ghosts. Danny held up his blaster, but he couldn’t tell where the voice had come from. Beside him, his mom turned on her miniature Fenton Finder. It beeped alarmingly quickly. 
“Two o’clock!” Mom shouted as she fired. Danny was only a moment slower, trying to fire a little ahead. The blasts didn’t connect with anything. 
“I mean no harm,” the ghost said. Its voice was way too close for comfort. Danny turned to his right and shot where he thought it was, but he still missed. 
“What do you want?” Danny asked. He didn’t really care. No matter what their obsessions were, ghosts only ever wanted to spread chaos and pain. Still, sometimes he could distract them by talking back. 
The ghost appeared in front of them. It was tall, with dark, green-tinged skin and a lighter beard. Its eyes glowed a soft yellow. A white robe and hood covered most of its body, rippling in a nonexistent breeze. 
A green beam from the Fenton Bazooka blasted towards the ghost. Its torso split apart to allow the beam to go through it. Danny grimaced. It was so gross when they did that. He followed his dad’s lead and started shooting the ghost. The ghost blocked all of his and Mom’s shots with a series of small green shields. 
“This is entirely unnecessary,” the ghost huffed. It had the audacity to look bored. 
“Then why not just go back to the Ghost Zone and leave us alone?” Danny shouted, annoyed. He ran off to the side, flanking the ghost. It finally started dodging the ectoblasts. If anything, though, the ghost just looked amused. 
“Oh, I shall. First, though…” The ghost flung its hand out towards Danny. He winced, anticipating the burn of ectoblasts. He took a step back and his foot sank. With a shout, he fell into the glowing green portal that had opened right behind him.
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elysiadjarin · 3 years
Sword and Shield 6
Tags: Bad Batch x reader (you), fem!coded, poly!relationship, multi-part series, nonhuman!reader, Echo later on
Part 5: https://elysiadjarin.tumblr.com/post/655170472428830720/sword-and-shield-5
Warnings: none really. 
Without further ado, I present to you the moment you’ve all been waiting for. *bows deeply* *backs away*
6: Confessions
You snorted to yourself. Not act on it, that’s for kriffing sure. You sighed, shaking your head. Even if someone wanted to get into a relationship with you — already dangerous territory — why would they even consider accepting you harboring feelings for others? Ridiculous. Everyone you’d ever known besides your Vod’ika had been fiercely possessive of what they viewed as their own — and besides, even the 501st had been super protective and jealous of you in most aspects.
Letting out a heavy sigh, you resigned yourself to suffering in silence as always. They would never know, and you’d simply continue to work with them. Hopefully, best case, your crush would pass and fade away in time. After all, maybe this really was just a reaction to the kindness the Bad Batch had shown you after you’d been neglected for so much of your life.
You staunchly decided that you didn’t want to look further into it than that. Best not fan flames of false hope, after all.
Having made a decision, you refocused on humming and popping the finished three pans into the oven. You moved onto the icing you’d decided to put on the cupcakes. The team ate a lot, after all, and it’s not like you got sweets a lot on missions. The sugar might be a nice pick-me-up or reward for their hard work. Plus, you decided, the ship smelled nice now.
Whisking away at the icing in the chilled bowl, you let the contentment settle over you. Humming to the music, you started to sway a little and step lightly in time to the beat. The ship was warm; you felt content for the time being; and you were where you wanted to be.
“Whoa, what’s that smell?”
You almost started, turning around to see Wrecker in the doorway, staring at you with wide eyes. You felt your face burn as you realized that Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker had caught you dancing as you baked. Setting the bowl down, you gave them an embarrassed smile.
“Welcome back. I figured I’d make you some cupcakes-?” You offered, tugging at your hair that you’d put up and out of the way. “I just put them in the oven: I’m making frosting right now.” You picked the bowl back up.
Wrecker blundered into the kitchen, clearly a bit tipsy. His eyes lit up. “Whoa, seriously Shiv?” he exclaimed giddily. “Cupcakes? You’re making them? For us?”
You had to laugh at his flushed cheeks and childish grin of excitement as he plopped himself down on the floor and watched you. “Yes, I know we don’t really get sweets or anything on missions usually, so I figured I’d just... you know. I mean, you all work really hard, you deserve something for it. Plus, I owe you a snack, remember?”
Hunter nodded at you from the door. “Appreciate it, Shiv. I’m going to go back to my quarters for a while,” he mumbled, clearly on sensory overload.
You nodded back. “I’ll leave some for you in the cooler whenever you want some,” you promised. “Please get some rest.”
He nodded, trudging off.
You hesitated, glancing at Crosshair. “Would you... would you like to join, or... or should I just save you some?” you asked tentatively, unsure if the quiet and usually sullen sniper would want to be around.
He glanced at you, and you couldn’t tell if he’d even drunk anything or not. Then he grunted. “Too warm in here. I’ll be in the common room. Thanks for the... stuff.” With a curt nod, he headed off.
You blinked, then took it as a sort of thanks. Crosshair had always been short with everyone, so you took no offense to it; but you’d also realized over time working with him that the fact that he was never outright rude to you was his way of being personable. And the fact that he even sat in the same room as you for periods of time was another silent proof that he, at the very least, didn’t hate you. He normally never complained about working with you either, only making constructive suggestions that, while sometimes terse, weren’t overtly or purposely vitriolic.
You shook yourself and refocused to see Wrecker staring up at you with a sort of stupid grin.
“Are the cupcakes almost done?” he asked eagerly, turning to look at the oven.
You laughed. “Not quite, I just put them in a few minutes ago, so it’ll be another fifteen minutes or so.” You offered him the mixing bowl. “My arm is getting a little tired, can you help? I just need to mix this a little more.”
He took the bowl and started to whisk, still careful even in his tipsy state not to spill too much. Well, he tried, you had to note with some amusement. He still splashed a little, but you weren’t really bothered by it. You’d purposely put extra in there anyway, just to be safe.
“Did you have a good time?” you decided to ask, turning the music down and going to check the timer.
“Yeah! The drinks weren’t too bad, and I got to see a couple of familiar faces,” Wrecker said, still diligently stirring away at the icing. “I mean, I was a little sad when you left, but I knew why, you know? I kinda hoped you’d have fun, not have a bad time.”
You almost froze, desperately trying to calm your heartbeat that had picked up. Straightening, you sent him a jittery smile. “Th-Thanks, Wrecker. You were there, so it wasn’t all bad. It was just one guy.”
He notably cheered up at that. “Good, good,” he said with a decisive nod.
“Oh, can I see the icing? I think it should be done,” you said, trying to change the topic. Your newly-discovered feelings could absolutely not handle any sort of encouragement.
He held it out, glancing into it. “Is it supposed to look like that?”
You peered into the bowl, noting with satisfaction the peaks of the icing. “Yep. Could you put it in the cooler please? Once the cupcakes are out and cooled enough, I can put the icing on.”
He nodded and got up, carefully putting it away in the cooler. He rather gingerly sat down on a chair, then accepted the glass of water you offered.
“Thanks. I think I maybe had one too many,” he said, gulping down the glass.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. “Well, the water should help,” you encouraged.
“Do you drink, Shiv?” Wrecker asked curiously, peering at you.
You blinked, then shook your head. “Never really started in the first place,” you admitted. “I mean, I understand the draw, but I never was allowed to before, and then it just sort of... I don’t know, I figured that after all this time, why start? Caf is my poison of choice, and I don’t fancy the hangovers, not after taking care of the 501st with Kix too many times.” You rolled your eyes fondly at the memory.
“Huh. Makes sense,” he conceded with a nod.
The timer went off just then, so you grabbed the oven mitts and opened the oven. The toothpick came out clean, so you grabbed the trays and set them on the cooling racks, turning off the oven.
“Are they done?”
You hummed and nodded, poking at one. “Yep, they’ve baked all the way through and the top is spongy,” you said in satisfaction. “I knew it would be a good batch.”
“What flavor are they?” Wrecker tilted his head at the trays curiously.
“I made one flavored Nabooian chocolate, the second vanilla, and the third mint,” you answered.
“Whoa, Nabooian chocolate? Isn’t that pretty expensive?” Wrecker looked surprised.
You shrugged. “Yeah, usually, but the GAR usually gets things a little cheaper in bulk and I decided it was worth it this time around. Sometimes you just... need to indulge while you have the opportunity, you know?” You gave him a smile.
He smiled back and nodded. “Yeah... makes sense.”
Once the cupcakes had cooled enough, you carefully lifted them out of the tins and set them on the racks. Grabbing the bowl of icing from the cooler, you started applying it in neat swirls. Wrecker shuffled up behind you, peering over your shoulder at the process.
“They look nice,” he remarked encouragingly.
You glanced up at him with a smile. “I’m glad. I chose a buttercream icing so it would pair well with the flavors.” Once you were finished, you licked your fingers clean of the icing that had gotten smeared in the process. Cleaning out the bowl, you set everything away and began placing the cupcakes in containers. Grabbing a few, you took three plates and placed a few on them to go take to the others. Turning, you smiled up at Wrecker.
“Help me carry these?”
He grabbed two plates, letting you get the other one for Hunter. He followed you down the hall, and you stopped briefly at Hunter’s room. You knocked lightly on the door.
“It’s open,” a voice came from within.
You slipped through the door, then placed the plate on his bunk. “Here you go,” you whispered, trying not to agitate his senses.
He glanced from you to the plate, then nodded. “Thank you, Shiv.”
You just nodded back, then slipped back out and closed the door. Following Wrecker down the hall, you went into the common room to find Tech and Crosshair still there.
“Yo, Cross, Tech, Shiv made us some snacks!” Wrecker said, putting the plates down.
“Oh- the one with more on it is for Tech and Crosshair,” you said quickly, “and the other plate is for you, Wrecker.” Everyone knew that Wrecker ate more than the rest of you, due to his size and genetic mutation.
He grabbed his and sat down, gleefully beginning to tuck into his cupcakes.
“There’s Nabooian chocolate, vanilla, and mint,” you repeated for Crosshair and Tech’s benefit, twisting your fingers in your sleeves. “I hope they’re okay....”
“They’re so good,” Wrecker all but groaned around his mouthful.
You noticed that Tech was still engrossed in his work, so you decided to go and gently tap on his shoulder. He started slightly and looked up at you owlishly.
“Oh, Shiv.”
You gave him a gentle smile. “I know you’re doing good things, but please take a little break? You haven’t eaten or drank anything in a while.” You offered him water and a cupcake.
He blinked down at it, then seemed to automatically reach out and take it. “Oh. Uh... th-thanks, Shiv,” he said hesitantly, looking up at you with a sort of surprise buried in his eyes.
Impulsively, something in you drawn to his wistful expression, you reached out and brushed your fingers briefly through his mussed hair, smoothing the wild strands. “I thought you might be a mint type of person,” you said, giving him a smile.
He took a bite of the cupcake, chewing it thoughtfully. “I do like mint,” he confirmed, then began tucking into the cupcake, almost wolfing it down. He didn’t remark on your gesture, so you decided not to address it and instead turn around.
Crosshair was already halfway through a chocolate one. Glancing up, he lifted the cupcake in a sort of half-salute of acknowledgement.
You smiled back, glad that the sullen trooper seemed to enjoy the treat.
“Hey Shiv, come sit!” Wrecker motioned next to him. He offered you a cupcake once you sat beside him, but you shook your head.
“Oh, I’m okay, thanks. I sort of scraped the batter bowls when I was making them, so I’ve already had a taste.” You shrugged, picking up your datapad. “You enjoy them.”
“Boy am I,” Wrecker enthused, grinning. He polished off the others on his plate, smacking his lips. “These are super good.”
You briefly glanced up at Tech, noting that he’d absently begun on another cupcake while tapping away again at his screen.
“Do you think they’re going to put us through a battle simulation soon?” you asked warily, frowning down at your datapad.
“Statistically, probably,” Tech answered. “It’s been a while since our last one, and they do tend to keep up with us as a modified unit.”
You sighed, shoulders hunching on yourself. “And now I’ve been added to the force,” you concluded glumly.
“Is somethin’ wrong, Shiv? I like the simulations, they’re fun.” Wrecker glanced down at you curiously.
