#like there's skipper and midge but they just like go along with the barbies
thelizardperson · 1 year
okayyyy seeing barbie the second time and some things i noticed that i think push more into the critique of barbie - on the first day where barbie has a perfect day and gets the perfect breakfast, she sips the milk but doesn’t eat the waffle, in fact barbie doesn’t actually eat. ever. and its not because she cannot as a doll, again she does the action of sipping milk, and in fact does even drink actual tea in the real world, but she doesn’t even pretend to eat. now i do think its a stretch but i think this could be greta’s nod to how barbie being an unrealistic body type can lead to unhealthy eating habits
-  even barbie world where everything is perfect and women rule the world, they still carry the harmful social dynamics girls experience when they don’t do femininity “right” - weird barbie is still ostracized and exiled for being weird. The Barbies still worry about having perfect hair and Barbie’s flat feet are considered unequivocally gross.
- something that im still thinking about is that at the end of the mom’s double standards speech, she ends with “i dont know” and i dont know if its intentional but both times ive listened to that and gotten to the end im like okay wow. but uh. what was the point? and that i dont know at the end makes me feel like it is a critique on like, feminism that is just about pointing out the things wrong with the patriarchy without offering a real solution ? (im still trying to understand my own take on this tbh) and how like this sort of rhetoric managed to snap the barbies out of their patriarchy trances and magically solve everything but like. that doesn’t work in the real world. the real world is aware of this dichotomy, take sasha, the politically correct middle schooler, who is portrayed not just as an exception, a nerdy sjw, but in fact as a cool girl, leader of the intimating middle school girl posse - she knows that women are mistreated, but that doesn’t solve that companies “still do patriarchy very well, but just know how to hide it better“. Like i guess its that the message is here. everyone knows we Should treat women better, but how do we institute that kind of change? As we see with the way barbies treat each other and approach beauty as a necessity, even just putting women in power doesn’t necessarily solve it? im not sure, but i think somewhere in here is the heart of the movie, this movie which says only men in power doesn’t work, but neither does just women in power. - ordinary barbie... who is she? are we able to glamorize and idolize a regular woman? I think “mattel” says she will sell because she is relatable, and that is what people are clamoring for atm, especially youth who want accurate representation and to be seen. but like, idk the consequences of that are not discussed. Will she stay relevant? Will she ever be as iconic as stereotypical barbie is? Can she be? - The way mattel is portrayed in this movie is ... interesting. I think a lot of it must be censored/restricted by the actual company’s influence on the film, but like... hmm. They’re portrayed kind of as an “average corporation”, boring office, all male executives, the quip at the end being like oh if ordinary barbie sells we’ll make her. But also the ceo not caring that ken is making money, and only “caring about little girls and their dreams” was a weird, unexpected line for me. is this them trying to protect their image? like an oh we do only really care about making money but we can’t just outwardly sell patriarchy because that would look bad? or was that genuine? Is he too lost in the corporation sauce that he sold himself on that idea? Also because the executives are portrayed very de-humanized and lacking in autonomy (honestly some of the least human-like characters in the movie about dolls).
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sunburstl0v3 · 1 year
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✿ Ken x Fem. Reader x Barbie ✿
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𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺, 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵 𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘐 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 떨리는 지금도, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺, 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘺
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"Hello..." she spoke, so soft that Barbie almost missed it, "Hi Barbie, welcome to Barbie Land."
The woman blinked, pouting, "I'm not Barbie, I'm [Y/n]."
Barbie was confused, "You're [Y/n] ...?" Barbie sucked in her lips, "Yes." [Y/n] averted her gaze back to the ocean, holding her hands tightly together. This was not what was supposed to happen. "But you have to be someone, like Skipper! Or Midge...Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
[Y/n]'s eyebrows furrowed, absolutely offended, "What! No! I'm not a Skipper or a Midge. I'm [Y/n]."
Barbie smiled apologetically whispering a small 'Sorry', looking the new girl up and down. Finally noticed her attire, it was very different to what many Barbies wear here.
This was not who Barbie was expecting. Not. At. All. Barbie turned back to stare at the Kens and Barbies all awaiting an introduction at least to what they think is the new Barbie. With a quick breath Barbie faced back [Y/n], "Let's go introduce yourself to everyone." [Y/n] turned her head, Barbie noticed how she shined in the sun's orange rays.
"I'd like that." [Y/n] said, now turning her whole body around to face everyone. Barbie grabbed onto [Y/n] hand and pulled her close as the two walked closer. "Hi, Barbies!" Ken yelled which made everyone else start, "Hi Barbie!" "Hiya Barbie!" "Welcome Barbie!"
Barbie smiled awkwardly, as she got closer and closer to the crowd, dreading having to explain this was not who they were expecting. Barbie turned looking at [Y/n], was looking as how you would expect someone to look when people were not expecting you....
