#like they are both repression kings and team daddy issues
antiqua-lugar · 7 months
I think it would make sense that Wyll would not cry for himself but would cry when Dorian talks about his Durge experience and accidentally hits all of their same triggers, but I am not a Wyll's scholar so have been looking at the same paragraph for ten minutes trying to guess how obvious this should be (if anyone wants to chime in please do)
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asterfeathers · 3 years
cole ninjago headcanons!!
long bc i don’t know how a tumblr works and can’t. figure. how .to. put. under.cut,,
- black(ma)/vietnamese(dad)
- kind chocolate brown eyes with orange. very pretty. after dod his left eye (where the scar is) turned a bright green
- heavy sleeper,snores
- dad energy
- animals love him
- wherever he goes the nature around him brightens up, sometimes flowers bloom. the villagers, farmers especially love when he visits cuz he helps around and the earth is very fertile and alive when he’s there
- he retained some ghost abilities, but he needs to put a lot of effort into them and unlocking them. back to square one basically.
- he’s highly regarded amongst ghosts cuz when the preeminent was banished she was weakened and cole gained her powers and is basically king of ghosts (this is definitely not canon i just like the sound of op cole)
- whenever he’s around animals he gets all soft
- underrated and not as popular with fans
- deep down is envious of the others
- his fight with jay still stays with him. he never really got over some of the things jay said to him even if they were just in the heat of the moment.
- self esteem issues and believes he isn’t as important as others and is the least important out of his entire team
- views the others as his family and is very loving
- best hugs. warm,comforting and grounding
- gay. seriously gay
- when he and jay were fighting over nya it was mostly a misunderstanding cuz cole didn’t actually like nya but wanted to get back at jay and was definitely repressing his emotions (and gayness *cough*)
- trans. goes by he/they and ghost themed neopronouns
- everyone goes to him for support
- he has difficulty expressing his emotions sometimes
-he doesn’t talk about his feelings but gets mad at others when they bottle theirs up
- he can be really funny and witty when he opens up
- incredibly loyal
- writer and artist
- he can actually sing and dance really well but he’s insecure about it. he’s even written some songs.
- he needs to be forced to rest bc he’s a workaholic and he will work himself to the bone without intervention. especially when he’s sick
“cole you need to rest you’re sick”
“i’m fine”
“no you’re not rockhead go to bed and i’ll get zane to make you some soup”
- the team loves him bc how can you not
- supports lloyd with things kai can’t
- very trustworthy with everything but cooking
- loves driving and travelling
- he’s banned from the kitchen
- before wu found him he was travelling around everywhere. sailing, hiking, mountain climbing, everything. was homeless for a period of time.
- he loves watching the stars
- his mother sang to him and told him about her battle stories. he didn’t think they were real at the time of course but he likes to reminisce about them
- big strong man. almost a himbo but he’s actually really intelligent
- amazing at strategy and planning
- neat freak. likes things being organised, unlike kai. when kais room gets really messy he cleans it bc he gets so frustrated
- a lot of unresolved trauma. mans got mommy and daddy issues cmon.
- he loves sweet things (this is basically canon)
- he’s very close with the og 4. jay and him talk a lot. he and kai are very close and will comfort each other. he and zane give each other cuddles
- as a kid really liked geography and dinosaurs
- the ninja go to him when they have nightmares
- big sweetheart honestly
- wu once slipped up and called him dad
- he has somewhat long hair
- he has some grey hairs from being a ghost
- ptsd from falling, dying multiple times and being turned into a ghost. he fears heights. it takes him a while to get over it and go climbing again.
- if you were his partner you would not lack affection at all. but he’s not much a kisser and is very shy at first.
- plays with his hair sometimes
- really loves music. the sound grounds and calms him
- sticks his tongue out while concentrating. he’s planning out a mission and he’ll just have his tongue out. the others find it adorable
- has a very foul mouth when he gets really angry (he was basically homeless for a long while before wu found him. imagine what he would have picked up travelling)
- patient but has an explosive anger. he can get pretty scary. this big guy that could benchpress a mountain towering all over you with stone cold fury.