You sighed. “Well, I’m... I’m a weird factor in the whole mess. I’m usually either told to sit out on a simulation because they’re testing the functionality of the troopers, not me; or I’m limited to stun-only weaponry, which is really difficult to hold as a form. I’m made to be a lethal weapon, so my default is to use live ammunition, not training weapons. I can, of course, but it’s an extra thing for me to remember when I’m utilized in a simulator. The Kaminoans really don’t like it when I mess up and damage either their training units or their equipment.”
Tech tilted his head, brushing crumbs off of his lap. “I hadn’t realized it before, Shiv, but what relationship exactly do you have with the Kaminoans? You never really said how you came to be a weapon for a clone unit. Why wouldn’t you have been assigned to a Jedi or an officer?”
You grimaced, tucking your legs up to your chest. “That’s... a long story, Tech. Not that I wouldn’t tell you, but... I don’t think right now is the best time. Besides, I think Sergeant Hunter should be here to hear it, too, as my leader. But for now, I think it’s safe to say that the Kaminoans are interested in replicating my DNA, so using me with a clone force to see how I would react to and mesh with their clones is a convenient experiment for them.”
Tech conceded. “I suppose that’s fair,” he said with a nod. “But we will most likely be asked to participate in a training regimen soon.”
You reached up and brushed hair out of your eyes, feeling the exhaustion creep up on you. “I think I’m going to go to bed.” Standing, you sent everyone a tired smile. “Get some sleep, if you can.”
“Thanks for the cupcakes, Shiv. I’m gonna eat more tomorrow,” Wrecker declared, waving at you.
You nodded and stepped out, shuffling down the hall to your small room. You might have to spend the next couple of nights in the GAR barracks, considering the probable training regimen you’d be called in for tomorrow plus the report you’d have to give to Commander Rex.
You quickly fell asleep, exhausted at the mere thought.
Commander Rex raised an eyebrow in vague amusement as he faced you. “You didn’t have to send me an entire comprehensive report, as much as I’m sure the command base will appreciate it.”
You shuffled your feet sheepishly. “Sorry, Commander,” you laughed self-deprecatingly. “You know me.”
He nodded. “I think I do, which is how I also knew that giving you time to compile a report would result in me being able to see data for myself.” Standing, he sighed and clasped his hands behind his back. “I personally see your integration as a success, Shiv. You seem to be integrating into the team very well, and the team seems to accept you. But you also know that my report of success will have a natural repercussion.”
You looked down at your feet. “Tipoca,” you said resignedly.
“Yes,” Rex confirmed with a nod. “Tipoca. The Kaminoans have already requested the presence of Force 99 for checkups, especially since your integration has been considered a success.”
“I figured, Commander,” you said quietly. “I also mentioned it to the team last night. I might have to... tell them.”
“If you think it’s prudent.” Rex left it up to you. Then he sighed, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder. “It was good to see you again, Shiv. You seem to be thriving in the Bad Batch. But I do have a word of warning.”
You blinked up at him, a little surprised. “Y-Yes?”
“You know that most Regs don’t look on defective clones very... positively. And you already know your own reputation on Tipoca. Keep your head up.”
You nodded. “That’s another reason I’m going to tell them, sir,” you admitted. “They’re probably going to say something, but...” You shrugged your shoulder.
Rex nodded. “General Skywalker asked about you the other day. He seemed pleased to hear that you had found a place with the Bad Batch.”
You had to smile at that, grateful that he’d remembered you. “If you see him again, tell him thank you for thinking of me. I didn’t think he’d remember me.”
“Will do. Go on, Shiv. You probably have to leave soon to get to Kamino on time.”
You nodded. “Have a good day, Commander. And-“ you paused before you headed back out, turning briefly to glance at him. “I hope to the Maker that you see nothing but success on your missions.”
He nodded. “Same to you, Shiv. Take care of yourself and your team out there.”
You left, letting the door slide shut behind you. Walking down the hallways and corridors, you sighed heavily and tried to think about how to tell the Bad Batch about your past. They deserved to know, not only as your teammates but also considering they wouldn’t otherwise understand the routine you’d have to go through once you arrived on Tipoca.
As soon as you got back to the ship, Hunter found you. “Good, you’re back, Shiv. We’ve gotten commands to go to Kamino again.”
You nodded resignedly. “I know. Um, Sergeant, would it be possible to talk to the whole team? I have to explain a few things before we arrive at Kamino. It has to do with why we’re being called there.”
He paused and stared at you for a moment, then nodded. “Gather in the common room once we’re up in the air.”
You nodded, heading off to the common room and trying to think of the best way to go about it. Everything felt... distant, in a strange way. You had to figure out how to distance yourself, at least enough to explain the standard procedure you were always subjected to on Kamino, not to mention what they’d have to look forward to.
Everyone shuffled in once the ship was in hyperspace to find you curled up on one of the seats, staring blankly at the floor. Wrecker plopped himself next to you, while Tech took his usual seat and Crosshair and Hunter sat opposite the three of you.
“So what’s all this about, Shiv?” Hunter asked evenly, opening the floor.
You sighed, uncurling enough to not hide your face. “I know I haven’t said that much about my past, or how I even started working among clone troopers. And now that we’re being called to Kamino, I figured this is probably the best time to tell you about it, since... it’s going to be important.”
You grimaced, reaching up to pull a hand through your hair. “I’ve already said that I’m a weapon, and that there aren’t many of us throughout the galaxy. I’m not the only one, but... definitely one of the few left. I... Since I can remember, my earliest memories start with me being a slave.” You didn’t even flinch, used to the memories. “I was bought, sold, traded off, moved hands throughout my earlier years, until I fell into the hands of a well-known Separatist leader who bought me to be trained as a personal bodyguard and weapon.”
Wrecker grunted, clearly displeased as he frowned thunderously.
Leaning back, you wrapped your hands around your knees pulled up to your chest. “I was... well, there wasn’t that much known about my kind or species, still isn’t. So naturally, I was... poked and prodded at for a long while until I was about... ten? That’s when my formal training began.” You rolled your eyes. “As if I hadn’t been forced to kill since I was six,” you said tiredly, shaking your head. “All that was different was that I was forced into a grueling regimen for three years.”
“You were forced to kill when you were six?” Hunter frowned, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at you intently.
You nodded. “Yes, that’s the earliest kill I can remember. I don’t even know what might have happened before that. My memory has been proven to be faulty concerning anything before seven.” Glancing around, you felt the familiar knot twist in your stomach. “Anyway, those three years were not just for combat training but also for etiquette training. I was groomed to be not just a weapon but an ornament for a rich, upper class noble that liked to flaunt his money and... eccentricity. After all, I was a rare commodity.”
“A very clinical outlook,” Tech remarked, tilting his head at you.
You glanced at him. “It was the only way I knew to view myself. I’d been taught since I could remember that I was a slave, that I lived solely to be a slave to someone else, whoever that may be. I was to be bought and sold freely at my master’s whim, passed from hand to hand. After all, I was just a weapon, right?” You shrugged, the bitterness twisting your lips. “It was all I’d known for most of my life. I was to stand still and look pretty staring at the ground unless my current master decided to use me to either protect himself or... reaffirm... his power.”
Wrecker cracked his knuckles. “Let’s go find him,” he suggested darkly, glaring.
You smiled at him slightly, patting his arm. “Thank you, but unnecessary. The War broke out, and after another three years serving as a weapon for the Separatists, my former Master was unfortunate enough to run into General Skywalker and his squadron, the 501st.” You shook your head. “Once my Master was defeated, I was freed from his control. I didn’t know what to do except offer myself to Commander Rex, since he’d basically won me in combat. One Master for another. Their confusion turned to horror once they managed to access the surviving information about me and figured out what and who I was.”
Despite yourself, you had to smile down at your knees at the memory. “Looking back... it’s almost funny,” you sighed, shaking your head. “The way they lost their minds trying to figure out what to do with me and how to interact with me. Long story short, General Skywalker decided that for the time being I should stay with the 501st and Commander Rex, since I’d latched onto him instinctively and refused to leave his side. It was my conditioning, so it was all I really knew. I’ve spent the past... four or so years with them until now. But there was a long process for me in those years.”
You winced. “This is where Kamino comes in. Not knowing what else to do with me at the time, Commander Rex and General Skywalker decided to send me to Kamino in order to figure out more about my biology and my mental conditioning. I’d been fitted with several inhibitor chips at the time, including a microchip that reinforced my obedience to whatever master held the other half of the microchip. Since my former Master had been incapacitated, the chip damaged, I’d reverted to the other inhibitors and latched onto Commander Rex. Kamino... was very excited to discover me.”
Crosshair snorted. “Of course they were,” he sneered.
You just nodded. “Of course they were,” you sighed. “I was another opportunity to look into for their scientific experiments. After removing my inhibitor chips, they put me through a long reconditioning process that re-taught me a sense of individuality and being. Since I had nowhere else to go, I decided to make myself useful and pay back my debt to the 501st by agreeing to subject myself to Kaminoan jurisdiction just like the clones. Clones became... my new identity.”
You took in a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment. Bracing yourself, you continued.
“I chose to allow the Kaminoans to continue experimentations on me as long as I could stay under the command of Commander Rex unless he decided otherwise. Commander Rex was kind enough to take responsibility for me, and I was reconditioned to learn to work with clone troopers. The Kaminoans are interested in studying me in order to decide if it’s worth using me as a new DNA template for cloning.”
“An endless supply of versatile weapons,” Crosshair deduced cynically. He had his arms crossed, toothpick clenched between his teeth.
You nodded. “Yes. Once Commander Rex decided that I would work better with a smaller group... well, I’m here now. But that also means that as soon as he reported that my integration into the Bad Batch had been successful...”
“We’re going to be going through tests in order to test us now that you’ve been added,” Tech concluded. He nodded, adjusting his glasses. “Makes sense. After all, this could be the proof that they’re looking for that one of you in a group of four enhanced is worth an investment.”
You nodded. “I’m sorry. I did mean to tell you, I just... didn’t know when would be the best time, and...” you sighed. “Commander Rex did warn me that I’d have to tell you, especially since I’m not... I’m not very well favored among the Regs, especially on Tipoca.” You uncomfortably shifted, looking away.
Hunter sighed. “Well, that won’t really be a problem. We’re not well accepted among the Regs either.” He shook his head. “As long as you’re one of us, you’ll never be accepted.”
“I guess they’re right when they talk about being in good company,” you said with a weak smile. You already felt exhausted just trying to sum up the weirdness your life had been in general.
“Well, while it’s interesting and valuable data, it doesn’t really change much,” Tech said, looking down at his datapad. “It’s not like we weren’t an unusual unit in the first place. It’s just another added member and test.”
“Yeah! Don’t worry, Shiv, we’ll take care of ya,” Wrecker cheered, patting your shoulder. “Anyone talks bad about ya and we’ll take care of it.” He cracked his knuckles again.
You had to breathe a laugh. “Thank you, I appreciate that. But I am used to it, so please don’t get into too much trouble.”
“Wrecker’s always looking for a fight anyway,” Tech said, the eye roll clear in his tone.
Hunter stood with a nod to you. “Good to know, Shiv. We’ll just have to keep it in mind once we’re there, but I don’t think it really changes all that much when it comes to procedure. We’ve always been put through training anyway every time we go back.”
You nodded, relieved that the talk had gone well. “Thank you. I’ll... continue to do my best.”
“You’re going to need to if you’re coming in with us, this time,” Crosshair remarked, standing. He just glanced at you. “Wrecker, come with me to the cockpit.”
Wrecker patted your shoulder again, then stood and headed toward Crosshair. “What? Why? Did Hunter need us again for something?” His voice trailed off as he went off down the hallway after the sniper.
You blew out a breath, letting your forehead rest against your knees. The knot in your stomach had loosened, relief spreading through you in a sudden rush. You had, in the back of your mind, worried that the team might resent the added scrutiny your presence would bring. But it seemed as though they’d just accepted it as inevitable. Sometimes, it was still hard to accept the kindness and acceptance you’d been shown.
“Are you alright, Shiv?” Tech spoke up from his seat.