"Hello." [Y/n] responded, a soft smile gracing her lips, "I'm [Y/n], I hope we get along..."
"So, you're not a Barbie...?" one Barbie asked, "No, I'm [Y/n]." "You're not Skipper or even a Midge, are you?" [Y/n] shook her head again, tightening her hold on her fingers, "No. I'm [Y/n]."
"Who are you for?" Ken questioned, "If you're not a Barbie, that means you are one of a kind," [Y/n] smiled a bit at that, "Or you were a mistake?" Ken finished, of course this wasn't Barbie's Ken who said this.
Barbie bit her lip, "Okay! Well since [Y/n] has arrived, yay! Let's have that super-duper party!" With those few words the Barbies and Ken, all cheered and began leaving the beach in preparation for the party, which was truly just an outfit change.
Barbie laughed a bit at herself lightly, maybe this party will go as planned. Hopefully. Barbie smiled back at [Y/n], showing her perfectly white teeth, "There's gonna be a huge party at my Dream house! In your honor, and all the Barbies for just being perfect..." Barbie giggled.
"My house is the big pink one! You can't miss it." Barbie finished, walking away from [Y/n], letting out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
That's it? [Y/n] thought to herself, A party...Where do I go from here?
"Hi [Y/n]." In the midst of her thoughts, someone said her name. [Y/n] looked around and saw a blonde man with bright blue eyes.
"Hello..." [Y/n] replied, like a deer in headlights, "What's your name?" He beamed slightly at the attention, "Ken!" He smiled dopily, "I'm Barbie's Ken, the one you first met."
"Oh!" [Y/n] was surprised, so everyone just had a Ken? "I hope you're happy together!" [Y/n] smiled back at him. Ken smirked and kicked the sand lightly (he made sure not to send the sand her way), "Thanks! Barbie's just great you know. But she doesn't pay attention to me."
[Y/n] pursed her lip, "Why not?" Ken shrugged, putting his hand in his pockets, "I'm just Ken." [Y/n] stood there, her lips flat-lining, she had just arrived at Barbie Land and is already doing couple's therapy. [Y/n] pondered for a moment, "Well...Maybe dance with her at the party? I don't know."
Ken thought about it, but his smile got wider the second he thought about it more, "You're a genius! Maybe that's what you are! Genius [Y/n]!" the [h/c] haired woman smiled, "Maybe!" Ken looked past [Y/n] while she quietly giggled to herself, seeing Barbie hop into her convertible and drive away.
"I can take you to Barbie's Dream House!" Ken offered, "I know this place like the back of my hand!" He then waved his hand around erratically causing [Y/n] to snicker even more.
Suddenly [Y/n] looked down at her clothes, it wasn't exactly to all the Barbie's standards, at least that's how she felt, "Is there a Barbie...that has better clothes for me?" Ken looked the worried woman up and down, thinking really hard to himself, "Yea! I know a Barbie!"
Ken reached out his hand, waiting for her to take it. Hesitantly, [Y/n] grabbed his hand and held it. Without warning, Ken leaped away, taking [Y/n] with him, almost taking a tumble.
In no time they reached a Barbie with the same body type who instantly started to help, giving [Y/n] a bright-colored dress and shoes. "And if I wear this...everyone will like me?" [Y/n] asked, gazing down at the dress, it was very beautiful. A white dress with pink polka dots and white heels.
"Mhm," Ken replied, absentmindedly. [Y/n] breathed out, what was she feeling, why did she want the Barbies and Ken to like her? [Y/n] tapped her foot on the floor as the other Barbie got herself ready for the party. "Come on!" Ken said, taking hold of [Y/n]'s arm, "What?" she gasped, being pulled up from her seat, "I wanna get there first to the party." Ken pouted, "Before Ken gets there and steals Barbie's attention..." the two began walking together to Barbie's Dream House.
[Y/n] frowned, "Maybe you should talk to Barbie about it?" Ken shrugged, "Like I said, she won't listen." [Y/n]'s shoulders slumped, "Maybe, or maybe not..." she mumbled.
Ken smirked at himself, "Anyway! Today's not about me, it's about you! Remember!" Ken cheered, "We have parties all the time but finally we have a reason to celebrate something!" [Y/n] hummed at Ken, "What do we do after the party?"
"Oh, Barbie has a sleepover with some of the Barbies, and the Ken's just leave." "Leave?"
"To go where?" Ken shrugged in response, "Hey maybe Ken will want to get to know you! Or even my best friend Allan!" Ken gushed, [Y/n] was excited as well, she wanted to make a better impression than last time.
The two chatted with each other while they walked to Barbie's Dream House, and quickly reached their destination. The whole house was packed with all kinds of Barbies and Kens. Music pumping and dancing could be seen from the entrance, "Aw! Don't tell me were late!" Ken suffered, letting go of [Y/n] and running towards the house, making sure he got to Barbie.
Which left [Y/n] all alone.
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