- actually pretty sensitive
- almost cries every time he hears sad stories about animals
- if you don’t wake him up he will sleep the entire day
- not a head canon but that one season 1/2 outfit where he had belt/chain things on the sides of his pants. the eboy blueprint
- very good fashion sense
- rich boy what with his father being a very prolific performer and probably with a wealthy family
- oblivious when it comes to flirting
- takes a lot of connection to form a crush/interest in someone
- he and kai sometimes go to volcanoes together
- would protect the ninja (especially lloyd and zane) with his life.
- can make very good beverages (this is actually pretty canon- when the ninja were celebrating getting the fang blades and cole made the punch in like season one)
- teases everyone. calls lloyd ‘squirt’ and other such nicknames still
- likes going to parks and climbing trees. the other ninja just watch as he scales the tree at inhuman speed. jay and kai try to beat him and fail every time.
- he can often be found passed out somewhere and snoring, often out of bed. he has some weird sleeping positions and the others take photos whenever they find him sleeping somewhere.
- he’s pretty much like a cat
- eats messily sometimes (his dad especially hates this)
- favourite cake is chocolate mud cake (unoriginal i know but i don’t care)
- smells like rain and the earth, if warmth /home was a smell
- he’s a child of hades. geokinisis, death themes, cmon
- loves reading
- a big old nerd
- put ungodly amounts of sugar in his tea and coffee while the ninja (mostly zane) stare at him concerned
- his eyes reflect light in the dark like a cat. he’s scared jay a few times in the hallways at midnight when he’s just standing there, eyes glowing
- zones out a bit
- resting bitch face
- bc earth is both life and death, this ties into his ghostly abilities and possibly him using his powers for healing
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dracwife · 4 years
dex’s comprehensive s/i list
this took way too long. will be updated as i develop them further! note that these only include a few of my main, more developed s/is, but i do have s/is for all my f/o’s universes!
[ evil dead ]
name: river kennedy
[ movie canon ]
age: 22
occupation: pizza delivery boy
physical: river kennedy was always on the taller side, his physicality being his foremost quality. he was the star quarterback in high school, and his muscular prowess didnt leave him after he graduated. finding no need for college, his routine consisted of working out during the day and going to work at night. his lean stature doesn't precede him - he can hold his own in the midst of chaos...and deadites.
green eyes
dirty blonde hair
a southern drawl accents this cowboy's witty and devil-may-care temperament
while he's the more sensible of the two, it's only by a tad...ash and river are the quintessential "team one brain cell"
about: ash and river met on a wild night out during their high school years. needless to say, it wasn’t long before they ended up together, inseparable and making as many bad decisions as possible. 
here for a good time, not a long time
ship name: sympathy for the devil
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[ show canon ]
age: 36
occupation: sheriff
physical: living in a small town has its perks - mainly that there’s not much to do during the day. the most action river sees on a daily basis is maybe a kid or two caught vandalizing the old bleachers behind the high school...and even then, it’s a stretch to say it’s much more than chasing down a teen with spraypaint. while he’s still physically fit, he’s not quite at his peak like he once was, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still hold his own against whatever the necronomicon may throw at him.
green eyes
dirty blonde hair
a southern drawl accents this cowboy's witty and devil-may-care temperament
while he's the more sensible of the two, it's only by a tad...ash and river are the quintessential "team one brain cell"
about: while they never quite settled down, river took some time on his own to live with his family. he and ash lost contact for nearly twenty years, until the deadites returned out of nowhere. upon hearing the news, river tracked ash down, and again their shenanigans resumed, for the better or worse, no one really knows. 