You looked up at him, feeling the shadows pool under your eyes. “Oh... I’m fine, Tech, thanks. Just...” You shrugged. “Telling that story is kinda exhausting for me. Always has been. Plus, I always feel tired whenever I try to remember anything that happened before I was seven.”
He tilted his head. “Did the Kaminoans figure out why?”
You shook your head. “They couldn’t tell if the damage to that part of my memories was a natural biological reaction to some trauma or an after effect of the myriad of inhibitor chips that had been implanted in me. Thanks to their conflicting effects at times, the Kaminoans decided that using an inhibitor chip in me was an unnecessary risk. Besides, I’d been so willing to stay that there was no point except for conditioning to reinforce my... loyalty, I guess.”
“I understand.” Tech nodded. “Do the questions bother you?”
“No.” You shifted, turning to better face him. “Besides, you guys deserve to know. I mean, I’m basically in your head most of the time anyway. I’d say we’ve passed the point of being afraid to ask personal questions.”
Tech glanced down at his datapad. “I know that our inhibitor chips are mostly disabled because of our mutations. You say that you don’t have one?” he asked curiously.
You subconsciously reached up and rubbed your head. “No, all of the older ones were removed. And the Kaminoans didn’t put one in. Too much risk without enough data. All I have right now is a high-grade birth control implant,” you said thoughtfully. “I’d been outfitted with one during my time as a slave, though I could never figure out why.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “I mean, they never intended to use me in that sense. I was strictly an ornament and a weapon; and besides, they’d conditioned me thoroughly with the implants to never seek out any sort of physicality in that sense, so why put the implant in?” you puzzled wonderingly.
“Perhaps as just an added measure of protection? A sort of security of the purity of a possession?” Tech suggested without malice.
You shrugged. “I’m not sure, though that might be a good guess,” you agreed. “The Kaminoans asked if I just wanted it removed, but I figured I’d just ask for a safer and better replacement just in case,” you said dismissively. “It was offered, why not. Besides,” you said with a dark sense of amusement, “I don’t plan to procreate, but I did have to sacrifice my virginity for a mission.” You rolled your eyes at the memory. “Kix and Fives almost lost their minds over that one.” You snorted.
Tech looked a little flushed, the tips of his ears stained with color as he shifted.
“Sorry, Tech,” you had to laugh a little. “Didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
He glanced at you. “It’s alright. But, uh, why were they upset?”
“Oh, not at me,” you said, shaking your head. “They’ve always been my brothers, so they’ve been protective of me. I guess I worried them when I told them about it because they thought I’d maybe been forced into it.” You shook your head with a sigh. “I just... I’ve never really been allowed to make any of my own choices, you know? It was one of my first big decisions I made, albeit kind of stupidly. Anyway, it’s not like anyone would want a relationship with me.” You shrugged, leaning back in your chair.
“Why not?” Tech sounded surprised, staring at you. “I mean, I’d think that choosing a weapon as a partner might be beneficial. Not that you’re just a weapon,” he added.
You smiled at him. “Thanks, Tech. But I mean... I am a weapon,” you pointed out. “I’m meant to be used as one, and... I mean, even now, I’m the weapon of a team. I don’t know that anyone would want all the baggage I come with, or even be able to handle sharing me with four other people — it’s just. A lot to ask.” You fiddled with your shirt. “Besides, I don’t know who’d be interested in me anyway.”
Tech seemed to open his mouth, then closed it. Then he opened it again as though he couldn’t help himself. “Wrecker is.” He jerked a little as though cringing.
You blinked, looking up at him. Telling your brain to shut up, it’s not what it sounds like, you tilted your head. “What? I mean, I’m glad he likes me, but-“
But Tech shook his head. “We’ve all noticed it. Wrecker definitely likes you. He pays a lot of attention to you, and he’s super protective. I probably shouldn’t tell you his feelings, but I...” He fiddled almost nervously with his gadgets. “It sort of just came out before I could stop it,” he admitted.
Your mind fairly spun. “I- I don’t-“ your entire brain short-circuited. Wrecker liked you? No, no, that had to be wrong. “What?” you choked out, feeling your hands start to tremble a little.
Tech grimaced. “Sorry, Shiv, I shouldn’t have said anything. Don’t worry about it-“ ”How could I not worry about it, Tech?” you exclaimed, your chest tightening. “I’m always in you guys’ heads, and- it’s not fair for me to know that when he’s been so kind to me and protected me so much that I-“ you choked on your own words, tears welling in your eyes. You rocked back and forth with a little whimper, reaching up to dig at your eyes. “It’s not fair.”
Tech looked like he didn’t know what to do, face pinched. “Shiv- I’m sorry, I... I don’t know what to do. I-“ He looked toward the door. “I should go get-“ “No, please-“ you blurted, trying to gasp for breath. “It’s not- not your fault, I just-“ You shivered, swiping tears away. “I’m sorry, I’m not being fair to you either.” You drew in a rasping breath. “I- I really- I just...”
“What can I do to help you?” Tech asked, his hands nervously moving as though trying to figure out what to do.
“I... it’s not fair,” you whimpered, not looking up at him. “I... I’ve grown so close to all of you, and... and I’m being stupid.” A hiccup wrenched out of you. “I- I realized last night, at the 79s... I realized that I- that you all have been so kind to me and it- it’s made me so selfish, Tech,” you half-sobbed. “I just want to do everything I can to be- to be a good teammate, a good friend, a- a useful weapon to you all, but I- it’s just that- I’ve been stupid and allowed- allowed myself to- to wish for more than I should.”
Tech sucked in a breath, straightening. “Shiv-“ ”I’m sorry!” You flinched, sure that he would be upset that you’d allowed yourself to blurt out the feelings you’d promised yourself would stay hidden. Sure that he’d remind you that you’re just a teammate. Sure that he’d tell you that Wrecker shouldn’t have formed... something.
“No, Shiv-“ Tech reached up and ran his hand through his hair. He abruptly stood, then placed a hand on your knee. “Wait right here for a minute. I’ll be back.”
You didn’t have the strength or presence of mind to stop him, the anxiety starting to seize you with a force that left you gasping. Hands shaking, you clutched at your chest with tears dripping down your face and tried to just breathe. This had to be it. They would find out, they would be upset about it, they’d decide that they didn’t want you as part of the team because what mad person is shown basic kindness and latches onto it to the extent of forming feelings for not just one but four people-
“Shiv!? Maker, Tech, what happened?” Hunter’s voice curled through the air, washing over you. A warm hand landed on your knee, making you flinch with a gasp.
“Shiv!” Wrecker’s voice made you feel even worse. Two giant hands landed on your waist, and you gasped as he lifted you up and sat down, setting you in his lap. “Shiv, what’s wrong?”
Despite yourself, you had to curl into him for the warmth he radiated through his blacks, desperate for some kind of grounding strength. Anything to help you calm down.
“I... I may have made a mistake,” Tech admitted, his voice laced with distress. He relayed the conversation as you let out a sob, shoulders shaking.
The way Wrecker stiffened made you abruptly try to push away, almost launching yourself off of him. Only his firm grasp on your hips stopped you.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry- please-“ it wrenched out of you, leaving you raw and shaking. “Please, I-“
“Why are you apologizing?” Wrecker’s voice asked, sounding confused. “Shiv, don’t apologize.”
You looked up at him through watering eyes. “But I-“
He tilted his head at you, still keeping a tight hold on your hips. “Tech is right. I do like you.”
But it only made you feel worse. “Wrecker, I don’t- I- I’m always in your head through the Bonds,” you pleaded, trying to explain. “I- your kindness toward me- I- I don’t want to take advantage of that. It’s not fair for me to- to ask you to return my feelings just because- because I’m with you all the time or anything, I- I shouldn’t have even said anything, I told myself I wouldn’t-“
“Why not?” Wrecker demanded, a frown curling his lips.
You squeezed your eyes shut, burying your face in your hands. “Because I’m in love with all of you!”
A silence fell in the room, only broken by your hiccuping sobs. Everything was wrong. You’d never meant to say it, never meant to do this.
“Say it again.” Hunter’s voice was low, demanding in a way that made you instinctually obey.
“I’m- I have feelings for all of you,” you whimpered, curling in on yourself in absolute misery. The truth of it resonated through you, a blessed sting of lovely pain.
“I guess that’s good for us, then,” Crosshair drawled, a smirk tilting his lips up.
Wrecker let out an excited whoop. “Did you hear that, Hunter? She said she likes all of us!”
Nothing was making sense. You looked up, trying to understand. Why weren’t they upset?
Wrecker grinned down at you, squeezing your hips in a way that made your stomach flip. “We all like you, Shiv.”
You gaped up at him, mind spinning. What?
Hunter reached out, using a finger to tilt your head to him. “Shiv, all of us have feelings for you, too. We had to discuss it because... normally partners aren’t comfortable with being shared. We Clones are used to sharing things, especially with each other. We didn’t think you’d want to be with all of us, so we decided to step back and let Wrecker have a chance, since you seemed to accept his attention. Not to mention, we’re not normal in any sense.”
You swallowed thickly, breath hitching as Wrecker’s hand came up to brush tears away from your cheeks. Your lashes felt heavy with them, and you sniffled, fingers unconsciously curling in his sleeves.
“You’re- you’re not angry with me?” you asked tremulously, peering through your eyelashes up at Wrecker.
“Course not, Shiv.” Wrecker’s ever-present grin had softened at the corners, his one good eye focused on you unwaveringly. “We’re super glad that you like all of us.”
Lips parting, you turned to look at the others, hope starting to bloom in your chest. You could feel heat starting to creep up into your cheeks as you realized. You’d confessed. They’d actually accepted and... returned it?
The corner of Hunter’s lips tilted up, dark eyes focusing on you. “You’ve taken care of us ever since you joined, Shiv. You’ve tried your best to acclimate to us, worked with us without complaining about anything, took responsibilities you didn’t have to, made food for us, even on the very first mission took damage for Tech and I. Why wouldn’t we appreciate that at the very least? We want to take care of you, too.”
This time, the tears that welled up weren’t because you were upset. Reaching up, you brushed them away shakily. “You... you like me?” you repeated, almost dazed. Surely you’d been hearing wrong. All of them? Liked you? Liked you?
Hunter chuckled. “Yes, Shiv. We do.”
You sucked in a breath, trying to grasp it. “I...” Your mouth seemed to insist on betraying you. “No one has ever liked me before.” You flushed. “Sorry, I-“
“Better for us, then!” Wrecker cheered. He practically crushed you to his chest, laughing. “So does this mean we get to call you ours now? Oh, does that mean I can kiss you, Shiv?”
“Wrecker,” Tech spoke up, sounding a bit alarmed.
But you stared up at Wrecker with a blink. “You... you want to kiss me?” you asked, surprised. The one fling you’d told Tech about had been just that— a stupid, hasty fling with no feeling to it, done to keep cover on a mission.
“Yeah.” Wrecker sobered. “But only if you want it, too, Shiv.” His honest brown eyes gazed down into yours.
You swallowed, fingers clenching against his chest. “If... If all of you... if you like me, then... then what does that mean for us?” you asked quietly.
“It means we all want to be part of a relationship with you, Shiv,” Hunter said firmly. “But only if that’s also what you want.”
You looked up at him. “I am your teammate and your weapon,” you said honestly, feeling a little lost. “I... I don’t want to be hurt more than I already have. If you- if you’re serious, then— then I’ll give you whatever I have,” you said, looking down at your hands. You closed your eyes, swallowing. “I’ll give all of you my all, equally, wholly. I’ll be a teammate, a partner, a weapon for all of you, as much as I can. But you have to know,” your voice cracked, “that if I do... you’ll have the power to completely break me. And I- I’m willing to take that risk. But you have the right to know that, before you— before you decide that you want—“
“We want you.” Hunter spoke lowly, confident.
“We love you, Shiv,” Wrecker pitched in.
“We don’t want to break you or leave you,” Tech said, shaking his head.
Crosshair met your eyes and nodded slightly, gaze fixed on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
You decided to continue to trust them. “Then... I’m yours,” you said shyly, suddenly very aware of how closely Wrecker had pulled you.
Wrecker grinned widely. “Can I kiss you, Shiv?”
You flushed but nodded, giving him a shy smile. Your eyes fluttered closed as he bent forward.
Wrecker’s kiss was... so distinctly him. His mouth burned, breath hot against your own lips. He tasted like the buttercream of the icing you’d made for the cupcakes, and his hands clenched eagerly around your hips. Still, it was gentle in his own way, and you found yourself dizzy from the heat when he finally let go.
“You okay, Shiv?” Wrecker asked, hand sliding up to your lower back to support you.
You took in a breath, leaning against his chest. “Y-yeah- s-sorry,” you stuttered, “it’s just— your breath is so warm.” You swallowed, closing your eyes.
“Is it?” Wrecker quizzically looked down at himself, breathing on his hand. “Huh.”
“Can-“ you sucked in a steadying breath. “I-“ The Bonds, usually passive in the back of your awareness, were lighting up with emotion. Wrecker’s pure elation was coursing through you, making you lean your forehead against his chest for a moment. You let out a soft whine. “Wrecker, you- you’re broadcasting so much-“
“Huh?” Wrecker paused, then let out an “Oh!” The elation quelled a little after a moment. “Sorry Shiv. Is that better?” he asked sheepishly.
You looked up at him, still feeling a little punch-drunk from the overflow. “You- you’re happy?” you asked, tilting your head at him. He grinned, a wave of adoration crashing over you. You shivered, collapsing against him and burying your face into his shoulder with a soft cry.
Hunter let out a quiet, husky chuckle. “I think you’re overwhelming her, Wrecker.”
“Sorry Hunter,” Wrecker said sheepishly. “Can’t help it.”
You felt yourself being moved, and the flow of emotion slightly slaked off, enough for you to try to look up. You found yourself gazing up at Hunter, who had pulled you into his lap instead. He reached up, brushing his thumb under your eye.
“A little better?”
You stared up into his eyes, noting hazily how much darker brown they were compared to Wrecker’s. While Wrecker’s Bond had stopped being so overwhelmingly loud, it was still present. Instead, you started feeling a new trickle of emotion from Hunter’s Bond. A muted sense of pride, of fondness that ran deep in its strength.
Your hands braced you against his arms, wrapped around your waist to keep you steady. “I-“ your eyes fluttered as you lost yourself to the emotion, lips parting with quick breaths. It was so clearly directed at you, meant wholly for you to feel. It washed over you with a warmth in its strength that you had no defense against.
Hunter bent, his mouth briefly pressing against your shoulder. “Can I kiss you, Shiv?” he asked lowly.
You just nodded, barely registering the question, completely pliant. Wrecker’s kiss still burned against your lips, only the feeling of Hunter’s arms holding you grounding you still.
Hunter’s kiss, you thought fuzzily, was as sure as he was. The care was there, certainly, but the way his mouth slanted against yours and the way his tongue brushed against your lower lip held a confidence that Wrecker’s hadn’t. His kiss gave as much as it took, a soothing coolness trickling between your lips in exchange for stealing your breath.
Your fingers tangled in his sleeves, and once he let go, you had to helplessly collapse against his chest and gasp for breath. Your mind whirled, simultaneously drowning in the projected emotions as well as your own. This was really happening. They really— they really cared for you. Accepted and returned your feelings.
The Bonds didn’t lie; and they refused to allow you to doubt the reality of it all as they continued to pour affirmation into your starved soul.
“Please-“ your voice was a weak cry, tears hovering on your lashes. “I— it’s so much-“
“Do you believe us, Shiv?” Hunter murmured into your ear. “Can you see how much we care about you?”
You looked up at him through blurred vision and sticky eyelashes. “Hunter,” you whimpered, desperately trying to focus. He bent and simply pressed a brief kiss to your parted lips.
“I think Cross wants some attention.” He smirked at you briefly, then turned you around.
Crosshair’s fingers grasped your chin, tilting your head up to him. A single emotion crossed your Bond with the sniper before he bent.
Crosshair’s kiss was possessive. Far from cold, the brief flash of fierce want underscored the fiery way his lips caught yours. He demanded entrance, quickly staking a claim on your mouth as soon as your lips obediently parted without question. It was the least distant he’d ever been toward you, and he pulled away to leave you almost cold.
The corner of his lips curled up in a smirk as he observed you with dark eyes, the pad of his thumb briefly brushing across your lower lip. “I think I’ll find a way to bruise you a little more, Shiv.” The promise made you realize that your lips had swollen, bruised by his kiss. He let go, turning to walk back to his seat.
You reached up to rub at your eye, still dazed and flushed. Everything felt so... surreal, yet not. Taking a moment to try to gather yourself, you swallowed and turned. Hunter helped you up, and you teetered your way to Tech’s chair.
Tech caught you, easing you into his lap. “Are you alright, Shiv?” he asked.
You nodded. “I’m okay,” you murmured, almost dreamily. You reached down, touching his hand that rested on your waist gingerly. “Do you— do you want something? I always feel like-“ your eyelashes fluttered as you started to feel his emotions bleed over your Bond. “Like you keep wanting to ask me something.”
He swallowed. “I—“ He glanced nervously at you, then down to his hands.
You tilted your head. “You can tell me, Tech. Tell me through the Bond,” you murmured, reaching up to touch his cheek.
He shuddered, eyes closing. A hesitant thought slunk over the Bond. Can I... can you please... A non-verbal image bloomed.
You smiled a little, then reached up and pulled Tech’s head down to your chest as you leaned back a little. You brushed your fingers through his hair, gently letting your nails drag across his scalp.
He shivered with a quiet groan, his hands unconsciously clenching around your waist.
Leaning down, you pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Is this what you want?”
His head moved jerkily in a nod. “Please,” he groaned.
You let your hands move down his neck, dragging your nails across his shoulders, sweeping back up to bury in his hair. “Thank you, Tech,” you whispered softly, gratefully.
He looked up at you. “What? Why?” He sounded genuinely confused.
Your hands rested against his shoulders. “For always being honest with me. And being kind.” You offered him a shy smile.
He stared at you for a minute, seeming to drink in your face. “Do you- are you happy? I mean, with me?” His eyebrows furrowed uncertainly. “I did sort of... blurt-“
“Tech.” You closed your eyes, then, and reached out to all of the Bonds. “This is how I feel. About all of you.” You let your own feelings pour into all of them, returning the flow of emotion.
You bared yourself, showing them. How deeply you trusted them. How much you respected them, looked up to them. The things that you admired about them: their strength, their acceptance of you, their uniqueness. How much you wanted their attention, how much you loved their kindness. How deeply they’d managed to crawl into your very soul, how much you belonged to them already.
Tech shuddered, almost collapsing into you, head leaning against your shoulder. Wrecker sighed from somewhere behind you. You could hear Crosshair let out a quiet huff of breath, and Hunter grunted.
Your fingers gently cupped Tech’s head against your shoulder, assuring yourself that he was okay. It took you by surprise when his head abruptly tilted up, his lips finding yours. You let out a little noise of surprise, hands still cupping his cheeks. The desperation that colored Tech’s kiss had your heart fluttering as you hummed softly with contentment.
“Shiv,” Tech mumbled against your lips, his nose brushing yours.
“I’m here,” you murmured back.
His eyes closed, and he tilted his head to kiss you again. His kiss was hungry, needy, full of a soft sort of desperation that made you want more. His mouth begged you for attention, opening against yours in a way that pleaded for you. He almost whined into the kiss, and you had to brush your fingers against his cheeks as you answered.
“You’ll stay with us, Shiv?” Tech asked thinly, as though making sure before he surrendered.
You nodded. “As long as you want me... I’ll stay,” you promised.
“Forever, then,” Wrecker piped up, clearly pleased.
You fell asleep against Tech, lulled by the lingering emotions.
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ot3 · 4 years
i watched red vs blue: zero with my dear friends today and i was asked to “post” my “thoughts” on the subject. Please do not click this readmore unless, for some reason, you want to read three thousand words on the subject of red vs blue: zero critical analysis. i highly doubt that’s the reason anyone is following me, but hey. 
anyway. here you have it. 
Here are my opinions on RVB0 as someone who has quite literally no nostalgia for any older RVB content. I’ve seen seasons 1-13 once and bits and pieces of it more than once here and there, but I only saw it for the first time within the past couple of months. I’ve literally never seen any other RT/AH content. I can name a few people who worked on OG Red vs. Blue but other than Mounty Oum I have NO idea who is responsible for what, really, or what anything else they’ve ever worked on is, or whether or not they’re awful people. I know even less about the people making RVB0 - All I know is that the main writer is named Torrian but I honestly don’t even know if that’s a first name, a last name, or a moniker. All this to say; nothing about my criticism is rooted in any perceived slight against the franchise or branding by the new staff members, because I don’t know or care about any of it. In fact, I’m going to try and avoid any direct comparison between RVB0 and earlier seasons of RVB as a means of critique until the very end, where I’ll look at that relationship specifically.
So here is my opinion of RVB0 as it stands right now:
1. The Writing
Everything about RVB0 feels as if it was written by a first-time writer who hasn’t learned to kill his darlings. The narrative is both simultaneously far too full, leaving very little breathing room for character interaction, and oddly sparse, with a story that lacks any meaningful takeaway, interesting ideas, or genuine emotional connection. It also feels like it’s for a very much younger audience - I don’t mean this as a negative at all. I love tv for kids. I watch more TV for kids than I do for adults, mostly, but I think it’s important to address this because a lot of the time ‘this is for kids’ is used to act like you’re not allowed to critique a narrative thoroughly. It definitely changes the way you critique it, but the critique can still be in good faith.  I watched the entirety of RVB0 only after it was finished, in one sitting, and I was giving it my full attention, essentially like it was a movie. I’m going to assume it was much better to watch in chunks, because as it stood, there was literally no time built into the narrative to process the events that had just transpired, or try and predict what events might be coming in the future. When there’s no time to think about the narrative as you’re watching it, the narrative ends up as being something that happens to the audience, not something they engage with. It’s like the difference between taking notes during a lecture or just sitting and listening. If you’re making no attempt to actively process what’s happening, it doesn’t stick in your mind well. I found myself struggling to recall the events and explanations that had immediately transpired because as soon as one thing had happened, another thing was already happening, and it was like a mental juggling act to try and figure out which information was important enough to dwell on in the time we were given to dwell on it.
Which brings me to another point - pacing. Every event in the show, whether a character moment, a plot moment, or a fight scene, felt like it was supposed to land with almost the exact same amount of emotional weight. It all felt like The Most Important Thing that had Yet Happened. And I understand that this is done as an attempt to squeeze as much as possible out of a rather short runtime, but it fundamentally fails. When everything is the most important thing happening, it all fades into static. That’s what most of 0’s narrative was to me: static. It’s only been a few hours since I watched it but I had to go step by step and type out all of the story beats I could remember and run it by my friends who are much more enthusiastic RVB fans than I am to make sure I hadn’t missed or forgotten anything. I hadn’t, apparently, but the fact that my takeaway from the show was pretty accurate and also disappointingly lackluster says a lot. Strangely enough, the most interesting thing the show alluded to - a holo echo, or whatever the term they used was - was one of the things least extrapolated upon in the show’s incredibly bulky exposition. Benefit of the doubt says that’s something they’ll explore in future seasons (are they getting more? Is that planned? I just realized I don’t actually know.)
And bulky it was! I have quite honestly never seen such flagrant disregard for the rule of “show, don’t tell.” There was not a single ounce of subtlety or implication involved in the storytelling of RVB0. Something was either told to you explicitly, or almost entirely absent from the narrative. Essentially zilch in between. We are told the dynamic the characters have with each other, and their personality pros and cons are listed for us conveniently by Carolina. The plot develops in exposition dumps. This is partially due to the series’ short runtime, but is also very much a result of how that runtime was then used by the writers. They sacrificed a massive chunk of their show for the sake of cramming in a ton of fight scenes, and if they wanted to keep all of those fight scenes, it would have been necessary to pare down their story and characters proportionally in comparison, but they didn’t do that either. They wanted to have it both ways and there simply wasn’t enough time for it. 