here for a good time, not a long time
ship name: born to be wild
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[ saw ]
name: everett bailey ; salem
age: 23
occupation: freelance coder / web designer
physical: salem is not physically intimidating, but that doesn’t stop him from picking fights with those bigger than him
bleached hair, often dyed
blue eyes
lots of leather
about: salem is, to say the least, a scammer who profits off of the ignorance of those less technologically capable than himself. for this reason (and for getting in the way of adam’s game) he too was punished, thrown into a trap that left him scarred both physically and mentally.
angry. just angry
daddy issues
drugs! probably
literally just a little shit.
ship name: waiting game / the jig is up / coma white / absolute penance (au)
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[ twilight ]
name: holden cullen
age: 24 (at time of death)
occupation: clinical attendant / physician
physical: holden is physically smaller than most of his peers, but don’t let that fool you - he can definitely hunt just as well as the rest of them.
5′7″ (short king mama hey)
dark brown hair / soft black
green eyes (golden after death)
about: holden met carlisle at work, where he worked as a clinical attendant. within a few months carlisle had introduced holden to the rest of the cullens, and not long after holden deduced their family secret, though carlisle refused to turn holden on the basis that holden could live happily as a human. after a particularly nasty car crash, however, carlisle was forced to turn holden lest he let him die, and thus holden was finally a true member of the family. in his spare time during his “recovery,” he was able to complete his doctorate, and now works alongside carlisle at the clinic.
absolute dad
holden’s gift is similar to that of jasper’s - with a strange type of pathokinesis, he is able to dull the pain (physical and emotional) of others, instead taking it himself. 
he uses it to help carlisle destress most of the time - when he was human, carlisle would always say just how comforting it was to be with holden, that he had a sort of warmth to him, and that warmth followed him even after his death. carlisle describes the calming nature of it as though holden has “sunlight in his hands,” as a mere touch from him can bring complete serenity. 
ship name: sunlight in his hands 
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[ house, m.d. ]
name: rowan kirk
age: 30
occupation: pediatrician
physical: rowan is likely the least intimidating person you’d ever meet - he’s very quiet, and very bubbly. his stature is rather lax, and his soft temperament is complimented by his just as inviting looks, making him the perfect doctor for even the rowdiest of children.
strawberry blonde hair
green eyes
always smiling
never seen without a stuffed animal and at least 10 lollipops in his lab coat
about: rowan is a kind-hearted doctor, driven by an inexplicable need to help others. it was for this reason that he quickly caught the eye of james, and together they make quite the hopeless pair of romantics.
has good intentions
hates star trek jokes
absolute hopeless romantic
Repressed Trauma tm
always cold gay
ship name: sunshine & star trek jokes
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[ quantum leap ]
name: dexter marsh
age: 26
occupation: chemist/biologist
physical: while short, dex’s wit makes up for more than enough of what he lacks in height. he’s far more on the nerdy side, bookish in all senses of the word.
curly hair
brown eyes
wardrobe consists of sweaters exclusively
about: dex works as a chemist on the starbright project alongside sam and, after one too many late nights spent on research they realized the feelings they harbored for each other were those of more than just friends.
quiet, but brilliant
strange fascination for chemistry and biology
hired on originally as a data analyist for the starbright project
married to sam after his leap home
has two dogs, a german shepherd and a husky named melody and marley respectively
ship name: terminally good
[ gotham ]
name: dexter “cheshire” chester
age: 23
occupation: gang leader
physical: his grin as wicked as the cheshire cat himself, dexter dons stripes and a leather jacket to complete his look
catlike reflexes
nearly always high
blue eyes
bleached hair, a few purple streaks to accent it
never seen without his trusted smashin bat
about: having found his family through his gang, he runs the strays of gotham alongside his adopted sister queen, and finds his niche in illegal dealings
cares far too much for his “family”
gained the nickname cheshire from a combination of his gang’s name and the fact he always seems to disappear from the scene of the crime
peddles an experimental drug called “jabberwock” which is similar to speed as well as weapons and other illegal substances
ship name: down the rabbit hole
[ phantom of the opera ]
name: adonis
age: 20
occupation: performer ; actor / singer
physical: adonis knew from a young age that he hated his body. it simply felt wrong, and though he had a talent for the musical arts, he passed at the opportunity to perform in lieu of working as a stagehand, passing as male and taking the name adonis.