The story itself is… uninteresting. It plays out more like the flimsy premise of a video game quest rather than a piece of media to be meaningfully engaged with. RVB0 is I think something I would be pitched by a guy who thinks the MCU and BNHA are the best storytelling to come out of the past decade. It is nothing but tropes. And I hate having to use this as an insult! I love tropes. The worst thing about RVB0 is that nothing it does is wholly unforgivable in its own right. Hunter x Hunter, a phenomenal shonen, is notoriously filled with pages upon pages of detailed exposition and explanations of things, and I absolutely love it. Leverage, my favorite TV show of all time, is literally nothing but a five man band who has to learn to work as a team while seemingly systematically hitting a checklist of every relevant trope in the book. Pacific Rim is an incredibly straightforward good guys vs giant monsters blockbuster to show off some cool fight scenes such as a big robot cutting an alien in half with a giant sword, and it’s some of the most fun I ever have watching a movie. Something being derivative, clunky, poorly executed in some specific areas, narratively weak, or any single one of these flaws, is perfectly fine assuming it’s done with the intention and care that’s necessary to make the good parts shine more. I’ll forgive literally any crime a piece of media commits as long as it’s interesting and/or enjoyable to consume. RVB0 is not that. I’m not sure what the main point of RVB0 was supposed to be, because it seemingly succeeds at nothing. It has absolutely nothing new or innovative to justify its lack of concern for traditional storytelling conventions. Based solely on the amount of screentime things were given, I’d be inclined to say the narrative existed mostly to give flimsy pretense for the fight scenes, but that’s an entire other can of worms.
2. The Visuals + Fights
I have no qualms with things that are all style and no substance. Sometimes you just want to see pretty colors moving on the screen for a while or watch some cool bad guys and monsters or whatever get punched. RVB0 was not this either. The show fundamentally lacked a coherent aesthetic vision. Much of the show had a rather generic sci-fi feel to it with the biggest standouts to this being the very noir looking cityscape, which my friends and I all immediately joked looked like something from a batman game, or the temple, which my friends and I all immediately joked looked like a world of warcraft raid. They were obviously attempting to get variety in their environment design, which I appreciate, but they did this without having a coherent enough visual language to feel like it was all part of the same world. In general, there was also just a lack of visual clarity or strong shots. The value range in any given scene was poor, the compositions and framing were functional at best, and the character animation was unpleasantly exaggerated. It just doesn’t really look that good beyond fancy rendering techniques.
The fight scenes are their entire own beast. Since ‘FIGHT SCENE’ is the largest single category of scenes in the show, they definitely feel worth looking at with a genuine critical eye. Or, at least, I’d like to, but honestly half the time I found myself almost unable to look at them. The camera is rarely still long enough to really enjoy what you’re watching - tracking the motion of the character AND the camera at such constant breakneck high speeds left little time to appreciate any nuances that might have been present in the choreography or character animation. I tried, believe me, I really did, but the fight scenes leave one with the same sort of dizzy convoluted spectacle as a Michael Bay transformers movie. They also really lacked the impact fight scenes are supposed to have.
It’s hard to have a good, memorable fight scene without it doing one of three things: 1. Showing off innovative or creative fighting styles and choreography 2. Making use of the fight’s setting or environment in an engaging and visually interesting way or 3. Further exploring a character’s personality or actions by the way they fight. It’s also hard to do one of these things on its own without at least touching a bit on the other two. For the most part, I find RVB0’s fight scenes fail to do this. Other than rather surface level insubstantial factors, there was little to visually distinguish any of RVB0’s fight scenes from each other. Not only did I find a lot of them difficult to watch and unappealing, I found them all difficult to watch and unappealing in an almost identical way. They felt incredibly interchangeable and very generic. If you could take a fight scene and change the location it was set and also change which characters were participating and have very little change, it’s probably not a good fight scene. 
I think “generic” is really just the defining word of RVB0 and I think that’s also why it falls short in the humor department  as well.
3. The Comedy
Funny shit is hard to write and humor is also incredibly subjective but I definitely got almost no laughs out of RVB0. I think a total of three. By far the best joke was Carolina having a cast on top of her armor, which, I must stress, is an incredibly funny gag and I love it. But overall I think the humor fell short because it felt like it was tacked on more than a natural and intentional part of this world and these characters. A lot of the jokes felt like they were just thrown in wherever they’d fit, without any build up to punchlines and with little regard for what sort of joke each character would make. Like, there was some, obviously Raymond’s sense of humor had the most character to it, but the character-oriented humor still felt very weak. When focusing on character-driven humor, there’s a LOT you can establish about characters based on what sort of jokes they choose to make, who they’re picking as the punchlines of these jokes, and who their in-universe audience for the jokes is. In RVB0, the jokes all felt very immersion-breaking and self aware, directed wholly towards the audience rather than occurring as a natural result of interplay between the characters. This is partially due to how lackluster the character writing was overall, and the previously stated tight timing, but also definitely due to a lack of a real understanding about what makes a joke land. 
A rule of thumb I personally hold for comedy is that, when push comes to shove, more specific is always going to be more funny. The example I gave when trying to explain this was this:
saying two characters had awkward sex in a movie theater: funny
saying two characters had an awkward handjob in a cinemark: even funnier
saying two characters spent 54 minutes of 11:14's 1:26 runtime trying out some uncomfortably-angled hand stuff in the back of a dilapidated cinemark that lost funding halfway through retrofitting into a dinner theater: the funniest
The more specific a joke is, the more it relies on an in-depth understanding of the characters and world you’re dealing with and the more ‘realistic’ it feels within the context of your media. Especially with this kind of humor. When you’re joking with your friends, you don’t go for stock-humor that could be pulled out of a joke book, you go for the specific. You aim for the weak spots. If a set of jokes could be blindly transplanted into another world, onto another cast of characters, then it’s far too generic to be truly funny or memorable. I don’t think there’s a single joke in RVB0 where the humor of it hinged upon the characters or the setting.
Then there’s the issue of situational comedy and physical comedy. This is really where the humor being ‘tacked on’ shows the most. Once again, part of what makes actually solid comedy land properly is it feeling like a natural result of the world you have established. Real life is absurd and comical situations can be found even in the midst of some pretty grim context, and that’s why black comedy is successful, and why comedy shows are allowed to dip into heavier subject matter from time to time, or why dramas often search for levity in humor. It’s a natural part of being human to find humor in almost any situation. The key thing, though, once again, is finding it in the situation. Many of RVB0’s attempts at humor, once again, feel like they would be the exact same jokes when stripped from their context, and that’s almost never good. A pretty fundamental concept in both storytelling in general but particularly comedy writing is ‘setup and payoff’. No joke in RVB0 is a reward for a seemingly innocuous event in an earlier scene or for an overlooked piece of environmental design. The jokes pop in when there’s time for them in between all the exposition and fighting, and are gone as soon as they’re done. There’s no long term, underlying comedic throughline to give any sense of coherence or intent to the sense of humor the show is trying to establish. Every joke is an isolated one-off quip or one-liner, and it fails to engage the audience in a meaningful way.
All together, each individual component of RVB0 feels like it was conjured up independently, without any concern to how it interacted with the larger product they were creating. And I think this is really where it all falls apart. RVB0 feels criminally generic in a way reminiscent of mass-market media which at least has the luxury of attributing these flaws, this complete and total watering down of anything unique, to heavy oversight and large teams with competing visions. But I don’t think that’s the case for RVB0. I don’t know much about what the pipeline is like for this show, but I feel like the fundamental problem it suffers from is a lack of heart.
In comparison to Red vs. Blue
Let's face it. This is a terrible successor to Red vs. Blue. I wouldn’t care if NONE of the old characters were in it - that’s not my problem. I haven’t seen past season 13 because from what I heard the show already jumped the shark a bit and then some. That’s not what makes it a poor follow up. What makes it a bad successor is that it fundamentally lacks any of the aspects of the OG RVB that made it unique or appealing at all. I find myself wondering what Torrian is trying to say with RVB0 and quite literally the only answer I find myself falling back onto is that he isn’t trying to say anything at all. Regardless of what you feel about the original RVB, it undeniably had things to say. The opening “why are we here” speech does an excellent job at establishing that this is a show intended to poke fun at the misery of bureaucracy and subservience to nonsensical systems, not just in the context of military life, but in a very broad-strokes way almost any middle-class worker can relate to. At the end of the day, fiction is at its best when it resonates with some aspect of its audience’s life. I know instantly which parts of the original Red vs Blue I’m supposed to relate to. I can’t say anything even close to that about 0.
RVB is an absurdist parody that heavily satirizes aspects of the military and life as a low-on-the-food-chain worker in general that almost it’s entire target audience will be familiar with. The most significant draw of the show to me was how the dialogue felt like listening to my friends bicker with each other in our group chats. It required no effort for me to connect with and although the narrative never outright looked to the camera and explained ‘we are critiquing the military’s stupid red tape and self-fullfilling eternal conflict’ they didn’t need to, because the writing trusted itself and its audience enough to believe this could be conveyed. It is, in a way, the complete antithesis to the badass superhero macho military man protagonist that we all know so well. RVB was saying something, and it was saying it in a rather novel format.
Nothing about RVB0 is novel. Nothing about RVB0 says anything. Nothing about it compels me to relate to any of these characters or their situations. RVB0 doesn’t feel like absurdism, or satire. RVB0 feels like it is, completely uncritically, the exact media that RVB itself was riffing off of. Both RVB0 and RVB when you watch them give you the feeling that what you’re seeing here is kids on a playground larping with toy soldiers. It’s all ridiculous and over the top cliche stupid garbage where each side is trying to one-up the other. The critical difference is, in RVB, we’re supposed to look at this and laugh at how ridiculous this is. In RVB0 we’re supposed to unironically think this is all pretty badass. 
The PFL arc of the original RVB existed to show us that setting up an elite team of supersoldiers with special powers was something done in bad faith, with poor outcomes, that left everyone involved either cruel, damaged, or dead. It was a bad thing. And what we’re seeing in RVB0 is the same premise, except, this time it’s good. We’re supposed to root for this format. RVB0 feels much more like a demo reel, cutscenes from a video game that doesn’t exist, or a shonen anime fanboy’s journal scribbling than it feels like a piece of media with any objective value in any area.  In every area that RVB was anti-establishment, RVB0 is pure undiluted establishment through and through.  
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saradika · 3 years
Jess! So I was wondering how you felt about this. One of the things I really identify with and appreciate about Wrecker is his fear of heights because same. I hate heights and I hate flying even more. And it's just so nice to see someone else, whose especially brave and strong, sharing a fear of mine. How do you the tbb or really any of the clones would react to finding out you have a fear of heights or of flying in a universe that's so dependent on space travel?
Ahh Tess! You are so fucking sweet thank you so much babe. 🥺💖✨ (And ahh I didn’t know that about you! I am not a big fan of either, myself)
That is a great point, I remember when they introduced Wrecker’s fear of heights and I really appreciated that about him! And I like that it comes up now and again - that he has his own strengths and then his own things that he feels anxious about. It’s nice to have that connection with him.
And that has got to be so tough when they have to fly literally everywhere, and they’re always on tall buildings and stuff!
Here’s some thoughts about The Bad Batch finding out you have a fear of heights - specifically flying.
The person that takes it the best is Wrecker. We know he’s very emotionally intelligent, so I don’t think you’d even have to tell him. He’d recognize the same signs he sees in himself, clenching hands, or the uncertainty in your eyes. He’s say something like “You too, huh?”. He just gets it.
And he’s the type of guy that when someone else is scared of something, he’s able to push through his own fears to help you (like we’ve seen him do for Omega). He’d hold your hand, or wrap his arms around you and tell you it’s going to be okay.
Next best would be Echo, he would be your rock. He might ask a few quiet questions, trying to figure how what has you feeling that way. But he’s get it too, and he wouldn’t judge - the man has been through enough that’s he’d be accepting of anything.
He would do what he would to make you comfortable, squeezing your hand in his, letting you hide you face in his neck, or making sure he took the seat closest to the windows so you wouldn’t have to. Echo wouldn’t push, just let you know he was there, keeping you grounded.
Hunter would be able to tell something is up the quickest, he’d hear your heart pounding before the ship even took off. As the leader, he would be the one to give you a pep talk, walking you through things the best he could, keeping you close to him when the ships takes off.
And then when you land - if you were traveling with them or on a mission - he’d find excuses to take paths that are lower to the ground. Telling others they are “shortcuts” (even if they are twice as long), and finding solutions so that you don’t end up on top of a building or somewhere high if he can help it. His protective instincts would definitely take over.
Tech would at first be the worst about it, but it would ONLY be because his instinct would be to bring up statistical facts about the safety of flying. (Something like, “Mesh’la, I assure you we will be quite safe - in fact there’s only a 1:11 million chance of crashing, you’re more likely to be injured on a speeder.”) And that would feed into the anxiety, though it definitely wasn’t his intention.
He would be quick the realize it though, chagrin flickering across his face before he’s soothing you, promising that he’d never let anything bad to happen to you. And you believe him because he’s Tech, and he always tells the truth. You know he would do anything and everything for you.
I know in my heart they would all be supportive and do their best to make sure you’re as comfortable as you can be! 💖
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animationadventures · 3 years
Knock, Knock, Knockin on Hooty’s Door really went beyond my expectations.
From the description alone, I thought we were going to be getting another Once Upon a Swap, which was the most low-key episode of the first season, but it really pushed things forward for the house.
We got demon lore with King. There’s three classifications demons fall under- Bug, Biped, and Beast. The bipeds are able to use magic and have bile sacs. King turns out to have some sort of scream ability. Maybe it has something to do with how he might actually be demon royalty? Also, Tiny Nose! Given that King and Tiny Nose’s voices are dating in real life, their characters having another interaction like this is amusing.
Then we have Eda. Of all the things we could have gotten with her, I was not expecting this to be the episode where we see her dad for the first time. The guy has the family hair game going on, and his name is Dell Clawthorne! I know he is still alive and well since Lilith brought up reconnecting with him when she went home with Gwen, but I’m still wondering how he’s dealing with his eye and what the Mandible is.
I was not expecting more Raine so soon after that heartbreaker of an introduction last week, but since we did not see them under Belos’ control here, I’m counting that as a win. A shame that they and Eda broke up because of Eda’s refusal to open up about the curse. At least the present day version has come to terms with Eda’s troubles and remembers her fondly enough to start the Bards Against the Throne.
We got more info on the owl beast curse too! We found out how that became the curse Lilith found, and continue the thread of Eda learning to take control of the beast from Keeping Up A-fear-ances. Now she has a mid-stage form between her usual self and the beast form that she can control. That’s going to be a game changer, I swear.
Lastly, we come to Luz. When the episode started, I thought Hooty was going to help her with getting information from the echo mouse to make up for swallowing it last episode, but he actually was helping out with Amity. I don’t want to know how he got Amity to the house so quick. In other news, the Owl House has a basement.
Poor Luz wants to ask Amity out, and wants to do it the right way so she doesn’t get rejected like she has apparently been back in the human realm. Ouch. Hooty tries to help with a tunnel of love bit, and Luz sabotages it, which sends Amity the wrong message. Apparently she would have been on board with the tunnel of love idea. Once they finally get on the same page, they both learn that their crush wants to date and agree to go out.
All in all, this episode was one huge surprise after another. I love how it put Hooty in the spotlight and showed that even though he’s a gag character most of the time and is stuck in the house, he can still contribute to the plot in groundbreaking ways. This must have been quite the vocal exercise for Alex because Hooty’s voice is higher than King’s, and Hooty did a lot of talking in this one. More than usual.
Every episode of season two so far has continued to prove that Owl House is an incredible show, and deserves as many episodes as it needs to tell its story to the end. Disney may have cut season three down to three specials, but we can still convince them to give Owl House a fourth season. Write them letters, not emails, and ask them for more episodes of Owl House. Here’s the address:
811 Sonora Avenue
Glendale, CA
91201, USA
The USA part is only for international fans, so if you live in the States, you don’t need that part for the address. When writing your letter, remember to be polite and not accusatory or rude, because they will perceive anything sounding accusatory or rude as hate mail and throw it out without consideration. Also make sure to watch Owl House on Disney + if you have it because they are watching the viewership numbers on there too.
Next week we have Eclipse Lake, and the return of Hunter. Maybe Eclipse Lake will help us figure out who that mysterious figure in the moon cloak is. Plus we’ll meet Amity’s palisman!
Go Hexside!
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lynn-writes-things · 4 years
“For a prompt, maybe a Hunter and reader fic where the bad batch help celebrate the reader's birthday? Maybe some fluff or smut?“
Thank you so much for the request, and thank you SO so much for the donation!! I appreciate it more than words can say!
Word count: 2470
*takes place pre-Echo
Birthday’s weren’t really a big deal in the GAR, seeing as though the Jedi were taught to remove any attachment to the day of their births; the clones didn’t even have birthdays that they knew of; and any civilian officer was likely too busy to remember, let alone to celebrate. It just wasn’t something that you did often. Of course, you knew your birthday – knew the exact date and time, because as a child, you had asked your mother about it every single year until you memorized the time to the last minute.
At one point in your life, your birthday had been your favorite day of the year. More so than Life Day, even. You had always loved the festivities – the focus on you; people showing how much they care about you; not to mention the gifts and the celebrating. You’ll never forget the year you became legal to drink, and your friends had taken you out for fun. It had been a night to forget – though the events leading up to the drinking were fond ones that you will treasure forever.
That time of year was drawing near again, and you couldn’t help but talk about it to the boys – who you’d been on assignment with for the past several months – in fact, it had almost been a year. You figured they wouldn’t like you talking about your birthdays of the past much, considering that they’d never really experienced a birthday, but to your surprise they all encouraged you to keep talking.
“When I was really little, my parents filled my entire bedroom with balloons, so that it would surprise me when I woke up – only I woke up too early, and I sat alone in my bedroom for hours just playing with the balloons. When my parents came to check on me, they couldn’t stop laughing.” You explained with a little laugh. It was early, and you all were drinking cups of caff. You swirled yours around, letting the swirl entrance you deeper into your memories.
“Then, when I was a teenager,” You smile, this memory a particularly pleasant one. “Me and some friends went out to this bakery with her parents – they had money, like they had mad credits. They took me cake-tasting to decide which kind I liked best for my cake, they told me that was my present from them. I wasn’t going to complain- free cake!” You laugh. “Anyways, I tried this one kind, (your favorite cake here), and it literally change my life- I’ve never had any cake that was as good as that. It’s kind of hard to find, but there’s a really nice bakery on Naboo that has it for a lot cheaper than the fancy place did.” You explain, considering making a special trip just for some cake, then immediately telling yourself that it’s a stupid idea.
“What about when you were an adult?” Crosshair asks. “Surely it gets more boring.”
“Oh, it does,” You laugh. “It gets so kriffing boring after a while. But, certain ages grant you certain milestones. Like, when you turn twenty, they let you drink. My twentieth birthday was insane- my friends made me go out to this bar with them – they were all older than me – and they ordered this drink for me, it tasted like starcherries and Mandalorian oranges – it was so good.” You exclaim, missing the taste of your first (legal) drink. “Anyways, they called it a Sailor’s Sunset, I think? But, it was a super fun night, we danced for hours, and I met this really cute guy, and… Well…” You laugh, cheeks heating up at the memory. “Anyways!” You exclaim, clearing your throat. “It was a really fun night. I also learned that I could shoot Corellian whiskey better than any of my friends.”
“Bet you can’t shoot it better than us.” Hunter teased.
“You’re probably right,” You laugh. “But I’d be willing to give it a shot.” You joke, and there’s a chorus of groans at your terrible pun that you couldn’t help but to make.
“So, when is your birthday, anyways?” Tech asks, ready to mark it in his holopad.
“It’s next week, on the second.” You explain. Not that you’d been keeping track of the days when you thought it might be close – not at all. That most definitely was not the case.
The night of the first, when you fell asleep, the boys all got up and got down to business.
“Okay boys,” Hunter began. “This has to be special. We want her to feel like she’s one of us, right?” He asks, and they all respond “Right!”.
“Crosshair, you’ve got the whiskey?” He asks.
“And the mixers.” He says. He didn’t know how to make a Sailor’s Sunset, but he was willing to give it a try, for your sake.
“Wrecker, you’ve got the balloons?”
“Yep! I might’ve gotten too many, though.” He says.
“No such thing- this is Y/N we’re talking about.” Hunter replies. “Tech, you’ve got the cake?”
“Took it out of the freezer yesterday, it should be defrosted by morning.” He replies. Getting the cake from Naboo without you figuring out what they were doing had been a challenge, but they had just barely managed to pull it off while you were in the refresher.
“Alright,” Hunter said, satisfied. “Bad Batch, let’s throw Y/N a birthday to remember.” He says with a smile, and they all get down to work. They all start blowing up balloons, with a goal to fill the barracks with the blown up latex. Wrecker had gotten different types- colorful ones; black and white ones; he even had found some that when blown up would read “happy naming day!” which was as close to “happy birthday” as he could find. They meant the same thing, more or less. He just hoped you didn’t get offended by the slight difference.
It took hours to blow all of the balloons up, but once it was done, there was a thick layer covering the floor, as well as a few smuggled into your bunk with you – but just a few, so you likely wouldn’t pop any and scare yourself awake. Though, Crosshair thought that would’ve been kriffing hilarious. Mean, but hilarious. He figured if it happened, you’d end up laughing once the initial fear wore off – he knew your sense of humor pretty well. But, still, Hunter refused to let him risk it.
“Wait,” Tech began. “Does anyone know how to make her caff?”
“I do,” Hunter answered. “She likes it the same way I do. She told me that before.”
“We’ll have to wake up before she does.” Crosshair says.
“That won’t be too hard,” Hunter answers. “Her alarm is always set for 0700, we just have to wake up before then.”
“How do you know that?” Tech asks.
“We usually wake up at the same time. You catch on to things like that after a while.” He replies with a shrug. He was used to waking up with you, the two of you would often talk over your morning cups of caff before the others woke up. It was the one time of day where there was no stress- just peace between the two of you. It was easy to forget about the war in times like those, which meant everything to you both. Neither of you would ever miss a morning, both cherishing your morning caff-sessions more than either of you would admit. During these early-morning moments, the two of you had gotten very close with each other, and shared very intimate conversations. Secrets were shared, as well as light-hearted compliments. You had a feeling the long-haired Sergeant liked you, which was good, because you liked him as well, though neither of you would confess. The early mornings weren’t a time for heavy confessions like that. But your birthday? Oh, your birthday might be, Hunter thought, mentally preparing himself for that night.
The boys had picked out a planet that they knew had a lake that was safe to swim in, with little risks for attack. Just private enough to take the night off and celebrate over drinks, cake, and swimming. Tech had put in the coordinates, and you were currently on your way there.
When you woke up, it wasn’t to your alarm blaring- it was to the smell of caff, and the boys saying, “Happy birthday!”. You smiled and groggily rubbed your tired eyes, looking up at them all with looks of adoration.
“You guys didn’t have to— Balloons!!” You cut yourself off, getting excited about seeing all the multicolored latex bulbs all over the ground, and all over your bunk. “Did you guys really-?”
“We did.” Hunter says. You sit up and he hands you the cup of caff. You take a sip and smile; it’s exactly how you’d make it for yourself. You can’t help but sway back and forth in happiness.
“Maker, you guys are my everything.” You say, taking a sip. “Thank you.”
“Oh, we’re not done yet.” Tech says. You get out of your bunk, and follow them out to the main area, where you see balloons strung up on the wall messily that say: “Happy naming day!” and your smile is so wide that it hurts your cheeks. Then you see the cake box, and you gasp.
“You didn’t-!”
“We did.”
“When?!” Your voice had jumped several octaves in your excitement, and you felt bad for Hunter, though he was smiling at your excitement. He didn’t give a damn that you were yelling, or how high your voice had gotten. He was just happy that you were happy.
“When we went to Naboo last,” Tech answers. “It’s been in the freezer.”
“How didn’t I notice anything—”
“That’s sort of what we’re known for, Y/N.” Hunter smiles.