trans (ftm)
binds with a corset even though it isn’t healthy
dirty blonde hair
blue eyes
doesn’t own a single shirt that fits him properly
about: he caught the eye of erik when, on a whim, he sang aloud to himself on stage as he was readying the props for a show. erik was smitten from that day, intrigued by the young man and his strangely beautiful voice. since then, erik has helped adonis train his voice, and he now performs on stage and is very popular among the patrons of the theater. 
ship name: gods & monsters
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[ ahs ]
name: clarence miller
age: 20
occupation: performer
physical: born an albino, clarence miller was inducted into elsa mars’ freakshow at a young age, and now looks up to her like a mother. 
pale, pale, pale
nearly blind due to albinism
does not own any clothes that fit, actually
about: clarence is quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. while he doesn’t have any standout talents, he acts as a tickettaker for the freakshow
has a little pet lizard
falls asleep in the booth a lot
cannot go out in the sun for long
dandy can and WILL kill for him
ship name: dance macabre
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[ ghostbusters ]
name: oasis*
age: unknown* (deceased)
occupation: physicist / parapsychologist
physical: while he does seem human in all aspects, oasis is far from it.
extremely pale
white hair
green eyes
can and will appear behind u...nothin personnel, kid.....
just can’t stop floatin’ sometimes
about: *while oasis is not his real name, it was the name of the theory accredited to him, in which he believed there to be two planes of existence, one of the living and one of the dead that are consistently manipulated by each other, the phenomenon that results are noticeable but often disappear when investigated further, “Like a mirage, and oasis in the desert.”
ship name: oasis theorem
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margridarnauds · 6 years
laz, fox, ivanova, delenn, lyta
Lazare de Ga-Peyrol
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): *Opens up Wip* *The ghost of a dozen Ronan/Lazare WIPs come back to haunt me*
other ship(s): Ronan/Laz/Olympe is still Very Important to me, I ship Charles/Laz in terms of “Things That Happened in Laz’s Past that fucked him up badly so now he can commiserate with Olympe over unrequited crushes on the royals”. Personally, I don’t see that one as anything more than a one-sided crush that Charles took advantage of, but, like, it’s a Thing. (Also, the curtain calls for Toho are…suspect for me, given that the two of them are paired together. Could be nothing, I don’t know, and I’m trying to keep myself from asking anyone who’s seen it because I want to see the Toho with as untouched a mind as possible. I know, I know that’s funny coming from me.) 
#noromo ship(s): Laz and Solene spend most of their time together laying back and talking shit about Ronan, with Laz occasionally going to her for advice because I THINK I BROKE HIM WHAT DO I DO which then involves Solene having to reassure him that, no, Ronan’s just Like That. 
When I don’t ship Olympe/Laz (which is…..90% of the time,) I highly support them as a BROTP who routinely beard for one another at important events, bullshitting some reason for why they can’t be together while they bond over both ditching the royals for their own respective Mazurier siblings and both being repressed in different ways. Olympe isn’t as emotionally represssed as Lazare, but “Les Mots que l'on ne dit Pas” confirms that she doesn’t say a LOT of what she thinks, and Takarazuka!Olympe is obviously always restraining herself to an absolutely insane degree of politeness, especially in her interactions with Charles. Also, Lazare would at least be aware of other gay men, though I can’t feel it was something Grandpapa de Fuck encouraged, whereas the extent to which women were allowed to know about the possibility of being in a sexual relationship with another woman is...debated. Like, the rumors around Marie Antoinette really were a watershed moment there and Olympe should PROBABLY be aware of that, but...it’s dicey. It’s very dicey
Also, Papa du Puget and Laz had a father/son type of relationship, with Pierre-Francois essentially taking one look at this broken, emotionless wreck of a human being and going “OLYMPE? DID YOU SAY YOU WANTED A BROTHER?” This was sadly cut short in the Zuka version by Laz doing…that, effectively losing two people close to him with one hastily made order. 