“Yeah, but—” You can’t help the tears of happiness that well in your eyes, your heart swelling in your chest. You can’t believe that they’d go through all of this just for you. Crosshair puts a hand on your shoulder, and you quickly turn to just hug him. It catches him off guard, but he smiles regardless, holding you in return.
“Thank you guys.” You sob. “I love you all so much.”
“We love you too, Y/N.” Hunter says, preparing to say something slightly different later. But that could wait for now.
“Looks like we’re approaching,” Tech says, checking the navigation. You would’ve asked which planet, though you knew he wouldn’t tell you – Tech always made you guess where you were going. Always. You weren’t complaining, though, it was always a fun game, not to mention a good way to boost your memorization of the planets.
Once you were landed, you stepped out and realized that you were staring at a lake. Not a grimy pond, but a real, actual lake. The water was so clear that you could see to the bottom – it didn’t look too terribly deep, either. A long time ago you had told the boys that you loved swimming, you were surprised that they even remembered the comment.
You decide to all swim in your blacks to avoid any awkwardness with you being the only naked female around, which you’re thankful for. Though of course, the boys take their shirts off at least. You do your best not to stare at Hunter or his impressively toned muscles—You absolutely do not get caught by Crosshair, who laughs at you, but promises to keep your secret. You swim around for what feels like hours. You’re in and out of the water until the sun starts to go down, and you suggest drinks. You all climb out and start trying to dry off. Tech gets the cake cut, and Crosshair pours a round of shots for everyone. You take yours and grimace at the taste- it had been awhile since you had Corellian whiskey. It had been a long while.
“What’s that face for?” Hunter teases. “Thought you said you could out-drink us.”
“I said I might be able to.” You laugh. “If you’re looking for a challenge, Sarge, you’re on.”
“You don’t want to do that,” He laughs.
“Trust him, you don’t.” Wrecker tacks on, clapping his brother on the back. “He can even drink me under the table.”
“Here, try this,” Crosshair says, thrusting a glass filled with a peachy-pink drink in it at you.
“What is it?” You ask.
“It should be a Sailor’s Sunset.” He sighs. You giggle – the color’s all wrong. But you try it regardless, and it’s shockingly just as good as you remember. You hum in appreciation.
“It’s really good,” You smile at him. “But it could use a smidge more cherry.” Crosshair smiles, pleased with himself for guessing the drink correctly.
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Hunter speaks up, nodding away from the others, towards the tree-line. You follow him over, and he down the shot in his hand before continuing.
“I figured now’s a good time to tell you,” He says, and pauses. You know where he’s going with this before he even starts, and you can’t help the smile that takes over your face. “I—”
“I like you too, Hunter.” You say, cutting him off.
“I don’t think you understand how much,” He says. “I’d do anything for you, Y/N.”
“Trust me, I understand.” You gently caress his cheek with your free hand. He leans into your touch, looking at you with a softness in his eyes that was usually reserved for your early morning chats. You don’t need to say more- neither of you do. He leans forward and kisses you, your lips connecting in a slow, passionate dance. You only break apart when you hear cheering from behind you, where the boys are watching with smiles on their faces.
“I love you, Hunter.” You say quietly, your nose brushing against his; his forehead against yours.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiles.
After several shorter kisses, you all go back to the ship and enjoy some cake. It’s just as good as you remember it being all those years ago, and you thank them ten-fold for it. For everything. You cry again as you thank them, and Hunter wraps an arm around you. Wrecker is on your other side, and he wraps an arm around both you and Hunter. Hunter gestures for Tech and Crosshair to come over, you all move to the floor. Crosshair leans against Wrecker, and Tech settles between your legs, leaning back against you as your arms wrap around him.
“I love you boys.”
“We love you too.” They all reply, and it doesn’t take long for you all to fall asleep like that. It’s heaven, you think. This was just simply heaven.
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writer1 · 3 years
The fishermen and the young Mer
Warnings: mentions of death.
The Request: [Could I request a bad batch saving a mermaid!Omega please? She is trapped in a stormy ocean and she lost her parents, forever. She's scared of them at first, but they seem really nice and they adopt her. They travel to an uninhabited planet that has forestry and lots of water and space for her to swim around in. They make it a home and look after Omega, Hunter raising her like a daughter.]
A\N: This was requested by @ahsokatano-thetogruta , I hope you like it!! I changed it from the original request a bit.
Omega swims through the stormy sea, afraid for her life. She only lost her parents a short time ago, she’s still too young to swim through the ocean on her own, she has no idea what to do in storms, or where she can go. She's being pushed around by wave after wave until she finally sees it, a boat! Omega knows the stories, how humans are dangerous, but she doesn’t see any other option. So she swims towards the boat, bringing her head above the water every few minutes to make sure she's going the right way. She swims as hard and as fast as she can, the most she has swam in her life. Until she finally is able to grab onto the bottom of the boat.
“Help!!” She screams, as loud as her small lungs can go. She can hear bumping on top of the boat, and with hope flowing through her, she screams again. “Help!!!!” She then sees someone pop their head over the edge of the ship, he has long hair and a bandana around his head. His eyes widen when he sees her, and Omega feels fear fill her when he leaves, then there's suddenly a splash behind her as the man jumps into the water.
He swims over to her and pulls her close, then he climbs back up onto the railing of the ship as a few more men help him up. He holds young Omega close, and as she starts to warm up, the edges of her vision goes black, and she promptly passes out.
Hunter stares at the young girl in his arms, as his brothers do the same. None of them know what to do, especially seeming as she has a red tail, with blue fins. “Is… Is that a Mermaid?” His brother, Wrecker asks. Everyone stares wide eyed at her, and Tech shakes his head. “Can’t be, they don’t exist.” Hunter looks over at Tech. “Well, for something that doesn’t exist. She feels pretty real to me.” Tech doesn’t say anything more, he doesn’t know how this could be possible. “What do we do now?” Echo asks quietly, he’s a newer addition to the team of fisherman, but he has also become like a brother in the year he’s worked with them.
His prosthetics creak as he walks over to where Hunter is still kneeling on the deck, the rain pounds heavily as he brushes the hair out of the little girl's eyes. “We’ll take care of her, at least, for now, we need to get her inside.” Hunter stands up as he holds her close. “We can’t just keep her?! She needs to be in the water.” Hunter falters. Then turns to Crosshair and gives him a glare. “What do you want us to do, Cross? Throw her back in the stormy sea! After she was afraid and called for help!” Crosshair flinches at the yelling. “No no, I didn’t mean that at all. You know that I like kids, what I mean is that we need to keep her in water, and then we need to find her parents. We can’t keep her forever.” Hunter sighs, he knows that Crosshair is right, he then turns to Tech. “Tech, you know about the legends, is there a way to keep her safe from drying out?” Tech think’s for a moment as the rain pelts them, then he snaps his fingers as an idea comes to him.
“”We can wet one of our scarves and place it around her neck, keeping her gills wet, then we grab a towel and do the same, placing it on her tail. She should be fine then.” Hunter nods. “Okay, Tech, go grab my scarf. Cross, grab my towel, it’s small enough it won’t cover her fully.” Both nod and run to do that, Hunter waits where he is, as Echo and Wrecker look down at the girl. “I didn’t even know Mer existed.” Echo whispers, making Hunter smile. “Neither did I, I always thought the legends were just that, legends.” The three of them turn as Crosshair and Tech run back out with a towel and a scarf, a few minutes near the side of the boat, with the huge waves and they are both soaked. Then all five of them run inside.
Hunter sits down on their couch, and Tech gently wraps the soaked scarf around Omega’s gills, then Crosshair hands him the towel, and Hunter himself wraps it around her tail. “There, she should be fine now. You guys should get some sleep, I’ll keep watch.” All four of them shake their heads at Hunter. “We’ll keep watch with you.” Tech tells him, sitting in a chair, Echo sits down beside him on the couch. “I’d like to see when the little one wakes up, and make sure she’s okay.” Hunter smiles, then he turns to Crosshair  and Wrecker. “I’d like to make sure shes okay too.” Wrecker says as he sits down on the floor, and against the wall. Crosshair puts a toothpick in his mouth, walking over to sit beside Echo on the couch with Hunter. “I’ll help keep watch.” Everyone smiles at Crosshair, they know he’s here to watch over the girl, he may be grumpy and an ass at most times, but he is a big softy for kids.
With that everyone settles down, just listening to the storm crashing around outside.
Omega hums as she feels something soft under her, then she feels confusion fill her as she realizes she can hear breathing, as the thing underneath her moves at the same time. Omega opens her eyes to see that she’s laying on top of a human, the same human who had saved her. She feels around her neck, there's a wet thing around her gills, keeping them wet. There's a bigger thing on her tail.
She looks around and notices four more men sitting around them, she whimpers slightly in fear, as the human jostles underneath her, his eyes open and he looks down. Omega watches in fear as his eyes go wide, but then he smiles. “Hello, I’m Hunter.” The others wake up hearing Hunter's voice, but they remain quiet, knowing that the little girl must be so afraid.
“I-I’m Omega.” she whispers, making Hunter smile. “Well, its very nice to meet you, Omega. Now, what were you doing all alone in the storm last night?” “Yeah, where are your parents?” Omega jumps in surprise as he looks at the lean man with the toothpick in his mouth, who had just spoken to her. She then tears up. “They died about a week ago, I’m alone. If the storm is over you can put me back in the water and I’ll go.” All the men frown, then Hunter looks down at her. “How old are you?” Omega frowns. 
“I’m ten, why?” Hunter’s eyes scrunch up, and he looks at the others, they all show the same look, and he makes a decision. “You won’t be going anywhere alone, you are way too young to be out there alone, we’ll take care of you.” Omega’s eyes widen, and she tears up a bit. “Really? But I’m not human?” she questions, thinking that this must be a joke, or a dream. 
Hunter and the others all nod. “You are a child, mermaid or not, human or not. It doesn’t matter.” Omega lets the tears fall as she curls up in Hunter’s arms, crying into his chest in happiness, and partly from mourning over her parents, Hunter shushes her quietly. 
Tech stands up and walks over. “Do you mind if I look at your tail and gills, Miss Omega? I just don’t want you to dry out.” Tech asks, and Omega nods. “Yeah, thats okay.” Tech smiles and gently takes the scarf and blanket off of Omega, he carefully looks over her gills and gently touches her tail, humming. “We should have her go for a swim, she’s starting to get a bit dry.” Tech advises, and Omega chirps, surprising the five men. “I’d like that.” Hunter lets out a chuckle. “Okay, then. Let's get you into the water.” they all walk out, and Hunter walks over to the edge. He unwraps the scarf from her gills and the towel from her tail, then gently drops Omega into the water, who sinks down.
They all wait patiently for a few minutes, getting worried. “Uh, should we check on her?” Wrecker asks, scratching his head, when Omega’s head bursts through the surface, and water splashes on Hunter. “Hey!” He laughs out, chuckling as Omega chirps. She swims around the water, staying close to the boat as she has fun, Hunter and the others smile. “I already love her.”  Wrecker whispers, and Hunter smiles and looks at him. “So do I. We’ll figure this out.” They all nod in agreement. “We will need to find somewhere away from humans, and near the ocean to live.” Tech adds, and Hunter rubs a hand through his hair in thought. 
“Where could that be?” Crosshair asks, and Hunter smiles. “What about the island near our port? It’s up for sale and no one ever goes there?” “That would work.” Echo agree’s and Hunter turns to see Wrecker and Tech nodding. “Sounds good, Cap.” Crosshair tells Hunter, and he nods. “Then its agreed, we’ll move to the island.” “Yeah!!!” Wrecker cheers, making Everyone laugh, as Hunter turns back to watching Omega play,  smiling when he see’s that a dolphin has joined her.
It takes them a few weeks and all their savings combined, but they are finally moving over to the island. They are living in the boat until they are able to build a house, but it’s fine. As soon as the boat pulls up, Hunter carries Omega as him and the boys jump onto the sand. Omega giggles as she pulls on Hunter’s shirt, making him look down. “Lets go swimming, together!” She tells him excitedly, and Hunter looks around at his brothers. “What do you all think, boys?” “Let's do it!!!” Wrecker yells excitedly as he runs and jumps into the ocean, Hunter snorts. 
“What about you guys?” Echo nods and goes to get in the water, but Tech and Crosshair have looks that say they aren’t in the mood. “Please?” Omega asks, using her sweetest voice and puppy dog eyes. Tech melts. “Okay, a swim might be fun.” He takes his glasses off and sets them down next to his shirt that he takes off as well, then jogs over and wades into the water, then Crosshair sighs. “I guess I can, if you really want me to Omega.” Omega smiles. “I really do.” Crosshair lets out a small hum as he smiles and wades into the water. Then Hunter looks down at Omega. “Should we join them?” He jokes, and Omega nods her head rapidly. Hunter smirks as he pulls the scarf and towel off her neck and tail and then goes running, crashing into the water as he lets Omega go. He resurfaces as Omega chirps  and hugs Hunter, who pulls her close, then he takes a deep breath as he sinks beneath the water, letting Omega go he watches her swim around, her tail shining brightly. 
He resurfaces again just to get a splash from Wrecker. “Hah! Got you, Hunter!!” Hunter smirks as he watches Omega hug onto Wrecker, sticking her tongue out at him. Hunter smirks. “I’m going to get you!!” He swims after her and Wrecker, as Echo watches, laughing. And Tech and Crosshair just laze in the water, they all think the same thing. Meeting Omega was the best thing that's ever happened to them.
Taglist: @lightning-wolffe @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @captainrexisboo
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anakqin · 3 years
illicit affairs
word count: 2.1K
anakin x crosshair (skycross)
platonic love (maybe?)
━━━━━━━━━ ♡ ━━━━━━━━━
part one
"Captain Cody called us on a mission, boys, we're heading to Anaxes," Hunter said in a casual tone as he changed the ship's course to the planet.
"And what mission would that be, Hunter?" asked Tech, while typing something on his datapad.
"I don't know yet, Captain didn't give too much detail. He just said it's a mission with Captain Rex and General Skywalker."
"General Skywalker" So many times Crosshair has heard of the great Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his successful missions against the Separists across the Galaxy. Crosshair has often wondered what it would be like to work side by side with Skywalker on a mission, but he never thought it would be possible, given Skywalker's fame.
Crosshair wasn't much a conversationalist, or a person who shows his feelings, although he loved his brothers and would do anything for them, Crosshair was simply more reserved and preferred to be alone with his thoughts. No one but himself knew about his curiosity about Anakin, and it was better that way.
Apparently, Crosshair's long-awaited moment had arrived. He still didn't know anything about the mission, only that it would be with Skywalker, but how much he would be involved in the mission, or even if he would actually be there, for now, Crosshair had no idea. He chose not to ask questions and just wait for their arrival in Anaxes.
"Hey Crosshair?" A loud, excited voice called him from the other side of the ship.
"What was it?" Crosshair asked after a few seconds. His gruff voice echoed through the ship as Wrecker laughed.
"We've been calling you for a while Crosshair, is everything alright?" Hunter's voice was calm. He was now in front of Crosshair looking curiously at his younger brother, who had a grumpy face looking at him.
"I'm fine, Hunter." Crosshair said as he put a toothpick in his mouth and leaned back against the bench he was sitting on.
"Great, let's land, get ready."
Crosshair wasn't prepared, but he didn't let on. He was only a few minutes away from meeting General Skywalker, and his heart felt like it was going to leap out of his mouth at any moment. He took a long breath, and tried to remain calm and wait for the landing.
The ship landed in a hurried and disorganized on the airstrip at the Anaxes Fort.
Crosshair got up nervously from his seat but trying to maintain his posture. He put on his helmet and could let out a long breath again. He felt his hands sweat cold, and his heart race, he was finally just steps away from meeting General Skywalker.
The ship's door opened and his brothers walked towards it. Crosshair took the sniper and followed them.
Crosshair exited the ship and walked down the ramp, stopping just behind the group. His curious eyes searched for the General. Crosshair didn't know what he looked like, after all, he'd never seen him, but figured he was accompanying Rex and Cody. His hands were sweating beneath her armored glove, her heart pounding like never before in her life. Crosshair didn't quite understand what was going on, these sensations were new to him. How could he feel all this for someone he didn't know?
While he was lost in thought, he saw three figures approaching. Two of them were clones, Cody was one of them, and assumed Captain Rex was the other. Among them, a figure that wasn't a clone, because of his bearing, was a Jedi. Was he General Skywalker? A wave of thoughts invaded Crosshair's mind, he would finally meet the Jedi known across the galaxy, he would finally work with him on a mission, but why was he so nervous this time? After all, it was just another mission like so many others they had participated in before.
His brothers removed the helmet, and before he did the same, Crosshair gulped and removed it as well. "Crosshair what's wrong with you?" he thought to himself.
The three approached the group.
"Cody, long time brother, glad to see you again" Hunter said approaching the three of them.
"So these are your friends?" Anakin asked as he watched the group, with a friendly smile on his face.
"This is Clone Force 99, also known as Bad Batch." Said Cody, to Anakin and Rex. "This is Captain Rex and General Anakin Skywalker, boys"
"Nice to meet you" said Hunter and started to introduce his brothers one by one, to the trio.
Crosshair wasn't really paying attention to what Hunter was saying, he only heard voices in the background. His attention was fully directed to General Skywalker.
So that was him. Crosshair was somehow mesmerized by Anakin's beauty, long shoulder-length brown hair blowing in the wind, the serious posture of a general, arms crossed and eyes intent on the newly arrived clones.
"Crosshair doesn't say much, but if you need to hit a target a mile away, he's the guy!" Hunter said introducing his younger brother to the three in front of him. The words woke Crosshair from his thoughts of the General, who was now staring at him with a slight smile on his face. Crosshair felt his stomach lurch as Skywalker looked directly at him, and he froze, couldn't say a word, just popped the toothpick into his mouth again as he stared back at the general.
"So you don't like to talk very much?" Anakin's voice was soft but firm. The smile on his face was something Crosshair would never forget. Crosshair's heart sped up again and he felt his throat go dry.
"I.." Crosshair started to speak when he was interrupted by Wrecker
"Oh Crosshair doesn't say much, but he's good guy, isn't truth Crosshair?" Wrecker slapped his brother on the shoulder so hard that he fell a couple of steps forward, inching closer to Anakin.
"Well, glad to meet you guys. Can Hunter join us so we can go over some mission details?" Rex said as he turned to walk back to the base.
"I think it would be better if everyone followed, Rex so we've already talked to everyone at once and there's no doubt about the mission" Anakin's voice again was steady, and Crosshair could hear him talk for hours, was hoping he would introduce the mission and explained everything in details.
The group arrived at the base and Rex and Anakin opened a holomap and explained the mission to them. It was a stealth mission. Rex suspected that one of his brothers from 501st batallion was alive and in control of the separatists. The mission was simple, track the signal, and rescue his brother, Echo.
"Well then I guess it's time for we to left, guys, but first, can I talk to you for a second?" Hunter said towards Anakin and Rex.
"Sure" Said Rex in a serious tone.
"We're waiting on the ship" Tech said and the group walked back to the ship. Crosshair looked once again to Anakin before leaving.
"Well, I think it might be a trap. I'm in, but I still suspect it's a trap to get us." Hunter was confused about the mission, he wanted to believe that Echo was really alive, but he couldn't trust that Separatists would keep a clone alive.
"I understand Hunter, but I have strong reasons to believe that. I appreciate your help." Rex was sure of his position, and he wouldn't change his mind that easily.
"Oh Rex, can we go do that little thing now?" Anakin said as he looked directly at Rex.
"Oh sir, we don't have time for that right now" Rex was confused, clearly not wanting to contratic Anakin but was really eager to go after his brother.
"Yes, we do" Anakin's voice was strong, as he arched an eyebrow at Rex and gave a slight nod. He wouldn't change his mind.
Hunter was very confused about what was going on there, but just said goodbye and that he would wait on the ship, for them to left.
"Boys, I just witnessed a funny scene over there with Captain Rex and General Skywalker," Hunter said as he entered the ship. Everyone was seated awaiting his return, and upon hearing Hunter's voice, all attentions turned to him.
"And what scene was that, Hunter?" Crosshair was curious because from the tone Hunter mentioned, it wasn't common.
"Ahh even Crosshair wants to know, go Hunter, speak" Wrecker said as he punched Crosshair on the shoulder.
"It wasn't a big deal guys, but they were acting weird, with little secrets, it looks like General Skywalker wanted to do something but Captain Rex wasn't really into it." Hunter chuckled, and the others just mumble some words that Crosshair didn't understand.
"Well, if it was their thing and they didn't tell you, then they clearly didn't want you to be involved" Crosshair was serious as he spoke and stared at Hunter, his voice was harsh, and even he didn't quite understand what he was feeling. He took the toothpick out of his mouth and left the ship without looking at the others.
"What's wrong with him?" Wrecker looked confused and watched Crosshair exit the ship in front of him.
"He's been acting weird since Hunter told us about the mission, but if we know Crosshair, he won't say anything" Tech spoke casually and turned his attention back to into his datapad.
Hunter just watched him leave the ship, decided not to go after his brother, and just left him alone for a while.
Crosshair walked to a pile of some big packages next to the ship and sat down, in the dark and alone with his own feelings. "As far as I know, Jedi can't have romantic relationships" Crosshair though, quietly to himself. "But why am I thinking this?" When he realized what he was thinking about General Skywalker, he was even more confused. He couldn't be jealous, because it just didn't make sense, he barely knew General Skywalker.
Admiration. That was it, Crosshair admired him and he was fulfilling a dream, silly, but the dream of working with him on a mission. But when he remembered the General's soft but firm voice, when he remembered the hair blowing in the wind, the way he spoke, the gentle smile and the brown eyes looking right at you... "Ah General Skywalker..." Crossahair's expression, which had previously been frowning, now softened as he remembered Anakin.
Now that he knows Anakin's face, he could picture him on missions, destroying battle droid with his lightsaber, giving orders to the others, doind whatever Jedi thing he wanted to do.
But again Crosshair's mind returned to Anakin and Rex, what was so important they needed to do that it couldn't wait? And why couldn't they tell anyone? Crosshair was completely lost, resting his elbows on his shoulder and lowering his head to concentrate on what was happening there, and try to understand his own feelings about the situation.
"Hey Crosshair, right?" Anakin's voice echoed through the dark outside the base. Crosshair felt his heart pounding, and quickly raised his head and saw Anakin walking towards him waving his right hand.
"Yes General, it's me" Crosshair again frowned and stood up to receive Anakin, trying to keep himself serious and not look nervous or anything.
"Oh perfect, we are going to leave, alright? Can you call the others and meet us on that ship over there? Sorry for the delay, I was solving some pending issues." Anakin was serious but his voice was just soft as before.
"Jedi stuff?" Crosshair tried to look casual as he walked towards the general in front of him. He couldn't help but notice how gorgeous he looks with the low lights on him.
"Yeah… things that Jedi shouldn't be doing… B-But that's not the point right now…" Anakin looked a little confused and smiled crookedly putting his hand over his head. "We will be waiting on the ship." Anakin said and turned to walk towards it.
"Of course, we'll be there soon." Crosshair said in a low voice as he placed a toothpick in his mouth. Anakin's reaction made him even more confused and curious about what happened, he stood for a few minutes, just watching Anakin walk away, while he was completely absorbed in thought.
Anakin's voice echoed in his mind "things that Jedi shouldn't be doing" what did that mean? Why would Rex be involved? Crosshair frowned, and walked to the ship slowly as his mind traveled with thoughts of Anakin.
"General Skywalker called us, said we're on our way" Crosshair's voice was low and serious, as usual, and he walked over to his sniper gun and helmet.
The others took their things and left the Havoc Marauder towards the ship where Anakin was.
Crosshair was the last on to leave, he was nervous. His frown was quickly hidden by his helmet. He took his sniper and left the ship, following his brothers. His eyes were fixed on Anakin. So beautiful and so mysterious.
He entered the ship, and it took flight. The mission would finally begin, Crosshair was anxious for the first time in his life. He would finally work alongside Anakin Skywalker and couldn't wait for what was to come.
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