crack ship(s): Given Laz’s relative lack of screentime, nearly ANYTHING he’s involved with is inherently a crackship. As far as “things I’ve toyed around with but generally refuse to acknowledge”: Lazare/Louis. It would put a new perspective on Laz’s devotion to the royal family and drive to protect them, and parallel even closer to Olympe’s crush on the Queen. It would also make his eventual, inevitable failure to protect the King even worse. I did toy with a one-shot for Herbert from Tanz der Vampire and Laz, where an older Laz would have to fight off the vampire’s amorous advances while on a mission from Napoleon. 
fav headcanon(s): I will die on the hill of Sugar Daddy Laz, even if Toho seems dedicated to ruining my hopes and dreams. (”BUT THE COOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAATTTTSSSSSS” I cry out into the abyss, to which they reply, “Lol, what coats?”) Like, it’s a fantastic excuse for having Ronan and Laz be in regular contact, deepening that relationship while also explaining where the fuck Ronan is sleeping every night. (And gives us Insufferable Neatnik Lazare VS………Ronan)
Also, the idea that Laz never learned Latin or Greek and that, in general, his education was constrained only to military shit, which opens him up to ridicule when he’s around other aristocrats at Versailles or whenever he’s invited to, say, a ball in Paris. (Charles in particular enjoys playing with him, because it’s a means of asserting himself even if he himself doesn’t keep up with most of it, historically having said that he couldn’t read 4 pages without being bored.)
After the Bastille, no matter what, Laz resigns from the army or is yeeted out. Like, I genuinely can’t see any real way where he sees everything he’s seen and done everything he’s done and is still in the army. I think he’d either be a good scapegoat for the violence in the streets (with a HUGE possibility of retaliative violence by the mob, especially in the immediate aftermath), or he would resign himself out of guilt and the realization that the army that he joined and devoted himself to was never going to be the same again. 
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): Xanatos/Fox/Owen 
other ship(s): I could ship Elisa/Fox, especially after “Eye of the Beholder.” I’m not sure where I stand on Hyena/Fox. Like, I think there’s *potential* there, given that OH MY GOD THEY WERE CELLMATES, but it’s not a dynamic I’m particularly interested in.
#noromo ship(s): Fox/Dingo, as the two members of the Pack who were able to break free of that shit.
crack ship(s): ….I don’t think I really have any, at least for her? I’d have to rewatch Gargoyles again (oh, the pain, the pain), but yeah, I don’t think I really have any solid crackships for her. 
fav headcanon(s): She, Owen, and Xanatos are a throuple who raise Alex together, with Owen looking after Alex when the other two are away. (I mean, this verges on canon but…) 
Also, we know that canonically, Irish Mythology exists in the Gargoyles, and Fox is half Third Race, so, like…there’s some huge magnificent crossover potential there. I have mixed feelings about how she and Bres would get along, but, like…Bres has always had a soft spot for the troublemakers, and they could bond over their shared daddy issues. (Real angsty shit: His son, Ruadan, was a redhead with a penchant for theft and trickery, and seeing Fox might trigger Dad Mode in him.) Catch her and him conspiring to steal back the sword Orna from Bres’ brother Ogma to give to his old friend and ally Tethra as a birthday present. (Though he was less than pleased when Puck tried to troll HIM, Bres and Puck have DEFINITELY conspired at some point to troll the Tuatha dé and might or might not have had a brief fling before Bres met Sreng, I don’t accept constructive criticisms on this one. Puck gives him Hell on occasion for being an absolute sap for a boring Fir Bolg with no sense of humor that he’d met [1] time, Bres is thrilled when he finds out about Xanatos/Fox/Owen because it gives him so much ammunition.) 
Titania is less than pleased with the situation, Oberon is amused, and Bres doesn’t give a fuck what either of them thinks because he ran out of fucks in the 18th Century BCE. Like, c’mon, my dude’s buried the body of a freaky Grecian witch, he’s died from being poisoned by a bunch of bogstuff, he’s died multiple times, he doesn’t care WHAT the King and Queen of the Third Race think. And, of course Fox is always going to be best bros with someone who doesn’t care about what her mother thinks, this is the woman who canonically went in a ninja outfit to break into her father’s airship just to tell him she was pregnant after trying to ruin his company. That woman lied to her for years and tried to steal her son, like...No. 
The only issue would be that Xanatos and he would probably get into intricate debates on Capitalism VS Socialism at the dinner table, both of them sporting smarmy little smirks as they do so. (Puck is thrilled even if Owen stoically handles the whole situation, exchanging long-suffering looks with Sreng.) Also at some point shortly after the debacle with Orna, Alex ends up with, like, a HUGE Irish wolfhound (not a Gargoyle beast like Bronx and Boudicca, since they’re too closely associated with Cu Chulainn and, by extension, Lugh for Bres’s taste), slightly bigger than a miniature pony with red ears, golden eyes, and a crimson and gold collar of velvet, which Owen has to explain is a gift fairly given and that to refuse it might be to offend him. (Bres’ initial idea was to give a giant pig, a descendant of his prized monstrosity Babgiter before Owen talked him out of it, which his inner Puck greatly resented because having a huge pig running around Xanatos enterprises would be hilarious.) Fox routinely threatens the thing, but somehow it can often be found curled up on the couch next to her or seated next to her during chess games with Xanatos. At some point, it bites Oberon’s leg when he gets a little too pushy in his opinions on childcare, earning Fox’s eternal love and respect (and the best kibble money can buy + unlimited scratchies because he’s a Good Boi.) 
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): Talia/Ivanova
other ship(s): Delenn/Ivanova. 
#noromo ship(s): Sheridan/Ivanova are so good as a brother/sister team
crack ship(s): I seem to vaguely recall shipping her/Kelsey from the one ep. with Jason Ironheart but I’m too scared to go back into our pm logs to find it because I feel like that would be going into a dark, dark abyss. Also, a lot of scrolling. 
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): Delenn/Sheridan (Fuck you JMS)
other ship(s): Ivanova/Delenn
#noromo ship(s): Lennier/Delenn, unfortunately for Lennier.
crack ship(s): None that I can think of, atm? I know I’ve probably thought of at least ONE with you during one of our Cursed conversations, but none spring to mind. 
fav headcanon(s): I didn’t want to say it, but fuck I’m starved for headcanons atm because thinking machine broke. (I blame it on the terrible combo of Bres + Lazare, AKA The Long-Haired Idiots With Daddy Issues And Terrible Coping Mechanisms Club).
That band around her head that is left over from when she was more...Minbari in appearance is hella sensitive. Most of the time, in the little amount of quiet time they get, she’ll lay her head on John’s shoulder and he’ll gently rub his fingers over it as she closes her eyes in meditation, the movement roughly akin rubbing the back of a cat’s neck. During frick fracks, it’s a little bit more...intense. 
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav
otp(s): I don’t think I really have any solid Lyta ships yet? On some level, I feel like she’s kind of, unfortunately, flown under my radar? (Which is definitely going to impact the headcanon section as well) I feel like she’s going to be one of those characters where I’m going to have to watch things over a few times. Lyta/Black leather?  
other ship(s): Lyta/G’Kar, Lyta/Kosh (I hate that this is the extent of ships I’ve got for the obvious lesbian character, but Lyta is a kinky fuck and I’m going to expose the little vorlonfucker for who she is.)
#noromo ship(s): Zack/Lyta. LET ! LYTA ! HAVE ! A ! FRIEND !
crack ship(s): Lyta/Ezri Dax from DS9. Don’t ask me why, just…trust me on this one. 
fav headcanon(s): Honestly, I don’t feel like I know her well enough to have formed anything solid for her. I have a half-baked idea that her current issues as far as feeling kind of used and alone has its roots in first  being used by Psi Corps and then by the Vorlons, being in this position where she really couldn’t ask for or receive that recognition even when she was starved for it. 
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Overheat for the ship thing?
Who is more likely to hurt the other? I think Mick. Unintentionally, but between nightmares, and his pyromania, and probably trying to actively push Felicity away sometimes because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, he probably still does. 
Who is emotionally stronger? God, I don’t know, they’re both wrecks in this department. I think they both feel emotion quite deeply to the same degree, but where Mick’s go-to fix is to repress and drink his pain away, Felicity is all about externalizing her feelings with yelling and anger and sharp, biting words. But they’re both survivors who’ve gone through a lot, so I’d call it a draw. 
Who is physically stronger? Mick. Which does it for Felicity. A lot. 
Who is more likely to break a bone? Felicity. Mick’s out busting heads more often, but she’s more delicate and doesn’t have the fighting skills and gets herself into way more trouble than she should. 
Who knows best what to say to upset the other? They’re both so perceptive. I think they both know what to say to hurt each other, but Felicity is the one who’s more likely to actually say it. She can be really cutting when she wants to be (which, when she’s angry, she really wants to be)
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? Felicity. Mainly because I think most of their squabbles would be over things that Mick is insecure and hurting about but he either doesn’t know how to articulate or doesn’t want to show any weakness, and Felicity’s quick to snap and criticize and hit below the belt in the heat of the moment. So I think she’d ultimately be the first to apologize, but with that would also not let Mick off the hook about what they were originally fighting about and insist they talk things out in a kinder, more empathetic way. 
Who treats who’s wounds more often? Felicity is the queen of at home patch-ups for all of Team Arrow, and Mick is no exception. She’s either very tender or very rough, depending on how stupidly reckless the thing that got him hurt was. 
Who is in constant need of comfort? Mick. If only because he’s got more years on Felicity, because heaven knows, she needs her share, too. They’re both big on touch and exchanging physical comfort. 
Who gets more jealous? Mick and Felicity are both really possessive in relationships, but Felicity is more likely to have the whole “green-eyed monster” thing going on whereas Mick just wants people to know Felicity is his. The only person Mick gets properly jealous of is Oliver, which causes friction in Team Arrow (because yes Mick does join Team Arrow, fight me) from time to time, especially when Mick’s anxiety and depression are acting up and getting the better of him. I feel like it’s something he and Oliver have to clear the air about a lot, even though they are otherwise really good friends. 
Who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Felicity. I mean, in a good way though. She did it with Oliver when he betrayed the trust in their relationship (my feelings about how stupid that plotline was aside) and she’d do it again with Mick. If their relationship ever become unhealthy or unsafe, she’d drop him in a heartbeat, and have the whole Arrow Team backing her up. Which actually eases a lot of Mick’s worries. He doesn’t want to be his father or make Felicity into his mother. Knowing she’d leave before it ever came to that is a comfort instead of a sore point. 
Who will propose? Mick. He’s always been the type to show off what he has, and having Felicity wearing a visible sign of their commitment is a part of that. On top of the fact that he considers himself stupid lucky to be with her. Plus, Felicity would drop enough hints about it to kick his ass into gear if he was hesitating because of whatever demons from his past are trying to convince him it’s a bad idea. 
Who has the most difficult parents? Donna Smoak is a nightmare. A very well-meaning nightmare but, well… we’ve seen her in action. Though that’s probably not a good thing, in this case. Donna would absolutely not approve of her daughter dating a criminal (especially because Felicity’s father was a criminal and that just screams daddy issues too much for Donna to get on board, especially when the guy is so much older) It probably wouldn’t be until Mick has the opportunity to prove himself as a hero and, more importantly, someone who always has Felicity’s best interests at heart, that he’d win Donna over. 
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? My gut instinct is to say Felicity, but I don’t actually agree the more I think about it. Felicity is super tactile, but Mick is super possessive and probably wants to show her off. Not that I think he’d treat her like arm candy, but maybe a bit more old fashioned “this is my woman, isn’t she smart and pretty and funny and mine.” He probably throws an arm around her shoulders or puts a hand on the small of her back as often as she reaches for his hand. 
Who hogs the blankets? Felicity. Mick is a human Space Heater and doesn’t need them. Plus, since the shooting, Felicity has bad circulation and terrible anxiety whenever her legs get cold because it reminds her too much of not being able to feel them. She slept at a weird angle that made one of her legs go numb once and it took Mick an hour and a half to calm her down from a panic attack. A favor she repays often when Mick dreams about being Chronos and losing Len and his childhood home burning to the ground with his whole family inside.   
Who gets more sad? Mick and Felicity both usually warp their sadness into something else. Felicity has anger and obsessively working, keeping impossibly busy. Mick has anger too, but also binge eating and alcohol dependency. Felicity though is more likely to let her defenses down and allow herself to just be sad without masking it. Mick is super reluctant to ever let himself be vulnerable, even in front of Felicity, but every once in a while, he’ll cave, too. But only for her. 
Who is better at cheering the other up? Mick has more overt opportunities to comfort Felicity, and he’s no slouch at it. He makes her King Ranch chicken that reminds her of Vegas and plays with her hair and sings old John Denver songs (Annie’s Song is her favourite) But actually it’s Felicity who’s better at cheering Mick up, because she’s the only one who can, who understands him in and out and knows the darkest parts of him, the most vulnerable parts him, that he doesn’t want anyone to know. Sometimes, she’s the only one who’s even able to see he’s hurting. She kisses him soft and rubs the tension out of his neck and assures him his feelings are valid, confronts the storm head on instead of trying to get him to lock it away again, and he loves her so deeply for it. 
Who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? Felicity, hands down. Because she’s so incredibly tactile. The first time Mick opens up to her about how his dad would smack he and his mom and his brothers and sisters around sometimes, she goes shock white and apologizes for every time she ever hit him in jest. Mick has to work around a lump in his throat to assure her that her touch has never once made him afraid. Still, her playful slaps turn into a hand running fondly down his arm, and it makes Mick’s chest tight and warm thinking about why. 
Who is more streetwise? Mick. Felicity’s not dumb, she’s just terribly socially awkward and can’t put any of what she knows about being street smart into practice without also putting her foot in her mouth at the same time. 
Who is more wise? It’s almost an even match, just in different ways. Mick has more life experience under his belt, so there are things about growing up and worrying thinking about the future he’s a lot more knowledgeable about. Felicity, on the other hand, is a lot more in touch with her emotions, and she’s wise in matters of the heart. It’s a really complimentary balance, and they play off each other well. 
Who’s the shyest? Shy? Either of them? Sure, Felicity might blush and stammer, but that never stops her from saying her piece. And Mick? He’s quiet sometimes, but guaranteed it’s because he either has nothing to add or thinks someone’s too stupid to be helped and doesn’t want to waste his breath on someone who won’t take him seriously. 
Who boasts about the other more? They’re both so bad, they do it all the time. John and Oliver have known Felicity for years. They know how great she is. Mick doesn’t need to keep telling them. Though they don’t mind, they love and respect Felicity too, and it’s heartwarming to hear Mick gush about her the way she deserves to be gushed about. Felicity’s boasting often comes as a result of her inclination to babble, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t speak highly of Mick more deliberately at times, too. Especially when someone’s speaking poorly of him. She’s scarily defensive.  
Who sits on who’s lap? Felicity, for obvious reasons. Mick pulls her into his lap nearly as much as she initiates sitting there herself. That being said, when they’re at home, in bed or sprawled out on the couch, Mick will sometimes rest his head in her lap while she reads on her tablet and let her trace absent patterns against his skull that inevitably lull him to sleep. 
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